path: root/Build/source/utils/xindy/xindy-src/src/markup.lsp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/xindy/xindy-src/src/markup.lsp')
1 files changed, 1289 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/xindy/xindy-src/src/markup.lsp b/Build/source/utils/xindy/xindy-src/src/markup.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c0f696e2a6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/utils/xindy/xindy-src/src/markup.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,1289 @@
+;; line 1154 "markup.nw"
+;; $Id: markup.nw,v 1.24 1997/03/26 16:18:58 kehr Exp $
+(lisp:defpackage "MARKUP")
+(lisp:in-package "MARKUP")
+(lisp:provide "markup")
+#+CLISP (lisp:require "base")
+#+CLISP (lisp:require "locref")
+#+CLISP (lisp:require "idxstyle")
+#+CLISP (lisp:require "index")
+#+CLISP (lisp:require "ordrules")
+#+CLISP (lisp:require "version")
+(eval-when (compile load eval)
+ (lisp:use-package "CLOS")
+ #+(and :XP CLISP) (lisp:use-package "XP")
+ #+CLISP (setq custom:*suppress-check-redefinition* t)
+ #-CLISP (lisp:require "base")
+ #-CLISP (lisp:require "locref")
+ #-CLISP (lisp:require "idxstyle")
+ #-CLISP (lisp:require "index")
+ (lisp:use-package "BASE")
+ (lisp:use-package "LOCREF")
+ (lisp:use-package "IDXSTYLE")
+ (lisp:use-package "INDEX"))
+;; line 1222 "markup.nw"
+;; $Id: markup.nw,v 1.24 1997/03/26 16:18:58 kehr Exp $
+;; line 71 "markup.nw"
+(defparameter *markup-output-stream* *standard-output*)
+(defparameter *markup-verbose-mode* nil)
+(defparameter *markup-verbose-open* "<")
+(defparameter *markup-verbose-close* ">")
+(defparameter *markup-indentation* 2)
+(defparameter *markup-indent-level* 0)
+(defparameter *empty-markup* "")
+(defvar *markup-percentage-list*)
+(defvar *current-number*)
+(defun do-markup-indent ()
+ (incf *markup-indent-level* *markup-indentation*))
+(defun do-markup-outdent ()
+ (decf *markup-indent-level* *markup-indentation*))
+;; line 102 "markup.nw"
+(defun do-markup-string (str)
+ (declare (inline))
+ (write-string str *markup-output-stream*))
+;; line 111 "markup.nw"
+(defun do-markup-default (str &optional arg1 arg2 arg3)
+ (when *markup-verbose-mode*
+ (loop for x from 1 to *markup-indent-level*
+ do (write-string " " *markup-output-stream*))
+ (do-markup-string *markup-verbose-open*)
+ (do-markup-string str)
+ (when arg1
+ (format *markup-output-stream* " [~S]" arg1)
+ (when arg2
+ (format *markup-output-stream* " [~S]" arg2)
+ (when arg3
+ (format *markup-output-stream* " [~S]" arg3)
+ )))
+ (do-markup-string *markup-verbose-close*)
+ (terpri *markup-output-stream*)
+ ))
+;; line 138 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro do-markup-list (some-list
+ &key
+ identifier counter
+ elt-body sep-body
+ open-body close-body)
+ ,(when open-body `,open-body)
+ (LET ,(if counter
+ `((LIST-END (CAR (LAST ,some-list)))
+ (COUNTER ,counter))
+ `((LIST-END (CAR (LAST ,some-list)))))
+ (DO ((SLIST ,some-list (CDR SLIST)))
+ (LET ((,identifier (CAR SLIST)))
+ ,elt-body
+ ,(if sep-body
+ `(UNLESS (EQL ,identifier LIST-END)
+ ,sep-body)))))
+ ,(when close-body close-body)))
+;; line 162 "markup.nw"
+(macroexpand '(markup-list '(1 2 3) :identifier FOO
+ :open-body (print "open")
+ :close-body (print "close")
+ :elt-body (print FOO)
+ :sep-body (print ",")))
+expands to
+(PROGN (PRINT "open")
+ (LET ((LIST-END (CAR (LAST '(1 2 3)))))
+ (DO ((SLIST '(1 2 3) (CDR SLIST))) ((ENDP SLIST))
+ ) ) )
+ (PRINT "close")
+) ;
+;; line 193 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro define-list-environment-methods (name
+ signature
+ &key open close sep declare body)
+ (let ((name (stringify name)))
+ ,(intern (string-upcase (concatenate 'string name "-open"))
+ 'markup)
+ ,signature ,@declare ,@open ,@body)
+ ,(intern (string-upcase (concatenate 'string name "-close"))
+ 'markup)
+ ,signature ,@declare ,@close ,@body)
+ ,(intern (string-upcase (concatenate 'string name "-sep"))
+ 'markup)
+ ,signature ,@declare ,@sep ,@body)))))
+;; line 214 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro define-environment-methods (name
+ signature
+ &key open close declare body)
+ (let ((name (stringify name)))
+ ,(intern (string-upcase (concatenate 'string name "-open"))
+ 'markup)
+ ,signature ,@declare ,@open ,@body)
+ ,(intern (string-upcase (concatenate 'string name "-close"))
+ 'markup)
+ ,signature ,@declare ,@close ,@body)))))
+(defmacro define-method (name
+ signature
+ &key declare body)
+ (let ((name (stringify name)))
+ ,(intern (string-upcase name) 'markup)
+ ,signature ,@declare ,@body)))))
+;; line 326 "markup.nw"
+(defmethod do-markup-index ((idx base-index))
+ (setq *current-number* 0)
+ (setq *markup-percentage-list* index:*percentage-list*)
+ (do-markup-index-open idx)
+ (do-markup-list (get-entries idx)
+ :identifier LETTER-GRP
+ :open-body (do-markup-letter-group-list-open)
+ :elt-body (do-markup-letter-group LETTER-GRP)
+ :sep-body (do-markup-letter-group-list-sep)
+ :close-body (do-markup-letter-group-list-close))
+ (index:print-rest-of-percentages *markup-percentage-list*)
+ (do-markup-index-close idx))
+(define-environment-methods do-markup-index ((idx base-index))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "INDEX:OPEN")
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "INDEX:CLOSE")))
+;; line 351 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-index (&whole whole &rest args)
+ (destructuring-switch-bind (&key
+ open close hierdepth
