path: root/Master/bin/mipsel-linux
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/bin/mipsel-linux')
7 files changed, 7 insertions, 17094 deletions
diff --git a/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/context b/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/context
index fa62ba8d109..fd177847393 100755..120000
--- a/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/context
+++ b/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/context
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-mtxrun --script context "$@"
+../../texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/unix/context \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/ctxtools b/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/ctxtools
index 2e6bd4afaa0..66237b28340 100755..120000
--- a/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/ctxtools
+++ b/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/ctxtools
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-mtxrun --script ctxtools "$@"
+../../texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/unix/ctxtools \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/luatools b/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/luatools
index c17b483be53..8fd68d0935a 100755..120000
--- a/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/luatools
+++ b/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/luatools
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-mtxrun --script base "$@"
+../../texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/unix/luatools \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/mtxrun b/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/mtxrun
index 00f63a5791d..d368fd83ea1 100755..120000
--- a/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/mtxrun
+++ b/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/mtxrun
@@ -1,17082 +1 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env texlua
--- for k, v in next, _G.string do
--- local tv = type(v)
--- if tv == "table" then
--- for kk, vv in next, v do
--- print(k,kk,vv)
--- end
--- else
--- print(tv,k,v)
--- end
--- end
-if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtxrun'] = {
- version = 1.001,
- comment = "runner, lua replacement for texmfstart.rb",
- author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license = "see context related readme files"
--- one can make a stub:
--- #!/bin/sh
--- env LUATEXDIR=/....../texmf/scripts/context/lua luatex --luaonly mtxrun.lua "$@"
--- filename : mtxrun.lua
--- comment : companion to context.tex
--- author : Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL
--- copyright: PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team
--- license : see context related readme files
--- This script is based on texmfstart.rb but does not use kpsewhich to
--- locate files. Although kpse is a library it never came to opening up
--- its interface to other programs (esp scripting languages) and so we
--- do it ourselves. The lua variant evolved out of an experimental ruby
--- one. Interesting is that using a scripting language instead of c does
--- not have a speed penalty. Actually the lua variant is more efficient,
--- especially when multiple calls to kpsewhich are involved. The lua
--- library also gives way more control.
--- to be done / considered
--- support for --exec or make it default
--- support for jar files (or maybe not, never used, too messy)
--- support for $RUBYINPUTS cum suis (if still needed)
--- remember for subruns: _CTX_K_V_#{original}_
--- remember for subruns: _CTX_K_S_#{original}_
--- remember for subruns: TEXMFSTART.#{original} [tex.rb texmfstart.rb]
--- begin library merge
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["l-lua"] = package.loaded["l-lua"] or true
--- original size: 10048, stripped down to: 5684
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lua']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local major,minor=string.match(_VERSION,"^[^%d]+(%d+)%.(%d+).*$")
-_MAJORVERSION=tonumber(major) or 5
-_MINORVERSION=tonumber(minor) or 1
-if not lpeg then
- lpeg=require("lpeg")
-if loadstring then
- local loadnormal=load
- function load(first,...)
- if type(first)=="string" then
- return loadstring(first,...)
- else
- return loadnormal(first,...)
- end
- end
- loadstring=load
-if not ipairs then
- local function iterate(a,i)
- i=i+1
- local v=a[i]
- if v~=nil then
- return i,v
- end
- end
- function ipairs(a)
- return iterate,a,0
- end
-if not pairs then
- function pairs(t)
- return next,t
- end
-if not table.unpack then
- table.unpack=_G.unpack
-elseif not unpack then
- _G.unpack=table.unpack
-if not package.loaders then
- package.loaders=package.searchers
-local print,select,tostring=print,select,tostring
-local inspectors={}
-function setinspector(inspector)
- inspectors[#inspectors+1]=inspector
-function inspect(...)
- for s=1,select("#",...) do
- local value=select(s,...)
- local done=false
- for i=1,#inspectors do
- done=inspectors[i](value)
- if done then
- break
- end
- end
- if not done then
- print(tostring(value))
- end
- end
-local dummy=function() end
-function optionalrequire(...)
- local ok,result=xpcall(require,dummy,...)
- if ok then
- return result
- end
-local type=type
-local gsub,format=string.gsub,string.format
-local package=package
-local searchers=package.searchers or package.loaders
-local libpaths=nil
-local clibpaths=nil
-local libhash={}
-local clibhash={}
-local libextras={}
-local clibextras={}
-local filejoin=file and file.join or function(path,name) return path.."/" end
-local isreadable=file and file.is_readable or function(name) local if f then f:close() return true end end
-local addsuffix=file and file.addsuffix or function(name,suffix) return name.."."..suffix end
-local function cleanpath(path)
- return path
-local helpers=package.helpers or {
- libpaths=function() return {} end,
- clibpaths=function() return {} end,
- cleanpath=cleanpath,
- trace=false,
- report=function(...) print(format(...)) end,
-local function getlibpaths()
- return libpaths or helpers.libpaths(libhash)
-local function getclibpaths()
- return clibpaths or helpers.clibpaths(clibhash)
-local function addpath(what,paths,extras,hash,...)
- local pathlist={... }
- local cleanpath=helpers.cleanpath
- local trace=helpers.trace
- local
- local function add(path)
- local path=cleanpath(path)
- if not hash[path] then
- if trace then
- report("extra %s path: %s",what,path)
- end
- paths [#paths+1]=path
- extras[#extras+1]=path
- end
- end
- for p=1,#pathlist do
- local path=pathlist[p]
- if type(path)=="table" then
- for i=1,#path do
- add(path[i])
- end
- else
- add(path)
- end
- end
- return paths,extras
-function package.extralibpath(...)
- libpaths,libextras=addpath("lua",getlibpaths(),libextras,libhash,...)
-function package.extraclibpath(...)
- clibpaths,clibextras=addpath("lib",getclibpaths(),clibextras,clibhash,...)
-if not searchers[-2] then
- searchers[-2]=searchers[2]
- return helpers.loaded(name)
-local function loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
- local init="luaopen_"..gsub(rawname,"%.","_")
- if helpers.trace then
-"calling loadlib with '%s' with init '%s'",resolved,init)
- end
- return package.loadlib(resolved,init)
-local function loadedbylua(name)
- if helpers.trace then
-"locating '%s' using normal loader",name)
- end
- return true,searchers[-2](name)
-local function loadedbypath(name,rawname,paths,islib,what)
- local trace=helpers.trace
- local
- if trace then
- report("locating '%s' as '%s' on '%s' paths",rawname,name,what)
- end
- for p=1,#paths do
- local path=paths[p]
- local resolved=filejoin(path,name)
- if trace then
- report("checking for '%s' using '%s' path '%s'",name,what,path)
- end
- if isreadable(resolved) then
- if trace then
- report("lib '%s' located on '%s'",name,resolved)
- end
- if islib then
- return true,loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
- else
- return true,loadfile(resolved)
- end
- end
- end
-local function notloaded(name)
- if helpers.trace then
-"? unable to locate library '%s'",name)
- end
-function helpers.loaded(name)
- local thename=gsub(name,"%.","/")
- local luaname=addsuffix(thename,"lua")
- local libname=addsuffix(thename,os.libsuffix or "so")
- local libpaths=getlibpaths()
- local clibpaths=getclibpaths()
- local done,result=loadedbypath(luaname,name,libpaths,false,"lua")
- if done then
- return result
- end
- local done,result=loadedbypath(luaname,name,clibpaths,false,"lua")
- if done then
- return result
- end
- local done,result=loadedbypath(libname,name,clibpaths,true,"lib")
- if done then
- return result
- end
- local done,result=loadedbylua(name)
- if done then
- return result
- end
- return notloaded(name)
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["l-lpeg"] = package.loaded["l-lpeg"] or true
--- original size: 26252, stripped down to: 14371
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lpeg']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local type,next,tostring=type,next,tostring
-local byte,char,gmatch,format=string.byte,string.char,string.gmatch,string.format
-local floor=math.floor
-local P,R,S,V,Ct,C,Cs,Cc,Cp,Cmt=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.V,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Cmt
-local lpegtype,lpegmatch,lpegprint=lpeg.type,lpeg.match,lpeg.print
-setinspector(function(v) if lpegtype(v) then lpegprint(v) return true end end)
-lpeg.patterns=lpeg.patterns or {}
-local patterns=lpeg.patterns
-local anything=P(1)
-local endofstring=P(-1)
-local alwaysmatched=P(true)
-local digit,sign=R('09'),S('+-')
-local cr,lf,crlf=P("\r"),P("\n"),P("\r\n")
-local newline=crlf+S("\r\n")
-local escaped=P("\\")*anything
-local squote=P("'")
-local dquote=P('"')
-local space=P(" ")
-local utfbom_32_be=P('\000\000\254\255')
-local utfbom_32_le=P('\255\254\000\000')
-local utfbom_16_be=P('\255\254')
-local utfbom_16_le=P('\254\255')
-local utfbom_8=P('\239\187\191')
-local utfbom=utfbom_32_be+utfbom_32_le+utfbom_16_be+utfbom_16_le+utfbom_8
-local utftype=utfbom_32_be*Cc("utf-32-be")+utfbom_32_le*Cc("utf-32-le")+utfbom_16_be*Cc("utf-16-be")+utfbom_16_le*Cc("utf-16-le")+utfbom_8*Cc("utf-8")+alwaysmatched*Cc("utf-8")
-local utfoffset=utfbom_32_be*Cc(4)+utfbom_32_le*Cc(4)+utfbom_16_be*Cc(2)+utfbom_16_le*Cc(2)+utfbom_8*Cc(3)+Cc(0)
-local utf8next=R("\128\191")
-local utf8char=patterns.utf8one+patterns.utf8two+patterns.utf8three+patterns.utf8four
-local validutf8char=utf8char^0*endofstring*Cc(true)+Cc(false)
-local utf8character=P(1)*R("\128\191")^0
-local eol=S("\n\r")
-local spacer=S(" \t\f\v")
-local whitespace=eol+spacer
-local nonspacer=1-spacer
-local nonwhitespace=1-whitespace
-local stripper=spacer^0*C((spacer^0*nonspacer^1)^0)
-local collapser=Cs(spacer^0/""*nonspacer^0*((spacer^0/" "*nonspacer^1)^0))
-patterns.longtostring=Cs(whitespace^0/""*nonwhitespace^0*((whitespace^0/" "*(patterns.quoted+nonwhitespace)^1)^0))
-local function anywhere(pattern)
- return P { P(pattern)+1*V(1) }
-function lpeg.instringchecker(p)
- p=anywhere(p)
- return function(str)
- return lpegmatch(p,str) and true or false
- end
-function lpeg.splitter(pattern,action)
- return (((1-P(pattern))^1)/action+1)^0
-function lpeg.tsplitter(pattern,action)
- return Ct((((1-P(pattern))^1)/action+1)^0)
-local splitters_s,splitters_m,splitters_t={},{},{}
-local function splitat(separator,single)
- local splitter=(single and splitters_s[separator]) or splitters_m[separator]
- if not splitter then
- separator=P(separator)
- local other=C((1-separator)^0)
- if single then
- local any=anything
- splitter=other*(separator*C(any^0)+"")
- splitters_s[separator]=splitter
- else
- splitter=other*(separator*other)^0
- splitters_m[separator]=splitter
- end
- end
- return splitter
-local function tsplitat(separator)
- local splitter=splitters_t[separator]
- if not splitter then
- splitter=Ct(splitat(separator))
- splitters_t[separator]=splitter
- end
- return splitter
-function string.splitup(str,separator)
- if not separator then
- separator=","
- end
- return lpegmatch(splitters_m[separator] or splitat(separator),str)
-local cache={}
-function lpeg.split(separator,str)
- local c=cache[separator]
- if not c then
- c=tsplitat(separator)
- cache[separator]=c
- end
- return lpegmatch(c,str)
-function string.split(str,separator)
- if separator then
- local c=cache[separator]
- if not c then
- c=tsplitat(separator)
- cache[separator]=c
- end
- return lpegmatch(c,str)
- else
- return { str }
- end
-local spacing=patterns.spacer^0*newline
-local empty=spacing*Cc("")
-local nonempty=Cs((1-spacing)^1)*spacing^-1
-local content=(empty+nonempty)^1
-local linesplitter=tsplitat(newline)
-function string.splitlines(str)
- return lpegmatch(linesplitter,str)
-local cache={}
-function lpeg.checkedsplit(separator,str)
- local c=cache[separator]
- if not c then
- separator=P(separator)
- local other=C((1-separator)^1)
- c=Ct(separator^0*other*(separator^1*other)^0)
- cache[separator]=c
- end
- return lpegmatch(c,str)
-function string.checkedsplit(str,separator)
- local c=cache[separator]
- if not c then
- separator=P(separator)
- local other=C((1-separator)^1)
- c=Ct(separator^0*other*(separator^1*other)^0)
- cache[separator]=c
- end
- return lpegmatch(c,str)
-local function f2(s) local c1,c2=byte(s,1,2) return c1*64+c2-12416 end
-local function f3(s) local c1,c2,c3=byte(s,1,3) return (c1*64+c2)*64+c3-925824 end
-local function f4(s) local c1,c2,c3,c4=byte(s,1,4) return ((c1*64+c2)*64+c3)*64+c4-63447168 end
-local utf8byte=patterns.utf8one/byte+patterns.utf8two/f2+patterns.utf8three/f3+patterns.utf8four/f4
-local cache={}
-function lpeg.stripper(str)
- if type(str)=="string" then
- local s=cache[str]
- if not s then
- s=Cs(((S(str)^1)/""+1)^0)
- cache[str]=s
- end
- return s
- else
- return Cs(((str^1)/""+1)^0)
- end
-local cache={}
-function lpeg.keeper(str)
- if type(str)=="string" then
- local s=cache[str]
- if not s then
- s=Cs((((1-S(str))^1)/""+1)^0)
- cache[str]=s
- end
- return s
- else
- return Cs((((1-str)^1)/""+1)^0)
- end
-function lpeg.frontstripper(str)
- return (P(str)+P(true))*Cs(anything^0)
-function lpeg.endstripper(str)
- return Cs((1-P(str)*endofstring)^0)
-function lpeg.replacer(one,two,makefunction,isutf)
- local pattern
- local u=isutf and utf8char or 1
- if type(one)=="table" then
- local no=#one
- local p=P(false)
- if no==0 then
- for k,v in next,one do
- p=p+P(k)/v
- end
- pattern=Cs((p+u)^0)
- elseif no==1 then
- local o=one[1]
- one,two=P(o[1]),o[2]
- pattern=Cs((one/two+u)^0)
- else
- for i=1,no do
- local o=one[i]
- p=p+P(o[1])/o[2]
- end
- pattern=Cs((p+u)^0)
- end
- else
- pattern=Cs((P(one)/(two or "")+u)^0)
- end
- if makefunction then
- return function(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- end
- else
- return pattern
- end
-function lpeg.finder(lst,makefunction)
- local pattern
- if type(lst)=="table" then
- pattern=P(false)
- if #lst==0 then
- for k,v in next,lst do
- pattern=pattern+P(k)
- end
- else
- for i=1,#lst do
- pattern=pattern+P(lst[i])
- end
- end
- else
- pattern=P(lst)
- end
- pattern=(1-pattern)^0*pattern
- if makefunction then
- return function(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- end
- else
- return pattern
- end
-local splitters_f,splitters_s={},{}
-function lpeg.firstofsplit(separator)
- local splitter=splitters_f[separator]
- if not splitter then
- separator=P(separator)
- splitter=C((1-separator)^0)
- splitters_f[separator]=splitter
- end
- return splitter
-function lpeg.secondofsplit(separator)
- local splitter=splitters_s[separator]
- if not splitter then
- separator=P(separator)
- splitter=(1-separator)^0*separator*C(anything^0)
- splitters_s[separator]=splitter
- end
- return splitter
-function lpeg.balancer(left,right)
- left,right=P(left),P(right)
- return P { left*((1-left-right)+V(1))^0*right }
-local nany=utf8char/""
-function lpeg.counter(pattern)
- pattern=Cs((P(pattern)/" "+nany)^0)
- return function(str)
- return #lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- end
-utf=utf or (unicode and unicode.utf8) or {}
-local utfcharacters=utf and utf.characters or string.utfcharacters
-local utfgmatch=utf and utf.gmatch
-local utfchar=utf and utf.char
-if utfcharacters then
- function lpeg.US(str)
- local p=P(false)
- for uc in utfcharacters(str) do
- p=p+P(uc)
- end
- return p
- end
-elseif utfgmatch then
- function lpeg.US(str)
- local p=P(false)
- for uc in utfgmatch(str,".") do
- p=p+P(uc)
- end
- return p
- end
- function lpeg.US(str)
- local p=P(false)
- local f=function(uc)
- p=p+P(uc)
- end
- lpegmatch((utf8char/f)^0,str)
- return p
- end
-local range=utf8byte*utf8byte+Cc(false)
-function lpeg.UR(str,more)
- local first,last
- if type(str)=="number" then
- first=str
- last=more or first
- else
- first,last=lpegmatch(range,str)
- if not last then
- return P(str)
- end
- end
- if first==last then
- return P(str)
- elseif utfchar and (last-first<8) then
- local p=P(false)
- for i=first,last do
- p=p+P(utfchar(i))
- end
- return p
- else
- local f=function(b)
- return b>=first and b<=last
- end
- return utf8byte/f
- end
-function lpeg.is_lpeg(p)
- return p and lpegtype(p)=="pattern"
-function lpeg.oneof(list,...)
- if type(list)~="table" then
- list={ list,... }
- end
- local p=P(list[1])
- for l=2,#list do
- p=p+P(list[l])
- end
- return p
-local sort=table.sort
-local function copyindexed(old)
- local new={}
- for i=1,#old do
- new[i]=old
- end
- return new
-local function sortedkeys(tab)
- local keys,s={},0
- for key,_ in next,tab do
- s=s+1
- keys[s]=key
- end
- sort(keys)
- return keys
-function lpeg.append(list,pp,delayed,checked)
- local p=pp
- if #list>0 then
- local keys=copyindexed(list)
- sort(keys)
- for i=#keys,1,-1 do
- local k=keys[i]
- if p then
- p=P(k)+p
- else
- p=P(k)
- end
- end
- elseif delayed then
- local keys=sortedkeys(list)
- if p then
- for i=1,#keys,1 do
- local k=keys[i]
- local v=list[k]
- p=P(k)/list+p
- end
- else
- for i=1,#keys do
- local k=keys[i]
- local v=list[k]
- if p then
- p=P(k)+p
- else
- p=P(k)
- end
- end
- if p then
- p=p/list
- end
- end
- elseif checked then
- local keys=sortedkeys(list)
- for i=1,#keys do
- local k=keys[i]
- local v=list[k]
- if p then
- if k==v then
- p=P(k)+p
- else
- p=P(k)/v+p
- end
- else
- if k==v then
- p=P(k)
- else
- p=P(k)/v
- end
- end
- end
- else
- local keys=sortedkeys(list)
- for i=1,#keys do
- local k=keys[i]
- local v=list[k]
- if p then
- p=P(k)/v+p
- else
- p=P(k)/v
- end
- end
- end
- return p
-local function make(t)
- local p
- local keys=sortedkeys(t)
- for i=1,#keys do
- local k=keys[i]
- local v=t[k]
- if not p then
- if next(v) then
- p=P(k)*make(v)
- else
- p=P(k)
- end
- else
- if next(v) then
- p=p+P(k)*make(v)
- else
- p=p+P(k)
- end
- end
- end
- return p
-function lpeg.utfchartabletopattern(list)
- local tree={}
- for i=1,#list do
- local t=tree
- for c in gmatch(list[i],".") do
- if not t[c] then
- t[c]={}
- end
- t=t[c]
- end
- end
- return make(tree)
-local function nextstep(n,step,result)
- local m=n%step
- local d=floor(n/step)
- if d>0 then
- local v=V(tostring(step))
- local s=result.start
- for i=1,d do
- if s then
- s=v*s
- else
- s=v
- end
- end
- result.start=s
- end
- if step>1 and result.start then
- local v=V(tostring(step/2))
- result[tostring(step)]=v*v
- end
- if step>0 then
- return nextstep(m,step/2,result)
- else
- return result
- end
-function lpeg.times(pattern,n)
- return P(nextstep(n,2^16,{ "start",["1"]=pattern }))
-local digit=R("09")
-local period=P(".")
-local zero=P("0")
-local trailingzeros=zero^0*-digit
-local case_1=period*trailingzeros/""
-local case_2=period*(digit-trailingzeros)^1*(trailingzeros/"")
-local number=digit^1*(case_1+case_2)
-local stripper=Cs((number+1)^0)
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["l-function"] = package.loaded["l-function"] or true
--- original size: 361, stripped down to: 322
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-functions']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-functions=functions or {}
-function functions.dummy() end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["l-string"] = package.loaded["l-string"] or true
--- original size: 5513, stripped down to: 2708
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-string']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local string=string
-local sub,gmatch,format,char,byte,rep,lower=string.sub,string.gmatch,string.format,string.char,string.byte,string.rep,string.lower
-local lpegmatch,patterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
-local P,S,C,Ct,Cc,Cs=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cs
-local unquoted=patterns.squote*C(patterns.nosquote)*patterns.squote+patterns.dquote*C(patterns.nodquote)*patterns.dquote
-function string.unquoted(str)
- return lpegmatch(unquoted,str) or str
-function string.quoted(str)
- return format("%q",str)
-function string.count(str,pattern)
- local n=0
- for _ in gmatch(str,pattern) do
- n=n+1
- end
- return n
-function string.limit(str,n,sentinel)
- if #str>n then
- sentinel=sentinel or "..."
- return sub(str,1,(n-#sentinel))..sentinel
- else
- return str
- end
-local stripper=patterns.stripper
-local collapser=patterns.collapser
-local longtostring=patterns.longtostring
-function string.strip(str)
- return lpegmatch(stripper,str) or ""
-function string.collapsespaces(str)
- return lpegmatch(collapser,str) or ""
-function string.longtostring(str)
- return lpegmatch(longtostring,str) or ""
-local pattern=P(" ")^0*P(-1)
-function string.is_empty(str)
- if str=="" then
- return true
- else
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str) and true or false
- end
-local anything=patterns.anything
-local allescapes=Cc("%")*S(".-+%?()[]*")
-local someescapes=Cc("%")*S(".-+%()[]")
-local matchescapes=Cc(".")*S("*?")
-local pattern_a=Cs ((allescapes+anything )^0 )
-local pattern_b=Cs ((someescapes+matchescapes+anything )^0 )
-local pattern_c=Cs (Cc("^")*(someescapes+matchescapes+anything )^0*Cc("$") )
-function string.escapedpattern(str,simple)
- return lpegmatch(simple and pattern_b or pattern_a,str)
-function string.topattern(str,lowercase,strict)
- if str=="" or type(str)~="string" then
- return ".*"
- elseif strict then
- str=lpegmatch(pattern_c,str)
- else
- str=lpegmatch(pattern_b,str)
- end
- if lowercase then
- return lower(str)
- else
- return str
- end
-function string.valid(str,default)
- return (type(str)=="string" and str~="" and str) or default or nil
-string.itself=function(s) return s end
-local pattern=Ct(C(1)^0)
-function string.totable(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
-local replacer=lpeg.replacer("@","%%")
-function string.tformat(fmt,...)
- return format(lpegmatch(replacer,fmt),...)
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["l-table"] = package.loaded["l-table"] or true
--- original size: 44643, stripped down to: 19717
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-table']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local type,next,tostring,tonumber,ipairs,select=type,next,tostring,tonumber,ipairs,select
-local table,string=table,string
-local concat,sort,insert,remove=table.concat,table.sort,table.insert,table.remove
-local format,lower,dump=string.format,string.lower,string.dump
-local getmetatable,setmetatable=getmetatable,setmetatable
-local getinfo=debug.getinfo
-local lpegmatch,patterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
-local floor=math.floor
-local stripper=patterns.stripper
-function table.strip(tab)
- local lst,l={},0
- for i=1,#tab do
- local s=lpegmatch(stripper,tab[i]) or ""
- if s=="" then
- else
- l=l+1
- lst[l]=s
- end
- end
- return lst
-function table.keys(t)
- if t then
- local keys,k={},0
- for key,_ in next,t do
- k=k+1
- keys[k]=key
- end
- return keys
- else
- return {}
- end
-local function compare(a,b)
- local ta,tb=type(a),type(b)
- if ta==tb then
- return a<b
- else
- return tostring(a)<tostring(b)
- end
-local function sortedkeys(tab)
- if tab then
- local srt,category,s={},0,0
- for key,_ in next,tab do
- s=s+1
- srt[s]=key
- if category==3 then
- else
- local tkey=type(key)
- if tkey=="string" then
- category=(category==2 and 3) or 1
- elseif tkey=="number" then
- category=(category==1 and 3) or 2
- else
- category=3
- end
- end
- end
- if category==0 or category==3 then
- sort(srt,compare)
- else
- sort(srt)
- end
- return srt
- else
- return {}
- end
-local function sortedhashkeys(tab,cmp)
- if tab then
- local srt,s={},0
- for key,_ in next,tab do
- if key then
- s=s+1
- srt[s]=key
- end
- end
- sort(srt,cmp)
- return srt
- else
- return {}
- end
-function table.allkeys(t)
- local keys={}
- for k,v in next,t do
- for k,v in next,v do
- keys[k]=true
- end
- end
- return sortedkeys(keys)
-local function nothing() end
-local function sortedhash(t,cmp)
- if t then
- local s
- if cmp then
- s=sortedhashkeys(t,function(a,b) return cmp(t,a,b) end)
- else
- s=sortedkeys(t)
- end
- local n=0
- local function kv(s)
- n=n+1
- local k=s[n]
- return k,t[k]
- end
- return kv,s
- else
- return nothing
- end
-function table.append(t,list)
- local n=#t
- for i=1,#list do
- n=n+1
- t[n]=list[i]
- end
- return t
-function table.prepend(t,list)
- local nl=#list
- local nt=nl+#t
- for i=#t,1,-1 do
- t[nt]=t[i]
- nt=nt-1
- end
- for i=1,#list do
- t[i]=list[i]
- end
- return t
-function table.merge(t,...)
- t=t or {}
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- for k,v in next,(select(i,...)) do
- t[k]=v
- end
- end
- return t
-function table.merged(...)
- local t={}
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- for k,v in next,(select(i,...)) do
- t[k]=v
- end
- end
- return t
-function table.imerge(t,...)
- local nt=#t
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- local nst=select(i,...)
- for j=1,#nst do
- nt=nt+1
- t[nt]=nst[j]
- end
- end
- return t
-function table.imerged(...)
- local tmp,ntmp={},0
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- local nst=select(i,...)
- for j=1,#nst do
- ntmp=ntmp+1
- tmp[ntmp]=nst[j]
- end
- end
- return tmp
-local function fastcopy(old,metatabletoo)
- if old then
- local new={}
- for k,v in next,old do
- if type(v)=="table" then
- new[k]=fastcopy(v,metatabletoo)
- else
- new[k]=v
- end
- end
- if metatabletoo then
- local mt=getmetatable(old)
- if mt then
- setmetatable(new,mt)
- end
- end
- return new
- else
- return {}
- end
-local function copy(t,tables)
- tables=tables or {}
- local tcopy={}
- if not tables[t] then
- tables[t]=tcopy
- end
- for i,v in next,t do
- if type(i)=="table" then
- if tables[i] then
- i=tables[i]
- else
- i=copy(i,tables)
- end
- end
- if type(v)~="table" then
- tcopy[i]=v
- elseif tables[v] then
- tcopy[i]=tables[v]
- else
- tcopy[i]=copy(v,tables)
- end
- end
- local mt=getmetatable(t)
- if mt then
- setmetatable(tcopy,mt)
- end
- return tcopy
-function table.derive(parent)
- local child={}
- if parent then
- setmetatable(child,{ __index=parent })
- end
- return child
-function table.tohash(t,value)
- local h={}
- if t then
- if value==nil then value=true end
- for _,v in next,t do
- h[v]=value
- end
- end
- return h
-function table.fromhash(t)
- local hsh,h={},0
- for k,v in next,t do
- if v then
- h=h+1
- hsh[h]=k
- end
- end
- return hsh
-local noquotes,hexify,handle,reduce,compact,inline,functions
-local reserved=table.tohash {
- 'and','break','do','else','elseif','end','false','for','function','if',
- 'in','local','nil','not','or','repeat','return','then','true','until','while',
-local function simple_table(t)
- if #t>0 then
- local n=0
- for _,v in next,t do
- n=n+1
- end
- if n==#t then
- local tt,nt={},0
- for i=1,#t do
- local v=t[i]
- local tv=type(v)
- if tv=="number" then
- nt=nt+1
- if hexify then
- tt[nt]=format("0x%04X",v)
- else
- tt[nt]=tostring(v)
- end
- elseif tv=="boolean" then
- nt=nt+1
- tt[nt]=tostring(v)
- elseif tv=="string" then
- nt=nt+1
- tt[nt]=format("%q",v)
- else
- tt=nil
- break
- end
- end
- return tt
- end
- end
- return nil
-local propername=patterns.propername
-local function dummy() end
-local function do_serialize(root,name,depth,level,indexed)
- if level>0 then
- depth=depth.." "
- if indexed then
- handle(format("%s{",depth))
- else
- local tn=type(name)
- if tn=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s[0x%04X]={",depth,name))
- else
- handle(format("%s[%s]={",depth,name))
- end
- elseif tn=="string" then
- if noquotes and not reserved[name] and lpegmatch(propername,name) then
- handle(format("%s%s={",depth,name))
- else
- handle(format("%s[%q]={",depth,name))
- end
- elseif tn=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s[%s]={",depth,tostring(name)))
- else
- handle(format("%s{",depth))
- end
- end
- end
- if root and next(root) then
- local first,last=nil,0
- if compact then
- last=#root
- for k=1,last do
- if root[k]==nil then
- last=k-1
- break
- end
- end
- if last>0 then
- first=1
- end
- end
- local sk=sortedkeys(root)
- for i=1,#sk do
- local k=sk[i]
- local v=root[k]
- local t,tk=type(v),type(k)
- if compact and first and tk=="number" and k>=first and k<=last then
- if t=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s 0x%04X,",depth,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s %s,",depth,v))
- end
- elseif t=="string" then
- if reduce and tonumber(v) then
- handle(format("%s %s,",depth,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s %q,",depth,v))
- end
- elseif t=="table" then
- if not next(v) then
- handle(format("%s {},",depth))
- elseif inline then
- local st=simple_table(v)
- if st then
- handle(format("%s { %s },",depth,concat(st,", ")))
- else
- do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1,true)
- end
- else
- do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1,true)
- end
- elseif t=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s %s,",depth,tostring(v)))
- elseif t=="function" then
- if functions then
- handle(format('%s load(%q),',depth,dump(v)))
- else
- handle(format('%s "function",',depth))
- end
- else
- handle(format("%s %q,",depth,tostring(v)))
- end
- elseif k=="__p__" then
- if false then
- handle(format("%s __p__=nil,",depth))
- end
- elseif t=="number" then
- if tk=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [0x%04X]=0x%04X,",depth,k,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k,v))
- end
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [%s]=0x%04X,",depth,tostring(k),v))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,tostring(k),v))
- end
- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s %s=0x%04X,",depth,k,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s %s=%s,",depth,k,v))
- end
- else
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [%q]=0x%04X,",depth,k,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%q]=%s,",depth,k,v))
- end
- end
- elseif t=="string" then
- if reduce and tonumber(v) then
- if tk=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [0x%04X]=%s,",depth,k,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k,v))
- end
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,tostring(k),v))
- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
- handle(format("%s %s=%s,",depth,k,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%q]=%s,",depth,k,v))
- end
- else
- if tk=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [0x%04X]=%q,",depth,k,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k,v))
- end
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,tostring(k),v))
- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
- handle(format("%s %s=%q,",depth,k,v))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%q]=%q,",depth,k,v))
- end
- end
- elseif t=="table" then
- if not next(v) then
- if tk=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [0x%04X]={},",depth,k))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]={},",depth,k))
- end
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s [%s]={},",depth,tostring(k)))
- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
- handle(format("%s %s={},",depth,k))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%q]={},",depth,k))
- end
- elseif inline then
- local st=simple_table(v)
- if st then
- if tk=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [0x%04X]={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", ")))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", ")))
- end
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s [%s]={ %s },",depth,tostring(k),concat(st,", ")))
- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
- handle(format("%s %s={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", ")))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%q]={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", ")))
- end
- else
- do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1)
- end
- else
- do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1)
- end
- elseif t=="boolean" then
- if tk=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [0x%04X]=%s,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
- end
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,tostring(k),tostring(v)))
- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
- handle(format("%s %s=%s,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%q]=%s,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
- end
- elseif t=="function" then
- if functions then
- local f=getinfo(v).what=="C" and dump(dummy) or dump(v)
- if tk=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [0x%04X]=load(%q),",depth,k,f))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]=load(%q),",depth,k,f))
- end
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s [%s]=load(%q),",depth,tostring(k),f))
- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
- handle(format("%s %s=load(%q),",depth,k,f))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%q]=load(%q),",depth,k,f))
- end
- end
- else
- if tk=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("%s [0x%04X]=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
- end
- elseif tk=="boolean" then
- handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,tostring(k),tostring(v)))
- elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then
- handle(format("%s %s=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
- else
- handle(format("%s [%q]=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v)))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if level>0 then
- handle(format("%s},",depth))
- end
-local function serialize(_handle,root,name,specification)
- local tname=type(name)
- if type(specification)=="table" then
- noquotes=specification.noquotes
- hexify=specification.hexify
- handle=_handle or specification.handle or print
- reduce=specification.reduce or false
- functions=specification.functions
- compact=specification.compact
- inline=specification.inline and compact
- if functions==nil then
- functions=true
- end
- if compact==nil then
- compact=true
- end
- if inline==nil then
- inline=compact
- end
- else
- noquotes=false
- hexify=false
- handle=_handle or print
- reduce=false
- compact=true
- inline=true
- functions=true
- end
- if tname=="string" then
- if name=="return" then
- handle("return {")
- else
- handle(name.."={")
- end
- elseif tname=="number" then
- if hexify then
- handle(format("[0x%04X]={",name))
- else
- handle("[""]={")
- end
- elseif tname=="boolean" then
- if name then
- handle("return {")
- else
- handle("{")
- end
- else
- handle("t={")
- end
- if root then
- if getmetatable(root) then
- local dummy=root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_
- root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_=nil
- end
- if next(root) then
- do_serialize(root,name,"",0)
- end
- end
- handle("}")
-function table.serialize(root,name,specification)
- local t,n={},0
- local function flush(s)
- n=n+1
- t[n]=s
- end
- serialize(flush,root,name,specification)
- return concat(t,"\n")
-local maxtab=2*1024
-function table.tofile(filename,root,name,specification)
- local,'w')
- if f then
- if maxtab>1 then
- local t,n={},0
- local function flush(s)
- n=n+1
- t[n]=s
- if n>maxtab then
- f:write(concat(t,"\n"),"\n")
- t,n={},0
- end
- end
- serialize(flush,root,name,specification)
- f:write(concat(t,"\n"),"\n")
- else
- local function flush(s)
- f:write(s,"\n")
- end
- serialize(flush,root,name,specification)
- end
- f:close()
- io.flush()
- end
-local function flattened(t,f,depth)
- if f==nil then
- f={}
- depth=0xFFFF
- elseif tonumber(f) then
- depth=f
- f={}
- elseif not depth then
- depth=0xFFFF
- end
- for k,v in next,t do
- if type(k)~="number" then
- if depth>0 and type(v)=="table" then
- flattened(v,f,depth-1)
- else
- f[k]=v
- end
- end
- end
- local n=#f
- for k=1,#t do
- local v=t[k]
- if depth>0 and type(v)=="table" then
- flattened(v,f,depth-1)
- n=#f
- else
- n=n+1
- f[n]=v
- end
- end
- return f
-local function unnest(t,f)
- if not f then
- f={}
- end
- for i=1,#t do
- local v=t[i]
- if type(v)=="table" then
- if type(v[1])=="table" then
- unnest(v,f)
- else
- f[#f+1]=v
- end
- else
- f[#f+1]=v
- end
- end
- return f
-function table.unnest(t)
- return unnest(t)
-local function are_equal(a,b,n,m)
- if a and b and #a==#b then
- n=n or 1
- m=m or #a
- for i=n,m do
- local ai,bi=a[i],b[i]
- if ai==bi then
- elseif type(ai)=="table" and type(bi)=="table" then
- if not are_equal(ai,bi) then
- return false
- end
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
-local function identical(a,b)
- for ka,va in next,a do
- local vb=b[ka]
- if va==vb then
- elseif type(va)=="table" and type(vb)=="table" then
- if not identical(va,vb) then
- return false
- end
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
-function table.compact(t)
- if t then
- for k,v in next,t do
- if not next(v) then
- t[k]=nil
- end
- end
- end
-function table.contains(t,v)
- if t then
- for i=1,#t do
- if t[i]==v then
- return i
- end
- end
- end
- return false
-function table.count(t)
- local n=0
- for k,v in next,t do
- n=n+1
- end
- return n
-function table.swapped(t,s)
- local n={}
- if s then
- for k,v in next,s do
- n[k]=v
- end
- end
- for k,v in next,t do
- n[v]=k
- end
- return n
-function table.mirrored(t)
- local n={}
- for k,v in next,t do
- n[v]=k
- n[k]=v
- end
- return n
-function table.reversed(t)
- if t then
- local tt,tn={},#t
- if tn>0 then
- local ttn=0
- for i=tn,1,-1 do
- ttn=ttn+1
- tt[ttn]=t[i]
- end
- end
- return tt
- end
-function table.reverse(t)
- if t then
- local n=#t
- for i=1,floor(n/2) do
- local j=n-i+1
- t[i],t[j]=t[j],t[i]
- end
- return t
- end
-function table.sequenced(t,sep,simple)
- if not t then
- return ""
- end
- local n=#t
- local s={}
- if n>0 then
- for i=1,n do
- s[i]=tostring(t[i])
- end
- else
- n=0
- for k,v in sortedhash(t) do
- if simple then
- if v==true then
- n=n+1
- s[n]=k
- elseif v and v~="" then
- n=n+1
- s[n]=k.."="..tostring(v)
- end
- else
- n=n+1
- s[n]=k.."="..tostring(v)
- end
- end
- end
- return concat(s,sep or " | ")
-function table.print(t,...)
- if type(t)~="table" then
- print(tostring(t))
- else
- serialize(print,t,...)
- end
-setinspector(function(v) if type(v)=="table" then serialize(print,v,"table") return true end end)
-function table.sub(t,i,j)
- return { unpack(t,i,j) }
-function table.is_empty(t)
- return not t or not next(t)
-function table.has_one_entry(t)
- return t and not next(t,next(t))
-function table.loweredkeys(t)
- local l={}
- for k,v in next,t do
- l[lower(k)]=v
- end
- return l
-function table.unique(old)
- local hash={}
- local new={}
- local n=0
- for i=1,#old do
- local oi=old[i]
- if not hash[oi] then
- n=n+1
- new[n]=oi
- hash[oi]=true
- end
- end
- return new
-function table.sorted(t,...)
- sort(t,...)
- return t
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["l-io"] = package.loaded["l-io"] or true
--- original size: 8799, stripped down to: 6325
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-io']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local io=io
-local byte,find,gsub,format=string.byte,string.find,string.gsub,string.format
-local concat=table.concat
-local floor=math.floor
-local type=type
-if string.find(os.getenv("PATH"),";") then
- io.fileseparator,io.pathseparator="\\",";"
- io.fileseparator,io.pathseparator="/",":"
-local function readall(f)
- return f:read("*all")
-local function readall(f)
- local size=f:seek("end")
- if size==0 then
- return ""
- elseif size<1024*1024 then
- f:seek("set",0)
- return f:read('*all')
- else
- local done=f:seek("set",0)
- if size<1024*1024 then
- step=1024*1024
- elseif size>16*1024*1024 then
- step=16*1024*1024
- else
- step=floor(size/(1024*1024))*1024*1024/8
- end
- local data={}
- while true do
- local r=f:read(step)
- if not r then
- return concat(data)
- else
- data[#data+1]=r
- end
- end
- end
-function io.loaddata(filename,textmode)
- local,(textmode and 'r') or 'rb')
- if f then
- local data=readall(f)
- f:close()
- if #data>0 then
- return data
- end
- end
-function io.savedata(filename,data,joiner)
- local,"wb")
- if f then
- if type(data)=="table" then
- f:write(concat(data,joiner or ""))
- elseif type(data)=="function" then
- data(f)
- else
- f:write(data or "")
- end
- f:close()
- io.flush()
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
-function io.loadlines(filename,n)
- local,'r')
- if not f then
- elseif n then
- local lines={}
- for i=1,n do
- local line=f:read("*lines")
- if line then
- lines[#lines+1]=line
- else
- break
- end
- end
- f:close()
- lines=concat(lines,"\n")
- if #lines>0 then
- return lines
- end
- else
- local line=f:read("*line") or ""
- f:close()
- if #line>0 then
- return line
- end
- end
-function io.loadchunk(filename,n)
- local,'rb')
- if f then
- local data=f:read(n or 1024)
- f:close()
- if #data>0 then
- return data
- end
- end
-function io.exists(filename)
- local
- if f==nil then
- return false
- else
- f:close()
- return true
- end
-function io.size(filename)
- local
- if f==nil then
- return 0
- else
- local s=f:seek("end")
- f:close()
- return s
- end
-function io.noflines(f)
- if type(f)=="string" then
- local
- if f then
- local n=f and io.noflines(f) or 0
- f:close()
- return n
- else
- return 0
- end
- else
- local n=0
- for _ in f:lines() do
- n=n+1
- end
- f:seek('set',0)
- return n
- end
-local nextchar={
- [ 4]=function(f)
- return f:read(1,1,1,1)
- end,
- [ 2]=function(f)
- return f:read(1,1)
- end,
- [ 1]=function(f)
- return f:read(1)
- end,
- [-2]=function(f)
- local a,b=f:read(1,1)
- return b,a
- end,
- [-4]=function(f)
- local a,b,c,d=f:read(1,1,1,1)
- return d,c,b,a
- end
-function io.characters(f,n)
- if f then
- return nextchar[n or 1],f
- end
-local nextbyte={
- [4]=function(f)
- local a,b,c,d=f:read(1,1,1,1)
- if d then
- return byte(a),byte(b),byte(c),byte(d)
- end
- end,
- [3]=function(f)
- local a,b,c=f:read(1,1,1)
- if b then
- return byte(a),byte(b),byte(c)
- end
- end,
- [2]=function(f)
- local a,b=f:read(1,1)
- if b then
- return byte(a),byte(b)
- end
- end,
- [1]=function (f)
- local a=f:read(1)
- if a then
- return byte(a)
- end
- end,
- [-2]=function (f)
- local a,b=f:read(1,1)
- if b then
- return byte(b),byte(a)
- end
- end,
- [-3]=function(f)
- local a,b,c=f:read(1,1,1)
- if b then
- return byte(c),byte(b),byte(a)
- end
- end,
- [-4]=function(f)
- local a,b,c,d=f:read(1,1,1,1)
- if d then
- return byte(d),byte(c),byte(b),byte(a)
- end
- end
-function io.bytes(f,n)
- if f then
- return nextbyte[n or 1],f
- else
- return nil,nil
- end
-function io.ask(question,default,options)
- while true do
- io.write(question)
- if options then
- io.write(format(" [%s]",concat(options,"|")))
- end
- if default then
- io.write(format(" [%s]",default))
- end
- io.write(format(" "))
- io.flush()
- local
- answer=gsub(answer,"^%s*(.*)%s*$","%1")
- if answer=="" and default then
- return default
- elseif not options then
- return answer
- else
- for k=1,#options do
- if options[k]==answer then
- return answer
- end
- end
- local pattern="^"..answer
- for k=1,#options do
- local v=options[k]
- if find(v,pattern) then
- return v
- end
- end
- end
- end
-local function readnumber(f,n,m)
- if m then
- f:seek("set",n)
- n=m
- end
- if n==1 then
- return byte(f:read(1))
- elseif n==2 then
- local a,b=byte(f:read(2),1,2)
- return 256*a+b
- elseif n==3 then
- local a,b,c=byte(f:read(3),1,3)
- return 256*256*a+256*b+c
- elseif n==4 then
- local a,b,c,d=byte(f:read(4),1,4)
- return 256*256*256*a+256*256*b+256*c+d
- elseif n==8 then
- local a,b=readnumber(f,4),readnumber(f,4)
- return 256*a+b
- elseif n==12 then
- local a,b,c=readnumber(f,4),readnumber(f,4),readnumber(f,4)
- return 256*256*a+256*b+c
- elseif n==-2 then
- local b,a=byte(f:read(2),1,2)
- return 256*a+b
- elseif n==-3 then
- local c,b,a=byte(f:read(3),1,3)
- return 256*256*a+256*b+c
- elseif n==-4 then
- local d,c,b,a=byte(f:read(4),1,4)
- return 256*256*256*a+256*256*b+256*c+d
- elseif n==-8 then
- local h,g,f,e,d,c,b,a=byte(f:read(8),1,8)
- return 256*256*256*256*256*256*256*a+256*256*256*256*256*256*b+256*256*256*256*256*c+256*256*256*256*d+256*256*256*e+256*256*f+256*g+h
- else
- return 0
- end
-function io.readstring(f,n,m)
- if m then
- f:seek("set",n)
- n=m
- end
- local str=gsub(f:read(n),"\000","")
- return str
-if not io.i_limiter then function io.i_limiter() end end
-if not io.o_limiter then function io.o_limiter() end end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["l-number"] = package.loaded["l-number"] or true
--- original size: 4939, stripped down to: 2830
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-number']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local tostring,tonumber=tostring,tonumber
-local format,floor,match,rep=string.format,math.floor,string.match,string.rep
-local concat,insert=table.concat,table.insert
-local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
-number=number or {}
-local number=number
-if bit32 then
- local btest,bor=bit32.btest,bit32.bor
- function number.bit(p)
- return 2^(p-1)
- end
- number.hasbit=btest
- number.setbit=bor
- function number.setbit(x,p)
- return btest(x,p) and x or x+p
- end
- function number.clearbit(x,p)
- return btest(x,p) and x-p or x
- end
- function number.bit(p)
- return 2^(p-1)
- end
- function number.hasbit(x,p)
- return x%(p+p)>=p
- end
- function number.setbit(x,p)
- return (x%(p+p)>=p) and x or x+p
- end
- function number.clearbit(x,p)
- return (x%(p+p)>=p) and x-p or x
- end
-if bit32 then
- local bextract=bit32.extract
- local t={
- "0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0",
- "0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0",
- "0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0",
- "0","0","0","0","0","0","0","0",
- }
- function number.tobitstring(b,m)
- local n=32
- for i=0,31 do
- local v=bextract(b,i)
- local k=32-i
- if v==1 then
- n=k
- t[k]="1"
- else
- t[k]="0"
- end
- end
- if m then
- m=33-m*8
- if m<1 then
- m=1
- end
- return concat(t,"",m)
- elseif n<8 then
- return concat(t)
- elseif n<16 then
- return concat(t,"",9)
- elseif n<24 then
- return concat(t,"",17)
- else
- return concat(t,"",25)
- end
- end
- function number.tobitstring(n,m)
- if n>0 then
- local t={}
- while n>0 do
- insert(t,1,n%2>0 and 1 or 0)
- n=floor(n/2)
- end
- local nn=8-#t%8
- if nn>0 and nn<8 then
- for i=1,nn do
- insert(t,1,0)
- end
- end
- if m then
- m=m*8-#t
- if m>0 then
- insert(t,1,rep("0",m))
- end
- end
- return concat(t)
- elseif m then
- rep("00000000",m)
- else
- return "00000000"
- end
- end
-function number.valid(str,default)
- return tonumber(str) or default or nil
-function number.toevenhex(n)
- local s=format("%X",n)
- if #s%2==0 then
- return s
- else
- return "0"..s
- end
-local one=lpeg.C(1-lpeg.S('')/tonumber)^1
-function number.toset(n)
- return lpegmatch(one,tostring(n))
-local function bits(n,i,...)
- if n>0 then
- local m=n%2
- local n=floor(n/2)
- if m>0 then
- return bits(n,i+1,i,...)
- else
- return bits(n,i+1,...)
- end
- else
- return...
- end
-function number.bits(n)
- return { bits(n,1) }
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["l-set"] = package.loaded["l-set"] or true
--- original size: 1923, stripped down to: 1133
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-set']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-set=set or {}
-local nums={}
-local tabs={}
-local concat=table.concat
-local next,type=next,type
-function set.tonumber(t)
- if next(t) then
- local s=""
- for k,v in next,t do
- if v then
- s=s.." "..k
- end
- end
- local n=nums[s]
- if not n then
- n=#tabs+1
- tabs[n]=t
- nums[s]=n
- end
- return n
- else
- return 0
- end
-function set.totable(n)
- if n==0 then
- return {}
- else
- return tabs[n] or {}
- end
-function set.tolist(n)
- if n==0 or not tabs[n] then
- return ""
- else
- local t,n={},0
- for k,v in next,tabs[n] do
- if v then
- n=n+1
- t[n]=k
- end
- end
- return concat(t," ")
- end
-function set.contains(n,s)
- if type(n)=="table" then
- return n[s]
- elseif n==0 then
- return false
- else
- local t=tabs[n]
- return t and t[s]
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["l-os"] = package.loaded["l-os"] or true
--- original size: 13692, stripped down to: 8406
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-os']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local os=os
-local date,,os.time
-local find,format,gsub,upper,gmatch=string.find,string.format,string.gsub,string.upper,string.gmatch
-local concat=table.concat
-local random,ceil,randomseed=math.random,math.ceil,math.randomseed
-local rawget,rawset,type,getmetatable,setmetatable,tonumber,tostring=rawget,rawset,type,getmetatable,setmetatable,tonumber,tostring
-math.initialseed=tonumber(string.sub(string.reverse(tostring(ceil(socket and socket.gettime()*10000 or time()))),1,6))
-if not os.__getenv__ then
- os.__getenv__=os.getenv
- os.__setenv__=os.setenv
- if os.env then
- local osgetenv=os.getenv
- local ossetenv=os.setenv
- local osenv=os.env local _=osenv.PATH
- function os.setenv(k,v)
- if v==nil then
- v=""
- end
- local K=upper(k)
- osenv[K]=v
- if type(v)=="table" then
- v=concat(v,";")
- end
- ossetenv(K,v)
- end
- function os.getenv(k)
- local K=upper(k)
- local v=osenv[K] or osenv[k] or osgetenv(K) or osgetenv(k)
- if v=="" then
- return nil
- else
- return v
- end
- end
- else
- local ossetenv=os.setenv
- local osgetenv=os.getenv
- local osenv={}
- function os.setenv(k,v)
- if v==nil then
- v=""
- end
- local K=upper(k)
- osenv[K]=v
- end
- function os.getenv(k)
- local K=upper(k)
- local v=osenv[K] or osgetenv(K) or osgetenv(k)
- if v=="" then
- return nil
- else
- return v
- end
- end
- local function __index(t,k)
- return os.getenv(k)
- end
- local function __newindex(t,k,v)
- os.setenv(k,v)
- end
- os.env={}
- setmetatable(os.env,{ __index=__index,__newindex=__newindex } )
- end
-local execute,spawn,exec,iopopen,ioflush=os.execute,os.spawn or os.execute,os.exec or os.execute,io.popen,io.flush
-function os.execute(...) ioflush() return execute(...) end
-function os.spawn (...) ioflush() return spawn (...) end
-function os.exec (...) ioflush() return exec (...) end
-function io.popen (...) ioflush() return iopopen(...) end
-function os.resultof(command)
- local handle=io.popen(command,"r")
- return handle and handle:read("*all") or ""
-if not io.fileseparator then
- if find(os.getenv("PATH"),";") then
- io.fileseparator,io.pathseparator,os.type="\\",";",os.type or "mswin"
- else
- io.fileseparator,io.pathseparator,os.type="/",":",os.type or "unix"
- end
-os.type=os.type or (io.pathseparator==";" and "windows") or "unix" or (os.type=="windows" and "mswin" ) or "linux"
-if os.type=="windows" then
- os.libsuffix,os.binsuffix,os.binsuffixes='dll','exe',{ 'exe','cmd','bat' }
- os.libsuffix,os.binsuffix,os.binsuffixes='so','',{ '' }
-local launchers={
- windows="start %s",
- macosx="open %s",
- unix="$BROWSER %s &> /dev/null &",
-function os.launch(str)
- os.execute(format(launchers[] or launchers.unix,str))
-if not os.times then
- function os.times()
- return {
- utime=os.gettimeofday(),
- stime=0,
- cutime=0,
- cstime=0,
- }
- end
-os.gettimeofday=os.gettimeofday or os.clock
-local startuptime=os.gettimeofday()
-function os.runtime()
- return os.gettimeofday()-startuptime
-os.resolvers=os.resolvers or {}
-local resolvers=os.resolvers
-setmetatable(os,{ __index=function(t,k)
- local r=resolvers[k]
- return r and r(t,k) or nil
-end })
-local name, or "linux",os.getenv("MTX_PLATFORM") or ""
-local function guess()
- local architecture=os.resultof("uname -m") or ""
- if architecture~="" then
- return architecture
- end
- architecture=os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") or ""
- if architecture~="" then
- return architecture
- end
- return os.resultof("echo $HOSTTYPE") or ""
-if platform~="" then
- os.platform=platform
-elseif os.type=="windows" then
- function os.resolvers.platform(t,k)
- local platform,architecture="",os.getenv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") or ""
- if find(architecture,"AMD64") then
- platform="mswin-64"
- else
- platform="mswin"
- end
- os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
- os.platform=platform
- return platform
- end
-elseif name=="linux" then
- function os.resolvers.platform(t,k)
- local platform,architecture="",os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") or os.resultof("uname -m") or ""
- if find(architecture,"x86_64") then
- platform="linux-64"
- elseif find(architecture,"ppc") then
- platform="linux-ppc"
- else
- platform="linux"
- end
- os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
- os.platform=platform
- return platform
- end
-elseif name=="macosx" then
- function os.resolvers.platform(t,k)
- local platform,architecture="",os.resultof("echo $HOSTTYPE") or ""
- if architecture=="" then
- platform="osx-intel"
- elseif find(architecture,"i386") then
- platform="osx-intel"
- elseif find(architecture,"x86_64") then
- platform="osx-64"
- else
- platform="osx-ppc"
- end
- os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
- os.platform=platform
- return platform
- end
-elseif name=="sunos" then
- function os.resolvers.platform(t,k)
- local platform,architecture="",os.resultof("uname -m") or ""
- if find(architecture,"sparc") then
- platform="solaris-sparc"
- else
- platform="solaris-intel"
- end
- os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
- os.platform=platform
- return platform
- end
-elseif name=="freebsd" then
- function os.resolvers.platform(t,k)
- local platform,architecture="",os.resultof("uname -m") or ""
- if find(architecture,"amd64") then
- platform="freebsd-amd64"
- else
- platform="freebsd"
- end
- os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
- os.platform=platform
- return platform
- end
-elseif name=="kfreebsd" then
- function os.resolvers.platform(t,k)
- local platform,architecture="",os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") or os.resultof("uname -m") or ""
- if find(architecture,"x86_64") then
- platform="kfreebsd-amd64"
- else
- platform="kfreebsd-i386"
- end
- os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
- os.platform=platform
- return platform
- end
- function os.resolvers.platform(t,k)
- local platform="linux"
- os.setenv("MTX_PLATFORM",platform)
- os.platform=platform
- return platform
- end
-local t={ 8,9,"a","b" }
-function os.uuid()
- return format("%04x%04x-4%03x-%s%03x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x",
- random(0xFFFF),random(0xFFFF),
- random(0x0FFF),
- t[ceil(random(4))] or 8,random(0x0FFF),
- random(0xFFFF),
- random(0xFFFF),random(0xFFFF),random(0xFFFF)
- )
-local d
-function os.timezone(delta)
- d=d or tonumber(tonumber(date("%H")-date("!%H")))
- if delta then
- if d>0 then
- return format("+%02i:00",d)
- else
- return format("-%02i:00",-d)
- end
- else
- return 1
- end
-local timeformat=format("%%s%s",os.timezone(true))
-local dateformat="!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
-function os.fulltime(t,default)
- t=tonumber(t) or 0
- if t>0 then
- elseif default then
- return default
- else
- t=nil
- end
- return format(timeformat,date(dateformat,t))
-local dateformat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
-function os.localtime(t,default)
- t=tonumber(t) or 0
- if t>0 then
- elseif default then
- return default
- else
- t=nil
- end
- return date(dateformat,t)
-function os.converttime(t,default)
- local t=tonumber(t)
- if t and t>0 then
- return date(dateformat,t)
- else
- return default or "-"
- end
-local memory={}
-local function which(filename)
- local fullname=memory[filename]
- if fullname==nil then
- local suffix=file.suffix(filename)
- local suffixes=suffix=="" and os.binsuffixes or { suffix }
- for directory in gmatch(os.getenv("PATH"),"[^""]+") do
- local df=file.join(directory,filename)
- for i=1,#suffixes do
- local dfs=file.addsuffix(df,suffixes[i])
- if io.exists(dfs) then
- fullname=dfs
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if not fullname then
- fullname=false
- end
- memory[filename]=fullname
- end
- return fullname
- return date("!*t")
- return date("!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-if not os.sleep and socket then
- os.sleep=socket.sleep
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["l-file"] = package.loaded["l-file"] or true
--- original size: 16648, stripped down to: 9051
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-file']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-file=file or {}
-local file=file
-if not lfs then
- lfs=optionalrequire("lfs")
-if not lfs then
- lfs={
- getcurrentdir=function()
- return "."
