path: root/Build/source/utils/mtx/mtx-0.60d/status.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/mtx/mtx-0.60d/status.c')
1 files changed, 649 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/mtx/mtx-0.60d/status.c b/Build/source/utils/mtx/mtx-0.60d/status.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aef14b88a7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/utils/mtx/mtx-0.60d/status.c
@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
+/* Output from p2c 1.21alpha-07.Dec.93, the Pascal-to-C translator */
+/* From input file "status.pas" */
+#include "p2c.h"
+#define STATUS_G
+#include "status.h"
+#ifndef GLOBALS_H
+#include "globals.h"
+#ifndef STRINGS_H
+#include "strings.h"
+#ifndef MTXLINE_H
+#include "mtxline.h"
+#ifndef CONTROL_H
+#include "control.h"
+#ifndef UTILITY_H
+#include "utility.h"
+#ifndef NOTES_H
+#include "notes.h"
+#define lowest_pitch (-9)
+#define highest_pitch 61
+typedef struct line_status {
+ short pitch, chord_pitch, octave_adjust, beam_level, slur_level, after_slur;
+ Char octave, lastnote, chord_lastnote, duration, slurID, tieID;
+ boolean beamnext, beamed, slurnext, slurred, no_beam_melisma;
+ boolean no_slur_melisma[12];
+ int5 chord_tie_pitch;
+ Char chord_tie_label[6];
+} line_status;
+Static Char init_oct[256] = "";
+Static line_status current[maxvoices];
+Static Char lastdur[maxvoices];
+Void chordTie(voice, lab)
+short voice;
+Char *lab;
+ short n;
+ line_status *WITH;
+ WITH = &current[voice-1];
+ n = strlen(WITH->chord_tie_label);
+ if (n == 5)
+ error3(voice, "Only five slur ties allowed per voice");
+ if (n == 0)
+ *lab = 'T';
+ else
+ *lab = WITH->chord_tie_label[n-1];
+ (*lab)++;
+ sprintf(WITH->chord_tie_label + strlen(WITH->chord_tie_label), "%c", *lab);
+/* p2c: status.pas, line 66:
+ * Note: Possible string truncation in assignment [145] */
+ n++;
+ WITH->chord_tie_pitch[n-1] = WITH->chord_pitch;
+Void getChordTies(voice, pitches, labels)
+short voice;
+short *pitches;
+Char *labels;
+ line_status *WITH;
+ WITH = &current[voice-1];
+ memcpy(pitches, WITH->chord_tie_pitch, sizeof(int5));
+ strcpy(labels, WITH->chord_tie_label);
+ *WITH->chord_tie_label = '\0';
+Void rememberDurations()
+ voice_index v, FORLIM;
+ FORLIM = nvoices;
+ for (v = 1; v <= FORLIM; v++)
+ lastdur[v-1] = duration(v);
+Void restoreDurations()
+ voice_index v, FORLIM;
+ FORLIM = nvoices;
+ for (v = 1; v <= FORLIM; v++)
+ resetDuration(v, lastdur[v-1]);
+Char duration(voice)
+short voice;
+ return (current[voice-1].duration);
+Void resetDuration(voice, dur)
+short voice;
+Char dur;
+ if (pos1(dur, durations) == 0) {
+ printf("Trying to set duration to %c; ", dur);
+ error3(voice, "M-Tx system error: resetDuration");
+ }
+ current[voice-1].duration = dur;
+Void activateBeamsAndSlurs(voice)
+short voice;
+ line_status *WITH;
+ WITH = &current[voice-1];
+ if (WITH->beamnext) {
+ WITH->beamed = true;
+ WITH->beamnext = false;
+ }
+ if (WITH->slurnext) {
+ WITH->slurred = true;
+ WITH->slurnext = false;
+ }
+ if (WITH->slurred)
+ WITH->after_slur++;
+Void saveStatus(voice)
+short voice;
+ line_status *WITH;
+ WITH = &current[voice-1];
+ WITH->chord_pitch = WITH->pitch;
