path: root/Master/bin/i386-linux/mkjobtexmf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/bin/i386-linux/mkjobtexmf')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 799 deletions
diff --git a/Master/bin/i386-linux/mkjobtexmf b/Master/bin/i386-linux/mkjobtexmf
deleted file mode 100755
index 27f94a5a375..00000000000
--- a/Master/bin/i386-linux/mkjobtexmf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,799 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# ToDos/unsolved problems:
-# * collision of symbol links
-# * texmf.cnf (path settings, variables)
-# * aliases
-# * binaries, libraries
-use strict;
-my $prj = 'mkjobtexmf';
-my $version = '0.5';
-my $date = '2007/09/06';
-my $author = 'Heiko Oberdiek';
-my $copyright = "Copyright 2007 $author";
-my $cmd_tex = 'pdflatex';
-my $cmd_kpsewhich = 'kpsewhich';
-my $cmd_texhash = 'texhash';
-my $cmd_strace = 'strace';
-my $ext_tex = '.tex';
-my $ext_recorder = '.fls';
-my $ext_strace = '.strace';
-my $ext_mkjobtexmf = '.mjt';
-my $jobname = '';
-my $texname = '';
-my $destdir = '';
-my @args = ();
-my @texopt = ();
-my $verbose = 0;
-my $output = 0;
-my $strace = 0;
-my $copy = 0;
-my $flat = 0;
-my $needs_texhash = 0;
-my @texmf;
-my %files;
-my %links;
-my %flat_ignore = (
- 'ls-R' => '',
- 'aliases' => '',
-my $title = "\U$prj\E $date v$version, $copyright\n";
-print $title;
-sub die_error ($) {
- my $msg = shift;
- die "!!! Error: $msg!\n";
-sub warning ($) {
- my $msg = shift;
- print "!!! Warning: $msg!\n";
-sub verbose (@) {
- my @msg = @_;
- print "* @msg\n" if $verbose;
-sub value ($) {
- my $value = $_[0];
- "[$value]";
-sub die_usage {
- my $msg = $_[0];
- pod2usage(
- -exitstatus => 2,
- -msg => "\n==> $msg!\n");
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Pod::Usage;
-my $man = 0;
-my $help = 0;
- 'jobname=s' => \$jobname,
- 'texname=s' => \$texname,
- 'texopt=s' => \@texopt,
- 'destdir=s' => \$destdir,
- 'cmd-tex=s' => \$cmd_tex,
- 'cmd-kpsewhich=s' => \$cmd_kpsewhich,
- 'cmd-texhash=s' => \$cmd_texhash,
- 'strace' => \$strace,
- 'copy' => \$copy,
- 'flat' => \$flat,
- 'verbose' => \$verbose,
- 'output' => \$output,
- 'help|?' => \$help,
- 'man' => \$man,
-) or die_usage('Unknown option');
-pod2usage(1) if $help;
-pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
-if (@ARGV > 0) {
- $strace = 1;
- $texname = '';
- my @args = @ARGV;
-$jobname or die_usage('Missing jobname');
-$texname = "$jobname$ext_tex" unless $texname;
-$destdir = "$jobname$ext_mkjobtexmf" unless $destdir;
-verbose "jobname: " . value $jobname;
-verbose "texname: " . value $texname if $texname;
-verbose "command: " . value "@args" if @args;
-verbose "destdir: " . value $destdir;
-if (!$copy) {
- my $symlink_exists = eval { symlink('', ''); 1 };
- if ($symlink_exists) {
- verbose "symbolic linking: supported";
- }
- else {
- $copy = 1;
- verbose "symbolic linking: unsupported";
- }
-my $umask = umask;
-if (defined($umask)) {
- verbose "umask: " . sprintf("%04o", $umask);
-else {
- $umask = 0;
- verbose "umask: unsupported";
-if ($copy) {
- use File::Copy;
-if ($flat) {
- use File::Basename;
-sub check_child_error () {
- if ($? != 0) {
- if ($? == -1) {
- die_error "Failed to execute: $!";
- }
- elsif ($? & 127) {
- die_error sprintf "Child died with signal %d, %s coredump",
- ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
- }
- else {
- die_error sprintf "Child exited with value %d", $? >> 8;
- }
- }
- verbose "child exit: ok";
-sub run_generic (@) {
- my @args = @_;
- my $cmd = $_[0];
- verbose "exec: " . value "@args";
- print '>' x 79, "\n";
- system $cmd @args;
- print '<' x 79, "\n";
- check_child_error;
-sub run_tex {
- if ($strace) {
- my @run_args;
- if (@args) {
- @run_args = @args;
- }
- else {
- @run_args = (
- $cmd_tex,
- '-interaction=nonstopmode',
- @texopt,
- $texname
- );
- }
- run_generic(
- $cmd_strace,
- '-f',
- '-e',
- 'trace=open,access', # trace=file
- '-o',
- "$jobname$ext_strace",
- @run_args
- )
- }
- else {
- run_generic(
- $cmd_tex,
- '-recorder',
- "-jobname=$jobname",
- '-interaction=nonstopmode',
- @texopt,
- $texname
- );
- }
-sub run_texhash {
- return if $flat;
- if ($needs_texhash) {
- run_generic(
- $cmd_texhash,
- "$destdir/texmf"
- );
- }
- else {
- verbose("texhash run skipped, no files added");
- }
-use Cwd 'abs_path', 'getcwd';
-sub get_texmf_trees () {
- return if $flat;
- my $cmdline = "$cmd_kpsewhich -expand-path='\$TEXMF'";
- verbose "exec: " . value($cmdline);
- my $str = `$cmdline`;
- check_child_error;
- chomp $str;
- @texmf = split ':', $str;
- my %texmf;
- foreach my $texmf (@texmf) {
- $texmf{$texmf} = '';
- $texmf{abs_path($texmf)} = '';
- }
- @texmf = sort keys %texmf;
- if ($verbose) {
- if (@texmf) {
- map { verbose 'texmf: ' . value($_) } @texmf;
- }
- else {
- verbose 'texmf: none';
- }
- }
-sub analyze_recorder {
- my $pwd = getcwd;
- verbose "pwd: " . value($pwd);
- my $file_rec = $jobname . ($strace ? $ext_strace : $ext_recorder);
- verbose 'File with recorded file names: ' . value($file_rec);
- open(IN, '<', $file_rec)
- or die_error "Cannot open `$file_rec'";
- if ($strace) {
- while (<IN>) {
- chomp;
- next if /\)\s+= -\d/; # -1 ENOENT, ...
- next if /\WO_DIRECTORY\W/; # skip directories
- my $type = 'INPUT';
- if ($output) {
- $type = 'OUTPUT' if /\WO_WRONLY\W/;
- }
- else {
- next if /\WO_WRONLY\W/;
- }
- /^\d+\s+\w+\(\"([^"]+)\",/ or warning "Unknown entry `$_'";
- my $file = $1;
- $files{$file} = '';
- }
- }
- else {
- while (<IN>) {
- chomp;
- next if /^PWD /;
- next if not $output and /^OUTPUT /;
- /^(INPUT|OUTPUT) (.*)$/ or warning "Unknown entry `$_'";
- my $type = $1;
- my $file = $2;
- $files{$file} = '';
- }
- }
- close(IN);
-sub map_files {
- if ($flat) {
- map_files_flat();
- }
- else {
- map_files_texmf();
- }
-sub map_files_flat {
- my %abs_files;
- my %names;
- my %clashes;
- foreach my $file (keys %files) {
- $abs_files{abs_path($file)} = '';
- }
- foreach my $file (keys %abs_files) {
- my $name = basename($file);
- next if exists $flat_ignore{$name};
- if (defined($names{$name})) {
- push @{$names{$name}}, $file;
- $clashes{$name} = '';
- }
- else {
- my @a = ($file);
- $names{$name} = \@a;
- }
- }
- foreach my $name (sort keys %clashes) {
- print "* file name clash for " . value($name) . "\n";
- my @a = @{$names{$name}};
- foreach my $file (@a) {
- print " " . value($file) . "\n";
- }
- }
- foreach my $name (sort keys %names) {
- my $file = @{$names{$name}}[0];
- my $clash = $clashes{$name} ? ' (clash)' : '';
- verbose value($name) . ' => ' . value($file) . $clash;
- $links{$name} = $file;
- }