+ &switch
+ tree flat)
+ args
+ (let (hierdepth-cmd)
+ (when (or hierdepth tree flat)
+ (cond
+ ((and tree flat)
+ (error "you can't specify :tree and :flat simultaneously in ~%~S~%"
+ whole))
+ ((and hierdepth (or tree flat))
+ (error "you can't specify :hierdepth with :tree or :flat simultaneously in ~%~S~%"
+ whole))
+ (flat (setq hierdepth-cmd
+ `(SET-HIERDEPTH 0 *INDEX*)));; no tree-structure
+ ;; MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM means make all trees
+ (tree (setq hierdepth-cmd
+ (hierdepth
+ (when (not (numberp hierdepth))
+ (error "~S is not a number in ~S~%" whole))
+ (setq hierdepth-cmd
+ `(SET-HIERDEPTH ,hierdepth *INDEX*))))
+ `(LET ()
+ (markup::define-environment-methods
+ DO-MARKUP-INDEX ((idx index:base-index))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore idx)))
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close))))
+ ,hierdepth-cmd)))))
+;; line 390 "markup.nw"
+(define-list-environment-methods do-markup-letter-group-list ()
+ :open ((do-markup-default "LETTER-GROUP-LIST:OPEN")
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "LETTER-GROUP-LIST:CLOSE"))
+ :sep ((do-markup-default "LETTER-GROUP-LIST:SEP")))
+;; line 409 "markup.nw"
+(defmethod do-markup-letter-group ((letter-grp letter-group))
+ (let ((group-definition (get-group-definition letter-grp)))
+ (do-markup-letter-group-open group-definition)
+ (do-markup-letter-group-head-open group-definition)
+ (do-markup-letter-group-head group-definition)
+ (do-markup-letter-group-head-close group-definition)
+ (do-markup-list (get-members letter-grp)
+ :identifier IDXENT #| the identifier to use in the expansion |#
+ :open-body (do-markup-indexentry-list-open 0
+ #|initial depth:=0|#)
+ :elt-body (do-markup-indexentry IDXENT 0)
+ :sep-body (do-markup-indexentry-list-sep 0)
+ :close-body (do-markup-indexentry-list-close 0))
+ (do-markup-letter-group-close group-definition)))
+(define-environment-methods do-markup-letter-group
+ ((group letter-group-definition))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "LETTER-GROUP:OPEN" (get-name group))
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "LETTER-GROUP:CLOSE" (get-name group))))
+(define-environment-methods do-markup-letter-group-head
+ ((group letter-group-definition))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "LETTER-GROUP-HEAD:OPEN" (get-name group))
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "LETTER-GROUP-HEAD:CLOSE" (get-name group))))
+(define-method do-markup-letter-group-head ((group letter-group-definition))
+ :body ((do-markup-default "LETTER-GROUP-HEAD" (get-name group))))
+;; line 503 "markup.nw"
+(define-list-environment-methods do-markup-indexentry-list ((depth number))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "INDEXENTRY-LIST:OPEN" depth)
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "INDEXENTRY-LIST:CLOSE" depth))
+ :sep ((do-markup-default "INDEXENTRY-LIST:SEP" depth)))
+;; line 525 "markup.nw"
+(defmethod do-markup-indexentry ((idxent index-entry)
+ (depth number))
+ (when (>= (incf *current-number*) (caar *markup-percentage-list*))
+ (index:print-percent (pop *markup-percentage-list*)))
+ (do-markup-indexentry-open depth)
+ (let ((print-key (get-print-key idxent)))
+ (do-markup-list (merge-print-and-main-key print-key (get-main-key idxent))
+ :identifier KEYWORD
+ :open-body (do-markup-keyword-list-open depth)
+ :elt-body (do-markup-keyword KEYWORD depth)
+ :sep-body (do-markup-keyword-list-sep depth)
+ :close-body (do-markup-keyword-list-close depth)))
+ (let ((locrefs (get-locrefs idxent)))
+ (unless (endp locrefs)
+ (do-markup-list locrefs
+ :identifier LOCCLS-GRP
+ :open-body (do-markup-locclass-list-open)
+ :elt-body (do-markup-locclass LOCCLS-GRP)
+ :sep-body (do-markup-locclass-list-sep)
+ :close-body (do-markup-locclass-list-close))))
+ (let ((subentries (get-subentries idxent)))
+ (unless (endp subentries)
+ (let ((new-depth (1+ depth)))
+ (do-markup-list subentries
+ :identifier IDXENT
+ :open-body (do-markup-indexentry-list-open new-depth)
+ :elt-body (do-markup-indexentry IDXENT new-depth)
+ :sep-body (do-markup-indexentry-list-sep new-depth)
+ :close-body (do-markup-indexentry-list-close new-depth)))))
+ (do-markup-indexentry-close depth))
+(defun merge-print-and-main-key (print-key main-key)
+ ;;(info "~&(merge-print-and-main-key ~S ~S)" print-key main-key)
+ (if print-key
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (print main)
+ (or print main))
+ print-key main-key)
+ main-key))
+;; line 571 "markup.nw"
+(define-environment-methods do-markup-indexentry ((depth number))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "INDEXENTRY:OPEN" depth)
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "INDEXENTRY:CLOSE" depth)))
+;; line 595 "markup.nw"
+(define-list-environment-methods do-markup-keyword-list ((depth number))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "KEYWORD-LIST:OPEN" depth)
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "KEYWORD-LIST:CLOSE" depth))
+ :sep ((do-markup-default "KEYWORD-LIST:SEP" depth)))
+;; line 617 "markup.nw"
+(defmethod do-markup-keyword (keyword (depth number))
+ (do-markup-keyword-open depth)
+ (do-markup-string keyword)
+ (do-markup-keyword-close depth))
+;; line 624 "markup.nw"
+(define-environment-methods do-markup-keyword ((depth number))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "KEYWORD:OPEN" depth)
