path: root/Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/multfile.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/multfile.pas')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/multfile.pas b/Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/multfile.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6c272992a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/multfile.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+unit multfile; (* DPL 2004-03-06
+(* Support for including files into an input stream.
+(* Intended for an application that does not require Pascal formatting,
+(* but reads complete lines one at a time.
+(* You never actually work with any files, except by supplying the
+( filename when the file is opened.
+(* At any stage, you can switch the input to a new file.
+(* When the new file is at EOF, and a "read" is issued, the file is
+(* closed and the previous one resumed transparently. This inclusion
+(* can be nested to any level, memory permitting.
+(* --- Normal mode of operation, replacing the usual Pascal style ---
+ Instead of: assign(textfile,filename); reset(textfile)
+ use: pushFile(filename)
+ When another file should be included before the current file is done,
+ use: pushFile(newfilename)
+ Instead of: readln(textfile,line)
+ use: line:=readLine
+ Instead of: eof(textfilen)
+ or: eofAll; {Are all files at EOF?}
+(* --- Abnormal mode of operation ---
+ To abort a file before EOF is reached:
+ use: popFile;
+ To abort all files:
+ use: closeAll;
+ To test whether only the current file is at EOF:
+ use: eofCurrent;
+(* Additional features:
+ fileError: boolean function, was there an error during file open or read?
+ currentFilename: string function, name of current file
+ currentLineNo: integer function, number of line just read from current file
+ isEmpty(var s: string): boolean function, is s empty?
+ readData: string function, like readLine, but continue reading until
+ a non-blank line is found, return blank only at EOF
+ skipBlanks: skip blank lines in input: next call to readLine will be
+ non-blank unless EOF is encountered
+ report(items): procedure to control which messages are printed,
+ "items" is the sum of the following options
+ (constants with the appropriate values are defined in the interface)
+ 1: reportnewfile - file is opened
+ 2: reportoldfile - file is resumed
+ 4: reportclose - file is closed
+ 8: reporterror - a file error is encountered
+ 16: reportrecursive - there is a recursive include
+ The default value is items=27 (all the above except reportclose)
+ At present you cannot turn reportrecursive off.
+ *)
+ procedure pushFile(filename: string);
+ procedure popFile;
+ procedure closeAll;
+ procedure report(items: integer);
+ function currentFilename: string;
+ function eofAll: boolean;
+ function eofCurrent: boolean;
+ function fileError: boolean;
+ function readLine: string;
+ function readData: string;
+ function isEmpty(var s: string): boolean;
+ function currentLineNo: integer;
+ procedure skipBlanks;
+ const nextData: string = '';
+ reportnewfile = 1;
+ reportoldfile = 2;
+ reportclose = 4;
+ reporterror = 8;
+ reportrecursive = 16;
+ type
+ pfilenode = ^filenode;
+ filenode = record
+ name: string;
+ actualfile: text;
+ prev: pfilenode;
+ lineno: integer;
+ end;
+ const current: pfilenode = NIL;
+ inputerror: boolean = false;
+ reportitem: integer = reportnewfile + reportoldfile
+ + reporterror + reportrecursive;
+ procedure report(items: integer); begin reportitem := items end;
+ function recursive (filename: string): boolean;
+ var previous: pfilenode;
+ begin if current=NIL then begin recursive:=false; exit; end;
+ previous := current; recursive:=true;
+ while previous <> NIL do
+ begin
+ if filename=previous^.name then exit;
+ previous := previous^.prev;
+ end;
+ recursive:=false
+ end;
+ procedure pushFile(filename: string);
+ var newnode: pfilenode;
+ begin
+ if recursive(filename) then
+ begin writeln('===! Ignoring recursive include of file ',filename); exit;
+ end;
+ new(newnode); newnode^.name := filename; newnode^.prev := current;
+ newnode^.lineno := 0;
+ assign(newnode^.actualfile,filename); reset(newnode^.actualfile);
+ inputerror := ioresult<>0;
+ if inputerror then dispose(newnode) else current := newnode;
+ if not inputerror and ((reportitem and reportnewfile)>0) then writeln
+ ('==>> Input from file ',currentFilename);
+ if inputerror and ((reportitem and reporterror)>0) then writeln
+ ('==!! Could not open file ',filename);
+ end;
+ procedure popFile;
+ var previous: pfilenode;
+ begin if current=NIL then exit;
+ if (reportitem and reportclose)>0 then writeln
+ ('==>> Closing file ',currentFilename,' at line number ', currentLineNo:1);
+ close(current^.actualfile); previous := current^.prev; dispose(current);
+ current := previous;
+ if (current<>NIL) and ((reportitem and reportoldfile)>0) then writeln
+ ('==>> Resuming input from file ',currentFilename,' at line number ',
+ currentLineNo:1);
+ end;
+ procedure closeAll; begin repeat popFile until current=NIL; end;
+ function eofCurrent: boolean;
+ begin eofCurrent := eof(current^.actualfile);
+ end;
+ function readLine: string;
+ var s: string;
+ begin if nextData<>'' then
+ begin readLine:=nextData; nextData:=''; exit end;
+ if eofAll then begin readLine:=''; exit end;
+ readln(current^.actualfile,s); readLine:=s;
+ inputerror := ioresult<>0;
+ if not inputerror then inc(current^.lineno);
+ if inputerror and ((reportitem and reporterror)>0) then writeln
+ ('==!! Could not read from file ',currentFilename);
+ end;
+ function isEmpty(var s: string): boolean;
+ var i: integer;
+ begin if length(s)=0 then begin isEmpty:=true; exit; end;
+ for i:=1 to length(s) do if s[i]<>' ' then
+ begin isEmpty:=false; exit; end;
+ isEmpty:=true
+ end;
+ function readData: string;
+ var s: string;
+ begin if not isEmpty(nextData) then
+ begin readData:=nextData; nextData:=''; exit end;
+ while not eofAll do
+ begin s:=readLine;
+ if not isEmpty(s) then begin readData:=s; exit end;
+ end;
+ readData:='';
+ end;
+ procedure skipBlanks;
+ begin while nextData='' do
+ begin nextData:=readData; if eofAll then exit
+ end
+ end;
+ function eofAll: boolean;
+ begin eofAll := true;
+ if current=NIL then exit else
+ if eofCurrent then begin popFile; eofAll:=eofAll; exit end;
+ eofAll:=false
+ end;
+ function currentLineNo: integer;
+ begin if current = NIL then currentLineNo := 0
+ else currentLineNo := current^.lineno;
+ end;
+ function currentFilename: string;
+ begin if current = NIL then currentFilename := 'No file open yet'
+ else currentFilename := current^.name;
+ end;
+ function fileError: boolean; begin fileError := inputerror; end;