path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/amstex/base/joyerr.tex
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-%% @texfile{
-%% filename="joyerr.tex",
-%% version="2.1",
-%% date="8-MAY-1991",
-%% filetype="AMS-TeX: user documentation",
-%% copyright="Copyright (C) American Mathematical Society,
-%% all rights reserved. Copying of this file is
-%% authorized only if either:
-%% (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy
-%% including name; OR
-%% (2) if you do make changes, you first rename it to some
-%% other name.",
-%% author="American Mathematical Society",
-%% address="American Mathematical Society,
-%% Technical Support Department,
-%% P. O. Box 6248,
-%% Providence, RI 02940,
-%% USA",
-%% telephone="401-455-4080 or (in the USA) 800-321-4AMS",
-%% email="Internet:",
-%% codetable="ISO/ASCII",
-%% checksumtype="line count",
-%% checksum="512",
-%% keywords="amstex, ams-tex, tex",
-%% abstract="This file contains errata to The Joy of TeX,
-%% 1986 edition. It must be run with AMSTEX and AMSPPT
-%% 2.0+; it is incompatible with previous versions.
-%% It also requires the file AMSSYM.TEX and the fonts
-%% MSAM10 and MSBM10."
-%% }
-\input amstex
-\define\lastupdate{15 October 89}
-\def\JoT{{\sl The Joy of \TeX}}
-% Support verbatim listing of TeX source, as defined in TeXbook, p. 421;
-% lifted from MANMAC.TEX, and modified slightly for narrower columns.
-\def\ttverbatim{\begingroup \catcode`\\=\other
- \catcode`\{=\other \catcode`\}=\other \catcode`\$=\other
- \catcode`\&=\other \catcode`\#=\other \catcode`\%=\other
- \catcode`\~=\other \catcode`\_=\other \catcode`\^=\other
- \catcode`\"=\other
- \obeyspaces \obeylines \hyphenpenalty=10000 \tt}
-{\tenpoint\tt \global\ttglue=.5em plus .25em minus .15em}
-% this should be installed in each font
-% From David Eppstein's ``Trees'' paper (TUGboat 6#1), preserve initial
-% spaces.
-{\obeyspaces\gdef {\ifvmode\indent\fi\space}}
-% Permissible overhang beyond right margin.
-% Although | is ordinarily an escape character within verbatim mode,
-% provide a method for letting it instead be the character itself
-% within a display verbatim listing, as needed; this is based on
-% a technique developed by Michael Ferguson. Note that within one
-% \begintt...\endtt block, | can be only one of:
-% the printing | character, or
-% active (the escape character)
-% It cannot perform both functions at the same time.
-\newif\ifttVertChar \ttVertCharfalse
-{\catcode`\|=\active \gdef\VertChar{\def|{\char"7C }}}
-% Other non-tt elements that may be embedded within \begintt...\endtt .
-\def\SP{{\tt\char"20 }} % "visible" space
-{\obeylines \gdef\activatettbar{\global\catcode`\|=\active %
- \gdef|{\ttverbatim \spaceskip\ttglue \xspaceskip\ttglue %
- \let^^M=\ \let|=\endgroup}}}
-% This definition is stolen from the file of TeXbook errata.
-\def\bugonpage#1(#2) \par{\bigbreak\tenpoint
- \hrule width\hsize
- \line{\lower3.5pt\vbox to13pt{}Page #1\hfil(#2)}\hrule width\hsize
- \nobreak\medskip}
-% Some definitions for setting particular Joy notation.
-\def\tab{{\smc tab}}
-\title Errata to \JoT{} prior to \AmSTeX{} 2.0\endtitle
-This list of corrections to \JoT, 1986 edition, includes all known
-corrections that preceded the release of \AmSTeX{} Version 2.0.
-Reprints with corrections may already incorporate some or all of
-these changes.