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "KEYWORD:CLOSE" depth)))
+;; line 654 "markup.nw"
+(define-list-environment-methods do-markup-locclass-list ()
+ :open ((do-markup-default "LOCCLASS-LIST:OPEN")
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "LOCCLASS-LIST:CLOSE"))
+ :sep ((do-markup-default "LOCCLASS-LIST:SEP")))
+;; line 677 "markup.nw"
+(defmethod do-markup-locclass ((locref-cls-grp locref-class-group))
+ (let ((locclass (get-locclass locref-cls-grp)))
+ (do-markup-locref-class-open locclass)
+ (do-markup-list (get-members locref-cls-grp)
+ :identifier ATTRIBUTE-GRP
+ :open-body (do-markup-attribute-group-list-open)
+ :elt-body (do-markup-attribute-group ATTRIBUTE-GRP locclass)
+ :sep-body (do-markup-attribute-group-list-sep)
+ :close-body (do-markup-attribute-group-list-close))
+ (do-markup-locref-class-close locclass)))
+(define-environment-methods do-markup-locref-class
+ ((locrefcls layered-location-class))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "LOCREF-CLASS:OPEN" (get-name locrefcls))
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "LOCREF-CLASS:CLOSE" (get-name locrefcls))))
+;; line 1044 "markup.nw"
+(defmethod do-markup-locclass ((xref-cls-grp crossref-class-group))
+ (let ((xrefclass (get-locclass xref-cls-grp)))
+ (do-markup-list (get-members xref-cls-grp)
+ :identifier XREF
+ :open-body (do-markup-crossref-list-open xrefclass)
+ :elt-body (do-markup-crossref XREF)
+ :sep-body (do-markup-crossref-list-sep xrefclass)
+ :close-body (do-markup-crossref-list-close xrefclass))))
+(define-list-environment-methods do-markup-crossref-list
+ ((xrefclass crossref-location-class))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "CROSSREF-LIST:OPEN" (get-name xrefclass))
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "CROSSREF-LIST:CLOSE" (get-name xrefclass)))
+ :sep ((do-markup-default "CROSSREF-LIST:SEP" (get-name xrefclass))))
+;; line 1080 "markup.nw"
+(defmethod do-markup-crossref ((xref crossref-location-reference))
+ (let ((xrefclass (get-locclass xref)))
+ (do-markup-list (get-target xref)
+ :identifier XREF-LAYER
+ :open-body (do-markup-crossref-layer-list-open xrefclass)
+ :elt-body (do-markup-crossref-layer XREF-LAYER xrefclass)
+ :sep-body (do-markup-crossref-layer-list-sep xrefclass)
+ :close-body (do-markup-crossref-layer-list-close xrefclass))))
+(define-list-environment-methods do-markup-crossref-layer-list
+ ((xref-class crossref-location-class))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "CROSSREF-LAYER-LIST:OPEN"
+ (get-name xref-class))
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "CROSSREF-LAYER-LIST:CLOSE"
+ (get-name xref-class)))
+ :sep ((do-markup-default "CROSSREF-LAYER-LIST:SEP"
+ (get-name xref-class))))
+;; line 1119 "markup.nw"
+(defmethod do-markup-crossref-layer (xref-layer
+ (xref-class crossref-location-class))
+ (do-markup-crossref-layer-open xref-class)
+ (do-markup-string xref-layer)
+ (do-markup-crossref-layer-close xref-class))
+(define-environment-methods do-markup-crossref-layer
+ ((xref-class crossref-location-class))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "CROSSREF-LAYER:OPEN" (get-name xref-class))
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "CROSSREF-LAYER:CLOSE" (get-name xref-class))))
+;; line 718 "markup.nw"
+(define-list-environment-methods do-markup-attribute-group-list ()
+ :open ((do-markup-default "ATTRIBUTE-GROUP-LIST:OPEN")
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "ATTRIBUTE-GROUP-LIST:CLOSE"))
+ :sep ((do-markup-default "ATTRIBUTE-GROUP-LIST:SEP")))
+;; line 737 "markup.nw"
+(defmethod do-markup-attribute-group ((attribute-group category-attribute-group)
+ (loccls layered-location-class))
+ (let ((ordnum (get-ordnum attribute-group)))
+ (do-markup-attribute-group-open ordnum)
+ (do-markup-list (get-members attribute-group)
+ :identifier LOCREF
+ :open-body (do-markup-locref-list-open loccls 0)
+ :elt-body (do-markup-locref LOCREF loccls 0)
+ :sep-body (do-markup-locref-list-sep loccls 0)
+ :close-body (do-markup-locref-list-close loccls 0))
+ (do-markup-attribute-group-close ordnum)))
+(define-environment-methods do-markup-attribute-group ((ordnum number))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "ATTRIBUTE-GROUP:OPEN" ordnum)
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "ATTRIBUTE-GROUP:CLOSE" ordnum)))
+;; line 776 "markup.nw"
+(define-list-environment-methods do-markup-locref-list
+ ((loccls layered-location-class) (depth number))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "LOCREF-LIST:OPEN" (get-name loccls) depth)
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "LOCREF-LIST:CLOSE" (get-name loccls) depth))
+ :sep ((do-markup-default "LOCREF-LIST:SEP" (get-name loccls) depth)))
+;; line 808 "markup.nw"
+(defmethod do-markup-locref ((locref location-reference)
+ (loccls layered-location-class)
+ (depth number))
+ #+ASSERT! (assert! (and (typep locref 'layered-location-reference)
+ (typep depth 'number)))
+ (let ((attr (get-catattr locref))
+ (subrefs (get-subrefs locref))
+ (new-depth (1+ depth)))
+ (do-markup-locref-open attr loccls depth)
+ (cond
+ (subrefs
+ (let ((layer 0))
+ (do-markup-list (get-layers locref)
+ :identifier LOCREF-LAYER
+ :open-body (do-markup-locref-layer-list-open loccls depth)
+ :elt-body (do-markup-locref-layer LOCREF-LAYER loccls depth
+ (prog1 layer
+ (incf layer)))
+ :sep-body (do-markup-locref-layer-list-sep loccls depth)
