path: root/Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/lyrics.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/lyrics.c')
1 files changed, 869 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/lyrics.c b/Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/lyrics.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c38cdeffddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/utils/m-tx/mtx-0.60d/lyrics.c
@@ -0,0 +1,869 @@
+/* Output from p2c 1.21alpha-07.Dec.93, the Pascal-to-C translator */
+/* From input file "lyrics.pas" */
+#include "p2c.h"
+#define LYRICS_G
+#include "lyrics.h"
+#ifndef CONTROL_H
+#include "control.h"
+#ifndef STRINGS_H
+#include "strings.h"
+#ifndef MTXLINE_H
+#include "mtxline.h"
+#ifndef STATUS_H
+#include "status.h"
+#ifndef MULTFILE_H
+#include "multfile.h"
+#ifndef FILES_H
+#include "files.h"
+#ifndef UTILITY_H
+#include "utility.h"
+/* Symbols used in strings of melismatype */
+#define beam_melisma '['
+#define inhibit_beam_melisma '<'
+#define slur_melisma '('
+#define inhibit_slur_melisma '{'
+typedef char other_index;
+typedef char other_index0;
+typedef Char melismatype[256];
+typedef enum {
+ nolyr, haslyr
+} haslyrtype;
+typedef enum {
+ normal, aux
+} auxtype;
+typedef enum {
+ asbefore, newassign
+} assigntype;
+typedef enum {
+ virgin, active
+} inittype;
+typedef struct lyrinfotype {
+ short lyr_adjust, slur_level, slur_change, beam_level, beam_change;
+ melismatype melisma;
+ boolean numbered;
+} lyrinfotype;
+typedef enum {
+ none_given, global_lyrics, local_lyrics
+} lyrlinetype;
+typedef struct lyrtagtype {
+ lyrlinetype lyrsource;
+ haslyrtype has_lyrics;
+ auxtype auxiliary;
+ assigntype new_assign;
+ inittype initialized;
+ short linecount;
+ Char tags[256];
+} lyrtagtype;
+#define maxLyrNums 64
+#define lyrtaglength 40
+#define lyr_adjust_undef (-12345)
+#define interstave 24
+Static short LyrNum = 0;
+Static boolean lyrmodealter[maxstaves], oldlyrmodealter[maxstaves];
+Static lyrtagtype tag[maxvoices], oldtag[maxvoices];
+Static lyrinfotype lyrinfo[maxvoices];
+Static Char numberedParagraph[maxLyrNums][lyrtaglength + 1];
+/* Information flow for verse numbers: at the SetLyrics stage, the first
+line of each lyrics paragraph is checked for a verse number, and if
+found, the paragraph tag is remembered. At the AssignLyrics stage,
+the first time that paragraph is encountered, the particular voice
+is marked in lyrinfo as being numbered. When that voice is later processed,
+the mark in lyrinfo is interrogated and turned off: if it was on, the
+mtxVerse pre-TeX string is put into the output. */
+boolean hasVerseNumber(voice)
+voice_index voice;
+ boolean Result;
+ Result = lyrinfo[voice-1].numbered;
+ lyrinfo[voice-1].numbered = false;
+ return Result;
+Static boolean isNumberedLyricsParagraph(tag)
