path: root/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/geometry.asy
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/geometry.asy')
1 files changed, 260 insertions, 260 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/geometry.asy b/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/geometry.asy
index 1c8a95063f7..420d5bdc456 100644
--- a/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/geometry.asy
+++ b/Build/source/utils/asymptote/base/geometry.asy
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ private transform rotate(explicit pair dir)
real angle=degrees(dir);
if(angle > 90 && angle < 270) angle -= 180;
return rotate(angle);
// *=======================================================*
// *........................HEADER.........................*
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ real rd(real x, real y, real z)
ed = ea - 6 * eb;
ee = ed + ec + ec;
return 3 * sum + fac * (1.0 + ed * (-C1 + C5 * ed - C6 * delz * ee)
- +delz * (C2 * ee + delz * (-C3 * ec + delz * C4 * ea)))/(ave * sqrt(ave));
+ +delz * (C2 * ee + delz * (-C3 * ec + delz * C4 * ea)))/(ave * sqrt(ave));
/*<asyxml><function type="real" signature="elle(real,real)"><code></asyxml>*/
@@ -258,10 +258,10 @@ struct coordsys
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>This structure represents a coordinate system in the plane.</documentation></asyxml>*/
/*<asyxml><method type = "pair" signature="relativetodefault(pair)"><code></asyxml>*/
restricted convert relativetodefault = new pair(pair m){return m;};/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Convert a pair given relatively to this coordinate system to
- the pair relatively to the default coordinate system.</documentation></method></asyxml>*/
+ the pair relatively to the default coordinate system.</documentation></method></asyxml>*/
/*<asyxml><method type = "pair" signature="defaulttorelativet(pair)"><code></asyxml>*/
restricted convert defaulttorelative = new pair(pair m){return m;};/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Convert a pair given relatively to the default coordinate system to
- the pair relatively to this coordinate system.</documentation></method></asyxml>*/
+ the pair relatively to this coordinate system.</documentation></method></asyxml>*/
/*<asyxml><method type = "real" signature="dot(pair,pair)"><code></asyxml>*/
restricted dot dot = new real(pair m, pair n){return dot(m, n);};/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the dot product of this coordinate system.</documentation></method></asyxml>*/
/*<asyxml><method type = "real" signature="abs(pair)"><code></asyxml>*/
@@ -287,50 +287,50 @@ struct coordsys
/*<asyxml><operator type = "bool" signature="==(coordsys,coordsys)"><code></asyxml>*/
bool operator ==(coordsys c1, coordsys c2)
-{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return true iff the coordinate system have the same origin and units vector.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return c1.O == c2.O && c1.i == c2.i && c1.j == c2.j;
+ {/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return true iff the coordinate system have the same origin and units vector.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
+ return c1.O == c2.O && c1.i == c2.i && c1.j == c2.j;
+ }
/*<asyxml><function type="coordsys" signature="cartesiansystem(pair,pair,pair)"><code></asyxml>*/
coordsys cartesiansystem(pair O = (0, 0), pair i, pair j)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the Cartesian coordinate system (O, i, j).</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- coordsys R;
- real[][] P = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}};
- real[][] iP;
- P[0][0] = i.x;
- P[0][1] = j.x;
- P[1][0] = i.y;
- P[1][1] = j.y;
- iP = inverse(P);
- real ni = abs(i);
- real nj = abs(j);
- real ij = angle(j) - angle(i);
- pair rtd(pair m)
- {
- return O + (P[0][0] * m.x + P[0][1] * m.y, P[1][0] * m.x + P[1][1] * m.y);
- }
- pair dtr(pair m)
- {
- m-=O;
- return (iP[0][0] * m.x + iP[0][1] * m.y, iP[1][0] * m.x + iP[1][1] * m.y);
- }
- pair polar(real r, real a)
- {
- real ca = sin(ij - a)/(ni * sin(ij));
- real sa = sin(a)/(nj * sin(ij));
