path: root/Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/lyrics.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/lyrics.pas')
1 files changed, 455 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/lyrics.pas b/Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/lyrics.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..14d7f5046eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/lyrics.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+unit lyrics;
+{ Everything related to lyrics }
+interface uses globals;
+procedure initLyrics;
+procedure clearTags;
+procedure reviseLyrics;
+procedure lyrTranslate(var P: string; var numbered: boolean);
+procedure getSyllable(voice: voice_index; var pretex: string);
+function lyricsReport (voice: voice_index): string;
+procedure maybeLyrics (voice: voice_index; parline: paragraph_index;
+ w: string);
+procedure extractLyrtag (voice: voice_index; var note: string);
+procedure lyricsAdjust (voice: voice_index; var note: string);
+procedure assignLyrics(stave: stave_index; var lyrassign: string);
+procedure lyricsParagraph;
+function hasVerseNumber(voice: voice_index): boolean;
+implementation uses control, strings, mtxline, status, files, utility;
+{ Symbols used in strings of melismatype }
+ beam_melisma = '[';
+ inhibit_beam_melisma = '<';
+ slur_melisma = '(';
+ inhibit_slur_melisma = '{';
+ other_index = 1..10;
+ other_index0 = 0..10;
+ melismatype = string;
+ haslyrtype = (nolyr, haslyr);
+ auxtype= (normal, aux);
+ assigntype = (asbefore, newassign);
+ inittype = (virgin,active);
+ lyrinfotype = record
+ lyr_adjust, slur_level, slur_change, beam_level, beam_change: integer;
+ melisma: melismatype;
+ numbered: boolean;
+ end;
+ lyrlinetype = (none_given, global_lyrics, local_lyrics);
+ lyrtagtype = record
+ lyrsource: lyrlinetype;
+ has_lyrics: haslyrtype;
+ auxiliary: auxtype;
+ new_assign: assigntype;
+ initialized: inittype;
+ linecount: integer;
+ tags: string;
+ end;
+const maxLyrNums=64;
+ lyrtaglength=40;
+ LyrNum: integer=0;
+var lyrmodealter, oldlyrmodealter: array[stave_index] of boolean;
+ tag, oldtag: array[voice_index] of lyrtagtype;
+ lyrinfo: array[voice_index] of lyrinfotype;
+ numberedParagraph: array[1..maxLyrNums] of string[lyrtaglength];
+const lyr_adjust_undef = -12345;
+ interstave = 24;
+{ Information flow for verse numbers: at the SetLyrics stage, the first
+line of each lyrics paragraph is checked for a verse number, and if
+found, the paragraph tag is remembered. At the AssignLyrics stage,
+the first time that paragraph is encountered, the particular voice
+is marked in lyrinfo as being numbered. When that voice is later processed,
+the mark in lyrinfo is interrogated and turned off: if it was on, the
+mtxVerse pre-TeX string is put into the output. }
+function hasVerseNumber(voice: voice_index): boolean;
+begin hasVerseNumber:=lyrinfo[voice].numbered;
+ lyrinfo[voice].numbered:=false;
+function isNumberedLyricsParagraph(tag: string): boolean;
+ var i: integer;
+ for i:=1 to LyrNum do if tag=numberedParagraph[i] then
+ begin isNumberedLyricsParagraph:=true; exit; end;
+ isNumberedLyricsParagraph:=false;
