path: root/Build/source/utils/pmx/pmx-2.6.18/libf2c/README
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diff --git a/Build/source/utils/pmx/pmx-2.6.18/libf2c/README b/Build/source/utils/pmx/pmx-2.6.18/libf2c/README
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--- a/Build/source/utils/pmx/pmx-2.6.18/libf2c/README
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-If your system has a double drem() function such that drem(a,b)
-is the IEEE remainder function (with double a, b), then you may
-wish to compile r_mod.c and d_mod.c with IEEE_drem defined.
-On machines, such as those using a DEC Alpha processor, on which
-sizeof(short) == 2, sizeof(int) == sizeof(float) == 4, and
-sizeof(long) == sizeof(double) == 8, it suffices to modify f2c.h by
-removing the first occurrence of "long " on each line containing
-"long ". On Unix systems, you can do this by issuing the commands
- mv f2c.h f2c.h0
- sed 's/long int /int /' f2c.h0 >f2c.h
-On such machines, one can enable INTEGER*8 by uncommenting the typedefs
-of longint and ulongint in f2c.h and adjusting them, so they read
- typedef long longint;
- typedef unsigned long ulongint;
-and by compiling libf2c with -DAllow_TYQUAD, as discussed below.
-Most of the routines in libf2c are support routines for Fortran
-intrinsic functions or for operations that f2c chooses not
-to do "in line". There are a few exceptions, summarized below --
-functions and subroutines that appear to your program as ordinary
-external Fortran routines.
-If you use the REAL valued functions listed below (ERF, ERFC,
-DTIME, and ETIME) with "f2c -R", then you need to compile the
-corresponding source files with -DREAL=float. To do this, it is
-perhaps simplest to add "-DREAL=float" to CFLAGS in the makefile.
-1. CALL ABORT prints a message and causes a core dump.
-2. ERF(r) and DERF(d) and the REAL and DOUBLE PRECISION
- error functions (with x REAL and d DOUBLE PRECISION);
- DERF must be declared DOUBLE PRECISION in your program.
- Both ERF and DERF assume your C library provides the
- underlying erf() function (which not all systems do).
-3. ERFC(r) and DERFC(d) are the complementary error functions:
- ERFC(r) = 1 - ERF(r) and DERFC(d) = 1.d0 - DERFC(d)
- (except that their results may be more accurate than
- explicitly evaluating the above formulae would give).
- Again, ERFC and r are REAL, and DERFC and d are DOUBLE
- PRECISION (and must be declared as such in your program),
- and ERFC and DERFC rely on your system's erfc().
-4. CALL GETARG(n,s), where n is an INTEGER and s is a CHARACTER
- variable, sets s to the n-th command-line argument (or to
- all blanks if there are fewer than n command-line arguments);
- CALL GETARG(0,s) sets s to the name of the program (on systems
- that support this feature). See IARGC below.
-5. CALL GETENV(name, value), where name and value are of type
- CHARACTER, sets value to the environment value, $name, of
- name (or to blanks if $name has not been set).
-6. NARGS = IARGC() sets NARGS to the number of command-line
- arguments (an INTEGER value).
-7. CALL SIGNAL(n,func), where n is an INTEGER and func is an
- EXTERNAL procedure, arranges for func to be invoked when n
- occurs (on systems where this makes sense).
-If your compiler complains about the signal calls in main.c, s_paus.c,
-and signal_.c, you may need to adjust signal1.h suitably. See the
-comments in signal1.h.
-8. ETIME(ARR) and DTIME(ARR) are REAL functions that return
- execution times. ARR is declared REAL ARR(2). The elapsed
- user and system CPU times are stored in ARR(1) and ARR(2),
- respectively. ETIME returns the total elapsed CPU time,
- i.e., ARR(1) + ARR(2). DTIME returns total elapsed CPU
- time since the previous call on DTIME.
-9. CALL SYSTEM(cmd), where cmd is of type CHARACTER, passes
- cmd to the system's command processor (on systems where
- this can be done).