- return r * (ca, sa);
- }
- real tdot(pair m, pair n)
- {
- return m.x * n.x * ni^2 + m.y * n.y * nj^2 + (m.x * n.y + n.x * m.y) * dot(i, j);
- }
- R.init(rtd, dtr, polar, tdot);
- return R;
+ coordsys R;
+ real[][] P = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}};
+ real[][] iP;
+ P[0][0] = i.x;
+ P[0][1] = j.x;
+ P[1][0] = i.y;
+ P[1][1] = j.y;
+ iP = inverse(P);
+ real ni = abs(i);
+ real nj = abs(j);
+ real ij = angle(j) - angle(i);
+ pair rtd(pair m)
+ {
+ return O + (P[0][0] * m.x + P[0][1] * m.y, P[1][0] * m.x + P[1][1] * m.y);
+ }
+ pair dtr(pair m)
+ {
+ m-=O;
+ return (iP[0][0] * m.x + iP[0][1] * m.y, iP[1][0] * m.x + iP[1][1] * m.y);
+ }
+ pair polar(real r, real a)
+ {
+ real ca = sin(ij - a)/(ni * sin(ij));
+ real sa = sin(a)/(nj * sin(ij));
+ return r * (ca, sa);
+ }
+ real tdot(pair m, pair n)
+ {
+ return m.x * n.x * ni^2 + m.y * n.y * nj^2 + (m.x * n.y + n.x * m.y) * dot(i, j);
+ }
+ R.init(rtd, dtr, polar, tdot);
+ return R;
@@ -344,19 +344,19 @@ void show(picture pic = currentpicture, Label lo = "$O$",
pen jpen = ipen,
arrowbar arrow = Arrow)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Draw the components (O, i, j, x - axis, y - axis) of 'R'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- unravel R;
- dot(pic, O, dotpen);
- drawline(pic, O, O + i, xpen);
- drawline(pic, O, O + j, ypen);
- draw(pic, li, O--(O + i), ipen, arrow);
- Label lj = lj.copy();
- lj.align(lj.align, unit(I * j));
- draw(pic, lj, O--(O + j), jpen, arrow);
- draw(pic, lj, O--(O + j), jpen, arrow);
- Label lo = lo.copy();
- lo.align(lo.align, -2 * dir(O--O + i, O--O + j));
- lo.p(dotpen);
- label(pic, lo, O);
+ unravel R;
+ dot(pic, O, dotpen);
+ drawline(pic, O, O + i, xpen);
+ drawline(pic, O, O + j, ypen);
+ draw(pic, li, O--(O + i), ipen, arrow);
+ Label lj = lj.copy();
+ lj.align(lj.align, unit(I * j));
+ draw(pic, lj, O--(O + j), jpen, arrow);
+ draw(pic, lj, O--(O + j), jpen, arrow);
+ Label lo = lo.copy();
+ lo.align(lo.align, -2 * dir(O--O + i, O--O + j));
+ lo.p(dotpen);
+ label(pic, lo, O);
/*<asyxml><operator type = "pair" signature="/(pair,coordsys)"><code></asyxml>*/
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ pair operator /(pair p, coordsys R)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the xy - coordinates of 'p' relatively to
the coordinate system 'R'.
For example, if R = cartesiansystem((1, 2), (1, 0), (0, 1)), (0, 0)/R is (-1, -2).</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return R.defaulttorelative(p);
+ return R.defaulttorelative(p);
/*<asyxml><operator type = "pair" signature="*(coordsys,pair)"><code></asyxml>*/
@@ -372,34 +372,34 @@ pair operator *(coordsys R, pair p)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the coordinates of 'p' given in the
xy - coordinates 'R'.
For example, if R = cartesiansystem((1, 2), (1, 0), (0, 1)), R * (0, 0) is (1, 2).</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return R.relativetodefault(p);
+ return R.relativetodefault(p);
/*<asyxml><operator type = "path" signature="*(coordsys,path)"><code></asyxml>*/
path operator *(coordsys R, path g)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the reconstructed path applying R * pair to each node, pre and post control point of 'g'.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- guide og = R * point(g, 0);
- real l = length(g);
- for(int i = 1; i <= l; ++i)
- {
- pair P = R * point(g, i);
- pair post = R * postcontrol(g, i - 1);
- pair pre = R * precontrol(g, i);
- if(i == l && (cyclic(g)))
- og = og..controls post and pre..cycle;
- else
- og = og..controls post and pre..P;
- }
- return og;
+ guide og = R * point(g, 0);
+ real l = length(g);
+ for(int i = 1; i <= l; ++i)
+ {
+ pair P = R * point(g, i);
+ pair post = R * postcontrol(g, i - 1);
+ pair pre = R * precontrol(g, i);
+ if(i == l && (cyclic(g)))
+ og = og..controls post and pre..cycle;
+ else
+ og = og..controls post and pre..P;
+ }
+ return og;
/*<asyxml><operator type = "coordsys" signature="*(transform,coordsys)"><code></asyxml>*/
coordsys operator *(transform t,coordsys R)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Provide transform * coordsys.
