path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/context/presentations/tug/2001/tug-2001-ideas.tex
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+ [ title={Hans Hagen},
+ remark={PRAGMA ADE, Hasselt NL},
+ url={}]
+{\bfd \setstrut \strut TUG 2001}
+{\bfa \setstrut \strut A \TEX\ Odyssey}
+\startitemize [packed]
+ \startitem what way are we heading \stopitem
+ \startitem will there be documents \stopitem
+ \startitem is typography still needed \stopitem
+ \startitem are we still talking \TEX \stopitem
+Until now, the main source of information is books. In the next couple of slides,
+I will present some quotes from books I read the last couple of years, written
+by: Arthur \remark {Clarke} {physics}, Greg \remark {Bear} {psychology}, Graham
+\remark {Hancock} {journalism}, Peter \remark {Wilbur} {ergonomics} and Michael
+Burke, Jared \remark {Diamond} {history}, Edward \remark {Tufte} {design}, Peter
+Ward and Donald \remark {Brownlee} {biology}, Steve \remark{Reich} {music} and
+Beryl Korot, Richard \remark {Kadrey} {fantasy}, Brian \remark {Butterworth}
+{math} and of course Donald \remark {Knuth} {informatics}.
+ [ title={ed. David G. Stork},
+ remark={Hal's Legacy, 1997}]
+[Arthur Clarke:] Although I've never considered 2001 as a strict
+predict\-ion|<|but as more of a vision, a way things could work|>|I have long
+kept track, informally, of how our vision compares with computer science reality.
+Some things we got right---even righter than we ever had reason to suspect.
+Others, well, who could have \remark {known} {so, to what extent can we predict
+the future of documents}.
+[Summary:] much of the science predicted in 1968 is okay, but with regards to
+\remark {computers} {in this respect, \TeX\ is surprisingly up|-|to|-|date} a
+couple of points are missed: they have become smaller, \remark {AI} {and
+automated text processing is still difficult} is far from operational, natural
+speech, reasoning and lipreading are not really available, fault tolerance is
+there, we have lcd's, graphical user interfaces and windows, don't communicate in
+terminal messages, have mice and other means of input.
+ [ title={Arthur Clarke},
+ remark={2001, A space Odyssey, p. 66, 1968}]
+After a short walk through a tunnel packed with pipes and \remark {cables} {we
+are already going wireless}, and echoing hollowly with rhythmic thumbing and
+throbbings, they arrived in executive territory, and Floyd found himself back in
+the familiar environment of \remark {typewriters} {the good old times of \quote
+{think before you key}}, \remark {office} {indeed, most of today's users run
+\quote {office}} computers, \remark {girl} {everyone is now a typist} assistants,
+\remark {wall} {when will we go virtual} charts and ringing telephones.
+ [ title={Arthur Clarke},
+ remark={2001, A space Odyssey, p. 67, 1968}]
+There was plenty to occupy his time, even if he did nothing but sit and read.
+When he tired of official reports and memoranda and minutes he would \remark
+{plug} {documents will be in the air} his foolscap|-|sized newspad into the
+ship's information circuit and scan the latest reports from Earth. One by one he
+would conjure up the world's major electronic papers; he knew the \remark {codes}
+{who is using codes today} of the more important ones by heart, and had no need
+to consult the list on the back of his pad. Switching to the display's unit's
+short|-|term memory, he would hold the front page while he quickly \remark
+{searched} {we are very good in quick browsing} the headlines and noted the items
+that interested him. Each had its own \remark {two|-|digit} {aren't we running
+out of already} reference; when he punched that, the
+postage|-|stamp|-|sized rectangle would expand until it neatly filled the screen,
+and he could read it with comfort. When had finished he would flash back to the
+complete remark {page} {will we keep on using composed mixed content pages} and
+select a new subject for detailed examination.
+ [ title={Arthur Clarke},
+ remark={2001, A space Odyssey, p. 109, 1968}]
+Bowman had been a student for more than a half his life; he would continue to be
+one until he retired. Thanks to the Twentieth Century \remark {revolution} {that
+has been a pretty quiet revolution then} in training and information|-|handling
+techniques, he already possessed the \remark {equivalent} {we will stop talking
+in those qualifications} of two or three college educations|=|and, what was more,
+he could \remark {remember} {with or without implant} \remark {ninety} {is this
+still needed with information everywhere} per cent of what he had learned.