-10. CALL FLUSH flushes all buffers.
-11. FTELL(i) is an INTEGER function that returns the current
- offset of Fortran unit i (or -1 if unit i is not open).
-12. CALL FSEEK(i, offset, whence, *errlab) attemps to move
- Fortran unit i to the specified offset: absolute offset
- if whence = 0; relative to the current offset if whence = 1;
- relative to the end of the file if whence = 2. It branches
- to label errlab if unit i is not open or if the call
- otherwise fails.
-The routines whose objects are makefile.u's $(I77) are for I/O.
-The following comments apply to them.
-If your system lacks /usr/include/local.h ,
-then you should create an appropriate local.h in
-this directory. An appropriate local.h may simply
-be empty, or it may #define VAX or #define CRAY
-(or whatever else you must do to make fp.h work right).
-Alternatively, edit fp.h to suite your machine.
-If your system lacks /usr/include/fcntl.h , then you
-should simply create an empty fcntl.h in this directory.
-If your compiler then complains about creat and open not
-having a prototype, compile with OPEN_DECL defined.
-On many systems, open and creat are declared in fcntl.h .
-If your system's sprintf does not work the way ANSI C
-specifies -- specifically, if it does not return the
-number of characters transmitted -- then insert the line
-#define USE_STRLEN
-at the end of fmt.h . This is necessary with
-at least some versions of Sun software.
-In particular, if you get a warning about an improper
-pointer/integer combination in compiling wref.c, then
-you need to compile with -DUSE_STRLEN .
-If your system's fopen does not like the ANSI binary
-reading and writing modes "rb" and "wb", then you should
-compile open.c with NON_ANSI_RW_MODES #defined.
-If you get error messages about references to cf->_ptr
-and cf->_base when compiling wrtfmt.c and wsfe.c or to
-stderr->_flag when compiling err.c, then insert the line
-at the beginning of fio.h, and recompile everything (or
-at least those modules that contain NON_UNIX_STDIO).
-Unformatted sequential records consist of a length of record
-contents, the record contents themselves, and the length of
-record contents again (for backspace). Prior to 17 Oct. 1991,
-the length was of type int; now it is of type long, but you
-can change it back to int by inserting
-#define UIOLEN_int
-at the beginning of fio.h. This affects only sue.c and uio.c .
-If you have a really ancient K&R C compiler that does not understand
-void, add -Dvoid=int to the definition of CFLAGS in the makefile.
-On VAX, Cray, or Research Tenth-Edition Unix systems, you may
-need to add -DVAX, -DCRAY, or -DV10 (respectively) to CFLAGS
-to make fp.h work correctly. Alternatively, you may need to
-edit fp.h to suit your machine.
-If your compiler complains about the signal calls in main.c, s_paus.c,
-and signal_.c, you may need to adjust signal1.h suitably. See the
-comments in signal1.h.
-You may need to supply the following non-ANSI routines:
- fstat(int fileds, struct stat *buf) is similar
-to stat(char *name, struct stat *buf), except that
-the first argument, fileds, is the file descriptor
-returned by open rather than the name of the file.
-fstat is used in the system-dependent routine
-canseek (in the libf2c source file err.c), which
-is supposed to return 1 if it's possible to issue
-seeks on the file in question, 0 if it's not; you may
-need to suitably modify err.c . On non-UNIX systems,
-you can avoid references to fstat and stat by compiling
-with NON_UNIX_STDIO defined; in that case, you may need
-to supply access(char *Name,0), which is supposed to
-return 0 if file Name exists, nonzero otherwise.
- char * mktemp(char *buf) is supposed to replace the
-6 trailing X's in buf with a unique number and then
-return buf. The idea is to get a unique name for
-a temporary file.
