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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+ <head>
+ <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' />
+ <title>Asymptote Proposal - External Modules</title>
+ <style><!--
+ --></style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>Asymptote Proposal &mdash External Modules</h1>
+ <h2>Overview</h2>
+ <p>External modules allow users to extend Asymptote by calling functions
+ written in another programming language.</p>
+ <p>Users do this by writing a .asyc file, which contains a mix of
+ Asymptote code and code from another language, say C++. Then, a program
+ is run which produces a .asy file and a C++ source file. The C++ file is
+ compiled to produce a shared library file. Then, the .asy file can be
+ imported in Asymptote to use the externally defined features.</p>
+ <p>This spec is describes a proposed feature that has not yet been
+ implemented. It is incomplete, and does not address all of the issues
+ involved in implementing the feature.</p>
+ <h2>Example</h2>
+ <p>Let&#8217;s look at a simple example that shows off the main features.
+ Asymptote currently doesn&#8217;t offer a way to read the contents of a
+ directory. This would be useful if, say, we wanted to make a series of
+ graphs for every .csv file in a directory.</p>
+ <pre>
+ * dir.asyc
+ * Andy Hammerlindl 2007/09/11
+ *
+ * An example for the proposed external module support in Asymptote. This reads
+ * the contents of a directory via the POSIX commands.
+ *
+ * Example usage in asymptote:
+ * access dir;
+ * dir.entry[] entries='.');
+ * for (dir.entry e : entries)
+ * write(;
+ *****/
+// Verbatim code will appear in the c++ or asy file (as specified) interleaved
+// in the same order as it appears here.
+verbatim c++ {
+ #include &lt;sys/types.h&gt;
+ #include &lt;dirent.h&gt;
+ #include &lt;errno.h&gt;
+ // asy.h is included by default (needed for hidden code, anyway).
+ // Asymptote-specific types, such as array below, are in the asy namespace.
+ using namespace asy;
+// Define a new opaque type in asy which is internally represented by struct
+// dirent *. This is too messy to expose to users of the module, so define
+// everything as private.
+private asytype const struct dirent *entry_t;
+private int entry_d_ino(entry_t e) {
+ return (Int)e-&gt;d_ino;
+private int entry_d_off(entry_t e) {
+ return (Int)e-&gt;d_off;
+private int entry_d_reclen(entry_t e) {
+ return (Int)e-&gt;reclen;
+private string entry_d_type(entry_t e) {
+ return string( /*length*/ 1, e-&gt;d_type);
+private string entry_d_name(entry_t e) {
+ return string(e-&gt;d_name);
+// Define an asy structure to expose the information. These steps are annoying,
+// but straightforward, and not too hard to plow through.
+verbatim asy {
+ struct entry {
+ restricted int ino;
+ restricted int off;
+ restricted int reclen;
+ restricted int type;
+ restricted string name;
+ void operator init(entry_t e) {
+ ino=entry_d_ino(e);
+ off=entry_d_off(e);
+ reclen=entry_d_reclen(e);
+ type=entry_d_type(e);
+ name=entry_d_name(e);
+ }
+ }
+// Given the name of a directory, return an array of entries. Return 0
+// (a null array) on error.
+private entry_t[] base_read(string name)
+ DIR *dir=opendir(name.c_str());
+ // TODO: Add standard style of error reporting.
+ if (dir == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ // Create the array structure.
+ // array is derived from gc, so will be automatically memory-managed.
+ array *a=new array();
+ struct dirent *entry;
+ while (entry=readdir(dir))
+ a-&gt;push&lt;struct dirent *&gt;(entry);
+ // The loop has exited, either by error, or after reading the entire
+ // directory. Check before closedir(), in case that call resets errno.
+ if (errno != 0) {
+ closedir(dir);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ return a;
+verbatim asy {
+ private entry[] cleanEntries(entry_t[] raw_entries) {
+ if (raw_entries) {
+ entry[] entries;
+ for (entry_t e : raw_entries)
+ entries.push(entry(e));
+ return entries;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ entry[] read(string name) {
+ return cleanEntries(base_read(name));
+ }
+ <h2>Type Mappings</h2>
+ <p>Types in Asymptote do not directly relate to types in C++, but there
+ is a partial mapping between them. The header file
+ <code>asymptote.h</code> provides typedefs for the primitive asymptote
+ types. For instance <code>string</code> in Asymptote maps to the C++
+ class <code>asy::string</code> which is a variant of
+ <code>std::string</code> and <code>real</code> to <code>asy::real</code>
+ which is a basic floating point type (probably <code>double</code>).