- end,
- attributes=function()
- return nil
- end,
- isfile=function(name)
- local,'rb')
- if f then
- f:close()
- return true
- end
- end,
- isdir=function(name)
- print("you need to load lfs")
- return false
- end
- }
-elseif not lfs.isfile then
- local attributes=lfs.attributes
- function lfs.isdir(name)
- return attributes(name,"mode")=="directory"
- end
- function lfs.isfile(name)
- return attributes(name,"mode")=="file"
- end
-local insert,concat=table.insert,table.concat
-local match=string.match
-local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
-local getcurrentdir,attributes=lfs.currentdir,lfs.attributes
-local checkedsplit=string.checkedsplit
-local P,R,S,C,Cs,Cp,Cc,Ct=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Ct
-local colon=P(":")
-local period=P(".")
-local periods=P("..")
-local fwslash=P("/")
-local bwslash=P("\\")
-local slashes=S("\\/")
-local noperiod=1-period
-local noslashes=1-slashes
-local name=noperiod^1
-local suffix=period/""*(1-period-slashes)^1*-1
-local pattern=C((1-(slashes^1*noslashes^1*-1))^1)*P(1)
-local function pathpart(name,default)
- return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or default or ""
-local pattern=(noslashes^0*slashes)^1*C(noslashes^1)*-1
-local function basename(name)
- return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or name
-local pattern=(noslashes^0*slashes^1)^0*Cs((1-suffix)^1)*suffix^0
-local function nameonly(name)
- return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or name
-local pattern=(noslashes^0*slashes)^0*(noperiod^1*period)^1*C(noperiod^1)*-1
-local function suffixonly(name)
- return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or ""
-local drive=C(R("az","AZ"))*colon
-local path=C((noslashes^0*slashes)^0)
-local suffix=period*C(P(1-period)^0*P(-1))
-local base=C((1-suffix)^0)
-local rest=C(P(1)^0)
-local pattern_a=drive*path*base*suffix
-local pattern_b=path*base*suffix
-local pattern_c=C(drive*path)*C(base*suffix)
-local pattern_d=path*rest
-function file.splitname(str,splitdrive)
- if not str then
- elseif splitdrive then
- return lpegmatch(pattern_a,str)
- else
- return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str)
- end
-function file.splitbase(str)
- return str and lpegmatch(pattern_d,str)
-function file.nametotable(str,splitdrive)
- if str then
- local path,drive,subpath,name,base,suffix=lpegmatch(pattern_c,str)
- if splitdrive then
- return {
- path=path,
- drive=drive,
- subpath=subpath,
- name=name,
- base=base,
- suffix=suffix,
- }
- else
- return {
- path=path,
- name=name,
- base=base,
- suffix=suffix,
- }
- end
- end
-local pattern=Cs(((period*(1-period-slashes)^1*-1)/""+1)^1)
-function file.removesuffix(name)
- return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name)
-local suffix=period/""*(1-period-slashes)^1*-1
-local pattern=Cs((noslashes^0*slashes^1)^0*((1-suffix)^1))*Cs(suffix)
-function file.addsuffix(filename,suffix,criterium)
- if not filename or not suffix or suffix=="" then
- return filename
- elseif criterium==true then
- return filename.."."..suffix
- elseif not criterium then
- local n,s=lpegmatch(pattern,filename)
- if not s or s=="" then
- return filename.."."..suffix
- else
- return filename
- end
- else
- local n,s=lpegmatch(pattern,filename)
- if s and s~="" then
- local t=type(criterium)
- if t=="table" then
- for i=1,#criterium do
- if s==criterium[i] then
- return filename
- end
- end
- elseif t=="string" then
- if s==criterium then
- return filename
- end
- end
- end
- return (n or filename).."."..suffix
- end
-local suffix=period*(1-period-slashes)^1*-1
-local pattern=Cs((1-suffix)^0)
-function file.replacesuffix(name,suffix)
- if name and suffix and suffix~="" then
- return lpegmatch(pattern,name).."."..suffix
- else
- return name
- end
-local reslasher=lpeg.replacer(P("\\"),"/")
-function file.reslash(str)
- return str and lpegmatch(reslasher,str)
-function file.is_writable(name)
- if not name then
- elseif lfs.isdir(name) then
- name=name.."/m_t_x_t_e_s_t.tmp"
- local,"wb")
- if f then
- f:close()
- os.remove(name)
- return true
- end
- elseif lfs.isfile(name) then
- local,"ab")
- if f then
- f:close()
- return true
- end
- else
- local,"ab")
- if f then
- f:close()
- os.remove(name)
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
-local readable=P("r")*Cc(true)
-function file.is_readable(name)
- if name then
- local a=attributes(name)
- return a and lpegmatch(readable,a.permissions) or false
- else
- return false
- end
-function file.size(name)
- if name then
- local a=attributes(name)
- return a and a.size or 0
- else
- return 0
- end
-function file.splitpath(str,separator)
- return str and checkedsplit(lpegmatch(reslasher,str),separator or io.pathseparator)
-function file.joinpath(tab,separator)
- return tab and concat(tab,separator or io.pathseparator)
-local stripper=Cs(P(fwslash)^0/""*reslasher)
-local isnetwork=fwslash*fwslash*(1-fwslash)+(1-fwslash-colon)^1*colon
-local isroot=fwslash^1*-1
-local hasroot=fwslash^1
-local deslasher=lpeg.replacer(S("\\/")^1,"/")
-function file.join(...)
- local lst={... }
- local one=lst[1]
- if lpegmatch(isnetwork,one) then
- local two=lpegmatch(deslasher,concat(lst,"/",2))
- return one.."/"..two
- elseif lpegmatch(isroot,one) then
- local two=lpegmatch(deslasher,concat(lst,"/",2))
- if lpegmatch(hasroot,two) then
- return two
- else
- return "/"..two
- end
- elseif one=="" then
- return lpegmatch(stripper,concat(lst,"/",2))
- else
- return lpegmatch(deslasher,concat(lst,"/"))
- end
-local drivespec=R("az","AZ")^1*colon
-local anchors=fwslash+drivespec
-local untouched=periods+(1-period)^1*P(-1)
-local splitstarter=(Cs(drivespec*(bwslash/"/"+fwslash)^0)+Cc(false))*Ct(lpeg.splitat(S("/\\")^1))
-local absolute=fwslash
-function file.collapsepath(str,anchor)
- if not str then
- return
- end
- if anchor and not lpegmatch(anchors,str) then
- str=getcurrentdir().."/"..str
- end
- if str=="" or str=="." then
- return "."
- elseif lpegmatch(untouched,str) then
- return lpegmatch(reslasher,str)
- end
- local starter,oldelements=lpegmatch(splitstarter,str)
- local newelements={}
- local i=#oldelements
- while i>0 do
- local element=oldelements[i]
- if element=='.' then
- elseif element=='..' then
- local n=i-1
- while n>0 do
- local element=oldelements[n]
- if element~='..' and element~='.' then
- oldelements[n]='.'
- break
- else
- n=n-1
- end
- end
- if n<1 then
- insert(newelements,1,'..')
- end
- elseif element~="" then
- insert(newelements,1,element)
- end
- i=i-1
- end
- if #newelements==0 then
- return starter or "."
- elseif starter then
- return starter..concat(newelements,'/')
- elseif lpegmatch(absolute,str) then
- return "/"..concat(newelements,'/')
- else
- return concat(newelements,'/')
- end
-local validchars=R("az","09","AZ","--","..")
-local pattern_a=lpeg.replacer(1-validchars)
-local pattern_a=Cs((validchars+P(1)/"-")^1)
-local whatever=P("-")^0/""
-local pattern_b=Cs(whatever*(1-whatever*-1)^1)
-function file.robustname(str,strict)
- if str then
- str=lpegmatch(pattern_a,str) or str
- if strict then
- return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str) or str
- else
- return str
- end
- end
-function file.copy(oldname,newname)
- if oldname and newname then
- local data=io.loaddata(oldname)
- if data and data~="" then
- file.savedata(newname,data)
- end
- end
-local letter=R("az","AZ")+S("_-+")
-local separator=P("://")
-local qualified=period^0*fwslash+letter*colon+letter^1*separator+letter^1*fwslash
-local rootbased=fwslash+letter*colon
-function file.is_qualified_path(filename)
- return filename and lpegmatch(qualified,filename)~=nil
-function file.is_rootbased_path(filename)
- return filename and lpegmatch(rootbased,filename)~=nil
-function file.strip(name,dir)
- if name then
- local b,a=match(name,"^(.-)"..dir.."(.*)$")
- return a~="" and a or name
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["l-md5"] = package.loaded["l-md5"] or true
--- original size: 3760, stripped down to: 2088
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-md5']={
- version=1.001,
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-if not md5 then
- md5=optionalrequire("md5")
-if not md5 then
- md5={
- sum=function(str) print("error: md5 is not loaded (sum ignored)") return str end,
- sumhexa=function(str) print("error: md5 is not loaded (sumhexa ignored)") return str end,
- }
-local md5,file=md5,file
-local gsub,format,byte=string.gsub,string.format,string.byte
-local md5sum=md5.sum
-local function convert(str,fmt)
- return (gsub(md5sum(str),".",function(chr) return format(fmt,byte(chr)) end))
-if not md5.HEX then function md5.HEX(str) return convert(str,"%02X") end end
-if not md5.hex then function md5.hex(str) return convert(str,"%02x") end end
-if not md5.dec then function md5.dec(str) return convert(str,"%03i") end end
-function file.needsupdating(oldname,newname,threshold)
- local oldtime=lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
- if oldtime then
- local newtime=lfs.attributes(newname,"modification")
- if not newtime then
- return true
- elseif newtime>=oldtime then
- return false
- elseif oldtime-newtime<(threshold or 1) then
- return false
- else
- return true
- end
- else
- return false
- end
-function file.syncmtimes(oldname,newname)
- local oldtime=lfs.attributes(oldname,"modification")
- if oldtime and lfs.isfile(newname) then
- lfs.touch(newname,oldtime,oldtime)
- end
-function file.checksum(name)
- if md5 then
- local data=io.loaddata(name)
- if data then
- return md5.HEX(data)
- end
- end
- return nil
-function file.loadchecksum(name)
- if md5 then
- local data=io.loaddata(name..".md5")
- return data and (gsub(data,"%s",""))
- end
- return nil
-function file.savechecksum(name,checksum)
- if not checksum then checksum=file.checksum(name) end
- if checksum then
- io.savedata(name..".md5",checksum)
- return checksum
- end
- return nil
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["l-url"] = package.loaded["l-url"] or true
--- original size: 11806, stripped down to: 5417
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-url']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local char,format,byte=string.char,string.format,string.byte
-local concat=table.concat
-local tonumber,type=tonumber,type
-local P,C,R,S,Cs,Cc,Ct,Cf,Cg,V=lpeg.P,lpeg.C,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cf,lpeg.Cg,lpeg.V
-local lpegmatch,lpegpatterns,replacer=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns,lpeg.replacer
-url=url or {}
-local url=url
-local tochar=function(s) return char(tonumber(s,16)) end
-local colon=P(":")
-local qmark=P("?")
-local hash=P("#")
-local slash=P("/")
-local percent=P("%")
-local endofstring=P(-1)
-local hexdigit=R("09","AF","af")
-local plus=P("+")
-local nothing=Cc("")
-local escapedchar=(percent*C(hexdigit*hexdigit))/tochar
-local escaped=(plus/" ")+escapedchar
-local noslash=P("/")/""
-local schemestr=Cs((escaped+(1-colon-slash-qmark-hash))^2)
-local authoritystr=Cs((escaped+(1- slash-qmark-hash))^0)
-local pathstr=Cs((escaped+(1- qmark-hash))^0)
-local querystr=Cs(((1- hash))^0)
-local fragmentstr=Cs((escaped+(1- endofstring))^0)
-local scheme=schemestr*colon+nothing
-local authority=slash*slash*authoritystr+nothing
-local path=slash*pathstr+nothing
-local query=qmark*querystr+nothing
-local fragment=hash*fragmentstr+nothing
-local validurl=scheme*authority*path*query*fragment
-local parser=Ct(validurl)
-local escapes={}
-setmetatable(escapes,{ __index=function(t,k)
- local v=format("%%%02X",byte(k))
- t[k]=v
- return v
-end })
-local escaper=Cs((R("09","AZ","az")^1+P(" ")/"%%20"+S("-./_")^1+P(1)/escapes)^0)
-local unescaper=Cs((escapedchar+1)^0)
-local function split(str)
- return (type(str)=="string" and lpegmatch(parser,str)) or str
-local isscheme=schemestr*colon*slash*slash
-local function hasscheme(str)
- if str then
- local scheme=lpegmatch(isscheme,str)
- return scheme~="" and scheme or false
- else
- return false
- end
-local rootletter=R("az","AZ")+S("_-+")
-local separator=P("://")
-local qualified=P(".")^0*P("/")+rootletter*P(":")+rootletter^1*separator+rootletter^1*P("/")
-local rootbased=P("/")+rootletter*P(":")
-local barswapper=replacer("|",":")
-local backslashswapper=replacer("\\","/")
-local equal=P("=")
-local amp=P("&")
-local key=Cs(((escapedchar+1)-equal )^0)
-local value=Cs(((escapedchar+1)-amp -endofstring)^0)
-local splitquery=Cf (Ct("")*P { "sequence",
- sequence=V("pair")*(amp*V("pair"))^0,
- pair=Cg(key*equal*value),
-local function hashed(str)
- if str=="" then
- return {
- scheme="invalid",
- original=str,
- }
- end
- local s=split(str)
- local rawscheme=s[1]
- local rawquery=s[4]
- local somescheme=rawscheme~=""
- local somequery=rawquery~=""
- if not somescheme and not somequery then
- s={
- scheme="file",
- authority="",
- path=str,
- query="",
- fragment="",
- original=str,
- noscheme=true,
- filename=str,
- }
- else
- local authority,path,filename=s[2],s[3]
- if authority=="" then
- filename=path
- elseif path=="" then
- filename=""
- else
- filename=authority.."/"..path
- end
- s={
- scheme=rawscheme,
- authority=authority,
- path=path,
- query=lpegmatch(unescaper,rawquery),
- queries=lpegmatch(splitquery,rawquery),
- fragment=s[5],
- original=str,
- noscheme=false,
- filename=filename,
- }
- end
- return s
-function url.addscheme(str,scheme)
- if hasscheme(str) then
- return str
- elseif not scheme then
- return "file:///"..str
- else
- return scheme..":///"..str
- end
-function url.construct(hash)
- local fullurl,f={},0
- local scheme,authority,path,query,fragment=hash.scheme,hash.authority,hash.path,hash.query,hash.fragment
- if scheme and scheme~="" then
- f=f+1;fullurl[f]=scheme.."://"
- end
- if authority and authority~="" then
- f=f+1;fullurl[f]=authority
- end
- if path and path~="" then
- f=f+1;fullurl[f]="/"..path
- end
- if query and query~="" then
- f=f+1;fullurl[f]="?"..query
- end
- if fragment and fragment~="" then
- f=f+1;fullurl[f]="#"..fragment
- end
- return lpegmatch(escaper,concat(fullurl))
-local pattern=Cs(noslash*R("az","AZ")*(S(":|")/":")*noslash*P(1)^0)
-function url.filename(filename)
- local spec=hashed(filename)
- local path=spec.path
- return (spec.scheme=="file" and path and lpegmatch(pattern,path)) or filename
-local function escapestring(str)
- return lpegmatch(escaper,str)
-function url.query(str)
- if type(str)=="string" then
- return lpegmatch(splitquery,str) or ""
- else
- return str
- end
-function url.toquery(data)
- local td=type(data)
- if td=="string" then
- return #str and escape(data) or nil
- elseif td=="table" then
- if next(data) then
- local t={}
- for k,v in next,data do
- t[#t+1]=format("%s=%s",k,escapestring(v))
- end
- return concat(t,"&")
- end
- else
- end
-local pattern=Cs(noslash^0*(1-noslash*P(-1))^0)
-function url.barepath(path)
- if not path or path=="" then
- return ""
- else
- return lpegmatch(pattern,path)
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["l-dir"] = package.loaded["l-dir"] or true
--- original size: 13139, stripped down to: 8196
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-dir']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local type,select=type,select
-local find,gmatch,match,gsub=string.find,string.gmatch,string.match,string.gsub
-local concat,insert,remove=table.concat,table.insert,table.remove
-local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
-local P,S,R,C,Cc,Cs,Ct,Cv,V=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cv,lpeg.V
-dir=dir or {}
-local dir=dir
-local lfs=lfs
-local attributes=lfs.attributes
-local walkdir=lfs.dir
-local isdir=lfs.isdir
-local isfile=lfs.isfile
-local currentdir=lfs.currentdir
-local chdir=lfs.chdir
-if not isdir then
- function isdir(name)
- local a=attributes(name)
- return a and a.mode=="directory"
- end
- lfs.isdir=isdir
-if not isfile then
- function isfile(name)
- local a=attributes(name)
- return a and a.mode=="file"
- end
- lfs.isfile=isfile
-function dir.current()
- return (gsub(currentdir(),"\\","/"))
-local lfsisdir=isdir
-local function isdir(path)
- path=gsub(path,"[/\\]+$","")
- return lfsisdir(path)
-local function globpattern(path,patt,recurse,action)
- if path=="/" then
- path=path.."."
- elseif not find(path,"/$") then
- path=path..'/'
- end
- if isdir(path) then
- for name in walkdir(path) do
- local
- local mode=attributes(full,'mode')
- if mode=='file' then
- if find(full,patt) then
- action(full)
- end
- elseif recurse and (mode=="directory") and (name~='.') and (name~="..") then
- globpattern(full,patt,recurse,action)
- end
- end
- end
-local function collectpattern(path,patt,recurse,result)
- local ok,scanner
- result=result or {}
- if path=="/" then
- ok,scanner,first=xpcall(function() return walkdir(path..".") end,function() end)
- else
- ok,scanner,first=xpcall(function() return walkdir(path) end,function() end)
- end
- if ok and type(scanner)=="function" then
- if not find(path,"/$") then path=path..'/' end
- for name in scanner,first do
- local
- local attr=attributes(full)
- local mode=attr.mode
- if mode=='file' then
- if find(full,patt) then
- result[name]=attr
- end
- elseif recurse and (mode=="directory") and (name~='.') and (name~="..") then
- attr.list=collectpattern(full,patt,recurse)
- result[name]=attr
- end
- end
- end
- return result
-local pattern=Ct {
- [1]=(C(P(".")+P("/")^1)+C(R("az","AZ")*P(":")*P("/")^0)+Cc("./"))*V(2)*V(3),
- [2]=C(((1-S("*?/"))^0*P("/"))^0),
- [3]=C(P(1)^0)
-local filter=Cs ((
- P("**")/".*"+P("*")/"[^/]*"+P("?")/"[^/]"+P(".")/"%%."+P("+")/"%%+"+P("-")/"%%-"+P(1)
-)^0 )
-local function glob(str,t)
- if type(t)=="function" then
- if type(str)=="table" then
- for s=1,#str do
- glob(str[s],t)
- end
- elseif isfile(str) then
- t(str)
- else
- local split=lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- if split then
- local root,path,base=split[1],split[2],split[3]
- local recurse=find(base,"%*%*")
- local start=root..path
- local result=lpegmatch(filter,start..base)
- globpattern(start,result,recurse,t)
- end
- end
- else
- if type(str)=="table" then
- local t=t or {}
- for s=1,#str do
- glob(str[s],t)
- end
- return t
- elseif isfile(str) then
- if t then
- t[#t+1]=str
- return t
- else
- return { str }
- end
- else
- local split=lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- if split then
- local t=t or {}
- local action=action or function(name) t[#t+1]=name end
- local root,path,base=split[1],split[2],split[3]
- local recurse=find(base,"%*%*")
- local start=root..path
- local result=lpegmatch(filter,start..base)
- globpattern(start,result,recurse,action)
- return t
- else
- return {}
- end
- end
- end
-local function globfiles(path,recurse,func,files)
- if type(func)=="string" then
- local s=func
- func=function(name) return find(name,s) end
- end
- files=files or {}
- local noffiles=#files
- for name in walkdir(path) do
- if find(name,"^%.") then
- else
- local mode=attributes(name,'mode')
- if mode=="directory" then
- if recurse then
- globfiles(path.."/",recurse,func,files)
- end
- elseif mode=="file" then
- if not func or func(name) then
- noffiles=noffiles+1
- files[noffiles]=path.."/"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return files
- return concat(glob(pattern),"\n")
-local make_indeed=true
-local onwindows=os.type=="windows" or find(os.getenv("PATH"),";")
-if onwindows then
- function dir.mkdirs(...)
- local str,pth="",""
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- local s=select(i,...)
- if s=="" then
- elseif str=="" then
- str=s
- else
- str=str.."/"..s
- end
- end
- local first,middle,last
- local drive=false
- first,middle,last=match(str,"^(//)(//*)(.*)$")
- if first then
- else
- first,last=match(str,"^(//)/*(.-)$")
- if first then
- middle,last=match(str,"([^/]+)/+(.-)$")
- if middle then
- pth="//"..middle
- else
- pth="//"..last
- last=""
- end
- else
- first,middle,last=match(str,"^([a-zA-Z]:)(/*)(.-)$")
- if first then
- pth,drive=first..middle,true
- else
- middle,last=match(str,"^(/*)(.-)$")
- if not middle then
- last=str
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for s in gmatch(last,"[^/]+") do
- if pth=="" then
- pth=s
- elseif drive then
- pth,drive=pth..s,false
- else
- pth=pth.."/"..s
- end
- if make_indeed and not isdir(pth) then
- lfs.mkdir(pth)
- end
- end
- return pth,(isdir(pth)==true)
- end
- function dir.mkdirs(...)
- local str,pth="",""
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- local s=select(i,...)
- if s and s~="" then
- if str~="" then
- str=str.."/"..s
- else
- str=s
- end
- end
- end
- str=gsub(str,"/+","/")
- if find(str,"^/") then
- pth="/"
- for s in gmatch(str,"[^/]+") do
- local first=(pth=="/")
- if first then
- pth=pth..s
- else
- pth=pth.."/"..s
- end
- if make_indeed and not first and not isdir(pth) then
- lfs.mkdir(pth)
- end
- end
- else
- pth="."
- for s in gmatch(str,"[^/]+") do
- pth=pth.."/"..s
- if make_indeed and not isdir(pth) then
- lfs.mkdir(pth)
- end
- end
- end
- return pth,(isdir(pth)==true)
- end
-if onwindows then
- function dir.expandname(str)
- local first,nothing,last=match(str,"^(//)(//*)(.*)$")
- if first then
- first=dir.current().."/"
- end
- if not first then
- first,last=match(str,"^(//)/*(.*)$")
- end
- if not first then
- first,last=match(str,"^([a-zA-Z]:)(.*)$")
- if first and not find(last,"^/") then
- local d=currentdir()
- if chdir(first) then
- first=dir.current()
- end
- chdir(d)
- end
- end
- if not first then
- first,last=dir.current(),str
- end
- last=gsub(last,"//","/")
- last=gsub(last,"/%./","/")
- last=gsub(last,"^/*","")
- first=gsub(first,"/*$","")
- if last=="" or last=="." then
- return first
- else
- return first.."/"..last
- end
- end
- function dir.expandname(str)
- if not find(str,"^/") then
- str=currentdir().."/"..str
- end
- str=gsub(str,"//","/")
- str=gsub(str,"/%./","/")
- str=gsub(str,"(.)/%.$","%1")
- return str
- end
-local stack={}
-function dir.push(newdir)
- insert(stack,currentdir())
- if newdir and newdir~="" then
- chdir(newdir)
- end
-function dir.pop()
- local d=remove(stack)
- if d then
- chdir(d)
- end
- return d
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["l-boolean"] = package.loaded["l-boolean"] or true
--- original size: 1781, stripped down to: 1503
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-boolean']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local type,tonumber=type,tonumber
-boolean=boolean or {}
-local boolean=boolean
-function boolean.tonumber(b)
- if b then return 1 else return 0 end
-function toboolean(str,tolerant)
- if str==nil then
- return false
- elseif str==false then
- return false
- elseif str==true then
- return true
- elseif str=="true" then
- return true
- elseif str=="false" then
- return false
- elseif not tolerant then
- return false
- elseif str==0 then
- return false
- elseif (tonumber(str) or 0)>0 then
- return true
- else
- return str=="yes" or str=="on" or str=="t"
- end
-function string.booleanstring(str)
- if str=="0" then
- return false
- elseif str=="1" then
- return true
- elseif str=="" then
- return false
- elseif str=="false" then
- return false
- elseif str=="true" then
- return true
- elseif (tonumber(str) or 0)>0 then
- return true
- else
- return str=="yes" or str=="on" or str=="t"
- end
-function string.is_boolean(str,default)
- if type(str)=="string" then
- if str=="true" or str=="yes" or str=="on" or str=="t" then
- return true
- elseif str=="false" or str=="no" or str=="off" or str=="f" then
- return false
- end
- end
- return default
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["l-unicode"] = package.loaded["l-unicode"] or true
--- original size: 26810, stripped down to: 11943
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-unicode']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-utf=utf or (unicode and unicode.utf8) or {}
-utf.characters=utf.characters or string.utfcharacters
-utf.values=utf.values or string.utfvalues
-local type=type
-local char,byte,format,sub=string.char,string.byte,string.format,string.sub
-local concat=table.concat
-local P,C,R,Cs,Ct,Cmt,Cc,Carg,Cp=lpeg.P,lpeg.C,lpeg.R,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cmt,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cp
-local lpegmatch,patterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
-local bytepairs=string.bytepairs
-local finder=lpeg.finder
-local replacer=lpeg.replacer
-local utfvalues=utf.values
-local utfgmatch=utf.gmatch
-local p_utftype=patterns.utftype
-local p_utfoffset=patterns.utfoffset
-local p_utf8char=patterns.utf8char
-local p_utf8byte=patterns.utf8byte
-local p_utfbom=patterns.utfbom
-local p_newline=patterns.newline
-local p_whitespace=patterns.whitespace
-if not unicode then
- unicode={ utf=utf }
-if not utf.char then
- local floor,char=math.floor,string.char
- function utf.char(n)
- if n<0x80 then
- return char(n)
- elseif n<0x800 then
- return char(
- 0xC0+floor(n/0x40),
- 0x80+(n%0x40)
- )
- elseif n<0x10000 then
- return char(
- 0xE0+floor(n/0x1000),
- 0x80+(floor(n/0x40)%0x40),
- 0x80+(n%0x40)
- )
- elseif n<0x200000 then
- return char(
- 0xF0+floor(n/0x40000),
- 0x80+(floor(n/0x1000)%0x40),
- 0x80+(floor(n/0x40)%0x40),
- 0x80+(n%0x40)
- )
- else
- return ""
- end
- end
-if not utf.byte then
- local utf8byte=patterns.utf8byte
- function utf.byte(c)
- return lpegmatch(utf8byte,c)
- end
-local utfchar,utfbyte=utf.char,utf.byte
-function utf.filetype(data)
- return data and lpegmatch(p_utftype,data) or "unknown"
-local toentities=Cs (
- (
- patterns.utf8one+(
- patterns.utf8two+patterns.utf8three+patterns.utf8four
- )/function(s) local b=utfbyte(s) if b<127 then return s else return format("&#%X;",b) end end
- )^0
-function utf.toentities(str)
- return lpegmatch(toentities,str)
-local one=P(1)
-local two=C(1)*C(1)
-local four=C(R(utfchar(0xD8),utfchar(0xFF)))*C(1)*C(1)*C(1)
-local pattern=P("\254\255")*Cs((
- four/function(a,b,c,d)
- local ab=0xFF*byte(a)+byte(b)
- local cd=0xFF*byte(c)+byte(d)
- return utfchar((ab-0xD800)*0x400+(cd-0xDC00)+0x10000)
- end+two/function(a,b)
- return utfchar(byte(a)*256+byte(b))
- end+one
- )^1 )+P("\255\254")*Cs((
- four/function(b,a,d,c)
- local ab=0xFF*byte(a)+byte(b)
- local cd=0xFF*byte(c)+byte(d)
- return utfchar((ab-0xD800)*0x400+(cd-0xDC00)+0x10000)
- end+two/function(b,a)
- return utfchar(byte(a)*256+byte(b))
- end+one
- )^1 )
-function string.toutf(s)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,s) or s
-local validatedutf=Cs (
- (
- patterns.utf8one+patterns.utf8two+patterns.utf8three+patterns.utf8four+P(1)/"�"
- )^0
-function utf.is_valid(str)
- return type(str)=="string" and lpegmatch(validatedutf,str) or false
-if not utf.len then
- local n,f=0,1
- local utfcharcounter=patterns.utfbom^-1*Cmt (
- Cc(1)*patterns.utf8one^1+Cc(2)*patterns.utf8two^1+Cc(3)*patterns.utf8three^1+Cc(4)*patterns.utf8four^1,
- function(_,t,d)
- n=n+(t-f)/d
- f=t
- return true
- end
- )^0
- function utf.len(str)
- n,f=0,1
- lpegmatch(utfcharcounter,str or "")
- return n
- end
-if not utf.sub then
- local utflength=utf.length
- local b,e,n,first,last=0,0,0,0,0
- local function slide_zero(s,p)
- n=n+1
- if n>=last then
- e=p-1
- else
- return p
- end
- end
- local function slide_one(s,p)
- n=n+1
- if n==first then
- b=p
- end
- if n>=last then
- e=p-1
- else
- return p
- end
- end
- local function slide_two(s,p)
- n=n+1
- if n==first then
- b=p
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- local pattern_zero=Cmt(p_utf8char,slide_zero)^0
- local pattern_one=Cmt(p_utf8char,slide_one )^0
- local pattern_two=Cmt(p_utf8char,slide_two )^0
- function utf.sub(str,start,stop)
- if not start then
- return str
- end
- if start==0 then
- start=1
- end
- if not stop then
- if start<0 then
- local l=utflength(str)
- start=l+start
- else
- start=start-1
- end
- b,n,first=0,0,start
- lpegmatch(pattern_two,str)
- if n>=first then
- return sub(str,b)
- else
- return ""
- end
- end
- if start<0 or stop<0 then
- local l=utf.length(str)
- if start<0 then
- start=l+start
- if start<=0 then
- start=1
- else
- start=start+1
- end
- end
- if stop<0 then
- stop=l+stop
- if stop==0 then
- stop=1
- else
- stop=stop+1
- end
- end
- end
- if start>stop then
- return ""
- elseif start>1 then
- b,e,n,first,last=0,0,0,start-1,stop
- lpegmatch(pattern_one,str)
- if n>=first and e==0 then
- e=#str
- end
- return sub(str,b,e)
- else
- b,e,n,last=1,0,0,stop
- lpegmatch(pattern_zero,str)
- if e==0 then
- e=#str
- end
- return sub(str,b,e)
- end
- end
-function utf.remapper(mapping)
- local pattern=Cs((p_utf8char/mapping)^0)
- return function(str)
- if not str or str=="" then
- return ""
- else
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- end
- end,pattern
-function utf.replacer(t)
- local r=replacer(t,false,false,true)
- return function(str)
- return lpegmatch(r,str)
- end
-function utf.subtituter(t)
- local f=finder (t)
- local r=replacer(t,false,false,true)
- return function(str)
- local i=lpegmatch(f,str)
- if not i then
- return str
- elseif i>#str then
- return str
- else
- return lpegmatch(r,str)
- end
- end
-local utflinesplitter=p_utfbom^-1*lpeg.tsplitat(p_newline)
-local utfcharsplitter_ows=p_utfbom^-1*Ct(C(p_utf8char)^0)
-local utfcharsplitter_iws=p_utfbom^-1*Ct((p_whitespace^1+C(p_utf8char))^0)
-local utfcharsplitter_raw=Ct(C(p_utf8char)^0)
-function utf.splitlines(str)
- return lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,str or "")
-function utf.split(str,ignorewhitespace)
- if ignorewhitespace then
- return lpegmatch(utfcharsplitter_iws,str or "")
- else
- return lpegmatch(utfcharsplitter_ows,str or "")
- end
-function utf.totable(str)
- return lpegmatch(utfcharsplitter_raw,str)
-function utf.magic(f)
- local str=f:read(4) or ""
- local off=lpegmatch(p_utfoffset,str)
- if off<4 then
- f:seek('set',off)
- end
- return lpegmatch(p_utftype,str)
-local function utf16_to_utf8_be(t)
- if type(t)=="string" then
- t=lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,t)
- end
- local result={}
- for i=1,#t do
- local r,more=0,0
- for left,right in bytepairs(t[i]) do
- if right then
- local now=256*left+right
- if more>0 then
- now=(more-0xD800)*0x400+(now-0xDC00)+0x10000
- more=0
- r=r+1
- result[r]=utfchar(now)
- elseif now>=0xD800 and now<=0xDBFF then
- more=now
- else
- r=r+1
- result[r]=utfchar(now)
- end
- end
- end
- t[i]=concat(result,"",1,r)
- end
- return t
-local function utf16_to_utf8_le(t)
- if type(t)=="string" then
- t=lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,t)
- end
- local result={}
- for i=1,#t do
- local r,more=0,0
- for left,right in bytepairs(t[i]) do
- if right then
- local now=256*right+left
- if more>0 then
- now=(more-0xD800)*0x400+(now-0xDC00)+0x10000
- more=0
- r=r+1
- result[r]=utfchar(now)
- elseif now>=0xD800 and now<=0xDBFF then
- more=now
- else
- r=r+1
- result[r]=utfchar(now)
- end
- end
- end
- t[i]=concat(result,"",1,r)
- end
- return t
-local function utf32_to_utf8_be(t)
- if type(t)=="string" then
- t=lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,t)
- end
- local result={}
- for i=1,#t do
- local r,more=0,-1
- for a,b in bytepairs(t[i]) do
- if a and b then
- if more<0 then
- more=256*256*256*a+256*256*b
- else
- r=r+1
- result[t]=utfchar(more+256*a+b)
- more=-1
- end
- else
- break
- end
- end
- t[i]=concat(result,"",1,r)
- end
- return t
-local function utf32_to_utf8_le(t)
- if type(t)=="string" then
- t=lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,t)
- end
- local result={}
- for i=1,#t do
- local r,more=0,-1
- for a,b in bytepairs(t[i]) do
- if a and b then
- if more<0 then
- more=256*b+a
- else
- r=r+1
- result[t]=utfchar(more+256*256*256*b+256*256*a)
- more=-1
- end
- else
- break
- end
- end
- t[i]=concat(result,"",1,r)
- end
- return t
-function utf.utf8_to_utf8(t)
- return type(t)=="string" and lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,t) or t
-function utf.utf16_to_utf8(t,endian)
- return endian and utf16_to_utf8_be(t) or utf16_to_utf8_le(t) or t
-function utf.utf32_to_utf8(t,endian)
- return endian and utf32_to_utf8_be(t) or utf32_to_utf8_le(t) or t
-local function little(c)
- local b=byte(c)
- if b<0x10000 then
- return char(b%256,b/256)
- else
- b=b-0x10000
- local b1,b2=b/1024+0xD800,b%1024+0xDC00
- return char(b1%256,b1/256,b2%256,b2/256)
- end
-local function big(c)
- local b=byte(c)
- if b<0x10000 then
- return char(b/256,b%256)
- else
- b=b-0x10000
- local b1,b2=b/1024+0xD800,b%1024+0xDC00
- return char(b1/256,b1%256,b2/256,b2%256)
- end
-local _,l_remap=utf.remapper(little)
-local _,b_remap=utf.remapper(big)
-function utf.utf8_to_utf16(str,littleendian)
- if littleendian then
- return char(255,254)..lpegmatch(l_remap,str)
- else
- return char(254,255)..lpegmatch(b_remap,str)
- end
-local pattern=Cs (
- (p_utf8byte/function(unicode ) return format("0x%04X",unicode) end)*(p_utf8byte*Carg(1)/function(unicode,separator) return format("%s0x%04X",separator,unicode) end)^0
-function utf.tocodes(str,separator)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,separator or " ")
-function utf.ustring(s)
- return format("U+%05X",type(s)=="number" and s or utfbyte(s))
-function utf.xstring(s)
- return format("0x%05X",type(s)=="number" and s or utfbyte(s))
-local p_nany=p_utf8char/""
-if utfgmatch then
- function utf.count(str,what)
- if type(what)=="string" then
- local n=0
- for _ in utfgmatch(str,what) do
- n=n+1
- end
- return n
- else
- return #lpegmatch(Cs((P(what)/" "+p_nany)^0),str)
- end
- end
- local cache={}
- function utf.count(str,what)
- if type(what)=="string" then
- local p=cache[what]
- if not p then
- p=Cs((P(what)/" "+p_nany)^0)
- cache[p]=p
- end
- return #lpegmatch(p,str)
- else
- return #lpegmatch(Cs((P(what)/" "+p_nany)^0),str)
- end
- end
-if not utf.characters then
- function utf.characters(str)
- return gmatch(str,".[\128-\191]*")
- end
- string.utfcharacters=utf.characters
-if not utf.values then
- local find=string.find
- local dummy=function()
- end
- function utf.values(str)
- local n=#str
- if n==0 then
- return dummy
- elseif n==1 then
- return function() return utfbyte(str) end
- else
- local p=1
- return function()
- local b,e=find(str,".[\128-\191]*",p)
- if b then
- p=e+1
- return utfbyte(sub(str,b,e))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- string.utfvalues=utf.values
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["l-math"] = package.loaded["l-math"] or true
--- original size: 915, stripped down to: 836
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-math']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local floor,sin,cos,tan=math.floor,math.sin,math.cos,math.tan
-if not math.round then
- function math.round(x) return floor(x+0.5) end
-if not math.div then
- function math.div(n,m) return floor(n/m) end
-if not math.mod then
- function math.mod(n,m) return n%m end
-local pipi=2*math.pi/360
-if not math.sind then
- function math.sind(d) return sin(d*pipi) end
- function math.cosd(d) return cos(d*pipi) end
- function math.tand(d) return tan(d*pipi) end
-if not math.odd then
- function math.odd (n) return n%2~=0 end
- function math.even(n) return n%2==0 end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["util-str"] = package.loaded["util-str"] or true
--- original size: 22834, stripped down to: 12570
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-utilities=utilities or {}
-utilities.strings=utilities.strings or {}
-local strings=utilities.strings
-local format,gsub,rep,sub=string.format,string.gsub,string.rep,string.sub
-local load,dump=load,string.dump
-local tonumber,type,tostring=tonumber,type,tostring
-local unpack,concat=table.unpack,table.concat
-local P,V,C,S,R,Ct,Cs,Cp,Carg,Cc=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.C,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cc
-local patterns,lpegmatch=lpeg.patterns,lpeg.match
-local utfchar,utfbyte=utf.char,utf.byte
-local loadstripped=_LUAVERSION<5.2 and load or function(str)
- return load(dump(load(str),true))
-if not number then number={} end
-local stripper=patterns.stripzeros
-local function points(n)
- return (not n or n==0) and "0pt" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fpt",n/65536))
-local function basepoints(n)
- return (not n or n==0) and "0bp" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fbp",n*(7200/7227)/65536))
-local rubish=patterns.spaceortab^0*patterns.newline
-local anyrubish=patterns.spaceortab+patterns.newline
-local anything=patterns.anything
-local stripped=(patterns.spaceortab^1/"")*patterns.newline
-local leading=rubish^0/""
-local trailing=(anyrubish^1*patterns.endofstring)/""
-local redundant=rubish^3/"\n"
-local pattern=Cs(leading*(trailing+redundant+stripped+anything)^0)
-function strings.collapsecrlf(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
-local repeaters={}
-function strings.newrepeater(str,offset)
- offset=offset or 0
- local s=repeaters[str]
- if not s then
- s={}
- repeaters[str]=s
- end
- local t=s[offset]
- if t then
- return t
- end
- t={}
- setmetatable(t,{ __index=function(t,k)
- if not k then
- return ""
- end
- local n=k+offset
- local s=n>0 and rep(str,n) or ""
- t[k]=s
- return s
- end })
- s[offset]=t
- return t
-local extra,tab,start=0,0,4,0
-local nspaces=strings.newrepeater(" ")
-local pattern=Carg(1)/function(t)
- extra,tab,start=0,t or 7,1
- end*Cs((
- Cp()*
- local current=(position-start+1)+extra
- local spaces=tab-(current-1)%tab
- if spaces>0 then
- extra=extra+spaces-1
- return nspaces[spaces]
- else
- return ""
- end
- end+patterns.newline*Cp()/function(position)
- extra,start=0,position
- end+patterns.anything
- )^1)
-function strings.tabtospace(str,tab)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,tab or 7)
-function strings.striplong(str)
- str=gsub(str,"^%s*","")
- str=gsub(str,"[\n\r]+ *","\n")
- return str
-function strings.nice(str)
- str=gsub(str,"[:%-+_]+"," ")
- return str
-local n=0
-local sequenced=table.sequenced
-function string.autodouble(s,sep)
- if s==nil then
- return '""'
- end
- local t=type(s)
- if t=="number" then
- return tostring(s)
- end
- if t=="table" then
- return ('"'..sequenced(s,sep or ",")..'"')
- end
- return ('"'..tostring(s)..'"')
-function string.autosingle(s,sep)
- if s==nil then
- return "''"
- end
- local t=type(s)
- if t=="number" then
- return tostring(s)
- end
- if t=="table" then
- return ("'"..sequenced(s,sep or ",").."'")
- end
- return ("'"..tostring(s).."'")
-local tracedchars={}
-function string.tracedchar(b)
- if type(b)=="number" then
- return tracedchars[b] or (utfchar(b).." (U+"..format('%05X',b)..")")
- else
- local c=utfbyte(b)
- return tracedchars[c] or (b.." (U+"..format('%05X',c)..")")
- end
-function number.signed(i)
- if i>0 then
- return "+",i
- else
- return "-",-i
- end
-local preamble=[[
-local type = type
-local tostring = tostring
-local tonumber = tonumber
-local format = string.format
-local concat = table.concat
-local signed = number.signed
-local points = number.points
-local basepoints = number.basepoints
-local utfchar = utf.char
-local utfbyte = utf.byte
-local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
-local nspaces = string.nspaces
-local tracedchar = string.tracedchar
-local autosingle = string.autosingle
-local autodouble = string.autodouble
-local sequenced = table.sequenced
-local template=[[
-return function(%s) return %s end
-local arguments={ "a1" }
-setmetatable(arguments,{ __index=function(t,k)
- local v=t[k-1]..",a"..k
- t[k]=v
- return v
- end
-local prefix_any=C((S("+- .")+R("09"))^0)
-local prefix_tab=C((1-R("az","AZ","09","%%"))^0)
-local format_s=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("format('%%%ss',a%s)",f,n)
- else
- return format("(a%s or '')",n)
- end
-local format_S=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("format('%%%ss',tostring(a%s))",f,n)
- else
- return format("tostring(a%s)",n)
- end
-local format_q=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("(a%s and format('%%q',a%s) or '')",n,n)
-local format_Q=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%q',tostring(a%s))",n)
-local format_i=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("format('%%%si',a%s)",f,n)
- else
- return format("a%s",n)
- end
-local format_d=format_i
-local format_I=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%s%%%si',signed(a%s))",f,n)
-local format_f=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sf',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_g=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sg',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_G=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sG',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_e=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%se',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_E=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sE',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_x=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sx',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_X=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%sX',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_o=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%so',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_c=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("utfchar(a%s)",n)
-local format_C=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("tracedchar(a%s)",n)
-local format_r=function(f)
- n=n+1
- return format("format('%%%s.0f',a%s)",f,n)
-local format_h=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- else
- return format("format('0x%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- end
-local format_H=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- else
- return format("format('0x%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- end
-local format_u=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- else
- return format("format('u+%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- end
-local format_U=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f=="-" then
- f=sub(f,2)
- return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- else
- return format("format('U+%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n)
- end
-local format_p=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("points(a%s)",n)
-local format_b=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("basepoints(a%s)",n)
-local format_t=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("concat(a%s,%q)",n,f)
- else
- return format("concat(a%s)",n)
- end
-local format_T=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("sequenced(a%s,%q)",n,f)
- else
- return format("sequenced(a%s)",n)
- end
-local format_l=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("(a%s and 'true' or 'false')",n)
-local format_L=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("(a%s and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')",n)
-local format_N=function()
- n=n+1
- return format("tostring(tonumber(a%s) or a%s)",n,n)
-local format_a=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("autosingle(a%s,%q)",n,f)
- else
- return format("autosingle(a%s)",n)
- end
-local format_A=function(f)
- n=n+1
- if f and f~="" then
- return format("autodouble(a%s,%q)",n,f)
- else
- return format("autodouble(a%s)",n)
- end
-local format_w=function(f)
- n=n+1
- f=tonumber(f)
- if f then
- return format("nspaces[%s+a%s]",f,n)
- else
- return format("nspaces[a%s]",n)
- end
-local format_W=function(f)
- return format("nspaces[%s]",tonumber(f) or 0)
-local format_rest=function(s)
- return format("%q",s)
-local format_extension=function(extensions,f,name)
- local extension=extensions[name] or "tostring(%s)"
- local f=tonumber(f) or 1
- if f==0 then
- return extension
- elseif f==1 then
- n=n+1
- local a="a"..n
- return format(extension,a,a)
- elseif f<0 then
- local a="a"..(n+f+1)
- return format(extension,a,a)
- else
- local t={}
- for i=1,f do
- n=n+1
- t[#t+1]="a"..n
- end
- return format(extension,unpack(t))
- end
-local builder=Cs { "start",
- start=(
- (
- P("%")/""*(
- V("!")
- )+V("*")
- )*(P(-1)+Carg(1))
- )^0,
- ["s"]=(prefix_any*P("s"))/format_s,
- ["q"]=(prefix_any*P("q"))/format_q,
- ["i"]=(prefix_any*P("i"))/format_i,
- ["d"]=(prefix_any*P("d"))/format_d,
- ["f"]=(prefix_any*P("f"))/format_f,
- ["g"]=(prefix_any*P("g"))/format_g,
- ["G"]=(prefix_any*P("G"))/format_G,
- ["e"]=(prefix_any*P("e"))/format_e,
- ["E"]=(prefix_any*P("E"))/format_E,
- ["x"]=(prefix_any*P("x"))/format_x,
- ["X"]=(prefix_any*P("X"))/format_X,
- ["o"]=(prefix_any*P("o"))/format_o,
- ["S"]=(prefix_any*P("S"))/format_S,
- ["Q"]=(prefix_any*P("Q"))/format_S,
- ["N"]=(prefix_any*P("N"))/format_N,
- ["c"]=(prefix_any*P("c"))/format_c,
- ["C"]=(prefix_any*P("C"))/format_C,
- ["r"]=(prefix_any*P("r"))/format_r,
- ["h"]=(prefix_any*P("h"))/format_h,
- ["H"]=(prefix_any*P("H"))/format_H,
- ["u"]=(prefix_any*P("u"))/format_u,
- ["U"]=(prefix_any*P("U"))/format_U,
- ["p"]=(prefix_any*P("p"))/format_p,
- ["b"]=(prefix_any*P("b"))/format_b,
- ["t"]=(prefix_tab*P("t"))/format_t,
- ["T"]=(prefix_tab*P("T"))/format_T,
- ["l"]=(prefix_tab*P("l"))/format_l,
- ["L"]=(prefix_tab*P("L"))/format_L,
- ["I"]=(prefix_any*P("I"))/format_I,
- ["w"]=(prefix_any*P("w"))/format_w,
- ["W"]=(prefix_any*P("W"))/format_W,
- ["a"]=(prefix_any*P("a"))/format_a,
- ["A"]=(prefix_any*P("A"))/format_A,
- ["*"]=Cs(((1-P("%"))^1+P("%%")/"%%%%")^1)/format_rest,
- ["!"]=Carg(2)*prefix_any*P("!")*C((1-P("!"))^1)*P("!")/format_extension,
-local direct=Cs (
- P("%")/""*Cc([[local format = string.format return function(str) return format("%]])*(S("+- .")+R("09"))^0*S("sqidfgGeExXo")*Cc([[",str) end]])*P(-1)
- )
-local function make(t,str)
- local f
- local p
- local p=lpegmatch(direct,str)
- if p then
- f=loadstripped(p)()
- else
- n=0
- p=lpegmatch(builder,str,1,"..",t._extensions_)
- if n>0 then
- p=format(template,preamble,t._preamble_,arguments[n],p)
- f=loadstripped(p)()
- else
- f=function() return str end
- end
- end
- t[str]=f
- return f
-local function use(t,fmt,...)
