path: root/Build/source/utils/t1utils/t1utils-1.36/clp.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/t1utils/t1utils-1.36/clp.c')
1 files changed, 2352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/t1utils/t1utils-1.36/clp.c b/Build/source/utils/t1utils/t1utils-1.36/clp.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ae17c9acd9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/utils/t1utils/t1utils-1.36/clp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2352 @@
+/* -*- related-file-name: "../include/lcdf/clp.h" -*- */
+/* clp.c - Complete source code for CLP.
+ * This file is part of CLP, the command line parser package.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Eddie Kohler,
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
+ * listed in the Click LICENSE file, which is available in full at
+ * The conditions include: you
+ * must preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
+ * holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
+ * The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
+ * notice is a summary of the Click LICENSE file; the license in that file is
+ * legally binding. */
+# include <config.h>
+#include <lcdf/clp.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+/* By default, assume we have strtoul. */
+#if !defined(HAVE_STRTOUL) && !defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+# define HAVE_STRTOUL 1
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** @file clp.h
+ * @brief Functions for parsing command line options.
+ *
+ * The CLP functions are used to parse command line arugments into options.
+ * It automatically handles value parsing, error messages, long options with
+ * minimum prefix matching, short options, and negated options.
+ *
+ * The CLP model works like this.
+ *
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>The user declares an array of Clp_Option structures that define the
+ * options their program accepts.</li>
+ * <li>The user creates a Clp_Parser object using Clp_NewParser(), passing in
+ * the command line arguments to parse and the Clp_Option structures.</li>
+ * <li>A loop repeatedly calls Clp_Next() to parse the arguments.</li>
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * Unlike many command line parsing libraries, CLP steps through all arguments
+ * one at a time, rather than slurping up all options at once. This makes it
+ * meaningful to give an option more than once.
+ *
+ * Here's an example.
+ *
+ * @code
+ * #define ANIMAL_OPT 1
+ * #define VEGETABLE_OPT 2
+ * #define MINERALS_OPT 3
+ * #define USAGE_OPT 4
+ *
+ * static const Clp_Option options[] = {
+ * { "animal", 'a', ANIMAL_OPT, Clp_ValString, 0 },
+ * { "vegetable", 'v', VEGETABLE_OPT, Clp_ValString, Clp_Negate | Clp_Optional },
+ * { "minerals", 'm', MINERALS_OPT, Clp_ValInt, 0 },
+ * { "usage", 0, USAGE_OPT, 0, 0 }
+ * };
+ *
+ * int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ * Clp_Parser *clp = Clp_NewParser(argc, argv,
+ * sizeof(options) / sizeof(options[0]), options);
+ * int opt;
+ * while ((opt = Clp_Next(clp)) != Clp_Done)
+ * switch (opt) {
+ * case ANIMAL_OPT:
+ * fprintf(stderr, "animal is %s\n", clp->val.s);
+ * break;
+ * if (clp->negated)
+ * fprintf(stderr, "no vegetables!\n");
+ * else if (clp->have_val)
+ * fprintf(stderr, "vegetable is %s\n", clp->val.s);
+ * else
+ * fprintf(stderr, "vegetables OK\n");
+ * break;
+ * case MINERALS_OPT:
+ * fprintf(stderr, "%d minerals\n", clp->val.i);
+ * break;
+ * case USAGE_OPT:
+ * fprintf(stderr, "Usage: 20q [--animal=ANIMAL] [--vegetable[=VEGETABLE]] [--minerals=N]\n");
+ * break;
+ * case Clp_NotOption:
+ * fprintf(stderr, "non-option %s\n", clp->vstr);
+ * break;
+ * }
+ * }
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * Here are a couple of executions.
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * % ./20q --animal=cat
+ * animal is cat
+ * % ./20q --animal=cat -a dog -afish --animal bird --an=snake
+ * animal is cat
+ * animal is dog
+ * animal is fish
+ * animal is bird
+ * animal is snake
+ * % ./20q --no-vegetables
+ * no vegetables!
+ * % ./20q -v
+ * vegetables OK
+ * % ./20q -vkale
+ * vegetable is kale
+ * % ./20q -m10
+ * 10 minerals
+ * % ./20q -m foo
+ * '-m' expects an integer, not 'foo'
+ * </pre>
+ */
+/* Option types for Clp_SetOptionChar */
+#define Clp_DoubledLong (Clp_LongImplicit * 2)
+#define Clp_InitialValType 8
+typedef struct {
+ int val_type;
+ Clp_ValParseFunc func;
+ int flags;
+ void *user_data;
+} Clp_ValType;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned ilong : 1;
+ unsigned ishort : 1;
+ unsigned imandatory : 1;
+ unsigned ioptional : 1;
+ unsigned ipos : 1;
+ unsigned ineg : 1;
+ unsigned iprefmatch : 1;
+ unsigned lmmpos_short : 1;
+ unsigned lmmneg_short : 1;
+ unsigned char ilongoff;
+ int lmmpos;
+ int lmmneg;
+} Clp_InternOption;
+#define Clp_OptionCharsSize 5
+typedef struct {
+ int c;
+ int type;
+} Clp_Oclass;
+#define Clp_OclassSize 10
+typedef struct Clp_Internal {
+ const Clp_Option *opt;
+ Clp_InternOption *iopt;
+ int nopt;
+ unsigned opt_generation;
+ Clp_ValType *valtype;
+ int nvaltype;
+ const char * const *argv;
+ int argc;
+ Clp_Oclass oclass[Clp_OclassSize];
+ int noclass;
+ int long1pos;
+ int long1neg;
+ int utf8;
+ char option_chars[Clp_OptionCharsSize];
+ const char *xtext;
+ const char *program_name;
+ void (*error_handler)(Clp_Parser *, const char *);
+ int option_processing;
+ int current_option;
+ unsigned char is_short;
+ unsigned char whole_negated; /* true if negated by an option character */
+ unsigned char could_be_short;
+ unsigned char current_short;
+ unsigned char negated_by_no;
+ int ambiguous;
+ int ambiguous_values[MAX_AMBIGUOUS_VALUES];
+} Clp_Internal;
+struct Clp_ParserState {
+ const char * const *argv;
+ int argc;
+ char option_chars[Clp_OptionCharsSize];
+ const char *xtext;
+ int option_processing;
+ unsigned opt_generation;
+ int current_option;
+ unsigned char is_short;
+ unsigned char whole_negated;
+ unsigned char current_short;
+ unsigned char negated_by_no;
+typedef struct Clp_StringList {
+ Clp_Option *items;
+ Clp_InternOption *iopt;
+ int nitems;
+ int allow_int;
+ int nitems_invalid_report;
+} Clp_StringList;
+static int parse_string(Clp_Parser *, const char *, int, void *);
+static int parse_int(Clp_Parser *, const char *, int, void *);
+static int parse_bool(Clp_Parser *, const char *, int, void *);
+static int parse_double(Clp_Parser *, const char *, int, void *);
+static int parse_string_list(Clp_Parser *, const char *, int, void *);
+static int ambiguity_error(Clp_Parser *, int, int *, const Clp_Option *,
+ const Clp_InternOption *, const char *, const char *,
+ ...);
+ * utf8
+ **/
+static char *
+encode_utf8(char *s, int n, int c)
+ if (c < 0 || c >= 0x110000 || (c >= 0xD800 && c <= 0xDFFF))
+ if (c <= 0x7F && n >= 1)
+ *s++ = c;
+ else if (c <= 0x7FF && n >= 2) {
+ *s++ = 0xC0 | (c >> 6);
+ goto char1;
+ } else if (c <= 0xFFFF && n >= 3) {
+ *s++ = 0xE0 | (c >> 12);
+ goto char2;
+ } else if (n >= 4) {
+ *s++ = 0xF0 | (c >> 18);
+ *s++ = 0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3F);
+ char2:
+ *s++ = 0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F);
+ char1:
+ *s++ = 0x80 | (c & 0x3F);
+ }
+ return s;
+static int
+decode_utf8(const char *s, const char **cp)
+ int c;
+ if ((unsigned char) *s <= 0x7F) /* 1 byte: 0x000000-0x00007F */
+ c = *s++;
+ else if ((unsigned char) *s <= 0xC1) /* bad/overlong encoding */
+ goto replacement;
+ else if ((unsigned char) *s <= 0xDF) { /* 2 bytes: 0x000080-0x0007FF */
+ if ((s[1] & 0xC0) != 0x80) /* bad encoding */
+ goto replacement;
+ c = (*s++ & 0x1F) << 6;
+ goto char1;
+ } else if ((unsigned char) *s <= 0xEF) { /* 3 bytes: 0x000800-0x00FFFF */
+ if ((s[1] & 0xC0) != 0x80 /* bad encoding */
+ || (s[2] & 0xC0) != 0x80 /* bad encoding */
+ || ((unsigned char) *s == 0xE0 /* overlong encoding */
+ && (s[1] & 0xE0) == 0x80)
+ || ((unsigned char) *s == 0xED /* encoded surrogate */
+ && (s[1] & 0xE0) == 0xA0))
+ goto replacement;
+ c = (*s++ & 0x0F) << 12;
+ goto char2;
+ } else if ((unsigned char) *s <= 0xF4) { /* 4 bytes: 0x010000-0x10FFFF */
+ if ((s[1] & 0xC0) != 0x80 /* bad encoding */
+ || (s[2] & 0xC0) != 0x80 /* bad encoding */
+ || (s[3] & 0xC0) != 0x80 /* bad encoding */
+ || ((unsigned char) *s == 0xF0 /* overlong encoding */
+ && (s[1] & 0xF0) == 0x80)
+ || ((unsigned char) *s == 0xF4 /* encoded value > 0x10FFFF */
+ && (unsigned char) s[1] >= 0x90))
+ goto replacement;
+ c = (*s++ & 0x07) << 18;
+ c += (*s++ & 0x3F) << 12;
+ char2:
+ c += (*s++ & 0x3F) << 6;
+ char1:
+ c += (*s++ & 0x3F);
+ } else {
+ replacement:
+ for (s++; (*s & 0xC0) == 0x80; s++)
+ /* nothing */;
+ }
+ if (cp)
+ *cp = s;
+ return c;
+static int
+utf8_charlen(const char *s)
+ const char *sout;
+ (void) decode_utf8(s, &sout);
+ return sout - s;
+static int
+clp_utf8_charlen(const Clp_Internal *cli, const char *s)
+ return (cli->utf8 ? utf8_charlen(s) : 1);
+ * Clp_NewParser, etc.