+Char *tag;
+ short i, FORLIM;
+ FORLIM = LyrNum;
+ for (i = 0; i <= FORLIM - 1; i++) {
+ if (!strcmp(tag, numberedParagraph[i]))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+Static boolean anyTagNumbered(tags_)
+Char *tags_;
+ boolean Result;
+ Char tags[256];
+ Char s[256];
+ strcpy(tags, tags_);
+/* p2c: lyrics.pas: Note: Eliminated unused assignment statement [338] */
+ if (curtail(tags, '}') > 0)
+ delete1(tags, 1);
+ do {
+ GetNextWord(s, tags, ',', dummy);
+ if (*s == '\0')
+ return false;
+ if (isNumberedLyricsParagraph(s))
+ return true;
+ } while (true);
+ return false;
+/* Save the tag in the numberedParagraph list, stripping off braces if any */
+Static Void markNumbered(tag_)
+Char *tag_;
+ Char tag[256];
+ strcpy(tag, tag_);
+ if (LyrNum >= maxLyrNums) {
+ error("Too many numbered lines in the lyrics", !print);
+ return;
+ }
+ LyrNum++;
+ if (curtail(tag, '}') > 0)
+ delete1(tag, 1);
+ strcpy(numberedParagraph[LyrNum-1], tag);
+/* p2c: lyrics.pas, line 104:
+ * Note: Possible string truncation in assignment [145] */
+/* --- end of procedures to keep track of verse numbering --- */
+Void lyricsParagraph()
+ Char first[256], w[256];
+ paragraph_index0 l, line;
+ other_index0 i;
+ other_index0 nother = 0;
+ Char other_[10][lyrtaglength + 1];
+ boolean numbered;
+ Char STR1[256], STR3[256];
+ paragraph_index0 FORLIM;
+ Char STR4[256];
+ Char STR5[256];
+ if (!doLyrics())
+ return;
+ NextWord(w, P[0], blank, dummy);
+ l = strlen(w);
+ line_no = orig_line_no[0];
+ if (w[l-1] != '}')
+ strcat(w, "}");
+ GetNextWord(first, w, dummy, '}');
+ while (*w != '\0') {
+ if (w[0] == '=')
+ predelete(w, 1);
+ if (w[0] != '{')
+ sprintf(w, "{%s", strcpy(STR1, w));
+ nother++;
+ GetNextWord(other_[nother-1], w, dummy, '}');
+/* p2c: lyrics.pas, line 122:
+ * Note: Possible string truncation in assignment [145] */
+ }
+ if (beVerbose()) {
+ printf("---- Paragraph %d starting at line %d has lyrics headed %s",
+ paragraph_no, line_no, first);
+ for (i = 0; i <= nother - 1; i++)
+ printf("=%s", other_[i]);
+ putchar('\n');
+ }
+ sprintf(STR5, "%c Paragraph %s line %s bar %s",
+ comment, toString(STR1, paragraph_no), toString(STR3, line_no),
+ toString(STR4, bar_no));
+ tex3(STR5);
+ sprintf(STR3, "\\mtxSetLyrics%s{%%", first);
+ tex3(STR3);
+ FORLIM = para_len;
+ for (line = 2; line <= FORLIM; line++) {
+ lyrTranslate(P[line-1], &numbered);
+ if (numbered) {
+ if (line > 2)
+ warning("Verse number not in first line of paragraph treated as lyrics",
+ print);
+ else {
+ markNumbered(first);
+ for (i = 0; i <= nother - 1; i++)
+ markNumbered(other_[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ line_no = orig_line_no[line-1];
+ if (strlen(P[line-1]) > max_lyrics_line_length && pmx_preamble_done)
+ error("Lyrics line too long", print);
