path: root/Build
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build')
1 files changed, 2091 insertions, 1118 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/pst2pdf/ b/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/pst2pdf/
index e53aa94fc2c..3b33bdbf91c 100755
--- a/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/pst2pdf/
+++ b/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/pst2pdf/
@@ -1,236 +1,487 @@
-eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
- if 0;
-use strict; # to be sure, that all is safe ... :-)
-use v5.18;
-# $Id: 119 2014-09-24 12:04:09Z herbert $
-# v. 0.18 2017-10-04 simplify the use of PSTricks with pdf
-# (c) Herbert Voss <>
-# Pablo González Luengo <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
-# your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
-# MA 02111-1307 USA
-use re 'eval';
-use File::Path; # creating/removing dirs
-use File::Copy; # copying files
-use File::Basename; # scan argument
-use IO::File; # simple IO operation
-use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling_override); # read parameter and activate "bundling"
-use autodie; # more safe
-use Config;
-use File::Spec;
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use v5.26;
+############################# LICENCE ##################################
+# $Id: 119 2014-09-24 12:04:09Z herbert $ #
+# v0.19 2020-08-16 simplify the use of PSTricks with pdf #
+# (c) Herbert Voss <> #
+# Pablo González L <> #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but #
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# General Public License for more details. #
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling_override no_ignore_case); # require_order
+use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile devnull);
+use File::Basename;
+use Archive::Tar;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use FileHandle;
+use IO::Compress::Zip qw(:all);
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+use File::Copy;
use File::Find;
+use Env qw(PATH);
+use autodie;
+use Config;
+use Cwd;
+use if $^O eq 'MSWin32', 'Win32';
+use if $^O eq 'MSWin32', 'Win32::Console::ANSI'; # need for color :)
+use Term::ANSIColor;
+### Internal vars
+my $tempDir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1); # temporary directory
+my $workdir = cwd; # current working dir
+my $imgdir = 'images'; # where to save the images
+my $margins = '1'; # margins in pdfcrop
+my $clear = 0; # 0 or 1, clears all temporary files
+my $dpi = '300'; # very low value for the png's
+my $runs = '1'; # set runs for compliler
+my $nocorp = 0; # 1->no crop pdf files created
+my $norun = 0; # 1->no create images
+my $noprew = 0; # 1->create images in nopreview mode
+my $runbibtex = 0; # 1->runs bibtex
+my $runbiber = 0; # 1->runs biber and sets $runbibtex=0
+my $all = 0; # 1->create all images and files for type
+my $xetex = 0; # 1->Using (Xe)LaTeX for compilation.
+my $luatex = 0; # 1->Using dvilualatex for compilation.
+my $latexmk = 0; # 1->Using latexmk for compiler output file.
+my $arara; # 1->Using arara for compiler output file.
+my $nosource = 0; # Delete TeX source for images
+my $srcenv; # write only source code of environments
+my $nopdf; # Don't create a pdf image files
+my $force; # try to capture \psset
+my $nocrop; # Don't crop image files
+my $zip; # compress files generated in .zip
+my $tar; # compress files generated in .tar.gz
+my $help; # help info
+my $version; # version info
+my $shell; # enable -shell-escape
+my $verbose = 0; # verbose info
+my @verb_env_tmp; # store verbatim environments
+my $tmpverbenv; # save verbatim environment
+my $myverb = 'myverb' ; # internal \myverb macro
+my $write18; # storing write18 for compiler in TeXLive and MikTeX
+my $gscmd; # ghostscript executable name
+my $gray; # gray scale ghostscript
+my $log = 0; # log file
+my $PSTexa = 0; # run extract PSTexample environments
+my $STDenv = 0; # run extract pspicture/psfrag environments
+my @currentopt; # storing current options for log file
+my %opts_cmd; # hash to store options for Getopt::Long and log
+### Script identification
+my $scriptname = 'pst2pdf';
+my $nv = 'v0.19';
+my $date = '2020-08-17';
+my $ident = '$Id: 119 2020-08-16 12:04:09Z herbert $';
+### Log vars
+my $LogFile = "$scriptname.log";
+my $LogWrite;
+my $LogTime = strftime("%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime);
+### Error in command line
+sub errorUsage {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ die color('red').'* Error!!: '.color('reset').$msg.
+ " (run $scriptname --help for more information)\n";
+ return;
+### Extended error messages
+sub exterr {
+ chomp(my $msg_errno = $!);
+ chomp(my $msg_extended_os_error = $^E);
+ if ($msg_errno eq $msg_extended_os_error) {
+ $msg_errno;
+ }
+ else {
+ "$msg_errno/$msg_extended_os_error";
+ }
+### Funtion uniq
+sub uniq {
+ my %seen;
+ return grep !$seen{$_}++, @_;
+### Funtion array_minus
+sub array_minus(\@\@) {
+ my %e = map{ $_ => undef } @{$_[1]};
+ return grep !exists $e{$_}, @{$_[0]};
+### Funtion to create hash begin -> BEGIN, end -> END
+sub crearhash {
+ my %cambios;
+ for my $aentra(@_){
+ for my $initend (qw(begin end)) {
+ $cambios{"\\$initend\{$aentra"} = "\\\U$initend\E\{$aentra";
+ }
+ }
+ return %cambios;
+### Print colored info in screen
+sub Infocolor {
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $info = shift;
+ if ($type eq 'Running') {
+ print color('cyan'), '* ', color('reset'), color('green'),
+ "$type: ", color('reset'), color('cyan'), "$info\r\n", color('reset');
+ }
+ if ($type eq 'Warning') {
+ print color('bold red'), "* $type: ", color('reset'),
+ color('yellow'), "$info\r\n", color('reset');
+ }
+ if ($type eq 'Finish') {
+ print color('cyan'), '* ', color('reset'), color('magenta'),
+ "$type!: ", color('reset'), color('green'), "$info\r\n",color('reset');
+ }
+ return;
-#----------------------- User part begin ------------------------
-my $tempDir = "."; # temporary directory
-my $imageDir = "images"; # where to save the images
-my $margins = "1"; # margins in pdfcrop
-my $Verbose = 0; # 0 or 1, logfile
-my $clear = 0; # 0 or 1, clears all temporary files
-my $DPI = 300; # very low value for the png's
-my $noImages = 0; # 1->no create images
-my $nopreview = 0; # 1->create images in nopreview mode
-my $runBibTeX = 0; # 1->runs bibtex
-my $runBiber = 0; # 1->runs biber and sets $runBibTeX=0
-my $jpg = 0; # 1->create .jpg files
-my $png = 0; # 1->create .png files
-my $ppm = 0; # 1->create .ppm files
-my $eps = 0; # 1->create .eps files
-my $svg = 0; # 1->create .svg files
-my $all = 0; # 1->create all images and files for type
-my $xetex = 0; # 1->Using (Xe)LaTeX for compilation.
-my $exacount = 1; # Counter for PSTexample
-my $noSource = 0; # Delete TeX source for images
-my $other = "other"; # search other verbatim environment
-#------------------------- User part end -------------------------------
-#---------------- Program identification, options and help -------------
-my $program = 'pst2pdf';
-my $nv='v0.18';
-my $ident = '$Id: 119 2017-09-11 12:04:09Z herbert $';
-my $copyright = <<END_COPYRIGHT ;
-Copyright 2011-2017 (c) Herbert Voss <hvoss\> and Pablo González.
+### Write Log line and print msg (common)
+sub Infoline {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ my $now = strftime("%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime);
+ if ($log) { $LogWrite->print(sprintf "[%s] * %s\n", $now, $msg); }
+ say $msg;
+ return;
+### Write Log line (no print msg and time stamp)
+sub Logline {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ if ($log) { $LogWrite->print("$msg\n"); }
+ return;
+### Write Log line (time stamp)
+sub Log {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ my $now = strftime("%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime);
+ if ($log) { $LogWrite->print(sprintf "[%s] * %s\n", $now, $msg); }
+ return;
+### Write array env in Log
+sub Logarray {
+ my ($env_ref) = @_;
+ my @env_tmp = @{ $env_ref }; # dereferencing and copying each array
+ if ($log) {
+ if (@env_tmp) {
+ my $tmp = join "\n", map { qq/* $_/ } @env_tmp;
+ print {$LogWrite} "$tmp\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print {$LogWrite} "Not found\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+### Extended print info for execute system commands using $ command
+sub Logrun {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ my $now = strftime("%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", localtime);
+ if ($log) { $LogWrite->print(sprintf "[%s] \$ %s\n", $now, $msg); }
+ return;
+### Capture and execute system commands
+ my $cmdname = shift;
+ my $argcmd = shift;
+ my $showmsg = shift;
+ my $captured = "$cmdname $argcmd";
+ Logrun($captured);
+ if ($showmsg eq 'show') {
+ if ($verbose) {
+ Infocolor('Running', $captured);
+ }
+ else{ Infocolor('Running', $cmdname); }
+ }
+ if ($showmsg eq 'only' and $verbose) {
+ Infocolor('Running', $captured);
+ }
+ # Run system system command
+ $captured = qx{$captured};
+ if ($log) { $LogWrite->print($captured); }
+ if ($? == -1) {
+ my $errorlog = "* Error!!: ".$cmdname." failed to execute (%s)!\n";
+ my $errorprint = "* Error!!: ".color('reset').$cmdname." failed to execute (%s)!\n";
+ if ($log) { $LogWrite->print(sprintf $errorlog, exterr); }
+ print STDERR color('red');
+ die sprintf $errorprint, exterr;
+ } elsif ($? & 127) {
+ my $errorlog = "* Error!!: ".$cmdname." died with signal %d!\n";
+ my $errorprint = "* Error!!: ".color('reset').$cmdname." died with signal %d!\n";
+ if ($log) { $LogWrite->print(sprintf $errorlog, ($? & 127)); }
+ print STDERR color('red');
+ die sprintf $errorprint, ($? & 127);
+ } elsif ($? != 0 ) {
+ my $errorlog = "* Error!!: ".$cmdname." exited with error code %d!\n";
+ my $errorprint = "* Error!!: ".color('reset').$cmdname." exited with error code %d!\n";
+ if ($log) { $LogWrite->print(sprintf $errorlog, $? >> 8); }
+ print STDERR color('red');
+ die sprintf $errorprint, $? >> 8;
+ }
+ if ($verbose) { print $captured; }
+ return;
+### General information
+my $copyright = <<"END_COPYRIGHT" ;
+[$date] (c) Herbert Voss <hvoss\> and Pablo González L <pablgonz\>.
-my $licensetxt= <<END_LICENSE ;
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
-my $version= <<END_VERSION ;
-${program} ${nv} ${ident}
+my $versiontxt= <<"END_VERSION" ;
+${scriptname} ${nv} ${ident}
-my $title = "$program $nv $ident\n";
+### Standart info in terminal
+my $title = "$scriptname $nv - Running a PSTricks document with (pdf/xe/lua)latex [HV \& PG]\n";
+### Usage of script
+sub usage {
my $usage = <<"END_OF_USAGE";
-${title}Usage: $program <texfile.tex> [Options]
-pst2pdf run a TeX source, read all PS-related part and convert in images
- in pdf,eps,jpg or png format (default pdf) and create new file
- whitout pst-environment and runs (pdf/Xe)latex.
- See pst2pdf documentation for more info.
+ pst2pdf is a Perl script which isolates all PostScript or PSTricks related
+ parts of the TeX document, read all postscript, pspicture, psgraph and
+ PSTexample environments, extract source code in standalone files and
+ converting them into image format. Create new file with all extracted
+ environments converted to \\includegraphics and runs (pdf/xe/lua)latex.
+Usage: $scriptname [<options>] <texfile>[.tex|.ltx]
+ $scriptname <texfile>[.tex|.ltx] [options]
+ If used without [<options>] the extracted environments are saved in
+ standalone files and converted to pdf image format in the "./images"
+ directory using "latex>dvips>ps2pdf" and "preview" package to process
+ <texfile> and "pdflatex" for compiler <texfile-pdf>.
- -h,--help - display this help and exit
- -l,--license - display license information and exit
- -v,--version - display version (current $nv) and exit
- -d,--dpi=<int> - the dots per inch for images (default 300)
- -j,--jpg - create .jpg files (need Ghostscript)
- -p,--png - create .png files (need Ghostscript)
- -e,--eps - create .eps files (need pdftops)
- -s,--svg - create .svg files (need pdf2svg)
- -P,--ppm - create .ppm files (need pdftoppm)
- -a,--all - create .(pdf,eps,jpg,png,ppm,svg) images
- -c,--clear - delete all temp and aux files
- -x,--xetex - using (Xe)LaTeX for create images
- -m,--margins=<int> - margins for pdfcrop (in bp) (default 1)
- -ni,--noimages - generate file-pdf.tex, but not images
- -np,--single - create images files whitout preview and Ghostscript
- -ns,--nosource - delete all source(.tex) for images files
- --imgdir=<string> - the folder for the created images (default images)
- --ignore=<string> - skip other verbatim environment (default other)
- --bibtex - run bibtex on the aux file, if exists
- --biber - run biber on the bcf file, if exists
- --Verbose - creates a long log file (.plog)
-* $program test.tex -e -p -j -c --imgdir=pics
-* produce test-pdf.tex whitout pstriks related parts and create image
-* dir whit all images (pdf,eps,png,jpg) and source (.tex) for all pst
-* environment in "pics" dir using Ghostscript and cleaning all tmp files.
-* suport bundling for short options $program test.tex -epjc --imgdir=pics
+ [default]
+ -l, --log Write .log file with debug information [off]
+ -h, --help Display command line help and exit [off]
+ -v, --version Display current version ($nv) and exit [off]
+ -V, --verbose Verbose printing information [off]
+ -t, --tif Create .tif files using ghostscript [$gscmd]
+ -b, --bmp Create .bmp files using ghostscript [$gscmd]
+ -j, --jpg Create .jpg files using ghostscript [$gscmd]
+ -p, --png Create .png files using ghostscript [$gscmd]
+ -e, --eps Create .eps files using poppler-utils [pdftops]
+ -s, --svg Create .svg files using poppler-utils [pdftocairo]
+ -P, --ppm Create .ppm files using poppler-utils [pdftoppm]
+ -g, --gray Gray scale for images using ghostscript [off]
+ -f, --force Try to capture \\psset{...} to extract [off]
+ -x, --xetex Using xelatex for compiler input and output [off]
+ -ns,--nosource Do not create standalone files [off]
+ -np, --noprew, --single
+ Create images files without preview package [off]
+ -ni,--norun, --noimages
+ Generate file-pdf.tex, but not images [off]
+ -d <integer>, --dpi <integer>
+ Dots per inch resolution for images [150]
+ -r <integer>, --runs <integer>
+ Set the number of times the compiler will
+ run on the input file for extraction [1]
+ -m <integer>, --margins <integer>
+ Set margins in bp for pdfcrop [0]
+ --myverb <macro> Add "\\macroname" to verbatim inline search [myverb]
+ --ignore <environment>
+ Add "environment" to verbatim environments [empty]
+ --srcenv Create files with only code environment [off]
+ --shell Enable \\write18\{SHELL COMMAND\} [off]
+ --nopdf Do not create images in pdf format [off]
+ --nocrop Does not run pdfcrop [off]
+ --imgdir <dirname> Set name of directory to save images/files [images]
+ --luatex Using dvilualatex>dvips>ps2pdf for compiler
+ input and lualatex for compiler output file [off]
+ --arara Use arara for compiler output file [off]
+ --latexmk Using latexmk for compiler output file [off]
+ --zip Compress generated files in .zip format [off]
+ --tar Compress generated files in .tar.gz format [off]
+ --bibtex Run bibtex on the .aux file (if exists) [off]
+ --biber Run biber on the .bcf file (if exists) [off]
+\$ $scriptname -e -p --imgdir pics test.tex
+* Create a ./pics directory (if it doesn't exist) with all extracted
+* environments converted to individual files (.pdf, .eps, .png, .tex),
+* a file test-fig-all.tex with all extracted environments and the file
+* test-pdf.tex with all environments converted to \\includegraphics using
+* latex>dvips>ps2pdf and preview package for <test.tex> and pdflatex
+* for <test-pdf.tex>.
+See texdoc pst2pdf for full documentation.
