path: root/Master/texmf-dist/asymptote/v3d.asy
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/asymptote/v3d.asy')
1 files changed, 645 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/asymptote/v3d.asy b/Master/texmf-dist/asymptote/v3d.asy
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5bdd0627d5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/asymptote/v3d.asy
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+// Supakorn "Jamie" Rassameemasuang <> and
+// John C. Bowman
+import three;
+import v3dtypes;
+import v3dheadertypes;
+struct triangleGroup
+ triple[] positions;
+ triple[] normals;
+ pen[] colors;
+ int[][] positionIndices;
+ int[][] normalIndices;
+ int[][] colorIndices;
+struct pixel
+ triple point;
+ real width;
+struct CameraInformation
+ int canvasWidth;
+ int canvasHeight;
+ bool absolute;
+ triple b;
+ triple B;
+ bool orthographic;
+ real angle;
+ real Zoom0;
+ pair viewportshift;
+ pair viewportmargin;
+ light light;
+ void setCameraInfo()
+ {
+ size(canvasWidth,canvasHeight);
+ triple center=0.5*(b.z+B.z)*Z;
+ if(orthographic)
+ currentprojection=orthographic(Z,target=center,Zoom0,
+ viewportshift=viewportshift);
+ else
+ currentprojection=perspective(Z,Y,target=center,Zoom0,
+ degrees(2.0*atan(tan(0.5*angle)/Zoom0)),
+ viewportshift=viewportshift,
+ autoadjust=false);
+ light.specular=light.diffuse;
+ currentlight=light;
+ }
+transform3 Align(real polar, real azimuth)
+ return align(dir(degrees(polar),degrees(azimuth)));
+struct v3dfile
+ file xdrfile;
+ int version;
+ bool hasCameraInfo=false;
+ CameraInformation info;
+ bool singleprecision=false;
+ triple[] centers;
+ material[] materials;
+ surface[][][] surfaces;
+ path3[][][] paths3;
+ triangleGroup[][][] triangles;
+ pixel[][] pixels;
+ void initSurface(int center, int material) {
+ if(!surfaces.initialized(center))
+ surfaces[center]=new surface[][];
+ if(!surfaces[center].initialized(material))
+ surfaces[center][material]=new surface[] {new surface};
+ }
+ void initPath3(int center, int material) {
+ if(!paths3.initialized(center))
+ paths3[center]=new path3[][];
+ if(!paths3[center].initialized(material))
+ paths3[center][material]=new path3[];
+ }
+ void initTriangleGroup(int center, int material) {
+ if (!triangles.initialized(center))
+ triangles[center]=new triangleGroup[][];
+ if(!triangles[center].initialized(material))
+ triangles[center][material]=new triangleGroup[];
+ }
+ void initPixel(int material) {
+ if(!pixels.initialized(material))
+ pixels[material]=new pixel[];
+ }
+ void surface(int center, int material, patch p) {
+ initSurface(center,material);
+ surfaces[center][material][0].s.push(p);
+ }
+ void primitive(int center, int material, surface s) {
+ initSurface(center,material);
+ surfaces[center][material].push(s);
+ }
+ void path3(int center, int material, path3 p) {
+ initPath3(center,material);
+ paths3[center][material].push(p);
+ }
+ void triangleGroup(int center, int material, triangleGroup g) {
+ initTriangleGroup(center,material);
+ triangles[center][material].push(g);
+ }
+ void pixel(int material, pixel P) {
+ initPixel(material);
+ pixels[material].push(P);
+ }
+ void operator init(string name)
+ {
+ xdrfile=input(name, mode="xdrgz");
+ version=xdrfile;
+ int doubleprecision=xdrfile;
+ singleprecision=doubleprecision == 0;
+ xdrfile.singlereal(singleprecision);
+ }
+ int getType()
+ {
+ return xdrfile;
+ }
+ void setCameraInfo()
+ {
+ if(hasCameraInfo)