+ **/
+static int
+min_different_chars(const char *s, const char *t)
+ /* Returns the minimum number of bytes required to distinguish
+ s from t.
+ If s is shorter than t, returns strlen(s). */
+ const char *sfirst = s;
+ while (*s && *t && *s == *t)
+ s++, t++;
+ if (!*s)
+ return s - sfirst;
+ else
+ return s - sfirst + 1;
+static int
+long_as_short(const Clp_Internal *cli, const Clp_Option *o,
+ Clp_InternOption *io, int failure)
+ if ((cli->long1pos || cli->long1neg) && io->ilong) {
+ const char *name = o->long_name + io->ilongoff;
+ if (cli->utf8) {
+ int c = decode_utf8(name, &name);
+ if (!*name && c && c != U_REPLACEMENT)
+ return c;
+ } else if (name[0] && !name[1])
+ return (unsigned char) name[0];
+ }
+ return failure;
+static void
+compare_options(Clp_Parser *clp, const Clp_Option *o1, Clp_InternOption *io1,
+ const Clp_Option *o2, Clp_InternOption *io2)
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ int short1, shortx1;
+ /* ignore meaningless combinations */
+ if ((!io1->ishort && !io1->ilong) || (!io2->ishort && !io2->ilong)
+ || !((io1->ipos && io2->ipos) || (io1->ineg && io2->ineg))
+ || o1->option_id == o2->option_id)
+ return;
+ /* look for duplication of short options */
+ short1 = (io1->ishort ? o1->short_name : -1);
+ shortx1 = long_as_short(cli, o1, io1, -2);
+ if (short1 >= 0 || shortx1 >= 0) {
+ int short2 = (io2->ishort ? o2->short_name : -3);
+ int shortx2 = long_as_short(cli, o2, io2, -4);
+ if (short1 == short2)
+ Clp_OptionError(clp, "CLP internal error: more than 1 option has short name %<%c%>", short1);
+ else if ((short1 == shortx2 || shortx1 == short2 || shortx1 == shortx2)
+ && ((io1->ipos && io2->ipos && cli->long1pos)
+ || (io1->ineg && io2->ineg && cli->long1neg)))
+ Clp_OptionError(clp, "CLP internal error: 1-char long name conflicts with short name %<%c%>", (short1 == shortx2 ? shortx2 : shortx1));
+ }
+ /* analyze longest minimum match */
+ if (io1->ilong) {
+ const char *name1 = o1->long_name + io1->ilongoff;
+ /* long name's first character matches short name */
+ if (io2->ishort && !io1->iprefmatch) {
+ int name1char = (cli->utf8 ? decode_utf8(name1, 0) : (unsigned char) *name1);
+ if (name1char == o2->short_name) {
+ if (io1->ipos && io2->ipos)
+ io1->lmmpos_short = 1;
+ if (io1->ineg && io2->ineg)
+ io1->lmmneg_short = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* match long name to long name */
+ if (io2->ilong) {
+ const char *name2 = o2->long_name + io2->ilongoff;
+ if (strcmp(name1, name2) == 0)
+ Clp_OptionError(clp, "CLP internal error: duplicate long name %<%s%>", name1);
+ if (io1->ipos && io2->ipos && !strncmp(name1, name2, io1->lmmpos)
+ && (!io1->iprefmatch || strncmp(name1, name2, strlen(name1))))
+ io1->lmmpos = min_different_chars(name1, name2);
+ if (io1->ineg && io2->ineg && !strncmp(name1, name2, io1->lmmneg)
+ && (!io1->iprefmatch || strncmp(name1, name2, strlen(name1))))
+ io1->lmmneg = min_different_chars(name1, name2);
+ }
+ }
+/** @param argc number of arguments
+ * @param argv argument array
+ * @param nopt number of option definitions
+ * @param opt option definition array
+ * @return the parser
+ *
+ * The new Clp_Parser that will parse the arguments in @a argv according to
+ * the option definitions in @a opt.
+ *
+ * The Clp_Parser is created with the following characteristics:
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>The "-" character introduces short options (<tt>Clp_SetOptionChar(clp,
+ * '-', Clp_Short)</tt>).</li>
+ * <li>Clp_ProgramName is set from the first argument in @a argv, if any. The
+ * first argument returned by Clp_Next() will be the second argument in @a
+ * argv. Note that this behavior differs from Clp_SetArguments.</li>
+ * <li>UTF-8 support is on iff the <tt>LANG</tt> environment variable contains
+ * one of the substrings "UTF-8", "UTF8", or "utf8". Override this with
+ * Clp_SetUTF8().</li>
+ * <li>The Clp_ValString, Clp_ValStringNotOption, Clp_ValInt, Clp_ValUnsigned,
+ * Clp_ValBool, and Clp_ValDouble types are installed.</li>
+ * <li>Errors are reported to standard error.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * You may also create a Clp_Parser with no arguments or options
+ * (<tt>Clp_NewParser(0, 0, 0, 0)</tt>) and set the arguments and options
+ * later.
+ *
+ * Returns NULL if there isn't enough memory to construct the parser.
+ *
+ * @note The CLP library will not modify the contents of @a argv or @a opt.
+ * The calling program must not modify @a opt. It may modify @a argv in
+ * limited cases.
+ */
+Clp_Parser *
+Clp_NewParser(int argc, const char * const *argv, int nopt, const Clp_Option *opt)
+ Clp_Parser *clp = (Clp_Parser *)malloc(sizeof(Clp_Parser));
+ Clp_Internal *cli = (Clp_Internal *)malloc(sizeof(Clp_Internal));
+ Clp_InternOption *iopt = (Clp_InternOption *)malloc(sizeof(Clp_InternOption) * nopt);
+ if (cli)
+ cli->valtype = (Clp_ValType *)malloc(sizeof(Clp_ValType) * Clp_InitialValType);
+ if (!clp || !cli || !iopt || !cli->valtype)
+ goto failed;
+ clp->negated = 0;
+ clp->have_val = 0;
+ clp->vstr = 0;
+ clp->user_data = 0;
+ clp->internal = cli;
+ cli->opt = opt;
+ cli->nopt = nopt;
+ cli->iopt = iopt;
+ cli->opt_generation = 0;
+ cli->error_handler = 0;
+ /* Assign program name (now so we can call Clp_OptionError) */
+ if (argc > 0) {
+ const char *slash = strrchr(argv[0], '/');
+ cli->program_name = slash ? slash + 1 : argv[0];
+ } else
+ cli->program_name = 0;
+ /* Assign arguments, skipping program name */
+ Clp_SetArguments(clp, argc - 1, argv + 1);
+ /* Initialize UTF-8 status and option classes */
+ {
+ char *s = getenv("LANG");
+ cli->utf8 = (s && (strstr(s, "UTF-8") != 0 || strstr(s, "UTF8") != 0
+ || strstr(s, "utf8") != 0));
+ }
+ cli->oclass[0].c = '-';
+ cli->oclass[0].type = Clp_Short;
+ cli->noclass = 1;
+ cli->long1pos = cli->long1neg = 0;
+ /* Add default type parsers */
+ cli->nvaltype = 0;
+ Clp_AddType(clp, Clp_ValString, 0, parse_string, 0);
+ Clp_AddType(clp, Clp_ValStringNotOption, Clp_DisallowOptions, parse_string, 0);
+ Clp_AddType(clp, Clp_ValInt, 0, parse_int, 0);
+ Clp_AddType(clp, Clp_ValUnsigned, 0, parse_int, (void *)cli);
+ Clp_AddType(clp, Clp_ValBool, 0, parse_bool, 0);
+ Clp_AddType(clp, Clp_ValDouble, 0, parse_double, 0);
+ /* Set options */
+ Clp_SetOptions(clp, nopt, opt);
+ return clp;
+ failed:
+ if (cli && cli->valtype)
+ free(cli->valtype);
+ if (cli)
+ free(cli);
+ if (clp)
+ free(clp);
+ if (iopt)
+ free(iopt);
+ return 0;
+/** @param clp the parser
+ *
+ * All memory associated with @a clp is freed. */
+Clp_DeleteParser(Clp_Parser *clp)
+ int i;
+ Clp_Internal *cli;
+ if (!clp)
+ return;
+ cli = clp->internal;
+ /* get rid of any string list types */
+ for (i = 0; i < cli->nvaltype; i++)
+ if (cli->valtype[i].func == parse_string_list) {
+ Clp_StringList *clsl = (Clp_StringList *)cli->valtype[i].user_data;
+ free(clsl->items);
+ free(clsl->iopt);
+ free(clsl);
+ }
+ free(cli->valtype);
+ free(cli->iopt);
+ free(cli);
+ free(clp);
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @param errh error handler function
+ * @return previous error handler function
+ *
+ * The error handler function is called when CLP encounters an error while
+ * parsing the command line. It is called with the arguments "<tt>(*errh)(@a
+ * clp, s)</tt>", where <tt>s</tt> is a description of the error terminated by
+ * a newline. The <tt>s</tt> descriptions produced by CLP itself are prefixed
+ * by the program name, if any. */
+Clp_SetErrorHandler(Clp_Parser *clp, void (*errh)(Clp_Parser *, const char *))
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ Clp_ErrorHandler old = cli->error_handler;
+ cli->error_handler = errh;
+ return old;
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @param utf8 does the parser support UTF-8?