+ :close-body (do-markup-locref-layer-list-close loccls depth)))
+ (do-markup-list subrefs
+ :identifier LOCREF
+ :open-body (do-markup-locref-list-open loccls new-depth)
+ :elt-body (do-markup-locref LOCREF loccls new-depth)
+ :sep-body (do-markup-locref-list-sep loccls new-depth)
+ :close-body (do-markup-locref-list-close loccls new-depth)))
+ ((= 0 depth)
+ (do-markup-string (get-locref-string locref)))
+ (t (let ((layer 0))
+ (do-markup-list (get-layers locref)
+ :identifier LOCREF-LAYER
+ :open-body (do-markup-locref-layer-list-open loccls depth)
+ :elt-body (do-markup-locref-layer LOCREF-LAYER loccls depth
+ (prog1 layer
+ (incf layer)))
+ :sep-body (do-markup-locref-layer-list-sep loccls depth)
+ :close-body (do-markup-locref-layer-list-close loccls depth)))))
+ (do-markup-locref-close attr loccls depth)))
+;; line 855 "markup.nw"
+(define-list-environment-methods do-markup-locref-layer-list
+ ((loccls layered-location-class) (depth number))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "LOCREF-LAYER-LIST:OPEN" (get-name loccls) depth)
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :sep ((do-markup-default "LOCREF-LAYER-LIST:SEP" (get-name loccls) depth))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "LOCREF-LAYER-LIST:CLOSE" (get-name loccls) depth)))
+;; line 883 "markup.nw"
+(defun do-markup-locref-layer (locref-layer loccls depth layer)
+ (do-markup-locref-layer-open loccls depth layer)
+ (do-markup-string locref-layer)
+ (do-markup-locref-layer-close loccls depth layer))
+(define-environment-methods do-markup-locref-layer
+ ((locref-class layered-location-class) (depth number) (layer number))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "LOCREF-LAYER:OPEN"
+ (get-name locref-class) depth layer)
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "LOCREF-LAYER:CLOSE"
+ (get-name locref-class) depth layer)))
+;; line 918 "markup.nw"
+(define-environment-methods do-markup-locref ((attr category-attribute)
+ (loccls layered-location-class)
+ (depth number))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "LOCREF:OPEN"
+ (get-name attr) (get-name loccls) depth)
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "LOCREF:CLOSE"
+ (get-name attr) (get-name loccls) depth)))
+;; line 955 "markup.nw"
+(defmethod do-markup-locref ((range location-range)
+ (loccls layered-location-class)
+ (depth number))
+ (let ((length (get-length range)))
+ (do-markup-range-open loccls length)
+ (do-markup-locref (get-first range) loccls depth)
+ (do-markup-range-sep loccls length)
+ (when (markup-range-print-end-p loccls length)
+ (do-markup-locref (get-last range) loccls depth))
+ (do-markup-range-close loccls length)))
+(define-list-environment-methods do-markup-range
+ ((loccls layered-location-class) (length number))
+ :open ((do-markup-default "RANGE:OPEN" (get-name loccls) length)
+ (do-markup-indent))
+ :close ((do-markup-outdent)
+ (do-markup-default "RANGE:CLOSE" (get-name loccls) length))
+ :sep ((do-markup-default "RANGE:SEP" (get-name loccls) length)))
+(defmethod markup-range-print-end-p ((loccls layered-location-class)
+ (length number))
+ t)
+;; line 304 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-trace (&rest args)
+ (destructuring-switch-bind (&key
+ (open *markup-verbose-open*)
+ (close *markup-verbose-close*)
+ &switch
+ on)
+ args
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 312 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(LET ()
+ (SETQ *markup-verbose-open* ,open)
+ (SETQ *markup-verbose-close* ,close)
+ ,(when on `(SETQ *markup-verbose-mode* t)))))))
+;; line 399 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-letter-group-list (&key open close sep)
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 260 "markup.nw"
+((and sep (not (stringp sep)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" sep))
+;; line 401 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(markup::define-list-environment-methods
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))
+ :sep ,(when sep `((do-markup-string ,sep)))))))
+;; line 443 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-letter-group (&whole whole &rest args)
+ (destructuring-switch-bind (&key
+ open close group
+ open-head close-head
+ &switch
+ upcase downcase capitalize)
+ args
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 451 "markup.nw"
+;; line 252 "markup.nw"
+((and open-head (not (stringp open-head)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open-head))
+((and close-head (not (stringp close-head)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close-head))
+;; line 452 "markup.nw"
+;; line 275 "markup.nw"
+((and group (progn
+ (setq group (stringify group))
+ (not (lookup-letter-group-definition *indexstyle* group))))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a valid letter-group! (ignored)~%" group))
+;; line 453 "markup.nw"
+ ((or (and upcase downcase)
+ (and upcase capitalize)
+ (and downcase capitalize))
+ (error "more than one modifier in~%~S" whole))
+ (t `(LET ()
+ (markup::define-environment-methods
+ (,(if group
+ `(lg-def (EQL ',(lookup-letter-group-definition
+ *indexstyle* group)))
+ '(lg-def letter-group-definition)))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore lg-def)))
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close))))
+ (markup::define-environment-methods
+ (,(if group
+ `(lg-def (EQL ',(lookup-letter-group-definition