+ Because <code>int</code> is a reserved word in C++, the Asymptote type
+ <code>int</code> is mapped to <code>asy::Int</code> which is one of the
+ basic signed numeric types in C++ (currently 64 bit).
+ <code>asy::pair</code> is a class that implements complex numbers. In
+ the first version of the external module implementation, these will be
+ the only primitive types with mappings, but eventually all of them will
+ be added.</p>
+ <p>All Asymptote arrays, regardless of the cell type, are mapped to
+ <code>asy::array *</code> where <code>asy::array</code> is a C++ class.
+ The cells of the array are of the type <code>asy::item</code> which can
+ hold any Asymptote data type. Items can be constructed from any C++
+ type. Once constructed, the value of an item can be retrieved by the
+ function <code>template&lt;typename T&gt; T get(const item&amp;)</code>.
+ Calling <code>get</code> on an item using the wrong type generates a
+ runtime error. </p>
+// Examples of using item.
+item x((asy::Int)2);
+item y(3.4);
+item z=new array;
+item w=(asy::real)3.4;
+cout &lt;&lt; get&lt;asy::Int&gt;(x);
+cout &lt;&lt; get&lt;double&gt;(y);
+x=y; // x now stores a double.
+cout &lt;&lt; get&lt;double&gt;(x);
+cout &lt;&lt; get&lt;asy::real&gt;(w);
+ <p>The <code>asy::array</code> class implements, at a minimum, the
+ methods:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><code>size_t size()</code>
+ which returns the number of elements,</li>
+ <li><code>template &lt;typename T&gt; T read(size_t i) const</code>
+ which returns the i-th element, interpreted as being of type t.</li>
+ <li><code>template &lt;typename T&gt; void push(item i)</code>
+ adds the item to the end of the array.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>It allows access to elements of the array as items by
+ <code>operator[]</code>. We may specify that <code>asy::array</code>
+ be a model of the Random Access Container in the C++ Standard Template
+ Library. It is currently implemented as a subclass of an STL
+ vector.</p>
+// Example of a C++ function that doubles the entries in an array of integers.
+using namespace asy;
+void doubler(array *a) {
+ assert(a);
+ size_t length=a-&gt;size();
+ for (size_t i=0; i&lt;length; ++i) {
+ Int x=a-&gt;read&lt;Int&gt;(i); // This is shorthand for get&lt;Int&gt;((*a)[i]).
+ a[i]=2*x; // The type of 2*x is also Int, so this will enter
+ // the item as the proper type.
+ }
+ <p>Users can map new Asymptote types to their own custom C++ types using
+ Opaque Type Declarations, explained below.</p>
+ <h2>Syntactic Features</h2>
+ <p>A .asyc file is neither an asy file with some C++ in it, nor a C++
+ with some asy code in it. It can only contain a small number of
+ specific constructs:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Comments</li>
+ <li>Function Definitions</li>
+ <li>Verbatim Code Block</li>
+ <li>Opaque Type Declaration</li>
+ </ul>
+ <!-- Move to after constructs -->
+ <p>Each component may produce code for either the .asy file, the .cc
+ file, or both. The pieces of code produced by each construct appears in
+ the output file in the same order as the constructs in the .asyc. For
+ example, if a function definition occurs before a verbatim Asymptote
+ code block, we can be sure that the function is defined and can be used
+ in that block. Similarly, if a verbatim C++ block occurs before a
+ function definition, then the body of the function can use features
+ declared in the verbatim section.</p>
+ <h3>Comments</h3>
+ <p>C++/Asymptote style comments using <code>/* */</code> or
+ <code>//</code> are allowed at the top level. These do not affect the
+ definition of the module, but the implementation may copy them into the
+ .asy and .cc to help explain the resulting code.</p>
+ <h3>Verbatim Code Blocks</h3>
+ <p>Verbatim code, ie. code to be copied directly into the either
+ the output .asy or .cc file can be specified in the .asyc file by
+ enclosing it in a verbatim code block. This starts with the special
+ identifier <code>verbatim</code> followed by either <code>c++</code>
+ or <code>asy</code> to specify into which file the code will be copied,
+ and then a block of code in braces. When the .asyc file is parsed,
+ the parser keeps track of matching open and close braces inside the
+ verbatim code block, so that the brace at the start of the block can
+ be matched with the one at the end. This matching process will ignore
+ braces occuring in comments and string and character literals.</p>
+ <h4>Open issue</h4>
+ <p>It may prove to be impractical to walk through the code, matching
+ braces. Also, this plan precludes having a verbatim block with an
+ unbalanced number of braces which might be useful, say to start a
+ namespace at the beginning of the C++ file, and end it at the end of the
+ file. As such, it may be useful to have another technique. A really