+ * @return previous UTF-8 mode
+ *
+ * In UTF-8 mode, all input strings (arguments and long names for options) are
+ * assumed to be encoded via UTF-8, and all character names
+ * (Clp_SetOptionChar() and short names for options) may cover the whole
+ * Unicode range. Out of UTF-8 mode, all input strings are treated as binary,
+ * and all character names must be unsigned char values.
+ *
+ * Furthermore, error messages in UTF-8 mode may contain Unicode quote
+ * characters. */
+Clp_SetUTF8(Clp_Parser *clp, int utf8)
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ int i, j, old_utf8 = cli->utf8;
+ cli->utf8 = utf8;
+ for (i = 0; i < cli->nopt; ++i) {
+ cli->iopt[i].lmmpos = cli->iopt[i].lmmneg = 1;
+ cli->iopt[i].lmmpos_short = cli->iopt[i].lmmneg_short = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < cli->nopt; ++j)
+ compare_options(clp, &cli->opt[i], &cli->iopt[i],
+ &cli->opt[j], &cli->iopt[j]);
+ }
+ return old_utf8;
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @param c character
+ * @return option character treatment
+ *
+ * Returns an integer specifying how CLP treats arguments that begin
+ * with character @a c. See Clp_SetOptionChar for possibilities.
+ */
+Clp_OptionChar(Clp_Parser *clp, int c)
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ int i, oclass = 0;
+ if (cli->noclass > 0 && cli->oclass[0].c == 0)
+ oclass = cli->oclass[0].type;
+ for (i = 0; i < cli->noclass; ++i)
+ if (cli->oclass[i].c == c)
+ oclass = cli->oclass[i].type;
+ return oclass;
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @param c character
+ * @param type option character treatment
+ * @return previous option character treatment, or -1 on error
+ *
+ * @a type specifies how CLP treats arguments that begin with character @a c.
+ * Possibilities are:
+ *
+ * <dl>
+ * <dt>Clp_NotOption (or 0)</dt>
+ * <dd>The argument cannot be an option.</dd>
+ * <dt>Clp_Long</dt>
+ * <dd>The argument is a long option.</dd>
+ * <dt>Clp_Short</dt>
+ * <dd>The argument is a set of short options.</dd>
+ * <dt>Clp_Short|Clp_Long</dt>
+ * <dd>The argument is either a long option or, if no matching long option is
+ * found, a set of short options.</dd>
+ * <dt>Clp_LongNegated</dt>
+ * <dd>The argument is a negated long option. For example, after
+ * Clp_SetOptionChar(@a clp, '^', Clp_LongNegated), the argument "^foo" is
+ * equivalent to "--no-foo".</dd>
+ * <dt>Clp_ShortNegated</dt>
+ * <dd>The argument is a set of negated short options.</dd>
+ * <dt>Clp_ShortNegated|Clp_LongNegated</dt>
+ * <dd>The argument is either a negated long option or, if no matching long
+ * option is found, a set of negated short options.</dd>
+ * <dt>Clp_LongImplicit</dt>
+ * <dd>The argument may be a long option, where the character @a c is actually
+ * part of the long option name. For example, after Clp_SetOptionChar(@a clp,
+ * 'f', Clp_LongImplicit), the argument "foo" may be equivalent to
+ * "--foo".</dd>
+ * </dl>
+ *
+ * In UTF-8 mode, @a c may be any Unicode character. Otherwise, @a c must be
+ * an unsigned char value. The special character 0 assigns @a type to @em
+ * every character.
+ *
+ * It is an error if @a c is out of range, @a type is illegal, or there are
+ * too many character definitions stored in @a clp already. The function
+ * returns -1 on error.
+ *
+ * A double hyphen "--" always introduces a long option. This behavior cannot
+ * currently be changed with Clp_SetOptionChar().
+ */
+Clp_SetOptionChar(Clp_Parser *clp, int c, int type)
+ int i, j, long1pos, long1neg;
+ int old = Clp_OptionChar(clp, c);
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ if (type != Clp_NotOption && type != Clp_Short && type != Clp_Long
+ && type != Clp_ShortNegated && type != Clp_LongNegated
+ && type != Clp_LongImplicit && type != (Clp_Short | Clp_Long)
+ && type != (Clp_ShortNegated | Clp_LongNegated))
+ return -1;
+ if (c < 0 || c >= (cli->utf8 ? 0x110000 : 256))
+ return -1;
+ if (c == 0)
+ cli->noclass = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < cli->noclass; ++i)
+ if (cli->oclass[i].c == c)
+ break;
+ if (i == Clp_OclassSize)
+ return -1;
+ cli->oclass[i].c = c;
+ cli->oclass[i].type = type;
+ if (cli->noclass == i)
+ cli->noclass = i + 1;
+ long1pos = long1neg = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < cli->noclass; ++i) {
+ if ((cli->oclass[i].type & Clp_Short)
+ && (cli->oclass[i].type & Clp_Long))
+ long1pos = 1;
+ if ((cli->oclass[i].type & Clp_ShortNegated)
+ && (cli->oclass[i].type & Clp_LongNegated))
+ long1neg = 1;
+ }
+ if (long1pos != cli->long1pos || long1neg != cli->long1neg) {
+ /* Must recheck option set */
+ cli->long1pos = long1pos;
+ cli->long1neg = long1neg;
+ for (i = 0; i < cli->nopt; ++i) {
+ cli->iopt[i].lmmpos = cli->iopt[i].lmmneg = 1;
+ cli->iopt[i].lmmpos_short = cli->iopt[i].lmmneg_short = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < cli->nopt; ++j)
+ compare_options(clp, &cli->opt[i], &cli->iopt[i],
+ &cli->opt[j], &cli->iopt[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ return old;
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @param nopt number of option definitions
+ * @param opt option definition array
+ * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ *
+ * Installs the option definitions in @a opt. Future option parsing will
+ * use @a opt to search for options.
+ *
+ * Also checks @a opt's option definitions for validity. "CLP internal
+ * errors" are reported via Clp_OptionError() if:
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>An option has a negative ID.</li>
+ * <li>Two different short options have the same name.</li>
+ * <li>Two different long options have the same name.</li>
+ * <li>A short and a long option are ambiguous, in that some option character
+ * might introduce either a short or a long option (e.g., Clp_SetOptionChar(@a
+ * clp, '-', Clp_Long|Clp_Short)), and a short name equals a long name.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * If necessary memory cannot be allocated, this function returns -1 without
+ * modifying the parser.
+ *
+ * @note The CLP library will not modify the contents of @a argv or @a opt.
+ * The calling program must not modify @a opt either until another call to
+ * Clp_SetOptions() or the parser is destroyed.
+ */
+Clp_SetOptions(Clp_Parser *clp, int nopt, const Clp_Option *opt)
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ Clp_InternOption *iopt;
+ int i, j;
+ static unsigned opt_generation = 0;
+ if (nopt > cli->nopt) {
+ iopt = (Clp_InternOption *)malloc(sizeof(Clp_InternOption) * nopt);
+ if (!iopt)
+ return -1;
+ free(cli->iopt);
+ cli->iopt = iopt;
+ }
+ cli->opt = opt;
+ cli->nopt = nopt;
+ cli->opt_generation = ++opt_generation;
+ iopt = cli->iopt;
+ cli->current_option = -1;
+ /* Massage the options to make them usable */
+ for (i = 0; i < nopt; i++) {
+ /* Ignore negative option_ids, which are internal to CLP */
+ if (opt[i].option_id < 0) {
+ Clp_OptionError(clp, "CLP internal error: option %d has negative option_id", i);
+ iopt[i].ilong = iopt[i].ishort = iopt[i].ipos = iopt[i].ineg = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Set flags based on input flags */
+ iopt[i].ilong = (opt[i].long_name != 0 && opt[i].long_name[0] != 0);
+ iopt[i].ishort = (opt[i].short_name > 0
+ && opt[i].short_name < (cli->utf8 ? 0x110000 : 256));
+ iopt[i].ipos = 1;
+ iopt[i].ineg = (opt[i].flags & Clp_Negate) != 0;
+ iopt[i].imandatory = (opt[i].flags & Clp_Mandatory) != 0;
+ iopt[i].ioptional = (opt[i].flags & Clp_Optional) != 0;
+ iopt[i].iprefmatch = (opt[i].flags & Clp_PreferredMatch) != 0;
+ iopt[i].ilongoff = 0;
+ /* Enforce invariants */
+ if (opt[i].val_type <= 0)
+ iopt[i].imandatory = iopt[i].ioptional = 0;
+ if (opt[i].val_type > 0 && !iopt[i].ioptional)
+ iopt[i].imandatory = 1;
+ /* Options that start with 'no-' should be changed to OnlyNegated */
+ if (iopt[i].ilong && strncmp(opt[i].long_name, "no-", 3) == 0) {
+ iopt[i].ipos = 0;
+ iopt[i].ineg = 1;
+ iopt[i].ilongoff = 3;
+ if (strncmp(opt[i].long_name + 3, "no-", 3) == 0)
+ Clp_OptionError(clp, "CLP internal error: option %d begins with \"no-no-\"", i);
+ } else if (opt[i].flags & Clp_OnlyNegated) {
+ iopt[i].ipos = 0;
+ iopt[i].ineg = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check option set */
+ for (i = 0; i < nopt; ++i) {
+ iopt[i].lmmpos = iopt[i].lmmneg = 1;
+ iopt[i].lmmpos_short = iopt[i].lmmneg_short = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < nopt; ++j)
+ compare_options(clp, &opt[i], &iopt[i], &opt[j], &iopt[j]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @param argc number of arguments
+ * @param argv argument array
+ *
+ * Installs the arguments in @a argv for parsing. Future option parsing will
+ * analyze @a argv.