+ if (pmx_preamble_done) {
+ if (line == 2) {
+ sprintf(STR3, "\\\\\\:%s", P[line-1]);
+ put(STR3, putspace);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(STR3, "\\\\\\ %s", P[line-1]);
+ put(STR3, putspace);
+ }
+ } else
+ put(P[line-1], putspace);
+ if (line < para_len) {
+ if (pmx_preamble_done)
+ putLine(" %\\");
+ else
+ putLine(" %");
+ } else if (pmx_preamble_done)
+ putLine("}\\");
+ else
+ putLine("}");
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i <= nother - 1; i++) {
+ sprintf(STR1, "\\mtxCopyLyrics%s%s", first, other_[i]);
+ tex3(STR1);
+ }
+Static Char *songraise(Result, voice)
+Char *Result;
+voice_index voice;
+ Char s[256];
+ lyrtagtype *WITH;
+ lyrinfotype *WITH1;
+ Char STR1[256], STR3[256];
+ WITH = &tag[voice-1];
+ WITH1 = &lyrinfo[voice-1];
+ if (WITH->initialized == virgin && WITH1->lyr_adjust == 0)
+ return strcpy(Result, "");
+ else {
+ if (WITH->auxiliary == aux)
+ strcpy(s, "Aux");
+ else
+ *s = '\0';
+ sprintf(Result, "\\mtx%sLyricsAdjust{%s}{%s}",
+ s, toString(STR1, PMXinstr(voiceStave(voice))),
+ toString(STR3, WITH1->lyr_adjust));
+ return Result;
+ }
+Char *lyricsReport(Result, voice)
+Char *Result;
+voice_index voice;
+ Char l[256];
+ lyrtagtype *WITH;
+ WITH = &tag[voice-1];
+ if (WITH->has_lyrics == nolyr ||
+ WITH->lyrsource == none_given && *WITH->tags == '\0')
+ return strcpy(Result, " but has no own lyrics");
+ else {
+ strcpy(l, " with ");
+ if (WITH->auxiliary == aux)
+ strcat(l, "auxiliary ");
+ strcat(l, "lyrics ");
+ if (WITH->lyrsource == local_lyrics)
+ strcat(l, "locally defined as \"");
+ else
+ strcat(l, "labelled \"");
+ sprintf(l + strlen(l), "%s\"", WITH->tags);
+ if (anyTagNumbered(WITH->tags))
+ strcat(l, " with verse numbers");
+ return strcpy(Result, l);
+ }
+Void initLyrics()
+ /* at the start only */
+ stave_index stave;
+ voice_index voice, FORLIM;
+ lyrinfotype *WITH;
+ lyrtagtype *WITH1;
+ stave_index FORLIM1;
+ FORLIM = nvoices;
+ for (voice = 0; voice <= FORLIM - 1; voice++) {
+ WITH = &lyrinfo[voice];
+ WITH1 = &tag[voice];
+ WITH1->has_lyrics = nolyr;
+ WITH->lyr_adjust = lyr_adjust_undef;
+ *WITH->melisma = '\0';
+ WITH->slur_level = 0;
+ WITH->beam_level = 0;
+ WITH1->auxiliary = aux;
+ WITH1->lyrsource = none_given;
+ WITH1->new_assign = asbefore;
+ WITH1->initialized = virgin;
+ }
+ FORLIM1 = nstaves;
+ for (stave = 0; stave <= FORLIM1 - 1; stave++)
+ oldlyrmodealter[stave] = false;
+Static Void registerLyrics(voice, w)
+voice_index voice;
+Char *w;
+ lyrtagtype *WITH;
+ WITH = &tag[voice-1];
+ strcpy(oldtag[voice-1].tags, WITH->tags);
+ oldtag[voice-1].lyrsource = WITH->lyrsource;
+ WITH->lyrsource = global_lyrics;
+ switch (strlen(w)) {
+ case 0:
+ *WITH->tags = '\0';
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ fatalerror("M-Tx system error in registerLyrics");
