path: root/Build/source/utils/asymptote/prc/PRC.h
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1 files changed, 303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/asymptote/prc/PRC.h b/Build/source/utils/asymptote/prc/PRC.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ce04cea4801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/utils/asymptote/prc/PRC.h
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+#ifndef __PRC_H
+#define __PRC_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+const uint32_t PRCVersion=7094; // For Adobe Reader 8 or later
+//const uint32_t PRCVersion=8137; // For Adobe Reader 9 or later
+// from Adobe's documentation
+#define PRC_TYPE_ROOT 0 // This type does not correspond to any entity
+#define PRC_TYPE_ROOT_PRCBase ( PRC_TYPE_ROOT + 1 ) // Abstract root type for any PRC entity.
+#define PRC_TYPE_ROOT_PRCBaseWithGraphics ( PRC_TYPE_ROOT + 2 ) // Abstract root type for any PRC entity which can bear graphics.
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV ( PRC_TYPE_ROOT + 10 ) // Types for PRC geometrical curves
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF ( PRC_TYPE_ROOT + 75 ) // Types for PRC geometrical surfaces
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO ( PRC_TYPE_ROOT + 140 ) // Types for PRC topology
+#define PRC_TYPE_TESS ( PRC_TYPE_ROOT + 170 ) // Types for PRC tessellation
+#define PRC_TYPE_MISC ( PRC_TYPE_ROOT + 200 ) // Types for PRC global data
+#define PRC_TYPE_RI ( PRC_TYPE_ROOT + 230 ) // Types for PRC representation items
+#define PRC_TYPE_ASM ( PRC_TYPE_ROOT + 300 ) // Types for PRC assembly
+#define PRC_TYPE_MKP ( PRC_TYPE_ROOT + 500 ) // Types for PRC markup
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH ( PRC_TYPE_ROOT + 700 ) // Types for PRC graphics
+#define PRC_TYPE_MATH ( PRC_TYPE_ROOT + 900 ) // Types for PRC mathematical operators
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV_Base ( PRC_TYPE_CRV + 1 ) // Abstract type for all geometric curves.
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV_Blend02Boundary ( PRC_TYPE_CRV + 2 ) // Boundary Curve.
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV_NURBS ( PRC_TYPE_CRV + 3 ) // Non Uniform BSpline curve.
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV_Circle ( PRC_TYPE_CRV + 4 ) // Circle.
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV_Composite ( PRC_TYPE_CRV + 5 ) // Array of oriented curves.
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV_OnSurf ( PRC_TYPE_CRV + 6 ) // Curve defined by a UV curve on a surface.
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV_Ellipse ( PRC_TYPE_CRV + 7 ) // Ellipse.
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV_Equation ( PRC_TYPE_CRV + 8 ) // curve described by specific law elements
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV_Helix ( PRC_TYPE_CRV + 9 ) // Helix curve.
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV_Hyperbola ( PRC_TYPE_CRV + 10 ) // Hyperbola.
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV_Intersection ( PRC_TYPE_CRV + 11 ) // Intersection between 2 surfaces.
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV_Line ( PRC_TYPE_CRV + 12 ) // Line.
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV_Offset ( PRC_TYPE_CRV + 13 ) // Offset curve.
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV_Parabola ( PRC_TYPE_CRV + 14 ) // Parabola.
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV_PolyLine ( PRC_TYPE_CRV + 15 ) // Polyedric curve.
+#define PRC_TYPE_CRV_Transform ( PRC_TYPE_CRV + 16 ) // Transformed curve.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Base ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 1 ) // Abstract type for all geometric surfaces.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Blend01 ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 2 ) // Blend surface.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Blend02 ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 3 ) // Blend Surface.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Blend03 ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 4 ) // Blend Surface.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_NURBS ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 5 ) // Non Uniform BSpline surface.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Cone ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 6 ) // Cone.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Cylinder ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 7 ) // Cylinder.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Cylindrical ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 8 ) // Surface who is defined in cylindrical space.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Offset ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 9 ) // Offset surface.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Pipe ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 10 ) // Pipe.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Plane ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 11 ) // Plane.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Ruled ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 12 ) // Ruled surface.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Sphere ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 13 ) // Sphere.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Revolution ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 14 ) // Surface of revolution.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Extrusion ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 15 ) // Surface of extrusion.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_FromCurves ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 16 ) // Surface from two curves.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Torus ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 17 ) // Torus.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Transform ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 18 ) // Transformed surface.
