path: root/Master/texmf-dist/bibtex/bib/beebe/epodd.bib
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index 00000000000..76016f2dae7
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+%%% -*-BibTeX-*-
+%%% /u/sy/beebe/tex/bib/epodd.bib, Wed Jan 22 16:58:32 1992
+%%% Edit by Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe at>
+%%% ====================================================================
+%%% BibTeX-file{
+%%% author = "Nelson H. F. Beebe",
+%%% version = "2.22",
+%%% date = "11 May 2013",
+%%% time = "11:40:58 MDT",
+%%% filename = "epodd.bib",
+%%% address = "University of Utah
+%%% Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB
+%%% 155 S 1400 E RM 233
+%%% Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
+%%% USA",
+%%% telephone = "+1 801 581 5254",
+%%% FAX = "+1 801 581 4148",
+%%% URL = "",
+%%% checksum = "27790 4897 24394 223584",
+%%% email = "beebe at, beebe at,
+%%% beebe at (Internet)",
+%%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
+%%% keywords = "bibliography, electronic publishing",
+%%% license = "public domain",
+%%% supported = "yes",
+%%% docstring = "This is a COMPLETE BibTeX bibliography for
+%%% the journal Electronic Publishing---Origination,
+%%% Dissemination, and Design, or informally,
+%%% EP-odd.
+%%% At version 2.22, the year coverage looked
+%%% like this:
+%%% 1988 ( 13) 1991 ( 17) 1994 ( 21)
+%%% 1989 ( 18) 1992 ( 21) 1995 ( 31)
+%%% 1990 ( 17) 1993 ( 45)
+%%% Article: 183
+%%% Total entries: 183
+%%% Although the last published issue is dated
+%%% December 1995, it did not appear until June
+%%% 1997. Publication ceased with that issue.
+%%% Copyright was later transferred from the
+%%% publisher to the University of Nottingham,
+%%% and the entire journal archive is now
+%%% available online at
+%%% Journal article citation tags look like
+%%% author:abbrev-volume-number-page, where the
+%%% author part is the last name of the first
+%%% author: for example, Pausch:EPODD-3-4-227.
+%%% Entries in this bibliography are sorted in
+%%% publication order.
+%%% The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
+%%% checksum as the first value, followed by the
+%%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
+%%% count) utility output of lines, words, and
+%%% characters. This is produced by Robert
+%%% Solovay's checksum utility.
+%%% From version 2.00 of this file, all entries
+%%% include the journal abstracts and keywords;
+%%% many thanks to the journal editors for
+%%% providing most of this material in
+%%% machine-readable form so that it was
+%%% straightforward to reformat and copy into
+%%% this file in a couple of evenings' work.
+%%% A snapshot of this file was included in
+%%% the CAJUN Project's release of the first
+%%% six volumes of EP-odd on CD ROM in Adobe
+%%% Acrobat form (a high-quality document
+%%% viewing system with hypertext links and
+%%% indexing); see the reference labelled
+%%% Smith:EPODD-6-4-481 below. CD ROM
+%%% subscriptions are available starting with
+%%% volume 7 (1994).",
+%%% }
+%%% ====================================================================
+ "\input bibnames.sty " #
+ "\input texnames.sty " #
+ "\hyphenation{
+ Gon-czar-ow-ski
+ Para-met-riz-a-tion
+ Wa-ka-ya-ma
+ }" #
+ "\def \INSCRIPT {{\sc in\-script}}" #
+ "\def \PIC {{\sc pic}}" #
+ "\def \registered {$^{{\ooalign{\hfil\raise.07ex
+ \hbox{\footnotesize R}\hfil\crcr
+ \mathhexbox20D}}}$}" #
+ "\def \trademark {$^{\hbox{\sc tm}}$}" #
+ "\def \SceX {Sc\kern-.035em \lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125em X}"
+%%% ====================================================================
+%%% Acknowledgement abbreviations:
+@String{ack-nhfb = "Nelson H. F. Beebe,
+ University of Utah,
+ Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB,
+ 155 S 1400 E RM 233,
+ Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA,
+ Tel: +1 801 581 5254,
+ FAX: +1 801 581 4148,
+ e-mail: \path||,
+ \path||,
+ \path|| (Internet),
+ URL: \path||"}
+%%% ====================================================================
+%%% Journal abbreviations:
+@String{j-EPODD = "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion,
+ Dissemination, and Design"}
+%%% ====================================================================
+%%% Bibliography entries:
+ author = "D. F. Brailsford and R. J. Beach",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "0",
+ number = "0",
+ pages = "1--3",
+ month = jan,
+ year = "1988",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 23 17:23:07 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ note = "This is a pilot issue of the journal.",
+ author = "D. F. Brailsford and R. J. Beach",
+ title = "Authoring systems for {EP}-odd",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "0",
+ number = "0",
+ pages = "4--9",
+ month = jan,
+ year = "1988",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 23 17:25:41 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ note = "This is a pilot issue of the journal.",
+ note-2 = "Pages 10--12 were advertizing.",
+ author = "D. F. Brailsford and R. J. Beach",
+ title = "Electronic Publishing and Computer Science",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "0",
+ number = "0",
+ pages = "13--21",
+ month = jan,
+ year = "1988",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 16 09:27:15 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ note = "This is a pilot issue of the journal.",
+ abstract = "Some of the common ground between electronic
+ publishing and computer science has already been
+ touched on in the editorial section of this issue.
+ Further connections between the two fields are
+ highlighted in this brief paper and it is suggested
+ that electronic publishing differs from other computer
+ application areas because it benefits not only from the
+ brute-force application of cheap computer power but
+ also from the direct application of a host of computer
+ science concepts. The history of computers and
+ typesetters is examined leading up to the electronic
+ publishing era, followed by an appraisal of those
+ computer science topics which have already been applied
+ to problems in typesetting and publishing, and those
+ which seem poised for exploitation and application in
+ the near future. The importance of abstract notions and
+ high-level ideas in the development of computer
+ science---and hence in electronic publishing---is
+ pointed out.",
+ keywords = "Electronic Publishing, Computer Science, PostScript,
+ Typesetters, Abstraction",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard J. Beach",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "1",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "1--2",
+ month = apr,
+ year = "1988",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "J. L. Bentley and B. W. Kernighan",
+ title = "Tools for Printing Indexes",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "1",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "3--18",
+ month = apr,
+ year = "1988",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper describes a set of programs for processing
+ and printing the index for a book or a manual. The
+ input consists of lines containing index terms and page
+ numbers. The programs collect multiple occurrences of
+ the same terms, compress runs of page numbers, create
+ permutations (e.g., `index, book' from `book index'),
+ and sort them into proper alphabetic order. The
+ programs can cope with embedded formatting commands
+ (size and font changes, etc.), with roman numeral page
+ numbers, and with {\bf see} terms. The programs do not
+ help with the original creation of index terms. The
+ implementation runs on the UNIX\registered{} operating
+ system. It uses a long pipeline of short {\bf awk}
+ programs rather than a single program in a conventional
+ language. This structure makes the programs easy to
+ adapt or augment to meet special requirements that
+ arise in different indexing styles. The programs were
+ intended to be used with {\bf troff}, but can be used
+ with a formatter like {\TeX} with minor changes. An
+ appendix contains a complete listing of the programs,
+ which total about 200 lines.",
+ keywords = "Indexing, AWK, UNIX, Troff, Document preparation",
+ author = "R. Furuta and V. Quint and J. Andr{\'{e}}",
+ title = "Interactively Editing Structured Documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "1",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "19--44",
+ month = apr,
+ year = "1988",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "\def \WYSIWYG {{\sc WYSIWYG}} Document preparation
+ systems that are oriented to an author's preparation of
+ printed material must permit the flexible
+ specification, modification, and reuse of the contents
+ of the document. Interactive document preparation
+ systems commonly have incorporated simple
+ representations---an unconstrained linear list of
+ document objects in the `What You See Is What You Get'
+ (\WYSIWYG) systems. Recent research projects have been
+ directed at the interactive manipulation of richer
+ tree-oriented representations in which object
+ relationships are constrained through grammatical
+ specification. The advantage of such representations is
+ the increased flexibility that they provide in the
+ reusability of the document and its components and the
+ more powerful user commands that they permit. We report
+ on the experience gained from the design of two such
+ systems. Although the two systems were designed
+ independently of each other, a common set of issues,
+ representations, and techniques has been identified. An
+ important component of these projects has been to
+ examine the {\WYSIWYG} user interface, retaining the
+ naturalness of their user interface but eliminating
+ their dependencies on the physical-page representation.
+ Aspects of the design of such systems remain open for
+ further research. We describe these open research
+ problems and indicate some of the further gains that
+ may be achievable through investigation of these
+ document representations.",
+ keywords = "Document preparation systems, Structured documents,
+ Grammatically-defined generic document structures, User
+ interfaces, Design experience",
+ author = "P. J. Brown",
+ title = "Linking and Searching Within Hypertext",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "1",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "45--54",
+ month = apr,
+ year = "1988",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The Find command is a familiar mechanism for
+ travelling round linear documents. In hypertext
+ documents, on the other hand, the primary method of
+ travel is by means of built-in links. The paper
+ considers how a Find command can be integrated into a
+ hypertext system. There are two main issues:
+ \begin{itemize} \item What does it mean to search a
+ hypertext document? \item Can the two methods of travel
+ be integrated in such a way that the user does not
+ become disoriented? \end{itemize}",
+ keywords = "Hypertext, Find Command, Searching in Hypertext,
+ Guide",
+ author = "B. K. Reid",
+ title = "The {USENET} Cookbook\emdash{}an Experiment in
+ Electronic Publishing",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "1",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "55--76",
+ month = apr,
+ year = "1988",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Much of the research taking place in the field called
+ `electronic publishing' would perhaps be better called
+ `electronic printing' or `electronic typography' or
+ `electronic drawing' or `electronic file cabinets'. The
+ word `publishing' has traditionally meant `to make
+ generally known' or `to disseminate'. In December 1985
+ I began a venture in true electronic
+ publishing\emdash{}`true' in the sense that its primary
+ goals were to explore electronic dissemination rather
+ than electronic typesetting or formatting. I wanted to
+ start a periodical that could be distributed
+ electronically, that would use computers for every
+ aspect of its production and distribution process, and
+ that would be on a topic of wide enough interest to
+ attract subscribers in as many countries as possible.
+ Furthermore the topic had to be absorbing enough to
+ engage my own interest for long enough to gain
+ substantial experience. The chosen topic was cookery. I
+ began a weekly magazine whose contents are recipes. To
+ submit a recipe for publication, a prospective author
+ mails the recipe to the editor by electronic mail. The
+ publishing process from that point is similar to more
+ ordinary magazines. A copy editor rewrites the recipe
+ for stylistic consistency and then hands it to the
+ `international desk', which checks to make sure that
+ the recipe uses only ingredients that are widely known
+ and internationally available. The international desk
+ also converts recipes to or from metric units, so that
+ every recipe will include both. From the international
+ desk, the recipe goes to a `test and proofreading'
+ office, at which an editor checks to make sure that the
+ recipe is coherent and comprehensible and that the dish
+ it describes is palatable. Finally, recipes are moved
+ to the production office, where they are bundled into
+ issues in time to meet a Thursday publication deadline.
+ During this test period I have done all of the
+ editorial tasks myself, but the internal structure of
+ the publication system is such that different people
+ could do the different tasks without disrupting the
+ flows and procedures. The recipes are distributed in a
+ text formatting language, and each subscriber is sent
+ software to format that language into some output
+ format that he can print on his machine. Subscribers
+ typically extract the recipes out of each weekly issue
+ and put them into a local database, from which they can
+ print pages for a notebook or access the recipes with
+ online retrieval commands. The text formatting language
+ is a dialect of {\em troff}, and the vast majority of
+ subscribers use a special set of {\em troff\/} macros
+ to do the formatting. The publication is called {\em
+ The USENET Cookbook}. It has about 13~000 subscribers
+ worldwide, and has had recipes contributed by about 300
+ different people. Most of the subscribers are in
+ English-speaking countries.",
+ keywords = "Magazine, Automated production, Online publication,
+ Cookbook",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard J. Beach",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "1",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "77--78",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1988",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "A. L. Oakley and A. C. Norris",
+ title = "Page Description Languages: Development,
+ Implementation and Standardization",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "1",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "79--96",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1988",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Advances in laser technology have facilitated the
+ development of printers which accept input in the form
+ of pages rather than the lines characteristic of impact
+ printers. Concurrently, page description languages
+ (PDLs) have been designed to facilitate the integration
+ of complex text and graphics for printing. PDLs are
+ described in a variety of ways and the paper starts
+ with a rationalization of these viewpoints. It then
+ traces the development of PDLs, describes their main
+ characteristics, and looks at their relationship with
+ laser printers. A survey of current implementations is
+ then followed by an analysis of the relationship of
+ these languages to other schemes for the description of
+ printed images. Finally, the paper considers the
+ requirements for a PDL standard.",
+ keywords = "Page description languages, Laser printers, RIP,
+ Standards",
+ author = "H. Brown",
+ title = "Parallel Processing and Document Layout",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "1",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "97--104",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1988",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Interactive editing and layout of high quality
+ multi-media documents is a demanding application that
+ is limited by the processing power available from
+ current workstations. This short paper takes a
+ preliminary look at the opportunities for exploiting
+ parallelism within the document layout process, and
+ suggests that radically new ways of thinking may be
+ needed to take advantage of the enormous parallel
+ processing capabilities offered by a new generation of
+ workstations based on configurable networks of
+ Transputers.",
+ keywords = "Structured documents, ODA (Office Document
+ Architecture), Document layout, Parallel layout
+ algorithms, Occam, Transputers",
+ author = "D. Lucarella",
+ title = "A Search Strategy for Large Document Bases",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "1",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "105--116",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1988",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "In this paper, we emphasize the need of modelling the
+ inherent {\em uncertainty\/} associated with the
+ information retrieval process. Within this context, a
+ search strategy is proposed for locating documents
+ which are {\em likely\/} to be relevant to a given
+ query. A notion of closeness between document(s) and
+ query is introduced and the implementation of an
+ improved algorithm for the identification of the
+ closest document set is presented with emphasis on
+ computational efficiency.",
+ keywords = "Information storage and retrieval, Retrieval models,
+ Similarity computation, Document access methods, Search
+ algorithms, Search efficiency",
+ author = "R. Arrabito and H. J{\"{u}}rgensen",
+ title = "Computerized {Braille} Typesetting: Another View of
+ Mark-up Standards",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "1",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "117--132",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1988",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Recent advances in computerized text processing will
+ not only revolutionize methods of publication, but may
+ also increase the availability of information for the
+ handicapped---especially for blind or visually impaired
+ individuals. In this paper we discuss the feasibility
+ of a direct translation of typesetter input into
+ Braille output with special emphasis on scientific and
+ mathematical text. To do so we use the {\TeX} computer
+ typesetting system as a paradigm; however, the essence
+ of our conclusions is true for other systems too. We
+ briefly describe the present state of a related
+ implementation project. Our study derives several
+ recommendations concerning the standards for mark-up
+ languages and for Braille encodings. They strongly
+ support the development of ``semantic'' mark-up.",
+ keywords = "Braille, Markup, Typesetting, {\TeX}",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard J. Beach",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "1--2",
+ month = apr,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "D. W. Barron",
+ title = "Why Use {SGML}?",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "3--24",
+ month = apr,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The Standard Generalised Markup Language (SGML) is a
+ recently-adopted International Standard (ISO 8879), the
+ first of a series of proposed Standards in the area of
+ Information Processing\emdash{}Text and Office Systems.
