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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite')
57 files changed, 7831 insertions, 545 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-cs-scite.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-cs-scite.properties deleted file mode 100644 index 5c9cc3354df..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-cs-scite.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -keywordclass.macros.context.cs=CAP Cap Caps MESIC Rimskecislice SLOVA SLOVO Slova Slovo VSEDNIDEN Znak Znaky aktualnicislonadpisu aktualnidatum appendix barva bilemisto bublinkovanapoveda bypassblocks cap cernalinka cernelinky chapter chem cisla cislonadpisu citace citovat comment completecombinedlist completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms completeregister coupledregister crlf datum definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling definetype definetypeface definuj definujbarvu definujblok definujbloksekce definujbuffer definujfont definujformatodkazu definujinterakcnimenu definujinterakcnimenu definujkombinovanyseznam definujkonverzi definujlogo definujnadpis definujobrazeksymbol definujodkaz definujodsazovani definujodstavce definujopis definujoramovani definujoramovanytext definujpaletu definujplvouciobjekt definujpodpole definujpole definujpopis definujpopisek definujprekryv definujpreskok definujprofil definujprogram definujprostredizakladnihofontu definujrejstrik definujsablonutabulky definujsekci definujseznam definujseznamodkazu definujskupinubarev definujstartstop definujsymbol definujsynonumumfontu definujsynonyma definujtabelaci definujtext definujtrideni definujupravu definujvelikostpapiru definujverzi definujvycet definujvystup definujzakladnifont definujzasobnikpoli definujznaceni description dodrzujprofil dodrzujverzi dodrzujverziprofilu dvoustrannypapir emptylines enumeration externiobraz footnotetext forceblocks framedtext hl hlavnijazyk indentation ininner inouter instalacejazyka interakcnilista interakcnitlacitka jazyk jdidolu jdina jdinabox klonujpole konvertujcislo kopirujpole korekcebilehomista labeling listsymbol loadsorts loadsynonyms mapfontsize marginalnilinka marginalnitext matematika mediaeval meritko mesic mezera mrizka nadpis nadruhyokraj name naokraj nastavbarvu nastavbarvy nastavbilamista nastavblok nastavbloksekce nastavbuffer nastavcernelinky nastavcislonadpisu nastavcislostrany nastavcislovani nastavcislovaniodstavcu nastavcislovaniradku nastavcislovanistran nastavcitaci nastavdefinicipoznamekpodcarou nastavdeleniplvoucichobjektu nastavdelitko nastavdolnitexty nastavexterniobrazy nastavhorejsek nastavhornitexty nastavinterakci nastavinterakcnilistu nastavinterakcnimenu nastavinterakcniobrazovku nastavjazyk nastavkapitalky nastavkombinovanyseznam nastavkomentar nastavlegendu nastavmarginalie nastavmarginalniblok nastavmarginalnilinky nastavmeziradkovoumezeru nastavnadpis nastavnadpisy nastavodkazovani nastavodsazeni nastavodsazovani nastavodstavce nastavopis nastavoramovanetexty nastavoramovani nastavorez nastavotoceni nastavpaletu nastavplvouciobjekt nastavplvouciobjekty nastavpodcislostrany nastavpodtrzeni nastavpole nastavpolozky nastavpopisek nastavpopisky nastavpopisy nastavpozadi nastavpozadi nastavpoznamkypodcarou nastavprechodstrany nastavpreskok nastavprofily nastavprogramy nastavprostredizakladnihofontu nastavpublikace nastavradkovani nastavradky nastavrastr nastavrejstrik nastavrovnice nastavsadusymbolu nastavsekci nastavseznam nastavseznamodkazu nastavsirkucary nastavsloupce nastavspodek nastavspojeni nastavsynchronizaci nastavsynchronizacnilistu nastavsynonyma nastavsystem nastavtab nastavtabelaci nastavtabulky nastavtenkelinky nastavtext nastavtexthlavicky nastavtextovelinky nastavtextpopisku nastavtexttexty nastavtextyupati nastavtextyzahlavi nastavtlacitka nastavtoleranci nastavtrideni nastavtype nastavumisteniprotejsku nastavumistovani nastavupati nastavupravu nastavurl nastavusporadani nastavvelikostpapiru nastavverze nastavvsechnapole nastavvycty nastavvyplnovelinky nastavvyplnoveradky nastavvystup nastavvzhled nastavzahlavi nastavzakladnifont nastavzarovnani nastavznaceni nastavzuzeni nastrane nejakyradek nekde nextsection nivy nizky nocap nop obrazovka odkaz odkaz odkaznadatum odkaznastranu odkaznatext odsazovani okr opis opissoubor oramovani oref orez otocit overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes oznacverzi paragraph parovastrana part pis placefloat placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms placereferencelist pol pole polozka polozky popisky porovnejpaletu porovnejskupinubarev pozadi pozice poznamka poznamkapodcarou pref prelozit premistinamrizku prepninazakladnifont preskoc prizpusobivepole prizpusobvzhled program propojeneznaceni propojenydokument propojenyrejstrik publikace ran ref register reservefloat reset resettextcontent resetznaceni rimskecislice rozdelplvouciobjekt rozpojeneznaceni roztazene schovejbloky section sedabarva seeregister settextcontent setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupforms setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup setuplistalternative setuppaper setupstrut sloupec slovovpravo sort spodek stanovcharakteristickuseznamu stanovcislonadpisu startalignment startbarva startbuffer startbuffer startcitace startcolumns startcombination startcomment startdescription startdocument startenumeration startfakt startfigure startfloattext startformula startframedtext starthiding startinteraktivnimenu startitemgroup startkomponenta startlegend startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startmakeup startmarginalnilinka startmarginblock startnamemakeup startnarrower startopposite startoverlay startoverview startparagraph startpositioning startpostponing startpozadi startprodukt startprofile startprojekt startprostredi startregister startsymbolset startsynchronization starttable starttables starttabulate starttextovalinka starttyping startunpacked startverze startzhustene stopalignment stopbarva stopbuffer stopbuffer stopcitace stopcolumns stopcombination stopcomment stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration stopfakt stopfigure stopfloattext stopformula stopframedtext stophiding stopinteraktivnimenu stopitemgroup stopkomponenta stoplegend stopline stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup stopmarginalnilinka stopmarginblock stopnamemakeup stopnarrower stopopposite stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppositioning stoppostponing stoppozadi stopprodukt stopprofile stopprojekt stopprostredi stopsymbolset stopsynchronization stoptable stoptables stoptabulate stoptextovalinka stoptyping stopunpacked stopverze stopzhustene strana sub subject subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject sym symbol synchronizacnilista synchronizovat synonym tab tecky tenkalinka tenkelinky tex texthlavicky textovalinka textpopisku title tlacitko tref tvrdemezery typebuffer typstrany ukazbarvu ukazexterniobrazy ukazmrizku ukaznastaveni ukazpaletu ukazpodpery ukazpole ukazpostredizakladnihofontu ukazramecek ukazsadusymbolu ukazskupinubarev ukazupravu ukazvytisk ukazvzhled ukazzakladnifont umistikombinovanyseznam umistikombinovanyseznam umistilegendu umistiloga umistilokalnipoznamkypodcarou umistinadsebe umistinamrizku umistipodrovnici umistipoznamkypodcarou umistirejstrik umistirejstrik umistirovnici umistiseznam umistivedlesebe umistizalozky underbar underbars usedirectory usetypescript usetypescriptfile uzijURL uzijbloky uzijexternidokument uzijexterniobraz uzijexternisoubor uzijexternisoubory uzijexternizvuk uzijkodovani uzijmodul uzijodkazy uzijprikazy uzijspeciality uzijsymbol verze vl vlasovalinka vlevo vpravo vradku vsedniden vyberbloky vyberpapir vyberverzi vyplnenytext vyplnovelinky vyplnovepole vyplnovyradek vysoky zablokujinterakcnimenu zachovejbloky zadnamezera zadnebilemisto zadnedalsibloky zadnedalsisoubory zadnehorniadolniradky zadneodsazovani zadnezahlaviaupati zadneznaceni zadnyseznam zalozka zapisdorejstriku zapisdoseznamu zapisdoseznamuodkazu zapismeziseznam zaramovani zarovnanonastred zarovnanovlevo zarovnanovpravo zasobnikpoli zaznamovepole zhustene ziskejbuffer ziskejznaceni zlomek znaceni znak znaky zpracujbloky zpracujstranu zrcadlit zref
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-cz-scite.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-cz-scite.properties deleted file mode 100644 index 256a4ea3bd5..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-cz-scite.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -keywordclass.macros.context.cz=\ - MESIC Rimskecislice SLOVA SLOVO Slova Slovo \ - VSEDNIDEN Znak Znaky aktualnicislonadpisu aktualnidatum arg \ - barva bilemisto bublinkovanapoveda bypassblocks cernalinka cernelinky \ - chem cisla cislonadpisu citace citovat completeregister \ - crlf datum definerawfont definerule definetextposition definetextvariable \ - definetype definuj definujbarvu definujblok definujbloksekce definujbuffer \ - definujfont definujformatodkazu definujinterakcnimenu definujkombinovanyseznam definujkonverzi definujlogo \ - definujnadpis definujobrazeksymbol definujodkaz definujodsazovani definujodstavce definujopis \ - definujoramovani definujoramovanytext definujpaletu definujplvouciobjekt definujpodpole definujpole \ - definujpopis definujpopisek definujprekryv definujpreskok definujprofil definujprogram \ - definujprostredizakladnihofontu definujrejstrik definujsablonutabulky definujsekci definujseznam definujseznamodkazu \ - definujskupinubarev definujstartstop definujsymbol definujsynonyma definujtabelaci definujtext \ - definujtrideni definujupravu definujvelikostpapiru definujverzi definujvycet definujvystup \ - definujzakladnifont definujzasobnikpoli definujznaceni dodrzujprofil dodrzujverzi dodrzujverziprofilu \ - dvoustrannypapir emptylines externiobraz footnotetext forceblocks hl \ - hlavnijazyk ininner inouter instalacejazyka interakcnilista interakcnitlacitka \ - jazyk jdidolu jdina jdinabox klonujpole komentar \ - konvertujcislo kopirujpole korekcebilehomista listsymbol marginalnilinka marginalnitext \ - matematika meritko mesic mezera mrizka nadpis \ - nadruhyokraj nadtrzeni nadtrzeno naokraj nastavbarvu nastavbarvy \ - nastavbilamista nastavblok nastavbloksekce nastavbuffer nastavcernelinky nastavcislonadpisu \ - nastavcislostrany nastavcislovani nastavcislovaniodstavcu nastavcislovaniradku nastavcislovanistran nastavcitaci \ - nastavdefinicipoznamekpodcarou nastavdeleniplvoucichobjektu nastavdelitko nastavdolnitexty nastavexterniobrazy nastavhorejsek \ - nastavhornitexty nastavinterakci nastavinterakcnilistu nastavinterakcniobrazovku nastavjazyk nastavkapitalky \ - nastavkombinovanyseznam nastavkomentar nastavlegendu nastavmarginalie nastavmarginalniblok nastavmarginalnilinky \ - nastavmeziradkovoumezeru nastavnadpis nastavnadpisy nastavodkazovani nastavodsazeni nastavodsazovani \ - nastavodstavce nastavopis nastavoramovanetexty nastavoramovani nastavorez nastavotoceni \ - nastavpaletu nastavplvouciobjekt nastavplvouciobjekty nastavpodcislostrany nastavpodtrzeni nastavpole \ - nastavpolozky nastavpopisek nastavpopisky nastavpopisy nastavpozadi nastavpoznamkypodcarou \ - nastavprechodstrany nastavpreskok nastavprofily nastavprogramy nastavprostredizakladnihofontu nastavpublikace \ - nastavradkovani nastavradky nastavrastr nastavrejstrik nastavsadusymbolu nastavsekci \ - nastavseznam nastavseznamodkazu nastavsirkucary nastavsloupce nastavspodek nastavspojeni \ - nastavsynchronizaci nastavsynchronizacnilistu nastavsynonyma nastavsystem nastavtab nastavtabelaci \ - nastavtabulky nastavtenkelinky nastavtext nastavtexthlavicky nastavtextovelinky nastavtextpopisku \ - nastavtexttexty nastavtextyupati nastavtextyzahlavi nastavtlacitka nastavtoleranci nastavtrideni \ - nastavtype nastavumisteniprotejsku nastavumistovani nastavupati nastavupravu nastavurl \ - nastavusporadani nastavvelikostpapiru nastavverze nastavvsechnapole nastavvycty nastavvyplnovelinky \ - nastavvyplnoveradky nastavvystup nastavvzhled nastavzahlavi nastavzakladnifont nastavzarovnani \ - nastavznaceni nastavzuzeni nastrane nejakyradek nekde nivy \ - nizky nop obrazovka odkaz odkaznadatum odkaznastranu \ - odkaznatext odsazovani okr opis opissoubor oramovani \ - oref orez otocit oznacverzi parovastrana pis \ - placefloat placereferencelist placerule placetextvariable podtrzeni podtrzeno \ - pol pole polozka polozky popisky porovnejpaletu \ - porovnejskupinubarev positiontext pozadi pozice poznamka poznamkapodcarou \ - pref prelozit premistinamrizku prepninazakladnifont preskoc preskrtnuti \ - preskrtnuto prizpusobivepole prizpusobvzhled program propojeneznaceni propojenydokument \ - propojenyrejstrik publikace ran ref reset resetznaceni \ - rimskecislice rozdelplvouciobjekt rozpojeneznaceni roztazene schovejbloky scitani \ - sedabarva settextcontent settextvariable setupforms setupitemgroup setuppaper \ - setuprule setupstrut setuptextposition setuptextvariable sloupec slovovpravo \ - spodek stanovcharakteristickuseznamu stanovcislonadpisu start startbarva startcitace \ - startfakt startinteraktivnimenu startkomentar startkomponenta startmarginalnilinka startpozadi \ - startprodukt startprojekt startprostredi starttextovalinka startverze startzhustene \ - stop stopbarva stopcitace stopfakt stopinteraktivnimenu stopkomentar \ - stopkomponenta stopmarginalnilinka stoppozadi stopprodukt stopprojekt stopprostredi \ - stoptextovalinka stopverze stopzhustene strana switchtorawfont sym \ - symbol synchronizacnilista synchronizovat tab tecky tenkalinka \ - tenkelinky tex texthlavicky textovalinka textpopisku textvariable \ - tlacitko tref tvrdemezery typebuffer typstrany ukazbarvu \ - ukazexterniobrazy ukazmrizku ukaznastaveni ukazpaletu ukazpodpery ukazpole \ - ukazpostredizakladnihofontu ukazramecek ukazsadusymbolu ukazskupinubarev ukazupravu ukazvytisk \ - ukazvzhled ukazzakladnifont umistikombinovanyseznam umistilegendu umistiloga umistilokalnipoznamkypodcarou \ - umistinadsebe umistinamrizku umistipodrovnici umistipoznamkypodcarou umistirejstrik umistirovnici \ - umistiseznam umistivedlesebe umistizalozky uzijURL uzijbloky uzijexternidokument \ - uzijexterniobraz uzijexternisoubor uzijexternisoubory uzijexternizvuk uzijkodovani uzijmodul \ - uzijodkazy uzijprikazy uzijspeciality uzijsymbol verze vl \ - vlasovalinka vlevo vpravo vradku vsedniden vyberbloky \ - vyberpapir vyberverzi vyplnenytext vyplnovelinky vyplnovepole vyplnovyradek \ - vysoky zablokujinterakcnimenu zachovejbloky zadnamezera zadnebilemisto zadnedalsibloky \ - zadnedalsisoubory zadnehorniadolniradky zadneodsazovani zadnezahlaviaupati zadneznaceni zadnyseznam \ - zadnytest zalozka zapisdorejstriku zapisdoseznamu zapisdoseznamuodkazu zapismeziseznam \ - zaramovani zarovnanonastred zarovnanovlevo zarovnanovpravo zasobnikpoli zaznamovepole \ - zhustene ziskejbuffer ziskejznaceni zlomek znaceni znak \ - znaky zpracujbloky zpracujstranu zrcadlit zref diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-de-scite.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-de-scite.properties deleted file mode 100644 index 249fc6a5905..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-de-scite.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -keywordclass.macros.context.de=Buchstabe Buchstaben CAP Cap Caps MONAT Roemischezahlen WOCHENTAG WOERTER WORT Woerter Wort amgitterausrichten amgitterneuausrichten appendix aufseite ausfuellfeld ausfuelltext ausschnitt bearbeitebloecke bearbeiteseite behaltebloecke bei benutzekodierung benutzespezielles beschrifteversion beschriftung bestimmekopfnummer bestimmelistencharakeristika bildschirm blanko bookmark bruch buchstabe buchstaben but bypassblocks cap chapter chem comment completecombinedlist completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms completeregister coupledregister crlf datum definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling defineoutput defineschriftsynonym definetype definetypeface definiereabbsymbol definiereabsaetze definiereabschnitt definiereabschnittsblock definierebeschreibung definierebeschreibungen definierebeschriftung definiereblanko definiereblock definiereeinzug definierefarbe definierefarbengruppe definierefeld definierefeldstapel definierefliesstext definierefliesstextumgebung definieregleitobjekt definiereinteraktionsmenue definiereinteraktionsmenue definierekonversion definierelabel definiereliste definierelogo definieren definierenummerierung definiereoverlay definierepalette definierepapierformat definiereprofil definiereprogramme definierepuffer definierereferenz definierereferenzformat definierereferenzliste definiereregister definiereschrift definieresortieren definierestartstop definieresubfeld definieresymbol definieresynonyme definieretabellenvorlage definieretabulator definieretext definieretippen definiereueberschrift definiereumbruch definiereumrahmt definiereumrahmtertext definiereversion definierezusammengestellteliste description doppelseite doppelseitigespapier drehen duennelinie duennerumriss einezeile einziehen emptylines entknuepfebeschriftung enumeration externeabbildung farbe feld feldstapel festesspatium folgeprofil folgeprofilversion folgeversion footnotetext forceblocks format framedtext fussnote gefuelltesrechteck gefuelltezeile gestreckt gitter graufarbe haarlinie hauptsprache heutigesdatum heutigeskopfnummer hintergrund hl hoch holebeschriftung holepuffer imlinken imrechten imumriss in inaktiviereinteraktionsmenue inanderermarginale indentation ininner inmarginalie inouter installieresprache interaktionsbalken interaktionsknopfe inzeile irgendwo its keinebeschriftung keinebloeckemehr keinedateienmehr keinekopfundfusszeilen keineliste keinspatium keinzeilenobenundunten keinzwischenraum kleinerdurchschuss klonierefeld knopf konvertierezahl kopf kopfnummer kopierefeld korrigierezwischenraum labeling labels labeltext linksbuendig listsymbol loadsorts loadsynonyms mapfontsize mar marginallinie marginaltext mathematik mediaeval monat nachunten name nextsection nichteinziehen nocap nop notiz overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes paragraph part passelayoutan passendfeld placefloat placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms placereferencelist platzierebookmarks platziereformel platzierefussnoten platzierelegende platziereliste platzierelogo platzierelokalefussnoten platzierenebeneinander platziereregister platziereregister platziereuntereinander platziereunterformel platzierezusammengestellteliste platzierezusammengestellteliste pos position posten programm publikation punkt ran rechteck rechtecke rechtsbuendig ref referenz register registrierefelder reservefloat resettextcontent roemischezahlen ruecksetzten ruecksetztenbeschriftung schreibezumregister schreibezurliste schreibezurreferenzliste schreibezwischenliste section seeregister seite seitenreferenz seitentyp settext setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupforms setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup setuplistalternative setuppaper setupstrut showsymbolset sort spalte spatium spiegeln sprache startalignment startbuffer startbuffer startcolumns startcombination startcomment startdescription startdocument startenumeration startfarbe startfigure startfloattext startformula startframedtext startgeg starthiding starthintergrund startinteraktionsmenue startitemgroup startkleinerdurchschuss startkomponente startlegend startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startmakeup startmarginallinie startmarginblock startnamemakeup startnarrower startopposite startoverlay startoverview startparagraph startpositioning startpostponing startprodukt startprofile startprojekt startregister startsymbolset startsynchronization starttable starttables starttabulate starttextlinie starttyping startumgebung startunpacked startversion startzitat stelleabsaetzeein stelleabsatznummerierungein stelleabschnittein stelleabschnittsblockein stelleanordnenein stelleausgabeein stelleausrichtungein stelleausschnittein stellebeschreibungein stellebeschriftungein stellebilderunterschriftein stellebildunterschriftein stellebindestrichein stelleblankoein stelleblockein stelledrehenein stelleduennerumrissein stelleeinziehenein stelleeinzuegein stelleengerein stelleexterneabbildungenein stellefarbeein stellefarbenein stellefeldein stellefelderin stellefliesstextein stellefliesstextumgebungein stelleformelnein stellefussnotendefinitionein stellefussnotenein stellefusszeileein stellefusszeilentextein stellegefuelltesrechteckein stellegefuelltezeileein stellegegenueberplatzierenein stellegleitobjekteein stellegleitobjektein stellehintergruendeein stellehintergrundein stelleinmarginalieein stelleinteraktionein stelleinteraktionsbalkenein stelleinteraktionsbildschirmein stelleinteraktionsmenueein stelleknopfein stellekombinationein stellekommentarein stellekopfzahlein stellekopfzeileein stellekopfzeilentextein stellelabeltextein stellelayoutein stellelegendeein stellelinienbreiteein stellelisteein stellemarginalblockein stellemarginallinieein stellenobenein stellenummerierungein stellepaletteein stellepapierformatein stelleplatziegeteiltegleitobjekt stellepositionierenein stellepostenein stelleprofilein stelleprogrammein stellepublikationein stellepufferein stellerasterein stellerechteckein stellereferenzierenein stellereferenzlisteein stelleregisterein stelleseitennummerein stelleseitennummeriernungein stelleseitenuebergangein stellesortierenein stellespaltenein stellespatiumein stellespracheein stellesymbolsetein stellesynchronisationein stellesynchronisationsbalkenein stellesynonymein stellesystemein stelletabein stelletabellenein stelletabulatorein stelletextein stelletextobenein stelletexttexteein stelletextumrissein stelletextuntenein stelletipein stelletippenein stelletoleranzein stelleueberschriftein stelleueberschriftenein stelleueberschrifttextein stelleumbruchein stelleumrahmtein stelleumrahmtetexteein stelleuntenein stelleunterseitennummerein stelleunterstreichenein stelleurlein stelleversalienein stelleversionein stellezeilenabstandein stellezeilenein stellezeilennumerierungein stellezitierenein stellezusammengestelltelisteein stellezwischenraumein stopalignment stopbuffer stopbuffer stopcolumns stopcombination stopcomment stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration stopfarbe stopfigure stopfloattext stopformula stopframedtext stopgeg stophiding stophintergrund stopinteraktionsmenue stopitemgroup stopkleinerdurchschuss stopkomponente stoplegend stopline stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup stopmarginallinie stopmarginblock stopnamemakeup stopnarrower stopopposite stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppositioning stoppostponing stopprodukt stopprofile stopprojekt stopsymbolset stopsynchronization stoptable stoptables stoptabulate stoptextlinie stoptyping stopumgebung stopunpacked stopversion stopzitat sub subject subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject sym symbol synchronisationsbalken synchronisieren synonym tab teilegleitobjekt tex textlinie textreferenz tief tiho tip tippedatei tippen tippepuffer title tooltip ueber ueberschrifttext uebersetzten umrahmt underbar underbars usedirectory usetypescript usetypescriptfile verbergebloecke vergleichefarbengruppe vergleichepalette verknuepfebeschriftung verknuepfedokument verknuepfregister version verweis verweisdatum verwendeURL verwendebefehl verwendebloecke verwendeexteresdokument verwendeexterneabbildung verwendeexternedatei verwendeexternedateien verwendeexternestonstueck verwendemodul verwendereferenzen verwendesymbole vl von waehlebloeckeaus waehlepapieraus waehleversionaus wechselezumfliesstext wochentag wortrechts zeigedruck zeigeeinstellungen zeigeexterneabbildungen zeigefarbe zeigefarbengruppe zeigefelder zeigefliesstext zeigefliesstextumgebung zeigegitter zeigelayout zeigepalette zeigerahmen zeigestruts zeigeumbruch zentriert ziffern zitat zitieren zu zurbox zwischenraum
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-en-scite.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-en-scite.properties deleted file mode 100644 index a83042bf6eb..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-en-scite.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -keywordclass.macros.context.en=CAP Cap Caps Character Characters MONTH Romannumerals WEEKDAY WORD WORDS Word Words about adaptlayout appendix at atpage background blackrule blackrules blank bookmark but button bypassblocks cap chapter character characters chem clip clonefield color column comment comparecolorgroup comparepalet completecombinedlist completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms completeregister convertnumber copyfield correctwhitespace coupledocument coupledregister couplemarking couplepage couplepaper coupleregister crlf currentdate currentheadnumber date decouplemarking define defineblank defineblock definebodyfont definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF definebodyfontenvironment definebuffer definecolor definecolorgroup definecombinedlist defineconversion definedescription definedfont defineenumeration definefield definefieldstack definefiguresymbol definefloat definefont definefontfeature definefonthandling definefontsynonym defineframed defineframedtext definehead defineindenting defineinteractionmenu defineinteractionmenu definelabel definelist definelogo definemakeup definemarking defineoutput defineoverlay definepalet definepapersize defineparagraphs defineprofile defineprogram definereference definereferenceformat definereferencelist defineregister definesection definesectionblock definesorting definestartstop definesubfield definesymbol definesynonyms definetabletemplate definetabulate definetext definetype definetypeface definetyping defineversion description determineheadnumber determinelistcharacteristics disableinteractionmenu emptylines enumeration externalfigure field fieldstack fillinfield fillinline fillinrules fillintext fitfield fixedspaces followprofile followprofileversion followversion footnote footnotetext forceblocks fraction framed framedtext from getbuffer getmarking godown goto gotobox graycolor grid hairline head headnumber headtext hideblocks high hl in indentation indenting inframed ininner inleft inline inmargin inothermargin inouter inright installlanguage interactionbar interactionbuttons item items its keepblocks labeling labels labeltext language leftaligned listsymbol loadsorts loadsynonyms logfields lohi low mainlanguage mapfontsize mar marginrule margintext marking markversion mathematics mediaeval midaligned mirror month moveongrid name nextsection nocap noheaderandfooterlines noindenting nolist nomarking nomoreblocks nomorefiles nop nospace note notopandbottomlines nowhitespace numbers overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes packed page pagereference pagetype paragraph part periods placebookmarks placecombinedlist placecombinedlist placefloat placefootnotes placeformula placelegend placelist placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms placelocalfootnotes placelogos placeongrid placeontopofeachother placereferencelist placeregister placeregister placesidebyside placesubformula position processblocks processpage program publication quotation quote ran ref reference referral referraldate register reservefloat reset resetmarking resettextcontent rightaligned romannumerals rotate scale screen section seeregister selectblocks selectpaper selectversion settextcontent setupalign setuparranging setupbackground setupbackgrounds setupblackrules setupblank setupblock setupbodyfont setupbodyfontenvironment setupbottom setupbottomtexts setupbuffer setupbuttons setupcapitals setupcaption setupcaptions setupclipping setupcolor setupcolors setupcolumns setupcombinations setupcombinedlist setupcomment setupdescriptions setupenumerations setupexternalfigures setupfield setupfields setupfillinlines setupfillinrules setupfloat setupfloats setupfloatsplitting setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupfooter setupfootertexts setupfootnotedefinition setupfootnotes setupforms setupformulae setupframed setupframedtexts setuphead setupheader setupheadertexts setupheadnumber setupheads setupheadtext setuphyphenmark setupindentations setupindenting setupinmargin setupinteraction setupinteractionbar setupinteractionmenu setupinteractionscreen setupinterlinespace setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup setupitems setuplabeltext setuplanguage setuplayout setuplegend setuplinenumbering setuplines setuplinewidth setuplist setuplistalternative setupmakeup setupmarginblocks setupmarginrules setupmarking setupnarrower setupnumbering setupoppositeplacing setupoutput setuppagenumber setuppagenumbering setuppagetransitions setuppalet setuppaper setuppapersize setupparagraphnumbering setupparagraphs setuppositioning setupprofiles setupprograms setuppublications setupquote setupreferencelist setupreferencing setupregister setuprotate setupscreens setupsection setupsectionblock setupsorting setupspacing setupstrut setupsubpagenumber setupsymbolset setupsynchronization setupsynchronizationbar setupsynonyms setupsystem setuptab setuptables setuptabulate setuptext setuptextrules setuptexttexts setupthinrules setuptolerance setuptop setuptoptexts setuptype setuptyping setupunderbar setupurl setupversions setupwhitespace showbodyfont showbodyfontenvironment showcolor showcolorgroup showexternalfigures showfields showframe showgrid showlayout showmakeup showpalet showprint showsetups showstruts showsymbolset someline somewhere sort space splitfloat startalignment startbackground startbuffer startbuffer startcolor startcolumns startcombination startcomment startcomponent startdescription startdocument startenumeration startenvironment startfact startfigure startfloattext startformula startframedtext starthiding startinteractionmenu startitemgroup startlegend startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startmakeup startmarginblock startmarginrule startnamemakeup startnarrower startopposite startoverlay startoverview startpacked startparagraph startpositioning startpostponing startproduct startprofile startproject startquotation startregister startsymbolset startsynchronization starttable starttables starttabulate starttextrule starttyping startunpacked startversion stopalignment stopbackground stopbuffer stopbuffer stopcolor stopcolumns stopcombination stopcomment stopcomponent stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration stopenvironment stopfact stopfigure stopfloattext stopformula stopframedtext stophiding stopinteractionmenu stopitemgroup stoplegend stopline stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup stopmarginblock stopmarginrule stopnamemakeup stopnarrower stopopposite stopoverlay stopoverview stoppacked stopparagraph stoppositioning stoppostponing stopproduct stopprofile stopproject stopquotation stopsymbolset stopsynchronization stoptable stoptables stoptabulate stoptextrule stoptyping stopunpacked stopversion stretched sub subject subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject switchtobodyfont sym symbol synchronizationbar synchronize synonym tab tex textreference textrule thinrule thinrules title tooltip translate typ type typebuffer typefile underbar underbars useURL useblocks usecommands usedirectory useencoding useexternaldocument useexternalfigure useexternalfile useexternalfiles useexternalsoundtrack usemodule usereferences usespecials usesymbols usetypescript usetypescriptfile version vl weekday whitespace wordright writebetweenlist writetolist writetoreferencelist writetoregister
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-fr-scite.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-fr-scite.properties deleted file mode 100644 index 5ecccf961dd..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-fr-scite.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -keywordclass.macros.context.fr=CAP Cap Caps Caractere Caracteres Chiffresromains JOURSEMAINE MOIS MOT MOTS Mot Mots a adaptedisposition ajustechamp alaligne alapage aligneadroite aligneagauche aligneaumilieu appendix arriereplan baha barreinteraction barresynchronisation bas bouton boutonsinteraction but cacheblocs cap caractere caracteres champ changepolicecorps chapter chem chiffresromains citation citer clip clonechamp colonne comment comparegroupecouleur comparepalette completecombinedlist completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms completeregistre composeenalinea concernant convertitnumero copitchamp corrigeespaceblanc couleur couleurgrise coupledocument coupledregister couplemarquage couplepapier coupleregistre crlf dactylographier dans dansautremarge dansdroite dansgauche dansmarge date datecourante daterecommandation de decouplemarquage definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling defineframed defineframedtext definetypeface definit definitbloc definitblocsection definitbuffer definitchamp definitcompoalinea definitconversion definitcouleur definitdactylo definitdemarrestoppe definitdescription definitenumeration definitenvironnementpolicecorps definitetiquette definitflottant definitformatreference definitgroupecouleur definitliste definitlisteimbriquee definitlistereference definitlogo definitmakeup definitmarquage definitmenuinteraction definitmenuinteraction definitnotepdp definitpalette definitparagraphes definitpilechamp definitpolice definitpolicecorps definitprofil definitprogramme definitreference definitregistre definitrevetement definitsection definitsortie definitsouschamp definitsymbole definitsymbolefigure definitsynonymepolice definitsynonymes definittabulation definittaillepapier definittete definittexte definittrametableau definittri definittype definitversion definitvide definitvide demarreciter deplacesurgrille description determinecaracteristiqueliste determinenumerotete echelle ecran ecritdansliste ecritdanslistereference ecritentreliste ecritregistre el element elements emptylines enumeration espace espaceblanc espacesfixes etiquettes etire fichierdactylo figureexterne forceblocs fraction framed framedtext gardeblocs grille groupe haut hl indentation inframed inhibemenuinteraction ininner inouter installelangue joursemaine labeling labeltexte langue langueprincipale ligneh lignenoire ligneregleetexte lignesnoires listesymbole loadsorts loadsynonyms logchamp mapfontsize mar margereglee marquage marquageversion marquepage mathematique mediaeval mois montrecadre montrechamps montrecouleur montredisposition montreedition montreenvironnementpolicecorps montrefiguresexternes montregrille montregroupecouleur montrejeusymboles montremakeup montrepalette montrepolicecorps montrereglages montrestruts motdroit name nextsection nocap nop note notepdp numeros numerotete numerotetecourant obtientmarquage oriente overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes page pagedouble paragraph part pasplusdeblocs pasplusdefichiers periodes pilechamp placecoteacote placeflottant placeformule placelegende placelesunsaudessusdesautres placeliste placelisteinmbriquee placelisteinmbriquee placelistereference placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms placelogos placemarquespages placenotespdp placenotespdplocales placeregistre placeregistre placesousformule placesurgrille position prendbuffer programme publication qqpart ran raz razmarquage recommandation ref reference referencepage referencetexte reflete register reglealignement reglealineas reglearrangement reglearriereplan reglearriereplans reglebarreinteraction reglebarresynchronisation reglebloc regleblocmarge regleblocsection regleboutons reglebuffer reglecapitales reglechamp reglechamps regleclipping reglecolonnes reglecombinaisons reglecommentaire reglecompoetroite reglecomposeenalinea reglecouleur reglecouleurs regledactylo regledansmarge regledescriptions regledisposition regleecraninteraction regleecrans regleelements regleencadre regleentete regleenumerations regleenvironnementpolicecorps regleepaisseurligne regleespaceblanc regleespacement regleespacementinterligne reglefiguresexternes regleflottant regleflottants regleformulaires regleformules regleinf regleinteraction regleintitule regleintitules reglejeusymboles reglelabeltexte reglelangue reglelegende reglelignes reglelignesnoires reglelignesreglestexte regleliste reglelisteimbriquee reglelistereference reglemakeup reglemargereglee reglemarquage reglemarquagehyphenation reglemenuinteraction reglenotepdp reglenumeropage reglenumerotation reglenumerotationligne reglenumerotationpage reglenumerotationparagraphe reglenumerotete regleoriente reglepalette reglepapier regleparagraphes reglepdp regleplacementopposition reglepolicecorps reglepositionnement regleprofils regleprogrammes reglepublications reglereferencage regleregistre regleremplitligne regleremplitlignesreglees reglesection regleseparationflottant reglesortie reglesouslignage reglesousnumeropage reglestrut reglesup reglesynchronisation reglesynonymes reglesysteme regletab regletableaux regletabulation regletaillepapier regletete regletetes regletexte regletextesentete regletextesinf regletextespdp regletextessup regletextestexte regletextetete regletolerance regletraitsfins regletransitionspage regletri regletype regleurl regleversions remplitchamp remplitligne remplitlignesreglees remplittexte reservefloat resettextcontent sansalinea sansespace sansespaceblanc sanslignesenteteetpdp sanslignessupetinf sansliste sansmarquage sauteblocs section seeregister selectionneblocs selectionnepapier selectionneversion separeflottant settext setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupframedtexts setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup setuplistalternative sort startalignment startarriereplan startbuffer startbuffer startcitation startcolumns startcombination startcomment startcomposant startcouleur startdescription startdocument startenumeration startenvironement startfait startfigure startfloattext startformula startframedtext startgroupe starthiding startitemgroup startlegend startligneregleetexte startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startmakeup startmargereglee startmarginblock startmenuinteraction startnamemakeup startnarrower startopposite startoverlay startoverview startparagraph startpositioning startpostponing startproduit startprofile startprojet startregister startsymbolset startsynchronization starttable starttables starttabulate starttyping startunpacked startversion stopalignment stoparriereplan stopbuffer stopbuffer stopcitation stopcolumns stopcombination stopcomment stopcomposant stopcouleur stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration stopenvironement stopfait stopfigure stopfloattext stopformula stopframedtext stopgroupe stophiding stopitemgroup stoplegend stopligneregleetexte stopline stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup stopmargereglee stopmarginblock stopmenuinteraction stopnamemakeup stopnarrower stopopposite stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppositioning stoppostponing stopproduit stopprofile stopprojet stopsymbolset stopsynchronization stoptable stoptables stoptabulate stoptyping stopunpacked stopversion sub subject subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject suggestion suivantprofil suivantversion suivantversionprofil sym symbole synchronise synonym tab tapebuffer tapepage tete tex textemarge textenotepdp textetete title traduire traiteblocs traitepage traitfin traitsfins typ underbar underbars uneligne usedirectory usetypescript usetypescriptfile utiliseURL utiliseblocs utilisecommandes utilisedocumentexterne utiliseencodage utilisefichierexterne utilisefichiersexternes utilisefigureexterne utilisemodule utilisepsiteaudioexterne utilisereferences utilisespecialites utilisesymboles va vaalaboite vaenbas version vide vl
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-it-scite.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-it-scite.properties deleted file mode 100644 index 699cd0f1e73..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-it-scite.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -keywordclass.macros.context.it=CAP Cap Caps GIORNOSETTIMANA Lettera Lettere MESE Numeriromani PAROLA PAROLE Parola Parole accoppiacarta accoppiadocumento accoppiamarcatura accoppiapagina accoppiaregistro adattacampo adattalayout al allineacentro allineadestra allineasinistra ap apagina appendix barrainterazione barrasincronizzazione bastablocchi bastafile cambiaafontdeltesto campi camporiempimento cap capello chapter chim circondato citazione clip clonacampo colonna colore coloregrigio comment completecombinedlist completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms completeregister confrontagruppocolori confrontatavolozza convertinumero copiacampo correggispaziobianco coupledregister crlf da daqualcheparte data datadioggi datareferral definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling definetypeface definisci definisciambientefontdeltesto definisciblocco definiscibloccosezione definiscibuffer definiscicampo definiscicapoversi definiscicolore definisciconversione definiscidescrizione definiscidimensionicarta definiscielenco definiscielencocombinato definiscienumerazione definiscietichetta definiscifigurasimbolo definiscifont definiscifontdeltesto definisciformatoriferimento definiscigruppocolori definisciincorniciato definisciiniziatermina definiscilistariferimenti definiscilogo definiscimakeup definiscimarcatura definiscimenuinterazione definiscimenuinterazione definiscimodellotabella definiscioggettomobile definisciordinamento definiscioutput definisciprofilo definisciprogramma definisciregistro definiscirientro definisciriferimento definiscirigovuoto definiscisezione definiscisimbolo definiscisinonimi definiscisinonimofont definiscisottocampo definiscisovrapposizione definiscistackcampi definiscitabulato definiscitavolozza definiscitesta definiscitesto definiscitestoincorniciato definiscitype definiscityping definisciversion description determinacarattersticheelenco determinanumerotesta disabilitamenuinterazione el elaborablocchi elaborapagina elementi elemento emptylines enumeration etichette figuraesterna fondo forzablocchi framedtext frazione giornosettimana griglia hl impaccato impostaallineamento impostaambientefontdeltesto impostaampiezzariga impostabarrainterazione impostabarrasincronizzazione impostablocchimargine impostablocco impostabloccosezione impostabuffer impostacampi impostacampo impostacapoversi impostacaption impostacaptions impostacima impostaclippling impostacolonne impostacolore impostacolori impostacombinazioni impostacommento impostadefinizionenotepdp impostadescrizioni impostadimensionicarta impostaelementi impostaelenco impostaelencocombinato impostaenumerazioni impostafigureesterne impostafondo impostafontdeltesto impostaforms impostaformule impostaincorniciato impostainmargine impostainstestazione impostainterazione impostainterlinea impostalayout impostalegenda impostalineemargine impostalineenere impostalineeriempimento impostalineesottili impostalineetesto impostalingua impostalistariferimenti impostamaiuscole impostamakeup impostamarcatura impostamenuinterazione impostamenzione impostanotepdp impostanumerazione impostanumerazionecapoversi impostanumerazionepagina impostanumerazionerighe impostanumeropagina impostanumerosottopagina impostanumerotesta impostaoggettimobili impostaoggettomobile impostaordinamento impostaoutput impostaparranging impostapdp impostapiustretto impostaposizionamento impostaposizionamentoopposti impostaprofili impostaprogrammi impostapubblicazioni impostapulsanti impostaregistro impostarientri impostarientro impostariferimento impostarighe impostarigheriempimento impostarigovuoto impostarotazione impostaschermi impostaschermointerazione impostasegnosillabazione impostasetsimboli impostasezione impostasfondi impostasfondo impostasincronizzazione impostasinonimi impostasistema impostasottolinea impostaspaziatura impostaspaziobianco impostaspezzamentooggettomobile impostastrut impostatab impostatabelle impostatabulato impostatavolozza impostatesta impostateste impostatesticima impostatestifondo impostatestiincorniciati impostatestiintestazioni impostatestipdp impostatesto impostatestoetichette impostatestointestazioni impostatestotesti impostatolleranza impostatransizionepagina impostatype impostatyping impostaurl impostaversioni in inaltromargine incorniciato indentation indestra ininner inmargine inouter inriga insinistra installalingua intorno labeling lettera lettere lineamargine lineanera lineasottile lineatesto lineenere lineeriempimento lineesottili lingua linguaprincipale listsymbol loadsorts loadsynonyms logcampi mapfontsize mar marcatura marcaversione matematica mediaeval menzione mese mettielenco mettielencocombinato mettielencocombinato mettifiancoafianco mettiformula mettiingriglia mettilegenda mettiloghi mettinotepdp mettinotepdplocali mettiregistro mettiregistro mettisegnalibro mettisottoformula mettiunosullaltro mostraambientefontdeltesto mostracampi mostracolore mostracornice mostrafiguresterne mostrafontdeltesto mostragriglia mostragruppocolori mostraimpostazioni mostralyout mostramakeup mostrasetsimboli mostrastampa mostrastruts mostratavolozza name nascondiblocchi nextsection nienteelenco nientelineecimafondo nientelineintestazionepdp nientemarcatura nienterientro nientespazio nientespaziobianco nocap nop nota notapdp numeri numeriromani numerotesta numerotestacorrente overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes pagina paragraph paroladestra part ped pedap placefloat placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms placereferencelist posizione prendibuffer prendimarcatura programma pubblicazione pulsante pulsantinterazione punti qualcheriga ran referral register reimposta reimpostamarcatura reservefloat resettextcontent rientro rif riferimento riferimentopagina riferimentotesto riflessione rigariempimento rigovuoto ruota saltablocchi scala schermo scrividentroelenco scriviinelenco scriviinlistariferimenti scriviinregistro section seeregister segnalibro seguiprofilo seguiversione seguiversioneprofilo selezionablocchi selezionacarta selezionaversione separamarcatura settext setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup setuplistalternative setuppaper sfondo sim simbolo sincronizza sort spazifissi spazio spaziobianco spezzaoggettomobile spostaagriglia stackcampi startalignment startambiente startbuffer startbuffer startcitazione startcolore startcolumns startcombination startcomment startcomponenet startdescription startdocument startenumeration startfatto startfigure startfloattext startformula startframedtext starthiding startimpaccato startitemgroup startlegend startline startlineamargine startlineatesto startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startmakeup startmarginblock startmenuinterattivo startnamemakeup startnarrower startopposite startoverlay startoverview startparagraph startpositioning startpostponing startprodotto startprofile startprogetto startregister startsfondo startsymbolset startsynchronization starttable starttables starttabulate starttyping startunpacked startversione stirato stopalignment stopambiente stopbuffer stopbuffer stopcitazione stopcolore stopcolumns stopcombination stopcomment stopcomponenet stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration stopfatto stopfigure stopfloattext stopformula stopframedtext stophiding stopimpaccato stopitemgroup stoplegend stopline stoplineamargine stoplineatesto stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup stopmarginblock stopmenuinterattivo stopnamemakeup stopnarrower stopopposite stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppositioning stoppostponing stopprodotto stopprofile stopprogetto stopsfondo stopsymbolset stopsynchronization stoptable stoptables stoptabulate stoptyping stopunpacked stopversione sub subject subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject synonym tab testa testoetichetta testoinmargine testoinstestazioni testonotapdp testoriempimento tex tieniblocchi tipopagina title tooltip traduci typ type typebuffer typefile underbar underbars usaURL usablocco usacodifica usacolonnasonoraesterna usacomandi usadocumentoesterno usafiguraesterna usafileesterni usafileesterno usamodulo usariferimenti usasimboli usaspecialita usedirectory usetypescript usetypescriptfile vaia vaiabox vaigiu versione vl