-my $result=GetOptions (
- 'h|help' => \$::opt_help,
- 'v|version' => \$::opt_version,
- 'l|license' => \$::opt_license,
- 'd|dpi=i' => \$DPI,# numeric
- 'm|margins=i' => \$margins,# numeric
- 'imgdir=s' => \$imageDir, # string
- 'ignore=s' => \$other, # string
- 'c|clear' => \$clear, # flag
- 'ni|noimages' => \$noImages, # flag
- 'np|single' => \$nopreview, # flag
- 'bibtex' => \$runBibTeX,# flag
- 'e|eps' => \$eps, # flag
- 'j|jpg' => \$jpg, # flag
- 'p|png' => \$png, # flag
- 'P|ppm' => \$ppm, # flag
- 's|svg' => \$svg, # flag
- 'a|all' => \$all, # flag
- 'x|xetex' => \$xetex, # flag
- 'biber' => \$runBiber, # flag
- 'ns|nosource' => \$noSource, # flag
- 'Verbose' => \$Verbose,
-) or die $usage;
-#------------------------ Help functions --------------------------
-sub errorUsage {
- die "Error: @_ (try --help for more information)\n";
- }
-# options for command line
-if ($::opt_help) {
print $usage;
- exit (0);
+exit 0;
-if ($::opt_license) {
- print $title;
- print "$copyright\n";
- print $licensetxt;
- exit (0);
+### Options in terminal
+my $result=GetOptions (
+ 'h|help' => \$help, # flag
+ 'v|version' => \$version, # flag
+ 'l|log' => \$log, # flag
+ 'f|force' => \$force, # flag
+ 'd|dpi=i' => \$dpi, # numeric
+ 'runs=i' => \$runs, # numeric
+ 'm|margins=i' => \$margins, # numeric
+ 'imgdir=s' => \$imgdir, # string
+ 'myverb=s' => \$myverb, # string
+ 'ignore=s' => \$tmpverbenv, # string
+ 'c|clear' => \$clear, # flag
+ 'ni|norun|noimages' => \$norun, # flag
+ 'np|noprew|single' => \$noprew, # flag
+ 'bibtex' => \$runbibtex,# flag
+ 'biber' => \$runbiber, # flag
+ 'arara' => \$arara, # flag
+ 'latexmk' => \$latexmk, # flag
+ 'srcenv' => \$srcenv, # flag
+ 'nopdf' => \$nopdf, # flag
+ 'shell' => \$shell, # flag
+ 'nocrop' => \$nocrop, # flag
+ 'zip' => \$zip, # flag
+ 'tar' => \$tar, # flag
+ 'g|gray' => \$gray, # flag
+ 'b|bmp' => \$opts_cmd{image}{bmp}, # gs
+ 't|tif' => \$opts_cmd{image}{tif}, # gs
+ 'j|jpg' => \$opts_cmd{image}{jpg}, # gs
+ 'p|png' => \$opts_cmd{image}{png}, # gs
+ 's|svg' => \$opts_cmd{image}{svg}, # pdftocairo
+ 'e|eps' => \$opts_cmd{image}{eps}, # pdftops
+ 'P|ppm' => \$opts_cmd{image}{ppm}, # pdftoppm
+ 'a|all' => \$all, # flag
+ 'x|xetex' => \$xetex, # flag
+ 'luatex' => \$luatex, # flag
+ 'ns|nosource' => \$nosource, # flag
+ 'V|Verbose' => \$verbose, # flag
+) or do { $log = 0 ; die usage(0); };
+### Open pst2pdf.log file
+if ($log) {
+ if (!defined $ARGV[0]) { errorUsage('Input filename missing'); }
+ my $tempname = $ARGV[0];
+ $tempname =~ s/\.(tex|ltx)$//;
+ if ($LogFile eq "$tempname.log") { $LogFile = "$scriptname-log.log"; }
+ $LogWrite = FileHandle->new("> $LogFile");
-if ($::opt_version) {
-print $version;
- exit (0);
+### Init pst2pdf.log file
+Log("The script $scriptname $nv was started in $workdir");
+Log("Creating the temporary directory $tempDir");
+### Check --arara and --latexmk
+if ($arara && $latexmk) {
+ Log('Error!!: Options --arara and --latexmk are mutually exclusive');
+ errorUsage('Options --arara and --latexmk are mutually exclusive');
-# open file
-my $InputFilename = "";
- @ARGV > 0 or errorUsage "Input filename missing";
- @ARGV < 2 or errorUsage "Unknown option or too many input files";
- $InputFilename = $ARGV[0];
+### Check --biber and --bibtex
+if ($runbiber && $runbibtex) {
+ Log('Error!!: Options --biber and --bibtex are mutually exclusive');
+ errorUsage('Options --biber and --bibtex are mutually exclusive');
-#------------------------ Arreglo de la extensión ----------------------
-my @SuffixList = ('.tex', '', '.ltx'); # posible extensión
-my ($name, $path, $ext) = fileparse($ARGV[0], @SuffixList);
-$ext = '.tex' if not $ext;
+### Check --runs
+if( $runs <= 0 or $runs >= 3) {
+ Log('Error!!: Invalid argument for --runs, argument out of range');
+ errorUsage('Invalid argument for --runs option');
-#--------------------- Directorio destino de imágenes ------------------
--e $imageDir or mkdir($imageDir,0744) or die "No puedo crear $imageDir: $!\n";
+### Check --dpi
+if( $dpi <= 0 or $dpi >= 2500) {
+ Log('Error!!: Invalid argument for --dpi, argument out of range');
+ errorUsage('Invalid argument for --dpi option');
-# expresion regular para swpl
-my $graphics = "graphic=\{\[scale=1\]$imageDir/$name-exa";
+### Validate --myverb
+if ($myverb =~ /^(?:\\|\-).+?/) {
+ Log('Error!!: Invalid argument for --myverb option, argument begin with \ or -');
+ errorUsage('Invalid argument for --myverb');
-# directorio en el cual están las imágenes
-my $dir = "$tempDir/$imageDir";
+### Validate --ignore
+if ($tmpverbenv =~ /^(?:\\|\-).+?/) {
+ Log('Error!!: Invalid argument for --ignore option, argument begin with \ or -');
+ errorUsage('Invalid argument for --ignore');
-# archivo de entrada para el resto del script
-my $TeXfile = "$tempDir/$name-tmp$ext";
+### If $tmpverbenv is valid pass to @verb_env_tmp
+if ($tmpverbenv) { @verb_env_tmp = $tmpverbenv; }
+### Make ENV safer, see perldoc perlsec
-#----------------------------- Search GS ------------------------------
-# The next code its part of pdfcrop from TexLive 2014
-# Windows detection
+### The next code it's part of pdfcrop (adapted from TexLive 2014)
+# Windows detection
my $Win = 0;
-$Win = 1 if $^O =~ /mswin32/i;
-$Win = 1 if $^O =~ /cygwin/i;
+if ($^O =~ /mswin32/i) { $Win = 1; }
my $archname = $Config{'archname'};
$archname = 'unknown' unless defined $Config{'archname'};
-# get Ghostscript command name
-$::opt_gscmd = '';
+# Get ghostscript command name
sub find_ghostscript () {
- return if $::opt_gscmd;
- if ($Verbose) {
- print "* Perl executable: $^X\n";
+ if ($log) {
+ Log('General information about the Perl instalation and operating system');
+ print {$LogWrite} "* Perl executable: $^X\n";
if ($] < 5.006) {
- print "* Perl version: $]\n";
+ print {$LogWrite} "* Perl version: $]\n";
else {
- printf "* Perl version: v%vd\n", $^V;
+ printf {$LogWrite} "* Perl version: v%vd\n", $^V;
if (defined &ActivePerl::BUILD) {
- printf "* Perl product: ActivePerl, build %s\n", ActivePerl::BUILD();
+ printf {$LogWrite} "* Perl product: ActivePerl, build %s\n", ActivePerl::BUILD();
- printf "* Pointer size: $Config{'ptrsize'}\n";
- printf "* Pipe support: %s\n",
- (defined($Config{'d_pipe'}) ? 'yes' : 'no');
- printf "* Fork support: %s\n",
- (defined($Config{'d_fork'}) ? 'yes' : 'no');
+ printf {$LogWrite} "* Pointer size: $Config{'ptrsize'}\n";
+ printf {$LogWrite} "* Pipe support: %s\n",
+ (defined $Config{'d_pipe'} ? 'yes' : 'no');
+ printf {$LogWrite} "* Fork support: %s\n",
+ (defined $Config{'d_fork'} ? 'yes' : 'no');
my $system = 'unix';
- $system = "dos" if $^O =~ /dos/i;
- $system = "os2" if $^O =~ /os2/i;
- $system = "win" if $^O =~ /mswin32/i;
- $system = "cygwin" if $^O =~ /cygwin/i;
- $system = "miktex" if defined($ENV{"TEXSYSTEM"}) and
- $ENV{"TEXSYSTEM"} =~ /miktex/i;
- print "* OS name: $^O\n" if $Verbose;
- print "* Arch name: $archname\n" if $Verbose;
- print "* System: $system\n" if $Verbose;
+ $system = 'win' if $^O =~ /mswin32/i;
+ $system = 'msys' if $^O =~ /msys/i;
+ $system = 'cygwin' if $^O =~ /cygwin/i;
+ $system = 'miktex' if defined $ENV{'TEXSYSTEM'} and
+ $ENV{'TEXSYSTEM'} =~ /miktex/i;
+ if ($log) {
+ print {$LogWrite} "* OS name: $^O\n";
+ print {$LogWrite} "* Arch name: $archname\n";
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+ my $tmp = Win32::GetOSName();
+ print {$LogWrite} "* System: $tmp\n";
+ }
+ else { print {$LogWrite} "* System: $system\n"; }
+ }
+ Log('Trying to locate the executable for Ghostscript');
my %candidates = (
- 'unix' => [qw|gs gsc|],
- 'dos' => [qw|gs386 gs|],
- 'os2' => [qw|gsos2 gs|],
- 'win' => [qw|gswin32c gs|],
- 'cygwin' => [qw|gs gswin32c|],
- 'miktex' => [qw|mgs gswin32c gs|]
+ 'unix' => [qw|gs|],
+ 'win' => [qw|gswin32c|],
+ 'msys' => [qw|gswin64c gswin32c|],
+ 'cygwin' => [qw|gs|],
+ 'miktex' => [qw|mgs gswin32c|],
- if ($system eq 'win' or $system eq 'cygwin' or $system eq 'miktex') {
+ if ($system eq 'win' or $system eq 'miktex') {
if ($archname =~ /mswin32-x64/i) {
my @a = ();
foreach my $name (@{$candidates{$system}}) {
@@ -241,12 +492,11 @@ sub find_ghostscript () {
my %exe = (
- 'unix' => '',
- 'dos' => '.exe',
- 'os2' => '.exe',
- 'win' => '.exe',
+ 'unix' => q{},
+ 'win' => '.exe',
+ 'msys' => '.exe',
'cygwin' => '.exe',
- 'miktex' => '.exe'
+ 'miktex' => '.exe',
my $candidates_ref = $candidates{$system};
my $exe = $Config{'_exe'};
@@ -257,65 +507,70 @@ sub find_ghostscript () {
foreach my $dir (@path) {
my $file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, "$candidate$exe");
if (-x $file) {
- $::opt_gscmd = $candidate;
+ $gscmd = $candidate;
$found = 1;
- print "* Found ($candidate): $file\n" if $Verbose;
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "* Found ($candidate): $file\n"; }
- print "* Not found ($candidate): $file\n" if $Verbose;
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "* Not found ($candidate): $file\n"; }
last if $found;
- if (not $found and $Win) {
+ if (not $found and $Win and $system ne 'msys') {
$found = SearchRegistry();
+ if (not $found and $system eq 'msys') {
+ $found = Searchbyregquery();
+ }
if ($found) {
- print "* Autodetected ghostscript command: $::opt_gscmd\n" if $Verbose;
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "* Autodetected ghostscript command: $gscmd\n"; }
else {
- $::opt_gscmd = $$candidates_ref[0];
- print "* Default ghostscript command: $::opt_gscmd\n" if $Verbose;
+ $gscmd = $$candidates_ref[0];
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "* Default ghostscript command: $gscmd\n"; }
-sub SearchRegistry () {
+sub SearchRegistry {
my $found = 0;
- eval 'use Win32::TieRegistry qw|KEY_READ REG_SZ|;';
+ # The module Win32::TieRegistry not aviable in cygwin/msys
+ eval 'use Win32::TieRegistry qw|KEY_READ REG_SZ|';
if ($@) {
- if ($Verbose) {
- print "* Registry lookup for Ghostscript failed:\n";
+ if ($log) {
+ print {$LogWrite} "* Registry lookup for Ghostscript failed:\n";
my $msg = $@;
$msg =~ s/\s+$//;
foreach (split /\r?\n/, $msg) {
- print " $_\n";
+ print {$LogWrite} " $_\n";
return $found;
- my $open_params = {Access => KEY_READ(), Delimiter => '/'};
+ my $open_params = {Access => KEY_READ(), Delimiter => q{/}};
my $key_name_software = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/';
my $current_key = $key_name_software;
my $software = new Win32::TieRegistry $current_key, $open_params;
if (not $software) {
- print "* Cannot find or access registry key `$current_key'!\n"
- if $::opt_verbose;
+ if ($log) {
+ print {$LogWrite} "* Cannot find or access registry key `$current_key'!\n";
+ }
return $found;
- print "* Search registry at `$current_key'.\n" if $Verbose;
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "* Search registry at `$current_key'.\n"; }
my %list;
foreach my $key_name_gs (grep /Ghostscript/i, $software->SubKeyNames()) {
$current_key = "$key_name_software$key_name_gs/";
- print "* Registry entry found: $current_key\n" if $Verbose;
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "* Registry entry found: $current_key\n"; }
my $key_gs = $software->Open($key_name_gs, $open_params);
if (not $key_gs) {
- print "* Cannot open registry key `$current_key'!\n" if $Verbose;
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "* Cannot open registry key `$current_key'!\n"; }
foreach my $key_name_version ($key_gs->SubKeyNames()) {
$current_key = "$key_name_software$key_name_gs/$key_name_version/";
- print "* Registry entry found: $current_key\n" if $Verbose;
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "* Registry entry found: $current_key\n"; }
if (not $key_name_version =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
- print " The sub key is not a version number!\n" if $Verbose;
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} " The sub key is not a version number!\n"; }
my $version_main = $1;
@@ -323,13 +578,13 @@ sub SearchRegistry () {
$current_key = "$key_name_software$key_name_gs/$key_name_version/";
my $key_version = $key_gs->Open($key_name_version, $open_params);
if (not $key_version) {
- print "* Cannot open registry key `$current_key'!\n" if $Verbose;
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "* Cannot open registry key `$current_key'!\n"; }
my ($value, $type) = $key_version->GetValue('GS_DLL');
if ($value and $type == REG_SZ()) {
- print " GS_DLL = $value\n" if $Verbose;
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} " GS_DLL = $value\n"; }
$value =~ s|([\\/])([^\\/]+\.dll)$|$1gswin32c.exe|i;
my $value64 = $value;
$value64 =~ s/gswin32c\.exe$/gswin64c.exe/;
@@ -337,10 +592,10 @@ sub SearchRegistry () {
$value = $value64;
if (-f $value) {
- print " EXE found: $value\n" if $Verbose;
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "EXE found: $value\n"; }
else {
- print " EXE not found!\n" if $Verbose;
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "EXE not found!\n"; }
my $sortkey = sprintf '%02d.%03d %s',
@@ -348,961 +603,1679 @@ sub SearchRegistry () {
$list{$sortkey} = $value;
else {
- print " Missing key `GS_DLL' with type `REG_SZ'!\n" if $Verbose;
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "Missing key `GS_DLL' with type `REG_SZ'!\n"; }
foreach my $entry (reverse sort keys %list) {
- $::opt_gscmd = $list{$entry};
- print "* Found (via registry): $::opt_gscmd\n" if $Verbose;
+ $gscmd = $list{$entry};
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "* Found (via registry): $gscmd\n"; }
$found = 1;
return $found;
+} # end GS search registry
+### This part is only necessary if you're using Git on windows and don't
+### have gs configured in PATH. Git for windows don't have a Win32::TieRegistry
+### module for perl (is not supported in the current versions of msys).