- return t[fmt](...)
- local t={ _extensions_={},_preamble_="",_type_="formatter" }
- setmetatable(t,{ __index=make,__call=use })
- return t
-string.formatter=function(str,...) return formatters[str](...) end
-local function add(t,name,template,preamble)
- if type(t)=="table" and t._type_=="formatter" then
- t._extensions_[name]=template or "%s"
- if preamble then
- t._preamble_=preamble.."\n"..t._preamble_
- end
- end
-add(formatters,"xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],[[local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape]])
-add(formatters,"tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],[[local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape]])
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["util-tab"] = package.loaded["util-tab"] or true
--- original size: 14491, stripped down to: 8512
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-tab']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-utilities=utilities or {}
-utilities.tables=utilities.tables or {}
-local tables=utilities.tables
-local format,gmatch,gsub=string.format,string.gmatch,string.gsub
-local concat,insert,remove=table.concat,table.insert,table.remove
-local setmetatable,getmetatable,tonumber,tostring=setmetatable,getmetatable,tonumber,tostring
-local type,next,rawset,tonumber,tostring,load,select=type,next,rawset,tonumber,tostring,load,select
-local lpegmatch,P,Cs,Cc=lpeg.match,lpeg.P,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc
-local serialize,sortedkeys,sortedpairs=table.serialize,table.sortedkeys,table.sortedpairs
-local formatters=string.formatters
-local splitter=lpeg.tsplitat(".")
-function tables.definetable(target,nofirst,nolast)
- local composed,shortcut,t=nil,nil,{}
- local snippets=lpegmatch(splitter,target)
- for i=1,#snippets-(nolast and 1 or 0) do
- local name=snippets[i]
- if composed then
- composed=shortcut.."."
- shortcut=shortcut.."_"
- t[#t+1]=formatters["local %s = %s if not %s then %s = { } %s = %s end"](shortcut,composed,shortcut,shortcut,composed,shortcut)
- else
- composed=name
- shortcut=name
- if not nofirst then
- t[#t+1]=formatters["%s = %s or { }"](composed,composed)
- end
- end
- end
- if nolast then
- composed=shortcut.."."..snippets[#snippets]
- end
- return concat(t,"\n"),composed
-function tables.definedtable(...)
- local t=_G
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- local li=select(i,...)
- local tl=t[li]
- if not tl then
- tl={}
- t[li]=tl
- end
- t=tl
- end
- return t
-function tables.accesstable(target,root)
- local t=root or _G
- for name in gmatch(target,"([^%.]+)") do
- t=t[name]
- if not t then
- return
- end
- end
- return t
-function tables.migratetable(target,v,root)
- local t=root or _G
- local names=string.split(target,".")
- for i=1,#names-1 do
- local name=names[i]
- t[name]=t[name] or {}
- t=t[name]
- if not t then
- return
- end
- end
- t[names[#names]]=v
-function tables.removevalue(t,value)
- if value then
- for i=1,#t do
- if t[i]==value then
- remove(t,i)
- end
- end
- end
-function tables.insertbeforevalue(t,value,extra)
- for i=1,#t do
- if t[i]==extra then
- remove(t,i)
- end
- end
- for i=1,#t do
- if t[i]==value then
- insert(t,i,extra)
- return
- end
- end
- insert(t,1,extra)
-function tables.insertaftervalue(t,value,extra)
- for i=1,#t do
- if t[i]==extra then
- remove(t,i)
- end
- end
- for i=1,#t do
- if t[i]==value then
- insert(t,i+1,extra)
- return
- end
- end
- insert(t,#t+1,extra)
-local escape=Cs(Cc('"')*((P('"')/'""'+P(1))^0)*Cc('"'))
-function table.tocsv(t,specification)
- if t and #t>0 then
- local result={}
- local r={}
- specification=specification or {}
- local fields=specification.fields
- if type(fields)~="string" then
- fields=sortedkeys(t[1])
- end
- local separator=specification.separator or ","
- if specification.preamble==true then
- for f=1,#fields do
- r[f]=lpegmatch(escape,tostring(fields[f]))
- end
- result[1]=concat(r,separator)
- end
- for i=1,#t do
- local ti=t[i]
- for f=1,#fields do
- local field=ti[fields[f]]
- if type(field)=="string" then
- r[f]=lpegmatch(escape,field)
- else
- r[f]=tostring(field)
- end
- end
- result[#result+1]=concat(r,separator)
- end
- return concat(result,"\n")
- else
- return ""
- end
-local nspaces=utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ")
-local function toxml(t,d,result,step)
- for k,v in sortedpairs(t) do
- local s=nspaces[d]
- local tk=type(k)
- local tv=type(v)
- if tv=="table" then
- if tk=="number" then
- result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>"](s,k)
- toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
- result[#result+1]=formatters["%s</entry>"](s,k)
- else
- result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<%s>"](s,k)
- toxml(v,d+step,result,step)
- result[#result+1]=formatters["%s</%s>"](s,k)
- end
- elseif tv=="string" then
- if tk=="number" then
- result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>%!xml!</entry>"](s,k,v,k)
- else
- result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<%s>%!xml!</%s>"](s,k,v,k)
- end
- elseif tk=="number" then
- result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<entry n='%s'>%S</entry>"](s,k,v,k)
- else
- result[#result+1]=formatters["%s<%s>%S</%s>"](s,k,v,k)
- end
- end
-function table.toxml(t,specification)
- specification=specification or {}
- local
- local noroot=name==false
- local result=(specification.nobanner or noroot) and {} or { "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes' ?>" }
- local indent=specification.indent or 0
- local spaces=specification.spaces or 1
- if noroot then
- toxml(t,indent,result,spaces)
- else
- toxml({ [name or "data"]=t },indent,result,spaces)
- end
- return concat(result,"\n")
-function tables.encapsulate(core,capsule,protect)
- if type(capsule)~="table" then
- protect=true
- capsule={}
- end
- for key,value in next,core do
- if capsule[key] then
- print(formatters["\ninvalid %s %a in %a"]("inheritance",key,core))
- os.exit()
- else
- capsule[key]=value
- end
- end
- if protect then
- for key,value in next,core do
- core[key]=nil
- end
- setmetatable(core,{
- __index=capsule,
- __newindex=function(t,key,value)
- if capsule[key] then
- print(formatters["\ninvalid %s %a' in %a"]("overload",key,core))
- os.exit()
- else
- rawset(t,key,value)
- end
- end
- } )
- end
-local function fastserialize(t,r,outer)
- r[#r+1]="{"
- local n=#t
- if n>0 then
- for i=1,n do
- local v=t[i]
- local tv=type(v)
- if tv=="string" then
- r[#r+1]=formatters["%q,"](v)
- elseif tv=="number" then
- r[#r+1]=formatters["%s,"](v)
- elseif tv=="table" then
- fastserialize(v,r)
- elseif tv=="boolean" then
- r[#r+1]=formatters["%S,"](v)
- end
- end
- else
- for k,v in next,t do
- local tv=type(v)
- if tv=="string" then
- r[#r+1]=formatters["[%q]=%q,"](k,v)
- elseif tv=="number" then
- r[#r+1]=formatters["[%q]=%s,"](k,v)
- elseif tv=="table" then
- r[#r+1]=formatters["[%q]="](k)
- fastserialize(v,r)
- elseif tv=="boolean" then
- r[#r+1]=formatters["[%q]=%S,"](k,v)
- end
- end
- end
- if outer then
- r[#r+1]="}"
- else
- r[#r+1]="},"
- end
- return r
-function table.fastserialize(t,prefix)
- return concat(fastserialize(t,{ prefix or "return" },true))
-function table.deserialize(str)
- if not str or str=="" then
- return
- end
- local code=load(str)
- if not code then
- return
- end
- code=code()
- if not code then
- return
- end
- return code
-function table.load(filename)
- if filename then
- local t=io.loaddata(filename)
- if t and t~="" then
- t=load(t)
- if type(t)=="function" then
- t=t()
- if type(t)=="table" then
- return t
- end
- end
- end
- end
- io.savedata(filename,serialize(t,n==nil and true or n,...))
-local function slowdrop(t)
- local r={}
- local l={}
- for i=1,#t do
- local ti=t[i]
- local j=0
- for k,v in next,ti do
- j=j+1
- l[j]=formatters["%s=%q"](k,v)
- end
- r[i]=formatters[" {%t},\n"](l)
- end
- return formatters["return {\n%st}"](r)
-local function fastdrop(t)
- local r={ "return {\n" }
- for i=1,#t do
- local ti=t[i]
- r[#r+1]=" {"
- for k,v in next,ti do
- r[#r+1]=formatters["%s=%q"](k,v)
- end
- r[#r+1]="},\n"
- end
- r[#r+1]="}"
- return concat(r)
-function table.drop(t,slow)
- if #t==0 then
- return "return { }"
- elseif slow==true then
- return slowdrop(t)
- else
- return fastdrop(t)
- end
-function table.autokey(t,k)
- local v={}
- t[k]=v
- return v
-local selfmapper={ __index=function(t,k) t[k]=k return k end }
-function table.twowaymapper(t)
- if not t then
- t={}
- else
- for i=0,#t do
- local ti=t[i]
- if ti then
- local i=tostring(i)
- t[i]=ti
- t[ti]=i
- end
- end
- t[""]=t[0] or ""
- end
- setmetatable(t,selfmapper)
- return t
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["util-sto"] = package.loaded["util-sto"] or true
--- original size: 4432, stripped down to: 3123
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-sto']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local setmetatable,getmetatable,type=setmetatable,getmetatable,type
-utilities=utilities or {} or {}
-function storage.mark(t)
- if not t then
- print("\nfatal error: storage cannot be marked\n")
- os.exit()
- return
- end
- local m=getmetatable(t)
- if not m then
- m={}
- setmetatable(t,m)
- end
- m.__storage__=true
- return t
-function storage.allocate(t)
- t=t or {}
- local m=getmetatable(t)
- if not m then
- m={}
- setmetatable(t,m)
- end
- m.__storage__=true
- return t
-function storage.marked(t)
- local m=getmetatable(t)
- return m and m.__storage__
-function storage.checked(t)
- if not t then
- report("\nfatal error: storage has not been allocated\n")
- os.exit()
- return
- end
- return t
-function storage.setinitializer(data,initialize)
- local m=getmetatable(data) or {}
- m.__index=function(data,k)
- m.__index=nil
- initialize()
- return data[k]
- end
- setmetatable(data,m)
-local keyisvalue={ __index=function(t,k)
- t[k]=k
- return k
-end }
-function storage.sparse(t)
- t=t or {}
- setmetatable(t,keyisvalue)
- return t
-local function f_empty () return "" end
-local function f_self (t,k) t[k]=k return k end
-local function f_table (t,k) local v={} t[k]=v return v end
-local function f_ignore() end
-local t_empty={ __index=f_empty }
-local t_self={ __index=f_self }
-local t_table={ __index=f_table }
-local t_ignore={ __newindex=f_ignore }
-function table.setmetatableindex(t,f)
- if type(t)~="table" then
- f,t=t,{}
- end
- local m=getmetatable(t)
- if m then
- if f=="empty" then
- m.__index=f_empty
- elseif f=="key" then
- m.__index=f_self
- elseif f=="table" then
- m.__index=f_table
- else
- m.__index=f
- end
- else
- if f=="empty" then
- setmetatable(t,t_empty)
- elseif f=="key" then
- setmetatable(t,t_self)
- elseif f=="table" then
- setmetatable(t,t_table)
- else
- setmetatable(t,{ __index=f })
- end
- end
- return t
-function table.setmetatablenewindex(t,f)
- if type(t)~="table" then
- f,t=t,{}
- end
- local m=getmetatable(t)
- if m then
- if f=="ignore" then
- m.__newindex=f_ignore
- else
- m.__newindex=f
- end
- else
- if f=="ignore" then
- setmetatable(t,t_ignore)
- else
- setmetatable(t,{ __newindex=f })
- end
- end
- return t
-function table.setmetatablecall(t,f)
- if type(t)~="table" then
- f,t=t,{}
- end
- local m=getmetatable(t)
- if m then
- m.__call=f
- else
- setmetatable(t,{ __call=f })
- end
- return t
-function table.setmetatablekey(t,key,value)
- local m=getmetatable(t)
- if not m then
- m={}
- setmetatable(t,m)
- end
- m[key]=value
- return t
-function table.getmetatablekey(t,key,value)
- local m=getmetatable(t)
- return m and m[key]
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["util-prs"] = package.loaded["util-prs"] or true
--- original size: 16976, stripped down to: 12143
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-prs']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local lpeg,table,string=lpeg,table,string
-local P,R,V,S,C,Ct,Cs,Carg,Cc,Cg,Cf,Cp=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.V,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cg,lpeg.Cf,lpeg.Cp
-local lpegmatch,lpegpatterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
-local concat,format,gmatch,find=table.concat,string.format,string.gmatch,string.find
-local tostring,type,next,rawset=tostring,type,next,rawset
-utilities=utilities or {}
-local parsers=utilities.parsers or {}
-local patterns=parsers.patterns or {}
-local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
-local sortedhash=table.sortedhash
-local digit=R("09")
-local space=P(' ')
-local equal=P("=")
-local comma=P(",")
-local lbrace=P("{")
-local rbrace=P("}")
-local lparent=P("(")
-local rparent=P(")")
-local period=S(".")
-local punctuation=S(".,:;")
-local spacer=lpegpatterns.spacer
-local whitespace=lpegpatterns.whitespace
-local newline=lpegpatterns.newline
-local anything=lpegpatterns.anything
-local endofstring=lpegpatterns.endofstring
-local nobrace=1-(lbrace+rbrace )
-local noparent=1-(lparent+rparent)
-local escape,left,right=P("\\"),P('{'),P('}')
-lpegpatterns.balanced=P {
- [1]=((escape*(left+right))+(1-(left+right))+V(2))^0,
- [2]=left*V(1)*right
-local nestedbraces=P { lbrace*(nobrace+V(1))^0*rbrace }
-local nestedparents=P { lparent*(noparent+V(1))^0*rparent }
-local spaces=space^0
-local argument=Cs((lbrace/"")*((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*(rbrace/""))
-local content=(1-endofstring)^0
-local value=P(lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace)+C((nestedbraces+(1-comma))^0)
-local key=C((1-equal-comma)^1)
-local pattern_a=(space+comma)^0*(key*equal*value+key*C(""))
-local pattern_c=(space+comma)^0*(key*equal*value)
-local key=C((1-space-equal-comma)^1)
-local pattern_b=spaces*comma^0*spaces*(key*((spaces*equal*spaces*value)+C("")))
-local hash={}
-local function set(key,value)
- hash[key]=value
-local pattern_a_s=(pattern_a/set)^1
-local pattern_b_s=(pattern_b/set)^1
-local pattern_c_s=(pattern_c/set)^1
-function parsers.make_settings_to_hash_pattern(set,how)
- if how=="strict" then
- return (pattern_c/set)^1
- elseif how=="tolerant" then
- return (pattern_b/set)^1
- else
- return (pattern_a/set)^1
- end
-function parsers.settings_to_hash(str,existing)
- if str and str~="" then
- hash=existing or {}
- lpegmatch(pattern_a_s,str)
- return hash
- else
- return {}
- end
-function parsers.settings_to_hash_tolerant(str,existing)
- if str and str~="" then
- hash=existing or {}
- lpegmatch(pattern_b_s,str)
- return hash
- else
- return {}
- end
-function parsers.settings_to_hash_strict(str,existing)
- if str and str~="" then
- hash=existing or {}
- lpegmatch(pattern_c_s,str)
- return next(hash) and hash
- else
- return nil
- end
-local separator=comma*space^0
-local value=P(lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace)+C((nestedbraces+(1-comma))^0)
-local pattern=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
-function parsers.settings_to_array(str,strict)
- if not str or str=="" then
- return {}
- elseif strict then
- if find(str,"{") then
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- else
- return { str }
- end
- else
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- end
-local function set(t,v)
- t[#t+1]=v
-local value=P(Carg(1)*value)/set
-local pattern=value*(separator*value)^0*Carg(1)
-function parsers.add_settings_to_array(t,str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str,nil,t)
-function parsers.hash_to_string(h,separator,yes,no,strict,omit)
- if h then
- local t,tn,s={},0,table.sortedkeys(h)
- omit=omit and table.tohash(omit)
- for i=1,#s do
- local key=s[i]
- if not omit or not omit[key] then
- local value=h[key]
- if type(value)=="boolean" then
- if yes and no then
- if value then
- tn=tn+1
- t[tn]=key..'='..yes
- elseif not strict then
- tn=tn+1
- t[tn]=key..'='
- end
- elseif value or not strict then
- tn=tn+1
- t[tn]=key..'='..tostring(value)
- end
- else
- tn=tn+1
- t[tn]=key..'='..value
- end
- end
- end
- return concat(t,separator or ",")
- else
- return ""
- end
-function parsers.array_to_string(a,separator)
- if a then
- return concat(a,separator or ",")
- else
- return ""
- end
-function parsers.settings_to_set(str,t)
- t=t or {}
- for s in gmatch(str,"[^, ]+") do
- t[s]=true
- end
- return t
-function parsers.simple_hash_to_string(h,separator)
- local t,tn={},0
- for k,v in sortedhash(h) do
- if v then
- tn=tn+1
- t[tn]=k
- end
- end
- return concat(t,separator or ",")
-local value=P(lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace)+C(digit^1*lparent*(noparent+nestedparents)^1*rparent)+C((nestedbraces+(1-comma))^1)
-local pattern_a=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
-local function repeater(n,str)
- if not n then
- return str
- else
- local s=lpegmatch(pattern_a,str)
- if n==1 then
- return unpack(s)
- else
- local t,tn={},0
- for i=1,n do
- for j=1,#s do
- tn=tn+1
- t[tn]=s[j]
- end
- end
- return unpack(t)
- end
- end
-local value=P(lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace)+(C(digit^1)/tonumber*lparent*Cs((noparent+nestedparents)^1)*rparent)/repeater+C((nestedbraces+(1-comma))^1)
-local pattern_b=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0)
-function parsers.settings_to_array_with_repeat(str,expand)
- if expand then
- return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str) or {}
- else
- return lpegmatch(pattern_a,str) or {}
- end
-local value=lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace
-local pattern=Ct((space+value)^0)
-function parsers.arguments_to_table(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
-function parsers.getparameters(self,class,parentclass,settings)
- local sc=self[class]
- if not sc then
- sc={}
- self[class]=sc
- if parentclass then
- local sp=self[parentclass]
- if not sp then
- sp={}
- self[parentclass]=sp
- end
- setmetatableindex(sc,sp)
- end
- end
- parsers.settings_to_hash(settings,sc)
-function parsers.listitem(str)
- return gmatch(str,"[^, ]+")
-local pattern=Cs { "start",
- start=V("one")+V("two")+V("three"),
- rest=(Cc(",")*V("thousand"))^0*(P(".")+endofstring)*anything^0,
- thousand=digit*digit*digit,
- one=digit*V("rest"),
- two=digit*digit*V("rest"),
- three=V("thousand")*V("rest"),
-function parsers.splitthousands(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str) or str
-local optionalwhitespace=whitespace^0
-local dquote=P('"')
-local equal=P('=')
-local escape=P('\\')
-local separator=S(' ,')
-local key=C((1-equal)^1)
-local value=dquote*C((1-dquote-escape*dquote)^0)*dquote
-local pattern=Cf(Ct("")*Cg(key*equal*value)*separator^0,rawset)^0*P(-1)
-function parsers.keq_to_hash(str)
- if str and str~="" then
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- else
- return {}
- end
-local defaultspecification={ separator=",",quote='"' }
-function parsers.csvsplitter(specification)
- specification=specification and table.setmetatableindex(specification,defaultspecification) or defaultspecification
- local separator=specification.separator
- local quotechar=specification.quote
- local separator=S(separator~="" and separator or ",")
- local whatever=C((1-separator-newline)^0)
- if quotechar and quotechar~="" then
- local quotedata=nil
- for chr in gmatch(quotechar,".") do
- local quotechar=P(chr)
- local quoteword=quotechar*C((1-quotechar)^0)*quotechar
- if quotedata then
- quotedata=quotedata+quoteword
- else
- quotedata=quoteword
- end
- end
- whatever=quotedata+whatever
- end
- local parser=Ct((Ct(whatever*(separator*whatever)^0)*S("\n\r"))^0 )
- return function(data)
- return lpegmatch(parser,data)
- end
-function parsers.rfc4180splitter(specification)
- specification=specification and table.setmetatableindex(specification,defaultspecification) or defaultspecification
- local separator=specification.separator
- local quotechar=P(specification.quote)
- local dquotechar=quotechar*quotechar
- local separator=S(separator~="" and separator or ",")
- local escaped=quotechar*Cs((dquotechar+(1-quotechar))^0)*quotechar
- local non_escaped=C((1-quotechar-newline-separator)^1)
- local field=escaped+non_escaped
- local record=Ct((field*separator^-1)^1)
- local headerline=record*Cp()
- local wholeblob=Ct((newline^-1*record)^0)
- return function(data,getheader)
- if getheader then
- local header,position=lpegmatch(headerline,data)
- local data=lpegmatch(wholeblob,data,position)
- return data,header
- else
- return lpegmatch(wholeblob,data)
- end
- end
-local function ranger(first,last,n,action)
- if not first then
- elseif last==true then
- for i=first,n or first do
- action(i)
- end
- elseif last then
- for i=first,last do
- action(i)
- end
- else
- action(first)
- end
-local cardinal=lpegpatterns.cardinal/tonumber
-local spacers=lpegpatterns.spacer^0
-local endofstring=lpegpatterns.endofstring
-local stepper=spacers*(C(cardinal)*(spacers*S(":-")*spacers*(C(cardinal)+Cc(true) )+Cc(false) )*Carg(1)*Carg(2)/ranger*S(", ")^0 )^1
-local stepper=spacers*(C(cardinal)*(spacers*S(":-")*spacers*(C(cardinal)+(P("*")+endofstring)*Cc(true) )+Cc(false) )*Carg(1)*Carg(2)/ranger*S(", ")^0 )^1*endofstring
-function parsers.stepper(str,n,action)
- if type(n)=="function" then
- lpegmatch(stepper,str,1,false,n or print)
- else
- lpegmatch(stepper,str,1,n,action or print)
- end
-local pattern_math=Cs((P("%")/"\\percent "+P("^")*Cc("{")*lpegpatterns.integer*Cc("}")+P(1))^0)
-local pattern_text=Cs((P("%")/"\\percent "+(P("^")/"\\high")*Cc("{")*lpegpatterns.integer*Cc("}")+P(1))^0)
-function parsers.unittotex(str,textmode)
- return lpegmatch(textmode and pattern_text or pattern_math,str)
-local pattern=Cs((P("^")/"<sup>"*lpegpatterns.integer*Cc("</sup>")+P(1))^0)
-function parsers.unittoxml(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
-local cache={}
-local dummy=function() end
- local separator=P(k)
- local value=(1-separator)^0
- local pattern=spaces*C(value)*separator^0*Cp()
- t[k]=pattern
- return pattern
-local commalistiterator=cache[","]
-function utilities.parsers.iterator(str,separator)
- local n=#str
- if n==0 then
- return dummy
- else
- local pattern=separator and cache[separator] or commalistiterator
- local p=1
- return function()
- if p<=n then
- local s,e=lpegmatch(pattern,str,p)
- if e then
- p=e
- return s
- end
- end
- end
- end
-local function initialize(t,name)
- local source=t[name]
- if source then
- local result={}
- for k,v in next,t[name] do
- result[k]=v
- end
- return result
- else
- return {}
- end
-local function fetch(t,name)
- return t[name] or {}
-function process(result,more)
- for k,v in next,more do
- result[k]=v
- end
- return result
-local name=C((1-S(", "))^1)
-local parser=(Carg(1)*name/initialize)*(S(", ")^1*(Carg(1)*name/fetch))^0
-local merge=Cf(parser,process)
-function utilities.parsers.mergehashes(hash,list)
- return lpegmatch(merge,list,1,hash)
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["util-fmt"] = package.loaded["util-fmt"] or true
--- original size: 2274, stripped down to: 1781
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-fmt']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-utilities=utilities or {}
-utilities.formatters=utilities.formatters or {}
-local formatters=utilities.formatters
-local concat,format=table.concat,string.format
-local tostring,type=tostring,type
-local strip=string.strip
-local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
-local stripper=lpeg.patterns.stripzeros
-function formatters.stripzeros(str)
- return lpegmatch(stripper,str)
-function formatters.formatcolumns(result,between)
- if result and #result>0 then
- between=between or " "
- local widths,numbers={},{}
- local first=result[1]
- local n=#first
- for i=1,n do
- widths[i]=0
- end
- for i=1,#result do
- local r=result[i]
- for j=1,n do
- local rj=r[j]
- local tj=type(rj)
- if tj=="number" then
- numbers[j]=true
- end
- if tj~="string" then
- rj=tostring(rj)
- r[j]=rj
- end
- local w=#rj
- if w>widths[j] then
- widths[j]=w
- end
- end
- end
- for i=1,n do
- local w=widths[i]
- if numbers[i] then
- if w>80 then
- widths[i]="%s"..between
- else
- widths[i]="%0"..w.."i"..between
- end
- else
- if w>80 then
- widths[i]="%s"..between
- elseif w>0 then
- widths[i]="%-"..w.."s"..between
- else
- widths[i]="%s"
- end
- end
- end
- local template=strip(concat(widths))
- for i=1,#result do
- local str=format(template,unpack(result[i]))
- result[i]=strip(str)
- end
- end
- return result
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["trac-set"] = package.loaded["trac-set"] or true
--- original size: 12365, stripped down to: 8799
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['trac-set']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local type,next,tostring=type,next,tostring
-local concat=table.concat
-local format,find,lower,gsub,topattern=string.format,string.find,string.lower,string.gsub,string.topattern
-local is_boolean=string.is_boolean
-local settings_to_hash=utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash
-utilities=utilities or {}
-local utilities=utilities
-local setters=utilities.setters or {}
-local data={}
-local trace_initialize=false
-function setters.initialize(filename,name,values)
- local setter=data[name]
- if setter then
- frozen=true
- local
- if data then
- for key,newvalue in next,values do
- local newvalue=is_boolean(newvalue,newvalue)
- local functions=data[key]
- if functions then
- local oldvalue=functions.value
- if functions.frozen then
- if trace_initialize then
-"%s: %a is %s to %a",filename,key,"frozen",oldvalue)
- end
- elseif #functions>0 and not oldvalue then
- if trace_initialize then
-"%s: %a is %s to %a",filename,key,"set",newvalue)
- end
- for i=1,#functions do
- functions[i](newvalue)
- end
- functions.value=newvalue
- functions.frozen=functions.frozen or frozen
- else
- if trace_initialize then
-"%s: %a is %s as %a",filename,key,"kept",oldvalue)
- end
- end
- else
- functions={ default=newvalue,frozen=frozen }
- data[key]=functions
- if trace_initialize then
-"%s: %a is %s to %a",filename,key,"defaulted",newvalue)
- end
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- end
-local function set(t,what,newvalue)
- local
- if not data.frozen then
- local done=t.done
- if type(what)=="string" then
- what=settings_to_hash(what)
- end
- if type(what)~="table" then
- return
- end
- if not done then
- done={}
- t.done=done
- end
- for w,value in next,what do
- if value=="" then
- value=newvalue
- elseif not value then
- value=false
- else
- value=is_boolean(value,value)
- end
- w=topattern(w,true,true)
- for name,functions in next,data do
- if done[name] then
- elseif find(name,w) then
- done[name]=true
- for i=1,#functions do
- functions[i](value)
- end
- functions.value=value
- end
- end
- end
- end
-local function reset(t)
- local
- if not data.frozen then
- for name,functions in next,data do
- for i=1,#functions do
- functions[i](false)
- end
- functions.value=false
- end
- end
-local function enable(t,what)
- set(t,what,true)
-local function disable(t,what)
- local
- if not what or what=="" then
- t.done={}
- reset(t)
- else
- set(t,what,false)
- end
-function setters.register(t,what,...)
- local
- what=lower(what)
- local functions=data[what]
- if not functions then
- functions={}
- data[what]=functions
- if trace_initialize then
-"defining %a",what)
- end
- end
- local default=functions.default
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- local fnc=select(i,...)
- local typ=type(fnc)
- if typ=="string" then
- if trace_initialize then
-"coupling %a to %a",what,fnc)
- end
- local s=fnc
- fnc=function(value) set(t,s,value) end
- elseif typ~="function" then
- fnc=nil
- end
- if fnc then
- functions[#functions+1]=fnc
- local value=functions.value or default
- if value~=nil then
- fnc(value)
- functions.value=value
- end
- end
- end
- return false
-function setters.enable(t,what)
- local e=t.enable
- t.enable,t.done=enable,{}
- enable(t,what)
- t.enable,t.done=e,{}
-function setters.disable(t,what)
- local e=t.disable
- t.disable,t.done=disable,{}
- disable(t,what)
- t.disable,t.done=e,{}
-function setters.reset(t)
- t.done={}
- reset(t)
-function setters.list(t)
- local list=table.sortedkeys(
- local user,system={},{}
- for l=1,#list do
- local what=list[l]
- if find(what,"^%*") then
- system[#system+1]=what
- else
- user[#user+1]=what
- end
- end
- return user,system
- local
- local list=setters.list(t)
- for k=1,#list do
- local name=list[k]
- local[name]
- if functions then
- local value,default,modules=functions.value,functions.default,#functions
- value=value==nil and "unset" or tostring(value)
- default=default==nil and "unset" or tostring(default)
-"%-50s modules: %2i default: %-12s value: %-12s",name,modules,default,value)
- end
- end
-local enable,disable,register,list,show=setters.enable,setters.disable,setters.register,setters.list,
- print(format("%-15s : %s\n",,format(...)))
-local function default(setter,name)
- local[name]
- return d and d.default
-local function value(setter,name)
- local[name]
- return d and (d.value or d.default)
- local setter
- setter={
- data=allocate(),
- name=name,
- report=function(...) (setter,...) end,
- enable=function(...) enable (setter,...) end,
- disable=function(...) disable (setter,...) end,
- register=function(...) register(setter,...) end,
- list=function(...) list (setter,...) end,
- show=function(...) show (setter,...) end,
- default=function(...) return default (setter,...) end,
- value=function(...) return value (setter,...) end,
- }
- data[name]=setter
- return setter
-local t_enable,t_disable=trackers .enable,trackers .disable
-local d_enable,d_disable=directives .enable,directives .disable
-local e_enable,e_disable=experiments.enable,experiments.disable
-local trace_directives=false local trace_directives=false trackers.register("system.directives",function(v) trace_directives=v end)
-local trace_experiments=false local trace_experiments=false trackers.register("system.experiments",function(v) trace_experiments=v end)
-function directives.enable(...)
- if trace_directives then
-"enabling: % t",{...})
- end
- d_enable(...)
-function directives.disable(...)
- if trace_directives then
-"disabling: % t",{...})
- end
- d_disable(...)
-function experiments.enable(...)
- if trace_experiments then
-"enabling: % t",{...})
- end
- e_enable(...)
-function experiments.disable(...)
- if trace_experiments then
-"disabling: % t",{...})
- end
- e_disable(...)
- if statistics then
- statistics.enable=not v
- else
- end
- if libraries then
- libraries=nil
- else
- end
-if environment then
- local engineflags=environment.engineflags
- if engineflags then
- local list=engineflags["c:trackers"] or engineflags["trackers"]
- if type(list)=="string" then
- setters.initialize("commandline flags","trackers",settings_to_hash(list))
- end
- local list=engineflags["c:directives"] or engineflags["directives"]
- if type(list)=="string" then
- setters.initialize("commandline flags","directives",settings_to_hash(list))
- end
- end
-if texconfig then
- local function set(k,v)
- v=tonumber(v)
- if v then
- texconfig[k]=v
- end
- end
- directives.register("luatex.expanddepth",function(v) set("expand_depth",v) end)
- directives.register("luatex.hashextra",function(v) set("hash_extra",v) end)
- directives.register("luatex.nestsize",function(v) set("nest_size",v) end)
- directives.register("luatex.maxinopen",function(v) set("max_in_open",v) end)
- directives.register("luatex.maxprintline",function(v) set("max_print_line",v) end)
- directives.register("luatex.maxstrings",function(v) set("max_strings",v) end)
- directives.register("luatex.paramsize",function(v) set("param_size",v) end)
- directives.register("luatex.savesize",function(v) set("save_size",v) end)
- directives.register("luatex.stacksize",function(v) set("stack_size",v) end)
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["trac-log"] = package.loaded["trac-log"] or true
--- original size: 21795, stripped down to: 14194
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['trac-log']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to trac-log.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local write_nl,write=texio and texio.write_nl or print,texio and texio.write or io.write
-local format,gmatch,find=string.format,string.gmatch,string.find
-local concat,insert,remove=table.concat,table.insert,table.remove
-local topattern=string.topattern
-local texcount=tex and tex.count
-local next,type,select=next,type,select
-local utfchar=utf.char
-local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
-local formatters=string.formatters
-logs=logs or {}
-local logs=logs
-local moreinfo=[[
-More information about ConTeXt and the tools that come with it can be found at:
-maillist : /
-webpage : /
-wiki :
-utilities.strings.formatters.add (
- formatters,"unichr",
- [["U+" .. format("%%05X",%s) .. " (" .. utfchar(%s) .. ")"]]
-utilities.strings.formatters.add (
- formatters,"chruni",
- [[utfchar(%s) .. " (U+" .. format("%%05X",%s) .. ")"]]
-local function ignore() end
-setmetatableindex(logs,function(t,k) t[k]=ignore;return ignore end)
-local report,subreport,status,settarget,setformats,settranslations
-local direct,subdirect,writer,pushtarget,poptarget
-if tex and (tex.jobname or tex.formatname) then
- local valueiskey={ __index=function(t,k) t[k]=k return k end }
- local target="term and log"
- logs.flush=io.flush
- local formats={} setmetatable(formats,valueiskey)
- local translations={} setmetatable(translations,valueiskey)
- writer=function(...)
- write_nl(target,...)
- end
- newline=function()
- write_nl(target,"\n")
- end
- local f_one=formatters["%-15s > %s\n"]
- local f_two=formatters["%-15s >\n"]
- report=function(a,b,c,...)
- if c then
- write_nl(target,f_one(translations[a],formatters[formats[b]](c,...)))
- elseif b then
- write_nl(target,f_one(translations[a],formats[b]))
- elseif a then
- write_nl(target,f_two(translations[a]))
- else
- write_nl(target,"\n")
- end
- end
- local f_one=formatters["%-15s > %s"]
- local f_two=formatters["%-15s >"]
- direct=function(a,b,c,...)
- if c then
- return f_one(translations[a],formatters[formats[b]](c,...))
- elseif b then
- return f_one(translations[a],formats[b])
- elseif a then
- return f_two(translations[a])
- else
- return ""
- end
- end
- local f_one=formatters["%-15s > %s > %s\n"]
- local f_two=formatters["%-15s > %s >\n"]
- subreport=function(a,s,b,c,...)
- if c then
- write_nl(target,f_one(translations[a],translations[s],formatters[formats[b]](c,...)))
- elseif b then
- write_nl(target,f_one(translations[a],translations[s],formats[b]))
- elseif a then
- write_nl(target,f_two(translations[a],translations[s]))
- else
- write_nl(target,"\n")
- end
- end
- local f_one=formatters["%-15s > %s > %s"]
- local f_two=formatters["%-15s > %s >"]
- subdirect=function(a,s,b,c,...)
- if c then
- return f_one(translations[a],translations[s],formatters[formats[b]](c,...))
- elseif b then
- return f_one(translations[a],translations[s],formats[b])
- elseif a then
- return f_two(translations[a],translations[s])
- else
- return ""
- end
- end
- local f_one=formatters["%-15s : %s\n"]
- local f_two=formatters["%-15s :\n"]
- status=function(a,b,c,...)
- if c then
- write_nl(target,f_one(translations[a],formatters[formats[b]](c,...)))
- elseif b then
- write_nl(target,f_one(translations[a],formats[b]))
- elseif a then
- write_nl(target,f_two(translations[a]))
- else
- write_nl(target,"\n")
- end
- end
- local targets={
- logfile="log",
- log="log",
- file="log",
- console="term",
- terminal="term",
- both="term and log",
- }
- settarget=function(whereto)
- target=targets[whereto or "both"] or targets.both
- if target=="term" or target=="term and log" then
- logs.flush=io.flush
- else
- logs.flush=ignore
- end
- end
- local stack={}
- pushtarget=function(newtarget)
- insert(stack,target)
- settarget(newtarget)
- end
- poptarget=function()
- if #stack>0 then
- settarget(remove(stack))
- end
- end
- setformats=function(f)
- formats=f
- end
- settranslations=function(t)
- translations=t
- end
- logs.flush=ignore
- writer=write_nl
- newline=function()
- write_nl("\n")
- end
- local f_one=formatters["%-15s | %s"]
- local f_two=formatters["%-15s |"]
- report=function(a,b,c,...)
- if c then
- write_nl(f_one(a,formatters[b](c,...)))
- elseif b then
- write_nl(f_one(a,b))
- elseif a then
- write_nl(f_two(a))
- else
- write_nl("")
- end
- end
- local f_one=formatters["%-15s | %s | %s"]
- local f_two=formatters["%-15s | %s |"]
- subreport=function(a,sub,b,c,...)
- if c then
- write_nl(f_one(a,sub,formatters[b](c,...)))
- elseif b then
- write_nl(f_one(a,sub,b))
- elseif a then
- write_nl(f_two(a,sub))
- else
- write_nl("")
- end
- end
- local f_one=formatters["%-15s : %s\n"]
- local f_two=formatters["%-15s :\n"]
- status=function(a,b,c,...)
- if c then
- write_nl(f_one(a,formatters[b](c,...)))
- elseif b then
- write_nl(f_one(a,b))
- elseif a then
- write_nl(f_two(a))
- else
- write_nl("\n")
- end
- end
- direct=ignore
- subdirect=ignore
- settarget=ignore
- pushtarget=ignore
- poptarget=ignore
- setformats=ignore
- settranslations=ignore
-local data,states={},nil
-function logs.reporter(category,subcategory)
- local logger=data[category]
- if not logger then
- local state=false
- if states==true then
- state=true
- elseif type(states)=="table" then
- for c,_ in next,states do
- if find(category,c) then
- state=true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- logger={
- reporters={},
- state=state,
- }
- data[category]=logger
- end
- local reporter=logger.reporters[subcategory or "default"]
- if not reporter then
- if subcategory then
- reporter=function(...)
- if not logger.state then
- subreport(category,subcategory,...)
- end
- end
- logger.reporters[subcategory]=reporter
- else
- local tag=category
- reporter=function(...)
- if not logger.state then
- report(category,...)
- end
- end
- logger.reporters.default=reporter
- end
- end
- return reporter
-local ctxreport=logs.writer
-function logs.setmessenger(m)
- ctxreport=m
-function logs.messenger(category,subcategory)
- if subcategory then
- return function(...)
- ctxreport(subdirect(category,subcategory,...))
- end
- else
- return function(...)
- ctxreport(direct(category,...))
- end
- end
-local function setblocked(category,value)
- if category==true then
- category,value="*",true
- elseif category==false then
- category,value="*",false
- elseif value==nil then
- value=true
- end
- if category=="*" then
- states=value
- for k,v in next,data do
- v.state=value
- end
- else
- states=utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash(category)
- for c,_ in next,states do
- if data[c] then
- v.state=value
- else
- c=topattern(c,true,true)
- for k,v in next,data do
- if find(k,c) then
- v.state=value
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-function logs.disable(category,value)
- setblocked(category,value==nil and true or value)
-function logs.enable(category)
- setblocked(category,false)
-function logs.categories()
- return table.sortedkeys(data)
- local n,c,s,max=0,0,0,0
- for category,v in table.sortedpairs(data) do
- n=n+1
- local state=v.state
- local reporters=v.reporters
- local nc=#category
- if nc>c then
- c=nc
- end
- for subcategory,_ in next,reporters do
- local ns=#subcategory
- if ns>c then
- s=ns
- end
- local m=nc+ns
- if m>max then
- max=m
- end
- end
- local subcategories=concat(table.sortedkeys(reporters),", ")
- if state==true then
- state="disabled"
- elseif state==false then
- state="enabled"
- else
- state="unknown"
- end
- report("logging","category %a, subcategories %a, state %a",category,subcategories,state)
- end
- report("logging","categories: %s, max category: %s, max subcategory: %s, max combined: %s",n,c,s,max)
-local delayed_reporters={}
- local v=logs.reporter(
- t[k]=v
- return v
- delayed_reporters[setter](...)
- setblocked(v,true)
- settarget(v)
-local report_pages=logs.reporter("pages")
-local real,user,sub
-function logs.start_page_number()
- real,user,sub=texcount.realpageno,texcount.userpageno,texcount.subpageno
-local timing=false
-local starttime=nil
-local lasttime=nil
- starttime=os.clock()
- timing=true
-function logs.stop_page_number()
- if timing then
- local elapsed,average
- local stoptime=os.clock()
- if not lasttime or real<2 then
- elapsed=stoptime
- average=stoptime
- starttime=stoptime
- else
- elapsed=stoptime-lasttime
- average=(stoptime-starttime)/(real-1)
- end
- lasttime=stoptime
- if real<=0 then
- report_pages("flushing page, time %0.04f / %0.04f",elapsed,average)
- elseif user<=0 then
- report_pages("flushing realpage %s, time %0.04f / %0.04f",real,elapsed,average)
- elseif sub<=0 then
- report_pages("flushing realpage %s, userpage %s, time %0.04f / %0.04f",real,user,elapsed,average)
- else
- report_pages("flushing realpage %s, userpage %s, subpage %s, time %0.04f / %0.04f",real,user,sub,elapsed,average)
- end
- else
- if real<=0 then
- report_pages("flushing page")
- elseif user<=0 then
- report_pages("flushing realpage %s",real)
- elseif sub<=0 then
- report_pages("flushing realpage %s, userpage %s",real,user)
- else
- report_pages("flushing realpage %s, userpage %s, subpage %s",real,user,sub)
- end
- end
- logs.flush()
-local report_files=logs.reporter("files")
-local nesting=0
-local verbose=false
-local hasscheme=url.hasscheme
-function logs.show_open(name)
-function logs.show_close(name)
-function logs.show_load(name)
-local simple=logs.reporter("comment")
-function logs.setprogram () end
-function logs.extendbanner() end
-function logs.reportlines () end
-function logs.reportbanner() end
-function logs.reportline () end
-function logs.simplelines () end
-function () end
-local Carg,C,lpegmatch=lpeg.Carg,lpeg.C,lpeg.match
-local p_newline=lpeg.patterns.newline
-local linewise=(
- Carg(1)*C((1-p_newline)^1)/function(t,s) end+Carg(1)*p_newline^2/function(t) end+p_newline
-local function reportlines(t,str)
- if str then
- lpegmatch(linewise,str,1,t)
- end
-local function reportbanner(t)
- local banner=t.banner
- if banner then
- end
-local function reportversion(t)
- local banner=t.banner
- if banner then
- end
-local function reporthelp(t,...)
- local helpinfo=t.helpinfo
- if type(helpinfo)=="string" then
- reportlines(t,helpinfo)
- elseif type(helpinfo)=="table" then
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- reportlines(t,t.helpinfo[select(i,...)])
- if i<n then
- end
- end
- end
-local function reportinfo(t)
- reportlines(t,t.moreinfo)
-local function reportexport(t,method)
- report(t.helpinfo)
-local reporters={
- lines=reportlines,
- banner=reportbanner,
- version=reportversion,
- help=reporthelp,
- info=reportinfo,
- export=reportexport,
-local exporters={
-function logs.application(t)
- or "unknown"
- t.banner=t.banner
- t.moreinfo=moreinfo
- reporters.banner(t)
- end
- t.export=function(...)
- reporters.export(t,...)
- end
- t.identify=function()
- reporters.banner(t)
- end
- t.version=function()
- reporters.version(t)
- end
- return t
-function logs.system(whereto,process,jobname,category,...)
- local message=formatters["%s %s => %s => %s => %s\r"]("%d/%m/%y %H:%m:%S"),process,jobname,category,format(...))
- for i=1,10 do
- local,"a")
- if f then
- f:write(message)
- f:close()
- break
- else
- sleep(0.1)
- end
- end
-local report_system=logs.reporter("system","logs")
-function logs.obsolete(old,new)
- local o=loadstring("return "
- if type(o)=="function" then
- return function(...)
- report_system("function %a is obsolete, use %a",old,new)
- loadstring(old.."="" return "..old)()(...)
- end
- elseif type(o)=="table" then
- local t,m={},{}
- m.__index=function(t,k)
- report_system("table %a is obsolete, use %a",old,new)
- m.__index,m.__newindex=o,o
- return o[k]
- end
- m.__newindex=function(t,k,v)
- report_system("table %a is obsolete, use %a",old,new)
- m.__index,m.__newindex=o,o
- o[k]=v
- end
- if libraries then
- libraries.obsolete[old]=t
- end
- setmetatable(t,m)
- return t
- end
-if utilities then
-if tex and tex.error then
- function logs.texerrormessage(...)
- tex.error(format(...),{})
- end
- function logs.texerrormessage(...)
- print(format(...))
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["trac-inf"] = package.loaded["trac-inf"] or true
--- original size: 5791, stripped down to: 4540
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['trac-inf']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to trac-inf.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local type,tonumber=type,tonumber
-local format,lower=string.format,string.lower
-local concat=table.concat
-local clock=os.gettimeofday or os.clock
-statistics=statistics or {}
-local statistics=statistics
-local statusinfo,n,registered,timers={},0,{},{}
- local v={ timing=0,loadtime=0 }
- t[k]=v
- return v
-local function hastiming(instance)
- return instance and timers[instance]
-local function resettiming(instance)
- timers[instance or "notimer"]={ timing=0,loadtime=0 }
-local function starttiming(instance)
- local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
- local it=timer.timing or 0
- if it==0 then
- timer.starttime=clock()
- if not timer.loadtime then
- timer.loadtime=0
- end
- end
- timer.timing=it+1
-local function stoptiming(instance,report)
- local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
- local it=timer.timing
- if it>1 then
- timer.timing=it-1
- else
- local starttime=timer.starttime
- if starttime then
- local stoptime=clock()
- local loadtime=stoptime-starttime
- timer.stoptime=stoptime
- timer.loadtime=timer.loadtime+loadtime
- if report then
-"load time %0.3f",loadtime)
- end
- timer.timing=0
- return loadtime
- end
- end
- return 0
-local function elapsed(instance)
- if type(instance)=="number" then
- return instance or 0
- else
- local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"]
- return timer and timer.loadtime or 0
- end
-local function elapsedtime(instance)
- return format("%0.3f",elapsed(instance))
-local function elapsedindeed(instance)
- return elapsed(instance)>statistics.threshold
-local function elapsedseconds(instance,rest)
- if elapsedindeed(instance) then
- return format("%0.3f seconds %s",elapsed(instance),rest or "")
- end
-function statistics.register(tag,fnc)
- if statistics.enable and type(fnc)=="function" then
- local rt=registered[tag] or (#statusinfo+1)
- statusinfo[rt]={ tag,fnc }
- registered[tag]=rt
- if #tag>n then n=#tag end
- end
-local report=logs.reporter("mkiv lua stats")
- if statistics.enable then
- local register=statistics.register
- register("luatex banner",function()
- return lower(status.banner)
- end)
- register("control sequences",function()
- return format("%s of %s + %s",status.cs_count,status.hash_size,status.hash_extra)
- end)
- register("callbacks",function()
- local total,indirect=status.callbacks or 0,status.indirect_callbacks or 0
- return format("%s direct, %s indirect, %s total",total-indirect,indirect,total)
- end)
- if jit then
- local status={ jit.status() }
- if status[1] then
- register("luajit status",function()
- return concat(status," ",2)
- end)
- end
- end
- register("current memory usage",statistics.memused)
- register("runtime",statistics.runtime)
- logs.newline()
- for i=1,#statusinfo do
- local s=statusinfo[i]
- local r=s[2]()
- if r then
- report("%s: %s",s[1],r)
- end
- end
- statistics.enable=false
- end
-function statistics.memused()
- local round=math.round or math.floor
- return format("%s MB (ctx: %s MB)",round(collectgarbage("count")/1000),round(status.luastate_bytes/1000000))
-function statistics.formatruntime(runtime)
- return format("%s seconds",runtime)
-function statistics.runtime()
- stoptiming(statistics)
- return statistics.formatruntime(elapsedtime(statistics))
-local report=logs.reporter("system")
-function statistics.timed(action)
- starttiming("run")
- action()
- stoptiming("run")
- report("total runtime: %s",elapsedtime("run"))
-commands=commands or {}
-function commands.resettimer(name)
- resettiming(name or "whatever")
- starttiming(name or "whatever")
-function commands.elapsedtime(name)
- stoptiming(name or "whatever")
- context(elapsedtime(name or "whatever"))
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["trac-pro"] = package.loaded["trac-pro"] or true
--- original size: 5773, stripped down to: 3453
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['trac-pro']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local getmetatable,setmetatable,rawset,type=getmetatable,setmetatable,rawset,type
-local trace_namespaces=false trackers.register("system.namespaces",function(v) trace_namespaces=v end)
-local report_system=logs.reporter("system","protection")
-namespaces=namespaces or {}
-local namespaces=namespaces
-local registered={}
-local function report_index(k,name)
- if trace_namespaces then
- report_system("reference to %a in protected namespace %a: %s",k,name,debug.traceback())
- else
- report_system("reference to %a in protected namespace %a",k,name)
- end
-local function report_newindex(k,name)
- if trace_namespaces then
- report_system("assignment to %a in protected namespace %a: %s",k,name,debug.traceback())
- else
- report_system("assignment to %a in protected namespace %a",k,name)
- end
-local function register(name)
- local data=name=="global" and _G or _G[name]
- if not data then
- return
- end
- registered[name]=data
- local m=getmetatable(data)
- if not m then
- m={}
- setmetatable(data,m)
- end
- local index,newindex={},{}
- m.__saved__index=m.__index
- m.__no__index=function(t,k)
- if not index[k] then
- index[k]=true
- report_index(k,name)
- end
- return nil
- end
- m.__saved__newindex=m.__newindex
- m.__no__newindex=function(t,k,v)
- if not newindex[k] then
- newindex[k]=true
- report_newindex(k,name)
- end
- rawset(t,k,v)
- end
- m.__protection__depth=0
-local function private(name)
- local data=registered[name]
- if not data then
- data=_G[name]
- if not data then
- data={}
- _G[name]=data
- end
- register(name)
- end
- return data
-local function protect(name)
- local data=registered[name]
- if not data then
- return
- end
- local m=getmetatable(data)
- local pd=m.__protection__depth
- if pd>0 then
- m.__protection__depth=pd+1
- else
- m.__save_d_index,m.__saved__newindex=m.__index,m.__newindex
- m.__index,m.__newindex=m.__no__index,m.__no__newindex
- m.__protection__depth=1
- end
-local function unprotect(name)
- local data=registered[name]
- if not data then
- return
- end
- local m=getmetatable(data)
- local pd=m.__protection__depth
- if pd>1 then
- m.__protection__depth=pd-1
- else
- m.__index,m.__newindex=m.__saved__index,m.__saved__newindex
- m.__protection__depth=0
- end
-local function protectall()
- for name,_ in next,registered do
- if name~="global" then
- protect(name)
- end
- end
-local function unprotectall()
- for name,_ in next,registered do
- if name~="global" then
- unprotect(name)
- end
- end
-namespaces.private("namespaces") registered={} register("global")
- if v then
- protectall()
- else
- unprotectall()
- end
- if v then
- report_system("enabling global namespace guard")
- protect("global")
- else
- report_system("disabling global namespace guard")
- unprotect("global")
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["util-lua"] = package.loaded["util-lua"] or true
--- original size: 12575, stripped down to: 8700
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-lua']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- comment="the strip code is written by Peter Cawley",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local rep,sub,byte,dump,format=string.rep,string.sub,string.byte,string.dump,string.format
-local load,loadfile,type=load,loadfile,type
-utilities=utilities or {}
-utilities.lua=utilities.lua or {}
-local luautilities=utilities.lua
-local report_lua=logs.reporter("system","lua")
-local tracestripping=false
-local forcestupidcompile=true
-local strippedchunks={}
- tma="tma",
- tmc=jit and "tmb" or "tmc",
- lua="lua",
- luc=jit and "lub" or "luc",
- lui="lui",
- luv="luv",
- luj="luj",
- tua="tua",
- tuc="tuc",
-if jit or status.luatex_version>=74 then
- local function register(name)
- if tracestripping then
- report_lua("stripped bytecode from %a",name or "unknown")
- end
- strippedchunks[#strippedchunks+1]=name
- luautilities.nofstrippedchunks=luautilities.nofstrippedchunks+1
- end
- local function stupidcompile(luafile,lucfile,strip)
- local code=io.loaddata(luafile)
- if code and code~="" then
- code=load(code)
- if code then
- code=dump(code,strip and luautilities.stripcode or luautilities.alwaysstripcode)
- if code and code~="" then
- register(name)
- io.savedata(lucfile,code)
- return true,0
- end
- else
- report_lua("fatal error %a in file %a",1,luafile)
- end
- else
- report_lua("fatal error %a in file %a",2,luafile)
- end
- return false,0
- end
- function luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,forcestrip,name)
- name=name or fullname
- local code=environment.loadpreprocessedfile and environment.loadpreprocessedfile(fullname) or loadfile(fullname)
- if code then
- code()
- end
- if forcestrip and luautilities.stripcode then
- if type(forcestrip)=="function" then
- forcestrip=forcestrip(fullname)
- end
- if forcestrip or luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
- register(name)
- return load(dump(code,true)),0
- else
- return code,0
- end
- elseif luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
- register(name)
- return load(dump(code,true)),0
- else
- return code,0
- end
- end
- function luautilities.strippedloadstring(code,forcestrip,name)
- if forcestrip and luautilities.stripcode or luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
- code=load(code)
- if not code then
- report_lua("fatal error %a in file %a",3,name)
- end
- register(name)
- code=dump(code,true)
- end
- return load(code),0
- end
- function luautilities.compile(luafile,lucfile,cleanup,strip,fallback)
- report_lua("compiling %a into %a",luafile,lucfile)
- os.remove(lucfile)
- local done=stupidcompile(luafile,lucfile,strip~=false)
- if done then
- report_lua("dumping %a into %a stripped",luafile,lucfile)
- if cleanup==true and lfs.isfile(lucfile) and lfs.isfile(luafile) then
- report_lua("removing %a",luafile)
- os.remove(luafile)
- end
- end
- return done
- end
- function luautilities.loadstripped(...)