+ break;
+ default:
+ strcpy(WITH->tags, w);
+ break;
+ }
+Void extractLyrtag(voice, note)
+voice_index voice;
+Char *note;
+ /* inline lyrics change */
+ lyrtagtype *WITH;
+ Char STR1[256], STR2[256];
+ WITH = &tag[voice-1];
+ if (WITH->has_lyrics == nolyr) {
+ error3(voice, "Inline lyrics change on no-lyrics line");
+ return;
+ }
+ registerLyrics(voice, note); /* was: ''); */
+ sprintf(note, "\\mtxAssignLyrics{%s}%s",
+ toString(STR1, PMXinstr(voiceStave(voice))), strcpy(STR2, note));
+ if (WITH->auxiliary == aux)
+ sprintf(note, "\\mtxAuxLyr{%s}\\", strcpy(STR2, note));
+ else
+ strcat(note, "\\");
+Void clearTags()
+ /* at start of paragraph analyis */
+ voice_index voice, FORLIM;
+ lyrtagtype *WITH;
+ memcpy(oldtag, tag, maxvoices * sizeof(lyrtagtype));
+ FORLIM = nvoices;
+ for (voice = 0; voice <= FORLIM - 1; voice++) {
+ WITH = &tag[voice];
+ WITH->lyrsource = none_given;
+ *WITH->tags = '\0';
+ WITH->linecount = 0;
+ }
+#define maxlyrlen (PMXlinelength - 15)
+Local Void convertlyrics(lyn, voice, mx)
+Char *lyn;
+voice_index voice;
+auxtype mx;
+ static Char setlyr[256] = "%%\\\\\\mtxSetLyrics";
+ Char btag[256], thistag[256], w[256];
+ boolean numbered;
+ Char STR1[256];
+ lyrtagtype *WITH;
+ Char STR2[256];
+ NextWord(w, lyn, blank, dummy);
+ WITH = &tag[voice-1];
+ if (*w == '\0') {
+ *WITH->tags = '\0';
+ return;
+ }
+ WITH->has_lyrics = haslyr;
+ WITH->auxiliary = mx;
+ if (w[0] == '{') {
+ registerLyrics(voice, w);
+ return;
+ }
+ WITH->lyrsource = local_lyrics;
+ WITH->linecount++;
+ toString(thistag, voice * 10 + WITH->linecount);
+ sprintf(btag, "{%s}", thistag);
+ if (*WITH->tags == '\0')
+ strcpy(WITH->tags, btag);
+ else {
+ WITH->tags[strlen(WITH->tags) - 1] = ',';
+ sprintf(WITH->tags + strlen(WITH->tags), "%s}", thistag);
+ }
+ trim(lyn);
+ lyrTranslate(lyn, &numbered);
+ if (numbered)
+ markNumbered(thistag);
+ if (strlen(lyn) + strlen(btag) > maxlyrlen)
+ sprintf(lyn, "%s%s{\\\n\\\\\\:%s}\\", setlyr, btag, strcpy(STR2, lyn));
+ else
+ sprintf(lyn, "%s%s{%s}\\", setlyr, btag, strcpy(STR1, lyn));
+#undef maxlyrlen
+Void maybeLyrics(voice, parline, w_)
+voice_index voice;
+paragraph_index parline;
+Char *w_;
+ /* during paragraph analysis, parline had L:, already stripped */
+ Char w[256];
+ voice_index0 k;
+ /** Labelled lyrics line -- */
+ strcpy(w, w_);
+ if (!doLyrics())
+ return;
+ if (strlen(w) == 1 && voice == 0)
+ warning("Lyrics line above top voice should be labelled", print);
+ if (strlen(w) == 1) { /** Standard lyrics line -------- */
+ k = voice;
+ if (k == 0)
+ k = 1;
+ convertlyrics(P[parline-1], k, normal);
+ return;
+ }
+ predelete(w, 1);
+ k = findVoice(w);
+ if (k == 0)
+ error("Lyrics line belongs to unknown voice", print);
+ else
+ convertlyrics(P[parline-1], k, aux);
+Void reviseLyrics()
+ /* after paragraph analysis */