+ *indexstyle* group)))
+ '(lg-def letter-group-definition)))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore lg-def)))
+ :open ,(when open-head `((do-markup-string ,open-head)))
+ :close ,(when close-head `((do-markup-string ,close-head))))
+ ,(when (or open-head close-head)
+ `(markup::define-method
+ (,(if group
+ `(lg-def (EQL ',(lookup-letter-group-definition
+ *indexstyle* group)))
+ '(lg-def letter-group-definition)))
+ :body ((do-markup-string
+ ,(cond (upcase `(string-upcase
+ (get-name lg-def)))
+ (downcase `(string-downcase
+ (get-name lg-def)))
+ (capitalize `(string-capitalize
+ (get-name lg-def)))
+ (t `(get-name lg-def))))))))))))
+;; line 512 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-indexentry-list (&key open close sep depth)
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 260 "markup.nw"
+((and sep (not (stringp sep)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" sep))
+;; line 514 "markup.nw"
+;; line 265 "markup.nw"
+((and depth (not (integerp depth)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a number! (ignored)~%" depth))
+;; line 515 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(markup::define-list-environment-methods
+ (,(if depth `(depth (EQL ,depth)) '(depth number)))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore depth)))
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))
+ :sep ,(when sep `((do-markup-string ,sep)))))))
+;; line 579 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-indexentry (&key open close depth)
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 581 "markup.nw"
+;; line 265 "markup.nw"
+((and depth (not (integerp depth)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a number! (ignored)~%" depth))
+;; line 582 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(markup::define-environment-methods
+ (,(if depth `(depth (EQL ,depth)) '(depth number)))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore depth)))
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))))))
+;; line 604 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-keyword-list (&key open close sep depth)
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 260 "markup.nw"
+((and sep (not (stringp sep)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" sep))
+;; line 606 "markup.nw"
+;; line 265 "markup.nw"
+((and depth (not (integerp depth)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a number! (ignored)~%" depth))
+;; line 607 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(markup::define-list-environment-methods
+ (,(if depth `(depth (EQL ,depth)) '(depth number)))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore depth)))
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))
+ :sep ,(when sep `((do-markup-string ,sep)))))))
+;; line 632 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-keyword (&key open close depth)
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 634 "markup.nw"
+;; line 265 "markup.nw"
+((and depth (not (integerp depth)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a number! (ignored)~%" depth))
+;; line 635 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(markup::define-environment-methods
+ (,(if depth `(depth (EQL ,depth)) '(depth number)))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore depth)))
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))))))
+;; line 663 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-locclass-list (&key open close sep)
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 260 "markup.nw"
+((and sep (not (stringp sep)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" sep))
+;; line 665 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(markup::define-list-environment-methods
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))
+ :sep ,(when sep `((do-markup-string ,sep)))))))
+;; line 699 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-locref-class (&key open close class)
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 701 "markup.nw"
+;; line 282 "markup.nw"
+((and class (progn (setq class (stringify class))
+ (not (lookup-locref-class *indexstyle* class))))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a location-reference class! (ignored)~%" class))
+;; line 702 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(markup::define-list-environment-methods
+ (,(if class
+ `(locrefcls (EQL ',(cdr (lookup-locref-class
+ *indexstyle* class))))
+ '(locrefcls layered-location-class)))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore locrefcls)))
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))))))
+;; line 727 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-attribute-group-list (&key open close sep)
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 260 "markup.nw"
+((and sep (not (stringp sep)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" sep))
+;; line 729 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(markup::define-list-environment-methods
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))
+ :sep ,(when sep `((do-markup-string ,sep)))))))
+;; line 759 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-attribute-group (&key open close group)
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 761 "markup.nw"
+;; line 275 "markup.nw"
+((and group (progn
+ (setq group (stringify group))