-On non-UNIX systems, you may need to change a few other,
-e.g.: the form of name computed by mktemp() in endfile.c and
-open.c; the use of the open(), close(), and creat() system
-calls in endfile.c, err.c, open.c; and the modes in calls on
-fopen() and fdopen() (and perhaps the use of fdopen() itself
--- it's supposed to return a FILE* corresponding to a given
-an integer file descriptor) in err.c and open.c (component ufmt
-of struct unit is 1 for formatted I/O -- text mode on some systems
--- and 0 for unformatted I/O -- binary mode on some systems).
-Compiling with -DNON_UNIX_STDIO omits all references to creat()
-and almost all references to open() and close(), the exception
-being in the function f__isdev() (in open.c).
-If you wish to use translated Fortran that has funny notions
-of record length for direct unformatted I/O (i.e., that assumes
-RECL= values in OPEN statements are not bytes but rather counts
-of some other units -- e.g., 4-character words for VMS), then you
-should insert an appropriate #define for url_Adjust at the
-beginning of open.c . For VMS Fortran, for example,
-#define url_Adjust(x) x *= 4
-would suffice.
-By default, Fortran I/O units 5, 6, and 0 are pre-connected to
-stdin, stdout, and stderr, respectively. You can change this
-behavior by changing f_init() in err.c to suit your needs.
-Note that f2c assumes READ(*... means READ(5... and WRITE(*...
-means WRITE(6... . Moreover, an OPEN(n,... statement that does
-not specify a file name (and does not specify STATUS='SCRATCH')
-assumes FILE='fort.n' . You can change this by editing open.c
-and endfile.c suitably.
-Unless you adjust the "#define MXUNIT" line in fio.h, Fortran units
-0, 1, ..., 99 are available, i.e., the highest allowed unit number
-is MXUNIT - 1.
-Lines protected from compilation by #ifdef Allow_TYQUAD
-are for a possible extension to 64-bit integers in which
-integer = int = 32 bits and longint = long = 64 bits.
-The makefile does not attempt to compile pow_qq.c, qbitbits.c,
-and qbitshft.c, which are meant for use with INTEGER*8. To use
-INTEGER*8, you must modify f2c.h to declare longint and ulongint
-appropriately; then add $(QINT) to the end of the makefile's
-dependency list for libf2c.a (if makefile is a copy of makefile.u;
-for the PC makefiles, add pow_qq.obj qbitbits.obj qbitshft.obj
-to the library's dependency list and adjust libf2c.lbc or
-accordingly). Also add -DAllow_TYQUAD to the makefile's CFLAGS
-assignment. To make longint and ulongint available, it may suffice
-to add -DINTEGER_STAR_8 to the CFLAGS assignment.
-Following Fortran 90, s_cat.c and s_copy.c allow the target of a
-(character string) assignment to be appear on its right-hand, at
-the cost of some extra overhead for all run-time concatenations.
-If you prefer the extra efficiency that comes with the Fortran 77
-requirement that the left-hand side of a character assignment not
-be involved in the right-hand side, compile s_cat.c and s_copy.c
-Extensions (Feb. 1993) to NAMELIST processing:
- 1. Reading a ? instead of &name (the start of a namelist) causes
-the namelist being sought to be written to stdout (unit 6);
-to omit this feature, compile rsne.c with -DNo_Namelist_Questions.
- 2. Reading the wrong namelist name now leads to an error message
-and an attempt to skip input until the right namelist name is found;
-to omit this feature, compile rsne.c with -DNo_Bad_Namelist_Skip.
- 3. Namelist writes now insert newlines before each variable; to omit
-this feature, compile xwsne.c with -DNo_Extra_Namelist_Newlines.
- 4. (Sept. 1995) When looking for the &name that starts namelist
-input, lines whose first non-blank character is something other
-than &, $, or ? are treated as comment lines and ignored, unless
-rsne.c is compiled with -DNo_Namelist_Comments.
-Nonstandard extension (Feb. 1993) to open: for sequential files,
-ACCESS='APPEND' (or access='anything else starting with "A" or "a"')
-causes the file to be positioned at end-of-file, so a write will
-append to the file.
