path: root/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/plain_Label.asy
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/plain_Label.asy')
1 files changed, 601 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/plain_Label.asy b/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/plain_Label.asy
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..72f924224d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/plain_Label.asy
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+// A rotation in the direction dir limited to [-90,90]
+// This is useful for rotating text along a line in the direction dir.
+transform rotate(explicit pair dir)
+ real angle=degrees(dir);
+ if(angle > 90 && angle < 270) angle -= 180;
+ return rotate(angle);
+real angle(transform t)
+ pair z=(2t.xx*t.yy,t.yx*t.yy-t.xx*t.xy);
+ if(t.xx < 0) z=-z;
+ return degrees(z,warn=false);
+transform rotation(transform t)
+ return rotate(angle(t));
+transform scaleless(transform t)
+ real a=t.xx, b=t.xy, c=t.yx, d=t.yy;
+ real arg=(a-d)^2+4b*c;
+ pair delta=arg >= 0 ? sqrt(arg) : I*sqrt(-arg);
+ real trace=a+d;
+ pair l1=0.5(trace+delta);
+ pair l2=0.5(trace-delta);
+ if(abs(delta) < sqrtEpsilon*max(abs(l1),abs(l2))) {
+ real s=abs(0.5trace);
+ return (s != 0) ? scale(1/s)*t : t;
+ }
+ if(abs(l1-d) < abs(l2-d)) {pair temp=l1; l1=l2; l2=temp;}
+ pair dot(pair[] u, pair[] v) {return conj(u[0])*v[0]+conj(u[1])*v[1];}
+ pair[] unit(pair[] u) {
+ real norm2=abs(u[0])^2+abs(u[1])^2;
+ return norm2 != 0 ? u/sqrt(norm2) : u;
+ }
+ pair[] u={l1-d,b};
+ pair[] v={c,l2-a};
+ u=unit(u);
+ pair d=dot(u,u);
+ if(d != 0) v -= dot(u,v)/d*u;
+ v=unit(v);
+ pair[][] U={{u[0],v[0]},{u[1],v[1]}};
+ pair[][] A={{a,b},{c,d}};
+ pair[][] operator *(pair[][] a, pair[][] b) {
+ pair[][] c=new pair[2][2];
+ for(int i=0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ for(int j=0; j < 2; ++j) {
+ c[i][j]=a[i][0]*b[0][j]+a[i][1]*b[1][j];
+ }
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ pair[][] conj(pair[][] a) {
+ pair[][] c=new pair[2][2];
+ for(int i=0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ for(int j=0; j < 2; ++j) {
+ c[i][j]=conj(a[j][i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ A=conj(U)*A*U;
+ real D=abs(A[0][0]);
+ if(D != 0) A[0][0] /= D;
+ D=abs(A[1][1]);
+ if(D != 0) A[1][1] /= D;
+ A=U*A*conj(U);
+ return (0,0,A[0][0].x,A[0][1].x,A[1][0].x,A[1][1].x);
+struct align {
+ pair dir;
+ triple dir3;
+ bool relative=false;
+ bool default=true;
+ bool is3D=false;
+ void init(pair dir=0, bool relative=false, bool default=false) {
+ this.dir=dir;
+ this.relative=relative;
+ this.default=default;
+ is3D=false;
+ }
+ void init(triple dir=(0,0,0), bool relative=false, bool default=false) {
+ this.dir3=dir;
+ this.relative=relative;
+ this.default=default;
+ is3D=true;
+ }
+ align copy() {
+ align align=new align;
+ align.init(dir,relative,default);
+ align.dir3=dir3;
+ align.is3D=is3D;
+ return align;
+ }
+ void align(align align) {
+ if(!align.default) {
+ bool is3D=align.is3D;
+ init(align.dir,align.relative);
+ dir3=align.dir3;
+ this.is3D=is3D;
+ }
+ }
+ void align(align align, align default) {
+ align(align);
+ if(this.default) {
+ init(default.dir,default.relative,default.default);
+ dir3=default.dir3;
+ is3D=default.is3D;
+ }
+ }
+ void write(file file=stdout, suffix suffix=endl) {
+ if(!default) {
+ if(relative) {
+ write(file,"Relative(");
+ if(is3D)
+ write(file,dir3);
+ else
+ write(file,dir);
+ write(file,")",suffix);
+ } else {
+ if(is3D)
+ write(file,dir3,suffix);
+ else
+ write(file,dir,suffix);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool Center() {
+ return relative && (is3D ? dir3 == (0,0,0) : dir == 0);
+ }
+struct side {
+ pair align;
+side Relative(explicit pair align)
+ side s;
+ s.align=align;
+ return s;
+restricted side NoSide;
+restricted side LeftSide=Relative(W);