-sub map_files_texmf {
- my @failed;
- foreach my $file (sort keys %files) {
- verbose "file: " . value($file);
- my $abs_file = abs_path($file);
- my $found = '';
- foreach (@texmf) {
- my $texmf = "$_/";
- my $len = length($texmf);
- my $str = substr $file, 0, $len;
- if ($texmf eq $str) {
- $found = 'texmf/' . substr $file, $len;
- if ($found =~ /(^|\/)\.\.\//) {
- $found = '';
- }
- }
- last if $found;
- my $str = substr $abs_file, 0, $len;
- if ($texmf eq $str) {
- $found = 'texmf/' . substr $abs_file, $len;
- last;
- }
- }
- if (not($found)) {
- if ($file =~ /(^|\/)\.\.\// or $file =~ /^\//) {
- push @failed, $file;
- }
- else {
- $found = $file;
- }
- }
- if ($found) {
- $links{$found} = abs_path($file);
- }
- }
- if ($verbose) {
- foreach (sort keys %links) {
- verbose value($_) . ' => ' . value($links{$_});
- }
- }
- foreach (@failed) {
- print "!!! Failed: " . value($_) . "\n";
- }
-sub make_dirs ($) {
- my $path = shift;
- my @elems = split /\/+/, $path;
- if (@elems <= 1) {
- return;
- }
- pop @elems;
- my $dir = '';
- foreach my $elem (@elems) {
- $dir .= '/' if $dir;
- $dir .= $elem;
- next if -d $dir;
- verbose 'mkdir: ' . value($dir);
- mkdir $dir or die_error "Cannot make directory `$dir'";
- }
-sub make_links {
- foreach my $key (sort keys %links) {
- my $source = $links{$key};
- my $dest = "$destdir/$key";
- make_dirs $dest;
- if (-e $dest) {
- my $type = '';
- if (-l $dest) {
- $type .= 'link';
- }
- elsif (-f $dest) {
- $type = 'file';
- }
- elsif (-d $dest) {
- $type = 'directory';
- }
- elsif (-b $dest) {
- $type = 'block device';
- }
- elsif (-c $dest) {
- $type = 'character device';
- }
- elsif (-p $dest) {
- $type = 'pipe';
- }
- elsif (-S $dest) {
- $type = 'socket';
- }
- elsif (-t $dest) {
- $type = 'tty';
- }
- $type = " ($type)" if $type;
- verbose "destination$type exists: " . value($dest);
- next;
- }
- $needs_texhash = 1;
- do_link_copy($source, $dest);
- }
-sub do_link_copy {
- my $source = shift;
- my $dest = shift;
- my $success = 0;
- if ($copy) {
- if (copy($source, $dest) == 1) {
- $success = 1;
- my ($source_mode, $source_atime, $source_mtime)
- = (stat($source))[2, 8, 9];
- my ($dest_mode, $dest_atime, $dest_mtime)
- = (stat($dest))[2, 8, 9];
- # preserve executable permissions if necessary
- my $new_dest_mode = $dest_mode
- | (($source_mode & 0111) & ~$umask);
- if ($new_dest_mode != $dest_mode) {
- if (chmod($new_dest_mode, $dest) < 1) {
- print "!!! Setting executive mode failed: "
- . value($dest) . "\n";
- }
- }
- # preserve file times
- if ($source_atime != $dest_atime
- || $source_mtime != $dest_mtime) {
- if (utime($source_atime, $source_mtime, $dest) < 1) {
- print "!!! Setting file times failed: "
- . value($dest) . "\n";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if (symlink($source, $dest) == 1) {
- $success = 1;
- }
- }
- if ($success == 0) {
- my $method = $copy ? 'Copying' : 'Symbolic linking';
- print "!!! $method failed:\n "
- . value($dest) . ' => ' . value($source) . "\n";
- }
-=head1 NAME
-mkjobtexmf -- Generate a texmf tree for a particular job
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-The progam B<mkjobtexmf> runs a program and tries to
-find the used file names. Two methods are available,
-option C<-recorder> of TeX (Web2C) or the program B<strace>.