+ WITH->chord_lastnote = WITH->lastnote;
+boolean noBeamMelisma(voice)
+short voice;
+ return (current[voice-1].no_beam_melisma);
+short afterSlur(voice)
+short voice;
+ short Result;
+ line_status *WITH;
+ WITH = &current[voice-1];
+ Result = WITH->after_slur;
+ if (WITH->after_slur > 0 && WITH->slur_level < 1)
+ error3(voice, "M-Tx system error: afterSlur and slur_level incompatible)");
+ return Result;
+Char octave(voice)
+short voice;
+ return (current[voice-1].octave);
+Void resetOctave(voice)
+short voice;
+ current[voice-1].octave = ' ';
+Void initOctaves(octaves)
+Char *octaves;
+ short i = 1;
+ strcpy(init_oct, octaves);
+ while (i <= strlen(init_oct)) {
+ if (init_oct[i-1] == ' ')
+ delete1(init_oct, i);
+ else
+ i++;
+ }
+Static Char initOctave(voice_stave)
+stave_index voice_stave;
+ if (voice_stave > strlen(init_oct)) {
+ if (pos1(clef[voice_stave-1], "Gt08") > 0)
+ return '4';
+ else
+ return '3';
+ } else
+ return (init_oct[voice_stave-1]);
+Void setOctave(voice)
+short voice;
+ current[voice-1].octave = initOctave(voiceStave(voice));
+Void newOctave(voice, dir)
+short voice;
+Char dir;
+ line_status *WITH;
+ WITH = &current[voice-1];
+ switch (dir) {
+ case '+':
+ WITH->octave++;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ WITH->octave--;
+ break;
+ }
+Static short newPitch(voice, note_, pitch, lastnote)
+short voice;
+Char *note_;
+short pitch;
+Char lastnote;
+ Char note[256];
+ short interval, npitch;
+ Char oct;
+ strcpy(note, note_);
+ /*if debugMode then
+ write('New pitch for note ',note,' relative to ',lastnote,
+ ' at pitch ',pitch);*/
+ oct = octaveCode(note);
+ if (oct == '=')
+ oct = initOctave(voiceStave(voice));
+ if (isdigit(oct)) {
+ pitch = (oct - '0') * 7 - 3;
+ lastnote = 'f';
+ removeOctaveCode(oct, note);
+ oct = octaveCode(note);
+ }
+ interval = note[0] - lastnote;
+ if (interval > 3)
+ interval -= 7;
+ if (interval < -3)
+ interval += 7;
+ npitch = pitch + interval; /*if debugMode then write(' was ',npitch);*/
+ while (oct != ' ') {
+ if (oct == '+')
+ npitch += 7;
+ else if (oct == '-')
+ npitch -= 7;
+ removeOctaveCode(oct, note);
+ oct = octaveCode(note);
+ }
+ /*if debugMode then writeln(' is ',npitch);*/
+ return npitch;
+Local Void delins(note, c1, c2, l)
+Char *note;
+Char c1, c2;
+short l;
+ short i, n;
+ n = strlen(note);
+ i = pos1(c1, note);
+ if (i == 0)
+ i = n + 1;
+ while (l > 0 && i <= n) {
+ delete1(note, i);
+ n--;
+ l--;
+ }
+ i = pos1(c2, note);
+ if (i == 0) {
+ if (strlen(note) < 2)
+ error("M-Tx program error", print);
+ else
+ i = 3;
+ }
+ while (l > 0) {
+ insertChar(c2, note, i);
+ l--;
+ }
+Static Void repitch(note, diff)
+Char *note;
+short diff;
+ diff /= 7;
+ if (diff > 0)
+ delins(note, '-', '+', diff);
+ else
+ delins(note, '+', '-', -diff);
+Void setUnbeamed(voice)
+short voice;
+ current[voice-1].beamed = false;
+Void setUnslurred(voice)
+short voice;
+ line_status *WITH;
+ WITH = &current[voice-1];
+ WITH->slurred = false;
+ WITH->after_slur = 0;
+Void beginBeam(voice, note)
+short voice;
+Char *note;
+ line_status *WITH;
+ WITH = &current[voice-1];
+ if (WITH->beamed)
+ error3(voice, "Starting a forced beam while another is open");
+ if (WITH->beam_level > 0)
