path: root/Build/source/utils/xml2pmx/xml2pmx-src/obsrc/Testbed.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/xml2pmx/xml2pmx-src/obsrc/Testbed.m')
1 files changed, 2996 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/xml2pmx/xml2pmx-src/obsrc/Testbed.m b/Build/source/utils/xml2pmx/xml2pmx-src/obsrc/Testbed.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ac181a1dfd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/utils/xml2pmx/xml2pmx-src/obsrc/Testbed.m
@@ -0,0 +1,2996 @@
+MODULE Testbed;
+(**************** Copyright 2015--2021 Dieter Gloetzel ********************)
+(************************ Version016 multi platform ***********************)
+(* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>. *)
+ (* corrections starting 09.07.2020 beam2pmx add "l" or "u" to "[j" *)
+ (* IMPORT Texts, Strings, Files, Oberon, b, Complete, Out; (* Import fuer Oberon Version *) *)
+ (* IMPORT Args32, Strings, Files, Out := WCout, b, Complete, Fifo ; *) (* Import fuer Windows-Exe Version *)
+ IMPORT Args, Files := MyFiles, Strings := Strings1, Out, b, Complete; (* Import for Linux-Version *)
+ NL = 0AX; BLANK = 20X; (* TAB = 09X; *) CR = 0DX; measurelimit = 600;
+ ControlDesc = RECORD (* data structure of input data *)
+ xml, dtd: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
+ title: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR;
+ composer, lyricist, info, software: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR;
+ rights: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR;
+ parts: ARRAY 30 OF ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
+ instruments: ARRAY 30 OF ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ worknumber: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ equalkeys : BOOLEAN;
+ END;
+ AttributesDesc = RECORD (* initial signature, meter , #staves,clef *)
+ measure, note, pickup: LONGINT;
+ divisions, duration: INTEGER;
+ fifth: INTEGER;
+ beats: INTEGER;
+ beattype, mtrdenp: INTEGER;
+ staves: INTEGER;
+ clefsign: ARRAY 4 OF CHAR; (* index is for staff *)
+ clefline: ARRAY 4 OF LONGINT;
+ diatonic, chromatic: LONGINT;
+ octave: LONGINT; (* parameters in <transpose> *)
+ END;
+ DirectionDesc = RECORD (* data structure for directions *)
+ part, staff, measure, note, lastnote, voice: LONGINT; (* voice ? implizit ueber lastnote definiert *)
+ before: BOOLEAN;
+ placement: CHAR; (* "h" or "l" for above and below *)
+ dirtype: CHAR; (* words, metronome, dynamics, wedge= hairpin, pedal, segno, coda, other *)
+ wedgetype: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; (* crescendo, diminuendo, stop crescendo and stop diminuendo *)
+ dyntype: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
+ pedaltype: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; (* start, stop, *)
+ text: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR;
+ pmxdirection: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR;
+ defaultx: INTEGER;
+ used: BOOLEAN; (* avoid duplication of dynamic marks in case of two voices in a staff
+ enable two directions at one note *)
+ END;
+ NoteDesc = RECORD (* properties of a note *)
+ accidental: ARRAY 10 OF CHAR;
+ actual: INTEGER;
+ (* arpeggio: BOOLEAN; *)
+ (* base : INTEGER; Base note of a chord *)
+ beam, closebeam: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
+ chord: CHAR; cue : BOOLEAN;
+ clef: CHAR;
+ clefchanged: CHAR;
+ defaultx: INTEGER;
+ dot: CHAR;
+ fermata: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
+ from, to, duration: INTEGER;
+ grace: INTEGER;
+ lefttext, righttext: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
+ maxbeam : LONGINT; (* number of beams for binary tremolo*)
+ normal: INTEGER;
+ pitchoctave: INTEGER;
+ pitchstep: CHAR;
+ pmxgrace: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; (* Aenderung 16.11.2020 *)
+ pmxnote: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
+ probj: BOOLEAN; (* evaluates print-object = "no" TRUE means "print", FALSE don't print *)
+ rbleft, rbright: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; (* blind rests to fill incomplete measures *)
+ repeat: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
+ rest, blind: CHAR;
+ staccato, accent, trill, strongaccent: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR;
+ staff: INTEGER;
+ stem: CHAR;
+ trembeam: LONGINT;
+ tremolotype : ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ tuplet: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
+ type, normaltype: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; (* begend begin and end of a series of Grace notes *)
+ voicetime: INTEGER;
+ END;
+ MeasureDesc = RECORD (* properties of measure *)
+ beattype, beats, fifth: INTEGER;
+ repeat: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
+ ending: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
+ barstyle, meterchange: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
+ voicetime: ARRAY 27 OF ARRAY 4 OF INTEGER;
+ duration, keys: ARRAY 27 OF INTEGER;
+ (* divisions : ARRAY 27 OF INTEGER; *)
+ dur : INTEGER; (* measure actual length of a measure *)
+ clefchange : ARRAY 27 OF CHAR; (* Maerz 2018 *)
+ END;
+ uptomeasure : LONGINT; (* global variable for reducing the number of measures *)
+ notes: POINTER TO ARRAY 24 OF ARRAY 3 OF ARRAY 600 OF ARRAY 83 OF POINTER TO NoteDesc; (*20-10-2020 Lilypond2 *)
+ (* notes: POINTER TO ARRAY 24 OF ARRAY 3 OF ARRAY 400 OF ARRAY 64 OF NoteDesc; *)
+ keytotal : ARRAY 132 OF CHAR;
+ unix: BOOLEAN; outputcont : ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; outputset : SET;
+ voicemeasure: POINTER TO ARRAY 30 OF ARRAY 600 OF SET;
+ voiceps: ARRAY 30 OF SET;
+ voicelimmps: ARRAY 30 OF LONGINT;
+ minvoice, maxvoice: POINTER TO ARRAY 27 OF ARRAY 600 OF LONGINT;
+ (* notetypei : ARRAY 10 OF INTEGER; inverse of notetype index 0 => 64 *)
+ clefspec, lastclef: ARRAY 27 OF CHAR; (* special clef and valid clef in the actual measure *)
+ voicelimm: ARRAY 30 OF ARRAY 600 OF LONGINT;
+ sout : ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; (* target file path and directory *)
+ (* controls# voices within a staff and measure*)
+ voicecount: ARRAY 30 OF LONGINT; (* counts different voices within a staff *) countnote, countattr, countdir : LONGINT;
+ ingrace2pmx: LONGINT;
+ in, out: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR;
+ lastto, lastfrom: INTEGER; (* global variable for time progress in measure *)
+ pmxdur: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; (* global variable: duration of notes in PMX *)
+ lastnote : LONGINT; (* global variable for position of last note *)
+ fi, fo: Files.File; ri: Files.Rider;
+ (* VAR notes : notestype; *)
+ voicetime: ARRAY 27 OF ARRAY 4 OF INTEGER; (* progress of notes duration in part,staff,voice, actual measure *)
+ lasttype: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; (* beam type of preceding note *)
+ laststaff : LONGINT;
+ closebeam: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; (* staff of preceding note for beam calculation *)
+ (* q: FIFO; *) (* global variable for sorted notes queue *)
+ maxdir, i, j, part, staff, voice, measure, note, count, maxpart, maxmeasure, itags, maxgrace, controlpart,
+ nostaves, nties, lfdnr, ps, dirnum, lastdirnum, attnum, lastattnum, lastgrace: LONGINT;
+ lastdyn: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ (* Global variables *)
+ stavesfound: BOOLEAN;
+ partlabel: ARRAY 27 OF ARRAY 5 OF CHAR;
+ directions: POINTER TO ARRAY 2000 OF ARRAY 5 OF DirectionDesc;
+ maxdirtype: ARRAY 2000 OF LONGINT; (* vorlaeufig, nur zum Daten sammeln. *)
+ attributes: ARRAY 30 OF AttributesDesc;
+ partstaff: ARRAY 30 OF ARRAY 2 OF LONGINT;
+ (* notes: ARRAY 30 OF ARRAY 2 OF ARRAY 500 OF ARRAY 64 OF NoteDesc; Aenderung wegen voice numerierung *)
+ maxnote, maxnote0, maxnote1, minnote0, minnote1, minnote: ARRAY 30 OF ARRAY 3 OF ARRAY 600 OF LONGINT;
+ (* number of last note in part/staff/measure *)
+ measures: POINTER TO ARRAY 600 OF MeasureDesc;
+ pmxcontrol: ControlDesc;
+ accidentaltag, parttag, measuretag, notetag, pitchtag, steptag, octavetag, durationtag, voicetag, dottag, stemtag, cleftag, clefoctavetag, staccatotag: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ attributestag, divisionstag, keytag, fifthstag, timetag, beatstag, beattypetag, stavestag, signtag, linetag, typetag, fermatatag, tuplettag: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ notationtag, lyrictag, syllabictag, texttag, resttag, chordtag, backuptag, repeattag, slurtag, stafftag, printtag, directiontag, tiedtag,
+ cleflinetag, actualtag, normaltag, beamtag, wordstag, eonotetag, eomeasuretag, barlinetag, endingtag, barstyletag, dynamicstag,
+ worktag, identificationtag, defaultstag, eoattributestag, forwardtag, eodirectiontag, credittag, gracetag, gracetag2, cuetag : ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ staves: ARRAY 30 OF LONGINT; (* maximum staff of "part" *)
+ beamopen : ARRAY 30 OF ARRAY 3 OF BOOLEAN;
+(* cl: Args32.LPSTR; (* Command line for Windows.Exe *) *)
+ PROCEDURE pmxtype( xmltype: INTEGER ): INTEGER;
+ CASE xmltype OF
+ 1: i := 0;
+ | 2: i := 2;
+ | 4: i := 4;
+ | 8: i := 8;
+ | 16:
+ i := 1;
+ | 32:
+ i := 3;
+ | 64:
+ i := 6;
+ Out.Ln(); i := -1; Out.String( "xml note type : " ); Out.Int( xmltype, 5 );
+ Out.String( " not implemented." ); Out.Ln();
+ END;
+ END pmxtype;
+ PROCEDURE FillRests( notefrom, noteto, measure, ps, voice: LONGINT );
+ (* Fills incomplete measures with blind rests, as needed *)
+ VAR note, part, staff, lastnote: LONGINT; delta, lastto: INTEGER; (* global "lastnote" removed 29.11.2016 *)
+ part := partstaff[ps, 0]; staff := partstaff[ps, 1];
+ lastto := 0; lastnote := 0;
+ IF (measures[measure].voicetime[ps, voice] < measures[measure].duration[part]) THEN
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( "Fillrests: notefrom. noteto " ); Out.Int( notefrom, 5 ); Out.Int( noteto, 5 ); *) note := notefrom;
+ WHILE note <= noteto DO
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.Int( measure, 5 ); Out.Int( ps, 5 ); Out.Int( voice, 5 ); Out.Int( note, 5 ); *)
+ (* NoteOut(notes[ps,voice,measure,note]); *)
+ INC( note );
+ END;
+ (* left of first note *)
+ note := notefrom;
+ IF (notes[ps, voice, measure, note] # NIL) &
+ (notes[ps, voice, measure, note].from > 0) THEN
+ delta := notes[ps, voice, measure, note].from - 1; (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( " note delta : " );
+ Out.Int( note, 5 ); Out.Int( delta, 5 ); *)
+ IF delta > 0 THEN Complete.Int2br( attributes[part].divisions, delta, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].rbleft ); END;
+ lastnote := note; lastto := notes[ps, voice, measure, note].to;
+ END;
+ (* left of 2nd to last note *)
+ INC( note );
+ WHILE (note <= noteto) DO
+ IF ( notes[ps, voice, measure, note] # NIL ) &
+ (notes[ps, voice, measure, note].from > 0) THEN
+ delta := notes[ps, voice, measure, note].from - lastto - 1;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( " note delta : " ); Out.Int( note, 5 ); Out.Int( delta, 5 ); *)
+ IF delta > 0 THEN
+ Complete.Int2br( attributes[part].divisions, delta, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].rbleft );
+ END;
+ lastnote := note;
+ IF notes[ps, voice, measure, note] # NIL
+ lastto := notes[ps, voice, measure, note].to;
+ END;
+ INC( note );
+ END;
+ (* right of last note *)
+ delta := measures[measure].duration[part] - lastto;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(measure,5);Out.String( " note delta : " );
+ Out.Ln(); Out.Int( lastnote, 5 ); Out.Int( delta, 5 ); *)
+ IF delta > 0 THEN
+ Complete.Int2br( attributes[part].divisions, delta, notes[ps, voice, measure, lastnote].rbright );
+ END;
+ END;
+ END FillRests;
+ (* converts e.g. <f /> to " Df "*)
+ (* doubke on purpose *)
+ IF XMLdyn = "<f />" THEN COPY( " Df ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<ff />" THEN COPY( " Dff ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<fff />" THEN COPY( " Dfff ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<ffff/>" THEN COPY( " Dffff ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<mf />" THEN COPY( " Dmf ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<p />" THEN COPY( " Dp ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<pp />" THEN COPY( " Dpp ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<ppp />" THEN COPY( " Dppp ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<pppp />" THEN COPY( " Dpppp ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<mp />" THEN COPY( " Dmp ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<sf />" THEN COPY( " Dsfz ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<fp />" THEN COPY( " Dfp ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<f/>" THEN COPY( " Df ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<ff/>" THEN COPY( " Dff ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<fff/>" THEN COPY( " Dfff ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<ffff/>" THEN COPY( " Dffff ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<mf/>" THEN COPY( " Dmf ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<p/>" THEN COPY( " Dp ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<pp/>" THEN COPY( " Dpp ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<ppp/>" THEN COPY( " Dppp ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<pppp/>" THEN COPY( " Dpppp ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<mp/>" THEN COPY( " Dmp ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<sf/>" THEN COPY( " Dsfz ", out ); END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "<fp/>" THEN COPY( " Dfp ", out ); END;
+ IF ( XMLdyn = "crescendo") & (lastdyn # " D<" ) THEN COPY( " D<", out ); COPY( out, lastdyn ); END; (* 18.02.2017 *)
+ IF ( XMLdyn = "diminuendo" ) & (lastdyn # " D>" ) THEN COPY( " D>", out ); COPY( out, lastdyn );
+ END;
+ IF XMLdyn = "stop" THEN COPY( lastdyn, out );IF lastdyn # "" THEN Strings.Append( out, "+0+3" ); END;
+ b.loesch( lastdyn ); END;
+ (* Out.String( XMLdyn ); Out.Char( "|" ); Out.String( out ); *)
+ END PMXdyn;
+ PROCEDURE WriteLInt( VAR W: Files.Rider; i: LONGINT );
+ Strings.IntToStr( i, si ); Files.Write( W, BLANK ); WriteString( W, si );
+ END WriteLInt;
+ PROCEDURE WriteString( VAR W: Files.Rider; s: ARRAY OF CHAR );
+ Files.WriteBytes( W, s, Strings.Length( s ) );
+ END WriteString;
+ PROCEDURE SetOutput*;
+ VAR c : CHAR; i : LONGINT;
+ i := 0; WHILE i < Strings.Length(outputcont) DO
+ c := outputcont[i];
+ | "R" : INCL(outputset,10); (* remove notes with print-obj="no" in print phase; e.g. for xml-files with programmed Trill 20-11-2019 *)
+ | "P" : INCL(outputset,9); (* parser output 0 durch 9 ersetzt 20.05.2019 *)
+ | "D" : INCL(outputset,1); (* list directions *)
+ | "V" : INCL(outputset,2); (* list voices per measure and instrument *)
+ | "A" : INCL(outputset,3); (* Statistics of MusicXML tags *)
+ | "L" : INCL(outputset,4); (* store lyrics *)
+ | "S" : INCL(outputset,5); (* remove all slurs *)
+ | "T" : INCL(outputset,6); (* remove all ties *)
+ | "G" : INCL(outputset,7); (* eliminate slurs around grace notes, replace by PMX internal Grace notes. *)
+ | "X" : INCL(outputset,8); (* x-option for voice crossing slurs, only with PMX282 *)
+ | "N" : (* no option chosen *)
+ ELSE Out.String(" option not implemented.")