+restricted side Center=Relative((0,0));
+restricted side RightSide=Relative(E);
+side operator * (real x, side s)
+ side S;
+ S.align=x*s.align;
+ return S;
+align operator cast(pair dir) {align A; A.init(dir,false); return A;}
+align operator cast(triple dir) {align A; A.init(dir,false); return A;}
+align operator cast(side side) {align A; A.init(side.align,true); return A;}
+align NoAlign;
+void write(file file=stdout, align align, suffix suffix=endl)
+ align.write(file,suffix);
+struct position {
+ pair position;
+ bool relative;
+position Relative(real position)
+ position p;
+ p.position=position;
+ p.relative=true;
+ return p;
+restricted position BeginPoint=Relative(0);
+restricted position MidPoint=Relative(0.5);
+restricted position EndPoint=Relative(1);
+position operator cast(pair x) {position P; P.position=x; return P;}
+position operator cast(real x) {return (pair) x;}
+position operator cast(int x) {return (pair) x;}
+pair operator cast(position P) {return P.position;}
+typedef transform embed(transform);
+transform Shift(transform t) {return identity();}
+transform Rotate(transform t) {return rotation(t);}
+transform Slant(transform t) {return scaleless(t);}
+transform Scale(transform t) {return t;}
+embed Rotate(pair z) {
+ return new transform(transform t) {return rotate(degrees(shiftless(t)*z));};
+struct Label {
+ string s,size;
+ position position;
+ bool defaultposition=true;
+ align align;
+ pen p=nullpen;
+ transform T;
+ transform3 T3=identity(4);
+ bool defaulttransform=true;
+ bool defaulttransform3=true;
+ embed embed=Rotate; // Shift, Rotate, Slant, or Scale with embedded picture
+ filltype filltype=NoFill;
+ void init(string s="", string size="", position position=0,
+ bool defaultposition=true, align align=NoAlign, pen p=nullpen,
+ transform T=identity(), transform3 T3=identity4,
+ bool defaulttransform=true, bool defaulttransform3=true,
+ embed embed=Rotate, filltype filltype=NoFill) {
+ this.s=s;
+ this.size=size;
+ this.position=position;
+ this.defaultposition=defaultposition;
+ this.align=align.copy();
+ this.p=p;
+ this.T=T;
+ this.T3=copy(T3);
+ this.defaulttransform=defaulttransform;
+ this.defaulttransform3=defaulttransform3;
+ this.embed=embed;
+ this.filltype=filltype;
+ }
+ void initalign(string s="", string size="", align align, pen p=nullpen,
+ embed embed=Rotate, filltype filltype=NoFill) {
+ init(s,size,align,p,embed,filltype);
+ }
+ void transform(transform T) {
+ this.T=T;
+ defaulttransform=false;
+ }
+ void transform3(transform3 T) {
+ this.T3=copy(T);
+ defaulttransform3=false;
+ }
+ Label copy(transform3 T3=this.T3) {
+ Label L=new Label;
+ L.init(s,size,position,defaultposition,align,p,T,T3,defaulttransform,
+ defaulttransform3,embed,filltype);
+ return L;
+ }
+ void position(position pos) {
+ this.position=pos;
+ defaultposition=false;
+ }
+ void align(align a) {
+ align.align(a);
+ }
+ void align(align a, align default) {
+ align.align(a,default);
+ }
+ void p(pen p0) {
+ if(this.p == nullpen) this.p=p0;
+ }
+ void filltype(filltype filltype0) {
+ if(this.filltype == NoFill) this.filltype=filltype0;
+ }
+ void label(frame f, transform t=identity(), pair position, pair align) {
+ pen p0=p == nullpen ? currentpen : p;
+ align=length(align)*unit(scaleless(shiftless(t))*align);
+ label(f,s,size,embed(t)*shiftless(T),
+ t*position+align*labelmargin(p0)+shift(T)*0,align,p0);
+ }
+ void out(frame f, transform t=identity(), pair position=position.position,
+ pair align=align.dir) {
+ if(filltype == NoFill)
+ label(f,t,position,align);
+ else {
+ frame d;
+ label(d,t,position,align);
+ add(f,d,filltype);
+ }
+ }
+ void label(picture pic=currentpicture, pair position, pair align) {
+ if(s == "") return;
+ pic.add(new void (frame f, transform t) {
+ out(f,t,position,align);
+ },true);
+ frame f;
+ // Create a picture with label at the origin to extract its bbox truesize.