+ The paper presents some background material on markup
+ systems, gives a brief account of SGML, and attempts to
+ clarify the precise nature and purpose of SGML, which
+ are widely misunderstood. It then goes on to explore
+ the reasons why SGML should (or should not) be used in
+ preference to older-established systems.",
+ keywords = "SGML, Markup, Generalised markup, Formatters",
+ author = "D. F. Brailsford and D. R. Evans",
+ title = "Parallel Processing in Document Formatting: An
+ Experiment Using {PIC}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "25--46",
+ month = apr,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The manipulation of text and graphics within a
+ computer provides opportunities for the exploitation of
+ parallel processing. It is straightforward to identify
+ blocks of material such as complete diagrams or
+ paragraphs of text which can be processed in parallel
+ and which have modest requirements for synchronization
+ and communication between the blocks. The features of a
+ problem which lead to an elegant and efficient
+ application of parallelism are identified, including
+ good locality of reference, a small `state vector' of
+ shared global variables and a clear relationship
+ between the material on the page and the `cost' of
+ processing it. This last-named attribute enables a
+ problem to be partitioned among multiple processors by
+ a static compile-time analysis rather than relying on
+ costly run-time allocation strategies. The {\PIC}
+ program for line diagrams has been modified to allow
+ for such a static allocation and to permit
+ synchronization and rendezvous between multiple
+ invocations of the program. The aim of this was to
+ investigate whether worthwhile gains in performance
+ would result from subdividing a diagram drawn with
+ {\PIC} and then processing the various portions in
+ parallel. A series of benchmark timings is presented
+ which show the degree of overlap obtainable in
+ processing separate parts of a diagram together with
+ the inherent limits to parallelism imposed by the
+ `atomic' entities in {\PIC} and the inevitable
+ communication overheads between the parallel processes.
+ The design features of the {\PIC} language are
+ identified which made it suitable for these researches
+ and we are able to draw certain general conclusions
+ about desirable properties of text and graphic entities
+ which are to be processed in parallel. This in turn
+ enables us to identify design features of the
+ underlying software which will facilitate parallel
+ processing.",
+ keywords = "Document processing, Parallel processing, {\PIC},
+ Benchmarking",
+ author = "G. Duan and R. A. Morris",
+ title = "The Importance of Phase in the Spectra of Digital
+ Type",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "47--60",
+ month = apr,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The role of phase in the spectra of digital type is
+ examined. Characters and text are found to have more
+ information in the phase than in the magnitude, just as
+ for natural images. For letterforms, this means that
+ the position of features, not their size, has the
+ greatest influence on their discrimination. An
+ iterative reconstruction of characters from their phase
+ and from a magnitude characteristic only of the font,
+ not the individual characters, is examined.",
+ keywords = "Digital type, Signal reconstruction, Phase
+ information",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard J. Beach",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "63--64",
+ month = jul,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "J. Warmer and S. {Van Egmond}",
+ title = "The Implementation of the {Amsterdam} {SGML} Parser",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "65--90",
+ month = jul,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), is an
+ ISO Standard that specifies a language for document
+ representation. This paper gives a short introduction
+ to SGML and describes the Amsterdam SGML Parser and the
+ problems we encountered in implementing the Standard.
+ These problems include interpretation of the Standard
+ in the places where it is ambiguous and the technical
+ problems in parsing SGML documents.",
+ keywords = "SGML, Structured documents, Document preparation,
+ Parser generators",
+ author = "P. J. Brown",
+ title = "Do We Need Maps to Navigate Round Hypertext
+ Documents?",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "91--100",
+ month = jul,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "In many hypertext systems users are provided with a
+ map of the underlying directed graph of their hypertext
+ document. Arguably this is like filling a program with
+ goto statements and then placating the readers of the
+ program by providing a map of all the gotos. In this
+ paper we present an alternative approach which goes
+ some way\emdash{}but not the whole way\emdash{}towards
+ providing a hypertext user interface that distances the
+ reader from the underlying directed graph.",
+ keywords = "Hypertext, Navigation, Map, Guide",
+ author = "A. Br{\"{u}}ggeman-Klein and D. Wood",
+ title = "Drawing Trees Nicely with {\TeX{}}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "101--115",
+ month = jul,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "We present a new solution to the tree drawing problem
+ that integrates an excellent tree drawing algorithm
+ into one of the best text processing systems available.
+ More precisely, we present a {\TeX} macro package
+ called Tree{\TeX} that produces drawings of trees from
+ a purely logical description. Our approach has three
+ advantages: labels for nodes can be handled in a
+ reasonable way; porting Tree{\TeX} to any site running
+ {\TeX} is a trivial operation; and modularity in the
+ description of a tree and {\TeX}'s macro capabilities
+ allow for libraries of subtrees and tree classes. In
+ addition, Tree{\TeX} has an option that produces
+ drawings that make the {\bf structure} of the trees
+ more obvious to the human eye, even though they may not
+ be as aesthetically pleasing.",
+ keywords = "Trees, Graphics, Drawing algorithms, {\TeX}",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard J. Beach",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "117--118",
+ month = oct,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Zeev Becker and Daniel Berry",
+ title = "{{\tt triroff}}, an adaptation of the
+ device-independent {{\tt troff}} for formatting
+ tri-directional text",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "119--142",
+ month = oct,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper describes a system for formatting documents
+ consisting of text written in languages printed in
+ three different directions, left-to-right,
+ right-to-left, and top-to-bottom. For example, this
+ paper is such a document because it contains text
+ written in English, Hebrew, Japanese, and Chinese. The
+ system assumes that the input is in the order in which
+ the text is read aloud, and it produces output in which
+ each language is printed in its own correct direction,
+ but for which a human cognizant of the reading
+ conventions will reproduce the input order. The system
+ consists of three major pieces of software: Ossana and
+ Kernighan's {\tt ditroff} for formatting text
+ consisting of only left-to-right or unidirectional
+ text, Buchman and Berry's {\tt ffortid} for rearranging
+ right-to-left language text occurring in {\tt ditroff}
+ output to be printed from right to left, and a new
+ program {\tt bditroff} for rearranging top-to-bottom
+ text occurring in {\tt ditroff} output to be printed
+ from top to bottom. Below are translations of this
+ English language abstract, except for this paragraph,
+ into Hebrew, Japanese, and Chinese. The latter two are
+ printed twice, once in a modern left-to-right style,
+ and once in a more traditional top-to-bottom style. The
+ software described in this paper was used to format and
+ print this paper.",
+ keywords = "Document preparation, Multi-lingual,
+ Multi-directional, Troff, Typesetting",
+ author = "Victoria A. Burrill and John A. Ogden",
+ title = "{VORTEXT}: The hard-backed screen",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "143--156",
+ month = oct,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "With the current information explosion in the number
+ of books and periodicals published annually coupled
+ with the decreasing costs and availability of
+ wordprocessors, it is authors, not publishers, who are
+ becoming the main controllers of a document. If a
+ document is written using a computer then it obviously
+ makes sense for it to be read on the same medium. But
+ how will the ordinary man-in-the-street react to this?
+ How will he react to sitting down at a terminal instead
+ of browsing through bookshelves? How will he react to
+ scanning a screenful of text rather than feeling the
+ `physicalness' of a real book? What facilities will he
+ expect? What facilities will he want? This paper is the
+ result of three and a half years research using VORTEXT
+ \emdash{} VictORias TEXT reading system \emdash{} a
+ unique interface which begins to explore the limits,
+ possibilities (and pitfalls!) of extending the `real
+ book' metaphor across from its traditional paper medium
+ to its future computerized form.",
+ keywords = "Hypertext, Electronic books",
+ author = "Jakob Gonczarowski and On G. Paradise",
+ title = "{InScript}\emdash{}a {C}-like preprocessor for
+ {PostScript}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "157--167",
+ month = oct,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "{\INSCRIPT} is a front-end for the {\POSTSCRIPT}
+ page-description language. {\INSCRIPT} is easier to
+ write (and read) than {\POSTSCRIPT} as it uses
+ high-level syntax, performs automatic stack
+ manipulation and defines a clearer interface to the
+ {\POSTSCRIPT} imaging model. {\INSCRIPT} programs for
+ graphic imaging can be developed interactively, or
+ compiled to produce {\POSTSCRIPT} code for off-line
+ use. This paper describes the {\INSCRIPT} environment,
+ its language features, its implementation, and the way
+ {\POSTSCRIPT} code is generated from its various
+ constructs. Possible enhancements to {\POSTSCRIPT} are
+ suggested which would turn it into a better `execute
+ engine' for code generated from high level languages.
+ Direct {\POSTSCRIPT} programming would then be much
+ easier as well.",
+ keywords = "High-level language interface, {\POSTSCRIPT}, Program
+ readability, Stack languages, Variable allocation",
+ author = "Jacques Andr{\'{e}}",
+ title = "Can structured formatters prevent train crashes?",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "169--173",
+ month = oct,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Tue Aug 23 22:59:56 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "A typographic layout error is analysed for its likely
+ effect as being one of the causes of a train crash.
+ Arguments are put forward to show that this error could
+ not have occurred if a structured text formatter had
+ been used.",
+ keywords = "Structured formatters, Document reliability,
+ Typographic errors",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard J. Beach",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "177--178",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Suliman Al-Hawamdeh and Peter Willett",
+ title = "Paragraph-based nearest neighbor searching in
+ full-text documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "179--192",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Tue Aug 23 23:00:10 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper discusses the searching of full-text
+ documents to identify paragraphs that are relevant to a
+ user request. Given a natural language query statement,
+ a nearest neighbour search involves ranking the
+ paragraphs comprising a full-text document in order of
+ descending similarity with the query, where the
+ similarity for each paragraph is determined by the
+ number of keyword stems that it has in common with the
+ query. This approach is compared with the more
+ conventional Boolean search which requires the user to
+ specify the logical relationships between the query
+ terms. Comparative searches using 130 queries and 20
+ full-text documents demonstrate the general
+ effectiveness of the nearest neighbour model for
+ paragraph-based searching. It is shown that the output
+ from a nearest neighbour search can be used to guide a
+ reader to the most appropriate segment of an online
+ full-text document.",
+ keywords = "Best match searching, Browsing, Full-text documents,
+ Information retrieval, Nearest neighbor searching,
+ Paragraph-based searching",
+ author = "Michael A. Harrison and Ethan V. Munson",
+ title = "On integrated bibliography processing",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "193--209",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Bibliography processing systems are important to the
+ production of scholarly and technical documents. While
+ the existing systems are a significant aid to authors,
+ their designs are not sufficient to handle the demands
+ that have arisen with their continued use. These
+ demands include larger bibliographic databases, sharing
+ of databases among multiple authors, integration with
+ document editors, and the desire for new features. This
+ paper examines these issues as they are reflected in
+ three enhancements to the bibliography processing
+ facilities of the GNU Emacs {\BibTeX}-Mode and
+ {\TeX}-Mode integrated editing environment. The added
+ features were a reference annotation facility, support
+ of forms-based queries for automatic citation, and an
+ enhanced reference inspection facility supporting
+ WYSIWYG display of references. The design and
+ implementation of the three features are discussed in
+ detail. Their relationship to other bibliography
+ processing tools is discussed.",
+ keywords = "Bibliography processing, Document processing,
+ Integrated systems, Annotations, Forms-based query,
+ Reference inspection",
+ author = "Richard K. Furuta and Catherine Plaisant and Ben
+ Shneiderman",
+ title = "Automatically transforming regularly structured
+ documents into {Hypertext}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "211--229",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Fully automatic conversion of a paper-based document
+ into hypertext can be achieved in many cases if the
+ original document is naturally partitioned into a
+ collection of small-sized pieces that are unambiguously
+ and consistently structured. We describe the
+ methodology that we have used successfully to design
+ and implement several straightforward conversions from
+ the original document's machine-readable markup.",
+ keywords = "Hypertext conversion, Document structure, Conversion
+ methodology",
+ author = "Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon and Paul E. Dunne",
+ title = "Some computational properties of a model for
+ electronic documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "2",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "231--256",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1989",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Differing types of documents exhibit varying
+ structures. These may arise, at one level, because of
+ the material comprising the text -- thus textbooks will
+ be organized differently from research papers -- and at
+ a lower level as a result of the layout conventions by
+ which the text is formatted. These structuring regimes
+ may be seen as defining a set of constraints which a
+ document within a specific class must satisfy. In this
+ paper we examine the model recently proposed in
+ Reference \cite{Koo} which is used for representing and
+ modifying electronic documents. This employs simple
+ graph grammars as a means of translating changes in the
+ document structure into modifications to the computer
+ representation. The aim of this approach is to provide
+ computer support which will allow the appropriate
+ structural conventions to be preserved while the
+ document is being edited. We consider the following
+ problem with this method: given a set of `constraints'
+ which the document must satisfy and a collection of
+ rules prescribing how the document representation may
+ be modified, how does one prove that {\em only\/}
+ documents which obey the constraints can be generated
+ by repeated applications of the rules? We describe one
+ way in which this question can be more precisely
+ formulated and call this the {\em consistency
+ checking\/} problem. It is shown that, in general, this
+ problem cannot be solved. We then outline how, for
+ practical applications, the consistency checking
+ problem may be solved for certain special cases.",
+ keywords = "Document models, Graph modification systems,
+ Electronic documents",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard K. Furuta",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "1--2",
+ month = feb,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Bo Stig Hansen",
+ title = "A Function-based Formatting Model",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "3--28",
+ month = feb,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "\def \Benedick {BENEDICK} The work presented here
+ concerns a document processing model accounting for
+ aspects of an activity which is usually called
+ formatting. The core of the model, an experimental
+ formatting language called FFL, is the central topic.
