path: root/Build/source/utils/dialog/checklist.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/dialog/checklist.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 358 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/dialog/checklist.c b/Build/source/utils/dialog/checklist.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ae65fd3443..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/utils/dialog/checklist.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
- * checklist.c -- implements the checklist box
- *
- * AUTHOR: Savio Lam (
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
-#include "dialog.h"
-static void print_item(WINDOW *win, char *tag, char *item, int status, int choice, int selected);
-static int list_width, check_x, item_x;
- * Display a dialog box with a list of options that can be turned on or off
- */
-int dialog_checklist(char *title, char *prompt, int height, int width, int list_height, int item_no, char **items)
- int i, x, y, cur_x, cur_y, box_x, box_y, key = 0, button = 0, choice = 0,
- scrolli = 0, max_choice, *status;
- WINDOW *dialog, *list;
- /* Allocate space for storing item on/off status */
- if ((status = malloc(sizeof(int)*item_no)) == NULL) {
- endwin();
- fprintf(stderr, "\nCan't allocate memory in dialog_checklist().\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- /* Initializes status */
- for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++)
- status[i] = !strcasecmp(items[i*3 + 2], "on");
- max_choice = MIN(list_height, item_no);
- /* center dialog box on screen */
- x = (COLS - width)/2;
- y = (LINES - height)/2;
- if (use_shadow)
- draw_shadow(stdscr, y, x, height, width);
- dialog = newwin(height, width, y, x);
- keypad(dialog, TRUE);
- draw_box(dialog, 0, 0, height, width, dialog_attr, border_attr);
- wattrset(dialog, border_attr);
- wmove(dialog, height-3, 0);
- waddch(dialog, ACS_LTEE);
- for (i = 0; i < width-2; i++)
- waddch(dialog, ACS_HLINE);
- wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr);
- waddch(dialog, ACS_RTEE);
- wmove(dialog, height-2, 1);
- for (i = 0; i < width-2; i++)
- waddch(dialog, ' ');
- if (title != NULL) {
- wattrset(dialog, title_attr);
- wmove(dialog, 0, (width - strlen(title))/2 - 1);
- waddch(dialog, ' ');
- waddstr(dialog, title);
- waddch(dialog, ' ');
- }
- wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr);
- print_autowrap(dialog, prompt, width, 1, 3);
- list_width = width-6;
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x);
- box_y = cur_y + 1;
- box_x = (width - list_width)/2 - 1;
- /* create new window for the list */
- list = subwin(dialog, list_height, list_width, y + box_y + 1, x + box_x + 1);
- keypad(list, TRUE);
- /* draw a box around the list items */
- draw_box(dialog, box_y, box_x, list_height+2, list_width+2, menubox_border_attr, menubox_attr);
- check_x = 0;
- item_x = 0;
- /* Find length of longest item in order to center checklist */
- for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++) {
- check_x = MAX(check_x, strlen(items[i*3]) + strlen(items[i*3 + 1]) + 6);
- item_x = MAX(item_x, strlen(items[i*3]));
- }
- check_x = (list_width - check_x) / 2;
- item_x = check_x + item_x + 6;
- /* Print the list */
- for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++)
- print_item(list, items[i*3], items[i*3 + 1], status[i], i, i == choice);
- wnoutrefresh(list);
- if (list_height < item_no) {
- wattrset(dialog, darrow_attr);
- wmove(dialog, box_y + list_height + 1, box_x + check_x + 5);
- waddch(dialog, ACS_DARROW);
- wmove(dialog, box_y + list_height + 1, box_x + check_x + 6);
- waddstr(dialog, "(+)");
- }
- x = width/2-11;
- y = height-2;
- print_button(dialog, "Cancel", y, x+14, FALSE);
- print_button(dialog, " OK ", y, x, TRUE);
- wrefresh(dialog);
- while (key != ESC) {
- key = wgetch(dialog);