+ END;
+ INC(i); END;
+ END SetOutput;
+(* PROCEDURE commandO*; (* Command for Oberon-Version *)
+ VAR R: Texts.Reader; i: LONGINT; c: CHAR;
+ (* 0. Read Filenames from Oberon.Par.text *)
+ Texts.OpenReader( R, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos ); Texts.Read( R, c ); i := 0;
+ WHILE (c # "~") & (~R.eot) & (i < LEN( comline )) DO comline[i] := c; Texts.Read( R, c ); INC( i ) END;
+ comline[i - 1] := 0X; Out.Ln(); Out.String("comline : ");Out.String (comline);
+ Filenames(FALSE, comline, in, out, outputcont );
+ Stripfilename(out,sout); InOut( in, out );
+ END commandO; *)
+ (* PROCEDURE commandX; (* WIndows EXE *)
+ Args32.Str( "Program XML2PMX.EXE Copyright 2016 Dieter Gloetzel" ); Args32.Ln();
+ cl := Args32.GetCommandLine(); Args32.CopyString( cl, comline ); Args32.Str( comline ); Args32.Ln();
+ Filenames(TRUE,comline,in,out,outputcont);
+ Stripfilename(out,sout); InOut( in, out );
+ END commandX; *)
+ VAR output : ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; kno : LONGINT;
+ kno := Args.argc;
+ IF ( kno >= 3 ) THEN
+ Args.GetArg(1, in);
+ Args.GetArg(2, out);
+ COPY(out,sout);
+ Strings.ChangeSuffix(sout,"txt");
+ IF ( kno >= 4 ) THEN Args.GetArg(3,output); END;
+ Strings.Upper(output,outputcont);
+ SetOutput; b.voutput := (2 IN outputset);
+ IF ( kno = 5 ) THEN Args.GetArg(4,output); Strings.StrToInt(output,uptomeasure); END;
+ Out.String( "Linux Binary XML2PMX Copyright 2015/2021 Dieter Gloetzel" ); Out.Ln();
+ InOut(in, out);
+ Args.GetArg(0, in);
+ Out.String(in); Out.String(" error: argument number < 2 "); Out.Ln;
+ END;
+ END CommandU;
+ PROCEDURE Voicing( q: b.FIFO);
+ (* calculates an array of Sets vontaining the voices for part, staff and measure. *)
+ VAR n: b.Tag;
+ n := q.first;
+ WHILE ( # NIL ) DO
+ IF n.tagname = notetag THEN
+ ps := linstaff( nostaves, n.part, n.staff ); INCL( voicemeasure[ps, n.measure], n.voice );
+ INCL( voiceps[ps], n.voice ); maxvoice[ps, n.measure] := b.Max( maxvoice[ps, n.measure], n.voice );
+ minvoice[ps, n.measure] := b.Min( minvoice[ps, n.measure], n.voice );
+ END;
+ n :=;
+ END;
+ END Voicing;
+ PROCEDURE DeleteTag(deltag : b.Tag);
+ VAR n : b.Tag;
+ n := b.q.first;
+ REPEAT n := UNTIL ( = NIL) OR ( = deltag);
+ IF = deltag THEN := END;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.Int(, 5); Out.String("deleted"); *)
+ END DeleteTag;
+PROCEDURE DeleteTS (tag : ARRAY OF CHAR); (* deletes all ties or slurs according to "tag" *)
+ VAR n : b.Tag; count : LONGINT;
+ n:= b.q.first; count := 0;
+ IF (n.tagname = tag) (* tags of type "tag" will be removed. *)
+ (* b.OutTag(n, TRUE); Out.String("deleted"); *)
+ DeleteTag(n); INC(count);
+ END;
+ n:= END;
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("********************************");
+ Out.Int (count,5); Out.String(tag); Out.String ("deleted");
+END DeleteTS;
+PROCEDURE InOut( infilename, outfilename: ARRAY OF CHAR );
+ VAR n: b.Tag; (* data structure for sorting notes *)
+ outfilenameprep: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
+ fprep: Files.File; rprep: Files.Rider; res : INTEGER;
+ Out.String( "This is XML2PMX Version 16. dyn. alloc." ); fi := Files.Old( infilename );
+ IF (fi # NIL ) THEN (* 1*)
+ Files.Set( ri, fi, 0 );
+ (***************************************)
+ (* 1. Analyze XML data *) AnalyzeXML2( ri );
+ (* n:= b.q.first; WHILE # NIL DO b.OutTag(n, TRUE); n:= END; *)
+ (* DeleteTies or Slurs; *)
+ IF (5 IN outputset) THEN DeleteTS("<slur>"); END;
+ IF (6 IN outputset) THEN DeleteTS("<tied>"); END;
+ (* 2. create temporary result storage for PMX-data *)
+ COPY( outfilename, outfilenameprep ); Strings.Append( outfilenameprep, "prep" );
+ fprep := Files.New( outfilenameprep ); Files.Set( rprep, fprep, 0 );
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("Intermediate output file "); Out.String(outfilenameprep); Out.String(" created. ");
+ (* 3. map part/staff to a linear index. *) AllStaves( staves );
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("3: Allstaves done!");
+ (* 4. Extract control data *) ControlProp;
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("4: ControlProp done!");
+ (* 5. Enrich Data *) Enrich( b.q );
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("5: Enrich done!");
+ (* n := b.q.first;
+ WHILE # NIL DO b.OutTag( n, TRUE ); n := END; *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (*6. Calculate data for mapping of voices between PMX and XML *)
+ Voicing( b.q ); (* Store voices wrt part,stave and measure. *)
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("6 : Voicing done!");
+ IF (2 IN outputset) THEN Out.Ln();
+ Out.String( "*************** voices per instrument (part/staff) " ); ps := 0;
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String( "nostaves" ); Out.Int( nostaves, 5 );
+ WHILE ps < nostaves DO
+ Out.Ln(); Out.Int( ps, 5 ); b.Outset( voiceps[ps], voicelimmps[ps], vmapps[ps] ); INC( ps );
+ END;
+ END;
+ ps := 0;
+ IF 2 IN outputset THEN
+ Out.Ln();
+ Out.String( "*************** voices per measure and instrument (part/staff) " ); Out.Ln();
+ END;
+ WHILE ps < nostaves DO;
+ measure := 1;
+ WHILE measure <= maxmeasure DO
+ IF (2 IN outputset) THEN
+ Out.Ln(); Out.Int( ps, 5 ); Out.Int( measure, 5 );
+ END;
+ b.Outset( voicemeasure[ps, measure], voicelimm[ps, measure], vmap[ps, measure] );
+ (* Out.Int(minvoice[ps,measure],5); Out.Int(maxvoice[ps,measure],5); *)
+ INC( measure );
+ END;
+ INC( ps );
+ END;
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* i := 1;
+ WHILE i <= maxpart DO
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String( "part, label : " ); Out.Int( i, 5 ); Out.String( partlabel[i] ); INC( i );
+ END; *)
+ (* 7. identify potential pickup *) Pickup( b.q, attributes[1].pickup );
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("7: Pickup done!");
+ (* 8. Generate Control data for PMX (i.e everything before the notes and store in"outfilename"*)
+ ControlData( rprep );
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("8: ControlData done!");
+ (* *)
+ (*9. Investigate time series of notes (e.g. incomplete measures) *)
+ progress( b.q );
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("9: progress done!");
+ (* listmeter;*)
+ (* IF 1 = 0 THEN *)
+ (* 10. Store everything in arrays measurewise *)
+ EnumerateTags; Out.Ln(); Out.String( "10: EnumerateTags done!" );
+ IF 9 IN outputset THEN (* Option "p" *)
+ n := b.q.first; WHILE ( # NIL) & (n.measure < uptomeasure) DO b.OutTag(n,TRUE);
+ n:=; END;
+ END;
+ (* listmeter;*)
+ (* 11.. Generate PMX and store in outfilename *)
+ (* 14.11.2020: Do not link directions to grace notes *)
+ (* IF (voice = 0) & (notes[ps,voice,measure,note].grace = 0 ) THEN *) DistributeDirections; (* END; *)
+ WritePMX( rprep ); Out.Ln(); Out.String( "11: nach WritePMX" );
+ (* 12. Remove multiple Blanks from result file and break lines after 100 Chars *)
+ Files.Register( fprep ); fo := Files.New( outfilename ); Copywo( fprep, fo, unix ); Files.Close( fi );
+ Files.Close(fprep); Files.Delete( outfilenameprep, res );
+ IF ( res = 0 ) THEN Out.Ln(); Out.String("Intermediate data deleted"); END;
+ Files.Register( fo ); Files.Close( fo ); Out.Ln(); Out.String(out); Out.String( " registered" );
+ (* END; *)
+ IF (4 IN outputset) THEN b.writetext; END; (* Lyrics is decoded in MODULE "b" and appears in "songtext.txt" in this directory. *)
+ IF (3 IN outputset) THEN b.SortTags END; (* lists all occurences of XML-Tags. *)
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("input file: "); Out.String(infilename); Out.String(" not found ");
+ END;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("countclefchanges : ");
+ Out.Int(countclefchanges,5); *)
+ Out.Ln()
+ END InOut;
+ PROCEDURE Copywo( VAR fin, fout: Files.File; unix: BOOLEAN );
+ (* Copies a File and eliminates multiple BLANKs. *)
+ VAR ch: CHAR; rin, rout: Files.Rider; column: LONGINT;
+ Files.Set( rin, fin, 0 ); Files.Set( rout, fout, 0 ); column := 0; Files.Read( rin, ch );
+ WHILE ~rin.eof DO
+ IF (~unix) THEN Files.Write( rout, Strings.OberonToISO[ORD( ch )] ); INC( column );
+ ELSIF unix & (ch # CR) THEN Files.Write( rout, Strings.OberonToISO[ORD( ch )] ); INC( column );
+ END;
+ IF (ch = NL) THEN column := 0; END;
+ IF (column > 100) & (ch = BLANK) THEN
+ column := 0;
+ IF (~unix) THEN Files.Write( rout, CR ); END;
+ Files.Write( rout, NL );
+ END;
+ (* IF ch =Strings.CR THEN Files.Write(R,NL); END; *)
+ IF (ch = BLANK) THEN
+ WHILE (ch = BLANK) DO Files.Read( rin, ch ); END;
+ ELSE Files.Read( rin, ch );
+ END;
+ END;
+ END Copywo;
+ PROCEDURE DistributeDirections;
+ VAR idir, j, lastnote, lastidir, lastj, lastmeasure, lastlastnote, lastps, noteto, firstnote, count: LONGINT;
+ lastdirtype: CHAR;
+ posnote: ARRAY 64 OF INTEGER;
+ lastnote := 0;
+ idir := 1;
+ WHILE idir <= maxdir DO
+ j := 1;
+ WHILE j <= maxdirtype[idir] DO
+ part := directions[idir, 0].part;
+ staff := directions[idir, 0].staff; lastmeasure := measure;
+ measure := directions[idir, 0].measure;
+ lastlastnote := lastnote; lastnote := directions[idir, 0].lastnote;
+ IF (1 IN outputset) THEN (* Print all directions *) OutDir( idir, j ); END;
+ (* IF lastnote = 0 THEN lastnote := 1 END; *)
+ lastps := ps; ps := linstaff( nostaves, part, staff ); firstnote := minnote0[part, staff, measure];
+ IF (notes[ps,0,measure,firstnote].grace > 0) THEN (* first note is grace note and cannot carry dynamic marks *)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("DistrDir : ");Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Int(firstnote,5); Out.Char("|");
+ Out.Int(notes[ps,0,measure,firstnote].grace,5 ); Out.Int(lastnote,5); *)
+ REPEAT INC(firstnote) UNTIL notes[ps,0,measure,firstnote].grace = 0;
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String(" first real note at ps, measure, note :"); Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Int(firstnote,5);
+ Out.Char("|"); Out.Int(notes[ps,0,measure,firstnote].grace,5 );
+ END;
+ CASE directions[idir, j].dirtype OF
+ "w": (* words, i.e. text *)
+ IF lastnote < firstnote THEN lastnote := firstnote END;
+ IF (notes[ps, 0, measure, lastnote].lefttext = "") THEN
+ Strings.Append( notes[ps, 0, measure, lastnote].lefttext, directions[idir, j].pmxdirection ); (* pmxdirection pruefen *)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("idir,j,pmxdirection "); Out.Int(idir,5); Out.Char("|");Out.Int(j,5); Out.Char("|");
+ Out.String(directions[idir,j].pmxdirection); *)
+ b.APPzca( notes[ps, 0, measure, lastnote].lefttext, directions[idir, j].pmxdirection );
+ b.loesch( directions[idir, j].pmxdirection );
+ END;
+ | "h": (* hair pins *)
+ IF lastnote < firstnote THEN lastnote := firstnote END;
+ IF ( lastnote > maxnote0[part,staff,measure] ) THEN lastnote := maxnote0[part,staff,measure] END; (* Modification 23.12.2016 *)
+ Strings.Append( notes[ps, 0, measure, lastnote].righttext, directions[idir, j].pmxdirection );
+ lastdirtype := "h";
+ | "d": (* dynamic marks *)
+ IF (directions[idir, j].lastnote = 0) & (directions[idir, j].defaultx = 0) THEN
+ directions[idir, j].lastnote := firstnote; lastnote := directions[idir, j].lastnote
+ ELSIF (directions[idir, j].lastnote > 0) & (directions[idir, j].lastnote < maxnote0[part, staff, measure]) THEN
+ INC( directions[idir, j].lastnote ); lastnote := directions[idir, j].lastnote
+ ELSIF (directions[idir, j].lastnote = 0) & (directions[idir, j].defaultx > 0) THEN
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( "Direction default-x: " ); Out.Int( directions[idir, j].defaultx, 5 ); *)
+ note := minnote0[part, staff, measure]; noteto := maxnote0[part, staff, measure];
+ (* Out.String( "note : " ); Out.Int( note, 5 ); Out.String( "noteto : " ); Out.Int( noteto, 5 ); *)
+ count := noteto - note + 1; (* Out.String( "count : " ); Out.Int( count, 5 ); *)
+ WHILE note <= noteto DO
+ posnote[note - minnote0[part, staff, measure]] := notes[ps, 0, measure, note].defaultx;
+ INC( note );
+ END;
+ lastnote := b.MinDist( directions[idir, j].defaultx, posnote, SHORT( count ) ) + 1;
+ (* Out.String( "lastnote : " ); Out.Int( lastnote, 5 ); *)
+ END;
+ (* IF (notes[ps, 0, measure, lastnote].rest = "r") THEN (* avoid dynamics on rests. *)
+ REPEAT INC( lastnote ) UNTIL notes[ps, 0, measure, lastnote].rest # "r";
+ END; *)
+ IF notes[ps, 0, measure, lastnote] # NIL THEN
+ Strings.Append( notes[ps, 0, measure, lastnote].righttext, directions[idir, j].pmxdirection );
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("DistrDirections , lastnote, righttext :");
+ Out.Int(measure,5);Out.Int(lastnote,5); Out.String(notes[ps, 0, measure, lastnote].righttext); *)
+ END;
+ lastdirtype := "d";
+ | "p":
+ INC( lastnote );
+ IF lastnote < firstnote THEN lastnote := firstnote END;
+ Strings.Append( notes[ps, 0, measure, lastnote].lefttext, directions[idir, j].pmxdirection );
+ lastdirtype := "p";
+ | "s":
+ IF lastnote < firstnote THEN lastnote := firstnote END;
+ Strings.Append( notes[ps, 0, measure, lastnote].righttext, directions[idir, j].pmxdirection );
+ lastdirtype := "s";
+ | "c":
+ IF lastnote < firstnote THEN lastnote := firstnote END;
+ Strings.Append( notes[ps, 0, measure, lastnote].righttext, directions[idir, j].pmxdirection );
+ lastdirtype := "c";
+ ELSE Out.Ln(); Out.String( "DistributeDirections : dirtype unknown." );
+ END;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String(" ps,measure,lastnote ");Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Int(lastnote,5); Out.Char("|");Out.String(directions[idir,j].pmxdirection);
+ *)
+ lastj := j; INC( j );
+ END;
+ lastidir := idir; INC( idir );
+ END;
+ END DistributeDirections;
+ PROCEDURE PMXDuration( tuplettype,tremolotype : ARRAY OF CHAR; div, xmldur: INTEGER; actual, normal: INTEGER;
+ VAR pmxdur: ARRAY OF CHAR; istuplet: BOOLEAN; type: ARRAY OF CHAR );
+ (* Calculates the pmx-duration of a note (0,2,4,8,1,3,6) or rest from the XML-duration. Takes into account one dot and two dots *)
+ VAR double: CHAR; tupletdur,noteduration, i : INTEGER;
+IF ( istuplet & (tremolotype = "") ) THEN (* 1 *)
+ double := 0X;
+ noteduration := xmldur;
+ tupletdur := Complete.tupletduration(div,type,normal); (* total duration of tuplet in terms of xml-duration *)
+ IF tuplettype = "start" THEN (* tuplets *) (* 2 *)
+ Complete.Dur2PMX(div,tupletdur,pmxdur );
+ i := 0; WHILE i < 16 DO pmxdur[i] := 0X; INC(i) END;
+ END; (* 2 *)
+ IF ABS(actual * noteduration - tupletdur) > 5 THEN (* 3 *)
+ IF ABS(noteduration*actual - 2 * tupletdur) < 5 THEN double := "D" END; (* Das ist Swing *)
+ IF ABS (noteduration*actual * 2 - 3 * tupletdur) < 5 THEN double := "d" END; (* Das ist Punktierung *)
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxdur, double );
+ END; (* 3 *)
+ELSIF istuplet & ( tremolotype ="start" ) THEN (* binary tremolo *) (* 1a *)
+ tupletdur := Complete.tupletduration(div,type,normal);
+ Complete.Dur2PMX(div,tupletdur,pmxdur );
+ ELSIF ( tremolotype = "stop" ) THEN (* 1b *)
+ i := 0; WHILE i < 16 DO pmxdur[i] := 0X; INC(i) END;
+ELSE (* normal notes *)
+ Complete.Dur2PMX(div,xmldur,pmxdur );
+END PMXDuration;
+ VAR nlast, n, m: b.Tag;
+ nlast := NIL;
+ n := b.q.first;
+ IF ( = notetag) & ( = "n") THEN
+ (* OutTag(n); OutTag(; *)
+ (* nlast := n; *) (* ist Note *)
+ m :=;
+ REPEAT m :=
+ UNTIL m.tagname = eonotetag;
+ (* OutTag( m ); *)
+ :=;
+ IF ="<backup>" THEN := END;
+ (* eliminate backup *)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String(" und : ");
+ Out.Int(,5); Out.Char("|");Out.Int(,5); *)
+ n := m;
+ n :=; nlast := n;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("ELSE n,, nlast : ");Out.Int(,5); Out.Int(,5); Out.Int(,5); *)
+ END;
+ END;
+ (* n := q.first; REPEAT n:= UNTIL = 20530 ; WHILE i < 30 DO OutTag (n); n:=; INC(i) END;*)
+ END DelTag;
+ PROCEDURE WriteNote2PMX( VAR W: Files.Rider; VAR Note: NoteDesc;
+ ps, voice, voicefrom, measure, note: LONGINT; VAR Dtext, Rtext: ARRAY OF CHAR;
+ VAR istuplet: BOOLEAN );
+ (* Writes the data for one note or rest to Files.Rider "W"; called by PROC. W ritePMX; *)
+ VAR pmxdur: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; sactual : ARRAY 4 OF CHAR;
+ pmxnote: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; blindrest : ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ tremolo: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ octave: CHAR; stemchar: CHAR; maxnotelastmeasure : LONGINT;
+ IF ( Note.grace # -1 ) THEN (* avoid chords as grace notes *)
+(* IF (Wpos := Files.Pos(W); *)
+ (* remove duplicate grace notes *)
+(* Out.Ln(); Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(voice,5); Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Int(note,5); Out.Int(Note.grace,5); *)
+ (*IF Note.grace > 1 THEN
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("remove duplicates");Out.Int(Note.grace,5);
+ IF (Note.pmxnote # 0X) THEN Out.String(Note.pmxnote); END;
+ b.loesch ( Note.pmxnote) ;
+ Out.Ln(); IF (Note.pmxgrace # 0X) THEN Out.String(Note.pmxgrace);END;
+ b.loesch ( Note.pmxgrace) ;
+ END; *)
+ part := partstaff[ps, 0]; staff := partstaff[ps, 1]; pmxnote[0] := BLANK; pmxnote[1] := 0X;
+ COPY( Note.lefttext, Dtext ); (* 07.04.2017 *)
+ IF (Note.clefchanged # 0X) THEN Files.Write(W,BLANK); Files.Write(W,"C"); Files.Write(W,Note.clefchanged); Files.Write(W,BLANK); END;