+ FFL is a purely functional language in the style of FP
+ and the applicative part of APL\@. Sequences,
+ characters, and so-called boxes constitute the data
+ types and among the build-in primitives are functions
+ for aligning/spacing, breaking etc. Emphasis is put on
+ presenting the language and exemplifying its use. Also
+ considered are issues in type checking of formatting
+ function definitions and techniques for doing
+ incremental formatting with FFL formatting functions.
+ FFL is currently being implemented by the {\Benedick}
+ project group led by the author.",
+ keywords = "Text formatting, Document processing models,
+ Functional programming, Special-purpose languages",
+ author = "Steven K. Feiner",
+ title = "Authoring Large Hypermedia Documents with {IGD}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "29--46",
+ month = feb,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The IGD (Interactive Graphical Documents) hypermedia
+ system was designed to make possible interactive
+ presentations that can be explored by and customized
+ for individual users. We describe IGD's authoring
+ facilities through an annotated excerpt from an editing
+ session, emphasizing how the system's document model
+ and user interface help support the creation of large
+ documents. Although we feel that IGD successfully
+ addressed some of the issues of scale, experience with
+ the system has convinced us that it is wrong to cast
+ many of the problems of authoring large hypertexts as
+ ones that can be solved by implementing editors of
+ sufficient scope and sophistication. We believe that
+ hypertext design systems based on direct editing of
+ documents inherit many of the bottlenecks associated
+ with the conventional document authoring process. These
+ problems are compounded by the added intellectual
+ burden of designing a connective structure of keyworded
+ links. We contrast the reality of the author-centered,
+ editor-based approach to document design and layout,
+ exemplified by IGD, with the promise of a
+ knowledge-based, automated alternative, and discuss why
+ we feel that many of the facilities provided by IGD
+ will still be useful even if presentations can be
+ created entirely automatically.",
+ keywords = "Hypermedia, Hypertext user interfaces, Document
+ editors, IGD, Directed-graph editors",
+ author = "W. P. Dodd",
+ title = "Convergent Publication, or the Hybrid Journal: Paper
+ plus Telecommunications",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "47--60",
+ month = feb,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The majority of research studies of `the electronic
+ journal' have concentrated on producing a
+ computer-based near-replica of the printed paper
+ journal. This article argues that such an approach is
+ inappropriate and suggests that a complementary,
+ computer plus paper, approach might have advantages.
+ The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages
+ of the paper product, then briefly reviews the research
+ on electronic journals before discussing their
+ advantages and disadvantages. The strengths and
+ weaknesses of both paper and electronic formats are
+ then compared, and from this comparison a proposal is
+ made for the creation of a hybrid journal system
+ combining the strengths of both media.",
+ keywords = "Learned journals, Electronic publishing, Electronic
+ journals, Computer teleconferencing",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard K. Furuta",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "63--64",
+ month = may,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Uri Habusha and Daniel Berry",
+ title = "Vi.iv, a bi-directional version of the vi full-screen
+ editor",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "65--91",
+ month = may,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper describes the semantics, design, and
+ implementation of {\bf vi.iv}, a bi-directional
+ revision of {\bf vi}, the standard, full-screen editor
+ available in UNIX\trademark{} systems. The main goal
+ was to produce the new program with as little change as
+ possible to the semantics and implementation of the
+ original {\bf vi}.",
+ keywords = "Bi-directional, Editing, Full-screen editor,
+ Multi-lingual, {\bf vi}",
+ author = "Michael J. Kaelbling",
+ title = "On improving {SGML}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "93--98",
+ month = may,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Several improvements are suggested to the syntax of
+ SGML, the recent international standard for the
+ description of electronic document types. These
+ improvements ease processing by existing tools, remove
+ ambiguity cleanly, and increase human usability. They
+ also indicate some guidelines that should be followed
+ in the design and specification of computer-software
+ standards. By following accepted computer-science
+ conventions for the description of languages the design
+ of a standard may be improved, and the subsequent
+ implementation task simplified.",
+ keywords = "Ambiguity, LALR(1), Grammars, Language Definitions,
+ Parsing, SGML, Standards",
+ author = "Donald E. Knuth",
+ title = "A note on digitized angles",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "99--104",
+ month = may,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "We study the configurations of pixels that occur when
+ two digitized straight lines meet each other. The exact
+ number of different configurations is calculated when
+ the lines have rational slopes. This theory helps to
+ explain the empirically observed phenomenon that the
+ two ``halves'' of an arrowhead don't look the same.",
+ keywords = "Pixels (pels), Digitized images, Arrows, Angle
+ bisection, Bresenham algorithm",
+ author = "Douglas B. Terry and Donald G. Baker",
+ title = "Active {Tioga} documents: an exploration of two
+ paradigms",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "105--122",
+ month = may,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The advent of electronic media has changed the way we
+ think about documents. Documents with illustrations,
+ spreadsheets, and mathematical formulae have become
+ commonplace, but documents with active components have
+ been rare. This paper focuses on our extensions to the
+ Tioga editor to support two very different styles of
+ active documents. One paradigm involves dynamically
+ computing, or at least transforming, the contents of a
+ document as it is displayed. A second paradigm uses
+ notifications of edits to a document to trigger
+ activities. Document activities can include database
+ queries, which are evaluated and placed in the document
+ upon opening the document, or constraints between
+ portions of a document, which are maintained as the
+ user edits the document. The resulting active documents
+ can be viewed, edited, filed, and mailed in the same
+ way as regular documents, while retaining their
+ activities.",
+ keywords = "Active documents, Structured document editors, User
+ interfaces, Databases",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard K. Furuta",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "123--124",
+ month = aug,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Roy Rada",
+ title = "Hypertext writing and document reuse: the role of a
+ semantic net",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "125--140",
+ month = aug,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "When document components are classified and then
+ recombined during document reuse, a semantic net may
+ serve as the classification language. A theory of
+ analogical inheritance, applied to this semantic net,
+ guides the reorganization of document components.
+ Authors index paragraphs from various sources with
+ node-link-node triples from a semantic net and then use
+ programs to traverse the semantic net and generate
+ various outlines. The program examines node and link
+ names in deciding which path to take. This paper
+ describes how these techniques helped the author to
+ reuse parts of an existing book to write a new one.",
+ keywords = "Semantic net, Document reuse, Linearization",
+ author = "B. N. Rossiter and T. J. Sillitoe and M. A. Heather",
+ title = "Database support for very large hypertexts",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "141--154",
+ month = aug,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Current hypertext systems have been widely and
+ effectively used on relatively small data volumes. The
+ potential of database technology is explored for aiding
+ the implementation of hypertext systems holding very
+ large amounts of complex data. Databases meet many
+ requirements of the hypermedium: persistent data
+ management, large volumes, data modelling, multi-level
+ architecture with abstractions and views, metadata
+ integrated with operational data, short-term
+ transaction processing and high-level end-user
+ languages for searching and updating data. To
+ illustrate the potential for the use of databases, a
+ system implementing the storage, retrieval and recall
+ of trails through hypertext comprising textual complex
+ objects is described. Weaknesses in current database
+ systems for handling the complex modelling required are
+ discussed.",
+ keywords = "Databases, Hypertext, Paths, Trail management,
+ Composite objects",
+ author = "Richard Pollard",
+ title = "Hypertext presentation of thesauri used in online
+ searching",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "155--172",
+ month = aug,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "In this article we explore the strengths and
+ limitations of hypertext for the online presentation of
+ thesauri used in information retrieval. We examine the
+ ability of hypertext to support each of three common
+ types of thesaurus display: graphic, alphabetical, and
+ hierarchical. Graphic displays generated by hypertext
+ browsers appear to be inferior to their printed
+ counterparts. The simple alphabetical display can be
+ easily mapped onto hypertext systems but has the
+ inherent disadvantage of not showing a full hierarchy
+ at the entry point for a term. Hierarchical displays
+ are well suited to hypertext presentation but do not
+ include definitional or complete relational
+ information. We present a design for a hypertext-based
+ hierarchical display that addresses many inadequacies
+ of printed hierarchical displays. We also illustrate
+ how this design might be implemented using a
+ commercially available hypertext system. Finally, we
+ consider issues related to the implementation and
+ evaluation of hypertext-based thesauri.",
+ keywords = "Hypertext, Thesauri, Online searching, Guide",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard K. Furuta",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "177--178",
+ month = nov,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Richard K. Furuta and P. David Stotts",
+ title = "A functional meta-structure for hypertext models and
+ systems",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "179--205",
+ month = nov,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "We describe a hypertext `meta-structure'---one that
+ provides an organization for the architecture of
+ hypertext models and systems. The meta-structure was
+ initially developed to help us understand the
+ architecture of a specific hypertext model (the Trellis
+ hypertext model). However, its organization seems
+ generally applicable to a wide range of other models
+ and systems as well. As such, the meta-structure is a
+ good candidate for a high-level hypertext {\it
+ reference model}, and so we refer to it as the {\it
+ Trellis hypertext reference model}, or the {\it
+ r-model}. The r-model represents a hypertext at five
+ levels of abstraction---two abstract levels, two
+ concrete levels, and one visible level. In this paper,
+ we present the r-model, use it to classify four
+ different hypertext (and hypertext-like) systems, and
+ then discuss its relationship to various
+ hypertext-defined concepts.",
+ keywords = "Hypermedia, Hypertext, Meta-model, Model, Reference
+ model, Structure, Trellis",
+ author = "Tricia Jones and Ben Shneiderman",
+ title = "Examining usability for a training-oriented hypertext:
+ Can hyper-activity be good?",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "207--225",
+ month = nov,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "We describe the design and evaluation of a
+ hypertext-based tutorial for hypertext authors. This
+ 85-article tutorial represents an innovative
+ application of hypertext to procedural learning. The
+ work has been influenced by Carroll's minimalist model,
+ and by the syntactic/semantic semantic model of user
+ behavior. The usability study involved eight subjects
+ who studied the Hyperties Author Tutorial (HAT) for
+ approximately one hour and then performed a set of
+ authoring tasks in an average of 21 minutes. All users
+ successfully completed the tasks. As a result of the
+ study, we provide a characterization of appropriate
+ uses of hypertext for training, and describe the
+ meaning of a hyper-active environment.",
+ keywords = "Hypermedia, Hypertext, Hyperties, Training",
+ author = "R. Pausch and J. Detmer",
+ title = "Node popularity as a hypertext browsing aid",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "3",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "227--234",
+ month = nov,
+ year = "1990",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "We have performed a user study where the popularity of
+ each node in a hypertext database was presented with
+ the links leading to that node. Popularity was computed
+ by counting the number of users who had previously
+ visited the node. Our users clearly incorporated
+ popularity information in their decisions; we compare
+ their browsing patterns with a control group for whom
+ the popularity information was not provided. One
+ possible use of popularity can be to offset the
+ previously documented trait of users to over-select
+ items near the top or bottom of a linear list. We
+ document that popularity information affects user
+ behavior, but we do not necessarily advocate its use.
+ Incorporating popularity information raises other
+ questions of design and ethics which are beyond the
+ scope of this paper.",
+ keywords = "Hypertext, Browsing, Node relevance, User study,
+ Popularity",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard K. Furuta",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "1--2",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Jos Warmer and Hans van Vliet",
+ title = "Processing {SGML} Documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "3--26",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) is an ISO
+ Standard that specifies a language for document
+ representation. The main idea behind SGML is to
+ strictly separate the structure and contents of a
+ document from the processing of that document. This
+ results in application-independent and thus reusable
+ documents. To gain the full benefit of this approach,
+ tools are needed to support a wide range of
+ applications. The Standard itself does not define how
+ to specify the processing of documents. Many existing
+ SGML systems allow for a simple translation of an SGML
+ document, which exhibits a 1--1 correspondence between
+ elements in the SGML document and its translation. For
+ many applications this does not suffice. In other
+ systems the processing can be expressed in a
+ special-purpose programming language. In this paper the
+ various approaches to processing SGML documents are
+ assessed. We also discuss a novel approach, taken in
+ the Amsterdam SGML Parser. In this approach, processing
+ actions are embedded in the grammar rules that specify
+ the document structure, much like processing actions
+ are embedded in grammars of programming languages that
+ are input to a parser generator. The appendix contains
+ an extended example of the use of this approach.",
+ keywords = "SGML, Parser generators, Application generators, Data
+ translation, Structured documents, Reusability",
+ author = "Sandra A. Mamrak and J. A. Barnes",
+ title = "Considerations for the preparation of {SGML} Document
+ Type Definitions",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "27--42",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The Standard Generalized Markup Language, SGML, is
+ being adopted by various international organizations as
+ the medium for exchange of electronically encoded
+ documents. An exchange is accomplished by way of a
+ Document Type Definition, DTD, that describes the
+ content of documents targeted for an exchange. In this
+ paper we suggest considerations for the designers of
+ SGML DTDs. The considerations emphasize uniformity and
+ simplicity without sacrificing expressive power. The
+ considerations are not comprehensive: they address
+ minimization features, attributes, inclusion and
+ exclusion exceptions, and the CONCUR feature of SGML.",
+ keywords = "Data representation, Document Type Definitions,
+ Standard Generalized Markup Language",
+ author = "Michael A. Harrison and Ethan V. Munson",
+ title = "Numbering document components",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "43--60",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Numbering document components such as sections,
+ subsections, figures and equations gives each component
+ a unique identifier and helps the user locate the
+ component when it is cross-referenced. This paper
+ discusses ways in which such numbering can be described
+ and proposes a simple paradigm for declarative
+ specification of how components should be numbered. The
+ class of algorithms for incremental update of component
+ numbers is studied and the ``best'' such algorithm is
+ developed in detail.",
+ keywords = "Structured documents, Component numbering, Incremental
+ update, Interactive systems, Last/previous algorithm,
+ Declarative specification",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard K. Furuta",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "61--62",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Julie A. Barnes and Sandra A. Mamrak",
+ title = "A model and toolset for the uniform tagging of encoded
+ documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "63--85",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "In this paper we present a new, abstract model for
+ textual data objects with embedded markup. Based on the
+ model, we propose a uniform representation for these
+ objects that borrows its concrete syntax from the ISO
+ standard SGML\@. Such a uniform representation will
+ greatly facilitate the development of software that
+ analyzes, formats or otherwise processes these objects.
