path: root/Build/source/utils/asymptote/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/asymptote/')
1 files changed, 1008 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/asymptote/ b/Build/source/utils/asymptote/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b491f20b0d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/utils/asymptote/
@@ -0,0 +1,1008 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Stores a surface that has been added to a picture.
+ *****/
+#include "drawsurface.h"
+#include "drawpath3.h"
+#include "arrayop.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <glm/glm.hpp>
+#include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp>
+#include <glm/gtc/type_ptr.hpp>
+using namespace prc;
+#include "material.h"
+namespace camp {
+mem::vector<triple> drawElement::center;
+size_t drawElement::centerIndex=0;
+triple drawElement::lastcenter=0;
+size_t drawElement::lastcenterIndex=0;
+const triple drawElement::zero;
+using vm::array;
+using settings::getSetting;
+void storecolor(GLfloat *colors, int i, const vm::array &pens, int j)
+ pen p=vm::read<camp::pen>(pens,j);
+ p.torgb();
+ colors[i];
+ colors[i+1];
+ colors[i+2];
+ colors[i+3]=p.opacity();
+void storecolor(GLfloat *colors, int i, const RGBAColour& p)
+ colors[i]=p.R;
+ colors[i+1]=p.G;
+ colors[i+2]=p.B;
+ colors[i+3]=p.A;
+void setcolors(bool colors,
+ const RGBAColour& diffuse,
+ const RGBAColour& emissive,
+ const RGBAColour& specular, double shininess,
+ double metallic, double fresnel0, jsfile *out)
+ Material m=Material(glm::vec4(diffuse.R,diffuse.G,diffuse.B,diffuse.A),
+ glm::vec4(emissive.R,emissive.G,emissive.B,emissive.A),
+ glm::vec4(specular.R,specular.G,specular.B,specular.A),
+ shininess,metallic,fresnel0);
+ MaterialMap::iterator p=materialMap.find(m);
+ if(p != materialMap.end()) materialIndex=p->second;
+ else {
+ materialIndex=material.size();
+ if(materialIndex >= nmaterials)
+ nmaterials=min(Maxmaterials,2*nmaterials);
+ material.push_back(m);
+ materialMap[m]=materialIndex;
+ if(out)
+ out->addMaterial(materialIndex);
+ }
+void drawBezierPatch::bounds(const double* t, bbox3& b)
+ double x,y,z;
+ double X,Y,Z;
+ if(straight) {
+ triple Vertices[4];
+ if(t == NULL) {
+ Vertices[0]=controls[0];
+ Vertices[1]=controls[3];
+ Vertices[2]=controls[12];
+ Vertices[3]=controls[15];
+ } else {
+ Vertices[0]=t*controls[0];
+ Vertices[1]=t*controls[3];
+ Vertices[2]=t*controls[12];
+ Vertices[3]=t*controls[15];
+ }
+ boundstriples(x,y,z,X,Y,Z,4,Vertices);
+ } else {
+ double cx[16];
+ double cy[16];
+ double cz[16];
+ if(t == NULL) {
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i < 16; ++i) {
+ triple v=controls[i];
+ cx[i]=v.getx();
+ cy[i]=v.gety();
+ cz[i]=v.getz();
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i < 16; ++i) {
+ triple v=t*controls[i];
+ cx[i]=v.getx();
+ cy[i]=v.gety();
+ cz[i]=v.getz();
+ }
+ }
+ double c0=cx[0];
+ double fuzz=Fuzz*run::norm(cx,16);
+ x=bound(cx,min,b.empty ? c0 : min(c0,b.left),fuzz,maxdepth);
+ X=bound(cx,max,b.empty ? c0 : max(c0,b.right),fuzz,maxdepth);
+ c0=cy[0];
+ fuzz=Fuzz*run::norm(cy,16);
+ y=bound(cy,min,b.empty ? c0 : min(c0,b.bottom),fuzz,maxdepth);
+ Y=bound(cy,max,b.empty ? c0 : max(c0,,fuzz,maxdepth);
+ c0=cz[0];
+ fuzz=Fuzz*run::norm(cz,16);
+ z=bound(cz,min,b.empty ? c0 : min(c0,b.near),fuzz,maxdepth);
+ Z=bound(cz,max,b.empty ? c0 : max(c0,b.far),fuzz,maxdepth);
+ }
+ b.add(x,y,z);
+ b.add(X,Y,Z);
+ if(t == NULL) {
