path: root/Build/source/utils/sam2p/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/sam2p/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 482 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/sam2p/ b/Build/source/utils/sam2p/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a9a491ca94..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/utils/sam2p/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
-/* This code is ripped from Autotrace-0.29. Small modifications by pts. */
-/* reads any bitmap I could get for testing */
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#pragma implementation
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-/* #include "types.h" */
-#include "at_bitmap.h"
-/* #include "message.h" */
-/* #include "xstd.h" */
-/* #include "input-bmp.h" */
-#define MAXCOLORS 256
-/* #define Image long */
-#define BitSet(byte, bit) (((byte) & (bit)) == (bit))
-#define ReadOK(file,buffer,len) (fread(buffer, len, 1, file) != 0)
-struct Bitmap_File_Head_Struct
- char zzMagic[2]; /* 00 "BM" */
- unsigned long bfSize; /* 02 */
- unsigned short zzHotX; /* 06 */
- unsigned short zzHotY; /* 08 */
- unsigned long bfOffs; /* 0A */
- unsigned long biSize; /* 0E */
-} Bitmap_File_Head;
-struct Bitmap_Head_Struct
- unsigned long biWidth; /* 12 */
- unsigned long biHeight; /* 16 */
- unsigned short biPlanes; /* 1A */
- unsigned short biBitCnt; /* 1C */
- unsigned long biCompr; /* 1E */
- unsigned long biSizeIm; /* 22 */
- unsigned long biXPels; /* 26 */
- unsigned long biYPels; /* 2A */
- unsigned long biClrUsed; /* 2E */
- unsigned long biClrImp; /* 32 */
- /* 36 */
-} Bitmap_Head;
-static long ToL (unsigned char *);
-static short ToS (unsigned char *);
-static int ReadColorMap (FILE *,
- unsigned char[256][3],
- int,
- int,
- int *);
-static unsigned char *ReadImage (FILE *,
- int,
- int,
- unsigned char[256][3],
- int,
- int,
- int,
- int);
-#if PTS_SAM2P
-bitmap_type bmp_load_image (FILE* filename)
-bitmap_type bmp_load_image (at_string filename)
- FILE *fd;
- unsigned char buffer[64];
- int ColormapSize, rowbytes, Maps=0, Grey;
- unsigned char ColorMap[256][3];
- bitmap_type image;
- #if PTS_SAM2P /**** pts ****/
- fd=filename;
- #else
- fd = fopen (filename, "rb");
- if (!fd)
- FATAL1 ("Can't open \"%s\"\n", filename);
- #endif
- /* It is a File. Now is it a Bitmap? Read the shortest possible header.*/
- if (!ReadOK(fd, buffer, 18) || (strncmp((const char *)buffer,"BM",2)))
- #if PTS_SAM2P /**** pts ****/
- FATALP ("BMP: Not a valid BMP file");
- #else
- FATAL ("Not a valid BMP file %s\n");
- #endif
- /* bring them to the right byteorder. Not too nice, but it should work */
- Bitmap_File_Head.bfSize = ToL (&buffer[0x02]);
- Bitmap_File_Head.zzHotX = ToS (&buffer[0x06]);
- Bitmap_File_Head.zzHotY = ToS (&buffer[0x08]);
- Bitmap_File_Head.bfOffs = ToL (&buffer[0x0a]);
- Bitmap_File_Head.biSize = ToL (&buffer[0x0e]);
- /* What kind of bitmap is it? */
- if (Bitmap_File_Head.biSize == 12) /* OS/2 1.x ? */
- {
- if (!ReadOK (fd, buffer, 8))
