path: root/Build/source/utils/mtx/mtx-0.60d/mtx.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/mtx/mtx-0.60d/mtx.pas')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/mtx/mtx-0.60d/mtx.pas b/Build/source/utils/mtx/mtx-0.60d/mtx.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..474b24521a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/utils/mtx/mtx-0.60d/mtx.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+unit mtx;
+{ Details of M-Tx -> PMX translation }
+interface uses globals;
+procedure scanMusic(voice: voice_index; var left_over: integer);
+procedure markDebeamed(voice: voice_index; var note: string);
+procedure checkOctave(voice: voice_index; var note: string);
+function rests (len, meterdenom: integer; blind: boolean): string;
+procedure initMTX;
+implementation uses control, mtxline, strings, status, notes;
+const flagged = '8136';
+type sticky = array['a'..'z'] of boolean;
+var note_attrib, rest_attrib: array[voice_index] of sticky;
+function logTwo(denom: integer): integer;
+ var l: integer;
+begin l:=0; while denom>1 do begin inc(l); denom:=denom div 2; end;
+ logtwo:=l;
+{ RESTS should have a third parameter OFFSET. At present we in effect
+ assume OFFSET+LENGTH to be a multiple of METERDENOM. }
+function rests (len, meterdenom: integer; blind: boolean): string;
+ var r, bl: string;
+ function dotted(n: integer): boolean;
+ begin dotted:=false; if n=0 then exit;
+ if n<>3*(n div 3) then exit;
+ n:=n div 3; while n mod 2 = 0 do n:=n div 2;
+ dotted := n=1;
+ end;
+ begin if blind then bl:='b' else bl:='';
+ if len=0 then rests:='' else
+ if len=128*meterdenom then rests:='r9'+bl+' ' else
+ if dotted(len) then
+ begin r:=rests(len-len div 3,meterdenom,false);
+ r[3]:='d'; rests:=r+bl+' ';
+ end
+ else if len>=64 div meterdenom then
+ rests:=rests(len-64 div meterdenom,meterdenom,blind)+'r'
+ +durations[whole+logtwo(meterdenom)]+bl+' '
+ else rests:=rests(len,meterdenom*2,blind);
+ end;
+procedure checkSticky(var note: string; var attrib: sticky);
+ var i,l: integer;
+ c: char;
+ a: string;
+ function attribs(note: string): string;
+ var a: string;
+ i,l: integer;
+ n: char;
+ begin a:=''; i:=2; l:=length(note);
+ while i<=l do
+ begin n:=note[i];
+ if n='x' then i:=l else if (n>='a') and (n<='z') then a:=a+n;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ attribs:=a;
+ end;
+begin if note='' then exit;
+ l:=length(note); i:=2;
+ while i<=l do
+ begin c:=note[i];
+ if (c>='a') and (c<='z') then
+ if (i<l) and (note[i+1]=':') then
+ begin delete1(note,i+1); dec(l); attrib[c]:=not attrib[c]; end
+ else attrib[c]:=false;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ a:=attribs(note);
+ for c:='z' downto 'a' do
+ if attrib[c] and (pos1(c,a)=0) then insertchar(c,note,3);
+{ Routine was patched by Hiroaki Morimoto, revised 2003/08/15.
+ Rewritten by DPL 2004/05/16 to be more understandable.
+ octaveCode returns octave adjustments in the order
+ [absolute or =],[relative] }
+procedure checkOctave(voice: voice_index; var note: string);
+ var code: char;
+ code:=octaveCode(note);
+ if code='=' then begin setOctave(voice); removeOctaveCode(code,note); end;
+ if octave(voice)=blank then exit;
+ code:=octaveCode(note);
+ if (code>='0') and (code<='9') then begin resetOctave(voice); exit end;
+ while (code='+') or (code='-') do
+ begin
+ newOctave(voice,code); removeOctaveCode(code,note); code:=octaveCode(note)
+ end;
+ if code<>' ' then error3(voice,'You may have only one absolute octave assignment');
+ insertOctaveCode(octave(voice),note); resetOctave(voice)
+procedure markDebeamed(voice: voice_index; var note: string);
+ if isVocal(voice) and (afterSlur(voice)=0) and unbeamVocal
+ and (pos1(duration(voice),flagged)>0) then insertchar('a',note,2);
+function barLength (meter: string): integer;
+ var n1, n2, pn1, pn2: integer;
+ getMeter(meter,n1,n2,pn1,pn2); barLength := n1*(64 div n2);
+function isMultiBarRest(rest: string): boolean;
+begin isMultibarRest:=false; if length(rest)<3 then exit;
+ if rest[2]<>'m' then exit;
+ if multi_bar_rest then error(
+ 'Only one multibar rest allowed per line',print);
+ multi_bar_rest := true; isMultibarRest:=true;
+{ Double-length in xtuplet detected by a brute search for D anywhere.