+sub Searchbyregquery {
+ my $found = 0;
+ my $gs_regkey;
+ my $opt_reg = '//s //v';
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "* Search Ghostscript in Windows registry under mingw/msys:\n";}
+ $gs_regkey = qx{reg query "HKLM\\Software\\GPL Ghostscript" $opt_reg GS_DLL};
+ if ($? == 0) {
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "* Registry entry found for GS_DLL (64 bits version)\n";}
+ }
+ else {
+ $gs_regkey = qx{reg query "HKLM\\Software\\Wow6432Node\\GPL Ghostscript" $opt_reg GS_DLL};
+ if ($? == 0) {
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "* Registry entry found for GS_DLL (32 bits version)\n";}
+ }
+ }
+ my ($gs_find) = $gs_regkey =~ m/(?:\s* GS_DLL \s* REG_SZ \s*) (.+?)(?:\.dll.+?\R)/s;
+ if ($gs_find) {
+ my ($gs_vol, $gs_path, $gs_ver) = $gs_find =~ m/
+ (\w{1})(?:\:) # volumen
+ (.+?) # path to executable
+ (?:\\gsdll) # LIB
+ (\d{2}) # Version
+ /xs;
+ # Adjust
+ $gs_vol = lc($gs_vol);
+ $gs_path = '/'.$gs_vol.$gs_path;
+ $gs_path =~ s|\\|/|gmsxi;
+ # Add to PATH
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "* Add $gs_path to PATH for current session\n"; }
+ $PATH .= ":$gs_path";
+ # Set executable
+ $gscmd = 'gswin'.$gs_ver.'c';
+ if ($log) { print {$LogWrite} "* Found (via reg query): $gscmd\n"; }
+ $found = 1;
+ }
+ if ($@) {
+ if ($log) {
+ print {$LogWrite} "* Registry lookup for Ghostscript by reg query failed:\n";
+ my $msg = $@;
+ $msg =~ s/\s+$//;
+ foreach (split /\r?\n/, $msg) {
+ print {$LogWrite} " $_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return $found;
+ }
+ return $found;
+### Call GS
-if ($Win and $::opt_gscmd =~ /\s/) {
- $::opt_gscmd = "\"$::opt_gscmd\"";
-# end GS search
-open my $LOGfile,'>', "$tempDir/$name.plog"; # our own log file
- LOG ("Parameters:");
- LOG ("==> imageDir = $imageDir");
- LOG ("==> dpi = $DPI");
- LOG ("==> tempDir = $tempDir");
- LOG ("==> Verbose = $Verbose");
- LOG ("==> clear = $clear");
- LOG ("==> noImages = $noImages");
- LOG ("==> noSource = $noSource");
- LOG ("==> nopreview = $nopreview");
- LOG ("==> runBibTeX = $runBibTeX");
- LOG ("==> runBiber = $runBiber");
- LOG ("==> ppm = $ppm");
- LOG ("==> eps = $eps");
- LOG ("==> jpg = $jpg");
- LOG ("==> png = $png");
- LOG ("==> svg = $svg");
- LOG ("==> xetex = $xetex");
-if ($runBibTeX && $runBiber) {
- LOG ("!!! you cannot run BibTeX and Biber at the same document ...");
- LOG ("!!! Assuming to run Biber");
- $runBibTeX = 0;
-if ($ppm) {
- LOG ("Generate .ppm files ...");
- $ppm = 1;
-if ($eps) {
- LOG ("Generate .eps files ...");
- $eps = 1;
-if ($jpg) {
- LOG ("Generate .jpg files ...");
- $jpg = 1;
-if ($png) {
- LOG ("Generate .png files ...");
- $png = 1;
-if ($svg) {
- LOG ("Generate .svg files ...");
- $svg = 1;
-if ($all) {
- LOG ("Generate images eps/pdf/files and clear...");
- $eps =$ppm=$jpg=$png=$svg=$clear = 1;
-if ($nopreview) {
- LOG ("nopreview mode generate images files ...");
- $nopreview= 1;
-if ($xetex) {
- LOG ("Compiling using XeLaTeX ...");
- $xetex=1;
-if ($noImages ) {
- LOG ("no create images");
- $nopreview= 0;
- }
-if ($noSource) {
- LOG ("Delete all source files");
- $noSource= 1;
- }
-#----------------------------- Parte 1 ---------------------------------
-# Comentamos los bloques PST dentro de verbatim de todo el archivo
-# Abrimos el archivo
-my $InputFilename = shift;
-my @lineas;
- open my $FILE,'<:crlf',"$InputFilename";
- @lineas = <$FILE>;
- close $FILE;
-# Creamos un hash con los cambios
-my %cambios = (
- '\pspicture' => '\TRICKS',
- '\endpspicture' => '\ENDTRICKS',
- '\begin{PSTexample' => '\begin{PSTEXAMPLE',
- '\end{PSTexample' => '\end{PSTEXAMPLE',
- '\begin{pspicture' => '\begin{TRICKS',
- '\end{pspicture' => '\end{TRICKS',
- '\begin{postscript}' => '\begin{POSTRICKS}',
- '\end{postscript}' => '\end{POSTRICKS}',
- '\begin{document}' => '\begin{DOCTRICKS}',
- '\end{document}' => '\end{DOCTRICKS}'
+### Windows need suport space in path
+if ($Win and $gscmd =~ /\s/) { $gscmd = "\"$gscmd\"";}
-# Definimos los entonos verbatim donde comentaremos
-my $ENTORNO = qr/(?: (v|V)erbatim\*?| LTXexample | PSTcode |$other\*? | tcblisting\*? | spverbatim | minted | lstlisting | alltt | comment\*? | xcomment)/xi;
-my $DEL;
+### Help
+if (defined $help) {
+ usage(1);
+ exit 0;
-my $tcbverb = qr/\\(?:tcboxverb|myverb)/;
-my $arg_brac = qr/(?:\[.+?\])?/;
-my $arg_curl = qr/\{(.+)\}/; # ATENCIÓN
+### Version
+if (defined $version) {
+ print $versiontxt;
+ exit 0;
-for (@lineas) {
- if (/^\\begin\{($ENTORNO)(?{ $DEL = "\Q$^N" })\}/ .. /^\\end\{$DEL\}/) {
- while (my($busco, $cambio) = each %cambios) {
- s/\Q$busco\E/$cambio/g;
+### Set temp internal vars for <name-fig-tmp> and extraction
+my $tmp = int(rand(10000));
+my $dtxverb = "verbatim$tmp";
+my $wrapping = "$scriptname$tmp"; # wraped for environment extraction
+Log("Set up the environment [$wrapping] to encapsulate the extraction");
+### Set vars for match/regex
+my $BP = "\\\\begin\{$wrapping\}";
+my $EP = "\\\\end\{$wrapping\}";
+my $BE = '\\\\begin\{PSTexample\}';
+my $EE = '\\\\end\{PSTexample\}';
+### Define key = pdf for image format
+if (!$nopdf) {
+ $opts_cmd{image}{pdf} = 1;
+### Store image formats in hash
+my $format = join q{, },grep { defined $opts_cmd{image}{$_} } keys %{$opts_cmd{image}};
+if (!$norun) {
+ Log("Defined image formats for creating: $format");
+### Check <input file> from command line
+@ARGV > 0 or errorUsage('Input filename missing');
+@ARGV < 2 or errorUsage('Unknown option or too many input files');
+### Check <input file> extention
+my @SuffixList = ('.tex', '', '.ltx'); # posibles
+my ($name, $path, $ext) = fileparse($ARGV[0], @SuffixList);
+$ext = '.tex' if not $ext;
+### Read <input file> in memory
+Log("Read input file $name$ext in memory");
+open my $inputfile, '<:crlf', "$name$ext";
+ my $ltxfile;
+ {
+ local $/;
+ $ltxfile = <$inputfile>;
- }
- elsif (m/$tcbverb$arg_brac$arg_curl/) {
- while (my($busco, $cambio) = each %cambios) {
- s/\Q$busco\E/$cambio/g;
+close $inputfile;
+### Identification message in terminal
+print $title;
+### Default environment to extract
+my @extractenv = qw (
+ postscript pspicture psgraph PSTexample
+ );
+### Default verbatim environment
+my @iverb_env = qw (
+ Example CenterExample SideBySideExample PCenterExample PSideBySideExample
+ verbatim Verbatim BVerbatim LVerbatim SaveVerbatim PSTcode
+ LTXexample tcblisting spverbatim minted listing lstlisting
+ alltt comment chklisting verbatimtab listingcont boxedverbatim
+ demo sourcecode xcomment pygmented pyglist program programl
+ programL programs programf programsc programt
+ );
+push @verb_env_tmp, @iverb_env;
+### Default verbatim write environment
+my @verw_env_tmp;
+my @iverbw_env = qw (
+ scontents filecontents tcboutputlisting tcbexternal tcbwritetmp extcolorbox extikzpicture
+ VerbatimOut verbatimwrite filecontentsdef filecontentshere filecontentsdefmacro
+ filecontentsdefstarred filecontentsgdef filecontentsdefmacro filecontentsgdefmacro
+ );
+push @verw_env_tmp, @iverbw_env;
+# One problem that can arise is the filecontents environment, this can #
+# contain a complete document and be anywhere, before dividing we will #
+# make some replacements for this and comment lines #
+### Create a Regex for verbatim write environment
+@verw_env_tmp = uniq(@verw_env_tmp);
+my $tmpverbw = join q{|}, map { quotemeta } sort { length $a <=> length $b } @verw_env_tmp;
+$tmpverbw = qr/$tmpverbw/x;
+my $tmp_verbw = qr {
+ (
+ (?:
+ \\begin\{$tmpverbw\*?\}
+ (?:
+ (?>[^\\]+)|
+ \\
+ (?!begin\{$tmpverbw\*?\})
+ (?!end\{$tmpverbw\*?\})|
+ (?-1)
+ )*
+ \\end\{$tmpverbw\*?\}
+ )
+ )
+ }x;
+### A pre-regex for comment lines
+my $tmpcomment = qr/^ \s* \%+ .+? $ /mx;
+### Hash for replace in verbatim's and comment lines
+my %document = (
+ '\begin{document}' => '\BEGIN{document}',
+ '\end{document}' => '\END{document}',
+ '\documentclass' => '\DOCUMENTCLASS',
+ '\pagestyle{' => '\PAGESTYLE{',
+ '\thispagestyle{' => '\THISPAGESTYLE{',
+ );
+### Changes in input file for verbatim write and comment lines
+while ($ltxfile =~ / $tmp_verbw | $tmpcomment /pgmx) {
+ my ($pos_inicial, $pos_final) = ($-[0], $+[0]);
+ my $encontrado = ${^MATCH};
+ while (my($busco, $cambio) = each %document) {
+ $encontrado =~ s/\Q$busco\E/$cambio/g;
- } #close elsif
- }
-# Escritura del resultado
-open my $SALIDA, '>', "$tempDir/$name-tmp$ext";
-print $SALIDA @lineas;
-close $SALIDA;
-#--------------------------------Parte 2--------------------------------
-# Comentamos el texto en verbatim a lo largo del cuerpo
-open my $ENTRADA, '<', "$tempDir/$name-tmp$ext";
-my $archivo;
- local $/;
- $archivo = <$ENTRADA>;
-close $ENTRADA;
-## Partición del documento
-my($cabeza,$cuerpo,$final) = $archivo =~ m/\A (.+? ^\\begin\{document\}) (.+) (^ \\end\{document\} .*) \z/msx;
-## Variables y constantes
+ substr $ltxfile, $pos_inicial, $pos_final-$pos_inicial, $encontrado;
+ pos ($ltxfile) = $pos_inicial + length $encontrado;
+### Now, split <input file>
+my ($atbegindoc, $document) = $ltxfile =~ m/\A (\s* .*? \s*) (\\documentclass.*)\z/msx;
+### Rules to capture for regex my $CORCHETES = qr/\[ [^]]*? \]/x;
+my $braces = qr/ (?:\{)(.+?)(?:\}) /msx;
+my $braquet = qr/ (?:\[)(.+?)(?:\]) /msx;
+my $no_corchete = qr/ (?:\[ .*? \])? /msx;
+### Array for capture new verbatim environments defined in input file
+my @cverb_env = qw (
+ newtcblisting DeclareTCBListing ProvideTCBListing NewTCBListing
+ lstnewenvironment NewListingEnvironment NewProgram specialcomment
+ includecomment DefineVerbatimEnvironment newverbatim newtabverbatim
+ );
+### Regex to capture names for new verbatim environments from input file
+my $cverbenv = join q{|}, map { quotemeta} sort { length $a <=> length $b } @cverb_env;
+$cverbenv = qr/\b(?:$cverbenv) $no_corchete $braces/msx;
+### Array for capture new verbatim write environments defined in input file
+my @cverb_env_w = qw (
+ renewtcbexternalizetcolorbox renewtcbexternalizeenvironment
+ newtcbexternalizeenvironment newtcbexternalizetcolorbox newenvsc
+ );
+### Regex to capture names for new verbatim write environments from input file
+my $cverbenvw = join q{|}, map { quotemeta} sort { length $a <=> length $b } @cverb_env_w;
+$cverbenvw = qr/\b(?:$cverbenvw) $no_corchete $braces/msx;
+### Regex to capture MINTED related environments
+my $mintdenv = qr/\\ newminted $braces (?:\{.+?\}) /x;
+my $mintcenv = qr/\\ newminted $braquet (?:\{.+?\}) /x;
+my $mintdshrt = qr/\\ newmint $braces (?:\{.+?\}) /x;
+my $mintcshrt = qr/\\ newmint $braquet (?:\{.+?\}) /x;
+my $mintdline = qr/\\ newmintinline $braces (?:\{.+?\}) /x;
+my $mintcline = qr/\\ newmintinline $braquet (?:\{.+?\}) /x;
+### Filter input file, now $ltxfile is pass to $filecheck
+Log("Filter $name$ext \(remove % and comments\)");
+my @filecheck = $ltxfile;
+s/%.*\n//mg foreach @filecheck; # del comments
+s/^\s*|\s*//mg foreach @filecheck; # del white space
+my $filecheck = join q{}, @filecheck;
+### Search verbatim and verbatim write environments <input file>
+Log("Search verbatim and verbatim write environments in $name$ext");
+### Search new verbatim write names in <input file>
+my @new_write_env = $filecheck =~ m/$cverbenvw/xg;
+if (@new_write_env) {
+ Log("Found new verbatim write environments in $name$ext");
+ Logarray(\@new_write_env);
+ push @verw_env_tmp, @new_write_env;
+### Search new verbatim environments in <input file>
+my @verb_input = $filecheck =~ m/$cverbenv/xg;
+if (@verb_input) {
+ Log("Found new verbatim environments in $name$ext");
+ Logarray(\@verb_input);
+ push @verb_env_tmp, @verb_input;
+### Search \newminted{$mintdenv}{options} in <input file>, need add "code"
+my @mint_denv = $filecheck =~ m/$mintdenv/xg;
+if (@mint_denv) {
+ Log("Found \\newminted\{envname\} in $name$ext");
+ # Append "code"
+ $mintdenv = join "\n", map { qq/$_\Qcode\E/ } @mint_denv;
+ @mint_denv = split /\n/, $mintdenv;
+ Logarray(\@mint_denv);
+ push @verb_env_tmp, @mint_denv;
+### Search \newminted[$mintcenv]{lang} in <input file>
+my @mint_cenv = $filecheck =~ m/$mintcenv/xg;
+if (@mint_cenv) {
+ Log("Found \\newminted\[envname\] in $name$ext");
+ Logarray(\@mint_cenv);
+ push @verb_env_tmp, @mint_cenv;
+### Remove repetead again :)
+@verb_env_tmp = uniq(@verb_env_tmp);
+### Capture verbatim inline macros in <input file>
+Log("Search verbatim macros in $name$ext");
+### Store all minted inline/short in @mintline
+my @mintline;
+### Search \newmint{$mintdshrt}{options} in <input file> (while)
+my @mint_dshrt = $filecheck =~ m/$mintdshrt/xg;
+if (@mint_dshrt) {
+ Log("Found \\newmint\{macroname\} (short) in $name$ext");
+ Logarray(\@mint_dshrt);
+ push @mintline, @mint_dshrt;
+### Search \newmint[$mintcshrt]{lang}{options} in <input file> (while)
+my @mint_cshrt = $filecheck =~ m/$mintcshrt/xg;
+if (@mint_cshrt) {
+ Log("Found \\newmint\[macroname\] (short) in $name$ext");
+ Logarray(\@mint_cshrt);
+ push @mintline, @mint_cshrt;
+### Search \newmintinline{$mintdline}{options} in <input file> (while)
+my @mint_dline = $filecheck =~ m/$mintdline/xg;
+if (@mint_dline) {
+ Log("Found \\newmintinline\{macroname\} in $name$ext");
+ # Append "inline"
+ $mintdline = join "\n", map { qq/$_\Qinline\E/ } @mint_dline;
+ @mint_dline = split /\n/, $mintdline;
+ Logarray(\@mint_dline);
+ push @mintline, @mint_dline;
+### Search \newmintinline[$mintcline]{lang}{options} in <input file> (while)
+my @mint_cline = $filecheck =~ m/$mintcline/xg;
+if (@mint_cline) {
+ Log("Found \\newmintinline\[macroname\] in $name$ext");
+ Logarray(\@mint_cline);
+ push @mintline, @mint_cline;
+### Add standart mint, mintinline and lstinline
+my @mint_tmp = qw(mint mintinline lstinline);
+### Join all inline verbatim macros captured
+push @mintline, @mint_tmp;
+@mintline = uniq(@mintline);
+### Create a regex using @mintline
+my $mintline = join q{|}, map { quotemeta } sort { length $a <=> length $b } @mintline;
+$mintline = qr/\b(?:$mintline)/x;
+### Reserved words in verbatim inline (while)
+my %changes_in = (
+ '%CleanPST' => '%PSTCLEAN',
+ '\psset' => '\PSSET',
+ '\pspicture' => '\TRICKS',
+ '\endpspicture' => '\ENDTRICKS',
+ '\psgraph' => '\PSGRAPHTRICKS',
+ '\endpsgraph' => '\ENDPSGRAPHTRICKS',
+ '\usepackage' => '\USEPACKAGE',
+ '{graphicx}' => '{GRAPHICX}',
+ '\graphicspath{' => '\GRAPHICSPATH{',
+ );
+### Hash to replace \begin and \end in verbatim inline
+my %init_end = (
+ '\begin{' => '\BEGIN{',
+ '\end{' => '\END{',
+ );
+### Join changes in new hash (while) for verbatim inline
+my %cambios = (%changes_in,%init_end);
+### Variables and constantes
my $no_del = "\0";
my $del = $no_del;
-## Reglas
-my $llaves = qr/\{ .+? \} /x;