+ info.setCameraInfo();
+ }
+ pen[] readColorData(int size=4, bool alpha=true)
+ {
+ xdrfile.singlereal(true);
+ xdrfile.dimension(alpha ? 4 : 3);
+ pen[] newPen=new pen[size];
+ for (int i=0; i < size; ++i)
+ {
+ newPen[i]=alpha ? rgba(xdrfile) : rgb((real[]) xdrfile);
+ }
+ xdrfile.singlereal(singleprecision);
+ return newPen;
+ }
+ CameraInformation processHeader()
+ {
+ CameraInformation ci;
+ int entryCount=xdrfile;
+ for (int i=0;i<entryCount;++i)
+ {
+ int headerKey=xdrfile;
+ int headerSz=xdrfile;
+ if (headerKey == v3dheadertypes.canvasWidth)
+ {
+ ci.canvasWidth=xdrfile;
+ }
+ else if (headerKey == v3dheadertypes.canvasHeight)
+ {
+ ci.canvasHeight=xdrfile;
+ }
+ else if (headerKey == v3dheadertypes.absolute)
+ {
+ int val=xdrfile;
+ ci.absolute=(val != 0);
+ }
+ else if (headerKey == v3dheadertypes.minBound)
+ {
+ ci.b=xdrfile;
+ }
+ else if (headerKey == v3dheadertypes.maxBound)
+ {
+ ci.B=xdrfile;
+ }
+ else if (headerKey == v3dheadertypes.orthographic)
+ {
+ int val=xdrfile;
+ ci.orthographic=(val != 0);
+ }
+ else if (headerKey == v3dheadertypes.angleOfView)
+ {
+ ci.angle=xdrfile;
+ }
+ else if (headerKey == v3dheadertypes.initialZoom)
+ {
+ ci.Zoom0=xdrfile;
+ }
+ else if (headerKey==v3dheadertypes.viewportShift)
+ {
+ ci.viewportshift=xdrfile;
+ }
+ else if (headerKey==v3dheadertypes.viewportMargin)
+ {
+ ci.viewportmargin=xdrfile;
+ }
+ else if (headerKey==v3dheadertypes.background)
+ {
+ ci.light.background=readColorData(1)[0];
+ }
+ else if (headerKey==v3dheadertypes.light)
+ {
+ triple position=xdrfile;
+ ci.light.position.push(position);
+ ci.light.diffuse.push(rgba(readColorData(1,false)[0]));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xdrfile.dimension(headerSz);
+ int[] _dmp=xdrfile;
+ }
+ }
+ return ci;
+ }
+ material readMaterial() {
+ xdrfile.dimension(4);
+ xdrfile.singlereal(true);
+ pen diffusePen=rgba(xdrfile);
+ pen emissivePen=rgba(xdrfile);
+ pen specularPen=rgba(xdrfile);
+ xdrfile.dimension(3);
+ real[] params=xdrfile;
+ real shininess=params[0];
+ real metallic=params[1];
+ real F0=params[2];
+ xdrfile.singlereal(singleprecision);
+ return material(diffusePen,emissivePen,specularPen,1,shininess,
+ metallic,F0);
+ }
+ triple[][] readRawPatchData() {
+ triple[][] val;
+ xdrfile.dimension(4,4);
+ val=xdrfile;
+ return val;
+ }
+ triple[][] readRawTriangleData() {
+ triple[][] val;
+ for(int i=0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ xdrfile.dimension(i+1);
+ triple[] v=xdrfile;
+ val.push(v);
+ }
+ return val;
+ }
+ void readBezierPatch() {
+ triple[][] val=readRawPatchData();
+ int center=xdrfile;
+ int material=xdrfile;
+ surface(center,material,patch(val));
+ }
+ void readBezierTriangle() {
+ triple[][] val=readRawTriangleData();
+ int center=xdrfile;
+ int material=xdrfile;
+ surface(center,material,patch(val,triangular=true));
+ }
+ triple[] readCenters() {
+ int centerCount=xdrfile;
+ xdrfile.dimension(centerCount);
+ triple[] centersFetched;
+ if (centerCount>0)
+ centersFetched=xdrfile;
+ return centersFetched;
+ }
+ void readBezierPatchColor() {
+ triple[][] val=readRawPatchData();
+ int center=xdrfile;
+ int material=xdrfile;
+ pen[] colors=readColorData(4);
+ surface(center,material,patch(val,colors=colors));
+ }
+ void readBezierTriangleColor() {
+ triple[][] val=readRawTriangleData();
+ int center=xdrfile;
+ int material=xdrfile;
+ pen[] colors=readColorData(3);
+ surface(center,material,patch(val,triangular=true,colors=colors));
+ }
