path: root/Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/status.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/status.pas')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/status.pas b/Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/status.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9056dbe1917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/status.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+unit status;
+{ Keep track of duration, octave, slur and beam status. }
+procedure initStatus;
+procedure saveStatus(voice: integer);
+procedure resetDuration (voice: integer; dur: char);
+function duration(voice: integer): char;
+function slurLevel(voice: integer): integer;
+function beamLevel(voice: integer): integer;
+function noBeamMelisma(voice: integer): boolean;
+function noSlurMelisma(voice, history: integer): boolean;
+function afterSlur(voice: integer): integer;
+procedure setUnbeamed(voice: integer);
+procedure setUnslurred(voice: integer);
+procedure beginBeam(voice: integer; var note: string);
+procedure endBeam(voice: integer);
+procedure beginSlur(voice: integer; var note: string);
+procedure endSlur(voice: integer; var note: string);
+procedure activateBeamsAndSlurs(voice: integer);
+procedure setOctave(voice: integer);
+procedure resetOctave(voice: integer);
+function octave(voice: integer): char;
+procedure newOctave(voice: integer; dir: char);
+procedure initOctaves(octaves: string);
+procedure renewPitch (voice: integer; var note: string);
+function chordPitch(voice: integer): integer;
+procedure renewChordPitch (voice: integer; note: string);
+procedure rememberDurations;
+procedure restoreDurations;
+procedure chordTie(voice: integer; var lab: char);
+type int5 = array[1..5] of integer;
+procedure getChordTies(voice: integer; var pitches: int5; var labels: string);
+implementation uses globals, strings, mtxline, control, utility, notes;
+ init_oct: string = '';
+ lowest_pitch = -9;
+ highest_pitch = 61;
+ line_status = record
+ pitch, chord_pitch, octave_adjust, beam_level, slur_level, after_slur: integer;
+ octave, lastnote, chord_lastnote, duration, slurID, tieID: char;
+ beamnext, beamed, slurnext, slurred, no_beam_melisma: boolean;
+ no_slur_melisma: array[1..12] of boolean;
+ chord_tie_pitch: int5;
+ chord_tie_label: string[5];
+ end;
+var current: array[voice_index] of line_status;
+ lastdur: array[voice_index] of char;
+procedure chordTie(voice: integer; var lab: char);
+ var n: integer;
+begin with current[voice] do
+ begin n:=length(chord_tie_label);
+ if n=5 then error3(voice,'Only five slur ties allowed per voice');
+ if n=0 then lab:='T' else lab:=chord_tie_label[n];
+ inc(lab); chord_tie_label:=chord_tie_label+lab;
+ inc(n); chord_tie_pitch[n]:=chord_pitch
+ end
+procedure getChordTies(voice: integer; var pitches: int5; var labels: string);
+begin with current[voice] do
+ begin pitches:=chord_tie_pitch; labels:=chord_tie_label; chord_tie_label:='' end
+procedure rememberDurations;
+ var v: voice_index;
+begin for v:=1 to nvoices do lastdur[v]:=duration(v) end;
+procedure restoreDurations;
+ var v: voice_index;
+begin for v:=1 to nvoices do resetDuration(v,lastdur[v]) end;
+function duration(voice: integer): char;
+begin duration := current[voice].duration; end;
+procedure resetDuration(voice: integer; dur: char);
+begin if pos1(dur,durations)=0 then
+ begin write('Trying to set duration to ',dur,'; ');
+ error3(voice,'M-Tx system error: resetDuration');
+ end;
+ current[voice].duration := dur
+procedure activateBeamsAndSlurs(voice: integer);
+begin with current[voice] do
+ begin
+ if beamnext then begin beamed:=true; beamnext:=false; end;
+ if slurnext then begin slurred:=true; slurnext:=false; end;
+ if slurred then inc(after_slur);
+ end
+procedure saveStatus(voice: integer);
+begin with current[voice] do
+ begin chord_pitch := pitch; chord_lastnote := lastnote; end;
+function noBeamMelisma(voice: integer): boolean;
+begin noBeamMelisma := current[voice].no_beam_melisma; end;