+function anyTagNumbered(tags: string): boolean;
+ var s: string;
+begin anyTagNumbered:=false;
+ if curtail(tags,'}')>0 then delete1(tags,1);
+ repeat s:=getNextWord(tags,',',dummy);
+ if s='' then exit;
+ if isNumberedLyricsParagraph(s) then
+ begin anyTagNumbered:=true; exit; end;
+ until false;
+{ Save the tag in the numberedParagraph list, stripping off braces if any }
+procedure markNumbered(tag: string);
+begin if LyrNum >= maxLyrNums then
+ begin error('Too many numbered lines in the lyrics',not print); exit; end;
+ inc(LyrNum);
+ if curtail(tag,'}')>0 then delete1(tag,1);
+ numberedParagraph[LyrNum] := tag;
+{ --- end of procedures to keep track of verse numbering --- }
+procedure lyricsParagraph;
+ var first, w: string;
+ l, line: paragraph_index0;
+ i, nother: other_index0;
+ other: array[other_index] of string[lyrtaglength];
+ numbered: boolean;
+begin if not doLyrics then exit;
+ w:=NextWord(P[1],blank,dummy); l:=length(w); line_no := orig_line_no[1];
+ if w[l]<>'}' then w:=w+'}';
+ first:=GetNextWord(w,dummy,'}'); nother:=0;
+ while w<>'' do
+ begin if w[1]='=' then predelete(w,1);
+ if w[1]<>'{' then w:='{'+w;
+ inc(nother); other[nother]:=GetNextWord(w,dummy,'}');
+ end;
+ if beVerbose then
+ begin write('---- Paragraph ', paragraph_no, ' starting at line ', line_no,
+ ' has lyrics headed ',first);
+ for i:=1 to nother do write('=',other[i]); writeln;
+ end;
+ tex3(comment+' Paragraph '+toString(paragraph_no)+' line '+
+ toString(line_no)+' bar '+toString(bar_no));
+ tex3('\mtxSetLyrics'+first+'{%');
+ for line:=2 to para_len do
+ begin lyrTranslate(P[line],numbered);
+ if numbered then if (line>2) then warning(
+ 'Verse number not in first line of paragraph treated as lyrics',print)
+ else
+ begin markNumbered(first); for i:=1 to nother do markNumbered(other[i]);
+ end;
+ line_no:=orig_line_no[line];
+ if (length(P[line])>max_lyrics_line_length) and pmx_preamble_done
+ then error('Lyrics line too long',print);
+ if pmx_preamble_done then
+ if line=2 then put('\\\:'+P[line],putspace)
+ else put('\\\ ' + P[line],putspace)
+ else put(P[line],putspace);
+ if line<para_len then
+ if pmx_preamble_done then putLine(' %\')
+ else putLine(' %')
+ else if pmx_preamble_done then putLine('}\')
+ else putLine('}')
+ end;
+ for i:=1 to nother do tex3('\mtxCopyLyrics'+first+other[i]);
+function songraise(voice: voice_index): string;
+ var s: string;
+begin with tag[voice] do with lyrinfo[voice] do
+ if (initialized=virgin) and (lyr_adjust=0) then songraise:='' else
+ begin
+ if auxiliary=aux then s:='Aux' else s:='';
+ songraise:='\mtx'+s+'LyricsAdjust{'+toString(PMXinstr(voiceStave(voice)))
+ +'}{'+toString(lyr_adjust)+'}';
+ end;
+function lyricsReport (voice: voice_index): string;
+ var l: string;
+begin with tag[voice] do
+ if (has_lyrics=nolyr) or (lyrsource=none_given) and (tags='') then
+ lyricsReport := ' but has no own lyrics'
+ else begin
+ l := ' with ';
+ if auxiliary=aux then l := l + 'auxiliary ';
+ l := l + 'lyrics ';
+ if lyrsource=local_lyrics then l:= l + 'locally defined as "'
+ else l := l + 'labelled "';
+ l := l + tags + '"';
+ if anyTagNumbered(tags) then l := l + ' with verse numbers';