+ We then describe a toolset that supports the retagging
+ of existing encoded data objects to the new uniform
+ representation. Our experience with the toolset
+ demonstrates a savings of approximately 10:1 over a
+ retagging effort without the toolset.",
+ keywords = "Data translation, Lexical analysis, Automatic code
+ generation",
+ author = "Jacques Savoy and Daniel Desbois",
+ title = "Information retrieval in hypertext systems: an
+ approach using {Bayesian} networks",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "87--108",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The emphasis in most hypertext systems is on the
+ navigational methods, rather than on the global
+ document retrieval mechanisms. When a search mechanism
+ is provided, it is often restricted to simple string
+ matching or to the Boolean model. As an alternate
+ method, we propose a retrieval mechanism using Bayesian
+ inference networks. The main contribution of our
+ approach is the automatic construction of this network
+ using the expected mutual information measure to build
+ the inference tree, and using Jaccard's formula to
+ define fixed conditional probability relationships.",
+ keywords = "Hypertext, Information retrieval, Information
+ retrieval in hypertext, Bayesian network, Probabilistic
+ retrieval model, Probabilistic inference, Uncertainty
+ processing",
+ author = "P. J. Brown",
+ title = "Using logical objects to control hypertext
+ appearance",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "109--118",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "It is accepted wisdom that documents should be
+ represented in terms of their logical structure rather
+ than their appearance. Nevertheless most of the popular
+ document processing systems concentrate on appearance
+ rather than structure, mainly because most users opt
+ for a user interface that is interactive, simple and
+ direct. This paper considers issues related to fonts
+ and other appearance attributes within hypertext
+ documents. It first presents the relevant differences
+ between hypertext systems and document preparation
+ systems whose end product is paper. It then goes on to
+ describe a scheme for representing appearance through
+ logical structure. The scheme aims to meet the extra
+ needs of hypertext systems, and yet still to be simple
+ enough to attract wide usage.",
+ keywords = "Hypertext, Logical object, Font, Guide",
+ author = "P. David Stotts and Richard K. Furuta",
+ title = "Hypertext 2000: Databases or Documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "119--121",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard K. Furuta",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "123--124",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "D. D. Cowan and E. W. Mackie and G. M. Pianosi and G.
+ de V. Smit",
+ title = "Rita\emdash{}an editor and user interface for
+ manipulating structured documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "125--150",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Apr 30 10:23:51 1999",
+ bibsource = "",
+ note = "See \cite{Cole:EPODD-5-4-209}.",
+ abstract = "Structured documents such as those developed for SGML,
+ GML or {\LaTeX} usually contain a combination of text
+ and tags. Since various types of documents require tags
+ with different placement, the creator of a document
+ must learn and retain a large amount of knowledge. Rita
+ consists of an editor and user interface which are
+ controlled by a grammar or description of a document
+ type and its tags, and which guide the user in
+ preparing a document, thus avoiding the problems of
+ tags being used or placed incorrectly. The user
+ interface contains a display which is almost WYSIWYG so
+ that the appearance of the document can be examined
+ while it is being prepared. This paper describes Rita,
+ its user interface and some of its internal structure
+ and algorithms, and relates anecdotal user experiences.
+ Comparisons are also made with other commercial and
+ experimental systems.",
+ keywords = "Document manipulation, Finite state automata, User
+ interfaces, Incomplete documents, Structured documents,
+ Syntax-directed editing, Partial documents",
+ author = "Peter Karow",
+ title = "Digital punch cutting",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "151--170",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Digital punch cutting is today's font technology.
+ There are three different methods available for getting
+ alphabets into digital form: hand-digitizing,
+ auto-tracing and direct design on a workstation screen.
+ The advent of intelligent font scaling requires us to
+ ensure the `optical' quality of a font and also the
+ `numerical' quality of its data; this, in turn, means
+ that new procedures have to be added to the font
+ production process. Furthermore, a given typeface has
+ to be rendered on a wide variety of output devices
+ ranging from computer displays, printers (dot-matrix,
+ laser, inkjet or thermal-transfer) and typesetters (CRT
+ or laser) to the more exotic devices such as plotters,
+ vinyl-cutters and routers. To deal with this it is
+ necessary to set up a database of font data, in a
+ machine-independent format such as IKARUS\@. This
+ enables us to cope with the long life cycles of
+ typefaces and also to serve present and future
+ applications by converting the IKARUS data into various
+ machine-specific formats.",
+ keywords = "Digital typefaces, Hand-digitizing, IKARUS format,
+ Auto-tracing, Font technology, Intelligent font
+ scaling",
+ author = "Charles A. Bigelow and Kris Holmes",
+ title = "Notes on {Apple 4} Fonts",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "171--181",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Dario Lucarella",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "183--184",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Janey K. Cringean and Roger England and Gordon A.
+ Manson and Peter Willett",
+ title = "Nearest-neighbour searching in files of text
+ signatures using transputer networks",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "185--203",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper discusses the implementation of
+ nearest-neighbour document retrieval in serial files
+ using transputer networks. The system uses a two-stage
+ retrieval algorithm in which an initial text-signature
+ search is used to exclude large numbers of documents
+ from the detailed and time-consuming pattern-matching
+ search. The latter is implemented using a processor
+ farm, so that documents which match at the signature
+ level can be examined in parallel to determine whether
+ they are, in fact, a good match for the query. The
+ results demonstrate that communication is the critical
+ factor in all of the transputer networks that were
+ investigated. A high degree of speed-up can be obtained
+ when only the pattern-matching search is carried out.
+ When text signatures are used, however, the speed-up is
+ less, decreasing in line with an increase in the size
+ of the text signatures that are used.",
+ keywords = "Best-match searching, Full-text documents, Geometric
+ parallelism, Information retrieval, Nearest-neighbour
+ searching, Parallel processing",
+ author = "Mark Sanderson and C. J. van Rijsbergen",
+ title = "{NRT}: news retrieval tool",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "205--217",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The amounts of information that mankind produces are
+ vast, running into billions of documents. Traditional
+ ways of holding this information have become
+ impracticable and so methods of storage are being
+ switched from paper and microfiche to magnetic and
+ optical disks. In the last thirty years, as more
+ information has been put onto computers, work has gone
+ into using the computer to get away from the
+ restrictiveness of manual indexing and move towards a
+ more flexible system of information acquisition. Many
+ companies offer (for a price) the opportunity to access
+ the information stored on their systems. Unfortunately,
+ most of these companies use software that was developed
+ in the sixties when the field of information retrieval
+ (IR) was still very young. This means that the services
+ they offer are rather primitive. The {\em Financial
+ Times'\/} IR service, Profile is typical of such
+ commercial systems. It has been the aim of the NRT
+ project to investigate ways of incorporating into
+ Profile the new ideas in IR, that have occurred in the
+ last ten to fifteen years.",
+ keywords = "Weighted key term information retrieval, Relevance
+ feedback, Wide area networks, User interfaces",
+ author = "M. Agosti and R. Colotti and G. Gradenigo",
+ title = "Issues of data modelling in information retrieval",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "4",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "219--237",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1991",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper addresses the problem of data modelling in
+ information retrieval. The study introduces various
+ aspects and issues that are necessarily taken into
+ account when designing and developing an information
+ retrieval system. Particular attention is paid to the
+ representation of the different types of data managed
+ by an information retrieval application: structured and
+ unstructured data. A recently introduced information
+ retrieval, data modelling approach supports the notion
+ of a schema permitting representation of the
+ information retrieval data on two different levels:
+ intensional and extensional. The characteristics of
+ this data modelling approach are presented here
+ together with examples of its use in a working
+ prototype.",
+ keywords = "Data modelling in information retrieval, Data
+ representation by content, Text representation by
+ content, Information retrieval model, Information
+ retrieval conceptual architecture",
+ author = "Gerard Salton and Chris Buckley and James Allan",
+ title = "Automatic structuring of text files",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "1--17",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "In many practical information retrieval situations, it
+ is necessary to process heterogeneous text databases
+ that vary greatly in scope and coverage, and deal with
+ many different subjects. In such an environment it is
+ important to provide flexible access to individual text
+ pieces, and to structure the collection so that related
+ text elements are identified and appropriately linked.
+ Methods are described in this study for the automatic
+ structuring of heterogeneous text collections, and the
+ construction of browsing tools and access procedures
+ that facilitate collection use. The proposed methods
+ are illustrated by performing searches with a large
+ automated encyclopedia.",
+ keywords = "Text structuring, Text retrieval, Automatic indexing,
+ Automatic text analysis, Automatic text linking,
+ Automatic hypertext construction",
+ author = "Richard K. Furuta",
+ title = "Important papers in the history of document
+ preparation systems: basic sources",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "19--44",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This report provides a narrative description of
+ influential papers that discuss computer-based document
+ preparation systems. The report's focus is on the
+ systems actually used to prepare documents---editors
+ and formatters, and the goal is to provide an
+ introduction to the papers that have been influential
+ on the community of researchers who investigate such
+ systems.",
+ keywords = "Document preparation, Text processing, Document
+ manipulation, Formatting",
+ author = "Sebastian Rahtz",
+ title = "Book Review: {Philip Crookes, {\em Ventura
+ Publisher}}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "45--46",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 09:16:22 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Thomas E. {Weir, Jr.}",
+ title = "Book Review: {A. Rizk, N. Streitz, and J. Andr{\'e},
+ editors, {\em First European Conference on
+ Hypertext}}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "47--48",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 09:16:20 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Adrian Pickering",
+ title = "Book Review: {David Collier, {\em Collier's Rules for
+ Desktop Design and Typography}}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "49--50",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 09:16:28 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Sebastian Rahtz",
+ title = "Book Review: {Norbert Schwartz, {\em Introduction to
+ {\TeX}}}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "51--52",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 09:17:07 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Jacques Andr{\'e}",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "53--54",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Alistair McCleery",
+ title = "Teaching electronic publishing: a {Scottish} example",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "55--61",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper outlines the background to the introduction
+ of an electronic (non-print) publishing strand to an
+ undergraduate degree in publishing. The degree has
+ already successfully incorporated desktop publishing
+ throughout its editorial, production and marketing
+ strands. Desktop publishing had enabled fulfilment of a
+ primary educational aim of the course to integrate
+ theory and practice but challenges remain before the
+ commercial production of electronic (non-print)
+ publications can be undertaken by students with equal
+ facility.",
+ keywords = "Publishing, Teaching, Electronic publishing, Desktop
+ publishing, Non-print publishing, Simulation",
+ author = "Mary C. Dyson",
+ title = "The curriculum as hypertext",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "63--72",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "In this paper the interdisciplinary nature of
+ electronic publishing is addressed by raising two
+ issues relating to the content and structure of an
+ electronic publishing course. The first is whether it
+ is possible to agree upon a generic curriculum, based
+ on a set of headings or topics, which may be treated
+ quite differently by those in different disciplines
+ (e.g., typographers, computer scientists). The second
+ related issue is whether it is appropriate to set down
+ a single structure which puts topics under specific
+ headings, given the interdisciplinary nature of the
+ subject. A course on the theory of electronic
+ publishing given to typography students is used as an
+ example of the type of material that might be covered
+ and how it may be structured. A HyperCard has been
+ developed alongside part of this course. The way in
+ which this subject fits in with the course in
+ Typography \& Graphic Communication as a whole is
+ briefly described. It is proposed that hypertext
+ systems go some way towards providing students with
+ alternative structures for organizing their knowledge
+ of electronic publishing. This platform could therefore
+ be used as the basis for a core curriculum from which
+ various material is developed and structures created.",
+ keywords = "Hypertext, Electronic publishing, Curriculum, Document
+ preparation, Information retrieval",
+ author = "P. J. Brown and R. E. Jones",
+ title = "Marking {EP} coursework using electronic
+ communication",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "73--78",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper discusses experience of getting students
+ undertaking EP coursework to submit their work
+ electronically. This has a surprising number of
+ advantages, beyond the obvious saving of paper, though
+ there are disadvantages too.",
+ keywords = "Assessment, Coursework, Electronic publishing,
+ Hypertext, Test harness, Virus",
+ author = "Jacques Andr{\'e} and Roger D. Hersch",
+ title = "Teaching digital typography",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "79--89",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Digital typography is a very specialized field that
+ offers two widely different yet complementary aspects:
+ art and computer science. This paper presents Project
+ Didot, which is all about teaching digital typography.
+ While taking into account recent experience, the
+ authors explore some subjects that should be included
+ in a digital typography course and describe the various
+ trades it would be aimed at. This paper concentrates on
+ the computer science aspect and gives a basic
+ bibliography.",
+ keywords = "Digital typography, Curriculum, Tuition",
+ author = "H. Brown and I. A. Utting",
+ title = "Teaching electronic publishing to computer
+ scientists",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "91--96",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper discusses some of the issues involved in
+ teaching electronic publishing to undergraduates
+ specializing in computer science. It attempts to
+ identify the significant differences between a course
+ designed primarily for users and a course designed for
+ specialists who may also become future developers and
+ implementers.",
+ keywords = "Computer scientists, Electronic publishing,
+ Principles, Design",
+ author = "P. Hammersley",
+ title = "{EP}-odds and ends: {A} Curriculum in Electronic
+ Publishing",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "97--102",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Sat Jan 6 18:24:46 1996",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard K. Furuta",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "103--104",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Tue Mar 23 17:18:10 1993",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Charles K. Nicholas and Lawrence A. Welsch",
+ title = "On the interchangeability of {SGML} and {ODA}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "105--130",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri May 20 16:54:15 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "SGML and ODA are international standards for the
+ markup and interchange of electronic documents. These
+ standards are incompatible, in the sense that in
+ general a document encoded using SGML cannot be used
+ directly in an ODA-based system, and vice versa. We
+ first describe these two standards, and suggest
+ criteria under which a bridge between the two standards
+ could be evaluated. We then evaluate the Office
+ Document Language (ODL), an SGML application
+ specifically designed for ODA documents, with respect
+ to these criteria. We describe conditions under which
+ reliable automatic translation between SGML and ODA can
+ be achieved, and describe a translation program that
+ converts SGML documents to ODA and back.",
+ keywords = "SGML, ODA, ODL, Document interchange",
+ author = "Silvano Pozzi and Augusto Celentano and Luisa
+ Salemme",
+ title = "{ALIVE}: {A} distributed live-link documentation
+ system",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "131--142",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Tue Mar 23 17:18:10 1993",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper presents the {\bf ALIVE} project, which has
+ been developed at Italtel to provide the means for
+ automatic management of technical documentation. The
+ main goal of {\bf ALIVE} is to enable the user of a
+ technical publishing system to establish live-links
+ with data stored on remote databases. Live-links allow
+ for automatic update of a document with database
+ contents: whenever a modification occurs in the
+ database data referenced from the document text, the
+ document is updated accordingly. The {\bf ALIVE} user
+ interface has been implemented by exploiting the
+ functionality offered by the Interleaf\registered{}
+ technical publishing environment, providing the user
+ with a fully integrated environment. It allows the user
+ to browse through a description of the available
+ databases and to formulate queries related to data
+ stored in them by means of a menu-based interface. By
+ enriching technical publishing features with data
+ consistency controls in a uniform way, {\bf ALIVE}
+ moves towards the integrated desktop concept.",
+ keywords = "Desktop publishing, Hypertext links, Relational
+ databases, Network communication, User-friendly
+ interface",
+ author = "Frans C. Heeman",
+ title = "Granularity in Structured Documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "143--155",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Tue Mar 23 17:18:10 1993",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Structured documents have become a widely accepted
+ concept for document manipulation applications like
+ editing, formatting, and archiving. However, some
+ aspects of structured documents are still not well
+ understood. In particular, the transition in structured
+ documents from logical structure to contents, is a grey
+ area in which different systems use different
+ interpretations. In this article, we discuss this {\em
+ granularity\/} aspect of structured documents. We focus
+ on the underlying concepts of structured documents
+ without referring to any application, so that this
+ discussion is kept clear from aspects that are not
+ related to structured documents.",
+ keywords = "Structured documents, Granularity, Generic logical
+ structure, Grif, ODA, SGML",
+ author = "David W. Barron",
+ title = "Book Review: {Joan M. Smith and Robert Stutely, {\em
+ {SGML}: the user's guide to {ISO} 8879}}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "157",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 09:17:13 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard K. Furuta",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "161--162",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Tue Jun 15 11:33:37 1993",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Johny Srouji and Daniel Berry",
+ title = "{Arabic} formatting with {\tt ditroff/ffortid}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "163--208",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Sat Jan 06 18:25:34 1996",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper describes an Arabic formatting system that
+ is able for format multilingual scientific documents,
+ containing text in Arabic or Persian, as well as other
+ languages, plus pictures, graphs, formulae, tables,
+ bibliographical citations, and bibliographies. The
+ system is an extension of {\tt ditroff/ffortid} that is
+ already capable of handling Hebrew in the context of
+ multilingual scientific documents. {\tt
+ ditroff/ffortid} itself is a collection of pre- and
+ postprocessors for the UNIX {\tt ditroff} (Device
+ Independent Typesetter RunOFF) formatter. The new
+ system is built without changing {\tt ditroff} itself.