-my $no_corchete = qr/(?:\[ .+? \])? /x;
-my $delimitador = qr/\{ (?<del>.+?) \} /x;
-my $spverb = qr/spverb [*]? /ix;
-my $verb = qr/(v|V)erb [*]? /ix;
-my $lst = qr/lstinline (?!\*) $no_corchete /ix;
-my $mint = qr/mint (?!\*) $no_corchete $llaves /ix;
-my $marca = qr/\\ (?:$verb | $lst | $mint ) (\S) .+? \g{-1} /x;
-my $comentario = qr/^ \s* \%+ .+? $ /mx;
-my $definedel = qr/\\ (?: DefineShortVerb | lstMakeShortInline ) $no_corchete $delimitador /ix;
-my $indefinedel = qr/\\ (?: UndefineShortVerb | lstDeleteShortInline) $llaves /ix;
-## Cambiar
-while ($cuerpo =~
- / $marca
- | $comentario
- | $definedel
- | $indefinedel
- | $del .+? $del # delimitado
+### Rules
+my $llaves = qr/\{ .+? \} /x;
+my $no_llaves = qr/(?: $llaves )? /x;
+my $corchetes = qr/\[ .+? \] /x;
+my $delimitador = qr/\{ (?<del>.+?) \} /x;
+my $scontents = qr/Scontents [*]? $no_corchete /ix;
+my $verb = qr/(?:((spv|(?:q|f)?v|V)erb|$myverb)[*]?) /ix;
+my $lst = qr/(?:(lst|pyg)inline)(?!\*) $no_corchete /ix;
+my $mint = qr/(?: $mintline |SaveVerb) (?!\*) $no_corchete $no_llaves $llaves /ix;
+my $no_mint = qr/(?: $mintline) (?!\*) $no_corchete /ix;
+my $marca = qr/\\ (?:$verb | $lst |$scontents | $mint |$no_mint) (?:\s*)? (\S) .+? \g{-1} /sx;
+my $comentario = qr/^ \s* \%+ .+? $ /mx;
+my $definedel = qr/\\ (?: DefineShortVerb | lstMakeShortInline| MakeSpecialShortVerb ) [*]? $no_corchete $delimitador /ix;
+my $indefinedel = qr/\\ (?: (Undefine|Delete)ShortVerb | lstDeleteShortInline) $llaves /ix;
+Log('Making changes to inline/multiline verbatim macro before extraction');
+### Changes in input file for verbatim inline/multiline
+while ($document =~
+ / $marca
+ | $comentario
+ | $definedel
+ | $indefinedel
+ | $del .+? $del
/pgmx) {
- my($pos_inicial, $pos_final) = ($-[0], $+[0]); # posiciones
- my $encontrado = ${^MATCH}; # lo encontrado
- if ($encontrado =~ /$definedel/){ # definimos delimitador
- $del = $+{del};
- $del = "\Q$+{del}" if substr($del,0,1) ne '\\'; # es necesario "escapar" el delimitador
- }
- elsif($encontrado =~ /$indefinedel/) { # indefinimos delimitador
- $del = $no_del;
- }
- else { # aquí se hacen los cambios
+ my ($pos_inicial, $pos_final) = ($-[0], $+[0]);
+ my $encontrado = ${^MATCH};
+ if ($encontrado =~ /$definedel/) {
+ $del = $+{del};
+ $del = "\Q$+{del}" if substr($del,0,1) ne '\\';
+ }
+ elsif ($encontrado =~ /$indefinedel/) {
+ $del = $no_del;
+ }
+ else {
while (my($busco, $cambio) = each %cambios) {
- $encontrado =~ s/\Q$busco\E/$cambio/g; # es necesario escapar $busco
- }
- substr $cuerpo, $pos_inicial, $pos_final-$pos_inicial, $encontrado; # insertamos los nuevos cambios
- pos($cuerpo)= $pos_inicial + length $encontrado; # re posicionamos la siguiente búsqueda
+ $encontrado =~ s/\Q$busco\E/$cambio/g;
+ substr $document, $pos_inicial, $pos_final-$pos_inicial, $encontrado;
+ pos ($document) = $pos_inicial + length $encontrado;
+ }
+### Change "escaped braces" to <LTXSB.> (this label is not the one in the document)
+$document =~ s/\\[{]/<LTXSBO>/g;
+$document =~ s/\\[}]/<LTXSBC>/g;
+### Regex for verbatim inline/multiline with braces {...}
+my $nestedbr = qr / ( [{] (?: [^{}]++ | (?-1) )*+ [}] ) /x;
+my $fvextra = qr /\\ (?: (Save|Esc)Verb [*]?) $no_corchete /x;
+my $mintedbr = qr /\\ (?:$mintline|pygment) (?!\*) $no_corchete $no_llaves /x;
+my $tcbxverb = qr /\\ (?: tcboxverb [*]?| Scontents [*]? |$myverb [*]?|lstinline) $no_corchete /x;
+my $verb_brace = qr / (?:$tcbxverb|$mintedbr|$fvextra) (?:\s*)? $nestedbr /x;
+### Change \verb*{code} for verbatim inline/multiline
+while ($document =~ /$verb_brace/pgmx) {
+ my ($pos_inicial, $pos_final) = ($-[0], $+[0]);
+ my $encontrado = ${^MATCH};
+ while (my($busco, $cambio) = each %cambios) {
+ $encontrado =~ s/\Q$busco\E/$cambio/g;
+ }
+ substr $document, $pos_inicial, $pos_final-$pos_inicial, $encontrado;
+ pos ($document) = $pos_inicial + length $encontrado;
+### We recovered the escaped braces
+$document =~ s/<LTXSBO>/\\{/g;
+$document =~ s/<LTXSBC>/\\}/g;
+### We recovered CleanPST in all file, but only at begin of line
+$document =~ s/^%PSTCLEAN/%CleanPST/gmsx;
+### First we do some security checks to ensure that they are verbatim and
+### verbatim write environments are unique and disjointed
+@verb_env_tmp = array_minus(@verb_env_tmp, @verw_env_tmp); #disjointed
+my @verbatim = uniq(@verb_env_tmp);
+Log('The environments that are considered verbatim:');
+### Create a Regex for verbatim standart environment
+my $verbatim = join q{|}, map { quotemeta } sort { length $a <=> length $b } @verbatim;
+$verbatim = qr/$verbatim/x;
+my $verb_std = qr {
+ (
+ (?:
+ \\begin\{$verbatim\*?\}
+ (?:
+ (?>[^\\]+)|
+ \\
+ (?!begin\{$verbatim\*?\})
+ (?!end\{$verbatim\*?\})|
+ (?-1)
+ )*
+ \\end\{$verbatim\*?\}
+ )
+ )
+ }x;
+### Verbatim write
+@verw_env_tmp = array_minus(@verw_env_tmp, @verb_env_tmp); #disjointed
+my @verbatim_w = uniq(@verw_env_tmp);
+Log('The environments that are considered verbatim write:');
+### Create a Regex for verbatim write environment
+my $verbatim_w = join q{|}, map { quotemeta } sort { length $a <=> length $b } @verbatim_w;
+$verbatim_w = qr/$verbatim_w/x;
+my $verb_wrt = qr {
+ (
+ (?:
+ \\begin\{$verbatim_w\*?\}
+ (?:
+ (?>[^\\]+)|
+ \\
+ (?!begin\{$verbatim_w\*?\})
+ (?!end\{$verbatim_w\*?\})|
+ (?-1)
+ )*
+ \\end\{$verbatim_w\*?\}
+ )
+ )
+ }x;
+### The environments that will be searched for extraction
+Log('The environments that will be searched for extraction:');
+### Create a regex to extract environments
+my $environ = join q{|}, map { quotemeta } sort { length $a <=> length $b } @extractenv;
+$environ = qr/$environ/x;
+my $extr_tmp = qr {
+ (
+ (?:
+ \\begin\{$environ\*?\}
+ (?:
+ (?>[^\\]+)|
+ \\
+ (?!begin\{$environ\*?\})
+ (?!end\{$environ\*?\})|
+ (?-1)
+ )*
+ \\end\{$environ\*?\}
+ )
+ )
+ }x;
+### Hash for replace in verbatim begin -> Begin end -> END
+my %extract_env = crearhash(@extractenv);
+### The preview and nopreview environments are "special", need replace
+### in verbatim's environments begin -> Begin end -> END
+my @preview_env = qw(preview nopreview);
+my %preview_env = crearhash(@preview_env);
+Log('Making changes to verbatim/verbatim write environments before extraction');
+### Hash and Regex for changes, this "regex" is re-used in ALL script
+my %replace = (%extract_env, %preview_env, %changes_in, %document);
+my $find = join q{|}, map { quotemeta } sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %replace;
+### We go line by line and make the changes [need /p for ${^MATCH}]
+while ($document =~ /$verb_wrt | $verb_std /pgmx) {
+ my ($pos_inicial, $pos_final) = ($-[0], $+[0]);
+ my $encontrado = ${^MATCH};
+ $encontrado =~ s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g;
+ substr $document, $pos_inicial, $pos_final-$pos_inicial, $encontrado;
+ pos ($document) = $pos_inicial + length $encontrado;
-# Poner el atributo añadido a \begin{PSTexample}
-while ($cuerpo =~ /^\\begin\{PSTexample\}(\[.+?\])?/gsm) {
- my $corchetes = $1;
- my($pos_inicial, $pos_final) = ($-[1], $+[1]); # posición donde están los corchetes
- if (not $corchetes) {
- $pos_inicial = $pos_final = $+[0]; # si no hay corchetes, nos ponemos al final de \begin
+### Now match preview environment in <input file>
+my @env_preview = $document =~ m/(\\begin\{preview\}.+?\\end\{preview\})/gmsx;
+### Convert preview to nopreview environment
+if (@env_preview) {
+ my $preNo = scalar @env_preview;
+ Log("Found $preNo preview environments in $name$ext");
+ Log("Pass all preview environments to \\begin{nopreview}\%TMP$tmp ... \\end{nopreview}\%TMP$tmp");
+ $document =~ s/(?:(\\begin\{|\\end\{))(preview\})/$1no$2\%TMP$tmp/gmsx;
+### Pass verbatim write environments to dtxtag
+Log("Pass verbatim write environments to %<*$dtxverb> ... %</$dtxverb>");
+$document =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ ($verb_wrt)/\%<\*$dtxverb>$1\%<\/$dtxverb>/gmsx;
+### Pass verbatim environments to dtxtag
+Log("Pass verbatim environments to %<*$dtxverb> ... %</$dtxverb>");
+$document =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ ($verb_std)/\%<\*$dtxverb>$1\%<\/$dtxverb>/gmsx;
+### Pass %CleanPST to dtxtag
+Log("Pass %CleanPST ... %CleanPST to %<*remove$tmp> ... %</remove$tmp>");
+$document =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ ^(?:%CleanPST) (.+?) (?:%CleanPST)/\%<\*remove$tmp>$1\%<\/remove$tmp>/gmsx;
+### Check plain TeX syntax for pspicture [skip PSTexample]
+Log('Convert plain \pspicture to LaTeX syntax [skip in PSTexample]');
+$document =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \\begin\{PSTexample\}.+?\\end\{PSTexample\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \\pspicture(\*)?(.+?)\\endpspicture/\\begin\{pspicture$1\}$2\\end\{pspicture$1\}/gmsx;
+### Check plain TeX syntax for psgraph [skip PSTexample]
+Log('Convert plain \psgraph to LaTeX syntax [skip in PSTexample]');
+$document =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \\begin\{PSTexample\}.+?\\end\{PSTexample\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \\psgraph(\*)?(.+?)\\endpsgraph/\\begin\{psgraph$1\}$2\\end\{psgraph$1\}/gmsx;
+### Pass all postscript environments [skip in PSTexample]
+Log("Pass all postscript environments to \\begin{$wrapping} ... \\end{$wrapping}");
+$document =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \\begin\{PSTexample\}.+?\\end\{PSTexample\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ (?:\\begin\{postscript\})(?:\s*\[ [^]]*? \])?
+ (?<code>.+?)
+ (?:\\end\{postscript\})
+ /\\begin\{$wrapping\}$+{code}\\end\{$wrapping\}/gmsx;
+### Pass all pstricks environments to \\begin{$wrapping} ... \\end{$wrapping}");
+if ($force) {
+ # Try to capture \psset{...} for pstricks and psgraph [force]
+ Log('Try to capture \psset{...} for pstricks environments [force mode]');
+ Log("Pass all pstricks environments to \\begin{$wrapping} ... \\end{$wrapping} [force mode]");
+ $document =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \\begin\{PSTexample\}.+?\\end\{PSTexample\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \\begin\{$wrapping\}.+?\\end\{$wrapping\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ (?<code>
+ (?:\\psset\{(?:\{.*?\}|[^\{])*\}.+?)? # if exist
+ \\begin\{(?<env> pspicture\*?| psgraph)\} .+? \\end\{\k<env>\}
+ )
+ /\\begin\{$wrapping\}$+{code}\\end\{$wrapping\}/gmsx;
+else {
+ Log("Pass all pstricks environments to \\begin{$wrapping} ... \\end{$wrapping}");
+ $document =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \\begin\{nopreview\}.+?\\end\{nopreview\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \\begin\{$wrapping\}.+?\\end\{$wrapping\}(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ ($extr_tmp)/\\begin\{$wrapping\}$1\\end\{$wrapping\}/gmsx;
+### All environments are now classified:
+### Extraction -> \begin{$wrapping} ... \end{$wrapping}
+### Verbatim's -> %<\*$dtxverb> ... <\/$dtxverb>
+### Now split document
+my ($preamble,$bodydoc,$enddoc) = $document =~ m/\A (.+?) (\\begin\{document\} .+?)(\\end\{document\}.*)\z/msx;
+### Hash for reverse changes for extract and <output file>
+my %changes_out = (
+ '\PSSET' => '\psset',
+ '\TIKZSET' => '\tikzset',
+ '\TRICKS' => '\pspicture',
+ '\ENDTRICKS' => '\endpspicture',
+ '\PSGRAPHTRICKS' => '\psgraph',
+ '\ENDPSGRAPHTRICKS' => '\endpsgraph',
+ '\USEPACKAGE' => '\usepackage',
+ '{GRAPHICX}' => '{graphicx}',
+ '\GRAPHICSPATH{' => '\graphicspath{',
+ '\BEGIN{' => '\begin{',
+ '\END{' => '\end{',
+ '\DOCUMENTCLASS' => '\documentclass',
+ '\PAGESTYLE{' => '\pagestyle{',
+ '\THISPAGESTYLE{' => '\thispagestyle{',
+ '%PSTCLEAN' => '%CleanPST',
+ );
+### We restore the changes in body of environments and dtxverb
+%replace = (%changes_out);
+$find = join q{|}, map { quotemeta } sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %replace;
+$bodydoc =~ s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g;
+$preamble =~ s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g;
+### First search PSTexample environment for extract
+my @exa_extract = $bodydoc =~ m/(?:\\begin\{$wrapping\})($BE.+?$EE)(?:\\end\{$wrapping\})/gmsx;
+my $exaNo = scalar @exa_extract;
+### Set vars for log and print in terminal
+my $envEXA = $exaNo > 1 ? 'PSTexample environments' : 'PSTexample environment';
+my $fileEXA = $exaNo > 1 ? 'files' : 'file';
+### If PSTexample environment found
+if ($exaNo!=0) {
+ $PSTexa = 1;
+ Log("Found $exaNo $envEXA in $name$ext");
+ my $figNo = 1;
+ for my $item (@exa_extract) {
+ Logline("%##### PSTexample environment captured number $figNo ######%");
+ Logline($item);
+ $figNo++;
- if (not $corchetes or $corchetes =~ /\[\s*\]/) { # si no hay corchetes, o están vacíos,
- $corchetes = "[$graphics-$exacount}]"; # ponemos los nuestros
+ # Add [graphic={[...]...}] to \begin{PSTexample}[...]
+ Log('Append [graphic={[...]...}] to \begin{PSTexample}[...]');
+ $figNo = 1;
+ while ($bodydoc =~ /\\begin\{$wrapping\}(\s*)?\\begin\{PSTexample\}(\[.+?\])?/gsm) {
+ my $swpl_grap = "graphic=\{\[scale=1\]$imgdir/$name-fig-exa";
+ my $corchetes = $1;
+ my ($pos_inicial, $pos_final) = ($-[1], $+[1]);
+ if (not $corchetes) { $pos_inicial = $pos_final = $+[0]; }
+ if (not $corchetes or $corchetes =~ /\[\s*\]/) {
+ $corchetes = "[$swpl_grap-$figNo}]";
+ }
+ else { $corchetes =~ s/\]/,$swpl_grap-$figNo}]/; }
+ substr($bodydoc, $pos_inicial, $pos_final - $pos_inicial) = $corchetes;
+ pos($bodydoc) = $pos_inicial + length $corchetes;
- else { # si sí hay corchetes,
- $corchetes =~ s/\]/,$graphics-$exacount}]/; # lo agregamos al final, dentro de los corchetes
+ continue { $figNo++; }
+ Log('Pass PSTexample environments to \begin{nopreview} ... \end{nopreview}');
+ $bodydoc =~ s/\\begin\{$wrapping\}
+ (?<code>\\begin\{PSTexample\} .+? \\end\{PSTexample\})
+ \\end\{$wrapping\}
+ /\\begin\{nopreview\}\%$tmp$+{code}\\end\{nopreview\}\%$tmp/gmsx;
+### Second search any pstricks environment for extract
+my @env_extract = $bodydoc =~ m/(?:$BP)(.+?)(?:$EP)/gmsx;
+my $envNo = scalar @env_extract;
+### Set vars for log and print in terminal
+my $envSTD = $envNo > 1 ? 'pstricks environments' : 'pstricks environment';
+my $fileSTD = $envNo > 1 ? 'files' : 'file';
+### If any pstricks environments found
+if ($envNo!=0) {
+ $STDenv = 1;
+ Log("Found $envNo $envSTD in $name$ext");
+ my $fig = 1;
+ for my $item (@env_extract) {
+ Logline("%##### Environment pstricks captured number $fig ######%");
+ Logline($item);
+ $fig++;
- substr($cuerpo, $pos_inicial, $pos_final - $pos_inicial) = $corchetes;
- pos($cuerpo) = $pos_inicial + length $corchetes; # reposicionamos la búsqueda de la exp. reg.