+ voice_index voice;
+ stave_index stave;
+ voice_index FORLIM;
+ lyrtagtype *WITH;
+ stave_index FORLIM1;
+ FORLIM = nvoices;
+ for (voice = 0; voice <= FORLIM - 1; voice++) {
+ WITH = &tag[voice];
+ if (oldtag[voice].lyrsource == global_lyrics &&
+ WITH->lyrsource == none_given) {
+ strcpy(WITH->tags, oldtag[voice].tags);
+ WITH->lyrsource = global_lyrics;
+ }
+ WITH->new_assign = (assigntype)(WITH->has_lyrics == haslyr &&
+ strcmp(WITH->tags, oldtag[voice].tags));
+ if (*WITH->tags == '\0')
+ WITH->has_lyrics = nolyr;
+ strcpy(oldtag[voice].tags, WITH->tags);
+ oldtag[voice].lyrsource = WITH->lyrsource;
+ }
+ FORLIM1 = nstaves;
+ for (stave = 1; stave <= FORLIM1; stave++) {
+ WITH = &tag[first_on_stave[stave-1] - 1];
+ lyrmodealter[stave-1] = (!aloneOnStave(stave) &&
+ WITH->has_lyrics == haslyr &&
+ WITH->auxiliary == normal);
+ }
+Void assignLyrics(stave, lyrassign)
+stave_index stave;
+Char *lyrassign;
+ /* at start of new block */
+ Char atag[256], instr[256], l[256];
+ voice_index v1, v2, voice;
+ lyrtagtype *WITH;
+ Char STR2[256];
+ lyrinfotype *WITH1;
+ *lyrassign = '\0';
+ toString(instr, PMXinstr(stave));
+ v1 = first_on_stave[stave-1];
+ v2 = v1 + number_on_stave[stave-1] - 1;
+ /* don't reassign if other voice takes over */
+ if (tag[v1-1].auxiliary == tag[v2-1].auxiliary &&
+ tag[v1-1].has_lyrics != tag[v2-1].has_lyrics) {
+ for (voice = v1 - 1; voice <= v2 - 1; voice++) {
+ WITH = &tag[voice];
+ if (WITH->new_assign == newassign)
+ WITH->new_assign = (assigntype)WITH->has_lyrics;
+ }
+ }
+ for (voice = v1 - 1; voice <= v2 - 1; voice++)
+ lyrinfo[voice].numbered = false;
+ for (voice = v1; voice <= v2; voice++) {
+ WITH = &tag[voice-1];
+ if (WITH->new_assign == newassign) {
+ strcpy(atag, WITH->tags);
+ if (*atag == '\0')
+ strcpy(atag, "{}");
+ sprintf(l, "\\mtxAssignLyrics{%s}%s", instr, atag);
+ if (WITH->auxiliary == aux)
+ sprintf(l, "\\mtxAuxLyr{%s}", strcpy(STR2, l));
+ strcat(lyrassign, l);
+ if (*WITH->tags == '\0')
+ WITH->has_lyrics = nolyr;
+ if (WITH->has_lyrics == haslyr && WITH->initialized == virgin) {
+ WITH1 = &lyrinfo[voice-1];
+ if (WITH->auxiliary == aux && upper(voice))
+ WITH1->lyr_adjust = interstave;
+ else
+ WITH1->lyr_adjust = 0;
+ strcat(lyrassign, songraise(STR2, voice));
+ WITH->initialized = active;
+ }
+ if (anyTagNumbered(atag))
+ lyrinfo[voice-1].numbered = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (lyrmodealter[stave-1] == oldlyrmodealter[stave-1])
+ return;
+ if (lyrmodealter[stave-1])
+ sprintf(lyrassign + strlen(lyrassign), "\\mtxLyrModeAlter{%s}", instr);
+ else
+ sprintf(lyrassign + strlen(lyrassign), "\\mtxLyrModeNormal{%s}", instr);
+ oldlyrmodealter[stave-1] = lyrmodealter[stave-1];
+Void lyricsAdjust(voice, note)
+voice_index voice;
+Char *note;
+ /* inline at-word */