+ [ title={Arthur Clarke},
+ remark={2001, A space Odyssey, p. 132, 1968}]
+The information flashed on the display screen; simultaneously, a sheet of paper
+slit out of the slot immediately \remark {beneath} {but aren't screens becoming
+like paper} it. Despite all the electronic read|-|outs, there were times when
+good, old|-|fashioned printed material was the most \remark {convenient} {good,
+because paper is a great invention} form of record.
+ [ title={Greg Bear},
+ remark={Eon, p. 30, 1985}]
+The office was neatly organized but still looked cluttered. A small desk
+manufactured from OTV tank baffles was flanked by chromium bins filled with
+\remark {rolls} {not much paper will be used in space, I guess} of paper. A
+narrow shelf of \remark {real} {that sounds pretty sad for around 2000} books
+hung next to \remark {racks} {will there be such a physical need} of memory
+blocks sealed behind tough, alarm-equipped plastic panels. \remark {Maps} {we
+will probably always need an overview} and \remark {diagrams} {and for that we
+need large projections} were taped to the wall.
+ [ title={Greg Bear},
+ remark={Eon, p. 132, 1985}]
+Still, she agreed with a nod and settled into the seat, manipulating the controls
+with one hand. A simple \remark {circular} {will we move away from rectangular
+presentations} graphic display \remark {hovered} {that's indeed what we want}
+before her, as crisp and \remark {clear} {good} as something \remark {solid}
+{even better}. Takahashi had misinformed her on one point, and her fumbling
+triggered a tutorial. It corrected her errors and informed her|<|in only slightly
+\remark {accented} {-)} American \remark {English} {what a pitty for dislectic
+people}|>|how to operate the equipment properly. Then it provided her with call
+\remark {numbers} {we really love numbers, don't we} and codes for other types of
+ [ title={Greg Bear},
+ remark={Eon, pp. 132/135, 1985}]
+The \remark {illusion} {physical presence will become less important} was
+perfect|<|even providing her with a memory of what her apartment looked like. She
+could turn her head and look completely behind her if she wished|>|indeed, she
+could walk around, even through she knew she was sitting down. \unknown\ The
+information had come in \remark {printed} {don't throw away eons of experience}
+displays, selected \remark {visuals} {will we keep on changing interfaces} and
+even more selected \remark {sounds} {we should have started recording already}.
+Where documentation of the multimedia sort was lacking, print took over, but with
+subtle and clear vocal accompaniment. Compared to this, simple reading was
+\remark {torture} {hm, \unknown} and current video methods as \remark {archaic}
+{eh, \unknown} as cave \remark {paintings} {let's be humble then}.
+ [ title={Greg Bear},
+ remark={Eon, p. 258, 1985}]
+\quotation {The P.M.\ has no suspicion of this when you alone were sent?} Toller
+\remark {picted} {finally ideographic scripts will win the game}. The symbols
+that flashed between the two men came from pictor torques around their necks,
+\remark {devices} {we really need an physical update} that had developed over the
+centuries in the Thistledown and in the Axis City.
+ [ title={Graham Hancock},
+ remark={Fingerprints of the gods, Graham Hancock, p. 120, 1995}]
+More systematically, all over Central America, vast repositories of knowledge
+\remark {accumulated} {as today in libraries, on servers and in our houses} since
+ancient times were painstakingly gathered, heaped up and burned by zealous
+friars. In July 1562, for example, in the main square of Mani (just south of
+modern Merida in Yucatan Province) Fr Diego de Landa \remark {burned} {and all
+can get lost forever} thousands of Maya codices, story paintings and hieroglyphs
+inscribed on rolled|-|up deer \remark {skins} {how about bits curled up on
+ [ title={Graham Hancock},
+ remark={Fingerprints of the gods, Graham Hancock, p. 520/526, 1995}]
+We know that out late twentieth|-|century, post|-|industrial civilization is
+about to be destroyed by an \remark {inescapable} {not that imaginary, it has
+happened before} cosmic or geological cataclysm.
+We know|<|because our science is pretty good|>|that the destruction is going to
+be \remark {{\em near|-|total}} {one 10-30 km meteor or even one lunatic
+president will do}.
+\blank \unknown \blank
+I'm sure that we'd want to say more than just \quote {Kilroy was here}.
+\blank \unknown \blank
+And, yes, \remark {they} {pyramid builders 12,000 years ago} found an ingenious
+way to tell \remark {us} {who more and more think short|-|term} that they were
+\remark {here} {what will we leave behind}.