-The printing date of each copy of \JoT\ is identified on the reverse
-of the title page. The list below will permit you to determine
-which corrections have not already been incorporated in your copy of \JoT.
-\halign{\kern 30pt #\hfil\qquad&#\hfil\cr
-First printing, 1986 & all changes\cr
-Second printing with corrections, 1986 & changes after 11/25/86\cr
-Third printing with corrections, 1987 & changes after 5/12/87\cr}
-For differences between earlier versions of \AmSTeX{} and Version 2.0,
-see the {\bf User's Guide to \AmSTeX{} 2.0}.
-The second edition of \JoT{}, 1990, contains all changes in this list
-as well as new material for \AmSTeX{} 2.0.
-(This errata list was last updated \lastupdate.)
-\bugonpage 12, line 12 (11/11/86)
-What output is produced by |\$\|\SP|\|\SP|1.00| and by |\$|\SP|\|\SP|1.00|?
-\bugonpage 22, line 28 (11/24/86)
-\line{will be some surprises in it---so you should go pick it up
-as soon as possible.\hfil}
-\bugonpage 26, line 9 (10/15/89)
-\line{uptight when you encounter an error message, because
-\TeX\ can always be coaxed}
-\bugonpage 39, line 4 (10/15/89)
-\line{words as evenly as possible. But everyone knows that such
-bland perfection isn't}
-\bugonpage 39, line $-4$ (12/12/89)
-\line{allowed here also, to accommodate threesomes, foursomes, and
-even more perverse}
-\bugonpage 44, line $-10$ (12/12/89)
-\line{their own papers might prefer to leave these details to someone
-else, and even}
-\bugonpage 81, line 13 (10/25/89)
-\line{But don't use |\,| before an expression like $\dsize \frac{dy}{dx}$
-or before the $dx$ in $dy/dx$.}
-\bugonpage 88, line $-5$ (5/11/87)
-\centerline{\indent We derive the quadratic formula by
-``completing the square'':}
-\bugonpage 90, line $-4$ (10/15/89)
-\line{to the old style that they may be discomforted by the
-\bugonpage 99, lines 15--16 (8/6/86)
-{\baselineskip 18pt
-|$\varinjlim$ |$\varinjlim$\newline
-|$\varprojlim$ |$\varprojlim$\endgraf
-}% end extra \baselineskip
-\bugonpage 108, line 11 (11/11/86)
-| &=(a+b)(a+b)^n=(a+b)|
-\bugonpage 109, line 6 (12/12/89)
-\line{when tags are set on the right. What input do you think you
-should use?\hfill}
-\bugonpage 109, line $-14$ (10/15/89)
-\line{so that the |=\bigl[| is aligned with the invisible |\qquad|.
-Notice, again, that such}
-\bugonpage 113, line 1 (4/10/86)
-\line{And there's |\bmatrix...\endbmatrix| to get brackets
- |\left[...\right]| around}
-\bugonpage 127, line 11 (7/13/87)
-\line{\indent If you're an experienced mathematical typist you've
-probably already begun to}
-\bugonpage 129, lines 14--15 (10/15/89)
-with things like $\vector xm$,
-$\vector y{n+1}$ as well. Explain how to define |\vector| so that we can
-type these as |$\vector xm$| and |$\vector y{n+1}$|.
-\bugonpage 129, last 3 lines (10/15/89)
-In Exercise 19.20 we defined |\vector| so that
-|$\vector xn$| produces $\vector xn$, etc. But perhaps you don't like this,
-perhaps you'd prefer to type |$\vector nx$|, with the `|n|'
-first, and the `|x|' second. How can you arrange this?
-\bugonpage 131, lines 10--11 (10/15/89)
-How would you |\define| the control sequence |\vector| so that
-you type |$\vector x,n.$| to get $\vector xn$, and |$\vector y,m+1.$| to get
-$\vector y{m+1}$, etc.