+ lyricsReport := l;
+ end;
+procedure initLyrics; { at the start only }
+ var stave: stave_index;
+ voice: voice_index;
+begin for voice:=1 to nvoices do
+ with lyrinfo[voice] do with tag[voice] do
+ begin has_lyrics:=nolyr; lyr_adjust:=lyr_adjust_undef;
+ melisma:=''; slur_level:=0; beam_level:=0; auxiliary:=aux;
+ lyrsource:=none_given; new_assign := asbefore; initialized := virgin;
+ end;
+ for stave:=1 to nstaves do oldlyrmodealter[stave] := false;
+procedure registerLyrics (voice: voice_index; w: string);
+ with tag[voice] do
+ begin oldtag[voice].tags:=tags;
+ oldtag[voice].lyrsource:=lyrsource;
+ lyrsource:=global_lyrics;
+ case length(w) of
+ 0: tags := '';
+ 1: FatalError('M-Tx system error in registerLyrics');
+ else tags := w;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure extractLyrtag (voice: voice_index; var note: string);
+ { inline lyrics change }
+begin with tag[voice] do
+ if has_lyrics=nolyr then
+ error3(voice,'Inline lyrics change on no-lyrics line')
+ else begin registerLyrics(voice,note); { was: ''); }
+ note:='\mtxAssignLyrics{'+toString(PMXinstr(voiceStave(voice)))+'}'+note;
+ if auxiliary=aux then note:='\mtxAuxLyr{'+note+'}\' else note:=note+'\';
+ end;
+procedure clearTags; { at start of paragraph analyis }
+ var voice: voice_index;
+ oldtag:=tag;
+ for voice:=1 to nvoices do with tag[voice] do
+ begin
+ lyrsource:=none_given; tags := ''; linecount:=0;
+ end;
+procedure maybeLyrics (voice: voice_index; parline: paragraph_index;
+ w: string);
+ { during paragraph analysis, parline had L:, already stripped }
+ var k: voice_index0;
+ procedure convertlyrics(var lyn: string; voice: voice_index; mx: auxtype);
+ const setlyr: string = '%%\\\mtxSetLyrics';
+ maxlyrlen = PMXlinelength-15;
+ var btag, thistag, w: string;
+ numbered: boolean;
+ begin
+ w:=NextWord(lyn,blank,dummy); with tag[voice] do
+ begin
+ if w='' then tags:=''
+ else begin
+ has_lyrics:=haslyr; auxiliary:=mx;
+ if w[1]='{' then registerLyrics(voice,w)
+ else begin lyrsource:=local_lyrics;
+ inc(linecount); thistag:=toString(10*voice+linecount);
+ btag := '{'+thistag+'}';
+ if tags='' then tags:=btag
+ else begin tags[length(tags)]:=','; tags:=tags+thistag+'}'; end;
+ trim(lyn); lyrTranslate(lyn,numbered);
+ if numbered then markNumbered(thistag);
+ if length(lyn)+length(btag)>maxlyrlen then
+ lyn := setlyr + btag + '{\'^J'\\\:' + lyn +'}\'
+ else lyn:= setlyr + btag + '{' + lyn +'}\';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+begin if not dolyrics then exit;
+ if (length(w)=1) and (voice=0) then
+ warning('Lyrics line above top voice should be labelled',print);
+ if length(w)=1 then {* Standard lyrics line -------- }
+ begin k:=voice; if k=0 then k:=1; convertlyrics(P[parline],k,normal);
+ end
+ else {* Labelled lyrics line -- }
+ begin predelete(w,1); k:=findVoice(w);
+ if k=0 then error('Lyrics line belongs to unknown voice',print)
+ else convertlyrics(P[parline],k,aux);
+ end;
+procedure reviseLyrics; { after paragraph analysis }
+ var voice : voice_index;
+ stave : stave_index;
+ for voice:=1 to nvoices do with tag[voice] do
+ begin if (oldtag[voice].lyrsource=global_lyrics) and
