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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
+<html xmlns="">
+<title>mkjobtexmf -- Generate a texmf tree for a particular job</title>
+<link rev="made" href="" />
+<body style="background-color: white">
+<p><a name="__index__"></a></p>
+<!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
+ <li><a href="#name">NAME</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#description">DESCRIPTION</a></li>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#running_the_program">Running the program</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#file_recording">File recording</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#analyze_and_link_copy_found_files">Analyze and link/copy found files</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <li><a href="#options">OPTIONS</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#examples">EXAMPLES</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#unsolved_issues__caveats__todos">UNSOLVED ISSUES, CAVEATS, TODOS</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#files">FILES</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#author">AUTHOR</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#copyright_and_license">COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#history">HISTORY</a></li>
+<!-- INDEX END -->
+<hr />
+<h1><a name="name">NAME</a></h1>
+<p>mkjobtexmf -- Generate a texmf tree for a particular job</p>
+<hr />
+<h1><a name="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></h1>
+<p>The progam <strong>mkjobtexmf</strong> runs a program and tries to
+find the used file names. Two methods are available,
+option <code>-recorder</code> of TeX (Web2C) or the program <strong>strace</strong>.</p>
+<p>Then it generates a directory with a texmf tree. It checks
+the found files and tries sort them in this texmf tree.</p>
+<p>It can be used for archiving purposes or to speed up
+following TeX runs.</p>
+ mkjobtexmf [options]</pre>
+<p>This runs TeX that can be configured by options.
+Both methods for getting the used file names are available.</p>
+ mkjobtexmf [options] -- &lt;cmd&gt; [args]</pre>
+<p>The latter form runs program <em>cmd</em> with arguments <em>args</em>
+instead of TeX. As method only program <strong>strace</strong> is available.</p>
+ --jobname &lt;name&gt; Name of the job (mandatory).
+ Usually this is the TeX file
+ without extension
+ --texname &lt;file&gt; Input file for TeX. Default is the
+ job name with extension '.tex'
+ --texopt &lt;option&gt; Option for TeX run
+ --destdir &lt;directory&gt; Destination directory,
+ default is `&lt;jobname&gt;.mjt'
+ --output Add also output files
+ --strace Use strace instead of TeX's
+ option -recorder
+ --copy Copy files instead of creating
+ symbol links
+ --flat Junk paths, do not make directories
+ inside the destination directory
+ --cmd-tex &lt;cmd&gt; Command for the TeX compiler
+ --cmd-kpsewhich &lt;cmd&gt; Command for kpsewhich
+ --cmd-texhash &lt;cmd&gt; Command for texhash
+ --cmd-strace &lt;cmd&gt; Command for strace
+ --verbose Verbose output
+ --help Brief help message
+ --man Full documentation</pre>
+<hr />
+<h1><a name="description">DESCRIPTION</a></h1>
+<h2><a name="running_the_program">Running the program</a></h2>
+<p>First <strong>mkjobtexmf</strong> runs a program, usually TeX. The TeX compiler
+is configured by option <strong>--cmd-tex</strong>. Option <strong>--texname</strong> can
+be used, if the file name extension differs from <em>.tex</em>:</p>
+ mkjobtexmf --jobname foo --texname foo.ltx</pre>
+<p>Even more complicate cases are possible:</p>
+ mkjobtexmf --jobname foo --texname '\def\abc{...}\input{foo}'</pre>
+<p>If another program than TeX should be used (dvips, ...),
+then this program can be given after <code>--</code>:</p>
+ mkjobtexmf --jobname foo -- dvips foo</pre>
+<h2><a name="file_recording">File recording</a></h2>
+<p>Two methods are available to get the used file names:</p>
+<dt><strong><a name="item_recorder_of_tex">Recorder of TeX</a></strong><br />
+Some TeX distributions (e.g. Web2C) support the option <strong>-recorder</strong>
+for its TeX compilers. Then the TeX compiler generates a file with
+extension <em>.fls</em> that records the used input and output files.
+<dt><strong><a name="item_program_strace">Program strace</a></strong><br />
+This program traces system calls and signals. It is used here
+to log the used files.