+ Min=triple(x,y,z);
+ Max=triple(X,Y,Z);
+ }
+void drawBezierPatch::ratio(const double* t, pair &b, double (*m)(double, double),
+ double fuzz, bool &first)
+ triple buf[16];
+ triple* Controls;
+ if(straight) {
+ if(t == NULL) Controls=controls;
+ else {
+ Controls=buf;
+ Controls[0]=t*controls[0];
+ Controls[3]=t*controls[3];
+ Controls[12]=t*controls[12];
+ Controls[15]=t*controls[15];
+ }
+ triple v=Controls[0];
+ double x=xratio(v);
+ double y=yratio(v);
+ if(first) {
+ first=false;
+ b=pair(x,y);
+ } else {
+ x=m(b.getx(),x);
+ y=m(b.gety(),y);
+ }
+ v=Controls[3];
+ x=m(x,xratio(v));
+ y=m(y,yratio(v));
+ v=Controls[12];
+ x=m(x,xratio(v));
+ y=m(y,yratio(v));
+ v=Controls[15];
+ x=m(x,xratio(v));
+ y=m(y,yratio(v));
+ b=pair(x,y);
+ } else {
+ if(t == NULL) Controls=controls;
+ else {
+ Controls=buf;
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i < 16; ++i)
+ Controls[i]=t*controls[i];
+ }
+ if(first) {
+ triple v=Controls[0];
+ b=pair(xratio(v),yratio(v));
+ first=false;
+ }
+ b=pair(bound(Controls,m,xratio,b.getx(),fuzz,maxdepth),
+ bound(Controls,m,yratio,b.gety(),fuzz,maxdepth));
+ }
+bool drawBezierPatch::write(prcfile *out, unsigned int *, double, groupsmap&)
+ if(invisible || primitive)
+ return true;
+ RGBAColour Black(0.0,0.0,0.0,diffuse.A);
+ PRCmaterial m(Black,diffuse,emissive,specular,opacity,shininess);
+ if(straight) {
+ triple vertices[]={controls[0],controls[12],controls[3],controls[15]};
+ if(colors) {
+ prc::RGBAColour Colors[]={colors[0],colors[1],colors[3],colors[2]};
+ out->addQuad(vertices,Colors);
+ } else
+ out->addRectangle(vertices,m);
+ } else
+ out->addPatch(controls,m);
+ return true;
+bool drawBezierPatch::write(jsfile *out)
+ if(invisible || primitive)
+ return true;
+ if(billboard) {
+ meshinit();
+ drawElement::centerIndex=centerIndex;
+ } else drawElement::centerIndex=0;
+ setcolors(colors,diffuse,emissive,specular,shininess,metallic,fresnel0,out);
+ out->precision(digits);
+ if(straight) {
+ triple Controls[]={controls[0],controls[12],controls[15],controls[3]};
+ out->addPatch(Controls,4,Min,Max,colors,4);
+ } else
+ out->addPatch(controls,16,Min,Max,colors,4);
+ out->precision(getSetting<Int>("digits"));
+ return true;
+void drawBezierPatch::render(double size2, const triple& b, const triple& B,
+ double perspective, bool remesh)
+#ifdef HAVE_GL
+ if(invisible) return;
+ transparent=colors ? colors[0].A+colors[1].A+colors[2].A+colors[3].A < 4.0 :
+ diffuse.A < 1.0;
+ setcolors(colors,diffuse,emissive,specular,shininess,metallic,fresnel0);
+ if(transparent)
+ setMaterial(transparentData,drawTransparent);
+ else {
+ if(colors)
+ setMaterial(colorData,drawColor);
+ else
+ setMaterial(materialData,drawMaterial);
+ }
+ bool offscreen;
+ if(billboard) {
+ drawElement::centerIndex=centerIndex;
+ BB.init(center);
+ offscreen=bbox2(Min,Max,BB).offscreen();
+ } else
+ offscreen=bbox2(Min,Max).offscreen();
+ if(offscreen) { // Fully offscreen
+ S.Onscreen=false;
+ S.transparent=transparent;
+ S.color=colors;
+ S.notRendered();
+ return;
+ }
+ triple *Controls;
+ triple Controls0[16];
+ if(billboard) {
+ Controls=Controls0;
+ for(size_t i=0; i < 16; i++) {
+ Controls[i]=BB.transform(controls[i]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Controls=controls;
+ if(!remesh && S.Onscreen) { // Fully onscreen; no need to re-render
+ S.append();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ double s=perspective ? Min.getz()*perspective : 1.0; // Move to glrender