+ simple idea (with obvious drawbacks) would be to use the first closing
+ braces that occur at the same indentation level as the verbatim keyword
+ (assuming that the code block itself will be indented). Other
+ alternatives are to use more complicated tokens such as <code>%{</code>
+ and <code>%}</code>, or the shell style <code>&lt;&lt;EOF</code>.</p>
+ <h3>Function Definitions</h3>
+ <p>A function definition given at the top level of the file (and not
+ inside a verbatim block) looks much like a function definition in
+ Asymptote or C++, but is actually a mix of both. The header of the
+ function is given in Asymptote code, and defines how the function will
+ look in the resulting Asymptote module. The body, on the other hand, is
+ given in C++, and defines how the function is implemented in C++. As a
+ simple example, consider:
+ <pre>real sum(real x, real y=0.0) {
+ return x+y;
+ <h4>Header</h4>
+ <p> The header of the definition gives
+ the name, permission, return type, and parameters of the function.
+ Because the function is defined for use in Asymptote, all of the types
+ are given as Asymptote types.</p>
+ <h5>Permissions</h5>
+ <p>As in pure Asymptote, the function can optionally be given a
+ <code>private</code>, <code>restricted</code> or <code>public</code>
+ permission. If not specified, the permission is <code>public</code> by
+ default. This is the permission that the function will have when it is
+ part of the Asymptote module. The example of <code>sum</code> above
+ specifies no permission, so it is public.</p>
+ <p>Just as public methods such as <code>plain.draw</code> can be
+ re-assigned by scripts that import the <code>plain</code> module, the
+ current plan is to allow Asymptote code to modify public members of any
+ module, including ones defined using native code. This is in contrast
+ to builtin functions bindings, which cannot be modified.</p>
+ <h5>Return Type</h5>
+ <p>This gives the Asymptote return type of the function. This cannot be
+ an arbitrary Asymptote type, but must one which maps to a C++ type as
+ explained in the type mapping section above. Our example of <code>sum</code> gives
+ <code>real</code> as a return type, which maps to the C++ type
+ <code>asy::real</code>.</p>
+ <h5>Function Name</h5>
+ <p>This gives the name of the function as it will appear in the
+ Asymptote module. In our example, the Asymptote name is
+ <code>sum</code>. The name can be any Asymptote identifier, including
+ operator names, such as <code>operator +</code>.</p>
+ <p>It is important to note that the Asymptote name has no relation to
+ the C++ name of the function, which may be something strange, such as
+ <code>_asy_func_modulename162</code>. Also, the actual signature and
+ return type of the C++ function may bear no relation to the Asymptote
+ signature. That said, the C++ name of the function may be defined by
+ giving the function name as <code>asyname:cname</code>. Then it can be
+ referred to by other C++ code. The function will be defined with C
+ calling convention, so that its name is not mangled.</p>
+ <h5>Formal Parameters</h5>
+ <p>The function header takes a list of formal parameters. Just as in
+ pure Asymptote code, these can include <code>explicit</code>
+ keywords, type declarations with array and functional types, and rest
+ parameters. Just as with the return type of the function, the type of
+ each of the parameters must map to a C++ type.</p>
+ <p>Parameters may be given an optional Asymptote name and an optional
+ C++ name. These may be declared in one of six ways as in the following
+ examples:</p>
+ <pre>void f(int)
+void f(int name)
+void f(int :)
+void f(int asyname:)
+void f(int :cname)
+void f(int asyname:cname)
+ <p>If the parameter just contains a type, with no identifier,
+ then it has no Asymptote name and no C++ name. If it contains a single
+ name (with no colon), then that name is both the Asymptote and the C++
+ name. If it contains a colon in the place of an identifier, with an
+ optional name in front of the colon and an optional name behind the
+ colon, than the name in front (if given) is the Asymptote name, and the
+ name behind (if given) is the C++ name.</p>
+ <p>The Asymptote name can be any Asymptote identifier, including
+ operator names, but the C++ name must be a valid C++ identifier. For
+ instance <code>void f(int operator +)</code> is not allowed, as the
+ parameter would not have a valid C++ name. The examples
+ <code>void f(int operator +:)</code> and
+ <code>void f(int operator +:addop)</code> are allowed.</p>
+ <p>When called by Asymptote code, named arguments are only matched to
+ the Asymptote names, so for example a function defined by
+ <code>void f(int :x, string x:y)</code> could be called by
+ <code>f(x="hi mom", 4)</code>, but one defined by
+ <code>void f(int x, string x:y)</code> could not.</p>
+ <p>Each formal parameter may take a piece of code as a default value.