+ void readSphere() {
+ triple origin=xdrfile;
+ real radius=xdrfile;
+ int center=xdrfile;
+ int material=xdrfile;
+ surface s=shift(origin)*scale3(radius)*unitsphere;
+ s.draw=unitsphere.draw;
+ primitive(center,material,s);
+ }
+ void readHemisphere() {
+ triple origin=xdrfile;
+ real radius=xdrfile;
+ int center=xdrfile;
+ int material=xdrfile;
+ real polar=xdrfile;
+ real azimuth=xdrfile;
+ surface s=shift(origin)*Align(polar,azimuth)*scale3(radius)*unithemisphere;
+ s.draw=unithemisphere.draw;
+ primitive(center,material,s);
+ }
+ void readDisk() {
+ triple origin=xdrfile;
+ real radius=xdrfile;
+ int center=xdrfile;
+ int material=xdrfile;
+ real polar=xdrfile;
+ real azimuth=xdrfile;
+ surface s=shift(origin)*Align(polar,azimuth)*scale3(radius)*unitdisk;
+ s.draw=unitdisk.draw;
+ primitive(center,material,s);
+ }
+ void readPolygon(int n)
+ {
+ xdrfile.dimension(n);
+ triple[] val=xdrfile;
+ int center=xdrfile;
+ int material=xdrfile;
+ surface(center,material,patch(val));
+ }
+ void readPolygonColor(int n)
+ {
+ xdrfile.dimension(n);
+ triple[] val=xdrfile;
+ int center=xdrfile;
+ int material=xdrfile;
+ pen[] colors=readColorData(n);
+ surface(center,material,patch(val,colors=colors));
+ }
+ void readCylinder() {
+ triple origin=xdrfile;
+ real radius=xdrfile;
+ real height=xdrfile;
+ int center=xdrfile;
+ int material=xdrfile;
+ real polar=xdrfile;
+ real azimuth=xdrfile;
+ int core=xdrfile;
+ transform3 T=shift(origin)*Align(polar,azimuth)*
+ scale(radius,radius,height);
+ if(core != 0)
+ path3(center,material,T*(O--Z));
+ surface s=T*unitcylinder;
+ s.draw=unitcylinder.draw;
+ primitive(center,material,s);
+ }
+ void readTube() {
+ xdrfile.dimension(4);
+ triple[] g=xdrfile;
+ real width=xdrfile;
+ int center=xdrfile;
+ int material=xdrfile;
+ int core=xdrfile;
+ if(core != 0)
+ path3(center,material,g[0]..controls g[1] and g[2]..g[3]);
+ surface s=tube(g[0],g[1],g[2],g[3],width);
+ s.draw=drawTube(g,width,info.b,info.B);
+ primitive(center,material,s);
+ }
+ void readCurve() {
+ xdrfile.dimension(4);
+ triple[] points=xdrfile;
+ int center=xdrfile;
+ int material=xdrfile;
+ path3(center,material,
+ points[0]..controls points[1] and points[2]..points[3]);
+ }
+ void readLine() {
+ xdrfile.dimension(2);
+ triple[] points=xdrfile;
+ int center=xdrfile;
+ int material=xdrfile;
+ path3(center,material,points[0]--points[1]);
+ }
+ void readTriangles() {
+ triangleGroup g;
+ int nI=xdrfile;
+ int nP=xdrfile;
+ xdrfile.dimension(nP);
+ g.positions=xdrfile;
+ int nN=xdrfile;
+ xdrfile.dimension(nN);
+ g.normals=xdrfile;
+ int explicitNI=xdrfile;
+ int nC=xdrfile;
+ int explicitCI;
+ if (nC > 0) {
+ g.colors=readColorData(nC);
+ explicitCI=xdrfile;
+ }
+ g.positionIndices=new int[nI][3];
+ g.normalIndices=new int[nI][3];
+ int[][] colorIndices;
+ if (nC > 0)
+ g.colorIndices=new int[nI][3];
+ for (int i=0; i < nI; ++i) {
+ xdrfile.dimension(3);
+ g.positionIndices[i]=xdrfile;
+ g.normalIndices[i]=explicitNI != 0 ? xdrfile :
+ g.positionIndices[i];
+ g.colorIndices[i]=nC > 0 && explicitCI != 0 ? xdrfile :
+ g.positionIndices[i];
+ }
+ int center=xdrfile;
+ int material=xdrfile;
+ triangleGroup(center,material,g);
+ }
+ void readPixel() {
+ pixel P;
+ P.point=xdrfile;
+ P.width=xdrfile;
+ int material=xdrfile;
+ pixel(material,P);
+ }
+ void process()
+ {
+ static bool processed;
+ if(processed) return;
+ while (!eof(xdrfile))
+ {
+ int ty=getType();
+ if(ty == v3dtypes.header)
+ {
+ hasCameraInfo=true;