+ const pair size3(s*(B.getx()-b.getx()),s*(B.gety()-b.gety()));
+ if(gl::outlinemode) {
+ setMaterial(material1Data,drawMaterial);
+ triple edge0[]={Controls[0],Controls[4],Controls[8],Controls[12]};
+ C.queue(edge0,straight,size3.length()/size2);
+ triple edge1[]={Controls[12],Controls[13],Controls[14],Controls[15]};
+ C.queue(edge1,straight,size3.length()/size2);
+ triple edge2[]={Controls[15],Controls[11],Controls[7],Controls[3]};
+ C.queue(edge2,straight,size3.length()/size2);
+ triple edge3[]={Controls[3],Controls[2],Controls[1],Controls[0]};
+ C.queue(edge3,straight,size3.length()/size2);
+ } else {
+ GLfloat c[16];
+ if(colors)
+ for(size_t i=0; i < 4; ++i)
+ storecolor(c,4*i,colors[i]);
+ S.queue(Controls,straight,size3.length()/size2,transparent,
+ colors ? c : NULL);
+ }
+drawElement *drawBezierPatch::transformed(const double* t)
+ return new drawBezierPatch(t,this);
+void drawBezierTriangle::bounds(const double* t, bbox3& b)
+ double x,y,z;
+ double X,Y,Z;
+ if(straight) {
+ triple Vertices[3];
+ if(t == NULL) {
+ Vertices[0]=controls[0];
+ Vertices[1]=controls[6];
+ Vertices[2]=controls[9];
+ } else {
+ Vertices[0]=t*controls[0];
+ Vertices[1]=t*controls[6];
+ Vertices[2]=t*controls[9];
+ }
+ boundstriples(x,y,z,X,Y,Z,3,Vertices);
+ } else {
+ double cx[10];
+ double cy[10];
+ double cz[10];
+ if(t == NULL) {
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ triple v=controls[i];
+ cx[i]=v.getx();
+ cy[i]=v.gety();
+ cz[i]=v.getz();
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ triple v=t*controls[i];
+ cx[i]=v.getx();
+ cy[i]=v.gety();
+ cz[i]=v.getz();
+ }
+ }
+ double c0=cx[0];
+ double fuzz=Fuzz*run::norm(cx,10);
+ x=boundtri(cx,min,b.empty ? c0 : min(c0,b.left),fuzz,maxdepth);
+ X=boundtri(cx,max,b.empty ? c0 : max(c0,b.right),fuzz,maxdepth);
+ c0=cy[0];
+ fuzz=Fuzz*run::norm(cy,10);
+ y=boundtri(cy,min,b.empty ? c0 : min(c0,b.bottom),fuzz,maxdepth);
+ Y=boundtri(cy,max,b.empty ? c0 : max(c0,,fuzz,maxdepth);
+ c0=cz[0];
+ fuzz=Fuzz*run::norm(cz,10);
+ z=boundtri(cz,min,b.empty ? c0 : min(c0,b.near),fuzz,maxdepth);
+ Z=boundtri(cz,max,b.empty ? c0 : max(c0,b.far),fuzz,maxdepth);
+ }
+ b.add(x,y,z);
+ b.add(X,Y,Z);
+ if(t == NULL) {
+ Min=triple(x,y,z);
+ Max=triple(X,Y,Z);
+ }
+void drawBezierTriangle::ratio(const double* t, pair &b,
+ double (*m)(double, double), double fuzz,
+ bool &first)
+ triple buf[10];
+ triple* Controls;
+ if(straight) {
+ if(t == NULL) Controls=controls;
+ else {
+ Controls=buf;
+ Controls[0]=t*controls[0];
+ Controls[6]=t*controls[6];
+ Controls[9]=t*controls[9];
+ }
+ triple v=Controls[0];
+ double x=xratio(v);
+ double y=yratio(v);
+ if(first) {
+ first=false;
+ b=pair(x,y);
+ } else {
+ x=m(b.getx(),x);
+ y=m(b.gety(),y);
+ }
+ v=Controls[6];
+ x=m(x,xratio(v));
+ y=m(y,yratio(v));
+ v=Controls[9];
+ x=m(x,xratio(v));
+ y=m(y,yratio(v));
+ b=pair(x,y);
+ } else {
+ if(t == NULL) Controls=controls;
+ else {
+ Controls=buf;
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i < 10; ++i)
+ Controls[i]=t*controls[i];
+ }
+ if(first) {
+ triple v=Controls[0];
+ b=pair(xratio(v),yratio(v));
+ first=false;
+ }
+ b=pair(boundtri(Controls,m,xratio,b.getx(),fuzz,maxdepth),
+ boundtri(Controls,m,yratio,b.gety(),fuzz,maxdepth));
+ }
+bool drawBezierTriangle::write(prcfile *out, unsigned int *, double,
+ groupsmap&)
+ if(invisible || primitive)
+ return true;
+ RGBAColour Black(0.0,0.0,0.0,diffuse.A);