+ [ title={Jared Diamond},
+ remark={Guns, Germs and Steel, A Short History of Everybody for the Last
+ 13,000 years, p. 260, 1997}]
+Human technology developed from the first stone tools, in use by two and a half
+million years ago, to the 1996 laser \remark {printer} {the ones that produced
+sticky fading print|-|outs} that replaced my already outdated 1992 \remark
+{laser} {and now we want color on the desktop} printer and that was used to print
+this book's manuscript. The rate of development was undetectably slow at the
+beginning, when hundreds of thousands of years passed with no discernible change
+in out stone tools and with no surviving evidence for artifacts and of other
+materials. Today, technology advances so \remark {rapidly} {so let's be careful
+in claiming advance} that it is reported in the daily \remark {newspaper} {less
+and less people read them}.
+ [ title={Jared Diamond},
+ remark={Guns, Germs and Steel, A Short History of Everybody for the Last
+ 13,000 years, p. 418, 1997}]
+The decision could have gone to another keyboard at any of numerous stages
+between the 1860s and the 1880's; nothing about the American environment favored
+the \hbox {QWERTY} keyboard over its rivals. \unknown\ For example, if the \hbox
+{QWERTY} keyboard of the United States had not been adopted elsewhere in the
+world as well|<|say, if Japan or Europe had adopted the more \remark {efficient}
+{so why don't we take that one} Dvorak keyboard|>|that trivial decision in the
+19\high{th} century might have had big consequences for the competative position
+of the 20\high{th}|-|century \remark {American} {isn't \TeX\ also best tuned for
+english} technology.
+ [ title={Peter Wilbur \& Michael Burke},
+ remark={Information Graphics, Innovative Solutions in Contemporary Design,
+ p. 87, 1998}]
+It was generally \remark {agreed} {so let's judge with care} at that time that
+products which tried to fulfil two or more \remark {functions} {how many
+functions are there in a book} were compromises and therefore inferior to a
+single|-|function product.
+ [ title={Peter Wilbur \& Michael Burke},
+ remark={Information Graphics, Innovative Solutions in Contemporary Design,
+ p. 17, 1998}]
+All of this implies that design students of the future will need to have a much
+wider range of skills than most graphic and multimedia students possess today.
+The coming \remark {together} {which is better: overloaded CNN news screens or
+the more traditional ones} of typography, graphics, the moving image, sound and
+music requires training in both \remark {aesthetic} {let's hope for the best}
+judgment and technical skills, as well as the ability to implement and commission
+\remark {multimedia} {the current hype will become a decent craft} productions.
+Such a program hardly exists today, and it may be that \remark {designers} {or
+will machines do the work} of the future will find themselves on courses equal in
+duration and related in structure to those followed by architects.
+ [ title={Greg Bear},
+ remark={Darwin's radio, p. 271, 1999}]
+\quotation {As far as it goes}, Kaye said. \quotation {I believe our genome is
+much more \remark {clever} {let's hope that we can cope with the future} than we
+are. It's taken us tens of thousands of years to get to to the point where we
+have a hope of understanding how life works. \unknown\ The Earth species have
+learned how to anticipate climate change and respond to it in advance, get a head
+start, and I believe, in our case, our genome is now responding to social \remark
+{change} {like writing, reading, processing, collecting information} and the
+\remark {stress} {ability to keep track of things} it causes.}
+ [ title={Greg Bear},
+ remark={Darwin's radio, p. 404, 1999}]
+She looked at the cover and laughed out loud. It was a copy of WIRED, and on the
+brilliant orange cover was printed the black silhouette of a curled fetus with a
+green question mark across the middle. The log line read \quotation {\em Human
+3.0: Not a Virus, but an \remark {Upgrade} {or: complex talking & communicating
+in color, smell and taste}?}
+ [title={Edward R. Tufte}]
+We thrive in information|-|thick worlds because of our marvelous and everyday
+\remark {capacity} {that is us, now, or maybe until recently} to select, edit,
+single out, structure, highlight, group, pair, merge, harmonize, synthesize,
+focus, organize, condense, reduce, boil down, choose, categorize, catalog,
+classify, list, abstract, scan, look into, idealize, isolate, discriminate,
+distinguish, screen, pigeonhole, pick over, sort, integrate, blend, inspect,
+filter, lump, skip, smooth, chunk, average, approximate, cluster, aggregate,
+outline, summarize, itemize, review, dip into, flip through, browse, glance into,
+leaf through, skim, refine, enumerate, glean, synopsize, \remark {winnow} {do we
+really} the wheat from the chaff and separate the sheep from the goats.