+function afterSlur(voice: integer): integer;
+begin with current[voice] do
+ begin afterSlur := after_slur; if (after_slur>0) and (slur_level<1) then
+ error3(voice,'M-Tx system error: afterSlur and slur_level incompatible)')
+ end
+function octave(voice: integer): char;
+begin octave := current[voice].octave; end;
+procedure resetOctave(voice: integer);
+begin current[voice].octave := ' '; end;
+procedure initOctaves(octaves: string);
+ var i: integer;
+begin init_oct:=octaves;
+ i:=1;
+ while i<=length(init_oct) do
+ if init_oct[i]=' ' then delete1(init_oct,i) else inc(i);
+function initOctave(voice_stave: stave_index): char;
+ if voice_stave>length(init_oct) then
+ if pos1(clef[voice_stave],'Gt08')>0
+ then initOctave:='4' else initOctave:='3'
+ else initOctave:=init_oct[voice_stave];
+procedure setOctave(voice: integer);
+begin current[voice].octave:=initOctave(voiceStave(voice)); end;
+procedure newOctave(voice: integer; dir: char);
+begin with current[voice] do case dir of
+ '+': inc(octave);
+ '-': dec(octave);
+ end;
+function newPitch (voice: integer; note: string; pitch: integer;
+ lastnote: char): integer;
+ var interval, npitch: integer;
+ oct: char;
+begin {if debugMode then
+ write('New pitch for note ',note,' relative to ',lastnote,
+ ' at pitch ',pitch);}
+ oct:=octaveCode(note);
+ if oct='=' then oct:=initOctave(voiceStave(voice));
+ if (oct>='0') and (oct<='9') then
+ begin pitch:=7*(ord(oct)-ord('0'))-3; lastnote:='f';
+ removeOctaveCode(oct,note); oct:=octaveCode(note)
+ end;
+ interval := ord(note[1])-ord(lastnote);
+ if interval>3 then dec(interval,7);
+ if interval<-3 then inc(interval,7);
+ npitch:=pitch+interval; {if debugMode then write(' was ',npitch);}
+ while oct<>' ' do
+ begin if oct='+' then inc(npitch,7) else if oct='-' then dec(npitch,7);
+ removeOctaveCode(oct,note); oct:=octaveCode(note)
+ end;
+ {if debugMode then writeln(' is ',npitch);}
+ newPitch:=npitch
+procedure repitch(var note: string; diff: integer);
+ procedure delins(var note: string; c1, c2: char; l: integer);
+ var i, n: integer;
+ begin n:=length(note); i:=pos1(c1,note); if i=0 then i:=n+1;
+ while (l>0) and (i<=n) do begin delete1(note,i); dec(n); dec(l); end;
+ i:=pos1(c2,note);
+ if i=0 then if length(note)<2 then error('M-Tx program error',print)
+ else i:=3;
+ while l>0 do begin insertchar(c2,note,i); dec(l); end;
+ end;
+ begin diff:=diff div 7;
+ if diff>0 then delins(note, '-','+',diff)
+ else delins(note, '+','-',-diff);
+ end;
+procedure setUnbeamed(voice: integer);
+begin current[voice].beamed:=false end;
+procedure setUnslurred(voice: integer);
+begin with current[voice] do
+ begin slurred:=false; after_slur:=0; end;
+procedure beginBeam(voice: integer; var note: string);
+begin with current[voice] do
+ begin if beamed then
+ error3(voice, 'Starting a forced beam while another is open');
+ if beam_level>0 then error3(voice,
+ 'Starting a forced beam while another is open (beamlevel>0)');
+ inc(beam_level);
+ beamnext := true; no_beam_melisma:=startsWith(note,'[[');
+ if no_beam_melisma then predelete(note,1);
+ end;
+procedure endBeam(voice: integer);
+begin with current[voice] do
+ begin if beam_level<1 then error3(voice, 'Closing a beam that was never opened');
+ dec(beam_level)
+ end;
+ setUnbeamed(voice)
+function slurLevel(voice: integer): integer;
+begin slurLevel := current[voice].slur_level; end;
+function beamLevel(voice: integer): integer;
+begin beamLevel := current[voice].beam_level; end;
+function noSlurMelisma(voice, history: integer): boolean;
+begin with current[voice] do
+ noSlurMelisma := no_slur_melisma[slur_level+history];
+function slurLabel(voice: integer; note: string): string;
+ var sl: char;
+begin if note='' then begin slurLabel:=''; exit end;
+ if length(note)<2 then begin slurLabel:=' '; exit end;
+ if (note[2]>='0') and (note[2]<='Z') then sl:=note[2] else sl:=' ';
+ if (sl>='I') and (sl<='T') then
+ warning3(voice,'Slur label in the range I..T may cause conflict');
+ slurLabel:=sl
+procedure labelSlur(voice: integer; var note: string);
