path: root/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/shaders/fragment.glsl
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/shaders/fragment.glsl')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 237 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/shaders/fragment.glsl b/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/shaders/fragment.glsl
index 38a6a53fbb6..b914f7f35ae 100644
--- a/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/shaders/fragment.glsl
+++ b/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/shaders/fragment.glsl
@@ -1,237 +1,227 @@
-struct Material
- vec4 diffuse,emissive,specular;
- vec4 parameters;
-struct Light
- vec4 direction;
- vec4 diffuse,specular;
-uniform int nlights;
-uniform Light lights[Nlights];
-uniform MaterialBuffer {
- Material Materials[Nmaterials];
-#ifdef NORMAL
-in vec3 Normal;
-vec3 normal;
-in vec4 Color;
-flat in int materialIndex;
-out vec4 outColor;
-// PBR material parameters
-vec3 PBRBaseColor; // Diffuse for nonmetals, reflectance for metals.
-vec3 PBRSpecular; // Specular tint for nonmetals
-float PBRMetallic; // Metallic/Nonmetals switch flag
-float PBRF0; // Fresnel at zero for nonmetals
-float PBRRoughness; // Roughness.
-float PBRRoughnessSq; // used value of roughness, for a little bit more "smoothing"
-uniform sampler2D environmentMap;
-const float PI = acos(-1.0);
-const float twopi=2*PI;
-const float halfpi=PI/2;
-const int numSamples=7;
-// (x,y,z) -> (r, theta, phi);
-// theta -> [0,\pi], "height" angle
-// phi -> [0, 2\pi], rotation agnle
-vec3 cart2spher(vec3 cart) {
- float x = cart.z;
- float y = cart.x;
- float z = cart.y;
- float r = length(cart);
- float phi = atan(y,x);
- float theta = acos(z/r);
- return vec3(r,phi,theta);
-vec2 normalizedAngle(vec3 cartVec) {
- vec3 sphericalVec = cart2spher(cartVec);
- sphericalVec.y = sphericalVec.y / (2 * PI) - 0.25;
- sphericalVec.z = sphericalVec.z / PI;
- // sphericalVec.z = - sphericalVec.z;
- return sphericalVec.yz;
-#ifdef NORMAL
-// h is the halfway vector between normal and light direction
-// GGX Trowbridge-Reitz Approximation
-float NDF_TRG(vec3 h, float roughness) {
- float ndoth = max(dot(normal, h), 0);
- float alpha2 = PBRRoughnessSq * PBRRoughnessSq;
- float denom = pow(ndoth * ndoth * (alpha2-1) + 1, 2);
- return alpha2/denom;
-float GGX_Geom(vec3 v) {
- float ndotv = max(dot(v,normal), 0);
- float ap = pow((1+PBRRoughness),2);
- float k = ap/8;
- return ndotv/((ndotv * (1-k)) + k);
-float Geom(vec3 v, vec3 l) {
- return GGX_Geom(v) * GGX_Geom(l);
-// Schlick's approximation
-float Fresnel(vec3 h, vec3 v, float F0) {
- float hdotv = max(dot(h,v), 0.0);
- return F0 + (1-F0)*pow((1-hdotv),5);
-vec3 BRDF(vec3 viewDirection, vec3 lightDirection) {
- // Lambertian diffuse
- vec3 lambertian = PBRBaseColor;
- // Cook-Torrance model
- vec3 h = normalize(lightDirection + viewDirection);
- float omegain = max(dot(viewDirection, normal),0);
- float omegaln = max(dot(lightDirection, normal),0);
- float D = NDF_TRG(h, PBRRoughness);
- float G = Geom(viewDirection, lightDirection);
- float F = Fresnel(h, viewDirection, PBRF0);
- float denom=4*omegain*omegaln;
- float rawReflectance=denom > 0 ? (D*G)/denom : 0;
- vec3 dielectric = mix(lambertian, rawReflectance * PBRSpecular, F);
- vec3 metal = rawReflectance * PBRBaseColor;
- return mix(dielectric, metal, PBRMetallic);
-void main()
-vec4 Diffuse;
-vec4 Emissive;
-vec4 Specular;
-vec4 parameters;
- if(materialIndex < 0) {
- int index=-materialIndex-1;
- Material m=Materials[index];
- Diffuse=Color;
- Emissive=vec4(0);
- Specular=m.specular;
- parameters=m.parameters;
- } else {
- Material m=Materials[materialIndex];
- Diffuse=m.diffuse;
- Emissive=m.emissive;
- Specular=m.specular;
- parameters=m.parameters;
- }
- Material m=Materials[materialIndex];
- Diffuse=m.diffuse;
- Emissive=m.emissive;
- Specular=m.specular;
- parameters=m.parameters;
- PBRRoughness=1-parameters[0];
- PBRMetallic=parameters[1];
- PBRF0=parameters[2];
- PBRBaseColor = Diffuse.rgb;
- PBRRoughnessSq = PBRRoughness * PBRRoughness;
- PBRSpecular = Specular.rgb;
- // Formally, the formula given a point x and direction \omega,
- // L_i = \int_{\Omega} f(x, \omega_i, \omega) L(x,\omega_i) (\hat{n}\cdot \omega_i) d \omega_i
- // where \Omega is the hemisphere covering a point, f is the BRDF function
- // L is the radiance from a given angle and position.