-continue {
- $exacount++;
-#----------------------- Extract PSTexample files ----------------------
-while ($cuerpo =~ /^\\begin\{PSTexample\}\[.+?(?<nombre_archivo_secundario>$imageDir\/.+?-\d+)\}\](?<contenido>.+?)(?=^\\end\{PSTexample})/gsm) {
- open my $SALIDA, '>', "$+{'nombre_archivo_secundario'}$ext";
- print $SALIDA <<"EOC";
- close $SALIDA;
-# Now, deault way join all PSTexample files
-if (-e "$imageDir/$name-exa-1$ext") {
-# print "PSTexample environment found\n";
-# 1- Leer los PSTexa files
-my @pstexafiles = glob("$imageDir/$name-exa-*$ext");
-# 2- Ordenar según el índice y extención
-@pstexafiles =
- map { $_->[1] }
- sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }
- map { [ ($_ =~ /(\d+$ext)/), $_ ] }
- @pstexafiles;
-# 3- Bucle para leer las secciones
-my @almacen;
-for my $exafile (@pstexafiles) {
- # 3.1- Leer el archivo
- open my $FH, '<', $exafile; #
- my $tex = join q{}, <$FH>; #
- close $FH;
- # 3.2- Extraer la parte que nos interesa
- my($pedazo) = $tex =~ m/\\thispagestyle\{empty\}\s*(.+?)\s*\\end\{document\}/sm;
- # 3.3- Almacenamos, si hemos encontrado algo
- push @almacen, $pedazo if $pedazo;
-# 4- Salida
-open my $SALIDA, '>', "$tempDir/$name-exa$ext";
-print $SALIDA "$cabeza\n";
-my $fig = 1;
-for my $item (@almacen) {
- print $SALIDA "\\thispagestyle\{empty\}\n";
- print $SALIDA $item;
- print $SALIDA "%fig . $fig\n";
- print $SALIDA "\\newpage\n";
- $fig++;
-print $SALIDA '\end{document}';
-close $SALIDA;
- } # close join exa files (if exist)
-} # close nopreview
-### Escribimos en el mismo archivo con los cambios en verbatim
-open my $SALIDA, '>', "$tempDir/$name-tmp$ext";
-print $SALIDA "$cabeza$cuerpo$final";
-close $SALIDA;
-## Comentamos pst-exa en el preambulo, para no entorpecer a preview
-$cabeza =~
-## Eliminamos PSTexample y PSTcode para no entorpecer a preview
-$cuerpo =~
-$cuerpo =~
-## Escribimos el archivo completo para las figuras
-open my $OUTFILE, '>', "$tempDir/$name-pst$ext";
-print $OUTFILE "\\AtBeginDocument\{\n";
-print $OUTFILE "\\RequirePackage\[xetex,active,tightpage\]\{preview\}\n";
-print $OUTFILE "\\RequirePackage\[active,tightpage\]\{preview\}\n";
+### Run script process only if any enviroment(s) found in <input file>
+if ($envNo == 0 and $exaNo == 0) {
+ errorUsage("$scriptname can not find any environment to extract in $name$ext");
+### Storing ALL current options of script process for .log file
+if ($zip) { $opts_cmd{boolean}{zip} = 1; }
+if ($tar) { $opts_cmd{boolean}{tar} = 1; }
+if ($shell) { $opts_cmd{boolean}{shell} = 1; }
+if ($nopdf) { $opts_cmd{boolean}{nopdf} = 1; }
+if ($norun) { $opts_cmd{boolean}{norun} = 1; }
+if ($nocrop) { $opts_cmd{boolean}{nocrop} = 1; }
+if ($srcenv) { $opts_cmd{boolean}{srcenv} = 1; }
+if ($gray) { $opts_cmd{boolean}{gray} = 1; }
+if ($force) { $opts_cmd{boolean}{force} = 1; }
+if ($noprew) { $opts_cmd{boolean}{noprew} = 1; }
+if ($runbibtex) { $opts_cmd{boolean}{bibtex} = 1; }
+if ($runbiber) { $opts_cmd{boolean}{biber} = 1; }
+if ($clear) { $opts_cmd{boolean}{clear} = 1; }
+if ($nosource) { $opts_cmd{boolean}{nosource} = 1; }
+if ($arara) { $opts_cmd{compiler}{arara} = 1; }
+if ($latexmk) { $opts_cmd{compiler}{latexmk} = 1; }
+if ($luatex) { $opts_cmd{compiler}{luatex} = 1; }
+if ($xetex) { $opts_cmd{compiler}{xetex} = 1; }
+if ($tmpverbenv) { $opts_cmd{string}{ignore} = $tmpverbenv; }
+$opts_cmd{string}{myverb} = $myverb;
+$opts_cmd{string}{dpi} = $dpi;
+$opts_cmd{string}{runs} = $runs;
+$opts_cmd{string}{margins} = $margins;
+$opts_cmd{string}{imgdir} = $imgdir;
+foreach my $key (keys %{$opts_cmd{boolean}}) {
+ if (defined $opts_cmd{boolean}{$key}) { push @currentopt, "--$key"; }
+foreach my $key (keys %{$opts_cmd{compiler}}) {
+ if (defined $opts_cmd{compiler}{$key}) { push @currentopt, "--$key"; }
-print $OUTFILE "\\renewcommand\\PreviewBbAdjust\{-60pt -60pt 60pt 60pt\}%\n";
-print $OUTFILE "\\PreviewEnvironment\{pspicture\}\n";
-print $OUTFILE "\\PreviewEnvironment\{postscript\}\}\n";
-print $OUTFILE "$cabeza$cuerpo\\end\{document\}";
-close $OUTFILE;
+foreach my $key (keys %{$opts_cmd{image}}) {
+ if (defined $opts_cmd{image}{$key}) { push @currentopt, "--$key"; }
-## Escribimos en el mismo archivo, convirtiendo PSTexample
-## esta sera el archivo de entrada en el resto del script
+foreach my $key (keys %{$opts_cmd{string}}) {
+ if (defined $opts_cmd{string}{$key}) { push @currentopt, "--$key $opts_cmd{string}{$key}"; }
+@currentopt = grep !/--pdf/, @currentopt;
+my @sorted_words = sort { length $a <=> length $b } @currentopt;
+Log('The script will execute the following options:');
-my @lineas;
- open my $FILE, "$tempDir/$name-tmp$ext";
- @lineas = <$FILE>;
- close $FILE;
+### Set directory to save generated files, need full path for goog log :)
+my $imgdirpath = File::Spec->rel2abs($imgdir);
+if (-e $imgdir) {
+ Infoline("The generated files will be saved in $imgdirpath");
+else {
+ Infoline("Creating the directory $imgdirpath to save the generated files");
+ Infocolor('Running', "mkdir $imgdirpath");
+ Logline("[perl] mkdir($imgdir,0744)");
+ mkdir $imgdir,0744 or errorUsage("Can't create the directory $imgdir");
-my $PSTexample = qr/(?: PSTexample | PSTcode )/xi;
-my $DEL;
+### Set compiler for process <input file>
+my $compiler = $xetex ? 'xelatex'
+ : $luatex ? 'dvilualatex'
+ : 'latex'
+ ;
+### Set options for pdfcrop
+my $opt_crop = $xetex ? "--xetex --margins $margins"
+ : $luatex ? "--luatex --margins $margins"
+ : "--margins $margins"
+ ;
+### Set options for preview package
+my $opt_prew = $xetex ? 'xetex,' : q{};
+### Set message in terminal
+my $msg_compiler = $xetex ? 'xelatex'
+ : $luatex ? 'dvilualatex>dvips>ps2pdf'
+ : 'latex>dvips>ps2pdf'
+ ;
+### Set write18 for compiler in TeXLive and MikTeX
+if ($shell) {
+ $write18 = '-shell-escape';
+ $write18 = '--enable-write18' if defined $ENV{'TEXSYSTEM'} and $ENV{'TEXSYSTEM'} =~ /miktex/i;
+else {
+ $write18 = '-no-shell-escape';
+ $write18 = '--disable-write18' if defined $ENV{'TEXSYSTEM'} and $ENV{'TEXSYSTEM'} =~ /miktex/i;
-for (@lineas) {
- if (/^\\begin\{($PSTexample)(?{ $DEL = "\Q$^N" })\}/ .. /^\\end\{$DEL\}/) {
- while (my($busco, $cambio) = each %cambios) {
- s/\Q$busco\E/$cambio/g;
+### Set options for compiler
+my $opt_compiler = "$write18 -interaction=nonstopmode -recorder";
+if (!$norun) {
+ Log("The options '$opt_compiler' will be passed to $compiler");
+### Set -q for system command line (gs, poppler-utils, dvips)
+my $quiet = $verbose ? q{}
+ : '-q'
+ ;
+### Set options for ghostscript
+my %opt_gs_dev = (
+ pdf => '-dNOSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite',
+ gray => '-dNOSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sColorConversionStrategy=Gray -sProcessColorModel=DeviceGray',
+ png => "-dNOSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pngalpha -r$dpi",
+ bmp => "-dNOSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=bmp32b -r$dpi",
+ jpg => "-dNOSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg -r$dpi -dJPEGQ=100 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4",
+ tif => "-dNOSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiff32nc -r$dpi",
+ );
+### Set poppler-utils executables
+my %cmd_poppler = (
+ eps => "pdftops",
+ ppm => "pdftoppm",
+ svg => "pdftocairo",
+ );
+### Set options for poppler-utils
+my %opt_poppler = (
+ eps => "$quiet -eps",
+ ppm => "$quiet -r $dpi",
+ svg => "$quiet -svg",
+ );
+### Copy preamble and body for temp file with all environments
+my $atbeginout = $atbegindoc;
+my $preamout = $preamble;
+my $tmpbodydoc = $bodydoc;
+### Match \pagestyle and \thispagestyle in preamble
+my $style_page = qr /(?:\\)(?:this)?(?:pagestyle\{) (.+?) (?:\})/x;
+my @style_page = $preamout =~ m/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)| $style_page/gmsx;
+my %style_page = map { $_ => 1 } @style_page; # anon hash
+### Set \pagestyle{empty} for standalone files and process
+if (@style_page) {
+ if (!exists $style_page{empty}) {
+ Log("Replacing page style for generated files");
+ $preamout =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ (\\(this)?pagestyle)(?:\{.+?\})/$1\{empty\}/gmsx;
+ }
+else {
+ Log('Add \pagestyle{empty} for generated files');
+ $preamout = $preamout."\\pagestyle\{empty\}\n";
+### We created a preamble for the individual files
+my $sub_prea = "$atbeginout$preamout".'\begin{document}';
+### Revert changes
+$sub_prea =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>\s*(.+?)\s*\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
+%replace = (%changes_out);
+$find = join q{|}, map { quotemeta } sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %replace;
+$sub_prea =~ s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g;
+$sub_prea =~ s/^(?:\%<\*remove$tmp>)(.+?)(?:\%<\/remove$tmp>)/%CleanPST$1%CleanPST/gmsx;
+### Write standalone files for environments
+if (!$nosource) {
+ my $src_name = "$name-fig-";
+ my $srcNo = 1;
+ if ($srcenv) {
+ Log('Extract source code of all captured environments without preamble');
+ if ($STDenv) {
+ if (-e "$imgdir/$name-fig-1$ext") {
+ Log("Recreating $envNo $fileSTD [$ext] with source code for $envSTD in $imgdirpath");
+ print "Recreating $envNo $fileSTD ", color('magenta'), "[$ext]",
+ color('reset'), " with source code for $envSTD\r\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ Log("Creating $envNo $fileSTD [$ext] with source code for $envSTD in $imgdirpath");
+ print "Creating $envNo $fileSTD ", color('magenta'), "[$ext]",
+ color('reset'), " with source code for $envSTD\r\n";
+ }
+ # Write files
+ while ($tmpbodydoc =~ m/$BP(?:\s*)?(?<env_src>.+?)(?:\s*)?$EP/gms) {
+ open my $outexasrc, '>', "$imgdir/$src_name$srcNo$ext";
+ print {$outexasrc} $+{'env_src'};
+ close $outexasrc;
+ }
+ continue { $srcNo++; }
+ }
+ if ($PSTexa) {
+ if (-e "$imgdir/$name-fig-exa-1$ext") {
+ Log("Recreating $exaNo $fileEXA [$ext] with source code for $envEXA in $imgdirpath");
+ print "Recreating $exaNo $fileEXA ", color('magenta'), "[$ext]",
+ color('reset'), " with source code for $envEXA\r\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ Log("Creating $exaNo $fileEXA [$ext] with source code for $envEXA in $imgdirpath");
+ print "Creating $exaNo $fileEXA ", color('magenta'), "[$ext]",
+ color('reset'), " with source code for $envEXA\r\n";
+ }
+ # Write files
+ while ($tmpbodydoc =~ m/$BE\[.+?(?<pst_exa_name>$imgdir\/.+?-\d+)\}\]\s*(?<exa_src>.+?)\s*$EE/gms) {
+ open my $outstdsrc, '>', "$+{'pst_exa_name'}$ext";
+ print {$outstdsrc} $+{'exa_src'};
+ close $outstdsrc;
+ }
- }
-# Escritura del resultado
-open my $SALIDA, '>', "$tempDir/$name-tmp$ext";
-print $SALIDA @lineas;
-close $SALIDA;
-# end code for pstexample
-my $imgNo = 1; # internal image counter
-#----------------- nopreview mode, dont'n need gs ----------------------
-if ($nopreview) {
-LOG ("Running on [$path][$name][$ext]");
-open my $FILE,'<', "$TeXfile" ; # the source
-if (!$noImages ) {
-LOG ("nopreview mode generate images...");
-close $FILE; # close source file
-close $LOGfile;
- }
-#----------------------- Default way, using gs -------------------------
-LOG ("Running on [$path][$name][$ext]");
-open my $FILE,'<', "$TeXfile" ; # the source
-if (!$noImages ) {
-LOG ("Using gs for split images ... ");
-LOG ("done!\n go to runFile ...");
-LOG ("done!");
-close $FILE; # close source file
-close $LOGfile;
- }# !noImages
-}# close
-#-------------------------- Save Preamble ------------------------------
-# Now create a preamble file if we have a \input command inside the
-# preamble, it doesn't hurt, we need it anyway for the postscript
-# files and the pdf one.
-sub savePreamble {
-my $filename = pop; # get the file name
- LOG ("----- Start Preamble -----");
-open my $FILEp,'>',"$tempDir/$filename.preamble";
-open my $FILE, '<', "$tempDir/$name-tmp$ext";
- while (<$FILE>) { # read all until \begin{document}
- my $i = index($_,"begin{document}");
- if ($i > 0) {
- if ($i > 1) { print $FILEp substr($_,0,--$i); } # write all until \begin{document}
- if ($nopreview) {
- print $FILEp "\\newenvironment{postscript}{}{}\n";
- print $FILEp "\\pagestyle{empty}\n";
- }
-close $FILEp; # close preamble
- LOG ("----- Close Preamble ------");
- return;
- }
-else {
- print $FILEp "$_"; # write into preamble
- LOG ("$_");
+ else {
+ Log('Extract source code of all captured environments with preamble');
+ if ($STDenv) {
+ if (-e "$imgdir/$name-fig-1$ext") {
+ Log("Recreating $envNo standalone $fileSTD [$ext] for $envSTD in $imgdirpath");
+ print "Recreating $envNo standalone $fileSTD ", color('magenta'), "[$ext]",
+ color('reset'), " for $envSTD\r\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ Log("Creating $envNo standalone $fileSTD [$ext] for $envSTD in $imgdirpath");
+ print "Creating $envNo standalone $fileSTD ", color('magenta'), "[$ext]",
+ color('reset'), " for $envSTD\r\n";
+ }
+ # Write files
+ while ($tmpbodydoc =~ m/$BP(?:\s*)?(?<env_src>.+?)(?:\s*)?$EP/gms) {
+ open my $outstdfile, '>', "$imgdir/$src_name$srcNo$ext";
+ print {$outstdfile} "$sub_prea\n$+{'env_src'}\n\\end\{document\}";
+ close $outstdfile;
+ }
+ continue { $srcNo++; }
+ }
+ if ($PSTexa) {
+ if (-e "$imgdir/$name-fig-exa-1$ext") {
+ Log("Recreating $exaNo standalone $fileEXA [$ext] for $envEXA in $imgdirpath");
+ print "Recreating $exaNo standalone $fileEXA ", color('magenta'), "[$ext]",
+ color('reset'), " for $envEXA\r\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ Log("Creating $exaNo standalone $fileEXA [$ext] for $envEXA in $imgdirpath");
+ print "Creating $exaNo standalone $fileEXA ", color('magenta'), "[$ext]",
+ color('reset'), " for $envEXA\r\n";
+ }
+ # Write files
+ while ($tmpbodydoc =~ m/$BE\[.+?(?<pst_exa_name>$imgdir\/.+?-\d+)\}\]\s*(?<exa_src>.+?)\s*$EE/gms) {
+ open my $outexafile, '>', "$+{'pst_exa_name'}$ext";
+ print {$outexafile} "$sub_prea\n$+{'exa_src'}\n\\end\{document\}";
+ close $outexafile;
+ }
+ }
-close $FILE;
-close $FILEp;
-# Search in source-parser file
-sub searchPS { # search the PostScript parts
- my @PS = (); # nopreview PS sequence
- my @PStotal = (); # all PS sequences as list of arrays
- my $depth = -1; # counts nested macros
- my $type = -1; # -1-> none; 1->PST; 2->PS;
- my $EndDocument = 0; # ignore all after \end{document}
- my $iVerb = 0; # test for verbatim or lstlisting environment, must be ignored
- open my $FILE, '<', "$tempDir/$name-tmp$ext";
- while (<$FILE>) { # scan the input file
- if (!$EndDocument) {
- chomp; # delete EOL character
- my $line = $_; # save line
- if ( !$iVerb ) {
- $iVerb = ((index($line,"begin{verbatim}") > 0) or ( index($line,"begin{lstlisting}") > 0));
- } # do nothing until \end{verbatim}
- if ( !$iVerb ) {
- my $iPS = index($line,"begin{postscript}");
- my $iPST = index($line,"begin{pspicture*}");
- if ($iPST < 0) { $iPST = index($line,"begin{pspicture}"); } # alternative
- if ($iPST < 0) { $iPST = index($line,"pspicture"); } # alternative \pspicture...
- if (($iPS > 0) && ( $type == 1 )){ print "postscript environment must be of outer level!\n"; exit 1; }
- if ( $type < 0 ) { # no active environment
- if ($iPS > 0) { # we have \begin{postscript}
- $type = 2;
- $line = substr($line,$iPS-1); # add rest of the line
- LOG("PS-Zeile: $line");
- }
- elsif ( $iPST > 0 ) { # we have \begin{pspicture} or \pspicture
- $type = 1;
- $depth++;
- $line = substr($line,$iPST-1);# add all unitl pspicture
- LOG("PST-Zeile: $line");
+### Store options for preview and pst-pdf (add at begin document)
+my $previewpkg = <<"EXTRA";
+\\renewcommand\\PreviewBbAdjust\{-60pt -60pt 60pt 60pt\}\}%
+### Store options for pst-pdf (add at begin document)
+my $pstpdfpkg = <<'EXTRA';
+### First match preview package in preamble (prevent option clash)
+my $REQPACK = quotemeta'\RequirePackage';
+my $USEPACK = quotemeta'\usepackage';
+my $CORCHETES = qr/\[ [^]]*? \]/x;
+my $PALABRAS = qr/\b (?: preview )/x;
+my $FAMILIA = qr/\{ \s* $PALABRAS (?: \s* [,] \s* $PALABRAS )* \s* \}(\%*)?/x;
+Log('Remove preview package in preamble [memory]');
+$preamout =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ ^ $USEPACK (?: $CORCHETES )? $FAMILIA \s*//msxg;
+$preamout =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ (?: ^ $USEPACK \{ | \G) [^}]*? \K (,?) \s* $PALABRAS (\s*) (,?) /$1 and $3 ? ',' : $1 ? $2 : ''/gemsx;
+$preamout =~ s/^\\usepackage\{\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+/\n/gmsx;
+### Remove %<*$dtxverb> ... %</$dtxverb> in tmpbodydoc and preamout
+$tmpbodydoc =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
+$preamout =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
+### Adjust nopreview environments
+$tmpbodydoc =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}\%$tmp
+ (?<code> .+?)
+ \\end\{nopreview\}\%$tmp
+ /\\begin\{nopreview\}\n$+{code}\n\\end\{nopreview\}/gmsx;
+### Adjust $wrapping environments (no need realy)
+$tmpbodydoc =~ s/\\begin\{$wrapping\}
+ (?<code>.+?)