+ PRCmaterial m(Black,diffuse,emissive,specular,opacity,shininess);
+ static const double third=1.0/3.0;
+ static const double third2=2.0/3.0;
+ triple Controls[]={controls[0],controls[0],controls[0],controls[0],
+ controls[1],third2*controls[1]+third*controls[2],
+ third*controls[1]+third2*controls[2],
+ controls[2],controls[3],
+ third*controls[3]+third2*controls[4],
+ third2*controls[4]+third*controls[5],
+ controls[5],controls[6],controls[7],
+ controls[8],controls[9]};
+ out->addPatch(Controls,m);
+ return true;
+bool drawBezierTriangle::write(jsfile *out)
+ if(invisible || primitive)
+ return true;
+ if(billboard) {
+ meshinit();
+ drawElement::centerIndex=centerIndex;
+ } else drawElement::centerIndex=0;
+ setcolors(colors,diffuse,emissive,specular,shininess,metallic,fresnel0,out);
+ out->precision(digits);
+ if(straight) {
+ triple Controls[]={controls[0],controls[6],controls[9]};
+ out->addPatch(Controls,3,Min,Max,colors,3);
+ } else
+ out->addPatch(controls,10,Min,Max,colors,3);
+ out->precision(getSetting<Int>("digits"));
+ return true;
+void drawBezierTriangle::render(double size2, const triple& b, const triple& B,
+ double perspective, bool remesh)
+#ifdef HAVE_GL
+ if(invisible) return;
+ transparent=colors ? colors[0].A+colors[1].A+colors[2].A < 3.0 :
+ diffuse.A < 1.0;
+ setcolors(colors,diffuse,emissive,specular,shininess,metallic,fresnel0);
+ if(transparent)
+ setMaterial(transparentData,drawTransparent);
+ else {
+ if(colors)
+ setMaterial(colorData,drawColor);
+ else
+ setMaterial(materialData,drawMaterial);
+ }
+ bool offscreen;
+ if(billboard) {
+ drawElement::centerIndex=centerIndex;
+ BB.init(center);
+ offscreen=bbox2(Min,Max,BB).offscreen();
+ } else
+ offscreen=bbox2(Min,Max).offscreen();
+ if(offscreen) { // Fully offscreen
+ S.Onscreen=false;
+ S.transparent=transparent;
+ S.color=colors;
+ S.notRendered();
+ return;
+ }
+ triple *Controls;
+ triple Controls0[10];
+ if(billboard) {
+ Controls=Controls0;
+ for(size_t i=0; i < 10; i++) {
+ Controls[i]=BB.transform(controls[i]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Controls=controls;
+ if(!remesh && S.Onscreen) { // Fully onscreen; no need to re-render
+ S.append();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ double s=perspective ? Min.getz()*perspective : 1.0; // Move to glrender
+ const pair size3(s*(B.getx()-b.getx()),s*(B.gety()-b.gety()));
+ if(gl::outlinemode) {
+ setMaterial(material1Data,drawMaterial);
+ triple edge0[]={Controls[0],Controls[1],Controls[3],Controls[6]};
+ C.queue(edge0,straight,size3.length()/size2);
+ triple edge1[]={Controls[6],Controls[7],Controls[8],Controls[9]};
+ C.queue(edge1,straight,size3.length()/size2);
+ triple edge2[]={Controls[9],Controls[5],Controls[2],Controls[0]};
+ C.queue(edge2,straight,size3.length()/size2);
+ } else {
+ GLfloat c[12];
+ if(colors)
+ for(size_t i=0; i < 3; ++i)
+ storecolor(c,4*i,colors[i]);
+ S.queue(Controls,straight,size3.length()/size2,transparent,
+ colors ? c : NULL);
+ }
+drawElement *drawBezierTriangle::transformed(const double* t)
+ return new drawBezierTriangle(t,this);
+bool drawNurbs::write(prcfile *out, unsigned int *, double, groupsmap&)
+ if(invisible)
+ return true;
+ RGBAColour Black(0.0,0.0,0.0,diffuse.A);
+ PRCmaterial m(Black,diffuse,emissive,specular,opacity,shininess);
+ out->addSurface(udegree,vdegree,nu,nv,controls,uknots,vknots,m,weights);
+ return true;
+// Approximate bounds by bounding box of control polyhedron.
