path: root/Master/bin/powerpc-linux/mtxrun
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/bin/powerpc-linux/mtxrun')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/Master/bin/powerpc-linux/mtxrun b/Master/bin/powerpc-linux/mtxrun
index 2bdd1b8f020..d6b2d13a71a 100755
--- a/Master/bin/powerpc-linux/mtxrun
+++ b/Master/bin/powerpc-linux/mtxrun
@@ -2223,107 +2223,22 @@ end
-- we can hash them weakly
-local insert = table.insert
-function file.collapse_path(str,anchor)
- if anchor and not find(str,"^/") and not find(str,"^%a:") then
- str = getcurrentdir() .. "/" .. str
- end
- if str == "" or str =="." then
- return "."
- elseif find(str,"^%.%.") then
- str = gsub(str,"\\","/")
- return str
- elseif not find(str,"%.") then
- str = gsub(str,"\\","/")
- return str
- end
+function file.collapse_path(str)
str = gsub(str,"\\","/")
- local starter, rest = match(str,"^(%a+:/*)(.-)$")
- if starter then
- str = rest
- end
- local oldelements = checkedsplit(str,"/")
- local newelements = { }
- local i = #oldelements
- while i > 0 do
- local element = oldelements[i]
- if element == '.' then
- -- do nothing
- elseif element == '..' then
- local n = i -1
- while n > 0 do
- local element = oldelements[n]
- if element ~= '..' and element ~= '.' then
- oldelements[n] = '.'
- break
- else
- n = n - 1
- end
- end
- if n < 1 then
- insert(newelements,1,'..')
- end
- elseif element ~= "" then
- insert(newelements,1,element)
- end
- i = i - 1
- end
- if #newelements == 0 then
- return starter or "."
- elseif starter then
- return starter .. concat(newelements, '/')
- elseif find(str,"^/") then
- return "/" .. concat(newelements,'/')
- else
- return concat(newelements, '/')
- end
-function file.xcollapse_path(str)
- print('collapse', str)
- if str == "" or str =="." then
- return "."
- elseif find(str,"^%.%.") then
- return str
- elseif not find(str,"%.") then
- return str
- end
- str = gsub(str,"^%./",lfs.currentdir() .. "/") -- ./xx in qualified
- str = gsub(str,"\\","/")
- local oldelements = checkedsplit(str,"/")
- local newelements = { }
- local i = #oldelements
- while i > 0 do
- local element = oldelements[i]
- if element == '.' then
- -- do nothing
- elseif element == '..' then
- local n = i -1
- while n > 0 do
- local element = oldelements[n]
- if element ~= '..' and element ~= '.' then
- oldelements[n] = '.'
- break
- else
- n = n - 1
- end
- end
- if n<1 then
- insert(newelements,1,'..')
- end
- elseif element ~= "" then
- insert(newelements,1,element)
+ if find(str,"/") then
+ str = gsub(str,"^%./",(gsub(lfs.currentdir(),"\\","/")) .. "/") -- ./xx in qualified
+ str = gsub(str,"/%./","/")
+ local n, m = 1, 1
+ while n > 0 or m > 0 do
+ str, n = gsub(str,"[^/%.]+/%.%.$","")
+ str, m = gsub(str,"[^/%.]+/%.%./","")
- i = i - 1
- end
- if #newelements == 0 then
- return "."
- elseif find(str,"^/") then
- return "/" .. concat(newelements,'/')
- else
- return concat(newelements, '/')
+ str = gsub(str,"([^/])/$","%1")
+ -- str = gsub(str,"^%./","") -- ./xx in qualified
+ str = gsub(str,"/%.$","")
+ if str == "" then str = "." end
+ return str
--~ print(file.collapse_path("/a"))
@@ -11951,7 +11866,6 @@ own.list = { '.' }
if own.path ~= '.' then