+ label(f,(0,0),align);
+ pic.addBox(position,position,min(f),max(f));
+ }
+ void out(picture pic=currentpicture) {
+ label(pic,position.position,align.dir);
+ }
+ void out(picture pic=currentpicture, path g) {
+ bool relative=position.relative;
+ real position=position.position.x;
+ pair Align=align.dir;
+ bool alignrelative=align.relative;
+ if(defaultposition) {relative=true; position=0.5;}
+ if(relative) position=reltime(g,position);
+ if(align.default) {
+ alignrelative=true;
+ Align=position <= sqrtEpsilon ? S :
+ position >= length(g)-sqrtEpsilon ? N : E;
+ }
+ pic.add(new void (frame f, transform t) {
+ out(f,t,point(g,position),
+ alignrelative ? -Align*dir(t*g,position)*I : Align);
+ },true);
+ }
+ void write(file file=stdout, suffix suffix=endl) {
+ write(file,"\""+s+"\"");
+ if(!defaultposition) write(file,", position=",position.position);
+ if(!align.default) write(file,", align=");
+ write(file,align);
+ if(p != nullpen) write(file,", pen=",p);
+ if(!defaulttransform)
+ write(file,", transform=",T);
+ if(!defaulttransform3)
+ write(file,T3);
+ write(file,"",suffix);
+ }
+ real relative() {
+ return defaultposition ? 0.5 : position.position.x;
+ };
+ real relative(path g) {
+ return position.relative ? reltime(g,relative()) : relative();
+ };
+Label Label;
+void add(frame f, transform t=identity(), Label L)
+ L.out(f,t);
+void add(picture pic=currentpicture, Label L)
+ L.out(pic);
+Label operator * (transform t, Label L)
+ Label tL=L.copy();
+ tL.align.dir=L.align.dir;
+ tL.transform(t*L.T);
+ return tL;
+Label operator * (transform3 t, Label L)
+ Label tL=L.copy(t*L.T3);
+ tL.align.dir=L.align.dir;
+ tL.defaulttransform3=false;
+ return tL;
+Label Label(string s, string size="", explicit position position,
+ align align=NoAlign, pen p=nullpen, embed embed=Rotate,
+ filltype filltype=NoFill)
+ Label L;
+ L.init(s,size,position,false,align,p,embed,filltype);
+ return L;
+Label Label(string s, string size="", pair position, align align=NoAlign,
+ pen p=nullpen, embed embed=Rotate, filltype filltype=NoFill)
+ return Label(s,size,(position) position,align,p,embed,filltype);
+Label Label(explicit pair position, align align=NoAlign, pen p=nullpen,
+ embed embed=Rotate, filltype filltype=NoFill)
+ return Label((string) position,position,align,p,embed,filltype);
+Label Label(string s="", string size="", align align=NoAlign, pen p=nullpen,
+ embed embed=Rotate, filltype filltype=NoFill)
+ Label L;
+ L.initalign(s,size,align,p,embed,filltype);
+ return L;
+Label Label(Label L, align align=NoAlign, pen p=nullpen, embed embed=L.embed,
+ filltype filltype=NoFill)
+ Label L=L.copy();
+ L.align(align);
+ L.p(p);
+ L.embed=embed;
+ L.filltype(filltype);
+ return L;
+Label Label(Label L, explicit position position, align align=NoAlign,
+ pen p=nullpen, embed embed=L.embed, filltype filltype=NoFill)
+ Label L=Label(L,align,p,embed,filltype);
+ L.position(position);
+ return L;
+Label Label(Label L, pair position, align align=NoAlign,
+ pen p=nullpen, embed embed=L.embed, filltype filltype=NoFill)
+ return Label(L,(position) position,align,p,embed,filltype);