+ The extension consists of a new preprocessor, fonts,
+ and a modified existing postprocessor. The preprocessor
+ transliterates from a phonetic rendition of Arabic
+ using only the two cases of the Latin alphabet. The
+ preprocessor assigns a position, stand-alone,
+ connected-previous, connected-after, or connected-both,
+ to each letter. It recognizes ligatures and assigns
+ vertical positions from a standard Arabic keyboard
+ using the standard ASMO encoding. In any case, the
+ output has each positioned letter or ligature and each
+ diacritical mark encoded according to the font's
+ encoding scheme. The fonts are assumed to be designed
+ to connect letters that should be connected when they
+ are printed adjacent to each other. The postprocessor
+ is an enhancement of the {\tt ffortid} program that
+ arranges for right-to-left printing of identified
+ right-to-left fonts. The major enhancement is
+ stretching final letters of lines or words instead of
+ inserting extra inter-word spaces, in order to justify
+ the text. As a self-test, this paper was formatted
+ using the described system, and it contains many
+ examples of text written in Arabic, Hebrew, and
+ English.",
+ keywords = "Arabic, Bidirectional, Formatting, Multi-lingual,
+ Troff",
+ author = "Fred Cole and Heather Brown",
+ title = "{EP}-odds and ends: Editing structured
+ documents\emdash problems and solutions",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "209--216",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1992",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Sat May 11 10:16:31 1996",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Creating structured documents---where every document
+ element belongs to a class---has many well-known
+ advantages. Using generic document styles to define and
+ constrain the hierarchical relationships between the
+ different classes of element also has many advantages,
+ but causes significant problems in interactive editing.
+ The recent {\bf EP-odd} paper on Rita
+ \cite{Cowan:EPODD-4-3-125} provided new insights into
+ the possibilities and problems of editing structured
+ documents. This `EP-odds~and~ends' sketches some
+ additional problems and suggests alternative solutions
+ based on the idea of {\bf fall-back classes}.",
+ keywords = "Structured documents, Editing, Document classes",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard K. Furuta",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "1--2",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Ladislas Mandel",
+ title = "Developing an awareness of typographics letterforms",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "3--22",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper examines the r{\^o}le of letterforms as a
+ means of communication, starting with hand-set metal
+ type and mechanical typesetting in hot metal.
+ Present-day techniques of phototypesetting, and of
+ digital typesetting, via cathode-ray tube and laser
+ machines, are also discussed. Careful attention is paid
+ to the cultural impact of these techniques, with
+ particular reference to traditional French typefaces
+ which often have small x-height and very thin hairlines
+ (which can disappear at small point sizes). Reference
+ is also made to the impact of each of these modern
+ typesetting methods on both `informational' and
+ `cultural' texts. A strong argument is presented that a
+ nation's typefaces encapsulate its national spirit and
+ its culture. For this reason, it is regrettable that
+ the advent of laser-driven imaging devices has brought
+ with it an `anglicization' of many fonts, via an
+ increase in x-height, and a reluctance to countenance a
+ non-linear variation of letterforms and set-width with
+ point size \emdash{} a characteristic so crucial to the
+ readability of classic texts. A plea is made for the
+ rapidly developing computer technology to be deployed
+ in the interests of {\em quality\/} as well as {\em
+ quantity}. Modern techniques have all the advantages of
+ photographic sharpness but this must be harnessed to
+ the traditional subtleties of the original typeface
+ design if the intentions, and the cultural identity, of
+ the typeface designer are to be truly respected.",
+ keywords = "Typographic `writing', Functions, Technique,
+ Visibility, Legibility, Cultural identity",
+ author = "David Alex Lamb and Margaret Anne Lamb",
+ title = "Separation of concerns for indexing",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "23--34",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Separation of concerns is a fundamental principle for
+ managing conplex tasks. Previous tools for assisting in
+ generating back-of-the-book indexes do not apply this
+ principle as thoroughly as they might; in particular,
+ most confuse two issues: recording where references
+ occur in the main text, and deciding what terms should
+ appear in the index. This paper describes a general
+ facility for multi-level indexes that embodies this
+ principle, usable in any document formatter that can
+ produce a secondary output file recording page numbers
+ where references occur. {\LaTeX}, {\bf Scribe}, and
+ {\bf nroff}/{\bf troff} fall in this category.",
+ keywords = "Document preparation, Indexes",
+ author = "John L. Schnase and John J. Leggett and David L. Hicks
+ and Peter J. Nuernberg and J. Alfredo S{\'a}nchez",
+ title = "Design and Implementation of the {HB1} hyperbase
+ management system",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "35--63",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Hypermedia systems manage interconnected information
+ residing within a potentially wide range of data types,
+ including text, graphics, animations, and digitized
+ sound and images. Effective database support for
+ hypermedia-based computing environments is essential.
+ In order to be effective, this support must provide a
+ variety of capabilities that are not offered by the
+ current generation of database management systems. We
+ report on a prototypic system called HB1 that has been
+ designed to meet the storage needs of advanced
+ hypermedia system architectures. HB1 is referred to as
+ a hyperbase management system (HBMS) because it stores
+ and manipulates information and the connectivity data
+ that link information together to form hypermedia. HB1
+ is composed of three subsystems: the Object Manager
+ (OM), Association Set Manager (ASM), and Storage
+ Manager (SM). OM and ASM are both server processes
+ accessible to distributed client processes via IPC
+ interfaces. OM is an object server. ASM manages
+ structural data applicable to the objects within OM's
+ repository that are involved in hypermedia connections.
+ Physical storage is managed by SM which, in this
+ implementation, is a semantic network database
+ management system. HB1 instantiates a conceptual model
+ of hypermedia that is distinctly computational, has a
+ strong notion of anchor and link, and abstracts
+ information, behavior, and structure from hypermedia.
+ It has been used as a back-end for an open,
+ object-based hypermedia system that implements
+ distributed, inter-application linking. HB1 is proving
+ to be an effective vehicle for research on HBMS
+ organization.",
+ keywords = "Hyperbase management system, Hypermedia, Hypertext,
+ Open hypermedia system, Architecture, Inter-application
+ linking, Semantic object-oriented database management
+ system",
+ author = "David F. Brailsford and Richard K. Furuta",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "65--66",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Seung Woon Park and Seung Ryoul Maeng",
+ title = "Structure extraction and automatic hinting of
+ {Chinese} outline characters",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "67--91",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "In spite of a worldwide trend towards the use of
+ outline fonts for displays and for printing devices,
+ they are still not very common in the east Asian
+ countries where Chinese characters are used. The reason
+ for this is that the complex, structured shapes of
+ Chinese characters take a long time to design and
+ develop. Several systems have proposed automatic
+ generation of outline fonts from the original master
+ fonts. These systems have the serious problem of
+ quality degradation when rasterizing the font at small
+ point sizes, because they do not incorporate a hinting
+ mechanism to adjust the outlines under these
+ circumstances. In this paper, we present an
+ experimental study on a hinting mechanism specially
+ designed for Chinese-style characters. We propose a
+ scheme which automatically generates the hinted outline
+ data from the plain outline fonts. We have implemented
+ and experimented with four sets of Korean Myungjo
+ (Ming) and Gothic style fonts, and have obtained good
+ results with respect to font quality and development
+ time.",
+ keywords = "Automatic hinting, Font rasterization, Outline font,
+ Chinese character",
+ author = "Charles K. Nicholas and Linda H. Rosenberg",
+ title = "{Canto}: a hypertext data model",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "93--113",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Sat Jan 06 18:27:18 1996",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The Canto hypertext data model is characterized by a
+ hierarchical schema mechanism that allows a
+ predetermined, open-ended schema to be embedded in the
+ hyperdocument. Canto uses two types of nodes: concept
+ nodes, which provide organizational structure, and
+ information nodes, which contain text and other data.
+ The operations provided by the Canto Data Model are
+ defined formally using the Z specification language.
+ The Canto Schema Language gives the hypertext designer
+ access to these operations. We show that a hypertext
+ system developed with Canto was easier to use than an
+ otherwise similar system that did not employ a schema
+ mechanism. Several applications have been developed
+ using Canto. One such application, which we describe in
+ more detail, involves the use of Canto to teach
+ students the skill of program reading.",
+ keywords = "Hypertext data model, Hypertext schema, Hypertext
+ testing, Z specification",
+ author = "Jacques Andr{\'e} and Jakob Gonczarowski and Richard
+ Southall",
+ title = "Editorial: Special issue: {Proceedings of the Raster
+ Imaging and Digital Typography Conference}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "115--116",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This issue of {\em Electronic Publishing\/} contains
+ the papers presented during the third Raster Imaging
+ and Digital Typography conference, held at Darmstadt,
+ Germany, from 11 to 13 April 1994. Earlier conferences
+ in the series took place in 1989 at Lausanne,
+ Switzerland (organized by Roger D. Hersch, EPFL) and in
+ 1991 at Boston, Massachussets (organized by Robert A.
+ Morris, University of Massachussets at Boston). The
+ corresponding proceedings are published by Cambridge
+ University Press (see below). Digital typography is a
+ relatively new field: the first commercial
+ cathode-ray-tube photo\-composing machine appeared in
+ 1966. Since that time, the field has been growing very
+ fast, and is still active. During the RIDT'89
+ conference, emphasis was laid on the rasterisation of
+ outline characters and on rendering techniques. RIDT'91
+ concentrated more on digital halftoning and on
+ greyscale characters. However, both of these
+ conferences bore in mind that beyond the mathematics of
+ shapes and their rendering, printing types exist with
+ their own aesthetic rules. That is why the
+ presentations were made by a mix of technologists,
+ scientists and designers. The RIDT'94 programme
+ committee tried to attract a similar mix of papers when
+ this conference was launched. As expected, the fields
+ have moved on since the last conference, but we hope
+ that the selected papers adequately exhibit the present
+ state of the art in raster imaging and digital
+ typography. In the recent past, formal research in
+ digital typography has dealt with graphical algorithms,
+ such as the rendering of outline characters and the
+ generation of outline characters from bit-mapped
+ drawings, to name but two. Present research focuses on
+ models and methods for concise but precise font
+ description and modelling. That trend began in industry
+ with font interpolation programs and font systems such
+ as Adobe Systems' Multiple Master technology. This
+ research definitively belongs to computer science, with
+ keywords such as {\em object orientation}, {\em regular
+ expressions}, {\em string matching\/} and {\em shape
+ parameterization}. A look at related fields, such as
+ computer-aided design, shows that there still remains
+ plenty of mathematical research to be done in digital
+ typography. Mathematics is already used in CAD to
+ express aesthetic criteria, both at the local
+ (individual curves/surfaces) and the global level, for
+ ensuring overall appearance and design consistency.