- local l=load(...)
- if l then
- return load(dump(l,true))
- end
- end
- local function register(name,before,after)
- local delta=before-after
- if tracestripping then
- report_lua("bytecodes stripped from %a, # before %s, # after %s, delta %s",name,before,after,delta)
- end
- strippedchunks[#strippedchunks+1]=name
- luautilities.nofstrippedchunks=luautilities.nofstrippedchunks+1
- luautilities.nofstrippedbytes=luautilities.nofstrippedbytes+delta
- return delta
- end
- local strip_code_pc
- strip_code_pc=function(dump,name)
- local before=#dump
- local version,format,endian,int,size,ins,num=byte(dump,5,11)
- local subint
- if endian==1 then
- subint=function(dump,i,l)
- local val=0
- for n=l,1,-1 do
- val=val*256+byte(dump,i+n-1)
- end
- return val,i+l
- end
- else
- subint=function(dump,i,l)
- local val=0
- for n=1,l,1 do
- val=val*256+byte(dump,i+n-1)
- end
- return val,i+l
- end
- end
- local strip_function
- strip_function=function(dump)
- local count,offset=subint(dump,1,size)
- local stripped,dirty=rep("\0",size),offset+count
- offset=offset+count+int*2+4
- offset=offset+int+subint(dump,offset,int)*ins
- count,offset=subint(dump,offset,int)
- for n=1,count do
- local t
- t,offset=subint(dump,offset,1)
- if t==1 then
- offset=offset+1
- elseif t==4 then
- offset=offset+size+subint(dump,offset,size)
- elseif t==3 then
- offset=offset+num
- end
- end
- count,offset=subint(dump,offset,int)
- stripped=stripped..sub(dump,dirty,offset-1)
- for n=1,count do
- local proto,off=strip_function(sub(dump,offset,-1))
- stripped,offset=stripped..proto,offset+off-1
- end
- offset=offset+subint(dump,offset,int)*int+int
- count,offset=subint(dump,offset,int)
- for n=1,count do
- offset=offset+subint(dump,offset,size)+size+int*2
- end
- count,offset=subint(dump,offset,int)
- for n=1,count do
- offset=offset+subint(dump,offset,size)+size
- end
- stripped=stripped..rep("\0",int*3)
- return stripped,offset
- end
- dump=sub(dump,1,12)..strip_function(sub(dump,13,-1))
- local after=#dump
- local delta=register(name,before,after)
- return dump,delta
- end
- else
- strip_code_pc=function(dump,name)
- return dump,0
- end
- end
- function luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,forcestrip,name)
- local code=environment.loadpreprocessedfile and environment.preprocessedloadfile(fullname) or loadfile(fullname)
- if code then
- code()
- end
- if forcestrip and luautilities.stripcode then
- if type(forcestrip)=="function" then
- forcestrip=forcestrip(fullname)
- end
- if forcestrip then
- local code,n=strip_code_pc(dump(code),name)
- return load(code),n
- elseif luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
- return load(strip_code_pc(dump(code),name))
- else
- return code,0
- end
- elseif luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
- return load(strip_code_pc(dump(code),name))
- else
- return code,0
- end
- end
- function luautilities.strippedloadstring(code,forcestrip,name)
- local n=0
- if (forcestrip and luautilities.stripcode) or luautilities.alwaysstripcode then
- code=load(code)
- if not code then
- report_lua("fatal error in file %a",name)
- end
- code,n=strip_code_pc(dump(code),name)
- end
- return load(code),n
- end
- local function stupidcompile(luafile,lucfile,strip)
- local code=io.loaddata(luafile)
- local n=0
- if code and code~="" then
- code=load(code)
- if not code then
- report_lua("fatal error in file %a",luafile)
- end
- code=dump(code)
- if strip then
- code,n=strip_code_pc(code,luautilities.stripcode or luautilities.alwaysstripcode,luafile)
- end
- if code and code~="" then
- io.savedata(lucfile,code)
- end
- end
- return n
- end
- local luac_normal="texluac -o %q %q"
- local luac_strip="texluac -s -o %q %q"
- function luautilities.compile(luafile,lucfile,cleanup,strip,fallback)
- report_lua("compiling %a into %a",luafile,lucfile)
- os.remove(lucfile)
- local done=false
- if strip~=false then
- strip=true
- end
- if forcestupidcompile then
- fallback=true
- elseif strip then
- done=os.spawn(format(luac_strip,lucfile,luafile))==0
- else
- done=os.spawn(format(luac_normal,lucfile,luafile))==0
- end
- if not done and fallback then
- local n=stupidcompile(luafile,lucfile,strip)
- if n>0 then
- report_lua("%a dumped into %a (%i bytes stripped)",luafile,lucfile,n)
- else
- report_lua("%a dumped into %a (unstripped)",luafile,lucfile)
- end
- cleanup=false
- done=true
- end
- if done and cleanup==true and lfs.isfile(lucfile) and lfs.isfile(luafile) then
- report_lua("removing %a",luafile)
- os.remove(luafile)
- end
- return done
- end
- luautilities.loadstripped=loadstring
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["util-deb"] = package.loaded["util-deb"] or true
--- original size: 3708, stripped down to: 2568
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-deb']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local debug=require "debug"
-local getinfo=debug.getinfo
-local type,next,tostring=type,next,tostring
-local format,find=string.format,string.find
-local is_boolean=string.is_boolean
-utilities=utilities or {}
-local debugger=utilities.debugger or {}
-local counters={}
-local names={}
-local report=logs.reporter("debugger")
-local function hook()
- local f=getinfo(2)
- if f then
- local n="unknown"
- if f.what=="C" then
- or '<anonymous>'
- if not names[n] then
- names[n]=format("%42s",n)
- end
- else
- or f.namewhat or f.what
- if not n or n=="" then
- n="?"
- end
- if not names[n] then
- names[n]=format("%42s : % 5i : %s",n,f.linedefined or 0,f.short_src or "unknown source")
- end
- end
- counters[n]=(counters[n] or 0)+1
- end
-function debugger.showstats(printer,threshold)
- printer=printer or report
- threshold=threshold or 0
- local total,grandtotal,functions=0,0,0
- local dataset={}
- for name,count in next,counters do
- dataset[#dataset+1]={ name,count }
- end
- table.sort(dataset,function(a,b) return a[2]==b[2] and b[1]>a[1] or a[2]>b[2] end)
- for i=1,#dataset do
- local d=dataset[i]
- local name=d[1]
- local count=d[2]
- if count>threshold and not find(name,"for generator") then
- printer(format("%8i %s\n",count,names[name]))
- total=total+count
- end
- grandtotal=grandtotal+count
- functions=functions+1
- end
- printer("\n")
- printer(format("functions : % 10i\n",functions))
- printer(format("total : % 10i\n",total))
- printer(format("grand total: % 10i\n",grandtotal))
- printer(format("threshold : % 10i\n",threshold))
-function debugger.savestats(filename,threshold)
- local,'w')
- if f then
- debugger.showstats(function(str) f:write(str) end,threshold)
- f:close()
- end
-function debugger.enable()
- debug.sethook(hook,"c")
-function debugger.disable()
- debug.sethook()
-function traceback()
- local level=1
- while true do
- local info=debug.getinfo(level,"Sl")
- if not info then
- break
- elseif info.what=="C" then
- print(format("%3i : C function",level))
- else
- print(format("%3i : [%s]:%d",level,info.short_src,info.currentline))
- end
- level=level+1
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["util-mrg"] = package.loaded["util-mrg"] or true
--- original size: 7294, stripped down to: 5798
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-mrg']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local gsub,format=string.gsub,string.format
-local concat=table.concat
-local type,next=type,next
-local P,R,S,V,Ct,C,Cs,Cc,Cp,Cmt,Cb,Cg=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.V,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Cmt,lpeg.Cb,lpeg.Cg
-local lpegmatch,patterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
-utilities=utilities or {}
-local merger=utilities.merger or {}
-local report=logs.reporter("system","merge")
-local m_begin_merge="begin library merge"
-local m_end_merge="end library merge"
-local m_begin_closure="do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit"
-local m_end_closure="end -- of closure"
-local m_pattern="%c+".."%-%-%s+"..m_begin_merge.."%c+(.-)%c+".."%-%-%s+"..m_end_merge.."%c+"
-local m_format="\n\n-- "..m_begin_merge.."\n%s\n".."-- "..m_end_merge.."\n\n"
-local m_faked="-- ".."created merged file".."\n\n".."-- "..m_begin_merge.."\n\n".."-- "..m_end_merge.."\n\n"
-local m_report=[[
--- used libraries : %s
--- skipped libraries : %s
--- original bytes : %s
--- stripped bytes : %s
-local m_preloaded=[[package.loaded[%q] = package.loaded[%q] or true]]
-local function self_fake()
- return m_faked
-local function self_nothing()
- return ""
-local function self_load(name)
- local data=io.loaddata(name) or ""
- if data=="" then
- report("unknown file %a",name)
- else
- report("inserting file %a",name)
- end
- return data or ""
-local eol=patterns.newline
-local equals=P("=")^0
-local open=P("[")*Cg(equals,"init")*P("[")*P("\n")^-1
-local close=P("]")*C(equals)*P("]")
-local closeeq=Cmt(close*Cb("init"),function(s,i,a,b) return a==b end)
-local longstring=open*(1-closeeq)^0*close
-local quoted=patterns.quoted
-local emptyline=space^0*eol
-local operator1=P("<=")+P(">=")+P("~=")+P("..")+S("/^<>=*+%%")
-local operator2=S("*+/")
-local operator3=S("-")
-local separator=S(",;")
-local ignore=(P("]")*space^1*P("=")*space^1*P("]"))/"]=["+(P("=")*space^1*P("{"))/"={"+(P("(")*space^1)/"("+(P("{")*(space+eol)^1*P("}"))/"{}"
-local strings=quoted
-local longcmt=(emptyline^0*P("--")*longstring*emptyline^0)/""
-local longstr=longstring
-local comment=emptyline^0*P("--")*P("-")^0*(1-eol)^0*emptyline^1/"\n"
-local pack=((eol+space)^0/"")*operator1*((eol+space)^0/"")+((eol+space)^0/"")*operator2*((space)^0/"")+((eol+space)^1/"")*operator3*((space)^1/"")+((space)^0/"")*separator*((space)^0/"")
-local lines=emptyline^2/"\n"
-local spaces=(space*space)/" "
-local compact=Cs ((
- ignore+strings+longcmt+longstr+comment+pack+lines+spaces+1
-)^1 )
-local strip=Cs((emptyline^2/"\n"+1)^0)
-local stripreturn=Cs((1-P("return")*space^1*P(1-space-eol)^1*(space+eol)^0*P(-1))^1)
-function merger.compact(data)
- return lpegmatch(strip,lpegmatch(compact,data))
-local function self_compact(data)
- local delta=0
- if merger.strip_comment then
- local before=#data
- data=lpegmatch(compact,data)
- data=lpegmatch(strip,data)
- local after=#data
- delta=before-after
- report("original size %s, compacted to %s, stripped %s",before,after,delta)
- data=format("-- original size: %s, stripped down to: %s\n\n%s",before,after,data)
- end
- return lpegmatch(stripreturn,data) or data,delta
-local function self_save(name,data)
- if data~="" then
- io.savedata(name,data)
- report("saving %s with size %s",name,#data)
- end
-local function self_swap(data,code)
- return data~="" and (gsub(data,m_pattern,function() return format(m_format,code) end,1)) or ""
-local function self_libs(libs,list)
- local result,f,frozen,foundpath={},nil,false,nil
- result[#result+1]="\n"
- if type(libs)=='string' then libs={ libs } end
- if type(list)=='string' then list={ list } end
- for i=1,#libs do
- local lib=libs[i]
- for j=1,#list do
- local pth=gsub(list[j],"\\","/")
- report("checking library path %a",pth)
- local name=pth.."/"..lib
- if lfs.isfile(name) then
- foundpath=pth
- end
- end
- if foundpath then break end
- end
- if foundpath then
- report("using library path %a",foundpath)
- local right,wrong,original,stripped={},{},0,0
- for i=1,#libs do
- local lib=libs[i]
- local fullname=foundpath.."/"..lib
- if lfs.isfile(fullname) then
- report("using library %a",fullname)
- local preloaded=file.nameonly(lib)
- local data=io.loaddata(fullname,true)
- original=original+#data
- local data,delta=self_compact(data)
- right[#right+1]=lib
- result[#result+1]=m_begin_closure
- result[#result+1]=format(m_preloaded,preloaded,preloaded)
- result[#result+1]=data
- result[#result+1]=m_end_closure
- stripped=stripped+delta
- else
- report("skipping library %a",fullname)
- wrong[#wrong+1]=lib
- end
- end
- right=#right>0 and concat(right," ") or "-"
- wrong=#wrong>0 and concat(wrong," ") or "-"
- report("used libraries: %a",right)
- report("skipped libraries: %a",wrong)
- report("original bytes: %a",original)
- report("stripped bytes: %a",stripped)
- result[#result+1]=format(m_report,right,wrong,original,stripped)
- else
- report("no valid library path found")
- end
- return concat(result,"\n\n")
-function merger.selfcreate(libs,list,target)
- if target then
- self_save(target,self_swap(self_fake(),self_libs(libs,list)))
- end
-function merger.selfmerge(name,libs,list,target)
- self_save(target or name,self_swap(self_load(name),self_libs(libs,list)))
-function merger.selfclean(name)
- self_save(name,self_swap(self_load(name),self_nothing()))
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["util-tpl"] = package.loaded["util-tpl"] or true
--- original size: 5655, stripped down to: 3242
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-tpl']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-utilities.templates=utilities.templates or {}
-local templates=utilities.templates
-local trace_template=false trackers.register("templates.trace",function(v) trace_template=v end)
-local report_template=logs.reporter("template")
-local tostring=tostring
-local format,sub=string.format,string.sub
-local P,C,Cs,Carg,lpegmatch=lpeg.P,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.match
-local replacer
-local function replacekey(k,t,how,recursive)
- local v=t[k]
- if not v then
- if trace_template then
- report_template("unknown key %a",k)
- end
- return ""
- else
- v=tostring(v)
- if trace_template then
- report_template("setting key %a to value %a",k,v)
- end
- if recursive then
- return lpegmatch(replacer,v,1,t,how,recursive)
- else
- return v
- end
- end
-local sqlescape=lpeg.replacer {
- { "'","''" },
- { "\\","\\\\" },
- { "\r\n","\\n" },
- { "\r","\\n" },
-local sqlquotedescape=lpeg.Cs(lpeg.Cc("'")*sqlescape*lpeg.Cc("'"))
-local escapers={
- lua=function(s)
- return sub(format("%q",s),2,-2)
- end,
- sql=function(s)
- return lpegmatch(sqlescape,s)
- end,
-local quotedescapers={
- lua=function(s)
- return format("%q",s)
- end,
- sql=function(s)
- return lpegmatch(sqlquotedescape,s)
- end,
-local luaescaper=escapers.lua
-local quotedluaescaper=quotedescapers.lua
-local function replacekeyunquoted(s,t,how,recurse)
- local escaper=how and escapers[how] or luaescaper
- return escaper(replacekey(s,t,how,recurse))
-local function replacekeyquoted(s,t,how,recurse)
- local escaper=how and quotedescapers[how] or quotedluaescaper
- return escaper(replacekey(s,t,how,recurse))
-local single=P("%")
-local double=P("%%")
-local lquoted=P("%[")
-local rquoted=P("]%")
-local lquotedq=P("%(")
-local rquotedq=P(")%")
-local escape=double/'%%'
-local nosingle=single/''
-local nodouble=double/''
-local nolquoted=lquoted/''
-local norquoted=rquoted/''
-local nolquotedq=lquotedq/''
-local norquotedq=rquotedq/''
-local key=nosingle*((C((1-nosingle )^1)*Carg(1)*Carg(2)*Carg(3))/replacekey )*nosingle
-local quoted=nolquotedq*((C((1-norquotedq)^1)*Carg(1)*Carg(2)*Carg(3))/replacekeyquoted )*norquotedq
-local unquoted=nolquoted*((C((1-norquoted )^1)*Carg(1)*Carg(2)*Carg(3))/replacekeyunquoted)*norquoted
-local any=P(1)
- replacer=Cs((unquoted+quoted+escape+key+any)^0)
-local function replace(str,mapping,how,recurse)
- if mapping and str then
- return lpegmatch(replacer,str,1,mapping,how or "lua",recurse or false) or str
- else
- return str
- end
-function templates.load(filename,mapping,how,recurse)
- local data=io.loaddata(filename) or ""
- if mapping and next(mapping) then
- return replace(data,mapping,how,recurse)
- else
- return data
- end
-function templates.resolve(t,mapping,how,recurse)
- if not mapping then
- mapping=t
- end
- for k,v in next,t do
- t[k]=replace(v,mapping,how,recurse)
- end
- return t
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["util-env"] = package.loaded["util-env"] or true
--- original size: 7702, stripped down to: 4701
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-env']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local allocate,,
-local format,sub,match,gsub,find=string.format,string.sub,string.match,string.gsub,string.find
-local unquoted,quoted=string.unquoted,string.quoted
-local concat,insert,remove=table.concat,table.insert,table.remove
-environment=environment or {}
-local environment=environment
-function os.setlocale()
-local validengines=allocate {
- ["luatex"]=true,
- ["luajittex"]=true,
-local basicengines=allocate {
- ["luatex"]="luatex",
- ["texlua"]="luatex",
- ["texluac"]="luatex",
- ["luajittex"]="luajittex",
- ["texluajit"]="luajittex",
-local luaengines=allocate {
- ["lua"]=true,
- ["luajit"]=true,
-if not arg then
-elseif luaengines[file.removesuffix(arg[-1])] then
-elseif validengines[file.removesuffix(arg[0])] then
- if arg[1]=="--luaonly" then
- arg[-1]=arg[0]
- arg[ 0]=arg[2]
- for k=3,#arg do
- arg[k-2]=arg[k]
- end
- remove(arg)
- remove(arg)
- else
- end
- local originalzero=file.basename(arg[0])
- local specialmapping={ luatools=="base" }
- if originalzero~="mtxrun" and originalzero~="mtxrun.lua" then
- arg[0]=specialmapping[originalzero] or originalzero
- insert(arg,0,"--script")
- insert(arg,0,"mtxrun")
- end
-function environment.initializearguments(arg)
- local arguments,files={},{}
- environment.arguments,environment.files,environment.sortedflags=arguments,files,nil
- for index=1,#arg do
- local argument=arg[index]
- if index>0 then
- local flag,value=match(argument,"^%-+(.-)=(.-)$")
- if flag then
- flag=gsub(flag,"^c:","")
- arguments[flag]=unquoted(value or "")
- else
- flag=match(argument,"^%-+(.+)")
- if flag then
- flag=gsub(flag,"^c:","")
- arguments[flag]=true
- else
- files[#files+1]=argument
- end
- end
- end
- end
- environment.ownname=file.reslash(environment.ownname or arg[0] or 'unknown.lua')
-function environment.setargument(name,value)
- environment.arguments[name]=value
-function environment.getargument(name,partial)
- local arguments,sortedflags=environment.arguments,environment.sortedflags
- if arguments[name] then
- return arguments[name]
- elseif partial then
- if not sortedflags then
- sortedflags=allocate(table.sortedkeys(arguments))
- for k=1,#sortedflags do
- sortedflags[k]="^"..sortedflags[k]
- end
- environment.sortedflags=sortedflags
- end
- for k=1,#sortedflags do
- local v=sortedflags[k]
- if find(name,v) then
- return arguments[sub(v,2,#v)]
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
-function environment.splitarguments(separator)
- local done,before,after=false,{},{}
- local originalarguments=environment.originalarguments
- for k=1,#originalarguments do
- local v=originalarguments[k]
- if not done and v==separator then
- done=true
- elseif done then
- after[#after+1]=v
- else
- before[#before+1]=v
- end
- end
- return before,after
-function environment.reconstructcommandline(arg,noquote)
- arg=arg or environment.originalarguments
- if noquote and #arg==1 then
- local a=arg[1]
- a=resolvers.resolve(a)
- a=unquoted(a)
- return a
- elseif #arg>0 then
- local result={}
- for i=1,#arg do
- local a=arg[i]
- a=resolvers.resolve(a)
- a=unquoted(a)
- a=gsub(a,'"','\\"')
- if find(a," ") then
- result[#result+1]=quoted(a)
- else
- result[#result+1]=a
- end
- end
- return concat(result," ")
- else
- return ""
- end
-if arg then
- local newarg,instring={},false
- for index=1,#arg do
- local argument=arg[index]
- if find(argument,"^\"") then
- newarg[#newarg+1]=gsub(argument,"^\"","")
- if not find(argument,"\"$") then
- instring=true
- end
- elseif find(argument,"\"$") then
- newarg[#newarg]=newarg[#newarg].." "..gsub(argument,"\"$","")
- instring=false
- elseif instring then
- newarg[#newarg]=newarg[#newarg].." "..argument
- else
- newarg[#newarg+1]=argument
- end
- end
- for i=1,-5,-1 do
- newarg[i]=arg[i]
- end
- environment.initializearguments(newarg)
- environment.originalarguments=mark(newarg)
- environment.rawarguments=mark(arg)
- arg={}
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["luat-env"] = package.loaded["luat-env"] or true
--- original size: 5874, stripped down to: 4184
- if not modules then modules={} end modules ['luat-env']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local rawset,rawget,loadfile,assert=rawset,rawget,loadfile,assert
-local trace_locating=false trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) trace_locating=v end)
-local report_lua=logs.reporter("resolvers","lua")
-local luautilities=utilities.lua
-local luasuffixes=luautilities.suffixes
-environment=environment or {}
-local environment=environment
-local mt={
- __index=function(_,k)
- if k=="version" then
- local version=tex.toks and tex.toks.contextversiontoks
- if version and version~="" then
- rawset(environment,"version",version)
- return version
- else
- return "unknown"
- end
- elseif k=="kind" then
- local kind=tex.toks and tex.toks.contextkindtoks
- if kind and kind~="" then
- rawset(environment,"kind",kind)
- return kind
- else
- return "unknown"
- end
- elseif k=="jobname" or k=="formatname" then
- local name=tex and tex[k]
- if name or name=="" then
- rawset(environment,k,name)
- return name
- else
- return "unknown"
- end
- elseif k=="outputfilename" then
- local name=environment.jobname
- rawset(environment,k,name)
- return name
- end
- end
-function environment.texfile(filename)
- return resolvers.findfile(filename,'tex')
-function environment.luafile(filename)
- local resolved=resolvers.findfile(filename,'tex') or ""
- if resolved~="" then
- return resolved
- end
- resolved=resolvers.findfile(filename,'texmfscripts') or ""
- if resolved~="" then
- return resolved
- end
- return resolvers.findfile(filename,'luatexlibs') or ""
-local stripindeed=false directives.register("system.compile.strip",function(v) stripindeed=v end)
-local function strippable(filename)
- if stripindeed then
- local modu=modules[file.nameonly(filename)]
- return modu and modu.dataonly
- else
- return false
- end
-function environment.luafilechunk(filename,silent)
- filename=file.replacesuffix(filename,"lua")
- local fullname=environment.luafile(filename)
- if fullname and fullname~="" then
- local data=luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,strippable,filename)
- if trace_locating then
- report_lua("loading file %a %s",fullname,not data and "failed" or "succeeded")
- elseif not silent then
- texio.write("<",data and "+ " or "- ",fullname,">")
- end
- return data
- else
- if trace_locating then
- report_lua("unknown file %a",filename)
- end
- return nil
- end
-function environment.loadluafile(filename,version)
- local lucname,luaname,chunk
- local basename=file.removesuffix(filename)
- if basename==filename then
- luaname=file.addsuffix(basename,luasuffixes.lua)
- lucname=file.addsuffix(basename,luasuffixes.luc)
- else
- luaname=basename
- lucname=nil
- end
- local fullname=(lucname and environment.luafile(lucname)) or ""
- if fullname~="" then
- if trace_locating then
- report_lua("loading %a",fullname)
- end
- chunk=loadfile(fullname)
- end
- if chunk then
- assert(chunk)()
- if version then
- local v=version
- if modules and modules[filename] then
- v=modules[filename].version
- elseif versions and versions[filename] then
- v=versions[filename]
- end
- if v==version then
- return true
- else
- if trace_locating then
- report_lua("version mismatch for %a, lua version %a, luc version %a",filename,v,version)
- end
- environment.loadluafile(filename)
- end
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- fullname=(luaname and environment.luafile(luaname)) or ""
- if fullname~="" then
- if trace_locating then
- report_lua("loading %a",fullname)
- end
- chunk=loadfile(fullname)
- if not chunk then
- if trace_locating then
- report_lua("unknown file %a",filename)
- end
- else
- assert(chunk)()
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["lxml-tab"] = package.loaded["lxml-tab"] or true
--- original size: 42495, stripped down to: 26647
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['lxml-tab']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="this module is the basis for the lxml-* ones",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local trace_entities=false trackers.register("xml.entities",function(v) trace_entities=v end)
-local report_xml=logs and logs.reporter("xml","core") or function(...) print(string.format(...)) end
-xml=xml or {}
-local xml=xml
-local concat,remove,insert=table.concat,table.remove,table.insert
-local type,next,setmetatable,getmetatable,tonumber=type,next,setmetatable,getmetatable,tonumber
-local lower,find,match,gsub=string.lower,string.find,string.match,string.gsub
-local utfchar=utf.char
-local lpegmatch=lpeg.match
-local P,S,R,C,V,C,Cs=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.C,lpeg.V,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cs
-local formatters=string.formatters
-xml.xmlns=xml.xmlns or {}
-local check=P(false)
-local parse=check
-function xml.registerns(namespace,pattern)
- check=check+C(P(lower(pattern)))/namespace
- parse=P { P(check)+1*V(1) }
-function xml.checkns(namespace,url)
- local ns=lpegmatch(parse,lower(url))
- if ns and namespace~=ns then
- xml.xmlns[namespace]=ns
- end
-function xml.resolvens(url)
- return lpegmatch(parse,lower(url)) or ""
-local nsremap,resolvens=xml.xmlns,xml.resolvens
-local stack={}
-local top={}
-local dt={}
-local at={}
-local xmlns={}
-local errorstr=nil
-local entities={}
-local strip=false
-local cleanup=false
-local utfize=false
-local resolve_predefined=false
-local unify_predefined=false
-local dcache={}
-local hcache={}
-local acache={}
-local mt={}
-local function initialize_mt(root)
- mt={ __index=root }
-function xml.setproperty(root,k,v)
- getmetatable(root).__index[k]=v
-function xml.checkerror(top,toclose)
- return ""
-local function add_attribute(namespace,tag,value)
- if cleanup and #value>0 then
- value=cleanup(value)
- end
- if tag=="xmlns" then
- xmlns[#xmlns+1]=resolvens(value)
- at[tag]=value
- elseif namespace=="" then
- at[tag]=value
- elseif namespace=="xmlns" then
- xml.checkns(tag,value)
- at["xmlns:"..tag]=value
- else
- at[namespace..":"..tag]=value
- end
-local function add_empty(spacing,namespace,tag)
- if #spacing>0 then
- dt[#dt+1]=spacing
- end
- local resolved=namespace=="" and xmlns[#xmlns] or nsremap[namespace] or namespace
- top=stack[#stack]
- dt=top.dt
- local t={ ns=namespace or "",rn=resolved,tg=tag,at=at,dt={},__p__=top }
- dt[#dt+1]=t
- setmetatable(t,mt)
- if at.xmlns then
- remove(xmlns)
- end
- at={}
-local function add_begin(spacing,namespace,tag)
- if #spacing>0 then
- dt[#dt+1]=spacing
- end
- local resolved=namespace=="" and xmlns[#xmlns] or nsremap[namespace] or namespace
- top={ ns=namespace or "",rn=resolved,tg=tag,at=at,dt={},__p__=stack[#stack] }
- setmetatable(top,mt)
- dt=top.dt
- stack[#stack+1]=top
- at={}
-local function add_end(spacing,namespace,tag)
- if #spacing>0 then
- dt[#dt+1]=spacing
- end
- local toclose=remove(stack)
- top=stack[#stack]
- if #stack<1 then
- errorstr=formatters["unable to close %s %s"](tag,xml.checkerror(top,toclose) or "")
- elseif then
- errorstr=formatters["unable to close %s with %s %s"](,tag,xml.checkerror(top,toclose) or "")
- end
- dt=top.dt
- dt[#dt+1]=toclose
- if then
- remove(xmlns)
- end
-local function add_text(text)
- if cleanup and #text>0 then
- dt[#dt+1]=cleanup(text)
- else
- dt[#dt+1]=text
- end
-local function add_special(what,spacing,text)
- if #spacing>0 then
- dt[#dt+1]=spacing
- end
- if strip and (what=="@cm@" or what=="@dt@") then
- else
- dt[#dt+1]={ special=true,ns="",tg=what,dt={ text } }
- end
-local function set_message(txt)
- errorstr="garbage at the end of the file: "..gsub(txt,"([ \n\r\t]*)","")
-local reported_attribute_errors={}
-local function attribute_value_error(str)
- if not reported_attribute_errors[str] then
- report_xml("invalid attribute value %a",str)
- reported_attribute_errors[str]=true
- at._error_=str
- end
- return str
-local function attribute_specification_error(str)
- if not reported_attribute_errors[str] then
- report_xml("invalid attribute specification %a",str)
- reported_attribute_errors[str]=true
- at._error_=str
- end
- return str
- unknown_dec_entity=function(str) return str=="" and "&error;" or formatters["&%s;"](str) end,
- unknown_hex_entity=function(str) return formatters["&#x%s;"](str) end,
- unknown_any_entity=function(str) return formatters["&#x%s;"](str) end,
-local placeholders=xml.placeholders
-local function fromhex(s)
- local n=tonumber(s,16)
- if n then
- return utfchar(n)
- else
- return formatters["h:%s"](s),true
- end
-local function fromdec(s)
- local n=tonumber(s)
- if n then
- return utfchar(n)
- else
- return formatters["d:%s"](s),true
- end
-local rest=(1-P(";"))^0
-local many=P(1)^0
-local parsedentity=P("&")*(P("#x")*(rest/fromhex)+P("#")*(rest/fromdec))*P(";")*P(-1)+(P("#x")*(many/fromhex)+P("#")*(many/fromdec))
-local predefined_unified={
- [38]="&amp;",
- [42]="&quot;",
- [47]="&apos;",
- [74]="&lt;",
- [76]="&gt;",
-local predefined_simplified={
- [38]="&",amp="&",
- [42]='"',quot='"',
- [47]="'",apos="'",
- [74]="<",lt="<",
- [76]=">",gt=">",
-local nofprivates=0xF0000
-local privates_u={
- [ [[&]] ]="&amp;",
- [ [["]] ]="&quot;",
- [ [[']] ]="&apos;",
- [ [[<]] ]="&lt;",
- [ [[>]] ]="&gt;",
-local privates_p={}
-local privates_n={
-local escaped=utf.remapper(privates_u)
-local function unescaped(s)
- local p=privates_n[s]
- if not p then
- nofprivates=nofprivates+1
- p=utfchar(nofprivates)
- privates_n[s]=p
- s="&"..s..";"
- privates_u[p]=s
- privates_p[p]=s
- end
- return p
-local unprivatized=utf.remapper(privates_p)
-local function handle_hex_entity(str)
- local h=hcache[str]
- if not h then
- local n=tonumber(str,16)
- h=unify_predefined and predefined_unified[n]
- if h then
- if trace_entities then
- report_xml("utfize, converting hex entity &#x%s; into %a",str,h)
- end
- elseif utfize then
- h=(n and utfchar(n)) or xml.unknown_hex_entity(str) or ""
- if not n then
- report_xml("utfize, ignoring hex entity &#x%s;",str)
- elseif trace_entities then
- report_xml("utfize, converting hex entity &#x%s; into %a",str,h)
- end
- else
- if trace_entities then
- report_xml("found entity &#x%s;",str)
- end
- h="&#x"..str..";"
- end
- hcache[str]=h
- end
- return h
-local function handle_dec_entity(str)
- local d=dcache[str]
- if not d then
- local n=tonumber(str)
- d=unify_predefined and predefined_unified[n]
- if d then
- if trace_entities then
- report_xml("utfize, converting dec entity &#%s; into %a",str,d)
- end
- elseif utfize then
- d=(n and utfchar(n)) or placeholders.unknown_dec_entity(str) or ""
- if not n then
- report_xml("utfize, ignoring dec entity &#%s;",str)
- elseif trace_entities then
- report_xml("utfize, converting dec entity &#%s; into %a",str,d)
- end
- else
- if trace_entities then
- report_xml("found entity &#%s;",str)
- end
- d="&#"..str..";"
- end
- dcache[str]=d
- end
- return d
-local function handle_any_entity(str)
- if resolve then
- local a=acache[str]
- if not a then
- a=resolve_predefined and predefined_simplified[str]
- if a then
- if trace_entities then
- report_xml("resolving entity &%s; to predefined %a",str,a)
- end
- else
- if type(resolve)=="function" then
- a=resolve(str) or entities[str]
- else
- a=entities[str]
- end
- if a then
- if type(a)=="function" then
- if trace_entities then
- report_xml("expanding entity &%s; to function call",str)
- end
- a=a(str) or ""
- end
- a=lpegmatch(parsedentity,a) or a
- if trace_entities then
- report_xml("resolving entity &%s; to internal %a",str,a)
- end
- else
- local unknown_any_entity=placeholders.unknown_any_entity
- if unknown_any_entity then
- a=unknown_any_entity(str) or ""
- end
- if a then
- if trace_entities then
- report_xml("resolving entity &%s; to external %s",str,a)
- end
- else
- if trace_entities then
- report_xml("keeping entity &%s;",str)
- end
- if str=="" then
- a="&error;"
- else
- a="&"..str..";"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- acache[str]=a
- elseif trace_entities then
- if not acache[str] then
- report_xml("converting entity &%s; to %a",str,a)
- acache[str]=a
- end
- end
- return a
- else
- local a=acache[str]
- if not a then
- a=resolve_predefined and predefined_simplified[str]
- if a then
- acache[str]=a
- if trace_entities then
- report_xml("entity &%s; becomes %a",str,a)
- end
- elseif str=="" then
- if trace_entities then
- report_xml("invalid entity &%s;",str)
- end
- a="&error;"
- acache[str]=a
- else
- if trace_entities then
- report_xml("entity &%s; is made private",str)
- end
- a=unescaped(str)
- acache[str]=a
- end
- end
- return a
- end
-local function handle_end_entity(chr)
- report_xml("error in entity, %a found instead of %a",chr,";")
-local space=S(' \r\n\t')
-local open=P('<')
-local close=P('>')
-local squote=S("'")
-local dquote=S('"')
-local equal=P('=')
-local slash=P('/')
-local colon=P(':')
-local semicolon=P(';')
-local ampersand=P('&')
-local valid=R('az','AZ','09')+S('_-.')
-local name_yes=C(valid^1)*colon*C(valid^1)
-local name_nop=C(P(true))*C(valid^1)
-local name=name_yes+name_nop
-local utfbom=lpeg.patterns.utfbom
-local spacing=C(space^0)
-local anyentitycontent=(1-open-semicolon-space-close)^0
-local hexentitycontent=R("AF","af","09")^0
-local decentitycontent=R("09")^0
-local parsedentity=P("#")/""*(
- P("x")/""*(hexentitycontent/handle_hex_entity)+(decentitycontent/handle_dec_entity)
- )+(anyentitycontent/handle_any_entity)
-local entity=ampersand/""*parsedentity*((semicolon/"")+#(P(1)/handle_end_entity))
-local text_unparsed=C((1-open)^1)
-local text_parsed=Cs(((1-open-ampersand)^1+entity)^1)
-local somespace=space^1
-local optionalspace=space^0
-local value=(squote*Cs((entity+(1-squote))^0)*squote)+(dquote*Cs((entity+(1-dquote))^0)*dquote)
-local endofattributes=slash*close+close
-local whatever=space*name*optionalspace*equal
-local wrongvalue=Cs(P(entity+(1-space-endofattributes))^1)/attribute_value_error
-local attributevalue=value+wrongvalue
-local attribute=(somespace*name*optionalspace*equal*optionalspace*attributevalue)/add_attribute
-local attributes=(attribute+somespace^-1*(((1-endofattributes)^1)/attribute_specification_error))^0
-local parsedtext=text_parsed/add_text
-local unparsedtext=text_unparsed/add_text
-local balanced=P { "["*((1-S"[]")+V(1))^0*"]" }
-local emptyelement=(spacing*open*name*attributes*optionalspace*slash*close)/add_empty
-local beginelement=(spacing*open*name*attributes*optionalspace*close)/add_begin
-local endelement=(spacing*open*slash*name*optionalspace*close)/add_end
-local begincomment=open*P("!--")
-local endcomment=P("--")*close
-local begininstruction=open*P("?")
-local endinstruction=P("?")*close
-local begincdata=open*P("![CDATA[")
-local endcdata=P("]]")*close
-local someinstruction=C((1-endinstruction)^0)
-local somecomment=C((1-endcomment )^0)
-local somecdata=C((1-endcdata )^0)
-local function normalentity(k,v ) entities[k]=v end
-local function systementity(k,v,n) entities[k]=v end
-local function publicentity(k,v,n) entities[k]=v end
-local begindoctype=open*P("!DOCTYPE")
-local enddoctype=close
-local beginset=P("[")
-local endset=P("]")
-local doctypename=C((1-somespace-close)^0)
-local elementdoctype=optionalspace*P("<!ELEMENT")*(1-close)^0*close
-local basiccomment=begincomment*((1-endcomment)^0)*endcomment
-local normalentitytype=(doctypename*somespace*value)/normalentity
-local publicentitytype=(doctypename*somespace*P("PUBLIC")*somespace*value)/publicentity
-local systementitytype=(doctypename*somespace*P("SYSTEM")*somespace*value*somespace*P("NDATA")*somespace*doctypename)/systementity
-local entitydoctype=optionalspace*P("<!ENTITY")*somespace*(systementitytype+publicentitytype+normalentitytype)*optionalspace*close
-local doctypeset=beginset*optionalspace*P(elementdoctype+entitydoctype+basiccomment+space)^0*optionalspace*endset
-local definitiondoctype=doctypename*somespace*doctypeset
-local publicdoctype=doctypename*somespace*P("PUBLIC")*somespace*value*somespace*value*somespace*doctypeset
-local systemdoctype=doctypename*somespace*P("SYSTEM")*somespace*value*somespace*doctypeset
-local simpledoctype=(1-close)^1
-local somedoctype=C((somespace*(publicdoctype+systemdoctype+definitiondoctype+simpledoctype)*optionalspace)^0)
-local somedoctype=C((somespace*(publicdoctype+systemdoctype+definitiondoctype+simpledoctype)*optionalspace)^0)
-local instruction=(spacing*begininstruction*someinstruction*endinstruction)/function(...) add_special("@pi@",...) end
-local comment=(spacing*begincomment*somecomment*endcomment )/function(...) add_special("@cm@",...) end
-local cdata=(spacing*begincdata*somecdata*endcdata )/function(...) add_special("@cd@",...) end
-local doctype=(spacing*begindoctype*somedoctype*enddoctype )/function(...) add_special("@dt@",...) end
-local trailer=space^0*(text_unparsed/set_message)^0
-local grammar_parsed_text=P { "preamble",
- preamble=utfbom^0*instruction^0*(doctype+comment+instruction)^0*V("parent")*trailer,
- parent=beginelement*V("children")^0*endelement,
- children=parsedtext+V("parent")+emptyelement+comment+cdata+instruction,
-local grammar_unparsed_text=P { "preamble",
- preamble=utfbom^0*instruction^0*(doctype+comment+instruction)^0*V("parent")*trailer,
- parent=beginelement*V("children")^0*endelement,
- children=unparsedtext+V("parent")+emptyelement+comment+cdata+instruction,
-local function _xmlconvert_(data,settings)
- settings=settings or {}
- strip=settings.strip_cm_and_dt
- utfize=settings.utfize_entities
- resolve=settings.resolve_entities
- resolve_predefined=settings.resolve_predefined_entities
- unify_predefined=settings.unify_predefined_entities
- cleanup=settings.text_cleanup
- entities=settings.entities or {}
- if utfize==nil then
- settings.utfize_entities=true
- utfize=true
- end
- if resolve_predefined==nil then
- settings.resolve_predefined_entities=true
- resolve_predefined=true
- end
- stack,top,at,xmlns,errorstr={},{},{},{},nil
- acache,hcache,dcache={},{},{}
- reported_attribute_errors={}
- if settings.parent_root then
- mt=getmetatable(settings.parent_root)
- else
- initialize_mt(top)
- end
- stack[#stack+1]=top
- top.dt={}
- dt=top.dt
- if not data or data=="" then
- errorstr="empty xml file"
- elseif utfize or resolve then
- if lpegmatch(grammar_parsed_text,data) then
- errorstr=""
- else
- errorstr="invalid xml file - parsed text"
- end
- elseif type(data)=="string" then
- if lpegmatch(grammar_unparsed_text,data) then
- errorstr=""
- else
- errorstr="invalid xml file - unparsed text"
- end
- else
- errorstr="invalid xml file - no text at all"
- end
- local result
- if errorstr and errorstr~="" then
- result={ dt={ { ns="",tg="error",dt={ errorstr },at={},er=true } } }
- setmetatable(stack,mt)
- local errorhandler=settings.error_handler
- if errorhandler==false then
- else
- errorhandler=errorhandler or xml.errorhandler
- if errorhandler then
- local currentresource=settings.currentresource
- if currentresource and currentresource~="" then
- xml.errorhandler(formatters["load error in [%s]: %s"](currentresource,errorstr))
- else
- xml.errorhandler(formatters["load error: %s"](errorstr))
- end
- end
- end
- else
- result=stack[1]
- end
- if not settings.no_root then
- result={ special=true,ns="",tg='@rt@',dt=result.dt,at={},entities=entities,settings=settings }
- setmetatable(result,mt)
- local rdt=result.dt
- for k=1,#rdt do
- local v=rdt[k]
- if type(v)=="table" and not v.special then
- result.ri=k
- v.__p__=result
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if errorstr and errorstr~="" then
- result.error=true
- end
- result.statistics={
- entities={
- decimals=dcache,
- hexadecimals=hcache,
- names=acache,
- }
- }
- strip,utfize,resolve,resolve_predefined=nil,nil,nil,nil
- unify_predefined,cleanup,entities=nil,nil,nil
- stack,top,at,xmlns,errorstr=nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
- acache,hcache,dcache=nil,nil,nil
- reported_attribute_errors,mt,errorhandler=nil,nil,nil
- return result
-function xmlconvert(data,settings)
- local ok,result=pcall(function() return _xmlconvert_(data,settings) end)
- if ok then
- return result
- else
- return _xmlconvert_("",settings)
- end
-function xml.inheritedconvert(data,xmldata)
- local settings=xmldata.settings
- if settings then
- settings.parent_root=xmldata
- end
- local xc=xmlconvert(data,settings)
- return xc
-function xml.is_valid(root)
- return root and root.dt and root.dt[1] and type(root.dt[1])=="table" and not root.dt[1].er
-function xml.package(tag,attributes,data)
- local ns,tg=match(tag,"^(.-):?([^:]+)$")
- local t={ ns=ns,tg=tg,dt=data or "",at=attributes or {} }
- setmetatable(t,mt)
- return t
-function xml.is_valid(root)
- return root and not root.error
-function xml.load(filename,settings)
- local data=""
- if type(filename)=="string" then
- local,'r')
- if f then
- data=f:read("*all")
- f:close()
- end
- elseif filename then
- data=filename:read("*all")
- end
- if settings then
- settings.currentresource=filename
- local result=xmlconvert(data,settings)
- settings.currentresource=nil
- return result
- else
- return xmlconvert(data,{ currentresource=filename })
- end
-local no_root={ no_root=true }
-function xml.toxml(data)
- if type(data)=="string" then
- local root={ xmlconvert(data,no_root) }
- return (#root>1 and root) or root[1]
- else
- return data
- end
-local function copy(old,tables)
- if old then
- tables=tables or {}
- local new={}
- if not tables[old] then
- tables[old]=new
- end
- for k,v in next,old do
- new[k]=(type(v)=="table" and (tables[v] or copy(v,tables))) or v
- end
- local mt=getmetatable(old)
- if mt then
- setmetatable(new,mt)
- end
- return new
- else
- return {}
- end
-function xml.checkbom(root)
- if root.ri then
- local dt=root.dt
- for k=1,#dt do
- local v=dt[k]
- if type(v)=="table" and v.special and"@pi@" and find(v.dt[1],"xml.*version=") then
- return
- end
- end
- insert(dt,1,{ special=true,ns="",tg="@pi@",dt={ "xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'" } } )
- insert(dt,2,"\n" )
- end
-local function verbose_element(e,handlers)
- local handle=handlers.handle
- local serialize=handlers.serialize
- local ens,etg,eat,edt,ern=e.ns,,,e.dt,e.rn
- local ats=eat and next(eat) and {}
- if ats then
- for k,v in next,eat do
- ats[#ats+1]=formatters['%s=%q'](k,escaped(v))
- end
- end
- if ern and trace_entities and ern~=ens then
- ens=ern
- end
- if ens~="" then
- if edt and #edt>0 then
- if ats then
- handle("<",ens,":",etg," ",concat(ats," "),">")
- else
- handle("<",ens,":",etg,">")
- end
- for i=1,#edt do
- local e=edt[i]
- if type(e)=="string" then
- handle(escaped(e))
- else
- serialize(e,handlers)
- end
- end
- handle("</",ens,":",etg,">")
- else
- if ats then
- handle("<",ens,":",etg," ",concat(ats," "),"/>")
- else
- handle("<",ens,":",etg,"/>")
- end
- end
- else
- if edt and #edt>0 then
- if ats then
- handle("<",etg," ",concat(ats," "),">")
- else
- handle("<",etg,">")
- end
- for i=1,#edt do
- local e=edt[i]
- if type(e)=="string" then
- handle(escaped(e))
- else
- serialize(e,handlers)
- end
- end
- handle("</",etg,">")
- else
- if ats then
- handle("<",etg," ",concat(ats," "),"/>")
- else
- handle("<",etg,"/>")
- end
- end
- end
-local function verbose_pi(e,handlers)
- handlers.handle("<?",e.dt[1],"?>")
-local function verbose_comment(e,handlers)
- handlers.handle("<!--",e.dt[1],"-->")
-local function verbose_cdata(e,handlers)
- handlers.handle("<![CDATA[",e.dt[1],"]]>")
-local function verbose_doctype(e,handlers)
- handlers.handle("<!DOCTYPE ",e.dt[1],">")
-local function verbose_root(e,handlers)
- handlers.serialize(e.dt,handlers)
-local function verbose_text(e,handlers)
- handlers.handle(escaped(e))
-local function verbose_document(e,handlers)
- local serialize=handlers.serialize
- local functions=handlers.functions
- for i=1,#e do
- local ei=e[i]
- if type(ei)=="string" then
- functions["@tx@"](ei,handlers)
- else
- serialize(ei,handlers)
- end
- end
-local function serialize(e,handlers,...)
- local initialize=handlers.initialize
- local finalize=handlers.finalize
- local functions=handlers.functions
- if initialize then
- local state=initialize(...)
- if not state==true then
- return state
- end
- end
- local
- if etg then
- (functions[etg] or functions["@el@"])(e,handlers)
- else
- functions["@dc@"](e,handlers)
- end
- if finalize then
- return finalize()
- end
-local function xserialize(e,handlers)
- local functions=handlers.functions
- local
- if etg then
- (functions[etg] or functions["@el@"])(e,handlers)
- else
- functions["@dc@"](e,handlers)
- end
-local handlers={}
-local function newhandlers(settings)
- local t=table.copy(handlers[settings and settings.parent or "verbose"] or {})
- if settings then
- for k,v in next,settings do
- if type(v)=="table" then
- local tk=t[k] if not tk then tk={} t[k]=tk end
- for kk,vv in next,v do
- tk[kk]=vv
- end
- else
- t[k]=v
- end
- end
- if then
- handlers[]=t
- end
- end
- return t
-local nofunction=function() end
-function xml.sethandlersfunction(handler,name,fnc)
- handler.functions[name]=fnc or nofunction
-function xml.gethandlersfunction(handler,name)
- return handler.functions[name]
-function xml.gethandlers(name)
- return handlers[name]
-newhandlers {
- name="verbose",
- initialize=false,
- finalize=false,
- serialize=xserialize,
- handle=print,
- functions={
- ["@dc@"]=verbose_document,
- ["@dt@"]=verbose_doctype,
- ["@rt@"]=verbose_root,
- ["@el@"]=verbose_element,
- ["@pi@"]=verbose_pi,
- ["@cm@"]=verbose_comment,
- ["@cd@"]=verbose_cdata,
- ["@tx@"]=verbose_text,
- }
-local result
-local xmlfilehandler=newhandlers {
- name="file",
- initialize=function(name)
- return result
- end,
- finalize=function()
- result:close()
- return true
- end,
- handle=function(...)
- result:write(...)
- end,
- serialize(root,xmlfilehandler,name)
-local result
-local xmlstringhandler=newhandlers {
- name="string",
- initialize=function()
- result={}
- return result
- end,
- finalize=function()
- return concat(result)
- end,
- handle=function(...)