+ [ title={Donald E. Knuth},
+ remark={Selected Papers in Computer Science, p. 95, 1996}]
+I believe that the real reason underlying the fact that Computer Science has
+become a thriving discipline at essential all of the world's universities,
+although it was totally \remark {unknown} {much more is yet unknown, but we don't
+know what} twenty years ago, is {\em not} that computers exist in quantity; the
+real reason is that the algorithmic thinkers among scientists of the world never
+before had a home. We are brought \remark {together} {there will be more new
+disciplines} in Computer Science departments {\em because we find people who
+think like we do}. At least, that seems a viable hypothesis, which hasn't been
+contradicted by my observations during the last half dozen or so years since the
+possibility occurred to me.
+ [ title={Brian Butterworth},
+ remark={The Mathematical Brain, p. 162, 1999}]
+Nevertheless, it is now abundantly clear that infants are born with a \remark
+{capacity} {what more is lurking there} to recognize distinct numerosities up to
+about~4, and to respond to changes in numerosity. They also possess arithmical
+expectations: ....
+ [ title={Brian Butterworth},
+ remark={The Mathematical Brain, p. 275, 1999}]
+Imagine, if you can, asking Archimed, the greatest mathematician of antiquity, to
+solve the equation:
+2a^2 + 3ab - 4b^2 = 0
+\remark {He} {would your parents recognize \type {<tags>} as such} would have
+less chance than an average educated fourteen|-|year|-|old, simply because he
+would not know what the strange \remark {symbols} {or recognize hyperlinks} $0$,
+$2$, $3$, and $4$ mean because thet weren't invented till seven centuries after
+his murder; nor $+$ and $-$, German inventions of the fifteenth century; not to
+mention \remark {$=$} {or be able to interpret a regular expression}, which was
+invented by the Englishman Robert Recorde in the sixteenth century. He would also
+have had a problem with the \remark {idea} {or be able to picture the internet}
+that equations can have negative roots.
+ [ title={Richard Kadrey},
+ remark={From Myst to Riven, the Creations and Inspirations, p. 16, 1997}]
+Some of basics of the D'ni bookmaking are known, but the most important \remark
+{details} {can we still make Gutenberg bibles} have been \remark {lost} {how do
+we preserve what we have} over time. \unknown\ From the few existing \remark
+{records} {how much is really new} lost it appears that the D'ni have been using
+their Linking books for millenia, and that they \remark {linked} {then they
+manage their links better than we do} to the earth around 10,000 terrestial years
+ [ title={Richard Kadrey},
+ remark={From Myst to Riven, the Creations and Inspirations, p. 81,1997}]
+Glancing at the surface of thing, {\em Myst} and {\em Riven} might seem more of a
+technical achievement in computer \remark {artistry} {for this a real new way of
+thinking is needed} and the fine points of modeling frames for objects and
+designing surface textures and shader programs to reflect hyper|-|reality. It is
+very easy to focus exclusively on the cool factor of what you see and to overlook
+what is the underlying key to the success of these games: they are \remark
+{story} {authorship will change} driven. What really sucks the player in is that
+there is a deeply felt {\em purpose} to playing the \remark {game} {and the less
+we need to work, the more we will game}.
+ [ title={Steve Reich \& Beryl Korot},
+ remark={The Cave, 1995}]
+The true underpinnings were our interest in making a \remark {new} {the time is
+ready for revolutionary new ways of presenting information} kind of musical
+theater based on videotaped documentary sources. The idea was that you would be
+able to see and hear people as they spoke on the videotape and simultaneously you
+would see and hear on|-|stage musicians \remark {doubling} {also accompanied by
+char|-|by|-|char typesetting} them|=|actually playing their speech melodies as
+they spoke.
+ [ title={Peter D. Ward \& Donald Brownlee},
+ remark={Rare Earth, Why Complex Life us Uncommon in the Universe, p. xxiv,
+ 2000}]
+If it is found to be correct, however, the Rare Earth Hypothesis will reverse
+that decentering trend. What if the Earth, with its cargo of advanced animals, is
+virtually unique in this quadrant of the galaxy|=|the most diverse planet, say,
+in the nearest 10,000 light|-|years? What if it is utterly unique: the only
+planet with animals in this galaxy or even in the visible Universe, a bastion of
+animals amid a sea of microbe|-|infested worlds? If that is the case, how much
+greater the loss the Universe sustains for each species of animals or planet
+driven to extinction trough the \remark {careless} {like more and more paper}
+stewardship of Homo Sapiens? \crlf Welcome \remark {aboard} {but let's move on
+with care}.