+ short adj;
+ boolean force, put_above, put_below;
+ lyrinfotype *WITH;
+ lyrtagtype *WITH1;
+ Char STR2[256];
+ WITH = &lyrinfo[voice-1];
+ WITH1 = &tag[voice-1];
+ predelete(note, 1);
+ force = (note[0] == '=');
+ if (force)
+ predelete(note, 1);
+ put_above = (note[0] == '^');
+ if (put_above)
+ predelete(note, 1);
+ put_below = (note[0] == 'v');
+ if (put_below)
+ predelete(note, 1);
+ if (*note != '\0')
+ getNum(note, &adj);
+ else
+ adj = 0;
+ if (WITH1->has_lyrics == nolyr) {
+ *note = '\0';
+ return;
+ }
+ if (put_above)
+ WITH->lyr_adjust = interstave;
+ else if (put_below)
+ WITH->lyr_adjust = 0;
+ if (force)
+ WITH->lyr_adjust = adj;
+ else
+ WITH->lyr_adjust += adj;
+ songraise(note, voice);
+ if (*note != '\0')
+ sprintf(note, "\\\\%s\\", strcpy(STR2, note));
+Void lyrTranslate(P, numbered)
+Char *P;
+boolean *numbered;
+{ /* Test for starting number */
+ short k, l, number;
+ Char Q[256], w[256];
+ NextWord(w, P, blank, dummy);
+ *numbered = false;
+ if (endsWith(w, ".")) {
+ getNum(w, &number);
+ *numbered = (number != 0);
+ }
+ /*Translate lyrics link */
+ *Q = '\0';
+ l = strlen(P);
+ for (k = 1; k <= l - 1; k++) {
+ if (P[k-1] != '_' || P[k] == '_' || P[k] == ' ' || pos1(P[k], digits) > 0)
+ sprintf(Q + strlen(Q), "%c", P[k-1]);
+ else if (k > 1 && P[k-2] == '\\')
+ strcat(Q, "mtxLowLyrlink ");
+ else
+ strcat(Q, "\\mtxLyrlink ");
+ }
+ sprintf(Q + strlen(Q), "%c", P[l-1]);
+ strcpy(P, Q);
+typedef enum {
+ beam, slur
+} melismaEnd;
+Static Char removeLast(s, t)
+Char *s;
+Char *t;
+ Char Result;
+ short i, l;
+ l = strlen(s);
+ for (i = l; i >= 1; i--) {
+ if (pos1(s[i-1], t) > 0) {
+ Result = s[i-1];
+ delete1(s, i);
+ return Result;
+ }
+ }
+ return dummy;
+Static boolean OpenMelisma(s)
+Char *s;
+ return (pos1(slur_melisma, s) > 0 || pos1(beam_melisma, s) > 0);
+/* Local variables for getSyllable: */
+struct LOC_getSyllable {
+ voice_index voice;
+ boolean BM, EM;
+} ;
+Local Void startMelismas(t, LINK)
+Char *t;
+struct LOC_getSyllable *LINK;
+ boolean open_before, open_now;
+ short i, k;
+ lyrinfotype *WITH;
+ k = strlen(t);
+ for (i = 0; i <= k - 1; i++) {
+ WITH = &lyrinfo[LINK->voice-1];
+ open_before = OpenMelisma(WITH->melisma);
+ sprintf(WITH->melisma + strlen(WITH->melisma), "%c", t[i]);
+ open_now = OpenMelisma(WITH->melisma);
+ LINK->BM = (LINK->BM || open_now && !open_before);
+ }
+Local boolean endMelisma(voice, LINK)
+short voice;
+struct LOC_getSyllable *LINK;
+ Char found;
+ short i;
+ short count[2];
+ melismaEnd t;
+ short FORLIM1;
+ lyrinfotype *WITH;
+ Char STR1[4];
+ LINK->EM = false;
+ count[(long)slur] = -lyrinfo[voice-1].slur_change;
+ count[(long)beam] = -lyrinfo[voice-1].beam_change;
+ for (t = beam; (long)t <= (long)slur; t = (melismaEnd)((long)t + 1)) {
+ FORLIM1 = count[(long)t];
+ for (i = 1; i <= FORLIM1; i++) {