- result[#result+1]=concat {... }
- end,
-local function xmltostring(root)
- if not root then
- return ""
- elseif type(root)=="string" then
- return root
- else
- return serialize(root,xmlstringhandler) or ""
- end
-local function __tostring(root)
- return (root and xmltostring(root)) or ""
- mt={ __tostring=__tostring,__index=root }
-local function xmlstring(e,handle)
- if not handle or (e.special and"@rt@") then
- elseif then
- local edt=e.dt
- if edt then
- for i=1,#edt do
- xmlstring(edt[i],handle)
- end
- end
- else
- handle(e)
- end
-function xml.settings(e)
- while e do
- local s=e.settings
- if s then
- return s
- else
- e=e.__p__
- end
- end
- return nil
-function xml.root(e)
- local r=e
- while e do
- e=e.__p__
- if e then
- r=e
- end
- end
- return r
-function xml.parent(root)
- return root.__p__
-function xml.body(root)
- return root.ri and root.dt[root.ri] or root
- if not root then
- return ""
- end
- local ns=root.ns
- local
- if ns=="" then
- return tg
- else
- return ns..":"
- end
-function xml.erase(dt,k)
- if dt then
- if k then
- dt[k]=""
- else for k=1,#dt do
- dt[1]={ "" }
- end end
- end
-function xml.assign(dt,k,root)
- if dt and k then
- dt[k]=type(root)=="table" and xml.body(root) or root
- return dt[k]
- else
- return xml.body(root)
- end
-function xml.tocdata(e,wrapper)
- local whatever=type(e)=="table" and xmltostring(e.dt) or e or ""
- if wrapper then
- whatever=formatters["<%s>%s</%s>"](wrapper,whatever,wrapper)
- end
- local t={ special=true,ns="",tg="@cd@",at={},rn="",dt={ whatever },__p__=e }
- setmetatable(t,getmetatable(e))
- e.dt={ t }
-function xml.makestandalone(root)
- if root.ri then
- local dt=root.dt
- for k=1,#dt do
- local v=dt[k]
- if type(v)=="table" and v.special and"@pi@" then
- local txt=v.dt[1]
- if find(txt,"xml.*version=") then
- v.dt[1]=txt.." standalone='yes'"
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return root
-function xml.kind(e)
- local dt=e and e.dt
- if dt then
- local n=#dt
- if n==1 then
- local d=dt[1]
- if d.special then
- local
- if tg=="@cd@" then
- return "cdata"
- elseif tg=="@cm" then
- return "comment"
- elseif tg=="@pi@" then
- return "instruction"
- elseif tg=="@dt@" then
- return "declaration"
- end
- elseif type(d)=="string" then
- return "text"
- end
- return "element"
- elseif n>0 then
- return "mixed"
- end
- end
- return "empty"
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["lxml-lpt"] = package.loaded["lxml-lpt"] or true
--- original size: 48956, stripped down to: 30516
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['lxml-lpt']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="this module is the basis for the lxml-* ones",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local concat,remove,insert=table.concat,table.remove,table.insert
-local type,next,tonumber,tostring,setmetatable,load,select=type,next,tonumber,tostring,setmetatable,load,select
-local format,upper,lower,gmatch,gsub,find,rep=string.format,string.upper,string.lower,string.gmatch,string.gsub,string.find,string.rep
-local lpegmatch,lpegpatterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
-local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
-local formatters=string.formatters
-local trace_lpath=false if trackers then trackers.register("xml.path",function(v) trace_lpath=v end) end
-local trace_lparse=false if trackers then trackers.register("xml.parse",function(v) trace_lparse=v end) end
-local trace_lprofile=false if trackers then trackers.register("xml.profile",function(v) trace_lpath=v trace_lparse=v trace_lprofile=v end) end
-local report_lpath=logs.reporter("xml","lpath")
-local xml=xml
-local lpathcalls=0 function xml.lpathcalls () return lpathcalls end
-local lpathcached=0 function xml.lpathcached() return lpathcached end
-xml.functions=xml.functions or {}
-local functions=xml.functions
-xml.expressions=xml.expressions or {}
-local expressions=xml.expressions
-xml.finalizers=xml.finalizers or {}
-local finalizers=xml.finalizers
-xml.specialhandler=xml.specialhandler or {}
-local specialhandler=xml.specialhandler
-lpegpatterns.xml=lpegpatterns.xml or {}
-local xmlpatterns=lpegpatterns.xml
-finalizers.xml=finalizers.xml or {}
-finalizers.tex=finalizers.tex or {}
-local function fallback (t,name)
- local fn=finalizers[name]
- if fn then
- t[name]=fn
- else
- report_lpath("unknown sub finalizer %a",name)
- fn=function() end
- end
- return fn
-local apply_axis={}
- local collected={}
- for l=1,#list do
- local ll=list[l]
- local rt=ll
- while ll do
- ll=ll.__p__
- if ll then
- rt=ll
- end
- end
- collected[l]=rt
- end
- return collected
- return list
- local collected,c={},0
- for l=1,#list do
- local ll=list[l]
- local dt=ll.dt
- if dt then
- local en=0
- for k=1,#dt do
- local dk=dt[k]
- if then
- c=c+1
- collected[c]=dk
- en=en+1
- dk.ei=en
- end
- end
- ll.en=en
- end
- end
- return collected
-local function collect(list,collected,c)
- local dt=list.dt
- if dt then
- local en=0
- for k=1,#dt do
- local dk=dt[k]
- if then
- c=c+1
- collected[c]=dk
- en=en+1
- dk.ei=en
- c=collect(dk,collected,c)
- end
- end
- list.en=en
- end
- return c
- local collected,c={},0
- for l=1,#list do
- c=collect(list[l],collected,c)
- end
- return collected
-local function collect(list,collected,c)
- local dt=list.dt
- if dt then
- local en=0
- for k=1,#dt do
- local dk=dt[k]
- if then
- c=c+1
- collected[c]=dk
- en=en+1
- dk.ei=en
- c=collect(dk,collected,c)
- end
- end
- list.en=en
- end
- return c
- local collected,c={},0
- for l=1,#list do
- local ll=list[l]
- if ll.special~=true then
- c=c+1
- collected[c]=ll
- end
- c=collect(ll,collected,c)
- end
- return collected
- local collected,c={},0
- for l=1,#list do
- local ll=list[l]
- while ll do
- ll=ll.__p__
- if ll then
- c=c+1
- collected[c]=ll
- end
- end
- end
- return collected
- local collected,c={},0
- for l=1,#list do
- local ll=list[l]
- c=c+1
- collected[c]=ll
- while ll do
- ll=ll.__p__
- if ll then
- c=c+1
- collected[c]=ll
- end
- end
- end
- return collected
- local collected,c={},0
- for l=1,#list do
- local pl=list[l].__p__
- if pl then
- c=c+1
- collected[c]=pl
- end
- end
- return collected
- return {}
- return {}
- return {}
- return {}
- local collected,c={},0
- for l=1,#list do
- local ll=list[l]
- local p=ll.__p__
- local d=p.dt
- for,#d do
- local di=d[i]
- if type(di)=="table" then
- c=c+1
- collected[c]=di
- end
- end
- end
- return collected
- local collected,c={},0
- for l=1,#list do
- local ll=list[l]
- local p=ll.__p__
- local d=p.dt
- for i=1, do
- local di=d[i]
- if type(di)=="table" then
- c=c+1
- collected[c]=di
- end
- end
- end
- return collected
- local collected,c={},0
- for l=1,#list do
- local ll=list[l]
- local p=ll.__p__
- local d=p.dt
- for,1,-1 do
- local di=d[i]
- if type(di)=="table" then
- c=c+1
- collected[c]=di
- end
- end
- end
- return collected
-local function apply_nodes(list,directive,nodes)
- local maxn=#nodes
- if maxn==3 then
- local nns,ntg=nodes[2],nodes[3]
- if not nns and not ntg then
- if directive then
- return list
- else
- return {}
- end
- else
- local collected,c,m,p={},0,0,nil
- if not nns then
- for l=1,#list do
- local ll=list[l]
- local
- if ltg then
- if directive then
- if ntg==ltg then
- local llp=ll.__p__;if llp~=p then p,m=llp,1 else m=m+1 end
- c=c+1
- collected[c],ll.mi=ll,m
- end
- elseif ntg~=ltg then
- local llp=ll.__p__;if llp~=p then p,m=llp,1 else m=m+1 end
- c=c+1
- collected[c],ll.mi=ll,m
- end
- end
- end
- elseif not ntg then
- for l=1,#list do
- local ll=list[l]
- local lns=ll.rn or ll.ns
- if lns then
- if directive then
- if lns==nns then
- local llp=ll.__p__;if llp~=p then p,m=llp,1 else m=m+1 end
- c=c+1
- collected[c],ll.mi=ll,m
- end
- elseif lns~=nns then
- local llp=ll.__p__;if llp~=p then p,m=llp,1 else m=m+1 end
- c=c+1
- collected[c],ll.mi=ll,m
- end
- end
- end
- else
- for l=1,#list do
- local ll=list[l]
- local
- if ltg then
- local lns=ll.rn or ll.ns
- local ok=ltg==ntg and lns==nns
- if directive then
- if ok then
- local llp=ll.__p__;if llp~=p then p,m=llp,1 else m=m+1 end
- c=c+1
- collected[c],ll.mi=ll,m
- end
- elseif not ok then
- local llp=ll.__p__;if llp~=p then p,m=llp,1 else m=m+1 end
- c=c+1
- collected[c],ll.mi=ll,m
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return collected
- end
- else
- local collected,c,m,p={},0,0,nil
- for l=1,#list do
- local ll=list[l]
- local
- if ltg then
- local lns=ll.rn or ll.ns
- local ok=false
- for n=1,maxn,3 do
- local nns,ntg=nodes[n+1],nodes[n+2]
- ok=(not ntg or ltg==ntg) and (not nns or lns==nns)
- if ok then
- break
- end
- end
- if directive then
- if ok then
- local llp=ll.__p__;if llp~=p then p,m=llp,1 else m=m+1 end
- c=c+1
- collected[c],ll.mi=ll,m
- end
- elseif not ok then
- local llp=ll.__p__;if llp~=p then p,m=llp,1 else m=m+1 end
- c=c+1
- collected[c],ll.mi=ll,m
- end
- end
- end
- return collected
- end
-local quit_expression=false
-local function apply_expression(list,expression,order)
- local collected,c={},0
- quit_expression=false
- for l=1,#list do
- local ll=list[l]
- if expression(list,ll,l,order) then
- c=c+1
- collected[c]=ll
- end
- if quit_expression then
- break
- end
- end
- return collected
-local P,V,C,Cs,Cc,Ct,R,S,Cg,Cb=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.Cg,lpeg.Cb
-local spaces=S(" \n\r\t\f")^0
-local lp_space=S(" \n\r\t\f")
-local lp_any=P(1)
-local lp_noequal=P("!=")/"~="+P("<=")+P(">=")+P("==")
-local lp_doequal=P("=")/"=="
-local lp_or=P("|")/" or "
-local lp_and=P("&")/" and "
-local lp_builtin=P (
- P("text")/"(ll.dt[1] or '')"+
- P("content")/"ll.dt"+
- P("name")/"((ll.ns~='' and ll.ns..':' or"+P("tag")/""+P("position")/"l"+
- P("firstindex")/"1"+P("lastindex")/"(#ll.__p__.dt or 1)"+P("firstelement")/"1"+P("lastelement")/"(ll.__p__.en or 1)"+P("first")/"1"+P("last")/"#list"+P("rootposition")/"order"+P("order")/"order"+P("element")/"(ll.ei or 1)"+P("index")/"( or 1)"+P("match")/"(ll.mi or 1)"+
- P("ns")/"ll.ns"
- )*((spaces*P("(")*spaces*P(")"))/"")
-local lp_attribute=(P("@")+P("attribute::"))/""*Cc("( and['")*((R("az","AZ")+S("-_:"))^1)*Cc("'])")
-lp_fastpos_n=P("-")*R("09")^1*P(-1)/"(%0<0 and (#list+%0==l))"
-local lp_fastpos=lp_fastpos_n+lp_fastpos_p
-local lp_reserved=C("and")+C("or")+C("not")+C("div")+C("mod")+C("true")+C("false")
-local lp_lua_function=Cs((R("az","AZ","__")^1*(P(".")*R("az","AZ","__")^1)^1)*("("))/"%0"
-local lp_function=C(R("az","AZ","__")^1)*P("(")/function(t)
- if expressions[t] then
- return "expr."..t.."("
- else
- return "expr.error("
- end
-local lparent=P("(")
-local rparent=P(")")
-local noparent=1-(lparent+rparent)
-local nested=P{lparent*(noparent+V(1))^0*rparent}
-local value=P(lparent*C((noparent+nested)^0)*rparent)
-local lp_child=Cc("expr.child(ll,'")*R("az","AZ","--","__")^1*Cc("')")
-local lp_number=S("+-")*R("09")^1
-local lp_string=Cc("'")*R("az","AZ","--","__")^1*Cc("'")
-local lp_content=(P("'")*(1-P("'"))^0*P("'")+P('"')*(1-P('"'))^0*P('"'))
-local cleaner
-local lp_special=(C(P("name")+P("text")+P("tag")+P("count")+P("child")))*value/function(t,s)
- if expressions[t] then
- s=s and s~="" and lpegmatch(cleaner,s)
- if s and s~="" then
- return "expr."..t.."(ll,"..s..")"
- else
- return "expr."..t.."(ll)"
- end
- else
- return "expr.error("..t..")"
- end
-local content=lp_builtin+lp_attribute+lp_special+lp_noequal+lp_doequal+lp_or+lp_and+lp_reserved+lp_lua_function+lp_function+lp_content+
- lp_child+lp_any
-local converter=Cs (
- lp_fastpos+(P { lparent*(V(1))^0*rparent+content } )^0
-cleaner=Cs ((
- lp_reserved+lp_number+lp_string+1 )^1 )
-local template_e=[[
- local expr = xml.expressions
- return function(list,ll,l,order)
- return %s
- end
-local template_f_y=[[
- local finalizer = xml.finalizers['%s']['%s']
- return function(collection)
- return finalizer(collection,%s)
- end
-local template_f_n=[[
- return xml.finalizers['%s']['%s']
-local register_self={ kind="axis",axis="self" }
-local register_parent={ kind="axis",axis="parent" }
-local register_descendant={ kind="axis",axis="descendant" }
-local register_child={ kind="axis",axis="child" }
-local register_descendant_or_self={ kind="axis",axis="descendant-or-self" }
-local register_root={ kind="axis",axis="root" }
-local register_ancestor={ kind="axis",axis="ancestor" }
-local register_ancestor_or_self={ kind="axis",axis="ancestor-or-self" }
-local register_attribute={ kind="axis",axis="attribute" }
-local register_namespace={ kind="axis",axis="namespace" }
-local register_following={ kind="axis",axis="following" }
-local register_following_sibling={ kind="axis",axis="following-sibling" }
-local register_preceding={ kind="axis",axis="preceding" }
-local register_preceding_sibling={ kind="axis",axis="preceding-sibling" }
-local register_reverse_sibling={ kind="axis",axis="reverse-sibling" }
-local register_auto_descendant_or_self={ kind="axis",axis="auto-descendant-or-self" }
-local register_auto_descendant={ kind="axis",axis="auto-descendant" }
-local register_auto_self={ kind="axis",axis="auto-self" }
-local register_auto_child={ kind="axis",axis="auto-child" }
-local register_initial_child={ kind="axis",axis="initial-child" }
-local register_all_nodes={ kind="nodes",nodetest=true,nodes={ true,false,false } }
-local skip={}
-local function errorrunner_e(str,cnv)
- if not skip[str] then
- report_lpath("error in expression: %s => %s",str,cnv)
- skip[str]=cnv or str
- end
- return false
-local function errorrunner_f(str,arg)
- report_lpath("error in finalizer: %s(%s)",str,arg or "")
- return false
-local function register_nodes(nodetest,nodes)
- return { kind="nodes",nodetest=nodetest,nodes=nodes }
-local function register_expression(expression)
- local converted=lpegmatch(converter,expression)
- local runner=load(format(template_e,converted))
- runner=(runner and runner()) or function() errorrunner_e(expression,converted) end
- return { kind="expression",expression=expression,converted=converted,evaluator=runner }
-local function register_finalizer(protocol,name,arguments)
- local runner
- if arguments and arguments~="" then
- runner=load(format(template_f_y,protocol or xml.defaultprotocol,name,arguments))
- else
- runner=load(format(template_f_n,protocol or xml.defaultprotocol,name))
- end
- runner=(runner and runner()) or function() errorrunner_f(name,arguments) end
- return { kind="finalizer",name=name,arguments=arguments,finalizer=runner }
-local expression=P { "ex",
- ex="["*C((V("sq")+V("dq")+(1-S("[]"))+V("ex"))^0)*"]",
- sq="'"*(1-S("'"))^0*"'",
- dq='"'*(1-S('"'))^0*'"',
-local arguments=P { "ar",
- ar="("*Cs((V("sq")+V("dq")+V("nq")+P(1-P(")")))^0)*")",
- nq=((1-S("),'\""))^1)/function(s) return format("%q",s) end,
- sq=P("'")*(1-P("'"))^0*P("'"),
- dq=P('"')*(1-P('"'))^0*P('"'),
-local function register_error(str)
- return { kind="error",error=format("unparsed: %s",str) }
-local special_1=P("*")*Cc(register_auto_descendant)*Cc(register_all_nodes)
-local special_2=P("/")*Cc(register_auto_self)
-local special_3=P("")*Cc(register_auto_self)
-local no_nextcolon=P(-1)+#(1-P(":"))
-local no_nextlparent=P(-1)+#(1-P("("))
-local pathparser=Ct { "patterns",
- patterns=spaces*V("protocol")*spaces*(
- (V("special")*spaces*P(-1) )+(V("initial")*spaces*V("step")*spaces*(P("/")*spaces*V("step")*spaces)^0 )
- ),
- protocol=Cg(V("letters"),"protocol")*P("://")+Cg(Cc(nil),"protocol"),
- step=((V("shortcuts")+P("/")+V("axis"))*spaces*V("nodes")^0+V("error"))*spaces*V("expressions")^0*spaces*V("finalizer")^0,
- axis=V("descendant")+V("child")+V("parent")+V("self")+V("root")+V("ancestor")+V("descendant_or_self")+V("following_sibling")+V("following")+V("reverse_sibling")+V("preceding_sibling")+V("preceding")+V("ancestor_or_self")+#(1-P(-1))*Cc(register_auto_child),
- special=special_1+special_2+special_3,
- initial=(P("/")*spaces*Cc(register_initial_child))^-1,
- error=(P(1)^1)/register_error,
- shortcuts_a=V("s_descendant_or_self")+V("s_descendant")+V("s_child")+V("s_parent")+V("s_self")+V("s_root")+V("s_ancestor"),
- shortcuts=V("shortcuts_a")*(spaces*"/"*spaces*V("shortcuts_a"))^0,
- s_descendant_or_self=(P("***/")+P("/"))*Cc(register_descendant_or_self),
- s_descendant=P("**")*Cc(register_descendant),
- s_child=P("*")*no_nextcolon*Cc(register_child ),
- s_parent=P("..")*Cc(register_parent ),
- s_self=P("." )*Cc(register_self ),
- s_root=P("^^")*Cc(register_root ),
- s_ancestor=P("^")*Cc(register_ancestor ),
- descendant=P("descendant::")*Cc(register_descendant ),
- child=P("child::")*Cc(register_child ),
- parent=P("parent::")*Cc(register_parent ),
- self=P("self::")*Cc(register_self ),
- root=P('root::')*Cc(register_root ),
- ancestor=P('ancestor::')*Cc(register_ancestor ),
- descendant_or_self=P('descendant-or-self::')*Cc(register_descendant_or_self ),
- ancestor_or_self=P('ancestor-or-self::')*Cc(register_ancestor_or_self ),
- following=P('following::')*Cc(register_following ),
- following_sibling=P('following-sibling::')*Cc(register_following_sibling ),
- preceding=P('preceding::')*Cc(register_preceding ),
- preceding_sibling=P('preceding-sibling::')*Cc(register_preceding_sibling ),
- reverse_sibling=P('reverse-sibling::')*Cc(register_reverse_sibling ),
- nodes=(V("nodefunction")*spaces*P("(")*V("nodeset")*P(")")+V("nodetest")*V("nodeset"))/register_nodes,
- expressions=expression/register_expression,
- letters=R("az")^1,
- name=(1-S("/[]()|:*!"))^1,
- negate=P("!")*Cc(false),
- nodefunction=V("negate")+P("not")*Cc(false)+Cc(true),
- nodetest=V("negate")+Cc(true),
- nodename=(V("negate")+Cc(true))*spaces*((V("wildnodename")*P(":")*V("wildnodename"))+(Cc(false)*V("wildnodename"))),
- wildnodename=(C(V("name"))+P("*")*Cc(false))*no_nextlparent,
- nodeset=spaces*Ct(V("nodename")*(spaces*P("|")*spaces*V("nodename"))^0)*spaces,
- finalizer=(Cb("protocol")*P("/")^-1*C(V("name"))*arguments*P(-1))/register_finalizer,
-local cache={}
-local function nodesettostring(set,nodetest)
- local t={}
- for i=1,#set,3 do
- local directive,ns,tg=set[i],set[i+1],set[i+2]
- if not ns or ns=="" then ns="*" end
- if not tg or tg=="" then tg="*" end
- tg=(tg=="@rt@" and "[root]") or format("%s:%s",ns,tg)
- t[i]=(directive and tg) or format("not(%s)",tg)
- end
- if nodetest==false then
- return format("not(%s)",concat(t,"|"))
- else
- return concat(t,"|")
- end
-local function tagstostring(list)
- if #list==0 then
- return "no elements"
- else
- local t={}
- for i=1,#list do
- local li=list[i]
- local ns,tg=li.ns,
- if not ns or ns=="" then ns="*" end
- if not tg or tg=="" then tg="*" end
- t[i]=(tg=="@rt@" and "[root]") or format("%s:%s",ns,tg)
- end
- return concat(t," ")
- end
-local lpath
-local lshowoptions={ functions=false }
-local function lshow(parsed)
- if type(parsed)=="string" then
- parsed=lpath(parsed)
- end
- report_lpath("%s://%s => %s",parsed.protocol or xml.defaultprotocol,parsed.pattern,
- table.serialize(parsed,false,lshowoptions))
-local function add_comment(p,str)
- local pc=p.comment
- if not pc then
- p.comment={ str }
- else
- pc[#pc+1]=str
- end
-lpath=function (pattern)
- lpathcalls=lpathcalls+1
- if type(pattern)=="table" then
- return pattern
- else
- local parsed=cache[pattern]
- if parsed then
- lpathcached=lpathcached+1
- else
- parsed=lpegmatch(pathparser,pattern)
- if parsed then
- parsed.pattern=pattern
- local np=#parsed
- if np==0 then
- parsed={ pattern=pattern,register_self,state="parsing error" }
- report_lpath("parsing error in pattern: %s",pattern)
- lshow(parsed)
- else
- local pi=parsed[1]
- if pi.axis=="auto-child" then
- if false then
- add_comment(parsed,"auto-child replaced by auto-descendant-or-self")
- parsed[1]=register_auto_descendant_or_self
- else
- add_comment(parsed,"auto-child replaced by auto-descendant")
- parsed[1]=register_auto_descendant
- end
- elseif pi.axis=="initial-child" and np>1 and parsed[2].axis then
- add_comment(parsed,"initial-child removed")
- remove(parsed,1)
- end
- local np=#parsed
- if np>1 then
- local pnp=parsed[np]
- if pnp.kind=="nodes" and pnp.nodetest==true then
- local nodes=pnp.nodes
- if nodes[1]==true and nodes[2]==false and nodes[3]==false then
- add_comment(parsed,"redundant final wildcard filter removed")
- remove(parsed,np)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- parsed={ pattern=pattern }
- end
- cache[pattern]=parsed
- if trace_lparse and not trace_lprofile then
- lshow(parsed)
- end
- end
- return parsed
- end
-local profiled={} xml.profiled=profiled
-local function profiled_apply(list,parsed,nofparsed,order)
- local p=profiled[parsed.pattern]
- if p then
- p.tested=p.tested+1
- else
- p={ tested=1,matched=0,finalized=0 }
- profiled[parsed.pattern]=p
- end
- local collected=list
- for i=1,nofparsed do
- local pi=parsed[i]
- local kind=pi.kind
- if kind=="axis" then
- collected=apply_axis[pi.axis](collected)
- elseif kind=="nodes" then
- collected=apply_nodes(collected,pi.nodetest,pi.nodes)
- elseif kind=="expression" then
- collected=apply_expression(collected,pi.evaluator,order)
- elseif kind=="finalizer" then
- collected=pi.finalizer(collected)
- p.matched=p.matched+1
- p.finalized=p.finalized+1
- return collected
- end
- if not collected or #collected==0 then
- local pn=i<nofparsed and parsed[nofparsed]
- if pn and pn.kind=="finalizer" then
- collected=pn.finalizer(collected)
- p.finalized=p.finalized+1
- return collected
- end
- return nil
- end
- end
- if collected then
- p.matched=p.matched+1
- end
- return collected
-local function traced_apply(list,parsed,nofparsed,order)
- if trace_lparse then
- lshow(parsed)
- end
- report_lpath("collecting: %s",parsed.pattern)
- report_lpath("root tags : %s",tagstostring(list))
- report_lpath("order : %s",order or "unset")
- local collected=list
- for i=1,nofparsed do
- local pi=parsed[i]
- local kind=pi.kind
- if kind=="axis" then
- collected=apply_axis[pi.axis](collected)
- report_lpath("% 10i : ax : %s",(collected and #collected) or 0,pi.axis)
- elseif kind=="nodes" then
- collected=apply_nodes(collected,pi.nodetest,pi.nodes)
- report_lpath("% 10i : ns : %s",(collected and #collected) or 0,nodesettostring(pi.nodes,pi.nodetest))
- elseif kind=="expression" then
- collected=apply_expression(collected,pi.evaluator,order)
- report_lpath("% 10i : ex : %s -> %s",(collected and #collected) or 0,pi.expression,pi.converted)
- elseif kind=="finalizer" then
- collected=pi.finalizer(collected)
- report_lpath("% 10i : fi : %s : %s(%s)",(type(collected)=="table" and #collected) or 0,parsed.protocol or xml.defaultprotocol,,pi.arguments or "")
- return collected
- end
- if not collected or #collected==0 then
- local pn=i<nofparsed and parsed[nofparsed]
- if pn and pn.kind=="finalizer" then
- collected=pn.finalizer(collected)
- report_lpath("% 10i : fi : %s : %s(%s)",(type(collected)=="table" and #collected) or 0,parsed.protocol or xml.defaultprotocol,,pn.arguments or "")
- return collected
- end
- return nil
- end
- end
- return collected
-local function normal_apply(list,parsed,nofparsed,order)
- local collected=list
- for i=1,nofparsed do
- local pi=parsed[i]
- local kind=pi.kind
- if kind=="axis" then
- local axis=pi.axis
- if axis~="self" then
- collected=apply_axis[axis](collected)
- end
- elseif kind=="nodes" then
- collected=apply_nodes(collected,pi.nodetest,pi.nodes)
- elseif kind=="expression" then
- collected=apply_expression(collected,pi.evaluator,order)
- elseif kind=="finalizer" then
- return pi.finalizer(collected)
- end
- if not collected or #collected==0 then
- local pf=i<nofparsed and parsed[nofparsed].finalizer
- if pf then
- return pf(collected)
- end
- return nil
- end
- end
- return collected
-local function applylpath(list,pattern)
- if not list then
- return
- end
- local parsed=cache[pattern]
- if parsed then
- lpathcalls=lpathcalls+1
- lpathcached=lpathcached+1
- elseif type(pattern)=="table" then
- lpathcalls=lpathcalls+1
- parsed=pattern
- else
- parsed=lpath(pattern) or pattern
- end
- if not parsed then
- return
- end
- local nofparsed=#parsed
- if nofparsed==0 then
- return
- end
- if not trace_lpath then
- return normal_apply ({ list },parsed,nofparsed,list.mi)
- elseif trace_lprofile then
- return profiled_apply({ list },parsed,nofparsed,list.mi)
- else
- return traced_apply ({ list },parsed,nofparsed,list.mi)
- end
-function xml.filter(root,pattern)
- return applylpath(root,pattern)
- return applylpath(e,pattern)
- local collected=applylpath(e,pattern)
- return pattern and (collected and #collected) or 0
- for i=1,select("#",...) do
- if s==select(i,...) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- xml.errorhandler(format("unknown function in lpath expression: %s",tostring(str or "?")))
- return false
- return s==nil
- if s or s==nil then
- quit_expression=true
- end
- return true
- print(...)
- return true
-function expressions.contains(str,pattern)
- local t=type(str)
- if t=="string" then
- if find(str,pattern) then
- return true
- end
- elseif t=="table" then
- for i=1,#str do
- local d=str[i]
- if type(d)=="string" and find(d,pattern) then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
-local function traverse(root,pattern,handle)
- local collected=applylpath(root,pattern)
- if collected then
- for c=1,#collected do
- local e=collected[c]
- local r=e.__p__
- handle(r,r.dt,
- end
- end
-local function selection(root,pattern,handle)
- local collected=applylpath(root,pattern)
- if collected then
- if handle then
- for c=1,#collected do
- handle(collected[c])
- end
- else
- return collected
- end
- end
-local function dofunction(collected,fnc,...)
- if collected then
- local f=functions[fnc]
- if f then
- for c=1,#collected do
- f(collected[c],...)
- end
- else
- report_lpath("unknown function %a",fnc)
- end
- end
- local rdt=e.__p__.dt
- return rdt and rdt[n] or ""
- local found=false
- n=tonumber(n) or 0
- if n==0 then
- found=type(e)=="table" and e
- elseif n<0 then
- local d,k=e.__p__.dt,
- for i=k-1,1,-1 do
- local di=d[i]
- if type(di)=="table" then
- if n==-1 then
- found=di
- break
- else
- n=n+1
- end
- end
- end
- else
- local d,k=e.__p__.dt,
- for i=k+1,#d,1 do
- local di=d[i]
- if type(di)=="table" then
- if n==1 then
- found=di
- break
- else
- n=n-1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if found then
- local ns,tg=found.rn or found.ns or "",
- if ns~="" then
- return ns..":"
- else
- return tg
- end
- else
- return ""
- end
- if not e then
- return ""
- else
- local found=false
- n=tonumber(n) or 0
- if n==0 then
- found=(type(e)=="table") and e
- elseif n<0 then
- local d,k=e.__p__.dt,
- for i=k-1,1,-1 do
- local di=d[i]
- if type(di)=="table" then
- if n==-1 then
- found=di
- break
- else
- n=n+1
- end
- end
- end
- else
- local d,k=e.__p__.dt,
- for i=k+1,#d,1 do
- local di=d[i]
- if type(di)=="table" then
- if n==1 then
- found=di
- break
- else
- n=n-1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return (found and or ""
- end
-local dummy=function() end
-function xml.elements(root,pattern,reverse)
- local collected=applylpath(root,pattern)
- if not collected then
- return dummy
- elseif reverse then
- local c=#collected+1
- return function()
- if c>1 then
- c=c-1
- local e=collected[c]
- local r=e.__p__
- return r,r.dt,
- end
- end
- else
- local n,c=#collected,0
- return function()
- if c<n then
- c=c+1
- local e=collected[c]
- local r=e.__p__
- return r,r.dt,
- end
- end
- end
-function xml.collected(root,pattern,reverse)
- local collected=applylpath(root,pattern)
- if not collected then
- return dummy
- elseif reverse then
- local c=#collected+1
- return function()
- if c>1 then
- c=c-1
- return collected[c]
- end
- end
- else
- local n,c=#collected,0
- return function()
- if c<n then
- c=c+1
- return collected[c]
- end
- end
- end
-function xml.inspect(collection,pattern)
- pattern=pattern or "."
- for e in xml.collected(collection,pattern or ".") do
- report_lpath("pattern: %s\n\n%s\n",pattern,xml.tostring(e))
- end
-local function split(e)
- local dt=e.dt
- if dt then
- for i=1,#dt do
- local dti=dt[i]
- if type(dti)=="string" then
- dti=gsub(dti,"^[\n\r]*(.-)[\n\r]*","%1")
- dti=gsub(dti,"[\n\r]+","\n\n")
- dt[i]=dti
- else
- split(dti)
- end
- end
- end
- return e
-function xml.finalizers.paragraphs(c)
- for i=1,#c do
- split(c[i])
- end
- return c
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["lxml-mis"] = package.loaded["lxml-mis"] or true
--- original size: 3684, stripped down to: 1957
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['lxml-mis']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="this module is the basis for the lxml-* ones",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local xml,lpeg,string=xml,lpeg,string
-local concat=table.concat
-local type,next,tonumber,tostring,setmetatable,loadstring=type,next,tonumber,tostring,setmetatable,loadstring
-local format,gsub,match=string.format,string.gsub,string.match
-local lpegmatch,lpegpatterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
-local P,S,R,C,V,Cc,Cs=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.C,lpeg.V,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cs
-lpegpatterns.xml=lpegpatterns.xml or {}
-local xmlpatterns=lpegpatterns.xml
-local function xmlgsub(t,old,new)
- local dt=t.dt
- if dt then
- for k=1,#dt do
- local v=dt[k]
- if type(v)=="string" then
- dt[k]=gsub(v,old,new)
- else
- xmlgsub(v,old,new)
- end
- end
- end
-function xml.stripleadingspaces(dk,d,k)
- if d and k then
- local dkm=d[k-1]
- if dkm and type(dkm)=="string" then
- local s=match(dkm,"\n(%s+)")
- xmlgsub(dk,"\n"..rep(" ",#s),"\n")
- end
- end
-local normal=(1-S("<&>"))^0
-local special=P("<")/"&lt;"+P(">")/"&gt;"+P("&")/"&amp;"
-local escaped=Cs(normal*(special*normal)^0)
-local normal=(1-S"&")^0
-local special=P("&lt;")/"<"+P("&gt;")/">"+P("&amp;")/"&"
-local unescaped=Cs(normal*(special*normal)^0)
-local cleansed=Cs(((P("<")*(1-P(">"))^0*P(">"))/""+1)^0)
-function xml.escaped (str) return lpegmatch(escaped,str) end
-function xml.unescaped(str) return lpegmatch(unescaped,str) end
-function xml.cleansed (str) return lpegmatch(cleansed,str) end
-function xml.fillin(root,pattern,str,check)
- local e=xml.first(root,pattern)
- if e then
- local n=#e.dt
- if not check or n==0 or (n==1 and e.dt[1]=="") then
- e.dt={ str }
- end
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["lxml-aux"] = package.loaded["lxml-aux"] or true
--- original size: 23804, stripped down to: 16817
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['lxml-aux']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="this module is the basis for the lxml-* ones",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local trace_manipulations=false trackers.register("lxml.manipulations",function(v) trace_manipulations=v end)
-local report_xml=logs.reporter("xml")
-local xml=xml
-local xmlconvert,xmlcopy,xmlname=xml.convert,xml.copy,
-local xmlinheritedconvert=xml.inheritedconvert
-local xmlapplylpath=xml.applylpath
-local xmlfilter=xml.filter
-local type,setmetatable,getmetatable=type,setmetatable,getmetatable
-local insert,remove,fastcopy,concat=table.insert,table.remove,table.fastcopy,table.concat
-local gmatch,gsub,format,find,strip=string.gmatch,string.gsub,string.format,string.find,string.strip
-local utfbyte=utf.byte
-local function report(what,pattern,c,e)
- report_xml("%s element %a, root %a, position %a, index %a, pattern %a",what,xmlname(e),xmlname(e.__p__),c,,pattern)
-local function withelements(e,handle,depth)
- if e and handle then
- local edt=e.dt
- if edt then
- depth=depth or 0
- for i=1,#edt do
- local e=edt[i]
- if type(e)=="table" then
- handle(e,depth)
- withelements(e,handle,depth+1)
- end
- end
- end
- end
-function xml.withelement(e,n,handle)
- if e and n~=0 and handle then
- local edt=e.dt
- if edt then
- if n>0 then
- for i=1,#edt do
- local ei=edt[i]
- if type(ei)=="table" then
- if n==1 then
- handle(ei)
- return
- else
- n=n-1
- end
- end
- end
- elseif n<0 then
- for i=#edt,1,-1 do
- local ei=edt[i]
- if type(ei)=="table" then
- if n==-1 then
- handle(ei)
- return
- else
- n=n+1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-function xml.each(root,pattern,handle,reverse)
- local collected=xmlapplylpath(root,pattern)
- if collected then
- if reverse then
- for c=#collected,1,-1 do
- handle(collected[c])
- end
- else
- for c=1,#collected do
- handle(collected[c])
- end
- end
- return collected
- end
-function xml.processattributes(root,pattern,handle)
- local collected=xmlapplylpath(root,pattern)
- if collected and handle then
- for c=1,#collected do
- handle(collected[c].at)
- end
- end
- return collected
-function xml.collect(root,pattern)
- return xmlapplylpath(root,pattern)
-function xml.collecttexts(root,pattern,flatten)
- local collected=xmlapplylpath(root,pattern)
- if collected and flatten then
- local xmltostring=xml.tostring
- for c=1,#collected do
- collected[c]=xmltostring(collected[c].dt)
- end
- end
- return collected or {}
-function xml.collect_tags(root,pattern,nonamespace)
- local collected=xmlapplylpath(root,pattern)
- if collected then
- local t,n={},0
- for c=1,#collected do
- local e=collected[c]
- local ns,tg=e.ns,
- n=n+1
- if nonamespace then
- t[n]=tg
- elseif ns=="" then
- t[n]=tg
- else
- t[n]=ns..":"
- end
- end
- return t
- end
-local no_root={ no_root=true }
-local function redo_ni(d)
- for k=1,#d do
- local dk=d[k]
- if type(dk)=="table" then
- end
- end
-local function xmltoelement(whatever,root)
- if not whatever then
- return nil
- end
- local element
- if type(whatever)=="string" then
- element=xmlinheritedconvert(whatever,root)
- else
- element=whatever
- end
- if element.error then
- return whatever
- end
- if element then
- end
- return element
-local function copiedelement(element,newparent)
- if type(element)=="string" then
- return element
- else
- element=xmlcopy(element).dt
- if newparent and type(element)=="table" then
- element.__p__=newparent
- end
- return element
- end
-function xml.delete(root,pattern)
- if not pattern or pattern=="" then
- local p=root.__p__
- if p then
- if trace_manipulations then
- report('deleting',"--",c,root)
- end
- local d=p.dt
- remove(d,
- redo_ni(d)
- end
- else
- local collected=xmlapplylpath(root,pattern)
- if collected then
- for c=1,#collected do
- local e=collected[c]
- local p=e.__p__
- if p then
- if trace_manipulations then
- report('deleting',pattern,c,e)
- end
- local d=p.dt
- remove(d,
- redo_ni(d)
- end
- end
- end
- end
-function xml.replace(root,pattern,whatever)
- local element=root and xmltoelement(whatever,root)
- local collected=element and xmlapplylpath(root,pattern)
- if collected then
- for c=1,#collected do
- local e=collected[c]
- local p=e.__p__
- if p then
- if trace_manipulations then
- report('replacing',pattern,c,e)
- end
- local d=p.dt
- d[]=copiedelement(element,p)
- redo_ni(d)
- end
- end
- end
-local function wrap(e,wrapper)
- local t={
- rn=e.rn,
- ns=e.ns,
- dt=e.dt,
- __p__=e,
- }
- setmetatable(t,getmetatable(e))
- e.rn=wrapper.rn or e.rn or ""
- or or ""
- e.ns=wrapper.ns or e.ns or ""
- e.dt={ t }
-function xml.wrap(root,pattern,whatever)
- if whatever then
- local wrapper=xmltoelement(whatever,root)
- local collected=xmlapplylpath(root,pattern)
- if collected then
- for c=1,#collected do
- local e=collected[c]
- if trace_manipulations then
- report('wrapping',pattern,c,e)
- end
- wrap(e,wrapper)
- end
- end
- else
- wrap(root,xmltoelement(pattern))
- end
-local function inject_element(root,pattern,whatever,prepend)
- local element=root and xmltoelement(whatever,root)
- local collected=element and xmlapplylpath(root,pattern)
- local function inject_e(e)
- local r=e.__p__
- local d,k,rri=r.dt,,r.ri
- local edt=(rri and d[rri].dt) or (d and d[k] and d[k].dt)
- if edt then
- local be,af
- local cp=copiedelement(element,e)
- if prepend then
- be,af=cp,edt
- else
- be,af=edt,cp
- end
- local bn=#be
- for i=1,#af do
- bn=bn+1
- be[bn]=af[i]
- end
- if rri then
- r.dt[rri].dt=be
- else
- d[k].dt=be
- end
- redo_ni(d)
- end
- end
- if not collected then
- elseif then
- inject_e(collected)
- else
- for c=1,#collected do
- inject_e(collected[c])
- end
- end
-local function insert_element(root,pattern,whatever,before)
- local element=root and xmltoelement(whatever,root)
- local collected=element and xmlapplylpath(root,pattern)
- local function insert_e(e)
- local r=e.__p__
- local d,k=r.dt,
- if not before then
- k=k+1
- end
- insert(d,k,copiedelement(element,r))
- redo_ni(d)
- end
- if not collected then
- elseif then
- insert_e(collected)
- else
- for c=1,#collected do
- insert_e(collected[c])
- end
- end
-xml.insertbefore=function(r,p,e) insert_element(r,p,e,true) end
-xml.injectbefore=function(r,p,e) inject_element(r,p,e,true) end
-local function include(xmldata,pattern,attribute,recursive,loaddata)
- pattern=pattern or 'include'
- loaddata=loaddata or io.loaddata
- local collected=xmlapplylpath(xmldata,pattern)
- if collected then
- for c=1,#collected do
- local ek=collected[c]
- local name=nil
- local ekdt=ek.dt
- local
- local epdt=ek.__p__.dt
- if not attribute or attribute=="" then
- name=(type(ekdt)=="table" and ekdt[1]) or ekdt
- end
- if not name then
- for a in gmatch(attribute or "href","([^|]+)") do
- name=ekat[a]
- if name then break end
- end
- end
- local data=(name and name~="" and loaddata(name)) or ""
- if data=="" then
- epdt[]=""
- elseif ekat["parse"]=="text" then
- epdt[]=xml.escaped(data)
- else
- local xi=xmlinheritedconvert(data,xmldata)
- if not xi then
- epdt[]=""
- else
- if recursive then
- include(xi,pattern,attribute,recursive,loaddata)
- end
- epdt[]=xml.body(xi)
- end
- end
- end
- end
-local function stripelement(e,nolines,anywhere)
- local edt=e.dt
- if edt then
- if anywhere then
- local t,n={},0
- for e=1,#edt do
- local str=edt[e]
- if type(str)~="string" then
- n=n+1
- t[n]=str
- elseif str~="" then
- if nolines then
- str=gsub(str,"%s+"," ")
- end
- str=gsub(str,"^%s*(.-)%s*$","%1")
- if str~="" then
- n=n+1
- t[n]=str
- end
- end
- end
- e.dt=t
- else
- if #edt>0 then
- local str=edt[1]
- if type(str)~="string" then
- elseif str=="" then
- remove(edt,1)
- else
- if nolines then
- str=gsub(str,"%s+"," ")
- end
- str=gsub(str,"^%s+","")
- if str=="" then
- remove(edt,1)
- else
- edt[1]=str
- end
- end
- end
- local nedt=#edt
- if nedt>0 then
- local str=edt[nedt]
- if type(str)~="string" then
- elseif str=="" then
- remove(edt)
- else
- if nolines then
- str=gsub(str,"%s+"," ")
- end
- str=gsub(str,"%s+$","")
- if str=="" then
- remove(edt)
- else
- edt[nedt]=str
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return e
-function xml.strip(root,pattern,nolines,anywhere)
- local collected=xmlapplylpath(root,pattern)
- if collected then
- for i=1,#collected do
- stripelement(collected[i],nolines,anywhere)
- end
- end
-local function renamespace(root,oldspace,newspace)
- local ndt=#root.dt
- for i=1,ndt or 0 do
- local e=root[i]
- if type(e)=="table" then
- if e.ns==oldspace then
- e.ns=newspace
- if e.rn then
- e.rn=newspace
- end
- end
- local edt=e.dt
- if edt then
- renamespace(edt,oldspace,newspace)
- end
- end
- end
-function xml.remaptag(root,pattern,newtg)
- local collected=xmlapplylpath(root,pattern)
- if collected then
- for c=1,#collected do
- collected[c].tg=newtg
- end
- end
-function xml.remapnamespace(root,pattern,newns)
- local collected=xmlapplylpath(root,pattern)
- if collected then
- for c=1,#collected do
- collected[c].ns=newns
- end
- end
-function xml.checknamespace(root,pattern,newns)
- local collected=xmlapplylpath(root,pattern)
- if collected then
- for c=1,#collected do
- local e=collected[c]
- if (not e.rn or e.rn=="") and e.ns=="" then
- e.rn=newns
- end
- end
- end
-function xml.remapname(root,pattern,newtg,newns,newrn)
- local collected=xmlapplylpath(root,pattern)
- if collected then
- for c=1,#collected do
- local e=collected[c]
- end
- end
-function xml.cdatatotext(e)
- local dt=e.dt
- if #dt==1 then
- local first=dt[1]
- if"@cd@" then
- e.dt=first.dt
- end
- else
- end
-function xml.texttocdata(e)
- local dt=e.dt
- local s=xml.tostring(dt)
- e.special=true
- e.ns=""
- e.rn=""
- e.dt={ s }
-function xml.elementtocdata(e)
- local dt=e.dt
- local s=xml.tostring(e)
- e.special=true
- e.ns=""
- e.rn=""
- e.dt={ s }
-xml.builtinentities=table.tohash { "amp","quot","apos","lt","gt" }
-local entities=characters and characters.entities or nil
-local builtinentities=xml.builtinentities
-function xml.addentitiesdoctype(root,option)
- if not entities then
- require("char-ent")
- entities=characters.entities
- end
- if entities and root and"@rt@" and root.statistics then
- local list={}
- local hexify=option=="hexadecimal"
- for k,v in table.sortedhash(root.statistics.entities.names) do
- if not builtinentities[k] then
- local e=entities[k]
- if not e then
- e=format("[%s]",k)
- elseif hexify then
- e=format("&#%05X;",utfbyte(k))
- end
- list[#list+1]=format(" <!ENTITY %s %q >",k,e)
- end
- end
- local dt=root.dt
- local n=dt[1].tg=="@pi@" and 2 or 1
- if #list>0 then
- insert(dt,n,{ "\n" })
- insert(dt,n,{
- tg="@dt@",
- dt={ format("Something [\n%s\n] ",concat(list)) },
- ns="",
- special=true,
- })
- insert(dt,n,{ "\n\n" })
- else
- end
- end
-xml.obsolete=xml.obsolete or {}
-local obsolete=xml.obsolete
-xml.strip_whitespace=xml.strip obsolete.strip_whitespace=xml.strip
-xml.collect_elements=xml.collect obsolete.collect_elements=xml.collect
-xml.delete_element=xml.delete obsolete.delete_element=xml.delete
-xml.replace_element=xml.replace obsolete.replace_element=xml.replacet
-xml.each_element=xml.each obsolete.each_element=xml.each
-xml.process_elements=xml.process obsolete.process_elements=xml.process
-xml.insert_element_after=xml.insertafter obsolete.insert_element_after=xml.insertafter
-xml.insert_element_before=xml.insertbefore obsolete.insert_element_before=xml.insertbefore
-xml.inject_element_after=xml.injectafter obsolete.inject_element_after=xml.injectafter
-xml.inject_element_before=xml.injectbefore obsolete.inject_element_before=xml.injectbefore
-xml.process_attributes=xml.processattributes obsolete.process_attributes=xml.processattributes
-xml.collect_texts=xml.collecttexts obsolete.collect_texts=xml.collecttexts
-xml.inject_element=xml.inject obsolete.inject_element=xml.inject
-xml.remap_tag=xml.remaptag obsolete.remap_tag=xml.remaptag
-xml.remap_name=xml.remapname obsolete.remap_name=xml.remapname
-xml.remap_namespace=xml.remapnamespace obsolete.remap_namespace=xml.remapnamespace
-function xml.cdata(e)
- if e then
- local dt=e.dt
- if dt and #dt==1 then
- local first=dt[1]
- return"@cd@" and first.dt[1] or ""
- end
- end
- return ""
-function xml.finalizers.xml.cdata(collected)
- if collected then
- local e=collected[1]
- if e then
- local dt=e.dt
- if dt and #dt==1 then
- local first=dt[1]
- return"@cd@" and first.dt[1] or ""
- end
- end
- end
- return ""
-function xml.insertcomment(e,str,n)
- table.insert(e.dt,n or 1,{
- tg="@cm@",
- ns="",
- special=true,
- at={},
- dt={ str },
- })
-function xml.setcdata(e,str)
- e.dt={ {
- tg="@cd@",
- ns="",
- special=true,
- at={},
- dt={ str },
- } }
-function xml.separate(x,pattern)
- local collected=xmlapplylpath(x,pattern)
- if collected then
- for c=1,#collected do
- local e=collected[c]
- local d=e.dt
- if d==x then
- report_xml("warning: xml.separate changes root")
- x=d
- end
- local t,n={ "\n" },1
- local i,nd=1,#d
- while i<=nd do
- while i<=nd do
- local di=d[i]
- if type(di)=="string" then
- if di=="\n" or find(di,"^%s+$") then
- i=i+1
- else
- d[i]=strip(di)
- break
- end
- else
- break
- end
- end
- if i>nd then
- break
- end
- t[n+1]="\n"
- t[n+2]=d[i]
- t[n+3]="\n"
- n=n+3
- i=i+1
- end
- t[n+1]="\n"
- setmetatable(t,getmetatable(d))
- e.dt=t
- end
- end
- return x
-local helpers=xml.helpers or {}
-local function normal(e,action)
- local edt=e.dt
- if edt then
- for i=1,#edt do
- local str=edt[i]
- if type(str)=="string" and str~="" then
- edt[i]=action(str)
- end
- end
- end
-local function recurse(e,action)
- local edt=e.dt
- if edt then
- for i=1,#edt do
- local str=edt[i]
- if type(str)~="string" then
- recurse(str,action,recursive)
- elseif str~="" then
- edt[i]=action(str)
- end
- end
- end
-function helpers.recursetext(collected,action,recursive)
- if recursive then
- for i=1,#collected do
- recurse(collected[i],action)
- end
- else
- for i=1,#collected do
- normal(collected[i],action)
- end
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["lxml-xml"] = package.loaded["lxml-xml"] or true
--- original size: 10274, stripped down to: 7538
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['lxml-xml']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="this module is the basis for the lxml-* ones",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local concat=table.concat
-local find,lower,upper=string.find,string.lower,string.upper
-local xml=xml
-local finalizers=xml.finalizers.xml
-local xmlfilter=xml.filter
-local xmltostring=xml.tostring
-local xmlserialize=xml.serialize
-local xmlcollected=xml.collected
-local xmlnewhandlers=xml.newhandlers
-local function first(collected)
- return collected and collected[1]
-local function last(collected)
- return collected and collected[#collected]
-local function all(collected)
- return collected
-local reverse=table.reversed
-local function attribute(collected,name)
- if collected and #collected>0 then
- local at=collected[1].at
- return at and at[name]
- end
-local function att(id,name)
- local
- return at and at[name]
-local function count(collected)
- return collected and #collected or 0
-local function position(collected,n)
- if not collected then
- return 0
- end
- local nc=#collected
- if nc==0 then
- return 0
- end
- n=tonumber(n) or 0
- if n<0 then
- return collected[nc+n+1]
- elseif n>0 then
- return collected[n]
- else
- return collected[1].mi or 0
- end
-local function match(collected)
- return collected and #collected>0 and collected[1].mi or 0
-local function index(collected)
- return collected and #collected>0 and collected[1].ni or 0
-local function attributes(collected,arguments)
- if collected and #collected>0 then
- local at=collected[1].at
- if arguments then
- return at[arguments]
- elseif next(at) then
- return at
- end
- end
-local function chainattribute(collected,arguments)
- if collected and #collected>0 then
- local e=collected[1]
- while e do
- local
- if at then
- local a=at[arguments]
- if a then
- return a
- end
- else
- break
- end
- e=e.__p__
- end
- end
- return ""
-local function raw(collected)
- if collected and #collected>0 then
- local e=collected[1] or collected
- return e and xmltostring(e) or ""
- else
- return ""
- end
-local xmltexthandler=xmlnewhandlers {
- name="string",
- initialize=function()
- result={}
- return result
- end,
- finalize=function()
- return concat(result)
- end,
- handle=function(...)