+ (lyrsource=none_given) then
+ begin tags:=oldtag[voice].tags; lyrsource:=global_lyrics; end;
+ new_assign :=
+ assigntype(ord((has_lyrics=haslyr) and (tags<>oldtag[voice].tags)));
+ if tags='' then has_lyrics := nolyr;
+ oldtag[voice].tags := tags;
+ oldtag[voice].lyrsource := lyrsource;
+ end;
+ for stave:=1 to nstaves do with tag[first_on_stave[stave]] do
+ lyrmodealter[stave] := not aloneOnStave(stave) and
+ (has_lyrics=haslyr) and (auxiliary=normal);
+procedure assignLyrics(stave: stave_index; var lyrassign: string);
+ { at start of new block }
+ var atag, instr, l: string;
+ v1, v2, voice: voice_index;
+ begin lyrassign:=''; instr := toString(pmxinstr(stave));
+ v1:=first_on_stave[stave]; v2:=v1+number_on_stave[stave]-1;
+ if v1<v2 then { don't reassign if other voice takes over };
+ if (tag[v1].auxiliary=tag[v2].auxiliary) and
+ (tag[v1].has_lyrics<>tag[v2].has_lyrics) then
+ for voice:=v1 to v2 do with tag[voice] do
+ if new_assign=newassign then new_assign:=assigntype(has_lyrics);
+ for voice:=v1 to v2 do lyrinfo[voice].numbered:=false;
+ for voice:=v1 to v2 do
+ with tag[voice] do if new_assign=newassign then
+ begin atag:=tags; if atag='' then atag:='{}';
+ l := '\mtxAssignLyrics{' + instr + '}' + atag;
+ if auxiliary=aux then l:='\mtxAuxLyr{' + l + '}';
+ lyrassign := lyrassign + l;
+ if tags='' then has_lyrics:=nolyr;
+ if (has_lyrics=haslyr) and (initialized=virgin) then
+ with lyrinfo[voice] do
+ begin if (auxiliary=aux) and upper(voice) then
+ lyr_adjust:=interstave else lyr_adjust:=0;
+ lyrassign := lyrassign + songraise(voice);
+ initialized := active;
+ end;
+ if anyTagNumbered(atag) then lyrinfo[voice].numbered:=true;
+ end;
+ if lyrmodealter[stave]<>oldlyrmodealter[stave] then
+ begin if lyrmodealter[stave] then
+ lyrassign := lyrassign + '\mtxLyrModeAlter{' + instr + '}'
+ else lyrassign := lyrassign + '\mtxLyrModeNormal{' + instr + '}';
+ oldlyrmodealter[stave] := lyrmodealter[stave];
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure lyricsAdjust (voice: voice_index; var note: string);
+ { inline at-word }
+ var adj: integer;
+ force, put_above, put_below: boolean;
+begin with lyrinfo[voice] do with tag[voice] do
+ begin predelete(note,1);
+ force:=note[1]='='; if force then predelete(note,1);
+ put_above:=note[1]='^'; if put_above then predelete(note,1);
+ put_below:=note[1]='v'; if put_below then predelete(note,1);
+ if note<>'' then getNum(note,adj) else adj:=0;
+ if has_lyrics=nolyr then begin note:=''; exit; end;
+ if put_above then lyr_adjust:=interstave
+ else if put_below then lyr_adjust:=0;
+ if force then lyr_adjust:=adj else inc(lyr_adjust,adj);
+ note:=songraise(voice); if note<>'' then note:='\\'+note+'\';
+ end
+procedure lyrTranslate(var P: string; var numbered: boolean);
+ var k, l, number: integer;
+ Q, w: string;
+begin { Test for starting number } w:=NextWord(P,blank,dummy);
+ numbered:=false;
+ if endsWith(w,'.') then begin getNum(w,number); numbered:=number<>0 end;
+ {Translate lyrics link } Q := ''; l:=length(P);
+ for k:=1 to l-1 do
+ if (P[k]<>'_') or (P[k+1]='_') or (P[k+1]=' ') or (pos1(P[k+1],digits)>0)
+ then Q := Q+P[k]