+ IF (Dtext[0] # 0X) THEN WriteString( W, Dtext ); END;
+ IF (Note.rbleft[0] # 0X) THEN WriteString( W, Note.rbleft ); END;
+ IF (Note.pitchstep # 0X) THEN
+ (* Branch for normal notes, tuplet notes and grace notes , as opposed to rests*)
+ (* 1 *)
+ INC( count );
+ istuplet := Note.actual # 0;
+ IF Note.grace = 0 THEN (* d.h. es ist keine Gracenote! *)
+ PMXDuration( Note.tuplet, Note.tremolotype, attributes[part].divisions,
+ Note.duration, Note.actual, Note.normal, pmxdur, istuplet, Note.type );
+ END;
+ (* delete slur before gracenote *)
+ IF (7 IN outputset) & (Note.grace = 0) OR ~(7 IN outputset) (* option control via outputset 24.04.2017*)
+ THEN (* Aenderung 18.04.2017*)
+ IF (Note.slur[0,1] = "(") THEN (* 3*)
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.slur [0]);
+ END;
+ IF (Note.slur[1,1] ="(") THEN
+ Strings.Append(pmxnote,Note.slur[1]); END;
+ END; (* 3*)
+ IF (Note.grace = 1) THEN (* ist erste einer Folge von grace notes *)
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.pmxgrace );
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( " $$$$pmxgrace " ); Out.String( pmxnote ); *)
+ END; (* 4*)
+ IF (Note.tied[0, 1] = "{") THEN (* 5*)
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.tied[0] )
+ ELSIF (Note.tied[1, 1] = "{") THEN Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.tied[1] )
+ END; (* 5*)
+ (* IF ~istuplet & (Note.beam[1] = "[") & (Note.grace = 0) THEN *) (* 6 alter code 14.01.2017 *)
+ IF ( ~istuplet OR ( istuplet & ( Note.tuplet = "start") ) )
+ & (Note.beam[1] = "[") & (Note.grace = 0) & (Note.tremolotype # "start")
+ (* & ( ~beamopen[ps,voice] ) (*10. 05. 2017 *)
+ & ????????????? *)
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.beam );
+ beamopen[ps,voice] := TRUE; (* 10.5.2017 *)
+ END; (* 6*)
+ IF Note.trembeam > 0 THEN
+ b.pmxTremolo( Note.pitchstep, Note.pitchoctave, Note.stem, Note.clef, Note.trembeam, pmxdur[0],
+ tremolo );
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, tremolo );
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String( "tremolo&&&&" ); Out.Int( ps, 5 );
+ Out.Int( measure, 5 ); Out.String( tremolo );
+ END;
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, Note.chord );
+ IF Note.grace = 0 THEN (* attention: suppress duplicate Grace notes *) (* 7*)
+ (* also normale Note "0" 18.11.2020*)
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, Note.pitchstep );
+ END; (* 7*)
+ IF (Note.chord # "z") THEN Strings.Append( pmxnote, pmxdur ); END; (* 8*)
+ octave := CHR( Note.pitchoctave + 48 );
+ IF Note.grace = 0 THEN Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, octave ); (* also normale Note "0" 18.11.2020*)
+(* IF Note.grace # 1 THEN Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, octave ); (* also normale Note *) *)
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.accidental );
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("accid in WriteNote2PMX"); Out.Int(measure,5);Out.String(Note.accidental); *)
+ END; (* Dont forget accidentals for gracenotes *) (* 9*)
+ (* test for basenote , find series of chord notes
+ IF Note.base # 0 THEN noteno := Note.base;
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("test for abse of chord ");WHILE notes[ps,voice,measure,noteno].base = Note.base DO
+ Out.Ln(); Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(voice,2); Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Int(noteno,5);
+ Out.Int(notes[ps,voice,measure,noteno].base,5);INC(noteno); END; END; *)
+ IF (Note.tuplet = "start") & (Note.actual # 0)
+ THEN (* 10*)
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, "x" ); Strings.IntToStr(Note.actual,sactual);
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, sactual );
+ END; (* 10*)
+ (* binary tremolo *)
+ IF (Note.tremolotype = "start") & (Note.actual # 0) (* first note of binary tremolo *)
+ THEN (* 18*)
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, "x" );
+ Strings.AppendCh(pmxnote,"T");
+ Strings.IntToStr(Note.maxbeam,sactual);
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, sactual ); Strings.AppendCh(pmxnote, "0");
+ END; (* 18*)
+ IF (Note.chord # "z") & (Note.tuplet # "start") & (Note.grace = 0) & ( Note.tremolotype # "start" ) (* 11*)
+ (* no stem direction specified eventuell switch einbauen ! *)
+ stemchar := Note.stem;
+ IF stemchar = "d" THEN stemchar := "l" END;
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, stemchar );
+ END; (* 11*)
+ (* IF (Note.pmxdyn[0] # 0X) THEN
+ WriteString( W, Note.pmxdyn );
+ END; *)
+ (* Suppress fermata in tuplet *)
+ IF ( Note.actual = 0 ) THEN Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, BLANK ); Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.fermata ); END;
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, BLANK ); Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.staccato );
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, BLANK ); Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.accent );
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, BLANK ); Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.strongaccent );
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, BLANK ); Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.trill );
+ (* IF Note.arpeggio THEN Strings.Append( pmxnote, " ? " ); maxarp := Note.maxarp END; (* ???????? 22. Nov. 2019 *)
+ IF (maxarp > 0) & (Note.maxarp = maxarp) THEN Strings.Append( pmxnote, " ? " ); maxarp := 0; END; *)
+ (* No closing slur at gracenote or one after gracenote *)
+ maxnotelastmeasure := maxnote0[part,staff,measure-1];
+ IF voice = 1 THEN maxnotelastmeasure := maxnote1[part,staff,measure-1]; END;
+IF (7 IN outputset) & ( ( note = 1 ) & (Note.grace = 0) & ( notes[ps,voice,measure,maxnotelastmeasure].grace= 0 )
+ OR ( note >1 ) &( Note.grace = 0) & (notes[ps,voice,measure,note - 1].grace = 0 ) ) (* Aenderung wg. Don 17022017 *)
+ OR ~(7 IN outputset)
+ THEN (* end of slur directly after gracenote not allowed *) (* Blinder Versuch 7 statt 5 *)
+ IF (Note.slur[0,1] = ")") THEN (* 13*)
+ IF Note.grace = 0 THEN
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.slur[0] ); END; END;
+ IF (Note.slur[1, 1] = ")") THEN
+ IF Note.grace = 0 THEN
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.slur[1] ); END; END;
+ END; (* 13*)
+ IF (Note.tied[0, 1] = "}") (* 14*)
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.tied[0] );
+ ELSIF (Note.tied[1, 1] = "}") THEN Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.tied[1] );
+ END; (* 14*)
+ (* IF ~istuplet & (Note.beam[1] = "]") & (Note.grace = 0) THEN (* 15*) backchanged 16. 4. 2017 changed 14.01.2017 *)
+ IF ( ~istuplet OR ( istuplet & ( Note.tuplet = "stop" ) ) )
+ & (Note.beam[1] = "]") & (Note.grace = 0 ) & (Note.tremolotype # "stop")
+ THEN (* VErsion 12 *)
+ IF beamopen[ps,voice] THEN
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.beam );
+ beamopen[ps,voice] := FALSE;
+ END;
+ END; (* 15*)
+ IF ~istuplet & (Note.closebeam[1] = "]") & (Note.grace = 0) THEN (* 15a closing for single note beam *)
+ IF beamopen[ps,voice] THEN
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.closebeam );
+ beamopen[ps,voice] := FALSE;
+ END;
+ END; (* 15a*)
+ (************************ clef changed *******************)
+ (* IF (Note.clefchanged # 0X) THEN (* 16*)
+ (* There is a clef change after this note. *)
+ Out.String("Note clefchanged"); Out.Char(Note.clefchanged);
+ (* INC(countclefchanges); *)
+ (* IF note < maxnote[part,staff,measure] THEN *)
+ maxinote := maxnote0[part,staff,measure];
+ IF voice > voicefrom THEN maxinote := maxnote1[part, staff, measure] END;
+ IF note < maxinote THEN
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, " C" ); Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, Note.clefchanged );
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, BLANK );
+ Out.Ln(); Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(voice,5); Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Int(note,5);
+ Out.String( "cleffx" ); Out.Char( Note.clefchanged ); Out.Char("|"); Out.Char( Note.clef );
+ Out.String( "clef change after last note "); Out.Int(maxinote,5);
+ (* activated 14. Maerz 2018 , verschiebt clefchange vom Ende des Taktes vor die erste Note dwes folgenden Taktes*)
+ measures[measure + 1].clefchange[ps] := Note.clefchanged;
+ END;
+ (* NoteOut(Note); *)
+ END; (* 16*) *)
+(* Out.Ln(); Out.String("pmxnote vorher");Out.String(Note.pmxnote); *)
+ COPY( pmxnote, Note.pmxnote ); WriteString( W, Note.pmxnote );
+(* IF Note.grace >1 THEN b.loesch(Note.pmxnote);
+ b.loesch(Note.pmxgrace) END; Out.Ln(); Out.String(" Note.pmxnote" ); Out.Int(measure,5); Out.String( Note.pmxnote );
+ Out.String( Note.pmxgrace ); Out.Char("|"); Out.Int (Note.grace,5); *)
+ (* Out.Int( Note.staff, 5 ); Out.Char( "|" );
+ Out.Int( Note.voice, 5 ); *)
+ ELSIF ( = "r") THEN (* Branch for Rests *) (* 1*)
+ INC( count ); (* this note is a rest! *)
+ istuplet := Note.actual # 0;
+ PMXDuration( Note.tuplet, Note.tremolotype, attributes[part].divisions, Note.duration, Note.actual, Note.normal,
+ pmxdur, istuplet, Note.type );
+ pmxnote[0] := 20X;
+ IF ( Note.blind = "b" ) THEN
+ Complete.CalcForward(Note.duration,attributes[part].divisions,blindrest);
+ Strings.Append(pmxnote,blindrest);
+ IF (Note.duration = attributes[part].duration) THEN (* rest of type "rp" *) (* 17*)
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, "rp" );
+ ELSE (* 17*)
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, ); Strings.Append( pmxnote, pmxdur );
+ IF (Note.tuplet = "start") & (Note.actual # 0) (* leading note of tuplet *)
+ THEN (* 18*)
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, "x" ); Strings.IntToStr(Note.actual,sactual);
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, sactual );
+ END; (* 18*)
+ END; (* 17 *)
+ (************************************************ first try for slur ending on rest ****************)
+ IF (Note.slur[0,1] = ")")
+ THEN (* 13*)
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.slur[0] );
+ END;
+ IF (Note.slur[1, 1] = ")")
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, Note.slur[1] );
+ END;
+ (* END; 13*)
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, BLANK );
+ (* IF (Note.clefchanged # 0X) THEN (* 16*) (* clef change on the fly, activated 14. Maerz 2018 *)
+ (* IF note < maxnote[part,staff,measure] THEN *)
+ Strings.Append( pmxnote, " C" ); Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, Note.clefchanged );
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxnote, BLANK );
+ Out.Ln(); Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(voice,5); Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Int(note,5);
+ Out.String( "cleffy" ); Out.Char( Note.clefchanged ); Out.Char( Note.clef );
+ (* NoteOut(Note); *)
+ END; (* 16*) *)
+ COPY( pmxnote, Note.pmxnote ); WriteString( W, pmxnote );
+ END; (*1*)
+ (* IF (Note.direction > 0) THEN (* 19*)
+ (* OutDir( Note.direction ); *)
+ Files.Write( W, Note.direction ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ END; (* 19*) *)
+ (* directions within measures are written *)
+ COPY( notes[ps, voice, measure, note].righttext, Rtext );
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("WriteNote2PMX : "); Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(voice,5); Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Int(note,5); Out.String (Rtext);
+ Out.Int(notes[ps, voice, measure, note].grace,5); *)
+ IF (Rtext[0] # 0X) (* & ( ~written ) *) THEN WriteString( W, Rtext );
+ END;
+ IF (Note.rbright[0] # 0X) THEN WriteString( W, Note.rbright ); END;
+ (* Out.Ln();Out.String("measure,ps,voice,note");
+ Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(voice,5); Out.Int(note,5); Out.Int(Note.voice,5);Out.String(pmxnote); *)
+ (* "maxnote" is the last note in part/staff/measure, minnote is the first note in part/staff/measure *)
+ (* IF ( note = maxnote[part, staff, measure] )*) (* Aenderung 22.12.2015: introduce voice dependence *)
+ (* "maxnote" is the last note in part/staff/measure, minnote is the first note in part/staff/measure *)
+ IF (note = maxnote[part, staff, measure]) OR ((note = maxnote0[part, staff, measure]) & (voice = 0)) OR
+ ((note = maxnote1[part, staff, measure]) & (voice = 1))
+ (* WriteString( W, " | " ); not needed in PMX *)
+ IF (ps = nostaves - 1) & (voice = voicefrom) THEN
+ IF (measures[measure].barstyle # 0X) THEN WriteString( W, measures[measure].barstyle ) END;
+ IF (measures[measure].repeat = " Rr ") THEN
+ Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL ); WriteString( W, measures[measure].repeat );
+ END;
+ END;
+ Files.Write(W,BLANK); Files.Write( W, "/" ); (* Print "/" for end of single voice . *)
+ END;
+ IF Note.tuplet = "stop" THEN istuplet := FALSE END;
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("grace = -1"); Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Int(note,5);END;
+ END WriteNote2PMX;
+ PROCEDURE WritePMX ( VAR W: Files.Rider );
+ (* Creates and stores the notes part of the PMX file (starting with "% Bar 1"). after the Control Data *)
+ VAR voice, staff, voicefrom, voiceto, nnotes, notefrom, noteto : LONGINT; concertkey : ARRAY 10 OF CHAR;
+ Dtext, Rtext: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR;
+ keychange, dummy: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; keychanged : BOOLEAN;
+ blindmeterchange: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
+ istuplet: BOOLEAN; minmeasure: LONGINT; ipickup: INTEGER;
+ (* decides whether direction is written before or after the note. *)
+ restbefore, restafter: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
+ ipickup := 0; keychanged := FALSE;
+ IF attributes[1].pickup > 0 THEN ipickup := 1; END;
+ (* Write transposition string s *)
+ (* part := 1;
+ WHILE part <= maxpart DO
+ IF attributes[part].diatonic # 0 THEN WriteString( W, attributes[part].kstring );
+ END;
+ Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL ); INC( part ); Out.Ln(); Out.String("diatonic");
+ END; *)
+ Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ measure := 1; note := 1;
+ IF (attributes[1].pickup > 0) THEN minmeasure := 1
+ ELSE minmeasure := 0
+ END; (* do not extend 1st measure in case of pickup. *)
+ IF ( uptomeasure > 0 ) & ( uptomeasure <= maxmeasure ) THEN maxmeasure := uptomeasure; END;
+ WHILE measure <= maxmeasure DO
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("measure ="); Out.Int(measure,5); *)
+ Complete.erasetime( nostaves, voicetime ); ps := nostaves - 1;
+ IF maxpart > 1 THEN
+ IF ( measure = 1 ) OR ( ( measure > 1 ) & ( measures[measure].fifth # measures[measure-1].fifth ))
+ keychanged := TRUE;
+ ELSIF measure > 1 THEN i := 1 ;
+ keychanged := (measures[measure].keys[i] # measures[measure].keys[maxpart] ) & (* Aenderung2.2.2017 *)
+ (measures[measure].keys[i] # measures[measure - 1].keys[i]);
+ INC(i) ;
+ UNTIL ( i = maxpart ) OR keychanged ;
+ END;
+ (* END; *)
+ IF (keychanged & ~ pmxcontrol.equalkeys) THEN
+ i := 1; WHILE i <=maxpart DO b.mkeys[i] := measures[measure].keys[i]; INC(i) END;
+ b.testmakekey(maxpart,measure,keytotal);
+ COPY("K+0",concertkey);
+ IF measures[measure].keys[maxpart] >= 0 THEN Strings.AppendCh(concertkey,"+"); END;
+ Strings.IntToStr(measures[measure].keys[maxpart],dummy); Strings.Append(concertkey,dummy);
+ IF measure >= 1 THEN
+ WriteString( W, concertkey ); Files.Write( W, CR );
+ Files.Write( W, NL ); END;
+ WriteString( W, keytotal ); Files.Write( W, CR );
+ Files.Write( W, NL ); END;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("concertkey : "); Out.String(concertkey);
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("keytotal : "); Out.String(keytotal); *)
+ END;
+ WHILE (ps >= 0) DO
+ part := partstaff[ps, 0]; staff := partstaff[ps, 1];
+ (* neuer Code: shift to voice := 0,1 *)
+ voiceto := voicelimm[ps, measure] - 1; voicefrom := 0; voice := voicefrom;
+ (* IF voiceto < 0 THEN voiceto := 0; END; *)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("measure, part, staff, voicefrom, voiceto:");
+ Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Int(part,5); Out.Int(staff,5);
+ Out.Int(voicefrom,5); Out.Int(voiceto,5); *)
+ (* IF voiceto > 1 THEN voiceto := 1 END; (* this line only for testing BWV0826; to be removed. *) *)
+ WHILE voice <= voiceto DO
+ nnotes := 0; WriteString( W, "% " ); Files.Write( W, "(" ); WriteLInt( W, part );
+ Files.Write( W, "|" ); WriteLInt( W, staff ); Files.Write( W, "|" ); WriteLInt( W, vmap[ps, measure, voice] );
+ Files.Write( W, ")" ); WriteLInt( W, measure - ipickup ); Files.Write( W, CR );
+ Files.Write( W, NL );
+ b.loesch( Dtext ); b.loesch( Rtext );
+ (********************** Meter Change *******************)
+ IF (measure > 1) THEN
+ IF (measures[measure].beats # measures[measure - 1].beats) OR
+ (measures[measure].beattype # measures[measure - 1].beattype) THEN
+ IF measures[measure].beattype >0 THEN
+ b.NewBeat( measures[measure].beats, measures[measure].beattype,
+ measures[measure].meterchange, FALSE );
+ (* 20-10-2020 Lilypond *)
+ attributes[part].duration :=
+ measures[measure].beats*4* attributes[part].divisions DIV measures[measure].beattype;
+ Out.Ln();