- result[#result+1]=concat {... }
- end,
- escape=false,
-local function xmltotext(root)
- local dt=root.dt
- if not dt then
- return ""
- end
- local nt=#dt
- if nt==0 then
- return ""
- elseif nt==1 and type(dt[1])=="string" then
- return dt[1]
- else
- return xmlserialize(root,xmltexthandler) or ""
- end
-local function text(collected)
- if collected then
- local e=collected[1] or collected
- return e and xmltotext(e) or ""
- else
- return ""
- end
-local function texts(collected)
- if not collected then
- return {}
- end
- local nc=#collected
- if nc==0 then
- return {}
- end
- local t,n={},0
- for c=1,nc do
- local e=collected[c]
- if e and e.dt then
- n=n+1
- t[n]=e.dt
- end
- end
- return t
-local function tag(collected,n)
- if not collected then
- return
- end
- local nc=#collected
- if nc==0 then
- return
- end
- local c
- if n==0 or not n then
- c=collected[1]
- elseif n>1 then
- c=collected[n]
- else
- c=collected[nc-n+1]
- end
- return c and
-local function name(collected,n)
- if not collected then
- return
- end
- local nc=#collected
- if nc==0 then
- return
- end
- local c
- if n==0 or not n then
- c=collected[1]
- elseif n>1 then
- c=collected[n]
- else
- c=collected[nc-n+1]
- end
- if not c then
- elseif c.ns=="" then
- return
- else
- return c.ns..":"
- end
-local function tags(collected,nonamespace)
- if not collected then
- return
- end
- local nc=#collected
- if nc==0 then
- return
- end
- local t,n={},0
- for c=1,nc do
- local e=collected[c]
- local ns,tg=e.ns,
- n=n+1
- if nonamespace or ns=="" then
- t[n]=tg
- else
- t[n]=ns..":"
- end
- end
- return t
-local function empty(collected,spacesonly)
- if not collected then
- return true
- end
- local nc=#collected
- if nc==0 then
- return true
- end
- for c=1,nc do
- local e=collected[c]
- if e then
- local edt=e.dt
- if edt then
- local n=#edt
- if n==1 then
- local edk=edt[1]
- local typ=type(edk)
- if typ=="table" then
- return false
- elseif edk~="" then
- return false
- elseif spacesonly and not find(edk,"%S") then
- return false
- end
- elseif n>1 then
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return true
-function xml.first(id,pattern)
- return first(xmlfilter(id,pattern))
-function xml.last(id,pattern)
- return last(xmlfilter(id,pattern))
-function xml.count(id,pattern)
- return count(xmlfilter(id,pattern))
-function xml.attribute(id,pattern,a,default)
- return attribute(xmlfilter(id,pattern),a,default)
-function xml.raw(id,pattern)
- if pattern then
- return raw(xmlfilter(id,pattern))
- else
- return raw(id)
- end
-function xml.text(id,pattern)
- if pattern then
- local collected=xmlfilter(id,pattern)
- return collected and #collected>0 and xmltotext(collected[1]) or ""
- elseif id then
- return xmltotext(id) or ""
- else
- return ""
- end
-function xml.position(id,pattern,n)
- return position(xmlfilter(id,pattern),n)
-function xml.match(id,pattern)
- return match(xmlfilter(id,pattern))
-function xml.empty(id,pattern,spacesonly)
- return empty(xmlfilter(id,pattern),spacesonly)
-local function totable(x)
- local t={}
- for e in xmlcollected(x[1] or x,"/*") do
- t[]=xmltostring(e.dt) or ""
- end
- return next(t) and t or nil
-local function textonly(e,t)
- if e then
- local edt=e.dt
- if edt then
- for i=1,#edt do
- local e=edt[i]
- if type(e)=="table" then
- textonly(e,t)
- else
- t[#t+1]=e
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return t
-function xml.textonly(e)
- return concat(textonly(e,{}))
-function finalizers.lowerall(collected)
- for c=1,#collected do
- local e=collected[c]
- if not e.special then
- local
- if eat then
- local t={}
- for k,v in next,eat do
- t[lower(k)]=v
- end
- end
- end
- end
-function finalizers.upperall(collected)
- for c=1,#collected do
- local e=collected[c]
- if not e.special then
- local
- if eat then
- local t={}
- for k,v in next,eat do
- t[upper(k)]=v
- end
- end
- end
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["trac-xml"] = package.loaded["trac-xml"] or true
--- original size: 6351, stripped down to: 4919
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['trac-xml']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to trac-log.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local formatters=string.formatters
-local reporters=logs.reporters
-local xmlserialize=xml.serialize
-local xmlcollected=xml.collected
-local xmltext=xml.text
-local xmlfirst=xml.first
-local function showhelp(specification,...)
- local root=xml.convert(specification.helpinfo or "")
- if not root then
- return
- end
- local xs=xml.gethandlers("string")
- xml.sethandlersfunction(xs,"short",function(e,handler) xmlserialize(e.dt,handler) end)
- xml.sethandlersfunction(xs,"ref",function(e,handler) handler.handle("--" end)
- local wantedcategories=select("#",...)==0 and true or table.tohash {... }
- local nofcategories=xml.count(root,"/application/flags/category")
- local
- for category in xmlcollected(root,"/application/flags/category") do
- local or ""
- if wantedcategories==true or wantedcategories[categoryname] then
- if nofcategories>1 then
- report("%s options:",categoryname)
- report()
- end
- for subcategory in xmlcollected(category,"/subcategory") do
- for flag in xmlcollected(subcategory,"/flag") do
- local
- local
- local short=xmltext(xmlfirst(flag,"/short"))
- if value then
- report("--%-20s %s",formatters["%s=%s"](name,value),short)
- else
- report("--%-20s %s",name,short)
- end
- end
- report()
- end
- end
- end
- for category in xmlcollected(root,"/application/examples/category") do
- local title=xmltext(xmlfirst(category,"/title"))
- if title and title~="" then
- report()
- report(title)
- report()
- end
- for subcategory in xmlcollected(category,"/subcategory") do
- for example in xmlcollected(subcategory,"/example") do
- local command=xmltext(xmlfirst(example,"/command"))
- local comment=xmltext(xmlfirst(example,"/comment"))
- report(command)
- end
- report()
- end
- end
- for comment in xmlcollected(root,"/application/comments/comment") do
- local comment=xmltext(comment)
- report()
- report(comment)
- report()
- end
-local exporthelp=reporters.export
-local function xmlfound(t)
- local helpinfo=t.helpinfo
- if type(helpinfo)=="table" then
- return false
- end
- if type(helpinfo)~="string" then
- helpinfo="Warning: no helpinfo found."
- t.helpinfo=helpinfo
- return false
- end
- if string.find(helpinfo,".xml$") then
- local ownscript=environment.ownscript
- local helpdata=false
- if ownscript then
- local helpfile=file.join(file.pathpart(ownscript),helpinfo)
- helpdata=io.loaddata(helpfile)
- if helpdata=="" then
- helpdata=false
- end
- end
- if not helpdata then
- local helpfile=resolvers.findfile(helpinfo,"tex")
- helpdata=helpfile and io.loaddata(helpfile)
- end
- if helpdata and helpdata~="" then
- helpinfo=helpdata
- else
- helpinfo=formatters["Warning: help file %a is not found."](helpinfo)
- end
- end
- t.helpinfo=helpinfo
- return string.find(t.helpinfo,"^<%?xml") and true or false
- if xmlfound(t) then
- showhelp(t,...)
- else
- reporthelp(t,...)
- end
-function reporters.export(t,methods,filename)
- if not xmlfound(t) then
- return exporthelp(t)
- end
- if not methods or methods=="" then
- methods=environment.arguments["exporthelp"]
- end
- if not filename or filename=="" then
- filename=environment.files[1]
- end
- dofile(resolvers.findfile("trac-exp.lua","tex"))
- local exporters=logs.exporters
- if not exporters or not methods then
- return exporthelp(t)
- end
- if methods=="all" then
- methods=table.keys(exporters)
- elseif type(methods)=="string" then
- methods=utilities.parsers.settings_to_array(methods)
- else
- return exporthelp(t)
- end
- if type(filename)~="string" or filename=="" then
- filename=false
- elseif file.pathpart(filename)=="" then
-"export file %a will not be saved on the current path (safeguard)",filename)
- return
- end
- for i=1,#methods do
- local method=methods[i]
- local exporter=exporters[method]
- if exporter then
- local result=exporter(t,method)
- if result and result~="" then
- if filename then
- local fullname=file.replacesuffix(filename,method)
-"saving export in %a",fullname)
- io.savedata(fullname,result)
- else
- reporters.lines(t,result)
- end
- else
-"no output from exporter %a",method)
- end
- else
-"unknown exporter %a",method)
- end
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-ini"] = package.loaded["data-ini"] or true
--- original size: 7898, stripped down to: 5501
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-ini']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files",
-local gsub,find,gmatch,char=string.gsub,string.find,string.gmatch,string.char
-local next,type=next,type
-local filedirname,filebasename,filejoin=file.dirname,file.basename,file.join
-local trace_locating=false trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) trace_locating=v end)
-local trace_detail=false trackers.register("resolvers.details",function(v) trace_detail=v end)
-local trace_expansions=false trackers.register("resolvers.expansions",function(v) trace_expansions=v end)
-local report_initialization=logs.reporter("resolvers","initialization")
-local ostype,osname,ossetenv,osgetenv=os.type,,os.setenv,os.getenv
-resolvers=resolvers or {}
-local resolvers=resolvers
-if not (environment and environment.default_texmfcnf) and kpse and kpse.default_texmfcnf then
- local default_texmfcnf=kpse.default_texmfcnf()
- default_texmfcnf=gsub(default_texmfcnf,"$SELFAUTOLOC","selfautoloc:")
- default_texmfcnf=gsub(default_texmfcnf,"$SELFAUTODIR","selfautodir:")
- default_texmfcnf=gsub(default_texmfcnf,"$SELFAUTOPARENT","selfautoparent:")
- default_texmfcnf=gsub(default_texmfcnf,"$HOME","home:")
- environment.default_texmfcnf=default_texmfcnf
-kpse={ original=kpse }
- __index=function(kp,name)
- report_initialization("fatal error: kpse library is accessed (key: %s)",name)
- os.exit()
- end
-} )
- local osfontdir=osgetenv("OSFONTDIR")
- if osfontdir and osfontdir~="" then
- elseif osname=="windows" then
- ossetenv("OSFONTDIR","c:/windows/fonts//")
- elseif osname=="macosx" then
- ossetenv("OSFONTDIR","$HOME/Library/Fonts//;/Library/Fonts//;/System/Library/Fonts//")
- end
- local homedir=osgetenv(ostype=="windows" and 'USERPROFILE' or 'HOME') or ''
- if not homedir or homedir=="" then
- homedir=char(127)
- end
- homedir=file.collapsepath(homedir)
- ossetenv("HOME",homedir)
- ossetenv("USERPROFILE",homedir)
- environment.homedir=homedir
- local args=environment.originalarguments or arg
- if not environment.ownmain then
- environment.ownmain=status and string.match(string.lower(status.banner),"this is ([%a]+)") or "luatex"
- end
- local ownbin=environment.ownbin or args[-2] or arg[-2] or args[-1] or arg[-1] or arg[0] or "luatex"
- local ownpath=environment.ownpath or os.selfdir
- ownbin=file.collapsepath(ownbin)
- ownpath=file.collapsepath(ownpath)
- if not ownpath or ownpath=="" or ownpath=="unset" then
- ownpath=args[-1] or arg[-1]
- ownpath=ownpath and filedirname(gsub(ownpath,"\\","/"))
- if not ownpath or ownpath=="" then
- ownpath=args[-0] or arg[-0]
- ownpath=ownpath and filedirname(gsub(ownpath,"\\","/"))
- end
- local binary=ownbin
- if not ownpath or ownpath=="" then
- ownpath=ownpath and filedirname(binary)
- end
- if not ownpath or ownpath=="" then
- if os.binsuffix~="" then
- binary=file.replacesuffix(binary,os.binsuffix)
- end
- local path=osgetenv("PATH")
- if path then
- for p in gmatch(path,"[^""]+") do
- local b=filejoin(p,binary)
- if lfs.isfile(b) then
- local olddir=lfs.currentdir()
- if lfs.chdir(p) then
- local pp=lfs.currentdir()
- if trace_locating and p~=pp then
- report_initialization("following symlink %a to %a",p,pp)
- end
- ownpath=pp
- lfs.chdir(olddir)
- else
- if trace_locating then
- report_initialization("unable to check path %a",p)
- end
- ownpath=p
- end
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if not ownpath or ownpath=="" then
- ownpath="."
- report_initialization("forcing fallback to ownpath %a",ownpath)
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_initialization("using ownpath %a",ownpath)
- end
- end
- environment.ownbin=ownbin
- environment.ownpath=ownpath
-function resolvers.getownpath()
- return environment.ownpath
- local ownpath=environment.ownpath or dir.current()
- if ownpath then
- ossetenv('SELFAUTOLOC',file.collapsepath(ownpath))
- ossetenv('SELFAUTODIR',file.collapsepath(ownpath.."/.."))
- ossetenv('SELFAUTOPARENT',file.collapsepath(ownpath.."/../.."))
- else
- report_initialization("error: unable to locate ownpath")
- os.exit()
- end
-local texos=environment.texos or osgetenv("TEXOS")
-local texmfos=environment.texmfos or osgetenv('SELFAUTODIR')
-if not texos or texos=="" then
- texos=file.basename(texmfos)
-local texroot=environment.texroot or osgetenv("TEXROOT")
-if not texroot or texroot=="" then
- texroot=osgetenv('SELFAUTOPARENT')
- ossetenv('TEXROOT',texroot)
-if profiler then
- directives.register("system.profile",function()
- profiler.start("luatex-profile.log")
- end)
-if not resolvers.resolve then
- function resolvers.resolve (s) return s end
- function resolvers.unresolve(s) return s end
- function resolvers.repath (s) return s end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-exp"] = package.loaded["data-exp"] or true
--- original size: 14643, stripped down to: 9517
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-exp']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files",
-local format,find,gmatch,lower,char,sub=string.format,string.find,string.gmatch,string.lower,string.char,string.sub
-local concat,sort=table.concat,table.sort
-local lpegmatch,lpegpatterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
-local Ct,Cs,Cc,P,C,S=lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.P,lpeg.C,lpeg.S
-local type,next=type,next
-local ostype=os.type
-local collapsepath=file.collapsepath
-local trace_locating=false trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) trace_locating=v end)
-local trace_expansions=false trackers.register("resolvers.expansions",function(v) trace_expansions=v end)
-local report_expansions=logs.reporter("resolvers","expansions")
-local resolvers=resolvers
-local function f_first(a,b)
- local t,n={},0
- for s in gmatch(b,"[^,]+") do
- n=n+1;t[n]=a..s
- end
- return concat(t,",")
-local function f_second(a,b)
- local t,n={},0
- for s in gmatch(a,"[^,]+") do
- n=n+1;t[n]=s..b
- end
- return concat(t,",")
-local function f_both(a,b)
- local t,n={},0
- for sb in gmatch(b,"[^,]+") do
- for sa in gmatch(a,"[^,]+") do
- n=n+1;t[n]
- end
- end
- return concat(t,",")
-local left=P("{")
-local right=P("}")
-local var=P((1-S("{}" ))^0)
-local set=P((1-S("{},"))^0)
-local other=P(1)
-local l_first=Cs((Cc("{")*(C(set)*left*C(var)*right/f_first)*Cc("}")+other )^0 )
-local l_second=Cs((Cc("{")*(left*C(var)*right*C(set)/f_second)*Cc("}")+other )^0 )
-local l_both=Cs((Cc("{")*(left*C(var)*right*left*C(var)*right/f_both)*Cc("}")+other )^0 )
-local l_rest=Cs((left*var*(left/"")*var*(right/"")*var*right+other )^0 )
-local stripper_1=lpeg.stripper ("{}@")
-local replacer_1=lpeg.replacer { { ",}",",@}" },{ "{,","{@," },}
-local function splitpathexpr(str,newlist,validate)
- if trace_expansions then
- report_expansions("expanding variable %a",str)
- end
- local t,ok,done=newlist or {},false,false
- local n=#t
- str=lpegmatch(replacer_1,str)
- repeat
- local old=str
- repeat
- local old=str
- str=lpegmatch(l_first,str)
- until old==str
- repeat
- local old=str
- str=lpegmatch(l_second,str)
- until old==str
- repeat
- local old=str
- str=lpegmatch(l_both,str)
- until old==str
- repeat
- local old=str
- str=lpegmatch(l_rest,str)
- until old==str
- until old==str
- str=lpegmatch(stripper_1,str)
- if validate then
- for s in gmatch(str,"[^,]+") do
- s=validate(s)
- if s then
- n=n+1
- t[n]=s
- end
- end
- else
- for s in gmatch(str,"[^,]+") do
- n=n+1
- t[n]=s
- end
- end
- if trace_expansions then
- for k=1,#t do
- report_expansions("% 4i: %s",k,t[k])
- end
- end
- return t
-local function validate(s)
- s=collapsepath(s)
- return s~="" and not find(s,"^!*unset/*$") and s
-function resolvers.expandedpathfromlist(pathlist)
- local newlist={}
- for k=1,#pathlist do
- splitpathexpr(pathlist[k],newlist,validate)
- end
- return newlist
-local cleanup=lpeg.replacer {
- { "!","" },
- { "\\","/" },
-function resolvers.cleanpath(str)
- local doslashes=(P("\\")/"/"+1)^0
- local donegation=(P("!")/"" )^0
- local homedir=lpegmatch(Cs(donegation*doslashes),environment.homedir or "")
- if homedir=="~" or homedir=="" or not lfs.isdir(homedir) then
- if trace_expansions then
- report_expansions("no home dir set, ignoring dependent paths")
- end
- function resolvers.cleanpath(str)
- if not str or find(str,"~") then
- return ""
- else
- return lpegmatch(cleanup,str)
- end
- end
- else
- local dohome=((P("~")+P("$HOME"))/homedir)^0
- local cleanup=Cs(donegation*dohome*doslashes)
- function resolvers.cleanpath(str)
- return str and lpegmatch(cleanup,str) or ""
- end
- end
- return resolvers.cleanpath(str)
-local expandhome=P("~")/"$HOME"
-local dodouble=P('"')/""*(expandhome+(1-P('"')))^0*P('"')/""
-local dosingle=P("'")/""*(expandhome+(1-P("'")))^0*P("'")/""
-local dostring=(expandhome+1 )^0
-local stripper=Cs(
- lpegpatterns.unspacer*(dosingle+dodouble+dostring)*lpegpatterns.unspacer
-function resolvers.checkedvariable(str)
- return type(str)=="string" and lpegmatch(stripper,str) or str
-local cache={}
-local splitter=lpeg.tsplitat(";")
-local backslashswapper=lpeg.replacer("\\","/")
-local function splitconfigurationpath(str)
- if str then
- local found=cache[str]
- if not found then
- if str=="" then
- found={}
- else
- local split=lpegmatch(splitter,lpegmatch(backslashswapper,str))
- found={}
- local noffound=0
- for i=1,#split do
- local s=split[i]
- if not find(s,"^{*unset}*") then
- noffound=noffound+1
- found[noffound]=s
- end
- end
- if trace_expansions then
- report_expansions("splitting path specification %a",str)
- for k=1,noffound do
- report_expansions("% 4i: %s",k,found[k])
- end
- end
- cache[str]=found
- end
- end
- return found
- end
-function resolvers.splitpath(str)
- if type(str)=='table' then
- return str
- else
- return splitconfigurationpath(str)
- end
-function resolvers.joinpath(str)
- if type(str)=='table' then
- return file.joinpath(str)
- else
- return str
- end
-local attributes,directory=lfs.attributes,lfs.dir
-local weird=P(".")^1+lpeg.anywhere(S("~`!#$%^&*()={}[]:;\"\'||<>,?\n\r\t"))
-local timer={}
-local scanned={}
-local nofscans=0
-local scancache={}
-local function scan(files,spec,path,n,m,r)
- local full=(path=="" and spec) or (spec..path..'/')
- local dirs={}
- local nofdirs=0
- for name in directory(full) do
- if not lpegmatch(weird,name) then
- local mode=attributes(,'mode')
- if mode=='file' then
- n=n+1
- local f=files[name]
- if f then
- if type(f)=='string' then
- files[name]={ f,path }
- else
- f[#f+1]=path
- end
- else
- files[name]=path
- local lower=lower(name)
- if name~=lower then
- files["remap:"..lower]=name
- r=r+1
- end
- end
- elseif mode=='directory' then
- m=m+1
- nofdirs=nofdirs+1
- if path~="" then
- dirs[nofdirs]=path..'/'
- else
- dirs[nofdirs]=name
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if nofdirs>0 then
- sort(dirs)
- for i=1,nofdirs do
- files,n,m,r=scan(files,spec,dirs[i],n,m,r)
- end
- end
- scancache[sub(full,1,-2)]=files
- return files,n,m,r
-local fullcache={}
-function resolvers.scanfiles(path,branch,usecache)
- statistics.starttiming(timer)
- local realpath=resolvers.resolve(path)
- if usecache then
- local files=fullcache[realpath]
- if files then
- if trace_locating then
- report_expansions("using caches scan of path %a, branch %a",path,branch or path)
- end
- return files
- end
- end
- if trace_locating then
- report_expansions("scanning path %a, branch %a",path,branch or path)
- end
- local files,n,m,r=scan({},realpath..'/',"",0,0,0)
- files.__path__=path
- files.__files__=n
- files.__directories__=m
- files.__remappings__=r
- if trace_locating then
- report_expansions("%s files found on %s directories with %s uppercase remappings",n,m,r)
- end
- if usecache then
- scanned[#scanned+1]=realpath
- fullcache[realpath]=files
- end
- nofscans=nofscans+1
- statistics.stoptiming(timer)
- return files
-local function simplescan(files,spec,path)
- local full=(path=="" and spec) or (spec..path..'/')
- local dirs={}
- local nofdirs=0
- for name in directory(full) do
- if not lpegmatch(weird,name) then
- local mode=attributes(,'mode')
- if mode=='file' then
- if not files[name] then
- files[name]=path
- end
- elseif mode=='directory' then
- nofdirs=nofdirs+1
- if path~="" then
- dirs[nofdirs]=path..'/'
- else
- dirs[nofdirs]=name
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if nofdirs>0 then
- sort(dirs)
- for i=1,nofdirs do
- files=simplescan(files,spec,dirs[i])
- end
- end
- return files
-local simplecache={}
-local nofsharedscans=0
-function resolvers.simplescanfiles(path,branch,usecache)
- statistics.starttiming(timer)
- local realpath=resolvers.resolve(path)
- if usecache then
- local files=simplecache[realpath]
- if not files then
- files=scancache[realpath]
- if files then
- nofsharedscans=nofsharedscans+1
- end
- end
- if files then
- if trace_locating then
- report_expansions("using caches scan of path %a, branch %a",path,branch or path)
- end
- return files
- end
- end
- if trace_locating then
- report_expansions("scanning path %a, branch %a",path,branch or path)
- end
- local files=simplescan({},realpath..'/',"")
- if trace_locating then
- report_expansions("%s files found",table.count(files))
- end
- if usecache then
- scanned[#scanned+1]=realpath
- simplecache[realpath]=files
- end
- nofscans=nofscans+1
- statistics.stoptiming(timer)
- return files
-function resolvers.scandata()
- table.sort(scanned)
- return {
- n=nofscans,
- shared=nofsharedscans,
- time=statistics.elapsedtime(timer),
- paths=scanned,
- }
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-env"] = package.loaded["data-env"] or true
--- original size: 8762, stripped down to: 6484
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-env']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files",
-local lower,gsub=string.lower,string.gsub
-local resolvers=resolvers
-local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
-local suffixonly=file.suffixonly
-local formats=allocate()
-local suffixes=allocate()
-local dangerous=allocate()
-local suffixmap=allocate()
-local luasuffixes=utilities.lua.suffixes
-local relations=allocate {
- core={
- ofm={
- names={ "ofm","omega font metric","omega font metrics" },
- variable='OFMFONTS',
- suffixes={ 'ofm','tfm' },
- },
- ovf={
- names={ "ovf","omega virtual font","omega virtual fonts" },
- variable='OVFFONTS',
- suffixes={ 'ovf','vf' },
- },
- tfm={
- names={ "tfm","tex font metric","tex font metrics" },
- variable='TFMFONTS',
- suffixes={ 'tfm' },
- },
- vf={
- names={ "vf","virtual font","virtual fonts" },
- variable='VFFONTS',
- suffixes={ 'vf' },
- },
- otf={
- names={ "otf","opentype","opentype font","opentype fonts"},
- variable='OPENTYPEFONTS',
- suffixes={ 'otf' },
- },
- ttf={
- names={ "ttf","truetype","truetype font","truetype fonts","truetype collection","truetype collections","truetype dictionary","truetype dictionaries" },
- variable='TTFONTS',
- suffixes={ 'ttf','ttc','dfont' },
- },
- afm={
- names={ "afm","adobe font metric","adobe font metrics" },
- variable="AFMFONTS",
- suffixes={ "afm" },
- },
- pfb={
- names={ "pfb","type1","type 1","type1 font","type 1 font","type1 fonts","type 1 fonts" },
- variable='T1FONTS',
- suffixes={ 'pfb','pfa' },
- },
- fea={
- names={ "fea","font feature","font features","font feature file","font feature files" },
- variable='FONTFEATURES',
- suffixes={ 'fea' },
- },
- cid={
- names={ "cid","cid map","cid maps","cid file","cid files" },
- variable='FONTCIDMAPS',
- suffixes={ 'cid','cidmap' },
- },
- fmt={
- names={ "fmt","format","tex format" },
- variable='TEXFORMATS',
- suffixes={ 'fmt' },
- },
- mem={
- names={ 'mem',"metapost format" },
- variable='MPMEMS',
- suffixes={ 'mem' },
- },
- mp={
- names={ "mp" },
- variable='MPINPUTS',
- suffixes={ 'mp','mpvi','mpiv','mpii' },
- },
- tex={
- names={ "tex" },
- variable='TEXINPUTS',
- suffixes={ 'tex',"mkvi","mkiv","mkii" },
- },
- icc={
- names={ "icc","icc profile","icc profiles" },
- variable='ICCPROFILES',
- suffixes={ 'icc' },
- },
- texmfscripts={
- names={ "texmfscript","texmfscripts","script","scripts" },
- variable='TEXMFSCRIPTS',
- suffixes={ 'rb','pl','py' },
- },
- lua={
- names={ "lua" },
- variable='LUAINPUTS',
- suffixes={ luasuffixes.lua,luasuffixes.luc,luasuffixes.tma,luasuffixes.tmc },
- },
- lib={
- names={ "lib" },
- variable='CLUAINPUTS',
- suffixes=os.libsuffix and { os.libsuffix } or { 'dll','so' },
- },
- bib={
- names={ 'bib' },
- suffixes={ 'bib' },
- },
- bst={
- names={ 'bst' },
- suffixes={ 'bst' },
- },
- fontconfig={
- names={ 'fontconfig','fontconfig file','fontconfig files' },
- variable='FONTCONFIG_PATH',
- },
- },
- obsolete={
- enc={
- names={ "enc","enc files","enc file","encoding files","encoding file" },
- variable='ENCFONTS',
- suffixes={ 'enc' },
- },
- map={
- names={ "map","map files","map file" },
- variable='TEXFONTMAPS',
- suffixes={ 'map' },
- },
- lig={
- names={ "lig files","lig file","ligature file","ligature files" },
- variable='LIGFONTS',
- suffixes={ 'lig' },
- },
- opl={
- names={ "opl" },
- variable='OPLFONTS',
- suffixes={ 'opl' },
- },
- ovp={
- names={ "ovp" },
- variable='OVPFONTS',
- suffixes={ 'ovp' },
- },
- },
- kpse={
- base={
- names={ 'base',"metafont format" },
- variable='MFBASES',
- suffixes={ 'base','bas' },
- },
- cmap={
- names={ 'cmap','cmap files','cmap file' },
- variable='CMAPFONTS',
- suffixes={ 'cmap' },
- },
- cnf={
- names={ 'cnf' },
- suffixes={ 'cnf' },
- },
- web={
- names={ 'web' },
- suffixes={ 'web','ch' }
- },
- cweb={
- names={ 'cweb' },
- suffixes={ 'w','web','ch' },
- },
- gf={
- names={ 'gf' },
- suffixes={ '<resolution>gf' },
- },
- mf={
- names={ 'mf' },
- variable='MFINPUTS',
- suffixes={ 'mf' },
- },
- mft={
- names={ 'mft' },
- suffixes={ 'mft' },
- },
- pk={
- names={ 'pk' },
- suffixes={ '<resolution>pk' },
- },
- },
-function resolvers.updaterelations()
- for category,categories in next,relations do
- for name,relation in next,categories do
- local rn=relation.names
- local rv=relation.variable
- local rs=relation.suffixes
- if rn and rv then
- for i=1,#rn do
- local rni=lower(gsub(rn[i]," ",""))
- formats[rni]=rv
- if rs then
- suffixes[rni]=rs
- for i=1,#rs do
- local rsi=rs[i]
- suffixmap[rsi]=rni
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if rs then
- end
- end
- end
-local function simplified(t,k)
- return k and rawget(t,lower(gsub(k," ",""))) or nil
-function resolvers.suffixofformat(str)
- local s=suffixes[str]
- return s and s[1] or ""
-function resolvers.suffixofformat(str)
- return suffixes[str] or {}
-for name,format in next,formats do
- dangerous[name]=true
-function resolvers.formatofvariable(str)
- return formats[str] or ''
-function resolvers.formatofsuffix(str)
- return suffixmap[suffixonly(str)] or 'tex'
-function resolvers.variableofformat(str)
- return formats[str] or ''
-function resolvers.variableofformatorsuffix(str)
- local v=formats[str]
- if v then
- return v
- end
- v=suffixmap[suffixonly(str)]
- if v then
- return formats[v]
- end
- return ''
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-tmp"] = package.loaded["data-tmp"] or true
--- original size: 14308, stripped down to: 10956
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-tmp']={
- version=1.100,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local format,lower,gsub,concat=string.format,string.lower,string.gsub,table.concat
-local serialize,serializetofile=table.serialize,table.tofile
-local mkdirs,isdir,isfile=dir.mkdirs,lfs.isdir,lfs.isfile
-local addsuffix,is_writable,is_readable=file.addsuffix,file.is_writable,file.is_readable
-local formatters=string.formatters
-local trace_locating=false trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) trace_locating=v end)
-local trace_cache=false trackers.register("resolvers.cache",function(v) trace_cache=v end)
-local report_caches=logs.reporter("resolvers","caches")
-local report_resolvers=logs.reporter("resolvers","caching")
-local resolvers=resolvers
-local directive_cleanup=false directives.register("system.compile.cleanup",function(v) directive_cleanup=v end)
-local directive_strip=false directives.register("system.compile.strip",function(v) directive_strip=v end)
-local compile=utilities.lua.compile
-function utilities.lua.compile(luafile,lucfile,cleanup,strip)
- if cleanup==nil then cleanup=directive_cleanup end
- if strip==nil then strip=directive_strip end
- return compile(luafile,lucfile,cleanup,strip)
-caches=caches or {}
-local caches=caches
-local luasuffixes=utilities.lua.suffixes
-caches.base=caches.base or "luatex-cache"
-caches.more=caches.more or "context"
-caches.defaults={ "TMPDIR","TEMPDIR","TMP","TEMP","HOME","HOMEPATH" }
-local writable,readables,usedreadables=nil,{},{}
-local function identify()
- local texmfcaches=resolvers.cleanpathlist("TEXMFCACHE")
- if texmfcaches then
- for k=1,#texmfcaches do
- local cachepath=texmfcaches[k]
- if cachepath~="" then
- cachepath=resolvers.resolve(cachepath)
- cachepath=resolvers.cleanpath(cachepath)
- cachepath=file.collapsepath(cachepath)
- local valid=isdir(cachepath)
- if valid then
- if is_readable(cachepath) then
- readables[#readables+1]=cachepath
- if not writable and is_writable(cachepath) then
- writable=cachepath
- end
- end
- elseif not writable and caches.force then
- local cacheparent=file.dirname(cachepath)
- if is_writable(cacheparent) and true then
- if not caches.ask or io.ask(format("\nShould I create the cache path %s?",cachepath),"no",{ "yes","no" })=="yes" then
- mkdirs(cachepath)
- if isdir(cachepath) and is_writable(cachepath) then
- report_caches("path %a created",cachepath)
- writable=cachepath
- readables[#readables+1]=cachepath
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local texmfcaches=caches.defaults
- if texmfcaches then
- for k=1,#texmfcaches do
- local cachepath=texmfcaches[k]
- cachepath=resolvers.expansion(cachepath)
- if cachepath~="" then
- cachepath=resolvers.resolve(cachepath)
- cachepath=resolvers.cleanpath(cachepath)
- local valid=isdir(cachepath)
- if valid and is_readable(cachepath) then
- if not writable and is_writable(cachepath) then
- readables[#readables+1]=cachepath
- writable=cachepath
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if not writable then
- report_caches("fatal error: there is no valid writable cache path defined")
- os.exit()
- elseif #readables==0 then
- report_caches("fatal error: there is no valid readable cache path defined")
- os.exit()
- end
- writable=dir.expandname(resolvers.cleanpath(writable))
- local base,more,tree=caches.base,caches.more,caches.tree or caches.treehash()
- if tree then
- caches.tree=tree
- writable=mkdirs(writable,base,more,tree)
- for i=1,#readables do
- readables[i]=file.join(readables[i],base,more,tree)
- end
- else
- writable=mkdirs(writable,base,more)
- for i=1,#readables do
- readables[i]=file.join(readables[i],base,more)
- end
- end
- if trace_cache then
- for i=1,#readables do
- report_caches("using readable path %a (order %s)",readables[i],i)
- end
- report_caches("using writable path %a",writable)
- end
- identify=function()
- return writable,readables
- end
- return writable,readables
-function caches.usedpaths()
- local writable,readables=identify()
- if #readables>1 then
- local result={}
- for i=1,#readables do
- local readable=readables[i]
- if usedreadables[i] or readable==writable then
- result[#result+1]=formatters["readable: %a (order %s)"](readable,i)
- end
- end
- result[#result+1]=formatters["writable: %a"](writable)
- return result
- else
- return writable
- end
-function caches.configfiles()
- return concat(resolvers.instance.specification,";")
-function caches.hashed(tree)
- tree=gsub(tree,"[\\/]+$","")
- tree=lower(tree)
- local hash=md5.hex(tree)
- if trace_cache or trace_locating then
- report_caches("hashing tree %a, hash %a",tree,hash)
- end
- return hash
-function caches.treehash()
- local tree=caches.configfiles()
- if not tree or tree=="" then
- return false
- else
- return caches.hashed(tree)
- end
-local r_cache,w_cache={},{}
-local function getreadablepaths(...)
- local tags={... }
- local hash=concat(tags,"/")
- local done=r_cache[hash]
- if not done then
- local writable,readables=identify()
- if #tags>0 then
- done={}
- for i=1,#readables do
- done[i]=file.join(readables[i],...)
- end
- else
- done=readables
- end
- r_cache[hash]=done
- end
- return done
-local function getwritablepath(...)
- local tags={... }
- local hash=concat(tags,"/")
- local done=w_cache[hash]
- if not done then
- local writable,readables=identify()
- if #tags>0 then
- done=mkdirs(writable,...)
- else
- done=writable
- end
- w_cache[hash]=done
- end
- return done
-function caches.getfirstreadablefile(filename,...)
- local rd=getreadablepaths(...)
- for i=1,#rd do
- local path=rd[i]
- local fullname=file.join(path,filename)
- if is_readable(fullname) then
- usedreadables[i]=true
- return fullname,path
- end
- end
- return caches.setfirstwritablefile(filename,...)
-function caches.setfirstwritablefile(filename,...)
- local wr=getwritablepath(...)
- local fullname=file.join(wr,filename)
- return fullname,wr
-function caches.define(category,subcategory)
- return function()
- return getwritablepath(category,subcategory)
- end
-function caches.setluanames(path,name)
- return format("%s/%s.%s",path,name,luasuffixes.tma),format("%s/%s.%s",path,name,luasuffixes.tmc)
-function caches.loaddata(readables,name)
- if type(readables)=="string" then
- readables={ readables }
- end
- for i=1,#readables do
- local path=readables[i]
- local tmaname,tmcname=caches.setluanames(path,name)
- local loader=false
- if isfile(tmcname) then
- loader=loadfile(tmcname)
- end
- if not loader and isfile(tmaname) then
- utilities.lua.compile(tmaname,tmcname)
- if isfile(tmcname) then
- loader=loadfile(tmcname)
- end
- if not loader then
- loader=loadfile(tmaname)
- end
- end
- if loader then
- loader=loader()
- collectgarbage("step")
- return loader
- end
- end
- return false
-function caches.is_writable(filepath,filename)
- local tmaname,tmcname=caches.setluanames(filepath,filename)
- return is_writable(tmaname)
-local saveoptions={ compact=true }
-function caches.savedata(filepath,filename,data,raw)
- local tmaname,tmcname=caches.setluanames(filepath,filename)
- local reduce,simplify=true,true
- if raw then
- reduce,simplify=false,false
- end
- data.cache_uuid=os.uuid()
- if then
- file.savedata(tmaname,serialize(data,true,saveoptions))
- else
- serializetofile(tmaname,data,true,saveoptions)
- end
- utilities.lua.compile(tmaname,tmcname)
-local content_state={}
-function caches.contentstate()
- return content_state or {}
-function caches.loadcontent(cachename,dataname)
- local name=caches.hashed(cachename)
- local full,path=caches.getfirstreadablefile(addsuffix(name,luasuffixes.lua),"trees")
- local filename=file.join(path,name)
- local blob=loadfile(addsuffix(filename,luasuffixes.luc)) or loadfile(addsuffix(filename,luasuffixes.lua))
- if blob then
- local data=blob()
- if data and data.content then
- if data.type==dataname then
- if data.version==resolvers.cacheversion then
- content_state[#content_state+1]=data.uuid
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolvers("loading %a for %a from %a",dataname,cachename,filename)
- end
- return data.content
- else
- report_resolvers("skipping %a for %a from %a (version mismatch)",dataname,cachename,filename)
- end
- else
- report_resolvers("skipping %a for %a from %a (datatype mismatch)",dataname,cachename,filename)
- end
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_resolvers("skipping %a for %a from %a (no content)",dataname,cachename,filename)
- end
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_resolvers("skipping %a for %a from %a (invalid file)",dataname,cachename,filename)
- end
-function caches.collapsecontent(content)
- for k,v in next,content do
- if type(v)=="table" and #v==1 then
- content[k]=v[1]
- end
- end
-function caches.savecontent(cachename,dataname,content)
- local name=caches.hashed(cachename)
- local full,path=caches.setfirstwritablefile(addsuffix(name,luasuffixes.lua),"trees")
- local filename=file.join(path,name)
- local luaname=addsuffix(filename,luasuffixes.lua)
- local lucname=addsuffix(filename,luasuffixes.luc)
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolvers("preparing %a for %a",dataname,cachename)
- end
- local data={
- type=dataname,
- root=cachename,
- version=resolvers.cacheversion,
- content=content,
- uuid=os.uuid(),
- }
- local ok=io.savedata(luaname,serialize(data,true))
- if ok then
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolvers("category %a, cachename %a saved in %a",dataname,cachename,luaname)
- end
- if utilities.lua.compile(luaname,lucname) then
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolvers("%a compiled to %a",dataname,lucname)
- end
- return true
- else
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolvers("compiling failed for %a, deleting file %a",dataname,lucname)
- end
- os.remove(lucname)
- end
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_resolvers("unable to save %a in %a (access error)",dataname,luaname)
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-met"] = package.loaded["data-met"] or true
--- original size: 4915, stripped down to: 3942
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-met']={
- version=1.100,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local find,format=string.find,string.format
-local sequenced=table.sequenced
-local addurlscheme,urlhashed=url.addscheme,url.hashed
-local trace_locating=false
-trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) trace_methods=v end)
-trackers.register("resolvers.methods",function(v) trace_methods=v end)
-local report_methods=logs.reporter("resolvers","methods")
-local resolvers=resolvers
-local registered={}
-local function splitmethod(filename)
- if not filename then
- return { scheme="unknown",original=filename }
- end
- if type(filename)=="table" then
- return filename
- end
- filename=file.collapsepath(filename)
- if not find(filename,"://") then
- return { scheme="file",path=filename,original=filename,filename=filename }
- end
- local specification=url.hashed(filename)
- if not specification.scheme or specification.scheme=="" then
- return { scheme="file",path=filename,original=filename,filename=filename }
- else
- return specification
- end
-local function methodhandler(what,first,...)
- local method=registered[what]
- if method then
- local how,,method.namespace
- if how=="uri" or how=="url" then
- local specification=splitmethod(first)
- local scheme=specification.scheme
- local resolver=namespace and namespace[scheme]
- if resolver then
- if trace_methods then
- report_methods("resolving, method %a, how %a, handler %a, argument %a",what,how,scheme,first)
- end
- return resolver(specification,...)
- else
- resolver=namespace.default or namespace.file
- if resolver then
- if trace_methods then
- report_methods("resolving, method %a, how %a, handler %a, argument %a",what,how,"default",first)
- end
- return resolver(specification,...)
- elseif trace_methods then
- report_methods("resolving, method %a, how %a, handler %a, argument %a",what,how,"unset")
- end
- end
- elseif how=="tag" then
- local resolver=namespace and namespace[first]
- if resolver then
- if trace_methods then
- report_methods("resolving, method %a, how %a, tag %a",what,how,first)
- end
- return resolver(...)
- else
- resolver=namespace.default or namespace.file
- if resolver then
- if trace_methods then
- report_methods("resolving, method %a, how %a, tag %a",what,how,"default")
- end
- return resolver(...)
- elseif trace_methods then
- report_methods("resolving, method %a, how %a, tag %a",what,how,"unset")
- end
- end
- end
- else
- report_methods("resolving, invalid method %a")
- end
-function resolvers.registermethod(name,namespace,how)
- registered[name]={ how=how or "tag",namespace=namespace }
- namespace["byscheme"]=function(scheme,filename,...)
- if scheme=="file" then
- return methodhandler(name,filename,...)
- else
- return methodhandler(name,addurlscheme(filename,scheme),...)