- vec3 color=Emissive.rgb;
-#ifdef NORMAL
- vec3 Z=vec3(0,0,1);
- vec3 pointLightRadiance=vec3(0,0,0);
- normal=normalize(Normal);
- normal=gl_FrontFacing ? normal : -normal;
- // as a finite point light, we have some simplification to the rendering equation.
- if(nlights > 0) {
- for(int i=0; i < nlights; ++i) {
- vec3 L = normalize(lights[i];
- // what if we use the acutal view from (0,0,0) instead?
- // vec3 viewDirection = Z;
- vec3 viewDirection = -normalize(Z);
- float cosTheta = max(dot(normal, L), 0); // $\omega_i \cdot n$ term
- float attn = 1; // if we have a good light position.
- vec3 radiance = cosTheta * attn * lights[i].diffuse.rgb;
- pointLightRadiance += BRDF(Z, L) * radiance;
- }
- color += pointLightRadiance.rgb;
- // Experimental environment radiance using Riemann sums;
- // can also do importance sampling.
- vec3 envRadiance=vec3(0,0,0);
- vec3 normalPerp = vec3(-normal.y, normal.x, 0);
- if (length(normalPerp) == 0) { // x, y = 0.
- normalPerp = vec3(1, 0, 0);
- }
- // we now have a normal basis;
- normalPerp = normalize(normalPerp);
- vec3 normalPerp2 = normalize(cross(normal, normalPerp));
- const float step=1.0/numSamples;
- const float phistep=twopi*step;
- const float thetastep=halfpi*step;
- for (int iphi=0; iphi < numSamples; ++iphi) {
- float phi=iphi*phistep;
- for (int itheta=0; itheta < numSamples; ++itheta) {
- float theta=itheta*thetastep;
- vec3 azimuth=cos(phi)*normalPerp+sin(phi)*normalPerp2;
- vec3 L=sin(theta)*azimuth+cos(theta)*normal;
- vec3 rawRadiance=texture(environmentMap,normalizedAngle(L)).rgb;
- vec3 surfRefl=BRDF(Z,L);
- envRadiance += surfRefl*rawRadiance*sin(2.0*theta);
- }
- }
- envRadiance *= halfpi*step*step;
- // vec3 lightVector = normalize(reflect(-Z, normal));
- // vec2 anglemap = normalizedAngle(lightVector);
- // vec3 color = texture(environmentMap, anglemap).rgb;
- color += envRadiance.rgb;
- outColor=vec4(color,Diffuse.a);
- } else {
- outColor=Diffuse;
- }
- outColor=Emissive;
+struct Material
+ vec4 diffuse,emissive,specular;
+ vec4 parameters;
+struct Light
+ vec3 direction;
+ vec3 color;
+uniform int nlights;
+uniform Light lights[Nlights];
+uniform MaterialBuffer {
+ Material Materials[Nmaterials];
+#ifdef NORMAL
+in vec3 ViewPosition;
+in vec3 Normal;
+vec3 normal;
+#ifdef COLOR
+in vec4 Color;
+flat in int materialIndex;
+out vec4 outColor;
+// PBR material parameters
+vec3 Diffuse; // Diffuse for nonmetals, reflectance for metals.