+#define PRC_TYPE_SURF_Blend04 ( PRC_TYPE_SURF + 19 ) // defined for future use.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_Context ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 1 ) // Self-containing set of topological entities.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_Item ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 2 ) // Abstract root type for any topological entity (body or single item).
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_MultipleVertex ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 3 ) // Vertex whose position is the average of all edges' extremity positions to whom it belongs.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_UniqueVertex ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 4 ) // Vertex with one set of coordinates (absolute position).
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_WireEdge ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 5 ) // Edge belonging to a wire body / single wire body.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_Edge ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 6 ) // Edge belonging to a brep data.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_CoEdge ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 7 ) // Usage of an edge in a loop.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_Loop ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 8 ) // Array of co edges which delimits a face.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_Face ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 9 ) // Topological face delimiting a shell.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_Shell ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 10 ) // Topological shell (open or closed).
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_Connex ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 11 ) // Topological region delimited by one or several shells.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_Body ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 12 ) // Abstract root type for any topological body.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_SingleWireBody ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 13 ) // Single wire body.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_BrepData ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 14 ) // Main entry to solid and surface topology (regular form).
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_SingleWireBodyCompress ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 15 ) // Single wire body. (ultra compressed form).
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_BrepDataCompress ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 16 ) // Main entry to solid and surface topology (ultra compressed form).
+#define PRC_TYPE_TOPO_WireBody ( PRC_TYPE_TOPO + 17 ) // This type is the main entry to wire topology.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TESS_Base ( PRC_TYPE_TESS + 1 ) // Abstract root type for any tessellated entity.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TESS_3D ( PRC_TYPE_TESS + 2 ) // Tessellated faceted data; regular form.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TESS_3D_Compressed ( PRC_TYPE_TESS + 3 ) // Tessellated faceted data; highly compressed form.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TESS_Face ( PRC_TYPE_TESS + 4 ) // Tessellated face.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TESS_3D_Wire ( PRC_TYPE_TESS + 5 ) // Tessellated wireframe.
+#define PRC_TYPE_TESS_Markup ( PRC_TYPE_TESS + 6 ) // Tessellated markup.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MISC_Attribute ( PRC_TYPE_MISC + 1 ) // Entity attribute.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MISC_CartesianTransformation ( PRC_TYPE_MISC + 2 ) // Cartesian transformation.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MISC_EntityReference ( PRC_TYPE_MISC + 3 ) // Entity reference.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MISC_MarkupLinkedItem ( PRC_TYPE_MISC + 4 ) // Link between a markup and an entity.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MISC_ReferenceOnPRCBase ( PRC_TYPE_MISC + 5 ) // Reference pointing on a regular entity (not topological).
+#define PRC_TYPE_MISC_ReferenceOnTopology ( PRC_TYPE_MISC + 6 ) // Reference pointing on a topological entity.
+#define PRC_TYPE_RI_RepresentationItem ( PRC_TYPE_RI + 1 ) // Basic abstract type for representation items.
+#define PRC_TYPE_RI_BrepModel ( PRC_TYPE_RI + 2 ) // Basic type for surfaces and solids.
+#define PRC_TYPE_RI_Curve ( PRC_TYPE_RI + 3 ) // Basic type for curves.
+#define PRC_TYPE_RI_Direction ( PRC_TYPE_RI + 4 ) // Optional point + vector.
+#define PRC_TYPE_RI_Plane ( PRC_TYPE_RI + 5 ) // Construction plane, as opposed to planar surface.