+<h2><a name="analyze_and_link_copy_found_files">Analyze and link/copy found files</a></h2>
+<p>The result directory <em><em>jobname</em>.mjt</em> is generated. Inside the
+result TEXMF tree is created. Each found file is compared against
+a list of paths of TEXMF trees. If a match is found, the file is
+linked/copied into the TEXMF tree. The list of paths is generated by
+program <strong>kpsewhich</strong>.</p>
+<p>If the file cannot be mapped to a TEXMF tree and the file is
+a relative file name, then it is directly linked/copied into the
+result directory <em><em>jobname</em>.mjt</em>. Absolute file names
+are not supported and neither paths with links to parent directories.</p>
+<p>Symbolic links are created by default. The files are copied
+if option --copy is given or symbolic linking is not available.</p>
+<hr />
+<h1><a name="options">OPTIONS</a></h1>
+<dt><strong><a name="item__2d_2djobname_3djobname"><strong>--jobname</strong>=<em>jobname</em></a></strong><br />
+It is the name of the job. `&lt;jobname&gt;.tex' serves as default for
+the TeX file and &lt;jobname&gt; is used for naming various directories
+and files. See section <a href="#files">FILES</a>.
+<dt><strong><a name="item__2d_2dtexname_3dname"><strong>--texname</strong>=<em>name</em></a></strong><br />
+The name of the TeX input file, if it differs from &lt;jobname&gt;.tex.
+<dt><strong><a name="item__2d_2dtexopt_3dopt"><strong>--texopt</strong>=<em>opt</em></a></strong><br />
+Additional option for the TeX compiler, examples are --ini or
+--shell-escape. This option can be given more than once.
+<dt><strong><a name="item__2d_2ddestdir_3ddirectory"><strong>--destdir</strong>=<em>directory</em></a></strong><br />
+Specifies the name of the destination directory where the result
+is collected. As default a directory is generated in the current
+directory with the job name and extension `.mjt'.
+<dt><strong><a name="item__2d_2doutput"><strong>--output</strong></a></strong><br />
+Also add output files.
+<dt><strong><a name="item__2d_2dstrace"><strong>--strace</strong></a></strong><br />
+Use method with program <strong>strace</strong>, see <a href="#description">DESCRIPTION</a>.
+<dt><strong><a name="item__2d_2dcopy"><strong>--copy</strong></a></strong><br />
+Files are copied instead of creating symbolic links.
+<dt><strong><a name="item__2d_2dflat"><strong>--flat</strong></a></strong><br />
+Files are linked or copied without path elements.
+The destination directory will contain a flat list of
+files or links without directory.
+<p>The files `ls-R' and `aliases' are ignored.</p>
+<dt><strong><a name="item__2d_2dcmd_2dtex_3dcmd"><strong>--cmd-tex</strong>=<em>cmd</em></a></strong><br />
+Command for the TeX compiler. Default is pdflatex.
+<dt><strong><a name="item__2d_2dcmd_2dkpsewhich_3dcmd"><strong>--cmd-kpsewhich</strong>=<em>cmd</em></a></strong><br />
+Command for kpsewhich.
+<dt><strong><a name="item__2d_2dcmd_2dtexhash_3dcmd"><strong>--cmd-texhash</strong>=<em>cmd</em></a></strong><br />
+Command for updating the file name database of the generated
+texmf tree. Default is texmf.
+<dt><strong><a name="item__2d_2dcmd_2dstrace_3dcmd"><strong>--cmd-strace</strong>=<em>cmd</em></a></strong><br />
+Command for strace.
+<dt><strong><a name="item__2d_2dverbose"><strong>--verbose</strong></a></strong><br />
+Verbose messages.
+<dt><strong><a name="item__2d_2dhelp"><strong>--help</strong></a></strong><br />
+Display help screen.