+ \ldots{}.",
+ author = "Clyde D. {McQueen III} and Raymond G. Beausoleil",
+ title = "{Infinifont}: a parametric font generation system",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "117--132",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "We have developed a high-performance parametric font
+ generation system for the creation and commercial
+ supply of digital fonts, and in particular, for
+ generating a wide variety of digital typefaces using a
+ single compact representation of typographic knowledge
+ and characteristics. Typographic feature detail can be
+ added or removed, depending on the application. The
+ system does not rely on master outlines for
+ interpolation between or extrapolation from static
+ typefaces. Our current implementation of this
+ technology generates 50 Latin text characters per
+ second on a 25-MHz 80386 platform without the use of a
+ mathematics coprocessor.",
+ keywords = "Infinifont, Parametric, Font generation system",
+ author = "Martin J. D{\"u}rst",
+ title = "Coordinate-independent font description using {Kanji}
+ as an example",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "133--143",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Abstract, font-independent character descriptions are
+ important for a systematic approach to automated and
+ semi-automated font design. This is particularly so for
+ large character sets such as Kanji. The paper defines a
+ completely coordinate-independent notation for Kanji,
+ which contains all the necessary information to produce
+ legible character sketches.",
+ keywords = "Abstract character description, Coordinate-independent
+ font, Large fonts, Kanji, Prolog",
+ author = "Yannis Haralambous",
+ title = "Parametrization of {PostScript} fonts through
+ {\MF}\emdash an alternative to {Adobe Multiple Master
+ Fonts}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "145--157",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Tue Jan 12 08:17:44 1999",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "In this paper we present a new method of parametrizing
+ PostScript fonts in order to create font families. By
+ changing parameter values one can obtain different
+ weights, condensed or expanded versions, small caps as
+ well as optically scaled fonts. The tool used to
+ parametrize PostScript fonts is D.~E. Knuth's {\MF}
+ program. Instead of designing a font from scratch,
+ {\MF} is used as an extrapolator of existing PostScript
+ fonts: out of the information contained in them we
+ build a meta-font; for every choice of parameter
+ values, special versions of {\MF} allow us to return to
+ PostScript and produce a new PostScript font.",
+ keywords = "Font design, PostScript, {\MF}",
+ author = "Beat Stamm",
+ title = "Object-orientation and extensibility in a
+ font-scaler",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "159--170",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Today's font-scalers generate screenfonts with
+ acceptable quality on-the-fly from a generic font
+ representation. However, as closed systems they
+ discourage the integration of separate solutions to
+ different aspects of font-scaling. This paper
+ illustrates an {\em object-oriented approach\/} that
+ allows for both {\em contour and rendering
+ independence}. Refined solutions can be packaged
+ separately into intelligent contour and rendering
+ objects. The approach results in a {\em small and
+ efficient font-scaling system\/} that masters
+ complexity by concept rather than industriousness.",
+ keywords = "Font representation, Medium and low-resolution
+ font-scaling, Object-orientation, Contour and rendering
+ independence",
+ author = "Fiaz Hussain and Michael L. V. Pitteway",
+ title = "Rasterizing the outlines of fonts",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "171--181",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Two mathematical descriptions of outlines which have
+ found acceptability and widespread usage are the
+ B{\'e}zier cubic and the general conic forms (which
+ include the distinctive parabolic format). Though there
+ are good reasons for employing just the general conic,
+ PostScript characterises fonts in terms of splines
+ based on four-point B{\'e}zier cubics. In order to
+ improve the efficiency with which these PostScript
+ fonts can be rendered, the equation of the B{\'e}zier
+ cubic is here reduced to the non-parametric form
+ required to exploit an efficient cubic tracking
+ algorithm first presented in 1968. Although successful
+ in most cases, the occasional breakdowns are both
+ spectacular and disastrous. The cause of the problem is
+ analysed, and possible solutions suggested.",
+ keywords = "Algorithm, B\'ezier, Conic, Fonts, Rasterize, Spline",
+ author = "R. Victor Klassen",
+ title = "Variable width splines: a possible font
+ representation?",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "183--194",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Many fonts derive from stroke-based ancestry. Pressure
+ applied to the pen or brush provided some variation in
+ the stroke width, which defined a region on each side
+ of a centreline. A simple representation of fonts as
+ variable width strokes is presented in this paper.
+ Advantages include a good first step toward typographic
+ scaling (stroke width scales independently of overall
+ scale factor), and preservation of topology at low
+ resolutions (minimum stroke width can be enforced). A
+ chief disadvantage is the lack of experience designing
+ fonts in this paradigm, or building routines to convert
+ from other paradigms.",
+ keywords = "Strokes, Scaling, Typography, Offset curves, Variable
+ width splines",
+ author = "Koichi Itoh and Yoshio Ohno",
+ title = "A curve fitting algorithm for character fonts",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "195",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper presents an algorithm that automatically
+ generates outline fonts from a grey-level image of a
+ character obtained by a scanner. Our algorithm begins
+ by extracting contour points from the image and
+ dividing the points into a number of segments at the
+ corner points. The next step is fitting a piecewise
+ cubic B\'ezier curve to each segment. To fit cubic
+ B\'ezier curves to segments, we use least-squares
+ fitting, without fixing the end points of the curves.
+ We locate the end points by computing the intersection
+ of the adjoining curves. This algorithm greatly
+ improves the shape of the corner of the outline
+ fonts.",
+ keywords = "Curve fitting algorithm, Grey-level characters, Kanji
+ characters",
+ author = "Thomas Scheermesser and Olof Bryngdahl",
+ title = "Digital Halftoning with texture control",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "207--212",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Depending on the characteristics of the output device
+ and the specific application, various expectations from
+ halftoned images exist. Good reproduction of average
+ grey values is usually demanded from images intended
+ for visual perception. Because textures can drastically
+ influence the appearance of a binary image, it is
+ desirable to control their occurrence. In this paper we
+ present a spectral approach to this problem, and an
+ algorithm which is able to control the occurrence of
+ specific textures as well as ensuring good
+ continuous-tone reproduction.",
+ keywords = "Halftoning, Texture, Fourier spectrum",
+ author = "Thomas Zeggel and Olof Bryngdahl",
+ title = "Error diffusion on an adaptive raster",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "213--218",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The principles of a new halftoning algorithm are
+ presented. The idea is to use error diffusion not on a
+ fixed raster, but to adapt the raster to the properties
+ of the original continuous-tone image, e.g., the local
+ intensity. Examples show the advantages of this
+ approach.",
+ keywords = "Halftoning, Error diffusion",
+ author = "Beat Stamm",
+ title = "Dynamic regularisation of intelligent outline fonts",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "219--230",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper introduces a novel way to perform dynamic
+ regularisation of outline fonts. In the proposed font
+ representation, the characters are decomposed into the
+ components {\em glyph}, {\em contour}, {\em knot}, and
+ {\em number}. These components are scaled and mostly
+ {\em rounded before they are assembled}. Together with
+ {\em adroitly-defined B\'{e}zier curves}, this implies
+ regularisation of the outlines without explicit
+ grid-fitting, instructions, or hints. As a result, a
+ single font representation permits font-scaling at
+ increasing levels of detail, along with increasing type
+ size and resolution.",
+ keywords = "Font representation, Dynamic regularisation, Medium
+ and low-resolution font-scaling",
+ author = "Mary C. Dyson",
+ title = "Improving discrimination of symbols for display at low
+ resolution",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "231--239",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This research draws attention to the fact that the
+ issues involved in rendering characters on screen at
+ low resolution are as relevant to symbols or icons as
+ they are to letterforms. The results of research aimed
+ at improving the perceptibility of letterforms on
+ screen are used to develop a set of modifications that
+ can be applied to symbols that have been scanned from
+ an original design on paper. These modifications are
+ implemented in two stages: rule-based modifications,
+ followed by individual pixel editing. The effectiveness
+ of these modifications in improving the
+ discriminability of symbols varying in graphic
+ complexity is evaluated by a perceptual experiment
+ which compares the unmodified versions with the two
+ modified versions. Subjective judgements of each of the
+ versions are also obtained. The results suggest that
+ these modifications can improve the discrimination of
+ symbols on screen. However, the graphic complexity of
+ symbols affects the type and extent of modifications
+ that can be made. This factor must therefore be
+ considered in any development of automatic instructions
+ for the rendering of symbols at low resolution.",
+ keywords = "Symbols, Perception, Screen, Hinting",
+ author = "Rudi W. De Lange and Hendry L. Esterhuizen and Derek
+ Beatty",
+ title = "Performance differences between {Times} and
+ {Helvetica} in a reading task",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "241--248",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Sat Jan 06 18:28:52 1996",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Typographers and printers often regard seriffed or
+ roman typefaces as more legible and appropriate for
+ reading material than typefaces without serifs. Authors
+ contend that readers prefer roman above sans serif,
+ that it is read faster, and that the comprehension rate
+ is possibly higher when text is set in a roman
+ typeface. The absence of satisfactory empirical data to
+ prove these assumptions, and the importance of
+ legibility in academic reading material, motivated this
+ study. The aim of the study was to determine the
+ comparative legibility of sans serif and roman
+ typefaces. Four hundred and fifty primary school
+ subjects from nine different schools were used in a
+ control group pre-test, post-test research design where
+ four different experiments were completed. Romans and
+ sans serifs were found to be equally legible, as no
+ significant statistical difference was found between
+ the reading speed, scanning speed, accuracy and
+ comprehension at the 0.05 level. These results are in
+ contrast to the assumption that romans are more legible
+ than sans serifs. They can be interpreted as promising
+ for graphic designers and typographers, as it appears
+ that legibility will not necessarily be sacrificed when
+ certain reading material is set in a sans serif
+ typeface.",
+ keywords = "Legibility, Sans serif typeface, Roman typeface,
+ Reading task, Times Roman, Helvetica",
+ author = "Abdel Wahab Zramdini and Rolf Ingold",
+ title = "Optical font recognition from projection profiles",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "249--260",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper presents a statistical approach for font
+ attribute recognition based on features extracted from
+ projection profiles of text lines and using a Bayesian
+ classifier. The presented features allow the
+ discrimination of the font weight, slope and size.",
+ keywords = "Font recognition, Projection profiles, Discrimination
+ power, Bayesian classifier",
+ author = "Jacky Herz and Roger D. Hersch",
+ title = "Analysing character shapes by string matching
+ techniques",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "261--272",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Preliminary attempts at automatic analysis and
+ synthesis of typographic shapes are described. String
+ matching techniques are used to recover implicit
+ relationships between character parts. A knowledge base
+ describing local character shape parts is created and
+ is used in order to propagate local shape modifications
+ across different characters.",
+ keywords = "Digital typography, Shape analysis, String matching,
+ Shape similarities, Implicit design intentions",
+ author = "Ren{\'e} Sennhauser",
+ title = "Improving the recognition accuracy of text recognition
+ systems using typographical constraints",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "273--282",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Sat Feb 24 08:59:27 1996",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Spelling correction techniques can be used to improve
+ the recognition accuracy of text recognition systems.
+ In this paper a new spelling-error model is proposed
+ that is especially suited to the correction of
+ recognition errors occurring during the recognition of
+ printed documents. An implementation of this model is
+ described that exploits typographical constraints
+ derived from character shapes. In particular, the fact
+ is used that vertical strokes in character images are
+ seldom misrecognised. Experimental results show: (1)
+ that the sizes of candidate word sets are substantially
+ reduced; and (2) that the probability that the wrong
+ candidate word is chosen is reduced by an average
+ factor of approximately 2 when compared to spelling
+ correction techniques without the use of typographical
+ constraints.",
+ keywords = "Text recognition, Recognition accuracy, Spelling
+ correction, Typographical constraints, Stem matching,
+ Typographical distance measure",
+ author = "Hermann Zapf",
+ title = "About micro-typography and the {\em hz\/}-program",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "283--288",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Desktop publishing has changed the production of books
+ in recent years. For the first time the author has the
+ possibility of preparing and influencing the design of
+ his text. A publisher will not always be happy about
+ this, especially if the author does not want to follow
+ the strict rules of the publishing house which it may
+ have \ldots{}.",
+ keywords = "Micro-typography, {\em hz\/}-program",
+ author = "Charles Bigelow and Kris Holmes",
+ title = "The design of a {Unicode} font",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "289--305",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The international scope of computing, digital
+ information interchange, and electronic publishing has
+ created a need for world-wide character encoding
+ standards. Unicode is a comprehensive standard designed
+ to meet such a need. To be readable by humans,
+ character codes require fonts that provide visual
+ images\,---\,glyphs\,---\,corresponding to the codes.
+ The design of a font developed to provide a portion of
+ the Unicode standard is described and discussed.",
+ keywords = "Unicode, International character standard, Type
+ design, Lucida",
+ author = "Jacques Andr{\'e} and Richard Southall",
+ title = "Colophon",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "307--308",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Aug 26 09:57:08 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Vincent Quint and Christoph H{\"u}ser and Wiebke
+ M{\"o}hr",
+ title = "Editorial: Special issue: {Proceedings of EP'94, the
+ Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation, and
+ Typography Conference}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "313--314",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Tue Jun 7 18:36:23 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Michael J. Groves and David F. Brailsford",
+ title = "Separate compilation of structured documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "315--326",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper draws a parallel between document
+ preparation and the traditional processes of
+ compilation and link editing for computer programs. A
+ block-based document model is described which allows
+ for separate compilation of various portions of a
+ document. These portions are brought together and
+ merged by a linker program, called {\tt dlink}, whose
+ pilot implementation is based on {\tt ditroff} and on
+ its underlying intermediate code. In the light of
+ experiences with {\tt dlink} the requirements for a
+ universal `object-module language' for documents are
+ discussed. These requirements often resemble the
+ characteristics of the intermediate codes used by
+ programming-language compilers but with interesting
+ extra constraints which arise from the way documents
+ are `executed'.",
+ keywords = "Link editing, Separate compilation, Structured
+ documents, Formatting, Troff, PDF",
+ author = "C{\'e}cile Roisin and Ir{\`e}ne Vatton",
+ title = "Merging logical and physical structures in documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "327--337",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Although it is well established that structured
+ documents and generic models bring benefits to
+ applications involving documents, integrating these
+ document models in the formatting process of
+ interactive editors is still an open problem. In this
+ paper, the problem of laying out and formatting
+ structured documents is investigated, taking into
+ account the DSSSL standard. One key point of this model
+ is the possibility of expressing the logical structure
+ of documents independently from their graphical aspect.
+ However, this approach induces a more complex
+ formatting process, as two independent structures have
+ to be merged. This discussion is illustrated by our
+ experience of dynamic formatting in the Grif editor.",
+ keywords = "Structured documents, Interactive editing, Formatting
+ process",
+ author = "David M. Levy",
+ title = "Document reuse and document systems",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "339--348",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "While reuse is currently the focus of much attention
+ in the programming language community, it is also a
+ central, but less noticed, issue in the creation and
+ use of documents, and therefore in the design of
+ document systems. To a great extent, the work of
+ producing new documents, and new versions of old
+ documents, involves reusing pieces of previously
+ existing documents, where reuse involves finding the
+ relevant material, modifying it as needed, and
+ stitching the pieces together. The objective of this
+ paper is to demonstrate how a focus on reuse can shed
+ light on current efforts to build structured document
+ systems and to design and use standards, such as SGML,
+ ODA, and OLE, that address structured and compound
+ documents.",
+ keywords = "Reuse, Structured documents, Compound documents,
+ Document standards, ODA, SGML, OLE",
+ author = "Robert A. Morris and Edward M. Blachman and Charles
+ Meyer",
+ title = "A constraint-based editor for linguistic scholars",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "349--360",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "A constraint-based interactive structure editor for
+ use by linguists is described. Multiple, inter-related
+ constraint sets are supported. A novel search mechanism
+ is introduced which modifies itself locally dependent
+ on document structure as the search progresses.",
+ keywords = "Constraint-based, Corpus linguistics, Markup, SGML,
+ ICE, Text Encoding Initiative",
+ author = "An Feng and Toshiro Wakayama",
+ title = "{SIMON}: {A} grammar-based transformation system for
+ structured documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "361--372",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "SIMON is a grammar-based transformation system for
+ restructuring documents. Its target applications
+ include meta-level specification of document assembly,
+ view definition and retrieval for multiview documents,
+ and document type evolution. The internal document
+ model is based on attribute grammars, and it interfaces
+ with external document models such as SGML through
+ input and output conversion. The transformation engine
+ of SIMON is an amalgamation of syntax-directed
+ computation and content-oriented computation: the
+ former is through higher-order (and related) extensions
+ of attribute grammars whereas the latter is done by
+ externally defined programs and it is for computation
+ not naturally amenable to the syntax-directed paradigm.