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-nl-scite.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-nl-scite.properties deleted file mode 100644 index a36e8f475d6..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-nl-scite.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -keywordclass.macros.context.nl=CAP Cap Caps Letter Letters MAAND Romeins WEEKDAG WOORD WOORDEN Woord Woorden about achtergrond appendix bepaalkopnummer bepaallijstkenmerken blanko blokje blokjes blokkeerinteractiemenu bookmark breuk but button cap chapter chem cijfers citaat citeer clip comment completecombinedlist completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms converteernummer copieerveld corrigeerwitruimte coupledregister crlf datum definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling definetypeface definieer definieeralineas definieerbeeldmerk definieerblanko definieerblok definieerbuffer definieerconversie definieerfiguursymbool definieerfont definieerfontsynoniem definieerinteractiemenu definieerinteractiemenu definieerkadertekst definieerkleur definieerkleurgroep definieerkop definieerkorps definieerkorpsomgeving definieerlijst definieermarkering definieeromlijnd definieeropmaak definieeroverlay definieerpalet definieerpapierformaat definieerplaatsblok definieerprofiel definieerprogramma definieerreferentie definieerreferentieformaat definieerreferentielijst definieerregister definieersamengesteldelijst definieersectie definieersectieblok definieersorteren definieerstartstop definieersubveld definieersymbool definieersynoniemen definieertabelvorm definieertabulatie definieertekst definieertype definieertypen definieeruitvoer definieerveld definieerveldstapel definieerversie description doordefinieren doorlabelen doornummeren doorspringen dunnelijn dunnelijnen eenregel enumeration ergens externfiguur forceerblokken framedtext gebruikURL gebruikblokken gebruikcommandos gebruikexterndocument gebruikexternefile gebruikexternefiles gebruikexternfiguur gebruikexterngeluidsfragment gebruikmodule gebruikreferenties gebruikspecials gebruiksymbolen gebruiktypescript gebruiktypescriptfile geenblokkenmeer geenbovenenonderregels geenfilesmeer geenhoofdenvoetregels geenlijst geenmarkering geenspatie geenwitruimte grijskleur haalbuffer haalmarkering haarlijn handhaafblokken hl hoofdtaal hoog huidigedatum huidigekopnummer in inanderemarge inbinnen inbuiten indentation inlijnd inlinker inmarge inrechter inregel inspringen installeertaal interactiebalk interactiebuttons invullijnen invulregel invultekst invulveld items its kantlijn kenmerk kenmerkdatum kleur kloonveld kolom kop kopnummer koppeldocument koppelmarkering koppelpagina koppelpapier koppelregister koptekst laag labeling labels labeltekst laho legeregels letter letters lijstsymbool loadsorts loadsynonyms maand mapfontsize mar margetekst markeer markeerversie mediaeval naar naarbox name nextsection nietinspringen nocap noot nop omlaag omlijnd ontkoppelmarkering op opelkaar oppagina overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes pagina paginareferentie paragraph part paslayoutaan passeerblokken passendveld plaatsbeeldmerken plaatsbookmarks plaatsformule plaatslegenda plaatslijst plaatslokalevoetnoten plaatsnaastelkaar plaatsonderelkaar plaatsopgrid plaatsplaatsblok plaatsreferentielijst plaatsregister plaatsregister plaatssamengesteldelijst plaatssamengesteldelijst plaatssubformule plaatsvoetnoten placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms positioneer programma publicatie punten ran ref referentie regellinks regelmidden regelrechts register registreervelden reservefloat reset resetmarkering resettextcontent romeins rooster roteer schaal scherm schrijfnaarlijst schrijfnaarreferentielijst schrijfnaarregister schrijftussenlijst section seeregister selecteerblokken selecteerpapier selecteerversie setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupinterlinespace2 setuplistalternative som soortpagina sort spatie spiegel splitsplaatsblok startachtergrond startalignment startbuffer startbuffer startcitaat startcolumns startcombination startcomment startdescription startdocument startenumeration startfigure startfloattext startformula startframedtext startgeg starthiding startinteractiemenu startitemgroup startkantlijn startkleur startlegend startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startmakeup startmarginblock startnamemakeup startnarrower startomgeving startonderdeel startopelkaar startopposite startoverlay startoverview startparagraph startpositioning startpostponing startprodukt startprofile startprojekt startregister startsymbolset startsynchronization starttable starttables starttabulate starttekstlijn starttyping startunpacked startversie stelachtergrondenin stelachtergrondin stelalineasin stelarrangerenin stelblankoin stelblokin stelblokjesin stelblokkopjein stelblokkopjesin stelbovenin stelboventekstenin stelbufferin stelbuttonsin stelciterenin stelclipin stelcombinatiesin stelcommentaarin steldoordefinierenin steldoornummerenin steldoorspringenin steldunnelijnenin stelexternefigurenin stelformulesin stelformulierenin stelhoofdin stelhoofdtekstenin stelinmargein stelinspringenin stelinteractiebalkin stelinteractiein stelinteractiemenuin stelinteractieschermin stelinterliniein stelinvullijnenin stelinvulregelsin stelitemgroepin stelitemsin stelkadertekstenin stelkantlijnin stelkapitalenin stelkleurenin stelkleurin stelkolommenin stelkopin stelkopnummerin stelkoppeltekenin stelkoppenin stelkoptekstin stelkorpsin stelkorpsomgevingin stellabeltekstin stellayoutin stellegendain stellijndiktein stellijstin stelmargeblokkenin stelmarkeringin stelnaastplaatsenin stelnummerenin stelomlijndin stelonderin stelonderstrepenin stelondertekstenin stelopmaakin stelpaginanummerin stelpaginanummeringin stelpaginaovergangenin stelpaletin stelpapierformaatin stelpapierin stelparagraafnummerenin stelplaatsblokin stelplaatsblokkenin stelplaatsbloksplitsenin stelpositionerenin stelprofielenin stelprogrammasin stelpublicatiesin stelrastersin stelreferentielijstin stelrefererenin stelregelnummerenin stelregelsin stelregisterin stelroterenin stelsamengesteldelijstin stelsectieblokin stelsectiein stelsmallerin stelsorterenin stelspatieringin stelstrutin stelsubpaginanummerin stelsymboolsetin stelsynchronisatiebalkin stelsynchronisatiein stelsynoniemenin stelsysteemin steltaalin steltabellenin steltabin steltabulatiein steltekstin steltekstinhoudin steltekstlijnenin stelteksttekstenin steltolerantiein steltypein steltypenin steluitlijnenin steluitvoerin stelurlin stelveldenin stelveldin stelversiesin stelvoetin stelvoetnootdefinitiein stelvoetnotenin stelvoettekstenin stelwitruimtein stopachtergrond stopalignment stopbuffer stopbuffer stopcitaat stopcolumns stopcombination stopcomment stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration stopfigure stopfloattext stopformula stopframedtext stopgeg stophiding stopinteractiemenu stopitemgroup stopkantlijn stopkleur stoplegend stopline stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup stopmarginblock stopnamemakeup stopnarrower stopomgeving stoponderdeel stopopelkaar stopopposite stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppositioning stoppostponing stopprodukt stopprofile stopprojekt stopsymbolset stopsynchronization stoptable stoptables stoptabulate stoptekstlijn stoptyping stopunpacked stopversie sub subject subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject suggestie switchnaarkorps sym symbool synchronisatiebalk synchroniseer synonym taal tab tekstlijn tekstreferentie tex title toonexternefiguren toongrid tooninstellingen toonkader toonkleur toonkleurgroep toonkorps toonkorpsomgeving toonlayout toonopmaak toonpalet toonprint toonstruts toonsymboolset toonvelden typ type typebuffer typefile uit uitgerekt underbar underbars usecodering usedirectory vastespaties veld veldstapel verbergblokken vergelijkkleurgroep vergelijkpalet verplaatsopgrid versie vertaal verwerkblokken verwerkpagina vl voetnoot voetnoottekst volgprofiel volgprofielversie volgversie volledigregister weekdag wiskunde witruimte woordrechts
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-pe-scite.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-pe-scite.properties deleted file mode 100644 index c89f52b8f20..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-pe-scite.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -keywordclass.macros.context.pe=CAP Cap Caps Character Characters MONTH Romannumerals WEEKDAY WORD WORDS Word Words appendix cap chapter chem comment completecombinedlist completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms coupledregister crlf definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling definetypeface description enumeration framedtext indentation its labeling loadsorts loadsynonyms mapfontsize mediaeval name nextsection nocap overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes paragraph part placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms ran register reservefloat resettextcontent section seeregister setupcapitals setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupinterlinespace2 setuplistalternative setupurl sort startalignment startbuffer startbuffer startcolumns startcombination startcomment startdescription startdocument startenumeration startfigure startfloattext startformula startframedtext starthiding startitemgroup startlegend startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startmakeup startmarginblock startnamemakeup startnarrower startopposite startoverlay startoverview startparagraph startpositioning startpostponing startprofile startregister startsymbolset startsynchronization starttable starttables starttabulate starttyping startunpacked startتولید startحقیقت startخطحاشیه startخطمتن startرنگ startفشرده startمحیط startمنویپانل startمولفه startنسخه startنقلقول startپروژه startپسزمینه stopalignment stopbuffer stopbuffer stopcolumns stopcombination stopcomment stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration stopfigure stopfloattext stopformula stopframedtext stophiding stopitemgroup stoplegend stopline stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup stopmarginblock stopnamemakeup stopnarrower stopopposite stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppositioning stoppostponing stopprofile stopsymbolset stopsynchronization stoptable stoptables stoptabulate stoptyping stopunpacked stopتولید stopحقیقت stopخطحاشیه stopخطمتن stopرنگ stopفشرده stopمحیط stopمنویپانل stopمولفه stopنسخه stopنقلقول stopپروژه stopپسزمینه sub subject subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject synonym title tooltip typ underbar underbars useURL usedirectory آیتم آیتمها آینه اجباربلوکها از ازکارانداختنمنویپانل استفادهبلوکها استفادهدستخطتایپ استفادهرمزینه استفادهشکلخارجی استفادهفرمانها استفادهقطعهموزیکخارجی استفادهمدول استفادهمرجعها استفادهنمادها استفادهنوشتارخارجی استفادهویژگیها استفادهپروندهخارجی استفادهپروندهدستخطتایپ استفادهپروندههایخارجی اعدادلاتین اما انتخاببرگ انتخاببلوکها انتخابنسخه انتقالبهتوری بارگذاریآرایش بارگذاریآیتمها بارگذاریارجاع بارگذاریاندازهبرگ بارگذاریباریکتر بارگذاریبافر بارگذاریبالا بارگذاریبخش بارگذاریبردباری بارگذاریبرنامهها بارگذاریبرگ بارگذاریبست بارگذاریبلوک بارگذاریبلوکهایحاشیه بارگذاریبلوکبخش بارگذاریتایپ بارگذاریتایپکردن بارگذاریتب بارگذاریترتیب بارگذاریترتیب بارگذاریترکیبها بارگذاریتطابق بارگذاریتعریفپانوشت بارگذاریتنظیم بارگذاریتهبرگ بارگذاریتورفتگی بارگذاریتورفتگیها بارگذاریتوضیح بارگذاریثبت بارگذاریجدولها بارگذاریجدولبندی بارگذاریخالی بارگذاریخروجی بارگذاریخطها بارگذاریخطهایحاشیه بارگذاریخطهایسیاه بارگذاریخطهایمتن بارگذاریخطهاینازک بارگذاریدرجدرخطها بارگذاریدرجمخالف بارگذاریدرونحاشیه بارگذاریدوران بارگذاریدکمهها بارگذاریراهنما بارگذاریرنگ بارگذاریرنگها بارگذاریزبان بارگذاریستونها بارگذاریسر بارگذاریسربرگ بارگذاریسرها بارگذاریسیستم بارگذاریشرح بارگذاریشرح بارگذاریشرحها بارگذاریشمارهزیرصفحه بارگذاریشمارهسر بارگذاریشمارهصفحه بارگذاریشمارهگذاری بارگذاریشمارهگذاریها بارگذاریشمارهگذاریصفحه بارگذاریشمارهگذاریپاراگراف بارگذاریشمارهگذاریخط بارگذاریشناور بارگذاریشناورها بارگذاریشکافتنشناورها بارگذاریشکلهایخارجی بارگذاریطرح بارگذاریطرحبندی بارگذاریعرضخط بارگذاریفاصلهبینخط بارگذاریفرمولها بارگذاریفضایسفید بارگذاریفضاگذاری بارگذاریقالبی بارگذاریقلممتن بارگذاریلوح بارگذاریلیست بارگذاریلیستترکیبی بارگذاریلیستمرجع بارگذاریمترادفها بارگذاریمتن بارگذاریمتنهایبالا بارگذاریمتنسر بارگذاریمتنسربرگ بارگذاریمتنقالبی بارگذاریمتنمتنها بارگذاریمتنپانوشت بارگذاریمتنپایین بارگذاریمجموعهنماد بارگذاریمحیطقلممتن بارگذاریمنویپانل بارگذاریمکانگذاری بارگذاریمیدان بارگذاریمیدانها بارگذاریمیلهتطابق بارگذاریمیلهزیر بارگذاریمیلهپانل بارگذارینسخهها بارگذارینشانهشکستن بارگذارینشانهگذاری بارگذارینشرها بارگذارینقل بارگذاریپاراگرافها بارگذاریپانل بارگذاریپانوشتها بارگذاریپایین بارگذاریپردهها بارگذاریپردهپانل بارگذاریپروفایلها بارگذاریپرکردنخطها بارگذاریپسزمینه بارگذاریپسزمینهها بارگذاریچیدن بارگذاریگذارصفحه بارگذاریگروهآیتم بازنشانی بازنشانینشانهگذاری باگذاریمتنبرچسب بدونبلوکهایبیشتر بدونتورفتگی بدونخطبالاوپایین بدونخطسروتهبرگ بدونفایلهایبیشتر بدونفضا بدونفضایسفید بدونلیست بدوننشانهگذاری برنامه بروبه بروبهجعبه بروپایین برچسبها بلند بلوکهایپردازش بلوکهاپنهان بنویسبینلیست بنویسدرثبت بنویسدرلیستمرجع بنویسدرلیست تاریخ تاریخجاری تاریخرجوع تایپ تایپبافر تایپپرونده تب ترجمه تطابق تعریف تعریفآرایش تعریفآرم تعریفالگویجدول تعریفاندازهبرگ تعریفبافر تعریفبخش تعریفبرنامه تعریفبرچسب تعریفبلوک تعریفبلوکبخش تعریفتایپ تعریفتایپکردن تعریفتبدیل تعریفترتیب تعریفتودهمیدان تعریفتورفتگی تعریفثبت تعریفجدولبندی تعریفخالی تعریفخروجی تعریفرنگ تعریفزیرمیدان تعریفسر تعریفشرح تعریفشروعپایان تعریفشمارهبندی تعریفشمایلمرجع تعریفشناور تعریفقالبی تعریفقلم تعریفقلممتن تعریفلوح تعریفلیست تعریفلیستترکیبی تعریفلیستمرجع تعریفمترادفها تعریفمترادفقلم تعریفمتن تعریفمتنقالبی تعریفمحیطقلمبدنه تعریفمرجع تعریفمنویپانل تعریفمنویپانل تعریفمیدان تعریفنسخه تعریفنشانهگذاری تعریفنماد تعریفنمادشکل تعریفپاراگرافها تعریفپروفایل تعریفپوشش تعریفگروهرنگ تعیینشمارهسر تعیینمحتوایمتن تعیینمشخصاتلیست تغییربهقلمبدنه تنظیمراست تنظیمطرحبندی تنظیموسط تورفتگی توری تک ثبتزوج ثبتکامل جداسازینشانهگذاری حاش حرف حرفها حفظبلوکها خالی خطهایسیاه خطهاینازک خطهاخالی خطحاشیه خطسیاه خطمتن خطمو خطنازک خا خع در درجآرمها درجثبت درجثبت درجدرخط درجدرخطها درجدرمتن درجدرمیدان درجدربالاییکدیگر درجدرتوری درجراهنما درجزیرفرمول درجشناور درجفرمول درجلیست درجلیستمختلط درجلیستمختلط درجلیستمرجع درجپانوشتها درجپانوشتهایموضعی درجچوبخط درجکناربهکنار درحاشیه درحاشیهدیگر درخارجی درخط درداخلی درراست درصفحه درقالبی درمورد درون درچپ دریافتبافر دریافتنشانه دوران دکمه دکمهپانل رج رجوع رنگ رنگخاکستری روزهفته ریاضی زبان زباناصلی ستون سر شمارهسر شمارهسرجاری شمارهمبدل شمارهها شکافتنشناور شکلخارجی صفحه صفحهزوج صفحهپردازش عبوربلوکها فشرده فضا فضاهایثابت فضایسفید فضایسفیدصحیح قالبی لوحمقایسه ماه متنبرچسب متنحاشیه متنسر متنپانوشت مرجع مرجعصفحه مرجعمتن مقایسهگروهرنگ مقیاس منفی مکان میدان میدانهایگزارش میدانشبیهسازی میدانپشته میدانکپی میلهتطابق میلهپانل نسخه نسخهنشانه نشانهگذاری نشانهگذاریزوج نشر نصبزبان نقطهها نقل نقلقول نم نماد نمادلیست نمایشآرایش نمایشبارگذاریها نمایشبستها نمایشتوری نمایشرنگ نمایششکلهایخارجی نمایشطرحبندی نمایشقالب نمایشقلمبدنه نمایشلوح نمایشمجموعهعلامت نمایشمحیطقلمبدنه نمایشمیدانها نمایشچاپ نمایشگروهرنگ نوشتارزوج نوعصفحه پابا پانوشت پایین پرده پرکردنمیدان پسزمینه پیروینسخه پیروینسخهپروفایل پیرویپروفایل چوبخط چپچین کاغذزوج کسر کشیده کلمهراست گیره یادداشت یکجا یکخط
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-ro-scite.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-ro-scite.properties deleted file mode 100644 index 3f9cc57e160..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-ro-scite.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -keywordclass.macros.context.ro=CAP CUVANT CUVINTE Cap Caps Cuvant Cuvinte LUNA Litera Litere Numereromane ZIDINSAPTAMANA adapteazaaspect adubuffer adumarcaje afiseazaaspect afiseazacampuri afiseazaculoare afiseazafiguriexterne afiseazafonttext afiseazagrid afiseazagrupculoare afiseazamakeup afiseazamediufonttext afiseazapaleta afiseazarama afiseazasetari afiseazasetsimboluri afiseazastruts afiseazatiparire aliniat aliniatcentru aliniatdreapta aliniatstanga appendix ascundeblocuri barainteractiune barasincronizare blanc but butoaneinteractiune buton camp campumplere cap chapter chem citat clip cloneazacamp coloana comment comparagrupculoare comparapaleta completecombinedlist completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms completeregister convertestenumar copiazacamp corecteazaspatiualb coupledregister crlf culoare culoaregri cupleazadocument cupleazamarcaje cupleazaregistru cuvantdreapta data datacurenta datareferit decupleazamarcaje definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling defineste definestealiat definesteantet definesteblanc definestebloc definesteblocsectiune definestebuffer definestecamp definesteconversie definesteculoare definestedescriere definestedimensiunehartie definesteenumerare definesteeticheta definestefloat definestefont definestefonttext definesteformatreferinte definestegrupculori definesteinconjurare definestelista definestelistacombinata definestelistareferinte definestelogo definestemakeup definestemarcaje definestemediulfonttext definestemeniuinteractiune definestemeniuinteractiune definesteoutput definesteoverlay definestepaleta definesteparagraf definesteprofil definesteprogram definestereferinte definesteregistru definestesablontabel definestesectiune definestesimbol definestesimbolfigura definestesinonim definestesinonimfont definestesortare definestestartstop definestestivacampuri definestesubcamp definestetabulatori definestetext definestetexteinconjurate definestetextinconjurat definestetyping definesteversiune definetype definetypeface description despre determinacaracteristicilelistei determinanumartitlu dezactiveazameniuinteractiune din dute dutebox ecran el element element emptylines enumeration etichete faraaliniat farafisiere faraliniiantetsisubsol faraliniisussijos faralista faramarcaje faraspatiu faraspatiualb figuraexterna firdepar folosesteURL folosestebloc folosestecodificarea folosestecomenzi folosestedocumentextern folosestefiguraexterna folosestefisiereexterne folosestefisierextern folosestemodul folosestemuzicaexterna folosestereferinte folosestesimboluri folosestespeciale footnotetext forteazablocuri fractie framed framedtext fundal gatablocuri grid hartiedubla hl impachetat impartefloat in inalt inaltamargine indentation indreapta inframed ininner injos inlinie inouter instalarelimba instanga intins jos jossus la labeling lapagina limba limbaprincipala liniemargine linieneagra liniesubtire linieumplere liniinegre liniisubtiri listsymbol litera litere loadsorts loadsynonyms logcampuri luna mapfontsize mar marcaje marcheazaversiune marginal matematica mediaeval minicitat mutapegrid name nextsection nocap nop nota notasubsol numartitlu numartitlucurent numere numereromane olinie overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes pagina paginadubla paragraph part pastreazablocuri placefloat placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms placereferencelist plaseazapegrid plaseazasemnecarte potrivestecamp pozitie proceseazabloc proceseazapagina program publicatie puncte punedeasuprafiecareia punefatainfata puneformula punelegenda punelista punelistacombinata punelistacombinata punelogouri 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seteazasortare seteazaspatiu seteazaspatiualb seteazaspatiuinterliniar seteazastrut seteazasublinie seteazasubsol seteazasus seteazatab seteazatabele seteazatabulatori seteazatext seteazatexteantet seteazatextejos seteazatextesubsol seteazatextesus seteazatextetext seteazatexteticheta seteazatexttitlu seteazatitlu seteazatitluri seteazatoleranta seteazatranzitiepagina seteazatype seteazatyping seteazaurl seteazaversiuni settextcontent setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup setuplistalternative setuppaper sim simbol sincronizeaza sort spatiifixate spatiu spatiualb startalignment startbuffer startbuffer startcitat startcolumns startcombination startcomment startcomponenta startculoare startdescription startdocument startenumeration startfact startfigure startfloattext startformula startframedtext startfundal starthiding startimpachetat startitemgroup startlegend startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines startliniemargine startlocal 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stopprodus stopprofile stopproiect stopriglatext stopsymbolset stopsynchronization stoptable stoptables stoptabulate stoptyping stopunpacked stopversiune sub subject subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject synonym tab tex texteticheta textmarginal texttitlu textumplere tippagina title titlu tooltip traduce trecilafonttext typ type typefile underbar underbars undeva urmeazaprofil urmeazaversiune urmeazaversiuneprofil usedirectory usetypescript usetypescriptfile versiune vl zidinsaptamana
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-xx-scite.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-xx-scite.properties deleted file mode 100644 index 395062b7a3e..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cont-xx-scite.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1,178 +0,0 @@ -# low level (visible) support macros, english only - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.support=\ - doif doifelse doifnot \ - doifnothing doifsomething doifelsenothing \ - doifvalue doifnotvalue doifelsevalue \ - doifdefined doifundefined doifundefinedelse doifdefinedelse \ - doifinset doifinsetelse doifnotinsetelse \ - doifcommon doifnotcommon doifcommonelse \ - doifnextcharelse \ - doiffieldelse \ - ifdefined ifundefined ifconditional \ - setstrut setfontstrut strut begstrut endstrut strutdepth strutheight showstruts verticalstrut \ - newcounter increment decrement doglobal \ - expanded protect unprotect unprotected unexpanded \ - digits \ - snaptogrid \ - hpos vpos \ - readfile \ - donothing \ - doiftextelse doiftext \ - forgetall setlocalhsize localhsize \ - dogotopar dowithnextbox dowithnextboxcontent nextbox \ - tbox bbox sbox struttedbox \ - definemeasure definehspace hspace dontleavehmode \ - convertargument convertcommand \ - appendtoks prependtoks to at and \ - scratchcounter scratchbox scratchdimen scratchskip \ - zeropoint zerocount zerodimen \ - empty emptytoks plusone plustwo \ - setvalue setxvalue setevalue setgvalue letvalue letgvalue globalletvalue getvalue \ - beforesplitstring aftersplitstring splitstring \ - processcommalist processcommacommand commalistelement \ - processaction processallactionsinset processfirstactioninset \ - iftrialtypesetting \ - startbaselinecorrection stopbaselinecorrection \ - startnointerference stopnointerference \ - dorecurse dostepwiserecurse doloop exitloop \ - doifnotflagged doifflagged setflag - -# xml specific commands, english only - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.xml=\ - defineXMLsave defineXMLgsave defineXMLenvironment defineXMLargument \ - defineXMLignore defineXMLcommand defineXMLgrouped defineXMLpickup defineXMLnested \ - defineXMLstore defineXMLenvironmentsave defineXMLprocess defineXMLsingular \ - saveXMLelement defineXMLgstore saveXMLasdata gsaveXMLasdata defineXMLsavecontent \ - doifXMLdataelse doifXMLdata saveXMLdata processXMLelement startXMLdata stopXMLdata \ - XMLflush flushXMLelement XMLerase \ - XMLpar XMLop doifXMLparelse doifXMLop \ - defXMLstring \ - processXMLbuffer useXMLfilter \ - countXMLchildren \ - startXMLignore stopXMLignore startXMLmapping stopXMLmapping \ - processXMLfile processXMLfilegrouped - -# metafun specific commands, english only - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.metafun=\ - startMPgraphic stopMPgraphic includeMPgraphic useMPlibrary setupMPvariables \ - startMPenvironment stopMPenvironment startMPinclusions stopMPinclusions \ - MPcolor MPvar MPx MPy MPw MPh MPd MPp \ - starttypescript stoptypescript usetypescript loadmapfile \ - startMPdrawing stopMPdrawing MPdrawingdonetrue getMPdrawing resetMPdrawing \ - startuseMPgraphic stopuseMPgraphic startusableMPgraphic stopusableMPgraphic useMPgraphic \ - startuniqueMPpagegraphic stopuniqueMPpagegraphic uniqueMPpagegraphic \ - startreusableMPgraphic stopreusableMPgraphic reuseMPgraphic \ - startuniqueMPgraphic stopuniqueMPgraphic uniqueMPgraphic - -# modules - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.modules=\ - setupFLOWcharts setupFLOWshapes setupFLOWlines \ - startFLOWchart stopFLOWchart FLOWchart includeFLOWchart startFLOWcell stopFLOWcell - -# english only commands - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.common=\ - start stop \ - ConTeXt \ - environment component product project \ - starttextdata stoptextdata \ - definedfont definefontsynonym setupfontsynonym \ - vfilll hfilll \ - startmode startnotmode stopmode stopnotmode doifmode doifnotmode doifmodeelse enablemode disablemode \ - resetlayer definelayer placelayer flushlayer tightlayer setuplayer setlayer setlayerframed \ - definelayerpreset \ - overlayfigure overlaybutton \ - startsetups stopsetups startlocalsetups stoplocalsetups setups \ - setvariables setevariables setgvariables setxvariables getvariable \ - loadmapfile definetypeface usetypescript usetypescriptfile \ - useJSscripts startJSscripts stopJSscripts startJSpreamble stopJSpreamble startJScode stopJScode \ - showfont showaccents showcharacters \ - showlayoutcomponents showgridsnapping showgridboxes \ - startTEXpage stopTEXpage startMPpage stopMPpage \ - bTABLE eTABLE bTR eTR bTD eTD bTH eTH setupTABLE \ - bTABLEhead eTABLEhead bTABLEnext eTABLEnext bTABLEfoot eTABLEfoot bTABLEbody eTABLEbody \ - NC NR VL HL AR SR FR MR LR EQ - -# dutch commands (nl) - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.main.nl=\ - starttekst stoptekst startstandaardopmaak stopstandaardopmaak \ - definieerlayout \ - definieerplaats \ - omgeving onderdeel projekt produkt \ - startopsomming stopopsomming stelopsommingin definieeritemgroep \ - stelnummeringin - -# english commands (en) - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.main.en=\ - starttext stoptext startstandardmakeup stopstandardmakeup \ - placefigure definelayout setupencoding \ - defineframedcontent startframedcontent stopframedcontent \ - getfiguredimensionsonly defineexternalfigure \ - definemainfield \ - includemenu \ - starthanging stophanging \ - setupattachments \ - definepagebreak \ - startitemize stopitemize \ - startfrontmatter stopfrontmatter startbackmatter stopbackmatter \ - startbodymatter stopbodymatter startappendices stopappendices \ - definetextbackground setuptextbackground starttextbackground stoptextbackground \ - definepushbutton definepushsymbol \ - setcollector definecollector flushcollector - -# german commands (de) - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.main.de=\ - -# czech commands (cz) - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.main.cz=\ - -# italian commands (it) - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.main.it=\ - -# romanian commands (ro) - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.main.ro=\ - -# common undocumented macros - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.base=\ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.support) \ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.xml) \ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.metafun) \ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.modules) \ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.common) - -# language specific undocumented macros - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.nl=\ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.base) \ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.main.nl) - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.en=\ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.base) \ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.main.en) - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.de=\ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.base) \ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.main.de) - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.cz=\ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.base) \ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.main.cz) - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.it=\ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.base) \ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.main.it) - -keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.ro=\ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.base) \ - $(keywordclass.macros.context.undocumented.main.ro)
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cscite.rme b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cscite.rme deleted file mode 100644 index f084100c951..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/cscite.rme +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -Files: - -cont-nl-scite.properties : keywords for the dutch user interface -cont-en-scite.properties : keywords for the english user interface -cont-de-scite.properties : keywords for the german user interface -cont-cz-scite.properties : keywords for the czech user interface -cont-it-scite.properties : keywords for the italian user interface -cont-ro-scite.properties : keywords for the romanian user interface -cont-xx-scite.properties : additional keywords -metafun-scite.properties : keywords for the metafun collection - -context.properties : a configuration suitable for context - - -Method 1: - -Copy the property files to the path where your local "SciTEUser.properties" -file lives. Add the following entries to "SciTEUser.properties": - -import cont-nl-scite -import cont-en-scite -import cont-de-scite -import cont-cz-scite -import cont-it-scite -import cont-ro-scite -import cont-xx-scite -import metafun-scite - -import context - -If you want latex syntax higlighting as well, you should also import the file -"latex-scite.properties" (no suffix needed). - - -Method 2: - -Copy the property files to the path where your local "SciTEGlobal.properties" -file lives. - -Copy the files "context.properties to the path where "SciTEUser.properties" -lives. Add the following entries to "SciTEUser.properties": - -import context - - -Info: - -Hans Hagen -PRAGMA ADE, Hasselt NL -http://www.pragma-ade.com
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/latex-scite.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/latex-scite.properties deleted file mode 100644 index 15e3579a784..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/latex-scite.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -keywordclass.macros.latex.all=\ - begin end documentstyle documentclass
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"everymath", "everypar", "everyvbox", "exhyphenchar", "exhyphenpenalty", "expandafter", "expanded", "fam", "fi", "finalhyphendemerits", "firstmark", "firstmarks", "floatingpenalty", "font", "fontchardp", "fontcharht", "fontcharic", "fontcharwd", "fontdimen", "fontid", "fontname", "formatname", "futurelet", "gdef", "gleaders", "global", "globaldefs", "glueexpr", "glueshrink", "glueshrinkorder", "gluestretch", "gluestretchorder", "gluetomu", "halign", "hangafter", "hangindent", "hbadness", "hbox", "hfil", "hfill", "hfilneg", "hfuzz", "hoffset", "holdinginserts", "hrule", "hsize", "hskip", "hss", "ht", "hyphenation", "hyphenchar", "hyphenpenalty", "if", "ifabsdim", "ifabsnum", "ifcase", "ifcat", "ifcsname", "ifdefined", "ifdim", "ifeof", "iffalse", "iffontchar", "ifhbox", "ifhmode", "ifincsname", "ifinner", "ifmmode", "ifnum", "ifodd", "ifpdfabsdim", "ifpdfabsnum", "ifpdfprimitive", "ifprimitive", "iftrue", "ifvbox", "ifvmode", "ifvoid", "ifx", "ignorespaces", "immediate", "indent", "initcatcodetable", "input", "inputlineno", "insert", "insertpenalties", "interactionmode", "interlinepenalties", "interlinepenalty", "jobname", "kern", "language", "lastbox", "lastkern", "lastlinefit", "lastnodetype", "lastpenalty", "lastskip", "latelua", "lccode", "leaders", "left", "leftghost", "lefthyphenmin", "leftmarginkern", "leftskip", "leqno", "let", "letterspacefont", "limits", "linepenalty", "lineskip", "lineskiplimit", "localbrokenpenalty", "localinterlinepenalty", "localleftbox", "localrightbox", "long", "looseness", "lower", "lowercase", "lpcode", "luaescapestring", "luastartup", "luatexdatestamp", "luatexrevision", "luatexversion", "mag", "mark", "marks", "mathaccent", "mathbin", "mathchar", "mathchardef", "mathchoice", "mathclose", "mathcode", "mathdir", "mathinner", "mathop", "mathopen", "mathord", "mathpunct", "mathrel", "mathstyle", "mathsurround", "maxdeadcycles", "maxdepth", "meaning", "medmuskip", "message", "middle", "mkern", "month", "moveleft", "moveright", "mskip", "muexpr", "multiply", "muskip", "muskipdef", "mutoglue", "newlinechar", "noalign", "noboundary", "noexpand", "noindent", "nokerns", "noligs", "nolimits", "nolocaldirs", "nolocalwhatsits", "nonscript", "nonstopmode", "nulldelimiterspace", "nullfont", "number", "numexpr", "odelcode", "odelimiter", "omathaccent", "omathchar", "omathchardef", "omathcode", "omit", "openin", "openout", "or", "oradical", "outer", "output", "outputbox", "outputpenalty", "over", "overfullrule", "overline", "overwithdelims", "pagebottomoffset", "pagedepth", "pagedir", "pagediscards", "pagefilllstretch", "pagefillstretch", "pagefilstretch", "pagegoal", "pageheight", "pageleftoffset", "pagerightoffset", "pageshrink", "pagestretch", "pagetopoffset", "pagetotal", "pagewidth", "par", "pardir", "parfillskip", "parindent", "parshape", "parshapedimen", "parshapeindent", "parshapelength", "parskip", "patterns", "pausing", "pdfadjustspacing", "pdfannot", "pdfcatalog", "pdfcolorstack", "pdfcolorstackinit", "pdfcompresslevel", "pdfcopyfont", "pdfcreationdate", "pdfdecimaldigits", "pdfdest", "pdfdestmargin", "pdfdraftmode", "pdfeachlinedepth", "pdfeachlineheight", "pdfendlink", "pdfendthread", "pdffirstlineheight", "pdffontattr", "pdffontexpand", "pdffontname", "pdffontobjnum", "pdffontsize", "pdfgamma", "pdfgentounicode", "pdfglyphtounicode", "pdfhorigin", "pdfignoreddimen", "pdfimageapplygamma", "pdfimagegamma", "pdfimagehicolor", "pdfimageresolution", "pdfincludechars", "pdfinclusioncopyfonts", "pdfinclusionerrorlevel", "pdfinfo", "pdfinsertht", "pdflastannot", "pdflastlinedepth", "pdflastlink", "pdflastobj", "pdflastxform", "pdflastximage", "pdflastximagecolordepth", "pdflastximagepages", "pdflastxpos", "pdflastypos", "pdflinkmargin", "pdfliteral", "pdfmapfile", "pdfmapline", "pdfminorversion", "pdfnames", "pdfnoligatures", "pdfnormaldeviate", "pdfobj", "pdfobjcompresslevel", "pdfoptionpdfminorversion", "pdfoutline", "pdfoutput", "pdfpageattr", "pdfpagebox", "pdfpageheight", "pdfpageref", "pdfpageresources", "pdfpagesattr", "pdfpagewidth", "pdfpkmode", "pdfpkresolution", "pdfprimitive", "pdfprotrudechars", "pdfpxdimen", "pdfrandomseed", "pdfrefobj", "pdfrefxform", "pdfrefximage", "pdfreplacefont", "pdfrestore", "pdfretval", "pdfsave", "pdfsavepos", "pdfsetmatrix", "pdfsetrandomseed", "pdfstartlink", "pdfstartthread", "pdftexbanner", "pdftexrevision", "pdftexversion", "pdfthread", "pdfthreadmargin", "pdftracingfonts", "pdftrailer", "pdfuniformdeviate", "pdfuniqueresname", "pdfvorigin", "pdfxform", "pdfxformattr", "pdfxformname", "pdfxformresources", "pdfximage", "pdfximagebbox", "penalty", "postdisplaypenalty", "postexhyphenchar", "posthyphenchar", "predisplaydirection", "predisplaypenalty", "predisplaysize", "preexhyphenchar", "prehyphenchar", "pretolerance", "prevdepth", "prevgraf", "primitive", "protected", "quitvmode", "radical", "raise", "read", "readline", "relax", "relpenalty", "right", "rightghost", "righthyphenmin", "rightmarginkern", "rightskip", "romannumeral", "rpcode", "savecatcodetable", "savinghyphcodes", "savingvdiscards", "scantextokens", "scantokens", "scriptfont", "scriptscriptfont", "scriptscriptstyle", "scriptspace", "scriptstyle", "scrollmode", "setbox", "setlanguage", "sfcode", "shipout", "show", "showbox", "showboxbreadth", "showboxdepth", "showgroups", "showifs", "showlists", "showthe", "showtokens", "skewchar", "skip", "skipdef", "spacefactor", "spaceskip", "span", "special", "splitbotmark", "splitbotmarks", "splitdiscards", "splitfirstmark", "splitfirstmarks", "splitmaxdepth", "splittopskip", "string", "suppressfontnotfounderror", "suppressifcsnameerror", "suppresslongerror", "suppressoutererror", "synctex", "tabskip", "tagcode", "textdir", "textfont", "textstyle", "the", "thickmuskip", "thinmuskip", "time", "toks", "toksdef", "tolerance", "topmark", "topmarks", "topskip", "tracingassigns", "tracingcommands", "tracinggroups", "tracingifs", "tracinglostchars", "tracingmacros", "tracingnesting", "tracingonline", "tracingoutput", "tracingpages", "tracingparagraphs", "tracingrestores", "tracingscantokens", "tracingstats", "uccode", "uchyph", "underline", "unexpanded", "unhbox", "unhcopy", "unkern", "unless", "unpenalty", "unskip", "unvbox", "unvcopy", "uppercase", "vadjust", "valign", "vbadness", "vbox", "vcenter", "vfil", "vfill", "vfilneg", "vfuzz", "voffset", "vrule", "vsize", "vskip", "vsplit", "vss", "vtop", "wd", "widowpenalties", "widowpenalty", "write", "xdef", "xleaders", "xspaceskip", "year" }, + ["xetex"]={ "XeTeXversion" }, +}
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cld.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cld.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4aa2901d232 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-cld.lua @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for cld", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", +} + +local lexer = lexer +local token = lexer.token + +local cldlexer = { _NAME = "cld", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-cld" } +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- maybe we need to fix this +local context = lexer.context + +local lualexer = lexer.load('scite-context-lexer-lua') + +cldlexer._rules = lualexer._rules_cld +cldlexer._tokenstyles = lualexer._tokenstyles +cldlexer._foldsymbols = lualexer._foldsymbols +cldlexer._directives = lualexer._directives + +return cldlexer diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..26bdb8dbccb --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring.lua @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +local lexer = lexer +local token = lexer.token +local P = lpeg.P + +local stringlexer = { _NAME = "lua-longstring", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring" } +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE +local context = lexer.context + +local space = lexer.space +local nospace = 1 - space + +local p_spaces = token(whitespace, space ^1) +local p_string = token("string", nospace^1) + +stringlexer._rules = { + { "whitespace", p_spaces }, + { "string", p_string }, +} + +stringlexer._tokenstyles = lexer.context.styleset + +return stringlexer diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0ace7afc6ff --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for lua", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", +} + +if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end + +local lexer = lexer +local token, style, colors, exact_match, no_style = lexer.token, lexer.style, lexer.colors, lexer.exact_match, lexer.style_nothing +local P, R, S, C, Cg, Cb, Cs, Cmt = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cmt +local match, find = string.match, string.find +local setmetatable = setmetatable + +-- beware: all multiline is messy, so even if it's no lexer, it should be an embedded lexer +-- we probably could use a local whitespace variant but this is cleaner + +local lualexer = { _NAME = "lua", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-lua" } +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE +local context = lexer.context + +local stringlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-lua-longstring") + +local directives = { } -- communication channel + +-- this will be extended + +local keywords = { + 'and', 'break', 'do', 'else', 'elseif', 'end', 'false', 'for', 'function', -- 'goto', + 'if', 'in', 'local', 'nil', 'not', 'or', 'repeat', 'return', 'then', 'true', + 'until', 'while', +} + +local functions = { + 'assert', 'collectgarbage', 'dofile', 'error', 'getfenv', 'getmetatable', + 'ipairs', 'load', 'loadfile', 'loadstring', 'module', 'next', 'pairs', + 'pcall', 'print', 'rawequal', 'rawget', 'rawset', 'require', 'setfenv', + 'setmetatable', 'tonumber', 'tostring', 'type', 'unpack', 'xpcall', "select", +} + +local constants = { + '_G', '_VERSION', '_M', "...", +} + +local depricated = { + "arg", "arg.n", +} + +local csnames = { -- todo: option + "context", + "metafun", + "metapost", +} + +local level = nil +local setlevel = function(_,i,s) level = s return i end + +local equals = P("=")^0 + +local longonestart = P("[[") +local longonestop = P("]]") +local longonestring = (1-longonestop)^0 + +local longtwostart = P('[') * Cmt(equals,setlevel) * P('[') +local longtwostop = P(']') * equals * P(']') + +local sentinels = { } setmetatable(sentinels, { __index = function(t,k) local v = "]" .. k .. "]" t[k] = v return v end }) + +local longtwostring = P(function(input,index) + if level then + -- local sentinel = ']' .. level .. ']' + local sentinel = sentinels[level] + local _, stop = find(input,sentinel,index,true) + return stop and stop + 1 - #sentinel or #input + 1 + end +end) + + local longtwostring_body = longtwostring + + local longtwostring_end = P(function(input,index) + if level then + -- local sentinel = ']' .. level .. ']' + local sentinel = sentinels[level] + local _, stop = find(input,sentinel,index,true) + return stop and stop + 1 or #input + 1 + end + end) + +local longcomment = Cmt(#('[[' + ('[' * C(equals) * '[')), function(input,index,level) + -- local sentinel = ']' .. level .. ']' + local sentinel = sentinels[level] + local _, stop = find(input,sentinel,index,true) + return stop and stop + 1 or #input + 1 +end) + +local space = lexer.space -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v") +local any = lexer.any + +local squote = P("'") +local dquote = P('"') +local escaped = P("\\") * P(1) +local dashes = P('--') + +local spacing = token(whitespace, space^1) +local rest = token("default", any) + +local shortcomment = token("comment", dashes * lexer.nonnewline^0) +local longcomment = token("comment", dashes * longcomment) + +-- fails on very long string with \ at end of lines (needs embedded lexer) +-- and also on newline before " but it makes no sense to waste time on it + +local shortstring = token("quote", dquote) + * token("string", (escaped + (1-dquote))^0) + * token("quote", dquote) + + token("quote", squote) + * token("string", (escaped + (1-squote))^0) + * token("quote", squote) + +----- longstring = token("quote", longonestart) +----- * token("string", longonestring) +----- * token("quote", longonestop) +----- + token("quote", longtwostart) +----- * token("string", longtwostring) +----- * token("quote", longtwostop) + +local string = shortstring +----- + longstring + +lexer.embed_lexer(lualexer, stringlexer, token("quote",longtwostart), token("string",longtwostring_body) * token("quote",longtwostring_end)) + +local integer = P("-")^-1 * (lexer.hex_num + lexer.dec_num) +local number = token("number", lexer.float + integer) + +-- officially 127-255 are ok but not utf so useless + +local validword = R("AZ","az","__") * R("AZ","az","__","09")^0 + +local identifier = token("default",validword) + +----- operator = token("special", P('..') + P('~=') + S('+-*/%^#=<>;:,.{}[]()')) -- maybe split off {}[]() +----- operator = token("special", S('+-*/%^#=<>;:,{}[]()') + P('..') + P('.') + P('~=') ) -- maybe split off {}[]() +local operator = token("special", S('+-*/%^#=<>;:,{}[]().') + P('~=') ) -- no ^1 because of nested lexers + +local structure = token("special", S('{}[]()')) + +local optionalspace = spacing^0 +local hasargument = #S("{(") + +local gotokeyword = token("keyword", P("goto")) + * spacing + * token("grouping",validword) +local gotolabel = token("keyword", P("::")) + * token("grouping",validword) + * token("keyword", P("::")) + +local keyword = token("keyword", exact_match(keywords )) +local builtin = token("plain", exact_match(functions)) +local constant = token("data", exact_match(constants)) +local csname = token("user", exact_match(csnames )) + * ( + optionalspace * hasargument + + ( optionalspace * token("special", P(".")) * optionalspace * token("user", validword) )^1 + ) + +lualexer._rules = { + { 'whitespace', spacing }, + { 'keyword', keyword }, + -- { 'structure', structure }, + { 'function', builtin }, + { 'csname', csname }, + { 'constant', constant }, + { 'goto', gotokeyword }, + { 'identifier', identifier }, + { 'string', string }, + { 'number', number }, + { 'longcomment', longcomment }, + { 'shortcomment', shortcomment }, +-- { 'number', number }, + { 'label', gotolabel }, + { 'operator', operator }, + { 'rest', rest }, +} + +lualexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset + +lualexer._foldsymbols = { + _patterns = { + -- '%l+', -- costly + -- '%l%l+', + '[a-z][a-z]+', + -- '[%({%)}%[%]]', + '[{}%[%]]', + }, + ['keyword'] = { -- challenge: if=0 then=1 else=-1 elseif=-1 + ['if'] = 1, + ['end'] = -1, + ['do'] = 1, + ['function'] = 1, + ['repeat'] = 1, + ['until'] = -1, + }, + ['comment'] = { + ['['] = 1, [']'] = -1, + }, + ['quote'] = { -- to be tested + ['['] = 1, [']'] = -1, + }, + ['special'] = { + -- ['('] = 1, [')'] = -1, + ['{'] = 1, ['}'] = -1, + }, +} + +-- embedded in tex: + +local cstoken = R("az","AZ","\127\255") + S("@!?_") +local texcsname = P("\\") * cstoken^1 +local commentline = P('%') * (1-S("\n\r"))^0 + +local texcomment = token('comment', Cmt(commentline, function() return directives.cld_inline end)) + +local longthreestart = P("\\!!bs") +local longthreestop = P("\\!!es") +local longthreestring = (1-longthreestop)^0 + +local texstring = token("quote", longthreestart) + * token("string", longthreestring) + * token("quote", longthreestop) + +-- local texcommand = token("user", texcsname) +local texcommand = token("warning", texcsname) + +-- local texstring = token("quote", longthreestart) +-- * (texcommand + token("string",P(1-texcommand-longthreestop)^1) - longthreestop)^0 -- we match long non-\cs sequences +-- * token("quote", longthreestop) + +-- local whitespace = "whitespace" +-- local spacing = token(whitespace, space^1) + +lualexer._directives = directives + +lualexer._rules_cld = { + { 'whitespace', spacing }, + { 'texstring', texstring }, + { 'texcomment', texcomment }, + { 'texcommand', texcommand }, + -- { 'structure', structure }, + { 'keyword', keyword }, + { 'function', builtin }, + { 'csname', csname }, + { 'constant', constant }, + { 'identifier', identifier }, + { 'string', string }, + { 'longcomment', longcomment }, + { 'shortcomment', shortcomment }, -- should not be used inline so best signal it as comment (otherwise complex state till end of inline) + { 'number', number }, + { 'operator', operator }, + { 'rest', rest }, +} + +return lualexer diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-mps.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-mps.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e6987f6c64c --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-mps.lua @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for metafun", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", +} + +if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end + +local lexer = lexer +local global, string, table, lpeg = _G, string, table, lpeg +local token, exact_match = lexer.token, lexer.exact_match +local P, R, S, V, C, Cmt = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cmt +local type = type + +local metafunlexer = { _NAME = "mps", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-mps" } +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE +local context = lexer.context + +local metapostprimitives = { } +local metapostinternals = { } +local metapostshortcuts = { } +local metapostcommands = { } + +local metafuninternals = { } +local metafunshortcuts = { } +local metafuncommands = { } + +local mergedshortcuts = { } +local mergedinternals = { } + +do + + local definitions = context.loaddefinitions("scite-context-data-metapost") + + if definitions then + metapostprimitives = definitions.primitives or { } + metapostinternals = definitions.internals or { } + metapostshortcuts = definitions.shortcuts or { } + metapostcommands = definitions.commands or { } + end + + local definitions = context.loaddefinitions("scite-context-data-metafun") + + if definitions then + metafuninternals = definitions.internals or { } + metafunshortcuts = definitions.shortcuts or { } + metafuncommands = definitions.commands or { } + end + + for i=1,#metapostshortcuts do + mergedshortcuts[#mergedshortcuts+1] = metapostshortcuts[i] + end + for i=1,#metafunshortcuts do + mergedshortcuts[#mergedshortcuts+1] = metafunshortcuts[i] + end + + for i=1,#metapostinternals do + mergedinternals[#mergedinternals+1] = metapostinternals[i] + end + for i=1,#metafuninternals do + mergedinternals[#mergedinternals+1] = metafuninternals[i] + end + +end + +local space = lexer.space -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v") +local any = lexer.any + +local dquote = P('"') +local cstoken = R("az","AZ") + P("_") +local number = context.patterns.real + +local cstokentex = R("az","AZ","\127\255") + S("@!?