+ info=processHeader();
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.material)
+ {
+ materials.push(readMaterial());
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.bezierPatch)
+ {
+ readBezierPatch();
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.bezierTriangle)
+ {
+ readBezierTriangle();
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.bezierPatchColor)
+ {
+ readBezierPatchColor();
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.bezierTriangleColor)
+ {
+ readBezierTriangleColor();
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.quad)
+ {
+ readPolygon(4);
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.quadColor)
+ {
+ readPolygonColor(4);
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.triangle)
+ {
+ readPolygon(3);
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.triangleColor)
+ {
+ readPolygonColor(3);
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.sphere)
+ {
+ readSphere();
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.halfSphere)
+ {
+ readHemisphere();
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.cylinder)
+ {
+ readCylinder();
+ }
+ else if(ty ==
+ {
+ readTube();
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.disk)
+ {
+ readDisk();
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.curve)
+ {
+ readCurve();
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.line)
+ {
+ readLine();
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.triangles)
+ {
+ readTriangles();
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.centers)
+ {
+ centers=readCenters();
+ }
+ else if(ty == v3dtypes.pixel)
+ {
+ readPixel();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // abort("Unknown type:"+string(ty));
+ }
+ }
+ processed=true;
+ }
+void importv3d(string name)
+ if(name == stripextension(name)) name += ".v3d";
+ v3dfile xf=v3dfile(name);
+ xf.process();
+ xf.setCameraInfo();
+ for(int c=0; c < xf.surfaces.length; ++c) {
+ triple center=c > 0 ? xf.centers[c-1] : O;
+ render r=render(interaction(c == 0 ? Embedded : Billboard,center=center));
+ surface[][] S=xf.surfaces[c];
+ for(int m=0; m < S.length; ++m)
+ if(S.initialized(m))
+ draw(S[m],xf.materials[m],r);
+ }
+ for(int c=0; c < xf.paths3.length; ++c) {
+ triple center=c > 0 ? xf.centers[c-1] : O;
+ render r=render(interaction(c == 0 ? Embedded : Billboard,center=center));
+ path3[][] G=xf.paths3[c];
+ for(int m=0; m < G.length; ++m)
+ if(G.initialized(m)) {
+ material material=material(xf.materials[m]);
+ material.p[0] += thin();
+ draw(G[m],material,currentlight,r);
+ }
+ }
+ for(int c=0;c < xf.triangles.length; ++c) {
+ triple center=c > 0 ? xf.centers[c-1] : O;
+ render r=render(interaction(c == 0 ? Embedded : Billboard,center=center));
+ triangleGroup[][] groups=xf.triangles[c];
+ for(int m=0; m < groups.length; ++m) {
+ if(groups.initialized(m)) {
+ material material=xf.materials[m];
+ triangleGroup[] triangleGroups=groups[m];
+ for(triangleGroup g : triangleGroups) {
+ if(g.colors.length > 0)
+ draw(g.positions,g.positionIndices,g.normals,g.normalIndices,
+ g.colors,g.colorIndices,r);
+ else
+ draw(g.positions,g.positionIndices,g.normals,g.normalIndices,
+ material,r);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(int m=0; m < xf.pixels.length; ++m) {
+ if(xf.pixels.initialized(m)) {
+ material material=xf.materials[m];
+ pixel[] pixels=xf.pixels[m];
+ for(pixel P : pixels)
+ pixel(P.point,material.p[0],P.width);
+ }
+ }