+ Out.String("PROC. WritePMX: measure = ");
+ Out.Int(measure,5);
+ END;
+ (* measures[measure].divisions[part] *)
+ measures[measure].duration[part] := attributes[part].duration ;
+ IF (ps = nostaves - 1) & (voice = voicefrom) THEN
+ Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL ); WriteString( W, measures[measure].meterchange );
+ Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ END;
+ END;
+ (* blind meter change in case of Pickup. *)
+ IF (attributes[1].pickup > 0) & (measure = 2) & (ps = nostaves - 1) & (voice = voicefrom) THEN (* Change 09.05.2020 *)
+ b.NewBeat( attributes[1].beats, attributes[1].beattype, blindmeterchange, TRUE );
+ WriteString( W, blindmeterchange ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ END;
+ (********************** key change ***********************)
+ IF pmxcontrol.equalkeys &(ps = nostaves - 1) & (measure > 1) & (voice = voicefrom) & (* change 03052018 *)
+ (measures[measure].fifth # measures[measure - 1].fifth) THEN
+ COPY( "K+0", keychange );
+ IF ( measures[measure].fifth >= 0 ) THEN Strings.Append(keychange,"+"); END;
+ Strings.IntToStr( measures[measure].fifth, dummy );
+ Strings.Append( keychange, dummy ); WriteString( W, keychange ); Files.Write( W, CR );
+ Files.Write( W, NL );
+ END;
+ IF (measures[measure].ending # 0X) & (ps = nostaves - 1) THEN
+ WriteString( W, measures[measure].ending );
+ END;
+ IF (measures[measure].repeat = " Rl ") & (ps = nostaves - 1) & (voice = voicefrom) THEN
+ WriteString( W, measures[measure].repeat );
+ END;
+ notefrom := minnote0[part, staff, measure]; noteto := maxnote0[part, staff, measure];
+ (* IF measure = 25 THEN Out.Ln(); Out.String("voice = 0");
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("notefrom(to : "); Out.Int(notefrom,5); Out.Int(noteto,5); END; *)
+ IF (voice = 1) THEN
+ notefrom := minnote1[part, staff, measure];
+ noteto := maxnote1[part, staff, measure]; (* changed from note := 1; 22.12.2015 *)
+ (* IF measure = 25 THEN Out.Ln(); Out.String("voice = 1");
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("notefrom(to : "); Out.Int(notefrom,5); Out.Int(noteto,5); END; *)
+ END;
+ note := notefrom;
+ IF (measure > minmeasure) THEN FillRests( notefrom, noteto, measure, ps, voice );
+ END;
+ (* do not extend 1st measure in case of pickup. *)
+ WHILE note <= noteto DO (* 1 *)
+ IF (notes[ps, voice, measure, note] # NIL) &
+ (Strings.IsAlpha( notes[ps, voice, measure, note].pitchstep ) OR (notes[ps, voice, measure, note].rest = "r"))
+ (* note OR rest *)
+ (* remove print-object="no". 26.07.2019*)
+ THEN (* CHANGE 11.Juli 2019: remove print-object = "no" notes *)
+ IF ~ (10 IN outputset) OR ( notes[ps, voice, measure, note].probj = TRUE ) THEN
+ (* Option "r" : remove notes with print_obj = "no" 04.05.2020 *)
+ WriteNote2PMX( W, notes[ps, voice, measure, note]^, ps, voice, voicefrom, measure, note, Dtext,
+ Rtext, istuplet );
+ b.loesch( restbefore ); b.loesch( restafter );
+ INC( nnotes );
+ (* b.loesch(Rtext); b.loesch(Dtext); *)
+ END;
+ END;
+ INC( note ); (* IF voice = 1 THEN Out.Ln(); Out.String("Count notes of 2nd voice. ");Out.Int(note,5); END; *)
+ END; (* 1 *) (* Loop over notes *)
+ (* Measure Properties go here *) ;
+ (* WriteString(W," | /"); *)
+ IF ( voicelimm[ps,measure] = 2 ) & (voice = 0) & (nnotes > 0)
+ & ( ((notes[ps,0,measure,minnote1[part,staff,measure]] # NIL)
+ & (notes[ps, 0, measure, minnote1[part,staff,measure]].probj = TRUE))
+ OR ~ ( 10 IN outputset ) )
+ (* second slash removed because second voice eliminated. Change 04.05.2020 *)
+ Files.Write( W, "/" ); END; (* Print second "/" for first voice of two voices *)
+ Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ INC( voice );
+ END; (* Loop over voices *)
+ DEC( ps );
+ END;
+ INC( measure );
+ END; (* Out.Ln(); Out.String(" Divisions : ");
+ i := 1; WHILE i <= maxpart DO Out.Ln(); Out.Int(i,5); Out.Int(attributes[i].divisions,5); INC(i);END; *)
+ END WritePMX;
+(* PROCEDURE ListMeasures*;
+ VAR i,j : LONGINT;
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("ListMeasures");
+ i := 1;
+ WHILE i <= maxmeasure DO
+ Out.Ln(); Out.Int(i, 5); Out.Int( measures[i].beats, 5); Out.Int(measures[i].beattype,5); Out.Int ( measures[i].fifth , 5);
+ j := 1;
+ WHILE j<=maxpart DO Out.Int(measures[i].keys[j],5); INC(j); END; INC(i); END;
+ (* j := 1; WHILE j<maxpart DO Out.Int(measures[i].duration[j],5); INC(j); END; INC(i); END; *)
+ END ListMeasures; *)
+ PROCEDURE repeat2PMX( n: b.Tag; VAR pmxrepeat: ARRAY OF CHAR );
+ (* translates a left or right repeat from XML to PMX *)
+ VAR c: CHAR;
+ direction: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ b.loesch( pmxrepeat ); COPY( BLANK, pmxrepeat ); b.FindAtt( n, "direction", direction );
+ IF (direction = "backward") THEN Strings.Append( pmxrepeat, "Rr" );
+ ELSIF (direction = "forward") THEN Strings.Append( pmxrepeat, "Rl" );
+ END;
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxrepeat, BLANK ); c := 0X; Strings.AppendCh( pmxrepeat, c );
+ END repeat2PMX;
+ PROCEDURE ending2PMX( n: b.Tag; VAR pmxending: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR type: ARRAY OF CHAR );
+ (* translates a Volta from XML to PMX, possibly not general enough *)
+ VAR c: CHAR;
+ number: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ COPY( BLANK, pmxending ); b.FindAtt( n, "number", number ); b.FindAtt( n, "type", type );
+ IF (type = "start") THEN
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxending, "V" ); Strings.Append( pmxending, number );
+ IF (number = "2") THEN Strings.AppendCh( pmxending, "b" ); END;
+ END;
+ IF (type = "discontinue") THEN COPY ("Vx",pmxending); END;
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxending, BLANK ); c := 0X; Strings.AppendCh( pmxending, c );
+ END ending2PMX;
+ PROCEDURE beam2PMX( n: b.Tag; VAR pmxbeam: ARRAY OF CHAR; stem: CHAR; staff: LONGINT );
+ (* Translates a beginning or ending or continued beam from XML to PMX. staff is the staff of the beam element *)
+ VAR c, j, stemj: CHAR; m: b.Tag;
+ type, number: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ b.loesch( pmxbeam ); COPY( n.between, type ); b.FindAtt( n, "number", number ); b.loesch( closebeam ); j := 0X;
+ IF (number = "1") THEN (* 1*)
+ COPY( BLANK, pmxbeam );
+ IF (type = "begin") THEN c := "[";
+ ELSIF (type = "end") THEN
+ IF (lasttype = "continue") & (laststaff # staff) THEN
+ c := "["; j := "j"; COPY( " ] ", closebeam );
+ ELSE c := "]"; END;
+ ELSIF (type = "continue") THEN
+ IF (lasttype = "continue") & (laststaff # staff) THEN
+ c := "["; j := "j";
+ b.findnextnote( n, m ); (* Out.Char("|"); Out.Int(,5); Out.Int(staff,5); Out.Char("|");Out.Int(,5);Out.Int(m.staff,5); *)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String(" beam : continue "); *)
+ IF (m.staff # staff) THEN j := "j"; c := "]" ELSE c := "?" END;
+ END;
+ ELSE c := "?"
+ END;
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxbeam, c );
+ IF (j = "j") (* neuer Code fuer joined beams *)
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxbeam, j );
+ IF c = "[" THEN Strings.AppendCh( pmxbeam, "f" ); (* flip l/u *)
+ stemj := "u"; IF stem = "u" THEN stemj := "l"; END;
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxbeam, stemj ); Strings.AppendCh( pmxbeam, BLANK ); END;
+ (* Out.String("pmxbeam"); Out.String(pmxbeam); Out.Char("|"); *)
+ IF (c = "[") THEN
+ IF (stem = "d") THEN Strings.AppendCh( pmxbeam, "l" );
+ ELSIF (stem = "u") THEN Strings.AppendCh( pmxbeam, "u" );
+ END;
+ (* IF (stem = "u") THEN Strings.Append(pmxbeam,"+2");
+ ELSIF (stem = "d") THEN Strings.Append(pmxbeam,"-2"); END; *)
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxbeam, BLANK );
+ END;
+ END;
+ END;
+ IF (type = "continue") & (j # "j") OR (number > "1") THEN b.loesch( pmxbeam ); END;
+ COPY( type, lasttype ); laststaff := staff;
+ END beam2PMX;
+(* PROCEDURE tied2PMX( n: b.Tag; type: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR pmxtied: ARRAY OF CHAR; voice: LONGINT);
+ (* Translates a beginning or ending tie from XML to PMX.
+ orientation = "d" => note with stem down yields tie with orientation "u".
+ orientation = "u" => note with stem up yields tie with orientation "l". *)
+ VAR c: CHAR;
+ number: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; orient : ARRAY 10 OF CHAR; orientation : CHAR;
+ nt: Fifo.Node;
+ b.loesch( pmxtied ); b.FindAtt( n, "number", number );
+ b.FindAtt( n, "orientation", orient );
+ IF orient = "over" THEN orientation := "u"; (* IF orient = "" THEN follow stem direction *)
+ ELSIF orient = "under" THEN orientation := "l";
+ ELSE orientation := " ";
+ END;
+ (* Out.Char("|"); Out.String("tied : "); Out.Char("|");Out.String(type);Out.Char("|");
+ Out.String(number);Out.Char("|");Out.Char(orientation); *)
+ COPY( BLANK, pmxtied );
+ IF (type = "start") THEN
+ c := "{";
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxtied, c );
+ NEW( nt ); nt.key := Fifo.smallfree( b.tieunusdnum[ps, voice] );
+ EXCL( b.tieunusdnum[ps, voice], nt.key );
+ Fifo.Enqueue( b.tieq[ps, voice], nt );
+ Strings.IntToStr( nt.key, number );
+ Strings.Append( pmxtied, number );
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxtied, orientation );
+ ELSIF (type = "stop") THEN c := "}"; Strings.AppendCh( pmxtied, c );
+ nt := Fifo.DequeuedNode( b.tieq[ps, voice] );
+ IF nt # NIL THEN INCL( b.tieunusdnum[ps, voice], nt.key ); (* avoid nt undefined *)
+ Strings.IntToStr( nt.key, number ); Strings.Append( pmxtied, number ); END;
+ ELSE Out.String( "wrong type of tie " );
+ END;
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxtied, BLANK );
+ END tied2PMX; *)
+(* PROCEDURE slur2PMX( n: b.Tag; VAR pmxslur: ARRAY OF CHAR );
+ (* Translates a beginning or ending slur from XML to PMX. *)
+ VAR c, cs : CHAR;
+ type, number, placement: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; inumber : LONGINT; res : ARRAY 4 OF CHAR;
+ b.loesch( pmxslur ); b.FindAtt( n, "type", type ); b.FindAtt( n, "number", number );
+ IF ( number # "" ) THEN
+ Strings.StrToInt(number, inumber);
+ cs := CHR(inumber + 65)
+ ELSE cs := "A";
+ END;
+ b.FindAtt( n, "placement", placement );
+ IF (type # "continue") THEN (* gibt es das ueberhapt? *)
+ COPY( BLANK, pmxslur );
+ IF (type = "start") THEN c := "(";
+ ELSIF (type = "stop") THEN c := ")"
+ END;
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxslur, c );
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxslur, cs );
+ (* Achtung x-option for staff crossing slur *)
+ IF 8 IN outputset THEN Strings.Append(pmxslur,"x"); END;
+ IF (type = "start") THEN (* gibt es slurs ohne placement Angabe? *)
+ IF (placement = "below") THEN Strings.AppendCh( pmxslur, "l" )
+ ELSIF (placement = "above") THEN Strings.AppendCh( pmxslur, "u" );
+ END;
+ END;
+ Strings.AppendCh( pmxslur, BLANK ); c := 0X; Strings.AppendCh( pmxslur, c );
+ END;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( "slur2pmx : " ); Out.String( pmxslur ); *)
+ (* Slur control according to grace property *)
+ END slur2PMX; *)
+ PROCEDURE grace( n: b.Tag; ps, voice, measure, note, maxgrace: LONGINT; VAR res: ARRAY OF CHAR );
+ (* counts the calls in "ingrace2pmx", prerequisite n.tagname = notetag *)
+ VAR nograce: LONGINT; isgrace: BOOLEAN;
+ slash, type, stem: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ snograce,str,accpmx: ARRAY 4 OF CHAR; ns : CHAR; no : LONGINT;
+ isgrace := FALSE;
+ b.loesch( res );
+ WHILE ( # NIL ) & (n.tagname # eonotetag) DO (* loop over all tags of the note 1 *)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( n.tagname ); *)
+ IF (n.tagname = gracetag) OR (n.tagname = gracetag2) THEN (* 2 *)
+ b.FindAtt( n, "slash", slash ); nograce := 0; isgrace := TRUE;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( " ***********************grace : " ); Out.String( slash ); *)
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname) = steptag THEN (* 3 *)
+ notes[ps, voice, measure, note].pitchstep := Strings.LowerCh( n.between[0] ); (* Out.String( n.between ); *)
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname) = octavetag THEN (* 4 *)
+ notes[ps, voice, measure, note].pitchoctave := b.ExtractInt( n.between ); (* Out.String( n.between ); *)
+ END;
+ Accidentals(n,ps,voice,measure,note);
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("note1 accidental"); Out.String(notes[ps, voice, measure, note].accidental); *)
+ IF (n.tagname = "<type>") THEN
+ COPY( n.between, type ); (* Out.String( n.between ); *) (* 6 *)
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = "stem") THEN (* 7 *)
+ COPY( n.between, stem ); (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( n.between ); *)
+ END;
+ n :=;
+ END; (* 1 *) (* Daten der ersten Grace-Note *)
+ nograce := maxgrace; (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( "grace : n#gracenotes" ); Out.Int( nograce, 5 ); *) res[0] := BLANK;
+ Strings.IntToStr( nograce, snograce); res[0] := "G"; res[1] := 0X; Strings.Append( res, snograce );
+ Strings.AppendCh( res, "m" );
+ IF (type = "eighth") THEN Strings.AppendCh( res, "1" )
+ ELSIF (type = "16th") THEN Strings.AppendCh( res, "2" )
+ ELSIF (type = "32nd") THEN Strings.AppendCh( res, "3" )
+ END;
+ IF ( 7 IN outputset) THEN Strings.AppendCh( res, "s" ); END; (* slur internal to grace note, goes from first grace note to first non-grace note *)
+ IF (slash = "yes") THEN Strings.Append( res, "x" ); END;
+ IF (stem = "up") THEN Strings.AppendCh( res, "u" )
+ ELSIF (stem = "down") THEN Strings.AppendCh( res, "l" )
+ END;
+ Strings.AppendCh( res, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].pitchstep );
+ Strings.IntToStr( notes[ps, voice, measure, note].pitchoctave, str ); Strings.Append( res, str );
+ Strings.Append(res,notes[ps,voice,measure,note].accidental); Strings.AppendCh( res, BLANK ); Strings.AppendCh( res, 0X );
+ (* 1st gracenote and config *)
+ n :=;
+ (* b.OutTag(n,TRUE); *)
+ WHILE (nograce >1) & isgrace DO
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.Int(nograce,5); *)
+ Findnextgrace (n,isgrace,ns,no,accpmx);
+ Strings.AppendCh(res,BLANK); Strings.AppendCh(res,ns);
+ Strings.IntToStr( no,str); Strings.Append(res,str); IF(accpmx[0] # 0X) THEN Strings.Append(res,accpmx) END;
+ n :=; DEC(nograce); (* Out.Ln(); Out.String(res); %%%%% *)
+ END;
+ END grace;
+ PROCEDURE Findnextgrace* (VAR n : b.Tag; VAR isgrace : BOOLEAN; VAR notestep : CHAR;
+ VAR noteoctave : LONGINT; VAR accpmx : ARRAY OF CHAR );
+ (* Neu 14.11.2020: Anbindung der weiteren grace-Noten an Hauptnote
+ prerequisite n ist zweite Note der Verzierung *)
+ notestep := 0X; noteoctave := -1; accpmx[0] := 0X; isgrace := FALSE;
+ WHILE ( # NIL ) & (n.tagname # eonotetag) DO
+ IF n.tagname = gracetag THEN isgrace := TRUE; END;
+ IF n.tagname = steptag THEN notestep := Strings.LowerCh(n.between[0]); END;
+ IF n.tagname = octavetag THEN noteoctave := b.ExtractInt(n.between); END;
+ IF n.tagname = "<accidental>" THEN
+ IF( n.between = "sharp") THEN COPY( "s", accpmx ); END;
+ IF ( n.between = "flat") THEN COPY( "f", accpmx ); END;
+ IF (n.between = "double-sharp") OR (n.between = "sharp-sharp") THEN COPY( "ss", accpmx ); END;
+ IF (n.between = "flat-flat") OR (n.between = "double-flat") THEN COPY( "ff", accpmx ); END;
+ IF (n.between = "natural") THEN COPY( "n", accpmx ); END;
+ END;
+ n:=;
+ END; (* WHILE *)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("Findnextgrace"); Out.Int(measure,5);
+ Out.Char(notestep); Out.Int(noteoctave,5);Out.String(accpmx); *)
+END Findnextgrace;
+ PROCEDURE OutDir( i, j: LONGINT );
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String( " OutDir : " ); Out.Int( i, 5 ); Out.Int( j, 5 ); Out.Int( directions[i, 0].part, 5 );
+ Out.Int( directions[i, 0].staff, 5 ); Out.Int( directions[i, 0].measure, 5 ); Out.Char( "|" );
+ Out.Int( directions[i, 0].lastnote, 5 ); Out.Char( "|" ); Out.Int( directions[i, 0].voice, 5 ); Out.Char( "|" );
+ Out.Int( directions[i, 0].note, 5 ); Out.Char( "|" );
+ Out.Char( directions[i, j].dirtype ); Out.Char( "|" ); Out.Char( directions[i, j].placement ); Out.Char( "|" );
+ Out.String( directions[i, j].wedgetype ); Out.Char( "|" ); Out.String( directions[i, j].dyntype ); Out.Char( "|" );
+ Out.String( directions[i, j].pedaltype ); Out.Char( "|" ); Out.String( directions[i, j].text ); Out.Char( "|" );
+ Out.String( directions[i, j].pmxdirection ); Out.Char( "|" ); Out.Int( directions[i, j].defaultx, 5 );
+ (* IF directions[i,j].used THEN Out.String(" direction used "); ELSE Out.String(" direction not used ") END; *)
+ END OutDir;
+ PROCEDURE NotesProp( part, staff, voice, measure: LONGINT; VAR note: LONGINT; VAR n: b.Tag );
+ (* stores notes information in an array with indices [ps,voice,measure,note] for later use in the generation measure
+ by measure; "part" and "staff" are combined in one index "ps". *)
+ VAR pmxslur, pmxtied, pmxbeam, type, pmxrepeat, pmxgrace : ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ number, ntype, mtype: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; placement : ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ m: b.Tag;
+ defaultxs: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; (* openslur : ARRAY 1000 OF OpenSlurDesc; *)
+ ps, defaultx, long : LONGINT;
+ nties := 0; ps := linstaff( nostaves, part, staff );