-Some buggy Fortran programs use unformatted direct I/O to write
-an incomplete record and later read more from that record than
-they have written. For records other than the last, the unwritten
-portion of the record reads as binary zeros. The last record is
-a special case: attempting to read more from it than was written
-gives end-of-file -- which may help one find a bug. Some other
-Fortran I/O libraries treat the last record no differently than
-others and thus give no help in finding the bug of reading more
-than was written. If you wish to have this behavior, compile
-uio.c with -DPad_UDread .
-If you want to be able to catch write failures (e.g., due to a
-disk being full) with an ERR= specifier, compile dfe.c, due.c,
-sfe.c, sue.c, and wsle.c with -DALWAYS_FLUSH. This will lead to
-slower execution and more I/O, but should make ERR= work as
-expected, provided fflush returns an error return when its
-physical write fails.
-Carriage controls are meant to be interpreted by the UNIX col
-program (or a similar program). Sometimes it's convenient to use
-only ' ' as the carriage control character (normal single spacing).
-If you compile lwrite.c and wsfe.c with -DOMIT_BLANK_CC, formatted
-external output lines will have an initial ' ' quietly omitted,
-making use of the col program unnecessary with output that only
-has ' ' for carriage control.
-The Fortran 77 Standard leaves it up to the implementation whether
-formatted writes of floating-point numbers of absolute value < 1 have
-a zero before the decimal point. By default, libI77 omits such
-superfluous zeros, but you can cause them to appear by compiling
-lwrite.c, wref.c, and wrtfmt.c with -DWANT_LEAD_0 .
-If your (Unix) system lacks a ranlib command, you don't need it.
-Either comment out the makefile's ranlib invocation, or install
-a harmless "ranlib" command somewhere in your PATH, such as the
-one-line shell script
- exit 0
-or (on some systems)
- exec /usr/bin/ar lts $1 >/dev/null
-By default, the routines that implement complex and double complex
-division, c_div.c and z_div.c, call sig_die to print an error message
-and exit if they see a divisor of 0, as this is sometimes helpful for
-debugging. On systems with IEEE arithmetic, compiling c_div.c and
-z_div.c with -DIEEE_COMPLEX_DIVIDE causes them instead to set both
-the real and imaginary parts of the result to +INFINITY if the
-numerator is nonzero, or to NaN if it vanishes.
-Nowadays most Unix and Linux systems have function
- int ftruncate(int fildes, off_t len);
-defined in system header file unistd.h that adjusts the length of file
-descriptor fildes to length len. Unless endfile.c is compiled with
--DNO_TRUNCATE, endfile.c #includes "unistd.h" and calls ftruncate() if
-necessary to shorten files. If your system lacks ftruncate(), compile
-endfile.c with -DNO_TRUNCATE to make endfile.c use the older and more
-portable scheme of shortening a file by copying to a temporary file
-and back again.
-The initializations for "f2c -trapuv" are done by _uninit_f2c(),
-whose source is uninit.c, introduced June 2001. On IEEE-arithmetic
-systems, _uninit_f2c should initialize floating-point variables to
-signaling NaNs and, at its first invocation, should enable the
-invalid operation exception. Alas, the rules for distinguishing
-signaling from quiet NaNs were not specified in the IEEE P754 standard,
-nor were the precise means of enabling and disabling IEEE-arithmetic
-exceptions, and these details are thus system dependent. There are
-#ifdef's in uninit.c that specify them for some popular systems. If
-yours is not one of these systems, it may take some detective work to
-discover the appropriate details for your system. Sometimes it helps
-to look in the standard include directories for header files with
-relevant-sounding names, such as ieeefp.h, nan.h, or trap.h, and
-it may be simplest to run experiments to see what distinguishes a
-signaling from a quiet NaN. (If x is initialized to a signaling
-NaN and the invalid operation exception is masked off, as it should
-be by default on IEEE-arithmetic systems, then computing, say,
-y = x + 1 will yield a quiet NaN.)