+vec3 Specular; // Specular tint for nonmetals
+float Metallic; // Metallic/Nonmetals parameter
+float Fresnel0; // Fresnel at zero for nonmetals
+float Roughness2; // roughness squared, for smoothing
+uniform sampler2D environmentMap;
+const float PI=acos(-1.0);
+const float twopi=2*PI;
+const float halfpi=PI/2;
+const int numSamples=7;
+// (x,y,z) -> (r,theta,phi);
+// theta -> [0,\pi]: colatitude
+// phi -> [0, 2\pi]: longitude
+vec3 cart2sphere(vec3 cart)
+ float x=cart.z;
+ float y=cart.x;
+ float z=cart.y;
+ float r=length(cart);
+ float phi=atan(y,x);
+ float theta=acos(z/r);
+ return vec3(r,phi,theta);
+vec2 normalizedAngle(vec3 cartVec)
+ vec3 sphericalVec=cart2sphere(cartVec);
+ sphericalVec.y=sphericalVec.y/(2*PI)-0.25;
+ sphericalVec.z=sphericalVec.z/PI;
+ return sphericalVec.yz;
+#ifdef NORMAL
+// h is the halfway vector between normal and light direction
+// GGX Trowbridge-Reitz Approximation
+float NDF_TRG(vec3 h)
+ float ndoth=max(dot(normal,h),0.0);
+ float alpha2=Roughness2*Roughness2;
+ float denom=ndoth*ndoth*(alpha2-1.0)+1.0;
+ return denom != 0.0 ? alpha2/(denom*denom) : 0.0;
+float GGX_Geom(vec3 v)
+ float ndotv=max(dot(v,normal),0.0);
+ float ap=1.0+Roughness2;
+ float k=0.125*ap*ap;
+ return ndotv/((ndotv*(1.0-k))+k);
+float Geom(vec3 v, vec3 l)
+ return GGX_Geom(v)*GGX_Geom(l);
+// Schlick's approximation
+float Fresnel(vec3 h, vec3 v, float fresnel0)
+ float a=1.0-max(dot(h,v),0.0);
+ float b=a*a;
+ return fresnel0+(1.0-fresnel0)*b*b*a;
+vec3 BRDF(vec3 viewDirection, vec3 lightDirection)
+ vec3 lambertian=Diffuse;
+ // Cook-Torrance model
+ vec3 h=normalize(lightDirection+viewDirection);
+ float omegain=max(dot(viewDirection,normal),0.0);
+ float omegaln=max(dot(lightDirection,normal),0.0);
+ float D=NDF_TRG(h);
+ float G=Geom(viewDirection,lightDirection);
+ float F=Fresnel(h,viewDirection,Fresnel0);
+ float denom=4.0*omegain*omegaln;
+ float rawReflectance=denom > 0.0 ? (D*G)/denom : 0.0;
+ vec3 dielectric=mix(lambertian,rawReflectance*Specular,F);
+ vec3 metal=rawReflectance*Diffuse;
+ return mix(dielectric,metal,Metallic);
+void main()
+ vec4 diffuse;
+ vec4 emissive;
+ vec4 parameters;
+ Material m;
+ m=Materials[abs(materialIndex)-1];
+ if(materialIndex >= 0) {
+ diffuse=m.diffuse;
+ emissive=m.emissive;
+ } else {
+ diffuse=Color;
+ emissive=vec4(0.0);
+ }
+ m=Materials[int(materialIndex)];
+#ifdef COLOR
+ diffuse=Color;
+ emissive=vec4(0.0);
+ diffuse=m.diffuse;
+ emissive=m.emissive;
+ Specular=m.specular.rgb;
+ parameters=m.parameters;
+ Roughness2=1.0-parameters[0];
+ Roughness2=Roughness2*Roughness2;
+ Metallic=parameters[1];
+ Fresnel0=parameters[2];
+ Diffuse=diffuse.rgb;
+ // Given a point x and direction \omega,
+ // L_i=\int_{\Omega}f(x,\omega_i,\omega) L(x,\omega_i)(\hat{n}\cdot \omega_i)
+ // d\omega_i, where \Omega is the hemisphere covering a point,
+ // f is the BRDF function, L is the radiance from a given angle and position.
+ vec3 color=emissive.rgb;
+#ifdef NORMAL
+ normal=normalize(Normal);
+ normal=gl_FrontFacing ? normal : -normal;
+ vec3 viewDir=vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
+ vec3 viewDir=-normalize(ViewPosition);
+ // For a finite point light, the rendering equation simplifies.
+ if(nlights > 0) {
+ for(int i=0; i < nlights; ++i) {
+ Light Li=lights[i];
+ vec3 L=Li.direction;
+ float cosTheta=max(dot(normal,L),0.0); // $\omega_i \cdot n$ term
+ vec3 radiance=cosTheta*Li.color;
+ color += BRDF(viewDir,L)*radiance;
+ }
+#ifndef COLOR
+ // Experimental environment radiance using Riemann sums;
+ // can also do importance sampling.
+ vec3 envRadiance=vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+ vec3 normalPerp=vec3(-normal.y,normal.x,0.0);
+ if(length(normalPerp) == 0.0)
+ normalPerp=vec3(1.0,0.0,0.0);
+ // we now have a normal basis;
+ normalPerp=normalize(normalPerp);
+ vec3 normalPerp2=normalize(cross(normal,normalPerp));
+ const float step=1.0/numSamples;
+ const float phistep=twopi*step;
+ const float thetastep=halfpi*step;
+ for (int iphi=0; iphi < numSamples; ++iphi) {
+ float phi=iphi*phistep;
+ for (int itheta=0; itheta < numSamples; ++itheta) {
+ float theta=itheta*thetastep;
+ vec3 azimuth=cos(phi)*normalPerp+sin(phi)*normalPerp2;
+ vec3 L=sin(theta)*azimuth+cos(theta)*normal;
+ vec3 rawRadiance=texture(environmentMap,normalizedAngle(L)).rgb;
+ vec3 surfRefl=BRDF(Z,L);
+ envRadiance += surfRefl*rawRadiance*sin(2.0*theta);
+ }
+ }
+ envRadiance *= halfpi*step*step;
+ color += envRadiance.rgb;
+ outColor=vec4(color,diffuse.a);
+ } else outColor=diffuse;
+ outColor=emissive;