+ *
+ * Unlike Clp_NewParser(), this function does not treat @a argv[0] specially.
+ * The first subsequent call to Clp_Next() will analyze @a argv[0].
+ *
+ * This function also sets option processing to on, as by
+ * Clp_SetOptionProcessing(@a clp, 1).
+ *
+ * @note The CLP library will not modify the contents of @a argv. The calling
+ * program should not generally modify the element of @a argv that CLP is
+ * currently analyzing.
+ */
+Clp_SetArguments(Clp_Parser *clp, int argc, const char * const *argv)
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ cli->argc = argc + 1;
+ cli->argv = argv - 1;
+ cli->is_short = 0;
+ cli->whole_negated = 0;
+ cli->option_processing = 1;
+ cli->current_option = -1;
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @param on whether to search for options
+ * @return previous option processing setting
+ *
+ * When option processing is off, every call to Clp_Next() returns
+ * Clp_NotOption. By default the option <tt>"--"</tt> turns off option
+ * processing and is otherwise ignored.
+ */
+Clp_SetOptionProcessing(Clp_Parser *clp, int on)
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ int old = cli->option_processing;
+ cli->option_processing = on;
+ return old;
+ * functions for Clp_Option lists
+ **/
+/* the ever-glorious argcmp */
+static int
+argcmp(const char *ref, const char *arg, int min_match, int fewer_dashes)
+ /* Returns 0 if ref and arg don't match.
+ Returns -1 if ref and arg match, but fewer than min_match characters.
+ Returns len if ref and arg match min_match or more characters;
+ len is the number of characters that matched in arg.
+ Allows arg to contain fewer dashes than ref iff fewer_dashes != 0.
+ Examples:
+ argcmp("x", "y", 1, 0) --> 0 / just plain wrong
+ argcmp("a", "ax", 1, 0) --> 0 / ...even though min_match == 1
+ and the 1st chars match
+ argcmp("box", "bo", 3, 0) --> -1 / ambiguous
+ argcmp("cat", "c=3", 1, 0) --> 1 / handles = arguments
+ */
+ const char *refstart = ref;
+ const char *argstart = arg;
+ assert(min_match > 0);
+ compare:
+ while (*ref && *arg && *arg != '=' && *ref == *arg)
+ ref++, arg++;
+ /* Allow arg to contain fewer dashes than ref */
+ if (fewer_dashes && *ref == '-' && ref[1] && ref[1] == *arg) {
+ ref++;
+ goto compare;
+ }
+ if (*arg && *arg != '=')
+ return 0;
+ else if (ref - refstart < min_match)
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return arg - argstart;
+static int
+find_prefix_opt(Clp_Parser *clp, const char *arg,
+ int nopt, const Clp_Option *opt,
+ const Clp_InternOption *iopt,
+ int *ambiguous, int *ambiguous_values)
+ /* Looks for an unambiguous match of 'arg' against one of the long
+ options in 'opt'. Returns positive if it finds one; otherwise, returns
+ -1 and possibly changes 'ambiguous' and 'ambiguous_values' to keep
+ track of at most MAX_AMBIGUOUS_VALUES possibilities. */
+ int i, fewer_dashes = 0, first_ambiguous = *ambiguous;
+ int negated = clp && clp->negated;
+ int first_charlen = (clp ? clp_utf8_charlen(clp->internal, arg) : 1);
+ retry:
+ for (i = 0; i < nopt; i++) {
+ int len, lmm;
+ if (!iopt[i].ilong || (negated ? !iopt[i].ineg : !iopt[i].ipos))
+ continue;
+ lmm = (negated ? iopt[i].lmmneg : iopt[i].lmmpos);
+ if (clp && clp->internal->could_be_short
+ && (negated ? iopt[i].lmmneg_short : iopt[i].lmmpos_short))
+ lmm = (first_charlen >= lmm ? first_charlen + 1 : lmm);
+ len = argcmp(opt[i].long_name + iopt[i].ilongoff, arg, lmm, fewer_dashes);
+ if (len > 0)
+ return i;
+ else if (len < 0) {
+ if (*ambiguous < MAX_AMBIGUOUS_VALUES)
+ ambiguous_values[*ambiguous] = i;
+ (*ambiguous)++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If there were no partial matches, try again with fewer_dashes true */
+ if (*ambiguous == first_ambiguous && !fewer_dashes) {
+ fewer_dashes = 1;
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ * Argument parsing
+ **/
+static int
+val_type_binsearch(Clp_Internal *cli, int val_type)
+ unsigned l = 0, r = cli->nvaltype;
+ while (l < r) {
+ unsigned m = l + (r - l) / 2;
+ if (cli->valtype[m].val_type == val_type)
+ return m;
+ else if (cli->valtype[m].val_type < val_type)
+ l = m + 1;
+ else
+ r = m;
+ }
+ return l;
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @param val_type value type ID
+ * @param flags value type flags
+ * @param parser parser function
+ * @param user_data user data for @a parser function
+ * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ *
+ * Defines argument type @a val_type in parser @a clp. The parsing function
+ * @a parser will be passed argument values for type @a val_type. It should
+ * parse the argument into values (usually in @a clp->val, but sometimes
+ * elsewhere), report errors if necessary, and return whether the parse was
+ * successful.
+ *
+ * Any prior argument parser match @a val_type is removed. @a val_type must
+ * be greater than zero.
+ *
+ * @a flags specifies additional parsing flags. At the moment the only
+ * relevant flag is Clp_DisallowOptions, which means that separated values
+ * must not look like options. For example, assume argument
+ * <tt>--a</tt>/<tt>-a</tt> has mandatory value type Clp_ValStringNotOption
+ * (which has Clp_DisallowOptions). Then:
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li><tt>--a=--b</tt> will parse with value <tt>--b</tt>.</li>
+ * <li><tt>-a--b</tt> will parse with value <tt>--b</tt>.</li>
+ * <li><tt>--a --b</tt> will not parse, since the mandatory value looks like
+ * an option.</li>
+ * <li><tt>-a --b</tt> will not parse, since the mandatory value looks like
+ * an option.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ */
+Clp_AddType(Clp_Parser *clp, int val_type, int flags,
+ Clp_ValParseFunc parser, void *user_data)
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ int vtpos;
+ if (val_type <= 0 || !parser)
+ return -1;
+ vtpos = val_type_binsearch(cli, val_type);
+ if (vtpos == cli->nvaltype || cli->valtype[vtpos].val_type != val_type) {
+ if (cli->nvaltype != 0 && (cli->nvaltype % Clp_InitialValType) == 0) {
+ Clp_ValType *new_valtype =
+ (Clp_ValType *) realloc(cli->valtype, sizeof(Clp_ValType) * (cli->nvaltype + Clp_InitialValType));
+ if (!new_valtype)
+ return -1;
+ cli->valtype = new_valtype;
+ }
+ memmove(&cli->valtype[vtpos + 1], &cli->valtype[vtpos],
+ sizeof(Clp_ValType) * (cli->nvaltype - vtpos));
+ cli->nvaltype++;
+ cli->valtype[vtpos].func = 0;
+ }
+ if (cli->valtype[vtpos].func == parse_string_list) {
+ Clp_StringList *clsl = (Clp_StringList *) cli->valtype[vtpos].user_data;
+ free(clsl->items);
+ free(clsl->iopt);
+ free(clsl);
+ }
+ cli->valtype[vtpos].val_type = val_type;
+ cli->valtype[vtpos].func = parser;
+ cli->valtype[vtpos].flags = flags;
+ cli->valtype[vtpos].user_data = user_data;
+ return 0;
+ * Default argument parsers
+ **/
+static int
+parse_string(Clp_Parser *clp, const char *arg, int complain, void *user_data)
+ (void)complain, (void)user_data;
+ clp->val.s = arg;
+ return 1;
+static int
+parse_int(Clp_Parser *clp, const char *arg, int complain, void *user_data)
+ const char *val;
+ char *temp;
+ if (*arg == 0 || isspace((unsigned char) *arg)
+ || (user_data != 0 && *arg == '-'))
+ val = arg;
+ else if (user_data != 0) { /* unsigned */
+ clp->val.u = strtoul(arg, &temp, 0);
+ val = temp;
+ /* don't bother really trying to do it right */
+ if (arg[0] == '-')
+ val = arg;
+ else {
+ clp->val.u = strtol(arg, &temp, 0);
+ val = temp;
+ }
+ } else {
+ clp->val.i = strtol(arg, &temp, 0);
+ val = temp;
+ }
+ if (*arg != 0 && *val == 0)
+ return 1;
+ else if (complain) {
+ const char *message = user_data != 0
+ ? "%<%O%> expects a nonnegative integer, not %<%s%>"
+ : "%<%O%> expects an integer, not %<%s%>";
+ return Clp_OptionError(clp, message, arg);
+ } else
+ return 0;
+static int
+parse_double(Clp_Parser *clp, const char *arg, int complain, void *user_data)
+ const char *val;
+ char *temp;
+ (void)user_data;
+ if (*arg == 0 || isspace((unsigned char) *arg))
+ val = arg;
+ else {
+ clp->val.d = strtod(arg, &temp);
+ val = temp;
+ }
+ if (*arg != 0 && *val == 0)
+ return 1;
+ else if (complain)
+ return Clp_OptionError(clp, "%<%O%> expects a real number, not %<%s%>", arg);
+ else
+ return 0;
+static int
+parse_bool(Clp_Parser *clp, const char *arg, int complain, void *user_data)
+ int i;
+ char lcarg[6];
+ (void)user_data;
+ if (strlen(arg) > 5 || strchr(arg, '=') != 0)
+ goto error;
+ for (i = 0; arg[i] != 0; i++)
+ lcarg[i] = tolower((unsigned char) arg[i]);
+ lcarg[i] = 0;
+ if (argcmp("yes", lcarg, 1, 0) > 0
+ || argcmp("true", lcarg, 1, 0) > 0
+ || argcmp("1", lcarg, 1, 0) > 0) {
+ clp->val.i = 1;
+ return 1;
+ } else if (argcmp("no", lcarg, 1, 0) > 0
+ || argcmp("false", lcarg, 1, 0) > 0
+ || argcmp("1", lcarg, 1, 0) > 0) {