+ WITH = &lyrinfo[voice-1];
+ switch (t) {
+ case slur:
+ sprintf(STR1, "%c%c", slur_melisma, inhibit_slur_melisma);
+ found = removeLast(WITH->melisma, STR1);
+ break;
+ case beam:
+ sprintf(STR1, "%c%c", beam_melisma, inhibit_beam_melisma);
+ found = removeLast(WITH->melisma, STR1);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (found == dummy)
+ error3(voice, "Ending a melisma that was never started");
+ LINK->EM = (LINK->EM ||
+ (!OpenMelisma(WITH->melisma) &&
+ pos1(found, (sprintf(STR1, "%c%c", slur_melisma, beam_melisma),
+ STR1)) > 0));
+ }
+ }
+ return LINK->EM;
+Local Void startSlurMelisma(voice, LINK)
+voice_index voice;
+struct LOC_getSyllable *LINK;
+ static Char start[2] = {
+ slur_melisma, inhibit_slur_melisma
+ };
+ Char slurs[256];
+ short k, FORLIM;
+ Char STR1[256];
+ *slurs = '\0';
+ FORLIM = lyrinfo[voice-1].slur_change;
+ for (k = 1; k <= FORLIM; k++)
+ sprintf(slurs, "%c%s",
+ start[noSlurMelisma(voice, 1 - k)], strcpy(STR1, slurs));
+ startMelismas(slurs, LINK);
+Local Void startBeamMelisma(voice, LINK)
+voice_index voice;
+struct LOC_getSyllable *LINK;
+ static Char start[2] = {
+ beam_melisma, inhibit_beam_melisma
+ };
+ Char beams[256];
+ short k, FORLIM;
+ Char STR1[256];
+ *beams = '\0';
+ FORLIM = lyrinfo[voice-1].beam_change;
+ for (k = 1; k <= FORLIM; k++)
+ sprintf(beams, "%c%s", start[noBeamMelisma(voice)], strcpy(STR1, beams));
+ startMelismas(beams, LINK);
+Local boolean startMelisma(voice, LINK)
+short voice;
+struct LOC_getSyllable *LINK;
+ LINK->BM = false;
+ startSlurMelisma(voice, LINK);
+ startBeamMelisma(voice, LINK);
+ return LINK->BM;
+/* Append mtxBM or mtxEM to pretex when appropriate */
+Void getSyllable(voice_, pretex)
+voice_index voice_;
+Char *pretex;
+ struct LOC_getSyllable V;
+ short t;
+ lyrtagtype *WITH;
+ lyrinfotype *WITH1;
+ V.voice = voice_;
+ WITH = &tag[V.voice-1];
+ WITH1 = &lyrinfo[V.voice-1];
+ if (WITH->has_lyrics != haslyr)
+ return;
+ t = WITH1->slur_level;
+ WITH1->slur_level = slurLevel(V.voice);
+ WITH1->slur_change = WITH1->slur_level - t;
+ t = WITH1->beam_level;
+ WITH1->beam_level = beamLevel(V.voice);
+ WITH1->beam_change = WITH1->beam_level - t;
+ if (startMelisma(V.voice, &V)) {
+ if (WITH->auxiliary == aux)
+ strcat(pretex, "\\mtxAuxBM");
+ else
+ strcat(pretex, "\\mtxBM");
+ }
+ if (!endMelisma(V.voice, &V))
+ return;
+ if (WITH->auxiliary == aux)
+ strcat(pretex, "\\mtxAuxEM");
+ else
+ strcat(pretex, "\\mtxEM");
+Static Void getSyllable1(voice, pretex)
+voice_index voice;
+Char *pretex;
+ lyrinfotype *WITH;
+ WITH = &lyrinfo[voice-1];
+ printf("voice=%d, slurchange=%d, melisma=%s, beamchange=%d\n",
+ voice, WITH->slur_change, WITH->melisma, WITH->beam_change);
+ getSyllable1(voice, pretex);
+ if (*pretex != '\0')
+ printf("pretex = %s\n", pretex);
+/* End. */