+#define PRC_TYPE_RI_PointSet ( PRC_TYPE_RI + 6 ) // Set of points.
+#define PRC_TYPE_RI_PolyBrepModel ( PRC_TYPE_RI + 7 ) // Basic type to polyhedral surfaces and solids.
+#define PRC_TYPE_RI_PolyWire ( PRC_TYPE_RI + 8 ) // Polyedric wireframe entity.
+#define PRC_TYPE_RI_Set ( PRC_TYPE_RI + 9 ) // Logical grouping of arbitrary number of representation items.
+#define PRC_TYPE_RI_CoordinateSystem ( PRC_TYPE_RI + 10 ) // Coordinate system.
+#define PRC_TYPE_ASM_ModelFile ( PRC_TYPE_ASM + 1 ) // Basic entry type for PRC.
+#define PRC_TYPE_ASM_FileStructure ( PRC_TYPE_ASM + 2 ) // Basic structure for PRC files.
+#define PRC_TYPE_ASM_FileStructureGlobals ( PRC_TYPE_ASM + 3 ) // Basic structure for PRC files : globals.
+#define PRC_TYPE_ASM_FileStructureTree ( PRC_TYPE_ASM + 4 ) // Basic structure for PRC files : tree.
+#define PRC_TYPE_ASM_FileStructureTessellation ( PRC_TYPE_ASM + 5 ) // Basic structure for PRC files : tessellation.
+#define PRC_TYPE_ASM_FileStructureGeometry ( PRC_TYPE_ASM + 6 ) // Basic structure for PRC files : geometry.
+#define PRC_TYPE_ASM_FileStructureExtraGeometry ( PRC_TYPE_ASM + 7 ) // Basic structure for PRC files : extra geometry data.
+#define PRC_TYPE_ASM_ProductOccurence ( PRC_TYPE_ASM + 10 ) // Basic contruct for assemblies.
+#define PRC_TYPE_ASM_PartDefinition ( PRC_TYPE_ASM + 11 ) // Basic construct for parts.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MKP_View ( PRC_TYPE_MKP + 1 ) // Grouping of markup by views.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MKP_Markup ( PRC_TYPE_MKP + 2 ) // Basic type for simple markups.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MKP_Leader ( PRC_TYPE_MKP + 3 ) // basic type for markup leader
+#define PRC_TYPE_MKP_AnnotationItem ( PRC_TYPE_MKP + 4 ) // Usage of a markup.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MKP_AnnotationSet ( PRC_TYPE_MKP + 5 ) // Group of annotations.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MKP_AnnotationReference ( PRC_TYPE_MKP + 6 ) // Logical grouping of annotations for reference.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_Style ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 1 ) // Display style.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_Material ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 2 ) // Display material properties.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_Picture ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 3 ) // Picture.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_TextureApplication ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 11 ) // Texture application.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_TextureDefinition ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 12 ) // Texture definition.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_TextureTransformation ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 13 ) // Texture transformation.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_LinePattern ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 21 ) // One dimensional display style.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_FillPattern ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 22 ) // Abstract class for two-dimensional display style.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_DottingPattern ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 23 ) // Two-dimensional filling with dots.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_HatchingPattern ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 24 ) // Two-dimensional filling with hatches.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_SolidPattern ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 25 ) // Two-dimensional filling with particular style (color, material, texture).
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_VPicturePattern ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 26 ) // Two-dimensional filling with vectorised picture.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_AmbientLight ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 31 ) // Scene ambient illumination.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_PointLight ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 32 ) // Scene point illumination.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_DirectionalLight ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 33 ) // Scene directional illumination.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_SpotLight ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 34 ) // Scene spot illumination.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_SceneDisplayParameters ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 41 ) // Parameters for scene visualisation.