+ clp->val.i = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ error:
+ if (complain)
+ Clp_OptionError(clp, "%<%O%> expects a true-or-false value, not %<%s%>", arg);
+ return 0;
+ * Clp_AddStringListType
+ **/
+static int
+parse_string_list(Clp_Parser *clp, const char *arg, int complain, void *user_data)
+ Clp_StringList *sl = (Clp_StringList *)user_data;
+ int idx, ambiguous = 0;
+ int ambiguous_values[MAX_AMBIGUOUS_VALUES + 1];
+ /* actually look for a string value */
+ idx = find_prefix_opt
+ (0, arg, sl->nitems, sl->items, sl->iopt,
+ &ambiguous, ambiguous_values);
+ if (idx >= 0) {
+ clp->val.i = sl->items[idx].option_id;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (sl->allow_int) {
+ if (parse_int(clp, arg, 0, 0))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (complain) {
+ const char *complaint = (ambiguous ? "ambiguous" : "invalid");
+ if (!ambiguous) {
+ ambiguous = sl->nitems_invalid_report;
+ for (idx = 0; idx < ambiguous; idx++)
+ ambiguous_values[idx] = idx;
+ }
+ return ambiguity_error
+ (clp, ambiguous, ambiguous_values, sl->items, sl->iopt,
+ "", "option %<%O%> value %<%s%> is %s", arg, complaint);
+ } else
+ return 0;
+static int
+finish_string_list(Clp_Parser *clp, int val_type, int flags,
+ Clp_Option *items, int nitems, int itemscap)
+ int i, j;
+ Clp_StringList *clsl = (Clp_StringList *)malloc(sizeof(Clp_StringList));
+ Clp_InternOption *iopt = (Clp_InternOption *)malloc(sizeof(Clp_InternOption) * nitems);
+ if (!clsl || !iopt)
+ goto error;
+ clsl->items = items;
+ clsl->iopt = iopt;
+ clsl->nitems = nitems;
+ clsl->allow_int = (flags & Clp_AllowNumbers) != 0;
+ if (nitems < MAX_AMBIGUOUS_VALUES && nitems < itemscap && clsl->allow_int) {
+ items[nitems].long_name = "any integer";
+ clsl->nitems_invalid_report = nitems + 1;
+ } else if (nitems > MAX_AMBIGUOUS_VALUES + 1)
+ clsl->nitems_invalid_report = MAX_AMBIGUOUS_VALUES + 1;
+ else
+ clsl->nitems_invalid_report = nitems;
+ for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++) {
+ iopt[i].ilong = iopt[i].ipos = 1;
+ iopt[i].ishort = iopt[i].ineg = iopt[i].ilongoff = iopt[i].iprefmatch = 0;
+ iopt[i].lmmpos = 1;
+ iopt[i].lmmpos_short = 0;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < nitems; j++)
+ compare_options(clp, &items[i], &iopt[i], &items[j], &iopt[j]);
+ if (Clp_AddType(clp, val_type, 0, parse_string_list, clsl) >= 0)
+ return 0;
+ error:
+ if (clsl)
+ free(clsl);
+ if (iopt)
+ free(iopt);
+ return -1;
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @param val_type value type ID
+ * @param flags string list flags
+ * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ *
+ * Defines argument type @a val_type in parser @a clp. The parsing function
+ * sets @a clp->val.i to an integer. The value string is matched against
+ * strings provided in the ellipsis arguments. For example, the
+ * Clp_AddStringListType() call below has the same effect as the
+ * Clp_AddStringListTypeVec() call:
+ *
+ * For example:
+ * @code
+ * Clp_AddStringListType(clp, 100, Clp_AllowNumbers, "cat", 1,
+ * "cattle", 2, "dog", 3, (const char *) NULL);
+ *
+ * const char * const strs[] = { "cat", "cattle", "dog" };
+ * const int vals[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+ * Clp_AddStringListTypeVec(clp, 100, Clp_AllowNumbers, 3, strs, vals);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @note The CLP library will not modify any of the passed-in strings. The
+ * calling program must not modify or free them either until the parser is
+ * destroyed.
+ */
+Clp_AddStringListType(Clp_Parser *clp, int val_type, int flags, ...)
+ int nitems = 0;
+ int itemscap = 5;
+ Clp_Option *items = (Clp_Option *)malloc(sizeof(Clp_Option) * itemscap);
+ va_list val;
+ va_start(val, flags);
+ if (!items)
+ goto error;
+ /* slurp up the arguments */
+ while (1) {
+ int value;
+ char *name = va_arg(val, char *);
+ if (!name)
+ break;
+ value = va_arg(val, int);
+ if (nitems >= itemscap) {
+ Clp_Option *new_items;
+ itemscap *= 2;
+ new_items = (Clp_Option *)realloc(items, sizeof(Clp_Option) * itemscap);
+ if (!new_items)
+ goto error;
+ items = new_items;
+ }
+ items[nitems].long_name = name;
+ items[nitems].option_id = value;
+ items[nitems].flags = 0;
+ nitems++;
+ }
+ va_end(val);
+ if (finish_string_list(clp, val_type, flags, items, nitems, itemscap) >= 0)
+ return 0;
+ error:
+ va_end(val);
+ if (items)
+ free(items);
+ return -1;
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @param val_type value type ID
+ * @param flags string list flags
+ * @param nstrs number of strings in list
+ * @param strs array of strings
+ * @param vals array of values
+ * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ *
+ * Defines argument type @a val_type in parser @a clp. The parsing function
+ * sets @a clp->val.i to an integer. The value string is matched against the
+ * @a strs. If there's a unique match, the corresponding entry from @a vals
+ * is returned. Unique prefix matches also work. Finally, if @a flags
+ * contains the Clp_AllowNumbers flag, then integers are also accepted.
+ *
+ * For example:
+ * @code
+ * const char * const strs[] = { "cat", "cattle", "dog" };
+ * const int vals[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
+ * Clp_AddStringListTypeVec(clp, 100, Clp_AllowNumbers, 3, strs, vals);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * Say that option <tt>--animal</tt> takes value type 100. Then:
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li><tt>--animal=cat</tt> will succeed and set @a clp->val.i = 1.</li>
+ * <li><tt>--animal=cattle</tt> will succeed and set @a clp->val.i = 2.</li>
+ * <li><tt>--animal=dog</tt> will succeed and set @a clp->val.i = 3.</li>
+ * <li><tt>--animal=d</tt> will succeed and set @a clp->val.i = 3.</li>
+ * <li><tt>--animal=c</tt> will fail, since <tt>c</tt> is ambiguous.</li>
+ * <li><tt>--animal=4</tt> will succeed and set @a clp->val.i = 4.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @note The CLP library will not modify the contents of @a strs or @a vals.
+ * The calling program can modify the @a strs array, but the actual strings
+ * (for instance, @a strs[0] and @a strs[1]) must not be modified or freed
+ * until the parser is destroyed.
+ */
+Clp_AddStringListTypeVec(Clp_Parser *clp, int val_type, int flags,
+ int nstrs, const char * const *strs,
+ const int *vals)
+ /* An alternate way to make a string list type. See Clp_AddStringListType
+ for the basics; this coalesces the strings and values into two arrays,
+ rather than spreading them out into a variable argument list. */
+ int i;
+ int itemscap = (nstrs < 5 ? 5 : nstrs);
+ Clp_Option *items = (Clp_Option *)malloc(sizeof(Clp_Option) * itemscap);
+ if (!items)
+ return -1;
+ /* copy over items */
+ for (i = 0; i < nstrs; i++) {
+ items[i].long_name = strs[i];
+ items[i].option_id = vals[i];
+ items[i].flags = 0;
+ }
+ if (finish_string_list(clp, val_type, flags, items, nstrs, itemscap) >= 0)
+ return 0;
+ else {
+ free(items);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ * Returning information
+ **/
+const char *
+Clp_ProgramName(Clp_Parser *clp)
+ return clp->internal->program_name;
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @param name new program name
+ * @return previous program name
+ *
+ * The calling program should not modify or free @a name until @a clp itself
+ * is destroyed. */
+const char *
+Clp_SetProgramName(Clp_Parser *clp, const char *name)
+ const char *old = clp->internal->program_name;
+ clp->internal->program_name = name;
+ return old;
+ * Clp_ParserStates
+ **/
+/** @return the parser state
+ *
+ * A Clp_ParserState object can store a parsing state of a Clp_Parser object.
+ * This state specifies exactly how far the Clp_Parser has gotten in parsing
+ * an argument list. The Clp_SaveParser() and Clp_RestoreParser() functions
+ * can be used to save this state and then restore it later, allowing a
+ * Clp_Parser to switch among argument lists.
+ *
+ * The initial state is empty, in that after Clp_RestoreParser(clp, state),
+ * Clp_Next(clp) would return Clp_Done.
+ *
+ * Parser states can be saved and restored among different parser objects.
+ *
+ * @sa Clp_DeleteParserState, Clp_SaveParser, Clp_RestoreParser
+ */
+Clp_ParserState *
+ Clp_ParserState *state = (Clp_ParserState *)malloc(sizeof(Clp_ParserState));
+ if (state) {
+ state->argv = 0;
+ state->argc = 0;
+ state->option_chars[0] = 0;
+ state->xtext = 0;
+ state->option_processing = 0;
+ state->opt_generation = 0;
+ state->current_option = -1;
+ state->is_short = 0;
+ state->whole_negated = 0;
+ state->current_short = 0;
+ state->negated_by_no = 0;
+ }
+ return state;
+/** @param state parser state
+ *
+ * The memory associated with @a state is freed.