+ NEW( notes[ps, voice, measure, note] );
+ notes[ps, voice, measure, note].voicetime := n.voicetime;
+ notes[ps, voice, measure, note].cue := n.cue;
+ notes[ps, voice, measure, note].from := n.from; notes[ps, voice, measure, note].to :=;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("NotesProp voice + voice : ");
+ Out.Int(part,5);Out.Int(staff,5);Out.Int(measure,5);Out.Int(voice,5); Out.Int(n.voice,5);
+ Out.Int(note,5);Out.Int(n.from,5);Out.Int(,5); Out.Int(n.voicetime,5); *)
+ IF voice = 0 THEN
+ maxnote0[part, staff, measure] := b.Max( note, maxnote0[part, staff, measure] );
+ minnote0[part, staff, measure] := b.Min( note, minnote0[part, staff, measure] );
+ END;
+ IF voice = 1 THEN
+ maxnote1[part, staff, measure] := b.Max( note, maxnote1[part, staff, measure] );
+ minnote1[part, staff, measure] := b.Min( note, minnote1[part, staff, measure] );
+ END;
+ IF (n.probj = "n") THEN notes[ps, voice, measure, note].probj := FALSE
+ ELSE notes[ps, voice, measure, note].probj :=TRUE; END;
+ notes[ps, voice, measure, note].clef := lastclef[ps];
+ IF ( n.newclef # 0X ) THEN
+ notes[ps,voice, measure, note].clefchanged := n.newclef; (* 17.10.2020 new Implemtation od clef *)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("in NotesProp : "); Out.Char(n.newclef); *)
+ END;
+ b.FindAtt( n, "default-x", defaultxs ); Strings.StrToInt( defaultxs, defaultx );
+ notes[ps, voice, measure, note].defaultx := SHORT( defaultx ); notes[ps, voice, measure, note].from := n.from;
+ notes[ps, voice, measure, note].to :=;
+ (* clef change on bar change
+ lastnotethismeasure := maxnote0[part,staff,measure];
+ IF voice = 1 THEN lastnotethismeasure := maxnote1[part,staff,measure] END;
+ firstnotenextmeasure := minnote0[part,staff,measure+1];
+ IF voice = 1 THEN firstnotenextmeasure := minnote1[part,staff,measure+1] END;
+ IF ( notes[ps,voice,measure,lastnotethismeasure].clefchanged # 0X )
+ & ( measure < maxmeasure )THEN
+ notes[ps,voice,measure+1,firstnotenextmeasure].clefchanged :=
+ notes[ps,voice,measure,lastnotethismeasure].clefchanged; END;
+ Ende: clcef change on bar change *)
+ WHILE ( # NIL ) & (n.tagname # eonotetag) DO
+ (* OutTag( n ); &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Alarm arpeggio *)
+ (* IF (n.arpeggio > 0) THEN notes[ps, voice, measure, note].arpeggio := n.arpeggio; END;
+ IF (n.arpeggio = 1) THEN
+ b.arplen( n, maxarp ); notes[ps, voice, measure, note].maxarp := SHORT( maxarp ); Out.Ln();
+ Out.String( "maxarp" ); Out.Int( maxarp, 5 );
+ END; *)
+ IF (n.grace > 0) THEN notes[ps, voice, measure, note].grace := n.grace;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String(" notesprop : "); Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(voice,5); Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Int(note,5); Out.Int(n.grace,5); *)
+ END;
+ IF (n.grace > 0 ) & ( n.chord ="c" ) THEN notes[ps, voice, measure, note].grace :=-1 END;
+ (* eliminate chord notes in grace *)
+ IF (n.grace = 1) THEN b.gracelen( n, maxgrace ); (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( "maxgrace" ); Out.Int( maxgrace, 5 ); *)
+ grace( n, ps, voice, measure, note, maxgrace, pmxgrace );
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( "NotesProp nach PROC grace : " ); Out.Int( ps, 5) ; Out.Int( part, 5 );
+ Out.Int( staff, 5 ); Out.Int( voice, 5 ); Out.Int( measure, 5 ); Out.Int( note, 5 );
+ Out.Int(notes[ps, voice, measure, note].grace,5); Out.Char("|"); *)
+ COPY( pmxgrace, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].pmxgrace );
+ (* Out.String( notes[ps, voice, measure, note].pmxgrace ); *)
+ (* ELSIF n.grace > 1 THEN
+ Out.Ln();Out.String("n.grace > 1");Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(voice,5); Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Int(note,5); *)
+ ELSE (* not a grace note *)
+ IF (n.tagname = "<forward>") THEN
+ notes[ps, voice, measure, note].blind := "b"; (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( "NotesProp : <forward>" );
+ Out.Int( part, 5 ); Out.Int( staff, 5 ); Out.Int( voice, 5 ); Out.Int( measure, 5 ); Out.Int( note, 5 ); *)
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = steptag) THEN notes[ps, voice, measure, note].pitchstep := Strings.LowerCh( n.between[0] ) END;
+ IF (n.tagname = octavetag) THEN notes[ps, voice, measure, note].pitchoctave := b.ExtractInt( n.between )
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = "<unpitched>") THEN
+ n :=;
+ IF (n.tagname = "<display-step>") THEN
+ notes[ps, voice, measure, note].pitchstep := Strings.LowerCh( n.between[0] )
+ END;
+ n :=;
+ IF (n.tagname = "<display-octave>") THEN
+ notes[ps, voice, measure, note].pitchoctave := b.ExtractInt( n.between )
+ END;
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = durationtag) THEN notes[ps, voice, measure, note].duration := b.ExtractInt( n.between ); END;
+ (* IF (n.tagname = stafftag) THEN notes[ps, voice, measure, note].staff := b.ExtractInt( n.between ) ;
+ laststaff := notes[ps, voice, measure, note].staff END; *)
+ (* IF (n.tagname = voicetag) THEN notes[ps, voice, measure, note].voice := b.ExtractInt( n.between ) END; *)
+ IF (n.tagname = dottag) OR (n.tagname = "<dot />") OR (n.tagname = "<dot>") THEN
+ IF notes[ps, voice, measure, note].dot = "d" THEN notes[ps, voice, measure, note].dot := "D";
+ ELSE notes[ps, voice, measure, note].dot := "d"
+ END;
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname) = actualtag THEN
+ Strings.StrToInt(n.between, long);
+ notes[ps, voice, measure, note].actual := SHORT(long);
+ (* (Out.Ln(); Out.String("NotesProp .: ps, voice,measure, note, actual "); Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(voice,5);
+ Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Int(note,5); Out.Int(notes[ps, voice, measure, note].actual,5); *)
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = stemtag ) THEN notes[ps, voice, measure, note].stem := n.between[0] END;
+ IF (n.tagname = normaltag ) THEN Strings.StrToInt(n.between, long);
+ notes[ps, voice, measure, note].normal := SHORT(long); END;
+ IF (n.tagname = "<type>") THEN COPY( n.between, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].type ); END;
+ IF (n.tagname = "<normal-type>") THEN
+ COPY( n.between, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].normaltype ); (* normal-type = type warum? 08.04.2017*)
+ (* IF notes[ps, voice, measure, note].normaltype[0] #0X THEN *)
+ COPY( n.between, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].type ); (* END; *)
+ END;
+ (* IF (n.tagname = "<actual-type>") THEN
+ COPY( n.between, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].actualtype ); (* Baustelle Korrektur 24062019*)
+ (* IF notes[ps, voice, measure, note].normaltype[0] #0X THEN *)
+ COPY( n.between, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].type ); (* END; *)
+ END; *)
+ Accidentals (n,ps,voice,measure,note);
+ IF (n.tagname = resttag) OR (n.tagname = "<rest>") OR (n.tagname = "</rest>") THEN
+ notes[ps, voice, measure, note].rest := "r";
+ END;
+ (* IF (n.tagname # chordtag) & ( n.tagname # "<chord>" ) THEN lastbase := SHORT( note ) END; store main note of a chord *)
+ IF (n.tagname = chordtag) OR (n.tagname = "<chord>") THEN notes[ps, voice, measure, note].chord := "z";
+ (* notes[ps, voice, measure, note].base := lastbase; *) END;
+ IF (n.tagname = fermatatag) THEN (* keine Fermata im Tuplett. *)
+ b.FindAtt( n, "type", type ); COPY( " of", notes[ps, voice, measure, note].fermata );
+ IF ( type = "inverted") THEN Strings.Append( notes[ps, voice, measure, note].fermata, "d " ); END;
+ END;
+ (* prepare for binary tremolo ! *)
+ IF (n.tagname = beamtag) THEN (* counts the beams in one note *)
+ b.FindAtt(n, "number",number);
+ Strings.StrToInt(number,notes[ps,voice,measure,note].maxbeam)
+ END;
+ IF ( n.tagname = "<tremolo>" ) (* & (measure = 166) *) THEN
+ b.FindAtt(n, "type",notes[ps,voice,measure,note].tremolotype);
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("tremolotype : "); Out.String(notes[ps,voice,measure,note].tremolotype);
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("BEams in tremolo : "); Out.String(n.between); (*&&&&&&&*)
+ Strings.StrToInt(n.between, notes[ps,voice,measure,note].maxbeam);
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = slurtag) THEN
+ b.slur2PMX( n, pmxslur , outputset); COPY(pmxslur, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].slur[0] ) ;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(voice,5); Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Int(note,5); Out.String(pmxslur);
+ := ps; openslur.voice := voice; openslur.measure := measure; openslur.note := note;
+ openslur.grace := notes[ps,voice,measure,note].grace;
+ Out.Int(notes[ps,voice,measure,note].grace,5); *)
+ n :=;
+ IF (n.tagname = slurtag) THEN
+ b.slur2PMX(n,pmxslur, outputset); COPY(pmxslur, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].slur[1] ) ;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(voice,5); Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Int(note,5); Out.String(pmxslur);
+ Out.Int(notes[ps,voice,measure,note].grace,5); *)
+ n :=;
+ END;
+ END;
+(* END; *)
+ IF (n.tagname = tiedtag) THEN (* 1*)
+ b.FindAtt( n, "type", ntype );
+ IF ntype = "start" THEN (* 2 *)
+ b.tied2PMX( n, ntype, pmxtied, ps,voice);
+ COPY( pmxtied, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].tied[0] );
+ ELSIF ntype = "stop" THEN
+ m :=;
+ IF m.tagname = tiedtag THEN (* 3 *)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( "================== found 2nd tie" ); *)
+ b.FindAtt( m, "type", mtype );
+ IF mtype = "start" THEN (* 4 *)
+ b.tied2PMX( m, mtype, pmxtied, ps, voice);
+ COPY( pmxtied, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].tied[0] );
+ b.tied2PMX( n, ntype, pmxtied, ps,voice);
+ COPY( pmxtied, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].tied[1] );
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String( "===========Notesprop: tie inconsistent" ); Out.Int( ps, 5 );
+ Out.Int( voice, 5 ); Out.Int( measure, 5 );
+ END; (* 4 *)
+ ELSE (* next Tag is not a tiedtag! *)
+ (* ntype = "stop" *)
+ b.tied2PMX( n, ntype, pmxtied, ps,voice);
+ COPY( pmxtied, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].tied[1] );
+ END; (* 3 *)
+ IF m.tagname = tiedtag THEN n := END;
+ END; (* 2 *)
+ END; (* 1 *)
+ IF (n.tagname = beamtag) THEN
+ b.FindAtt( n, "number", number );
+ IF (number = "1") THEN (* PMX needs only one beam *)
+ beam2PMX( n, pmxbeam, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].stem, staff );
+ IF notes[ps, voice, measure, note].chord # "z" THEN
+ COPY( pmxbeam, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].beam );
+ COPY( closebeam, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].closebeam );
+ END;
+ END;
+ END;
+ IF ( n.tagname = "<trill-mark>" ) OR ( n.tagname = "<trill-mark/>" ) THEN COPY (" oT0 ", notes[ps, voice, measure, note].trill); END;
+ IF n.tagname = staccatotag THEN COPY( " o. ", notes[ps, voice, measure, note].staccato ); END;
+ IF (n.tagname = "<accent>" ) OR (n.tagname = "<accent />" ) OR (n.tagname = "<accent/>" )
+ b.FindAtt( n, "placement", placement );
+ COPY( " o>", notes[ps, voice, measure, note].accent );
+ IF ( placement = "below") THEN
+ Strings.Append(notes[ps, voice, measure, note].accent,"-12 ") END;
+ Strings.AppendCh(notes[ps, voice, measure, note].accent," ");
+ END;
+ IF ( n.tagname = "<strong-accent>") OR ( n.tagname = "<strong-accent/>") OR ( n.tagname = "<strong-accent />")
+ THEN COPY( " o^ ", notes[ps, voice, measure, note].strongaccent ); END;
+ (* IF n.tagname = "<arpeggiate>" THEN notes[ps,voice,measure,note].arpeggio := TRUE; END; (* 22. November 2019 $$$$$$$ *) *)
+ IF n.tagname = tuplettag THEN
+ b.FindAtt( n, "type", type ); COPY( type, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].tuplet )
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = stafftag) THEN notes[ps, voice, measure, note].staff := ORD( n.between[0] ) - 48; END;
+ IF (n.tagname = repeattag) THEN
+ repeat2PMX( n, pmxrepeat ); COPY( pmxrepeat, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].repeat );
+ END;
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = "<tremolo>") & ( notes[ps, voice, measure, note].tremolotype ="single" )
+ THEN Strings.StrToInt( n.between, notes[ps, voice, measure, note].trembeam );
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( " NotesProp-tremolo-beams : " ); Out.Int( ps, 5 ); Out.Int( measure, 5 );
+ Out.Int( notes[ps, voice, measure, note].trembeam, 5 ); *)
+ END; (* not a grace note *)
+ IF (4 IN outputset ) & ( n.tagname = lyrictag ) THEN b.lyric( ps, n ); END; (* stores lyric of a song *)
+ IF (n.tagname # eonotetag) THEN n :=; END;
+ END;
+ (* Enumerate(part,staff,voice,measure,note); *)
+ END NotesProp;
+ PROCEDURE MeasureProp( measure: LONGINT; n: b.Tag );
+ (* stores measure information in an array with index [measure] for later use in the PMX generation. *)
+ VAR pmxrepeat, pmxending: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
+ type: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+(* Out.Ln(); Out.String("in measure prop"); *)
+ IF (n.tagname = barstyletag) THEN
+ IF (n.between = "light-light") THEN COPY( " Rd ", measures[measure].barstyle )
+ (* ELSIF (n.between = "light-heavy") THEN COPY( " RD ", measures[measure].barstyle ) RD not needed in PMX *)
+ END;
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = repeattag) THEN repeat2PMX( n, pmxrepeat ); COPY( pmxrepeat, measures[measure].repeat ); END;
+ IF (n.tagname = endingtag) THEN
+ ending2PMX( n, pmxending, type );
+ IF type = "start" THEN COPY( pmxending, measures[measure].ending ); END;
+ IF type = "discontinue" THEN COPY (pmxending,measures[measure+1].ending); END;
+ END;
+ END MeasureProp;
+ PROCEDURE ReadClef( VAR n: b.Tag; VAR sign: CHAR; VAR line, staff: LONGINT );
+ VAR endtag, number: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ IF (n.tagname = cleftag) THEN
+ b.loesch( number ); b.FindAtt( n, "number", number ); (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( " ReadClef : " );
+ Out.Int(, 5 ); Out.Char( "|" ); Out.String( number ); *)
+ IF number[0] # 0X THEN Strings.StrToInt( number, staff ); ELSE staff := 1 END;
+ COPY( n.endtag, endtag );
+ WHILE ( # NIL ) & (n.tagname # endtag) DO
+ (* OutTag( n ); *)
+ IF (n.tagname = signtag) THEN sign := n.between[0]; END; (* "p" by percussion *)
+ IF (n.tagname = cleflinetag) THEN Strings.StrToInt( n.between, line ); END;
+ n :=;
+ END;
+ ELSE Out.String( "Readclef n.tagname = " ); Out.String( n.tagname )
+ END;
+ END ReadClef;
+ PROCEDURE AttributesProp( VAR n: b.Tag );
+ (* stores initial structure ( divisions, fifths,beats,beattype,staves,clef and transposition)
+ in an array with index [part] for later use in the PMX generation. *)
+ VAR staff: LONGINT;
+ endtag, symbol: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ sign: CHAR; line: LONGINT;
+ IF (n.tagname = attributestag) THEN
+ COPY( n.endtag, endtag ); n.used := TRUE; stavesfound := FALSE;
+ WHILE ( # NIL ) & (n.tagname # endtag) DO
+ part := n.part; attributes[part].measure := n.measure; measure := n.measure; (* OutTag( n ); *)
+ attributes[part].note := n.note; (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( "AttributesProp : part " ); Out.Int( part, 5 ); *)
+ IF (n.tagname = divisionstag) THEN attributes[part].divisions := b.ExtractInt( n.between ) ; END;
+ IF (n.tagname = fifthstag) THEN
+ attributes[part].fifth := b.ExtractInt( n.between ); measures[measure].keys[part] := attributes[part].fifth;
+ b.akeys[part] := attributes[part].fifth;
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = "<time>") THEN
+ b.FindAtt( n, "symbol", symbol ); (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( "att. symbol :****************" ); *)
+ Out.String( symbol );
+ IF symbol = "common" THEN attributes[part].mtrdenp := 6;
+ ELSIF symbol = "cut" THEN attributes[part].mtrdenp := 5;
+ ELSE attributes[part].mtrdenp := 0;
+ END;
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = beatstag) THEN
+ attributes[part].beats := b.ExtractInt( n.between ); (* measures[measure].beats := attributes[part].beats; versuch: 19.5.2017*)
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = beattypetag) THEN
+ attributes[part].beattype := b.ExtractInt( n.between );
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = stavestag) THEN
+ attributes[part].staves := b.ExtractInt( n.between ); stavesfound := TRUE;
+ staves[n.part] := attributes[part].staves;
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = "<diatonic>") THEN
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String( " diatonic" ); Out.Ln(); Strings.StrToInt( n.between, attributes[part].diatonic )
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = "<chromatic>") THEN Strings.StrToInt( n.between, attributes[part].chromatic ) END;
+ IF (n.tagname = "<octave-change>") THEN Strings.StrToInt( n.between, attributes[part].octave ) END;
+ IF (n.tagname = cleftag) THEN
+ ReadClef( n, sign, line, staff ); attributes[part].clefsign[staff] := sign;
+ attributes[part].clefline[staff] := line; END;
+ n :=;
+ END;
+ IF (stavesfound = FALSE ) THEN attributes[part].staves := 1; staves[n.part] := attributes[part].staves; END;