- FATALP ("BMP: Error reading BMP file header #1");
- Bitmap_Head.biWidth = ToS (&buffer[0x00]); /* 12 */
- Bitmap_Head.biHeight = ToS (&buffer[0x02]); /* 14 */
- Bitmap_Head.biPlanes = ToS (&buffer[0x04]); /* 16 */
- Bitmap_Head.biBitCnt = ToS (&buffer[0x06]); /* 18 */
- Bitmap_Head.biCompr = 0;
- Bitmap_Head.biSizeIm = 0;
- Bitmap_Head.biXPels = Bitmap_Head.biYPels = 0;
- Bitmap_Head.biClrUsed = 0;
- Maps = 3;
- }
- else if (Bitmap_File_Head.biSize == 40) /* Windows 3.x */
- {
- if (!ReadOK (fd, buffer, Bitmap_File_Head.biSize - 4))
- FATALP ("BMP: Error reading BMP file header #2");
- Bitmap_Head.biWidth =ToL (&buffer[0x00]); /* 12 */
- Bitmap_Head.biHeight =ToL (&buffer[0x04]); /* 16 */
- Bitmap_Head.biPlanes =ToS (&buffer[0x08]); /* 1A */
- Bitmap_Head.biBitCnt =ToS (&buffer[0x0A]); /* 1C */
- Bitmap_Head.biCompr =ToL (&buffer[0x0C]); /* 1E */
- Bitmap_Head.biSizeIm =ToL (&buffer[0x10]); /* 22 */
- Bitmap_Head.biXPels =ToL (&buffer[0x14]); /* 26 */
- Bitmap_Head.biYPels =ToL (&buffer[0x18]); /* 2A */
- Bitmap_Head.biClrUsed =ToL (&buffer[0x1C]); /* 2E */
- Bitmap_Head.biClrImp =ToL (&buffer[0x20]); /* 32 */
- /* 36 */
- Maps = 4;
- }
- else if (Bitmap_File_Head.biSize <= 64) /* Probably OS/2 2.x */
- {
- if (!ReadOK (fd, buffer, Bitmap_File_Head.biSize - 4))
- FATALP ("BMP: Error reading BMP file header #3");
- Bitmap_Head.biWidth =ToL (&buffer[0x00]); /* 12 */
- Bitmap_Head.biHeight =ToL (&buffer[0x04]); /* 16 */
- Bitmap_Head.biPlanes =ToS (&buffer[0x08]); /* 1A */
- Bitmap_Head.biBitCnt =ToS (&buffer[0x0A]); /* 1C */
- Bitmap_Head.biCompr =ToL (&buffer[0x0C]); /* 1E */
- Bitmap_Head.biSizeIm =ToL (&buffer[0x10]); /* 22 */
- Bitmap_Head.biXPels =ToL (&buffer[0x14]); /* 26 */
- Bitmap_Head.biYPels =ToL (&buffer[0x18]); /* 2A */
- Bitmap_Head.biClrUsed =ToL (&buffer[0x1C]); /* 2E */
- Bitmap_Head.biClrImp =ToL (&buffer[0x20]); /* 32 */
- /* 36 */
- Maps = 3;
- }
- else
- FATALP ("BMP: Error reading BMP file header #4");
- /* Valid options 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32 */
- /* 16 is awful, we should probably shoot whoever invented it */
- /* There should be some colors used! */
- ColormapSize = (Bitmap_File_Head.bfOffs - Bitmap_File_Head.biSize - 14) / Maps;
- if ((Bitmap_Head.biClrUsed == 0) && (Bitmap_Head.biBitCnt <= 8))
- Bitmap_Head.biClrUsed = ColormapSize;
- /* Sanity checks */
- if (Bitmap_Head.biHeight == 0 || Bitmap_Head.biWidth == 0)
- FATALP ("BMP: Error reading BMP file header #5");
- if (Bitmap_Head.biPlanes != 1)
- FATALP ("BMP: Error reading BMP file header #6");
- if (ColormapSize > 256 || Bitmap_Head.biClrUsed > 256)
- FATALP ("BMP: Error reading BMP file header #7");
- /* Windows and OS/2 declare filler so that rows are a multiple of
- * word length (32 bits == 4 bytes)
- */
- rowbytes= ( (Bitmap_Head.biWidth * Bitmap_Head.biBitCnt - 1) / 32) * 4 + 4;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- printf("\nSize: %u, Colors: %u, Bits: %u, Width: %u, Height: %u, Comp: %u, Zeile: %u\n",
- Bitmap_File_Head.bfSize,Bitmap_Head.biClrUsed,Bitmap_Head.biBitCnt,Bitmap_Head.biWidth,