+ (not (lookup-letter-group-definition *indexstyle* group))))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a valid letter-group! (ignored)~%" group))
+;; line 762 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(markup::define-environment-methods
+ (,(if group
+ `(ordnum (EQL ,group))
+ '(ordnum number)))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore ordnum)))
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))))))
+;; line 786 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-locref-list (&key open close sep class depth)
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 260 "markup.nw"
+((and sep (not (stringp sep)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" sep))
+;; line 788 "markup.nw"
+;; line 265 "markup.nw"
+((and depth (not (integerp depth)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a number! (ignored)~%" depth))
+;; line 789 "markup.nw"
+;; line 282 "markup.nw"
+((and class (progn (setq class (stringify class))
+ (not (lookup-locref-class *indexstyle* class))))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a location-reference class! (ignored)~%" class))
+;; line 790 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(markup::define-list-environment-methods
+ (,(if class
+ `(locrefcls (EQL ',(cdr (lookup-locref-class
+ *indexstyle* class))))
+ '(locrefcls layered-location-class))
+ ,(if depth `(depth (EQL ,depth)) '(depth number)))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore locrefcls depth)))
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))
+ :sep ,(when sep `((do-markup-string ,sep)))))))
+;; line 865 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-locref-layer-list (&key open close sep class depth)
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 260 "markup.nw"
+((and sep (not (stringp sep)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" sep))
+;; line 867 "markup.nw"
+;; line 265 "markup.nw"
+((and depth (not (integerp depth)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a number! (ignored)~%" depth))
+;; line 868 "markup.nw"
+;; line 282 "markup.nw"
+((and class (progn (setq class (stringify class))
+ (not (lookup-locref-class *indexstyle* class))))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a location-reference class! (ignored)~%" class))
+;; line 869 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(markup::define-list-environment-methods
+ (,(if class
+ `(locrefcls (EQL ',(cdr (lookup-locref-class
+ *indexstyle* class))))
+ '(locrefcls layered-location-class))
+ ,(if depth `(depth (EQL ,depth)) '(depth number)))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore locrefcls depth)))
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))
+ :sep ,(when sep `((do-markup-string ,sep)))))))
+;; line 899 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-locref-layer (&key class open close depth layer)
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 901 "markup.nw"
+;; line 265 "markup.nw"
+((and depth (not (integerp depth)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a number! (ignored)~%" depth))
+;; line 902 "markup.nw"
+;; line 270 "markup.nw"
+((and layer (not (integerp layer)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a number! (ignored)~%" layer))
+;; line 903 "markup.nw"
+;; line 282 "markup.nw"
+((and class (progn (setq class (stringify class))
+ (not (lookup-locref-class *indexstyle* class))))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a location-reference class! (ignored)~%" class))
+;; line 904 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(markup::define-environment-methods
+ (,(if class
+ `(locrefcls (EQL ',(cdr (lookup-locref-class
+ *indexstyle* class))))
+ '(locrefcls layered-location-class))
+ ,(if depth `(depth (EQL ,depth)) '(depth number))
+ ,(if layer `(layer (EQL ,layer)) '(layer number)))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore depth layer)))
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))))))
+;; line 930 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-locref (&key open close class attr depth)
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 932 "markup.nw"
+;; line 294 "markup.nw"
+((and attr (progn (setq attr (stringify attr))
+ (not (lookup-catattr *indexstyle* attr))))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not an attribute! (ignored)~%" attr))
+;; line 933 "markup.nw"
+;; line 265 "markup.nw"
+((and depth (not (integerp depth)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a number! (ignored)~%" depth))
+;; line 934 "markup.nw"
+;; line 282 "markup.nw"
+((and class (progn (setq class (stringify class))
+ (not (lookup-locref-class *indexstyle* class))))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a location-reference class! (ignored)~%" class))
+;; line 935 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(markup::define-environment-methods
+ (,(if attr
+ `(attr (EQL ',(lookup-catattr *indexstyle* attr)))
+ '(attr category-attribute))
+ ,(if class
+ `(locrefcls (EQL ',(cdr (lookup-locref-class
+ *indexstyle* class))))
+ '(locrefcls layered-location-class))
+ ,(if depth `(depth (EQL ,depth)) '(depth number)))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore attr locrefcls depth)))
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))))))
+;; line 1002 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-range (&whole whole &rest args)
+ (destructuring-switch-bind (&key
+ open close sep class length
+ &switch ignore-end)
+ args