+ */
+Clp_DeleteParserState(Clp_ParserState *state)
+ free(state);
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @param state parser state
+ * @sa Clp_NewParserState, Clp_RestoreParser
+ */
+Clp_SaveParser(const Clp_Parser *clp, Clp_ParserState *state)
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ state->argv = cli->argv;
+ state->argc = cli->argc;
+ memcpy(state->option_chars, cli->option_chars, Clp_OptionCharsSize);
+ state->xtext = cli->xtext;
+ state->option_processing = cli->option_processing;
+ state->opt_generation = cli->opt_generation;
+ state->current_option = cli->current_option;
+ state->is_short = cli->is_short;
+ state->whole_negated = cli->whole_negated;
+ state->current_short = cli->current_short;
+ state->negated_by_no = cli->negated_by_no;
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @param state parser state
+ *
+ * The parser state in @a state is restored into @a clp. The next call to
+ * Clp_Next() will return the same result as it would have at the time @a
+ * state was saved (probably by Clp_SaveParser(@a clp, @a state)).
+ *
+ * A parser state contains information about arguments (argc and argv; see
+ * Clp_SetArguments()) and option processing (Clp_SetOptionProcessing()), but
+ * not about options (Clp_SetOptions()). Changes to options and value types
+ * are preserved across Clp_RestoreParser().
+ *
+ * @sa Clp_NewParserState, Clp_SaveParser
+ */
+Clp_RestoreParser(Clp_Parser *clp, const Clp_ParserState *state)
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ cli->argv = state->argv;
+ cli->argc = state->argc;
+ memcpy(cli->option_chars, state->option_chars, Clp_OptionCharsSize);
+ cli->xtext = state->xtext;
+ cli->option_processing = state->option_processing;
+ cli->is_short = state->is_short;
+ cli->whole_negated = state->whole_negated;
+ cli->current_short = state->current_short;
+ cli->negated_by_no = state->negated_by_no;
+ if (cli->opt_generation == state->opt_generation)
+ cli->current_option = state->current_option;
+ else
+ cli->current_option = -1;
+ * Clp_Next and its helpers
+ **/
+static void
+set_option_text(Clp_Internal *cli, const char *text, int n_option_chars)
+ assert(n_option_chars < Clp_OptionCharsSize);
+ memcpy(cli->option_chars, text, n_option_chars);
+ cli->option_chars[n_option_chars] = 0;
+ cli->xtext = text + n_option_chars;
+static int
+get_oclass(Clp_Parser *clp, const char *text, int *ocharskip)
+ int c;
+ if (clp->internal->utf8) {
+ const char *s;
+ c = decode_utf8(text, &s);
+ *ocharskip = s - text;
+ } else {
+ c = (unsigned char) text[0];
+ *ocharskip = 1;
+ }
+ return Clp_OptionChar(clp, c);
+static int
+next_argument(Clp_Parser *clp, int want_argument)
+ /* Moves clp to the next argument.
+ Returns 1 if it finds another option.
+ Returns 0 if there aren't any more arguments.
+ Returns 0, sets clp->have_val = 1, and sets clp->vstr to the argument
+ if the next argument isn't an option.
+ If want_argument > 0, it'll look for an argument.
+ want_argument == 1: Accept arguments that start with Clp_NotOption
+ or Clp_LongImplicit.
+ want_argument == 2: Accept ALL arguments.
+ Where is the option stored when this returns?
+ Well, cli->argv[0] holds the whole of the next command line argument.
+ cli->option_chars holds a string: what characters began the option?
+ It is generally "-" or "--".
+ cli->text holds the text of the option:
+ for short options, cli->text[0] is the relevant character;
+ for long options, cli->text holds the rest of the option. */
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ const char *text;
+ int oclass, ocharskip;
+ /* clear relevant flags */
+ clp->have_val = 0;
+ clp->vstr = 0;
+ cli->could_be_short = 0;
+ /* if we're in a string of short options, move up one char in the string */
+ if (cli->is_short) {
+ cli->xtext += clp_utf8_charlen(cli, cli->xtext);
+ if (cli->xtext[0] == 0)
+ cli->is_short = 0;
+ else if (want_argument > 0) {
+ /* handle -O[=]argument case */
+ clp->have_val = 1;
+ if (cli->xtext[0] == '=')
+ clp->vstr = cli->xtext + 1;
+ else
+ clp->vstr = cli->xtext;
+ cli->is_short = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if in short options, we're all set */
+ if (cli->is_short)
+ return 1;
+ /** if not in short options, move to the next argument **/
+ cli->whole_negated = 0;
+ cli->xtext = 0;
+ if (cli->argc <= 1)
+ return 0;
+ cli->argc--;
+ cli->argv++;
+ text = cli->argv[0];
+ if (want_argument > 1)
+ goto not_option;
+ if (text[0] == '-' && text[1] == '-') {
+ oclass = Clp_DoubledLong;
+ ocharskip = 2;
+ } else
+ oclass = get_oclass(clp, text, &ocharskip);
+ /* If this character could introduce either a short or a long option,
+ try a long option first, but remember that short's a possibility for
+ later. */
+ if ((oclass & (Clp_Short | Clp_ShortNegated))
+ && (oclass & (Clp_Long | Clp_LongNegated))) {
+ oclass &= ~(Clp_Short | Clp_ShortNegated);
+ if (text[ocharskip])
+ cli->could_be_short = 1;
+ }
+ switch (oclass) {
+ case Clp_Short:
+ cli->is_short = 1;
+ goto check_singleton;
+ case Clp_ShortNegated:
+ cli->is_short = 1;
+ cli->whole_negated = 1;
+ goto check_singleton;
+ case Clp_Long:
+ goto check_singleton;
+ case Clp_LongNegated:
+ cli->whole_negated = 1;
+ goto check_singleton;
+ check_singleton:
+ /* For options introduced with one character, option-char,
+ '[option-char]' alone is NOT an option. */
+ if (!text[ocharskip])
+ goto not_option;
+ set_option_text(cli, text, ocharskip);
+ break;
+ case Clp_LongImplicit:
+ /* LongImplict: option_chars == "" (since all chars are part of the
+ option); restore head -> text of option */
+ if (want_argument > 0)
+ goto not_option;
+ set_option_text(cli, text, 0);
+ break;
+ case Clp_DoubledLong:
+ set_option_text(cli, text, ocharskip);
+ break;
+ not_option:
+ case Clp_NotOption:
+ cli->is_short = 0;
+ clp->have_val = 1;
+ clp->vstr = text;
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ assert(0 /* CLP misconfiguration: bad option type */);
+ }
+ return 1;
+static void
+switch_to_short_argument(Clp_Parser *clp)
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ const char *text = cli->argv[0];
+ int ocharskip, oclass = get_oclass(clp, text, &ocharskip);
+ assert(cli->could_be_short);
+ cli->is_short = 1;
+ cli->whole_negated = (oclass & Clp_ShortNegated ? 1 : 0);
+ set_option_text(cli, cli->argv[0], ocharskip);
+static int
+find_long(Clp_Parser *clp, const char *arg)
+ /* If arg corresponds to one of clp's options, finds that option &
+ returns it. If any argument is given after an = sign in arg, sets
+ clp->have_val = 1 and clp->vstr to that argument. Sets cli->ambiguous
+ to 1 iff there was no match because the argument was ambiguous. */
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ int optno, len, lmm;
+ const Clp_Option *opt = cli->opt;
+ const Clp_InternOption *iopt;
+ int first_negative_ambiguous;
+ /* Look for a normal option. */
+ optno = find_prefix_opt
+ (clp, arg, cli->nopt, opt, cli->iopt,
+ &cli->ambiguous, cli->ambiguous_values);
+ if (optno >= 0)
+ goto worked;
+ /* If we can't find it, look for a negated option. */
+ /* I know this is silly, but it makes me happy to accept
+ --no-no-option as a double negative synonym for --option. :) */
+ first_negative_ambiguous = cli->ambiguous;
+ while (arg[0] == 'n' && arg[1] == 'o' && arg[2] == '-') {
+ arg += 3;
+ clp->negated = !clp->negated;
+ optno = find_prefix_opt
+ (clp, arg, cli->nopt, opt, cli->iopt,
+ &cli->ambiguous, cli->ambiguous_values);
+ if (optno >= 0)
+ goto worked;
+ }
+ /* No valid option was found; return 0. Mark the ambiguous values found
+ through '--no' by making them negative. */
+ {
+ int i, max = cli->ambiguous;
+ for (i = first_negative_ambiguous; i < max; i++)
+ cli->ambiguous_values[i] = -cli->ambiguous_values[i] - 1;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ worked:
+ iopt = &cli->iopt[optno];
+ lmm = (clp->negated ? iopt->lmmneg : iopt->lmmpos);
+ if (cli->could_be_short
+ && (clp->negated ? iopt->lmmneg_short : iopt->lmmpos_short)) {
+ int first_charlen = clp_utf8_charlen(cli, arg);
+ lmm = (first_charlen >= lmm ? first_charlen + 1 : lmm);
+ }
+ len = argcmp(opt[optno].long_name + iopt->ilongoff, arg, lmm, 1);
+ assert(len > 0);
+ if (arg[len] == '=') {
+ clp->have_val = 1;
+ clp->vstr = arg + len + 1;
+ }
+ return optno;
+static int
+find_short(Clp_Parser *clp, const char *text)
+ /* If short_name corresponds to one of clp's options, returns it. */
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ const Clp_Option *opt = cli->opt;
+ const Clp_InternOption *iopt = cli->iopt;
+ int i, c;
+ if (clp->internal->utf8)
+ c = decode_utf8(text, 0);
+ else
+ c = (unsigned char) *text;
+ for (i = 0; i < cli->nopt; i++)
+ if (iopt[i].ishort && opt[i].short_name == c
+ && (clp->negated ? iopt[i].ineg : iopt[i].ipos))
+ return i;
+ return -1;
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @return option ID of next option
+ *
+ * Parse the next argument from the argument list, store information about
+ * that argument in the fields of @a clp, and return the option's ID.