+ IF (attributes[part].diatonic # 0) & (attributes[part].chromatic # 0) THEN
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String( " Transposition : part, fifths, dia, chrom, oct " ); Out.Int( part, 5 );
+ Out.Int( attributes[part].fifth, 5 ); Out.Int( attributes[part].diatonic, 5 );
+ Out.Int( attributes[part].chromatic, 5 ); Out.Int( attributes[part].octave, 5 );
+ END;
+ END;
+ END AttributesProp;
+ PROCEDURE Enrich2( q: b.FIFO );
+ (* determines last note with voice "0" for distributing directions. *)
+ (* n.voice12 has the value "1" for the upper voice and "2" for the lower voice in one staff. *)
+ VAR n: b.Tag; lastnote: LONGINT;
+ n := q.first; lastnote := 0;
+ IF (n.tagname = measuretag) THEN lastnote := 0; END;
+ IF (n.tagname = notetag) THEN
+ part := n.part; staff := n.staff; ps := linstaff( nostaves, part, staff );
+ n.voice12 := VOICE01( ps, n.voice, n.measure ) + 1;
+ (* IF (n.chord # "z") THEN n.lastnote := lastnote; END; Change: 26.07.2019 *)
+ IF (n.chord # "c") THEN n.lastnote := lastnote; END;
+ (* OutTag(n,TRUE); *)
+ END;
+ IF n.voice12 = 1 THEN lastnote := n.note END;
+ n :=;
+ END;
+ END Enrich2;
+ PROCEDURE Enrich( q: b.FIFO );
+ (* 1. Read voice and staff; store as notes attribute;
+ 2. Calculates maxnote, minvoice,maxvoice,minVoice,maxVoice; *)
+ VAR n, m: b.Tag; notevoice, notestaff : LONGINT; duration, backup, B: LONGINT;
+ b.loeschint( voicecount );
+ n := q.first; (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( "part, staff, measure, voice, note, minvoice " ); Out.Ln(); *)
+ IF (n.tagname = notetag) THEN
+ IF ( = gracetag) OR ( = gracetag2) THEN
+ INC( lastgrace ); n.grace := SHORT( lastgrace ); (*b.OutTag(n,TRUE); Out.String("ist grace"); *)
+ ELSE lastgrace := 0
+ END;
+ b.FindProperty( n, notetag, "<arpeggiate>", B );
+ IF B > 0 THEN n.arpeggio := TRUE ELSE n.arpeggio := FALSE END;
+ b.FindIProperty( n, notetag, voicetag, voice ); n.voice := voice; notevoice := voice;
+ b.FindIProperty( n, notetag, stafftag, staff ); n.staff := staff; notestaff := staff; note := n.note;
+ b.FindIProperty( n, notetag, durationtag, duration ); n.duration := SHORT( duration );
+ b.FindProperty( n, notetag, chordtag, B );
+ IF B > 0 THEN n.chord := "c" END;
+ measure := n.measure; part := n.part;
+ maxnote[part, staff, measure] := b.Max( note, maxnote[part, staff, measure] );
+ minnote[part, staff, measure] := b.Min( note, minnote[part, staff, measure] );
+ (* NEW( st ); b.psv2String( part, staff, voice, st.key ); InsertRanked( first, st ); NEW( psmv );
+ b.psmv2String( part, staff, voice, measure, psmv.key ); InsertRanked( firstpsmv, psmv ); *)
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = directiontag) THEN b.FindIProperty( n, directiontag, stafftag, staff ); n.staff := staff;
+ b.findnextnote (n,m); IF m # NIL THEN n.nextnote := m.note;
+ b.FindIProperty( m, notetag, voicetag, voice ); n.nextvoice := voice; END; (* voice of next note "m"&&&&& *)
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = backuptag) THEN
+ (* Out.Ln();Out.String("******************* Backup"); *)
+ b.FindIProperty( n, backuptag, durationtag, backup ); n.backup := SHORT( backup ); m := n;
+ WHILE ( # NIL ) & (m.tagname # notetag) DO
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("backup-m"); b.OutTag(m,FALSE); *)
+ m := ;
+ END; (* hier werden Daten weggelesen, bis zur naechsten Note *)
+ (* und dann der backup der Note zugeordnet *)
+ (* IF m.grace > 0 THEN
+ m.grace > 0 DO b.OutTag(m,TRUE); m :=;
+ END;
+ END; (* Aenderung wg ala tiurca grace notes Takt 28 ff *) *)
+ (* Store backup at next note *) ; m.backup := SHORT( backup ); (* b.OutTag(m,TRUE); *)
+ END;
+ (* OutTag(n); *)
+ n :=;
+ END;
+ Enrich2(b.q);
+ END Enrich;
+ PROCEDURE VOICE01( ps, voice, measure: LONGINT ): LONGINT;
+ IF vmap[ps, measure, 0] = voice THEN RETURN 0
+ ELSIF vmap[ps, measure, 1] = voice THEN RETURN 1
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE Accidentals(n : b.Tag; ps, voice, measure, note : LONGINT);
+ cautionary, editorial, parentheses : ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ IF (n.tagname) = accidentaltag THEN (* 5 *)
+ b.FindAtt( n, "editorial", editorial );
+ b.FindAtt( n, "cautionary", cautionary );
+ b.FindAtt( n, "parentheses", parentheses );
+ IF n.between = "sharp" THEN
+ COPY( "s", notes[ps, voice, measure, note].accidental );
+ IF editorial = "yes" THEN Strings.Append( notes[ps, voice, measure, note].accidental, " oes " ) END;
+ ELSIF n.between = "flat" THEN
+ COPY( "f", notes[ps, voice, measure, note].accidental );
+ IF editorial = "yes" THEN Strings.Append( notes[ps, voice, measure, note].accidental, " oef " ) END;
+ ELSIF (n.between = "double-sharp") OR (n.between = "sharp-sharp") THEN
+ COPY( "ss", notes[ps, voice, measure, note].accidental )
+ ELSIF (n.between = "flat-flat") OR (n.between = "double-flat") THEN
+ COPY( "ff", notes[ps, voice, measure, note].accidental )
+ ELSIF n.between = "natural" THEN COPY( "n", notes[ps, voice, measure, note].accidental );
+ IF editorial = "yes" THEN Strings.Append( notes[ps, voice, measure, note].accidental, " oen " ) END;
+ END;
+ IF ( cautionary = "yes" ) OR ( parentheses = "yes")
+ THEN Strings.AppendCh( notes[ps, voice, measure, note].accidental, "c" );
+ END;
+ END;
+ END Accidentals;
+ PROCEDURE EnumerateTags*;
+ (* runs through the list of tags and calls NotesProp and MeasuresProp and lists the tag-data in System.Log *)
+ VAR n: b.Tag; voice01: LONGINT;
+ n := b.q.first; voice01 := 0;
+ WHILE # NIL DO (* 1 *)
+ part := n.part; measure := n.measure; note := n.note; (* voice := n.voice; staff := n.staff; *)
+ IF (n.tagname = notetag) THEN (* 3 *)
+ voice := n.voice; staff := n.staff;
+ (* store cue-property 11.07.2019 *)
+ IF ( = "<cue/>" ) THEN n.cue := TRUE; END;
+ ps := linstaff( nostaves, part, staff ); voice01 := VOICE01( ps, voice, measure );
+ (* directions are coded after notes in upper voice *)
+ NotesProp( part, staff, voice01, measure, note, n ); INC(countnote);
+ (* (* IF (countnote <10) THEN *) Out.Ln(); Out.String("cnote");Out.Int(countnote,5) (* END; *) ; *)
+ END; (* 3 *)
+ IF (n.tagname = attributestag) THEN AttributesPropM( voice01, measure, n );
+ INC (countattr); END;
+ (* geaendert 8.1.2016: lastnote -> note *)
+ (* IF 1 =0 THEN *)
+ IF (n.tagname = directiontag) THEN DirectionProp( n,voice01 ); INC(countdir) ;END;
+ MeasureProp( measure, n ); (* OutTag( n ); *)
+ n :=
+ END; (* 1 *)
+ (* FillMeasures;
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String(" nach attributesprom : "); ; ListMeasures; *)
+ (* ListDir; $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ *)
+(* Out.Ln(); Out.String( "part, transposition: fifth diatonic chromatic octave ");
+ part := 1;
+ WHILE part <= maxpart DO
+ Out.Ln(); Out.Int( part, 5 ); Out.Int( attributes[part].fifth, 5 ); Out.Int( attributes[part].diatonic, 5 );
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("divisions in enumerate : "); Out.Int(attributes[part].divisions,5);
+ (* Out.Int( attributes[part].chromatic, 5 ); Out.Int( attributes[part].octave, 5 ); *)
+ (* pitch.pmxtranspose(part,attributes[part].fifth, remove automatic transposition based on XML-transpose
+ attributes[part].diatonic,attributes[part].chromatic,attributes[part].octave,kstring);
+ Out.Char("|"); Out.String(kstring); COPY(kstring,attributes[part].kstring); *)
+ INC( part );
+ END; *)
+ ps := 0;
+ WHILE ps < nostaves DO part := partstaff[ps, 0];
+ (* Calculate durations for all instruments and measures *)
+ measure := 1;
+ WHILE measure <= maxmeasure DO
+ IF measures[measure].beattype > 0 THEN (* 20.10.2020 Lilypond *)
+ measures[measure].duration[part] :=
+ measures[measure].beats*4*attributes[part].divisions
+ DIV measures[measure].beattype; (* Division durch 0 *)
+ END;
+ INC( measure );
+ END;
+ INC( ps );
+ END;
+(* END; (* Fake End *) *)
+(* ListMeasures; $$$$ *)
+ (* prvoicetime; *)
+ (* CopyClefVoice; *)
+ END EnumerateTags;
+ PROCEDURE DirectionProp( VAR n: b.Tag; voice01 : LONGINT );
+ VAR endtag, placement, type, res: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR;
+ dirnum, dirtypenr : LONGINT; defaultx: LONGINT; sbeatunit : ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ defaultxs: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; rehtext : ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; (* fuer rehearsal marks *)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("in direction prop"); *)
+ IF (n.tagname = directiontag) THEN (* 1 *)
+ (* b.OutTag( n, TRUE ); *)
+ COPY( n.endtag, endtag ); part := n.part; measure := n.measure; dirnum := n.dirnum; staff := n.staff;
+ directions[dirnum, 0].part := n.part; directions[dirnum, 0].measure := n.measure; voice := n.voice;
+ directions[dirnum, 0].staff := staff; directions[dirnum, 0].used := FALSE; (* allow usage of direction only once. *)
+ maxdirtype[dirnum] := 0; ps := linstaff( nostaves, part, staff ); (* voice01 := VOICE01( ps, voice, measure ); changed 22.12.2016 *)
+ (* Voice01( ps, voice ); *)
+ directions[dirnum, 0].note := n.note; directions[dirnum, 0].lastnote := n.lastnote; (* -1 ; Versuch 21. Mai => Absturz *)
+ directions[dirnum,0].voice := voice01; (* changed 22.12.2016 *)
+ IF measure = 96 THEN Out.Ln(); Out.String("DirectionProp : dirnum, note | lastnote ");
+ Out.Int(dirnum,5); Out.Int(n.note,5); Out.Char("|");Out.Int(n.lastnote,5);
+ END;
+ (* CheckVoice(ps,measure,n.lastnote); *)
+ (* the direction is stored at this note *)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( "DirectionProp : lastnote " ); Out.Int( dirnum, 5 );
+ Out.Int( directions[dirnum, 0].lastnote, 5 ); *)
+ directions[dirnum, 0].before := FALSE; (*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*)
+ b.FindAtt( n, "placement", placement ); dirtypenr := 0;
+ (* placement is valid for all direction-types under the direction *)
+ WHILE ( # NIL ) & (n.tagname # endtag) DO (* 2 *)
+ IF (n.tagname = "<direction-type>") THEN (* 3 *)
+ INC( dirtypenr ); n :=; (* OutTag( n ); *)
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].lastnote := directions[dirnum, 0].lastnote;
+ IF (n.tagname = "<dynamics>") THEN (* 3 .1*)
+ b.FindAtt( n, "default-x", defaultxs ); Strings.StrToInt( defaultxs, defaultx );
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].defaultx := SHORT( defaultx );
+ n :=; (* OutTag( n ); *) directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].dirtype := "d";
+ COPY( n.tagname, directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].dyntype );
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].before := FALSE;
+ IF directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].note = 0 THEN
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].note := 1; directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].placement := "l";
+ END;
+ ELSIF (n.tagname = "<words>") THEN (* 3 .2*)
+ IF (placement = "above") OR (placement = "") THEN
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].placement := "h"; (* Aenderung 19. Mai *)
+ ELSIF (placement = "below") THEN directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].placement := "l";
+ END;
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].dirtype := "w"; COPY( n.between, directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].text );
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].before := TRUE;
+ ELSIF (n.tagname = "<pedal>") THEN (* 3 .3*)
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].dirtype := "p"; b.FindAtt( n, "type", type );
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].before := TRUE;
+ COPY( type, directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].pedaltype );
+ ELSIF (n.tagname = "<wedge>") THEN (* 3 .4*)
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].dirtype := "h"; b.FindAtt( n, "type", type );
+ COPY( type, directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].wedgetype ); directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].before := FALSE;
+ IF directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].note = 0 THEN directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].note := 1; END;
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].placement := "l";
+ ELSIF (n.tagname = "<metronome>") THEN (* 3 .5*)
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].placement := "h"; directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].dirtype := "w"; (* Metronom ist "w" *)
+ WHILE ( # NIL ) & (n.tagname # "</metronome>") DO
+ IF n.tagname = "<beat-unit>" THEN COPY (n.between,sbeatunit) END;
+ IF n.tagname = "<per-minute>" THEN b.metron2PMX (sbeatunit,n.between,directions[dirnum,dirtypenr].text);
+ (* Out.String( "metronome : " ); *)
+ (* Out.String( directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].text ); *)
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].before := TRUE;
+ END;
+ n :=;
+ END;
+ ELSIF (n.tagname = "<segno>" ) THEN directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].dirtype := "s";
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].before := FALSE;
+ ELSIF (n.tagname = "<coda>" ) THEN directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].dirtype := "c";
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].before := FALSE;
+ ELSIF (n.tagname = "<rehearsal>" ) THEN
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].placement := "h";
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].dirtype := "w"; (* 14.10.2020 "rehearsal" *)
+ directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].before := TRUE;
+ COPY (" \boxit{",rehtext);
+ Strings.Append (rehtext,n.between);
+ b.loesch(directions[dirnum,dirtypenr].text) ;
+ Strings.Append(rehtext," } ") ;
+ COPY(rehtext,directions[dirnum,dirtypenr].text);
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String( "rehearsal : "); Out.String(rehtext);
+ Out.Ln();Out.String("text :"); Out.String ( directions[dirnum,dirtypenr].text ) ;
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String( "<direction-type> " ); Out.String( n.tagname );
+ Out.String( " not implemented. " );
+ END;
+ maxdirtype[dirnum] := b.Max( dirtypenr, maxdirtype[dirnum] );
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("dirtypenr : "); Out.Int(dirtypenr,5);*)
+ pmxDirections( dirnum, dirtypenr, res ); COPY( res, directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].pmxdirection );
+ (* OutDir(dirnum,dirtypenr); *)
+ (* Out.Int(dirnum,5); Out.String("| in directionprop "); Out.String(res); Out.String(directions[dirnum, dirtypenr].pmxdirection); *)
+ END; (* 3 *)
+ (* IF (n.tagname = stafftag) THEN Strings.StrToInt( n.between, directions[dirnum].staff ) END; ??????? *)
+ n :=; (* OutTag( n ); *)
+ END; (* 2 *)
+ END; (* 1 *)
+ END DirectionProp;
+ PROCEDURE AttributesPropM ( voice, measure: LONGINT; VAR n: b.Tag );
+ (***************** voice = voice01 ********************)
+ VAR sign: CHAR; line, number, part : LONGINT; clef: CHAR; m : b.Tag; staff : LONGINT;
+ (* takes care of changes:
+ - clefchange [part,staff] in the flow of notes
+ - meter change: beats and beattype [measure]
+ - fifth change
+ - change of divisions
+ links the changes to a note *)
+ BEGIN (* Out.Ln(); Out.String(" in AttirbutesPropM ");*)
+ IF (n.tagname = attributestag) & ~n.used THEN (* 1 *)
+ part := n.part; staff := n.staff; (* REparaturversuch 31.10.2020 *)
+ (* ps := linstaff( nostaves, part, staff ); *)
+WHILE n.tagname # "</attributes>" DO (* 2*)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String(n.tagname); *)
+ IF (n.tagname = cleftag) THEN
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String(cleftag);
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("part,staff,ps, measure :");Out.Int(part,5); Out.Int(staff,5); Out.Int(ps,5); Out.Int(measure,5); *)
+ (* neu Oktober 2020) find next note of same staff. *)
+ ReadClef( n, sign, line, number );
+ b.clefPMX( sign, SHORT( line ), clef, clefspec[ps] );
+ b.findnextnotestaff ( n, m ,number); m.newclef := clef;
+ (* lastclef[ps] := clef; *)
+ (* notes[ps, voice, measure, n.lastnote].clefchanged := clef; *)
+ (* b.OutTag(m,TRUE); *) (* INC (countclefchanges); Out.Ln();Out.Int(countclefchanges,5); *)
+ END;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("AttPropM"); Out.Char("|"); Out.Char( clef );
+ Out.Char("|"); (* Out.Char( clefspec[ps] ); *)
+ Out.Ln();Out.String("n. lastnote"); Out.Int(n.lastnote,5);
+ IF ( n.lastnote # 0 ) THEN
+ lastclef[ps] := clef; notes[ps, voice, measure, n.lastnote].clefchanged := clef;
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("AttributesProp: n.lastnote # 0 "); Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Char("|"); Out.Char(clef);
+ (* n.lastnote = 0 *)
+ measures[measure ].clefchange[linstaff(nostaves,part,number)] := clef; (* Maerz 2018 *)
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("AttributesProp: n.lastnote = 0 "); Out.Int(measure,5); Out.Char("|"); Out.Char(clef);
+ END; *)
+ (* Out.Ln();
+ Out.String( "clefs *******" ); Out.Int( ps, 5 ); Out.Int( voice, 5 ); Out.Int( measure, 5 );
+ Out.Int( n.lastnote, 5 ); Out.Char( clef ); *)
+ (* IF part = 1 THEN Korrektur 12. Januar 2016: Taktwechsel bei Takt 209 Vivaldi fehlt in der zweiten und driitten
+ Stimme.