+ \\end\{$wrapping\}
+ /\\begin\{$wrapping\}\n$+{code}\n\\end\{$wrapping\}/gmsx;
+### Reverse changes for temporary file with all env (no in -exa file)
+$tmpbodydoc =~ s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g;
+$tmpbodydoc =~ s/(\%TMP$tmp)//g;
+$preamout =~ s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g;
+$preamout =~ s/^(?:\%<\*remove$tmp>)(.+?)(?:\%<\/remove$tmp>)/%CleanPST$1%CleanPST/gmsx;
+$atbeginout =~ s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g;
+### We created a preamble for individual files with all environments
+$sub_prea = $noprew ? "$atbeginout$pstpdfpkg$preamout".'\begin{document}'
+ : "$atbeginout$previewpkg$preamout"
+ ;
+### Create a one file with "all" PSTexample environments extracted
+if ($PSTexa) {
+ @exa_extract = undef;
+ Log("Adding packages to $name-fig-exa-$tmp$ext [memory]");
+ Logline($pstpdfpkg);
+ Log('Convert plain Tex syntax for pspicture and psgraph to LaTeX syntax in PSTexample environments');
+ while ($tmpbodydoc =~ m/$BE\[.+? $imgdir\/.+?-\d+\}\] .+?$EE/pgsmx ) { # search
+ my ($pos_inicial, $pos_final) = ($-[0], $+[0]);
+ my $encontrado = ${^MATCH};
+ $encontrado =~ s/\\pspicture(\*)?(.+?)\\endpspicture/\\begin\{pspicture$1\}$2\\end\{pspicture$1\}/gmsx;
+ $encontrado =~ s/\\psgraph(\*)?(.+?)\\endpsgraph/\\begin\{psgraph$1\}$2\\end\{psgraph$1\}/gmsx;
+ substr $tmpbodydoc, $pos_inicial, $pos_final-$pos_inicial, $encontrado;
+ pos ($tmpbodydoc) = $pos_inicial + length $encontrado;
+ }
+ # Write file
+ Infoline("Creating $name-fig-exa-$tmp$ext with $exaNo $envEXA extracted");
+ while ($tmpbodydoc =~ m/$BE\[.+? $imgdir\/.+?-\d+\}\](?<exa_src>.+?)$EE/gmsx ) { # search
+ push @exa_extract, $+{'exa_src'}."\\newpage\n";
+ open my $allexaenv, '>', "$name-fig-exa-$tmp$ext";
+ print {$allexaenv} "$atbeginout$pstpdfpkg$preamout".'\begin{document}'."@exa_extract"."\\end\{document\}";
+ close $allexaenv;
+ }
+ # Remove [graphic={...}] in PSTexample example environments
+ $tmpbodydoc =~ s/($BE)(?:\[graphic=\{\[scale=1\]$imgdir\/.+?-\d+\}\])/$1/gmsx;
+ $tmpbodydoc =~ s/($BE\[.+?)(?:,graphic=\{\[scale=1\]$imgdir\/.+?-\d+\})(\])/$1$2/gmsx;
+ # Moving and renaming
+ if ($norun) {
+ Infoline("Moving and renaming $name-fig-exa-$tmp$ext to $name-fig-exa-all$ext");
+ if (-e "$imgdir/$name-fig-exa-all$ext") {
+ Infocolor('Warning', "The file [$name-fig-exa-all$ext] already exists and will be rewritten");
+ Log("Rewriting the file $name-fig-exa-all$ext in $imgdirpath");
+ }
+ else {
+ Log("Writing the file $name-fig-exa-all$ext in $imgdirpath");
- }
-# we have now \begin{pspicture} or \begin{postscript}
- if ($type > 0) { # start Scan, we have an environment
- LOG ("searchPS: set \$type=$type");
- $iPST = index($line,"end{pspicture*}");
- if ($iPST < 0) { $iPST = index($line,"end{pspicture}"); } # alternative
- if ($iPST < 0) { $iPST = index($line,"endpspicture"); } # alternative \endpspicture...
- $iPS = index($line,"end{postscript}");
- if ($iPST > 0) { # test, we can have postscript and pspicture in one line
- if ( $type < 2) { # found end of pspicture environment
- LOG ("searchPS: $line");
- $depth--;
- if ($depth < 0) {
- $type = -1;
- if (index($line,"endpspicture") > 0) # add line, depends to type
- { push @PS,substr($line,0,$iPST+12); } # \endpspicture
- elsif (index($line,"pspicture*") > 0)
- { push @PS,substr($line,0,$iPST+15); }# \end{pspicture}
- else { push @PS,substr($line,0,$iPST+14); } # \end{pspicture}
- LOG ("searchPS: set \$type=$type");
- push @PStotal,[@PS]; # add PS sequence
- LOG ("---->PS---->\n@PS\n<----PS<----");
- @PS = (); # start new PS sequence
- } # no pspicture env left
- } else { push @PS,$line; } # pspicture inside postscript
- } elsif ($iPS > 0) { # must be type=1 -> stop Scan
- LOG ("searchPS: $line");
- $type = -1;
- push @PS,substr($line,0,$iPS+15); # add line
- LOG ("searchPS: set \$type=$type");
- push @PStotal,[@PS]; # add PS sequence
- LOG ("---->PS---->\n@PS\n<----PS<----");
- @PS =(); # start new PS sequence
- } else { push @PS,$line; } # add line
- }
- my $i = index($line,"end{document}");
- if ($i > 0) { $EndDocument++; LOG("EndDocument in searchPS"); }
- } # if ( $iVerb )
- if (( index($line,"end{verbatim}") > 0 ) or ( index($line,"end{lstlisting}") > 0 )) { $iVerb = 0; }
- }}
- if ( $Verbose ) {
- LOG("---->PStotal---->");
- for my $aref ( @PStotal ) {
- my @a = @$aref;
- my $i = 1;
- foreach ( @a ) { LOG ($a[$i]); $i=$i+1; }
+ if ($verbose) {
+ Infocolor('Running', "mv $workdir/$name-fig-exa-$tmp$ext $imgdirpath/$name-fig-exa-all$ext");
+ }
+ else {
+ Infocolor('Running', "mv $name-fig-exa-$tmp$ext ./$imgdir/$name-fig-exa-all$ext");
+ }
+ Logline("[perl] move($workdir/$name-fig-exa-$tmp$ext, $imgdirpath/$name-fig-exa-all$ext)");
+ move("$workdir/$name-fig-exa-$tmp$ext", "$imgdir/$name-fig-exa-all$ext")
+ or die "* Error!!: Couldn't be renamed $name-fig-exa-$tmp$ext to ./$imgdir/$name-fig-exa-all$ext";
- LOG ("<----PStotal<----");
- }
- close $FILE;
- return @PStotal; # return all PS sequences
-#---------------------- Create files.tex for images --------------------
-sub runFile {
- my $filename = pop;
- my @PSarray = searchPS();
+### Create a one file with "all" standard environments extracted
+if ($STDenv) {
+ if ($noprew) {
+ Log("Creating $name-fig-$tmp$ext with $envNo $envSTD extracted [no preview]");
+ print "Creating $name-fig-$tmp$ext with $envNo $envSTD extracted",
+ color('magenta'), " [no preview]\r\n",color('reset');
+ }
+ else {
+ Log("Creating $name-fig-$tmp$ext with $envNo $envSTD extracted [preview]");
+ print "Creating $name-fig-$tmp$ext with $envNo $envSTD extracted",
+ color('magenta'), " [preview]\r\n",color('reset');
+ }
+ open my $allstdenv, '>', "$name-fig-$tmp$ext";
+ if ($noprew) {
+ my @env_extract;
+ while ($tmpbodydoc =~ m/(?:$BP)(?<env_src>.+?)(?:$EP)/gms) {
+ push @env_extract,$+{'env_src'}."\\newpage\n";
+ }
+ Log("Adding packages to $name-fig-$tmp$ext");
+ Logline($pstpdfpkg);
+ print {$allstdenv} $sub_prea."@env_extract"."\\end{document}";
+ }
+ else {
+ Log("Adding packages to $name-fig-$tmp$ext");
+ Logline($previewpkg);
+ Log("Convert $wrapping to preview environments in $name-fig-$tmp$ext");
+ # Convert $wrapping to preview environments
+ $tmpbodydoc =~ s/\\begin\{$wrapping\}(?<code>.+?)\\end\{$wrapping\}
+ /\\begin\{preview\}\n$+{code}\n\\end\{preview\}\n/gmsx;
+ print {$allstdenv} $sub_prea.$tmpbodydoc."\n\\end{document}";
+ }
+ close $allstdenv;
+ # Moving and renaming
+ if ($norun) {
+ Infoline("Moving and renaming $name-fig-$tmp$ext to $name-fig-all$ext");
+ if (-e "$imgdir/$name-fig-all$ext") {
+ Infocolor('Warning', "The file [$name-fig-all$ext] already exists and will be rewritten");
+ Log("Rewriting the file $name-fig-all$ext in $imgdirpath");
+ }
+ else {
+ Log("Writing the file $name-fig-all$ext in $imgdirpath");
+ }
+ if ($verbose) {
+ Infocolor('Running', "mv $workdir/$name-fig-$tmp$ext $imgdirpath/$name-fig-all$ext");
+ }
+ else {
+ Infocolor('Running', "mv $name-fig-$tmp$ext ./$imgdir/$name-fig-all$ext");
+ }
+ Logline("[perl] move($workdir/$name-fig-$tmp$ext, $imgdirpath/$name-fig-all$ext)");
+ move("$workdir/$name-fig-$tmp$ext", "$imgdir/$name-fig-all$ext")
+ or die "* Error!!: Couldn't be renamed $name-fig-$tmp$ext to ./$imgdir/$name-fig-all$ext";
+ }
- if ( $Verbose ) {
- LOG("---->PSarray---->");
- for my $aref ( @PSarray ) {
- my @a = @$aref;
- my $i = 1;
- foreach ( @a ) { print LOG $a[$i]."\n"; $i=$i+1; }
+### Compiler and generate PDF files
+if (!$norun) {
+Log('Generate a PDF file with all captured environments');
+my @compiler = (1..$runs);
+opendir (my $DIR, $workdir);
+ while (readdir $DIR) {
+ if (/(?<name>$name-fig(-exa)?)(?<type>-$tmp$ext)/) {
+ Log("Compiling the file $+{name}$+{type} using [$msg_compiler]");
+ print "Compiling the file $+{name}$+{type} using ", color('magenta'), "[$msg_compiler]\r\n",color('reset');
+ # Compiling file
+ for (@compiler){
+ RUNOSCMD("$compiler $opt_compiler","$+{name}$+{type}",'show');
+ }
+ # Using dvips>ps2pdf
+ if ($compiler eq 'latex' or $compiler eq 'dvilualatex') {
+ RUNOSCMD("dvips $quiet -Ppdf", "-o $+{name}-$ $+{name}-$tmp.dvi",'show');
+ RUNOSCMD("ps2pdf -sPDFSETTINGS=prepress -sAutoRotatePages=None", "$+{name}-$ $+{name}-$tmp.pdf",'show');
+ }
+ # Moving and renaming temp files with source code
+ Infoline("Moving and renaming $+{name}$+{type} to $+{name}-all$ext");
+ if (-e "$imgdir/$+{name}-all$ext") {
+ Infocolor('Warning', "The file [$+{name}-all$ext] already exists and will be rewritten");
+ Log("Rewriting the file $+{name}-all$ext with all source for environments in $imgdirpath");
+ }
+ else {
+ Log("Writing the file $+{name}-all$ext with all source for environments in $imgdirpath");
+ }
+ if ($verbose){
+ Infocolor('Running', "mv $workdir/$+{name}$+{type} $imgdirpath/$+{name}-all$ext");
+ }
+ else {
+ Infocolor('Running', "mv $+{name}$+{type} ./$imgdir/$+{name}-all$ext");
+ }
+ Logline("[perl] move($workdir/$+{name}$+{type}, $imgdirpath/$+{name}-all$ext)");
+ move("$workdir/$+{name}$+{type}", "$imgdir/$+{name}-all$ext")
+ or die "* Error!!: Couldn't be renamed $+{name}$+{type} to $imgdir/$+{name}-all$ext";
+ # pdfcrop
+ if (!$nocrop) {
+ Infoline("Cropping the file $+{name}-$tmp.pdf");
+ RUNOSCMD("pdfcrop $opt_crop", "$+{name}-$tmp.pdf $+{name}-$tmp.pdf",'show');
+ }
+ # gray
+ if ($gray) {
+ Infoline("Creating the file $+{name}-all.pdf [gray] in $tempDir");
+ RUNOSCMD("$gscmd $quiet $opt_gs_dev{gray} ","-o $tempDir/$+{name}-all.pdf $workdir/$+{name}-$tmp.pdf",'show');
+ }
+ else {
+ Infoline("Creating the file $+{name}-all.pdf in $tempDir");
+ if ($verbose){
+ Infocolor('Running', "mv $workdir/$+{name}-$tmp.pdf $tempDir/$+{name}-all.pdf");
+ }
+ else { Infocolor('Running', "mv $+{name}-$tmp.pdf $tempDir/$+{name}-all.pdf"); }
+ # Renaming pdf file
+ Logline("[perl] move($workdir/$+{name}-$tmp.pdf, $tempDir/$+{name}-all.pdf)");
+ move("$workdir/$+{name}-$tmp.pdf", "$tempDir/$+{name}-all.pdf")
+ or die "* Error!!: Couldn't be renamed $+{name}-$tmp.pdf to $tempDir/$+{name}-all.pdf";
+ }
+ }
- LOG("<----PSarray<----");
- my $no = @PSarray;
- LOG("PS: ".$no." PS sequence(s)");
- }
- for my $aref ( @PSarray ) {
- my @PS = @$aref;
- open my $FILEp,'<',"$tempDir/$filename.preamble";
- open my $FILEsub,'>',"$tempDir/$filename-fig$ext";
- while (<$FILEp>) {print $FILEsub $_; }
- print $FILEsub "\\begin{document}\n";
- if ( $Verbose ) { LOG("\@PS: $_"); }
- foreach ( @PS ) { print $FILEsub "$_\n"; }
- print $FILEsub "\\end{document}";
- close $FILEsub;
- close $FILEp;
- runTeX("$tempDir/$filename-fig");
- }
-LOG ("runpdfTeX ... ");
-LOG ("all finished ... :-)");
-#------------------- Copy files.tex for images in default mode ---------
-sub runTeX{
- my $filename = pop;
- copy("$filename$ext", "$imageDir/$filename-$imgNo$ext");
- $imgNo=$imgNo+1;
-#------------------- Create images in PDF fromat ------------------------
-sub runPSTimg() {
-# Option for gs
-my $opt_gs_split='-q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH ';
-# Option for pdfcrop
-my $opt_pdfcrop="-margins $margins";
-# Abrimos el directorio y creamos las imagenes en formato PDF
-if ($nopreview) {
-opendir(my $DIR, $imageDir);
- while (readdir $DIR) {
-if (/(?<nombre>$name-(fig|exa)-\d+)(?<extension>$ext)/) {
-if ($xetex){
- system("xelatex -interaction=batchmode -output-directory=$imageDir $imageDir/$+{nombre}$+{extension}");
- system("pdfcrop $opt_pdfcrop -xetex $imageDir/$+{nombre}.pdf $imageDir/$+{nombre}.pdf");
- } # close xelatex
- system("latex -interaction=batchmode -output-directory=$imageDir $imageDir/$+{nombre}$+{extension}");
- system("dvips -q -P pdf -o $imageDir/$+{nombre}.ps $imageDir/$+{nombre}.dvi");
- system("ps2pdf $imageDir/$+{nombre}.ps $imageDir/$+{nombre}.pdf");
- system("pdfcrop $opt_pdfcrop $imageDir/$+{nombre}.pdf $imageDir/$+{nombre}.pdf");
- } # close latex>dvips>ps2pdf
- } # close find regex in nopreview
-} # close while
closedir $DIR;
-} # close $nopreview
-# Cerramos y abrimos con nopreview (gs por defecto)
-# Compilamos PSTexa usando gs
-if (-e "$tempDir/$name-exa$ext") {
-if ($xetex){
- system("xelatex -interaction=batchmode -output-directory=$imageDir $tempDir/$name-exa$ext");
- system("pdfcrop $opt_pdfcrop -xetex $imageDir/$name-exa.pdf $imageDir/$name-exa.pdf");
- } # xelatex
- system("latex -interaction=batchmode -output-directory=$imageDir $tempDir/$name-exa$ext");
- system("dvips -q -Ppdf -o $imageDir/$ $imageDir/$name-exa.dvi");
- system("ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress $imageDir/$ $imageDir/$name-exa.pdf");
- system("pdfcrop $opt_pdfcrop $imageDir/$name-exa.pdf $imageDir/$name-exa.pdf");
- } # close latex>dvips>ps2pdf
-system("$::opt_gscmd $opt_gs_split -sOutputFile=$imageDir/$name-exa-%1d.pdf $imageDir/$name-exa.pdf");
-# Eliminamos los fuentes
-if ($clear) {
- unlink "$imageDir/$name-exa.pdf";
- unlink "$tempDir/$name-exa$ext";
+### Create image formats in separate files
+if (!$norun) {
+ Log("Creating the image formats: $format, working on $tempDir");
+ opendir(my $DIR, $tempDir);
+ while (readdir $DIR) {
+ # PDF/PNG/JPG/BMP/TIFF format suported by ghostscript
+ if (/(?<name>$name-fig(-exa)?)(?<type>-all\.pdf)/) {
+ for my $var (qw(pdf png jpg bmp tif)) {
+ if (defined $opts_cmd{image}{$var}) {
+ Log("Generating format [$var] from file $+{name}$+{type} in $imgdirpath using $gscmd");
+ print 'Generating format', color('blue'), " [$var] ", color('reset'),"from file $+{name}$+{type}\r\n";
+ RUNOSCMD("$gscmd $quiet $opt_gs_dev{$var} ", "-o $workdir/$imgdir/$+{name}-%1d.$var $tempDir/$+{name}$+{type}",'show');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # EPS/PPM/SVG format suported by poppler-utils
+ if (/(?<name>$name-fig-exa)(?<type>-all\.pdf)/) { # pst-exa package
+ for my $var (qw(eps ppm svg)) {
+ if (defined $opts_cmd{image}{$var}) {
+ Log("Generating format [$var] from file $+{name}$+{type} in $imgdirpath using $cmd_poppler{$var}");