+ var sl: char;
+begin if note='' then exit;
+ with current[voice] do
+ begin
+ if note[1]=')' then inc(slurID,2) else if note[1]='}' then inc(tieID,2);
+ if (note[1]='(') or (note[1]=')') then sl:=slurID else sl:=tieID;
+ insertchar(sl,note,2);
+ if note[1]='(' then dec(slurID,2) else if note[1]='{' then dec(tieID,2);
+ if slurID<'I' then warning3(voice,'Too many nested slurs may cause conflict');
+ if tieID<'I' then warning3(voice,'Too many nested ties may cause conflict')
+ end
+procedure beginSlur(voice: integer; var note: string);
+ var posblind: integer;
+ with current[voice] do
+ begin
+ inc(slur_level); if slur_level>12 then Error3(voice,'Too many open slurs');
+ no_slur_melisma[slur_level] := startsWith(note,'((') or startsWith(note,'{{');
+ if no_slur_melisma[slur_level] then predelete(note,1);
+ if slurLabel(voice,note)='0' then delete1(note,2) else
+ if slurLabel(voice,note)=' ' then labelSlur(voice,note);
+ posblind:=pos1('~',note); if posblind>0 then
+ if hideBlindSlurs then note:='' else delete1(note,posblind);
+ slurnext := true;
+ end;
+procedure endSlur(voice: integer; var note: string);
+ var poscontinue, posblind: integer;
+ contslur: string;
+begin with current[voice] do
+ begin contslur:='';
+ if slur_level<1 then Error3(voice,'Ending a slur that was never started');
+ if note[1]=')' then poscontinue:=pos1('(',note)
+ else if note[1]='}' then poscontinue:=pos1('{',note);
+ if poscontinue=0 then dec(slur_level) else
+ begin dec(poscontinue); contslur:=note; predelete(contslur,poscontinue);
+ shorten(note,poscontinue);
+ end;
+ if slur_level=0 then setUnslurred(voice);
+ if slurLabel(voice,note)='0' then delete1(note,2) else
+ if slurLabel(voice,note)=' ' then labelSlur(voice,note);
+ if slurLabel(voice,contslur)='0' then delete1(contslur,2) else
+ if slurLabel(voice,contslur)=' ' then labelSlur(voice,contslur);
+ if poscontinue>0 then
+ begin if note[1]='}' then note:=note+'t'; note[1]:='s';
+ if contslur[1]='{' then contslur:=contslur+'t'; contslur[1]:='s';
+ end;
+ posblind:=pos1('~',note); if posblind>0 then
+ if hideBlindSlurs then note:='' else delete1(note,posblind);
+ if (note<>'') and (contslur<>'') then note := note + ' ' + contslur;
+ end;
+procedure renewPitch (voice: integer; var note: string);
+ var pstat: integer;
+begin with current[voice] do
+ begin pstat:=newPitch (voice, note, chord_pitch, chord_lastnote);
+ if debugMode then write('Current pitch in voice ',voice,' is ',pitch,
+ ', last note was ',lastnote,', this note is ',note);
+ pitch := newPitch (voice, note, pitch, lastnote);
+ if pitch<>pstat then repitch(note,pitch-pstat);
+ if (pitch<lowest_pitch) and checkPitch then
+ begin write('Pitch of note ',note,' following ',lastnote,' reported as ',pitch);
+ error3(voice,'Pitch too low')
+ end;
+ if (pitch>highest_pitch) and checkPitch then
+ begin write('Pitch of note ',note,' following ',lastnote,' reported as ',pitch);
+ error3(voice,'Pitch too high')
+ end;
+ lastnote:=note[1];
+ if debugMode then writeln(', repitched to ',pitch);
+ if debugMode and (pitch<>pstat) then
+ writeln('Pitch from melodic line = ',pitch,
+ ' from last chordal note = ', pstat);
+ end;
+function chordPitch(voice: integer): integer;
+begin chordPitch:=current[voice].chord_pitch end;
+procedure renewChordPitch (voice: integer; note: string);
+begin with current[voice] do
+ begin chord_pitch:=newPitch(voice,note,chord_pitch,chord_lastnote);
+ if chord_pitch<lowest_pitch then error3(voice,'Pitch in chord too low');
+ if chord_pitch>highest_pitch then error3(voice,'Pitch in chord too high');
+ chord_lastnote:=note[1];
+ end
+procedure initStatus;
+ var voice: integer;
+begin for voice:=1 to nvoices do with current[voice] do
+ begin duration:=default_duration;
+ octave_adjust:=0; slur_level:=0; beam_level:=0;
+ beamed:=false; beamnext:=false;
+ slurred:=false; slurnext:=false; after_slur:=0;
+ octave:=initOctave(voiceStave(voice)); slurID:='S'; tieID:='T';
+ lastnote:='f'; pitch:=7*(ord(octave)-ord('0'))-3;
+ chord_tie_label:='';
+ saveStatus(voice);
+ end;