+ *)
+ IF (n.tagname = beatstag) THEN (* change 19.5.2017 *)
+ measures[measure].beats := b.ExtractInt( n.between ); (* Out.String( " PropM : measure = " );
+ Out.Int( measure, 5 ); Out.Int( measures[measure].beats, 5 ); *)
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = beattypetag) THEN
+ measures[measure].beattype := b.ExtractInt( n.between );
+ (* Out.Int( measures[easure].beattype, 5 ); *)
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = fifthstag) THEN
+ attributes[part].fifth := b.ExtractInt( n.between );
+ measures[measure].keys[part] := attributes[part].fifth;
+ IF (part = maxpart) THEN measures[measure].fifth := attributes[part].fifth END;
+ i := measure+1;
+ WHILE i <= maxmeasure DO measures[i].keys[part] := attributes[part].fifth;
+ IF ( part = maxpart ) THEN
+ measures[i].fifth := attributes[maxpart].fifth; (* store concertkey *)
+ END;
+ INC(i);
+ END;
+ b.mkeys[part] := attributes[part].fifth;
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = divisionstag) THEN attributes[part].divisions := b.ExtractInt( n.between ) ; END;
+ (* END; *)
+ n :=;
+ END (* 2 *)
+ ELSE (* 1 *)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( " AttributesPropM : attributstag not found or already used ! " );
+ Out.String( n.tagname ); *)
+ END; (* 1 *)
+ END AttributesPropM;
+ PROCEDURE Pickup( q: b.FIFO; VAR duration: LONGINT );
+ (* finds out whether first measure is smaller, i.e. we have a pickup. *)
+ VAR n: b.Tag; isnote: BOOLEAN;
+ endtag: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ chord: CHAR; noteduration: LONGINT;
+ durationsv: ARRAY 25 OF ARRAY 10 OF LONGINT;
+ n := q.first; isnote := FALSE; chord := 0X;
+ WHILE ( # NIL ) & (n.tagname # measuretag) DO n :=; END; (* first measure of first part found *)
+ (* b.OutTag( n, TRUE ); *) COPY( n.endtag, endtag ); duration := 0;
+ WHILE ( # NIL ) & (n.tagname # endtag) DO (* Loop over all elements of 1st measure / 1st instrument /1st staff *)
+ IF (n.tagname = notetag) THEN
+ isnote := TRUE; part := n.part; staff := n.staff; voice := n.voice; chord := n.chord; (* b.OutTag( n, TRUE ); *)
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = eonotetag) THEN isnote := FALSE; END;
+ IF (n.tagname = durationtag) & isnote & (chord # "c") THEN
+ Strings.StrToInt( n.between, noteduration );
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("staff :"); Out.Int(staff,5); Out.String("voice :"); Out.Int(voice,5);
+ Out.String("duration : "); Out.Int(noteduration,5); *)
+ INC( durationsv[staff, voice], noteduration );
+ (* b.OutTag( n, TRUE ); *)
+ (* IF isnote THEN Out.String( "ist Note" ); END; *)
+ END;
+ n :=;
+ END;
+ IF (duration = attributes[1].duration) THEN duration := 0;
+ END;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( "beats, beattype and divisions : " ); Out.Int( attributes[1].beats, 5 ); Out.Int( attributes[1].beattype, 5 );
+ Out.Int( attributes[1].divisions, 5 );
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String( "Pickup : " ); Out.Int( duration, 5 ); Out.Int( attributes[1].duration, 5 ); *)
+ END Pickup;
+ PROCEDURE ControlProp*;
+ (* Extracts metadata from XML file for later use in PMX *)
+ VAR type, id, digits: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ dummy: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR;
+ n: b.Tag; part: LONGINT;
+ n := b.q.first;
+ WHILE ( # NIL ) & (n.tagname # "</part-list>") DO
+ IF n.tagname = "<work-number>" THEN COPY( n.between, pmxcontrol.worknumber ) END;
+ IF n.tagname = "<work-title>" THEN b.FilterTeX( n.between, dummy ); COPY( dummy, pmxcontrol.title ); END;
+ b.loesch( type );
+ IF n.tagname = "<movement-title>" THEN COPY( n.between, pmxcontrol.title ); END;
+ IF n.tagname = "<creator>" THEN
+ b.FindAtt( n, "type", type );
+ IF type = "composer" THEN COPY( n.between, pmxcontrol.composer );
+ ELSIF (type = "lyricist") THEN COPY( n.between, pmxcontrol.lyricist )
+ END;
+ END;
+ IF (n.tagname = "<rights>") THEN COPY( n.between, pmxcontrol.rights ); END;
+ IF n.tagname = "<encoding-date>" THEN
+ COPY( "encoding date : ", ); Strings.Append(, n.between );
+ Strings.AppendCh(, BLANK );
+ END;
+ IF n.tagname = "<software>" THEN
+ IF[0] = 0X THEN
+ COPY( "Software : ", ); Strings.Append(, n.between );
+ Strings.AppendCh(, BLANK ); Strings.Append(, n.between );
+ END;
+ Strings.AppendCh(, BLANK );
+ END;
+ (* parts and instruments *)
+ IF n.tagname = "<score-part>" THEN
+ b.FindAtt( n, "id", id ); b.ExtractDigits( id, digits ); Strings.StrToInt( digits, controlpart );
+ (* controlpart := ORD( id[1] ) - 48; old version single digit only *)
+ COPY( id,[controlpart] );
+ END;
+ IF n.tagname = "<instrument-name>" THEN b.FilterTeX( n.between, pmxcontrol.instruments[controlpart] ); END;
+ n :=;
+ END;
+ part := 1; pmxcontrol.equalkeys := TRUE;
+ WHILE (part <= maxpart) DO
+ WHILE ( # NIL ) & (n.tagname # parttag) DO n := END; (* FInd next <part> ***************)
+ WHILE ( # NIL ) & (n.tagname # attributestag) DO n := END;
+ (* FInd next <attributes> *********)
+ IF (n.tagname = attributestag) THEN AttributesProp( n );
+ (* determine length of measure in divisions. *******************************)
+ attributes[part].duration :=
+ attributes[part].divisions*attributes[part].beats*4 DIV attributes[part].beattype;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( "AttributesProp : Part | XML-duration of measure : " ); Out.Int( part, 5 ); Out.Char("|");
+ Out.Int( attributes[part].duration, 5 ); *)
+ (* measures[1].duration[part] := attributes[part].duration; *)
+ END;
+ (* check for transposing instruments! *)
+ IF ( part > 1 ) THEN pmxcontrol.equalkeys := pmxcontrol.equalkeys & ( attributes[part].fifth = attributes[part-1].fifth ) END;
+ INC( part ); END;
+ IF ~ pmxcontrol.equalkeys THEN b.testmakekey(maxpart,1,keytotal); END; (* different keys in different parts *)
+ END ControlProp;
+ PROCEDURE StaffInd( nostaves, part, staff: LONGINT ): LONGINT;
+ (* finds the linear index for [part,staff] *)
+ VAR i, dist: LONGINT;
+ i := -1;
+ REPEAT INC( i ); dist := ABS( partstaff[i, 0] - part ) + ABS( partstaff[i, 1] - staff );
+ UNTIL (i = nostaves - 1) OR (dist = 0);
+ END StaffInd;
+ (* maps part/staff to a linear index. *)
+ VAR part, staff, i, nostaves: LONGINT;
+ i := 0; part := 1;
+ WHILE part <= maxpart DO
+ staff := 1;
+ WHILE staff <= staves[part] DO partstaff[i, 0] := part; partstaff[i, 1] := staff; INC( staff ); INC( i ); END;
+ INC( part );
+ END;
+ nostaves := i; i := 0; b.nostaves := nostaves; (* inform MODULE "b" about # of staves *)
+ END AllStaves;
+ PROCEDURE progress( q: b.FIFO );
+ (* Calculates the horizontal position of each note in a measure and stores it in the tag. *)
+ VAR n: b.Tag; ps: LONGINT;
+ ps := 0;
+ n := q.first;
+ WHILE ( # NIL ) DO (* 1 *)
+ IF (n.tagname = measuretag) THEN Complete.erasetime( nostaves,voicetime ); lastto := 0; lastfrom := 0; END; (* 2 *)
+ IF (n.tagname = notetag) THEN (* 3 *)
+ part := n.part; staff := n.staff; measure := n.measure; ps := StaffInd( nostaves, part, staff );
+ voice := VOICE01( ps, n.voice, n.measure );
+ IF (n.chord # "c") & ( n.grace = 0 ) THEN (* 4 *) (* war frueher "&" statt "OR" *)
+ (* INC(measures[measure].dur,n.duration); Out.Int(n.duration,5); *)
+ INC( voicetime[ps, voice], n.duration ); n.voicetime := voicetime[ps, voice];
+ measures[measure].voicetime[ps, voice] := n.voicetime; n.from := lastto + 1 - n.backup;
+ := n.from + n.duration - 1; lastto :=; lastfrom := n.from;
+ ELSIF (n.chord = "c" ) THEN n.voicetime := lastto; := lastto; n.from := lastfrom;
+ ELSIF ( n.grace = 1 ) THEN n.from := lastto - n.backup; := n.from ; lastto :=;
+ ELSIF ( n.grace > 1 ) THEN n.from := lastto; := n.from; lastto :=;
+ END; (* 4 *)
+ END; (* 3 *)
+ IF ( n.tagname = eomeasuretag ) & (ps = nostaves - 1) THEN (* 5 *)
+ measures[measure].dur := lastto;
+ (* Out.Char("|");Out.Int(measure,5);Out.Int(ps,5);Out.Int(measures[measure].dur,5); Out.Ln(); *) END; (* 5 *)
+ n :=;
+ END; (* 1 *)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("measure duration"); *)
+ measure := 1; WHILE measure <= maxmeasure DO (* Out.Ln(); Out.Int(measure,5);
+ Out.Int (measures[measure].dur ,5); *)
+ Complete.dur2beat(measures[measure].dur,attributes[part].divisions,
+ measures[measure].beats, measures[measure].beattype);
+ (* Out.Int(measures[measure].beats,5); Out.Int(measures[measure].beattype,5); *)
+ INC(measure) END;
+ END progress;
+ PROCEDURE linstaff( nostaves, part, staff: LONGINT ): LONGINT;
+ (* calculates the linear index of the combination "part and staff" *)
+ i := 0;
+ WHILE (i < nostaves) & (partstaff[i, 0] # part) DO INC( i ) END;
+ WHILE (i < nostaves) & (partstaff[i, 0] = part) & (partstaff[i, 1] # staff) DO INC( i ) END;
+ IF (i < nostaves) THEN RETURN i;
+ END;
+ END linstaff;
+ PROCEDURE ControlData( VAR W: Files.Rider );
+ (* Writes PMX header information to intermediate Files.File "fprep" with Files.Rider "rprep" *)
+ VAR i: LONGINT; xmtrnum0: LONGREAL; clef: CHAR;
+ perclef, perline: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
+ zeit, tag, xmtrnum0s: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
+ (* TeX Input type 4 *)
+ WriteString( W, "---" ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ WriteString( W, "%\input musixlyr" ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ WriteString( W, "%\special{papersize=297mm,420mm}%" ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ WriteString( W, "---" ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ Files.Write( W, "%" );
+ (* DateTime(zeit,tag); *)
+ WriteString( W, tag ); Files.Write( W, "|" ); WriteString( W, zeit ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ Files.Write( W, "%" );
+ WriteString( W, pmxcontrol.xml ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL ); Files.Write( W, "%" );
+ WriteString( W, pmxcontrol.dtd ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL ); Files.Write( W, "%" );
+ WriteString( W, pmxcontrol.title ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL ); Files.Write( W, "%" );
+ IF (pmxcontrol.worknumber[0] # 0X) THEN
+ WriteString( W, "% work number : " ); WriteString( W, pmxcontrol.worknumber ); Files.Write( W, CR );
+ Files.Write( W, NL ); Files.Write( W, "%" );
+ END;
+ WriteString( W, pmxcontrol.composer ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL ); Files.Write( W, "%" );
+ IF (pmxcontrol.lyricist[0] # 0X) THEN
+ WriteString( W, pmxcontrol.lyricist ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ Files.Write( W, "%" );
+ END;
+ WriteString( W, ); Files.Write( W, CR );
+ Files.Write( W, NL ); Files.Write( W, "%" );
+ IF (pmxcontrol.rights[0] # 0X) THEN
+ WriteString( W, " Rights : " ); WriteString( W, pmxcontrol.rights ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ Files.Write( W, "%" );
+ END;
+ WriteString( W, ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL ); Files.Write( W, "%" );
+ part := 1; nostaves := 0;
+ WHILE part <= maxpart DO
+ WriteString( W, "Part " ); WriteString( W,[part] ); WriteString( W, " : " );
+ WriteString( W, pmxcontrol.instruments[part] ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ Files.Write( W, "%" ); nostaves := nostaves + attributes[part].staves; INC( part );
+ END;
+ AllStaves( staves ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL ); Files.Write( W, "%" ); Files.Write( W, CR );
+ Files.Write( W, NL );
+ WriteString( W, "% nv, -noinst, nostaves per instrument" ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ WriteLInt( W, nostaves ); (* nv *)
+ WriteLInt( W, -maxpart ); (* noinst *)
+ i := maxpart;
+ WHILE i > 0 DO WriteLInt( W, staves[i] ); DEC( i ) END;
+ Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ WriteString( W, "% mtrnuml,mtrdenl,mtrnmp,mtrdnp,xmtrnum0,isig" ); Files.Write( W, CR );
+ Files.Write( W, NL );
+ WriteLInt( W, attributes[1].beats ); (* mtrnuml *)
+ WriteLInt( W, pmxtype( attributes[1].beattype ) ); (* mtrdenl *)
+ IF attributes[1].mtrdenp # 0 THEN WriteLInt( W, 0 ) ELSE WriteLInt( W, attributes[1].beats ); END; (* mtrnump *)
+ IF attributes[1].mtrdenp # 0 THEN WriteLInt( W, attributes[1].mtrdenp )
+ ELSE WriteLInt( W, attributes[1].beattype );
+ END; (* mtrdenp *)
+ IF (attributes[1].pickup > 0) THEN
+ xmtrnum0 := attributes[1].pickup/attributes[1].divisions;
+ IF attributes[1].beattype = 2 THEN xmtrnum0 := xmtrnum0/2;
+ ELSIF attributes[1].beattype = 8 THEN xmtrnum0 := xmtrnum0*2;
+ ELSIF attributes[1].beattype = 16 THEN xmtrnum0 := xmtrnum0*4;
+ END;
+ ELSE xmtrnum0 := 0.;
+ END;
+ Strings.RealToStr( xmtrnum0, xmtrnum0s ); Files.Write( W, BLANK );
+ WriteString( W, xmtrnum0s ); (*xmtrnum0 *)
+ WriteLInt( W, attributes[maxpart].fifth ); (* isig *) (* this is the concert key *)
+ Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL ); Files.Write( W, "%" ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ WriteString( W, "% npages,nsyst,musicsize,fracindent " ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ WriteLInt( W, 0 ); WriteLInt( W, 5 ); WriteLInt( W, 16 ); Files.Write( W, BLANK ); WriteString( W, "0.07" );
+ part := maxpart;
+ WHILE (part >= 1) DO
+ Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ IF pmxcontrol.instruments[part] = "Acoustic Grand Piano" THEN
+ COPY( "Piano", pmxcontrol.instruments[part] );
+ END;
+ WriteString( W, pmxcontrol.instruments[part] ); DEC( part );
+ END;
+ Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ i := nostaves - 1;