_") + +-- we could collapse as in tex + +local spacing = token(whitespace, space^1) +local rest = token('default', any) +local comment = token('comment', P('%') * (1-S("\n\r"))^0) +local internal = token('reserved', exact_match(mergedshortcuts,false)) +local shortcut = token('data', exact_match(mergedinternals)) +local helper = token('command', exact_match(metafuncommands)) +local plain = token('plain', exact_match(metapostcommands)) +local quoted = token('quote', dquote) + * token('string', P(1-dquote)^0) + * token('quote', dquote) +local texstuff = token('quote', P("btex ") + P("verbatimtex ")) + * token('string', P(1-P(" etex"))^0) + * token('quote', P(" etex")) +local primitive = token('primitive', exact_match(metapostprimitives)) +local identifier = token('default', cstoken^1) +local number = token('number', number) +local grouping = token('grouping', S("()[]{}")) -- can be an option +local special = token('special', S("#()[]{}<>=:\"")) -- or else := <> etc split +local texlike = token('string', P("\\") * cstokentex^1) +local extra = token('extra', S("`~%^&_-+*/\'|\\")) + +metafunlexer._rules = { + { 'whitespace', spacing }, + { 'comment', comment }, + { 'internal', internal }, + { 'shortcut', shortcut }, + { 'helper', helper }, + { 'plain', plain }, + { 'primitive', primitive }, + { 'texstuff', texstuff }, + { 'identifier', identifier }, + { 'number', number }, + { 'quoted', quoted }, + -- { 'grouping', grouping }, -- can be an option + { 'special', special }, + -- { 'texlike', texlike }, + { 'extra', extra }, + { 'rest', rest }, +} + +metafunlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset + +metafunlexer._foldsymbols = { + _patterns = { + "%l+", + }, + ["primitive"] = { + ["beginfig"] = 1, + ["endfig"] = -1, + ["def"] = 1, + ["vardef"] = 1, + ["primarydef"] = 1, + ["secondarydef" ] = 1, + ["tertiarydef"] = 1, + ["enddef"] = -1, + ["if"] = 1, + ["fi"] = -1, + ["for"] = 1, + ["forever"] = 1, + ["endfor"] = -1, + } +} + +return metafunlexer diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-object.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-object.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6d0b6d8da8e --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-object.lua @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for pdf", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", +} + +local lexer = lexer +local token = lexer.token +local P, R, S, C, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.V + +local pdfobjectlexer = { _NAME = "pdf-object", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-pdf-object" } +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states +local context = lexer.context +local patterns = context.patterns + +local space = lexer.space +local somespace = space^1 + +local newline = S("\n\r") +local real = patterns.real +local cardinal = patterns.cardinal + +local lparent = P("(") +local rparent = P(")") +local langle = P("<") +local rangle = P(">") +local escape = P("\\") +local anything = P(1) +local unicodetrigger = P("feff") + +local nametoken = 1 - space - S("<>/[]()") +local name = P("/") * nametoken^1 + +local p_string = P { ( escape * anything + lparent * V(1) * rparent + (1 - rparent) )^0 } + +local t_spacing = token(whitespace, space^1) +local t_spaces = token(whitespace, space^1)^0 + +local p_stream = P("stream") +local p_endstream = P("endstream") +----- p_obj = P("obj") +local p_endobj = P("endobj") +local p_reference = P("R") + +local p_objectnumber = patterns.cardinal +local p_comment = P('%') * (1-S("\n\r"))^0 + +local string = token("quote", lparent) + * token("string", p_string) + * token("quote", rparent) +local unicode = token("quote", langle) + * token("plain", unicodetrigger) + * token("string", (1-rangle)^1) + * token("quote", rangle) +local whatsit = token("quote", langle) + * token("string", (1-rangle)^1) + * token("quote", rangle) +local keyword = token("command", name) +local constant = token("constant", name) +local number = token('number', real) +-- local reference = token("number", cardinal) +-- * t_spacing +-- * token("number", cardinal) +local reserved = token("number", P("true") + P("false") + P("NULL")) +local reference = token("warning", cardinal) + * t_spacing + * token("warning", cardinal) + * t_spacing + * token("keyword", p_reference) +local t_comment = token("comment", p_comment) + +-- t_openobject = token("number", p_objectnumber) +-- * t_spacing +-- * token("number", p_objectnumber) +-- * t_spacing +-- * token("keyword", p_obj) +local t_closeobject = token("keyword", p_endobj) + +local t_opendictionary = token("grouping", P("<<")) +local t_closedictionary = token("grouping", P(">>")) + +local t_openarray = token("grouping", P("[")) +local t_closearray = token("grouping", P("]")) + +local t_stream = token("keyword", p_stream) +-- * token("default", newline * (1-newline*p_endstream*newline)^1 * newline) + * token("default", (1 - p_endstream)^1) + * token("keyword", p_endstream) + +local t_dictionary = { "dictionary", + dictionary = t_opendictionary * (t_spaces * keyword * t_spaces * V("whatever"))^0 * t_spaces * t_closedictionary, + array = t_openarray * (t_spaces * V("whatever"))^0 * t_spaces * t_closearray, + whatever = V("dictionary") + V("array") + constant + reference + string + unicode + number + whatsit, + } + +local t_object = { "object", -- weird that we need to catch the end here (probably otherwise an invalid lpeg) + object = t_spaces * (V("dictionary") * t_spaces * t_stream^-1 + V("array") + V("number") + t_spaces) * t_spaces * t_closeobject, + dictionary = t_opendictionary * (t_spaces * keyword * t_spaces * V("whatever"))^0 * t_spaces * t_closedictionary, + array = t_openarray * (t_spaces * V("whatever"))^0 * t_spaces * t_closearray, + number = number, + whatever = V("dictionary") + V("array") + constant + reference + string + unicode + number + reserved + whatsit, + } + +pdfobjectlexer._shared = { + dictionary = t_dictionary, +} + +pdfobjectlexer._rules = { + { 'whitespace', t_spacing }, + { 'object', t_object }, +} + +pdfobjectlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset + +return pdfobjectlexer diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f205e913053 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref.lua @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for pdf xref", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", +} + +local lexer = lexer +local token = lexer.token +local P, R = lpeg.P, lpeg.R + +-- xref +-- cardinal cardinal [character] +-- .. +-- %%EOF | startxref | trailer + +local pdfxreflexer = { _NAME = "pdf-xref", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref" } +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states +local context = lexer.context +local patterns = context.patterns + +local pdfobjectlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-pdf-object") + +local spacing = patterns.spacing + +local t_spacing = token(whitespace, spacing) + +local p_trailer = P("trailer") + +local t_number = token("number", R("09")^1) + * t_spacing + * token("number", R("09")^1) + * t_spacing + * (token("keyword", R("az","AZ")) * t_spacing)^-1 + +local t_xref = t_number^1 + +-- local t_xref = token("default", (1-p_trailer)^1) +-- * token("keyword", p_trailer) +-- * t_spacing +-- * pdfobjectlexer._shared.dictionary + +pdfxreflexer._rules = { + { 'whitespace', t_spacing }, + { 'xref', t_xref }, +} + +pdfxreflexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset + +return pdfxreflexer diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..685fdb16e71 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf.lua @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for pdf", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", +} + +if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end + +local lexer = lexer +local token = lexer.token +local P, R, S = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S + +local pdflexer = { _NAME = "pdf", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-pdf" } +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states + +local pdfobjectlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-pdf-object") +local pdfxreflexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-pdf-xref") + +local context = lexer.context +local patterns = context.patterns + +local space = patterns.space +local spacing = patterns.spacing +local nospacing = patterns.nospacing +local anything = patterns.anything +local restofline = patterns.restofline + +local t_spacing = token(whitespace, spacing) +local t_rest = token("default", nospacing) -- anything + +local p_obj = P("obj") +local p_endobj = P("endobj") +local p_xref = P("xref") +local p_startxref = P("startxref") +local p_eof = P("%%EOF") +local p_trailer = P("trailer") + +local p_objectnumber = patterns.cardinal +local p_comment = P('%') * restofline + +local t_comment = token("comment", p_comment) +local t_openobject = token("warning", p_objectnumber) + * t_spacing + * token("warning", p_objectnumber) + * t_spacing + * token("keyword", p_obj) + * t_spacing^0 +local t_closeobject = token("keyword", p_endobj) + +-- We could do clever xref parsing but why should we (i.e. we should check for +-- the xref body. As a pdf file is not edited, we could do without a nested +-- lexer anyway. + +local t_trailer = token("keyword", p_trailer) + * t_spacing + * pdfobjectlexer._shared.dictionary + +local t_openxref = token("plain", p_xref) +local t_closexref = token("plain", p_startxref) + + token("comment", p_eof) + + t_trailer +local t_startxref = token("plain", p_startxref) + * t_spacing + * token("number", R("09")^1) + +lexer.embed_lexer(pdflexer, pdfobjectlexer, t_openobject, t_closeobject) +lexer.embed_lexer(pdflexer, pdfxreflexer, t_openxref, t_closexref) + +pdflexer._rules = { + { 'whitespace', t_spacing }, + { 'comment', t_comment }, + { 'xref', t_startxref }, + { 'rest', t_rest }, +} + +pdflexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset + +return pdflexer diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..68b67488e6f --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua @@ -0,0 +1,464 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for context", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", +} + +-- maybe: _LINEBYLINE variant for large files (no nesting) +-- maybe: protected_macros + +--[[ + + experiment dd 2009/10/28 .. todo: + + -- figure out if tabs instead of splits are possible + -- locate an option to enter name in file dialogue (like windows permits) + -- figure out why loading a file fails + -- we cannot print to the log pane + -- we cannot access props["keywordclass.macros.context.en"] + -- lexer.get_property only handles integers + -- we cannot run a command to get the location of mult-def.lua + + -- local interface = props["keywordclass.macros.context.en"] + -- local interface = lexer.get_property("keywordclass.macros.context.en","") + + -- it seems that whitespace triggers the lexer when embedding happens, but this + -- is quite fragile due to duplicate styles .. lexer.WHITESPACE is a number + -- (initially) ... _NAME vs filename (but we don't want to overwrite files) + + -- this lexer does not care about other macro packages (one can of course add a fake + -- interface but it's not on the agenda) + +]]-- + +if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end + +local lexer = lexer +local global, string, table, lpeg = _G, string, table, lpeg +local token, exact_match = lexer.token, lexer.exact_match +local P, R, S, V, C, Cmt, Cp, Cc, Ct = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct +local type, next = type, next +local find, match, lower, upper = string.find, string.match, string.lower, string.upper + +-- module(...) + +local contextlexer = { _NAME = "tex", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-tex" } +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE +local context = lexer.context + +local cldlexer = lexer.load('scite-context-lexer-cld') +----- cldlexer = lexer.load('scite-context-lexer-lua') +local mpslexer = lexer.load('scite-context-lexer-mps') + +local commands = { en = { } } +local primitives = { } +local helpers = { } +local constants = { } + +do -- todo: only once, store in global + + local definitions = context.loaddefinitions("scite-context-data-interfaces") + + if definitions then + for interface, list in next, definitions do + local c = { } + for i=1,#list do + c[list[i]] = true + end + if interface ~= "en" then + list = definitions.en + if list then + for i=1,#list do + c[list[i]] = true + end + end + end + commands[interface] = c + end + end + + local definitions = context.loaddefinitions("scite-context-data-context") + + if definitions then + helpers = definitions.helpers or { } + constants = definitions.constants or { } + end + + local definitions = context.loaddefinitions("scite-context-data-tex") + + if definitions then + local function add(data,normal) + for k, v in next, data do + if v ~= "/" and v ~= "-" then + primitives[#primitives+1] = v + if normal then + primitives[#primitives+1] = "normal" .. v + end + end + end + end + add(definitions.tex,true) + add(definitions.etex) + add(definitions.pdftex) + add(definitions.aleph) + add(definitions.omega) + add(definitions.luatex) + add(definitions.xetex) + end + +end + +local currentcommands = commands.en or { } + +local cstoken = R("az","AZ","\127\255") + S("@!?_") + +local knowncommand = Cmt(cstoken^1, function(_,i,s) + return currentcommands[s] and i +end) + +local utfchar = context.utfchar +local wordtoken = context.patterns.wordtoken +local iwordtoken = context.patterns.iwordtoken +local wordpattern = context.patterns.wordpattern +local iwordpattern = context.patterns.iwordpattern +local invisibles = context.patterns.invisibles +local checkedword = context.checkedword +local styleofword = context.styleofword +local setwordlist = context.setwordlist +local validwords = false + +-- % language=uk + +local knownpreamble = Cmt(#P("% "), function(input,i,_) -- todo : utfbomb + if i < 10 then + validwords = false + local s, e, word = find(input,'^(.+)[\n\r]',i) -- combine with match + if word then + local interface = match(word,"interface=([a-z]+)") + if interface then + currentcommands = commands[interface] or commands.en or { } + end + local language = match(word,"language=([a-z]+)") + validwords = language and setwordlist(language) + end + end + return false +end) + +-- -- the token list contains { "style", endpos } entries +-- -- +-- -- in principle this is faster but it is also crash sensitive for large files + +-- local constants_hash = { } for i=1,#constants do constants_hash [constants [i]] = true end +-- local helpers_hash = { } for i=1,#helpers do helpers_hash [helpers [i]] = true end +-- local primitives_hash = { } for i=1,#primitives do primitives_hash[primitives[i]] = true end + +-- local specialword = Ct( P('\\') * Cmt( C(cstoken^1), function(input,i,s) +-- if currentcommands[s] then +-- return true, "command", i +-- elseif constants_hash[s] then +-- return true, "data", i +-- elseif helpers_hash[s] then +-- return true, "plain", i +-- elseif primitives_hash[s] then +-- return true, "primitive", i +-- else -- if starts with if then primitive +-- return true, "user", i +-- end +-- end) ) + +-- local specialword = P('\\') * Cmt( C(cstoken^1), function(input,i,s) +-- if currentcommands[s] then +-- return true, { "command", i } +-- elseif constants_hash[s] then +-- return true, { "data", i } +-- elseif helpers_hash[s] then +-- return true, { "plain", i } +-- elseif primitives_hash[s] then +-- return true, { "primitive", i } +-- else -- if starts with if then primitive +-- return true, { "user", i } +-- end +-- end) + +-- experiment: keep space with whatever ... less tables + +-- 10pt + +local commentline = P('%') * (1-S("\n\r"))^0 +local endline = S("\n\r")^1 + +local space = lexer.space -- S(" \n\r\t\f\v") +local any = lexer.any +local backslash = P("\\") +local hspace = S(" \t") + +local p_spacing = space^1 +local p_rest = any + +local p_preamble = knownpreamble +local p_comment = commentline +local p_command = backslash * knowncommand +local p_constant = backslash * exact_match(constants) +local p_helper = backslash * exact_match(helpers) +local p_primitive = backslash * exact_match(primitives) +local p_ifprimitive = P('\\if') * cstoken^1 +local p_csname = backslash * (cstoken^1 + P(1)) +local p_grouping = S("{$}") +local p_special = S("#()[]<>=\"") +local p_extra = S("`~%^&_-+/\'|") +local p_text = iwordtoken^1 --maybe add punctuation and space + +local p_reserved = backslash * ( + P("??") + R("az") * P("!") + ) * cstoken^1 + +local p_number = context.patterns.real +local p_unit = P("pt") + P("bp") + P("sp") + P("mm") + P("cm") + P("cc") + P("dd") + +-- no looking back = #(1-S("[=")) * cstoken^3 * #(1-S("=]")) + +-- This one gives stack overflows: +-- +-- local p_word = Cmt(iwordpattern, function(_,i,s) +-- if validwords then +-- return checkedword(validwords,s,i) +-- else +-- return true, { "text", i } +-- end +-- end) +-- +-- So we use this one instead: + +local p_word = Ct( iwordpattern / function(s) return styleofword(validwords,s) end * Cp() ) -- the function can be inlined + +----- p_text = (1 - p_grouping - p_special - p_extra - backslash - space + hspace)^1 + +-- keep key pressed at end-of syst-aux.mkiv: +-- +-- 0 : 15 sec +-- 1 : 13 sec +-- 2 : 10 sec +-- +-- the problem is that quite some style subtables get generated so collapsing ranges helps + +local option = 1 + +if option == 1 then + + p_comment = p_comment^1 + p_grouping = p_grouping^1 + p_special = p_special^1 + p_extra = p_extra^1 + + p_command = p_command^1 + p_constant = p_constant^1 + p_helper = p_helper^1 + p_primitive = p_primitive^1 + p_ifprimitive = p_ifprimitive^1 + p_reserved = p_reserved^1 + +elseif option == 2 then + + local included = space^0 + + p_comment = (p_comment * included)^1 + p_grouping = (p_grouping * included)^1 + p_special = (p_special * included)^1 + p_extra = (p_extra * included)^1 + + p_command = (p_command * included)^1 + p_constant = (p_constant * included)^1 + p_helper = (p_helper * included)^1 + p_primitive = (p_primitive * included)^1 + p_ifprimitive = (p_ifprimitive * included)^1 + p_reserved = (p_reserved * included)^1 + +end + +local p_invisible = invisibles^1 + +local spacing = token(whitespace, p_spacing ) + +local rest = token('default', p_rest ) +local preamble = token('preamble', p_preamble ) +local comment = token('comment', p_comment ) +local command = token('command', p_command ) +local constant = token('data', p_constant ) +local helper = token('plain', p_helper ) +local primitive = token('primitive', p_primitive ) +local ifprimitive = token('primitive', p_ifprimitive) +local reserved = token('reserved', p_reserved ) +local csname = token('user', p_csname ) +local grouping = token('grouping', p_grouping ) +local number = token('number', p_number ) + * token('constant', p_unit ) +local special = token('special', p_special ) +local reserved = token('reserved', p_reserved ) -- reserved internal preproc +local extra = token('extra', p_extra ) +local invisible = token('invisible', p_invisible ) +local text = token('default', p_text ) +local word = p_word + +----- startluacode = token("grouping", P("\\startluacode")) +----- stopluacode = token("grouping", P("\\stopluacode")) + +local luastatus = false +local luatag = nil +local lualevel = 0 + +local function startdisplaylua(_,i,s) + luatag = s + luastatus = "display" + cldlexer._directives.cld_inline = false + return true +end + +local function stopdisplaylua(_,i,s) + local ok = luatag == s + if ok then + cldlexer._directives.cld_inline = false + luastatus = false + end + return ok +end + +local function startinlinelua(_,i,s) + if luastatus == "display" then + return false + elseif not luastatus then + luastatus = "inline" + cldlexer._directives.cld_inline = true + lualevel = 1 + return true + else-- if luastatus == "inline" then + lualevel = lualevel + 1 + return true + end +end + +local function stopinlinelua_b(_,i,s) -- { + if luastatus == "display" then + return false + elseif luastatus == "inline" then + lualevel = lualevel + 1 + return false + else + return true + end +end + +local function stopinlinelua_e(_,i,s) -- } + if luastatus == "display" then + return false + elseif luastatus == "inline" then + lualevel = lualevel - 1 + local ok = lualevel <= 0 -- was 0 + if ok then + cldlexer._directives.cld_inline = false + luastatus = false + end + return ok + else + return true + end +end + +contextlexer._reset_parser = function() + luastatus = false + luatag = nil + lualevel = 0 +end + +local luaenvironment = P("luacode") + +local inlinelua = P("\\") * ( + P("ctx") * ( P("lua") + P("command") + P("late") * (P("lua") + P("command")) ) + + P("cld") * ( P("command") + P("context") ) + ) + +local startlua = P("\\start") * Cmt(luaenvironment,startdisplaylua) + + inlinelua * space^0 * Cmt(P("{"),startinlinelua) + +local stoplua = P("\\stop") * Cmt(luaenvironment,stopdisplaylua) + + Cmt(P("{"),stopinlinelua_b) + + Cmt(P("}"),stopinlinelua_e) + +local startluacode = token("embedded", startlua) +local stopluacode = #stoplua * token("embedded", stoplua) + +local metafuncall = ( P("use") + P("reusable") + P("unique") ) * ("MPgraphic") + +local metafunenvironment = metafuncall -- ( P("use") + P("reusable") + P("unique") ) * ("MPgraphic") + + P("MP") * ( P("code")+ P("page") + P("inclusions") + P("initializations") + P("definitions") + P("extensions") + P("graphic") ) + +local startmetafun = P("\\start") * metafunenvironment +local stopmetafun = P("\\stop") * metafunenvironment + +local openargument = token("special", P("{")) +local closeargument = token("special", P("}")) +local argumentcontent = token("default",(1-P("}"))^0) -- maybe space needs a treatment + +local metafunarguments = (spacing^0 * openargument * argumentcontent * closeargument)^-2 + +local startmetafuncode = token("embedded", startmetafun) * metafunarguments +local stopmetafuncode = token("embedded", stopmetafun) + +local callers = token("embedded", P("\\") * metafuncall) * metafunarguments + +lexer.embed_lexer(contextlexer, cldlexer, startluacode, stopluacode) +lexer.embed_lexer(contextlexer, mpslexer, startmetafuncode, stopmetafuncode) + +-- Watch the text grabber, after all, we're talking mostly of text (beware, +-- no punctuation here as it can be special. We might go for utf here. + +contextlexer._rules = { + { "whitespace", spacing }, + { "preamble", preamble }, + { "word", word }, + { "text", text }, -- non words + { "comment", comment }, + { "constant", constant }, + { "callers", callers }, + { "helper", helper }, + { "command", command }, + { "primitive", primitive }, + { "ifprimitive", ifprimitive }, + { "reserved", reserved }, + { "csname", csname }, + -- { "whatever", specialword }, -- not yet, crashes + { "grouping", grouping }, + -- { "number", number }, + { "special", special }, + { "extra", extra }, + { "invisible", invisible }, + { "rest", rest }, +} + +contextlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset +-- contextlexer._tokenstyles = context.stylesetcopy() -- experiment + +-- contextlexer._tokenstyles[#contextlexer._tokenstyles + 1] = { cldlexer._NAME..'_whitespace', lexer.style_whitespace } +-- contextlexer._tokenstyles[#contextlexer._tokenstyles + 1] = { mpslexer._NAME..'_whitespace', lexer.style_whitespace } + + +local folds = { + ["\\start"] = 1, ["\\stop" ] = -1, + ["\\begin"] = 1, ["\\end" ] = -1, +} + +contextlexer._foldsymbols = { + _patterns = { + "\\start", "\\stop", -- regular environments + "\\begin", "\\end", -- (moveable) blocks + }, + ["helper"] = folds, + ["data"] = folds, + ["command"] = folds, + ["user"] = folds, -- csname + ["grouping"] = folds, +} + +return contextlexer diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-txt.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-txt.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..012167aeb4c --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-txt.lua @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for plain text (with spell checking)", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", +} + +if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end + +local lexer = lexer +local token = lexer.token +local P, S, Cmt, Cp, Ct = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Ct +local find, match = string.find, string.match + +local textlexer = { _NAME = "txt", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-txt" } +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE +local context = lexer.context + +local space = lexer.space +local any = lexer.any + +local wordtoken = context.patterns.wordtoken +local wordpattern = context.patterns.wordpattern +local checkedword = context.checkedword +local styleofword = context.styleofword +local setwordlist = context.setwordlist +local validwords = false + +-- local styleset = context.newstyleset { +-- "default", +-- "text", "okay", "error", "warning", +-- "preamble", +-- } + +-- [#!-%] language=uk + +local p_preamble = Cmt(#(S("#!-%") * P(" ")), function(input,i,_) -- todo: utf bomb + if i == 1 then -- < 10 then + validwords = false + local s, e, line = find(input,'^[#!%-%%](.+)[\n\r]',i) + if line then + local language = match(line,"language=([a-z]+)") + if language then + validwords = setwordlist(language) + end + end + end + return false +end) + +local t_preamble = + token("preamble", p_preamble) + +-- local t_word = +-- Cmt(wordpattern, function(_,i,s) +-- if validwords then +-- return checkedword(validwords,s,i) +-- else +-- return true, { "text", i } +-- end +-- end) + +local t_word = + Ct( wordpattern / function(s) return styleofword(validwords,s) end * Cp() ) -- the function can be inlined + +local t_text = + token("default", wordtoken^1) + +local t_rest = + token("default", (1-wordtoken-space)^1) + +local t_spacing = + token(whitespace, space^1) + +textlexer._rules = { + { "whitespace", t_spacing }, + { "preamble", t_preamble }, + { "word", t_word }, -- words >= 3 + { "text", t_text }, -- non words + { "rest", t_rest }, +} + +textlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset + +return textlexer diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..97253e14035 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for xml cdata", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", +} + +local lexer = lexer +local token = lexer.token +local P = lpeg.P + +local xmlcdatalexer = { _NAME = "xml-cdata", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata" } +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states +local context = lexer.context + +local space = lexer.space +local nospace = 1 - space - P("]]>") + +local p_spaces = token(whitespace, space ^1) +local p_cdata = token("comment", nospace^1) + +xmlcdatalexer._rules = { + { "whitespace", p_spaces }, + { "cdata", p_cdata }, +} + +xmlcdatalexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset + +return xmlcdatalexer diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-comment.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-comment.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..eab3b2a61c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml-comment.lua @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for xml comments", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", +} + +local lexer = lexer +local token = lexer.token +local P = lpeg.P + +local xmlcommentlexer = { _NAME = "xml-comment", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-xml-comment" } +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE +local context = lexer.context + +local space = lexer.space +local nospace = 1 - space - P("-->") + +local p_spaces = token(whitespace, space ^1) +local p_comment = token("comment", nospace^1) + +xmlcommentlexer._rules = { + { "whitespace", p_spaces }, + { "comment", p_comment }, +} + +xmlcommentlexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset + +xmlcommentlexer._foldsymbols = { + _patterns = { + "<%!%-%-", "%-%->", -- comments + }, + ["comment"] = { + ["<!--"] = 1, ["-->" ] = -1, + } +} + +return xmlcommentlexer diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..34636127fc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml.lua @@ -0,0 +1,334 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "scintilla lpeg lexer for metafun", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", +} + +-- adapted from the regular context pretty printer code (after all, lexing +-- boils down to much of the same and there are only so many ways to do +-- things). Simplified a bit as we have a different nesting model. + +-- todo: parse entities in attributes + +if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end + +local lexer = lexer +local global, string, table, lpeg = _G, string, table, lpeg +local token, exact_match = lexer.token, lexer.exact_match +local P, R, S, V, C, Cmt, Ct, Cp = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cp +local type = type +local match, find = string.match, string.find + +local xmllexer = { _NAME = "xml", _FILENAME = "scite-context-lexer-xml" } +local whitespace = lexer.WHITESPACE -- triggers states +local context = lexer.context + +local xmlcommentlexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-xml-comment") -- indirect (some issue with the lexer framework) +local xmlcdatalexer = lexer.load("scite-context-lexer-xml-cdata") -- indirect (some issue with the lexer framework) + +local space = lexer.space -- S(" \t\n\r\v\f") +local any = lexer.any -- P(1) + +local dquote = P('"') +local squote = P("'") +local colon = P(":") +local semicolon = P(";") +local equal = P("=") +local ampersand = P("&") + +local name = (R("az","AZ","09") + S('_-.'))^1 +local openbegin = P("<") +local openend = P("</") +local closebegin = P("/>") + P(">") +local closeend = P(">") +local opencomment = P("<!--") +local closecomment = P("-->") +local openinstruction = P("<?") +local closeinstruction = P("?>") +local opencdata = P("<![CDATA[") +local closecdata = P("]]>") +local opendoctype = P("<!DOCTYPE") -- could grab the whole doctype +local closedoctype = P("]>") + P(">") + +-- <!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "..." [ ... ] > +-- <!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "..." > +-- <!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ..." [ ... ] > +-- <!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ..." > +-- <!DOCTYPE Something [ ... ] > +-- <!DOCTYPE Something > + +local entity = ampersand * (1-semicolon)^1 * semicolon + +local utfchar = context.utfchar +local wordtoken = context.patterns.wordtoken +local iwordtoken = context.patterns.iwordtoken +local wordpattern = context.patterns.wordpattern +local iwordpattern = context.patterns.iwordpattern +local invisibles = context.patterns.invisibles +local checkedword = context.checkedword +local styleofword = context.styleofword +local setwordlist = context.setwordlist +local validwords = false + + +-- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" language="uk" ?> +-- +-- <?context-directive editor language us ?> + +local p_preamble = Cmt(#P("<?xml "), function(input,i,_) -- todo: utf bomb + if i < 200 then + validwords = false + local language = match(input,"^<%?xml[^>]*%?>%s*<%?context%-directive%s+editor%s+language%s+(..)%s+%?>") + -- if not language then + -- language = match(input,'^<%?xml[^>]*language=[\"\'](..)[\"\'][^>]*%?>',i) + -- end + if language then + validwords = setwordlist(language) + end + end + return false +end) + +-- local p_word = +-- Cmt(iwordpattern, function(_,i,s) +-- if validwords then +-- return checkedword(validwords,s,i) +-- else +-- return true, { "text", i } -- or default +-- end +-- end) + +local p_word = + Ct( iwordpattern / function(s) return styleofword(validwords,s) end * Cp() ) -- the function can be inlined + +local p_rest = + token("default", any) + +local p_text = + token("default", (1-S("<>&")-space)^1) + +local p_spacing = + token(whitespace, space^1) +-- token("whitespace", space^1) + +local p_optionalwhitespace = + p_spacing^0 + +local p_localspacing = + token("default", space^1) + +-- Because we want a differently colored open and close we need an embedded lexer (whitespace +-- trigger). What is actually needed is that scintilla applies the current whitespace style. +-- Even using different style keys is not robust as they can be shared. I'll fix the main +-- lexer code. + +local p_sstring = + token("quote",dquote) + * token("string",(1-dquote)^0) -- different from context + * token("quote",dquote) + +local p_dstring = + token("quote",squote) + * token("string",(1-squote)^0) -- different from context + * token("quote",squote) + +-- local p_comment = +-- token("command",opencomment) +-- * token("comment",(1-closecomment)^0) -- different from context +-- * token("command",closecomment) + +-- local p_cdata = +-- token("command",opencdata) +-- * token("comment",(1-closecdata)^0) -- different from context +-- * token("command",closecdata) + +-- maybe cdata just text (then we don't need the extra lexer as we only have one comment then) + +-- <!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "..." [ ... ] > +-- <!DOCTYPE Something PUBLIC "... ..." "..." > +-- <!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ..." [ ... ] > +-- <!DOCTYPE Something SYSTEM "... ..." > +-- <!DOCTYPE Something [ ... ] > +-- <!DOCTYPE Something > + +-- <!ENTITY xxxx SYSTEM "yyyy" NDATA zzzz> +-- <!ENTITY xxxx PUBLIC "yyyy" > +-- <!ENTITY xxxx "yyyy" > + +local p_docstr = p_dstring + p_sstring + +local p_docent = token("command",P("<!ENTITY")) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * token("keyword",name) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * ( + ( + token("constant",P("SYSTEM")) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * p_docstr + * p_optionalwhitespace + * token("constant",P("NDATA")) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * token("keyword",name) + ) + ( + token("constant",P("PUBLIC")) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * p_docstr + ) + ( + p_docstr + ) + ) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * token("command",P(">")) + +local p_docele = token("command",P("<!ELEMENT")) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * token("keyword",name) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * token("command",P("(")) + * ( + p_spacing + + token("constant",P("#CDATA") + P("#PCDATA") + P("ANY")) + + token("text",P(",")) + + token("comment",(1-S(",)"))^1) + )^1 + * token("command",P(")")) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * token("command",P(">")) + +local p_docset = token("command",P("[")) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * ((p_optionalwhitespace * (p_docent + p_docele))^1 + token("comment",(1-P("]"))^0)) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * token("command",P("]")) + +local p_doctype = token("command",P("<!DOCTYPE")) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * token("keyword",name) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * ( + ( + token("constant",P("PUBLIC")) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * p_docstr + * p_optionalwhitespace + * p_docstr + * p_optionalwhitespace + ) + ( + token("constant",P("SYSTEM")) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * p_docstr + * p_optionalwhitespace + ) + )^-1 + * p_docset^-1 + * p_optionalwhitespace + * token("command",P(">")) + +lexer.embed_lexer(xmllexer, xmlcommentlexer, token("command",opencomment), token("command",closecomment)) +lexer.embed_lexer(xmllexer, xmlcdatalexer, token("command",opencdata), token("command",closecdata)) + +-- local p_name = +-- token("plain",name) +-- * ( +-- token("default",colon) +-- * token("keyword",name) +-- ) +-- + token("keyword",name) + +local p_name = -- more robust + token("plain",name * colon)^-1 + * token("keyword",name) + +-- local p_key = +-- token("plain",name) +-- * ( +-- token("default",colon) +-- * token("constant",name) +-- ) +-- + token("constant",name) + +local p_key = + token("plain",name * colon)^-1 + * token("constant",name) + +local p_attributes = ( + p_optionalwhitespace + * p_key + * p_optionalwhitespace + * token("plain",equal) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * (p_dstring + p_sstring) + * p_optionalwhitespace +)^0 + +local p_open = + token("keyword",openbegin) + * ( + p_name + * p_optionalwhitespace + * p_attributes + * token("keyword",closebegin) + + + token("error",(1-closebegin)^1) + ) + +local p_close = + token("keyword",openend) + * ( + p_name + * p_optionalwhitespace + * token("keyword",closeend) + + + token("error",(1-closeend)^1) + ) + +local p_entity = + token("constant",entity) + +local p_instruction = + token("command",openinstruction * P("xml")) + * p_optionalwhitespace + * p_attributes + * p_optionalwhitespace + * token("command",closeinstruction) + + token("command",openinstruction * name) + * token("default",(1-closeinstruction)^1) + * token("command",closeinstruction) + +local p_invisible = + token("invisible",invisibles^1) + +-- local p_preamble = +-- token('preamble', p_preamble ) + +xmllexer._rules = { + { "whitespace", p_spacing }, + { "preamble", p_preamble }, + { "word", p_word }, +-- { "text", p_text }, +-- { "comment", p_comment }, +-- { "cdata", p_cdata }, + { "doctype", p_doctype }, + { "instruction", p_instruction }, + { "close", p_close }, + { "open", p_open }, + { "entity", p_entity }, + { "invisible", p_invisible }, + { "rest", p_rest }, +} + +xmllexer._tokenstyles = context.styleset + +xmllexer._foldsymbols = { -- somehow doesn't work yet + _patterns = { + "[<>]", + }, + ["keyword"] = { + ["<"] = 1, [">"] = -1, + }, +} + +return xmllexer diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2db37e26b41 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,825 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "basics for scintilla lpeg lexer for context/metafun", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", + comment = "contains copyrighted code from mitchell.att.foicica.com", + +} + +-- The fold and lex functions are copied and patched from original code by Mitchell (see +-- lexer.lua). All errors are mine. +-- +-- I've considered making a whole copy and patch the other functions too as we need +-- an extra nesting model. However, I don't want to maintain too much. An unfortunate +-- change in 3.03 is that no longer a script can be specified. This means that instead +-- of loading the extensions via the properties file, we now need to load them in our +-- own lexers, unless of course we replace lexer.lua completely (which adds another +-- installation issue). +-- +-- Another change has been that _LEXERHOME is no longer available. It looks like more and +-- more functionality gets dropped so maybe at some point we need to ship our own dll/so +-- files. For instance, I'd like to have access to the current filename and other scite +-- properties. For instance, we could cache some info with each file, if only we had +-- knowledge of what file we're dealing with. +-- +-- For huge files folding can be pretty slow and I do have some large ones that I keep +-- open all the time. Loading is normally no ussue, unless one has remembered the status +-- and the cursor is at the last line of a 200K line file. Optimizing the fold function +-- brought down loading of char-def.lua from 14 sec => 8 sec. Replacing the word_match +-- function and optimizing the lex function gained another 2+ seconds. A 6 second load +-- is quite ok for me. +-- +-- When the lexer path is copied to the textadept lexer path, and the theme definition to +-- theme path (as lexer.lua), the lexer works there as well. When I have time and motive +-- I will make a proper setup file to tune the look and feel a bit and associate suffixes +-- with the context lexer. The textadept editor has a nice style tracing option but lacks +-- the tabs for selecting files that scite has. It also has no integrated run that pipes +-- to the log pane (I wonder if it could borrow code from the console2 project). Interesting +-- is that the jit version of textadept crashes on lexing large files (and does not feel +-- faster either). +-- +-- Function load(lexer_name) starts with _M.WHITESPACE = lexer_name..'_whitespace' which +-- means that we need to have it frozen at the moment we load another lexer. Because spacing +-- is used to revert to a parent lexer we need to make sure that we load children as late +-- as possible in order not to get the wrong whitespace trigger. This took me quite a while +-- to figure out (not being that familiar with the internals). The lex and fold functions +-- have been optimized. It is a pitty that there is no proper print available. Another thing +-- needed is a default style in ourown theme style definition, as otherwise we get wrong +-- nested lexers, especially if they are larger than a view. This is the hardest part of +-- getting things right. +-- +-- Eventually it might be safer to copy the other methods from lexer.lua here as well so +-- that we have no dependencies, apart from the c library (for which at some point the api +-- will be stable I guess). +-- +-- It's a pitty that there is no scintillua library for the OSX version of scite. Even +-- better would be to have the scintillua library as integral part of scite as that way I +-- could use OSX alongside windows and linux (depending on needs). Also nice would be to +-- have a proper interface to scite then because currently the lexer is rather isolated and the +-- lua version does not provide all standard libraries. It would also be good to have lpeg +-- support in the regular scite lua extension (currently you need to pick it up from someplace +-- else). + +local lpeg = require 'lpeg' + +local R, P, S, C, V, Cp, Cs, Ct, Cmt, Cc, Cf, Cg = lpeg.R, lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.V, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cg +local lpegmatch = lpeg.match +local find, gmatch, match, lower, upper, gsub = string.find, string.gmatch, string.match, string.lower, string.upper, string.gsub +local concat = table.concat +local global = _G +local type, next, setmetatable, rawset = type, next, setmetatable, rawset + +if lexer then + -- in recent c++ code the lexername and loading is hard coded +elseif _LEXERHOME then + dofile(_LEXERHOME .. '/lexer.lua') -- pre 3.03 situation +else + dofile('lexer.lua') -- whatever +end + +lexer.context = lexer.context or { } +local context = lexer.context + +context.patterns = context.patterns or { } +local patterns = context.patterns + +lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS = true + +local locations = { + -- lexer.context.path, + "data", -- optional data directory + "..", -- regular scite directory +} + +local function collect(name) +-- local definitions = loadfile(name .. ".luc") or loadfile(name .. ".lua") + local okay, definitions = pcall(function () return require(name) end) + if okay then + if type(definitions) == "function" then + definitions = definitions() + end + if type(definitions) == "table" then + return definitions + end + end +end + +function context.loaddefinitions(name) + for i=1,#locations do + local data = collect(locations[i] .. "/" .. name) + if data then + return data + end + end +end + +-- maybe more efficient: + +function context.word_match(words,word_chars,case_insensitive) + local chars = '%w_' -- maybe just "" when word_chars + if word_chars then + chars = '^([' .. chars .. gsub(word_chars,'([%^%]%-])', '%%%1') ..']+)' + else + chars = '^([' .. chars ..']+)' + end + if case_insensitive then + local word_list = { } + for i=1,#words do + word_list[lower(words[i])] = true + end + return P(function(input, index) + local s, e, word = find(input,chars,index) + return word and word_list[lower(word)] and e + 1 or nil + end) + else + local word_list = { } + for i=1,#words do + word_list[words[i]] = true + end + return P(function(input, index) + local s, e, word = find(input,chars,index) + return word and word_list[word] and e + 1 or nil + end) + end +end + +local idtoken = R("az","AZ","\127\255","__") +local digit = R("09") +local sign = S("+-") +local period = P(".") +local space = S(" \n\r\t\f\v") + +patterns.idtoken = idtoken + +patterns.digit = digit +patterns.sign = sign +patterns.period = period + +patterns.cardinal = digit^1 +patterns.integer = sign^-1 * digit^1 + +patterns.real = + sign^-1 * ( -- at most one + digit^1 * period * digit^0 -- 10.0 10. + + digit^0 * period * digit^1 -- 0.10 .10 + + digit^1 -- 10 + ) + +patterns.restofline = (1-S("\n\r"))^1 +patterns.space = space +patterns.spacing = space^1 +patterns.nospacing = (1-space)^1 +patterns.anything = P(1) + +function context.exact_match(words,word_chars,case_insensitive) + local characters = concat(words) + local pattern -- the concat catches _ etc + if word_chars == true or word_chars == false or word_chars == nil then + word_chars = "" + end + if type(word_chars) == "string" then + pattern = S(characters) + idtoken + if case_insensitive then + pattern = pattern + S(upper(characters)) + S(lower(characters)) + end + if word_chars ~= "" then + pattern = pattern + S(word_chars) + end + elseif word_chars then + pattern = word_chars + end + if case_insensitive then + local list = { } + for i=1,#words do + list[lower(words[i])] = true + end + return Cmt(pattern^1, function(_,i,s) + return list[lower(s)] -- and i or nil + end) + else + local list = { } + for i=1,#words do + list[words[i]] = true + end + return Cmt(pattern^1, function(_,i,s) + return list[s] -- and i or nil + end) + end +end + +-- spell checking (we can only load lua files) + +-- return { +-- words = { +-- ["someword"] = "someword", +-- ["anotherword"] = "Anotherword", +-- }, +-- } + +local lists = { } + +local splitter = (Cf(Ct("") * (Cg(C((1-S(" \t\n\r"))^1 * Cc(true))) + P(1))^1,rawset) )^0 +local splitter = (Cf(Ct("") * (Cg(C(R("az","AZ","\127\255")^1) * Cc(true)) + P(1))^1,rawset) )^0 + +local function splitwords(words) + return lpegmatch(splitter,words) +end + +function context.setwordlist(tag,limit) -- returns hash (lowercase keys and original values) + if not tag or tag == "" then + return false + elseif lists[tag] ~= nil then + return lists[tag] + else + local list = context.loaddefinitions("spell-" .. tag) + if not list or type(list) ~= "table" then + lists[tag] = false + return false + elseif type(list.words) == "string" then + list = splitwords(list.words) or false + lists[tag] = list + return list + else + list = list.words or false + lists[tag] = list + return list + end + end +end + +patterns.wordtoken = R("az","AZ","\127\255") +patterns.wordpattern = patterns.wordtoken^3 -- todo: if limit and #s < limit then + +function context.checkedword(validwords,s,i) -- ,limit + if not validwords then + return true, { "text", i } +-- return true, { "default", i } + else + -- keys are lower + local word = validwords[s] + if word == s then + return true, { "okay", i } -- exact match + elseif word then + return true, { "warning", i } -- case issue + else + local word = validwords[lower(s)] + if word == s then + return true, { "okay", i } -- exact match + elseif word then + return true, { "warning", i } -- case issue + elseif upper(s) == s then + return true, { "warning", i } -- probably a logo or acronym + else + return true, { "error", i } + end + end + end +end + +function context.styleofword(validwords,s) -- ,limit + if not validwords then + return "text" + else + -- keys are lower + local word = validwords[s] + if word == s then + return "okay" -- exact match + elseif word then + return "warning" -- case issue + else + local word = validwords[lower(s)] + if word == s then + return "okay" -- exact match + elseif word then + return "warning" -- case issue + elseif upper(s) == s then + return "warning" -- probably a logo or acronym + else + return "error" + end + end + end +end + +-- overloaded functions + +local FOLD_BASE = SC_FOLDLEVELBASE +local FOLD_HEADER = SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG +local FOLD_BLANK = SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG + +local get_style_at = GetStyleAt +local get_property = GetProperty +local get_indent_amount = GetIndentAmount + +local h_table, b_table, n_table = { }, { }, { } + +setmetatable(h_table, { __index = function(t,level) local v = { level, FOLD_HEADER } t[level] = v return v end }) +setmetatable(b_table, { __index = function(t,level) local v = { level, FOLD_BLANK } t[level] = v return v end }) +setmetatable(n_table, { __index = function(t,level) local v = { level } t[level] = v return v end }) + +-- local newline = P("\r\n") + S("\r\n") +-- local splitlines = Ct( ( Ct ( (Cp() * Cs((1-newline)^1) * newline^-1) + (Cp() * Cc("") * newline) ) )^0) +-- +-- local lines = lpegmatch(splitlines,text) -- iterating over lines is faster +-- for i=1, #lines do +-- local li = lines[i] +-- local line = li[2] +-- if line ~= "" then +-- local pos = li[1] +-- for i=1,nofpatterns do +-- for s, m in gmatch(line,patterns[i]) do +-- if hash[m] then +-- local symbols = fold_symbols[get_style_at(start_pos + pos + s - 1)] +-- if symbols then +-- local l = symbols[m] +-- if l then +-- local t = type(l) +-- if t == 'number' then +-- current_level = current_level + l +-- elseif t == 'function' then +-- current_level = current_level + l(text, pos, line, s, match) +-- end +-- if current_level < FOLD_BASE then -- integrate in previous +-- current_level = FOLD_BASE +-- end +-- end +-- end +-- end +-- end +-- end +-- if current_level > prev_level then +-- folds[line_num] = h_table[prev_level] -- { prev_level, FOLD_HEADER } +-- else +-- folds[line_num] = n_table[prev_level] -- { prev_level } +-- end +-- prev_level = current_level +-- else +-- folds[line_num] = b_table[prev_level] -- { prev_level, FOLD_BLANK } +-- end +-- line_num = line_num + 1 +-- end + +local newline = P("\r\n") + S("\r\n") +local p_yes = Cp() * Cs((1-newline)^1) * newline^-1 +local p_nop = newline + +local function fold_by_parsing(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer) + local foldsymbols = lexer._foldsymbols + if not foldsymbols then + return { } + end + local patterns = foldsymbols._patterns + if not patterns then + return { } + end + local nofpatterns = #patterns + if nofpatterns == 0 then + return { } + end + local folds = { } + local line_num = start_line + local prev_level = start_level + local current_level = prev_level + local validmatches = foldsymbols._validmatches + if not validmatches then + validmatches = { } + for symbol, matches in next, foldsymbols do -- whatever = { start = 1, stop = -1 } + if not find(symbol,"^_") then -- brrr + for s, _ in next, matches do + validmatches[s] = true + end + end + end + foldsymbols._validmatches = validmatches + end + local function action_y(pos,line) -- we can consider moving the local functions outside (drawback: folds is kept) + for i=1,nofpatterns do + for s, m in gmatch(line,patterns[i]) do + if validmatches[m] then + local symbols = foldsymbols[get_style_at(start_pos + pos + s - 1)] + if symbols then + local action = symbols[m] + if action then + if type(action) == 'number' then -- we could store this in validmatches if there was only one symbol category + current_level = current_level + action + else + current_level = current_level + action(text,pos,line,s,m) + end + if current_level < FOLD_BASE then + current_level = FOLD_BASE + end + end + end + end + end + end + if current_level > prev_level then + folds[line_num] = h_table[prev_level] -- { prev_level, FOLD_HEADER } + else + folds[line_num] = n_table[prev_level] -- { prev_level } + end + prev_level = current_level + line_num = line_num + 1 + end + local function action_n() + folds[line_num] = b_table[prev_level] -- { prev_level, FOLD_BLANK } + line_num = line_num + 1 + end + if lexer._reset_parser then + lexer._reset_parser() + end + local lpegpattern = (p_yes/action_y + p_nop/action_n)^0 -- not too efficient but indirect function calls are neither but + lpegmatch(lpegpattern,text) -- keys are not pressed that fast ... large files are slow anyway + return folds +end + +local function fold_by_indentation(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level) + local folds = { } + local current_line = start_line + local prev_level = start_level + for _, line in gmatch(text,'([\t ]*)(.