+ The current implementation of SIMON employs the
+ higher-order extension proposed in \cite{Vogt-89} for
+ the syntax-directed computation, and C++ for the
+ content-oriented computation.",
+ keywords = "Structured documents, Document transformation,
+ Document type evolution, Document assembly, Multiview
+ documents, Attribute grammars",
+ author = "Eila Kuikka and Martti Penttonen",
+ title = "Transformation of structured documents with the use of
+ grammar",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "373--383",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "In structured text processing systems the need for
+ transformation of document instances is obvious if the
+ structure definition of the document type changes. This
+ article presents a transformation method with the use
+ of an extended syntax-directed translation schema and
+ its implementation to certain modifications in a
+ syntax-directed document processing system created by
+ the authors. The method uses grammars to define both
+ the structure of documents and transformation between
+ structures.",
+ keywords = "Type transformations, Structured documents,
+ Syntax-directed translation schema",
+ author = "Dennis S. Arnon",
+ title = "{Scrimshaw}: {A} language for document queries and
+ transformations",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "385--396",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "We present a new language for tree pattern matching
+ and transformation called Scrimshaw. It extends to
+ trees the familiar notions of regular expressions,
+ pattern matching, and pattern replacement for strings.
+ As we show by examples, it serves well as both a
+ structured document query language and as a language
+ for expressing document transformations. Scrimshaw has
+ been implemented in a C-like language and is in ongoing
+ use.",
+ keywords = "Tree pattern matching, Document query languages,
+ Document conversion, SGML",
+ author = "Robert Erfle",
+ title = "Specification of temporal constraints in multimedia
+ documents using {HyTime}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "397--411",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Multimedia documents also include time dependent media
+ like audio and video. In contrast to traditional text
+ documents temporal constraints have to be determined
+ that tell a presentation application when and for how
+ long certain parts of the document have to be
+ presented. The paper shows how temporal constraints may
+ be specified with HyTime. An analysis of different
+ approaches covering the specification of temporal
+ constraints resulted in a catalogue of relevant issues.
+ They are explained in the context of an abstract
+ document model. Then it is shown how each issue may be
+ specified with HyTime introducing and explaining all
+ necessary constructs and principles. Several HyTime
+ encoded example scenarios illustrate the actual usage
+ of HyTime building blocks.",
+ keywords = "Multimedia, Structured documents, HyTime, SGML, MHEG",
+ author = "Klaus S{\"u}llow and Ingrid Gabel-Becker and Marlies
+ Ockenfeld and Wolfgang Putz and Gisela Roth",
+ title = "{MultiMedia Forum}: an interactive online journal",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "413--422",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The MultiMedia Forum (MMF) is an all digital journal
+ supporting the information types text, image, audio,
+ and video. All editing and reading of the MMF is taking
+ place via online access to a central database
+ containing SGML documents, which are connected by
+ hyperlinks enabling the creation of issues by
+ clustering information. The MMF is used as an in-house
+ journal at the Integrated Publication and Information
+ Systems Institute (IPSI) and thus serves as the basis
+ of a field experiment furnishing results based on
+ practical experience.",
+ keywords = "Online publishing, In-house journal, SGML, Multimedia
+ editing, Field test",
+ author = "Koichi Hayashi and Akifumi Sekijima",
+ title = "Mediating interface between hypertext and structured
+ documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "423--434",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "In this paper we describe a unified document model for
+ an authoring system that takes advantage of both
+ hypertext and structured document models: hypertext,
+ which represents a document as a network of information
+ fragments freely referencing one another, helps users
+ create ideas; and structured document models, which
+ represent a document as a rigid tree structure of
+ document components, help users organize documents and
+ make layouts. Our document model comprises the
+ underlying structure and the surface: the underlying
+ structure is a network structure; and the surface is an
+ interface providing a view of the underlying structure.
+ The key features of our document model are: (1) the
+ surface defines tree structures as marked parts of the
+ underlying structure, and maintains consistency between
+ the network and tree structures; (2) the surface
+ monitors users' walks in the underlying network and
+ marks the trails to define tree structures; and (3) the
+ defined tree structures work as structured documents.
+ Nelumbo, a prototype system, integrates different types
+ of editors that handle features of hypertext and
+ structured documents. Users can choose any of the tools
+ at will, and editing with the tools affects the
+ underlying structure consistently.",
+ keywords = "Hypertext, Structured documents, Authoring system,
+ Writing process model, Document model, History tree,
+ Multi-level formatting",
+ author = "Abdel Bela{\"\i}d and Julian C. Anigbogu and Yannich
+ Chenevoy",
+ title = "Qualitative analysis of low-level logical structures",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "435--446",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper presents a qualitative approach to logical
+ structure recognition of library references. The system
+ is driven by a generic model of a reference class and
+ by an {\sc ocr} flow, given in {\sc sgml} format, that
+ include {\sc ascii} code of the characters and
+ information about the typographic style and the lexical
+ affiliation of words. The approach used is based on
+ hypotheses production and verification about the
+ existence of sub-field limits in the reference area. At
+ each step of the analysis, the generated hypotheses are
+ sorted on the basis of their confidence scores and the
+ most likely hypothesis is analyzed. The result is a
+ structured flow containing, in {\sc unimarc} format,
+ the list of different sub-fields recognized,
+ accompanied with their confidence score.",
+ keywords = "Document analysis, Low-level logical structure,
+ Qualitative analysis, ODA formalism, Library
+ reference",
+ author = "Peter Fankhauser and Yi Xu",
+ title = "{\em {MarkItUp}!\/} An incremental approach to
+ document structure recognition",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "447--456",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Sat Aug 27 10:40:29 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper presents {\sl MarkItUp!}, a system to
+ recognize the structure of untagged electronic
+ documents which contain sub--documents with similar
+ format. For these kinds of documents manual structure
+ recognition is a highly repetitive task. On the other
+ hand, the specification of recognition grammars
+ requires significant intellectual effort. Our approach
+ uses manually structured examples to incrementally
+ generate recognition grammars by means of techniques
+ for learning by example. Users can structure example
+ portions of a document by inserting mark--ups. {\em
+ MarkItUp!\/} then abstracts and unifies the structure
+ of the examples. On this basis it tries to structure
+ another example with similar format. Users can correct
+ or accept the produced structure. With every accepted
+ example thereby a grammar is acquired and gradually
+ refined, which can be used to successfully structure
+ the other portions of the document.",
+ keywords = "Document structure recognition, Learning by example,
+ Structure unification, SGML",
+ author = "Tao Hu and Rolf Ingold",
+ title = "A mixed approach toward an efficient logical structure
+ recognition from document images",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "457--468",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper presents our efforts to improve the
+ efficiency of a document structure analysis system,
+ which intends to analyse the complete logical structure
+ of a document. The usage of fuzzy logic improves the
+ system robustness; however, the problem of system
+ efficiency was revealed to be critical. Different
+ techniques have been studied to overcome this problem.
+ Dynamic programming, heuristics, and dynamic threshold
+ are used for parsing, which achieves a linear
+ complexity. A new concept of key step, based on the
+ principle of sub-goals, is incorporated with a
+ multi-pass and mixed top-down analysis strategy, which
+ avoids the combinatorial explosion of the number of
+ search paths. Finally, the paper shows that the
+ error-tolerating parser based on an analysis graph
+ seems more realistic and efficient than an
+ error-correcting parser.",
+ keywords = "Document structure analysis, Logical structure
+ recognition, System architecture, Fuzzy logic, Top-down
+ analysis, Analysis strategy, Dynamic programming,
+ Heuristics, Error-tolerating parser",
+ author = "Karl Aberer and Klemens B{\"o}hm and Christoph
+ H{\"u}ser",
+ title = "The prospects of publishing using advanced database
+ concepts",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "469--480",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Publishing is a distributed process which is
+ characterized by the cooperation of different experts.
+ The approach of the Integrated Publication and
+ Information Systems Institute (IPSI) in supporting
+ electronic publishing is to build an integrated
+ publication environment. The publication of electronic
+ documents demands enhanced support from publishing
+ tools and imposes new challenges on database
+ technology. Taking a hypermedia reference publication
+ as an example, requirements on database technology for
+ the production of electronic publications are
+ discussed. Those can be met by using an object-oriented
+ database management system like VODAK\@. We present an
+ efficient, flexible and application-independent
+ database application for structured document handling
+ (D-STREAT). Our focus is on dynamic Document Type
+ Definition management.",
+ keywords = "SGML, Object-oriented database systems, Structured
+ document storage, Document type definition handling",
+ author = "Philip N. Smith and David F. Brailsford and David R.
+ Evans and Leon Harrison and Steve G. Probets and Peter
+ E. Sutton",
+ title = "Journal publishing with {Acrobat}: the {CAJUN}
+ project",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "481--493",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The publication of material in `electronic form'
+ should ideally preserve, in a unified document
+ representation, all of the richness of the printed
+ document while maintaining enough of its underlying
+ structure to enable searching and other forms of
+ semantic processing. Until recently it has been hard to
+ find a document representation which combined these
+ attributes and which also stood some chance of becoming
+ a {\em de facto\/} multi-platform standard. This paper
+ sets out experience gained within the Electronic
+ Publishing Research Group at the University of
+ Nottingham in using Adobe Acrobat software and its
+ underlying PDF (Portable Document Format) notation. The
+ CAJUN project began in 1993 and has used Acrobat
+ software to produce electronic versions of journal
+ papers for network and CD-ROM dissemination. The paper
+ describes the project's progress so far and also gives
+ a brief assessment of PDF's suitability as a universal
+ document interchange standard.",
+ keywords = "Acrobat, PostScript, CD-ROM, Networks, Archiving,
+ Automatic linking",
+ author = "Lothar Rostek and Wiebke M{\"o}hr and Dietrich H.
+ Fischer",
+ title = "Weaving a web: the structure and creation of an object
+ network representing an electronic reference work",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "495--505",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "For the improvement of large-scale electronic
+ publications, such as encyclopaedic reference works, we
+ propose an object-oriented document model that in
+ addition to the SGML-structured text corpus represents
+ other access structures, in particular a fine-grained,
+ highly structured, tightly interconnected network of
+ domain-specific objects and facts. The paper presents
+ strategies and tools for efficient acquisition of the
+ desired object network into an Editor's Workbench. The
+ application context is the {\it Dictionary of Art}, to
+ be published as a print edition by Macmillan Publishers
+ Ltd.\ in 1996.",
+ keywords = "Object-oriented document model, Hypermedia
+ publication, Knowledge acquisition, Object network",
+ author = "Miguel Filgueiras and Jos{\'e} Paulo Leal",
+ title = "Representation and manipulation of music documents in
+ {\SceX}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "507",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jun 2 10:04:26 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "We present the ideas underlying \SceX, a music
+ typesetting system that we are developing at the
+ University of Porto. The focus is on the languages used
+ for representing music documents and on the graphic
+ editor that provides a means for their preparation.",
+ keywords = "Music typesetting, Music symbolic notation, Music
+ graphic editors",
+ author = "Christoph H{\"u}ser and Wiebke M{\"o}hr",
+ title = "Colophon",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "6",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "519--520",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1993",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Sat Jun 4 17:16:01 1994",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Richard K. Furuta and David F. Brailsford",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "1--2",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 07:56:18 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Reinhard Wonneberger",
+ title = "{\TeX} in an industrial environment",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "3--19",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 07:56:18 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "During its first decade, {\TeX} has been at home
+ mainly in the academic world. Therefore it comes as a
+ surprise to find that it has been spreading into
+ industry during the last few years, and we try to
+ outline some highlights of this development first. Then
+ criteria for an industrial environment application area
+ and reasons for using the structured document
+ processing approach are discussed. It is shown what
+ r{\^{o}}le {\TeX} can play in an integrated document
+ processing environment, and this r{\^{o}}le is
+ exemplified by a case study from application at EDS.",
+ keywords = "{\TeX}, {\LaTeX}, SGML, Computer services industry,
+ Structured document processing",
+ author = "H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Richy",
+ title = "A hypertext electronic index based on the {Grif}
+ structured editor",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "21--34",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 07:56:18 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This paper presents an electronic index service that
+ was developed in the Grif editor by taking advantage of
+ the hypertext facilities available in the system. Grif
+ is a structured document editor based on the generic
+ structure concept that supports both hierarchical
+ structures and non-hierarchical links. The active
+ cross-reference within the Grif index makes activation
+ and browsing through indexing more powerful than in
+ other systems: the index tables, helpful as a medium
+ for supporting search by keywords in paper documents,
+ support browsing in electronic documents. These indexes
+ are easy to use as they are displayed in the same form
+ as indexes in a paper document.",
+ keywords = "Grif, Hypertext, Index, Structured document",
+ author = "A. Hatzimanikatis and I. Gaviotis and D.
+ Christodoulakis",
+ title = "{Distributed Documents}: an architecture for open
+ distributed hypertext",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "35--48",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 07:56:18 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "A conceptual design for our architecture centered
+ around the entities of a hypermedia node, link, anchor
+ and document is initially presented. Each entity has a
+ well-defined interface so that the respective instances
+ can cooperate despite the number of different media
+ types. Virtual documents are created as views on other
+ documents borrowing from their content and customizing
+ their behavior during navigation and editing. The
+ system functionality is provided by hypertext document
+ objects, acting as providers of hypermedia services.
+ There are store and display services which are
+ accessible and consumable by the local and remote
+ clients spanning the operating systems and workstation
+ boundaries. Due to the object-based approach taken at
+ design and implementation, the incorporation of new
+ types of services (general and media specific) is
+ straightforward and integrates smoothly with the rest
+ of the system.",
+ keywords = "Hypermedia systems, Hypermedia services, Distributed
+ systems, Open architectures",
+ author = "David W. Barron",
+ title = "Book Review: {Michael R. Gabriel, {\em A Guide to the
+ Literature of Electronic Publishing: CD-ROM, Desktop
+ Publishing, and Electronic Mail, Books and Journals}}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "49--49",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 07:56:18 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Adrian Pickering",
+ title = "Book Review: {Antoni Diller, {\em {\LaTeX} Line by
+ Line, Tips and Techniques for Document Processing}}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "51--52",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 07:56:18 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "",
+ keywords = "",
+ author = "Vincent Quint",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "53--54",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 07:56:18 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "",
+ keywords = "",
+ author = "Vincent Quint and Ir{\`{e}}ne Vatton",
+ title = "Making structured documents active",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "55--74",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 07:56:18 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Active documents result from a combination of some
+ specific features in documents and some mechanisms in a
+ document manipulation system. In this paper we present
+ the possibilities offered by a structured model of
+ documents and a structured editor for making active
+ documents. Several application are described
+ (annotations, electronic indexes, cooperative editing,
+ documents as user interfaces, etc.) which show how a
+ document's logical structure may be exploited for
+ developing a variety of active document applications.",
+ keywords = "Active documents, Structured documents, Editors, User
+ interfaces, Grif",
+ author = "Paul M. English and Raman Tenneti",
+ title = "{Interleaf} active documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "75--87",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 07:56:18 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "A commercial structured document processing system has
+ been built with an extensible object system. This
+ system is an excellent platform for the design,
+ implementation, and delivery of active documents.