- /* Check if key pressed matches first character of any item tag in list */
- for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++)
- if (toupper(key) == toupper(items[(scrolli+i)*3][0]))
- break;
- if (i < max_choice || (key >= '1' && key <= MIN('9', '0'+max_choice)) ||
- key == KEY_UP || key == KEY_DOWN || key == ' ' ||
- key == '+' || key == '-' ) {
- if (key >= '1' && key <= MIN('9', '0'+max_choice))
- i = key - '1';
- else if (key == KEY_UP || key == '-') {
- if (!choice) {
- if (scrolli) {
- /* wscrl() in ncurses 1.8.1 seems to be broken, causing a segmentation
- violation when scrolling windows of height = 4, so scrolling is not
- used for now */
- scrolli--;
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */
- /* Reprint list to scroll down */
- for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++)
- print_item(list, items[(scrolli+i)*3], items[(scrolli+i)*3 + 1], status[scrolli+i], i, i == choice);
- /* Scroll list down */
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */
- if (list_height > 1) {
- /* De-highlight current first item before scrolling down */
- print_item(list, items[scrolli*3], items[scrolli*3 + 1], status[scrolli], 0, FALSE);
- scrollok(list, TRUE);
- wscrl(list, -1);
- scrollok(list, FALSE);
- }
- scrolli--;
- print_item(list, items[scrolli*3], items[scrolli*3 + 1], status[scrolli], 0, TRUE);
- wnoutrefresh(list);
- /* print the up/down arrows */
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x + check_x + 5);
- wattrset(dialog, scrolli ? uarrow_attr : menubox_attr);
- waddch(dialog, scrolli ? ACS_UARROW : ACS_HLINE);
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x + check_x + 6);
- waddch(dialog, scrolli ? '(' : ACS_HLINE);
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x + check_x + 7);
- waddch(dialog, scrolli ? '-' : ACS_HLINE);
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x + check_x + 8);
- waddch(dialog, scrolli ? ')' : ACS_HLINE);
- wattrset(dialog, darrow_attr);
- wmove(dialog, box_y + list_height + 1, box_x + check_x + 5);
- waddch(dialog, ACS_DARROW);
- wmove(dialog, box_y + list_height + 1, box_x + check_x + 6);
- waddch(dialog, '(');
- wmove(dialog, box_y + list_height + 1, box_x + check_x + 7);
- waddch(dialog, '+');
- wmove(dialog, box_y + list_height + 1, box_x + check_x + 8);
- waddch(dialog, ')');
- wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Restore cursor position */
- wrefresh(dialog);
- }
- continue; /* wait for another key press */
- }
- else
- i = choice - 1;
- }
- else if (key == KEY_DOWN || key == '+') {
- if (choice == max_choice - 1) {
- if (scrolli+choice < item_no-1) {
- /* wscrl() in ncurses 1.8.1 seems to be broken, causing a segmentation
- violation when scrolling windows of height = 4, so scrolling is not
- used for now */
- scrolli++;
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */
- /* Reprint list to scroll up */
- for (i = 0; i < max_choice; i++)
- print_item(list, items[(scrolli+i)*3], items[(scrolli+i)*3 + 1], status[scrolli+i], i, i == choice);
- /* Scroll list up */
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */
- if (list_height > 1) {
- /* De-highlight current last item before scrolling up */
- print_item(list, items[(scrolli+max_choice-1)*3], items[(scrolli+max_choice-1)*3 + 1], status[scrolli+max_choice-1], max_choice-1, FALSE);
- scrollok(list, TRUE);
- scroll(list);
- scrollok(list, FALSE);
- }
- scrolli++;
- print_item(list, items[(scrolli+max_choice-1)*3], items[(scrolli+max_choice-1)*3 + 1], status[scrolli+max_choice-1], max_choice-1, TRUE);
- wnoutrefresh(list);
- /* print the up/down arrows */
- wattrset(dialog, uarrow_attr);
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x + check_x + 5);
- waddch(dialog, ACS_UARROW);
- wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x + check_x + 6);
- waddstr(dialog, "(-)");