+ error3(voice,
+ "Starting a forced beam while another is open (beamlevel>0)");
+ WITH->beam_level++;
+ WITH->beamnext = true;
+ WITH->no_beam_melisma = startsWith(note, "[[");
+ if (WITH->no_beam_melisma)
+ predelete(note, 1);
+Void endBeam(voice)
+short voice;
+ line_status *WITH;
+ WITH = &current[voice-1];
+ if (WITH->beam_level < 1)
+ error3(voice, "Closing a beam that was never opened");
+ WITH->beam_level--;
+ setUnbeamed(voice);
+short slurLevel(voice)
+short voice;
+ return (current[voice-1].slur_level);
+short beamLevel(voice)
+short voice;
+ return (current[voice-1].beam_level);
+boolean noSlurMelisma(voice, history)
+short voice, history;
+ line_status *WITH;
+ WITH = &current[voice-1];
+ return (WITH->no_slur_melisma[WITH->slur_level + history - 1]);
+Static Char *slurLabel(Result, voice, note)
+Char *Result;
+short voice;
+Char *note;
+ Char sl;
+ if (*note == '\0')
+ return strcpy(Result, "");
+ if (strlen(note) < 2)
+ return strcpy(Result, " ");
+ if (note[1] >= '0' && note[1] <= 'Z')
+ sl = note[1];
+ else
+ sl = ' ';
+ if (sl >= 'I' && sl <= 'T')
+ warning3(voice, "Slur label in the range I..T may cause conflict");
+ sprintf(Result, "%c", sl);
+ return Result;
+Static Void labelSlur(voice, note)
+short voice;
+Char *note;
+ Char sl;
+ line_status *WITH;
+ if (*note == '\0')
+ return;
+ WITH = &current[voice-1];
+ if (note[0] == ')')
+ WITH->slurID += 2;
+ else if (note[0] == '}')
+ WITH->tieID += 2;
+ /** CMO 0.60a: replace assigning tieID to sl by space charater
+ if (note[1]='(') or (note[1]=')') then sl:=slurID else sl:=tieID; */
+ if (note[0] == '(' || note[0] == ')')
+ sl = WITH->slurID;
+ else
+ sl = ' ';
+ /** CMO 0.60d: omit insertchar in case of tie
+ insertchar(sl,note,2); */
+ if (note[0] == '(' || note[0] == ')')
+ insertChar(sl, note, 2);
+ if (note[0] == '(')
+ WITH->slurID -= 2;
+ else if (note[0] == '{')
+ WITH->tieID -= 2;
+ if (WITH->slurID < 'I')
+ warning3(voice, "Too many nested slurs may cause conflict");
+ if (WITH->tieID < 'I')
+ warning3(voice, "Too many nested ties may cause conflict");
+Void beginSlur(voice, note)
+short voice;
+Char *note;
+ short posblind;
+ line_status *WITH;
+ Char STR1[256], STR2[256];
+ WITH = &current[voice-1];
+ WITH->slur_level++;
+ if (WITH->slur_level > 12)
+ error3(voice, "Too many open slurs");
+ WITH->no_slur_melisma[WITH->slur_level - 1] = (startsWith(note, "((") ||
+ startsWith(note, "{{"));
+ if (WITH->no_slur_melisma[WITH->slur_level - 1])
+ predelete(note, 1);
+ if (!strcmp(slurLabel(STR1, voice, note), "0"))
+ delete1(note, 2);
+ else {
+ if (!strcmp(slurLabel(STR2, voice, note), " "))
+ labelSlur(voice, note);
+ }
+ posblind = pos1('~', note);
+ if (posblind > 0) {
+ if (hideBlindSlurs())
+ *note = '\0';
+ else
+ delete1(note, posblind);
+ }
+ WITH->slurnext = true;
+Void endSlur(voice, note)
+short voice;
+Char *note;
+ short poscontinue, posblind;
+ Char contslur[256];
+ line_status *WITH;
+ Char STR1[256], STR2[256];
+ WITH = &current[voice-1];
+ *contslur = '\0';
+ if (WITH->slur_level < 1)
+ error3(voice, "Ending a slur that was never started");
+ if (note[0] == ')')
+ poscontinue = pos1('(', note);
+ else if (note[0] == '}')