+void drawNurbs::bounds(const double* t, bbox3& b)
+ double x,y,z;
+ double X,Y,Z;
+ const size_t n=nu*nv;
+ triple* Controls;
+ if(t == NULL) Controls=controls;
+ else {
+ Controls=new triple[n];
+ for(size_t i=0; i < n; i++)
+ Controls[i]=t*controls[i];
+ }
+ boundstriples(x,y,z,X,Y,Z,n,Controls);
+ b.add(x,y,z);
+ b.add(X,Y,Z);
+ if(t == NULL) {
+ Min=triple(x,y,z);
+ Max=triple(X,Y,Z);
+ } else delete[] Controls;
+drawElement *drawNurbs::transformed(const double* t)
+ return new drawNurbs(t,this);
+void drawNurbs::ratio(const double *t, pair &b, double (*m)(double, double),
+ double, bool &first)
+ const size_t n=nu*nv;
+ triple* Controls;
+ if(t == NULL) Controls=controls;
+ else {
+ Controls=new triple[n];
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i < n; ++i)
+ Controls[i]=t*controls[i];
+ }
+ if(first) {
+ first=false;
+ triple v=Controls[0];
+ b=pair(xratio(v),yratio(v));
+ }
+ double x=b.getx();
+ double y=b.gety();
+ for(size_t i=0; i < n; ++i) {
+ triple v=Controls[i];
+ x=m(x,xratio(v));
+ y=m(y,yratio(v));
+ }
+ b=pair(x,y);
+ if(t != NULL)
+ delete[] Controls;
+void drawNurbs::displacement()
+#ifdef HAVE_GL
+ size_t n=nu*nv;
+ size_t nuknots=udegree+nu+1;
+ size_t nvknots=vdegree+nv+1;
+ if(Controls == NULL) {
+ Controls=new(UseGC) GLfloat[(weights ? 4 : 3)*n];
+ uKnots=new(UseGC) GLfloat[nuknots];
+ vKnots=new(UseGC) GLfloat[nvknots];
+ }
+ if(weights)
+ for(size_t i=0; i < n; ++i)
+ store(Controls+4*i,controls[i],weights[i]);
+ else
+ for(size_t i=0; i < n; ++i)
+ store(Controls+3*i,controls[i]);
+ for(size_t i=0; i < nuknots; ++i)
+ uKnots[i]=uknots[i];
+ for(size_t i=0; i < nvknots; ++i)
+ vKnots[i]=vknots[i];
+void drawNurbs::render(double size2, const triple& b, const triple& B,
+ double perspective, bool remesh)
+// TODO: implement NURBS renderer
+void drawPRC::P(triple& t, double x, double y, double z)
+ if(T == NULL) {
+ t=triple(x,y,z);
+ return;
+ }
+ double f=T[12]*x+T[13]*y+T[14]*z+T[15];
+ if(f == 0.0) run::dividebyzero();
+ f=1.0/f;
+ t=triple((T[0]*x+T[1]*y+T[2]*z+T[3])*f,(T[4]*x+T[5]*y+T[6]*z+T[7])*f,
+ (T[8]*x+T[9]*y+T[10]*z+T[11])*f);
+void drawSphere::P(triple& t, double x, double y, double z)
+ if(half) {
+ double temp=z; z=x; x=-temp;
+ }
+ drawPRC::P(t,x,y,z);
+bool drawSphere::write(prcfile *out, unsigned int *, double, groupsmap&)
+ if(invisible)
+ return true;
+ RGBAColour Black(0.0,0.0,0.0,diffuse.A);
+ PRCmaterial m(Black,diffuse,emissive,specular,opacity,shininess);
+ switch(type) {
+ case 0: // PRCsphere
+ {
+ if(half)
+ out->addHemisphere(1.0,m,NULL,NULL,NULL,1.0,T);
+ else
+ out->addSphere(1.0,m,NULL,NULL,NULL,1.0,T);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1: // NURBSsphere
+ {
+ static double uknot[]={0.0,0.0,1.0/3.0,0.5,1.0,1.0};
+ static double vknot[]={0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0};
+ static double Weights[12]={2.0/3.0,2.0/9.0,2.0/9.0,2.0/3.0,
+ 1.0/3.0,1.0/9.0,1.0/9.0,1.0/3.0,
+ 1.0,1.0/3.0,1.0/3.0,1.0};
+// NURBS representation of a sphere using 10 distinct control points
+// K. Qin, J. Comp. Sci. and Tech. 12, 210-216 (1997).