+ Examples are discussed.",
+ keywords = "Active documents, Document-based applications, User
+ interfaces, Document-object systems, Lisp",
+ author = "Anja Haake and Christoph H{\"{u}}ser and Klaus
+ Reichenberger",
+ title = "The {Individualized Electronic Newspaper}: an example
+ of electronic publication",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "2",
+ pages = "89--111",
+ month = jun,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 07:56:18 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "During the last four years the PaVE department at
+ GMD-IPSI experimented with the Individualized
+ Electronic Newspaper, an active publication that is
+ individualized and composed on demand for a reader, and
+ then delivered electronically. This work concentrated
+ on the user interface design for active electronic
+ publications and, in particular, on the investigation
+ of publishing systems architectures supporting the
+ preparation and production of active electronic
+ publications. The paper introduces two alternative
+ interfaces for an electronic publication showing the
+ potential of the electronic medium for publication
+ design. The main part of the paper presents our
+ approach to making such publications possible: a
+ combination of structured documents and knowledge-based
+ techniques based on a sound publishing model. This
+ approach guided the design of an integrated publication
+ environment for the preparation and production of
+ active documents.",
+ keywords = "Interface design, Structured documents, Publishing
+ models, Publishing architectures",
+ author = "Wendy Hall",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "113--115",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 07:56:18 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "",
+ keywords = "",
+ author = "Leon Harrison",
+ title = "A review of multimedia technology and dissemination
+ systems",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "117--146",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 07:56:18 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The connotations of `publishing' are undergoing rapid
+ change as technology itself changes. Placing marks on
+ paper (by whatever means), and distributing the result,
+ are perhaps the first thoughts that the word evokes but
+ nowadays it encompasses an ever-widening range of
+ preparation, presentation and dissemination methods.
+ Video sources, animation, still images and sound
+ samples are now available as methods of imparting
+ knowledge---and all of these are increasingly reliant
+ on technology-dependent delivery systems. The end-user
+ of information contained in such electronic
+ publications has expectations of the delivery and
+ display mechanisms which have been shaped, in the main,
+ by exposure to the broadcast media, whose centrally
+ funded resources are capable of exploiting
+ high-technology solutions. In trying to emulate similar
+ delivery systems at a personal level, the electronic
+ publisher needs to have a general awareness of what
+ present-day technologies can achieve, together with an
+ appreciation of cost and practical issues. This paper
+ gives a brief survey of these newer technologies as
+ seen from today's perspective.",
+ keywords = "Multimedia, Electronic publishing, Delivery systems,
+ Standards",
+ author = "A. F. Clark and S. L. Cheah and T. K. Tan",
+ title = "Hypertext and multimedia enhancements to the {\TeX}
+ system",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "147--161",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 07:56:18 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Enhancements have been made to the {\TeX} system to
+ support hypertext and multimedia facilities. A special
+ previewer, \verb=hdvi=, has been developed to give
+ access to these facilities. Using {\TeX}'s
+ \verb=\special= mechanism, the previewer displays
+ images, line graphics, audio, and video, as well as
+ supporting hypertext; it also permits limited
+ interaction with the underlying operating system. A
+ {\LaTeX} style file has been devised to provide access
+ to all these features. Some user feedback with the
+ system is described and the effectiveness of the
+ general approach is discussed.",
+ keywords = "Hypertext, Multimedia, {\TeX}",
+ author = "L. A. Carr and D. W. Barron and H. C. Davis and W.
+ Hall",
+ title = "Why use {HyTime}?",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "163--178",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 07:56:18 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language
+ (HyTime) is a recently adopted International Standard
+ (ISO/IEC 10744:1992). The paper presents the need and
+ potential for HyTime, provides a brief explanation of
+ its various facilities and shows how it may be applied
+ to good effect in various situations, with particular
+ reference to hypertext interchange from Microcosm (an
+ open hypertext system). It then goes on to explore
+ several alternatives to HyTime and compare their
+ relative strengths and weaknesses.",
+ author = "Antoine Rizk and Francis Malezieux and Alain Leger",
+ title = "Using the {MHEG} standard in the hypermedia system
+ {Multicard}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "179--193",
+ month = sep,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Mar 10 07:56:18 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The MHEG standard will define a coded representation
+ of multimedia and hypermedia information objects so as
+ to facilitate exchange of hypermedia applications over
+ various platforms. This standard has been developed
+ entirely independently of existing architectures such
+ as Dexter and `Dexter like' systems such as Multicard,
+ KMS[1], etc. In order for the MHEG standard to succeed,
+ it is important that existing hypermedia systems and
+ applications can be rendered MHEG compatible, rather
+ than those applications having to be rewritten using
+ new MHEG engines. This paper provides a case study of
+ how the MHEG standard could be adopted in one such
+ hypermedia system, namely Multicard. The aim is to
+ highlight the similarities and differences of the MHEG
+ standard and Multicard and to provide an idea of the
+ work required in order for such a system to read MHEG
+ compatible streams. The paper starts with a brief
+ description of the Multicard system, the Dexter model
+ and the MHEG standard.",
+ keywords = "MHEG, Multicard, Hypermedia",
+ author = "Roger D. Hersch",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "195--196",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Yannis Haralambous",
+ title = "Typesetting {Khmer}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "197--215",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "Because of the complexity of Khmer script, up to now
+ there has been neither a typesetting system nor
+ standard encoding for the Khmer language. Presented in
+ this paper are: (a) a complete typesetting system for
+ Khmer based on {\TeX}, {\MF} and an ANSI~C
+ preprocessor, as well as (b) a proposal for an 8-bit
+ encoding table for Khmer information interchange.
+ Problems of phonic input, subscript and superscript
+ positioning, collating order, spelling reforms and
+ hyphenation are solved, and their solutions described.
+ Finally an alternative solution using~16-bit output
+ font tables is briefly sketched.",
+ keywords = "Khmer, {\TeX}, {\MF}, Computer typesetting",
+ author = "Michael Kokula",
+ title = "Automatic generation of script font ligatures based on
+ curve smoothness optimization",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "217--229",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "The idea of type as a fixed geometrical object is
+ shown to be inadequate for script types. The method
+ presented creates ligatures between script font glyphs
+ on-the-fly, i.e. as a part of the glyph rasterization
+ process. This is done by manipulation of an existing
+ font. So the process described here can be used to give
+ existing fonts the intelligence to join characters
+ correctly when being interpreted by a standard font
+ rasterizer or print server. Of vital importance to the
+ method is the natural appearance of the curve serving
+ as the `ligature backbone'. In this article, a new
+ smoothness criterion for curves is developed. Then, a
+ method is presented that creates a curve connecting two
+ given curves in a natural-looking way --- this is done
+ by optimizing a parametric curve by means of the new
+ criterion. With this algorithm being integrated into
+ on-the-fly generation of script font ligatures, these
+ ligatures get the required level of quality.",
+ keywords = "Automatic ligatures, Script fonts, Connecting curves,
+ Curve smoothness, Curve optimization",
+ author = "J. Andr\'e and I. Vatton",
+ title = "Dynamic optical scaling and variable-sized
+ characters",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "231--250",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "First, a survey on optical scaling is carried out,
+ both from the traditional point of view and from that
+ of today's digital typography. Then the special case of
+ large characters, such as braces or integral signs, is
+ considered. It is shown that such variable-sized
+ symbols should be computed at print time in order to
+ approach the quality of metal typesetting. Finally, an
+ implementation of such dynamic fonts, still in progress
+ in the Grif editor, is described.",
+ keywords = "Optical scaling, Variable sized characters, Large
+ symbols, Dynamic font, Parametrized font, Grif",
+ author = "J. Herz and R. D. Hersch",
+ title = "Towards a universal auto-hinting system for
+ typographic shapes",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "251--260",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibsource = "",
+ abstract = "This contribution presents a simple method for the
+ automatic recognition and hinting of character
+ structure elements such as horizontal and vertical
+ stems. Stem recognition is based on successive steps
+ such as extraction of straight or nearly straight
+ contour segments, detection of hidden segments, merging
+ of original and hidden segments into larger segments,
+ sorting of segments into classes according to their
+ slopes and, finally, composition of black and white
+ stems. Reference values required for character hinting
+ purposes are obtained by evaluating the regularity of
+ the font through statistical analysis of features such
+ as stem widths and stem angles. Knowledge about the
+ location of stems and analysis of outline parts between
+ stems is used in order to produce automatically
+ appropriate grid constraint rules (hints). The
+ presented outline analysis and stem extraction
+ techniques are very general and may be applied to
+ non-Latin characters as well.",
+ keywords = "Digital typography, Shape analysis, Stem recognition,
+ Automatic hinting",
+ author = "Herman Zapf",
+ title = "Call for foundation of a `{Sir Francis Drake
+ Society}'",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "7",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "261--263",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1994",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri May 19 16:03:41 1995",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "P. J. Brown and Heather Brown",
+ title = "Embedded or separate hypertext mark-up: is it an
+ issue?",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "1--13",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Tue Nov 26 06:12:59 1996",
+ bibsource = "",
+ keywords = "Hypertext, Mark-up, Guide, WWW, CD-ROM, UNIX,
+ Microcosm, Hyper-G",
+ author = "Kazuya Chiba and Masaki Kyojima",
+ title = "Document transformation based on syntax-directed tree
+ translation",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "15--29",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Tue Nov 26 06:12:59 1996",
+ bibsource = "",
+ keywords = "Class-level document transformation, Context-free
+ grammar, Document transformation, Structured document,
+ Syntax-directed translation",
+ author = "Charles J. Kacmar",
+ title = "A process approach for providing hypermedia services
+ to existing, non-hypermedia applications",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "1",
+ pages = "31--48",
+ month = mar,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Tue Nov 26 06:12:59 1996",
+ bibsource = "",
+ keywords = "Hypertext, Hypermedia, Retrofit, Conversion,
+ Migration",
+ author = "Allen Brown and Anne Br{\"u}ggemann-Klein and An
+ Feng",
+ title = "Editorial: Special Issue: {Proceedings of EP'96, the
+ Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation, and
+ Typography Conference}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "49--50",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:32 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Jacco {van Ossenbruggen} and Anton Eli{\"e}ns and
+ Bastian Sch{\"o}nhage",
+ title = "{Web} Applications and {SGML}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "51--62",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:02 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Patricia Fran{\c{c}}ois and Philippe Futtersack and
+ Christophe Espert",
+ title = "{SGML\slash HyTime} Repositories and Object
+ Paradigms",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "63--79",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:02 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Richy and Jacques Andr{\'e}",
+ title = "Typographic Sheets and Structured Documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "81--93",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:02 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "P. R. King",
+ title = "Modelling Multimedia Documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "95--110",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:02 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Yannis Haralambous",
+ title = "The Traditional {Arabic} Typecase Extended to the
+ {Unicode} Set of Glyphs",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "111--123",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:02 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Ethan V. Munson",
+ title = "A New Presentation Language for Structured Documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "125--138",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:02 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Anne Br{\"u}ggemann-Klein and Rolf Klein and Stefan
+ Wohlfeil",
+ title = "Pagination Reconsidered",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "139--152",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:02 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Philip N. Smith and David N. Brailsford",
+ title = "Towards Structured, Block-Based {PDF}",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "153--165",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:02 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Xinxin Wang and Derick Wood",
+ title = "{\sc Xtable} --- {A} Tabular Editor and Formatter",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "167--179",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:02 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "E. Kuikka and A. Salminen",
+ title = "Filtering Structured Documents in the {SYNDOC}
+ Environment",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "181--193",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:02 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Helena Ahonen",
+ title = "Automatic Generation of {SGML} Content Models",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "195--206",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:02 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "William S. Lovegrove and David F. Brailsford",
+ title = "Document Analysis of {PDF} Files: Methods, Results and
+ Implications",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "207--220",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:02 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Qin Zhang and John M. Danskin",
+ title = "A Pattern-Based Lossy Compression Scheme for Document
+ Images",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "221--233",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:02 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Vijay Kumar and Richard Furuta and Robert B. Allen",
+ title = "Interactive Interfaces for Knowledge-rich Domains",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "235--246",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:03 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "R. B. Allen",
+ title = "Retrieval from Facet Spaces",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "247--257",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:03 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "P. J. Brown",
+ title = "The {Stick-e} Document: {A} Framework for Creating
+ Context-aware Applications",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "259--272",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:03 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Anne Br{\"u}ggemann-Klein",
+ title = "Colophon",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "273--273",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:03 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Anonymous",
+ title = "{EP'96} Author Index",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "275--275",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:03 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Anonymous",
+ title = "{EP'96} Key Word Index",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "2/3",
+ pages = "277--277",
+ month = jun # "\slash " # sep,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:26:03 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "David Brailsford and Richard Furuta",
+ title = "Editorial",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "279--280",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jul 10 14:25:06 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Luc Devroye and Michael McDougall",
+ title = "Random fonts for the simulation of handwriting",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "281--294",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jul 10 14:25:06 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Makoto Murata",
+ title = "File format for documents containing both logical
+ structures and layout structures",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "295--317",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jul 10 14:25:06 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "E. Kuikka and M. Penttonen",
+ title = "Transformation of structured documents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "319--341",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jul 10 14:25:06 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "David W. Barron",
+ title = "Portable documents: problems and (partial) solutions",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "343--367",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jul 10 14:25:06 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Anonymous",
+ title = "Author Index",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "369--369",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jul 10 14:25:06 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Anonymous",
+ title = "Keyword Index",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "371--372",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jul 10 14:25:06 1997",
+ bibsource = "",
+ author = "Anonymous",
+ title = "Volume Contents",
+ journal = j-EPODD,
+ volume = "8",
+ number = "4",
+ pages = "i--iii",
+ month = dec,
+ year = "1995",
+ ISSN = "0894-3982",
+ bibdate = "Thu Jul 10 14:25:06 1997",
+ bibsource = "",