+void write(file file=stdout, Label L, suffix suffix=endl)
+ L.write(file,suffix);
+void label(frame f, Label L, pair position, align align=NoAlign,
+ pen p=currentpen, filltype filltype=NoFill)
+ add(f,Label(L,position,align,p,filltype));
+void label(frame f, Label L, align align=NoAlign,
+ pen p=currentpen, filltype filltype=NoFill)
+ add(f,Label(L,L.position,align,p,filltype));
+void label(picture pic=currentpicture, Label L, pair position,
+ align align=NoAlign, pen p=nullpen, filltype filltype=NoFill)
+ Label L=Label(L,position,align,p,filltype);
+ add(pic,L);
+void label(picture pic=currentpicture, Label L, align align=NoAlign,
+ pen p=nullpen, filltype filltype=NoFill)
+ label(pic,L,L.position,align,p,filltype);
+void label(picture pic=currentpicture, Label L, explicit path g,
+ align align=NoAlign, pen p=nullpen, filltype filltype=NoFill)
+ Label L=Label(L,align,p,filltype);
+ L.out(pic,g);
+void label(picture pic=currentpicture, Label L, explicit guide g,
+ align align=NoAlign, pen p=nullpen, filltype filltype=NoFill)
+ label(pic,L,(path) g,align,p,filltype);
+Label operator cast(string s) {return Label(s);}
+// A structure that a string, Label, or frame can be cast to.
+struct object {
+ frame f;
+ Label L=Label;
+ path g; // Bounding path
+ void operator init(frame f) {
+ this.f=f;
+ g=box(min(f),max(f));
+ }
+ void operator init(Label L) {
+ this.L=L.copy();
+ if(L != Label) L.out(f);
+ g=box(min(f),max(f));
+ }
+object operator cast(frame f) {
+ return object(f);
+object operator cast(Label L)
+ return object(L);
+object operator cast(string s)
+ return object(s);
+Label operator cast(object F)
+ return F.L;
+frame operator cast(object F)
+ return F.f;
+object operator * (transform t, explicit object F)
+ object f;
+ f.f=t*F.f;
+ f.L=t*F.L;
+ f.g=t*F.g;
+ return f;
+// Returns a copy of object F aligned in the direction align
+object align(object F, pair align)
+ return shift(F.f,align)*F;
+void add(picture dest=currentpicture, object F, pair position=0,
+ bool group=true, filltype filltype=NoFill, bool above=true)
+ add(dest,F.f,position,group,filltype,above);
+// Pack a list of objects into a frame.
+frame pack(pair align=2S ... object inset[])
+ frame F;
+ int n=inset.length;
+ pair z;
+ for (int i=0; i < n; ++i) {
+ add(F,inset[i].f,z);
+ z += align+realmult(unit(align),size(inset[i].f));
+ }
+ return F;
+path[] texpath(Label L)
+ static string[] stringcache;
+ static pen[] pencache;
+ static path[][] pathcache;
+ path[] g;
+ string s=L.s;
+ pen p=L.p;
+ int k=0;
+ int i;
+ while((i=find(stringcache == s,++k)) >= 0) {
+ if(pencache[i] == p) {
+ g=pathcache[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(i == -1) {
+ g=_texpath(s,p);
+ stringcache.push(s);
+ pencache.push(p);
+ pathcache.push(g);
+ }
+ pair a;
+ if(g.length == 0) return g;
+ pair m=min(g);
+ pair M=max(g);
+ pair dir=rectify(inverse(L.T)*-L.align.dir);
+ if(basealign(p) == 1)
+ dir -= (0,(1-dir.y)*m.y/(M.y-m.y));
+ a=m+realmult(dir,M-m);
+ return shift(L.position+L.align.dir*labelmargin(p))*L.T*shift(-a)*g;