-\bugonpage 144, line 16 (10/15/89)
-\line{\indent This command is ``global''---it affects everything
-that follows, even if it is in-}
-\bugonpage 162, line $-6$ (5/11/87)
-\line{if you typed |\footnote""{...}| then you would get no marker
-at all, just a note}
-\bugonpage 171, line $-7$ (10/15/89)
-\line{too much, and only |\linebreak| will force \TeX\ to overcome
-its reluctance.\hfil}
-\bugonpage 176, line 4 (12/12/89)
-\line{about it, and an |&| is tolerated only in special situations.
-So you should remember}
-% This feature has been reinstated in AMS-TeX 2.0.
-%\bugonpage 178, PAGE NUMBERS (11/14/86)
-%Warning: |\nopagenumbers| does not at present work as advertised
-%with the |amsppt| style. Consequently, this paragraph has been
-%\bugonpage 178, between lines $-5$ and $-6$ (10/15/89)
-%\line{\bf PAGE NUMBERS\hfil}
-%\vskip 2pt
-%\noindent If you are using the |amsppt| style and you type
-%|\nopagenumbers| at the beginning of the document (after the
-%|\documentstyle| line), the page numbers at the bottom of the page
-%will disappear. Other styles probably will ignore |\nopagenumbers|.
-\bugonpage 179, line 4 (10/15/89)
-\line{change its position on the 8$\frac12$ by 11 sheet of paper.
-\bugonpage 180, lines 5--6 (10/15/89)
-| &=f'(x) = \frac1{2\sqrt x}\qquad|\newline
-| \foldedtext\foldedwidth{2in}{for some $x$ in $(k, k+1)$,|
-\bugonpage 181, line $-$4 (10/15/89)
-\line{should be included at the end of that displayed formula.\hfil}
-\bugonpage 182, line $-2$ (12/12/89)
-\line{argument'' feature of |\roster| (again compare with
-{\bf footnote}). If you type}
-\bugonpage 186, line 13 (10/15/89)
-\line{commands are ``global''---they affect everything
-that follows even if used in a group}
-\bugonpage 189, line 21 (12/12/89)
-\line{will first be divided into lines of a certain length
-(3 inches less than the width}
-\bugonpage 195, lines 4, 11 (7/13/87)
-Change\qquad ``In addition to''\qquad to\qquad ``First we have''.
-\bugonpage 195, line $-1$ (12/12/89)
-|... in a bibliography''.|
-\bugonpage 202, line $-6$ (12/12/89)
-\line{If `|etc.|' were typed instead of `|etc\.|' there would be a
-larger space after the}
-\bugonpage 208, line 12 (12/12/89)
-\line{it does in ordinary text.\hfil}
-\bugonpage 210, line 4 (12/12/89)
-\line{you'll get the two equations $a+b=c$ and $A+B=C$ displayed
-\bugonpage 212, line 6 (12/12/89)
-\line{If you press \CR, \TeX\ will continue merrily, and you will get
-\bugonpage 218, line $-6$ (7/13/87)
-\line{Of course, you weren't supposed to anticipate such after-the-fact
-\bugonpage 222, answer to {\bf 14.11}, line 1 (10/15/89)
-|We derive the quadratic formula by|
-\bugonpage 229, answer to {\bf 15.19}, lines 2--3 (10/15/89)
-|$\operatorname{\text{\sl SO}}(n)$ |%
- $\operatorname{\text{\sl SO}}(n)$\newline
-|$\operatorname{\text{\bf SO}}(n)$ |%
- $\operatorname{\text{\bf SO}}(n)$
-\bugonpage 230, answer to {\bf 16.3}, lines 6--9 (10/25/89)
-to suppress any extra space that \TeX\ might put in. (Actually,
-|...\tag{$**$}$$| happens to work correctly, but |...\tag{$***$}$$|
-would give the tag ($***$); rather than worrying about why this
-happens, just type |...\tag{${*}{*}$}$$|\linebreak
-and |...\tag{${*}{*}{*}$}$$| to be on the safe side.)