-)\r?\n') do + if line ~= "" then + local current_level = FOLD_BASE + get_indent_amount(current_line) + if current_level > prev_level then -- next level + local i = current_line - 1 + while true do + local f = folds[i] + if f and f[2] == FOLD_BLANK then + i = i - 1 + else + break + end + end + local f = folds[i] + if f then + f[2] = FOLD_HEADER + end -- low indent + folds[current_line] = n_table[current_level] -- { current_level } -- high indent + elseif current_level < prev_level then -- prev level + local f = folds[current_line - 1] + if f then + f[1] = prev_level -- high indent + end + folds[current_line] = n_table[current_level] -- { current_level } -- low indent + else -- same level + folds[current_line] = n_table[prev_level] -- { prev_level } + end + prev_level = current_level + else + folds[current_line] = b_table[prev_level] -- { prev_level, FOLD_BLANK } + end + current_line = current_line + 1 + end + return folds +end + +local function fold_by_line(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level) + local folds = { } + for _ in gmatch(text,".-\r?\n") do + folds[start_line] = n_table[start_level] -- { start_level } + start_line = start_line + 1 + end + return folds +end + +local threshold_by_lexer = 512 * 1024 -- we don't know the filesize yet +local threshold_by_parsing = 512 * 1024 -- we don't know the filesize yet +local threshold_by_indentation = 512 * 1024 -- we don't know the filesize yet +local threshold_by_line = 512 * 1024 -- we don't know the filesize yet + +function context.fold(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level) -- hm, we had size thresholds .. where did they go + if text == '' then + return { } + end + local lexer = global._LEXER + local fold_by_lexer = lexer._fold + local fold_by_symbols = lexer._foldsymbols + local filesize = 0 -- we don't know that + if fold_by_lexer then + if filesize <= threshold_by_lexer then + return fold_by_lexer(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer) + end + elseif fold_by_symbols and get_property('fold.by.parsing',1) > 0 then + if filesize <= threshold_by_parsing then + return fold_by_parsing(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer) + end + elseif get_property('fold.by.indentation',1) > 0 then + if filesize <= threshold_by_indentation then + return fold_by_indentation(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer) + end + elseif get_property('fold.by.line',1) > 0 then + if filesize <= threshold_by_line then + return fold_by_line(text,start_pos,start_line,start_level,lexer) + end + end + return { } +end + +-- The following code is mostly unchanged: + +local function add_rule(lexer, id, rule) + if not lexer._RULES then + lexer._RULES = {} + lexer._RULEORDER = {} + end + lexer._RULES[id] = rule + lexer._RULEORDER[#lexer._RULEORDER + 1] = id +end + +local function add_style(lexer, token_name, style) + local len = lexer._STYLES.len + if len == 32 then + len = len + 8 + end + if len >= 128 then + print('Too many styles defined (128 MAX)') + end + lexer._TOKENS[token_name] = len + lexer._STYLES[len] = style + lexer._STYLES.len = len + 1 +end + +local function join_tokens(lexer) + local patterns, order = lexer._RULES, lexer._RULEORDER + local token_rule = patterns[order[1]] + for i=2,#order do + token_rule = token_rule + patterns[order[i]] + end + lexer._TOKENRULE = token_rule + return lexer._TOKENRULE +end + +local function add_lexer(grammar, lexer, token_rule) + local token_rule = join_tokens(lexer) + local lexer_name = lexer._NAME + local children = lexer._CHILDREN + for i=1,#children do + local child = children[i] + if child._CHILDREN then + add_lexer(grammar, child) + end + local child_name = child._NAME + local rules = child._EMBEDDEDRULES[lexer_name] + local rules_token_rule = grammar['__'..child_name] or rules.token_rule + grammar[child_name] = (-rules.end_rule * rules_token_rule)^0 * rules.end_rule^-1 * V(lexer_name) + local embedded_child = '_' .. child_name + grammar[embedded_child] = rules.start_rule * (-rules.end_rule * rules_token_rule)^0 * rules.end_rule^-1 + token_rule = V(embedded_child) + token_rule + end + grammar['__' .. lexer_name] = token_rule + grammar[lexer_name] = token_rule^0 +end + +local function build_grammar(lexer, initial_rule) + local children = lexer._CHILDREN + if children then + local lexer_name = lexer._NAME + if not initial_rule then + initial_rule = lexer_name + end + local grammar = { initial_rule } + add_lexer(grammar, lexer) + lexer._INITIALRULE = initial_rule + lexer._GRAMMAR = Ct(P(grammar)) + else + lexer._GRAMMAR = Ct(join_tokens(lexer)^0) + end +end + +-- so far. We need these local functions in the next one. + +function context.lex(text,init_style) + local lexer = global._LEXER + local grammar = lexer._GRAMMAR + if not grammar then + return { } + elseif lexer._LEXBYLINE then -- we could keep token + local tokens = { } + local offset = 0 + local noftokens = 0 + if true then + for line in gmatch(text,'[^\r\n]*\r?\n?') do -- could be an lpeg + local line_tokens = lpegmatch(grammar,line) + if line_tokens then + for i=1,#line_tokens do + local token = line_tokens[i] + token[2] = token[2] + offset + noftokens = noftokens + 1 + tokens[noftokens] = token + end + end + offset = offset + #line + if noftokens > 0 and tokens[noftokens][2] ~= offset then + noftokens = noftokens + 1 + tokens[noftokens] = { 'default', offset + 1 } + end + end + else -- alternative + local lasttoken, lastoffset + for line in gmatch(text,'[^\r\n]*\r?\n?') do -- could be an lpeg + local line_tokens = lpegmatch(grammar,line) + if line_tokens then + for i=1,#line_tokens do + lasttoken = line_tokens[i] + lastoffset = lasttoken[2] + offset + lasttoken[2] = lastoffset + noftokens = noftokens + 1 + tokens[noftokens] = lasttoken + end + end + offset = offset + #line + if lastoffset ~= offset then + lastoffset = offset + 1 + lasttoken = { 'default', lastoffset } + noftokens = noftokens + 1 + tokens[noftokens] = lasttoken + end + end + end + return tokens + elseif lexer._CHILDREN then + -- as we cannot print, tracing is not possible ... this might change as we can as well + -- generate them all in one go (sharing as much as possible) + local _hash = lexer._HASH + if not hash then + hash = { } + lexer._HASH = hash + end + grammar = hash[init_style] + if grammar then + lexer._GRAMMAR = grammar + else + for style, style_num in next, lexer._TOKENS do + if style_num == init_style then + -- the name of the lexers is filtered from the whitespace + -- specification + local lexer_name = match(style,'^(.+)_whitespace') or lexer._NAME + if lexer._INITIALRULE ~= lexer_name then + grammar = hash[lexer_name] + if not grammar then + build_grammar(lexer,lexer_name) + grammar = lexer._GRAMMAR + hash[lexer_name] = grammar + end + end + break + end + end + grammar = grammar or lexer._GRAMMAR + hash[init_style] = grammar + end + return lpegmatch(grammar,text) + else + return lpegmatch(grammar,text) + end +end + +-- todo: keywords: one lookup and multiple matches + +function context.token(name, patt) + return Ct(patt * Cc(name) * Cp()) +end + +lexer.fold = context.fold +lexer.lex = context.lex +lexer.token = context.token +lexer.exact_match = context.exact_match + +-- helper .. alas ... the lexer's lua instance is rather crippled .. not even +-- math is part of it + +local floor = math and math.floor +local char = string.char + +if not floor then + + floor = function(n) + return tonumber(string.format("%d",n)) + end + + math = math or { } + + math.floor = floor + +end + +local function utfchar(n) + if n < 0x80 then + return char(n) + elseif n < 0x800 then + return char( + 0xC0 + floor(n/0x40), + 0x80 + (n % 0x40) + ) + elseif n < 0x10000 then + return char( + 0xE0 + floor(n/0x1000), + 0x80 + (floor(n/0x40) % 0x40), + 0x80 + (n % 0x40) + ) + elseif n < 0x40000 then + return char( + 0xF0 + floor(n/0x40000), + 0x80 + floor(n/0x1000), + 0x80 + (floor(n/0x40) % 0x40), + 0x80 + (n % 0x40) + ) + else + -- return char( + -- 0xF1 + floor(n/0x1000000), + -- 0x80 + floor(n/0x40000), + -- 0x80 + floor(n/0x1000), + -- 0x80 + (floor(n/0x40) % 0x40), + -- 0x80 + (n % 0x40) + -- ) + return "?" + end +end + +context.utfchar = utfchar + +-- a helper from l-lpeg: + +local gmatch = string.gmatch + +local function make(t) + local p + for k, v in next, t do + if not p then + if next(v) then + p = P(k) * make(v) + else + p = P(k) + end + else + if next(v) then + p = p + P(k) * make(v) + else + p = p + P(k) + end + end + end + return p +end + +function lpeg.utfchartabletopattern(list) + local tree = { } + for i=1,#list do + local t = tree + for c in gmatch(list[i],".") do + if not t[c] then + t[c] = { } + end + t = t[c] + end + end + return make(tree) +end + +-- patterns.invisibles = +-- P(utfchar(0x00A0)) -- nbsp +-- + P(utfchar(0x2000)) -- enquad +-- + P(utfchar(0x2001)) -- emquad +-- + P(utfchar(0x2002)) -- enspace +-- + P(utfchar(0x2003)) -- emspace +-- + P(utfchar(0x2004)) -- threeperemspace +-- + P(utfchar(0x2005)) -- fourperemspace +-- + P(utfchar(0x2006)) -- sixperemspace +-- + P(utfchar(0x2007)) -- figurespace +-- + P(utfchar(0x2008)) -- punctuationspace +-- + P(utfchar(0x2009)) -- breakablethinspace +-- + P(utfchar(0x200A)) -- hairspace +-- + P(utfchar(0x200B)) -- zerowidthspace +-- + P(utfchar(0x202F)) -- narrownobreakspace +-- + P(utfchar(0x205F)) -- math thinspace + +patterns.invisibles = lpeg.utfchartabletopattern { + utfchar(0x00A0), -- nbsp + utfchar(0x2000), -- enquad + utfchar(0x2001), -- emquad + utfchar(0x2002), -- enspace + utfchar(0x2003), -- emspace + utfchar(0x2004), -- threeperemspace + utfchar(0x2005), -- fourperemspace + utfchar(0x2006), -- sixperemspace + utfchar(0x2007), -- figurespace + utfchar(0x2008), -- punctuationspace + utfchar(0x2009), -- breakablethinspace + utfchar(0x200A), -- hairspace + utfchar(0x200B), -- zerowidthspace + utfchar(0x202F), -- narrownobreakspace + utfchar(0x205F), -- math thinspace +} + +-- now we can make: + +patterns.iwordtoken = patterns.wordtoken - patterns.invisibles +patterns.iwordpattern = patterns.iwordtoken^3 + +-- require("themes/scite-context-theme") + +-- In order to deal with some bug in additional styles (I have no cue what is +-- wrong, but additional styles get ignored and clash somehow) I just copy the +-- original lexer code ... see original for comments. diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme-keep.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme-keep.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7f9423d9a30 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme-keep.lua @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "theme for scintilla lpeg lexer for context/metafun", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", +} + +-- context_path = string.split(os.resultof("mtxrun --find-file context.mkiv"))[1] or "" +-- global.trace("OEPS") -- how do we get access to the regular lua extensions + +-- The regular styles set the main lexer styles table but we avoid that in order not +-- to end up with updating issues. We just use another table. + +-- if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end + +local context_path = "t:/sources" -- c:/data/tex-context/tex/texmf-context/tex/base +local font_name = 'Dejavu Sans Mono' +local font_size = 14 + +if not WIN32 then + font_name = '!' .. font_name +end + +local color = lexer.color +local style = lexer.style + +lexer.context = lexer.context or { } +local context = lexer.context + +context.path = context_path + +colors = { + red = color('7F', '00', '00'), + green = color('00', '7F', '00'), + blue = color('00', '00', '7F'), + cyan = color('00', '7F', '7F'), + magenta = color('7F', '00', '7F'), + yellow = color('7F', '7F', '00'), + orange = color('B0', '7F', '00'), + -- + white = color('FF', 'FF', 'FF'), + light = color('CF', 'CF', 'CF'), + grey = color('80', '80', '80'), + dark = color('4F', '4F', '4F'), + black = color('00', '00', '00'), + -- + selection = color('F7', 'F7', 'F7'), + logpanel = color('E7', 'E7', 'E7'), + textpanel = color('CF', 'CF', 'CF'), + linepanel = color('A7', 'A7', 'A7'), + tippanel = color('44', '44', '44'), + -- + right = color('00', '00', 'FF'), + wrong = color('FF', '00', '00'), +} + +colors.teal = colors.cyan +colors.purple = colors.magenta + +-- to be set: +-- +-- style_nothing +-- style_class +-- style_comment +-- style_constant +-- style_definition +-- style_error +-- style_function +-- style_keyword +-- style_number +-- style_operator +-- style_string +-- style_preproc +-- style_tag +-- style_type +-- style_variable +-- style_embedded +-- style_label +-- style_regex +-- style_identifier +-- +-- style_line_number +-- style_bracelight +-- style_bracebad +-- style_controlchar +-- style_indentguide +-- style_calltip + +style_default = style { + font = font_name, + size = font_size, + fore = colors.black, + back = colors.textpanel, +} + +style_nothing = style { + -- empty +} + +style_number = style { fore = colors.cyan } +style_comment = style { fore = colors.yellow } +style_string = style { fore = colors.magenta } +style_keyword = style { fore = colors.blue, bold = true } + +style_quote = style { fore = colors.blue, bold = true } +style_special = style { fore = colors.blue } +style_extra = style { fore = colors.yellow } + +style_embedded = style { fore = colors.black, bold = true } + +style_char = style { fore = colors.magenta } +style_reserved = style { fore = colors.magenta, bold = true } +style_class = style { fore = colors.black, bold = true } +style_constant = style { fore = colors.cyan, bold = true } +style_definition = style { fore = colors.black, bold = true } +style_okay = style { fore = colors.dark } +style_error = style { fore = colors.red } +style_warning = style { fore = colors.orange } +style_invisible = style { back = colors.orange } +style_function = style { fore = colors.black, bold = true } +style_operator = style { fore = colors.blue } +style_preproc = style { fore = colors.yellow, bold = true } +style_tag = style { fore = colors.cyan } +style_type = style { fore = colors.blue } +style_variable = style { fore = colors.black } +style_identifier = style_nothing + +style_standout = style { fore = colors.orange, bold = true } + +style_line_number = style { back = colors.linepanel } +style_bracelight = style_standout +style_bracebad = style_standout +style_indentguide = style { fore = colors.linepanel, back = colors.white } +style_calltip = style { fore = colors.white, back = colors.tippanel } +style_controlchar = style_nothing + +style_label = style { fore = colors.red, bold = true } -- style { fore = colors.cyan, bold = true } +style_regex = style_string + +style_command = style { fore = colors.green, bold = true } + +-- only bold seems to work + +lexer.style_nothing = style_nothing +lexer.style_class = style_class +lexer.style_comment = style_comment +lexer.style_constant = style_constant +lexer.style_definition = style_definition +lexer.style_error = style_error +lexer.style_function = style_function +lexer.style_keyword = style_keyword +lexer.style_number = style_number +lexer.style_operator = style_operator +lexer.style_string = style_string +lexer.style_preproc = style_preproc +lexer.style_tag = style_tag +lexer.style_type = style_type +lexer.style_variable = style_variable +lexer.style_embedded = style_embedded +lexer.style_label = style_label +lexer.style_regex = style_regex +lexer.style_identifier = style_nothing + +local styles = { -- as we have globals we could do with less + + -- ["whitespace"] = style_whitespace, -- not to be set! + +["default"] = style_nothing, +["number"] = style_number, +["comment"] = style_comment, +["keyword"] = style_keyword, +["string"] = style_string, +["preproc"] = style_preproc, + + ["reserved"] = style_reserved, + ["internal"] = style_standout, + + ["command"] = style_command, + ["preamble"] = style_comment, + ["embedded"] = style_embedded, + ["grouping"] = style { fore = colors.red }, +["label"] = style_label, + ["primitive"] = style_keyword, + ["plain"] = style { fore = colors.dark, bold = true }, + ["user"] = style { fore = colors.green }, + ["data"] = style_constant, + ["special"] = style_special, + ["extra"] = style_extra, + ["quote"] = style_quote, + + ["okay"] = style_okay, + ["warning"] = style_warning, + ["invisible"] = style_invisible, +["error"] = style_error, + +} + +-- Old method (still available): + +local styleset = { } + +for k, v in next, styles do + styleset[#styleset+1] = { k, v } +end + +context.styles = styles +context.styleset = styleset + +-- We need to be sparse due to some limitation (and the number of built in styles +-- growing). + +-- function context.newstyleset(list) +-- local t = { } +-- if list then +-- for i=1,#list do +-- t[list[i]] = true +-- end +-- end +-- return t +-- end + +-- function context.usestyle(set,name) +-- set[name] = true +-- return name +-- end + +-- function context.usestyleset(set) +-- local t = { } +-- for k, _ in next, set do +-- t[#t+1] = { k, styles[k] or styles.default } +-- end +-- end diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7b305d3e5d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/lexers/themes/scite-context-theme.lua @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +local info = { + version = 1.002, + comment = "theme for scintilla lpeg lexer for context/metafun", + author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", + copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", + license = "see context related readme files", +} + +-- context_path = string.split(os.resultof("mtxrun --find-file context.mkiv"))[1] or "" +-- global.trace("OEPS") -- how do we get access to the regular lua extensions + +-- The regular styles set the main lexer styles table but we avoid that in order not +-- to end up with updating issues. We just use another table. + +if not lexer._CONTEXTEXTENSIONS then require("scite-context-lexer") end + +local context_path = "t:/sources" -- c:/data/tex-context/tex/texmf-context/tex/base +local font_name = 'Dejavu Sans Mono' +local font_size = 14 + +if not WIN32 then + font_name = '!' .. font_name +end + +local color = lexer.color +local style = lexer.style + +lexer.context = lexer.context or { } +local context = lexer.context + +context.path = context_path + +local colors = { + red = color('7F', '00', '00'), + green = color('00', '7F', '00'), + blue = color('00', '00', '7F'), + cyan = color('00', '7F', '7F'), + magenta = color('7F', '00', '7F'), + yellow = color('7F', '7F', '00'), + orange = color('B0', '7F', '00'), + -- + white = color('FF', 'FF', 'FF'), + light = color('CF', 'CF', 'CF'), + grey = color('80', '80', '80'), + dark = color('4F', '4F', '4F'), + black = color('00', '00', '00'), + -- + selection = color('F7', 'F7', 'F7'), + logpanel = color('E7', 'E7', 'E7'), + textpanel = color('CF', 'CF', 'CF'), + linepanel = color('A7', 'A7', 'A7'), + tippanel = color('44', '44', '44'), + -- + right = color('00', '00', 'FF'), + wrong = color('FF', '00', '00'), +} + +colors.teal = colors.cyan +colors.purple = colors.magenta + +lexer.colors = colors + +-- defaults: + +local style_nothing = style { } +----- style_whitespace = style { } +local style_comment = style { fore = colors.yellow } +local style_string = style { fore = colors.magenta } +local style_number = style { fore = colors.cyan } +local style_keyword = style { fore = colors.blue, bold = true } +local style_identifier = style_nothing +local style_operator = style { fore = colors.blue } +local style_error = style { fore = colors.red } +local style_preproc = style { fore = colors.yellow, bold = true } +local style_constant = style { fore = colors.cyan, bold = true } +local style_variable = style { fore = colors.black } +local style_function = style { fore = colors.black, bold = true } +local style_class = style { fore = colors.black, bold = true } +local style_type = style { fore = colors.blue } +local style_label = style { fore = colors.red, bold = true } +local style_regex = style { fore = colors.magenta } + +-- reserved: + +local style_default = style { font = font_name, size = font_size, fore = colors.black, back = colors.textpanel } +local style_text = style { font = font_name, size = font_size, fore = colors.black, back = colors.textpanel } +local style_line_number = style { back = colors.linepanel } +local style_bracelight = style { fore = colors.orange, bold = true } +local style_bracebad = style { fore = colors.orange, bold = true } +local style_indentguide = style { fore = colors.linepanel, back = colors.white } +local style_calltip = style { fore = colors.white, back = colors.tippanel } +local style_controlchar = style_nothing + +-- extras: + +local style_quote = style { fore = colors.blue, bold = true } +local style_special = style { fore = colors.blue } +local style_extra = style { fore = colors.yellow } +local style_embedded = style { fore = colors.black, bold = true } +----- style_char = style { fore = colors.magenta } +local style_reserved = style { fore = colors.magenta, bold = true } +local style_definition = style { fore = colors.black, bold = true } +local style_okay = style { fore = colors.dark } +local style_warning = style { fore = colors.orange } +local style_invisible = style { back = colors.orange } +local style_tag = style { fore = colors.cyan } +----- style_standout = style { fore = colors.orange, bold = true } +local style_command = style { fore = colors.green, bold = true } +local style_internal = style { fore = colors.orange, bold = true } +local style_internal = style { fore = colors.orange, bold = true } + +local style_preamble = style { fore = colors.yellow } +local style_grouping = style { fore = colors.red } +local style_primitive = style { fore = colors.blue, bold = true } +local style_plain = style { fore = colors.dark, bold = true } +local style_user = style { fore = colors.green } +local style_data = style { fore = colors.cyan, bold = true } + + +-- used by the generic lexer: + +lexer.style_nothing = style_nothing -- 0 +-----.whitespace = style_whitespace -- 1 +lexer.style_comment = style_comment -- 2 +lexer.style_string = style_string -- 3 +lexer.style_number = style_number -- 4 +lexer.style_keyword = style_keyword -- 5 +lexer.style_identifier = style_nothing -- 6 +lexer.style_operator = style_operator -- 7 +lexer.style_error = style_error -- 8 +lexer.style_preproc = style_preproc -- 9 +lexer.style_constant = style_constant -- 10 +lexer.style_variable = style_variable -- 11 +lexer.style_function = style_function -- 12 +lexer.style_class = style_class -- 13 +lexer.style_type = style_type -- 14 +lexer.style_label = style_label -- 15 +lexer.style_regex = style_regexp -- 16 + +lexer.style_default = style_default -- 32 +lexer.style_line_number = style_line_number -- 33 +lexer.style_bracelight = style_bracelight -- 34 +lexer.style_bracebad = style_bracebad -- 35 +lexer.style_indentguide = style_indentguide -- 36 +lexer.style_calltip = style_calltip -- 37 +lexer.style_controlchar = style_controlchar -- 38 + +local styles = { -- as we have globals we could do with less + + -- ["whitespace"] = style_whitespace, -- not to be set! + ["default"] = style_nothing, -- else no good backtracking to start-of-child + -- ["number"] = style_number, + -- ["comment"] = style_comment, + -- ["keyword"] = style_keyword, + -- ["string"] = style_string, + -- ["preproc"] = style_preproc, + -- ["error"] = style_error, + -- ["label"] = style_label, + + ["invisible"] = style_invisible, + ["quote"] = style_quote, + ["special"] = style_special, + ["extra"] = style_extra, + ["embedded"] = style_embedded, + -- ["char"] = style_char, + ["reserved"] = style_reserved, + -- ["definition"] = style_definition, + ["okay"] = style_okay, + ["warning"] = style_warning, + -- ["standout"] = style_standout, + ["command"] = style_command, + ["internal"] = style_internal, + ["preamble"] = style_preamble, + ["grouping"] = style_grouping, + ["primitive"] = style_primitive, + ["plain"] = style_plain, + ["user"] = style_user, + ["data"] = style_data, + + ["text"] = style_text, -- style_default + +} + +local styleset = { } + +for k, v in next, styles do + styleset[#styleset+1] = { k, v } +end + +context.styles = styles +context.styleset = styleset + +function context.stylesetcopy() + local t = { } + for i=1,#styleset do + t[i] = styleset[i] + end + t[#t+1] = { "whitespace", style_nothing } + return t +end + +-- We can be sparse if needed: + +-- function context.newstyleset(list) +-- local t = { } +-- if list then +-- for i=1,#list do +-- t[list[i]] = true +-- end +-- end +-- return t +-- end + +-- function context.usestyle(set,name) +-- set[name] = true +-- return name +-- end + +-- function context.usestyleset(set) +-- local t = { } +-- for k, _ in next, set do +-- t[#t+1] = { k, styles[k] or styles.default } +-- end +-- end diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/metafun-scite.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/metafun-scite.properties deleted file mode 100644 index 55b7ae607fb..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/metafun-scite.properties +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -keywordclass.metafun.all=\ - unitcircle fulldiamond unitdiamond \ - halfcircle quartercircle \ - llcircle lrcircle urcircle ulcircle \ - tcircle bcircle lcircle rcircle \ - lltriangle lrtriangle urtriangle ultriangle \ - smoothed cornered superellipsed randomized squeezed \ - punked curved unspiked simplified blownup stretched \ - enlarged leftenlarged topenlarged rightenlarged bottomenlarged \ - llenlarged lrenlarged urenlarged ulenlarged \ - llmoved lrmoved urmoved ulmoved \ - boundingbox innerboundingbox outerboundingbox \ - bottomboundary leftboundary topboundary rightboundary \ - xsized ysized xysized \ - cmyk transparent withshade spotcolor \ - drawfill undrawfill \ - inverted uncolored softened grayed \ - textext graphictext \ - loadfigure externalfigure
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/metapost.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/metapost.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fe89b65eb57 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/metapost.properties @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +import scite-metapost diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-context.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-context.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c0622e213bc --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-context.properties @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +keywordclass.context.helpers=\ +startsetups stopsetups startxmlsetups stopxmlsetups \ +startluasetups stopluasetups starttexsetups stoptexsetups startrawsetups \ +stoprawsetups startlocalsetups stoplocalsetups starttexdefinition stoptexdefinition \ +starttexcode stoptexcode doifsetupselse doifsetups doifnotsetups \ +setup setups texsetup xmlsetup luasetup \ +directsetup newmode setmode resetmode newsystemmode \ +setsystemmode resetsystemmode pushsystemmode popsystemmode booleanmodevalue \ +newcount newdimen newskip newmuskip newbox \ +newtoks newread newwrite newmarks newinsert \ +newattribute newif newlanguage newfamily newfam \ +newhelp then donothing dontcomplain donetrue \ +donefalse htdp unvoidbox vfilll mathbox \ +mathlimop mathnolop mathnothing mathalpha currentcatcodetable \ +defaultcatcodetable catcodetablename newcatcodetable startcatcodetable stopcatcodetable \ +startextendcatcodetable stopextendcatcodetable pushcatcodetable popcatcodetable restorecatcodes \ +setcatcodetable letcatcodecommand defcatcodecommand uedcatcodecommand hglue \ +vglue hfillneg vfillneg hfilllneg vfilllneg \ +ruledhss ruledhfil ruledhfill ruledhfilneg ruledhfillneg \ +normalhfillneg ruledvss ruledvfil ruledvfill ruledvfilneg \ +ruledvfillneg normalvfillneg ruledhbox ruledvbox ruledvtop \ +ruledvcenter ruledhskip ruledvskip ruledkern ruledmskip \ +ruledmkern ruledhglue ruledvglue normalhglue normalvglue \ +ruledpenalty scratchcounter globalscratchcounter scratchdimen globalscratchdimen \ +scratchskip globalscratchskip scratchmuskip globalscratchmuskip scratchtoks \ +globalscratchtoks scratchbox globalscratchbox nextbox dowithnextbox \ +dowithnextboxcs dowithnextboxcontent dowithnextboxcontentcs scratchwidth scratchheight \ +scratchdepth scratchoffset scratchdistance scratchhsize scratchvsize \ +scratchcounterone scratchcountertwo scratchcounterthree scratchdimenone scratchdimentwo \ +scratchdimenthree scratchskipone scratchskiptwo scratchskipthree scratchmuskipone \ +scratchmuskiptwo scratchmuskipthree scratchtoksone scratchtokstwo scratchtoksthree \ +scratchboxone scratchboxtwo scratchboxthree doif doifnot \ +doifelse doifinset doifnotinset doifinsetelse doifnextcharelse \ +doifnextoptionalelse doifnextbgroupelse doifnextparenthesiselse doiffastoptionalcheckelse doifundefinedelse \ +doifdefinedelse doifundefined doifdefined doifelsevalue doifvalue \ +doifnotvalue doifnothing doifsomething doifelsenothing doifsomethingelse \ +doifvaluenothing doifvaluesomething doifelsevaluenothing doifdimensionelse doifnumberelse \ +doifcommonelse doifcommon doifnotcommon doifinstring doifnotinstring \ +doifinstringelse doifassignmentelse tracingall tracingnone loggingall \ +appendtoks prependtoks appendtotoks prependtotoks to \ +endgraf empty null space quad \ +enspace obeyspaces obeylines normalspace executeifdefined \ +singleexpandafter doubleexpandafter tripleexpandafter dontleavehmode removelastspace \ +removeunwantedspaces wait writestatus define redefine \ +setmeasure setemeasure setgmeasure setxmeasure definemeasure \ +measure getvalue setvalue setevalue setgvalue \ +setxvalue letvalue letgvalue resetvalue undefinevalue \ +ignorevalue setuvalue setuevalue setugvalue setuxvalue \ +globallet glet getparameters geteparameters getgparameters \ +getxparameters forgetparameters copyparameters processcommalist processcommacommand \ +quitcommalist quitprevcommalist processaction processallactions processfirstactioninset \ +processallactionsinset unexpanded expanded startexpanded stopexpanded \ +protected protect unprotect firstofoneargument firstoftwoarguments \ +secondoftwoarguments firstofthreearguments secondofthreearguments thirdofthreearguments firstoffourarguments \ +secondoffourarguments thirdoffourarguments fourthoffourarguments firstoffivearguments secondoffivearguments \ +thirdoffivearguments fourthoffivearguments fifthoffivearguments firstofsixarguments secondofsixarguments \ +thirdofsixarguments fourthofsixarguments fifthofsixarguments sixthofsixarguments firstofoneunexpanded \ +gobbleoneargument gobbletwoarguments gobblethreearguments gobblefourarguments gobblefivearguments \ +gobblesixarguments gobblesevenarguments gobbleeightarguments gobbleninearguments gobbletenarguments \ +gobbleoneoptional gobbletwooptionals gobblethreeoptionals gobblefouroptionals gobblefiveoptionals \ +dorecurse doloop exitloop dostepwiserecurse recurselevel \ +recursedepth dofastloopcs newconstant setnewconstant newconditional \ +settrue setfalse setconstant newmacro setnewmacro \ +newfraction dosingleempty dodoubleempty dotripleempty doquadrupleempty \ +doquintupleempty dosixtupleempty doseventupleempty dosingleargument dodoubleargument \ +dotripleargument doquadrupleargument dosinglegroupempty dodoublegroupempty dotriplegroupempty \ +doquadruplegroupempty doquintuplegroupempty nopdfcompression maximumpdfcompression normalpdfcompression \ +modulonumber dividenumber getfirstcharacter doiffirstcharelse startnointerference \ +stopnointerference strut setstrut strutbox strutht \ +strutdp strutwd begstrut endstrut + +keywordclass.context.constants=\ +zerocount minusone minustwo plusone \ +plustwo plusthree plusfour plusfive plussix \ +plusseven pluseight plusnine plusten plussixteen \ +plushundred plusthousand plustenthousand plustwentythousand medcard \ +maxcard zeropoint onepoint halfapoint onebasepoint \ +maxdimen scaledpoint thousandpoint points halfpoint \ +zeroskip pluscxxvii pluscxxviii pluscclv pluscclvi \ +normalpagebox endoflinetoken outputnewlinechar emptytoks empty \ +undefined voidbox emptybox emptyvbox emptyhbox \ +bigskipamount medskipamount smallskipamount fmtname fmtversion \ +texengine texenginename texengineversion luatexengine pdftexengine \ +xetexengine unknownengine etexversion pdftexversion xetexversion \ +xetexrevision activecatcode bgroup egroup endline \ +conditionaltrue conditionalfalse attributeunsetvalue uprotationangle rightrotationangle \ +downrotationangle leftrotationangle inicatcodes ctxcatcodes texcatcodes \ +notcatcodes txtcatcodes vrbcatcodes prtcatcodes nilcatcodes \ +luacatcodes tpacatcodes tpbcatcodes xmlcatcodes escapecatcode \ +begingroupcatcode endgroupcatcode mathshiftcatcode alignmentcatcode endoflinecatcode \ +parametercatcode superscriptcatcode subscriptcatcode ignorecatcode spacecatcode \ +lettercatcode othercatcode activecatcode commentcatcode invalidcatcode \ +tabasciicode newlineasciicode formfeedasciicode endoflineasciicode endoffileasciicode \ +spaceasciicode hashasciicode dollarasciicode commentasciicode ampersandasciicode \ +colonasciicode backslashasciicode circumflexasciicode underscoreasciicode leftbraceasciicode \ +barasciicode rightbraceasciicode tildeasciicode delasciicode lessthanasciicode \ +morethanasciicode doublecommentsignal atsignasciicode exclamationmarkasciicode questionmarkasciicode \ +doublequoteasciicode singlequoteasciicode forwardslashasciicode primeasciicode activemathcharcode \ +activetabtoken activeformfeedtoken activeendoflinetoken batchmodecode nonstopmodecode \ +scrollmodecode errorstopmodecode bottomlevelgroupcode simplegroupcode hboxgroupcode \ +adjustedhboxgroupcode vboxgroupcode vtopgroupcode aligngroupcode noaligngroupcode \ +outputgroupcode mathgroupcode discretionarygroupcode insertgroupcode vcentergroupcode \ +mathchoicegroupcode semisimplegroupcode mathshiftgroupcode mathleftgroupcode vadjustgroupcode \ +charnodecode hlistnodecode vlistnodecode rulenodecode insertnodecode \ +marknodecode adjustnodecode ligaturenodecode discretionarynodecode whatsitnodecode \ +mathnodecode gluenodecode kernnodecode penaltynodecode unsetnodecode \ +mathsnodecode charifcode catifcode numifcode dimifcode \ +oddifcode vmodeifcode hmodeifcode mmodeifcode innerifcode \ +voidifcode hboxifcode vboxifcode xifcode eofifcode \ +trueifcode falseifcode caseifcode definedifcode csnameifcode \ +fontcharifcode fontslantperpoint fontinterwordspace fontinterwordstretch fontinterwordshrink \ +fontexheight fontemwidth fontextraspace slantperpoint interwordspace \ +interwordstretch interwordshrink exheight emwidth extraspace \ +mathsupdisplay mathsupnormal mathsupcramped mathsubnormal mathsubcombined \ +mathaxisheight startmode stopmode startnotmode stopnotmode \ +startmodeset stopmodeset doifmode doifmodeelse doifnotmode \ +startallmodes stopallmodes startnotallmodes stopnotallmodes doifallmodes \ +doifallmodeselse doifnotallmodes startenvironment stopenvironment environment \ +startcomponent stopcomponent component startproduct stopproduct \ +product startproject stopproject project starttext \ +stoptext startdocument stopdocument documentvariable startmodule \ +stopmodule usemodule startTEXpage stopTEXpage enablemode \ +disablemode preventmode pushmode popmode typescriptone \ +typescripttwo typescriptthree mathsizesuffix mathordcode mathopcode \ +mathbincode mathrelcode mathopencode mathclosecode mathpunctcode \ +mathalphacode mathinnercode mathnothingcode mathlimopcode mathnolopcode \ +mathboxcode mathchoicecode mathaccentcode mathradicalcode constantnumber \ +constantnumberargument constantdimen constantdimenargument constantemptyargument continueifinputfile + diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-interfaces.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-interfaces.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c205bb568d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-interfaces.properties @@ -0,0 +1,1276 @@ +keywordclass.context.it=\ +CAP Cap Caps GIORNOSETTIMANA \ +Lettera Lettere MESE Numeri Numeriromani \ +PAROLA PAROLE Parola Parole accoppiacarta \ +accoppiadocumento accoppiamarcatura accoppiapagina accoppiaregistro adattacampo \ +adattalayout al allineacentro allineadestra allineasinistra \ +altezzacarta altezzacartastampa altezzacima altezzaelenco altezzafondo \ +altezzaintestazione altezzamakeup altezzapdp altezzatesto ambiente \ +ampiezzabordo ampiezzabordodestro ampiezzabordosinistro ampiezzacarta ampiezzacartastampa \ +ampiezzaelenco ampiezzamakeup ampiezzamargine ampiezzamarginedestro ampiezzamarginesinistro \ +ampiezzatesto ap apagina appendix arg \ +atleftmargin atrightmargin barracolori barrainterazione barrasincronizzazione \ +bastablocchi bastafile cambiaafontdeltesto campi camporiempimento \ +cap capello chapter chim circondato \ +citazione clip clonacampo colonna colore \ +coloregrigio comment commento completecombinedlist completelistoffloats \ +completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms completeregister componenet confrontagruppocolori \ +confrontatavolozza convertinumero copiacampo correggispaziobianco coupledregister \ +crlf cutspace da daqualcheparte data \ +datadioggi datareferral decrementnumber definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF \ +definecolumnbreak definecombination definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling \ +defineindentedtext defineinmargin defineitemgroup definelayer definemathalignment \ +definepagebreak defineplacement definetypeface definisci definisciaccento \ +definisciambientefontdeltesto definisciblocco definiscibloccosezione definiscibuffer definiscicampo \ +definiscicampoprincipale definiscicapoversi definiscicarattere definiscicolore definiscicomando \ +definisciconversione definiscidescrizione definiscidimensionicarta definiscielenco definiscielencocombinato \ +definiscienumerazione definiscietichetta definiscifigurasimbolo definiscifont definiscifontdeltesto \ +definiscifontgrezzo definisciformatoriferimento definiscigruppocolonne definiscigruppocolori definiscihbox \ +definisciincorniciato definisciiniziatermina definiscilayout definiscilinea definiscilistariferimenti \ +definiscilogo definiscimakeup definiscimarcatura definiscimenuinterazione definiscimodellotabella \ +definiscioggettomobile definisciordinamento definiscioutput definisciposizionetesto definisciprofilo \ +definisciprogramma definisciregistro definisciriferimento definiscirigovuoto definiscisezione \ +definiscisimbolo definiscisinonimi definiscisinonimofont definiscisottocampo definiscisovrapposizione \ +definiscistackcampi definiscistile definiscistilefont definiscitabulato definiscitavolozza \ +definiscitesta definiscitesto definiscitestoincorniciato definiscitype definiscityping \ +definiscivariabiletesto definisciversion description determinacaratteristicheregistro determinacarattersticheelenco \ +determinanumerotesta dimensione disabilitamenuinterazione distanzabordo distanzabordodestro \ +distanzabordosinistro distanzacima distanzafondo distanzaintestazione distanzamargine \ +distanzamarginedestro distanzamarginesinistro distanzapdp domicilio el \ +elaborablocchi elaborapagina elementi elemento emptylines \ +enumeration etichetta etichette fatto figuraesterna \ +fondo forzablocchi framedtext frazione getnumber \ +giornosettimana griglia headsym hl ignoto \ +immediatebetweenlist immediatetolist impaccato impostaallineamento impostaambientefontdeltesto \ +impostaampiezzariga impostabarrainterazione impostabarrasincronizzazione impostablocchimargine impostablocco \ +impostabloccosezione impostabuffer impostacampi impostacampo impostacapoversi \ +impostacaption impostacaptions impostacima impostaclippling impostacolonne \ +impostacolore impostacolori impostacombinazioni impostacommento impostacommentopagina \ +impostadefinizionenotepdp impostadescrizioni impostadimensionicarta impostaelementi impostaelencazioni \ +impostaelenco impostaelencocombinato impostaenumerazioni impostafigureesterne impostafondo \ +impostafontdeltesto impostaforms impostaformule impostagruppocolonne impostaincorniciato \ +impostainiziatermina impostainmargine impostainstestazione impostainterazione impostainterlinea \ +impostalayout impostalegenda impostalinea impostalineemargine impostalineenere \ +impostalineeriempimento impostalineesottili impostalineetesto impostalingua impostalistariferimenti \ +impostamaiuscole impostamakeup impostamarcatura impostamenuinterazione impostamenzione \ +impostanotepdp impostanumerazione impostanumerazionecapoversi impostanumerazionepagina impostanumerazionerighe \ +impostanumeropagina impostanumerosottopagina impostanumerotesta impostaoggettimobili impostaoggettomobile \ +impostaordinamento impostaoutput impostaparranging impostapdp impostapiustretto \ +impostaposizionamento impostaposizionamentoopposti impostaposizionetesto impostaprofili impostaprogrammi \ +impostapubblicazioni impostapulsanti impostaregistro impostarientro impostariferimento \ +impostarighe impostarigheriempimento impostarigovuoto impostarotazione impostaschermi \ +impostaschermointerazione impostasegnosillabazione impostasetsimboli impostasezione impostasfondi \ +impostasfondo impostasincronizzazione impostasinonimi impostasistema impostasottolinea \ +impostaspaziatura impostaspaziobianco impostaspezzamentooggettomobile impostastrut impostatab \ +impostatabelle impostatabulato impostatavolozza impostatesta impostateste \ +impostatesticima impostatestifondo impostatestiincorniciati impostatestiintestazioni impostatestipdp \ +impostatesto impostatestoetichette impostatestointestazioni impostatestotesti impostatolleranza \ +impostatransizionepagina impostatype impostatyping impostaurl impostavariabiletesto \ +impostaversioni impostazioni in inaltromargine incorniciato \ +incrementanumero indentation indestra ininner iniziaallineamento \ +iniziaambiente iniziabloccomargine iniziacitazione iniziacodifica iniziacolonne \ +iniziacolore iniziacombinazione iniziacomponente iniziacorrezioneriga iniziadocumento \ +iniziafigura iniziaglobale iniziagruppocolonne iniziaimpaccato inizialineamargine \ +inizialineatesto inizialocale iniziamakeup inizianotepdplocali inizianumerazionerighe \ +iniziaopposto iniziaoverview iniziapiustretto iniziaposizionamento iniziaprodotto \ +iniziaprofilo iniziaprogetto iniziaraster iniziariga iniziarighe \ +iniziasetsimboli iniziasfondo iniziasincronizzazione iniziasovrapposizione iniziatabella \ +iniziatabelle iniziatesto iniziaunpacked iniziaversione inlatodestro \ +inlatosinistro inmaframed inmargine inmarginedestro inmarginesinistro \ +inneredgedistance inneredgewidth innermargindistance innermarginwidth inouter \ +inriga insinistra installalingua intorno labeling \ +leg lettera lettere lineamargine lineanera \ +lineasottile lineatesto lineenere lineeriempimento lineesottili \ +lingua linguaprincipale listsymbol livellotesta loadsorts \ +loadsynonyms logcampi lunghezzaelenco maframed mapfontsize \ +mar marcatura marcaversione matematica mediaeval \ +menuinterattivo menzione mese mettielenco mettielencocombinato \ +mettifiancoafianco mettiformula mettiingriglia mettilegenda mettilinea \ +mettiloghi mettinotepdp mettinotepdplocali mettinumeropagina mettiregistro \ +mettisegnalibro mettisottoformula mettiunosullaltro mettivariabiletesto mostraambientefontdeltesto \ +mostracampi mostracolore mostracornice mostrafiguresterne mostrafontdeltesto \ +mostragriglia mostragruppocolori mostraimpostazioni mostralyout mostramakeup \ +mostrasetsimboli mostrastampa mostrastruts mostratavolozza movesidefloat \ +name nascondiblocchi navigating nextsection nientedimensioni \ +nienteelenco nientelineecimafondo nientelineintestazionepdp nientemarcatura nienterientro \ +nientespazio nientespaziobianco nocap nome nomeunita \ +nop nota notapdp notest numberofsubpages \ +numeri numeriromani numeroformula numeropagina numeropaginacompleto \ +numerosottoformula numerotesta numerotestacorrente numerototaledipagine outeredgedistance \ +outeredgewidth outermargindistance outermarginwidth overbar overbars \ +overstrike overstrikes pagedepth pageoffset pagina \ +paragraph paroladestra parolainmargine part passaafontgrezzo \ +ped pedap perlungo placefloat placelistoffloats \ +placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms placerawlist placereferencelist posizionanumerotesta \ +posizionatesto posizionatestotesta posizione prendibuffer prendimarcatura \ +prodotto progetto programma pubblicazione pulsante \ +pulsantemenu pulsantinterazione punti qualcheriga ran \ +referral referring register reimposta reimpostamarcatura \ +reservefloat resetnumber resettextcontent rientro rif \ +rifai riferimento riferimentopagina riferimentotesto riflessione \ +rigariempimento rigovuoto ruota saltablocchi scala \ +schermo scrividentroelenco scriviinelenco scriviinlistariferimenti scriviinregistro \ +section seeregister segnalibro seguiprofilo seguiversione \ +seguiversioneprofilo selezionablocchi selezionacarta selezionaversione separamarcatura \ +setnumber settext setupanswerarea setupcolumnsetlines setupcolumnsetstart \ +setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupindentedtext setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup \ +setuplistalternative setupmathalignment setuppaper setupplacement setvariabiletesto \ +sfondo sim simbolo sincronizza sort \ +spazifissi spazio spaziobianco spaziocima spaziodietro \ +spaziofisso spaziofondo spessoreriga spezzaoggettomobile spostaagriglia \ +spostaformula stackcampi startalignment startambiente startbuffer \ +startcitazione startcolore startcolumnmakeup startcolumns startcombination \ +startcomment startcomponenet startdescription startdocument startenumeration \ +startfatto startfigure startfloattext startformula startframedtext \ +starthiding startimpaccato startitemgroup startlegend startline \ +startlineamargine startlineatesto startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines \ +startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startmakeup startmarginblock \ +startmenuinterattivo startnamemakeup startnarrower startopposite startoverlay \ +startoverview startparagraph startpositioning startpostponing startprodotto \ +startprofile startprogetto startregister startsfondo startsymbolset \ +startsynchronization starttable starttables starttabulate starttyping \ +startunpacked startversione stirato stopalignment stopambiente \ +stopbuffer stopcitazione stopcolore stopcolumnmakeup stopcolumns \ +stopcombination stopcomment stopcomponenet stopdescription stopdocument \ +stopenumeration stopfatto stopfigure stopfloattext stopformula \ +stopframedtext stophiding stopimpaccato stopitemgroup stoplegend \ +stopline stoplineamargine stoplineatesto stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering \ +stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup \ +stopmarginblock stopmenuinterattivo stopnamemakeup stopnarrower stopopposite \ +stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppositioning stoppostponing \ +stopprodotto stopprofile stopprogetto stopsfondo stopsymbolset \ +stopsynchronization stoptable stoptables stoptabulate stoptyping \ +stopunpacked stopversione sub subject subpagenumber \ +subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject synonym \ +tab terminaallineamento terminaambiente terminabloccomargine terminacitazione \ +terminacodifica terminacolonne terminacolore terminacombinazione terminacomponente \ +terminacorrezioneriga terminadocumento terminaglobale terminagruppocolonne terminaimpaccato \ +terminalineamargine terminalineatesto terminalocale terminamakeup terminanotepdplocali \ +terminanumerazionerighe terminaopposto terminaoverview terminapiustretto terminaposizionamento \ +terminaprodotto terminaprofili terminaprogetto terminaraster terminariga \ +terminarighe terminasfondo terminasincronizzazione terminasovrapposizione terminatabella \ +terminatabelle terminatesto terminaunpacked terminaversioni testa \ +testcolumn testoetichetta testoinmargine testoinstestazioni testonotapdp \ +testoriempimento testpage tex tieniblocchi title \ +titoloinmargine tooltip traduci txt typ \ +type typebuffer typefile underbar underbars \ +usaJSscripts usaURL usablocco usacartella usacodifica \ +usacolonnasonoraesterna usacomandi usadocumentoesterno usafiguraesterna usafileesterni \ +usafileesterno usamoduli usamodulo usariferimenti usasimboli \ +usaspecialita usaurl useXMLfilter usedirectory usetypescript \ +usetypescriptfile vaia vaiabox vaiapagina vaigiu \ +valorecolore valoregrigio variabiletesto versione vl + +keywordclass.context.fr=\ +CAP Cap Caps Caractere \ +Caracteres Chiffresromains JOURSEMAINE MOIS MOT \ +MOTS Mot Mots Numeros a \ +adaptedisposition affectenumero affectevariabletexte ajustechamp alaligne \ +alapage aligneadroite aligneagauche aligneaumilieu appendix \ +arg arriereplan atleftmargin atrightmargin baha \ +barrecouleur barreinteraction barresynchronisation bas bouton \ +boutonmenu boutonsinteraction but cacheblocs cap \ +caractere caracteres champ changepolicebrute changepolicecorps \ +chapter chem chiffresromains citation citer \ +clip clonechamp colonne comment commentaire \ +comparegroupecouleur comparepalette completecombinedlist completelistoffloats completelistofsorts \ +completelistofsynonyms completenumeropage completeregistre composant composeenalinea \ +concernant convertitnumero copitchamp corrigeespaceblanc couleur \ +couleurgrise coupledocument coupledregister couplemarquage couplepapier \ +coupleregistre crlf cutspace dactylographier dans \ +dansautremarge dansborddroit dansbordgauche dansdroite dansgauche \ +dansmarge dansmargedroite dansmargegauche date datecourante \ +daterecommandation de decouplemarquage decrementenumero definebodyfontDEF \ +definebodyfontREF definecombination definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling \ +defineframed defineframedtext defineindentedtext defineitemgroup definemathalignment \ +defineplacement definetypeface definicaractere definit definitaccent \ +definitbloc definitblocsection definitbuffer definitcalque definitchamp \ +definitchampprincipal definitcommande definitconversion definitcouleur definitdactylo \ +definitdansmarge definitdemarrestoppe definitdescription definitdisposition definitenumeration \ +definitenvironnementpolicecorps definitetiquette definitflottant definitformatreference definitgroupecouleur \ +definithbox definitjeucolonne definitliste definitlisteimbriquee definitlistereference \ +definitlogo definitmakeup definitmarquage definitmenuinteraction definitnotepdp \ +definitpalette definitparagraphes definitpilechamp definitpolice definitpolicebrute \ +definitpolicecorps definitpositiontexte definitprofil definitprogramme definitreference \ +definitregistre definitregle definitrevetement definitsautdecolonne definitsautdepage \ +definitsection definitsortie definitsouschamp definitstyle definitstylepolice \ +definitsymbole definitsymbolefigure definitsynonymepolice definitsynonymes definittabulation \ +definittaillepapier definittete definittexte definittrametableau definittri \ +definittype definitvariabletexte definitversion definitvide demarrealignement \ +demarrearriereplan demarreblocmarge demarrecitation demarreciter demarrecodage \ +demarrecolonnes demarrecombinaison demarrecompoetroite demarrecomposant demarrecorrectionligne \ +demarrecouleur demarredegroupe demarredocument demarreenvironement demarrefigure \ +demarreglobal demarregroupe demarrejeucolonne demarrejeusymboles demarreligne \ +demarreligneregleetexte demarrelignes demarrelocal demarremakeup demarremargereglee \ +demarrenotespdplocales demarrenumerotationligne demarreopposition demarrepositionnement demarreproduit \ +demarreprofil demarreprojet demarreraster demarrerevetement demarresynchronisation \ +demarretableau demarretableaux demarretexte demarreversion demarrevuedensemble \ +deplaceformule deplacesurgrille description determinecaracteristiqueliste determinecaracteristiquesregistre \ +determinenumerotete dimension distancebord distanceborddroit distancebordgauche \ +distanceentete distanceinf distancemarge distancemargedroite distancemargegauche \ +distancepdp distancesup domicile echelle ecran \ +ecritdansliste ecritdanslistereference ecritentreliste ecritregistre el \ +element elements emptylines enumeration environement \ +espace espaceblanc espacefixe espaceinf espacesfixes \ +espacesup etiquette etiquettes etire fait \ +faitreference fichierdactylo figureexterne forceblocs fraction \ +framed framedtext gardeblocs getnumber grille \ +groupe haut hauteureditionpapier hauteurentete hauteurinf \ +hauteurliste hauteurmakeup hauteurpapier hauteurpdp hauteursup \ +hauteurtexte headsym hl immediatebetweenlist immediatetolist \ +inconnu incrementenumero indentation inframed infull \ +inhibemenuinteraction ininner inmframed inneredgedistance inneredgewidth \ +innermargindistance innermarginwidth inouter installelangue joursemaine \ +labeling labeltexte langue langueprincipale largeurbord \ +largeurborddroit largeurbordgauche largeureditionpapier largeurligne largeurliste \ +largeurmakeup largeurmarge largeurmargedroite largeurmargegauche largeurpapier \ +largeurtexte leg ligneh lignenoire ligneregleetexte \ +lignesnoires listesymbole llongueurliste loadsorts loadsynonyms \ +logchamp mapfontsize mar margereglee marquage \ +marquageversion marquepage mathematique mediaeval menuinteraction \ +mframed mois montrecadre montrechamps montrecouleur \ +montredisposition montreedition montreenvironnementpolicecorps montrefiguresexternes montregrille \ +montregroupecouleur montrejeusymboles montremakeup montrepalette montrepolicecorps \ +montrereglages montrestruts motdroit motmarge movesidefloat \ +name navigating nextsection niveautete nocap \ +nombredesouspages nombretotaldepages nommacro nop note \ +notepdp numeroformule numeropage numeros numerosousformule \ +numerotete numerotetecourant obtientmarquage oriente outeredgedistance \ +outeredgewidth outermargindistance outermarginwidth overbar overbars \ +overstrike overstrikes page pagedepth pagedouble \ +pageoffset paragraph part pasplusdeblocs pasplusdefichiers \ +periodes pilechamp placecoteacote placeflottant placeformule \ +placelegende placelesunsaudessusdesautres placeliste placelisteinmbriquee placelistereference \ +placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms placelogos placemarquespages \ +placenotespdp placenotespdplocales placenumeropage placenumerotete placerawlist \ +placeregistre placeregle placesousformule placesurgrille placetextetete \ +placevariabletexte position positionnetexte prendbuffer produit \ +programme projet publication qqpart ran \ +raz razmarquage raznumero recommandation ref \ +refait reference referencepage referencetexte reflete \ +register reglages reglealignement reglearrangement reglearriereplan \ +reglearriereplans reglebarreinteraction reglebarresynchronisation reglebloc regleblocmarge \ +regleblocsection regleboutons reglebuffer reglecapitales reglechamp \ +reglechamps regleclipping reglecolonnes reglecombinaisons reglecommentaire \ +reglecommentairepage reglecompoetroite reglecomposeenalinea reglecouleur reglecouleurs \ +regledactylo regledansmarge regledemarrestoppe regledescriptions regledisposition \ +regleecraninteraction regleecrans regleelements regleencadre regleentete \ +regleenumerations regleenvironnementpolicecorps regleepaisseurligne regleespaceblanc regleespacement \ +regleespacementinterligne reglefiguresexternes regleflottant regleflottants regleformulaires \ +regleformules reglegroupeselements regleinf regleinteraction regleintitule \ +regleintitules reglejeucolonne reglejeusymboles reglelabeltexte reglelangue \ +reglelegende reglelignes reglelignesnoires reglelignesreglestexte regleliste \ +reglelisteimbriquee reglelistereference reglemakeup reglemargereglee reglemarquage \ +reglemarquagehyphenation reglemenuinteraction reglenotepdp reglenumero reglenumeropage \ +reglenumerotation reglenumerotationligne reglenumerotationpage reglenumerotationparagraphe reglenumerotete \ +regleoriente reglepalette reglepapier regleparagraphes reglepdp \ +regleplacementopposition reglepolicecorps reglepositionnement reglepositiontexte regleprofils \ +regleprogrammes reglepublications reglereferencage regleregistre regleregle \ +regleremplitligne regleremplitlignesreglees reglesection regleseparationflottant reglesortie \ +reglesouslignage reglesousnumeropage reglestrut reglesup reglesynchronisation \ +reglesynonymes reglesysteme regletab regletableaux regletabulation \ +regletaillepapier regletete regletetes regletexte regletextesentete \ +regletextesinf regletextespdp regletextessup regletextestexte regletextetete \ +regletolerance regletraitsfins regletransitionspage regletri regletype \ +regleurl reglevariabletexte regleversions remplitchamp remplitligne \ +remplitlignesreglees remplittexte reservefloat resettextcontent retourarriere \ +sansalinea sansdimension sansespace sansespaceblanc sanslignesenteteetpdp \ +sanslignessupetinf sansliste sansmarquage sanstest sauteblocs \ +section seeregister selectionneblocs selectionnepapier selectionneversion \ +sensunite separeflottant settext setupanswerarea setupcolumnsetlines \ +setupcolumnsetstart setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupframedtexts setupindentedtext \ +setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup setuplistalternative setupmathalignment setupplacement \ +sort sousnumeropage startalignment startarriereplan startbuffer \ +startcitation startcolumnmakeup startcolumns startcombination startcomment \ +startcomposant startcouleur startdescription startdocument startenumeration \ +startenvironement startfait startfigure startfloattext startformula \ +startframedtext startgroupe starthiding startitemgroup startlegend \ +startligneregleetexte startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines \ +startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startmakeup startmargereglee \ +startmarginblock startmenuinteraction startnamemakeup startnarrower startopposite \ +startoverlay startoverview startparagraph startpositioning startpostponing \ +startproduit startprofile startprojet startregister startsymbolset \ +startsynchronization starttable starttables starttabulate starttyping \ +startunpacked startversion stopalignment stoparriereplan stopbuffer \ +stopcitation stopcolumnmakeup stopcolumns stopcombination stopcomment \ +stopcompoetroite stopcomposant stopcouleur stopdescription stopdocument \ +stopenumeration stopenvironement stopfait stopfigure stopfloattext \ +stopformula stopframedtext stopgroupe stophiding stopitemgroup \ +stoplegend stopligneregleetexte stopline stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering \ +stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup \ +stopmargereglee stopmarginblock stopmenuinteraction stopnamemakeup stopnarrower \ +stopopposite stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppealignement \ +stoppearriereplan stoppeblocmarge stoppecitation stoppecodage stoppecolonnes \ +stoppecombinaison stoppecomposant stoppecorrectionligne stoppecouleur stoppedegroupe \ +stoppedocument stoppeenvironement stoppeglobal stoppegroupe stoppejeucolonne \ +stoppeligne stoppeligneregleetexte stoppelignes stoppelocal stoppemakeup \ +stoppemargereglee stoppenotespdplocales stoppenumerotationligne stoppeopposition stoppepositionnement \ +stoppeproduit stoppeprofil stoppeprojet stopperaster stopperevetement \ +stoppesynchronisation stoppetableau stoppetableaux stoppetexte stoppeversion \ +stoppevuedensemble stoppositioning stoppostponing stopproduit stopprofile \ +stopprojet stopsymbolset stopsynchronization stoptable stoptables \ +stoptabulate stoptyping stopunpacked stopversion sub \ +subject subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject \ +suggestion suivantprofil suivantversion suivantversionprofil sym \ +symbole synchronise synonym tab tapebuffer \ +testcolumn testpage tete tex textemarge \ +textenotepdp textetete title titremarge traduire \ +traiteblocs traitepage traitfin traitsfins txt \ +typ underbar underbars uneligne useXMLfilter \ +usedirectory usetypescript usetypescriptfile utiliseJSscripts utiliseURL \ +utiliseblocs utilisechemin utilisecommandes utilisedocumentexterne utiliseencodage \ +utilisefichierexterne utilisefichiersexternes utilisefigureexterne utilisemodule utilisemodules \ +utilisepsiteaudioexterne utilisereferences utilisespecialites utilisesymboles utiliseurl \ +va vaalaboite vaalapage vaenbas valeurcouleur \ +valeurgris variabletexte version vide vl + +keywordclass.context.de=\ +Buchstabe Buchstaben CAP Cap \ +Caps KAP Kap Kaps MONAT \ +Roemischezahlen WOCHENTAG WOERTER WORT Woerter \ +Wort Ziffern abstandlinkerrand abstandoben abstandrechterrand \ +abstandunten amgitterausrichten amgitterneuausrichten appendix arg \ +atleftmargin atrightmargin aufseite ausfuellfeld ausfuelltext \ +ausschnitt bearbeitebloecke bearbeiteseite bedeutung behaltebloecke \ +bei bemerkung benutzekodierung benutzespezielles benutzeverzeichnis \ +beschrifteversion beschriftung bestimmekopfnummer bestimmelistencharakeristika bestimmeregistercharakteristika \ +bildschirm blanko bookmark bottomspace breitelinkerrand \ +breiterechterrand bruch buchstabe buchstaben but \ +bypassblocks cap chapter chem comment \ +completecombinedlist completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms completepagenumber \ +completeregister coupledregister crlf cutspace datum \ +decrementnumber definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF definecolumnbreak definecolumnset \ +definecombination definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling defineindentedtext \ +defineinmargin defineitemgroup definelayer definelayout definemathalignment \ +defineoutput definepagebreak defineplacement definerawfont definerule \ +defineschriftsynonym definetextposition definetextvariable definetype definetypeface \ +definiereabbsymbol definiereabsaetze definiereabschnitt definiereabschnittsblock definiereakzent \ +definierebefehl definierebeschreibung definierebeschreibungen definierebeschriftung definiereblanko \ +definiereblock definierefarbe definierefarbengruppe definierefeld definierefeldstapel \ +definierefliesstext definierefliesstextumgebung definieregleitobjekt definierehauptfeld definierehbox \ +definiereinteraktionsmenue definierekonversion definierelabel definiereliste definierelogo \ +definieren definierenummerierung definiereoverlay definierepalette definierepapierformat \ +definiereprofil definiereprogramme definierepuffer definierereferenz definierereferenzformat \ +definierereferenzliste definiereregister definiereschrift definiereschriftstil definieresortieren \ +definierestartstop definierestil definieresubfeld definieresymbol definieresynonyme \ +definieretabellenvorlage definieretabulator definieretext definieretippen definiereueberschrift \ +definiereumbruch definiereumrahmt definiereumrahmtertext definiereversion definierezeichen \ +definierezusammengestellteliste description dimension doppelseite doppelseitigespapier \ +drehen duennelinie duennerumriss einezeile einstellungen \ +einziehen emptylines entknuepfebeschriftung enumeration externeabbildung \ +farbbalken farbe farbewert feld feldstapel \ +festesspatium folgeprofil folgeprofilversion folgeversion footnotetext \ +forceblocks format formelnummer framedtext fussnote \ +fusszeileabstand fusszeilenhoehe gefuelltesrechteck gefuelltezeile geg \ +gesamtseitenanzahl gestreckt getnumber gitter graufarbe \ +grauwert haarlinie hauptsprache headsym heutigesdatum \ +heutigeskopfnummer hintergrund hl hoch hoeheoben \ +hoeheunten holebeschriftung holepuffer imlinken imlinkenrand \ +immaumrise immediatebetweenlist immediatetolist imrechten imrechtenrand \ +imumriss in inaktiviereinteraktionsmenue inanderermarginale indentation \ +ininner inlinkermarginale inmarginalie inneredgedistance inneredgewidth \ +innermargindistance innermarginwidth inouter inrechtermarginale installieresprache \ +interaktionsbalken interaktionsknopfe interaktionsmenue inzeile irgendwo \ +its kap keindimension keinebeschriftung keinebloeckemehr \ +keinedateienmehr keinekopfundfusszeilen keineliste keinspatium keintest \ +keinzeilenobenundunten keinzwischenraum kleinerdurchschuss klonierefeld knopf \ +komponente konvertierezahl kopf kopfniveau kopfnummer \ +kopfweite kopfzeilenabstand kopfzeilenhoehe kopierefeld korrigierezwischenraum \ +label labeling labels labeltext leg \ +liniendicke linkemarginalafstand linkemarginalbreite linksbuendig listenbreite \ +listenhoehe listenlaenge listsymbol loadsorts loadsynonyms \ +mapfontsize mar marginalafstand marginalbreite marginallinie \ +marginaltext marginaltitel marginalwort mathematik maumrise \ +mediaeval menueknopf monat moveformula movesidefloat \ +nachunten name navigating nextsection nichteinziehen \ +nocap nokap nop notiz numberofsubpages \ +nummererhoehen outeredgedistance outeredgewidth outermargindistance outermarginwidth \ +overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes pagedepth \ +pageoffset papierbreite papierhoehe paragraph part \ +passelayoutan passendfeld placefloat placeheadnumber placeheadtext \ +placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms placepagenumber placerawlist \ +placereferencelist placerule placetextvariable platzierebookmarks platziereformel \ +platzierefussnoten platzierelegende platziereliste platzierelogo platzierelokalefussnoten \ +platzierenebeneinander platziereregister platziereuntereinander platziereunterformel platzierezusammengestellteliste \ +pos position positiontext posten printpapierbreite \ +printpapierhoehe produkt programm projekt publikation \ +punkt ran randabstand randbreite rechteck \ +rechtecke rechtemarginalafstand rechtemarginalbreite rechtsbuendig ref \ +referenz referieren register registrierefelder reservefloat \ +resetnumber resettextcontent roemischezahlen ruecksetzten ruecksetztenbeschriftung \ +rumpfweite satzbreite satzhoehe schreibezumregister schreibezurliste \ +schreibezurreferenzliste schreibezwischenliste section seeregister seite \ +seitenreferenz seitenummer setnumber settext settextvariable \ +setupanswerarea setupcolumnset setupcolumnsetlines setupcolumnsetstart setupfonthandling \ +setupfontsynonym setupforms setupindentedtext setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup \ +setuplistalternative setupmathalignment setupnumber setuppaper setupplacement \ +setuprule setupstartstop setupstrut setuptextposition setuptextvariable \ +showsymbolset sort spalte spatium spiegeln \ +sprache startabbildung startalignment startausrichtung startbuffer \ +startcolumnmakeup startcolumns startcolumnset startcombination startcomment \ +startdescription startdocument startdokument startenger startenumeration \ +startfarbe startfigure startfloattext startformula startframedtext \ +startgeg startgegenueber startglobal startgrosserdurchschuss starthiding \ +starthintergrund startinteraktionsmenue startitemgroup startkleinerdurchschuss startkodierung \ +startkombination startkomponente startlegend startline startlinecorrection \ +startlinenumbering startlines startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes \ +startlokal startlokalefussnoten startmakeup startmarginalblock startmarginallinie \ +startmarginblock startnamemakeup startnarrower startopposite startoverlay \ +startoverview startparagraph startpositionieren startpositioning startpostponing \ +startprodukt startprofil startprofile startprojekt startraster \ +startregister startspalten startsymbolset startsynchronisation startsynchronization \ +starttabelle starttabellen starttable starttables starttabulate \ +starttext starttextlinie starttyping startueberblick startumbruch \ +startumgebung startunpacked startversion startzeile startzeilen \ +startzeilenkorrektur startzeilennumerierung startzitat stelleabsaetzeein stelleabsatznummerierungein \ +stelleabschnittein stelleabschnittsblockein stelleanordnenein stelleaufzaehlungenein stelleausgabeein \ +stelleausrichtungein stelleausschnittein stellebeschreibungein stellebeschriftungein stellebilderunterschriftein \ +stellebildunterschriftein stellebindestrichein stelleblankoein stelleblockein stelledrehenein \ +stelleduennerumrissein stelleeinziehenein stelleengerein stelleexterneabbildungenein stellefarbeein \ +stellefarbenein stellefeldein stellefelderin stellefliesstextein stellefliesstextumgebungein \ +stelleformelnein stellefussnotendefinitionein stellefussnotenein stellefusszeileein stellefusszeilentextein \ +stellegefuelltesrechteckein stellegefuelltezeileein stellegegenueberplatzierenein stellegleitobjekteein stellegleitobjektein \ +stellehintergruendeein stellehintergrundein stelleinmarginalieein stelleinteraktionein stelleinteraktionsbalkenein \ +stelleinteraktionsbildschirmein stelleinteraktionsmenueein stelleknopfein stellekombinationein stellekommentarein \ +stellekopfzahlein stellekopfzeileein stellekopfzeilentextein stellelabeltextein stellelayoutein \ +stellelegendeein stellelinienbreiteein stellelisteein stellemarginalblockein stellemarginallinieein \ +stellenobenein stellenummerierungein stellepaletteein stellepapierformatein stelleplatziegeteiltegleitobjekt \ +stellepositionierenein stellepostenein stelleprofilein stelleprogrammein stellepublikationein \ +stellepufferein stellerasterein stellerechteckein stellereferenzierenein stellereferenzlisteein \ +stelleregisterein stelleseitenkommentarein stelleseitennummerein stelleseitennummeriernungein stelleseitenuebergangein \ +stellesortierenein stellespaltenein stellespatiumein stellespracheein stellesymbolsetein \ +stellesynchronisationein stellesynchronisationsbalkenein stellesynonymein stellesystemein stelletabein \ +stelletabellenein stelletabulatorein stelletextein stelletextobenein stelletexttexteein \ +stelletextumrissein stelletextuntenein stelletipein stelletippenein stelletoleranzein \ +stelleueberschriftein stelleueberschriftenein stelleueberschrifttextein stelleumbruchein stelleumrahmtein \ +stelleumrahmtetexteein stelleuntenein stelleunterseitennummerein stelleunterstreichenein stelleurlein \ +stelleversalienein stelleversionein stellezeilenabstandein stellezeilenein stellezeilennumerierungein \ +stellezitierenein stellezusammengestelltelisteein stellezwischenraumein stopalignment stopausrichtung \ +stopbuffer stopcolumnmakeup stopcolumns stopcolumnset stopcombination \ +stopcomment stopdescription stopdocument stopdokument stopenger \ +stopenumeration stopfarbe stopfigure stopfloattext stopformula \ +stopframedtext stopgeg stopgegenueber stopglobal stopgrosserdurchschuss \ +stophiding stophintergrund stopinteraktionsmenue stopitemgroup stopkleinerdurchschuss \ +stopkodierung stopkombination stopkomponente stoplegend stopline \ +stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment \ +stoplocalfootnotes stoplokal stoplokalefussnoten stopmakeup stopmarginalblock \ +stopmarginallinie stopmarginblock stopnamemakeup stopnarrower stopopposite \ +stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppositionieren stoppositioning \ +stoppostponing stopprodukt stopprofil stopprofile stopprojekt \ +stopraster stopspalten stopsymbolset stopsynchronisation stopsynchronization \ +stoptabelle stoptabellen stoptable stoptables stoptabulate \ +stoptext stoptextlinie stoptyping stopueberblick stopumbruch \ +stopumgebung stopunpacked stopversion stopzeile stopzeilen \ +stopzeilenkorrektur stopzeilennumerierung stopzitat sub subject \ +subpagenumber subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject \ +switchtorawfont sym symbol synchronisationsbalken synchronisieren \ +synonym tab teilegleitobjekt testcolumn testpage \ +tex textbreite texthoehe textlinie textreferenz \ +textvariable tief tiho tip tippedatei \ +tippen tippepuffer title tooltip txt \ +ueber ueberschrifttext uebersetzten umgebung umrahmt \ +unbekant underbar underbars unterformelnummer useXMLfilter \ +usedirectory usetypescript usetypescriptfile verbergebloecke vergleichefarbengruppe \ +vergleichepalette verknuepfebeschriftung verknuepfedokument verknuepfregister version \ +verweis verweisdatum verwendeJSscript verwendeURL verwendebefehl \ +verwendebloecke verwendeexteresdokument verwendeexterneabbildung verwendeexternedatei verwendeexternedateien \ +verwendeexternestonstueck verwendemodul verwendemodule verwendereferenzen verwendesymbole \ +verwendeurl vl volleswort von waehlebloeckeaus \ +waehlepapieraus waehleversionaus wechselezumfliesstext wiederholen wochentag \ +wohnort wortrechts zeigedruck zeigeeinstellungen zeigeexterneabbildungen \ +zeigefarbe zeigefarbengruppe zeigefelder zeigefliesstext zeigefliesstextumgebung \ +zeigegitter zeigelayout zeigepalette zeigerahmen zeigestruts \ +zeigeumbruch zentriert ziffern zitat zitieren \ +zu zurbox zurseite zwischenraum + +keywordclass.context.cs=\ +CAP Cap Caps Cisla \ +KAP Kap Kaps MESIC Rimskecislice \ +SLOVA SLOVO Slova Slovo VSEDNIDEN \ +Znak Znaky aktualnicislonadpisu aktualnidatum appendix \ +arg atleftmargin atrightmargin barevnalista barva \ +bilemisto bottomspace bublinkovanapoveda bydliste bypassblocks \ +cap celkovypocetstran cernalinka cernelinky chapter \ +chem cisla cislonadpisu cislopodrovnice cislorovnice \ +cislostrany citace citovat comment completecombinedlist \ +completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms completepagenumber completeregister \ +coupledregister crlf cutspace datum decrementnumber \ +definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF definecolumnbreak definecolumnset definecombination \ +definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling defineindentedtext defineinmargin \ +defineitemgroup definelayer definelayout definemathalignment definepagebreak \ +defineplacement definerawfont definerule definetextposition definetextvariable \ +definetype definetypeface definuj definujakcent definujbarvu \ +definujblok definujbloksekce definujbuffer definujfont definujformatodkazu \ +definujhbox definujhlavnipole definujinterakcnimenu definujkombinovanyseznam definujkonverzi \ +definujlogo definujnadpis definujobrazeksymbol definujodkaz definujodstavce \ +definujopis definujoramovani definujoramovanytext definujpaletu definujplvouciobjekt \ +definujpodpole definujpole definujpopis definujpopisek definujprekryv \ +definujpreskok definujprikaz definujprofil definujprogram definujprostredizakladnihofontu \ +definujrejstrik definujsablonutabulky definujsekci definujseznam definujseznamodkazu \ +definujskupinubarev definujstartstop definujstyl definujstylfontu definujsymbol \ +definujsynonumumfontu definujsynonyma definujtabelaci definujtext definujtrideni \ +definujupravu definujvelikostpapiru definujverzi definujvycet definujvystup \ +definujzakladnifont definujzasobnikpoli definujznaceni definujznak delkaseznamu \ +description dodrzujprofil dodrzujverzi dodrzujverziprofilu dvoustrannypapir \ +emptylines enumeration externiobraz fakt footnotetext \ +forceblocks framedtext getnumber headsym hl \ +hlavnijazyk hlavniuroven hodnotabarvy hodnotasedi immediatebetweenlist \ +immediatetolist indentation ininner inneredgedistance inneredgewidth \ +innermargindistance innermarginwidth inouter instalacejazyka interakcnilista \ +interakcnitlacitka interaktivnimenu jazyk jdidolu jdina \ +jdinabox jdinastranu jmeno kap klonujpole \ +komponenta konvertujcislo kopirujpole korekcebilehomista labeling \ +leg listsymbol loadsorts loadsynonyms maoramovani \ +mapfontsize marginalnilinka marginalninadpis marginalnislovo marginalnitext \ +matematika mazaramovani mediaeval meritko mesic \ +mezera moveformula movesidefloat mrizka nadpis \ +nadruhyokraj nalevo nalevyokraj name naokraj \ +napravo napravyokraj nastavbarvu nastavbarvy nastavbilamista \ +nastavblok nastavbloksekce nastavbuffer nastavcernelinky nastavcislonadpisu \ +nastavcislostrany nastavcislovani nastavcislovaniodstavcu nastavcislovaniradku nastavcislovanistran \ +nastavcitaci nastavdefinicipoznamekpodcarou nastavdeleniplvoucichobjektu nastavdelitko nastavdolnitexty \ +nastaveni nastavexterniobrazy nastavhorejsek nastavhornitexty nastavinterakci \ +nastavinterakcnilistu nastavinterakcnimenu nastavinterakcniobrazovku nastavjazyk nastavkapitalky \ +nastavkombinovanyseznam nastavkomentar nastavkomentarstrany nastavlegendu nastavmarginalie \ +nastavmarginalniblok nastavmarginalnilinky nastavmeziradkovoumezeru nastavnadpis nastavnadpisy \ +nastavodkazovani nastavodsazovani nastavodstavce nastavopis nastavoramovanetexty \ +nastavoramovani nastavorez nastavotoceni nastavpaletu nastavplvouciobjekt \ +nastavplvouciobjekty nastavpodcislostrany nastavpodtrzeni nastavpole nastavpolozky \ +nastavpopisek nastavpopisky nastavpopisy nastavpozadi nastavpoznamkypodcarou \ +nastavprechodstrany nastavpreskok nastavprofily nastavprogramy nastavprostredizakladnihofontu \ +nastavpublikace nastavradkovani nastavradky nastavrastr nastavrejstrik \ +nastavrovnice nastavsadusymbolu nastavsekci nastavseznam nastavseznamodkazu \ +nastavsirkucary nastavsloupce nastavspodek nastavspojeni nastavsynchronizaci \ +nastavsynchronizacnilistu nastavsynonyma nastavsystem nastavtab nastavtabelaci \ +nastavtabulky nastavtenkelinky nastavtext nastavtexthlavicky nastavtextovelinky \ +nastavtextpopisku nastavtexttexty nastavtextyupati nastavtextyzahlavi nastavtlacitka \ +nastavtoleranci nastavtrideni nastavtype nastavumisteniprotejsku nastavumistovani \ +nastavupati nastavupravu nastavurl nastavusporadani nastavvelikostpapiru \ +nastavverze nastavvsechnapole nastavvycty nastavvyplnovelinky nastavvyplnoveradky \ +nastavvystup nastavvzhled nastavzahlavi nastavzakladnifont nastavzarovnani \ +nastavznaceni nastavzuzeni nastrane navigating nejakyradek \ +nekde nextsection neznamo nivy nizky \ +nocap nokap nop numberofsubpages obrazovka \ +odkaz odkaznadatum odkaznastranu odkaznatext odkazujici \ +odsazenishora odsazenizleva odsazovani okr opakovat \ +opis opissoubor oramovani oref orez \ +otocit outeredgedistance outeredgewidth outermargindistance outermarginwidth \ +overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes oznaceni \ +oznacverzi pagedepth pageoffset paragraph parovastrana \ +part pis placefloat placeheadnumber placeheadtext \ +placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms placepagenumber placerawlist \ +placereferencelist placerule placetextvariable plnezneni pol \ +pole polozka polozky popisky poppisek \ +porovnejpaletu porovnejskupinubarev positiontext pozadi pozice \ +poznamka poznamkapodcarou pref prelozit premistinamrizku \ +prepninazakladnifont preskoc prizpusobivepole prizpusobvzhled produkt \ +program projekt propojeneznaceni propojenydokument propojenyrejstrik \ +prostredi publikace ran ref register \ +reservefloat reset resetnumber resettextcontent resetznaceni \ +rimskecislice rozdelplvouciobjekt rozmer rozpojeneznaceni roztazene \ +schovejbloky section sedabarva seeregister setnumber \ +settextcontent settextvariable setupanswerarea setupcolumnset setupcolumnsetlines \ +setupcolumnsetstart setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupforms setupindentedtext \ +setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup setuplistalternative setupmathalignment setupnumber \ +setuppaper setupplacement setuprule setupstartstop setupstrut \ +setuptextposition setuptextvariable sirkalevehookraje sirkalevemarginalie sirkamarginalie \ +sirkaokraje sirkapapiru sirkapravehookraje sirkapravemarginalie sirkasazby \ +sirkaseznamu sirkatextu sirkatiskpapiru sloupec slovovpravo \ +sort spodek stanovcharakteristickuseznamu stanovcislonadpisu startalignment \ +startbarva startbuffer startcislovaniradku startcitace startcolumnmakeup \ +startcolumns startcolumnset startcombination startcomment startdescription \ +startdocument startdokument startenumeration startfakt startfigure \ +startfloattext startformula startframedtext startglobalni starthiding \ +startinteraktivnimenu startitemgroup startkodovani startkomponenta startkorekceradku \ +startlegend startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines \ +startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startlokalni startlokalnipoznamkypodcarou \ +startmakeup startmarginalniblok startmarginalnilinka startmarginblock startnamemakeup \ +startnarrower startnezhustene startobraz startopposite startoverlay \ +startoverview startparagraph startpositioning startpostponing startpozadi \ +startprehled startprekryv startprodukt startprofil startprofile \ +startprojekt startprostredi startprotejsek startradek startradky \ +startrastr startregister startsadasymbolu startsloupce startspojeni \ +startsymbolset startsynchronizace startsynchronization starttable starttables \ +starttabulate starttabulka starttabulky starttext starttextovalinka \ +starttyping startumistovani startunpacked startuprava startverze \ +startzarovnavani startzhustene startzuzeni stopalignment stopbarva \ +stopbuffer stopcislovaniradku stopcitace stopcolumnmakeup stopcolumns \ +stopcolumnset stopcombination stopcomment stopdescription stopdocument \ +stopdokument stopenumeration stopfakt stopfigure stopfloattext \ +stopformula stopframedtext stopglobalni stophiding stopinteraktivnimenu \ +stopitemgroup stopkodovani stopkomponenta stopkorekceradku stoplegend \ +stopline stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplocal \ +stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stoplokalni stoplokalnipoznamkypodcarou stopmakeup \ +stopmarginalniblok stopmarginalnilinka stopmarginblock stopnamemakeup stopnarrower \ +stopnezhustene stopopposite stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph \ +stoppositioning stoppostponing stoppozadi stopprehled stopprekryv \ +stopprodukt stopprofil stopprofile stopprojekt stopprostredi \ +stopprotejsek stopradek stopradky stoprastr stopsloupce \ +stopspojeni stopsymbolset stopsynchronizace stopsynchronization stoptable \ +stoptables stoptabulate stoptabulka stoptabulky stoptext \ +stoptextovalinka stoptyping stopumistovani stopunpacked stopuprava \ +stopverze stopzarovnavani stopzhustene stopzuzeni strana \ +sub subject subpagenumber subsection subsubject \ +subsubsection subsubsubject switchtorawfont sym symbol \ +synchronizacnilista synchronizovat synonym tab tecky \ +tenkalinka tenkelinky testcolumn testpage tex \ +texthlavicky textovalinka textpopisku textvariable title \ +tlacitko tlacitkomenu tloustkacary tref tvrdamezera \ +tvrdemezery txt typebuffer ukazbarvu ukazexterniobrazy \ +ukazmrizku ukaznastaveni ukazpaletu ukazpodpery ukazpole \ +ukazpostredizakladnihofontu ukazramecek ukazsadusymbolu ukazskupinubarev ukazupravu \ +ukazvytisk ukazvzhled ukazzakladnifont umistikombinovanyseznam umistilegendu \ +umistiloga umistilokalnipoznamkypodcarou umistinadsebe umistinamrizku umistipodrovnici \ +umistipoznamkypodcarou umistirejstrik umistirovnici umistiseznam umistivedlesebe \ +umistizalozky underbar underbars urcicharakteristikurejstriku useXMLfilter \ +usedirectory usetypescript usetypescriptfile uzijJSscripts uzijURL \ +uzijadresar uzijbloky uzijexternidokument uzijexterniobraz uzijexternisoubor \ +uzijexternisoubory uzijexternizvuk uzijkodovani uzijmodul uzijmoduly \ +uzijodkazy uzijprikazy uzijspeciality uzijsymbol uzijurl \ +verze vl vlasovalinka vlevo vpravo \ +vradku vsedniden vyberbloky vyberpapir vyberverzi \ +vyplnenytext vyplnovelinky vyplnovepole vyplnovyradek vyskahorejsku \ +vyskapapiru vyskasazby vyskaseznamu vyskaspodku vyskatextu \ +vyskatiskpapiru vyskaupati vyskazahlavi vysoky vyznam \ +vzdalenosthorejsku vzdalenostlevehookraje vzdalenostlevemarginalie vzdalenostmarginalie vzdalenostokraje \ +vzdalenostpravehookraje vzdalenostpravemarginalie vzdalenostspodku vzdalenostupati vzdalenostzahlavi \ +zablokujinterakcnimenu zachovejbloky zadnamezera zadnebilemisto zadnedalsibloky \ +zadnedalsisoubory zadnehorniadolniradky zadneodsazovani zadnezahlaviaupati zadneznaceni \ +zadnyrozmer zadnyseznam zadnytest zalozka zapisdorejstriku \ +zapisdoseznamu zapisdoseznamuodkazu zapismeziseznam zaramovani zarovnanonastred \ +zarovnanovlevo zarovnanovpravo zasobnikpoli zaznamovepole zhustene \ +ziskejbuffer ziskejznaceni zlomek znaceni znak \ +znaky zpracujbloky zpracujstranu zrcadlit zref \ +zvysujicicislo + +keywordclass.context.en=\ +CAP Cap Caps Character \ +Characters MONTH Numbers Romannumerals WEEKDAY \ +WORD WORDS Word Words about \ +adaptlayout adding appendix arg at \ +atleftmargin atpage atrightmargin background backspace \ +blackrule blackrules blank bookmark bottomdistance \ +bottomheight bottomspace but button bypassblocks \ +cap chapter character characters chem \ +clip clonefield color colorbar colorvalue \ +column comment comparecolorgroup comparepalet completecombinedlist \ +completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms completepagenumber completeregister \ +component convertnumber copyfield correctwhitespace coupledocument \ +coupledregister couplemarking couplepage couplepaper coupleregister \ +crlf currentdate currentheadnumber cutspace date \ +decouplemarking decrementnumber define defineaccent defineblank \ +defineblock definebodyfont definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF definebodyfontenvironment \ +definebuffer definecharacter definecolor definecolorgroup definecolumnbreak \ +definecolumnset definecombination definecombinedlist definecommand defineconversion \ +definedescription definedfont defineenumeration definefield definefieldstack \ +definefiguresymbol definefloat definefont definefontfeature definefonthandling \ +definefontstyle definefontsynonym defineframed defineframedtext definehbox \ +definehead defineindentedtext defineinmargin defineinteractionmenu defineitemgroup \ +definelabel definelayer definelayout definelist definelogo \ +definemainfield definemakeup definemarking definemathalignment defineoutput \ +defineoverlay definepagebreak definepalet definepapersize defineparagraphs \ +defineplacement defineprofile defineprogram definerawfont definereference \ +definereferenceformat definereferencelist defineregister definerule definesection \ +definesectionblock definesorting definestartstop definestyle definesubfield \ +definesymbol definesynonyms definetabletemplate definetabulate definetext \ +definetextposition definetextvariable definetype definetypeface definetyping \ +defineversion description determineheadnumber determinelistcharacteristics determineregistercharacteristics \ +dimension disableinteractionmenu domicile donttest edgedistance \ +edgewidth emptylines enumeration environment externalfigure \ +fact field fieldstack fillinfield fillinline \ +fillinrules fillintext fitfield fixedspace fixedspaces \ +followprofile followprofileversion followversion footerdistance footerheight \ +footnote footnotetext forceblocks formulanumber fraction \ +framed framedtext from getbuffer getmarking \ +getnumber godown goto gotobox gotopage \ +graycolor greyvalue grid hairline head \ +headerdistance headerheight headlevel headnumber headsym \ +headtext hideblocks high hl immediatebetweenlist \ +immediatetolist in incrementnumber indentation indenting \ +inframed infull ininner inleft inleftedge \ +inleftmargin inline inmaframed inmargin inneredgedistance \ +inneredgewidth innermargindistance innermarginwidth inothermargin inouter \ +inright inrightedge inrightmargin installlanguage interactionbar \ +interactionbuttons interactionmenu item items its \ +keepblocks label labeling labels labeltext \ +language leftaligned leftedgedistance leftedgewidth leftmargindistance \ +leftmarginwidth leg linethickness listheight listlength \ +listsymbol listwidth loadsorts loadsynonyms logfields \ +lohi low maframed mainlanguage makeupheight \ +makeupwidth mapfontsize mar margindistance marginrule \ +margintext margintitle marginwidth marginword marking \ +markversion mathematics mediaeval menubutton midaligned \ +mirror month moveformula moveongrid movesidefloat \ +name navigating nextsection nocap nodimension \ +noheaderandfooterlines noindenting nolist nomarking nomoreblocks \ +nomorefiles nop nospace note notopandbottomlines \ +nowhitespace numberofsubpages numbers outeredgedistance outeredgewidth \ +outermargindistance outermarginwidth overbar overbars overstrike \ +overstrikes packed page pagedepth pagenumber \ +pageoffset pagereference paperheight paperwidth paragraph \ +part periods placebookmarks placecombinedlist placefloat \ +placefootnotes placeformula placeheadnumber placeheadtext placelegend \ +placelist placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms placelocalfootnotes \ +placelogos placeongrid placeontopofeachother placepagenumber placerawlist \ +placereferencelist placeregister placerule placesidebyside placesubformula \ +placetextvariable position positiontext printpaperheight printpaperwidth \ +processblocks processpage product program project \ +publication quotation quote ran redo \ +ref reference referral referraldate referring \ +register remark reservefloat reset resetmarking \ +resetnumber resettextcontent rightaligned rightedgedistance rightedgewidth \ +rightmargindistance rightmarginwidth romannumerals rotate scale \ +screen section seeregister selectblocks selectpaper \ +selectversion setnumber settextcontent settextvariable setupalign \ +setupanswerarea setuparranging setupbackground setupbackgrounds setupblackrules \ +setupblank setupblock setupbodyfont setupbodyfontenvironment setupbottom \ +setupbottomtexts setupbuffer setupbuttons setupcapitals setupcaption \ +setupcaptions setupclipping setupcolor setupcolors setupcolumns \ +setupcolumnset setupcolumnsetlines setupcolumnsetstart setupcombinations setupcombinedlist \ +setupcomment setupdescriptions setupenumerations setupexternalfigures setupfield \ +setupfields setupfillinlines setupfillinrules setupfloat setupfloats \ +setupfloatsplitting setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupfooter setupfootertexts \ +setupfootnotedefinition setupfootnotes setupforms setupformulae setupframed \ +setupframedtexts setuphead setupheader setupheadertexts setupheadnumber \ +setupheads setupheadtext setuphyphenmark setupindentedtext setupindenting \ +setupinmargin setupinteraction setupinteractionbar setupinteractionmenu setupinteractionscreen \ +setupinterlinespace setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup setupitemizations setupitems \ +setuplabeltext setuplanguage setuplayout setuplegend setuplinenumbering \ +setuplines setuplinewidth setuplist setuplistalternative setupmakeup \ +setupmarginblocks setupmarginrules setupmarking setupmathalignment setupnarrower \ +setupnumber setupnumbering setupoppositeplacing setupoutput setuppagecomment \ +setuppagenumber setuppagenumbering setuppagetransitions setuppalet setuppaper \ +setuppapersize setupparagraphnumbering setupparagraphs setupplacement setuppositioning \ +setupprofiles setupprograms setuppublications setupquote setupreferencelist \ +setupreferencing setupregister setuprotate setuprule setups \ +setupscreens setupsection setupsectionblock setupsorting setupspacing \ +setupstartstop setupstrut setupsubpagenumber setupsymbolset setupsynchronization \ +setupsynchronizationbar setupsynonyms setupsystem setuptab setuptables \ +setuptabulate setuptext setuptextposition setuptextrules setuptexttexts \ +setuptextvariable setupthinrules setuptolerance setuptop setuptoptexts \ +setuptype setuptyping setupunderbar setupurl setupversions \ +setupwhitespace showbodyfont showbodyfontenvironment showcolor showcolorgroup \ +showexternalfigures showfields showframe showgrid showlayout \ +showmakeup showpalet showprint showsetups showstruts \ +showsymbolset someline somewhere sort space \ +splitfloat startalignment startbackground startbuffer startcoding \ +startcolor startcolumnmakeup startcolumns startcolumnset startcombination \ +startcomment startcomponent startdescription startdocument startenumeration \ +startenvironment startfact startfigure startfloattext startformula \ +startframedtext startglobal starthiding startinteractionmenu startitemgroup \ +startlegend startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines \ +startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startmakeup startmarginblock \ +startmarginrule startnamemakeup startnarrower startopposite startoverlay \ +startoverview startpacked startparagraph startpositioning startpostponing \ +startproduct startprofile startproject startquotation startraster \ +startregister startsymbolset startsynchronization starttable starttables \ +starttabulate starttext starttextrule starttyping startunpacked \ +startversion stopalignment stopbackground stopbuffer stopcoding \ +stopcolor stopcolumnmakeup stopcolumns stopcolumnset stopcombination \ +stopcomment stopcomponent stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration \ +stopenvironment stopfact stopfigure stopfloattext stopformula \ +stopframedtext stopglobal stophiding stopinteractionmenu stopitemgroup \ +stoplegend stopline stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines \ +stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup stopmarginblock \ +stopmarginrule stopnamemakeup stopnarrower stopopposite stopoverlay \ +stopoverview stoppacked stopparagraph stoppositioning stoppostponing \ +stopproduct stopprofile stopproject stopquotation stopraster \ +stopsymbolset stopsynchronization stoptable stoptables stoptabulate \ +stoptext stoptextrule stoptyping stopunpacked stopversion \ +stretched sub subformulanumber subject subpagenumber \ +subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject switchtobodyfont \ +switchtorawfont sym symbol synchronizationbar synchronize \ +synonym tab testcolumn testpage tex \ +textheight textreference textrule textvariable textwidth \ +thinrule thinrules title tooltip topdistance \ +topheight topspace totalnumberofpages translate txt \ +typ type typebuffer typefile underbar \ +underbars unitmeaning unknown useJSscripts useURL \ +useXMLfilter useblocks usecommands usedirectory useencoding \ +useexternaldocument useexternalfigure useexternalfile useexternalfiles useexternalsoundtrack \ +usemodule usemodules usereferences usespecials usesymbols \ +usetypescript usetypescriptfile useurl version vl \ +weekday whitespace wordright writebetweenlist writetolist \ +writetoreferencelist writetoregister + +keywordclass.context.ro=\ +CAP CUVANT CUVINTE Cap \ +Caps Cuvant Cuvinte KAP Kap \ +Kaps LUNA Litera Litere Numere \ +Numereromane ZIDINSAPTAMANA adapteazaaspect adubuffer adumarcaje \ +afiseazaaspect afiseazacampuri afiseazaculoare afiseazafiguriexterne afiseazafonttext \ +afiseazagrid afiseazagrupculoare afiseazamakeup afiseazamediufonttext afiseazapaleta \ +afiseazarama afiseazasetari afiseazasetsimboluri afiseazastruts afiseazatiparire \ +aliniat aliniatcentru aliniatdreapta aliniatstanga appendix \ +arg ascundeblocuri atleftmargin atrightmargin baraculoare \ +barainteractiune barasincronizare blanc but butoaneinteractiune \ +buton butonmeniu camp campumplere cap \ +chapter chem citat clip cloneazacamp \ +coloana comment comparagrupculoare comparapaleta completeazanumarpagina \ +completecombinedlist completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms completeregister \ +componenta convertestenumar copiazacamp corecteazaspatiualb coupledregister \ +crlf culoare culoaregri cupleazadocument cupleazamarcaje \ +cupleazaregistru cutspace cuvantdreapta cuvantmarginal data \ +datacurenta datareferit decrementnumber decupleazamarcaje definebodyfontDEF \ +definebodyfontREF definecolumnbreak definecolumnset definecombination definedfont \ +definefontfeature definefonthandling defineindentedtext defineinmargin defineitemgroup \ +definelayer definelayout definemathalignment definepagebreak defineplacement \ +defineste definesteaccent definesteantet definesteblanc definestebloc \ +definesteblocsectiune definestebuffer definestecamp definestecampprincipal definestecaracter \ +definestecomanda definesteconversie definesteculoare definestedescriere definestedimensiunehartie \ +definesteenumerare definesteeticheta definestefloat definestefont definestefontraw \ +definestefonttext definesteformatreferinte definestegrupculori definestehbox definesteinconjurare \ +definestelista definestelistacombinata definestelistareferinte definestelogo definestemakeup \ +definestemarcaje definestemediulfonttext definestemeniuinteractiune definesteoutput definesteoverlay \ +definestepaleta definesteparagraf definestepozitietext definesteprofil definesteprogram \ +definestereferinte definesteregistru definesterigla definestesablontabel definestesectiune \ +definestesimbol definestesimbolfigura definestesinonim definestesinonimfont definestesortare \ +definestestartstop definestestil