+ triple N,S,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8;
+ P(N,0.0,0.0,1.0);
+ P(P1,-2.0,-2.0,1.0);
+ P(P2,-2.0,-2.0,-1.0);
+ P(S,0.0,0.0,-1.0);
+ P(P3,2.0,-2.0,1.0);
+ P(P4,2.0,-2.0,-1.0);
+ P(P5,2.0,2.0,1.0);
+ P(P6,2.0,2.0,-1.0);
+ P(P7,-2.0,2.0,1.0);
+ P(P8,-2.0,2.0,-1.0);
+ triple p0[]={N,P1,P2,S,
+ N,P3,P4,S,
+ N,P5,P6,S,
+ N,P7,P8,S,
+ N,P1,P2,S,
+ N,P3,P4,S};
+ out->addSurface(2,3,3,4,p0,uknot,vknot,m,Weights);
+ out->addSurface(2,3,3,4,p0+4,uknot,vknot,m,Weights);
+ if(!half) {
+ out->addSurface(2,3,3,4,p0+8,uknot,vknot,m,Weights);
+ out->addSurface(2,3,3,4,p0+12,uknot,vknot,m,Weights);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ reportError("Invalid sphere type");
+ }
+ return true;
+bool drawSphere::write(jsfile *out)
+ if(invisible)
+ return true;
+ drawElement::centerIndex=0;
+ setcolors(false,diffuse,emissive,specular,shininess,metallic,fresnel0,out);
+ triple O,E;
+ P(E,1.0,0.0,0.0);
+ P(O,0.0,0.0,0.0);
+ triple X=E-O;
+ double r=length(X);
+ if(half)
+ out->addSphere(O,r,half,X.polar(false),X.azimuth(false));
+ else
+ out->addSphere(O,r);
+ return true;
+bool drawCylinder::write(prcfile *out, unsigned int *, double, groupsmap&)
+ if(invisible)
+ return true;
+ RGBAColour Black(0.0,0.0,0.0,diffuse.A);
+ PRCmaterial m(Black,diffuse,emissive,specular,opacity,shininess);
+ out->addCylinder(1.0,1.0,m,NULL,NULL,NULL,1.0,T);
+ return true;
+bool drawCylinder::write(jsfile *out)
+ if(invisible)
+ return true;
+ drawElement::centerIndex=0;
+ setcolors(false,diffuse,emissive,specular,shininess,metallic,fresnel0,out);
+ triple E,H,O;
+ P(E,1.0,0.0,0.0);
+ P(H,0.0,0.0,1.0);
+ P(O,0.0,0.0,0.0);
+ triple X=E-O;
+ triple Z=H-O;
+ double r=length(X);
+ double h=length(Z);
+ out->addCylinder(O,r,h,Z.polar(false),Z.azimuth(false),core);
+ return true;
+bool drawDisk::write(prcfile *out, unsigned int *, double, groupsmap&)
+ if(invisible)
+ return true;
+ RGBAColour Black(0.0,0.0,0.0,diffuse.A);
+ PRCmaterial m(Black,diffuse,emissive,specular,opacity,shininess);
+ out->addDisk(1.0,m,NULL,NULL,NULL,1.0,T);
+ return true;
+bool drawDisk::write(jsfile *out)
+ if(invisible)
+ return true;
+ drawElement::centerIndex=0;
+ setcolors(false,diffuse,emissive,specular,shininess,metallic,fresnel0,out);
+ triple E,H,O;
+ P(E,1.0,0.0,0.0);
+ P(H,0.0,0.0,1.0);
+ P(O,0.0,0.0,0.0);
+ triple X=E-O;
+ triple Z=H-O;
+ double r=length(X);
+ out->addDisk(O,r,Z.polar(false),Z.azimuth(false));
+ return true;
+bool drawTube::write(jsfile *out)
+ if(invisible)
+ return true;
+ drawElement::centerIndex=0;
+ setcolors(false,diffuse,emissive,specular,shininess,metallic,fresnel0,out);
+ bbox3 b;
+ b.add(T*m);
