path: root/Master/Tools/tpm-ctan-check
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/Tools/tpm-ctan-check')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/Master/Tools/tpm-ctan-check b/Master/Tools/tpm-ctan-check
deleted file mode 100755
index dba82d98ab0..00000000000
--- a/Master/Tools/tpm-ctan-check
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-# $Author: karl $ $Date: 2005/10/30 $ $Id: //depot/Master/Tools/tpm-ctan-check#158 $
-# Public domain. Originally written 2005, Karl Berry.
-# Check if a package in TL has any changes on CTAN. Just the beginnings.
-$CTAN = $ENV{"CTAN"} || "/home/ftp/tex-archive";
-chomp (my $mydir = `dirname $0`);
-chomp ($TL = `cd $mydir/..; pwd`);
-chdir ($TL) || die "chdir($TL) failed: $!";
-exit (&main ());
-sub main
- $OPT{"verbose"} = 1;
- # xx read FILES.last7days, determine CTAN changes, map to TL packages
- # xx alternatively, check all tpm's
- if ($ARGV[0] eq "--karl") {
- $OPT{"verbose"} = 0;
- # xx but for now, just check the few packages we have worked with.
- @ARGV = (
- "12many", "ESIEEcv", "GuIT", "HA-prosper", "IEEEconf", "IEEEtran",
- "SIstyle", "SIunits", "Tabbing", "Type1fonts",
- "a0poster", "aastex", "abbr", "abstract",
-#"abstyles", not updated, but too old to matter
- "accfonts", "acronym", "algorithm2e", "algorithms", "apacite",
- "archaic", "arev",
- "babel", "babelbib", "beebe", "betababel", "bibhtml", "bibleref",
- "blacklettert1", "booklet", "breakurl", "bytefield" ,
- "caption", "carlisle", "cbcoptic", "changebar", "chemcompounds",
- "circ", "cjhebrew", "colortbl", "commath", "complexity",
- "comprehensive", "computational-complexity", "csquotes", "curve",
- "datetime", "devanagr", "dk-bib", "doipubmed", "dottex", "dtxtut",
- "ednotes", "elpres", "endheads", "enumitem", "etaremune", "esint",
- "esint-type1", "ethiop", "europecv", "exteps",
- "featpost", "flagderiv", "floatflt", "floatrow", "flowfram",
- "fltpoint", "fmtcount", "fncychap", "fontspec", "formular",
- "fourier",
- "genmisc", "glossary", "gost", "graphics", "graphicx-psmin",
- "hyphen-base", "hyphen-basque", "hyphen-german", "hyphen-greek",
- "hyphen-norwegian", "hyphen-ukenglish", "hyphen-usorbian",
- "ibygrk", "iopart-num",
- "koma-script",
- "ledmac", "lfb", "lineno",
- "lshort-bulgarian", "lshort-dutch", "lshort-english",
- "lshort-finnish", "lshort-french", "lshort-german",
- "lshort-italian", "lshort-japanese", "lshort-korean",
- "lshort-mongolian", "lshort-polish", "lshort-portuguese",
-#"lshort-russian", # only zip files on CTAN
- "lshort-slovak", "lshort-spanish",
- "lshort-thai", "lshort-ukrainian", "lshort-vietnamese",
- "ltabptch", "ltxmisc",
-#"malayalam", # missing C sources on CTAN, wrote author 5jun05.
-#"mathspic", # inside pictex, later
- "makecell", "makeplot", "mathmode", "mcaption", "memoir",
- "mhchem", "minitoc", "microtype", "mla-paper", "movie15",
-#"mpattern", # not up-to-date on CTAN, wrote author 28may05.