+ *
+ * If an argument was successfully parsed, that option's ID is returned.
+ * Other possible return values are:
+ *
+ * <dl>
+ * <dt>Clp_Done</dt>
+ * <dd>There are no more arguments.</dd>
+ * <dt>Clp_NotOption</dt>
+ * <dd>The next argument was not an option. The argument's text is @a
+ * clp->vstr (and @a clp->val.s).</dd>
+ * <dt>Clp_BadOption</dt>
+ * <dd>The next argument was a bad option: either an option that wasn't
+ * understood, or an option lacking a required value, or an option whose value
+ * couldn't be parsed. The option has been skipped.</dd>
+ * <dt>Clp_Error</dt>
+ * <dd>There was an internal error. This should never occur unless a user
+ * messes with, for example, a Clp_Option array.</dd>
+ * </dl>
+ *
+ * The fields of @a clp are set as follows.
+ *
+ * <dl>
+ * <dt><tt>negated</tt></dt>
+ * <dd>1 if the option was negated, 0 if it wasn't.</dd>
+ * <dt><tt>have_val</tt></dt>
+ * <dd>1 if the option had a value, 0 if it didn't. Note that negated options
+ * are not allowed to have values.</dd>
+ * <dt><tt>vstr</tt></dt>
+ * <dd>The value string, if any. NULL if there was no value.</dd>
+ * <dt><tt>val</tt></dt>
+ * <dd>An option's value type will parse the value string into this
+ * union.</dd>
+ * </dl>
+ *
+ * The parsed argument is shifted off the argument list, so that sequential
+ * calls to Clp_Next() step through the arugment list.
+ */
+Clp_Next(Clp_Parser *clp)
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ int optno;
+ const Clp_Option *opt;
+ Clp_ParserState clpsave;
+ int vtpos, complain;
+ /* Set up clp */
+ cli->current_option = -1;
+ cli->ambiguous = 0;
+ /* Get the next argument or option */
+ if (!next_argument(clp, cli->option_processing ? 0 : 2)) {
+ clp->val.s = clp->vstr;
+ return clp->have_val ? Clp_NotOption : Clp_Done;
+ }
+ clp->negated = cli->whole_negated;
+ if (cli->is_short)
+ optno = find_short(clp, cli->xtext);
+ else
+ optno = find_long(clp, cli->xtext);
+ /* If there's ambiguity between long & short options, and we couldn't
+ find a long option, look for a short option */
+ if (optno < 0 && cli->could_be_short) {
+ switch_to_short_argument(clp);
+ optno = find_short(clp, cli->xtext);
+ }
+ /* If we didn't find an option... */
+ if (optno < 0 || (clp->negated && !cli->iopt[optno].ineg)) {
+ /* default processing for the "--" option: turn off option processing
+ and return the next argument */
+ if (strcmp(cli->argv[0], "--") == 0) {
+ Clp_SetOptionProcessing(clp, 0);
+ return Clp_Next(clp);
+ }
+ /* otherwise, report some error or other */
+ if (cli->ambiguous)
+ ambiguity_error(clp, cli->ambiguous, cli->ambiguous_values,
+ cli->opt, cli->iopt, cli->option_chars,
+ "option %<%s%s%> is ambiguous",
+ cli->option_chars, cli->xtext);
+ else if (cli->is_short && !cli->could_be_short)
+ Clp_OptionError(clp, "unrecognized option %<%s%C%>",
+ cli->option_chars, cli->xtext);
+ else
+ Clp_OptionError(clp, "unrecognized option %<%s%s%>",
+ cli->option_chars, cli->xtext);
+ return Clp_BadOption;
+ }
+ /* Set the current option */
+ cli->current_option = optno;
+ cli->current_short = cli->is_short;
+ cli->negated_by_no = clp->negated && !cli->whole_negated;
+ /* The no-argument (or should-have-no-argument) case */
+ if (clp->negated
+ || (!cli->iopt[optno].imandatory && !cli->iopt[optno].ioptional)) {
+ if (clp->have_val) {
+ Clp_OptionError(clp, "%<%O%> can%,t take an argument");
+ return Clp_BadOption;
+ } else
+ return cli->opt[optno].option_id;
+ }
+ /* Get an argument if we need one, or if it's optional */
+ /* Sanity-check the argument type. */
+ opt = &cli->opt[optno];
+ if (opt->val_type <= 0)
+ return Clp_Error;
+ vtpos = val_type_binsearch(cli, opt->val_type);
+ if (vtpos == cli->nvaltype || cli->valtype[vtpos].val_type != opt->val_type)
+ return Clp_Error;
+ /* complain == 1 only if the argument was explicitly given,
+ or it is mandatory. */
+ complain = (clp->have_val != 0) || cli->iopt[optno].imandatory;
+ Clp_SaveParser(clp, &clpsave);
+ if (cli->iopt[optno].imandatory && !clp->have_val) {
+ /* Mandatory argument case */
+ /* Allow arguments to options to start with a dash, but only if the
+ argument type allows it by not setting Clp_DisallowOptions */
+ int disallow = (cli->valtype[vtpos].flags & Clp_DisallowOptions) != 0;
+ next_argument(clp, disallow ? 1 : 2);
+ if (!clp->have_val) {
+ int got_option = cli->xtext != 0;
+ Clp_RestoreParser(clp, &clpsave);
+ if (got_option)
+ Clp_OptionError(clp, "%<%O%> requires a non-option argument");
+ else
+ Clp_OptionError(clp, "%<%O%> requires an argument");
+ return Clp_BadOption;
+ }
+ } else if (cli->is_short && !clp->have_val
+ && cli->xtext[clp_utf8_charlen(cli, cli->xtext)])
+ /* The -[option]argument case:
+ Assume that the rest of the current string is the argument. */
+ next_argument(clp, 1);
+ /* Parse the argument */
+ if (clp->have_val) {
+ Clp_ValType *atr = &cli->valtype[vtpos];
+ if (atr->func(clp, clp->vstr, complain, atr->user_data) <= 0) {
+ /* parser failed */
+ clp->have_val = 0;
+ if (cli->iopt[optno].imandatory)
+ return Clp_BadOption;
+ else
+ Clp_RestoreParser(clp, &clpsave);
+ }
+ }
+ return opt->option_id;
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @param allow_options whether options will be allowed
+ *
+ * Remove and return the next argument from @a clp's argument array. If there
+ * are no arguments left, or if the next argument is an option and @a
+ * allow_options != 0, then returns null.
+ */
+const char *
+Clp_Shift(Clp_Parser *clp, int allow_options)
+ /* Returns the next argument from the argument list without parsing it.
+ If there are no more arguments, returns 0. */
+ Clp_ParserState clpsave;
+ Clp_SaveParser(clp, &clpsave);
+ next_argument(clp, allow_options ? 2 : 1);
+ if (!clp->have_val)
+ Clp_RestoreParser(clp, &clpsave);
+ return clp->vstr;
+ * Clp_OptionError
+ **/
+typedef struct Clp_BuildString {
+ char *text;
+ char *pos;
+ int capacity;
+ int bad;
+} Clp_BuildString;
+static Clp_BuildString *
+ Clp_BuildString *bs = (Clp_BuildString *)malloc(sizeof(Clp_BuildString));
+ if (!bs) goto bad;
+ bs->text = (char *)malloc(256);
+ if (!bs->text) goto bad;
+ bs->pos = bs->text;
+ bs->capacity = 256;
+ bs->bad = 0;
+ return bs;
+ bad:
+ if (bs) free(bs);
+ return 0;
+static void
+free_build_string(Clp_BuildString *bs)
+ if (bs) free(bs->text);
+ free(bs);
+static int
+grow_build_string(Clp_BuildString *bs, int want)
+ char *new_text;
+ int ipos = bs->pos - bs->text;
+ int new_capacity = bs->capacity;
+ while (want >= new_capacity)
+ new_capacity *= 2;
+ new_text = (char *)realloc(bs->text, new_capacity);
+ if (!new_text) {
+ bs->bad = 1;
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ bs->text = new_text;
+ bs->pos = bs->text + ipos;
+ bs->capacity = new_capacity;
+ return 1;
+ }
+#define ENSURE_BUILD_STRING(bs, space) \
+ ((((bs)->pos - (bs)->text) + (space) >= (bs)->capacity) \
+ || grow_build_string((bs), ((bs)->pos - (bs)->text) + (space)))
+static void
+append_build_string(Clp_BuildString *bs, const char *s, int l)
+ if (l < 0)
+ l = strlen(s);
+ if (ENSURE_BUILD_STRING(bs, l)) {
+ memcpy(bs->pos, s, l);
+ bs->pos += l;
+ }
+static Clp_BuildString *
+Clp_VaOptionError(Clp_Parser *clp, Clp_BuildString *bs,
+ const char *fmt, va_list val)
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ const char *percent;
+ int c;
+ if (!bs)
+ bs = new_build_string();
+ if (!bs)
+ return 0;
+ if (cli->program_name && cli->program_name[0]) {
+ append_build_string(bs, cli->program_name, -1);
+ append_build_string(bs, ": ", 2);
+ }
+ for (percent = strchr(fmt, '%'); percent; percent = strchr(fmt, '%')) {
+ append_build_string(bs, fmt, percent - fmt);
+ switch (*++percent) {
+ case 's': {
+ const char *s = va_arg(val, const char *);
+ if (s)
+ append_build_string(bs, s, -1);
+ else
+ append_build_string(bs, "(null)", 6);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'C': {
+ const char *s = va_arg(val, const char *);
+ if (cli->utf8)
+ c = decode_utf8(s, 0);
+ else
+ c = (unsigned char) *s;
+ goto char_c;
+ }
+ case 'c':