- wmove(dialog, box_y + list_height + 1, box_x + check_x + 5);
- wattrset(dialog, scrolli+choice < item_no-1 ? darrow_attr : menubox_border_attr);
- waddch(dialog, scrolli+choice < item_no-1 ? ACS_DARROW : ACS_HLINE);
- wmove(dialog, box_y + list_height + 1, box_x + check_x + 6);
- waddch(dialog, scrolli+choice < item_no-1 ? '(' : ACS_HLINE);
- wmove(dialog, box_y + list_height + 1, box_x + check_x + 7);
- waddch(dialog, scrolli+choice < item_no-1 ? '+' : ACS_HLINE);
- wmove(dialog, box_y + list_height + 1, box_x + check_x + 8);
- waddch(dialog, scrolli+choice < item_no-1 ? ')' : ACS_HLINE);
- wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Restore cursor position */
- wrefresh(dialog);
- }
- continue; /* wait for another key press */
- }
- else
- i = choice + 1;
- }
- else if (key == ' ') { /* Toggle item status */
- status[scrolli+choice] = !status[scrolli+choice];
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */
- wmove(list, choice, check_x);
- wattrset(list, check_selected_attr);
- wprintw(list, "[%c]", status[scrolli+choice] ? 'X' : ' ');
- wnoutrefresh(list);
- wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Restore cursor to previous position */
- wrefresh(dialog);
- continue; /* wait for another key press */
- }
- if (i != choice) {
- /* De-highlight current item */
- getyx(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Save cursor position */
- print_item(list, items[(scrolli+choice)*3], items[(scrolli+choice)*3 + 1], status[scrolli+choice], choice, FALSE);
- /* Highlight new item */
- choice = i;
- print_item(list, items[(scrolli+choice)*3], items[(scrolli+choice)*3 + 1], status[scrolli+choice], choice, TRUE);
- wnoutrefresh(list);
- wmove(dialog, cur_y, cur_x); /* Restore cursor to previous position */
- wrefresh(dialog);
- }
- continue; /* wait for another key press */
- }
- switch (key) {
- case 'O':
- case 'o':
- delwin(dialog);
- for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++)
- if (status[i]) {
- if (separate_output) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", items[i*3]);
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" ", items[i*3]);
- }
- }
- free(status);
- return 0;
- case 'C':
- case 'c':
- delwin(dialog);
- free(status);
- return 1;
- case TAB:
- case KEY_LEFT:
- case KEY_RIGHT:
- if (!button) {
- button = 1; /* Indicates "Cancel" button is selected */
- print_button(dialog, " OK ", y, x, FALSE);
- print_button(dialog, "Cancel", y, x+14, TRUE);
- }
- else {
- button = 0; /* Indicates "OK" button is selected */
- print_button(dialog, "Cancel", y, x+14, FALSE);
- print_button(dialog, " OK ", y, x, TRUE);
- }
- wrefresh(dialog);
- break;
- case ' ':
- case '\n':
- delwin(dialog);
- if (!button)
- for (i = 0; i < item_no; i++)
- if (status[i]) {
- if (separate_output) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", items[i*3]);
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\" ", items[i*3]);
- }
- }
- free(status);
- return button;
- case ESC:
- break;
- }
- }
- delwin(dialog);
- free(status);
- return -1; /* ESC pressed */
-/* End of dialog_checklist() */
- * Print list item
- */
-static void print_item(WINDOW *win, char *tag, char *item, int status, int choice, int selected)
- int i;
- /* Clear 'residue' of last item */
- wattrset(win, menubox_attr);
- wmove(win, choice, 0);
- for (i = 0; i < list_width; i++)
- waddch(win, ' ');
- wmove(win, choice, check_x);
- wattrset(win, selected ? check_selected_attr : check_attr);
- wprintw(win, "[%c]", status ? 'X' : ' ');
- wattrset(win, menubox_attr);
- waddch(win, ' ');
- wattrset(win, selected ? tag_key_selected_attr : tag_key_attr);
- waddch(win, tag[0]);
- wattrset(win, selected ? tag_selected_attr : tag_attr);
- waddstr(win, tag + 1);
- wmove(win, choice, item_x);
- wattrset(win, selected ? item_selected_attr : item_attr);
- waddstr(win, item);
-/* End of print_item() */