-\bugonpage 230, answer to {\bf 16.4}, line 3 (7/13/87)
-\bugonpage 230, answer to {\bf 16.4}, line 6 (10/25/89)
-| Q_1\tag 1{${}_r$}|
-\bugonpage 231, answer to {\bf 16.6} (10/25/89)
-\noindent Line 2:
-|\align \alpha_4&=\sqrt{\dfrac12}\\|
-\noindent Line 6:
-\bugonpage 233, answer to {\bf 17.4}, line 6 (5/13/86)
-| \dots, $b_{3k}$.}\endmultline|
-\bugonpage 234, answer to {\bf 18.4} (5/13/86)
-\noindent Line 6:
-|\pmatrix \format\r&\quad\r\\|
-\noindent Line 10:
-|=\pmatrix \format\r&\quad\r\\|
-\bugonpage 239, answer to {\bf 19.13} (10/15/89)
-and then use |$\vector x| to get $\vector x$ and |$\vector y$| to get
-$\vector y$, etc.
-\bugonpage 240, answer to {\bf 19.14} (10/15/89)
-|$\vector\alpha$| and |$\vector{x'}$|.
-\bugonpage 240, answer to {\bf 19.15} (10/15/89)
-\noindent{\bf 19.15.}
-You can get $\vector{{x'}}$ by typing |$\vector{{x'}}$|; now the argument is
-|{x'}| and |{x'}_1| gives ${x'}_1$, etc. On the other hand,
- you can't get the formula $(x_1{}',\dots,x_n{}')$ using |\vector|---you'd
-just have to type it out in full.
-\bugonpage 240, answer to {\bf 19.20} (10/15/89)
-\bugonpage 242, answer to {\bf 19.23} (10/15/89)
-Although |#1| and |#2| must appear in that order after the
-|\define\vector|, they can appear in any order within
-the definition itself.
-\bugonpage 242, answer to {\bf 19.24} (10/15/89)
-\bugonpage 242, answer to {\bf 19.27}, line 1 (7/13/87) % Francis O. McGuinness
-\line{{\bf 19.27.} This is a perfectly acceptable |\define|, but you are
-{\sl not\/} defining a new}
-\bugonpage 251, line 1 (10/25/89)
-\line{is supplied as a synonym for |\thickspace|. In |plain|, the thick
-space |\;| can}
-\bugonpage 252, line 6 (11/11/86)
-\bugonpage 261, after line 12 (6/22/87)
-Add\qquad $\eqsim$\quad|\eqsim|
-\bugonpage 261, line 15 (6/22/87)
-Change\qquad $\ncong$\quad|\napprox|\qquad to\qquad $\ncong$\quad|\ncong|
-\bugonpage 262, line 15 (11/14/86)
-Change\qquad $\eth$\quad|\thorn|\qquad to\qquad $\eth$\quad|\eth|
-\bugonpage 264, line 1 (11/11/86)
-\centerline{\bf Appendix G: $\{$\TeX\ Users$\}$}
-\bugonpage 265, line 6 (11/11/86)
-\line{you might want to look back at Appendix G\null.
- Perhaps someone in TUG has}
-\bugonpage 275, column 1 (11/14/86)
-Add entry\newline
-|\eth| ($\eth$),\quad 262
-\bugonpage 279, column 1 (12/12/89)
-|\lesssim| ($\lesssim$),\quad 260
-\bugonpage 281, column 1 (6/22/86)
-Remove entry for\quad |\napprox|
-Add entry\newline
-|\ncong| ($\ncong$),\quad 261
-\bugonpage 284, column 1 (12/12/89)
-|\Psi| ($\Psi$),\quad 255
-\bugonpage 288, column 2 (11/14/86)
-Delete entry for\quad |\thorn|