definestestilfont definestestivacampuri definestesubcamp \ +definestetabulatori definestetext definestetexteinconjurate definestetextinconjurat definestetyping \ +definestevariabilatext definesteversiune definetype definetypeface description \ +despre determinacaracteristicilelistei determinacaracteristiciregistru determinanumartitlu dezactiveazameniuinteractiune \ +dimensiune din distantaantet distantacolt distantacoltdreapta \ +distantacoltstanga distantajos distantamargine distantamarginedreapta distantamarginestanga \ +distantasubsol distantasus domiciliu dute dutebox \ +dutepagina ecran el element emptylines \ +enumeration eticheta etichete fact faraaliniat \ +faradimensiune farafisiere faraliniiantetsisubsol faraliniisussijos faralista \ +faramarcaje faraspatiu faraspatiualb figuraexterna firdepar \ +folosesteURL folosestebloc folosestecodificarea folosestecomenzi folosestedirector \ +folosestedocumentextern folosestefiguraexterna folosestefisiereexterne folosestefisierextern folosestemodul \ +folosestemodule folosestemuzicaexterna folosestereferinte folosestescriptJS folosestesimboluri \ +folosestespeciale folosesteurl footnotetext forteazablocuri fractie \ +framed framedtext fundal gatablocuri getnumber \ +grid grosimelinie hartiedubla headsym hl \ +immediatebetweenlist immediatetolist impachetat impartefloat in \ +inalt inaltamargine inaltimeantet inaltimehartie inaltimehartieimprimanta \ +inaltimejos inaltimelista inaltimemakeup inaltimesubsol inaltimesus \ +inaltimetext indentation indreapta inframed ininner \ +injos inlinie inmaframed inmargineadreapta inmargineastanga \ +inneredgedistance inneredgewidth innermargindistance innermarginwidth inouter \ +inparteadreapta inparteastanga instalarelimba instanga intins \ +jos jossus kap la labeling \ +lapagina latimecoltdreapta latimecoltstanga latimecolturi latimehartie \ +latimehartieimprimanta latimelista latimemakeup latimemargine latimemarginedreapta \ +latimemarginestanga latimetext leg limba limbaprincipala \ +liniemargine linieneagra liniesubtire linieumplere liniinegre \ +liniisubtiri listsymbol litera litere loadsorts \ +loadsynonyms logcampuri luna lungimelista maframed \ +mapfontsize mar marcaje marcheazaversiune marginal \ +matematica mediaeval mediu meniuinteractiune minicitat \ +moveformula movesidefloat mutapegrid name navigating \ +necunoscut nextsection niveltitlu nocap nokap \ +nop nota notasubsol numarformula numarincrement \ +numarpagina numarsubformula numartitlu numartitlucurent numartotalpagini \ +numberofsubpages nume numere numereromane numeunitate \ +nutesta olinie outeredgedistance outeredgewidth outermargindistance \ +outermarginwidth overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes \ +pagedepth pageoffset pagina paginadubla paragraph \ +part pastreazablocuri pelung placefloat placeheadnumber \ +placeheadtext placelistoffloats placelistofsorts placelistofsynonyms placerawlist \ +placereferencelist plaseazapegrid plaseazasemnecarte potrivestecamp pozitie \ +pozitietext proceseazabloc proceseazapagina produs program \ +proiect publicatie puncte punedeasuprafiecareia punefatainfata \ +puneformula punelegenda punelista punelistacombinata punelogouri \ +punenotesubsol punenotesubsollocale punenumarpagina puneregistru punerigla \ +punesubformula punevariabilatext ran ref refa \ +referinta referintapagina referintatext referit referring \ +reflexie register remarca reservefloat reset \ +reseteazamarcaje resetnumber resettextcontent riglatext rigleumplere \ +roteste saripesteblocuri scala scriebuffer scrieinlista \ +scrieinlistareferinte scrieinregistru scrieintreliste section seeregister \ +selecteazablocuri selecteazahartie selecteazaversiune semncarte setarebarasincronizare \ +setareitemization setarelimba setareoutput setarepozitie setaresincronizare \ +setari seteazaaliniat seteazaalinierea seteazaantet seteazaaranjareapag \ +seteazaaspect seteazabarainteractiune seteazablanc seteazabloc seteazablocsectiune \ +seteazablocurimarginale seteazabuffer seteazabutoane seteazacamp seteazacampuri \ +seteazaclipping seteazacoloane seteazacombinari seteazacomentariu seteazacomentariupagina \ +seteazaculoare seteazaculori seteazadefinireanotasubsol seteazadescriere seteazadimensiunihartie \ +seteazaecrane seteazaecraninteractiune seteazaelemente seteazaenumerare seteazafiguriexterne \ +seteazafloat seteazafloats seteazafonttext seteazaformulare seteazaformule \ +seteazafundal seteazafundaluri seteazagrosimelinie seteazaimpartireafloat seteazainconjurat \ +seteazaingust seteazainteractiunea seteazajos seteazalegenda seteazalegendele \ +seteazaliniesilabe seteazaliniesubtire seteazalinii seteazaliniimargine seteazaliniinegre \ +seteazaliniiumplere seteazalista seteazalistacombinata seteazalistareferinte seteazamajuscule \ +seteazamakeup seteazamarcaje seteazamarginal seteazamediulfonttext seteazameniuinteractiune \ +seteazaminicitat seteazanotasubsol seteazanumarpagina seteazanumarsubpagina seteazanumartitlu \ +seteazanumerotare seteazanumerotarelinii seteazanumerotarepagina seteazanumerotareparagrafe seteazapaleta \ +seteazaparagrafe seteazaplasareaopozita seteazapozitietext seteazaprofile seteazaprograme \ +seteazapublicatii seteazareferinte seteazaregistru seteazarigla seteazarigletext \ +seteazarigleumplere seteazarotare seteazasectiune seteazasimbol seteazasinonime \ +seteazasistem seteazasortare seteazaspatiu seteazaspatiualb seteazaspatiuinterliniar \ +seteazastrut seteazasublinie seteazasubsol seteazasus seteazatab \ +seteazatabele seteazatabulatori seteazatext seteazatexteantet seteazatextejos \ +seteazatextesubsol seteazatextesus seteazatextetext seteazatexteticheta seteazatexttitlu \ +seteazatitlu seteazatitluri seteazatoleranta seteazatranzitiepagina seteazatype \ +seteazatyping seteazaurl seteazavariabilatext seteazaversiuni setnumber \ +settextcontent setupanswerarea setupcolumnset setupcolumnsetlines setupcolumnsetstart \ +setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupindentedtext setupinterlinespace2 setupitemgroup \ +setuplistalternative setupmathalignment setupnumber setuppaper setupplacement \ +setupstartstop setvariabilatext sim simbol sincronizeaza \ +sort spatiifixate spatiu spatiualb spatiufixat \ +spatiujos spatiuspate spatiusus startalignment startaliniere \ +startblocmarginal startbuffer startcitat startcodificare startcoloane \ +startcolumnmakeup startcolumns startcolumnset startcombinare startcombination \ +startcomment startcomponenta startcorectielinie startculoare startdescription \ +startdocument startenumeration startfact startfigura startfigure \ +startfloattext startformula startframedtext startfundal startglobal \ +starthiding startimpachetat startingust startitemgroup startlegend \ +startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines startlinie \ +startliniemargine startlinii startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes \ +startmakeup startmarginblock startmediu startmeniuinteractiune startnamemakeup \ +startnarrower startneimpachetat startnotesubsollocale startnumerotarelinii startopozit \ +startopposite startoverlay startoverview startparagraph startpositioning \ +startpostponing startpozitionare startprodus startprofil startprofile \ +startproiect startraster startregister startriglatext startsetsimboluri \ +startsincronizare startsymbolset startsynchronization starttabel starttabele \ +starttable starttables starttabulate starttext starttyping \ +startunpacked startversiune stivacampuri stopalignment stopaliniere \ +stopblobal stopblocmarginal stopbuffer stopcitat stopcodificare \ +stopcoloane stopcolumnmakeup stopcolumns stopcolumnset stopcombinare \ +stopcombination stopcomment stopcomponenta stopcorectielinie stopculoare \ +stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration stopfact stopfigure \ +stopfloattext stopformula stopframedtext stopfundal stophiding \ +stopimpachetat stopingust stopitemgroup stoplegend stopline \ +stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplinie stopliniemargine \ +stoplinii stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup \ +stopmarginblock stopmediu stopmeniuinteractiune stopnamemakeup stopnarrower \ +stopneimpachetat stopnotesubsollocale stopnumerotarelinii stopopozit stopopposite \ +stopoverlay stopoverview stopparagraph stoppositioning stoppostponing \ +stoppozitionare stopprodus stopprofil stopprofile stopproiect \ +stopraster stopriglatext stopsincronizare stopsymbolset stopsynchronization \ +stoptabel stoptabele stoptable stoptables stoptabulate \ +stoptext stoptyping stopunpacked stopversiune sub \ +subject subpagenumber subsection subsubject subsubsection \ +subsubsubject synonym tab testcolumn testpage \ +tex texteticheta textmarginal texttitlu textumplere \ +title titlu titlumarginal tooltip traduce \ +trecilafontraw trecilafonttext txt typ type \ +typefile underbar underbars undeva urmeazaprofil \ +urmeazaversiune urmeazaversiuneprofil useXMLfilter usedirectory usetypescript \ +usetypescriptfile valoareculoare valoaregri variabilatext versiune \ +vl zidinsaptamana + +keywordclass.context.pe=\ +CAP Cap Caps Character \ +Characters MONTH Numbers Romannumerals WEEKDAY \ +WORD WORDS Word Words appendix \ +cap chapter chem comment completecombinedlist \ +completelistoffloats completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms coupledregister crlf \ +definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling \ +defineindentedtext definetypeface description enumeration framedtext \ +indentation inmframed its labeling loadsorts \ +loadsynonyms mapfontsize mediaeval mframed name \ +nextsection nocap overbar overbars overstrike \ +overstrikes paragraph part placelistoffloats placelistofsorts \ +placelistofsynonyms ran register reservefloat resettextcontent \ +section seeregister setupanswerarea setupcapitals setupfonthandling \ +setupfontsynonym setupindentedtext setupinterlinespace2 setuplistalternative setupurl \ +sort startalignment startbuffer startcolumns startcombination \ +startcomment startdescription startdocument startenumeration startfigure \ +startfloattext startformula startframedtext starthiding startitemgroup \ +startlegend startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines \ +startlocal startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startmakeup startmarginblock \ +startnamemakeup startnarrower startopposite startoverlay startoverview \ +startparagraph startpositioning startpostponing startprofile startraster \ +startregister startsymbolset startsynchronization starttable starttables \ +starttabulate starttyping startunpacked startتولید startحقیقت \ +startخطحاشیه startخطمتن startرنگ startفشرده startمحیط \ +startمنویپانل startمولفه startنسخه startنقلقول startپروژه \ +startپسزمینه stopalignment stopbuffer stopcolumns stopcombination \ +stopcomment stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration stopfigure \ +stopfloattext stopformula stopframedtext stophiding stopitemgroup \ +stoplegend stopline stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines \ +stoplocal stoplocalenvironment stoplocalfootnotes stopmakeup stopmarginblock \ +stopnamemakeup stopnarrower stopopposite stopoverlay stopoverview \ +stopparagraph stoppositioning stoppostponing stopprofile stopraster \ +stopsymbolset stopsynchronization stoptable stoptables stoptabulate \ +stoptyping stopunpacked stopتولید stopحقیقت stopخطحاشیه \ +stopخطمتن stopرنگ stopفشرده stopمحیط stopمنویپانل \ +stopمولفه stopنسخه stopنقلقول stopپروژه stopپسزمینه \ +sub subject subsection subsubject subsubsection \ +subsubsubject synonym title tooltip txt \ +typ underbar underbars useJSscripts useURL \ +useXMLfilter usedirectory useurl آفستصفحه آیتم \ +آیتمها آینه اجباربلوکها ارتفاعآرایش ارتفاعبالا \ +ارتفاعبرگ ارتفاعتهبرگ ارتفاعخط ارتفاعسربرگ ارتفاعمتن \ +ارتفاعپایین از ازکارانداختنمنویپانل استفادهبلوکها استفادهدستخطتایپ \ +استفادهرمزینه استفادهشکلخارجی استفادهفرمانها استفادهقطعهموزیکخارجی استفادهمدول \ +استفادهمدولها استفادهمرجعها استفادهمسیر استفادهنمادها استفادهنوشتارخارجی \ +استفادهویژگیها استفادهپروندهخارجی استفادهپروندهدستخطتایپ استفادهپروندههایخارجی اعدادلاتین \ +افزودن اما امتحاننکن انتخاببرگ انتخاببلوکها \ +انتخابنسخه انتقالبهتوری انتقالفرمول انتقالکنارشناور انجامدوباره \ +بارگذاریها بارگذاریآرایش بارگذاریآیتمها بارگذاریارجاع بارگذاریاندازهبرگ \ +بارگذاریباریکتر بارگذاریبافر بارگذاریبالا بارگذاریبخش بارگذاریبردباری \ +بارگذاریبرنامهها بارگذاریبرگ بارگذاریبست بارگذاریبلوک بارگذاریبلوکهایحاشیه \ +بارگذاریبلوکبخش بارگذاریتایپ بارگذاریتایپکردن بارگذاریتب بارگذاریترتیب \ +بارگذاریترکیبها بارگذاریتطابق بارگذاریتعریفپانوشت بارگذاریتنظیم بارگذاریتنظیمریاضی \ +بارگذاریتهبرگ بارگذاریتورفتگی بارگذاریتوضیح بارگذاریتوضیحصفحه بارگذاریثبت \ +بارگذاریجانشانی بارگذاریجدولها بارگذاریجدولبندی بارگذاریخالی بارگذاریخروجی \ +بارگذاریخط بارگذاریخطها بارگذاریخطهایحاشیه بارگذاریخطهایسیاه بارگذاریخطهایمتن \ +بارگذاریخطهایمجموعهستون بارگذاریخطهاینازک بارگذاریدرجدرخطها بارگذاریدرجمخالف بارگذاریدرونحاشیه \ +بارگذاریدوران بارگذاریدکمهها بارگذاریراهنما بارگذاریرنگ بارگذاریرنگها \ +بارگذاریزبان بارگذاریستونها بارگذاریسر بارگذاریسربرگ بارگذاریسرها \ +بارگذاریسیستم بارگذاریشرح بارگذاریشرحها بارگذاریشروعمجموعهستون بارگذاریشروعپایان \ +بارگذاریشماره بارگذاریشمارهزیرصفحه بارگذاریشمارهسر بارگذاریشمارهصفحه بارگذاریشمارهگذاری \ +بارگذاریشمارهگذاریها بارگذاریشمارهگذاریصفحه بارگذاریشمارهگذاریپاراگراف بارگذاریشمارهگذاریخط بارگذاریشناور \ +بارگذاریشناورها بارگذاریشکافتنشناورها بارگذاریشکلهایخارجی بارگذاریطرح بارگذاریطرحبندی \ +بارگذاریعرضخط بارگذاریفاصلهبینخط بارگذاریفرمولها بارگذاریفضایسفید بارگذاریفضاگذاری \ +بارگذاریقالبی بارگذاریقلممتن بارگذاریلوح بارگذاریلیست بارگذاریلیستترکیبی \ +بارگذاریلیستمرجع بارگذاریمترادفها بارگذاریمتغیرمتن بارگذاریمتن بارگذاریمتنهایبالا \ +بارگذاریمتنسر بارگذاریمتنسربرگ بارگذاریمتنقالبی بارگذاریمتنمتنها بارگذاریمتنپانوشت \ +بارگذاریمتنپایین بارگذاریمجموعهستون بارگذاریمجموعهنماد بارگذاریمحیطقلممتن بارگذاریمنویپانل \ +بارگذاریمکانمتن بارگذاریمکانگذاری بارگذاریمیدان بارگذاریمیدانها بارگذاریمیلهتطابق \ +بارگذاریمیلهزیر بارگذاریمیلهپانل بارگذارینسخهها بارگذارینشانهشکستن بارگذارینشانهگذاری \ +بارگذارینشرها بارگذارینقل بارگذاریپاراگرافها بارگذاریپانل بارگذاریپانوشتها \ +بارگذاریپایین بارگذاریپردهها بارگذاریپردهپانل بارگذاریپروفایلها بارگذاریپرکردنخطها \ +بارگذاریپسزمینه بارگذاریپسزمینهها بارگذاریچیدن بارگذاریگذارصفحه بارگذاریگروههایآیتم \ +بارگذاریگروهآیتم بازنشانی بازنشانیشماره بازنشانیمتن بازنشانینشانهگذاری \ +باگذاریمتنبرچسب بدونبعد بدونبلوکهایبیشتر بدونتورفتگی بدونخطبالاوپایین \ +بدونخطسروتهبرگ بدونفایلهایبیشتر بدونفضا بدونفضایسفید بدونلیست \ +بدوننشانهگذاری برنامه بروبه بروبهجعبه بروبهصفحه \ +بروپایین برچسب برچسبها بعد بلند \ +بلوکهایپردازش بلوکهاپنهان بنویسبینلیست بنویسدرثبت بنویسدرلیستمرجع \ +بنویسدرلیست تاریخ تاریخجاری تاریخرجوع تایپ \ +تایپبافر تایپپرونده تب ترجمه تطابق \ +تعریف تعریفآرایش تعریفآرم تعریفالگویجدول تعریفاندازهبرگ \ +تعریفبافر تعریفبخش تعریفبرنامه تعریفبرچسب تعریفبلوک \ +تعریفبلوکبخش تعریفتایپ تعریفتایپکردن تعریفتبدیل تعریفترتیب \ +تعریفترکیب تعریفتنظیمریاضی تعریفتودهمیدان تعریفثبت تعریفجانشانی \ +تعریفجدولبندی تعریفجعبهافقی تعریفحرف تعریفخالی تعریفخروجی \ +تعریفخطحائل تعریفدرونحاشیه تعریفرنگ تعریفزیرمیدان تعریفسبک \ +تعریفسبکقلم تعریفسر تعریفشرح تعریفشروعپایان تعریفشمارهبندی \ +تعریفشمایلمرجع تعریفشناور تعریفشکستنستون تعریفشکستصفحه تعریفطرحبندی \ +تعریففرمان تعریفقالبی تعریفقلم تعریفقلمخام تعریفقلممتن \ +تعریفلایه تعریفلهجه تعریفلوح تعریفلیست تعریفلیستترکیبی \ +تعریفلیستمرجع تعریفمترادفها تعریفمترادفقلم تعریفمتغیرمتن تعریفمتن \ +تعریفمتنقالبی تعریفمجموعهستون تعریفمحیطقلمبدنه تعریفمرجع تعریفمنویپانل \ +تعریفمکانمتن تعریفمیدان تعریفمیداناصلی تعریفنسخه تعریفنشانهگذاری \ +تعریفنماد تعریفنمادشکل تعریفپاراگرافها تعریفپروفایل تعریفپوشش \ +تعریفگروهآیتم تعریفگروهرنگ تعیینشماره تعیینشمارهسر تعیینمتغیرمتن \ +تعیینمحتوایمتن تعیینمشخصاتثبت تعیینمشخصاتلیست تغییربهقلمبدنه تغییربهقلمخام \ +تنظیمراست تنظیمطرحبندی تنظیموسط توجه تورفتگی \ +توری تولید تک ثبتزوج ثبتکامل \ +جداسازینشانهگذاری حاش حرف حرفها حفظبلوکها \ +حقیقت خالی خطهایسیاه خطهاینازک خطهاخالی \ +خطحاشیه خطسیاه خطمتن خطمو خطنازک \ +خا خع در درجآرمها درجثبت \ +درجخط درجدرخط درجدرخطها درجدرمتن درجدرمیدان \ +درجدربالاییکدیگر درجدرتوری درجراهنما درجزیرفرمول درجشمارهسر \ +درجشمارهصفحه درجشناور درجفرمول درجلیست درجلیستخام \ +درجلیستمختلط درجلیستمرجع درجمتغیرمتن درجمتنسر درجپانوشتها \ +درجپانوشتهایموضعی درجچوبخط درجکناربهکنار درحاشیه درحاشیهدیگر \ +درحاشیهراست درحاشیهچپ درخارجی درخط درداخلی \ +درراست درصفحه درقالبی درلبهراست درلبهچپ \ +درمورد درون درپر درچپ دریافتبافر \ +دریافتشماره دریافتنشانه دوران دکمه دکمهمنو \ +دکمهپانل رج رجوع رنگ رنگخاکستری \ +روزهفته ریاضی زبان زباناصلی ستون \ +ستونامتحان سر سرپوشکوچکنه شروعآرایش شروعآرایشستون \ +شروعباریکتر شروعبازبینی شروعبلوکحاشیه شروعترکیب شروعتصحیحخط \ +شروعتطابق شروعتنظیم شروعتولید شروعجدول شروعجدولها \ +شروعخط شروعخطها شروعخطحاشیه شروعخطمتن شروعرنگ \ +شروعستونها شروعسراسری شروعشمارهگذاریخط شروعشکل شروعغیرفشرده \ +شروعفشرده شروعمتن شروعمجموعهستون شروعمجموعهنماد شروعمحیط \ +شروعمخالف شروعموضعی شروعمولفه شروعمکانگذاری شروعنسخه \ +شروعنقلقول شروعنوشتار شروعپانوشتهایموضعی شروعپروفایل شروعپروژه \ +شروعپسزمینه شروعپوشش شروعکد شمارهافزایش شمارهزیرصفحه \ +شمارهزیرفرمول شمارهسر شمارهسرجاری شمارهصفحه شمارهصفحهکامل \ +شمارهفرمول شمارهمبدل شمارهها شمارهکاهش شمارهکلصفحهها \ +شکافتنشناور شکلخارجی صفحه صفحهتست صفحهزوج \ +صفحهپردازش طوللیست عبوربلوکها عرضآرایش عرضبرگ \ +عرضحاشیه عرضحاشیهخارجی عرضحاشیهداخلی عرضحاشیهراست عرضحاشیهچپ \ +عرضخط عرضلبه عرضلبهخارجی عرضلبهداخلی عرضلبهراست \ +عرضلبهچپ عرضلیست عرضمتن عمقصفحه عنوانحاشیه \ +فاصلهبالا فاصلهتهبرگ فاصلهحاشیه فاصلهحاشیهخارجی فاصلهحاشیهداخلی \ +فاصلهحاشیهراست فاصلهحاشیهچپ فاصلهسربرگ فاصلهلبه فاصلهلبهخارجی \ +فاصلهلبهداخلی فاصلهلبهراست فاصلهلبهچپ فاصلهپایین فاصلهپشت \ +فشرده فضا فضاهایثابت فضایبالا فضایبرش \ +فضایثابت فضایسفید فضایسفیدصحیح فضایپایین فوریبهلیست \ +فوریبینلیست قالبی لوحمقایسه ماه متغیر متن \ +متنبرچسب متنحاشیه متنسر متنپانوشت محیط \ +مراجعه مرجع مرجعصفحه مرجعمتن مرحلهسر \ +مسکن معنیواحد مقایسهگروهرنگ مقدارخاکستری مقداررنگ \ +مقیاس منفی منویپانل مولفه مکان \ +مکانمتن میدان میدانهایگزارش میدانشبیهسازی میدانپشته \ +میدانکپی میلهتطابق میلهرنگ میلهپانل ناشناس \ +نامماکرو نسخه نسخهنشانه نشانهگذاری نشانهگذاریزوج \ +نشر نصبزبان نقطهها نقل نقلقول \ +نم نماد نمادسر نمادلیست نمایشآرایش \ +نمایشبارگذاریها نمایشبستها نمایشتوری نمایشرنگ نمایششکلهایخارجی \ +نمایشطرحبندی نمایشقالب نمایشقلمبدنه نمایشلوح نمایشمجموعهعلامت \ +نمایشمحیطقلمبدنه نمایشمیدانها نمایشچاپ نمایشگروهرنگ نوشتارزوج \ +هدایت پا پابا پانوشت پایانآرایش \ +پایانآرایشستون پایانبازبینی پایانبلوکحاشیه پایانترکیب پایانتصحیحخط \ +پایانتطابق پایانتنظیم پایانتولید پایانجدول پایانجدولها \ +پایانخط پایانخطها پایانخطحاشیه پایانخطمتن پایانرنگ \ +پایانستونها پایانسراسری پایانشمارهگذاریخط پایانغیرفشرده پایانفشرده \ +پایانمتن پایانمجموعهستون پایانمحیط پایانمخالف پایانموضعی \ +پایانمولفه پایانمکانگذاری پایاننازکتر پایاننسخه پایاننقلقول \ +پایاننوشتار پایانپانوشتهایموضعی پایانپروفایل پایانپروژه پایانپسزمینه \ +پایانپوشش پایانکد پایین پرده پروژه \ +پرکردنمیدان پسزمینه پیروینسخه پیروینسخهپروفایل پیرویپروفایل \ +چاپارتفاعبرگ چاپعرضبرگ چوبخط چپچین کاغذزوج \ +کسر کشیده کلمهحاشیه کلمهراست گیره \ +یادداشت یکجا یکخط + +keywordclass.context.nl=\ +CAP Cap Caps Cijfers \ +KAP Kap Kaps Letter Letters \ +MAAND Romeins WEEKDAG WOORD WOORDEN \ +Woord Woorden aantalsubpaginas about achtergrond \ +appendix arg bepaalkopnummer bepaallijstkenmerken bepaalregisterkenmerken \ +betekenis binnenmargeafstand binnenmargebreedte binnenrandafstand binnenrandbreedte \ +blanko blokje blokjes blokkeerinteractiemenu bodemwit \ +bookmark bovenafstand bovenhoogte breuk buitenmargeafstand \ +buitenmargebreedte buitenrandafstand buitenrandbreedte but button \ +cap chapter chem cijfers citaat \ +citeer clip comment completecombinedlist completelistoffloats \ +completelistofsorts completelistofsynonyms converteernummer copieerveld corrigeerwitruimte \ +coupledregister crlf datum definebodyfontDEF definebodyfontREF \ +definedfont definefontfeature definefonthandling definerawfont definetypeface \ +definieer definieeraccent definieeralineas definieerbeeldmerk definieerblanko \ +definieerblok definieerbuffer definieercombinatie definieercommando definieerconversie \ +definieerfiguursymbool definieerfont definieerfontstijl definieerfontsynoniem definieerhbox \ +definieerhoofdveld definieeringesprongentext definieerinmarge definieerinteractiemenu definieeritemgroep \ +definieerkadertekst definieerkarakter definieerkleur definieerkleurgroep definieerkolomgroep \ +definieerkolomovergang definieerkop definieerkorps definieerkorpsomgeving definieerlayer \ +definieerlayout definieerletter definieerlijn definieerlijst definieermarkering \ +definieeromlijnd definieeropmaak definieeroverlay definieerpaginaovergang definieerpalet \ +definieerpapierformaat definieerplaats definieerplaatsblok definieerprofiel definieerprogramma \ +definieerreferentie definieerreferentieformaat definieerreferentielijst definieerregister definieersamengesteldelijst \ +definieersectie definieersectieblok definieersorteren definieerstartstop definieersubveld \ +definieersymbool definieersynoniemen definieertabelvorm definieertabulatie definieertekst \ +definieertekstpositie definieertekstvariabele definieertype definieertypen definieeruitvoer \ +definieerveld definieerveldstapel definieerversie definieerwiskundeuitlijnen description \ +dimensie directnaarlijst directtussenlijst doordefinieren doorlabelen \ +doornummeren dunnelijn dunnelijnen eenregel enumeration \ +ergens externfiguur forceerblokken formulenummer framedtext \ +gebruikJSscripts gebruikURL gebruikXMLfilter gebruikblokken gebruikcommandos \ +gebruikexterndocument gebruikexternefile gebruikexternefiles gebruikexternfiguur gebruikexterngeluidsfragment \ +gebruikgebied gebruikmodule gebruikmodules gebruikreferenties gebruikspecials \ +gebruiksymbolen gebruiktypescript gebruiktypescriptfile gebruikurl geenblokkenmeer \ +geenbovenenonderregels geendimensie geenfilesmeer geenhoofdenvoetregels geenlijst \ +geenmarkering geenspatie geentest geenwitruimte geg \ +grijskleur grijswaarde haalbuffer haalmarkering haalnummer \ +haarlijn handhaafblokken herhaal hl hoofdafstand \ +hoofdhoogte hoofdtaal hoog huidigedatum huidigekopnummer \ +in inanderemarge inbinnen inbuiten indentation \ +inlijnd inlinker inlinkermarge inlinkerrand inmarge \ +inrechter inrechtermarge inrechterrand inregel inspringen \ +installeertaal instellingen interactiebalk interactiebuttons interactiemenu \ +invullijnen invulregel invultekst invulveld inwilijnd \ +items its kantlijn kap kenmerk \ +kenmerkdatum kentekstvariabeletoe kleur kleurenbalk kleurwaarde \ +kloonveld kolom kop kopniveau kopnummer \ +koppeldocument koppelmarkering koppelpagina koppelpapier koppelregister \ +kopsym koptekst kopwit laag label \ +labeling labels labeltekst laho leg \ +legeregels letter letters lijndikte lijstbreedte \ +lijsthoogte lijstlengte lijstsymbool linkermargeafstand linkermargebreedte \ +linkerrandafstand linkerrandbreedte loadsorts loadsynonyms maand \ +mapfontsize mar margeafstand margebreedte margetekst \ +margetitel margewoord markeer markeerversie mediaeval \ +menubutton naam naar naarbox naarpagina \ +name navigerend nextsection nietinspringen nocap \ +nokap noot nop omgeving omlaag \ +omlijnd onbekend onderafstand onderdeel onderhoogte \ +ontkoppelmarkering op opelkaar oplinkermarge oppagina \ +oprechtermarge overbar overbars overstrike overstrikes \ +pagina paginadiepte paginanummer paginaoffset paginareferentie \ +papierbreedte papierhoogte paragraph part paslayoutaan \ +passeerblokken passendveld plaatsbeeldmerken plaatsbookmarks plaatsformule \ +plaatskopnummer plaatskoptekst plaatslegenda plaatslijn plaatslijst \ +plaatslokalevoetnoten plaatsnaastelkaar plaatsonderelkaar plaatsopgrid plaatspaginanummer \ +plaatsplaatsblok plaatsreferentielijst plaatsregister plaatsruwelijst plaatssamengesteldelijst \ +plaatssubformule plaatstekstvariabele plaatsvoetnoten placelistoffloats placelistofsorts \ +placelistofsynonyms positioneer positioneertekst printpapierbreedte printpapierhoogte \ +produkt programma projekt publicatie punten \ +ran randafstand randbreedte rechtermargeafstand rechtermargebreedte \ +rechterrandafstand rechterrandbreedte ref refereer referentie \ +regellinks regelmidden regelrechts register registreervelden \ +reservefloat reset resetmarkering resetnummer resettekstinhoud \ +resettextcontent romeins rooster roteer rugwit \ +schaal scherm schrijfnaarlijst schrijfnaarreferentielijst schrijfnaarregister \ +schrijftussenlijst section seeregister selecteerblokken selecteerpapier \ +selecteerversie setnummer setupfonthandling setupfontsynonym setupinterlinespace2 \ +setuplistalternative snijwit som sort spatie \ +spiegel splitsplaatsblok startachtergrond startalignment startbuffer \ +startcitaat startcodering startcolumns startcombinatie startcombination \ +startcomment startdescription startdocument startenumeration startfigure \ +startfiguur startfloattext startformula startframedtext startgeg \ +startglobaal starthiding startinteractiemenu startitemgroup startkantlijn \ +startkleur startkolomgroep startkolommen startkolomopmaak startlegend \ +startline startlinecorrection startlinenumbering startlines startlocal \ +startlocalenvironment startlocalfootnotes startlokaal startlokalevoetnoten startmakeup \ +startmargeblok startmarginblock startnaast startnamemakeup startnarrower \ +startomgeving startonderdeel startopelkaar startopmaak startopposite \ +startoverlay startoverview startoverzicht startparagraph startpositioneren \ +startpositioning startpostponing startprodukt startprofiel startprofile \ +startprojekt startraster startregel startregelcorrectie startregelnummeren \ +startregels startregister startsmaller startsymbolset startsymboolset \ +startsynchronisatie startsynchronization starttabel starttabellen starttable \ +starttables starttabulate starttekst starttekstlijn starttyping \ +startuitlijnen startunpacked startvanelkaar startversie stelachtergrondenin \ +stelachtergrondin stelalineasin stelantwoordgebiedin stelarrangerenin stelblankoin \ +stelblokin stelblokjesin stelblokkopjein stelblokkopjesin stelbovenin \ +stelboventekstenin stelbufferin stelbuttonsin stelciterenin stelclipin \ +stelcombinatiesin stelcommentaarin steldoordefinierenin steldoornummerenin steldunnelijnenin \ +stelexternefigurenin stelformulesin stelformulierenin stelhoofdin stelhoofdtekstenin \ +stelingesprongentextin stelinmargein stelinspringenin stelinteractiebalkin stelinteractiein \ +stelinteractiemenuin stelinteractieschermin stelinterliniein stelinvullijnenin stelinvulregelsin \ +stelitemgroepin stelitemsin stelkadertekstenin stelkantlijnin stelkapitalenin \ +stelkleurenin stelkleurin stelkolomgroepin stelkolomgroepregelsin stelkolomgroepstartin \ +stelkolommenin stelkopin stelkopnummerin stelkoppeltekenin stelkoppenin \ +stelkoptekstin stelkorpsin stelkorpsomgevingin stellabeltekstin stellayoutin \ +stellegendain stellijndiktein stellijnin stellijstin stelmargeblokkenin \ +stelmarkeringin stelnaastplaatsenin stelnummerenin stelnummerin stelomlijndin \ +stelonderin stelonderstrepenin stelondertekstenin stelopmaakin stelopsommingenin \ +stelpaginacommentaarin stelpaginanummerin stelpaginanummeringin stelpaginaovergangenin stelpaletin \ +stelpapierformaatin stelpapierin stelparagraafnummerenin stelplaatsblokin stelplaatsblokkenin \ +stelplaatsbloksplitsenin stelplaatsin stelpositionerenin stelprofielenin stelprogrammasin \ +stelpublicatiesin stelrastersin stelreferentielijstin stelrefererenin stelregelnummerenin \ +stelregelsin stelregisterin stelroterenin stelsamengesteldelijstin stelsectieblokin \ +stelsectiein stelsmallerin stelsorterenin stelspatieringin stelstartstopin \ +stelstrutin stelsubpaginanummerin stelsymboolsetin stelsynchronisatiebalkin stelsynchronisatiein \ +stelsynoniemenin stelsysteemin steltaalin steltabellenin steltabin \ +steltabulatiein steltekstin steltekstinhoudin steltekstlijnenin steltekstpositiein \ +stelteksttekstenin steltekstvariabelein steltolerantiein steltypein steltypenin \ +steluitlijnenin steluitvoerin stelurlin stelveldenin stelveldin \ +stelversiesin stelvoetin stelvoetnootdefinitiein stelvoetnotenin stelvoettekstenin \ +stelwiskundeuitlijnenin stelwitruimtein stopachtergrond stopalignment stopbuffer \ +stopcitaat stopcodering stopcolumns stopcombinatie stopcombination \ +stopcomment stopdescription stopdocument stopenumeration stopfigure \ +stopfloattext stopformula stopframedtext stopgeg stopglobaal \ +stophiding stopinteractiemenu stopitemgroup stopkantlijn stopkleur \ +stopkolomgroep stopkolommen stopkolomopmaak stoplegend stopline \ +stoplinecorrection stoplinenumbering stoplines stoplocal stoplocalenvironment \ +stoplocalfootnotes stoplokaal stoplokalevoetnoten stopmakeup stopmargeblok \ +stopmarginblock stopnaast stopnamemakeup stopnarrower stopomgeving \ +stoponderdeel stopopelkaar stopopmaak stopopposite stopoverlay \ +stopoverview stopoverzicht stopparagraph stoppositioneren stoppositioning \ +stoppostponing stopprodukt stopprofiel stopprofile stopprojekt \ +stopraster stopregel stopregelcorrectie stopregelnummeren stopregels \ +stopsmaller stopsymbolset stopsynchronisatie stopsynchronization stoptabel \ +stoptabellen stoptable stoptables stoptabulate stoptekst \ +stoptekstlijn stoptyping stopuitlijnen stopunpacked stopvanelkaar \ +stopversie sub subformulenummer subject subpaginanummer \ +subsection subsubject subsubsection subsubsubject suggestie \ +switchnaarkorps switchtorawfont sym symbool synchronisatiebalk \ +synchroniseer synonym taal tab tekstbreedte \ +teksthoogte tekstlijn tekstreferentie tekstvariabele testkolom \ +testpagina tex title toelichting toonexternefiguren \ +toongrid tooninstellingen toonkader toonkleur toonkleurgroep \ +toonkorps toonkorpsomgeving toonlayout toonopmaak toonpalet \ +toonprint toonstruts toonsymboolset toonvelden totaalaantalpaginas \ +txt typ type typebuffer typefile \ +uit uitgerekt underbar underbars usecodering \ +usedirectory vastespatie vastespaties veld veldstapel \ +verbergblokken vergelijkkleurgroep vergelijkpalet verhoognummer verlaagnummer \ +verplaatsformule verplaatsopgrid verplaatszijblok versie vertaal \ +verwerkblokken verwerkpagina vl voetafstand voethoogte \ +voetnoot voetnoottekst volgprofiel volgprofielversie volgversie \ +volledigepaginanummer volledigregister voluit weekdag wilijnd \ +wiskunde witruimte woonplaats woordrechts zetbreedte \ +zethoogte + diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-metafun.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-metafun.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e0413b2dd75 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-metafun.properties @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +keywordclass.metafun.internals=\ +nocolormodel greycolormodel graycolormodel rgbcolormodel \ +cmykcolormodel shadefactor textextoffset normaltransparent multiplytransparent \ +screentransparent overlaytransparent softlighttransparent hardlighttransparent colordodgetransparent \ +colorburntransparent darkentransparent lightentransparent differencetransparent exclusiontransparent \ +huetransparent saturationtransparent colortransparent luminositytransparent + +keywordclass.metafun.commands=\ +sqr log ln exp \ +inv pow pi radian tand \ +cotd sin cos tan cot \ +atan asin acos invsin invcos \ +acosh asinh sinh cosh paired \ +tripled unitcircle fulldiamond unitdiamond fullsquare \ +llcircle lrcircle urcircle ulcircle tcircle \ +bcircle lcircle rcircle lltriangle lrtriangle \ +urtriangle ultriangle smoothed cornered superellipsed \ +randomized squeezed enlonged shortened punked \ +curved unspiked simplified blownup stretched \ +enlarged leftenlarged topenlarged rightenlarged bottomenlarged \ +crossed laddered randomshifted interpolated paralleled \ +cutends peepholed llenlarged lrenlarged urenlarged \ +ulenlarged llmoved lrmoved urmoved ulmoved \ +rightarrow leftarrow centerarrow boundingbox innerboundingbox \ +outerboundingbox pushboundingbox popboundingbox bottomboundary leftboundary \ +topboundary rightboundary xsized ysized xysized \ +sized xyscaled intersection_point intersection_found penpoint \ +bbwidth bbheight withshade withlinearshading withcircularshading \ +withfromshadecolor withtoshadecolor withshading shadedinto withcircularshade \ +withlinearshade cmyk spotcolor multitonecolor namedcolor \ +drawfill undrawfill inverted uncolored softened \ +grayed greyed onlayer along graphictext \ +loadfigure externalfigure withmask figure register \ +bitmapimage colordecimals ddecimal dddecimal ddddecimal \ +textext thetextext rawtextext textextoffset verbatim \ +thelabel label transparent withtransparency asgroup \ +infont set_linear_vector linear_shade define_linear_shade define_circular_linear_shade \ +define_sampled_linear_shade set_circular_vector circular_shade define_circular_shade define_circular_linear_shade \ +define_sampled_circular_shade space CRLF grayscale greyscale \ +withgray withgrey colorpart readfile clearxy \ +unitvector center epsed anchored originpath \ +infinite break xstretched ystretched snapped \ +pathconnectors function constructedpath constructedpairs punkedfunction \ +curvedfunction tightfunction punkedpath curvedpath tightpath \ +punkedpairs curvedpairs tightpairs evenly oddly \ +condition pushcurrentpicture popcurrentpicture arrowpath tensecircle \ +roundedsquare colortype whitecolor blackcolor normalfill \ +normaldraw visualizepaths naturalizepaths drawboundary drawwholepath \ +visualizeddraw visualizedfill draworigin drawboundingbox drawpath \ +drawpoint drawpoints drawcontrolpoints drawcontrollines drawpointlabels \ +drawlineoptions drawpointoptions drawcontroloptions drawlabeloptions draworiginoptions \ +drawboundoptions drawpathoptions resetdrawoptions + diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-metapost.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-metapost.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d2027c9564e --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-metapost.properties @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +keywordclass.metapost.primitives=\ +charcode day linecap linejoin \ +miterlimit month pausing prologues showstopping \ +time tracingcapsules tracingchoices mpprocset tracingcommands \ +tracingequations tracinglostchars tracingmacros tracingonline tracingoutput \ +tracingrestores tracingspecs tracingstats tracingtitles truecorners \ +warningcheck year false nullpicture pencircle \ +true and angle arclength arctime \ +ASCII boolean bot char color \ +cosd cycle decimal directiontime floor \ +fontsize hex infont intersectiontimes known \ +length llcorner lrcorner makepath makepen \ +mexp mlog normaldeviate not numeric \ +oct odd or path pair \ +pen penoffset picture point postcontrol \ +precontrol reverse rotated scaled shifted \ +sind slanted sqrt str string \ +subpath substring transform transformed ulcorner \ +uniformdeviate unknown urcorner xpart xscaled \ +xxpart xypart ypart yscaled yxpart \ +yypart zscaled addto clip input \ +interim let newinternal save setbounds \ +shipout show showdependencies showtoken showvariable \ +special begingroup endgroup of curl \ +tension and controls interpath on \ +off def vardef enddef expr \ +suffix text primary secondary tertiary \ +primarydef secondarydef tertiarydef randomseed also \ +contour doublepath withcolor withpen dashed \ +if else elseif fi for \ +endfor forever exitif forsuffixes downto \ +upto step until charlist extensible \ +fontdimen headerbyte kern ligtable boundarychar \ +chardp charext charht charic charwd \ +designsize fontmaking charexists cullit currenttransform \ +gfcorners grayfont hround imagerules lowres_fix \ +nodisplays notransforms openit displaying currentwindow \ +screen_rows screen_cols pixels_per_inch cull display \ +openwindow numspecial totalweight autorounding fillin \ +proofing tracingpens xoffset chardx granularity \ +smoothing turningcheck yoffset chardy hppp \ +tracingedges vppp extra_beginfig extra_endfig mpxbreak \ +endinput message delimiters turningnumber errmessage \ +readstring scantokens end outer inner \ +write to readfrom withprescript withpostscript \ +top bot lft rt ulft \ +urt llft lrt redpart greenpart \ +bluepart cyanpart magentapart yellowpart blackpart \ +greypart rgbcolor cmykcolor greycolor graycolor \ +colormodel graypart expandafter + +keywordclass.metapost.commands=\ +beginfig endfig rotatedaround reflectedabout \ +arrowhead currentpen currentpicture cuttings defaultfont \ +extra_beginfig extra_endfig ditto EOF down \ +evenly fullcircle halfcircle identity in \ +left origin pensquare quartercircle right \ +unitsquare up withdots abs bbox \ +ceiling center cutafter cutbefore dir \ +directionpoint div dotprod intersectionpoint inverse \ +mod round unitvector whatever cutdraw \ +draw drawarrow drawdblarrow fill filldraw \ +drawdot loggingall interact tracingall tracingnone \ +pickup undraw unfill unfilldraw buildcycle \ +dashpattern decr dotlabel dotlabels drawoptions \ +incr label labels max min \ +thelabel z beginchar blacker capsule_end \ +change_width define_blacker_pixels define_corrected_pixels define_good_x_pixels define_good_y_pixels \ +define_horizontal_corrected_pixels define_pixels define_whole_blacker_pixels define_whole_pixels define_whole_vertical_blacker_pixels \ +define_whole_vertical_pixels endchar extra_beginchar extra_endchar extra_setup \ +font_coding_scheme clearxy clearit clearpen shipit \ +font_extra_space exitunless relax hide gobble \ +gobbled stop blankpicture counterclockwise tensepath \ +takepower direction softjoin makelabel rotatedabout \ +flex superellipse erase image nullpen \ +savepen clearpen penpos penlabels range \ +numtok thru z laboff bye \ +red green blue cyan magenta \ +yellow black white background graypart \ +graycolor mm pt dd bp \ +cm pc cc in + +keywordclass.metapost.tex=\ +btex etex verbatimtex + +keywordclass.metapost.internals=\ +mitered rounded beveled butt \ +squared eps epsilon infinity bboxmargin \ +ahlength ahangle labeloffset dotlabeldiam defaultpen \ +defaultscale join_radius pen_lft pen_rt pen_top \ +pen_bot + +keywordclass.metapost.shortcuts=\ +.. ... -- --- \ +& + diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-tex.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-tex.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0f63b994dee --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-data-tex.properties @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +keywordclass.tex.etex=\ +botmarks clubpenalties currentgrouplevel currentgrouptype \ +currentifbranch currentiflevel currentiftype detokenize dimexpr \ +displaywidowpenalties eTeXVersion eTeXminorversion eTeXrevision eTeXversion \ +everyeof firstmarks fontchardp fontcharht fontcharic \ +fontcharwd glueexpr glueshrink glueshrinkorder gluestretch \ +gluestretchorder gluetomu ifcsname ifdefined iffontchar \ +interactionmode interlinepenalties lastlinefit lastnodetype marks \ +muexpr mutoglue numexpr pagediscards parshapedimen \ +parshapeindent parshapelength predisplaydirection protected readline \ +savinghyphcodes savingvdiscards scantokens showgroups showifs \ +showtokens splitbotmarks splitdiscards splitfirstmarks topmarks \ +tracingassigns tracinggroups tracingifs tracingnesting tracingscantokens \ +unexpanded unless widowpenalties + +keywordclass.tex.pdftex=\ +efcode expanded ifincsname ifpdfabsdim \ +ifpdfabsnum ifpdfprimitive leftmarginkern letterspacefont lpcode \ +pdfadjustspacing pdfannot pdfcatalog pdfcolorstack pdfcolorstackinit \ +pdfcompresslevel pdfcopyfont pdfcreationdate pdfdecimaldigits pdfdest \ +pdfdestmargin pdfdraftmode pdfeachlinedepth pdfeachlineheight pdfendlink \ +pdfendthread pdffirstlineheight pdffontattr pdffontexpand pdffontname \ +pdffontobjnum pdffontsize pdfgamma pdfgentounicode pdfglyphtounicode \ +pdfhorigin pdfignoreddimen pdfimageapplygamma pdfimagegamma pdfimagehicolor \ +pdfimageresolution pdfincludechars pdfinclusioncopyfonts pdfinclusionerrorlevel pdfinfo \ +pdfinsertht pdflastannot pdflastlinedepth pdflastlink pdflastobj \ +pdflastxform pdflastximage pdflastximagecolordepth pdflastximagepages pdflastxpos \ +pdflastypos pdflinkmargin pdfliteral pdfmapfile pdfmapline \ +pdfminorversion pdfnames pdfnoligatures pdfnormaldeviate pdfobj \ +pdfobjcompresslevel pdfoptionpdfminorversion pdfoutline pdfoutput pdfpageattr \ +pdfpagebox pdfpageheight pdfpageref pdfpageresources pdfpagesattr \ +pdfpagewidth pdfpkmode pdfpkresolution pdfprimitive pdfprotrudechars \ +pdfpxdimen pdfrandomseed pdfrefobj pdfrefxform pdfrefximage \ +pdfreplacefont pdfrestore pdfretval pdfsave pdfsavepos \ +pdfsetmatrix pdfsetrandomseed pdfstartlink pdfstartthread pdftexbanner \ +pdftexrevision pdftexversion pdfthread pdfthreadmargin pdftracingfonts \ +pdftrailer pdfuniformdeviate pdfuniqueresname pdfvorigin pdfxform \ +pdfxformattr pdfxformname pdfxformresources pdfximage pdfximagebbox \ +quitvmode rightmarginkern rpcode tagcode + +keywordclass.tex.xetex=\ +XeTeXversion + +keywordclass.tex.tex=\ +- / AlephVersion Alephminorversion \ +Alephrevision 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Umathlimitbelowbgap \ +Umathlimitbelowkern Umathlimitbelowvgap Umathopbinspacing Umathopclosespacing Umathopenbinspacing \ +Umathopenclosespacing Umathopeninnerspacing Umathopenopenspacing Umathopenopspacing Umathopenordspacing \ +Umathopenpunctspacing Umathopenrelspacing Umathoperatorsize Umathopinnerspacing Umathopopenspacing \ +Umathopopspacing Umathopordspacing Umathoppunctspacing Umathoprelspacing Umathordbinspacing \ +Umathordclosespacing Umathordinnerspacing Umathordopenspacing Umathordopspacing Umathordordspacing \ +Umathordpunctspacing Umathordrelspacing Umathoverbarkern Umathoverbarrule Umathoverbarvgap \ +Umathoverdelimiterbgap Umathoverdelimitervgap Umathpunctbinspacing Umathpunctclosespacing Umathpunctinnerspacing \ +Umathpunctopenspacing Umathpunctopspacing Umathpunctordspacing Umathpunctpunctspacing Umathpunctrelspacing \ +Umathquad Umathradicaldegreeafter Umathradicaldegreebefore Umathradicaldegreeraise Umathradicalkern \ +Umathradicalrule Umathradicalvgap Umathrelbinspacing Umathrelclosespacing Umathrelinnerspacing \ +Umathrelopenspacing Umathrelopspacing Umathrelordspacing Umathrelpunctspacing Umathrelrelspacing \ +Umathspaceafterscript Umathstackdenomdown Umathstacknumup Umathstackvgap Umathsubshiftdown \ +Umathsubshiftdrop Umathsubsupshiftdown Umathsubsupvgap Umathsubtopmax Umathsupbottommin \ +Umathsupshiftdrop Umathsupshiftup Umathsupsubbottommax Umathunderbarkern Umathunderbarrule \ +Umathunderbarvgap Umathunderdelimiterbgap Umathunderdelimitervgap Uoverdelimiter Uradical \ +Uroot Ustack Ustartdisplaymath Ustartmath Ustopdisplaymath \ +Ustopmath Usubscript Usuperscript Uunderdelimiter above \ +abovedisplayshortskip abovedisplayskip abovewithdelims accent adjdemerits \ +advance afterassignment aftergroup alignmark aligntab \ +atop atopwithdelims attribute attributedef badness \ +baselineskip batchmode begingroup belowdisplayshortskip belowdisplayskip \ +binoppenalty bodydir botmark botmarks box \ +boxdir boxmaxdepth brokenpenalty catcode catcodetable \ +char chardef chardp charht charit \ +charwd cleaders clearmarks closein closeout \ +clubpenalties clubpenalty copy count countdef \ +cr crampeddisplaystyle crampedscriptscriptstyle crampedscriptstyle crampedtextstyle \ +crcr csname currentgrouplevel currentgrouptype currentifbranch \ +currentiflevel currentiftype day deadcycles def \ +defaulthyphenchar defaultskewchar delcode delimiter delimiterfactor \ +delimitershortfall detokenize dimen dimendef dimexpr \ +directlua discretionary displayindent displaylimits displaystyle \ +displaywidowpenalties displaywidowpenalty displaywidth divide doublehyphendemerits \ +dp dump eTeXVersion eTeXminorversion eTeXrevision \ +eTeXversion edef efcode else emergencystretch \ +end endcsname endgroup endinput endlinechar \ +eqno errhelp errmessage errorcontextlines errorstopmode \ +escapechar everycr everydisplay everyeof everyhbox \ +everyjob everymath everypar everyvbox exhyphenchar \ +exhyphenpenalty expandafter expanded fam fi \ +finalhyphendemerits firstmark firstmarks floatingpenalty font \ +fontchardp fontcharht fontcharic fontcharwd fontdimen \ +fontid fontname formatname futurelet gdef \ +gleaders global globaldefs glueexpr glueshrink \ +glueshrinkorder gluestretch gluestretchorder gluetomu halign \ +hangafter hangindent hbadness hbox hfil \ +hfill hfilneg hfuzz hoffset holdinginserts \ +hrule hsize hskip hss ht \ +hyphenation hyphenchar hyphenpenalty if ifabsdim \ +ifabsnum ifcase ifcat ifcsname ifdefined \ +ifdim ifeof iffalse iffontchar ifhbox \ +ifhmode ifincsname ifinner ifmmode ifnum \ +ifodd ifpdfabsdim ifpdfabsnum ifpdfprimitive ifprimitive \ +iftrue ifvbox ifvmode ifvoid ifx \ +ignorespaces immediate indent initcatcodetable input \ +inputlineno insert insertpenalties interactionmode interlinepenalties \ +interlinepenalty jobname kern language lastbox \ +lastkern lastlinefit lastnodetype lastpenalty lastskip \ +latelua lccode leaders left leftghost \ +lefthyphenmin leftmarginkern leftskip leqno let \ +letterspacefont limits linepenalty lineskip lineskiplimit \ +localbrokenpenalty localinterlinepenalty localleftbox localrightbox long \ +looseness lower lowercase lpcode luaescapestring \ +luastartup luatexdatestamp luatexrevision luatexversion mag \ +mark marks mathaccent mathbin mathchar \ +mathchardef mathchoice mathclose mathcode mathdir \ +mathinner mathop mathopen mathord mathpunct \ +mathrel mathstyle mathsurround maxdeadcycles maxdepth \ +meaning medmuskip message middle mkern \ +month moveleft moveright mskip muexpr \ +multiply muskip muskipdef mutoglue newlinechar \ +noalign noboundary noexpand noindent nokerns \ +noligs nolimits nolocaldirs nolocalwhatsits nonscript \ +nonstopmode nulldelimiterspace nullfont number numexpr \ +odelcode odelimiter omathaccent omathchar omathchardef \ +omathcode omit openin openout or \ +oradical outer output outputbox outputpenalty \ +over overfullrule overline overwithdelims pagebottomoffset \ +pagedepth pagedir pagediscards pagefilllstretch pagefillstretch \ +pagefilstretch pagegoal pageheight pageleftoffset pagerightoffset \ +pageshrink pagestretch pagetopoffset pagetotal pagewidth \ +par pardir parfillskip parindent parshape \ +parshapedimen parshapeindent parshapelength parskip patterns \ +pausing pdfadjustspacing pdfannot pdfcatalog pdfcolorstack \ +pdfcolorstackinit pdfcompresslevel pdfcopyfont pdfcreationdate pdfdecimaldigits \ +pdfdest pdfdestmargin pdfdraftmode pdfeachlinedepth pdfeachlineheight \ +pdfendlink pdfendthread pdffirstlineheight pdffontattr pdffontexpand \ +pdffontname pdffontobjnum pdffontsize pdfgamma pdfgentounicode \ +pdfglyphtounicode pdfhorigin pdfignoreddimen pdfimageapplygamma pdfimagegamma \ +pdfimagehicolor pdfimageresolution pdfincludechars pdfinclusioncopyfonts pdfinclusionerrorlevel \ +pdfinfo pdfinsertht pdflastannot pdflastlinedepth pdflastlink \ +pdflastobj pdflastxform pdflastximage pdflastximagecolordepth pdflastximagepages \ +pdflastxpos pdflastypos pdflinkmargin pdfliteral pdfmapfile \ +pdfmapline pdfminorversion pdfnames pdfnoligatures pdfnormaldeviate \ +pdfobj pdfobjcompresslevel pdfoptionpdfminorversion pdfoutline pdfoutput \ +pdfpageattr pdfpagebox pdfpageheight pdfpageref pdfpageresources \ +pdfpagesattr pdfpagewidth pdfpkmode pdfpkresolution pdfprimitive \ +pdfprotrudechars pdfpxdimen pdfrandomseed pdfrefobj pdfrefxform \ +pdfrefximage pdfreplacefont pdfrestore pdfretval pdfsave \ +pdfsavepos pdfsetmatrix pdfsetrandomseed pdfstartlink pdfstartthread \ +pdftexbanner pdftexrevision pdftexversion pdfthread pdfthreadmargin \ +pdftracingfonts pdftrailer pdfuniformdeviate pdfuniqueresname pdfvorigin \ +pdfxform pdfxformattr pdfxformname pdfxformresources pdfximage \ +pdfximagebbox penalty postdisplaypenalty postexhyphenchar posthyphenchar \ +predisplaydirection predisplaypenalty predisplaysize preexhyphenchar prehyphenchar \ +pretolerance prevdepth prevgraf primitive protected \ +quitvmode radical raise read readline \ +relax relpenalty right rightghost righthyphenmin \ +rightmarginkern rightskip romannumeral rpcode savecatcodetable \ +savinghyphcodes savingvdiscards scantextokens scantokens scriptfont \ +scriptscriptfont scriptscriptstyle scriptspace scriptstyle scrollmode \ +setbox setlanguage sfcode shipout show \ +showbox showboxbreadth showboxdepth showgroups showifs \ +showlists showthe showtokens skewchar skip \ +skipdef spacefactor spaceskip span special \ +splitbotmark splitbotmarks splitdiscards splitfirstmark splitfirstmarks \ +splitmaxdepth splittopskip string suppressfontnotfounderror suppressifcsnameerror \ +suppresslongerror suppressoutererror synctex tabskip tagcode \ +textdir textfont textstyle the thickmuskip \ +thinmuskip time toks toksdef tolerance \ +topmark topmarks topskip tracingassigns tracingcommands \ +tracinggroups tracingifs tracinglostchars tracingmacros tracingnesting \ +tracingonline tracingoutput tracingpages tracingparagraphs tracingrestores \ +tracingscantokens tracingstats uccode uchyph underline \ +unexpanded unhbox unhcopy unkern unless \ +unpenalty unskip unvbox unvcopy uppercase \ +vadjust valign vbadness vbox vcenter \ +vfil vfill vfilneg vfuzz voffset \ +vrule vsize vskip vsplit vss \ +vtop wd widowpenalties widowpenalty write \ +xdef xleaders xspaceskip year + +keywordclass.tex.aleph=\ +AlephVersion Alephminorversion Alephrevision Alephversion \ +Omegaminorversion Omegarevision Omegaversion boxdir pagebottomoffset \ +pagerightoffset + +keywordclass.tex.luatex=\ +Udelcode Udelcodenum Udelimiter Udelimiterover \ +Udelimiterunder Umathaccent Umathaccents Umathaxis Umathbinbinspacing \ +Umathbinclosespacing Umathbininnerspacing Umathbinopenspacing Umathbinopspacing Umathbinordspacing \ +Umathbinpunctspacing Umathbinrelspacing Umathbotaccent Umathchar Umathchardef \ +Umathcharnum Umathclosebinspacing Umathcloseclosespacing Umathcloseinnerspacing Umathcloseopenspacing \ +Umathcloseopspacing Umathcloseordspacing Umathclosepunctspacing Umathcloserelspacing Umathcode \ +Umathcodenum Umathconnectoroverlapmin Umathfractiondelsize Umathfractiondenomdown Umathfractiondenomvgap \ +Umathfractionnumup Umathfractionnumvgap Umathfractionrule Umathinnerbinspacing Umathinnerclosespacing \ +Umathinnerinnerspacing Umathinneropenspacing Umathinneropspacing Umathinnerordspacing Umathinnerpunctspacing \ +Umathinnerrelspacing Umathlimitabovebgap Umathlimitabovekern Umathlimitabovevgap Umathlimitbelowbgap \ +Umathlimitbelowkern Umathlimitbelowvgap Umathopbinspacing Umathopclosespacing Umathopenbinspacing \ +Umathopenclosespacing Umathopeninnerspacing Umathopenopenspacing Umathopenopspacing Umathopenordspacing \ +Umathopenpunctspacing Umathopenrelspacing Umathoperatorsize Umathopinnerspacing Umathopopenspacing \ +Umathopopspacing Umathopordspacing Umathoppunctspacing Umathoprelspacing Umathordbinspacing \ +Umathordclosespacing Umathordinnerspacing Umathordopenspacing Umathordopspacing Umathordordspacing \ +Umathordpunctspacing Umathordrelspacing Umathoverbarkern Umathoverbarrule Umathoverbarvgap \ +Umathoverdelimiterbgap Umathoverdelimitervgap Umathpunctbinspacing Umathpunctclosespacing Umathpunctinnerspacing \ +Umathpunctopenspacing Umathpunctopspacing Umathpunctordspacing Umathpunctpunctspacing Umathpunctrelspacing \ +Umathquad Umathradicaldegreeafter Umathradicaldegreebefore Umathradicaldegreeraise Umathradicalkern \ +Umathradicalrule Umathradicalvgap Umathrelbinspacing Umathrelclosespacing Umathrelinnerspacing \ +Umathrelopenspacing Umathrelopspacing Umathrelordspacing Umathrelpunctspacing Umathrelrelspacing \ +Umathspaceafterscript Umathstackdenomdown Umathstacknumup Umathstackvgap Umathsubshiftdown \ +Umathsubshiftdrop Umathsubsupshiftdown Umathsubsupvgap Umathsubtopmax Umathsupbottommin \ +Umathsupshiftdrop Umathsupshiftup Umathsupsubbottommax Umathunderbarkern Umathunderbarrule \ +Umathunderbarvgap Umathunderdelimiterbgap Umathunderdelimitervgap Uoverdelimiter Uradical \ +Uroot Ustack Ustartdisplaymath Ustartmath Ustopdisplaymath \ +Ustopmath Usubscript Usuperscript Uunderdelimiter alignmark \ +aligntab attribute attributedef catcodetable clearmarks \ +crampeddisplaystyle crampedscriptscriptstyle crampedscriptstyle crampedtextstyle fontid \ +formatname gleaders ifabsdim ifabsnum ifprimitive \ +initcatcodetable latelua luaescapestring luastartup luatexdatestamp \ +luatexrevision luatexversion mathstyle nokerns noligs \ +outputbox pageleftoffset pagetopoffset postexhyphenchar posthyphenchar \ +preexhyphenchar prehyphenchar primitive savecatcodetable scantextokens \ +suppressfontnotfounderror suppressifcsnameerror suppresslongerror suppressoutererror synctex + +keywordclass.tex.omega=\ +OmegaVersion bodydir chardp charht \ +charit charwd leftghost localbrokenpenalty localinterlinepenalty \ +localleftbox localrightbox mathdir odelcode odelimiter \ +omathaccent omathchar omathchardef omathcode oradical \ +pagedir pageheight pagewidth pardir rightghost \ +textdir + diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-external.