-Then it generates a directory with a texmf tree. It checks
-the found files and tries sort them in this texmf tree.
-It can be used for archiving purposes or to speed up
-following TeX runs.
- mkjobtexmf [options]
-This runs TeX that can be configured by options.
-Both methods for getting the used file names are available.
- mkjobtexmf [options] -- <cmd> [args]
-The latter form runs program I<cmd> with arguments I<args>
-instead of TeX. As method only program B<strace> is available.
- --jobname <name> Name of the job (mandatory).
- Usually this is the TeX file
- without extension
- --texname <file> Input file for TeX. Default is the
- job name with extension '.tex'
- --texopt <option> Option for TeX run
- --destdir <directory> Destination directory,
- default is `<jobname>.mjt'
- --output Add also output files
- --strace Use strace instead of TeX's
- option -recorder
- --copy Copy files instead of creating
- symbol links
- --flat Junk paths, do not make directories
- inside the destination directory
- --cmd-tex <cmd> Command for the TeX compiler
- --cmd-kpsewhich <cmd> Command for kpsewhich
- --cmd-texhash <cmd> Command for texhash
- --cmd-strace <cmd> Command for strace
- --verbose Verbose output
- --help Brief help message
- --man Full documentation
-=head2 Running the program
-First B<mkjobtexmf> runs a program, usually TeX. The TeX compiler
-is configured by option B<--cmd-tex>. Option B<--texname> can
-be used, if the file name extension differs from F<.tex>:
- mkjobtexmf --jobname foo --texname foo.ltx
-Even more complicate cases are possible:
- mkjobtexmf --jobname foo --texname '\def\abc{...}\input{foo}'
-If another program than TeX should be used (dvips, ...),
-then this program can be given after C<-->:
- mkjobtexmf --jobname foo -- dvips foo
-=head2 File recording
-Two methods are available to get the used file names:
-=item Recorder of TeX
-Some TeX distributions (e.g. Web2C) support the option B<-recorder>
-for its TeX compilers. Then the TeX compiler generates a file with
-extension F<.fls> that records the used input and output files.
-=item Program strace
-This program traces system calls and signals. It is used here
-to log the used files.
-=head2 Analyze and link/copy found files
-The result directory F<I<jobname>.mjt> is generated. Inside the
-result TEXMF tree is created. Each found file is compared against
-a list of paths of TEXMF trees. If a match is found, the file is
-linked/copied into the TEXMF tree. The list of paths is generated by
-program B<kpsewhich>.
-If the file cannot be mapped to a TEXMF tree and the file is
-a relative file name, then it is directly linked/copied into the
-result directory F<I<jobname>.mjt>. Absolute file names
-are not supported and neither paths with links to parent directories.
-Symbolic links are created by default. The files are copied
-if option --copy is given or symbolic linking is not available.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=item B<--jobname>=I<jobname>
-It is the name of the job. `<jobname>.tex' serves as default for
-the TeX file and <jobname> is used for naming various directories
-and files. See section L</FILES>.
-=item B<--texname>=I<name>
-The name of the TeX input file, if it differs from <jobname>.tex.