+ Could be more elegant. }
+var macro_length: array[1..20] of integer;
+const macro_ID: array[1..20] of string[2]=('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8',
+ '9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20');
+procedure scanMusic(voice: voice_index; var left_over: integer);
+ var buf, note, enote, xnote: string;
+ has_next, done, doublex, store_macro: boolean;
+ bar, old_length, bar_length, count, l, mlen, ngrace, nmulti,
+ macroID, playID: integer;
+ dur1, lastdur, macro_type: char;
+ nscan: music_word;
+ procedure decmulti;
+ begin if doublex then dec(nmulti,2) else dec(nmulti)
+ end;
+ procedure countIt;
+ procedure incbar(nl: integer);
+ begin inc(bar_length,nl);
+ if (bar_length>bar) and (meternum>0)
+ then error3(voice,'Bar end occurs in mid-note');
+ end;
+ begin
+ if ngrace>0 then dec(ngrace) else
+ if nmulti>0 then decmulti else
+ begin if (count mod 3<>0) and (
+ (note[1]<>rest) and note_attrib[voice,'d'] or
+ (note[1]=rest) and rest_attrib[voice,'d']) then
+ inc(count,count div 2);
+ incbar(count);
+ l := pos1(multi_group,note);
+ if l>0 then
+ begin predelete(note,l); getNum(note,nmulti); decmulti;
+ end;
+ end
+ end;
+ procedure maybeGroup;
+ begin if note[1]=grace_group then
+ begin if length(note)=1 then ngrace:=1
+ else ngrace := pos1(note[2],digits); (* bug if ngrace>9 *)
+ if ngrace>0 then dec(ngrace);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function identifyMacro(s: string): integer;
+ var k: integer;
+ begin predelete(s,2); for k:=1 to 20 do if s=macro_ID[k] then
+ begin identifyMacro:=k; exit end;
+ identifyMacro:=0
+ end;
+ procedure examineMacro;
+ begin if not countMacro then exit;
+ if debugMode then write(note,': '); if length(note)=1 then
+ begin
+ mlen:=bar_length-old_length;
+ if (macroID<1) or (macroID>20) then error3(voice,'Invalid macro ID');
+ macro_length[macroID]:=mlen;
+ if debugMode then
+ writeln('Ending macro ',macroID,' of type ',macro_type,', length=', mlen);
+ if macro_type='S' then bar_length:=old_length; store_macro:=false
+ end
+ else begin playID:=identifyMacro(note);
+ if (playID<1) or (playID>20) then error3(voice,'Invalid macro ID');
+ if note[2]='P' then
+ begin if debugMode then
+ writeln('Playing macro ',playID,' of length ',
+ macro_length[playID]);
+ inc(bar_length,macro_length[playID])
+ end
+ else if pos1(note[2],'SR')>0 then
+ begin old_length:=bar_length; macro_type:=note[2]; macroID:=playID;
+ store_macro:=true;
+ if debugMode then writeln('Defining macro ',macroID,' of type ',note[2])
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ terminators:='d.x';
+ resetInfo(voice, buf); has_next := false; left_over:=0; store_macro:=false;
+ bar:=full_bar; bar_length:=0; ngrace:=0; nmulti:=0;
+ if meternum=0 then bar:=32000;
+ dur1:=duration(voice); lastdur:=dur1;
+ done:=false;
+ repeat GetNextMusWord(buf,note,nscan); if length(note)=0 then break; count:=0;
+{ if isNoteOrRest(note) and not (isPause(note) or isMultibarRest(note))
+ then note:=toStandard(note); }
+ doublex := pos1('D',note)>0;
+ if nscan=mword then
+ begin
+ if length(note)=0 then
+ Error3(voice,'You may not end a line with a meter change');
+ if bar_length>0 then
+ error3(voice,'Meter change only allowed at start of bar')
+ else bar:=barLength(note);
+ end
+ else if nscan=rword then
+ if not (isPause(note) or isMultiBarRest(note)) then
+ begin
+ processNote(note,xnote,dur1,lastdur,count);
+ checkSticky(note,rest_attrib[voice]);
+ end;
+ if note<>'' then appendNote(voice,nscan);
+ enote := note;
+ if (nscan=macro) or (nscan=endMacro) then examineMacro;
+ if nscan=abcdefg then
+ if (not multi_bar_rest) and (ngrace + nmulti = 0) then
+ begin
+ processNote(enote,xnote,dur1,lastdur,count);
+ if xnote<>'' then
+ begin
+ checkSticky(enote,note_attrib[voice]);
+ appendToLine(voice,enote);
+ appendNote(voice,nscan); enote := xnote;
+ end;
+ checkSticky(enote,note_attrib[voice]);
+ end;
+ appendToLine(voice,enote);
+ if note='' then done:=true; { !!! else word_bound[here]:=length(line); }
+ if (note=barsym) then
+ if meternum=0 then
+ error3(voice,'You may not use bar lines in barless music')
+ else if bar_length=0 then markBar(voice)
+ else if (numberOfBars(voice)=0) and (bar_length<bar) then
+ begin if has_next then
+ has_next:=false {Should check whether pickups are equal}
+ else if left_over>0 then error3(voice,'Bar is too short');
+ left_over:=bar_length; bar_length := 0;
+ end;
+ if nscan=nextvoice then
+ begin if bar_length>0 then error3(voice, 'Next voice before bar is full')
+ else barForward(voice,-1); has_next := true;
+ end
+ else if isPause(note) then inc(bar_length,bar)
+ else if multi_bar_rest then {do nothing}
+ else if not done and isNoteOrRest(note) then countIt
+ else maybeGroup;
+ dur1:=lastdur;
+ if (bar_length>=bar) and (ngrace+nmulti=0) and not store_macro then
+ begin if debugMode then writeln(voice,' ',bar_length);
+ barForward(voice,bar_length div bar); bar_length:=bar_length mod bar
+ end;
+ until done;
+ setExtraLength(voice,bar_length);
+ resetDuration(voice,dur1);
+ regroup(voice)
+procedure initMTX;
+ var i: voice_index; j: char;
+begin for i:=1 to maxvoices do for j:='a' to 'z' do
+ note_attrib[i,j] := false;
+ rest_attrib := note_attrib;