- "nag", "ncclatex", "ncctools", "newlfm", "nomencl", "nomentbl",
- "numprint",
- "oberdiek", "octavo",
- "pdf-trans", "pdfcprot", "perception", "perltex", "pgf",
- "pictex", "placeins",
- "plnfss", "poemscol", "powerdot", "powerdot-doc-vn",
- "ppr-prv", "preview", "proof", "pstricks", "pstricks-add",
- "pst-3d", "pst-barcode", "pst-blur", "pst-eucl",
- "pst-labo", "pst-lens", "pst-osci", "pst-slpe",
- "sciposter", "sectionbox", "seminar", "semioneside", "setspace",
- "sf298", "sides", "sparklines", "sttools", "struktex",
- "subfig", "sudoku", "svninfo",
- "tabulary", "talk", "tamethebeast", "tex-refs", "texshade",
- "textcase", "textpos", "thumbpdf", "bin-thumbpdf",
- "titlesec", "tokenizer", "totpages", "trajan", "twoup",
- "verse", "vhistory", "volumes",
- "wrapfig",
- "xcolor", "xkeyval"
- );
- }
- my $errcount = 0;
- for my $tpm (@ARGV) {
- # look in our various hierarchies.
- my $found = "";
- for my $dir ("texmf-dist", "texmf-doc", "texmf") {
- my $try = "$dir/tpm/$tpm.tpm";
- if (-r $try) {
- $found = $try;
- last;
- }
- }
- if ($found) {
- print "checking $tpm..." if $OPT{"verbose"};
- $errcount += &do_tpm ($found);
- } else {
- warn "$0: cannot find tpm file $tpm\n";
- $errcount++;
- }
- }
- return $errcount;
-# Return 1 if TPM needs updating, 0 if ok.
-sub do_tpm
- my ($tpm) = @_;
- my $needed = 0;
- my %tpm = &read_tpm ($tpm);
- my @compared = ();
- for my $file (@{$tpm{"files"}}) {
- my $tl_file = "$TL/$file";
- if (! -e $tl_file) {
- warn "$tl_file: TL file missing\n";
- next;
- }
- (my $basefile = $file) =~ s,^.*/,,;
- chomp (my @ctan_files = `find $CTAN/$tpm{CTANDir}/ -name $basefile`);
- # the trailing / is so if we happen to hit a symlink on CTAN, it'll
- # go through.
- next if @ctan_files > 1; # if more than one file by same name, skip
- my $ctan_file = $ctan_files[0];
- if (! -e $ctan_file) {
- # maybe it'll be there with a case change in the name
- chomp (@ctan_files = `find $CTAN/$tpm{CTANDir}/ -iname $basefile`);
- next if @ctan_files > 1; # if more than one file by same name, skip
- $ctan_file = $ctan_files[0];
- if (! -e $ctan_file) {
- # we generate lots of files, eg perlmacros.sty, so might skip.
- warn "$ctan_file: CTAN file missing\n"
- if $ctan_file && $ctan_file !~ /(cfg|dvi|sty|tex)$/;
- next;
- }
- }
- push (@compared, $basefile);
- if (&files_differ ($tl_file, $ctan_file)) {
- # we mostly regenerate pdf's for TL (sebastian thinks we should :), so
- # don't complain if they are different. On the other hand, we
- # don't always regenerate them, so might as well check first.
- next if $tl_file =~ /\.pdf$/;
- print "# $tpm\ndiff $ctan_file $tl_file\n";
- $needed = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- # xx check ctan dir for new files
- if (@compared == 0) {
- warn "\n$tpm: no files to compare in $CTAN/$tpm{CTANDir}, fixme!\n";
- } elsif ($needed == 0) {
- print "ok, " . (@compared + 0) . " compared (@compared)\n"
- if $OPT{"verbose"};
- }
- return $needed;
-# Return useful information from a TPM.