+ WHILE i >= 0 DO part := partstaff[i, 0]; staff := partstaff[i, 1]; (* Out.Ln();
+ Out.String( "control data : i, part, staff, sign, line, clef special clef " ); Out.Int( i, 5 ); Out.Int( part, 5 );
+ Out.Int( staff, 5 ); *)
+ b.clefPMX( attributes[part].clefsign[staff], SHORT( attributes[part].clefline[staff] ), clef, clefspec[i] );
+ lastclef[i] := clef; Files.Write( W, clef );
+ DEC( i );
+ END;
+ Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL ); WriteString( W, "./" ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ WriteString( W, "Tt" ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ WriteString( W, pmxcontrol.title ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ WriteString( W, "Tc" ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ WriteString( W, pmxcontrol.composer ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL ); WriteString( W, "Abepl" );
+ Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL ); i := 0;
+ WriteString(W,"\\input musixper\"); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ WHILE i < nostaves DO
+ IF clefspec[i] = "p" THEN Out.Ln(); Out.String("percussion");Out.Int(i,5); Out.Char(clefspec[i]); Out.Int(maxpart-i,5);
+ b.percussionclef( maxpart - i , perclef, perline ); WriteString( W, perclef ); Files.Write( W, CR );
+ Files.Write( W, NL ); WriteString( W, perline ); Files.Write( W, CR );
+ Files.Write( W, NL );
+ END;
+ INC( i );
+ END;
+ (* IF pmxcontrol.a3paper THEN *)
+ WriteString( W, "%%w277m" ); Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL ); WriteString( W, "%%h390m" );
+ Files.Write( W, CR ); Files.Write( W, NL );
+ (* END; *)
+ (* Outclef; *)
+ (* Files.Close( f ); Files.Register( f ); *)
+ END ControlData;
+ PROCEDURE pmxDirections( idir, dirtypenr: LONGINT; VAR res: ARRAY OF CHAR );
+ (* determines the Direction-string to be appended to a note in the PMX file. *)
+ VAR dirtype: CHAR;
+ height: ARRAY 3 OF CHAR;
+ b.loesch( res ); dirtype := directions[idir, dirtypenr].dirtype;
+ CASE dirtype OF
+ "w":
+ IF (Strings.Length( directions[idir, dirtypenr].text ) > 0) THEN
+ IF (directions[idir, dirtypenr].note = 0) THEN directions[idir, dirtypenr].note := 1 END; (* &&&&& *)
+ IF directions[idir, dirtypenr].placement = "h" THEN COPY( "12", height );
+ ELSIF directions[idir, dirtypenr].placement = "l" THEN COPY( "-6", height );
+ END;
+ COPY( " \zcharnote{", res ); Strings.Append( res, height ); Strings.AppendCh( res, "}" );
+ Strings.AppendCh( res, "{" ); Strings.Append( res, directions[idir, dirtypenr].text );
+ Strings.Append( res, "}\" );
+ END;
+ | "d":
+ PMXdyn( directions[idir, dirtypenr].dyntype, res );
+ | "h":
+ PMXdyn( directions[idir, dirtypenr].wedgetype, res );
+ | "p":
+ b.loesch( res );
+ IF directions[idir, dirtypenr].pedaltype = "start" THEN COPY( " \PED\ ", res );
+ ELSIF directions[idir, dirtypenr].pedaltype = "stop" THEN COPY( " \DEP\ ", res );
+ END;
+ | "s": b.loesch(res); COPY (" oG ",res);
+ | "c": b.loesch(res); COPY (" oC ",res);
+ ELSE Out.Ln(); Out.String( "Direction type " ); Out.Char( dirtype ); Out.String( " not implemented." )
+ END;
+ END pmxDirections;
+ PROCEDURE AnalyzeXML2( VAR R: Files.Rider );
+ (* Decodes MusicXML and stores data in a linked list. *)
+ VAR dummy: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; (* geaendert von 128. 28.07.2019 *)
+ rec, rec1: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
+ tag, endtag, between: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
+ note, voice, staff, savenote, novalues, length: LONGINT;
+ names, values: ARRAY 10 OF ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; (* Change 9.11.2016 32->64 *)
+ attnum := 0; dirnum := 0; part := 0; measure := 0; note := 0; voice := 0;
+ (******************** Read XML-Information ****************************)
+ b.ReadUntilTx( R, ">", pmxcontrol.xml ); Out.Ln(); Out.String( pmxcontrol.xml );
+ b.ReadUntilTx( R, NL, dummy );
+ b.ReadUntilTx( R, ">", pmxcontrol.dtd ); Out.Ln(); Out.String( pmxcontrol.dtd );
+ b.ReadUntilTx( R, NL, dummy );
+ WHILE ~R.eof (* & ( itags < 10) *) DO (* Loop over tags *)
+ b.ReadRecn( R, rec, length ); (* Files.Read(R,c); Versuch zur Loesung eines Problems *)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String("nach ReadRecn : "); Out.Int(itags,5); Out.Char("|"); Out.String(rec); Out.Char("|"); *)
+ IF length = 0 THEN Out.Ln(); Out.String("empty record ");
+ ELSIF length > 0 THEN
+ IF ~R.eof & (length > 0) & (rec[Strings.Length( rec ) - 1] # ">") THEN
+ b.ReadRecn( R, rec1, length ); Strings.AppendCh( rec, BLANK ); Strings.Append( rec, rec1 );
+ length := Strings.Length( rec );
+ END;
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.Int(itags,5); Out.String(" rec : "); Out.String(rec); *)
+ IF (* (rec[1] # "/") & *) (rec[1] # "!") THEN INC( itags );
+ (* problem with lilypond test data *)
+ IF tag = "<identification>" THEN b.SkipUntilPattern( R, endtag ); END;
+ (*****************************************************************)
+ b.AnalyzeTag2( rec, tag, endtag, between, names, values, novalues );
+ (* Out.Ln();Out.Int(zaehler,6); Out.String(rec); Out.String(tag); INC(zaehler); *)
+ (*+******************************************************************)
+ (* Out.Ln();Out.Int(itags,5); Out.Char("|");Out.String(tag); *)
+ (* IF (tag = printtag) THEN SkipUntilPattern( R, endtag ) END; *)
+ (* print information not useful for PMX *)
+ (* Verursacht ABbruch bei bestimmten Scans *)
+ IF (tag = credittag) THEN b.SkipUntilPattern( R, endtag ) END; (* credit information not useful for PMX *)
+ IF (tag = defaultstag) THEN b.SkipUntilPattern( R, endtag ) END;
+ (* defaults information not useful for PMX *)
+ IF (tag = "<appearance>") THEN b.SkipUntilPattern( R, endtag ) END;
+ (* appearance information not useful for PMX *)
+ IF (tag = parttag) THEN
+ INC( part ); COPY( values[0], partlabel[part] );
+ (* part :=
+ ORD( values[0, 1] ) - 48; old code, only one digit for part *)
+ (* ExtractDigits( values[0], digits ); Strings.StrToInt( digits, part ); *)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String (" global id of part : "); Out.Int(part,5); *)
+ note := 0; maxpart := b.Max( part, maxpart ); voice := 0; staff := 0; measure := 0; savenote := 0;
+ staves[part] := 1;
+ END;
+ IF (tag = measuretag) THEN
+ (* Strings.StrToInt( values[0], measure ); *)
+ IF measure < measurelimit THEN
+ INC( measure ); lastnote := 0; note := 0; maxnote[part, 1, measure] := 0;
+ maxnote0[part, 1, measure] := 0; maxnote[part, 2, measure] := 0; voice := 0;
+ minnote[part, 1, measure] := 100; maxnote0[part, 2, measure] := 0;
+ minnote[part, 2, measure] := 100;
+ (* maxnote total count of notes/rests/forwards in part,staff,measure.
+ maxnote0 total count of notes/rests/forwards in part,staff,measure for voice=0. *)
+ (* Out.Ln(); Out.String (" global id of measure : "); Out.Int(measure,5); *)
+ maxmeasure := b.Max( measure, maxmeasure ); voice := 0; staff := 0;
+ (* attnum := 0; dirnum := 0; *)
+ ELSE Out.Ln(); Out.String( "maximum measure reached; HALT! " ); HALT( 20 );
+ END;
+ END;
+ IF (tag = stavestag) THEN staves[part] := 1; Strings.StrToInt( between, staves[part] ); END;
+ IF (tag = directiontag) THEN dirnum := lastdirnum; INC( dirnum ); maxdir := b.Max( maxdir, dirnum ); END;
+ IF (tag = eodirectiontag) THEN lastdirnum := dirnum; dirnum := 0; END;
+ (*********************************************************************************)
+ IF (tag = attributestag) THEN attnum := lastattnum; INC( attnum ); END;
+ IF (tag = eoattributestag) THEN lastattnum := attnum; attnum := 0; END;
+ (**********************************************************************************)
+ IF (tag = notetag) OR (tag = forwardtag) THEN note := lastnote; INC( note ); END; (* Aenderung27. April *)
+ IF (tag = eonotetag) THEN lastnote := note; note := 0 END;
+ (**********************************************************************************)
+ IF (tag = "<forward>") THEN (* <forward ist ein blind rest> *)
+ note := lastnote; INC( note ); INC( lastnote ); (* Out.Ln(); Out.String( "note after forward " );
+ Out.Int( part, 5 ); Out.Int( staff, 5 ); Out.Int( voice, 5 ); Out.Int( measure, 5 ); Out.Int( note, 5 ); *)
+ b.StoreTag( itags, notetag, eonotetag, part, voice, measure, note, attnum, dirnum, lastnote, novalues, names, values, between );
+ (********************************************************************************)
+ (*************************Store Information in Tag "new"******************************)
+ INC( itags );
+ b.StoreTag( itags, "<rest/>", eonotetag, part, voice, measure, note, attnum, dirnum, lastnote, novalues, names, values, between );
+ INC( itags );
+ END;
+ b.StoreTag( itags, tag, endtag, part, voice, measure, note, attnum, dirnum, lastnote, novalues, names, values, between );
+ IF (tag = "</forward>") THEN
+ INC( itags );
+ b.StoreTag( itags, eonotetag, eonotetag, part, voice, measure, note, attnum, dirnum, lastnote, novalues, names, values, between );
+ END;
+ END;
+ END;
+ END;
+ part := 1;
+ WHILE part <= maxpart DO
+ nostaves := nostaves + staves[part]; (* Aenderung 5.11.2015 *)
+ INC( part );
+ END;
+ END AnalyzeXML2;
+(* PROCEDURE ListMeasure*;
+ VAR i, measure : INTEGER;
+ Out.Ln(); Out.String("ListMeasure"); Out.Ln();
+ i := 1; WHILE i < maxmeasure DO Out.Ln(); Out.Int(i,5); INC(i); measure := i;
+ Out.Char( measures[measure].clefchange[1]);
+ Out.Char( measures[measure].clefchange[2]);
+ Out.Char( measures[measure].clefchange[3]);
+ Out.Char( measures[measure].clefchange[4]);END;
+ END ListMeasure; *)
+ COPY( "<part>", parttag ); COPY( "<measure>", measuretag ); COPY( "<attributes>", attributestag );
+ COPY( "</attributes>", eoattributestag ); COPY( "<divisions>", divisionstag ); COPY( "<key>", keytag );
+ COPY( "<fifths>", fifthstag ); COPY( "<time>", timetag ); COPY( "<beats>", beatstag );
+ COPY( "<beat-type>", beattypetag ); COPY( "<staves>", stavestag ); COPY( "<clef>", cleftag );
+ COPY( "<sign>", signtag ); COPY( "<line>", linetag ); COPY( "<clef-octave-change>", clefoctavetag );
+ COPY( "<note>", notetag ); COPY( "<pitch>", pitchtag ); COPY( "<step>", steptag );
+ COPY( "<octave>", octavetag ); COPY( "<duration>", durationtag ); COPY( "<voice>", voicetag );
+ COPY( "<type>", typetag ); COPY( "<dot/>", dottag ); COPY( "<stem>", stemtag );
+ COPY( "<notations>", notationtag ); COPY( "<lyric>", lyrictag ); COPY( "<syllabic>", syllabictag );
+ COPY( "<text>", texttag ); COPY( "<accidental>", accidentaltag ); COPY( "<rest/>", resttag );
+ COPY( "<chord/>", chordtag ); COPY( "<backup>", backuptag ); COPY( "<slur>", slurtag );
+ COPY( "<staff>", stafftag ); COPY( "<fermata>", fermatatag );
+ COPY( "<print>", printtag ); COPY( "<direction>", directiontag ); COPY( "<tied>", tiedtag );
+ COPY( "<beam>", beamtag ); COPY( "<tuplet>", tuplettag ); COPY( "<staccato/>", staccatotag );
+ COPY( "<words>", wordstag ); COPY( "<repeat>", repeattag ); COPY( "</note>", eonotetag );
+ COPY( "</measure>", eomeasuretag ); COPY( "<barline>", barlinetag ); COPY( "<ending>", endingtag );
+ COPY( "<line>", cleflinetag ); COPY( "<actual-notes>", actualtag ); COPY( "<normal-notes>", normaltag );
+ COPY( "<bar-style>", barstyletag ); COPY( "<dynamics>", dynamicstag ); COPY( "<work>", worktag );
+ COPY( "<identification>", identificationtag ); COPY( "<defaults>", defaultstag ); COPY( "<credit>", credittag );
+ COPY( "<grace/>", gracetag ); COPY( "</direction>", eodirectiontag ); COPY( "<grace>", gracetag2 );
+ COPY("<cue/>",cuetag);
+ (* initialize notes type conversion XML -> PMX *)
+ pmxdur[0] := "0"; pmxdur[1] := "2"; pmxdur[2] := "4"; pmxdur[3] := "8"; pmxdur[4] := "1"; pmxdur[5] := "3";
+ pmxdur[6] := "6"; pmxdur[7] := "7"; (*128th note ? *)
+ (* Initialization of voices count *)
+ i := 0; j := 0; ingrace2pmx := 0; NEW( directions ); NEW( measures ); NEW( voicemeasure );
+ NEW( minvoice ); NEW( maxvoice ); NEW( notes ) ;
+ itags := 0; lfdnr := 1; (* outarray(minvoice); *)
+ (* Initialize tie numbering *)
+ i := 0;
+ WHILE i < 24 DO
+ j := 0;
+ WHILE j < 10 DO INCL( b.tieunusdnum[i, 0], j ); INCL( b.tieunusdnum[i, 1], j ); INC( j ); END;
+ INC( i );
+ END;
+ (* Initialization of notes counter *)
+ part := 0;
+ WHILE part < 24 DO
+ measure := 1;
+ WHILE measure < measurelimit DO
+ maxnote[part, 1, measure] := 0;
+ maxnote[part, 2, measure] := 0;
+ minnote0[part, 1, measure] := 100;
+ minnote0[part, 2, measure] := 100;
+ minnote1[part, 1, measure] := 100;
+ minnote1[part, 2, measure] := 100;
+ minnote[part, 1, measure] := 100;
+ minnote[part, 2, measure] := 100;
+ maxnote0[part, 2, measure] := 0;
+ maxnote0[part, 1, measure] := 0;
+ maxnote1[part, 2, measure] := 0;
+ maxnote1[part, 1, measure] := 0;
+ minvoice[part, measure] := 10;
+ maxvoice[part, measure] := 0;
+ INC( measure );
+ END;
+ INC( part );
+ END;
+ unix := TRUE; (* CRLF end of line; for LF end of line set unix := TRUE. *)
+ b.unix := unix; (* inform MODULE "b" about end of line character. *)
+ (********************* Read CommandLine ***************)
+ (* commandO; never activate call externally for Oberon-Version ***********)
+ (*****************************************************)
+ (* commandX; *) (* activate for Windows-Exe Version *******)
+ (**************** ******************************)
+ CommandU; (* activate for Linux-Binary Version *************)
+END Testbed.