+#define PRC_TYPE_GRAPH_Camera ( PRC_TYPE_GRAPH + 42 ) //
+#define PRC_TYPE_MATH_FCT_1D ( PRC_TYPE_MATH + 1 ) // Basic type for one degree equation object.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MATH_FCT_1D_Polynom ( PRC_TYPE_MATH_FCT_1D + 1 ) // Polynomial equation.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MATH_FCT_1D_Trigonometric ( PRC_TYPE_MATH_FCT_1D + 2 ) // Cosinus based equation.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MATH_FCT_1D_Fraction ( PRC_TYPE_MATH_FCT_1D + 3 ) // Fraction between 2 one degree equation object.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MATH_FCT_1D_ArctanCos ( PRC_TYPE_MATH_FCT_1D + 4 ) // Specific equation.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MATH_FCT_1D_Combination ( PRC_TYPE_MATH_FCT_1D + 5 ) // Combination of one degree equation object.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MATH_FCT_3D ( PRC_TYPE_MATH + 10 ) // Basic type for 3rd degree equation object.
+#define PRC_TYPE_MATH_FCT_3D_Linear ( PRC_TYPE_MATH_FCT_3D + 1 ) // Linear transformation ( with a matrix ).
+#define PRC_TYPE_MATH_FCT_3D_NonLinear ( PRC_TYPE_MATH_FCT_3D + 2 ) // Specific transformation.
+#define PRC_PRODUCT_FLAG_VIEW 0x0010
+#define PRC_TRANSFORMATION_Identity 0x00
+#define PRC_TRANSFORMATION_Translate 0x01
+#define PRC_TRANSFORMATION_Rotate 0x02
+#define PRC_TRANSFORMATION_Mirror 0x04
+#define PRC_TRANSFORMATION_Scale 0x08
+#define PRC_TRANSFORMATION_NonUniformScale 0x10
+#define PRC_TRANSFORMATION_NonOrtho 0x20
+#define PRC_TRANSFORMATION_Homogeneous 0x40
+#define PRC_FACETESSDATA_Polyface 0x0001
+#define PRC_FACETESSDATA_Triangle 0x0002
+#define PRC_FACETESSDATA_TriangleFan 0x0004
+#define PRC_FACETESSDATA_TriangleStripe 0x0008
+#define PRC_FACETESSDATA_PolyfaceOneNormal 0x0010
+#define PRC_FACETESSDATA_TriangleOneNormal 0x0020
+#define PRC_FACETESSDATA_TriangleFanOneNormal 0x0040
+#define PRC_FACETESSDATA_TriangleStripeOneNormal 0x0080
+#define PRC_FACETESSDATA_PolyfaceTextured 0x0100
+#define PRC_FACETESSDATA_TriangleTextured 0x0200
+#define PRC_FACETESSDATA_TriangleFanTextured 0x0400
+#define PRC_FACETESSDATA_TriangleStripeTextured 0x0800
+#define PRC_FACETESSDATA_PolyfaceOneNormalTextured 0x1000
+#define PRC_FACETESSDATA_TriangleOneNormalTextured 0x2000
+#define PRC_FACETESSDATA_TriangleFanOneNormalTextured 0x4000
+#define PRC_FACETESSDATA_TriangleStripeOneNormalTextured 0x8000
+#define PRC_TEXTURE_APPLYING_MODE_NONE 0x00 // let the application choose
+#define PRC_TEXTURE_APPLYING_MODE_LIGHTING 0x01 // use lighting mode
+#define PRC_TEXTURE_APPLYING_MODE_ALPHATEST 0x02 // use alpha test
+#define PRC_TEXTURE_APPLYING_MODE_VERTEXCOLOR 0x04 // combine a texture with one-color-per-vertex mode