-sub read_tpm
- my ($tpm) = @_;
- my %ret;
- local *TPM;
- open (TPM, $tpm) || die "open($tpm) failed: $!\n";
- my @files = ();
- while (<TPM>) {
- if (m!</TPM:.*Files!) { # might be on same line
- $collecting = 0;
- } elsif (/<TPM:.*Files/) {
- $collecting = 1;
- next;
- }
- if ($collecting) {
- chomp;
- push (@files, $_) if $_ !~ /\.tpm$/;
- }
- }
- close (TPM) || warn "close($tpm) failed: $!\n";
- warn "$tpm: no files found\n" if ! @files; # probably misparsed the tpm
- $ret{"files"} = \@files;
- (my $me = $tpm) =~ s,.*/,,;
- $me =~ s/\.tpm$//;
- (my $menobin = $me) =~ s,^bin-,,;
- (my $menodash = $me) =~ s,^.*-,,;
- (my $menopowerdot = $me) =~ s,^powerdot-,,;
- (my $menotype1 = $me) =~ s,-type1$,,;
- # xx how to really figure this out?
- for my $dir (
- "macros/latex/contrib/$me", # most everything
- "macros/latex/contrib/\L$me", # HA-prosper
- "macros/latex/contrib/powerdot/contrib/$menopowerdot", # powerdot-doc-vn
- "macros/latex/exptl/$me", # semioneside
- "macros/latex/required/$me", # babel
- "macros/plain/$me", # plnfss
- "macros/xetex/latex/$me", # xetex
- "macros/generic/$me", # abbr
- "macros/generic/diagrams/$me", # circ
- "macros/$me", # eplain
- "support/$me", # thumbpdf
- "support/$menobin", # bin-thumbpdf
- "language/vietnamese/$me/unpacked", # vntex
- "language/hebrew/$me", # cjhebrew
- "language/greek/package-babel/$me", # ibycus-babel
- "language/coptic/$me", # cbcoptic
- "info/math/voss/$me", # mathmode
- "info/lshort/$menodash", # lshort-english
- "info/bibtex/$me", # tamethebeast
- "info/symbols/$me", # comprehensive
- "info/$me", # Type1fonts
- "graphics/$me", # sparklines
- "graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/$me", # mpattern
- "graphics/pstricks/contrib/$me", # pstricks-add
- "fonts/$me", # MnSymbol
- "fonts/gothic/$me", # blacklettert1
- "fonts/greek/$me", # lfb
- "fonts/ps-type1/$me", # cm-super
- "fonts/ps-type1/$menotype1", # esint-type1
- "fonts/utilities/$me", # accfonts
- "biblio/bibtex/contrib/$me", # dk-bib
- ) {
- if (-d "$CTAN/$dir") {
- $ret{"CTANDir"} = $dir;
- last;
- }
- }
- # names totally dissimilar
- $ret{"CTANDir"} = "fonts/fourier-GUT" if $me eq "fourier";
- $ret{"CTANDir"} = "info/biblio" if $me eq "beebe";
- $ret{"CTANDir"} = "info/tex-references" if $me eq "tex-refs";
- $ret{"CTANDir"} = "language/basque" if $me eq "hyphen-basque";
- $ret{"CTANDir"} = "language/devanagari/velthuis" if $me eq "devanagr";
- $ret{"CTANDir"} = "language/hyphenation" if $me eq "hyphen-german";
- $ret{"CTANDir"} = "language/hyphenation/elhyphen" if $me eq "hyphen-greek";
- $ret{"CTANDir"} = "macros/latex/contrib/misc" if $me eq "ltxmisc";
- $ret{"CTANDir"} = "macros/generic" if $me eq "genmisc";
- # do last, for sake of subdirs above.
- $ret{"CTANDir"} = "language/hyphenation"
- if $me =~ /^hyphen-/ && ! $ret{"CTANDir"};
- die "$0: no CTAN directory for $me\n" if ! exists $ret{"CTANDir"};
- return %ret;
-# 0 if files are the same, 1 if they are different.
-sub files_differ
- my ($tl_file,$ctan_file) = @_;
-#warn "comparing $tl_file $ctan_file\n";
- my $different = 0;
- if (-s $tl_file != -s $ctan_file) {
- # sometimes what's checked into CTAN vs. TL differs in the eol
- # conventions. Don't worry about that.
- if (system ("diff -q --strip-trailing-cr $tl_file $ctan_file >/dev/null")
- != 0) {
- $different = 1;
- }
- }
- return $different;