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-external.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6bba2b7ff91 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-external.properties @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +# external lpeg lexers + +import $(SciteDefaultHome)/lexers/lpeg + +lexer.lpeg.home=$(SciteDefaultHome)/lexers + +# # pre 3.03: +# +#~ lexer.lpeg.script=$(lexer.lpeg.home)/scite-context-lexer.lua +# +# # post 3.03: +# +lexer.lpeg.script=$(lexer.lpeg.home)/lexer.lua +# +# where we load the extensions in the lexers themselves. + +lexer.lpeg.color.theme=$(lexer.lpeg.home)/themes/scite-context-theme.lua + +# alas, only a few properties are passed (only indentation) + +fold.by.parsing=1 +fold.by.indentation=0 +fold.by.line=0 + +if PLAT_WIN + lexerpath.*.lpeg=$(lexer.lpeg.home)/LexLPeg.dll + +if PLAT_GTK + lexerpath.*.lpeg=$(lexer.lpeg.home)/liblexlpeg.so + +lexer.*.lpeg=lpeg + +lexer.$(file.patterns.metapost)=lpeg_scite-context-lexer-mps +lexer.$(file.patterns.metafun)=lpeg_scite-context-lexer-mps +lexer.$(file.patterns.context)=lpeg_scite-context-lexer-tex +lexer.$(file.patterns.tex)=lpeg_scite-context-lexer-tex +lexer.$(file.patterns.lua)=lpeg_scite-context-lexer-lua +lexer.$(file.patterns.example)=lpeg_scite-context-lexer-xml +lexer.$(file.patterns.text)=lpeg_scite-context-lexer-txt +lexer.$(file.patterns.pdf)=lpeg_scite-context-lexer-pdf + +#~ lexer.$(file.patterns.metapost)=lpeg_ctx-mps +#~ lexer.$(file.patterns.metafun)=lpeg_ctx-mps +#~ lexer.$(file.patterns.context)=lpeg_ctx-tex +#~ lexer.$(file.patterns.tex)=lpeg_ctx-tex +#~ lexer.$(file.patterns.lua)=lpeg_ctx-lua +#~ lexer.$(file.patterns.example)=lpeg_ctx-xml +#~ lexer.$(file.patterns.text)=lpeg_ctx-txt +#~ lexer.$(file.patterns.pdf)=lpeg_ctx-pdf + +comment.block.lpeg_scite-context-lexer-tex=% +comment.block.at.line.start.lpeg_scite-context-lexer-tex=1 + +comment.block.lpeg_scite-context-lexer-mps=% +comment.block.at.line.start.lpeg_scite-context-lexer-mps=1 + +comment.block.lpeg_scite-context-lexer-lua=-- +comment.block.at.line.start.lpeg_scite-context-lexer-lua=1 + +comment.block.lpeg_scite-context-lexer-cld=-- +comment.block.at.line.start.lpeg_scite-context-lexer-cld=1 + +comment.block.lpeg_props=# +comment.block.at.line.start.lpeg_props=1 + +#~ comment.block.lpeg_ctx-tex=% +#~ comment.block.at.line.start.lpeg_ctx-tex=1 + +#~ comment.block.lpeg_ctx-mps=% +#~ comment.block.at.line.start.lpeg_ctx-mps=1 + +#~ comment.block.lpeg_ctx-lua=-- +#~ comment.block.at.line.start.lpeg_ctx-lua=1 + +#~ comment.block.lpeg_ctx-cld=-- +#~ comment.block.at.line.start.lpeg_ctx-cld=1 + +#~ comment.block.lpeg_props=# +#~ comment.block.at.line.start.lpeg_props=1 + +#~ style.*.34=bold +#~ style.*.35=bold + +style.*.34=$(styles.bracelight) +style.*.35=$(styles.bracebad) diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-internal.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-internal.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..92806b8e22e --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-internal.properties @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +# Metapost: lexer.metapost.interface.default +# +# 0 not used +# 1 metapost primitives and commands +# 2 metafun macros +# +# first lines of a metapost file are interpreted as follows: +# +# % interface=none|metapost|mp|metafun + +import scite-context-data-metapost +import scite-context-data-metafun + +keywordclass.metapost.all=$(keywordclass.metapost.tex) $(keywordclass.metapost.plain) $(keywordclass.metapost.primitives) +keywordclass.metafun.all=$(keywordclass.metafun.constants) $(keywordclass.metafun.helpers) + +keywords.$(file.patterns.metafun)=$(keywordclass.metapost.all) +keywords2.$(file.patterns.metafun)=$(keywordclass.metapost.all) $(keywordclass.metafun.all) + +lexer.metapost.interface.default=2 +lexer.metapost.comment.process=0 + +lexer.$(file.patterns.metapost)=metapost +lexer.$(file.patterns.metafun)=metapost + +# Metapost: comments + +comment.block.metapost=% +comment.block.at.line.start.metapost=1 + +# internal lexers +# +# 0 all \commands +# 1 tex etex pdftex omega primitives +# 2 context nl (when context.properties is loaded) +# 3 context en (when context.properties is loaded) +# 4 context de (when context.properties is loaded) +# 5 context cz (when context.properties is loaded) +# 6 context it (when context.properties is loaded) +# 7 context ro (when context.properties is loaded) +# 8 latex (no keywords yet; will move up) +# +# first lines of a tex file are interpreted as follows +# +# % interface=all|nl|en|de|cz|it|ro|latex + +import scite-context-data-tex +import scite-context-data-context +import scite-context-data-interfaces + +word.characters.$(file.patterns.context)=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ@!?_\\ + +keywordclass.context.base=\ + $(keywordclass.tex.tex) \ + $(keywordclass.tex.etex) \ + $(keywordclass.tex.pdftex) \ + $(keywordclass.tex.aleph) \ + $(keywordclass.tex.omega) \ + $(keywordclass.tex.xetex) \ + $(keywordclass.context.constants) \ + $(keywordclass.context.helpers) + +keywords.$(file.patterns.context)=$(keywordclass.context.base) +keywords2.$(file.patterns.context)=$(keywordclass.context.base) $(keywordclass.context.nl) +keywords3.$(file.patterns.context)=$(keywordclass.context.base) $(keywordclass.context.en) +keywords4.$(file.patterns.context)=$(keywordclass.context.base) $(keywordclass.context.de) +keywords5.$(file.patterns.context)=$(keywordclass.context.base) $(keywordclass.context.cs) +keywords6.$(file.patterns.context)=$(keywordclass.context.base) $(keywordclass.context.it) +keywords7.$(file.patterns.context)=$(keywordclass.context.base) $(keywordclass.context.ro) +keywords8.$(file.patterns.context)=$(keywordclass.context.base) $(keywordclass.context.fr) +keywords9.$(file.patterns.context)=$(keywordclass.context.base) $(keywordclass.context.pe) + +comment.block.context=% +comment.block.at.line.start.context=1 + +lexer.context.interface.default=0 +lexer.context.use.keywords=1 +lexer.context.comment.process=0 +lexer.context.auto.if=1 + +lexer.$(file.patterns.context)=tex +lexer.$(file.patterns.tex)=tex diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-readme.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-readme.pdf Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000000..32c9628b60d --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-readme.pdf diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-readme.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-readme.tex new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6221d7cde94 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-readme.tex @@ -0,0 +1,858 @@ +% interface=en modes=icon,screen language=uk + +\usemodule[art-01] +\usemodule[abr-02] + +\unexpanded\def\METAPOST{MetaPost} +\unexpanded\def\METAFUN {MetaFun} + +\setuphead + [section] + [color=darkblue] + +\setuptype + [color=darkblue] + +\setuptyping + [color=darkblue] + +\setuptyping + [margin=yes] + +\setupwhitespace + [big] + +\definecolor[gray][s=.2,t=.5,a=1] + +\startuseMPgraphic{TitlePage}{darkness} + StartPage ; + + numeric factor ; factor := 1/3 ; + numeric multiple ; multiple := PaperHeight/PaperWidth ; % 1.6 ; + numeric stages ; stages := multiple/16 ; % .1 ; + numeric darkness ; darkness := \MPvar{darkness} ; + + def Scaled(expr s, m) = + if m = 1 : + scaled (2*s*PaperWidth) + else : + xscaled (2*s*PaperWidth) yscaled (2*s*PaperHeight) + fi + enddef ; + + fill Page withcolor (factor*white) ; + + fill fullcircle scaled (multiple*PaperWidth) shifted llcorner Page withcolor (factor*red) ; + fill fullcircle scaled (multiple*PaperWidth) shifted ulcorner Page withcolor (factor*green) ; + fill fullcircle scaled (multiple*PaperWidth) shifted urcorner Page withcolor (factor*blue) ; + fill fullcircle scaled (multiple*PaperWidth) shifted lrcorner Page withcolor (factor*yellow) ; + + for i = llcorner Page, ulcorner Page, urcorner Page, lrcorner Page : + for j = 0 step stages until (10*stages-eps) : % or .8 + fill fullcircle Scaled(j,1) shifted i withcolor transparent(1,\MPvar{darkness}*(1-j),white) ; + endfor ; + endfor ; + + draw Page withpen pencircle scaled .1PaperWidth withcolor transparent(1,.5,.5white) ; + + StopPage +\stopuseMPgraphic + +\startmode[icon,screen] + + \setuppapersize[S66][S66] + + \setupbodyfont[10pt] + +\stopmode + +\startmode[icon] + + \starttext + + \startTEXpage + \useMPgraphic{TitlePage}{darkness=0.4} + \stopTEXpage + + \stoptext + +\stopmode + +\starttext + +% title page + +\definelayer + [TitlePage] + [width=\paperwidth, + height=\paperheight] + +\setlayer + [TitlePage] + {\useMPgraphic{TitlePage}{darkness=1}} + +\setlayerframed + [TitlePage] + [preset=rightbottom, + hoffset=.1\paperwidth, + voffset=.1\paperwidth] + [align=left, + width=\hsize, + frame=off, + foregroundcolor=gray] + {\definedfont[SerifBold sa 10]SciTE\endgraf + \definedfont[SerifBold sa 2.48]IN CONTEXT MkIV\kern.25\bodyfontsize} + +\startTEXpage + \tightlayer[TitlePage] +\stopTEXpage + +% main text + +\subject{About \SCITE} + +{\em This manual is under (re)construction.} + +For a long time at \PRAGMA\ we used \TEXEDIT, an editor we'd +written in \MODULA. It had some project management features and +recognized the project structure in \CONTEXT\ documents. Later we +rewrote this to a platform independent reimplementation called +\TEXWORK\ written in \PERLTK\ (not to be confused with the editor +with the plural name). + +In the beginning of the century I can into \SCITE, written by Neil +Hodgson. Although the mentioned editors provide some functionality +not present in \SCITE\ we decided to use that editor because it +frees us from maintaining our own. I ported our \TEX\ and +\METAPOST\ (line based) syntax highlighting to \SCITE\ and got a +lot of others for free. + +After a while I found out that there was an extension interface +written in \LUA. I played with it and wrote a few extensions too. +This pleasant experience later triggered the \LUATEX\ project. + +A decade into the century \SCITE\ got another new feature: you can +write dynamic external lexers in \LUA\ using \LPEG. As in the +meantime \CONTEXT\ has evolved in a \TEX/\LUA\ hybrid, it made +sense to look into this. The result is a couple of lexers that +suit \TEX, \METAPOST\ and \LUA\ usage in \CONTEXT\ \MKIV. As we +also use \XML\ as input and output format a lexer for \XML\ is also +provided. And because \PDF\ is one of the backend formats lexing of +\PDF\ is also implemented. \footnote {In the process some of the +general lexing framework was adapted to suit our demands for speed. +We ship these files as well.} + +In the \CONTEXT\ (standalone) distribution you will find the +relevant files under: + +\starttyping +<texroot>/tex/texmf-context/context/data/scite +\stoptyping + +Normally a user will not have to dive into the implementation +details but in principle you can tweak the properties files to +suit your purpose. + +\subject{The look and feel} + +The color scheme that we use is consistent over the lexers but we +use more colors that in the traditional lexing. For instance, +\TEX\ primitives, low level \TEX\ commands, \TEX\ constants, basic +file structure related commands, and user commands all get a +different treatment. When spell checking is turned on, we indicate +unknown words, but also words that are known but might need +checking, for instance because they have an uppercase character. +In \in {figure} [fig:colors] we some of that in practice. + +\placefigure + [page] + [fig:colors] + {Nested lexers in action.} + {\rotate + [rotation=90] + {\externalfigure + [scite-context-visual.png] + [maxheight=1.2\textwidth, + maxwidth=.9\textheight]}} + +\subject{Installing \SCITE} + +Installing \SCITE\ is straightforward. We are most familiar with +\MSWINDOWS\ but for other operating systems installation is not +much different. First you need to fetch the archive from: + +\starttyping +www.scintilla.org +\stoptyping + +The \MSWINDOWS\ binaries are zipped in \type {wscite.zip}, and you +can unzip this in any directory you want as long as you make sure +that the binary ends up in your path or as shortcut on your +desktop. So, say that you install \SCITE\ in: + +\starttyping +c:\data\system\scite\wscite +\stoptyping + +You need to add this path to your local path definition. +Installing \SCITE\ to some known place has the advantage that you +can move it around. There are no special dependencies on the +operating system. + +Next you need to install the lpeg lexers. \footnote {Versions +later than 2.11 will not run on Windows 2K. In that case you need +to comment the external lexer import.} These can be fetched from: + +\starttyping +code.google.com/p/scintilla +\stoptyping + +On windows you need to copy the \type {lexers} subfolder to the +\type {wscite} folder. For Linux the place depends on the +distribution and I just copy them in the same path as where the +regular properties files live. + +For \UNIX, one can take a precompiled version as well. Here we +need to split the set of files into: + +\starttyping +/usr/bin +/usr/share/scite +\stoptyping + +The second path is hard coded in the binary. + +If you want to use \CONTEXT, you need to copy the relevant files from + +\starttyping +<texroot>/tex/texmf-context/context/data/scite +\stoptyping + +to the path were \SCITE\ keeps its property files (\type (*.properties). + +There is a file called \type {SciteGlobal.properties}. At the end +of that file (on windows it is in the path where the Scite binary) +you then add a line to the end: + +\starttyping +import scite-context-user +\stoptyping + +You need to restart \SCITE\ in order to see if things work out as +expected. + +Disabling the external lexer in a recent \SCITE\ is somewhat +tricky. In that case the end of that file looks like: + +\starttyping +imports.exclude=scite-context-external +import * +import scite-context-user +\stoptyping + +In any case you need to make sure that the user file is loaded last. + +After this, things should run as expected (given that \TEX\ runs +at the console as well). + +% In order to run the commands needed, we assume that the following programs +% are installed: +% +% \startitemize[packed] +% \item tidy (for quick and dirty checking of \XML\ files) +% \item xsltproc (for converting \XML\ files into other formats) +% \item acrobat (for viewing files) +% \item ghostview (for viewing files, use gv on \UNIX) +% \item rxvt (a console, only needed on \UNIX) +% \stopitemize + +\subject{Fonts} + +The configuration file defaults to the Dejavu fonts. These free +fonts are part of the \CONTEXT\ suite (also known as the +standalone distribution). Of course you can fetch them from \type +{http://dejavu-fonts.org} as well. You have to copy them to where +your operating system expects them. In the suite they are +available in + +\starttyping +<contextroot>/tex/texmf/fonts/truetype/public/dejavu +\stoptyping + +\subject{An alternative approach} + +If for some reason you prefer not to mess with property files in +the main \SCITE\ path, you can follow a different route and +selectively copy files to places. + +The following files are needed for the lpeg based lexer: + +\starttyping +lexers/scite-context-lexer.lua +lexers/scite-context-lexer-tex.lua +lexers/scite-context-lexer-mps.lua +lexers/scite-context-lexer-lua.lua +lexers/scite-context-lexer-cld.lua +lexers/scite-context-lexer-txt.lua +lexers/scite-context-lexer-xml*.lua +lexers/scite-context-lexer-pdf*.lua + +lexers/context/data/scite-context-data-tex.lua +lexers/context/data/scite-context-data-context.lua +lexers/context/data/scite-context-data-interfaces.lua +lexers/context/data/scite-context-data-metapost.lua +lexers/context/data/scite-context-data-metafun.lua + +lexers/themes/scite-context-theme.lua +\stoptyping + +The data files are needed because we cannot access property files +from within the lexer. If we could open a file we could use the +property files instead. + +These files go to the \type {lexers} subpath in your \SCITE\ +installation. Normally this sits in the binary path. The +following files provide some extensions. On windows you can copy +these files to the path where the \SCITE\ binary lives. + +\starttyping +scite-ctx.lua +\stoptyping + +Because property files can only be loaded from the same path +where the (user) file loads them you need to copy the following +files to the same path where the loading is defined: + +\starttyping +scite-context.properties +scite-context-internal.properties +scite-context-external.properties + +scite-pragma.properties + +scite-tex.properties +scite-metapost.properties + +scite-context-data-tex.properties +scite-context-data-context.properties +scite-context-data-interfaces.properties +scite-context-data-metapost.properties +scite-context-data-metafun.properties + +scite-ctx.properties +scite-ctx-context.properties +scite-ctx-example.properties +\stoptyping + +On Windows these go to: + +\starttyping +c:/Users/YourName +\stoptyping + +Next you need to add this to: + +\starttyping +import scite-context +import scite-context-internal +import scite-context-external +import scite-pragma +\stoptyping + +to the file: + +\starttyping +SciTEUser.properties +\stoptyping + +Of course the pragma import is optional. You can comment either the +internal or external variant but there is no reason not to keep them both. + +\subject{Extensions} + +Just a quick not to some extensions. If you select a part of the +text (normally you do this with the shift key pressed) and you hit +\type {Shift-F11}, you get a menu with some options. More (robust) +ones will be provided at some point. + +\subject{Spell checking} + +If you want to have spell checking, you need have files with +correct words on each line. The first line of a file determines +the language: + +\starttyping +% language=uk +\stoptyping + +When you use the external lexers, you need to provide some files. +Given that you have a text file with valid words only, you can run +the following script: + +\starttyping +mtxrun --script scite --words nl uk +\stoptyping + +This will convert files with names like \type {spell-nl.txt} into +\LUA\ files that you need to copy to the \type {lexers/data} path. +Spell checking happens realtime when you have the language +directive (just add a bogus character to disable it). Wrong words +are colored red, and words that might have a case problem are +colored orange. Recognized words are greyed and words with less +than three characters are ignored. + +In the case of internal lexers, the following file is needed: + +\starttyping +spell-uk.txt +\stoptyping + +If you use the traditional lexer, this file is taken from the +path determined by the environment variable: + +\starttyping +CTXSPELLPATH +\stoptyping + +As already mentioned, the lpeg lexer expects them in the data +path. This is because the \LUA\ instance that does the lexing is +rather minimalistic and lacks some libraries as well as cannot +access the main \SCITE\ state. + +Spell checking in \type {txt} files is enabled by adding a first +line: + +\starttyping +[#!-%] language=uk +\stoptyping + +The first character on that line is one of the four mentioned +between square brackets. So, + +\starttyping +# language=uk +\stoptyping + +should work. For \XML\ files there are two methods. You can use the +following (at the start of the file): + +\starttyping +<?xml ... language="uk" ?> +\stoptyping + +But probably better is to use the next directive just below the +usual \XML\ marker line: + +\starttyping +<?context-xml-directive editor language uk ?> +\stoptyping + +\subject{Interface selection} + +In a similar fashion you can drive the interface checking: + +\starttyping +% interface=nl +\stoptyping + +\subject{Property files} + +The internal lexers are controlled by the property files while the +external ones are steered with themes. Unfortunately there is +hardly any access to properties from the external lexer code nor +can we consult the file system and/or run programs like \type +{mtxrun}. This means that we cannot use configuration files in the +\CONTEXT\ distribution directly. Hopefully this changes with +future releases. + +\subject{The external lexers} + +These are the more advanced. They provide more detail and the \CONTEXT\ +lexer also supports nested \METAPOST\ and \LUA. Currently there is no +detailed configuration but this might change once they are stable. + +The external lexers operate on documents while the internal ones +operate on lines. This can make the external lexers slow on large +documents. We've optimized the code somewhat for speed and memory +consumption but there's only so much one can do. While lexing each +change in style needs a small table but allocating and garbage +collecting many small tables comes at a price. Of course in +practice this probably gets unnoticed. \footnote {I wrote the code +in 2011 on a more than 5 years old Dell M90 laptop, so I suppose +that speed is less an issue now.} + +In principle the external lexers can be used with \type +{textadept} which also uses \type {scintilla}. Actually, support +for lpeg lexing originates in \type {textadept}. Currently \type +{textadept} lacks a couple of features I like about \SCITE\ (for +instance it has no realtime logpane) and it's also still changing. +At some point the \CONTEXT\ distribution might ship with files +for \type {textadept} as well. + +The external lpeg lexers work okay with the \MSWINDOWS\ and +\LINUX\ versions of \SCITE, but unfortunately at the time of +writing this, the \LUA\ library that is needed is not available +for the \MACOSX\ version of \SCITE. Also, due to the fact that the +lexing framework is rather isolated, there are some issues that +cannot be addressed in the properly, at least not currently. + +In addition to \CONTEXT\ and \METAFUN\ lexing a \LUA\ lexer is +also provided so that we can handle \CONTEXT\ \LUA\ Document +(\CLD) files too. There is also an \XML\ lexer. This one also +provides spell checking. The \PDF\ lexer tries to do a good job on +\PDF\ files, but it has some limitations. There is also a simple +text file lexer that does spell checking. + +Don't worry if you see an orange rectangle in your \TEX\ or \XML\ +document. This indicates that there is a special space character +there, for instance \type {0xA0}, the nonbreakable space. Of course +we assume that you use \UTF8 as input encoding. + +\subject{The internal lexers} + +\SCITE\ has quite some built in lexers. A lexer is responsible for +highlighting the syntax of your document. The way a \TEX\ file is +treated is configured in the file: + +\starttyping +tex.properties +\stoptyping + +You can edit this file to your needs using the menu entry under +\type {options} in the top bar. In this file, the following +settings apply to the \TEX\ lexer: + +\starttyping +lexer.tex.interface.default=0 +lexer.tex.use.keywords=1 +lexer.tex.comment.process=0 +lexer.tex.auto.if=1 +\stoptyping + +The option \type {lexer.tex.interface.default} determines the way +keywords are highlighted. You can control the interface from your +document as well, which makes more sense that editing the +configuration file each time. + +\starttyping +% interface=all|tex|nl|en|de|cz|it|ro|latex +\stoptyping + +The values in the properties file and the keywords in the preamble +line have the following meaning: + +\starttabulate[|lT|lT|p|] +\NC 0 \NC all \NC all commands (preceded by a backslash) \NC \NR +\NC 1 \NC tex \NC \TEX, \ETEX, \PDFTEX, \OMEGA\ primitives (and macros) \NC \NR +\NC 2 \NC nl \NC the dutch \CONTEXT\ interface \NC \NR +\NC 3 \NC en \NC the english \CONTEXT\ interface \NC \NR +\NC 4 \NC de \NC the german \CONTEXT\ interface \NC \NR +\NC 5 \NC cz \NC the czech \CONTEXT\ interface \NC \NR +\NC 6 \NC it \NC the italian \CONTEXT\ interface \NC \NR +\NC 7 \NC ro \NC the romanian \CONTEXT\ interface \NC \NR +\NC 8 \NC latex \NC \LATEX\ (apart from packages) \NC \NR +\stoptabulate + +The configuration file is set up in such a way that you can easily +add more keywords to the lists. The keywords for the second and +higher interfaces are defined in their own properties files. If +you're curious about the way this is configures, you can peek into +the property files that start with \type {scite-context}. When you +have \CONTEXT\ installed you can generate configuration files with + +\starttyping +mtxrun --script interface --scite +\stoptyping + +You need to make sure that you move the result to the right place so best +not mess around with this command and use the files from the distribution. + +Back to the properties in \type {tex.properties}. You can disable keyword +coloring alltogether with: + +\starttyping +lexer.tex.use.keywords=0 +\stoptyping + +but this is only handy for testing purposes. More interesting is that you can +influence the way comment is treated: + +\starttyping +lexer.tex.comment.process=0 +\stoptyping + +When set to zero, comment is not interpreted as \TEX\ code and it will come out +in a uniform color. But, when set to one, you will get as much colors as a \TEX\ +source. It's a matter of taste what you choose. + +The lexer tries to cope with the \TEX\ syntax as good as possible and takes for +instance care of the funny \type {^^} notation. A special treatment is +applied to so called \type {\if}'s: + +\starttyping +lexer.tex.auto.if=1 +\stoptyping + +This is the default setting. When set to one, all \type {\ifwhatever}'s will be +seen as a command. When set to zero, only the primitive \type {\if}'s will be +treated. In order not to confuse you, when this property is set to one, the +lexer will not color an \type {\ifwhatever} that follows an \type {\newif}. + +\subject{The \METAPOST\ lexer} + +The \METAPOST\ lexer is set up slightly different from its \TEX\ counterpart, +first of all because \METAPOST\ is more a language that \TEX. As with the +\TEX\ lexer, we can control the interpretation of identifiers. The \METAPOST\ +specific configuration file is: + +\starttyping +metapost.properties +\stoptyping + +Here you can find properties like: + +\starttyping +lexer.metapost.interface.default=1 +\stoptyping + +Instead of editing the configuration file you can control the lexer with the +first line in your document: + +\starttyping +% interface=none|metapost|mp|metafun +\stoptyping + +The numbers and keywords have the following meaning: + +\starttabulate[|lT|lT|p|] +\NC 0 \NC none \NC no highlighting of identifiers \NC \NR +\NC 1 \NC metapost or mp \NC \METAPOST\ primitives and macros \NC \NR +\NC 2 \NC metafun \NC \METAFUN\ macros \NC \NR +\stoptabulate + +Similar to the \TEX\ lexer, you can influence the way comments are handled: + +\starttyping +lexer.metapost.comment.process=1 +\stoptyping + +This will interpret comment as \METAPOST\ code, which is not that useful +(opposite to \TEX, where documentation is often coded in \TEX). + +The lexer will color the \METAPOST\ keywords, and, when enabled also additional +keywords (like those of \METAFUN). The additional keywords are colored and shown +in a slanted font. + +The \METAFUN\ keywords are defined in a separate file: + +\starttyping +metafun-scite.properties +\stoptyping + +You can either copy this file to the path where you global properties files lives, +or put a copy in the path of your user properties file. In that case you need to +add an entry to the file \type {SciTEUser.properties}: + +\starttyping +import metafun-scite +\stoptyping + +The lexer is able to recognize \type {btex}||\type {etex} and will treat anything +in between as just text. The same happens with strings (between \type {"}). Both +act on a per line basis. + +\subject{Using \ConTeXt} + +When \type {mtxrun} is in your path, \CONTEXT\ should run out of the box. You can +find \type {mtxrun} in: + +\starttyping +<contextroot>/tex/texmf-mswin/bin +\stoptyping + +or in a similar path that suits the operating system that you use. + +When you hit \type{CTRL-12} your document will be processed. Take a look at +the \type {Tools} menu to see what more is provided. + +\subject{Extensions (using \LUA)} + +When the \LUA\ extensions are loaded, you will see a message +in the log pane that looks like: + +\starttyping +- see scite-ctx.properties for configuring info + +- ctx.spellcheck.wordpath set to ENV(CTXSPELLPATH) +- ctxspellpath set to c:\data\develop\context\spell +- ctx.spellcheck.wordpath expands to c:\data\develop\context\spell + +- ctx.wraptext.length is set to 65 +- key bindings: + +Shift + F11 pop up menu with ctx options + +Ctrl + B check spelling +Ctrl + M wrap text (auto indent) +Ctrl + R reset spelling results +Ctrl + I insert template +Ctrl + E open log file + +- recognized first lines: + +xml <?xml version='1.0' language='nl' +tex % language=nl +\stoptyping + +This message tells you what extras are available. + +\subject{Templates} + +There is an experimental template mechanism. One option is to define +templates in a properties file. The property file \type +{scite-ctx-context} contains definitions like: + +\starttyping +command.25.$(file.patterns.context)=insert_template \ +$(ctx.template.list.context) + +ctx.template.list.context=\ + itemize=structure.itemize.context|\ + tabulate=structure.tabulate.context|\ + natural TABLE=structure.TABLE.context|\ + use MP graphic=graphics.usemp.context|\ + reuse MP graphic=graphics.reusemp.context|\ + typeface definition=fonts.typeface.context + +ctx.template.structure.itemize.context=\ +\startitemize\n\ +\item ?\n\ +\item ?\n\ +\item ?\n\ +\stopitemize\n +\stoptyping + +The file \type {scite-ctx-example} defines \XML\ variants: + +\starttyping +command.25.$(file.patterns.example)=insert_template \ +$(ctx.template.list.example) + +ctx.template.list.example=\ + bold=font.bold.example|\ + emphasized=font.emphasized.example|\ + |\ + inline math=math.inline.example|\ + display math=math.display.example|\ + |\ + itemize=structure.itemize.example + +ctx.template.structure.itemize.example=\ +<itemize>\n\ +<item>?</item>\n\ +<item>?</item>\n\ +<item>?</item>\n\ +</itemize>\n +\stoptyping + +For larger projects it makes sense to keep templates with the +project. In one of our projects we have a directory in the +path where the project files are kept which holds template files: + +\starttyping +..../ctx-templates/achtergronden.xml +..../ctx-templates/bewijs.xml +\stoptyping + +One could define a template menu like we did previously: + +\starttyping +ctx.templatelist.example=\ + achtergronden=mathadore.achtergronden|\ + bewijs=mathadore.bewijs|\ + +ctx.template.mathadore.achtergronden.file=smt-achtergronden.xml +ctx.template.mathadore.bewijs.file=smt-bewijs.xml +\stoptyping + +However, when no such menu is defined, we will automatically scan +the directory and build the menu without user intervention. + +\subject{Using \SCITE} + +The following keybindings are available in \SCITE. Most of this +list is taken from the on|-|line help pages. + +\startbuffer[keybindings] +\starttabulate[|l|p|] +\FL +\NC \rm \bf keybinding \NC \bf meaning (taken from the \SCITE\ help file) \NC \NR +\ML +\NC \type{Ctrl+Keypad+} \NC magnify text size \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+Keypad-} \NC reduce text size \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+Keypad/} \NC restore text size to normal \NC \NR +\ML +\NC \type{Ctrl+Keypad*} \NC expand or contract a fold point \NC \NR +\ML +\NC \type{Ctrl+Tab} \NC cycle through recent files \NC \NR +\ML +\NC \type{Tab} \NC indent block \NC \NR +\NC \type{Shift+Tab} \NC dedent block \NC \NR +\ML +\NC \type{Ctrl+BackSpace} \NC delete to start of word \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+Delete} \NC delete to end of word \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+Shift+BackSpace} \NC delete to start of line \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+Shift+Delete} \NC delete to end of line \NC \NR +\ML +\NC \type{Ctrl+Home} \NC go to start of document; \type{Shift} extends selection \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+End} \NC go to end of document; \type{Shift} extends selection \NC \NR +\NC \type{Alt+Home} \NC go to start of display line; \type{Shift} extends selection \NC \NR +\NC \type{Alt+End} \NC go to end of display line; \type{Shift} extends selection \NC \NR +\ML +\NC \type{Ctrl+F2} \NC create or delete a bookmark \NC \NR +\NC \type{F2} \NC go to next bookmark \NC \NR +\ML +\NC \type{Ctrl+F3} \NC find selection \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+Shift+F3} \NC find selection backwards \NC \NR +\ML +\NC \type{Ctrl+Up} \NC scroll up \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+Down} \NC scroll down \NC \NR +\ML +\NC \type{Ctrl+C} \NC copy selection to buffer \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+V} \NC insert content of buffer \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+X} \NC copy selection to buffer and delete selection \NC \NR +\ML +\NC \type{Ctrl+L} \NC line cut \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+Shift+T} \NC line copy \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+Shift+L} \NC line delete \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+T} \NC line transpose with previous \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+D} \NC line duplicate \NC \NR +\ML +\NC \type{Ctrl+K} \NC find matching preprocessor conditional, skipping nested ones \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+Shift+K} \NC select to matching preprocessor conditional \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+J} \NC find matching preprocessor conditional backwards, skipping nested ones \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+Shift+J} \NC select to matching preprocessor conditional backwards \NC \NR +\ML +\NC \type{Ctrl+[} \NC previous paragraph; \type{Shift} extends selection \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+]} \NC next paragraph; \type{Shift} extends selection \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+Left} \NC previous word; \type{Shift} extends selection \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+Right} \NC next word; \type{Shift} extends selection \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+/} \NC previous word part; \type{Shift} extends selection \NC \NR +\NC \type{Ctrl+\ } \NC next word part; \type{Shift} extends selection \NC \NR +\LL +\stoptabulate +\stopbuffer + +\getbuffer[keybindings] + +\subject{Affiliation} + +\starttabulate[|l|l|] +\NC author \NC Hans Hagen \NC \NR +\NC copyright \NC PRAGMA ADE, Hasselt NL \NC \NR +\NC more info \NC \type {www.pragma-ade.com} \NC \NR +\NC \NC \type {www.contextgarden.net} \NC \NR +\NC version \NC \currentdate \NC \NR +\stoptabulate + +\stoptext diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-user.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-user.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..88e80303191 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-user.properties @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# this loades the basics + +import scite-context + +# internal lexing + +import scite-context-internal + +# external lexing (tex, mps, cld/lua, xml) + +import scite-context-external + +# this does some tuning + +import scite-pragma diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-visual.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-visual.pdf new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..69d82eda681 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-visual.pdf @@ -0,0 +1,1364 @@ +%PDF-1.6 +% +17 0 obj +<</Length 57118 >> +stream +0 g 0 G +0 g 0 G +BT +/F1 11.955168 Tf 1 0 0 1 280.5345 760.6422 Tm [<0052>]TJ +/F1 20.658493 Tf 1 0 0 1 70.867 696.3895 Tm [<0052>-750<00610051004B0032>-326<0037001C004D002B0076>-326<00690042006900480032>]TJ +/F1 11.955168 Tf 1 0 0 1 83.2207 641.7609 Tm [<0068003F0032>-326<0069003F00420060002F>-326<0032004D0069006000760035>]TJ +ET +q +1 0 0 1 70.867 664.3031 cm +[]0 d 0 J 0.3985 w 0 0 m 318.8947 0 l S +Q +q +1 0 0 1 71.0662 625.3676 cm +[]0 d 0 J 0.3985 w 0 0 m 0 39.1348 l S +Q +q +1 0 0 1 389.5625 625.3676 cm +[]0 d 0 J 0.3985 w 0 0 m 0 39.1348 l S +Q +q +1 0 0 1 70.867 625.5668 cm +[]0 d 0 J 0.3985 w 0 0 m 318.8947 0 l S +Q +BT +/F1 11.955168 Tf 1 0 0 1 83.2207 589.6746 Tm [<0068003F0032>-326<00370051006D00600069003F>-326<0032004D0069006000760035>]TJ +ET +q +1 0 0 1 70.867 612.2169 cm +[]0 d 0 J 0.3985 w 0 0 m 318.8947 0 l S +Q +q +1 0 0 1 71.0662 573.2813 cm +[]0 d 0 J 0.3985 w 0 0 m 0 39.1348 l S +Q +q +1 0 0 1 389.5625 573.2813 cm +[]0 d 0 J 0.3985 w 0 0 m 0 39.1348 l S +Q +q +1 0 0 1 70.867 573.4806 cm +[]0 d 0 J 0.3985 w 0 0 m 318.8947 0 l S +Q +BT +/F1 11.955168 Tf 1 0 0 1 70.867 550.9383 Tm [<0068003F00420062>-293<00420062>-293<0044006D00620069>-293<00620051004B0032>-293<0069003200740069>-293<00690051>-293<002F0032004B0051004D006200690060001C00690032>-293<0069003F0032>-293<00600032001C004800690042004B0032>-293<00620054>-27<003200480048002B>26<003F0032002B>27<0046>27<00320060>-292<0042004D>-293<002B0051004B00230042004D001C006900420051004D>-293<007200420069003F>]TJ +1 0 0 1 70.867 536.5108 Tm [<0069003F0032>-326<0032004B0023>-27<0032002F002F0032002F>-326<0048006D001C>-326<001C004D002F>-326<004B00320069001C0054>-27<005100620069>-326<004800320074003200600062>-326<001C004D002F>-326<0042004D00480042004D0032>-326<001C0062>-326<0072>27<003200480048>-326<001C0062>-326<002F0042006200540048001C>27<0076>-326<0048006D001C>-326<002B0051>-27<002F00320058>]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 212.8474 389.4945 cm +% mps graphic 1: begin +q +0 g 0 G +10.000000 M +1 j +1 J +0.500000 w +1.417328 0.000000 m +1.417328 0.375916 1.267960 0.736389 1.002182 1.002182 c +0.736389 1.267960 0.375916 1.417328 0.000000 1.417328 c +-0.375916 1.417328 -0.736389 1.267960 -1.002182 1.002182 c +-1.267960 0.736389 -1.417328 0.375916 -1.417328 0.000000 c +-1.417328 -0.375916 -1.267960 -0.736389 -1.002182 -1.002182 c +-0.736389 -1.267960 -0.375916 -1.417328 0.000000 -1.417328 c +0.375916 -1.417328 0.736389 -1.267960 1.002182 -1.002182 c +1.267960 -0.736389 1.417328 -0.375916 1.417328 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +2.834641 0.000000 m +2.834641 0.751831 2.535934 1.472778 2.004349 2.004349 c +1.472778 2.535934 0.751831 2.834641 0.000000 2.834641 c +-0.751831 2.834641 -1.472778 2.535934 -2.004349 2.004349 c +-2.535934 1.472778 -2.834641 0.751831 -2.834641 0.000000 c +-2.834641 -0.751831 -2.535934 -1.472778 -2.004349 -2.004349 c +-1.472778 -2.535934 -0.751831 -2.834641 0.000000 -2.834641 c +0.751831 -2.834641 1.472778 -2.535934 2.004349 -2.004349 c +2.535934 -1.472778 2.834641 -0.751831 2.834641 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +4.251968 0.000000 m +4.251968 1.127747 3.803894 2.209152 3.006531 3.006531 c +2.209152 3.803894 1.127747 4.251968 0.000000 4.251968 c +-1.127747 4.251968 -2.209152 3.803894 -3.006531 3.006531 c +-3.803894 2.209152 -4.251968 1.127747 -4.251968 0.000000 c +-4.251968 -1.127747 -3.803894 -2.209152 -3.006531 -3.006531 c +-2.209152 -3.803894 -1.127747 -4.251968 0.000000 -4.251968 c +1.127747 -4.251968 2.209152 -3.803894 3.006531 -3.006531 c +3.803894 -2.209152 4.251968 -1.127747 4.251968 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +5.669281 0.000000 m +5.669281 1.503647 5.071869 2.945541 4.008698 4.008698 c +2.945541 5.071869 1.503647 5.669281 0.000000 5.669281 c +-1.503647 5.669281 -2.945541 5.071869 -4.008698 4.008698 c +-5.071869 2.945541 -5.669281 1.503647 -5.669281 0.000000 c +-5.669281 -1.503647 -5.071869 -2.945541 -4.008698 -4.008698 c +-2.945541 -5.071869 -1.503647 -5.669281 0.000000 -5.669281 c +1.503647 -5.669281 2.945541 -5.071869 4.008698 -4.008698 c +5.071869 -2.945541 5.669281 -1.503647 5.669281 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +7.086609 0.000000 m +7.086609 1.879562 6.339828 3.681931 5.010880 5.010880 c +3.681931 6.339828 1.879562 7.086609 0.000000 7.086609 c +-1.879562 7.086609 -3.681931 6.339828 -5.010880 5.010880 c +-6.339828 3.681931 -7.086609 1.879562 -7.086609 0.000000 c +-7.086609 -1.879562 -6.339828 -3.681931 -5.010880 -5.010880 c +-3.681931 -6.339828 -1.879562 -7.086609 0.000000 -7.086609 c +1.879562 -7.086609 3.681931 -6.339828 5.010880 -5.010880 c +6.339828 -3.681931 7.086609 -1.879562 7.086609 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +8.503922 0.000000 m +8.503922 2.255478 7.607803 4.418320 6.013062 6.013062 c +4.418320 7.607803 2.255478 8.503922 0.000000 8.503922 c +-2.255478 8.503922 -4.418320 7.607803 -6.013062 6.013062 c +-7.607803 4.418320 -8.503922 2.255478 -8.503922 0.000000 c +-8.503922 -2.255478 -7.607803 -4.418320 -6.013062 -6.013062 c +-4.418320 -7.607803 -2.255478 -8.503922 0.000000 -8.503922 c +2.255478 -8.503922 4.418320 -7.607803 6.013062 -6.013062 c +7.607803 -4.418320 8.503922 -2.255478 8.503922 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +9.921249 0.000000 m +9.921249 2.631393 8.875763 5.154694 7.015228 7.015228 c +5.154694 8.875763 2.631393 9.921249 0.000000 9.921249 c +-2.631393 9.921249 -5.154694 8.875763 -7.015228 7.015228 c +-8.875763 5.154694 -9.921249 2.631393 -9.921249 0.000000 c +-9.921249 -2.631393 -8.875763 -5.154694 -7.015228 -7.015228 c +-5.154694 -8.875763 -2.631393 -9.921249 0.000000 -9.921249 c +2.631393 -9.921249 5.154694 -8.875763 7.015228 -7.015228 c +8.875763 -5.154694 9.921249 -2.631393 9.921249 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +11.338562 0.000000 m +11.338562 3.007309 10.143738 5.891083 8.017410 8.017410 c +5.891083 10.143738 3.007309 11.338562 0.000000 11.338562 c +-3.007309 11.338562 -5.891083 10.143738 -8.017410 8.017410 c +-10.143738 5.891083 -11.338562 3.007309 -11.338562 0.000000 c +-11.338562 -3.007309 -10.143738 -5.891083 -8.017410 -8.017410 c +-5.891083 -10.143738 -3.007309 -11.338562 0.000000 -11.338562 c +3.007309 -11.338562 5.891083 -10.143738 8.017410 -8.017410 c +10.143738 -5.891083 11.338562 -3.007309 11.338562 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +12.755890 0.000000 m +12.755890 3.383224 11.411697 6.627472 9.019592 9.019592 c +6.627472 11.411697 3.383224 12.755890 0.000000 12.755890 c +-3.383224 12.755890 -6.627472 11.411697 -9.019592 9.019592 c +-11.411697 6.627472 -12.755890 3.383224 -12.755890 0.000000 c +-12.755890 -3.383224 -11.411697 -6.627472 -9.019592 -9.019592 c +-6.627472 -11.411697 -3.383224 -12.755890 0.000000 -12.755890 c +3.383224 -12.755890 6.627472 -11.411697 9.019592 -9.019592 c +11.411697 -6.627472 12.755890 -3.383224 12.755890 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +14.173203 0.000000 m +14.173203 3.759140 12.679672 7.363861 10.021759 10.021759 c +7.363861 12.679672 3.759140 14.173203 0.000000 14.173203 c +-3.759140 14.173203 -7.363861 12.679672 -10.021759 10.021759 c +-12.679672 7.363861 -14.173203 3.759140 -14.173203 0.000000 c +-14.173203 -3.759140 -12.679672 -7.363861 -10.021759 -10.021759 c +-7.363861 -12.679672 -3.759140 -14.173203 0.000000 -14.173203 c +3.759140 -14.173203 7.363861 -12.679672 10.021759 -10.021759 c +12.679672 -7.363861 14.173203 -3.759140 14.173203 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +15.590530 0.000000 m +15.590530 4.135040 13.947632 8.100235 11.023941 11.023941 c +8.100235 13.947632 4.135040 15.590530 0.000000 15.590530 c +-4.135040 15.590530 -8.100235 13.947632 -11.023941 11.023941 c +-13.947632 8.100235 -15.590530 4.135040 -15.590530 0.000000 c +-15.590530 -4.135040 -13.947632 -8.100235 -11.023941 -11.023941 c +-8.100235 -13.947632 -4.135040 -15.590530 0.000000 -15.590530 c +4.135040 -15.590530 8.100235 -13.947632 11.023941 -11.023941 c +13.947632 -8.100235 15.590530 -4.135040 15.590530 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +17.007843 0.000000 m +17.007843 4.510956 15.215607 8.836624 12.026108 12.026108 c +8.836624 15.215607 4.510956 17.007843 0.000000 17.007843 c +-4.510956 17.007843 -8.836624 15.215607 -12.026108 12.026108 c +-15.215607 8.836624 -17.007843 4.510956 -17.007843 0.000000 c +-17.007843 -4.510956 -15.215607 -8.836624 -12.026108 -12.026108 c +-8.836624 -15.215607 -4.510956 -17.007843 0.000000 -17.007843 c +4.510956 -17.007843 8.836624 -15.215607 12.026108 -12.026108 c +15.215607 -8.836624 17.007843 -4.510956 17.007843 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +18.425171 0.000000 m +18.425171 4.886871 16.483566 9.573013 13.028290 13.028290 c +9.573013 16.483566 4.886871 18.425171 0.000000 18.425171 c +-4.886871 18.425171 -9.573013 16.483566 -13.028290 13.028290 c +-16.483566 9.573013 -18.425171 4.886871 -18.425171 0.000000 c +-18.425171 -4.886871 -16.483566 -9.573013 -13.028290 -13.028290 c +-9.573013 -16.483566 -4.886871 -18.425171 0.000000 -18.425171 c +4.886871 -18.425171 9.573013 -16.483566 13.028290 -13.028290 c +16.483566 -9.573013 18.425171 -4.886871 18.425171 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +19.842484 0.000000 m +19.842484 5.262787 17.751541 10.309402 14.030472 14.030472 c +10.309402 17.751541 5.262787 19.842484 0.000000 19.842484 c +-5.262787 19.842484 -10.309402 17.751541 -14.030472 14.030472 c +-17.751541 10.309402 -19.842484 5.262787 -19.842484 0.000000 c +-19.842484 -5.262787 -17.751541 -10.309402 -14.030472 -14.030472 c +-10.309402 -17.751541 -5.262787 -19.842484 0.000000 -19.842484 c +5.262787 -19.842484 10.309402 -17.751541 14.030472 -14.030472 c +17.751541 -10.309402 19.842484 -5.262787 19.842484 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +21.259811 0.000000 m +21.259811 5.638702 19.019501 11.045776 15.032639 15.032639 c +11.045776 19.019501 5.638702 21.259811 0.000000 21.259811 c +-5.638702 21.259811 -11.045776 19.019501 -15.032639 15.032639 c +-19.019501 11.045776 -21.259811 5.638702 -21.259811 0.000000 c +-21.259811 -5.638702 -19.019501 -11.045776 -15.032639 -15.032639 c +-11.045776 -19.019501 -5.638702 -21.259811 