+ print 'Generating format', color('blue'), " [$var] ", color('reset'),"from file $+{name}$+{type}\r\n";
+ if (!$verbose){
+ Infocolor('Running', "$cmd_poppler{$var} $opt_poppler{$var}");
+ }
+ for (my $epsNo = 1; $epsNo <= $exaNo; $epsNo++) {
+ RUNOSCMD("$cmd_poppler{$var} $opt_poppler{$var}", "-f $epsNo -l $epsNo $tempDir/$+{name}$+{type} $workdir/$imgdir/$+{name}-$epsNo.$var",'only');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (/(?<name>$name-fig)(?<type>-all\.pdf)/) {
+ for my $var (qw(eps ppm svg)) {
+ if (defined $opts_cmd{image}{$var}) {
+ Log("Generating format [$var] from file $+{name}$+{type} in $imgdirpath using $cmd_poppler{$var}");
+ print 'Generating format', color('blue'), " [$var] ", color('reset'),"from file $+{name}$+{type}\r\n";
+ if (!$verbose){
+ Infocolor('Running', "$cmd_poppler{$var} $opt_poppler{$var}");
+ }
+ for (my $epsNo = 1; $epsNo <= $envNo; $epsNo++) {
+ RUNOSCMD("$cmd_poppler{$var} $opt_poppler{$var}", "-f $epsNo -l $epsNo $tempDir/$+{name}$+{type} $workdir/$imgdir/$+{name}-$epsNo.$var",'only');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } # close while
+ closedir $DIR;
+ # Renaming PPM image files
+ if (defined $opts_cmd{image}{ppm}) {
+ Log("Renaming [ppm] images in $imgdirpath");
+ if ($verbose){
+ print 'Renaming', color('blue'), " [ppm] ", color('reset'),"images in $imgdirpath\r\n";
+ }
+ opendir(my $DIR, $imgdir);
+ while (readdir $DIR) {
+ if (/(?<name>$name-fig(-exa)?-\d+\.ppm)(?<sep>-\d+)(?<ppm>\.ppm)/) {
+ if ($verbose){
+ Infocolor('Running', "mv $+{name}$+{sep}$+{ppm} $+{name}");
+ }
+ Logline("[perl] move($imgdirpath/$+{name}$+{sep}$+{ppm}, $imgdirpath/$+{name})");
+ move("$imgdir/$+{name}$+{sep}$+{ppm}", "$imgdir/$+{name}")
+ or die "* Error!!: Couldn't be renamed $+{name}$+{sep}$+{ppm} to $+{name}";
+ }
+ }
+ closedir $DIR;
-} # close check file exist
-# Compilamos las imagenes y las separamos usando gs
-if (-e "$imageDir/$name-fig-1$ext") {
-if ($xetex){
- system("xelatex -interaction=batchmode -output-directory=$imageDir $tempDir/$name-pst$ext");
- system("pdfcrop $opt_pdfcrop -xetex $imageDir/$name-pst.pdf $imageDir/$name-pst.pdf");
- } # xelatex
- system("latex -interaction=batchmode -output-directory=$imageDir $tempDir/$name-pst$ext");
- system("dvips -q -Ppdf -o $imageDir/$ $imageDir/$name-pst.dvi");
- system("ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress $imageDir/$ $imageDir/$name-pst.pdf");
- system("pdfcrop $opt_pdfcrop $imageDir/$name-pst.pdf $imageDir/$name-pst.pdf");
- } # close latex>dvips>ps2pdf
-system("$::opt_gscmd $opt_gs_split -sOutputFile=$imageDir/$name-fig-%1d.pdf $imageDir/$name-pst.pdf");
-if ($clear) {
-unlink "$imageDir/$name-pst.pdf";
-unlink "$tempDir/$name-pst$ext";
-unlink "$tempDir/$name-fig$ext";
- } # end clear
- } # close check file exist
-} # close !nopreview (ghostscript)
-#--------------------------- Clear aux files ---------------------------
-if ($clear) {
-my @del_tmp;
-find(\&del_aux_tex, $imageDir);
-sub del_aux_tex{
-my $auximgfile = $_;
-# search .(aux|dvi|log|ps)
-if(-f $auximgfile && $auximgfile =~ /\.(aux|dvi|log|ps)$/){
-push @del_tmp, $File::Find::name;
- }
-unlink @del_tmp;
-}# end clear aux
-# Create xpdfrc conf for silent output pdftops/pdftoppm mesagge
-if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'MSWin64'){
-if ($eps or $ppm) {
-open my $ppmconf, '>', "$tempDir/xpd";
-print $ppmconf <<'EOH';
-errQuiet yes
-close $ppmconf;
- }
-}# end fix for windows
-# options for other images type using ghostscript
-my $opt_gs_raw='-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH ';
-# Creamos las imagenes en todos los formatos distintos a PDF
-opendir(my $DIR, $imageDir);
-while (readdir $DIR) {
-if (/(?<nombre>$name-(fig|exa)-\d+)(?<extension>\.pdf)/) {
-# PNG format
-if ($png) {
-system("$::opt_gscmd -q -sDEVICE=pngalpha -r$DPI $opt_gs_raw -sOutputFile=$imageDir/$+{nombre}.png $imageDir/$+{nombre}.pdf");
- }
-# JPEG format
-if ($jpg) {
-system("$::opt_gscmd -q -sDEVICE=jpeg -r$DPI -dJPEGQ=100 $opt_gs_raw -sOutputFile=$imageDir/$+{nombre}.jpg $imageDir/$+{nombre}.pdf");
- }
-# SVG format
-if ($svg) {
- system("pdf2svg $imageDir/$+{nombre}.pdf $imageDir/$+{nombre}.svg");
- }
-# EPS format
-if ($eps) {
- if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'MSWin64'){
- system("pdftops -cfg $tempDir/xpd -q -level3 -eps $imageDir/$+{nombre}.pdf $imageDir/$+{nombre}.eps");
- }else{
- system("pdftops -q -level3 -eps $imageDir/$+{nombre}.pdf $imageDir/$+{nombre}.eps");
- }
- } # close EPS
-# PPM format
-if ($ppm) {
- if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'MSWin64'){
- system("pdftoppm -cfg $tempDir/xpd -q -r $DPI $imageDir/$+{nombre}.pdf $imageDir/$+{nombre}");
- }else{
- system("pdftoppm -q -r $DPI $imageDir/$+{nombre}.pdf $imageDir/$+{nombre}");
- }
- } # close PPM
- } # close finde regex
-} # close while
-closedir $DIR; #close dir
-## Renombramos los ppm
-if ($ppm) {
-if (opendir(DIR,$dir)) { # abro el directorio
- while (my $oldname = readdir DIR) { # lo recorro
- # el nuevo nombre es fruto de una sustitución
- my $newname = $oldname =~ s/^($name-(fig|exa)-\d+)(-\d+).ppm$/$1 . ".ppm"/re;
- if ($oldname ne $newname) { # comprobación
- rename("$dir/$oldname", "$dir/$newname"); # renombro
- }
- }
- closedir DIR;
- } # close rename ppm
- } # close ppm
-} # cerramos runPSTimg
-#--------------------- Replace PST environment for images----------------
-sub runpdfTeX() {
- my ($name,$pdfname) = @_;
- open my $PDF,'>',"$tempDir/$pdfname-pdf$ext";
- open my $FILE,'<',"$tempDir/$name-tmp$ext";
- my $ignore = 0;
- my $IMGno = 1;
- my $depth = -1;
- my $type = -1;
- my $EndDocument = 0; # ignore all after \end{document}
- my $iVerb = 0;
- while (<$FILE>) { # scan the input file
- if ( !$iVerb ) {
- $iVerb = ((index($_,"begin{verbatim}") > 0) or ( index($_,"begin{lstlisting}") > 0));
- } # do nothing until \end{verbatim}|| \end{lstlisting}
- if ( !$iVerb ) {
- my $i = index($_,"end{document}");
- if ($i > 0) { print $PDF $_; $EndDocument++; LOG("EndDocument in runpdfTeX"); }
- if ( !$EndDocument ) {
- my $iPS = index($_,"begin{postscript}");
- if ( $iPS > 0 ) {
- $type = 2;
- $ignore = 1;
- if ($iPS > 1) { print $PDF substr($_,0,--$iPS); } # add preceeding text
- print $PDF "\\includegraphics[scale=1]{$pdfname-fig-$IMGno}"; # use pdfname
- $IMGno=$IMGno+1;
- } # postscript env
- if ( $type < 2 ) {
- my $iPST = index($_,"begin{pspicture*}");
- if ($iPST < 0) { $iPST = index($_,"begin{pspicture}"); } # alternative ...
- if ($iPST < 0) { $iPST = index($_,"\\pspicture"); } # alternative \\pspicture...
- if ( $iPST >= 0 ) { # start Scan
- $ignore = 1;
- $type = 1;
- $depth++; # pspicture env
- LOG("Increase depth: $depth");
- if ( $depth == 0 ) {
- if ($iPST > 1) { print $PDF substr($_,0,--$iPST); } # add preceeding text
- print $PDF "\\includegraphics[scale=1]{$pdfname-fig-$IMGno}"; # use \graphicspath
- $IMGno=$IMGno+1;
- LOG("Increase Image counter: $IMGno");
+} # close run
+### Constant
+my $findgraphicx = 'true';
+### Suport for pst-exa package
+my $pstexa = qr/(?:\\ usepackage) \[\s*(.+?)\s*\] (?:\{\s*(pst-exa)\s*\} ) /x;
+my @pst_exa;
+my %pst_exa;
+### Possible packages that load graphicx
+my @pkgcandidates = qw (
+ rotating epsfig lyluatex xunicode parsa xepersian-hm gregoriotex teixmlslides
+ teixml fotex hvfloat pgfplots grfpaste gmbase hep-paper postage schulealt
+ schule utfsym cachepic abc doclicense rotating epsfig semtrans mgltex
+ graphviz revquantum mpostinl cmpj cmpj2 cmpj3 chemschemex register papercdcase
+ flipbook wallpaper asyprocess draftwatermark rutitlepage dccpaper-base
+ nbwp-manual mandi fmp toptesi isorot pinlabel cmll graphicx-psmin ptmxcomp
+ countriesofeurope iodhbwm-templates fgruler combinedgraphics pax pdfpagediff
+ psfragx epsdice perfectcut upmethodology-fmt ftc-notebook tabvar vtable
+ teubner pas-cv gcard table-fct pdfpages keyfloat pdfscreen showexpl simplecd
+ ifmslide grffile reflectgraphics markdown bclogo tikz-page pst-uml realboxes
+ musikui csbulobalka lwarp mathtools sympytex mpgraphics miniplot.sty:77
+ dottex pdftricks2 feupphdteses tex4ebook axodraw2 hagenberg-thesis dlfltxb
+ hu-berlin-bundle draftfigure quicktype endofproofwd euflag othelloboard
+ pdftricks unswcover breqn pdfswitch latex-make figlatex repltext etsvthor
+ cyber xcookybooky xfrac mercatormap chs-physics-report tikzscale ditaa
+ pst-poker gmp CJKvert asypictureb hletter tikz-network powerdot-fuberlin
+ skeyval gnuplottex plantslabels fancytooltips ieeepes pst-vectorian
+ phfnote overpic xtuformat stubs graphbox ucs pdfwin metalogo mwe
+ inline-images asymptote UNAMThesis authorarchive amscdx pst-pdf adjustbox
+ trimclip fixmetodonotes incgraph scanpages pst-layout alertmessage
+ svg quiz2socrative realhats autopdf egplot decorule figsize tikzexternal
+ pgfcore frontespizio textglos graphicx tikz tcolorbox pst-exa
+ );
+my $pkgcandidates = join q{|}, map { quotemeta } sort { length $a <=> length $b } @pkgcandidates;
+$pkgcandidates = qr/$pkgcandidates/x;
+my @graphicxpkg;
+### \graphicspath
+my $graphicspath= qr/\\ graphicspath \{ ((?: $llaves )+) \}/ix;
+my @graphicspath;
+### Replacing the extracted environments with \includegraphics
+Log("Convert pstricks extracted environments to \\includegraphics for $name-pdf$ext");
+my $grap = "\\includegraphics[scale=1]{$name-fig-";
+my $close = '}';
+my $imgNo = 1;
+$bodydoc =~ s/$BP.+?$EP/$grap@{[$imgNo++]}$close/msg;
+### Add $atbegindoc to $preamble
+$preamble = "$atbegindoc$preamble";
+### Remove content in preamble
+my @tag_remove_preamble = $preamble =~ m/(?:^\%<\*remove$tmp>.+?\%<\/remove$tmp>)/gmsx;
+if (@tag_remove_preamble) {
+ Log("Removing the content between <*remove> ... </remove> tags in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+ $preamble =~ s/^\%<\*remove$tmp>\s*(.+?)\s*\%<\/remove$tmp>(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx;
+### To be sure that the package is in the main document and not in a
+### verbatim write environment we make the changes using the hash and
+### range operator in a copy
+my %tmpreplace = (
+ 'graphicx' => 'TMPGRAPHICXTMP',
+ 'pst-exa' => 'TMPPSTEXATMP',
+ 'graphicspath' => 'TMPGRAPHICSPATHTMP',
+my $findtmp = join q{|}, map { quotemeta } sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %tmpreplace;
+my $preambletmp = $preamble;
+my @lineas = split /\n/, $preambletmp;
+### We remove the commented lines
+s/\%.*(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//msg foreach @lineas;
+### We make the changes in the environments verbatim write
+my $DEL;
+for (@lineas) {
+ if (/\\begin\{($verbatim_w\*?)(?{ $DEL = "\Q$^N" })\}/ .. /\\end\{$DEL\}/) {
+ s/($findtmp)/$tmpreplace{$1}/g;
+ }
+### Join lines in $preambletmp
+$preambletmp = join "\n", @lineas;
+### We removed the blank lines
+$preambletmp =~ s/^(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx;
+### Now we're trying to capture
+@graphicxpkg = $preambletmp =~ m/($pkgcandidates)/gmsx;
+if (@graphicxpkg) {
+ Log("Found graphicx package in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+ $findgraphicx = 'false';
+### Search graphicspath
+@graphicspath = $preambletmp =~ m/graphicspath/msx;
+if (@graphicspath) {
+ Log("Found \\graphicspath in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+ $findgraphicx = 'false';
+ while ($preamble =~ /$graphicspath /pgmx) {
+ my ($pos_inicial, $pos_final) = ($-[0], $+[0]);
+ my $encontrado = ${^MATCH};
+ if ($encontrado =~ /$graphicspath/) {
+ my $argumento = $1;
+ if ($argumento !~ /\{$imgdir\/\}/) {
+ $argumento .= "\{$imgdir/\}";
+ my $cambio = "\\graphicspath{$argumento}";
+ substr $preamble, $pos_inicial, $pos_final-$pos_inicial, $cambio;
+ pos($preamble) = $pos_inicial + length $cambio;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Search pst-exa
+@pst_exa = $preambletmp =~ m/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|$pstexa/xg;
+%pst_exa = map { $_ => 1 } @pst_exa;
+if (@pst_exa) {
+ Log("Comment pst-exa package in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+ $findgraphicx = 'false';
+ $preamble =~ s/(\\usepackage\[)\s*(swpl|tcb)\s*(\]\{pst-exa\})/\%$1$2,pdf$3/msxg;
+if (exists $pst_exa{tcb}) {
+ Log("Suport for \\usepackage[tcb,pdf]\{pst-exa\} for $name-pdf$ext");
+ $bodydoc =~ s/(graphic=\{)\[(scale=\d*)\]($imgdir\/$name-fig-exa-\d*)\}/$1$2\}\{$3\}/gsmx;
+### Try to capture arara:compiler in preamble of <output file>
+my @arara_engines = qw (latex pdflatex lualatex xelatex luahbtex);
+my $arara_engines = join q{|}, map { quotemeta} sort { length $a <=> length $b } @arara_engines;
+$arara_engines = qr/\b(?:$arara_engines)/x;
+my $arara_rule = qr /^(?:\%\s{1}arara[:]\s{1}) ($arara_engines) /msx;
+### Capture graphicx.sty in .log of LaTeX file
+if ($findgraphicx eq 'true') {
+ Log("Couldn't capture the graphicx package for $name-pdf$ext in preamble");
+ my $ltxlog;
+ my @graphicx;
+ my $null = devnull();
+ Log("Creating $name-fig-$tmp$ext [only preamble]");
+ if ($verbose) { say "Creating [$name-fig-$tmp$ext] with only preamble"; }
+ open my $OUTfile, '>', "$name-fig-$tmp$ext";
+ print {$OUTfile} "$preamble\n\\stop";
+ close $OUTfile;
+ # Set compiler
+ if ($opts_cmd{compiler}{arara}) {
+ my @engine = $preamble =~ m/$arara_rule/msx;
+ my %engine = map { $_ => 1 } @engine;
+ if (%engine) {
+ for my $var (@arara_engines) {
+ if (defined $engine{$var}) {
+ $compiler = $var;
+ }
- }
- if ( !$ignore ) { print $PDF "$_"; } # default line
- if ( $type == 2 ) { # postscript env
- my $iPS = index($_,"end{postscript}");
- if ($iPS > 0) {
- print $PDF substr($_,$iPS+15); # rest of line
- $ignore = 0;
- $type=-1;
- } # end Scan
- }
- elsif ( $type == 1 ) { # pspicture env
- my $iPST = index($_,"end{pspicture*}");
- if ($iPST < 0) { $iPST = index($_,"end{pspicture}"); } # alternative ...
- if ($iPST < 0) { $iPST = index($_,"endpspicture"); } # alternative \endpspicture...