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 260 "markup.nw"
+((and sep (not (stringp sep)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" sep))
+;; line 1008 "markup.nw"
+;; line 282 "markup.nw"
+((and class (progn (setq class (stringify class))
+ (not (lookup-locref-class *indexstyle* class))))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a location-reference class! (ignored)~%" class))
+;; line 1009 "markup.nw"
+ ((and length (not (numberp length)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a number! (ignored)~%" length))
+ (t `(let ()
+ (markup::define-list-environment-methods
+ (,(if class
+ `(locrefcls (EQL ',(cdr (lookup-locref-class
+ *indexstyle* class))))
+ '(locrefcls layered-location-class))
+ ,(if length
+ `(length (EQL ,length))
+ '(length number)))
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))
+ :sep ,(when sep `((do-markup-string ,sep))))
+ (define-method markup::MARKUP-RANGE-PRINT-END-P
+ (,(if class
+ `(locrefcls (EQL ',(cdr (lookup-locref-class
+ *indexstyle* class))))
+ '(locrefcls layered-location-class))
+ ,(if length
+ `(length (EQL ,length))
+ '(length number)))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore locrefcls length)))
+ :body (,(not ignore-end))))))))
+;; line 1064 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-crossref-list (&key open sep close class)
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 260 "markup.nw"
+((and sep (not (stringp sep)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" sep))
+;; line 1066 "markup.nw"
+;; line 288 "markup.nw"
+((and class (progn (setq class (stringify class))
+ (not (lookup-crossref-class *indexstyle* class))))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a cross-reference class! (ignored)~%" class))
+;; line 1067 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(markup::define-list-environment-methods
+ (,(if class
+ `(xrefcls (EQL ',(cdr (lookup-crossref-class *indexstyle*
+ class))))
+ '(xrefcls crossref-location-class)))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore xrefcls)))
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))
+ :sep ,(when sep `((do-markup-string ,sep)))))))
+;; line 1103 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-crossref-layer-list (&key open sep close class)
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 260 "markup.nw"
+((and sep (not (stringp sep)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" sep))
+;; line 1105 "markup.nw"
+;; line 288 "markup.nw"
+((and class (progn (setq class (stringify class))
+ (not (lookup-crossref-class *indexstyle* class))))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a cross-reference class! (ignored)~%" class))
+;; line 1106 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(markup::define-list-environment-methods
+ (,(if class
+ `(xrefcls (EQL ',(cdr (lookup-crossref-class *indexstyle*
+ class))))
+ '(xrefcls crossref-location-class)))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore xrefcls)))
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))
+ :sep ,(when sep `((do-markup-string ,sep)))))))
+;; line 1134 "markup.nw"
+(defmacro markup-crossref-layer (&key open close class)
+ (cond
+;; line 245 "markup.nw"
+((and open (not (stringp open)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" open))
+((and close (not (stringp close)))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a string! (ignored)~%" close))
+;; line 1136 "markup.nw"
+;; line 288 "markup.nw"
+((and class (progn (setq class (stringify class))
+ (not (lookup-crossref-class *indexstyle* class))))
+ (nraw "parameter `~S' is not a cross-reference class! (ignored)~%" class))
+;; line 1137 "markup.nw"
+ (t `(markup::define-list-environment-methods
+ (,(if class
+ `(xrefcls (EQL ',(cdr (lookup-crossref-class *indexstyle*
+ class))))
+ '(xrefcls crossref-location-class)))
+ :declare ((declare (ignore xrefcls)))
+ :open ,(when open `((do-markup-string ,open)))
+ :close ,(when close `((do-markup-string ,close)))))))
+;; line 1188 "markup.nw"
+(eval-when (compile load eval)
+ (defparameter *markup-user-interface-definitions*
+ '(*markup-verbose-mode*
+ *markup-verbose-open*
+ *markup-verbose-close*
+ markup-crossref-layer
+ markup-crossref-layer-list
+ markup-crossref-list
+ markup-index
+ markup-letter-group
+ markup-letter-group-list
+ markup-indexentry
+ markup-indexentry-list
+ markup-keyword
+ markup-keyword-list
+ markup-locclass-list
+ markup-locref-class
+ markup-attribute-group-list
+ markup-attribute-group
+ markup-locref-list
+ markup-locref
+ markup-locref-layer-list
+ markup-locref-layer
+ markup-range
+ markup-trace
+ )))
+;; line 1238 "markup.nw"
+(eval-when (compile load eval)
+;; line 89 "markup.nw"
+(export '(*markup-output-stream*
+ *markup-verbose-mode*
+ *markup-verbose-open*
+ *markup-verbose-close*
+ *indexstyle-readtable*))
+;; line 347 "markup.nw"
+(export '(do-markup-index))
+;; line 1217 "markup.nw"
+(export '*markup-user-interface-definitions*)
+(export *markup-user-interface-definitions*)
+;; line 1240 "markup.nw"
+ )
+;; line 1178 "markup.nw"
+(defvar *RCS-Identifier* '(
+;; line 1244 "markup.nw"
+("markup" . "$Id: markup.nw,v 1.24 1997/03/26 16:18:58 kehr Exp $")
+;; line 236 "startup.nw"
+("startup" . "$Id: startup.nw,v 1.17 1997/03/26 16:19:03 kehr Exp $")
+;; line 1178 "markup.nw"
+ ))
+;; this should be the last of the module since it defines the
+;; additional package `xindy'.