+<hr />
+<h1><a name="examples">EXAMPLES</a></h1>
+<p>TeX file <em>test.tex</em> using TeX's recorder method:</p>
+ mkjobtexmf --jobname test</pre>
+<p>TeX file <em>test.tex</em> using LaTeX:</p>
+ mkjobtexmf --jobname test --cmd-tex latex</pre>
+<p>Format generation:</p>
+ mkjobtexmf --jobname test --texopt -ini --texname pdflatex.ini</pre>
+<p>Example, how the new texmf tree (Linux/bash) can be used:</p>
+ TEXMF=!!test.mjt/texmf pdflatex test</pre>
+<p>Example for generating a zip archive (Linux/bash):</p>
+ (cd test.mjt &amp;&amp; zip -9r ../test .)</pre>
+<p>Example for generating a tar archive:</p>
+ tar cjhvf test.tar.bz2 -C test.mjt .</pre>
+<hr />
+<h1><a name="unsolved_issues__caveats__todos">UNSOLVED ISSUES, CAVEATS, TODOS</a></h1>
+<dt><strong><a name="item_experimental_software">Experimental software</a></strong><br />
+Options, defaults, how the program works might change in
+future versions.
+<dt><strong><a name="item_texmf_2ecnf"><em>texmf.cnf</em></a></strong><br />
+Currently the method with <strong>strace</strong> records this files.
+TeX's recorder does not. Useful are <em>texmf.cnf</em> files for
+variable settings. Because we have just one TEXMF tree,
+the path sections should probably rewritten.
+<dt><strong><a name="item_settings_in_environment_variables">Settings in environment variables</a></strong><br />
+They are not stored at all.
+<dt><strong><a name="item_collisions">Collisions</a></strong><br />
+The program uses one destination directory and at most
+one TEXMF tree for the result. However, the source files
+can come from different directories and TEXMF trees.
+Therefore name collisions are possible.
+<p>The program follows the strategy not to delete files
+in the destination directory. That allows to collect files
+from differnt runs. Thus collisions are resolved
+in the manner that the first entry that is made in
+the destination directory wins.</p>
+<dt><strong><a name="item_configuration_file">Configuration file</a></strong><br />
+It would save the user from retyping the same options again and again.
+<dt><strong><a name="item_uncomplete_recording">Uncomplete recording</a></strong><br />
+Bugs in TeX's file recording might result in incomplete
+file recording (e.g. pdfTeX 1.40.3 does not record .pfb and files).
+<dt><strong><a name="item__2e_2e_2e">...</a></strong><br />
+<hr />
+<h1><a name="files">FILES</a></h1>
+<dt><strong><a name="item__3cjobname_3e_2emjt_2f"><em>&lt;jobname&gt;.mjt/</em></a></strong><br />
+Directory where the resulting texmf tree and symbol links
+are stored.
+<dt><strong><a name="item__3cjobname_3e_2efls"><em>&lt;jobname&gt;.fls</em></a></strong><br />
+Name of TeX's recorder file.
+<dt><strong><a name="item__3cjobname_3e_2estrace"><em>&lt;jobname&gt;.strace</em></a></strong><br />
+Log file where the result of <strong>strace</strong> is stored.
+<hr />
+<h1><a name="author">AUTHOR</a></h1>
+<p>Heiko Oberdiek, email: oberdiek at</p>
+<hr />
+<h1><a name="copyright_and_license">COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE</a></h1>
+<p>Copyright 2007 by Heiko Oberdiek.</p>
+<p>This library is free software; you may redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself
+(Perl Artistic License/GNU General Public License, version 2).</p>
+<hr />
+<h1><a name="history">HISTORY</a></h1>
+<li><strong><a name="item__2f04_2f16_v0_2e1">/04/16 v0.1</a></strong><br />
+* First experimental version.
+<li><strong><a name="item__2f05_2f09_v0_2e2">/05/09 v0.2</a></strong><br />
+* Typo in option name fixed.
+<li><strong><a name="item__2f09_2f03_v0_2e3">/09/03 v0.3</a></strong><br />
+* New options: --copy, --flat, --destdir
+<li><strong><a name="item__2f09_2f04_v0_2e4">/09/04 v0.4</a></strong><br />
+* Bug fix in map_files_texmf.