- end
- end
-local concatinators=allocate { notfound=file.join }
-local locators=allocate { notfound=function() end }
-local hashers=allocate { notfound=function() end }
-local generators=allocate { notfound=function() end }
-local registermethod=resolvers.registermethod
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-res"] = package.loaded["data-res"] or true
--- original size: 60821, stripped down to: 42503
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-res']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files",
-local gsub,find,lower,upper,match,gmatch=string.gsub,string.find,string.lower,string.upper,string.match,string.gmatch
-local concat,insert,sortedkeys=table.concat,table.insert,table.sortedkeys
-local next,type,rawget=next,type,rawget
-local os=os
-local P,S,R,C,Cc,Cs,Ct,Carg=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Carg
-local lpegmatch,lpegpatterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns
-local formatters=string.formatters
-local filedirname=file.dirname
-local filebasename=file.basename
-local suffixonly=file.suffixonly
-local filejoin=file.join
-local collapsepath=file.collapsepath
-local joinpath=file.joinpath
-local settings_to_array=utilities.parsers.settings_to_array
-local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex
-local luasuffixes=utilities.lua.suffixes
-local trace_locating=false trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) trace_locating=v end)
-local trace_detail=false trackers.register("resolvers.details",function(v) trace_detail=v end)
-local trace_expansions=false trackers.register("resolvers.expansions",function(v) trace_expansions=v end)
-local report_resolving=logs.reporter("resolvers","resolving")
-local resolvers=resolvers
-local expandedpathfromlist=resolvers.expandedpathfromlist
-local checkedvariable=resolvers.checkedvariable
-local splitconfigurationpath=resolvers.splitconfigurationpath
-local methodhandler=resolvers.methodhandler
-local initializesetter=utilities.setters.initialize
-local ostype,osname,osenv,ossetenv,osgetenv=os.type,,os.env,os.setenv,os.getenv
-resolvers.criticalvars=allocate { "SELFAUTOLOC","SELFAUTODIR","SELFAUTOPARENT","TEXMFCNF","TEXMF","TEXOS" }
-if environment.default_texmfcnf then
- resolvers.luacnfspec=environment.default_texmfcnf
- resolvers.luacnfspec="{selfautoloc:,selfautodir:,selfautoparent:}{,/texmf{-local,}/web2c}"
-local unset_variable="unset"
-local formats=resolvers.formats
-local suffixes=resolvers.suffixes
-local dangerous=resolvers.dangerous
-local suffixmap=resolvers.suffixmap
-resolvers.defaultsuffixes={ "tex" }
-resolvers.instance=resolvers.instance or nil
-local instance=resolvers.instance or nil
-function resolvers.setenv(key,value,raw)
- if instance then
- instance.environment[key]=value
- ossetenv(key,raw and value or resolvers.resolve(value))
- end
-local function getenv(key)
- local value=rawget(instance.environment,key)
- if value and value~="" then
- return value
- else
- local e=osgetenv(key)
- return e~=nil and e~="" and checkedvariable(e) or ""
- end
-local function resolve(k)
- return instance.expansions[k]
-local dollarstripper=lpeg.stripper("$")
-local inhibitstripper=P("!")^0*Cs(P(1)^0)
-local backslashswapper=lpeg.replacer("\\","/")
-local somevariable=P("$")/""
-local somekey=C(R("az","AZ","09","__","--")^1)
-local somethingelse=P(";")*((1-S("!{}/\\"))^1*P(";")/"")+P(";")*(P(";")/"")+P(1)
-local variableexpander=Cs((somevariable*(somekey/resolve)+somethingelse)^1 )
-local cleaner=P("\\")/"/"+P(";")*S("!{}/\\")^0*P(";")^1/";"
-local variablecleaner=Cs((cleaner+P(1))^0)
-local somevariable=R("az","AZ","09","__","--")^1/resolve
-local variable=(P("$")/"")*(somevariable+(P("{")/"")*somevariable*(P("}")/""))
-local variableresolver=Cs((variable+P(1))^0)
-local function expandedvariable(var)
- return lpegmatch(variableexpander,var) or var
-function resolvers.newinstance()
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("creating instance")
- end
- local environment,variables,expansions,order=allocate(),allocate(),allocate(),allocate()
- local newinstance={
- environment=environment,
- variables=variables,
- expansions=expansions,
- order=order,
- files=allocate(),
- setups=allocate(),
- found=allocate(),
- foundintrees=allocate(),
- hashes=allocate(),
- hashed=allocate(),
- specification=allocate(),
- lists=allocate(),
- data=allocate(),
- fakepaths=allocate(),
- remember=true,
- diskcache=true,
- renewcache=false,
- renewtree=false,
- loaderror=false,
- savelists=true,
- pattern=nil,
- force_suffixes=true,
- }
- setmetatableindex(variables,function(t,k)
- local v
- for i=1,#order do
- v=order[i][k]
- if v~=nil then
- t[k]=v
- return v
- end
- end
- if v==nil then
- v=""
- end
- t[k]=v
- return v
- end)
- setmetatableindex(environment,function(t,k)
- local v=osgetenv(k)
- if v==nil then
- v=variables[k]
- end
- if v~=nil then
- v=checkedvariable(v) or ""
- end
- v=resolvers.repath(v)
- t[k]=v
- return v
- end)
- setmetatableindex(expansions,function(t,k)
- local v=environment[k]
- if type(v)=="string" then
- v=lpegmatch(variableresolver,v)
- v=lpegmatch(variablecleaner,v)
- end
- t[k]=v
- return v
- end)
- return newinstance
-function resolvers.setinstance(someinstance)
- instance=someinstance
- resolvers.instance=someinstance
- return someinstance
-function resolvers.reset()
- return resolvers.setinstance(resolvers.newinstance())
-local function reset_hashes()
- instance.lists={}
- instance.found={}
-local slash=P("/")
-local pathexpressionpattern=Cs (
- Cc("^")*(
- Cc("%")*S(".-")+slash^2*P(-1)/"/.*"
- )^1*Cc("$")
-local cache={}
-local function makepathexpression(str)
- if str=="." then
- return "^%./$"
- else
- local c=cache[str]
- if not c then
- c=lpegmatch(pathexpressionpattern,str)
- cache[str]=c
- end
- return c
- end
-local function reportcriticalvariables(cnfspec)
- if trace_locating then
- for i=1,#resolvers.criticalvars do
- local k=resolvers.criticalvars[i]
- local v=resolvers.getenv(k) or "unknown"
- report_resolving("variable %a set to %a",k,v)
- end
- report_resolving()
- if cnfspec then
- report_resolving("using configuration specification %a",type(cnfspec)=="table" and concat(cnfspec,",") or cnfspec)
- end
- report_resolving()
- end
- reportcriticalvariables=function() end
-local function identify_configuration_files()
- local specification=instance.specification
- if #specification==0 then
- local cnfspec=getenv("TEXMFCNF")
- if cnfspec=="" then
- cnfspec=resolvers.luacnfspec
- resolvers.luacnfstate="default"
- else
- resolvers.luacnfstate="environment"
- end
- reportcriticalvariables(cnfspec)
- local cnfpaths=expandedpathfromlist(resolvers.splitpath(cnfspec))
- local luacnfname=resolvers.luacnfname
- for i=1,#cnfpaths do
- local filename=collapsepath(filejoin(cnfpaths[i],luacnfname))
- local realname=resolvers.resolve(filename)
- if lfs.isfile(realname) then
- specification[#specification+1]=filename
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("found configuration file %a",realname)
- end
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_resolving("unknown configuration file %a",realname)
- end
- end
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving()
- end
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_resolving("configuration files already identified")
- end
-local function load_configuration_files()
- local specification=instance.specification
- if #specification>0 then
- local luacnfname=resolvers.luacnfname
- for i=1,#specification do
- local filename=specification[i]
- local pathname=filedirname(filename)
- local filename=filejoin(pathname,luacnfname)
- local realname=resolvers.resolve(filename)
- local blob=loadfile(realname)
- if blob then
- local setups=instance.setups
- local data=blob()
- local parent=data and data.parent
- if parent then
- local filename=filejoin(pathname,parent)
- local realname=resolvers.resolve(filename)
- local blob=loadfile(realname)
- if blob then
- local parentdata=blob()
- if parentdata then
- report_resolving("loading configuration file %a",filename)
- data=table.merged(parentdata,data)
- end
- end
- end
- data=data and data.content
- if data then
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("loading configuration file %a",filename)
- report_resolving()
- end
- local variables=data.variables or {}
- local warning=false
- for k,v in next,data do
- local variant=type(v)
- if variant=="table" then
- initializesetter(filename,k,v)
- elseif variables[k]==nil then
- if trace_locating and not warning then
- report_resolving("variables like %a in configuration file %a should move to the 'variables' subtable",
- k,resolvers.resolve(filename))
- warning=true
- end
- variables[k]=v
- end
- end
- setups[pathname]=variables
- if resolvers.luacnfstate=="default" then
- local cnfspec=variables["TEXMFCNF"]
- if cnfspec then
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("reloading configuration due to TEXMF redefinition")
- end
- resolvers.setenv("TEXMFCNF",cnfspec)
- instance.specification={}
- identify_configuration_files()
- load_configuration_files()
- resolvers.luacnfstate="configuration"
- break
- end
- end
- else
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("skipping configuration file %a (no content)",filename)
- end
- setups[pathname]={}
- instance.loaderror=true
- end
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_resolving("skipping configuration file %a (no valid format)",filename)
- end
- instance.order[#instance.order+1]=instance.setups[pathname]
- if instance.loaderror then
- break
- end
- end
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_resolving("warning: no lua configuration files found")
- end
-local function load_file_databases()
- instance.loaderror,instance.files=false,allocate()
- if not instance.renewcache then
- local hashes=instance.hashes
- for k=1,#hashes do
- local hash=hashes[k]
- resolvers.hashers.byscheme(hash.type,
- if instance.loaderror then break end
- end
- end
-local function locate_file_databases()
- local texmfpaths=resolvers.expandedpathlist("TEXMF")
- if #texmfpaths>0 then
- for i=1,#texmfpaths do
- local path=collapsepath(texmfpaths[i])
- path=gsub(path,"/+$","")
- local stripped=lpegmatch(inhibitstripper,path)
- if stripped~="" then
- local runtime=stripped==path
- path=resolvers.cleanpath(path)
- local spec=resolvers.splitmethod(stripped)
- if runtime and (spec.noscheme or spec.scheme=="file") then
- stripped="tree:///"..stripped
- elseif spec.scheme=="cache" or spec.scheme=="file" then
- stripped=spec.path
- end
- if trace_locating then
- if runtime then
- report_resolving("locating list of %a (runtime) (%s)",path,stripped)
- else
- report_resolving("locating list of %a (cached)",path)
- end
- end
- methodhandler('locators',stripped)
- end
- end
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving()
- end
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_resolving("no texmf paths are defined (using TEXMF)")
- end
-local function generate_file_databases()
- local hashes=instance.hashes
- for k=1,#hashes do
- local hash=hashes[k]
- methodhandler('generators',
- end
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving()
- end
-local function save_file_databases()
- for i=1,#instance.hashes do
- local hash=instance.hashes[i]
- local
- if hash.cache then
- local content=instance.files[cachename]
- caches.collapsecontent(content)
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("saving tree %a",cachename)
- end
- caches.savecontent(cachename,"files",content)
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_resolving("not saving runtime tree %a",cachename)
- end
- end
-function resolvers.renew(hashname)
- if hashname and hashname~="" then
- local expanded=resolvers.expansion(hashname) or ""
- if expanded~="" then
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("identifying tree %a from %a",expanded,hashname)
- end
- hashname=expanded
- else
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("identifying tree %a",hashname)
- end
- end
- local realpath=resolvers.resolve(hashname)
- if lfs.isdir(realpath) then
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("using path %a",realpath)
- end
- methodhandler('generators',hashname)
- local content=instance.files[hashname]
- caches.collapsecontent(content)
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("saving tree %a",hashname)
- end
- caches.savecontent(hashname,"files",content)
- else
- report_resolving("invalid path %a",realpath)
- end
- end
-local function load_databases()
- locate_file_databases()
- if instance.diskcache and not instance.renewcache then
- load_file_databases()
- if instance.loaderror then
- generate_file_databases()
- save_file_databases()
- end
- else
- generate_file_databases()
- if instance.renewcache then
- save_file_databases()
- end
- end
-function resolvers.appendhash(type,name,cache)
- if not instance.hashed[name] then
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("hash %a appended",name)
- end
- insert(instance.hashes,{ type=type,name=name,cache=cache } )
- instance.hashed[name]=cache
- end
-function resolvers.prependhash(type,name,cache)
- if not instance.hashed[name] then
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("hash %a prepended",name)
- end
- insert(instance.hashes,1,{ type=type,name=name,cache=cache } )
- instance.hashed[name]=cache
- end
-function resolvers.extendtexmfvariable(specification)
- local t=resolvers.splitpath(getenv("TEXMF"))
- insert(t,1,specification)
- local newspec=concat(t,",")
- if instance.environment["TEXMF"] then
- instance.environment["TEXMF"]=newspec
- elseif instance.variables["TEXMF"] then
- instance.variables["TEXMF"]=newspec
- else
- end
- reset_hashes()
-function resolvers.splitexpansions()
- local ie=instance.expansions
- for k,v in next,ie do
- local t,tn,h,p={},0,{},splitconfigurationpath(v)
- for kk=1,#p do
- local vv=p[kk]
- if vv~="" and not h[vv] then
- tn=tn+1
- t[tn]=vv
- h[vv]=true
- end
- end
- if #t>1 then
- ie[k]=t
- else
- ie[k]=t[1]
- end
- end
-function resolvers.datastate()
- return caches.contentstate()
-function resolvers.variable(name)
- local name=name and lpegmatch(dollarstripper,name)
- local result=name and instance.variables[name]
- return result~=nil and result or ""
-function resolvers.expansion(name)
- local name=name and lpegmatch(dollarstripper,name)
- local result=name and instance.expansions[name]
- return result~=nil and result or ""
-function resolvers.unexpandedpathlist(str)
- local pth=resolvers.variable(str)
- local lst=resolvers.splitpath(pth)
- return expandedpathfromlist(lst)
-function resolvers.unexpandedpath(str)
- return joinpath(resolvers.unexpandedpathlist(str))
-local done={}
-function resolvers.resetextrapath()
- local ep=instance.extra_paths
- if not ep then
- ep,done={},{}
- instance.extra_paths=ep
- elseif #ep>0 then
- instance.lists,done={},{}
- end
-function resolvers.registerextrapath(paths,subpaths)
- paths=settings_to_array(paths)
- subpaths=settings_to_array(subpaths)
- local ep=instance.extra_paths or {}
- local oldn=#ep
- local newn=oldn
- local nofpaths=#paths
- local nofsubpaths=#subpaths
- if nofpaths>0 then
- if nofsubpaths>0 then
- for i=1,nofpaths do
- local p=paths[i]
- for j=1,nofsubpaths do
- local s=subpaths[j]
- local ps=p.."/"..s
- if not done[ps] then
- newn=newn+1
- ep[newn]=resolvers.cleanpath(ps)
- done[ps]=true
- end
- end
- end
- else
- for i=1,nofpaths do
- local p=paths[i]
- if not done[p] then
- newn=newn+1
- ep[newn]=resolvers.cleanpath(p)
- done[p]=true
- end
- end
- end
- elseif nofsubpaths>0 then
- for i=1,oldn do
- for j=1,nofsubpaths do
- local s=subpaths[j]
- local ps=ep[i].."/"..s
- if not done[ps] then
- newn=newn+1
- ep[newn]=resolvers.cleanpath(ps)
- done[ps]=true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if newn>0 then
- instance.extra_paths=ep
- end
- if newn>oldn then
- instance.lists={}
- end
-local function made_list(instance,list)
- local ep=instance.extra_paths
- if not ep or #ep==0 then
- return list
- else
- local done,new,newn={},{},0
- for k=1,#list do
- local v=list[k]
- if not done[v] then
- if find(v,"^[%.%/]$") then
- done[v]=true
- newn=newn+1
- new[newn]=v
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- for k=1,#ep do
- local v=ep[k]
- if not done[v] then
- done[v]=true
- newn=newn+1
- new[newn]=v
- end
- end
- for k=1,#list do
- local v=list[k]
- if not done[v] then
- done[v]=true
- newn=newn+1
- new[newn]=v
- end
- end
- return new
- end
-function resolvers.cleanpathlist(str)
- local t=resolvers.expandedpathlist(str)
- if t then
- for i=1,#t do
- t[i]=collapsepath(resolvers.cleanpath(t[i]))
- end
- end
- return t
-function resolvers.expandpath(str)
- return joinpath(resolvers.expandedpathlist(str))
-function resolvers.expandedpathlist(str)
- if not str then
- return {}
- elseif instance.savelists then
- str=lpegmatch(dollarstripper,str)
- local lists=instance.lists
- local lst=lists[str]
- if not lst then
- local l=made_list(instance,resolvers.splitpath(resolvers.expansion(str)))
- lst=expandedpathfromlist(l)
- lists[str]=lst
- end
- return lst
- else
- local lst=resolvers.splitpath(resolvers.expansion(str))
- return made_list(instance,expandedpathfromlist(lst))
- end
-function resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(str)
- str=lpegmatch(dollarstripper,str)
- local tmp=resolvers.variableofformatorsuffix(str)
- return resolvers.expandedpathlist(tmp~="" and tmp or str)
-function resolvers.expandpathfromvariable(str)
- return joinpath(resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(str))
-function resolvers.expandbraces(str)
- local ori=str
- local pth=expandedpathfromlist(resolvers.splitpath(ori))
- return joinpath(pth)
-function resolvers.registerfilehash(name,content,someerror)
- if content then
- instance.files[name]=content
- else
- instance.files[name]={}
- if somerror==true then
- instance.loaderror=someerror
- end
- end
-local function isreadable(name)
- local readable=lfs.isfile(name)
- if trace_detail then
- if readable then
- report_resolving("file %a is readable",name)
- else
- report_resolving("file %a is not readable",name)
- end
- end
- return readable
-local function collect_files(names)
- local filelist,noffiles={},0
- for k=1,#names do
- local fname=names[k]
- if trace_detail then
- report_resolving("checking name %a",fname)
- end
- local bname=filebasename(fname)
- local dname=filedirname(fname)
- if dname=="" or find(dname,"^%.") then
- dname=false
- else
- dname=gsub(dname,"%*",".*")
- dname="/"..dname.."$"
- end
- local hashes=instance.hashes
- for h=1,#hashes do
- local hash=hashes[h]
- local
- local files=blobpath and instance.files[blobpath]
- if files then
- if trace_detail then
- report_resolving("deep checking %a, base %a, pattern %a",blobpath,bname,dname)
- end
- local blobfile=files[bname]
- if not blobfile then
- local rname="remap:"..bname
- blobfile=files[rname]
- if blobfile then
- bname=files[rname]
- blobfile=files[bname]
- end
- end
- if blobfile then
- local blobroot=files.__path__ or blobpath
- if type(blobfile)=='string' then
- if not dname or find(blobfile,dname) then
- local variant=hash.type
- local search=filejoin(blobroot,blobfile,bname)
- local result=methodhandler('concatinators',hash.type,blobroot,blobfile,bname)
- if trace_detail then
- report_resolving("match: variant %a, search %a, result %a",variant,search,result)
- end
- noffiles=noffiles+1
- filelist[noffiles]={ variant,search,result }
- end
- else
- for kk=1,#blobfile do
- local vv=blobfile[kk]
- if not dname or find(vv,dname) then
- local variant=hash.type
- local search=filejoin(blobroot,vv,bname)
- local result=methodhandler('concatinators',hash.type,blobroot,vv,bname)
- if trace_detail then
- report_resolving("match: variant %a, search %a, result %a",variant,search,result)
- end
- noffiles=noffiles+1
- filelist[noffiles]={ variant,search,result }
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_resolving("no match in %a (%s)",blobpath,bname)
- end
- end
- end
- return noffiles>0 and filelist or nil
-local fit={}
-function resolvers.registerintrees(filename,format,filetype,usedmethod,foundname)
- local foundintrees=instance.foundintrees
- if usedmethod=="direct" and filename==foundname and fit[foundname] then
- else
- local t={
- filename=filename,
- format=format~="" and format or nil,
- filetype=filetype~="" and filetype or nil,
- usedmethod=usedmethod,
- foundname=foundname,
- }
- fit[foundname]=t
- foundintrees[#foundintrees+1]=t
- end
-local function can_be_dir(name)
- local fakepaths=instance.fakepaths
- if not fakepaths[name] then
- if lfs.isdir(name) then
- fakepaths[name]=1
- else
- fakepaths[name]=2
- end
- end
- return fakepaths[name]==1
-local preparetreepattern=Cs((P(".")/"%%."+P("-")/"%%-"+P(1))^0*Cc("$"))
-local collect_instance_files
-local function find_analyze(filename,askedformat,allresults)
- local filetype,wantedfiles,ext='',{},suffixonly(filename)
- wantedfiles[#wantedfiles+1]=filename
- if askedformat=="" then
- if ext=="" or not suffixmap[ext] then
- local defaultsuffixes=resolvers.defaultsuffixes
- for i=1,#defaultsuffixes do
- local forcedname=filename..'.'..defaultsuffixes[i]
- wantedfiles[#wantedfiles+1]=forcedname
- filetype=resolvers.formatofsuffix(forcedname)
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("forcing filetype %a",filetype)
- end
- end
- else
- filetype=resolvers.formatofsuffix(filename)
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("using suffix based filetype %a",filetype)
- end
- end
- else
- if ext=="" or not suffixmap[ext] then
- local format_suffixes=suffixes[askedformat]
- if format_suffixes then
- for i=1,#format_suffixes do
- wantedfiles[#wantedfiles+1]=filename.."."..format_suffixes[i]
- end
- end
- end
- filetype=askedformat
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("using given filetype %a",filetype)
- end
- end
- return filetype,wantedfiles
-local function find_direct(filename,allresults)
- if not dangerous[askedformat] and isreadable(filename) then
- if trace_detail then
- report_resolving("file %a found directly",filename)
- end
- return "direct",{ filename }
- end
-local function find_wildcard(filename,allresults)
- if find(filename,'%*') then
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("checking wildcard %a",filename)
- end
- local method,result=resolvers.findwildcardfiles(filename)
- if result then
- return "wildcard",result
- end
- end
-local function find_qualified(filename,allresults,askedformat,alsostripped)
- if not file.is_qualified_path(filename) then
- return
- end
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("checking qualified name %a",filename)
- end
- if isreadable(filename) then
- if trace_detail then
- report_resolving("qualified file %a found",filename)
- end
- return "qualified",{ filename }
- end
- if trace_detail then
- report_resolving("locating qualified file %a",filename)
- end
- local forcedname,suffix="",suffixonly(filename)
- if suffix=="" then
- local format_suffixes=askedformat=="" and resolvers.defaultsuffixes or suffixes[askedformat]
- if format_suffixes then
- for i=1,#format_suffixes do
- local s=format_suffixes[i]
- forcedname=filename.."."..s
- if isreadable(forcedname) then
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("no suffix, forcing format filetype %a",s)
- end
- return "qualified",{ forcedname }
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if alsostripped and suffix and suffix~="" then
- local basename=filebasename(filename)
- local pattern=lpegmatch(preparetreepattern,filename)
- local savedformat=askedformat
- local format=savedformat or ""
- if format=="" then
- askedformat=resolvers.formatofsuffix(suffix)
- end
- if not format then
- askedformat="othertextfiles"
- end
- if basename~=filename then
- local resolved=collect_instance_files(basename,askedformat,allresults)
- if #resolved==0 then
- local lowered=lower(basename)
- if filename~=lowered then
- resolved=collect_instance_files(lowered,askedformat,allresults)
- end
- end
- resolvers.format=savedformat
- if #resolved>0 then
- local result={}
- for r=1,#resolved do
- local rr=resolved[r]
- if find(rr,pattern) then
- result[#result+1]=rr
- end
- end
- if #result>0 then
- return "qualified",result
- end
- end
- end
- end
-local function check_subpath(fname)
- if isreadable(fname) then
- if trace_detail then
- report_resolving("found %a by deep scanning",fname)
- end
- return fname
- end
-local function find_intree(filename,filetype,wantedfiles,allresults)
- local typespec=resolvers.variableofformat(filetype)
- local pathlist=resolvers.expandedpathlist(typespec)
- local method="intree"
- if pathlist and #pathlist>0 then
- local filelist=collect_files(wantedfiles)
- local dirlist={}
- if filelist then
- for i=1,#filelist do
- dirlist[i]=filedirname(filelist[i][3]).."/"
- end
- end
- if trace_detail then
- report_resolving("checking filename %a",filename)
- end
- local resolve=resolvers.resolve
- local result={}
- for k=1,#pathlist do
- local path=pathlist[k]
- local pathname=lpegmatch(inhibitstripper,path)
- local doscan=path==pathname
- if not find (pathname,'//$') then
- doscan=false
- end
- local done=false
- if filelist then
- local expression=makepathexpression(pathname)
- if trace_detail then
- report_resolving("using pattern %a for path %a",expression,pathname)
- end
- for k=1,#filelist do
- local fl=filelist[k]
- local f=fl[2]
- local d=dirlist[k]
- if find(d,expression) or find(resolve(d),expression) then
- result[#result+1]=resolve(fl[3])
- done=true
- if allresults then
- if trace_detail then
- report_resolving("match to %a in hash for file %a and path %a, continue scanning",expression,f,d)
- end
- else
- if trace_detail then
- report_resolving("match to %a in hash for file %a and path %a, quit scanning",expression,f,d)
- end
- break
- end
- elseif trace_detail then
- report_resolving("no match to %a in hash for file %a and path %a",expression,f,d)
- end
- end
- end
- if done then
- method="database"
- else
- method="filesystem"
- pathname=gsub(pathname,"/+$","")
- pathname=resolve(pathname)
- local scheme=url.hasscheme(pathname)
- if not scheme or scheme=="file" then
- local pname=gsub(pathname,"%.%*$",'')
- if not find(pname,"%*") then
- if can_be_dir(pname) then
- for k=1,#wantedfiles do
- local w=wantedfiles[k]
- local fname=check_subpath(filejoin(pname,w))
- if fname then
- result[#result+1]=fname
- done=true
- if not allresults then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if not done and doscan then
- local files=resolvers.simplescanfiles(pname,false,true)
- for k=1,#wantedfiles do
- local w=wantedfiles[k]
- local subpath=files[w]
- if not subpath or subpath=="" then
- elseif type(subpath)=="string" then
- local fname=check_subpath(filejoin(pname,subpath,w))
- if fname then
- result[#result+1]=fname
- done=true
- if not allresults then
- break
- end
- end
- else
- for i=1,#subpath do
- local sp=subpath[i]
- if sp=="" then
- else
- local fname=check_subpath(filejoin(pname,sp,w))
- if fname then
- result[#result+1]=fname
- done=true
- if not allresults then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if done and not allresults then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- end
- end
- end
- if done and not allresults then
- break
- end
- end
- if #result>0 then
- return method,result
- end
- end
-local function find_onpath(filename,filetype,wantedfiles,allresults)
- if trace_detail then
- report_resolving("checking filename %a, filetype %a, wanted files %a",filename,filetype,concat(wantedfiles," | "))
- end
- local result={}
- for k=1,#wantedfiles do
- local fname=wantedfiles[k]
- if fname and isreadable(fname) then
- filename=fname
- result[#result+1]=filejoin('.',fname)
- if not allresults then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if #result>0 then
- return "onpath",result
- end
-local function find_otherwise(filename,filetype,wantedfiles,allresults)
- local filelist=collect_files(wantedfiles)
- local fl=filelist and filelist[1]
- if fl then
- return "otherwise",{ resolvers.resolve(fl[3]) }
- end
- askedformat=askedformat or ""
- filename=collapsepath(filename)
- if allresults then
- local filetype,wantedfiles=find_analyze(filename,askedformat)
- local results={
- { find_direct (filename,true) },
- { find_wildcard (filename,true) },
- { find_qualified(filename,true,askedformat) },
- { find_intree (filename,filetype,wantedfiles,true) },
- { find_onpath (filename,filetype,wantedfiles,true) },
- { find_otherwise(filename,filetype,wantedfiles,true) },
- }
- local result,status,done={},{},{}
- for k,r in next,results do
- local method,list=r[1],r[2]
- if method and list then
- for i=1,#list do
- local c=collapsepath(list[i])
- if not done[c] then
- result[#result+1]=c
- done[c]=true
- end
- status[#status+1]=formatters["%-10s: %s"](method,c)
- end
- end
- end
- if trace_detail then
- report_resolving("lookup status: %s",table.serialize(status,filename))
- end
- return result,status
- else
- local method,result,stamp,filetype,wantedfiles
- if instance.remember then
- stamp=formatters["%s--%s"](filename,askedformat)
- result=stamp and instance.found[stamp]
- if result then
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("remembered file %a",filename)
- end
- return result
- end
- end
- method,result=find_direct(filename)
- if not result then
- method,result=find_wildcard(filename)
- if not result then
- method,result=find_qualified(filename,false,askedformat)
- if not result then
- filetype,wantedfiles=find_analyze(filename,askedformat)
- method,result=find_intree(filename,filetype,wantedfiles)
- if not result then
- method,result=find_onpath(filename,filetype,wantedfiles)
- if not result then
- method,result=find_otherwise(filename,filetype,wantedfiles)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if result and #result>0 then
- local foundname=collapsepath(result[1])
- resolvers.registerintrees(filename,askedformat,filetype,method,foundname)
- result={ foundname }
- else
- result={}
- end
- if stamp then
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving("remembering file %a",filename)
- end
- instance.found[stamp]=result
- end
- return result
- end
-local function findfiles(filename,filetype,allresults)
- local result,status=collect_instance_files(filename,filetype or "",allresults)
- if not result or #result==0 then
- local lowered=lower(filename)
- if filename~=lowered then
- result,status=collect_instance_files(lowered,filetype or "",allresults)
- end
- end
- return result or {},status
-function resolvers.findfiles(filename,filetype)
- return findfiles(filename,filetype,true)
-function resolvers.findfile(filename,filetype)
- return findfiles(filename,filetype,false)[1] or ""
-function resolvers.findpath(filename,filetype)
- return filedirname(findfiles(filename,filetype,false)[1] or "")
-local function findgivenfiles(filename,allresults)
- local bname,result=filebasename(filename),{}
- local hashes=instance.hashes
- local noffound=0
- for k=1,#hashes do
- local hash=hashes[k]
- local files=instance.files[] or {}
- local blist=files[bname]
- if not blist then
- local rname="remap:"..bname
- blist=files[rname]
- if blist then
- bname=files[rname]
- blist=files[bname]
- end
- end
- if blist then
- if type(blist)=='string' then
- local found=methodhandler('concatinators',hash.type,,blist,bname) or ""
- if found~="" then
- noffound=noffound+1
- result[noffound]=resolvers.resolve(found)
- if not allresults then
- break
- end
- end
- else
- for kk=1,#blist do
- local vv=blist[kk]
- local found=methodhandler('concatinators',hash.type,,vv,bname) or ""
- if found~="" then
- noffound=noffound+1
- result[noffound]=resolvers.resolve(found)
- if not allresults then break end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return result
-function resolvers.findgivenfiles(filename)
- return findgivenfiles(filename,true)
-function resolvers.findgivenfile(filename)
- return findgivenfiles(filename,false)[1] or ""
-local function doit(path,blist,bname,tag,variant,result,allresults)
- local done=false
- if blist and variant then
- local resolve=resolvers.resolve
- if type(blist)=='string' then
- if find(lower(blist),path) then
- local full=methodhandler('concatinators',variant,tag,blist,bname) or ""
- result[#result+1]=resolve(full)
- done=true
- end
- else
- for kk=1,#blist do
- local vv=blist[kk]
- if find(lower(vv),path) then
- local full=methodhandler('concatinators',variant,tag,vv,bname) or ""
- result[#result+1]=resolve(full)
- done=true
- if not allresults then break end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return done
-local makewildcard=Cs(
- (P("^")^0*P("/")*P(-1)+P(-1))/".*"+(P("^")^0*P("/")/"")^0*(P("*")/".*"+P("-")/"%%-"+P(".")/"%%."+P("?")/"."+P("\\")/"/"+P(1))^0
-function resolvers.wildcardpattern(pattern)
- return lpegmatch(makewildcard,pattern) or pattern
-local function findwildcardfiles(filename,allresults,result)
- result=result or {}
- local base=filebasename(filename)
- local dirn=filedirname(filename)
- local path=lower(lpegmatch(makewildcard,dirn) or dirn)
- local name=lower(lpegmatch(makewildcard,base) or base)
- local files,done=instance.files,false
- if find(name,"%*") then
- local hashes=instance.hashes
- for k=1,#hashes do
- local hash=hashes[k]
- local hashname,,hash.type
- for kk,hh in next,files[hashname] do
- if not find(kk,"^remap:") then
- if find(lower(kk),name) then
- if doit(path,hh,kk,hashname,hashtype,result,allresults) then done=true end
- if done and not allresults then break end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- local hashes=instance.hashes
- for k=1,#hashes do
- local hash=hashes[k]
- local hashname,,hash.type
- if doit(path,files[hashname][bname],bname,hashname,hashtype,result,allresults) then done=true end
- if done and not allresults then break end
- end
- end
- return result
-function resolvers.findwildcardfiles(filename,result)
- return findwildcardfiles(filename,true,result)
-function resolvers.findwildcardfile(filename)
- return findwildcardfiles(filename,false)[1] or ""
-function resolvers.automount()
-function resolvers.load(option)
- statistics.starttiming(instance)
- identify_configuration_files()
- load_configuration_files()
- if option~="nofiles" then
- load_databases()
- resolvers.automount()
- end
- statistics.stoptiming(instance)
- local files=instance.files
- return files and next(files) and true
-function resolvers.loadtime()
- return statistics.elapsedtime(instance)
-local function report(str)
- if trace_locating then
- report_resolving(str)
- else
- print(str)
- end
-function resolvers.dowithfilesandreport(command,files,...)
- if files and #files>0 then
- if trace_locating then
- report('')
- end
- if type(files)=="string" then
- files={ files }
- end
- for f=1,#files do
- local file=files[f]
- local result=command(file,...)
- if type(result)=='string' then
- report(result)
- else
- for i=1,#result do
- report(result[i])
- end
- end
- end
- end
-function resolvers.showpath(str)
- return joinpath(resolvers.expandedpathlist(resolvers.formatofvariable(str)))
-function resolvers.registerfile(files,name,path)
- if files[name] then
- if type(files[name])=='string' then
- files[name]={ files[name],path }
- else
- files[name]=path
- end
- else
- files[name]=path
- end
-function resolvers.dowithpath(name,func)
- local pathlist=resolvers.expandedpathlist(name)
- for i=1,#pathlist do
- func("^"..resolvers.cleanpath(pathlist[i]))
- end
-function resolvers.dowithvariable(name,func)
- func(expandedvariable(name))
-function resolvers.locateformat(name)
- local engine=environment.ownmain or "luatex"
- local barename=file.removesuffix(name)
- local fullname=file.addsuffix(barename,"fmt")
- local fmtname=caches.getfirstreadablefile(fullname,"formats",engine) or ""
- if fmtname=="" then
- fmtname=resolvers.findfile(fullname)
- fmtname=resolvers.cleanpath(fmtname)
- end
- if fmtname~="" then
- local barename=file.removesuffix(fmtname)
- local luaname=file.addsuffix(barename,luasuffixes.lua)
- local lucname=file.addsuffix(barename,luasuffixes.luc)
- local luiname=file.addsuffix(barename,luasuffixes.lui)
- if lfs.isfile(luiname) then
- return barename,luiname
- elseif lfs.isfile(lucname) then
- return barename,lucname
- elseif lfs.isfile(luaname) then
- return barename,luaname
- end
- end
- return nil,nil
-function resolvers.booleanvariable(str,default)
- local b=resolvers.expansion(str)
- if b=="" then
- return default
- else
- b=toboolean(b)
- return (b==nil and default) or b
- end
-function resolvers.dowithfilesintree(pattern,handle,before,after)
- local instance=resolvers.instance
- local hashes=instance.hashes
- for i=1,#hashes do
- local hash=hashes[i]
- local blobtype=hash.type
- local
- if blobpath then
- if before then
- before(blobtype,blobpath,pattern)
- end
- local files=instance.files[blobpath]
- local total,checked,done=0,0,0
- if files then
- for k,v in table.sortedhash(files) do
- total=total+1
- if find(k,"^remap:") then
- elseif find(k,pattern) then
- if type(v)=="string" then
- checked=checked+1
- if handle(blobtype,blobpath,v,k) then
- done=done+1
- end
- else
- checked=checked+#v
- for i=1,#v do
- if handle(blobtype,blobpath,v[i],k) then
- done=done+1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if after then
- after(blobtype,blobpath,pattern,total,checked,done)
- end
- end
- end
-resolvers.obsolete=resolvers.obsolete or {}
-local obsolete=resolvers.obsolete
-resolvers.find_file=resolvers.findfile obsolete.find_file=resolvers.findfile
-resolvers.find_files=resolvers.findfiles obsolete.find_files=resolvers.findfiles
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-pre"] = package.loaded["data-pre"] or true
--- original size: 6430, stripped down to: 4219
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-pre']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local resolvers=resolvers
-local cleanpath,findgivenfile,expansion=resolvers.cleanpath,resolvers.findgivenfile,resolvers.expansion
-local getenv=resolvers.getenv
-local P,S,R,C,Cs,lpegmatch=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.match
-local joinpath,basename,dirname=file.join,file.basename,file.dirname
-local getmetatable,rawset,type=getmetatable,rawset,type
- return cleanpath(expansion(str))
- if io.exists(str) then
- elseif io.exists("./"..str) then
- str="./"..str
- else
- local p="../"
- for i=1,n or 2 do
- if io.exists(p..str) then
- str=p..str
- break
- else
- p=p.."../"
- end
- end
- end
- return cleanpath(str)
- local fullname=prefixes.relative(str)
- if not lfs.isfile(fullname) then
- fullname=prefixes.locate(str)
- end
- return fullname
- local fullname=findgivenfile(str) or ""
- return cleanpath((fullname~="" and fullname) or str)
- local fullname=findgivenfile(str) or ""
- return cleanpath(basename((fullname~="" and fullname) or str))
- local fullname=findgivenfile(str) or ""
- return cleanpath(dirname((fullname~="" and fullname) or str))
- return cleanpath(joinpath(getenv('SELFAUTOLOC'),str))
- return cleanpath(joinpath(getenv('SELFAUTOPARENT'),str))
- return cleanpath(joinpath(getenv('SELFAUTODIR'),str))
- return cleanpath(joinpath(getenv('HOME'),str))
-local function toppath()
- local inputstack=resolvers.inputstack
- if not inputstack then
- return "."
- end
- local pathname=dirname(inputstack[#inputstack] or "")
- if pathname=="" then
- return "."
- else
- return pathname
- end
- return cleanpath(joinpath(toppath(),str))
-function resolvers.allprefixes(separator)
- local all=table.sortedkeys(prefixes)
- if separator then
- for i=1,#all do
- all[i]=all[i]..":"
- end
- end
- return all
-local function _resolve_(method,target)
- local action=prefixes[method]
- if action then
- return action(target)
- else
- return method..":"
- end
-local resolved,abstract={},{}
-function resolvers.resetresolve(str)
- resolved,abstract={},{}
-local pattern=Cs((C(R("az")^2)*P(":")*C((1-S(" \"\';,"))^1)/_resolve_+P(1))^0)
-local function resolve(str)
- if type(str)=="table" then
- local t={}
- for i=1,#str do
- t[i]=resolve(str[i])
- end
- return t
- else
- local res=resolved[str]
- if not res then
- res=lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- resolved[str]=res
- abstract[res]=str
- end
- return res
- end
-local function unresolve(str)
- return abstract[str] or str
-if type(os.uname)=="function" then
- for k,v in next,os.uname() do
- if not prefixes[k] then
- prefixes[k]=function() return v end
- end
- end
-if os.type=="unix" then
- local pattern
- local function makepattern(t,k,v)
- if t then
- rawset(t,k,v)
- end
- local colon=P(":")
- for k,v in table.sortedpairs(prefixes) do
- if p then
- p=P(k)+p
- else
- p=P(k)
- end
- end
- pattern=Cs((p*colon+colon/";"+P(1))^0)
- end
- makepattern()
- getmetatable(prefixes).__newindex=makepattern
- function resolvers.repath(str)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
- end
- function resolvers.repath(str)
- return str
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-inp"] = package.loaded["data-inp"] or true
--- original size: 910, stripped down to: 823
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-inp']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local resolvers=resolvers
-local methodhandler=resolvers.methodhandler
-local registermethod=resolvers.registermethod
-local finders=allocate { helpers={},notfound=function() end }
-local openers=allocate { helpers={},notfound=function() end }
-local loaders=allocate { helpers={},notfound=function() return false,nil,0 end }
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-out"] = package.loaded["data-out"] or true
--- original size: 530, stripped down to: 475
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-out']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local resolvers=resolvers
-local registermethod=resolvers.registermethod
-local savers=allocate { helpers={} }
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-fil"] = package.loaded["data-fil"] or true
--- original size: 3801, stripped down to: 3231
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-fil']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local trace_locating=false trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) trace_locating=v end)
-local report_files=logs.reporter("resolvers","files")
-local resolvers=resolvers
-local finders,openers,loaders,savers=resolvers.finders,resolvers.openers,resolvers.loaders,resolvers.savers
-local locators,hashers,generators,concatinators=resolvers.locators,resolvers.hashers,resolvers.generators,resolvers.concatinators
-local checkgarbage=utilities.garbagecollector and utilities.garbagecollector.check
-function locators.file(specification)
- local name=specification.filename
- local realname=resolvers.resolve(name)
- if realname and realname~='' and lfs.isdir(realname) then
- if trace_locating then
- report_files("file locator %a found as %a",name,realname)
- end
- resolvers.appendhash('file',name,true)
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_files("file locator %a not found",name)
- end
-function hashers.file(specification)
- local name=specification.filename
- local content=caches.loadcontent(name,'files')
- resolvers.registerfilehash(name,content,content==nil)
-function generators.file(specification)
- local path=specification.filename
- local content=resolvers.scanfiles(path,false,true)
- resolvers.registerfilehash(path,content,true)
-function finders.file(specification,filetype)
- local filename=specification.filename
- local foundname=resolvers.findfile(filename,filetype)
- if foundname and foundname~="" then
- if trace_locating then
- report_files("file finder: %a found",filename)
- end
- return foundname
- else
- if trace_locating then
- report_files("file finder: %a not found",filename)
- end
- return finders.notfound()
- end
-function openers.helpers.textopener(tag,filename,f)
- return {
- reader=function() return f:read () end,
- close=function() logs.show_close(filename) return f:close() end,
- }
-function openers.file(specification,filetype)
- local filename=specification.filename
- if filename and filename~="" then
- local,"r")
- if f then
- if trace_locating then
- report_files("file opener: %a opened",filename)
- end
- return openers.helpers.textopener("file",filename,f)
- end
- end
- if trace_locating then
- report_files("file opener: %a not found",filename)
- end
- return openers.notfound()
-function loaders.file(specification,filetype)
- local filename=specification.filename
- if filename and filename~="" then
- local,"rb")
- if f then
- logs.show_load(filename)
- if trace_locating then
- report_files("file loader: %a loaded",filename)
- end
- local s=f:read("*a")
- if checkgarbage then
- checkgarbage(#s)
- end
- f:close()
- if s then
- return true,s,#s
- end
- end
- end
- if trace_locating then
- report_files("file loader: %a not found",filename)
- end
- return loaders.notfound()
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-con"] = package.loaded["data-con"] or true
--- original size: 4940, stripped down to: 3580
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-con']={
- version=1.100,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local format,lower,gsub=string.format,string.lower,string.gsub
-local trace_cache=false trackers.register("resolvers.cache",function(v) trace_cache=v end)
-local trace_containers=false trackers.register("resolvers.containers",function(v) trace_containers=v end)
-local trace_storage=false trackers.register("",function(v) trace_storage=v end)
-containers=containers or {}
-local containers=containers
-local report_containers=logs.reporter("resolvers","containers")
-local allocated={}
-local mt={
- __index=function(t,k)
- if k=="writable" then
- local writable=caches.getwritablepath(t.category,t.subcategory) or { "." }
- t.writable=writable
- return writable
- elseif k=="readables" then
- local readables=caches.getreadablepaths(t.category,t.subcategory) or { "." }
- t.readables=readables
- return readables
- end
- end,
- __storage__=true
-function containers.define(category,subcategory,version,enabled)
- if category and subcategory then
- local c=allocated[category]
- if not c then
- c={}
- allocated[category]=c
- end
- local s=c[subcategory]
- if not s then
- s={
- category=category,
- subcategory=subcategory,
- storage={},
- enabled=enabled,
- version=version or math.pi,
- trace=false,
- }
- setmetatable(s,mt)
- c[subcategory]=s
- end
- return s
- end
-function containers.is_usable(container,name)
- return container.enabled and caches and caches.is_writable(container.writable,name)
-function containers.is_valid(container,name)
- if name and name~="" then
- local[name]
- return storage and storage.cache_version==container.version
- else
- return false
- end
- local
- local stored=storage[name]
- if not stored and container.enabled and caches and containers.usecache then
- stored=caches.loaddata(container.readables,name)
- if stored and stored.cache_version==container.version then
- if trace_cache or trace_containers then
- report_containers("action %a, category %a, name %a","load",container.subcategory,name)
- end
- else
- stored=nil
- end
- storage[name]=stored
- elseif stored then
- if trace_cache or trace_containers then
- report_containers("action %a, category %a, name %a","reuse",container.subcategory,name)
- end
- end
- return stored
-function containers.write(container,name,data)
- if data then
- data.cache_version=container.version
- if container.enabled and caches then
- local unique,shared=data.unique,data.shared
- data.unique,data.shared=nil,nil
- caches.savedata(container.writable,name,data)
- if trace_cache or trace_containers then
- report_containers("action %a, category %a, name %a","save",container.subcategory,name)
- end
- data.unique,data.shared=unique,shared
- end
- if trace_cache or trace_containers then
- report_containers("action %a, category %a, name %a","store",container.subcategory,name)
- end
- end
- return data
-function containers.content(container,name)
- return[name]
-function containers.cleanname(name)
- return (gsub(lower(name),"[^%w%d]+","-"))
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-use"] = package.loaded["data-use"] or true
--- original size: 3913, stripped down to: 2998
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-use']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local format,lower,gsub,find=string.format,string.lower,string.gsub,string.find
-local trace_locating=false trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) trace_locating=v end)
-local report_mounts=logs.reporter("resolvers","mounts")
-local resolvers=resolvers
-resolvers.automounted=resolvers.automounted or {}
-function resolvers.automount(usecache)
- local mountpaths=resolvers.cleanpathlist(resolvers.expansion('TEXMFMOUNT'))
- if (not mountpaths or #mountpaths==0) and usecache then
- mountpaths=caches.getreadablepaths("mount")
- end
- if mountpaths and #mountpaths>0 then
- statistics.starttiming(resolvers.instance)
- for k=1,#mountpaths do
- local root=mountpaths[k]
- local"/url.tmi")
- if f then
- for line in f:lines() do
- if line then
- if find(line,"^[%%#%-]") then
- elseif find(line,"^zip://") then
- if trace_locating then
- report_mounts("mounting %a",line)
- end
- table.insert(resolvers.automounted,line)
- resolvers.usezipfile(line)
- end
- end
- end
- f:close()
- end
- end
- statistics.stoptiming(resolvers.instance)
- end
-statistics.register("used config file",function() return caches.configfiles() end)
-statistics.register("used cache path",function() return caches.usedpaths() end)
-function statistics.savefmtstatus(texname,formatbanner,sourcefile)
- local enginebanner=status.list().banner
- if formatbanner and enginebanner and sourcefile then
- local luvname=file.replacesuffix(texname,"luv")
- local luvdata={
- enginebanner=enginebanner,
- formatbanner=formatbanner,
- sourcehash=md5.hex(io.loaddata(resolvers.findfile(sourcefile)) or "unknown"),
- sourcefile=sourcefile,
- }
- io.savedata(luvname,table.serialize(luvdata,true))
- end
-function statistics.checkfmtstatus(texname)
- local enginebanner=status.list().banner
- if enginebanner and texname then
- local luvname=file.replacesuffix(texname,"luv")
- if lfs.isfile(luvname) then
- local luv=dofile(luvname)
- if luv and luv.sourcefile then
- local sourcehash=md5.hex(io.loaddata(resolvers.findfile(luv.sourcefile)) or "unknown")
- local luvbanner=luv.enginebanner or "?"
- if luvbanner~=enginebanner then
- return format("engine mismatch (luv: %s <> bin: %s)",luvbanner,enginebanner)
- end
- local luvhash=luv.sourcehash or "?"
- if luvhash~=sourcehash then
- return format("source mismatch (luv: %s <> bin: %s)",luvhash,sourcehash)
- end
- else
- return "invalid status file"
- end
- else
- return "missing status file"
- end
- end
- return true
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-zip"] = package.loaded["data-zip"] or true
--- original size: 8489, stripped down to: 6757
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-zip']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local format,find,match=string.format,string.find,string.match
-local trace_locating=false trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) trace_locating=v end)
-local report_zip=logs.reporter("resolvers","zip")
-local resolvers=resolvers
-zip=zip or {}
-local zip=zip
-zip.archives=zip.archives or {}
-local archives=zip.archives
-zip.registeredfiles=zip.registeredfiles or {}
-local registeredfiles=zip.registeredfiles
-local limited=false
- if not limited then
- local i_limiter=io.i_limiter(v)
- if i_limiter then
- limited=true
- end
- end
-local function validzip(str)
- if not find(str,"^zip://") then
- return "zip:///"..str
- else
- return str
- end
-function zip.openarchive(name)
- if not name or name=="" then
- return nil
- else
- local arch=archives[name]
- if not arch then
- local full=resolvers.findfile(name) or ""
- arch=(full~="" and or false
- archives[name]=arch
- end
- return arch
- end
-function zip.closearchive(name)
- if not name or (name=="" and archives[name]) then
- zip.close(archives[name])
- archives[name]=nil
- end
- local archive=specification.filename
- local zipfile=archive and archive~="" and zip.openarchive(archive)
- if trace_locating then
- if zipfile then
- report_zip("locator: archive %a found",archive)
- else
- report_zip("locator: archive %a not found",archive)
- end
- end
- local archive=specification.filename
- if trace_locating then
- report_zip("loading file %a",archive)
- end
- resolvers.usezipfile(specification.original)
- if not path or path=="" then
- return format('%s?name=%s',zipfile,name)
- else
- return format('%s?name=%s/%s',zipfile,path,name)
- end
- local original=specification.original
- local archive=specification.filename
- if archive then
- local query=url.query(specification.query)
- local
- if queryname then
- local zfile=zip.openarchive(archive)
- if zfile then
- if trace_locating then
- report_zip("finder: archive %a found",archive)
- end
- local dfile=zfile:open(queryname)
- if dfile then
- dfile=zfile:close()
- if trace_locating then
- report_zip("finder: file %a found",queryname)
- end
- return specification.original
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_zip("finder: file %a not found",queryname)
- end
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_zip("finder: unknown archive %a",archive)
- end
- end
- end
- if trace_locating then
- report_zip("finder: %a not found",original)
- end
- return resolvers.finders.notfound()
- local original=specification.original
- local archive=specification.filename
- if archive then
- local query=url.query(specification.query)
- local
- if queryname then
- local zfile=zip.openarchive(archive)
- if zfile then
- if trace_locating then
- report_zip("opener; archive %a opened",archive)
- end
- local dfile=zfile:open(queryname)
- if dfile then
- if trace_locating then
- report_zip("opener: file %a found",queryname)
- end
- return resolvers.openers.helpers.textopener('zip',original,dfile)
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_zip("opener: file %a not found",queryname)
- end
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_zip("opener: unknown archive %a",archive)
- end
- end
- end
- if trace_locating then
- report_zip("opener: %a not found",original)
- end
- return resolvers.openers.notfound()
- local original=specification.original
- local archive=specification.filename
- if archive then
- local query=url.query(specification.query)
- local
- if queryname then
- local zfile=zip.openarchive(archive)
- if zfile then
- if trace_locating then
- report_zip("loader: archive %a opened",archive)
- end
- local dfile=zfile:open(queryname)
- if dfile then
- logs.show_load(original)
- if trace_locating then
- report_zip("loader; file %a loaded",original)
- end
- local s=dfile:read("*all")
- dfile:close()
- return true,s,#s
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_zip("loader: file %a not found",queryname)
- end
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_zip("loader; unknown archive %a",archive)
- end
- end
- end
- if trace_locating then
- report_zip("loader: %a not found",original)
- end
- return resolvers.openers.notfound()
-function resolvers.usezipfile(archive)
- local specification=resolvers.splitmethod(archive)
- local archive=specification.filename
- if archive and not registeredfiles[archive] then
- local z=zip.openarchive(archive)
- if z then
- local instance=resolvers.instance
- local tree=url.query(specification.query).tree or ""
- if trace_locating then
- report_zip("registering: archive %a",archive)
- end
- statistics.starttiming(instance)
- resolvers.prependhash('zip',archive)
- resolvers.extendtexmfvariable(archive)
- registeredfiles[archive]=z
- instance.files[archive]=resolvers.registerzipfile(z,tree)
- statistics.stoptiming(instance)
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_zip("registering: unknown archive %a",archive)
- end
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_zip("registering: archive %a not found",archive)
- end
-function resolvers.registerzipfile(z,tree)
- local files,filter={},""
- if tree=="" then
- filter="^(.+)/(.-)$"
- else
- filter=format("^%s/(.+)/(.-)$",tree)
- end
- if trace_locating then
- report_zip("registering: using filter %a",filter)
- end
- local register,n=resolvers.registerfile,0
- for i in z:files() do
- local path,name=match(i.filename,filter)
- if path then
- if name and name~='' then
- register(files,name,path)
- n=n+1
- else
- end
- else
- register(files,i.filename,'')
- n=n+1
- end
- end
- report_zip("registering: %s files registered",n)
- return files
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-tre"] = package.loaded["data-tre"] or true
--- original size: 2508, stripped down to: 2074
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-tre']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local find,gsub,format=string.find,string.gsub,string.format
-local trace_locating=false trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) trace_locating=v end)
-local report_trees=logs.reporter("resolvers","trees")
-local resolvers=resolvers
-local done,found,notfound={},{},resolvers.finders.notfound
-function resolvers.finders.tree(specification)
- local spec=specification.filename
- local fnd=found[spec]
- if fnd==nil then
- if spec~="" then
- local path,name=file.dirname(spec),file.basename(spec)
- if path=="" then path="." end
- local hash=done[path]
- if not hash then
- local pattern=path.."/*"
- hash=dir.glob(pattern)
- done[path]=hash
- end
- local pattern="/"..gsub(name,"([%.%-%+])","%%%1").."$"
- for k=1,#hash do
- local v=hash[k]
- if find(v,pattern) then
- found[spec]=v
- return v
- end
- end
- end
- fnd=notfound()
- found[spec]=fnd
- end
- return fnd
-function resolvers.locators.tree(specification)
- local name=specification.filename
- local realname=resolvers.resolve(name)
- if realname and realname~='' and lfs.isdir(realname) then
- if trace_locating then
- report_trees("locator %a found",realname)
- end
- resolvers.appendhash('tree',name,false)
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_trees("locator %a not found",name)
- end
-function resolvers.hashers.tree(specification)
- local name=specification.filename
- if trace_locating then
- report_trees("analysing %a",name)
- end
- resolvers.methodhandler("hashers",name)
- resolvers.generators.file(specification)
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-sch"] = package.loaded["data-sch"] or true
--- original size: 6202, stripped down to: 5149
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-sch']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local load=load
-local gsub,concat,format=string.gsub,table.concat,string.format
-local finders,openers,loaders=resolvers.finders,resolvers.openers,resolvers.loaders
-local trace_schemes=false trackers.register("resolvers.schemes",function(v) trace_schemes=v end)
-local report_schemes=logs.reporter("resolvers","schemes")
-local http=require("socket.http")
-local ltn12=require("ltn12")
-local resolvers=resolvers
-local schemes=resolvers.schemes or {}
-local cleaners={}
-local threshold=24*60*60
-directives.register("schemes.threshold",function(v) threshold=tonumber(v) or threshold end)
-function cleaners.none(specification)
- return specification.original
-function cleaners.strip(specification)
- return (gsub(specification.original,"[^%a%d%.]+","-"))
-function cleaners.md5(specification)
- return file.addsuffix(md5.hex(specification.original),file.suffix(specification.path))
-local cleaner=cleaners.strip
-directives.register("schemes.cleanmethod",function(v) cleaner=cleaners[v] or cleaners.strip end)
-function resolvers.schemes.cleanname(specification)
- local hash=cleaner(specification)
- if trace_schemes then
- report_schemes("hashing %a to %a",specification.original,hash)
- end
- return hash
-local cached,loaded,reused,thresholds,handlers={},{},{},{},{}
-local function runcurl(name,cachename)
- local command="curl --silent --create-dirs --output "..cachename.." "
- os.spawn(command)
-local function fetch(specification)
- local original=specification.original
- local scheme=specification.scheme
- local cleanname=schemes.cleanname(specification)
- local cachename=caches.setfirstwritablefile(cleanname,"schemes")
- if not cached[original] then
- statistics.starttiming(schemes)
- if not io.exists(cachename) or (os.difftime(os.time(),lfs.attributes(cachename).modification)>(thresholds[protocol] or threshold)) then
- cached[original]=cachename
- local handler=handlers[scheme]
- if handler then
- if trace_schemes then
- report_schemes("fetching %a, protocol %a, method %a",original,scheme,"built-in")
- end
- logs.flush()
- handler(specification,cachename)
- else
- if trace_schemes then
- report_schemes("fetching %a, protocol %a, method %a",original,scheme,"curl")
- end
- logs.flush()
- runcurl(original,cachename)
- end
- end
- if io.exists(cachename) then
- cached[original]=cachename
- if trace_schemes then
- report_schemes("using cached %a, protocol %a, cachename %a",original,scheme,cachename)
- end
- else
- cached[original]=""
- if trace_schemes then
- report_schemes("using missing %a, protocol %a",original,scheme)
- end
- end
- loaded[scheme]=loaded[scheme]+1
- statistics.stoptiming(schemes)
- else
- if trace_schemes then
- report_schemes("reusing %a, protocol %a",original,scheme)
- end
- reused[scheme]=reused[scheme]+1
- end
- return cached[original]
-local function finder(specification,filetype)
- return resolvers.methodhandler("finders",fetch(specification),filetype)
-local opener=openers.file
-local loader=loaders.file
-local function install(scheme,handler,newthreshold)
- handlers [scheme]=handler
- loaded [scheme]=0
- reused [scheme]=0
- finders [scheme]=finder
- openers [scheme]=opener
- loaders [scheme]=loader
- thresholds[scheme]=newthreshold or threshold
-local function http_handler(specification,cachename)
- local tempname=cachename..".tmp"
- local,"wb")
- local status,message=http.request {
- url=specification.original,
- sink=ltn12.sink.file(f)
- }
- if not status then
- os.remove(tempname)
- else
- os.remove(cachename)
- os.rename(tempname,cachename)
- end
- return cachename
-statistics.register("scheme handling time",function()
- local l,r,nl,nr={},{},0,0
- for k,v in table.sortedhash(loaded) do
- if v>0 then
- nl=nl+1
- l[nl]=k..":"..v
- end
- end
- for k,v in table.sortedhash(reused) do
- if v>0 then
- nr=nr+1
- r[nr]=k..":"..v
- end
- end
- local n=nl+nr
- if n>0 then
- l=nl>0 and concat(l) or "none"
- r=nr>0 and concat(r) or "none"
- return format("%s seconds, %s processed, threshold %s seconds, loaded: %s, reused: %s",
- statistics.elapsedtime(schemes),n,threshold,l,r)
- else
- return nil
- end
-local httprequest=http.request
-local toquery=url.toquery
-local function fetchstring(url,data)
- local q=data and toquery(data)
- if q then
- url=url.."?"..q
- end
- local reply=httprequest(url)
- return reply
-function schemes.fetchtable(url,data)
- local reply=fetchstring(url,data)
- if reply then
- local s=load("return "..reply)
- if s then
- return s()
- end
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-lua"] = package.loaded["data-lua"] or true
--- original size: 4861, stripped down to: 3693
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-lua']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local resolvers,package=resolvers,package
-local gsub=string.gsub
-local concat=table.concat
-local addsuffix=file.addsuffix
-local P,S,Cs,lpegmatch=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.match
-local libsuffixes={ 'tex','lua' }
-local clibsuffixes={ 'lib' }
-local libformats={ 'TEXINPUTS','LUAINPUTS' }
-local clibformats={ 'CLUAINPUTS' }
-local helpers=package.helpers
-trackers.register("resolvers.libraries",function(v) helpers.trace=v end)
-trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) helpers.trace=v end)"resolvers","libraries")
-local pattern=Cs(P("!")^0/""*(P("/")*P(-1)/"/"+P("/")^1/"/"+1)^0)
-local function cleanpath(path)
- return resolvers.resolve(lpegmatch(pattern,path))
-local loadedaslib=helpers.loadedaslib
-local loadedbylua=helpers.loadedbylua
-local loadedbypath=helpers.loadedbypath
-local notloaded=helpers.notloaded
-local getlibpaths=package.libpaths
-local getclibpaths=package.clibpaths
-function helpers.libpaths(libhash)
- local libpaths={}
- for i=1,#libformats do
- local paths=resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(libformats[i])
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not libhash[path] then
- libpaths[#libpaths+1]=path
- libhash[path]=true
- end
- end
- end
- return libpaths
-function helpers.clibpaths(clibhash)
- local clibpaths={}
- for i=1,#clibformats do
- local paths=resolvers.expandedpathlistfromvariable(clibformats[i])
- for i=1,#paths do
- local path=cleanpath(paths[i])
- if not clibhash[path] then
- clibpaths[#clibpaths+1]=path
- clibhash[path]=true
- end
- end
- end
- return clibpaths
-local function loadedbyformat(name,rawname,suffixes,islib)
- local trace=helpers.trace
- local
- if trace then
- report("locating %a as %a using formats %a",rawname,name,suffixes)
- end
- for i=1,#suffixes do
- local format=suffixes[i]
- local resolved=resolvers.findfile(name,format) or ""
- if trace then
- report("checking %a using format %a",name,format)
- end
- if resolved~="" then
- if trace then
- report("lib %a located on %a",name,resolved)
- end
- if islib then
- return true,loadedaslib(resolved,rawname)
- else
- return true,loadfile(resolved)
- end
- end
- end
-local pattern=Cs((((1-S("\\/"))^0*(S("\\/")^1/"/"))^0*(P(".")^1/"/"+P(1))^1)*-1)
-local function lualibfile(name)
- return lpegmatch(pattern,name) or name
-function helpers.loaded(name)
- local thename=lualibfile(name)
- local luaname=addsuffix(thename,"lua")
- local libname=addsuffix(thename,os.libsuffix)
- local libpaths=getlibpaths()
- local clibpaths=getclibpaths()
- local done,result=loadedbyformat(luaname,name,libsuffixes,false)
- if done then
- return result
- end
- local done,result=loadedbyformat(libname,name,clibsuffixes,true)
- if done then
- return result
- end
- local done,result=loadedbypath(luaname,name,libpaths,false,"lua")
- if done then
- return result
- end
- local done,result=loadedbypath(luaname,name,clibpaths,false,"lua")
- if done then
- return result
- end
- local done,result=loadedbypath(libname,name,clibpaths,true,"lib")
- if done then
- return result
- end
- local done,result=loadedbylua(name)
- if done then
- return result
- end
- return notloaded(name)
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-aux"] = package.loaded["data-aux"] or true
--- original size: 2394, stripped down to: 2005
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-aux']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local find=string.find
-local type,next=type,next
-local trace_locating=false trackers.register("resolvers.locating",function(v) trace_locating=v end)
-local resolvers=resolvers
-local report_scripts=logs.reporter("resolvers","scripts")
-function resolvers.updatescript(oldname,newname)
- local scriptpath="scripts/context/lua"
- newname=file.addsuffix(newname,"lua")
- local oldscript=resolvers.cleanpath(oldname)
- if trace_locating then
- report_scripts("to be replaced old script %a",oldscript)
- end
- local newscripts=resolvers.findfiles(newname) or {}
- if #newscripts==0 then
- if trace_locating then
- report_scripts("unable to locate new script")
- end
- else
- for i=1,#newscripts do
- local newscript=resolvers.cleanpath(newscripts[i])
- if trace_locating then
- report_scripts("checking new script %a",newscript)
- end
- if oldscript==newscript then
- if trace_locating then
- report_scripts("old and new script are the same")
- end
- elseif not find(newscript,scriptpath) then
- if trace_locating then
- report_scripts("new script should come from %a",scriptpath)
- end
- elseif not (find(oldscript,file.removesuffix(newname).."$") or find(oldscript,newname.."$")) then
- if trace_locating then
- report_scripts("invalid new script name")
- end
- else
- local newdata=io.loaddata(newscript)
- if newdata then
- if trace_locating then
- report_scripts("old script content replaced by new content")
- end
- io.savedata(oldscript,newdata)
- break
- elseif trace_locating then
- report_scripts("unable to load new script")
- end
- end
- end
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-tmf"] = package.loaded["data-tmf"] or true
--- original size: 2600, stripped down to: 1627
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-tmf']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local resolvers=resolvers
-local report_tds=logs.reporter("resolvers","tds")
-function resolvers.load_tree(tree,resolve)
- if type(tree)=="string" and tree~="" then
- local getenv,setenv=resolvers.getenv,resolvers.setenv
- local texos="texmf-"..os.platform
- local oldroot=environment.texroot
- local newroot=file.collapsepath(tree)
- local newtree=file.join(newroot,texos)
- local newpath=file.join(newtree,"bin")
- if not lfs.isdir(newtree) then
- report_tds("no %a under tree %a",texos,tree)
- os.exit()
- end
- if not lfs.isdir(newpath) then
- report_tds("no '%s/bin' under tree %a",texos,tree)
- os.exit()
- end
- local texmfos=newtree
- environment.texroot=newroot
- environment.texos=texos
- environment.texmfos=texmfos
- if resolve then
- resolvers.luacnfspec=resolvers.resolve(resolvers.luacnfspec)
- end
- setenv('SELFAUTOPARENT',newroot)
- setenv('SELFAUTODIR',newtree)
- setenv('SELFAUTOLOC',newpath)
- setenv('TEXROOT',newroot)
- setenv('TEXOS',texos)
- setenv('TEXMFOS',texmfos)
- setenv('TEXMFCNF',resolvers.luacnfspec,true)
- setenv('PATH','PATH'))
- report_tds("changing from root %a to %a",oldroot,newroot)
- report_tds("prepending %a to PATH",newpath)
- report_tds("setting TEXMFCNF to %a",resolvers.luacnfspec)
- report_tds()
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["data-lst"] = package.loaded["data-lst"] or true
--- original size: 2654, stripped down to: 2301
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-lst']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local find,concat,upper,format=string.find,table.concat,string.upper,string.format
-local fastcopy,sortedpairs=table.fastcopy,table.sortedpairs
-resolvers.listers=resolvers.listers or {}
-local resolvers=resolvers
-local report_lists=logs.reporter("resolvers","lists")
-local function tabstr(str)
- if type(str)=='table' then
- return concat(str," | ")
- else
- return str
- end
-function resolvers.listers.variables(pattern)
- local instance=resolvers.instance
- local environment=instance.environment
- local variables=instance.variables
- local expansions=instance.expansions
- local pattern=upper(pattern or "")
- local configured={}
- local order=instance.order
- for i=1,#order do
- for k,v in next,order[i] do
- if v~=nil and configured[k]==nil then
- configured[k]=v
- end
- end
- end
- local env=fastcopy(environment)
- local var=fastcopy(variables)
- local exp=fastcopy(expansions)
- for key,value in sortedpairs(configured) do
- if key~="" and (pattern=="" or find(upper(key),pattern)) then
- report_lists(key)
- report_lists(" env: %s",tabstr(rawget(environment,key)) or "unset")
- report_lists(" var: %s",tabstr(configured[key]) or "unset")
- report_lists(" exp: %s",tabstr(expansions[key]) or "unset")
- report_lists(" res: %s",tabstr(resolvers.resolve(expansions[key])) or "unset")
- end
- end
- instance.environment=fastcopy(env)
- instance.variables=fastcopy(var)
- instance.expansions=fastcopy(exp)
-local report_resolved=logs.reporter("system","resolved")
-function resolvers.listers.configurations()
- local configurations=resolvers.instance.specification
- for i=1,#configurations do
- report_resolved("file : %s",resolvers.resolve(configurations[i]))
- end
- report_resolved("")
- local list=resolvers.expandedpathfromlist(resolvers.splitpath(resolvers.luacnfspec))
- for i=1,#list do
- local li=resolvers.resolve(list[i])
- if lfs.isdir(li) then
- report_resolved("path - %s",li)
- else
- report_resolved("path + %s",li)
- end
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["util-lib"] = package.loaded["util-lib"] or true
--- original size: 8911, stripped down to: 4216
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-lib']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files",
-local gsub,find=string.gsub,string.find
-local pathpart,nameonly,joinfile=file.pathpart,file.nameonly,file.join
-local findfile,findfiles=resolvers and resolvers.findfile,resolvers and resolvers.findfiles
-local loaded=package.loaded
-local report_swiglib=logs.reporter("swiglib")
-local trace_swiglib=false trackers.register("resolvers.swiglib",function(v) trace_swiglib=v end)
-local function requireswiglib(required,version)
- local library=loaded[required]
- if library==nil then
- local required_full=gsub(required,"%.","/")
- local required_path=pathpart(required_full)
- local required_base=nameonly(required_full)
- local required_name=required_base.."."..os.libsuffix
- local version=type(version)=="string" and version~="" and version or false
- local function check(locate,...)