+ Because the function is implemented in C++, this code must be given as
+ C++ code. More akin to Asymptote than C++, default arguments may occur
+ for any non-rest parameters, not just those at the end of the list, and
+ may refer to earlier parameters in the list. Earlier parameters are
+ refered to by their C++ names. Example:
+<pre>void drawbox(pair center, real width, real height=2*width, pen p)</pre>
+ Default arguments are parsed by finding the next comma that is not part
+ of a comment, string literal, or character constant, and is not nested
+ inside parentheses. The C++ code between the equals-sign and the comma
+ is taken as the expression for the default argument.</p>
+ <h4>Body</h4>
+ <p>The body of the function is written as C++ code. When the .asyc
+ file is processed, this C++ code is copied verbatim into an actual C++
+ function providing the implementation. However, the actual body of the
+ resultant C++ function may contain code other than the body provided by
+ the user. This auxillary code could include instruction to retrieve the
+ arguments of the function from their representation in the Asymptote
+ virtual machine and bind them to local variables with their C++ names.
+ It could also include initialization and finalization code for the
+ function.</p>
+ <p>In writing code for the function body, one can be assured that all
+ function arguments with C++ names have been bound and are therefore
+ usable in the code. Since all parameters must have Asymptote types that
+ map to C++ types, the types of the paramaters in the body have the type
+ resulting from that mapping.</p>
+ <p>The <code>return</code> keyword can be used to return the result of
+ the function (or without an expression, if the return type was declared
+ as void). The Asymptote return type must map to a C++ type, and the
+ expression given in the return statement will be implicitly cast to that
+ type.</p>
+ <p>Since the implementation will likely not use an actual return
+ statement to return the value of the function back to the Asymptote
+ virtual machine, the interpreter of the .asyc file may walk through the
+ code converting return expressions into a special format in the actual
+ implementation of the function.<p>
+ <h3>Opaque Type Declarations</h3>
+ <p>There are a number of mappings between Asymptote and C++ types
+ builtin to the facility. For instance <code>int</code> maps to
+ <code>asy::Int</code> and <code>real</code> to <code>asy::real</code>.
+ Users, however, may want to reference other C++ objects in Asymptote
+ code. This done though opaque type declarations.</p>
+ <p>An opaque type declaration is given by an optional permission
+ modifier, the keyword <code>asytype</code>, a C++ type, and an Asymptote
+ identifier; in that order.</p>
+// Examples
+asytype char char;
+public asytype const std::list&lt;asy::Int&gt; *intList;
+private asytype const struct dirert *entry_t;
+ <p>This declaration mapping the Asymptote identifier to the C++ type
+ within the module. The permission of the Asymptote type is given by the
+ permission modifier (or public if the modifier is omitted). The type is
+ opaque, in that none of its internal structure is revealed in the
+ Asymptote code. Like any other type, however, objects of this new type
+ can be returned from functions, given as an arguments to functions, and
+ stored in variables, structures and arrays.</p>
+ <p>In many cases, such as the directory listing example at the start, it
+ will be practical to declare the type as private, and use an Asymptote
+ structure as a wrapper hiding the C++ implementation.</p>
+ </body>