+ c = va_arg(val, int);
+ goto char_c;
+ char_c:
+ if (ENSURE_BUILD_STRING(bs, 4)) {
+ if (c >= 32 && c <= 126)
+ *bs->pos++ = c;
+ else if (c < 32) {
+ *bs->pos++ = '^';
+ *bs->pos++ = c + 64;
+ } else if (cli->utf8 && c >= 127 && c < 0x110000) {
+ bs->pos = encode_utf8(bs->pos, 4, c);
+ } else if (c >= 127 && c <= 255) {
+ sprintf(bs->pos, "\\%03o", c & 0xFF);
+ bs->pos += 4;
+ } else {
+ *bs->pos++ = '\\';
+ *bs->pos++ = '?';
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'd': {
+ int d = va_arg(val, int);
+ if (ENSURE_BUILD_STRING(bs, 32)) {
+ sprintf(bs->pos, "%d", d);
+ bs->pos = strchr(bs->pos, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'O': {
+ int optno = cli->current_option;
+ const Clp_Option *opt = &cli->opt[optno];
+ if (optno < 0)
+ append_build_string(bs, "(no current option!)", -1);
+ else if (cli->current_short) {
+ append_build_string(bs, cli->option_chars, -1);
+ if (ENSURE_BUILD_STRING(bs, 5)) {
+ if (cli->utf8)
+ bs->pos = encode_utf8(bs->pos, 5, opt->short_name);
+ else
+ *bs->pos++ = opt->short_name;
+ }
+ } else if (cli->negated_by_no) {
+ append_build_string(bs, cli->option_chars, -1);
+ append_build_string(bs, "no-", 3);
+ append_build_string(bs, opt->long_name + cli->iopt[optno].ilongoff, -1);
+ } else {
+ append_build_string(bs, cli->option_chars, -1);
+ append_build_string(bs, opt->long_name + cli->iopt[optno].ilongoff, -1);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '%':
+ *bs->pos++ = '%';
+ break;
+ case '`': /* backwards compatibility */
+ case '<':
+ append_build_string(bs, (cli->utf8 ? "\342\200\230" : "'"), -1);
+ break;
+ case '\'': /* backwards compatibility */
+ case ',':
+ case '>':
+ append_build_string(bs, (cli->utf8 ? "\342\200\231" : "'"), -1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (ENSURE_BUILD_STRING(bs, 2)) {
+ *bs->pos++ = '%';
+ *bs->pos++ = *percent;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ fmt = ++percent;
+ }
+ append_build_string(bs, fmt, -1);
+ append_build_string(bs, "\n", 1);
+ return bs;
+static void
+do_error(Clp_Parser *clp, Clp_BuildString *bs)
+ const char *text;
+ if (bs && !bs->bad) {
+ *bs->pos = 0;
+ text = bs->text;
+ } else
+ text = "out of memory\n";
+ if (clp->internal->error_handler != 0)
+ (*clp->internal->error_handler)(clp, text);
+ else
+ fputs(text, stderr);
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @param format error format
+ *
+ * Format an error message from @a format and any additional arguments in the
+ * ellipsis. The resulting error string by printing it to standard error or
+ * passing it to Clp_SetErrorHandler.
+ *
+ * The following format characters are accepted:
+ *
+ * <dl>
+ * <dt><tt>%</tt><tt>c</tt></dt>
+ * <dd>A character (type <tt>int</tt>). Control characters are printed in
+ * caret notation. If the parser is in UTF-8 mode, the character is formatted
+ * in UTF-8. Otherwise, special characters are printed with backslashes and
+ * octal notation.</dd>
+ * <dt><tt>%</tt><tt>s</tt></dt>
+ * <dd>A string (type <tt>const char *</tt>).</dd>
+ * <dt><tt>%</tt><tt>C</tt></dt>
+ * <dd>The argument is a string (type <tt>const char *</tt>). The first
+ * character in this string is printed. If the parser is in UTF-8 mode, this
+ * may involve multiple bytes.</dd>
+ * <dt><tt>%</tt><tt>d</tt></dt>
+ * <dd>An integer (type <tt>int</tt>). Printed in decimal.</dd>
+ * <dt><tt>%</tt><tt>O</tt></dt>
+ * <dd>The current option. No values are read from the argument list; the
+ * current option is defined in the Clp_Parser object itself.</dd>
+ * <dt><tt>%%</tt></dt>
+ * <dd>Prints a percent character.</dd>
+ * <dt><tt>%</tt><tt>&lt;</tt></dt>
+ * <dd>Prints an open quote string. In UTF-8 mode, prints a left single
+ * quote. Otherwise prints a single quote.</dd>
+ * <dt><tt>%</tt><tt>&gt;</tt></dt>
+ * <dd>Prints a closing quote string. In UTF-8 mode, prints a right single
+ * quote. Otherwise prints a single quote.</dd>
+ * <dt><tt>%</tt><tt>,</tt></dt>
+ * <dd>Prints an apostrophe. In UTF-8 mode, prints a right single quote.
+ * Otherwise prints a single quote.</dd>
+ * </dl>
+ *
+ * Note that no flag characters, precision, or field width characters are
+ * currently supported.
+ *
+ * @sa Clp_SetErrorHandler
+ */
+Clp_OptionError(Clp_Parser *clp, const char *format, ...)
+ Clp_BuildString *bs;
+ va_list val;
+ va_start(val, format);
+ bs = Clp_VaOptionError(clp, 0, format, val);
+ va_end(val);
+ do_error(clp, bs);
+ free_build_string(bs);
+ return 0;
+static int
+ambiguity_error(Clp_Parser *clp, int ambiguous, int *ambiguous_values,
+ const Clp_Option *opt, const Clp_InternOption *iopt,
+ const char *prefix, const char *fmt, ...)
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ Clp_BuildString *bs;
+ int i;
+ va_list val;
+ va_start(val, fmt);
+ bs = Clp_VaOptionError(clp, 0, fmt, val);
+ if (!bs) goto done;
+ if (clp->internal->program_name && clp->internal->program_name[0]) {
+ append_build_string(bs, clp->internal->program_name, -1);
+ append_build_string(bs, ": ", 2);
+ }
+ append_build_string(bs, "(Possibilities are", -1);
+ for (i = 0; i < ambiguous && i < MAX_AMBIGUOUS_VALUES; i++) {
+ int value = ambiguous_values[i];
+ const char *no_dash = "";
+ if (value < 0)
+ value = -(value + 1), no_dash = "no-";
+ if (i == 0)
+ append_build_string(bs, " ", 1);
+ else if (i == ambiguous - 1)
+ append_build_string(bs, (i == 1 ? " and " : ", and "), -1);
+ else
+ append_build_string(bs, ", ", 2);
+ append_build_string(bs, (cli->utf8 ? "\342\200\230" : "'"), -1);
+ append_build_string(bs, prefix, -1);
+ append_build_string(bs, no_dash, -1);
+ append_build_string(bs, opt[value].long_name + iopt[value].ilongoff, -1);
+ append_build_string(bs, (cli->utf8 ? "\342\200\231" : "'"), -1);
+ }
+ if (ambiguous > MAX_AMBIGUOUS_VALUES)
+ append_build_string(bs, ", and others", -1);
+ append_build_string(bs, ".)\n", -1);
+ va_end(val);
+ done:
+ do_error(clp, bs);
+ free_build_string(bs);
+ return 0;
+static int
+copy_string(char *buf, int buflen, int bufpos, const char *what)
+ int l = strlen(what);
+ if (l > buflen - bufpos - 1)
+ l = buflen - bufpos - 1;
+ memcpy(buf + bufpos, what, l);
+ return l;
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @param buf output buffer
+ * @param len length of output buffer
+ * @return number of characters written to the buffer, not including the terminating NUL
+ *
+ * A string that looks like the last option parsed by @a clp is extracted into
+ * @a buf. The correct option characters are put into the string first,
+ * followed by the option text. The output buffer is null-terminated unless
+ * @a len == 0.
+ *
+ * @sa Clp_CurOptionName
+ */
+Clp_CurOptionNameBuf(Clp_Parser *clp, char *buf, int len)
+ Clp_Internal *cli = clp->internal;
+ int optno = cli->current_option;
+ int pos = 0;
+ if (optno < 0)
+ pos += copy_string(buf, len, pos, "(no current option!)");
+ else if (cli->current_short) {
+ pos += copy_string(buf, len, pos, cli->option_chars);
+ if (cli->utf8)
+ pos = (encode_utf8(buf + pos, len - pos - 1, cli->opt[optno].short_name) - buf);
+ else if (pos < len - 1)
+ buf[pos++] = cli->opt[optno].short_name;
+ } else if (cli->negated_by_no) {
+ pos += copy_string(buf, len, pos, cli->option_chars);
+ pos += copy_string(buf, len, pos, "no-");
+ pos += copy_string(buf, len, pos, cli->opt[optno].long_name + cli->iopt[optno].ilongoff);
+ } else {
+ pos += copy_string(buf, len, pos, cli->option_chars);
+ pos += copy_string(buf, len, pos, cli->opt[optno].long_name + cli->iopt[optno].ilongoff);
+ }
+ if (pos < len)
+ buf[pos] = 0;
+ return pos;
+/** @param clp the parser
+ * @return string describing the current option
+ *
+ * This function acts like Clp_CurOptionNameBuf(), but returns a pointer into
+ * a static buffer that will be rewritten on the next call to
+ * Clp_CurOptionName().
+ *
+ * @note This function is not thread safe.
+ *
+ * @sa Clp_CurOptionName
+ */
+const char *
+Clp_CurOptionName(Clp_Parser *clp)
+ static char buf[256];
+ Clp_CurOptionNameBuf(clp, buf, 256);
+ return buf;
+#ifdef __cplusplus