- local found_library=nil
- if version then
- local asked_library=joinfile(required_path,version,required_name)
- if trace_swiglib then
- report_swiglib("checking %s: %a","with version",asked_library)
- end
- found_library=locate(asked_library,...)
- if not found_library or found_library==""then
- asked_library=joinfile(required_path,required_name)
- if trace_swiglib then
- report_swiglib("checking %s: %a","without version",asked_library)
- end
- found_library=locate(asked_library,...)
- end
- else
- local asked_library=joinfile(required_path,required_name)
- if trace_swiglib then
- report_swiglib("checking %s: %a","without version",asked_library)
- end
- found_library=locate(asked_library,...)
- end
- return found_library and found_library~="" and found_library or false
- end
- local found_library=findfile and check(findfile,"lib")
- if findfiles and not found_library then
- local asked_library=joinfile(required_path,".*",required_name)
- if trace_swiglib then
- report_swiglib("checking %s: %a","latest version",asked_library)
- end
- local list=findfiles(asked_library,"lib",true)
- if list and #list>0 then
- table.sort(list)
- found_library=list[#list]
- end
- end
- if not found_library then
- package.extraclibpath(environment.ownpath)
- local paths=package.clibpaths()
- for i=1,#paths do
- local found_library=check(lfs.isfile)
- if found_library then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if not found_library then
- if trace_swiglib then
- report_swiglib("not found: %a",asked_library)
- end
- library=false
- else
- local path=pathpart(found_library)
- local base=nameonly(found_library)
- dir.push(path)
- if trace_swiglib then
- report_swiglib("found: %a",found_library)
- end
- library=package.loadlib(found_library,"luaopen_"..required_base)
- if type(library)=="function" then
- library=library()
- else
- library=false
- end
- dir.pop()
- end
- if not library then
- report_swiglib("unknown: %a",required)
- elseif trace_swiglib then
- report_swiglib("stored: %a",required)
- end
- loaded[required]=library
- else
- report_swiglib("reused: %a",required)
- end
- return library
-local savedrequire=require
-function require(name,version)
- if find(name,"^swiglib%.") then
- return requireswiglib(name,version)
- else
- return savedrequire(name)
- end
-local swiglibs={}
-function swiglib(name,version)
- local library=swiglibs[name]
- if not library then
- statistics.starttiming(swiglibs)
- report_swiglib("loading %a",name)
- library=requireswiglib("swiglib.",version)
- swiglibs[name]=library
- statistics.stoptiming(swiglibs)
- end
- return library
-statistics.register("used swiglibs",function()
- if next(swiglibs) then
- return string.format("%s, initial load time %s seconds",table.concat(table.sortedkeys(swiglibs)," "),statistics.elapsedtime(swiglibs))
- end
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["luat-sta"] = package.loaded["luat-sta"] or true
--- original size: 5703, stripped down to: 2507
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['luat-sta']={
- version=1.001,
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local gmatch,match=string.gmatch,string.match
-local type=type
-states=states or {}
-local states=states or {}
-states.hash=states.hash or {}
-local hash=states.hash
-states.tag=states.tag or ""
-states.filename=states.filename or ""
- tag=tag or states.tag
- filename=file.addsuffix(filename or states.filename,'lus')
- io.savedata(filename,
- "-- generator : luat-sta.lua\n".."-- state tag : "..tag.."\n\n"..table.serialize(data[tag or states.tag] or {},true)
- )
-function states.load(filename,tag)
- states.filename=filename
- states.tag=tag or "whatever"
- states.filename=file.addsuffix(states.filename,'lus')
- data[states.tag],hash[states.tag]=(io.exists(filename) and dofile(filename)) or {},{}
-local function set_by_tag(tag,key,value,default,persistent)
- local d,h=data[tag],hash[tag]
- if d then
- if type(d)=="table" then
- local dkey,hkey=key,key
- local pre,post=match(key,"(.+)%.([^%.]+)$")
- if pre and post then
- for k in gmatch(pre,"[^%.]+") do
- local dk=d[k]
- if not dk then
- dk={}
- d[k]=dk
- elseif type(dk)=="string" then
- break
- end
- d=dk
- end
- dkey,hkey=post,key
- end
- if value==nil then
- value=default
- elseif value==false then
- elseif persistent then
- value=value or d[dkey] or default
- else
- value=value or default
- end
- d[dkey],h[hkey]=value,value
- elseif type(d)=="string" then
- data[tag],hash[tag]=value,value
- end
- end
-local function get_by_tag(tag,key,default)
- local h=hash[tag]
- if h and h[key] then
- return h[key]
- else
- local d=data[tag]
- if d then
- for k in gmatch(key,"[^%.]+") do
- local dk=d[k]
- if dk~=nil then
- d=dk
- else
- return default
- end
- end
- if d==false then
- return false
- else
- return d or default
- end
- end
- end
-function states.set(key,value,default,persistent)
- set_by_tag(states.tag,key,value,default,persistent)
-function states.get(key,default)
- return get_by_tag(states.tag,key,default)
-end -- of closure
-do -- create closure to overcome 200 locals limit
-package.loaded["luat-fmt"] = package.loaded["luat-fmt"] or true
--- original size: 5951, stripped down to: 4922
-if not modules then modules={} end modules ['luat-fmt']={
- version=1.001,
- comment="companion to mtxrun",
- author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
- copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
- license="see context related readme files"
-local format=string.format
-local concat=table.concat
-local quoted=string.quoted
-local luasuffixes=utilities.lua.suffixes
-local report_format=logs.reporter("resolvers","formats")
-local function primaryflags()
- local trackers=environment.argument("trackers")
- local directives=environment.argument("directives")
- local flags={}
- if trackers and trackers~="" then
- flags={ "--trackers="..quoted(trackers) }
- end
- if directives and directives~="" then
- flags={ "--directives="..quoted(directives) }
- end
- if environment.argument("jit") then
- flags={ "--jiton" }
- end
- return concat(flags," ")
-function environment.make_format(name)
- local engine=environment.ownmain or "luatex"
- local olddir=dir.current()
- local path=caches.getwritablepath("formats",engine) or ""
- if path~="" then
- lfs.chdir(path)
- end
- report_format("using format path %a",dir.current())
- local texsourcename=file.addsuffix(name,"mkiv")
- local fulltexsourcename=resolvers.findfile(texsourcename,"tex") or ""
- if fulltexsourcename=="" then
- texsourcename=file.addsuffix(name,"tex")
- fulltexsourcename=resolvers.findfile(texsourcename,"tex") or ""
- end
- if fulltexsourcename=="" then
- report_format("no tex source file with name %a (mkiv or tex)",name)
- lfs.chdir(olddir)
- return
- else
- report_format("using tex source file %a",fulltexsourcename)
- end
- local texsourcepath=dir.expandname(file.dirname(fulltexsourcename))
- local specificationname=file.replacesuffix(fulltexsourcename,"lus")
- local fullspecificationname=resolvers.findfile(specificationname,"tex") or ""
- if fullspecificationname=="" then
- specificationname=file.join(texsourcepath,"context.lus")
- fullspecificationname=resolvers.findfile(specificationname,"tex") or ""
- end
- if fullspecificationname=="" then
- report_format("unknown stub specification %a",specificationname)
- lfs.chdir(olddir)
- return
- end
- local specificationpath=file.dirname(fullspecificationname)
- local usedluastub=nil
- local usedlualibs=dofile(fullspecificationname)
- if type(usedlualibs)=="string" then
- usedluastub=file.join(file.dirname(fullspecificationname),usedlualibs)
- elseif type(usedlualibs)=="table" then
- report_format("using stub specification %a",fullspecificationname)
- local texbasename=file.basename(name)
- local luastubname=file.addsuffix(texbasename,luasuffixes.lua)
- local lucstubname=file.addsuffix(texbasename,luasuffixes.luc)
- report_format("creating initialization file %a",luastubname)
- utilities.merger.selfcreate(usedlualibs,specificationpath,luastubname)
- if utilities.lua.compile(luastubname,lucstubname) and lfs.isfile(lucstubname) then
- report_format("using compiled initialization file %a",lucstubname)
- usedluastub=lucstubname
- else
- report_format("using uncompiled initialization file %a",luastubname)
- usedluastub=luastubname
- end
- else
- report_format("invalid stub specification %a",fullspecificationname)
- lfs.chdir(olddir)
- return
- end
- local command=format("%s --ini %s --lua=%s %s %sdump",engine,primaryflags(),quoted(usedluastub),quoted(fulltexsourcename),os.platform=="unix" and "\\\\" or "\\")
- report_format("running command: %s\n",command)
- os.spawn(command)
- local pattern=file.removesuffix(file.basename(usedluastub)).."-*.mem"
- local mp=dir.glob(pattern)
- if mp then
- for i=1,#mp do
- local name=mp[i]
- report_format("removing related mplib format %a",file.basename(name))
- os.remove(name)
- end
- end
- lfs.chdir(olddir)
-function environment.run_format(name,data,more)
- if name and name~="" then
- local engine=environment.ownmain or "luatex"
- local barename=file.removesuffix(name)
- local fmtname=caches.getfirstreadablefile(file.addsuffix(barename,"fmt"),"formats",engine)
- if fmtname=="" then
- fmtname=resolvers.findfile(file.addsuffix(barename,"fmt")) or ""
- end
- fmtname=resolvers.cleanpath(fmtname)
- if fmtname=="" then
- report_format("no format with name %a",name)
- else
- local barename=file.removesuffix(name)
- local luaname=file.addsuffix(barename,"luc")
- if not lfs.isfile(luaname) then
- luaname=file.addsuffix(barename,"lua")
- end
- if not lfs.isfile(luaname) then
- report_format("using format name %a",fmtname)
- report_format("no luc/lua file with name %a",barename)
- else
- local command=format("%s %s --fmt=%s --lua=%s %s %s",engine,primaryflags(),quoted(barename),quoted(luaname),quoted(data),more~="" and quoted(more) or "")
- report_format("running command: %s",command)
- os.spawn(command)
- end
- end
- end
-end -- of closure
--- used libraries : l-lua.lua l-lpeg.lua l-function.lua l-string.lua l-table.lua l-io.lua l-number.lua l-set.lua l-os.lua l-file.lua l-md5.lua l-url.lua l-dir.lua l-boolean.lua l-unicode.lua l-math.lua util-str.lua util-tab.lua util-sto.lua util-prs.lua util-fmt.lua trac-set.lua trac-log.lua trac-inf.lua trac-pro.lua util-lua.lua util-deb.lua util-mrg.lua util-tpl.lua util-env.lua luat-env.lua lxml-tab.lua lxml-lpt.lua lxml-mis.lua lxml-aux.lua lxml-xml.lua trac-xml.lua data-ini.lua data-exp.lua data-env.lua data-tmp.lua data-met.lua data-res.lua data-pre.lua data-inp.lua data-out.lua data-fil.lua data-con.lua data-use.lua data-zip.lua data-tre.lua data-sch.lua data-lua.lua data-aux.lua data-tmf.lua data-lst.lua util-lib.lua luat-sta.lua luat-fmt.lua
--- skipped libraries : -
--- original bytes : 658276
--- stripped bytes : 241564
--- end library merge
--- We need this hack till luatex is fixed.
--- for k,v in pairs(arg) do print(k,v) end
-if arg and (arg[0] == 'luatex' or arg[0] == 'luatex.exe') and arg[1] == "--luaonly" then
- arg[-1]=arg[0] arg[0]=arg[2] for k=3,#arg do arg[k-2]=arg[k] end arg[#arg]=nil arg[#arg]=nil
--- End of hack.
-local format, gsub, gmatch, match, find = string.format, string.gsub, string.gmatch, string.match, string.find
-local concat = table.concat
-local ownname = environment and environment.ownname or arg[0] or 'mtxrun.lua'
-local ownpath = gsub(match(ownname,"^(.+)[\\/].-$") or ".","\\","/")
-local owntree = environment and environment.ownpath or ownpath
-local ownlibs = { -- order can be made better
- 'l-lua.lua',
- 'l-lpeg.lua',
- 'l-function.lua',
- 'l-string.lua',
- 'l-table.lua',
- 'l-io.lua',
- 'l-number.lua',
- 'l-set.lua',
- 'l-os.lua',
- 'l-file.lua',
- 'l-md5.lua',
- 'l-url.lua',
- 'l-dir.lua',
- 'l-boolean.lua',
- 'l-unicode.lua',
- 'l-math.lua',
- 'util-str.lua', -- code might move to l-string
- 'util-tab.lua',
- 'util-sto.lua',
- 'util-prs.lua',
- 'util-fmt.lua',
- 'trac-set.lua',
- 'trac-log.lua',
- 'trac-inf.lua', -- was before trac-set
- 'trac-pro.lua', -- not really needed
- 'util-lua.lua', -- indeed here?
- 'util-deb.lua',
- 'util-mrg.lua',
- 'util-tpl.lua',
- 'util-env.lua',
- 'luat-env.lua', -- can come before inf (as in mkiv)
- 'lxml-tab.lua',
- 'lxml-lpt.lua',
- -- 'lxml-ent.lua',
- 'lxml-mis.lua',
- 'lxml-aux.lua',
- 'lxml-xml.lua',
- 'trac-xml.lua',
- 'data-ini.lua',
- 'data-exp.lua',
- 'data-env.lua',
- 'data-tmp.lua',
- 'data-met.lua',
- 'data-res.lua',
- 'data-pre.lua',
- 'data-inp.lua',
- 'data-out.lua',
- 'data-fil.lua',
- 'data-con.lua',
- 'data-use.lua',
--- 'data-tex.lua',
--- 'data-bin.lua',
- 'data-zip.lua',
- 'data-tre.lua',
- 'data-sch.lua',
- 'data-lua.lua',
- 'data-aux.lua', -- updater
- 'data-tmf.lua',
- 'data-lst.lua',
- 'util-lib.lua', -- swiglib
- 'luat-sta.lua',
- 'luat-fmt.lua',
-local ownlist = {
- '.',
- ownpath ,
- ownpath .. "/../sources", -- HH's development path
- owntree .. "/../../texmf-local/tex/context/base",
- owntree .. "/../../texmf-context/tex/context/base",
- owntree .. "/../../texmf-dist/tex/context/base",
- owntree .. "/../../texmf/tex/context/base",
- owntree .. "/../../../texmf-local/tex/context/base",
- owntree .. "/../../../texmf-context/tex/context/base",
- owntree .. "/../../../texmf-dist/tex/context/base",
- owntree .. "/../../../texmf/tex/context/base",
-if ownpath == "." then table.remove(ownlist,1) end
-own = {
- name = ownname,
- path = ownpath,
- tree = owntree,
- list = ownlist,
- libs = ownlibs,
-local function locate_libs()
- for l=1,#ownlibs do
- local lib = ownlibs[l]
- for p =1,#ownlist do
- local pth = ownlist[p]
- local filename = pth .. "/" .. lib
- local found = lfs.isfile(filename)
- if found then
- package.path = package.path .. ";" .. pth .. "/?.lua" -- in case l-* does a require
- return pth
- end
- end
- end
-local function load_libs()
- local found = locate_libs()
- if found then
- for l=1,#ownlibs do
- local filename = found .. "/" .. ownlibs[l]
- local codeblob = loadfile(filename)
- if codeblob then
- codeblob()
- end
- end
- else
- resolvers = nil
- end
-if not resolvers then
- load_libs()
-if not resolvers then
- print("")
- print("Mtxrun is unable to start up due to lack of libraries. You may")
- print("try to run 'lua mtxrun.lua --selfmerge' in the path where this")
- print("script is located (normally under ..../scripts/context/lua) which")
- print("will make this script library independent.")
- os.exit()
--- verbosity
-local e_verbose = environment.arguments["verbose"]
-if e_verbose then
- trackers.enable("resolvers.locating")
--- some common flags (also passed through environment)
-local e_silent = environment.argument("silent")
-local e_noconsole = environment.argument("noconsole")
-local e_trackers = environment.argument("trackers")
-local e_directives = environment.argument("directives")
-local e_experiments = environment.argument("experiments")
-if e_silent == true then
- e_silent = "*"
-if type(e_silent) == "string" then
- if type(e_directives) == "string" then
- e_directives = format("%s,logs.blocked={%s}",e_directives,e_silent)
- else
- e_directives = format("logs.blocked={%s}",e_silent)
- end
-if e_noconsole then
- if type(e_directives) == "string" then
- e_directives = format("%s,",e_directives)
- else
- e_directives = format("")
- end
-if e_trackers then trackers .enable(e_trackers) end
-if e_directives then directives .enable(e_directives) end
-if e_experiments then experiments.enable(e_experiments) end
-if not environment.trackers then environment.trackers = e_trackers end
-if not environment.directives then environment.directives = e_directives end
-if not environment.experiments then environment.experiments = e_experiments end
-local instance = resolvers.reset()
-local helpinfo = [[
-<?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <metadata>
- <entry name="name">mtxrun</entry>
- <entry name="detail">ConTeXt TDS Runner Tool</entry>
- <entry name="version">1.31</entry>
- </metadata>
- <flags>
- <category name="basic">
- <subcategory>
- <flag name="script"><short>run an mtx script (lua prefered method) (<ref name="noquotes"/>), no script gives list</short></flag>
- <flag name="execute"><short>run a script or program (texmfstart method) (<ref name="noquotes"/>)</short></flag>
- <flag name="resolve"><short>resolve prefixed arguments</short></flag>
- <flag name="ctxlua"><short>run internally (using preloaded libs)</short></flag>
- <flag name="internal"><short>run script using built in libraries (same as <ref name="ctxlua"/>)</short></flag>
- <flag name="locate"><short>locate given filename in database (default) or system (<ref name="first"/> <ref name="all"/> <ref name="detail"/>)</short></flag>
- </subcategory>
- <subcategory>
- <flag name="autotree"><short>use texmf tree cf. env texmfstart_tree or texmfstarttree</short></flag>
- <flag name="tree" value="pathtotree"><short>use given texmf tree (default file: setuptex.tmf)</short></flag>
- <flag name="environment" value="name"><short>use given (tmf) environment file</short></flag>
- <flag name="path" value="runpath"><short>go to given path before execution</short></flag>
- <flag name="ifchanged" value="filename"><short>only execute when given file has changed (md checksum)</short></flag>
- <flag name="iftouched" value="old,new"><short>only execute when given file has changed (time stamp)</short></flag>
- </subcategory>
- <subcategory>
- <flag name="makestubs"><short>create stubs for (context related) scripts</short></flag>
- <flag name="removestubs"><short>remove stubs (context related) scripts</short></flag>
- <flag name="stubpath" value="binpath"><short>paths where stubs wil be written</short></flag>
- <flag name="windows"><short>create windows (mswin) stubs</short></flag>
- <flag name="unix"><short>create unix (linux) stubs</short></flag>
- </subcategory>
- <subcategory>
- <flag name="verbose"><short>give a bit more info</short></flag>
- <flag name="trackers" value="list"><short>enable given trackers</short></flag>
- <flag name="progname" value="str"><short>format or backend</short></flag>
- </subcategory>
- <subcategory>
- <flag name="edit"><short>launch editor with found file</short></flag>
- <flag name="launch"><short>launch files like manuals, assumes os support (<ref name="all"/>)</short></flag>
- </subcategory>
- <subcategory>
- <flag name="timedrun"><short>run a script and time its run</short></flag>
- <flag name="autogenerate"><short>regenerate databases if needed (handy when used to run context in an editor)</short></flag>
- </subcategory>
- <subcategory>
- <flag name="usekpse"><short>use kpse as fallback (when no mkiv and cache installed, often slower)</short></flag>
- <flag name="forcekpse"><short>force using kpse (handy when no mkiv and cache installed but less functionality)</short></flag>
- </subcategory>
- <subcategory>
- <flag name="prefixes"><short>show supported prefixes</short></flag>
- </subcategory>
- <subcategory>
- <flag name="generate"><short>generate file database</short></flag>
- </subcategory>
- <subcategory>
- <flag name="variables"><short>show configuration variables</short></flag>
- <flag name="configurations"><short>show configuration order</short></flag>
- </subcategory>
- <subcategory>
- <flag name="directives"><short>show (known) directives</short></flag>
- <flag name="trackers"><short>show (known) trackers</short></flag>
- <flag name="experiments"><short>show (known) experiments</short></flag>
- </subcategory>
- <subcategory>
- <flag name="expand-braces"><short>expand complex variable</short></flag>
- <flag name="expand-path"><short>expand variable (resolve paths)</short></flag>
- <flag name="expand-var"><short>expand variable (resolve references)</short></flag>
- <flag name="show-path"><short>show path expansion of ...</short></flag>
- <flag name="var-value"><short>report value of variable</short></flag>
- <flag name="find-file"><short>report file location</short></flag>
- <flag name="find-path"><short>report path of file</short></flag>
- </subcategory>
- <subcategory>
- <flag name="pattern" value="string"><short>filter variables</short></flag>
- </subcategory>
- </category>
- </flags>
-local application = logs.application {
- name = "mtxrun",
- banner = "ConTeXt TDS Runner Tool 1.31",
- helpinfo = helpinfo,
-local report =
-messages = messages or { } -- for the moment
-runners = runners or { } -- global (might become local)
-runners.applications = {
- ["lua"] = "luatex --luaonly",
- ["luc"] = "luatex --luaonly",
- ["pl"] = "perl",
- ["py"] = "python",
- ["rb"] = "ruby",
-runners.suffixes = {
- 'rb', 'lua', 'py', 'pl'
-runners.registered = {
- texexec = { 'texexec.rb', false }, -- context mkii runner (only tool not to be luafied)
- texutil = { 'texutil.rb', true }, -- old perl based index sorter for mkii (old versions need it)
- texfont = { '', true }, -- perl script that makes mkii font metric files
- texfind = { '', false }, -- perltk based tex searching tool, mostly used at pragma
- texshow = { '', false }, -- perltk based context help system, will be luafied
- -- texwork = { '', false }, -- perltk based editing environment, only used at pragma
- makempy = { '', true },
- mptopdf = { '', true },
- pstopdf = { 'pstopdf.rb', true }, -- converts ps (and some more) images, does some cleaning (replaced)
- -- examplex = { 'examplex.rb', false },
- concheck = { 'concheck.rb', false },
- runtools = { 'runtools.rb', true },
- textools = { 'textools.rb', true },
- tmftools = { 'tmftools.rb', true },
- ctxtools = { 'ctxtools.rb', true },
- rlxtools = { 'rlxtools.rb', true },
- pdftools = { 'pdftools.rb', true },
- mpstools = { 'mpstools.rb', true },
- -- exatools = { 'exatools.rb', true },
- xmltools = { 'xmltools.rb', true },
- -- luatools = { 'luatools.lua', true },
- mtxtools = { 'mtxtools.rb', true },
- pdftrimwhite = { '', false },
-runners.launchers = {
- windows = { },
- unix = { },
--- like runners.libpath("framework"): looks on script's subpath
-function runners.libpath(...)
- package.prepend_libpath(file.dirname(environment.ownscript),...)
- package.prepend_libpath(file.dirname(environment.ownname) ,...)
-function runners.prepare()
- local checkname = environment.argument("ifchanged")
- if type(checkname) == "string" and checkname ~= "" then
- local oldchecksum = file.loadchecksum(checkname)
- local newchecksum = file.checksum(checkname)
- if oldchecksum == newchecksum then
- if e_verbose then
- report("file '%s' is unchanged",checkname)
- end
- return "skip"
- elseif e_verbose then
- report("file '%s' is changed, processing started",checkname)
- end
- file.savechecksum(checkname)
- end
- local touchname = environment.argument("iftouched")
- if type(touchname) == "string" and touchname ~= "" then
- local oldname, newname = string.splitup(touchname, ",")
- if oldname and newname and oldname ~= "" and newname ~= "" then
- if not file.needs_updating(oldname,newname) then
- if e_verbose then
- report("file '%s' and '%s' have same age",oldname,newname)
- end
- return "skip"
- elseif e_verbose then
- report("file '%s' is older than '%s'",oldname,newname)
- end
- end
- end
- local runpath = environment.argument("path")
- if type(runpath) == "string" and not lfs.chdir(runpath) then
- report("unable to change to path '%s'",runpath)
- return "error"
- end
- runners.prepare = function() end
- return "run"
-function runners.execute_script(fullname,internal,nosplit)
- local noquote = environment.argument("noquotes")
- if fullname and fullname ~= "" then
- local state = runners.prepare()
- if state == 'error' then
- return false
- elseif state == 'skip' then
- return true
- elseif state == "run" then
- local path, name, suffix = file.splitname(fullname)
- local result = ""
- if path ~= "" then
- result = fullname
- elseif name then
- name = gsub(name,"^int[%a]*:",function()
- internal = true
- return ""
- end )
- name = gsub(name,"^script:","")
- if suffix == "" and runners.registered[name] and runners.registered[name][1] then
- name = runners.registered[name][1]
- suffix = file.suffix(name)
- end
- if suffix == "" then
- -- loop over known suffixes
- for _,s in pairs(runners.suffixes) do
- result = resolvers.findfile(name .. "." .. s, 'texmfscripts')
- if result ~= "" then
- break
- end
- end
- elseif runners.applications[suffix] then
- result = resolvers.findfile(name, 'texmfscripts')
- else
- -- maybe look on path
- result = resolvers.findfile(name, 'other text files')
- end
- end
- if result and result ~= "" then
- if not no_split then
- local before, after = environment.splitarguments(fullname) -- already done
- environment.arguments_before, environment.arguments_after = before, after
- end
- if internal then
- arg = { } for _,v in pairs(environment.arguments_after) do arg[#arg+1] = v end
- environment.ownscript = result
- dofile(result)
- else
- local binary = runners.applications[file.suffix(result)]
- result = string.quoted(string.unquoted(result))
- -- if string.match(result,' ') and not string.match(result,"^\".*\"$") then
- -- result = '"' .. result .. '"'
- -- end
- if binary and binary ~= "" then
- result = binary .. " " .. result
- end
- local command = result .. " " .. environment.reconstructcommandline(environment.arguments_after,noquote)
- if e_verbose then
- report()
- report("executing: %s",command)
- report()
- report()
- io.flush()
- end
- -- no os.exec because otherwise we get the wrong return value
- local code = os.execute(command) -- maybe spawn
- if code == 0 then
- return true
- else
- if binary then
- binary = file.addsuffix(binary,os.binsuffix)
- for p in gmatch(os.getenv("PATH"),"[^""]+") do
- if lfs.isfile(file.join(p,binary)) then
- return false
- end
- end
- report()
- report("This script needs '%s' which seems not to be installed.",binary)
- report()
- end
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return false
-function runners.execute_program(fullname)
- local noquote = environment.argument("noquotes")
- if fullname and fullname ~= "" then
- local state = runners.prepare()
- if state == 'error' then
- return false
- elseif state == 'skip' then
- return true
- elseif state == "run" then
- local before, after = environment.splitarguments(fullname)
- for k=1,#after do after[k] = resolvers.resolve(after[k]) end
- environment.initializearguments(after)
- fullname = gsub(fullname,"^bin:","")
- local command = fullname .. " " .. (environment.reconstructcommandline(after or "",noquote) or "")
- report()
- report("executing: %s",command)
- report()
- report()
- io.flush()
- local code = os.exec(command) -- (fullname,unpack(after)) does not work / maybe spawn
- return code == 0
- end
- end
- return false
--- the --usekpse flag will fallback (not default) on kpse (hm, we can better update mtx-stubs)
-local windows_stub = '@echo off\013\010setlocal\013\010set ownpath=%%~dp0%%\013\010texlua "%%ownpath%%mtxrun.lua" --usekpse --execute %s %%*\013\010endlocal\013\010'
-local unix_stub = '#!/bin/sh\010mtxrun --usekpse --execute %s \"$@\"\010'
-function runners.handle_stubs(create)
- local stubpath = environment.argument('stubpath') or '.' -- 'auto' no longer subpathssupported
- local windows = environment.argument('windows') or environment.argument('mswin') or false
- local unix = environment.argument('unix') or environment.argument('linux') or false
- if not windows and not unix then
- if os.platform == "unix" then
- unix = true
- else
- windows = true
- end
- end
- for _,v in pairs(runners.registered) do
- local name, doit = v[1], v[2]
- if doit then
- local base = gsub(file.basename(name), "%.(.-)$", "")
- if create then
- if windows then
- io.savedata(file.join(stubpath,base..".bat"),format(windows_stub,name))
- report("windows stub for '%s' created",base)
- end
- if unix then
- io.savedata(file.join(stubpath,base),format(unix_stub,name))
- report("unix stub for '%s' created",base)
- end
- else
- if windows and (os.remove(file.join(stubpath,base..'.bat')) or os.remove(file.join(stubpath,base..'.cmd'))) then
- report("windows stub for '%s' removed", base)
- end
- if unix and (os.remove(file.join(stubpath,base)) or os.remove(file.join(stubpath,base..'.sh'))) then
- report("unix stub for '%s' removed",base)
- end
- end
- end
- end
-function runners.resolve_string(filename)
- if filename and filename ~= "" then
- runners.report_location(resolvers.resolve(filename))
- end
--- differs from texmfstart where locate appends .com .exe .bat ... todo
-function runners.locate_file(filename) -- was given file but only searches in tree
- if filename and filename ~= "" then
- if environment.argument("first") then
- runners.report_location(resolvers.findfile(filename))
- -- resolvers.dowithfilesandreport(resolvers.findfile,filename)
- elseif environment.argument("all") then
- local result, status = resolvers.findfiles(filename)
- if status and environment.argument("detail") then
- runners.report_location(status)
- else
- runners.report_location(result)
- end
- else
- runners.report_location(resolvers.findgivenfile(filename))
- -- resolvers.dowithfilesandreport(resolvers.findgivenfile,filename)
- end
- end
-function runners.locate_platform()
- runners.report_location(os.platform)
-function runners.report_location(result)
- if type(result) == "table" then
- for i=1,#result do
- if i > 1 then
- io.write("\n")
- end
- io.write(result[i])
- end
- else
- io.write(result)
- end
-function runners.edit_script(filename) -- we assume that gvim is present on most systems (todo: also in cnf file)
- local editor = os.getenv("MTXRUN_EDITOR") or os.getenv("TEXMFSTART_EDITOR") or os.getenv("EDITOR") or 'gvim'
- local rest = resolvers.resolve(filename)
- if rest ~= "" then
- local command = editor .. " " .. rest
- if e_verbose then
- report()
- report("starting editor: %s",command)
- report()
- report()
- end
- os.launch(command)
- end
-function runners.save_script_session(filename, list)
- local t = { }
- for i=1,#list do
- local key = list[i]
- t[key] = environment.arguments[key]
- end
- io.savedata(filename,table.serialize(t,true))
-function runners.load_script_session(filename)
- if lfs.isfile(filename) then
- local t = io.loaddata(filename)
- if t then
- t = loadstring(t)
- if t then t = t() end
- for key, value in pairs(t) do
- environment.arguments[key] = value
- end
- end
- end
-function resolvers.launch(str)
- -- maybe we also need to test on mtxrun.launcher.suffix environment
- -- variable or on windows consult the assoc and ftype vars and such
- local launchers = runners.launchers[os.platform] if launchers then
- local suffix = file.suffix(str) if suffix then
- local runner = launchers[suffix] if runner then
- str = runner .. " " .. str
- end
- end
- end
- os.launch(str)
-function runners.launch_file(filename)
- trackers.enable("resolvers.locating")
- local allresults = environment.arguments["all"]
- local pattern = environment.arguments["pattern"]
- if not pattern or pattern == "" then
- pattern = filename
- end
- if not pattern or pattern == "" then
- report("provide name or --pattern=")
- else
- local t = resolvers.findfiles(pattern,nil,allresults)
- if not t or #t == 0 then
- t = resolvers.findfiles("*/" .. pattern,nil,allresults)
- end
- if not t or #t == 0 then
- t = resolvers.findfiles("*/" .. pattern .. "*",nil,allresults)
- end
- if t and #t > 0 then
- if allresults then
- for _, v in pairs(t) do
- report("launching %s", v)
- resolvers.launch(v)
- end
- else
- report("launching %s", t[1])
- resolvers.launch(t[1])
- end
- else
- report("no match for %s", pattern)
- end
- end
-local mtxprefixes = {
- { "^mtx%-", "mtx-" },
- { "^mtx%-t%-", "mtx-t-" },
-function runners.find_mtx_script(filename)
- local function found(name)
- local path = file.dirname(name)
- if path and path ~= "" then
- return false
- else
- local fullname = own and own.path and file.join(own.path,name)
- return io.exists(fullname) and fullname
- end
- end
- filename = file.addsuffix(filename,"lua")
- local basename = file.removesuffix(file.basename(filename))
- local suffix = file.suffix(filename)
- -- qualified path, raw name
- local fullname = file.is_qualified_path(filename) and io.exists(filename) and filename
- if fullname and fullname ~= "" then
- return fullname
- end
- -- current path, raw name
- fullname = "./" .. filename
- fullname = io.exists(fullname) and fullname
- if fullname and fullname ~= "" then
- return fullname
- end
- -- mtx- prefix checking
- for i=1,#mtxprefixes do
- local mtxprefix = mtxprefixes[i]
- mtxprefix = find(filename,mtxprefix[1]) and "" or mtxprefix[2]
- -- context namespace, mtx-<filename>
- fullname = mtxprefix .. filename
- fullname = found(fullname) or resolvers.findfile(fullname)
- if fullname and fullname ~= "" then
- return fullname
- end
- -- context namespace, mtx-<filename>s
- fullname = mtxprefix .. basename .. "s" .. "." .. suffix
- fullname = found(fullname) or resolvers.findfile(fullname)
- if fullname and fullname ~= "" then
- return fullname
- end
- -- context namespace, mtx-<filename minus trailing s>
- fullname = mtxprefix .. gsub(basename,"s$","") .. "." .. suffix
- fullname = found(fullname) or resolvers.findfile(fullname)
- if fullname and fullname ~= "" then
- return fullname
- end
- end
- -- context namespace, just <filename>
- fullname = resolvers.findfile(filename)
- return fullname
-function runners.register_arguments(...)
- local arguments = environment.arguments_after
- local passedon = { ... }
- for i=#passedon,1,-1 do
- local pi = passedon[i]
- if pi then
- table.insert(arguments,1,pi)
- end
- end
-function runners.execute_ctx_script(filename,...)
- runners.register_arguments(...)
- local arguments = environment.arguments_after
- local fullname = runners.find_mtx_script(filename) or ""
- if file.suffix(fullname) == "cld" then
- -- handy in editors where we force --autopdf
- report("running cld script: %s",filename)
- table.insert(arguments,1,fullname)
- table.insert(arguments,"--autopdf")
- fullname = runners.find_mtx_script("context") or ""
- end
- -- retry after generate but only if --autogenerate
- if fullname == "" and environment.argument("autogenerate") then -- might become the default
- instance.renewcache = true
- trackers.enable("resolvers.locating")
- resolvers.load()
- --
- fullname = runners.find_mtx_script(filename) or ""
- end
- -- that should do it
- if fullname ~= "" then
- local state = runners.prepare()
- if state == 'error' then
- return false
- elseif state == 'skip' then
- return true
- elseif state == "run" then
- -- load and save ... kind of undocumented
- arg = { } for _,v in pairs(arguments) do arg[#arg+1] = resolvers.resolve(v) end
- environment.initializearguments(arg)
- local loadname = environment.arguments['load']
- if loadname then
- if type(loadname) ~= "string" then loadname = file.basename(fullname) end
- loadname = file.replacesuffix(loadname,"cfg")
- runners.load_script_session(loadname)
- end
- filename = environment.files[1]
- if e_verbose then
- report("using script: %s\n",fullname)
- end
- environment.ownscript = fullname
- dofile(fullname)
- local savename = environment.arguments['save']
- if savename then
- local save_list = runners.save_list
- if save_list and next(save_list) then
- if type(savename) ~= "string" then savename = file.basename(fullname) end
- savename = file.replacesuffix(savename,"cfg")
- runners.save_script_session(savename,save_list)
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- else
- if filename == "" or filename == "help" then
- local context = resolvers.findfile("mtx-context.lua")
- trackers.enable("resolvers.locating")
- if context ~= "" then
- local result = dir.glob((gsub(context,"mtx%-context","mtx-*"))) -- () needed
- local valid = { }
- table.sort(result)
- for i=1,#result do
- local scriptname = result[i]
- local scriptbase = match(scriptname,".*mtx%-([^%-]-)%.lua")
- if scriptbase then
- local data = io.loaddata(scriptname)
- local banner, version = match(data,"[\n\r]logs%.extendbanner%s*%(%s*[\"\']([^\n\r]+)%s*(%d+%.%d+)")
- if banner then
- valid[#valid+1] = { scriptbase, version, banner }
- end
- end
- end
- if #valid > 0 then
- application.identify()
- report("no script name given, known scripts:")
- report()
- for k=1,#valid do
- local v = valid[k]
- report("%-12s %4s %s",v[1],v[2],v[3])
- end
- end
- else
- report("no script name given")
- end
- else
- filename = file.addsuffix(filename,"lua")
- if file.is_qualified_path(filename) then
- report("unknown script '%s'",filename)
- else
- report("unknown script '%s' or 'mtx-%s'",filename,filename)
- end
- end
- return false
- end
-function runners.prefixes()
- application.identify()
- report()
- report(concat(resolvers.allprefixes(true)," "))
-function runners.timedrun(filename) -- just for me
- if filename and filename ~= "" then
- runners.timed(function() os.execute(filename) end)
- end
-function runners.timed(action)
- statistics.timed(action)
-function runners.associate(filename)
- os.launch(filename)
-function runners.gethelp(filename)
- local url = environment.argument("url")
- if url and url ~= "" then
- local command = string.gsub(environment.argument("command") or "unknown","^%s*\\*(.-)%s*$","%1")
- url = utilities.templates.replace(url,{ command = command })
- os.launch(url)
- else
- report("no --url given")
- end
--- this is a bit dirty ... first we store the first filename and next we
--- split the arguments so that we only see the ones meant for this script
--- ... later we will use the second half
-local filename = environment.files[1] or ""
-local ok = true
-local before, after = environment.splitarguments(filename)
-environment.arguments_before, environment.arguments_after = before, after
-instance.lsrmode = environment.argument("lsr") or false
--- maybe the unset has to go to this level
-local is_mkii_stub = runners.registered[file.removesuffix(file.basename(filename))]
-local e_argument = environment.argument
-if e_argument("usekpse") or e_argument("forcekpse") or is_mkii_stub then
- resolvers.load_tree(e_argument('tree'),true) -- force resolve of TEXMFCNF
- os.setenv("engine","")
- os.setenv("progname","")
- local remapper = {
- otf = "opentype fonts",
- ttf = "truetype fonts",
- ttc = "truetype fonts",
- pfb = "type1 fonts",
- other = "other text files",
- }
- local progname = e_argument("progname") or 'context'
- local function kpse_initialized()
- texconfig.kpse_init = true
- local t = os.clock()
- local k ="luatex",progname)
- local dummy = k:find_file("mtxrun.lua") -- so that we're initialized
- report("kpse fallback with progname '%s' initialized in %s seconds",progname,os.clock()-t)
- kpse_initialized = function() return k end
- return k
- end
- local findfile = resolvers.findfile
- local showpath = resolvers.showpath
- if e_argument("forcekpse") then
- function resolvers.findfile(name,kind)
- return (kpse_initialized():find_file(resolvers.cleanpath(name),(kind ~= "" and (remapper[kind] or kind)) or "tex") or "") or ""
- end
- function resolvers.showpath(name)
- return (kpse_initialized():show_path(name)) or ""
- end
- elseif e_argument("usekpse") or is_mkii_stub then
- resolvers.load()
- function resolvers.findfile(name,kind)
- local found = findfile(name,kind) or ""
- if found ~= "" then
- return found
- else
- return (kpse_initialized():find_file(resolvers.cleanpath(name),(kind ~= "" and (remapper[kind] or kind)) or "tex") or "") or ""
- end
- end
- function resolvers.showpath(name)
- local found = showpath(name) or ""
- if found ~= "" then
- return found
- else
- return (kpse_initialized():show_path(name)) or ""
- end
- end
- end
- function runners.loadbase()
- end
- function runners.loadbase(...)
- if not resolvers.load(...) then
- report("forcing cache reload")
- instance.renewcache = true
- trackers.enable("resolvers.locating")
- if not resolvers.load(...) then
- report("the resolver databases are not present or outdated")
- end
- end
- end
- resolvers.load_tree(e_argument('tree'),e_argument("resolve"))
-if e_argument("script") or e_argument("scripts") then
- -- run a script by loading it (using libs), pass args
- runners.loadbase()
- if is_mkii_stub then
- ok = runners.execute_script(filename,false,true)
- else
- ok = runners.execute_ctx_script(filename)
- end
-elseif e_argument("selfmerge") then
- -- embed used libraries
- runners.loadbase()
- local found = locate_libs()
- if found then
- utilities.merger.selfmerge(,own.libs,{ found })
- end
-elseif e_argument("selfclean") then
- -- remove embedded libraries
- runners.loadbase()
- utilities.merger.selfclean(
-elseif e_argument("selfupdate") then
- runners.loadbase()
- trackers.enable("resolvers.locating")
- resolvers.updatescript(,"mtxrun")
-elseif e_argument("ctxlua") or e_argument("internal") then
- -- run a script by loading it (using libs)
- runners.loadbase()
- ok = runners.execute_script(filename,true)
-elseif e_argument("execute") then
- -- execute script
- runners.loadbase()
- ok = runners.execute_script(filename)
-elseif e_argument("direct") then
- -- equals bin:
- runners.loadbase()
- ok = runners.execute_program(filename)
-elseif e_argument("edit") then
- -- edit file
- runners.loadbase()
- runners.edit_script(filename)
-elseif e_argument("launch") then
- runners.loadbase()
- runners.launch_file(filename)
-elseif e_argument("associate") then
- runners.associate(filename)
-elseif e_argument("gethelp") then
- runners.gethelp()
-elseif e_argument("makestubs") then
- -- make stubs (depricated)
- runners.handle_stubs(true)
-elseif e_argument("removestubs") then
- -- remove stub (depricated)
- runners.loadbase()
- runners.handle_stubs(false)
-elseif e_argument("resolve") then
- -- resolve string
- runners.loadbase()
- runners.resolve_string(filename)
-elseif e_argument("locate") then
- -- locate file (only database)
- runners.loadbase()
- runners.locate_file(filename)
-elseif e_argument("platform") or e_argument("show-platform") then
- -- locate platform
- runners.loadbase()
- runners.locate_platform()
-elseif e_argument("prefixes") then
- runners.loadbase()
- runners.prefixes()
-elseif e_argument("timedrun") then
- -- locate platform
- runners.loadbase()
- runners.timedrun(filename)
-elseif e_argument("variables") or e_argument("show-variables") or e_argument("expansions") or e_argument("show-expansions") then
- -- luatools: runners.execute_ctx_script("mtx-base","--expansions",filename)
- resolvers.load("nofiles")
- resolvers.listers.variables(e_argument("pattern"))
-elseif e_argument("configurations") or e_argument("show-configurations") then
- -- luatools: runners.execute_ctx_script("mtx-base","--configurations",filename)
- resolvers.load("nofiles")
- resolvers.listers.configurations()
-elseif e_argument("find-file") then
- -- luatools: runners.execute_ctx_script("mtx-base","--find-file",filename)
- resolvers.load()
- local e_all = e_argument("all")
- local e_pattern = e_argument("pattern")
- local e_format = e_argument("format")
- local finder = e_all and resolvers.findfiles or resolvers.findfile
- if not e_pattern then
- runners.register_arguments(filename)
- environment.initializearguments(environment.arguments_after)
- resolvers.dowithfilesandreport(finder,environment.files,e_format)
- elseif type(e_pattern) == "string" then
- resolvers.dowithfilesandreport(finder,{ e_pattern },e_format)
- end
-elseif e_argument("find-path") then
- -- luatools: runners.execute_ctx_script("mtx-base","--find-path",filename)
- resolvers.load()
- local path = resolvers.findpath(filename, instance.my_format)
- if e_verbose then
- report(path)
- else
- print(path)
- end
-elseif e_argument("expand-braces") then
- -- luatools: runners.execute_ctx_script("mtx-base","--expand-braces",filename)
- resolvers.load("nofiles")
- runners.register_arguments(filename)
- environment.initializearguments(environment.arguments_after)
- resolvers.dowithfilesandreport(resolvers.expandbraces, environment.files)
-elseif e_argument("expand-path") then
- -- luatools: runners.execute_ctx_script("mtx-base","--expand-path",filename)
- resolvers.load("nofiles")
- runners.register_arguments(filename)
- environment.initializearguments(environment.arguments_after)
- resolvers.dowithfilesandreport(resolvers.expandpath, environment.files)
-elseif e_argument("expand-var") or e_argument("expand-variable") then
- -- luatools: runners.execute_ctx_script("mtx-base","--expand-var",filename)
- resolvers.load("nofiles")
- runners.register_arguments(filename)
- environment.initializearguments(environment.arguments_after)
- resolvers.dowithfilesandreport(resolvers.expansion, environment.files)
-elseif e_argument("show-path") or e_argument("path-value") then
- -- luatools: runners.execute_ctx_script("mtx-base","--show-path",filename)
- resolvers.load("nofiles")
- runners.register_arguments(filename)
- environment.initializearguments(environment.arguments_after)
- resolvers.dowithfilesandreport(resolvers.showpath, environment.files)
-elseif e_argument("var-value") or e_argument("show-value") then
- -- luatools: runners.execute_ctx_script("mtx-base","--show-value",filename)
- resolvers.load("nofiles")
- runners.register_arguments(filename)
- environment.initializearguments(environment.arguments_after)
- resolvers.dowithfilesandreport(resolvers.variable,environment.files)
-elseif e_argument("format-path") then
- -- luatools: runners.execute_ctx_script("mtx-base","--format-path",filename)
- resolvers.load()
- report(caches.getwritablepath("format"))
-elseif e_argument("pattern") then
- -- luatools
- runners.execute_ctx_script("mtx-base","--pattern='" .. e_argument("pattern") .. "'",filename)
-elseif e_argument("generate") then
- -- luatools
- if filename and filename ~= "" then
- resolvers.load("nofiles")
- trackers.enable("resolvers.locating")
- resolvers.renew(filename)
- else
- instance.renewcache = true
- trackers.enable("resolvers.locating")
- resolvers.load()
- end
- e_verbose = true
-elseif e_argument("make") or e_argument("ini") or e_argument("compile") then
- -- luatools: runners.execute_ctx_script("mtx-base","--make",filename)
- resolvers.load()
- trackers.enable("resolvers.locating")
- environment.make_format(filename)
-elseif e_argument("run") then
- -- luatools
- runners.execute_ctx_script("mtx-base","--run",filename)
-elseif e_argument("fmt") then
- -- luatools
- runners.execute_ctx_script("mtx-base","--fmt",filename)
-elseif e_argument("help") and filename=='base' then
- -- luatools
- runners.execute_ctx_script("mtx-base","--help")
-elseif e_argument("version") then
- application.version()
-elseif e_argument("directives") then
-elseif e_argument("trackers") then
-elseif e_argument("experiments") then
-elseif e_argument("exporthelp") then
- runners.loadbase()
- application.export(e_argument("exporthelp"),filename)
-elseif e_argument("help") or filename=='help' or filename == "" then
-elseif find(filename,"^bin:") then
- runners.loadbase()
- ok = runners.execute_program(filename)
-elseif is_mkii_stub then
- -- execute mkii script
- runners.loadbase()
- ok = runners.execute_script(filename,false,true)
-elseif false then
- runners.loadbase()
- ok = runners.execute_ctx_script(filename)
- if not ok then
- ok = runners.execute_script(filename)
- end
-elseif environment.files[1] == 'texmfcnf.lua' then -- so that we don't need to load mtx-base
- resolvers.load("nofiles")
- resolvers.listers.configurations()
- runners.loadbase()
- runners.execute_ctx_script("mtx-base",filename)
-if e_verbose then
- report()
- report("runtime: %0.3f seconds",os.runtime())
-if os.type ~= "windows" then
- texio.write("\n") -- is this still valid?
-if ok == false then ok = 1 elseif ok == true then ok = 0 end
-os.exit(ok,true) -- true forces a cleanup in 5.2+
+../../texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/unix/mtxrun \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/pstopdf b/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/pstopdf
index 116f5f4a32e..44478ee1dd4 100755..120000
--- a/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/pstopdf
+++ b/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/pstopdf
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-mtxrun --script pstopdf "$@"
+../../texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/unix/pstopdf \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/texexec b/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/texexec
index cd5900ff84c..36d22caefe7 100755..120000
--- a/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/texexec
+++ b/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/texexec
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-mtxrun --usekpse --execute texexec "$@"
+../../texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/unix/texexec \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/texmfstart b/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/texmfstart
index 1799b357915..ab85b2eb3d4 100755..120000
--- a/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/texmfstart
+++ b/Master/bin/mipsel-linux/texmfstart
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-mtxrun --usekpse "$@"
+../../texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/unix/texmfstart \ No newline at end of file