- if ($iPST > 0) { # end Scan
- if (index($_,"endpspicture") > 0) # add rest of line, depends to type
- { print $PDF substr($_,$iPST+12); } # \endpspicture
- elsif (index($_,"pspicture*") > 0)
- { print $PDF substr($_,$iPST+15); } # \end{pspicture*}
- else{ print $PDF substr($_,$iPST+14); } # \end{pspicture}
- $depth--;
- LOG("Decrease depth: $depth");
- if ($depth < 0) { $ignore = 0; }
- }
+ else { $compiler = 'pdflatex'; }
+ }
+ if ($compiler eq 'latex') { $compiler = 'pdflatex'; }
+ if ($compiler eq 'dvilualatex') { $compiler = 'lualatex'; }
+ # Compiling file
+ RUNOSCMD("$compiler $write18 -interaction=batchmode", "$name-fig-$tmp$ext >$null", 'only');
+ # Restore arara compiler
+ if ($arara) { $compiler = 'arara'; }
+ Log("Search graphicx package in $name-fig-$tmp.log");
+ open my $LaTeXlog, '<', "$name-fig-$tmp.log";
+ {
+ local $/;
+ $ltxlog = <$LaTeXlog>;
- } # if ( !$EndDocument )
- } else { print $PDF $_; } # if ( $iVerb )
- if (( index($_,"end{verbatim}") > 0 ) or ( index($_,"end{lstlisting}") > 0 )) { $iVerb = 0; }
- } # while (<$FILE>)
- close $FILE;
- close $PDF;
-## Close generate file
-if ($clear) {
-unlink "$tempDir/$pdfname-tmp$ext";
-#unlink "$tempDir/$pdfname-fig$ext";
-#------------------- Clean pstpack, reverse changes --------------------
-## Leer archivo
-open my $INFILE, '<', "$tempDir/$pdfname-pdf$ext";
-my $IPDF;
- local $/;
- $IPDF = <$INFILE>;
-close $INFILE;
-## Constantes
-my $BEGINDOC = quotemeta('\begin{document}');
-my $USEPACK = quotemeta('\usepackage');
-my $GRAPHICX = quotemeta('{graphicx}');
-## Exp. Reg.
+ close $LaTeXlog;
+ # Try to capture graphicx
+ @graphicx = $ltxlog =~ m/.+? (graphicx\.sty)/xg;
+ if (@graphicx) {
+ Log("Found graphicx package in $name-fig-$tmp.log");
+ }
+ else {
+ Log("Not found graphicx package in $name-fig-$tmp.log");
+ Log("Add \\usepackage\{graphicx\} to preamble of $name-pdf$ext");
+ $preamble= "$preamble\n\\usepackage\{graphicx\}";
+ }
-my $CORCHETES = qr/\[ [^]]*? \]/x;
-my $PALABRAS = qr/\b (?: pst-\w+ | pstricks (?: -add )? | psfrag |psgo |vaucanson-g| auto-pst-pdf | graphicx )/x;
-my $FAMILIA = qr/\{ \s* $PALABRAS (?: \s* [,] \s* $PALABRAS )* \s* \}/x;
-## Dividir el archivo
-my($cabeza, $cuerpo) = $IPDF =~ m/\A (.+?) ($BEGINDOC .+?) \z/msx;
-## Revisamos si esta cargado pst-exa
-my $pstTcbload = 0; # Buscamos si esta cargado \usepackage[...]{pst-exa}
-$pstTcbload = index($cabeza,"usepackage[tcb]{pst-exa}");
-## Filtrado
-# comentar
-$cabeza =~ s/ ^ ($USEPACK $CORCHETES $GRAPHICX) /%$1/msxg;
-# eliminar líneas enteras
-$cabeza =~ s/ ^ $USEPACK (?: $CORCHETES )? $FAMILIA \n//msxg;
-# eliminar palabras sueltas
-$cabeza =~ s/ (?: ^ $USEPACK \{ | \G) [^}]*? \K (,?) \s* $PALABRAS (\s*) (,?) /$1 and $3 ? ',' : $1 ? $2 : ''/gemsx;
-## Añadir
-$cabeza .= <<"EXTRA";
+### Regex for clean (pst-?) in preamble
+$PALABRAS = qr/\b (?: pst-\w+ | pstricks (?: -add | -pdf )? | psfrag |psgo |vaucanson-g| auto-pst-pdf(?: -lua )? )/x;
+$FAMILIA = qr/\{ \s* $PALABRAS (?: \s* [,] \s* $PALABRAS )* \s* \}(\%*)?/x;
+Log("Remove pstricks packages in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ ^ $USEPACK (?: $CORCHETES )? $FAMILIA \s*//msxg;
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ (?: ^ $USEPACK \{ | \G) [^}]*? \K (,?) \s* $PALABRAS (\s*) (,?) /$1 and $3 ? ',' : $1 ? $2 : ''/gemsx;
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \\psset\{(?:\{.*?\}|[^\{])*\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+//gmsx;
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb> .+?\%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \\SpecialCoor(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+//gmsx;
+$preamble =~ s/^\\usepackage\{\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+/\n/gmsx;
+if (@pst_exa) {
+ Log("Uncomment pst-exa package in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+ $preamble =~ s/(?:\%)(\\usepackage\[\s*)(swpl|tcb)(,pdf\s*\]\{pst-exa\})/$1$2$3/msxg;
-## Verificamos que exista el archivo
-if (-e "$imageDir/$name-exa-1$ext") {
-if ($pstTcbload > 1) {
-# Cambiamos de swpl a tcb con una expresion regular
-$cuerpo =~ s/(graphic=\{)\[(scale=\d*)\]($imageDir\/$pdfname-exa-\d*)\}/$1$2\}\{$3\}/gsmx;
+### Add last lines
+if (!@graphicspath) {
+ Log("Not found \\graphicspath in preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+ Log("Add \\graphicspath\{\{$imgdir/\}\} to preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+ $preamble= "$preamble\n\\graphicspath\{\{$imgdir/\}\}";
+Log("Add \\usepackage\{grfext\} to preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+$preamble = "$preamble\n\\usepackage\{grfext\}";
+Log("Add \\PrependGraphicsExtensions\*\{\.pdf\} to preamble for $name-pdf$ext");
+$preamble = "$preamble\n\\PrependGraphicsExtensions\*\{\.pdf\}";
+$preamble =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
+$preamble =~ s/^\\usepackage\{\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+/\n/gmsx;
+$preamble =~ s/^(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx;
+### Create a <output file>
+my $out_file = "$preamble\n$bodydoc\n$enddoc";
+### Clean \psset content in output file
+$out_file =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}\%$tmp.+?\\end\{nopreview\}\%$tmp(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \%<\*$dtxverb> .+? \%<\/$dtxverb>(*SKIP)(*F)|
+ \\psset\{(?:\{.*?\}|[^\{])*\}(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))?+//gmsx;
+### Revert preview environments
+if (@env_preview) {
+ Log("Revert \\begin{nopreview}\%TMP$tmp ... \\end{nopreview}\%TMP$tmp");
+ $out_file =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}\%TMP$tmp
+ (?<code> .+?)
+ \\end\{nopreview\}\%TMP$tmp
+ /\\begin\{preview\}$+{code}\\end\{preview\}/gmsx;
-# Se añade la opción [tcb] al paquete pst-exa
-$cabeza .= <<"EXTRA";
-} # close if
+$out_file =~ s/\\begin\{nopreview\}%$tmp
+ (?<code>\\begin\{PSTexample\} .+? \\end\{PSTexample\})
+ \\end\{nopreview\}%$tmp
+ /$+{code}/gmsx;
+### Remove internal mark for verbatim and verbatim write environments
+$out_file =~ s/\%<\*$dtxverb>(.+?)\%<\/$dtxverb>/$1/gmsx;
+%replace = (%changes_out);
+$find = join q{|}, map {quotemeta} sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %replace;
+$out_file =~ s/($find)/$replace{$1}/g;
+### Write <output file>
+if (-e "$name-pdf$ext") {
+ Log("Rewriting the file $name-pdf$ext in $workdir");
+ Infocolor('Warning', "The file [$name-pdf$ext] already exists and will be rewritten");
-# print "Se añade la opción swpl al paquete pst-exa\n";
-$cabeza .= <<"EXTRA";
+ Infoline("Creating the file $name-pdf$ext");
+ Log("Write the file $name-pdf$ext in $workdir");
+open my $OUTfile, '>', "$name-pdf$ext";
+ print {$OUTfile} $out_file;
+close $OUTfile;
+### Set compiler for process <output file>
+$compiler = $xetex ? 'xelatex'
+ : $luatex ? 'lualatex'
+ : 'pdflatex'
+ ;
+### Set options for latexmk
+my $ltxmkopt = $xetex ? "-pdfxe -silent -xelatex=\"xelatex $write18 -recorder %O %S\""
+ : $luatex ? "-pdflua -silent -lualatex=\"lualatex $write18 -recorder %O %S\""
+ : "-pdf -silent -pdflatex=\"pdflatex $write18 -recorder %O %S\""
+ ;
+### Set options for compiler
+$opt_compiler = $arara ? '--log'
+ : $latexmk ? "$ltxmkopt"
+ : "$write18 -interaction=nonstopmode -recorder"
+ ;
+### Set compiler name for arara and latexmk
+if ($arara) { $compiler = $msg_compiler = 'arara'; }
+if ($latexmk) { $compiler = $msg_compiler = 'latexmk'; }
+### Process <output file>
+if (!$norun) {
+ Log("Compiling the file $name-pdf$ext using [$msg_compiler]");
+ print "Compiling the file $name-pdf$ext using ", color('magenta'), "[$msg_compiler]\r\n",color('reset');
+ RUNOSCMD("$compiler $opt_compiler", "$name-pdf$ext",'show');
+ # biber
+ if ($runbiber && -e "$name-pdf.bcf" && !$arara && !$latexmk) {
+ RUNOSCMD("biber", "$name-pdf",'show');
+ RUNOSCMD("$compiler $opt_compiler", "$name-pdf$ext",'show');
-} # close regex for pst-exa pack
-### Clear PST content in preamble
-$cabeza =~ s/\\usepackage\{\}/%delete by pst2pdf/gmsx;
-$cabeza =~ s/^\\psset\{.+?\}/%\\psset delete by pst2pdf/gmsx;
-$cabeza =~ s/\\SpecialCoor/%\\SpecialCoor delete by pst2pdf/gmsx;
-$cabeza =~ s/^%CleanPST .+? %CleanPST/% Clean PST by pst2pdf/gmsx;
-### Delete extra psset{..} in body
-$cuerpo =~ s/\\psset\{[^\}]+\}(\s*\\includegraphics\[scale=1\]\{$pdfname-fig-\d*\})/$1/gms;
-### Back
-my %cambios = (
- '\TRICKS' => '\pspicture',
- '\ENDTRICKS' => '\endpspicture',
- '\begin{PSTEXAMPLE' => '\begin{PSTexample',
- '\end{PSTEXAMPLE' => '\end{PSTexample',
- '\begin{TRICKS' => '\begin{pspicture',
- '\end{TRICKS' => '\end{pspicture',
- '\begin{POSTRICKS}' => '\begin{postscript}' ,
- '\end{POSTRICKS}' => '\end{postscript}' ,
- '\begin{DOCTRICKS}' => '\begin{document}' ,
- '\end{DOCTRICKS}' => '\end{document}'
+ # bibtex
+ if ($runbibtex && -e "$name-pdf.aux" && !$arara && !$latexmk) {
+ RUNOSCMD("bibtex", "$name-pdf",'show');
+ RUNOSCMD("$compiler $opt_compiler", "$name-pdf$ext",'show');
+ }
-## Recorremos el archivo y realizamos los cambios
-while (my($busco, $cambio) = each %cambios) {
- $cabeza =~ s/\Q$busco\E/$cambio/g;
- $cuerpo =~ s/\Q$busco\E/$cambio/g;
- }
+### Remove temporary files
+my @tmpfiles;
+my @protected = qw();
+my $flsline = 'OUTPUT';
+my @flsfile;
+### Protect generated files
+push @protected, "$name-pdf$ext", "$name-pdf.pdf";
+### Find files
+find(\&aux_files, $workdir);
+sub aux_files{
+ my $findtmpfiles = $_;
+ if (-f $findtmpfiles && $findtmpfiles =~ m/$name-fig(-exa)?-$tmp.+?$/) { # search
+ push @tmpfiles, $_;
+ }
+ return;
+### Add if exists
+if (-e 'arara.log') {
+ push @flsfile, 'arara.log';
+if (-e "$name-fig-$tmp.fls") {
+ push @flsfile, "$name-fig-$tmp.fls";
+if (-e "$name-fig-exa-$tmp.fls") {
+ push @flsfile, "$name-fig-exa-$tmp.fls";
+if (-e "$name-pdf.fls") {
+ push @flsfile, "$name-pdf.fls";
-## Escribimos en el mismo archivo
-open my $SALIDA, '>', "$tempDir/$pdfname-pdf$ext";
-print $SALIDA "$cabeza$cuerpo";
-close $SALIDA;
-my $runAgain = 0;
-if($xetex){ # xelatex mode
-if ($noImages){
- print "The file $pdfname-pdf$ext are created (Xe)LaTeX\n";
- }
- system("xelatex -interaction=batchmode $tempDir/$pdfname-pdf");
- print "Done, compiled $pdfname-pdf$ext using (Xe)LaTeX\n";
+### Read .fls file
+for my $filename(@flsfile){
+ open my $RECtmp, '<', $filename;
+ push @tmpfiles, grep /^$flsline/,<$RECtmp>;
+ close $RECtmp;
+foreach (@tmpfiles) { s/^$flsline\s+|\s+$//g; }
+push @tmpfiles, @flsfile;
+@tmpfiles = uniq(@tmpfiles);
+@tmpfiles = array_minus(@tmpfiles, @protected);
+Log('The files that will be deleted are:');
+### Remove only if exist
+if (@tmpfiles) {
+ Infoline("Remove temporary files created in $workdir");
+ foreach my $tmpfiles (@tmpfiles) {
+ move($tmpfiles, $tempDir);
+### Find dirs created by minted
+my @deldirs;
+my $mintdir = "\_minted\-$name-fig-$tmp";
+my $mintdirexa = "\_minted\-$name-fig-exa-$tmp";
+if (-e $mintdir) { push @deldirs, $mintdir; }
+if (-e $mintdirexa) { push @deldirs, $mintdirexa; }
+Log('The directory that will be deleted are:');
+### Remove only if exist
+if (@deldirs) {
+ Infoline("Remove temporary directories created by minted in $workdir");
+ foreach my $deldirs (@deldirs) {
+ remove_tree($deldirs);
-else{ #pdflatex mode
-if ($noImages){
- print "The file $pdfname-pdf$ext are created (pdf)LaTeX\n";
+### Compress "./images" with generated files
+my $archivetar;
+if ($zip or $tar) {
+ my $stamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime);
+ $archivetar = "$imgdir-$stamp";
+ my @savetozt;
+ find(\&zip_tar, $imgdir);
+ sub zip_tar{
+ my $filesto = $_;
+ if (-f $filesto && $filesto =~ m/$name-fig-.+?$/) { # search
+ push @savetozt, $File::Find::name;
+ }
+ return;
- system("pdflatex -interaction=batchmode $tempDir/$pdfname-pdf$ext");
- print "Done, compiled $pdfname-pdf$ext using (pdf)LaTeX\n";
+ Log("The files are compress found in $imgdirpath are:");
+ Logarray(\@savetozt);
+ if ($zip) {
+ if (-e "$") {
+ Infocolor('Warning', "The file [$] already exists and will be rewritten");
+ Log("Rewriting the file $ in $workdir");
+ }
+ else{
+ print "Creating the file ", color('magenta'), "[$]",
+ color('reset'), " with generate files in ./$imgdir\r\n";
+ Log("Writen the file $archivetar.tar.gz in $workdir");
+ }
+ zip \@savetozt => "$";
+ }
+ if ($tar) {
+ if (-e "$archivetar.tar.gz") {
+ Infocolor('Warning', "The file [$archivetar.tar.gz] already exists and will be rewritten");
+ Log("Rewriting the file $archivetar.tar.gz in $workdir");
+ }
+ else{
+ print "Creating the file ", color('magenta'), "[$archivetar.tar.gz]",
+ color('reset'), " with generate files in ./$imgdir\r\n";
+ Log("Writen the file $archivetar.tar.gz in $workdir");
+ }
+ my $imgdirtar = Archive::Tar->new();
+ $imgdirtar->add_files(@savetozt);
+ $imgdirtar->write( "$archivetar.tar.gz" , 9 );
-if (-e "$tempDir/$pdfname-pdf.idx") {
- system("makeindex $tempDir/$pdfname-pdf.idx");
- $runAgain++;
- }
-if ($runBibTeX && -e "$tempDir/$pdfname-pdf.aux") {
- system("bibtex $tempDir/$pdfname-pdf");
- $runAgain++;
- }
-if ($runBiber && -e "$tempDir/$pdfname-pdf.bcf") {
- system("biber $tempDir/$pdfname-pdf");
- $runAgain++;
- }
-if ($runAgain){
- if($xetex){
- system("xelatex -interaction=batchmode $tempDir/$pdfname-pdf");
- }
- else{
- system("pdflatex -interaction=batchmode $tempDir/$pdfname-pdf");
- }
- }
-} #close sub run pdfTEX
-#----------------------------- Write LOG file --------------------------
-sub LOG() {
- if ( $Verbose ) { print $LOGfile "@_\n"; }
- }
-#-------------------------- Clear all tmp files ------------------------
-if ($clear) {
-if (-e "$tempDir/$name-pst$ext") {
-unlink "$tempDir/$name-pst$ext";
- my @del_pdf_tmp;
- find(\&del_pdf_aux, $tempDir);
- sub del_pdf_aux{
- my $auximgfile = $_;
- if(-f $auximgfile && $auximgfile =~ /\.(aux|dvi|log|ps|idx|bfc|bib|preamble)$/){
- push @del_pdf_tmp, $File::Find::name;
- }
- } # close sub
-unlink @del_pdf_tmp; # delte files
-if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'MSWin64'){
-if ($eps or $ppm){
- unlink "$tempDir/xpd";
- }
-if(!$Verbose) {
- unlink "$tempDir/$name.plog";
- }
-} # close clear
-# Clear source files
-if ($noSource) {
-my @del_src;
-find(\&del_src_tex, $imageDir);
-sub del_src_tex{
-my $srcimg = $_;
-# search image file source
-if(-f $srcimg && $srcimg =~ /($name-(fig|exa)-\d+)$ext/){
-push @del_src, $File::Find::name;
- }
-unlink @del_src;
-}# end source clear
+### End of script process
+if (!$norun && !$nosource) {
+ Log("The image files: $format and generated files are in $imgdirpath");
+if (!$norun && $nosource) {
+ Log("The image files: $format are in $imgdirpath");
+if ($norun && !$nosource) {
+ Log("The generated files are in $imgdirpath");
+Log("The output file $name-pdf$ext are in $workdir");
+Infocolor('Finish', "The execution of $scriptname has been successfully completed");
+Log("The execution of $scriptname has been successfully completed");