-=item B<--texopt>=I<opt>
-Additional option for the TeX compiler, examples are --ini or
---shell-escape. This option can be given more than once.
-=item B<--destdir>=I<directory>
-Specifies the name of the destination directory where the result
-is collected. As default a directory is generated in the current
-directory with the job name and extension `.mjt'.
-=item B<--output>
-Also add output files.
-=item B<--strace>
-Use method with program B<strace>, see L<"DESCRIPTION">.
-=item B<--copy>
-Files are copied instead of creating symbolic links.
-=item B<--flat>
-Files are linked or copied without path elements.
-The destination directory will contain a flat list of
-files or links without directory.
-The files `ls-R' and `aliases' are ignored.
-=item B<--cmd-tex>=I<cmd>
-Command for the TeX compiler. Default is pdflatex.
-=item B<--cmd-kpsewhich>=I<cmd>
-Command for kpsewhich.
-=item B<--cmd-texhash>=I<cmd>
-Command for updating the file name database of the generated
-texmf tree. Default is texmf.
-=item B<--cmd-strace>=I<cmd>
-Command for strace.
-=item B<--verbose>
-Verbose messages.
-=item B<--help>
-Display help screen.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-TeX file F<test.tex> using TeX's recorder method:
- mkjobtexmf --jobname test
-TeX file F<test.tex> using LaTeX:
- mkjobtexmf --jobname test --cmd-tex latex
-Format generation:
- mkjobtexmf --jobname test --texopt -ini --texname pdflatex.ini
-Example, how the new texmf tree (Linux/bash) can be used:
- TEXMF=!!test.mjt/texmf pdflatex test
-Example for generating a zip archive (Linux/bash):
- (cd test.mjt && zip -9r ../test .)
-Example for generating a tar archive:
- tar cjhvf test.tar.bz2 -C test.mjt .
-=item Experimental software
-Options, defaults, how the program works might change in
-future versions.
-=item F<texmf.cnf>
-Currently the method with B<strace> records this files.
-TeX's recorder does not. Useful are F<texmf.cnf> files for
-variable settings. Because we have just one TEXMF tree,
-the path sections should probably rewritten.
-=item Settings in environment variables
-They are not stored at all.
-=item Collisions
-The program uses one destination directory and at most
-one TEXMF tree for the result. However, the source files
-can come from different directories and TEXMF trees.
-Therefore name collisions are possible.
-The program follows the strategy not to delete files
-in the destination directory. That allows to collect files
-from differnt runs. Thus collisions are resolved
-in the manner that the first entry that is made in
-the destination directory wins.
-=item Configuration file
-It would save the user from retyping the same options again and again.
-=item Uncomplete recording
-Bugs in TeX's file recording might result in incomplete
-file recording (e.g. pdfTeX 1.40.3 does not record .pfb and files).
-=item ...
-=head1 FILES
-=item F<E<lt>jobnameE<gt>.mjt/>
-Directory where the resulting texmf tree and symbol links
-are stored. It can be changed by option --destdir.
-=item F<E<lt>jobnameE<gt>.fls>
-Name of TeX's recorder file.
-=item F<E<lt>jobnameE<gt>.strace>
-Log file where the result of B<strace> is stored.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Heiko Oberdiek, email: oberdiek at
-Copyright 2007 by Heiko Oberdiek.
-This library is free software; you may redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the same terms as Perl itself
-(Perl Artistic License/GNU General Public License, version 2).
-=head1 HISTORY
-=item 2007/04/16 v0.1
-* First experimental version.
-=item 2007/05/09 v0.2
-* Typo in option name fixed.
-=item 2007/09/03 v0.3
-* New options: --copy, --flat, --destdir
-=item 2007/09/04 v0.4
-* Bug fix in map_files_texmf.
-=item 2007/09/06 v0.5
-* Support for `configure' added.
- (Thanks to Norbert Preining for writing a first version of
- the configure stuff.)