0.000000 -21.259811 c +5.638702 -21.259811 11.045776 -19.019501 15.032639 -15.032639 c +19.019501 -11.045776 21.259811 -5.638702 21.259811 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +22.677124 0.000000 m +22.677124 6.014618 20.287476 11.782166 16.034821 16.034821 c +11.782166 20.287476 6.014618 22.677124 0.000000 22.677124 c +-6.014618 22.677124 -11.782166 20.287476 -16.034821 16.034821 c +-20.287476 11.782166 -22.677124 6.014618 -22.677124 0.000000 c +-22.677124 -6.014618 -20.287476 -11.782166 -16.034821 -16.034821 c +-11.782166 -20.287476 -6.014618 -22.677124 0.000000 -22.677124 c +6.014618 -22.677124 11.782166 -20.287476 16.034821 -16.034821 c +20.287476 -11.782166 22.677124 -6.014618 22.677124 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +24.094452 0.000000 m +24.094452 6.390533 21.555435 12.518555 17.037003 17.037003 c +12.518555 21.555435 6.390533 24.094452 0.000000 24.094452 c +-6.390533 24.094452 -12.518555 21.555435 -17.037003 17.037003 c +-21.555435 12.518555 -24.094452 6.390533 -24.094452 0.000000 c +-24.094452 -6.390533 -21.555435 -12.518555 -17.037003 -17.037003 c +-12.518555 -21.555435 -6.390533 -24.094452 0.000000 -24.094452 c +6.390533 -24.094452 12.518555 -21.555435 17.037003 -17.037003 c +21.555435 -12.518555 24.094452 -6.390533 24.094452 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +25.511765 0.000000 m +25.511765 6.766434 22.823410 13.254944 18.039169 18.039169 c +13.254944 22.823410 6.766434 25.511765 0.000000 25.511765 c +-6.766434 25.511765 -13.254944 22.823410 -18.039169 18.039169 c +-22.823410 13.254944 -25.511765 6.766434 -25.511765 0.000000 c +-25.511765 -6.766434 -22.823410 -13.254944 -18.039169 -18.039169 c +-13.254944 -22.823410 -6.766434 -25.511765 0.000000 -25.511765 c +6.766434 -25.511765 13.254944 -22.823410 18.039169 -18.039169 c +22.823410 -13.254944 25.511765 -6.766434 25.511765 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +26.929092 0.000000 m +26.929092 7.142349 24.091370 13.991318 19.041351 19.041351 c +13.991318 24.091370 7.142349 26.929092 0.000000 26.929092 c +-7.142349 26.929092 -13.991318 24.091370 -19.041351 19.041351 c +-24.091370 13.991318 -26.929092 7.142349 -26.929092 0.000000 c +-26.929092 -7.142349 -24.091370 -13.991318 -19.041351 -19.041351 c +-13.991318 -24.091370 -7.142349 -26.929092 0.000000 -26.929092 c +7.142349 -26.929092 13.991318 -24.091370 19.041351 -19.041351 c +24.091370 -13.991318 26.929092 -7.142349 26.929092 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +28.346405 0.000000 m +28.346405 7.518265 25.359344 14.727707 20.043518 20.043518 c +14.727707 25.359344 7.518265 28.346405 0.000000 28.346405 c +-7.518265 28.346405 -14.727707 25.359344 -20.043518 20.043518 c +-25.359344 14.727707 -28.346405 7.518265 -28.346405 0.000000 c +-28.346405 -7.518265 -25.359344 -14.727707 -20.043518 -20.043518 c +-14.727707 -25.359344 -7.518265 -28.346405 0.000000 -28.346405 c +7.518265 -28.346405 14.727707 -25.359344 20.043518 -20.043518 c +25.359344 -14.727707 28.346405 -7.518265 28.346405 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +29.763733 0.000000 m +29.763733 7.894180 26.627304 15.464096 21.045700 21.045700 c +15.464096 26.627304 7.894180 29.763733 0.000000 29.763733 c +-7.894180 29.763733 -15.464096 26.627304 -21.045700 21.045700 c +-26.627304 15.464096 -29.763733 7.894180 -29.763733 0.000000 c +-29.763733 -7.894180 -26.627304 -15.464096 -21.045700 -21.045700 c +-15.464096 -26.627304 -7.894180 -29.763733 0.000000 -29.763733 c +7.894180 -29.763733 15.464096 -26.627304 21.045700 -21.045700 c +26.627304 -15.464096 29.763733 -7.894180 29.763733 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +31.181046 0.000000 m +31.181046 8.270096 27.895279 16.200485 22.047882 22.047882 c +16.200485 27.895279 8.270096 31.181046 0.000000 31.181046 c +-8.270096 31.181046 -16.200485 27.895279 -22.047882 22.047882 c +-27.895279 16.200485 -31.181046 8.270096 -31.181046 0.000000 c +-31.181046 -8.270096 -27.895279 -16.200485 -22.047882 -22.047882 c +-16.200485 -27.895279 -8.270096 -31.181046 0.000000 -31.181046 c +8.270096 -31.181046 16.200485 -27.895279 22.047882 -22.047882 c +27.895279 -16.200485 31.181046 -8.270096 31.181046 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +32.598373 0.000000 m +32.598373 8.646011 29.163239 16.936859 23.050049 23.050049 c +16.936859 29.163239 8.646011 32.598373 0.000000 32.598373 c +-8.646011 32.598373 -16.936859 29.163239 -23.050049 23.050049 c +-29.163239 16.936859 -32.598373 8.646011 -32.598373 0.000000 c +-32.598373 -8.646011 -29.163239 -16.936859 -23.050049 -23.050049 c +-16.936859 -29.163239 -8.646011 -32.598373 0.000000 -32.598373 c +8.646011 -32.598373 16.936859 -29.163239 23.050049 -23.050049 c +29.163239 -16.936859 32.598373 -8.646011 32.598373 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +34.015686 0.000000 m +34.015686 9.021927 30.431213 17.673248 24.052231 24.052231 c +17.673248 30.431213 9.021927 34.015686 0.000000 34.015686 c +-9.021927 34.015686 -17.673248 30.431213 -24.052231 24.052231 c +-30.431213 17.673248 -34.015686 9.021927 -34.015686 0.000000 c +-34.015686 -9.021927 -30.431213 -17.673248 -24.052231 -24.052231 c +-17.673248 -30.431213 -9.021927 -34.015686 0.000000 -34.015686 c +9.021927 -34.015686 17.673248 -30.431213 24.052231 -24.052231 c +30.431213 -17.673248 34.015686 -9.021927 34.015686 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +35.433014 0.000000 m +35.433014 9.397842 31.699173 18.409637 25.054413 25.054413 c +18.409637 31.699173 9.397842 35.433014 0.000000 35.433014 c +-9.397842 35.433014 -18.409637 31.699173 -25.054413 25.054413 c +-31.699173 18.409637 -35.433014 9.397842 -35.433014 0.000000 c +-35.433014 -9.397842 -31.699173 -18.409637 -25.054413 -25.054413 c +-18.409637 -31.699173 -9.397842 -35.433014 0.000000 -35.433014 c +9.397842 -35.433014 18.409637 -31.699173 25.054413 -25.054413 c +31.699173 -18.409637 35.433014 -9.397842 35.433014 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +36.850327 0.000000 m +36.850327 9.773743 32.967148 19.146027 26.056580 26.056580 c +19.146027 32.967148 9.773743 36.850327 0.000000 36.850327 c +-9.773743 36.850327 -19.146027 32.967148 -26.056580 26.056580 c +-32.967148 19.146027 -36.850327 9.773743 -36.850327 0.000000 c +-36.850327 -9.773743 -32.967148 -19.146027 -26.056580 -26.056580 c +-19.146027 -32.967148 -9.773743 -36.850327 0.000000 -36.850327 c +9.773743 -36.850327 19.146027 -32.967148 26.056580 -26.056580 c +32.967148 -19.146027 36.850327 -9.773743 36.850327 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +38.267654 0.000000 m +38.267654 10.149658 34.235107 19.882401 27.058762 27.058762 c +19.882401 34.235107 10.149658 38.267654 0.000000 38.267654 c +-10.149658 38.267654 -19.882401 34.235107 -27.058762 27.058762 c +-34.235107 19.882401 -38.267654 10.149658 -38.267654 0.000000 c +-38.267654 -10.149658 -34.235107 -19.882401 -27.058762 -27.058762 c +-19.882401 -34.235107 -10.149658 -38.267654 0.000000 -38.267654 c +10.149658 -38.267654 19.882401 -34.235107 27.058762 -27.058762 c +34.235107 -19.882401 38.267654 -10.149658 38.267654 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +39.684967 0.000000 m +39.684967 10.525574 35.503082 20.618790 28.060928 28.060928 c +20.618790 35.503082 10.525574 39.684967 0.000000 39.684967 c +-10.525574 39.684967 -20.618790 35.503082 -28.060928 28.060928 c +-35.503082 20.618790 -39.684967 10.525574 -39.684967 0.000000 c +-39.684967 -10.525574 -35.503082 -20.618790 -28.060928 -28.060928 c +-20.618790 -35.503082 -10.525574 -39.684967 0.000000 -39.684967 c +10.525574 -39.684967 20.618790 -35.503082 28.060928 -28.060928 c +35.503082 -20.618790 39.684967 -10.525574 39.684967 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +41.102295 0.000000 m +41.102295 10.901489 36.771042 21.355179 29.063110 29.063110 c +21.355179 36.771042 10.901489 41.102295 0.000000 41.102295 c +-10.901489 41.102295 -21.355179 36.771042 -29.063110 29.063110 c +-36.771042 21.355179 -41.102295 10.901489 -41.102295 0.000000 c +-41.102295 -10.901489 -36.771042 -21.355179 -29.063110 -29.063110 c +-21.355179 -36.771042 -10.901489 -41.102295 0.000000 -41.102295 c +10.901489 -41.102295 21.355179 -36.771042 29.063110 -29.063110 c +36.771042 -21.355179 41.102295 -10.901489 41.102295 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +42.519608 0.000000 m +42.519608 11.277405 38.039017 22.091568 30.065292 30.065292 c +22.091568 38.039017 11.277405 42.519608 0.000000 42.519608 c +-11.277405 42.519608 -22.091568 38.039017 -30.065292 30.065292 c +-38.039017 22.091568 -42.519608 11.277405 -42.519608 0.000000 c +-42.519608 -11.277405 -38.039017 -22.091568 -30.065292 -30.065292 c +-22.091568 -38.039017 -11.277405 -42.519608 0.000000 -42.519608 c +11.277405 -42.519608 22.091568 -38.039017 30.065292 -30.065292 c +38.039017 -22.091568 42.519608 -11.277405 42.519608 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +43.936935 0.000000 m +43.936935 11.653320 39.306976 22.827942 31.067459 31.067459 c +22.827942 39.306976 11.653320 43.936935 0.000000 43.936935 c +-11.653320 43.936935 -22.827942 39.306976 -31.067459 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-76.535294 0.000000 c +-76.535294 -20.299316 -68.470215 -39.764816 -54.117523 -54.117523 c +-39.764816 -68.470215 -20.299316 -76.535294 0.000000 -76.535294 c +20.299316 -76.535294 39.764816 -68.470215 54.117523 -54.117523 c +68.470215 -39.764816 76.535294 -20.299316 76.535294 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +77.952621 0.000000 m +77.952621 20.675232 69.738190 40.501205 55.119690 55.119690 c +40.501205 69.738190 20.675232 77.952621 0.000000 77.952621 c +-20.675232 77.952621 -40.501205 69.738190 -55.119690 55.119690 c +-69.738190 40.501205 -77.952621 20.675232 -77.952621 0.000000 c +-77.952621 -20.675232 -69.738190 -40.501205 -55.119690 -55.119690 c +-40.501205 -69.738190 -20.675232 -77.952621 0.000000 -77.952621 c +20.675232 -77.952621 40.501205 -69.738190 55.119690 -55.119690 c +69.738190 -40.501205 77.952621 -20.675232 77.952621 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +79.369934 0.000000 m +79.369934 21.051147 71.006149 41.237579 56.121872 56.121872 c +41.237579 71.006149 21.051147 79.369934 0.000000 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0.000000 m +82.204575 21.802979 73.542084 42.710358 58.126221 58.126221 c +42.710358 73.542084 21.802979 82.204575 0.000000 82.204575 c +-21.802979 82.204575 -42.710358 73.542084 -58.126221 58.126221 c +-73.542084 42.710358 -82.204575 21.802979 -82.204575 0.000000 c +-82.204575 -21.802979 -73.542084 -42.710358 -58.126221 -58.126221 c +-42.710358 -73.542084 -21.802979 -82.204575 0.000000 -82.204575 c +21.802979 -82.204575 42.710358 -73.542084 58.126221 -58.126221 c +73.542084 -42.710358 82.204575 -21.802979 82.204575 0.000000 c +h S +0.500000 w +83.621902 0.000000 m +83.621902 22.178894 74.810059 43.446747 59.128403 59.128403 c +43.446747 74.810059 22.178894 83.621902 0.000000 83.621902 c +-22.178894 83.621902 -43.446747 74.810059 -59.128403 59.128403 c +-74.810059 43.446747 -83.621902 22.178894 -83.621902 0.000000 c +-83.621902 -22.178894 -74.810059 -43.446747 -59.128403 -59.128403 c +-43.446747 -74.810059 -22.178894 -83.621902 0.000000 -83.621902 c +22.178894 -83.621902 43.446747 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+/ConTeXt.Url (www.pragma-ade.com) /ConTeXt.Version (2011.11.08 19:35) /ConTeXt.Jobname (scite-context-visual) /CreationDate (D:20111109183910+01'00') /Trapped /False /Title <feff00730063006900740065002d0063006f006e0074006500780074002d00760069007300750061006c> /ConTeXt.Time (2011.11.09 18:39) /ID (scite-context-visual.2011-11-09T18:39:10+01:00) /Producer (LuaTeX-0.71.0) /ModDate (D:20111109183910+01'00') /Creator <feff0043006f006e00540065005800740020002d00200032003000310031002e00310031002e00300038002000310039003a00330035> +/PTEX.Fullbanner (This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.71.0-2011062811 (rev 4315) (TeX Live 2011) kpathsea version 6.0.1)>> +endobj +xref +0 30 +0000000001 65535 f +0000000002 00000 f +0000000003 00000 f +0000000004 00000 f +0000000005 00000 f +0000000006 00000 f +0000000007 00000 f +0000000008 00000 f +0000000009 00000 f +0000000010 00000 f +0000000011 00000 f +0000000012 00000 f +0000000013 00000 f +0000000014 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000057388 00000 n +0000057189 00000 n +0000000015 00000 n +0000065351 00000 n +0000065676 00000 n +0000057447 00000 n +0000059844 00000 n +0000060045 00000 n +0000060117 00000 n +0000064020 00000 n +0000064238 00000 n +0000065491 00000 n +0000065729 00000 n +0000065750 00000 n +0000065902 00000 n +trailer +<</Size 30/Root 28 0 R/Info 29 0 R/ID[<1115B5541270CE955C1C8AF52AEDAC98> <1115B5541270CE955C1C8AF52AEDAC98>]>> +startxref +66566 +%%EOF diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-visual.png b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-visual.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7368a68f141 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-visual.png diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-visual.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-visual.tex new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0a1b8bb71eb --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-context-visual.tex @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +% language=uk + +\usemodule[art-01] + +\defineframedtext + [entry] + +\starttext + +\startchapter[title=Some fancy title] + + \startluacode + local entries = { -- there can be more + { text = "The third entry!" }, + { text = "The fourth entry!" }, + } + + for i=1,#entries do + context.startentry() + context(entries[i].text) + context.stopentry() + end + \stopluacode + + This is just some text to demonstrate the realtime spellchecker + in combination with the embedded lua and metapost lexers and + inline as well as display \ctxlua{context("lua code")}. + + Non breakable spaces in for instance 10 mm and quads like here + are shown as well. + + \startlinecorrection + \startMPcode + for i=1 upto 100 : + draw fullcircle scaled (i*mm) ; + endfor ; + \stopMPcode + \stoplinecorrection + + \iftrue + \def\crap{some text} % who cares + \else + \def\crap{some crap} % about this + \fi + + \blank[2*big] + + \crap + +\stopchapter + +\stoptext diff --git 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cont-nl-scite -import cont-ro-scite -import cont-xx-scite -import metafun-scite -import latex-scite +open.suffix.$(file.patterns.context)=.tex # Example : patterns file.patterns.xml= -file.patterns.example=*.xml;*.xsl;*.xsd;*.fo;*.exa;*.rlb;*.rlg;*.rlv;*.rng;*.xfdf;*.xslt;*.dtd;*.lmx;*.ctx +file.patterns.example=*.xml;*.xsl;*.xsd;*.fo;*.exa;*.rlb;*.rlg;*.rlv;*.rng;*.xfdf;*.xslt;*.dtd;*.lmx;*.ctx;*.export; + +open.suffix.$(file.patterns.example)=.xml filter.example=eXaMpLe|$(file.patterns.example)| @@ -63,7 +73,9 @@ lexer.$(file.patterns.example)=xml # Lua : patterns -file.patterns.lua=*.lua;*.luc;*.cld;*.tuc;*.luj +file.patterns.lua=*.lua;*.luc;*.cld;*.tuc;*.luj;*.tma;*.lfg + +open.suffix.$(file.patterns.lua)=.lua filter.lua=Lua MkIV|$(file.patterns.lua)| lexer.$(file.patterns.lua)=lua @@ -71,6 +83,18 @@ lexer.$(file.patterns.lua)=lua command.compile.$(file.patterns.lua)=mtxrun --script "$(FileNameExt)" command.go.$(file.patterns.lua)=mtxrun --script "$(FileNameExt)" +# Test: patterns 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--script check -name.context.texexec=$(name.context.mtxrun) --script context $(name.texexec.flag.pdfopen) +name.context.check=$(name.context.mtxrun) --script check +name.context.run=$(name.context.mtxrun) --script context $(name.flag.pdfopen) name.context.texshow=$(name.context.mtxrun) texshow -name.context.purge=$(name.context.mtxrun) ctxtools --purge --all -name.context.update=$(name.context.mtxrun) texshow --update --force +name.context.purge=$(name.context.mtxrun) --context --purge --all name.context.showcase=$(name.context.mtxrun) --launch showcase.pdf -name.context.backend=pdf - name.example.xmlcheck=tidy -quiet -utf8 -xml -errors name.metafun.mptopdf=$(name.context.mtxrun) --script mptopdf @@ -146,19 +163,15 @@ import scite-ctx # hard coded compile / build / go -command.compile.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.concheck) $(FileNameExt) +command.compile.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.check) $(FileNameExt) command.compile.$(file.patterns.metafun)= command.compile.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.example.xmlcheck) $(FileNameExt) command.compile.*.fo=$(name.example.xmlcheck) $(FileNameExt) -#command.compile.subsystem.$(file.patterns.context)=1 -#command.compile.subsystem.$(file.patterns.metafun)=1 -#command.compile.subsystem.$(file.patterns.example)=1 - -command.build.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.texexec) --$(name.context.backend) $(FileNameExt) +command.build.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.run) $(FileNameExt) command.build.$(file.patterns.metafun)=$(name.metafun.mptopdf) $(FileNameExt) -command.build.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.context.texexec) --$(name.context.backend) --xml $(FileNameExt) -command.build.*.fo=$(name.context.texexec) --$(name.context.backend) $(name.texexec.flag.pdfopen) --xml --use=foxet $(FileNameExt) +command.build.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.context.run) --xml $(FileNameExt) +command.build.*.fo=$(name.context.run) $(name.flag.pdfopen) --xml --use=foxet $(FileNameExt) command.build.subsystem.$(file.patterns.context)=1 command.build.subsystem.$(file.patterns.metafun)=1 @@ -188,7 +201,7 @@ command.name.0.$(file.patterns.context)=Check TeX File command.name.0.$(file.patterns.metafun)= command.name.0.$(file.patterns.example)=Check XML File -command.0.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.concheck) $(FileNameExt) +command.0.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.check) $(FileNameExt) command.0.$(file.patterns.metafun)= command.0.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.example.xmlcheck) $(FileNameExt) @@ -198,9 +211,9 @@ command.name.1.$(file.patterns.context)=Process TeX file command.name.1.$(file.patterns.metafun)=Process METAPOST File command.name.1.$(file.patterns.example)=Process XML File -command.1.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.texexec) --$(name.context.backend) $(FileNameExt) -command.1.$(file.patterns.metafun)=$(name.context.texexec) --$(name.context.backend) --mptex $(FileNameExt) -command.1.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.context.texexec) --$(name.context.backend) --xml $(FileNameExt) +command.1.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.run) $(FileNameExt) +command.1.$(file.patterns.metafun)=$(name.context.run) $(FileNameExt) --metapost +command.1.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.context.run) $(FileNameExt) --xml command.1.subsystem.$(file.patterns.context)=1 command.1.subsystem.$(file.patterns.metafun)=1 @@ -208,32 +221,18 @@ command.1.subsystem.$(file.patterns.example)=1 # 2 : pdf viewing -command.name.2.$(file.patterns.context)=View PDF File -command.name.2.$(file.patterns.metafun)= -command.name.2.$(file.patterns.example)=View PDF File +command.name.2.$(file.patterns.context)=View PDF File with GhostScript +command.name.2.$(file.patterns.metafun)=View PDF File with GhostScript +command.name.2.$(file.patterns.example)=View PDF File with GhostScript -command.2.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.gsview) $(FileName).pdf -command.2.$(file.patterns.metafun)= -command.2.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.context.gsview) $(FileName).pdf +command.2.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.gsview) $(FileDir)/$(FileName).pdf +command.2.$(file.patterns.metafun)=$(name.context.gsview) $(FileDir)/$(FileName).pdf +command.2.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.context.gsview) $(FileDir)/$(FileName).pdf command.subsystem.2.$(file.patterns.context)=2 command.subsystem.2.$(file.patterns.metafun)=2 command.subsystem.2.$(file.patterns.example)=2 -# 2 : postscript - -# command.name.2.$(file.patterns.context)=View PS File -# command.name.2.$(file.patterns.metafun)=View PS File (1) -# command.name.2.$(file.patterns.example)=View PS File - -# command.2.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.gsview) $(FileName).ps -# command.2.$(file.patterns.metafun)=$(name.context.gsview) $(FileName).1 -# command.2.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.context.gsview) $(FileName).ps - -# command.subsystem.2.$(file.patterns.context)=2 -# command.subsystem.2.$(file.patterns.metafun)=2 -# command.subsystem.2.$(file.patterns.example)=2 - # 3 : clean up command.name.3.$(file.patterns.context)=Purge Files @@ -254,18 +253,6 @@ command.name.4.$(file.patterns.context)=Show Documentation command.name.4.$(file.patterns.metafun)=Show Documentation command.name.4.$(file.patterns.example)=Show Documentation -# 5 : example framework applications - -#~ command.5=$(name.context.examplap) -#~ command.5.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.examplap) -#~ command.5.$(file.patterns.metafun)=$(name.context.examplap) -#~ command.5.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.context.examplap) - -#~ command.name.5=Start Interfaces -#~ command.name.5.$(file.patterns.context)=Start Interfaces -#~ command.name.5.$(file.patterns.metafun)=Start Interfaces -#~ command.name.5.$(file.patterns.example)=Start Interfaces - # 6 : console command.name.6=Start Console @@ -285,43 +272,24 @@ command.name.7.$(file.patterns.context)=Generate Listing command.name.7.$(file.patterns.metafun)=Generate Listing command.name.7.$(file.patterns.example)=Generate Listing -command.7=$(name.context.texexec) --$(name.context.backend) --list --result=$(FileName) $(FileNameExt) -command.7.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.texexec) --$(name.context.backend) --list --result=$(FileName) $(FileNameExt) -command.7.$(file.patterns.metafun)=$(name.context.texexec) --$(name.context.backend) --list --result=$(FileName) $(FileNameExt) -command.7.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.context.texexec) --$(name.context.backend) --list --result=$(FileName) $(FileNameExt) +command.7=$(name.context.run) --extra=listing --pretty --result=$(FileName) $(FileNameExt) +command.7.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.run) --extra=listing --pretty --result=$(FileName) $(FileNameExt) +command.7.$(file.patterns.metafun)=$(name.context.run) --extra=listing --pretty --result=$(FileName) $(FileNameExt) +command.7.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.context.run) --extra=listing --pretty --result=$(FileName) $(FileNameExt) command.7.subsystem=1 command.7.subsystem.$(file.patterns.context)=1 command.7.subsystem.$(file.patterns.metafun)=1 command.7.subsystem.$(file.patterns.example)=1 -# 8 : reserved - -command.name.8.$(file.patterns.context)= -command.name.8.$(file.patterns.metafun)= -command.name.8.$(file.patterns.example)= -command.8.$(file.patterns.context)= -command.8.$(file.patterns.metafun)= -command.8.$(file.patterns.example)= - -# 9 : reserved - -command.name.9= -command.name.9.$(file.patterns.context)= -command.name.9.$(file.patterns.metafun)= -command.name.9.$(file.patterns.example)= -command.9.$(file.patterns.context)= -command.9.$(file.patterns.metafun)= -command.9.$(file.patterns.example)= - # 10: arranging command.name.10.$(file.patterns.context)=Process and Arrange command.name.10.$(file.patterns.metafun)=Process and Arrange command.name.10.$(file.patterns.example)=Process and Arrange -command.10.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.texexec) --arrange --$(name.context.backend) $(FileNameExt) -command.10.$(file.patterns.metafun)=$(name.context.texexec) --$(name.context.backend) --mptex $(FileNameExt) -command.10.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.context.texexec) --arrange --$(name.context.backend) --xml $(FileNameExt) +command.10.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.run) --arrange $(FileNameExt) +command.10.$(file.patterns.metafun)=$(name.context.run) --mptex $(FileNameExt) +command.10.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.context.run) --arrange --xml $(FileNameExt) command.10.subsystem.$(file.patterns.context)=1 command.10.subsystem.$(file.patterns.metafun)=1 command.10.subsystem.$(file.patterns.example)=1 @@ -331,9 +299,9 @@ command.10.subsystem.$(file.patterns.example)=1 command.name.11.$(file.patterns.context)=Generate Formats (pdfTeX) command.name.11.$(file.patterns.metafun)=Generate Formats command.name.11.$(file.patterns.example)=Generate Formats -command.11.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.texexec) --make --all --pdftex -command.11.$(file.patterns.metafun)=$(name.context.texexec) --make --all -command.11.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.context.texexec) --make --all +command.11.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.run) --make --all --pdftex +command.11.$(file.patterns.metafun)=$(name.context.run) --make --all +command.11.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.context.run) --make --all command.11.subsystem.$(file.patterns.context)=1 command.11.subsystem.$(file.patterns.metafun)=1 command.11.subsystem.$(file.patterns.example)=1 @@ -341,27 +309,15 @@ command.11.subsystem.$(file.patterns.example)=1 # 12: make command.name.12.$(file.patterns.context)=Generate Formats (luaTeX) -command.12.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.texexec) --make --all --luatex +command.12.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.run) --make --all --luatex command.12.subsystem.$(file.patterns.context)=1 # 13: make command.name.13.$(file.patterns.context)=Generate Formats (XeTeX) -command.13.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.texexec) --make --all --xetex +command.13.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.run) --make --all --xetex command.13.subsystem.$(file.patterns.context)=1 -# 14: update - -command.name.14=Update ConTeXt -command.name.14.$(file.patterns.context)=Update ConTeXt -command.name.14.$(file.patterns.metafun)=Update ConTeXt -command.name.14.$(file.patterns.example)=Update ConTeXt - -command.14=$(name.context.update) -command.14.$(file.patterns.context)=$(name.context.update) -command.14.$(file.patterns.metafun)=$(name.context.update) -command.14.$(file.patterns.example)=$(name.context.update) - # 15: example command.name.15=Documentation Server @@ -387,25 +343,23 @@ Ctrl+F12|IDM_BUILD|\ Shift+F12|IDM_GO|\ Alt+F12|IDM_STOPEXECUTE|\ -# Editor: fonts (16.5/11.5) +os.x.home.end.keys=0 -# install: fonts/truetype/hoekwater/lm/LMTypewriter10-Regular.ttf +# Editor: fonts if PLAT_WIN - font.monospace=font:LMTypewriter10-Regular,size:14 - font.errorfont=font:LMTypewriter10-Regular,size:12 + font.monospace=font:Dejavu Sans Mono,size:14 + font.errorfont=font:Dejavu Sans Mono,size:8 if PLAT_GTK - font.monospace=font:!lm mono 10 regular,size:14 - font.errorfont=font:!lm mono 10 regular,size:12 + font.monospace=font:!Dejavu Sans Mono,size:14 + font.errorfont=font:!Dejavu Sans Mono,size:8 -#~ if PLAT_WIN - #~ font.monospace=font:Lucida Console,size:12 - #~ font.monospace=font:Lucida Sans Unicode,size:12 - #~ font.monospace=font:OpenSymbol,size:17 +if PLAT_MAC + font.monospace=font:Dejavu Sans Mono,size:14 + font.errorfont=font:Dejavu Sans Mono,size:8 font.base=$(font.monospace) -#~ font.small=$(font.monospace) font.comment=$(font.monospace) font.text=$(font.monospace) font.text.comment=$(font.monospace) @@ -413,19 +367,71 @@ font.embedded.base=$(font.monospace) font.embedded.comment=$(font.monospace) font.vbs=$(font.monospace) -# Editor: colors - -color.back.linepanel=back:#A7A7A7 -color.back.textpanel=back:#CFCFCF -color.back.logpanel=back:#EFEFEF -color.back.selection=#F7F7F7 - -color.fore.red=fore:#7F0000 -color.fore.green=fore:#007F00 -color.fore.blue=fore:#00007F -color.fore.cyan=fore:#007F7F -color.fore.magenta=fore:#7F007F -color.fore.yellow=fore:#7F7F00 +# colors and styles + +colors.red=#7F0000 +colors.green=#007F00 +colors.blue=#00007F +colors.cyan=#007F7F +colors.magenta=#7F007F +colors.yellow=#7F7F00 + +colors.white=#FFFFFF +colors.light= #CFCFCF +colors.grey= #808080 +colors.dark= #4F4F4F +colors.black= #000000 +colors.selection=#F7F7F7 +colors.logpanel=#E7E7E7 +colors.textpanel=#CFCFCF +colors.linepanel=#A7A7A7 +colors.tippanel=#444444 +colors.right=#0000FF +colors.wrong=#FF0000 + +colors.teal=$(colors.cyan) +colors.purple=$(colors.magenta) + +styles.default=fore:$(colors.black),back:$(colors.textpanel),$(font.base) +styles.nothing= + +styles.number=fore:$(colors.cyan) +styles.comment=fore:$(colors.yellow) +styles.string=fore:$(colors.magenta) +styles.keyword=fore:$(colors.blue),bold + +styles.char=fore:$(colors.magenta) +styles.class=fore:$(colors.black),bold +styles.constant=fore:$(colors.cyan),bold +styles.definition=fore:$(colors.black),bold +styles.error=fore:$(colors.red) +styles.function=fore:$(colors.black),bold +styles.operator=fore:$(colors.blue) +styles.preproc=fore:$(colors.yellow),bold +styles.tag=fore:$(colors.cyan) +styles.type=fore:$(colors.blue) +styles.variable=fore:$(colors.black) +styles.identifier=$(styles.nothing) + +styles.linenumber=back:$(colors.linepanel) +styles.bracelight=fore:$(colors.orange),bold +styles.bracebad=fore:$(colors.orange),bold +styles.indentguide=fore:$(colors.linepanel),back:$(colors.white) +styles.calltip=fore:$(colors.white),back:$(colors.tippanel) +styles.controlchar=$(styles.nothing) + +# end of colors and styles + +# Editor: color schemes + +caret.width=3 + +style.*.32=$(font.base),back:$(colors.textpanel) +style.*.33=$(font.base),back:$(colors.linepanel) + +style.errorlist.32=$(font.errorfont),back:$(colors.logpanel) + +selection.back=#000000 # Editor: fast switching between files @@ -483,17 +489,19 @@ find.files=*.tex *.xml *.mp if PLAT_WIN find.command=fgrep -n $(find.what) $(find.files) -source.files=$(file.patterns.context);$(file.patterns.metafun);$(file.patterns.example);*.pl;*.rb +# todo: + +source.files=$(file.patterns.context);$(file.patterns.metafun);$(file.patterns.example);*.pl;*.rb;*.lua # Editor: printing if PLAT_WIN - print.colour.mode=1 - print.margins=750,750,750,750 - print.header.format=$(FileNameExt) Printed on $(CurrentDate), $(CurrentTime) Page $(CurrentPage) - print.footer.format=$(FilePath) File date: $(FileDate) File time: $(FileTime) - print.header.style=font:LMTypewriter10,size:10 - print.footer.style=font:LMTypewriter10,size:10 + print.colour.mode=1 + print.margins=750,750,750,750 + print.header.format=$(FileNameExt) Printed on $(CurrentDate), $(CurrentTime) Page $(CurrentPage) + print.footer.format=$(FilePath) File date: $(FileDate) File time: $(FileTime) + print.header.style=font:Dejavu Sans Mono,size:10 + print.footer.style=font:Dejavu Sans Mono,size:10 # Editor: processing @@ -515,45 +523,144 @@ default.file.ext=.tex autocompleteword.automatic=1 autocomplete.choose.single=0 -api.*.tex=t:\sources\cont-en-scite.api +# api.*.tex=t:\sources\cont-en-scite.api # Logging -style.errorlist.32=$(font.errorfont) +style.errorlist.32=$(font.errorfont),back:$(colors.logpanel) # Default -style.errorlist.0=fore:#000000 -# python Error -style.errorlist.1=$(color.fore.red) -# gcc Error -style.errorlist.2=$(color.fore.red) -# Microsoft Error -style.errorlist.3=$(color.fore.red) -# command or return status -style.errorlist.4=$(color.fore.green) -# Borland error and warning messages -style.errorlist.5=$(color.fore.red) -# perl error and warning messages -style.errorlist.6=$(color.fore.red) -# .NET tracebacks -style.errorlist.7=$(color.fore.red) -# Lua error and warning messages -style.errorlist.8=$(color.fore.red) -# ctags -style.errorlist.9=$(color.fore.red) -# diff changed ! -style.errorlist.10=$(color.fore.green) -# diff addition + -style.errorlist.11=$(color.fore.blue) -# diff deletion - -style.errorlist.12=$(color.fore.cyan) -# diff message --- -style.errorlist.13=$(color.fore.red) -# PHP error -style.errorlist.14=$(color.fore.red) -# Essential Lahey Fortran 90 error -style.errorlist.15=$(color.fore.red) -# Intel Fortran Compiler error -style.errorlist.16=$(color.fore.red) - -# Context: end of file + +style.errorlist.0=fore:$(colors.black) +style.errorlist.1=fore:$(colors.red) +style.errorlist.2=fore:$(colors.red) +style.errorlist.3=fore:$(colors.red) +style.errorlist.4=fore:$(colors.green) +style.errorlist.5=fore:$(colors.red) +style.errorlist.6=fore:$(colors.red) +style.errorlist.7=fore:$(colors.red) +style.errorlist.8=fore:$(colors.red) +style.errorlist.9=fore:$(colors.red) +style.errorlist.10=fore:$(colors.green) +style.errorlist.11=fore:$(colors.blue) +style.errorlist.12=fore:$(colors.cyan) +style.errorlist.13=fore:$(colors.red) +style.errorlist.14=fore:$(colors.red) +style.errorlist.15=fore:$(colors.red) +style.errorlist.16=fore:$(colors.red) + +# Metapost: patterns + +file.patterns.metafun= + +file.patterns.metafun=*.mp;*.mpx;*.mpy;*.mpii;*.mpiv + +filter.metafun=MetaFun|$(file.patterns.metafun)| + +lexer.$(file.patterns.metafun)=metapost + +command.compile.$(file.patterns.metafun)= +command.build.$(file.patterns.metafun)=context $(FileNameExt) +command.go.$(file.patterns.metafun)=gv $(FileName).1 + +command.0.$(file.patterns.metafun)= +command.1.$(file.patterns.metafun)= +command.2.$(file.patterns.metafun)= +command.3.$(file.patterns.metafun)= +command.4.$(file.patterns.metafun)= +command.5.$(file.patterns.metafun)= +command.6.$(file.patterns.metafun)= +command.7.$(file.patterns.metafun)= +command.8.$(file.patterns.metafun)= +command.9.$(file.patterns.metafun)= + +# Shared highlighting + +styles.context.default=$(styles.nothing) +styles.context.number=$(styles.number) +styles.context.comment=$(styles.comment) +styles.context.keyword=$(styles.keyword) +styles.context.string=$(styles.string) + +styles.context.command=fore:$(colors.green),bold +styles.context.preamble=$(styles.comment) +styles.context.embedded=fore:$(colors.black),bold +styles.context.grouping=fore:$(colors.red) +styles.context.primitive=$(styles.keyword) +styles.context.plain=fore:$(colors.dark),bold +styles.context.user=fore:$(colors.green) +styles.context.data=$(styles.constant) +styles.context.special=fore:$(colors.blue) +styles.context.extra=fore:$(colors.yellow) +styles.context.quote=fore:$(colors.blue),bold + +# Metapost highlighting + +style.metapost.0=$(styles.context.default) +style.metapost.1=$(styles.context.special) +style.metapost.2=$(styles.context.grouping) +style.metapost.3=$(styles.context.comment) +style.metapost.4=$(styles.context.keyword) +style.metapost.5=$(styles.context.default) +style.metapost.6=$(styles.context.plain) +style.metapost.34=$(styles.bracelight) +style.metapost.35=$(styles.bracebad) + +# TeX highlighting + +style.tex.0=$(styles.context.default) +style.tex.1=$(styles.context.special) +style.tex.2=$(styles.context.grouping) +style.tex.3=$(styles.context.comment) +style.tex.4=$(styles.context.user) +style.tex.34=$(styles.bracelight) +style.tex.35=$(styles.bracebad) + +# style.tex.* : external styling happens elsewhere +# style.mps.* : external styling happens elsewhere +# style.cls.* : external styling happens elsewhere + +# Lua highlighting: +# +# might change as we change the cld lexer + +comment.block.lua=-- +comment.block.at.line.start.lua=1 + +# braces.lua.style=10 + +style.lua.32=$(styles.context.default) +style.lua.0=$(styles.context.default) +style.lua.1=$(styles.context.comment) +style.lua.2=$(styles.context.comment) +style.lua.3=$(styles.context.comment) +style.lua.4=$(styles.context.number) +style.lua.5=$(styles.context.keyword) +style.lua.6=$(styles.context.string) +style.lua.7=$(styles.context.string) +style.lua.8=$(styles.context.comment) +style.lua.9=$(styles.context.default) +style.lua.10=$(styles.context.special) +style.lua.11=$(styles.context.default) +style.lua.12=$(styles.context.default) +style.lua.13=$(styles.context.default) +style.lua.14=$(styles.context.default) +style.lua.15=$(styles.context.default) +style.lua.16=$(styles.context.default) +style.lua.17=$(styles.context.default) +style.lua.18=$(styles.context.default) +style.lua.19=$(styles.context.default) +style.lua.20=$(styles.context.default) + +style.context.34=$(styles.bracelight) +style.context.35=$(styles.bracebad) + +# folding + +fold=1 +fold.symbols=3 +fold.margin.colour=#CCCCCC + +# testing + +#~ cache.layout= diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx-context.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx-context.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a1d5800e65a --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx-context.properties @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +command.name.25.$(file.patterns.context)=Whatever +command.25.$(file.patterns.context)=insert_template $(ctx.template.list.context) + +ctx.template.list.context=\ + itemize=structure.itemize.context|\ + tabulate=structure.tabulate.context|\ + natural TABLE=structure.TABLE.context|\ + use MP graphic=graphics.usemp.context|\ + reuse MP graphic=graphics.reusemp.context|\ + typeface definition=fonts.typeface.context + +ctx.template.structure.itemize.context=\ +\startitemize\n\ +\item ?\n\ +\item ?\n\ +\item ?\n\ +\stopitemize\n + +ctx.template.structure.tabulate.context=\ +\starttabulate[|l|p|]\n\ +\NC ? \NC \NC \NR\n\ +\NC ? \NC \NC \NR\n\ +\NC ? \NC \NC \NR\n\ +\stoptabulate\n + +ctx.template.structure.TABLE.context=\ +\bTABLE\n\ +\bTR \bTD ? \eTD \bTD \eTD \eTR\n\ +\bTR \bTD ? \eTD \bTD \eTD \eTR\n\ +\bTR \bTD ? \eTD \bTD \eTD \eTR\n\ +\eTABLE\n + +ctx.template.graphics.usemp.context=\ +\defineoverlay[?][\useMPgraphic{}]\n\n\ +\startuseMPgraphic{}\n\n\ +\stopuseMPgraphic\n + +ctx.template.graphics.reusemp.context=\ +\defineoverlay[?][\reuseMPgraphic{}]\n\n\ +\startreusableMPgraphic{}\n\n\ +\stopreusableMPgraphic\n + +ctx.template.fonts.typeface.context=\ +\definetypeface[mainface][rm][serif][?][default][encoding=\defaultencoding]\n\ +\definetypeface[mainface][ss][sans] [?][default][encoding=\defaultencoding]\n\ +\definetypeface[mainface][tt][mono] [?][default][encoding=\defaultencoding]\n\ +\definetypeface[mainface][mm][math] [?][default][encoding=\defaultencoding]\n\ +\n\ +\setupbodyfont[mainface,10pt]\n diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx-example.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx-example.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..78b2f2859c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx-example.properties @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +command.25.$(file.patterns.example)=insert_template $(ctx.template.list.example) + +ctx.template.list.example=\ + bold=font.bold.example|\ + emphasized=font.emphasized.example|\ + |\ + inline math=math.inline.example|\ + display math=math.display.example|\ + |\ + itemize=structure.itemize.example + +ctx.template.font.bold.example=<b>?</b> +ctx.template.font.emphasized.example=<em>?</em> + +ctx.template.math.inline.example=<m>?</m> +ctx.template.math.display.example=<math>?</math> + +ctx.template.structure.itemize.example=\ +<itemize>\n\ +<item>?</item>\n\ +<item>?</item>\n\ +<item>?</item>\n\ +</itemize>\n diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx.lua index 8e6b6ebab74..3557994f383 100644 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx.lua +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx.lua @@ -80,20 +80,20 @@ function traceln(str) io.flush() end -function string:grab(delimiter) - local list = {} - for snippet in self:gmatch(delimiter) do +function string.grab(str,delimiter) + local list = { } + for snippet in gmatch(str,delimiter) do list[#list+1] = snippet end return list end -function string:expand() - return (self:gsub("ENV%((%w+)%)", os.envvar)) +function string.expand(str) + return (gsub(str,"ENV%((%w+)%)", os.envvar)) end -function string:strip() - return (self:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")) +function string.strip(str) + return (gsub(str,"^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")) end function table.alphasort(list,i) @@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ local worddone = 0 -- end -- end -function check_text() +function check_text() -- obsolete, replaced by lexer local dlanguage = props["ctx.spellcheck.language"] local dwordsize = props["ctx.spellcheck.wordsize"] @@ -836,3 +836,15 @@ menufunctions[14] = process_template_two function open_log() scite.Open(props['FileName'] .. ".log") end + +if not lpeg then + + local okay, root = pcall(function() return require "lpeg" end) + + if okay then + lpeg = root + else + trace("\nwarning: lpeg not loaded\n") + end + +end diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx.properties index f23508acab4..8b2651c0d01 100644 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx.properties +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx.properties @@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ # <?xml version='1.0' language='uk' ?> ext.lua.auto.reload=1 -#~ ext.lua.startup.script=$(SciteDefaultHome)/scite-ctx.lua -ext.lua.startup.script=$(SciteUserHome)/scite-ctx.lua +ext.lua.startup.script=$(SciteDefaultHome)/scite-ctx.lua #~ extension.$(file.patterns.context)=scite-ctx.lua #~ extension.$(file.patterns.example)=scite-ctx.lua @@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ ctx.menulist.example=\ check=check_text|\ reset=reset_text -ctx.wraptext.length=65 +ctx.wraptext.length=80 ctx.spellcheck.language=auto ctx.spellcheck.wordsize=4 diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx.readme b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx.readme deleted file mode 100644 index c5f5977a669..00000000000 --- a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-ctx.readme +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -installation: - --- download scite and install it (take the normal scite, not one that ships with ruby) --- copy the texmf-context\context\data\scite\*.properties to c:\users\<youraccount> --- copy the texmf-context\context\data\scite\*.lua to the place where scite has its own support files (wscite) --- add the line "import context" to your user properties file (entry under menu Options) - -running context: - --- add texmf-mswin\bin to your path - -or - --- start scite from a cmd that also calls setuptex - -spellchecking: - --- create a path for spell files and put spell files there (these are files with just words) --- set the environment variable CTXSPELLPATH to this path diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-metapost.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-metapost.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e3ac252445f --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-metapost.properties @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +# file : metapost.properties +# version : 18 august 2003++ +# author : Hans Hagen / PRAGMA ADE / www.pragma-ade.com + +# Metapost: patterns + +file.patterns.metapost= + +file.patterns.metapost=*.mp;*.mpx; + +filter.metapost=MetaPost|$(file.patterns.metapost)| + +lexer.$(file.patterns.metapost)=metapost + +# Metapost: commands (check process view) + +command.compile.$(file.patterns.metapost)= +command.build.$(file.patterns.metapost)=mpost $(FileNameExt) +command.go.$(file.patterns.metapost)=gv $(FileName).1 + +command.0.$(file.patterns.metapost)= +command.1.$(file.patterns.metapost)= +command.2.$(file.patterns.metapost)= +command.3.$(file.patterns.metapost)= +command.4.$(file.patterns.metapost)= +command.5.$(file.patterns.metapost)= +command.6.$(file.patterns.metapost)= +command.7.$(file.patterns.metapost)= +command.8.$(file.patterns.metapost)= +command.9.$(file.patterns.metapost)= + +# Metapost: highlighting + +style.metapost.0=fore:#7F7F00 +style.metapost.0=fore:#3F3F3F +style.metapost.1=fore:#007F7F +style.metapost.2=fore:#7F0000 +style.metapost.3=fore:#7F7F00 +style.metapost.4=fore:#007F00 +style.metapost.5=fore:#000000 +style.metapost.6=fore:#007F00,italics + +style.metapost.34=fore:#00007F +style.metapost.35=fore:#7F007F + +# Metapost: comments + +comment.block.metapost=% +comment.block.at.line.start.metapost=1 + +# Metapost: lexer.metapost.interface.default +# +# 0 not used +# 1 metapost primitives and commands +# 2 metafun macros +# +# first lines of a metapost file are interpreted as follows: +# +# % interface=none|metapost|mp|metafun + +lexer.metapost.interface.default=1 + +# Metapost: lexer.metapost.comment.process +# +# 0 don't interpret comment +# 1 color comment like source code + +lexer.metapost.comment.process=0 + +# Metapost: keywords + +import scite-context-data-metapost.properties + +keywords.$(file.patterns.metapost)=$(keywordclass.metapost.all) + +# Metapost: end of file diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-pragma.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-pragma.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..450c609b042 --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-pragma.properties @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +# file : pragma.properties +# version : 18 august 2003 +# author : Hans Hagen / PRAGMA ADE / www.pragma-ade.com + +# save.backup.first=1 +# save.backup.once=1 +# save.backup.suffix=.bak + +# Editor: screen + +position.left=0 +position.top=0 +position.width=1920 +position.height=1160 + +output.horizontal.size=250 +output.vertical.size=100 + +# Editor: filters + +open.filter=\ +All Files (*.*)|*.*|\ +$(filter.context)\ +$(filter.metafun)\ +$(filter.example)\ +$(filter.lua)\ +$(filter.text)\ +$(filter.pdf) + +# Editor: menus + +menu.language=\ +TeX|tex||\ +Metapost|metapost||\ +XML|xml||\ +Lua|lua||\ +Text|txt||\ +PDF|pdf|| diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-tex.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-tex.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6933971e26d --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/scite-tex.properties @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +# file : tex.properties +# version : 18 august 2003 +# author : Hans Hagen / PRAGMA ADE / www.pragma-ade.com + +# TeX users may want to use the Latin Modern Typewriter font: +# +# use.monospaced=1 +# font.monospace=font:LMTypewriter10,size:16.5 +# font.errorfont=font:LMTypewriter10,size:11.5 +# +# These and more presets are done in context.properties. + +# TeX: patterns + +file.patterns.tex=*.tex +filter.tex=TeX|$(file.patterns.tex)| +lexer.$(file.patterns.tex)=tex + +# TeX: commands (check process view) + +command.compile.$(file.patterns.tex)= +command.build.$(file.patterns.tex)=tex $(FileNameExt) +command.go.$(file.patterns.tex)=gv $(FileName).pdf + +command.0.$(file.patterns.tex)= +command.1.$(file.patterns.tex)= +command.2.$(file.patterns.tex)= +command.3.$(file.patterns.tex)= +command.4.$(file.patterns.tex)= +command.5.$(file.patterns.tex)= +command.6.$(file.patterns.tex)= +command.7.$(file.patterns.tex)= +command.8.$(file.patterns.tex)= +command.9.$(file.patterns.tex)= + +# TeX: highlighting + +style.tex.0=fore:#3F3F3F +style.tex.1=fore:#007F7F +style.tex.2=fore:#7F0000 +style.tex.3=fore:#7F7F00 +style.tex.4=fore:#007F00 +style.tex.34=fore:#00007F +style.tex.35=fore:#7F007F + +# TeX: comments + +comment.block.tex=% +comment.block.at.line.start.tex=1 + +# TeX: lexer.tex.interface.default +# +# 0 all \commands +# 1 tex etex pdftex omega primitives +# 2 context nl (when context.properties is loaded) +# 3 context en (when context.properties is loaded) +# 4 context de (when context.properties is loaded) +# 5 context cz (when context.properties is loaded) +# 6 context it (when context.properties is loaded) +# 7 context ro (when context.properties is loaded) +# 8 latex (no keywords yet; will move up) +# +# first lines of a tex file are interpreted as follows +# +# % interface=all|nl|en|de|cz|it|ro|latex + +lexer.tex.interface.default=0 + +# TeX: lexer.tex.use.keywords +# +# 0 don't use keyword lists +# 1 use keyword lists + +lexer.tex.use.keywords=1 + +# TeX: lexer.tex.comment.process +# +# 0 don't interpret comment +# 1 color comment like source code + +lexer.tex.comment.process=0 + +# TeX: lexer.tex.auto.if +# +# 0 don't handle \if<unknown> +# 1 treat \if<unknown> as command + +lexer.tex.auto.if=1 + +# only the macros that make sense: + +import scite-context-data-tex.properties + +# collections + +keywordclass.tex.all=\ + $(keywordclass.tex.tex) \ + $(keywordclass.tex.etex) \ + $(keywordclass.tex.pdftex) \ + $(keywordclass.tex.aleph) \ + $(keywordclass.tex.omega) \ + $(keywordclass.tex.xetex) \ + $(keywordclass.tex.plain) + +# keywords1 is not used since scintilla takes it from 'keywords' and +# the other slots are used for context (interfaces) and slot 8 can +# be used for latex but as scite ships with its own latex support +# anyway so we don't bother about it here + +keywords.$(file.patterns.tex)=$(keywordclass.tex.all) + +# TeX: words + +word.characters.$(file.patterns.tex)=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ@\\ + +# TeX: end of file diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/tex.properties b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/tex.properties new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3fbad41cb0e --- /dev/null +++ b/Master/texmf-dist/context/data/scite/tex.properties @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +import scite-tex |