- Bitmap_Head.biHeight, Bitmap_Head.biCompr, rowbytes);
- /* Get the Colormap */
- if (ReadColorMap (fd, ColorMap, ColormapSize, Maps, &Grey) == -1)
- FATALP ("BMP: Cannot read the colormap");
-#ifdef DEBUG
- printf("Colormap read\n");
- /* Get the Image and return the ID or -1 on error*/
- image.bitmap = ReadImage (fd,
- Bitmap_Head.biWidth,
- Bitmap_Head.biHeight,
- ColorMap,
- Bitmap_Head.biBitCnt,
- Bitmap_Head.biCompr,
- rowbytes,
- Grey);
- BITMAP_WIDTH (image) = (unsigned short) Bitmap_Head.biWidth;
- BITMAP_HEIGHT (image) = (unsigned short) Bitmap_Head.biHeight;
- BITMAP_PLANES (image) = Grey ? 1 : 3;
- return (image);
-static int
-ReadColorMap (FILE *fd,
- unsigned char buffer[256][3],
- int number,
- int size,
- int *grey)
- int i;
- unsigned char rgb[4];
- *grey=(number>2);
- for (i = 0; i < number ; i++)
- {
- if (!ReadOK (fd, rgb, size))
- FATALP ("BMP: Bad colormap");
- /* Bitmap save the colors in another order! But change only once! */
- buffer[i][0] = rgb[2];
- buffer[i][1] = rgb[1];
- buffer[i][2] = rgb[0];
- *grey = ((*grey) && (rgb[0]==rgb[1]) && (rgb[1]==rgb[2]));
- }
- return 0;
-static unsigned char*
-ReadImage (FILE *fd,
- int width,
- int height,
- unsigned char cmap[256][3],
- int bpp,
- int compression,
- int rowbytes,
- int grey)
- unsigned char v,howmuch;
- int xpos = 0, ypos = 0;
- unsigned char *image;
- unsigned char *temp, *buffer;
- long rowstride, channels;
- unsigned short rgb;
- int i, j, notused;
- if (bpp >= 16) /* color image */
- {
- XMALLOCT (image, unsigned char*, width * height * 3 * sizeof (unsigned char));
- channels = 3;
- }
- else if (grey) /* grey image */
- {
- XMALLOCT (image, unsigned char*, width * height * 1 * sizeof (unsigned char));
- channels = 1;
- }
- else /* indexed image */
- {
- XMALLOCT (image, unsigned char*, width * height * 1 * sizeof (unsigned char));
- channels = 1;
- }
- XMALLOCT (buffer, unsigned char*, rowbytes);
- rowstride = width * channels;
- ypos = height - 1; /* Bitmaps begin in the lower left corner */
- switch (bpp) {
- case 32:
- {
- while (ReadOK (fd, buffer, rowbytes))
- {
- temp = image + (ypos * rowstride);
- for (xpos= 0; xpos < width; ++xpos)
- {
- *(temp++)= buffer[xpos * 4 + 2];
- *(temp++)= buffer[xpos * 4 + 1];
- *(temp++)= buffer[xpos * 4];
- }
- --ypos; /* next line */
- }
- }
- break;
- case 24:
- {
- while (ReadOK (fd, buffer, rowbytes))
- {
- temp = image + (ypos * rowstride);
- for (xpos= 0; xpos < width; ++xpos)
- {
- *(temp++)= buffer[xpos * 3 + 2];
- *(temp++)= buffer[xpos * 3 + 1];
- *(temp++)= buffer[xpos * 3];
- }
- --ypos; /* next line */
- }
- }
- break;
- case 16:
- {
- while (ReadOK (fd, buffer, rowbytes))
- {
- temp = image + (ypos * rowstride);
- for (xpos= 0; xpos < width; ++xpos)
- {
- rgb= ToS(&buffer[xpos * 2]);
- *(temp++)= (unsigned char)(((rgb >> 10) & 0x1f) * 8);
- *(temp++)= (unsigned char)(((rgb >> 5) & 0x1f) * 8);
- *(temp++)= (unsigned char)(((rgb) & 0x1f) * 8);
- }
- --ypos; /* next line */
- }
- }
- break;
- case 8:
- case 4:
- case 1:
- {
- if (compression == 0)
- {
- while (ReadOK (fd, &v, 1))
- {
- for (i = 1; (i <= (8 / bpp)) && (xpos < width); i++, xpos++)
- {
- temp = (unsigned char*) (image + (ypos * rowstride) + (xpos * channels));
- *temp= (unsigned char)(( v & ( ((1<<bpp)-1) << (8-(i*bpp)) ) ) >> (8-(i*bpp)));
- }
- if (xpos == width)
- {
- notused = ReadOK (fd, buffer, rowbytes - 1 -
- (width * bpp - 1) / 8);
- ypos--;
- xpos = 0;
- }
- if (ypos < 0)
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- while (ypos >= 0 && xpos <= width)
- {
- notused = ReadOK (fd, buffer, 2);
- if ((unsigned char) buffer[0] != 0)
- /* Count + Color - record */
- {
- for (j = 0; ((unsigned char) j < (unsigned char) buffer[0]) && (xpos < width);)
- {
-#ifdef DEBUG2
- printf("%u %u | ",xpos,width);
- for (i = 1;
- ((i <= (8 / bpp)) &&
- (xpos < width) &&
- ((unsigned char) j < (unsigned char) buffer[0]));
- i++, xpos++, j++)
- {
- temp = image + (ypos * rowstride) + (xpos * channels);
- *temp = (unsigned char) ((buffer[1] & (((1<<bpp)-1) << (8 - (i * bpp)))) >> (8 - (i * bpp)));
- }
- }
- }
- if (((unsigned char) buffer[0] == 0) && ((unsigned char) buffer[1] > 2))
- /* uncompressed record */
- {
- howmuch = buffer[1];
- for (j = 0; j < howmuch; j += (8 / bpp))
- {
- notused = ReadOK (fd, &v, 1);
- i = 1;
- while ((i <= (8 / bpp)) && (xpos < width))
- {
- temp = image + (ypos * rowstride) + (xpos * channels);
- *temp = (unsigned char) ((v & (((1<<bpp)-1) << (8-(i*bpp)))) >> (8-(i*bpp)));
- i++;
- xpos++;
- }
- }
- if ((howmuch % 2) && (bpp==4))
- howmuch++;
- if ((howmuch / (8 / bpp)) % 2)
- notused = ReadOK (fd, &v, 1);
- /*if odd(x div (8 div bpp )) then blockread(f,z^,1);*/
- }
- if (((unsigned char) buffer[0] == 0) && ((unsigned char) buffer[1]==0))
- /* Line end */
- {
- ypos--;
- xpos = 0;
- }
- if (((unsigned char) buffer[0]==0) && ((unsigned char) buffer[1]==1))
- /* Bitmap end */
- {
- break;
- }
- if (((unsigned char) buffer[0]==0) && ((unsigned char) buffer[1]==2))
- /* Deltarecord */
- {
- notused = ReadOK (fd, buffer, 2);
- xpos += (unsigned char) buffer[0];
- ypos -= (unsigned char) buffer[1];
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- /* This is very bad, we should not be here */
- ;
- }
- /* fclose (fd); */
- if (bpp <= 8)
- {
- unsigned char *temp2, *temp3;
- unsigned char index;
- temp2 = temp = image;
- XMALLOCT (image, unsigned char*, width * height * 3 * sizeof (unsigned char));
- temp3 = image;
- for (ypos = 0; ypos < height; ypos++)
- {
- for (xpos = 0; xpos < width; xpos++)
- {
- index = *temp2++;
- *temp3++ = cmap[index][0];
- if (!grey)
- {
- *temp3++ = cmap[index][1];
- *temp3++ = cmap[index][2];
- }
- }
- }
- free (temp);
- }
- free (buffer);
- return image;
-#if 0 /**** pts ****/
-FILE *errorfile;
-char *prog_name = "bmp";
-char *filename;
-int interactive_bmp;
-static long
-ToL (unsigned char *puffer)
- return (puffer[0] | puffer[1]<<8 | puffer[2]<<16 | puffer[3]<<24);
-static short
-ToS (unsigned char *puffer)
- return ((short)(puffer[0] | puffer[1]<<8));