+enum EPRCModellerAttributeType {
+ KEPRCModellerAttributeTypeNull = 0,
+ KEPRCModellerAttributeTypeInt = 1,
+ KEPRCModellerAttributeTypeReal = 2,
+ KEPRCModellerAttributeTypeTime = 3,
+ KEPRCModellerAttributeTypeString = 4
+enum EPRCPictureDataFormat {
+ KEPRCPicture_PNG,
+ KEPRCPicture_JPG,
+enum EPRCProductLoadStatus {
+ KEPRCProductLoadStatus_Unknown = 0,
+ KEPRCProductLoadStatus_Error,
+ KEPRCProductLoadStatus_NotLoaded,
+ KEPRCProductLoadStatus_NotLoadable,
+ KEPRCProductLoadStatus_Loaded
+enum EPRCExtendType {
+ KEPRCExtendTypeNone = 0,
+ KEPRCExtendTypeExt1 = 2,
+ KEPRCExtendTypeExt2 = 4,
+ KEPRCExtendTypeG1 = 6,
+ KEPRCExtendTypeG1R = 8,
+ KEPRCExtendTypeG1_G2 = 10,
+ KEPRCExtendTypeCInfinity = 12
+enum EPRCKnotType {
+ KEPRCKnotTypeUniformKnots,
+ KEPRCKnotTypeUnspecified,
+ KEPRCKnotTypeQuasiUniformKnots,
+ KEPRCKnotTypePiecewiseBezierKnots
+enum EPRCBSplineSurfaceForm {
+ KEPRCBSplineSurfaceFormPlane,
+ KEPRCBSplineSurfaceFormCylindrical,
+ KEPRCBSplineSurfaceFormConical,
+ KEPRCBSplineSurfaceFormSpherical,
+ KEPRCBSplineSurfaceFormRevolution,
+ KEPRCBSplineSurfaceFormRuled,
+ KEPRCBSplineSurfaceFormGeneralizedCone,
+ KEPRCBSplineSurfaceFormQuadric,
+ KEPRCBSplineSurfaceFormLinearExtrusion,
+ KEPRCBSplineSurfaceFormUnspecified,
+ KEPRCBSplineSurfaceFormPolynomial
+enum EPRCBSplineCurveForm {
+ KEPRCBSplineCurveFormUnspecified,
+ KEPRCBSplineCurveFormPolyline,
+ KEPRCBSplineCurveFormCircularArc,
+ KEPRCBSplineCurveFormEllipticArc,
+ KEPRCBSplineCurveFormParabolicArc,
+ KEPRCBSplineCurveFormHyperbolicArc
+enum EPRCTextureMappingType {
+ KEPRCTextureMappingType_Unknown,
+ KEPRCTextureMappingType_Stored,
+ KEPRCTextureMappingType_Parametric,
+ KEPRCTextureMappingType_Operator
+enum EPRCTextureFunction {
+ KEPRCTextureFunction_Unknown,
+ KEPRCTextureFunction_Modulate,
+ KEPRCTextureFunction_Replace,
+ KEPRCTextureFunction_Blend,
+ KEPRCTextureFunction_Decal
+enum EPRCTextureBlendParameter {
+ KEPRCTextureBlendParameter_Unknown,
+ KEPRCTextureBlendParameter_Zero,
+ KEPRCTextureBlendParameter_One,
+ KEPRCTextureBlendParameter_SrcColor,
+ KEPRCTextureBlendParameter_OneMinusSrcColor,
+ KEPRCTextureBlendParameter_DstColor,
+ KEPRCTextureBlendParameter_OneMinusDstColor,
+ KEPRCTextureBlendParameter_SrcAlpha,
+ KEPRCTextureBlendParameter_OneMinusSrcAlpha,
+ KEPRCTextureBlendParameter_DstAlpha,
+ KEPRCTextureBlendParameter_OneMinusDstAlpha,
+ KEPRCTextureBlendParameter_SrcAlphaSaturate
+enum EPRCTextureWrappingMode {
+ KEPRCTextureWrappingMode_Unknown,
+ KEPRCTextureWrappingMode_Repeat,
+ KEPRCTextureWrappingMode_ClampToBorder,
+ KEPRCTextureWrappingMode_Clamp,
+ KEPRCTextureWrappingMode_ClampToEdge,
+ KEPRCTextureWrappingMode_MirroredRepeat
+#endif // __PRC_H