+ poscontinue = pos1('{', note);
+ if (poscontinue == 0)
+ WITH->slur_level--;
+ else {
+ poscontinue--;
+ strcpy(contslur, note);
+ predelete(contslur, poscontinue);
+ shorten(note, poscontinue);
+ }
+ if (WITH->slur_level == 0)
+ setUnslurred(voice);
+ if (!strcmp(slurLabel(STR1, voice, note), "0"))
+ delete1(note, 2);
+ else {
+ if (!strcmp(slurLabel(STR2, voice, note), " "))
+ labelSlur(voice, note);
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(slurLabel(STR1, voice, contslur), "0"))
+ delete1(contslur, 2);
+ else {
+ if (!strcmp(slurLabel(STR2, voice, contslur), " "))
+ labelSlur(voice, contslur);
+ }
+ if (poscontinue > 0) {
+ if (note[0] == '}')
+ strcat(note, "t");
+ note[0] = 's';
+ if (contslur[0] == '{')
+ strcat(contslur, "t");
+ contslur[0] = 's';
+ }
+ posblind = pos1('~', note);
+ if (posblind > 0) {
+ if (hideBlindSlurs())
+ *note = '\0';
+ else
+ delete1(note, posblind);
+ }
+ if (*note != '\0' && *contslur != '\0')
+ sprintf(note + strlen(note), " %s", contslur);
+Void renewPitch(voice, note)
+short voice;
+Char *note;
+ short pstat;
+ line_status *WITH;
+ WITH = &current[voice-1];
+ pstat = newPitch(voice, note, WITH->chord_pitch, WITH->chord_lastnote);
+ if (debugMode())
+ printf("Current pitch in voice %d is %d, last note was %c, this note is %s",
+ voice, WITH->pitch, WITH->lastnote, note);
+ WITH->pitch = newPitch(voice, note, WITH->pitch, WITH->lastnote);
+ if (WITH->pitch != pstat)
+ repitch(note, WITH->pitch - pstat);
+ if (WITH->pitch < lowest_pitch && checkPitch()) {
+ printf("Pitch of note %s following %c reported as %d",
+ note, WITH->lastnote, WITH->pitch);
+ error3(voice, "Pitch too low");
+ }
+ if (WITH->pitch > highest_pitch && checkPitch()) {
+ printf("Pitch of note %s following %c reported as %d",
+ note, WITH->lastnote, WITH->pitch);
+ error3(voice, "Pitch too high");
+ }
+ WITH->lastnote = note[0];
+ if (debugMode())
+ printf(", repitched to %d\n", WITH->pitch);
+ if (debugMode() && WITH->pitch != pstat)
+ printf("Pitch from melodic line = %d from last chordal note = %d\n",
+ WITH->pitch, pstat);
+short chordPitch(voice)
+short voice;
+ return (current[voice-1].chord_pitch);
+Void renewChordPitch(voice, note)
+short voice;
+Char *note;
+ line_status *WITH;
+ WITH = &current[voice-1];
+ WITH->chord_pitch = newPitch(voice, note, WITH->chord_pitch,
+ WITH->chord_lastnote);
+ if (WITH->chord_pitch < lowest_pitch)
+ error3(voice, "Pitch in chord too low");
+ if (WITH->chord_pitch > highest_pitch)
+ error3(voice, "Pitch in chord too high");
+ WITH->chord_lastnote = note[0];
+Void initStatus()
+ short voice, FORLIM;
+ line_status *WITH;
+ FORLIM = nvoices;
+ for (voice = 1; voice <= FORLIM; voice++) {
+ WITH = &current[voice-1];
+ WITH->duration = default_duration;
+ WITH->octave_adjust = 0;
+ WITH->slur_level = 0;
+ WITH->beam_level = 0;
+ WITH->beamed = false;
+ WITH->beamnext = false;
+ WITH->slurred = false;
+ WITH->slurnext = false;
+ WITH->after_slur = 0;
+ WITH->octave = initOctave(voiceStave(voice));
+ WITH->slurID = 'S';
+ WITH->tieID = 'T';
+ WITH->lastnote = 'f';
+ WITH->pitch = (WITH->octave - '0') * 7 - 3;
+ *WITH->chord_tie_label = '\0';
+ saveStatus(voice);
+ }
+/* End. */