+ else if (k>1) and (P[k-1]='\') then Q := Q+'mtxLowLyrlink '
+ else Q := Q+'\mtxLyrlink ';
+ Q:=Q+P[l];
+ P := Q;
+type melismaEnd = (beam, slur);
+function removeLast(var s: string; t: string): char;
+ var i,l: integer;
+begin l:=length(s);
+ for i:=l downto 1 do if pos1(s[i],t)>0 then
+ begin removeLast:=s[i]; delete1(s,i); exit; end;
+ removeLast := dummy;
+function OpenMelisma(s: string): boolean;
+begin OpenMelisma := (pos1(slur_melisma,s)>0) or (pos1(beam_melisma,s)>0);
+{ Append mtxBM or mtxEM to pretex when appropriate }
+procedure getSyllable(voice: voice_index; var pretex: string);
+ var BM, EM: boolean;
+ procedure startMelismas (t: string);
+ var open_before, open_now: boolean;
+ i, k: integer;
+ begin k:=length(t);
+ for i:=1 to k do with lyrinfo[voice] do
+ begin open_before := OpenMelisma(melisma);
+ melisma := melisma + t[i];
+ open_now := OpenMelisma(melisma);
+ BM := BM or (open_now and not open_before)
+ end;
+ end;
+ function endMelisma(voice: integer): boolean;
+ var found: char;
+ i: integer;
+ count: array[melismaEnd] of integer;
+ t: melismaEnd;
+ begin EM := false;
+ count[slur] := -lyrinfo[voice].slur_change;
+ count[beam] := -lyrinfo[voice].beam_change;
+ for t:=beam to slur do for i:=1 to count[t] do with lyrinfo[voice] do
+ begin
+ case t of
+ slur: found := removeLast(melisma,slur_melisma+inhibit_slur_melisma);
+ beam: found := removeLast(melisma,beam_melisma+inhibit_beam_melisma);
+ end;
+ if found=dummy then
+ error3(voice,'Ending a melisma that was never started');
+ EM := EM or (not openMelisma(melisma)
+ and (pos1(found,slur_melisma+beam_melisma)>0))
+ end;
+ endMelisma := EM
+ end;
+ procedure startSlurMelisma(voice: voice_index);
+ const start: array[boolean] of char = (slur_melisma,inhibit_slur_melisma);
+ var slurs: string;
+ k: integer;
+ begin slurs:='';
+ for k:=1 to lyrinfo[voice].slur_change do
+ slurs:=start[noSlurMelisma(voice,1-k)]+slurs;
+ startMelismas(slurs)
+ end;
+ procedure startBeamMelisma(voice: voice_index);
+ const start: array[boolean] of char = (beam_melisma,inhibit_beam_melisma);
+ var beams: string;
+ k: integer;
+ begin beams:='';
+ for k:=1 to lyrinfo[voice].beam_change do
+ beams:=start[noBeamMelisma(voice)]+beams;
+ startMelismas(beams)
+ end;
+ function startMelisma(voice: integer): boolean;
+ begin BM:=false; startSlurMelisma(voice); startBeamMelisma(voice);
+ startMelisma := BM
+ end;
+ var t: integer;
+begin with tag[voice] do with lyrinfo[voice] do
+ begin if has_lyrics<>haslyr then exit;
+ t:=slur_level; slur_level:=slurLevel(voice); slur_change:=slur_level-t;
+ t:=beam_level; beam_level:=beamLevel(voice); beam_change:=beam_level-t;
+ if startMelisma(voice) then if auxiliary=aux
+ then pretex:=pretex+'\mtxAuxBM' else pretex:=pretex+'\mtxBM';
+ if endMelisma(voice) then if auxiliary=aux
+ then pretex:=pretex+'\mtxAuxEM' else pretex:=pretex+'\mtxEM'
+ end
+procedure getSyllable1(voice: voice_index; var pretex: string);
+begin with lyrinfo[voice] do
+ begin
+ writeln('voice=',voice, ', slurchange=',slur_change,
+ ', melisma=',melisma, ', beamchange=', beam_change)
+ end;
+ getSyllable1(voice,pretex);
+ if pretex<>'' then writeln('pretex = ',pretex)