+ b.add(T*triple(m.getx(),m.gety(),M.getz()));
+ b.add(T*triple(m.getx(),M.gety(),m.getz()));
+ b.add(T*triple(m.getx(),M.gety(),M.getz()));
+ b.add(T*triple(M.getx(),m.gety(),m.getz()));
+ b.add(T*triple(M.getx(),m.gety(),M.getz()));
+ b.add(T*triple(M.getx(),M.gety(),m.getz()));
+ b.add(T*M);
+ out->addTube(g,width,b.Min(),b.Max(),core);
+ return true;
+const string drawBaseTriangles::wrongsize=
+ "triangle indices require 3 components";
+const string drawBaseTriangles::outofrange="index out of range";
+void drawBaseTriangles::bounds(const double* t, bbox3& b)
+ double x,y,z;
+ double X,Y,Z;
+ triple* tP;
+ if(t == NULL) tP=P;
+ else {
+ tP=new triple[nP];
+ for(size_t i=0; i < nP; i++)
+ tP[i]=t*P[i];
+ }
+ boundstriples(x,y,z,X,Y,Z,nP,tP);
+ b.add(x,y,z);
+ b.add(X,Y,Z);
+ if(t == NULL) {
+ Min=triple(x,y,z);
+ Max=triple(X,Y,Z);
+ } else delete[] tP;
+void drawBaseTriangles::ratio(const double* t, pair &b,
+ double (*m)(double, double), double fuzz,
+ bool &first)
+ triple* tP;
+ if(t == NULL) tP=P;
+ else {
+ tP=new triple[nP];
+ for(size_t i=0; i < nP; i++)
+ tP[i]=t*P[i];
+ }
+ ratiotriples(b,m,first,nP,tP);
+ if(t != NULL)
+ delete[] tP;
+bool drawTriangles::write(prcfile *out, unsigned int *, double, groupsmap&)
+ if(invisible)
+ return true;
+ if(nC) {
+ const RGBAColour white(1,1,1,opacity);
+ const RGBAColour black(0,0,0,opacity);
+ const PRCmaterial m(black,white,black,specular,opacity,shininess);
+ out->addTriangles(nP,P,nI,PI,m,nN,N,NI,0,NULL,NULL,nC,C,CI,0,NULL,NULL,30);
+ } else {
+ RGBAColour Black(0.0,0.0,0.0,diffuse.A);
+ const PRCmaterial m(Black,diffuse,emissive,specular,opacity,shininess);
+ out->addTriangles(nP,P,nI,PI,m,nN,N,NI,0,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,30);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool drawTriangles::write(jsfile *out)
+ if(invisible)
+ return true;
+ setcolors(nC,diffuse,emissive,specular,shininess,metallic,fresnel0,out);
+ out->addTriangles(nP,P,nN,N,nC,C,nI,PI,NI,CI,Min,Max);
+ return true;
+void drawTriangles::render(double size2, const triple& b,
+ const triple& B, double perspective,
+ bool remesh)
+#ifdef HAVE_GL
+ if(invisible) return;
+ transparent=diffuse.A < 1.0;
+ if(bbox2(Min,Max).offscreen()) { // Fully offscreen
+ R.Onscreen=false;
+ R.transparent=transparent;
+ R.notRendered();
+ return;
+ }
+ setcolors(nC,diffuse,emissive,specular,shininess,metallic,fresnel0);
+ if(transparent)
+ setMaterial(transparentData,drawTransparent);
+ else
+ setMaterial(triangleData,drawTriangle);
+ if(!remesh && R.Onscreen) { // Fully onscreen; no need to re-render
+ R.append();
+ return;
+ }
+ R.queue(nP,P,nN,N,nC,C,nI,PI,NI,CI,transparent);
+} //namespace camp