+;; line 210 "startup.nw"
+;; $Id: startup.nw,v 1.17 1997/03/26 16:19:03 kehr Exp $
+(lisp:defpackage "XINDY")
+(lisp:in-package "XINDY")
+(eval-when (compile load eval)
+ (lisp:use-package "BASE")
+ (lisp:use-package :xindy-version)
+ (lisp:use-package "MARKUP")
+ (lisp:use-package "CLOS")
+ (lisp:use-package "COMMON-LISP")
+ #+CLISP (lisp:use-package "EXT")
+ (lisp:import markup:*markup-user-interface-definitions*))
+(eval-when (compile load eval)
+ (pushnew :HANDLER *features*))
+;; FIXME: error messages about package locks
+;(eval-when (compile load eval)
+; (pushnew :BREAK-DRIVER *features*))
+;; line 44 "startup.nw"
+(defun issue-startup-message ()
+ (info "xindy kernel version: ~A~%" *xindy-kernel-version*)
+ (info "~A version ~A~% architecture: ~A~%"
+ (lisp-implementation-type) (lisp-implementation-version)
+ (machine-version))
+ )
+(defun startup (&key idxstyle rawindex output logfile
+ show-version markup-trace (trace-level 0))
+ (when show-version
+ (issue-startup-message)
+ (exit-normally))
+ (when markup-trace (setq *markup-verbose-mode* t))
+ (handler-case
+ (do-startup idxstyle rawindex output logfile trace-level)
+ (error
+ (condition)
+ (oops* (simple-condition-format-string condition)
+ (simple-condition-format-arguments condition))
+ (error-exit)))
+ (do-startup idxstyle rawindex output logfile trace-level))
+;; line 70 "startup.nw"
+(defun do-startup (idxstyle raw-index output logfile trace-level)
+ (set-searchpath-by-environment)
+ (setq custom:*default-file-encoding* charset:iso-8859-1)
+ (when logfile
+ (info "~&Opening logfile ~S " logfile)
+ (handler-case
+ (setq *logging-stream* (open logfile
+ :direction :output
+ :if-does-not-exist :create
+ :if-exists :supersede))
+ (error ()
+ (oops "Opening logfile ~S failed!" logfile)
+ (error-exit)))
+ (info "(done)~%")
+ ;; Set necessary flags...
+ (setq *logging-on* t)
+ (case trace-level
+ (0)
+ (1 (setq *mappings-trace* t))
+ (2 (setq *mappings-trace* t) (setq *locref-trace* t))
+ (3 (setq *mappings-trace* t) (setq *locref-trace* t))
+ (t (error "Invalid :trace-level ~S !" trace-level)))
+ #+:ORDRULES (when *mappings-trace*
+ (setq ordrules::*message-logging* 1))
+ (multiple-value-bind (sec min hour day mon year)
+ (get-decoded-time)
+ (gol t ";; This logfile was generated automatically by `xindy'~%")
+ (gol t ";; at ~2,'0D.~2,'0D.~4,'0D ~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D~%"
+ day mon year hour min sec))
+ (gol t ";; Indexstyle: ~S, Rawindex: ~S, Output: ~S~%~%"
+ idxstyle raw-index output)
+ )
+ (info "~&Reading indexstyle...~%")
+ (let ((*readtable* idxstyle:*indexstyle-readtable*))
+ (idxstyle:do-require idxstyle))
+ (info "~&Finished reading indexstyle.")
+ (info "~&Finalizing indexstyle... ")
+ (idxstyle:make-ready idxstyle:*indexstyle*)
+ (info "(done)~%~%")
+ (info "~&Reading raw-index ~S..." raw-index)
+ (load raw-index :verbose nil)
+ (info "~&Finished reading raw-index.~%~%")
+ (handler-case
+ (setq *markup-output-stream*
+ (open output
+ :direction :output
+ :if-does-not-exist :create
+ :if-exists :supersede))
+ (error ()
+ (oops "Opening file ~S failed!" output)
+ (error-exit)))
+ (info "~&Processing index...")
+ (index:process-index index:*index*)
+ (info "~&Finished processing index.~%~%")
+ (info "~&Writing markup...")
+ (markup:do-markup-index index:*index*)
+ (info "~%Markup written into file ~S.~%" output))
+;; line 139 "startup.nw"
+(defun set-searchpath-by-environment ()
+ (let ((sp (#+CLISP
+ system::getenv
+ sys:getenv
+ (when sp (idxstyle:set-searchpath-by-string sp))))
+;; line 170 "startup.nw"
+(fmakunbound '*break-driver*)
+(defun *break-driver* (continuable
+ &optional (condition nil) (print-it nil)
+ &aux (may-continue
+ (or continuable
+ (and condition
+ (find-restart 'continue condition))
+ ) )
+ (interactive-p (interactive-stream-p *debug-io*))
+ (commandsr '())
+ )
+ (declare (ignore may-continue interactive-p commandsr))
+ ;; This when-clause is from Bruno Haible.
+ (when (and condition print-it)
+ (terpri *error-output*)
+ (write-string "*** - " *error-output*)
+ #+CLISP (system::print-condition condition *error-output*)
+ #-CLISP (print condition *error-output*)
+ )
+ (format *ERROR-OUTPUT* "~&Bye.")
+ (error-exit))
+(defun *break-driver* (continuable &rest rest)
+ (declare (ignore continuable rest))
+ (format *ERROR-OUTPUT* "~&Bye.")
+ (error-exit))
+(eval-when (compile load eval)
+ (export '*break-driver*))
+;; line 230 "startup.nw"
+(eval-when (compile load eval)
+;; line 135 "startup.nw"
+(export '(startup *xindy-kernel-version*))
+;; line 232 "startup.nw"
+ )