Note that shiftless(t) is applied to R.i and R.j.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- coordsys oc;
- oc = cartesiansystem(t * R.O, shiftless(t) * R.i, shiftless(t) * R.j);
- return oc;
+ coordsys oc;
+ oc = cartesiansystem(t * R.O, shiftless(t) * R.i, shiftless(t) * R.j);
+ return oc;
/*<asyxml><constant type = "coordsys" signature="defaultcoordsys"><code></asyxml>*/
@@ -651,26 +651,26 @@ point operator *(explicit pair p1, explicit point p2)
/*<asyxml><operator type = "bool" signature="==(explicit point,explicit point)"><code></asyxml>*/
bool operator ==(explicit point M, explicit point N)
-{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Provide the test 'M == N' wish returns true iff MN < EPS</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return abs(locate(M) - locate(N)) < EPS;
+ {/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Provide the test 'M == N' wish returns true iff MN < EPS</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
+ return abs(locate(M) - locate(N)) < EPS;
+ }
/*<asyxml><operator type = "bool" signature="!=(explicit point,explicit point)"><code></asyxml>*/
bool operator !=(explicit point M, explicit point N)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Provide the test 'M != N' wish return true iff MN >= EPS</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return !(M == N);
+ return !(M == N);
/*<asyxml><operator type = "guide" signature="cast(point)"><code></asyxml>*/
guide operator cast(point p)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Cast point to guide.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return locate(p);
+ return locate(p);
/*<asyxml><operator type = "path" signature="cast(point)"><code></asyxml>*/
path operator cast(point p)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Cast point to path.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return locate(p);
+ return locate(p);
/*<asyxml><function type="void" signature="dot(picture,Label,explicit point,align,string,pen)"><code></asyxml>*/
@@ -678,103 +678,103 @@ void dot(picture pic = currentpicture, Label L, explicit point Z,
align align = NoAlign,
string format = defaultformat, pen p = currentpen)
- Label L = L.copy();
- L.position(locate(Z));
- if(L.s == "") {
- if(format == "") format = defaultformat;
- L.s = "("+format(format, Z.x)+", "+format(format, Z.y)+")";
- }
- L.align(align, E);
- L.p(p);
- dot(pic, locate(Z), p);
- add(pic, L);
+ Label L = L.copy();
+ L.position(locate(Z));
+ if(L.s == "") {
+ if(format == "") format = defaultformat;
+ L.s = "("+format(format, Z.x)+", "+format(format, Z.y)+")";
+ }
+ L.align(align, E);
+ L.p(p);
+ dot(pic, locate(Z), p);
+ add(pic, L);
/*<asyxml><function type="real" signature="abs(coordsys,pair)"><code></asyxml>*/
real abs(coordsys R, pair m)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the modulus |m| in the coordinate system 'R'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return R.abs(m);
+ return R.abs(m);
/*<asyxml><function type="real" signature="abs(explicit point)"><code></asyxml>*/
real abs(explicit point M)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the modulus |M| in its coordinate system.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return M.coordsys.abs(M.coordinates);
+ return M.coordsys.abs(M.coordinates);
/*<asyxml><function type="real" signature="length(explicit point)"><code></asyxml>*/
real length(explicit point M)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the modulus |M| in its coordinate system (same as 'abs').</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return M.coordsys.abs(M.coordinates);
+ return M.coordsys.abs(M.coordinates);
/*<asyxml><function type="point" signature="conj(explicit point)"><code></asyxml>*/
point conj(explicit point M)
- return point(M.coordsys, conj(M.coordinates), M.m);
+ return point(M.coordsys, conj(M.coordinates), M.m);
/*<asyxml><function type="real" signature="degrees(explicit point,coordsys,bool)"><code></asyxml>*/
real degrees(explicit point M, coordsys R = M.coordsys, bool warn = true)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the angle of M (in degrees) relatively to 'R'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return (degrees(locate(M) - R.O, warn) - degrees(R.i))%360;
+ return (degrees(locate(M) - R.O, warn) - degrees(R.i))%360;
/*<asyxml><function type="real" signature="angle(explicit point,coordsys,bool)"><code></asyxml>*/
real angle(explicit point M, coordsys R = M.coordsys, bool warn = true)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the angle of M (in radians) relatively to 'R'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return radians(degrees(M, R, warn));
+ return radians(degrees(M, R, warn));
bool Finite(explicit point z)
- return abs(z.x) < Infinity && abs(z.y) < Infinity;
+ return abs(z.x) < Infinity && abs(z.y) < Infinity;
/*<asyxml><function type="bool" signature="finite(explicit point)"><code></asyxml>*/
bool finite(explicit point p)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Avoid to compute 'finite((pair)(infinite_point))'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return finite(p.coordinates);
+ return finite(p.coordinates);
/*<asyxml><function type="real" signature="dot(point,point)"><code></asyxml>*/
real dot(point A, point B)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the dot product in the coordinate system of 'A'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- point[] P = standardizecoordsys(A.coordsys, A, B);
- return P[0][0].coordinates, P[1].coordinates);
+ point[] P = standardizecoordsys(A.coordsys, A, B);
+ return P[0][0].coordinates, P[1].coordinates);
/*<asyxml><function type="real" signature="dot(point,explicit pair)"><code></asyxml>*/
real dot(point A, explicit pair B)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the dot product in the default coordinate system.
dot(explicit pair, point) is also defined.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return dot(locate(A), B);
+ return dot(locate(A), B);
real dot(explicit pair A, point B)
- return dot(A, locate(B));
+ return dot(A, locate(B));
/*<asyxml><function type="transforms" signature="rotateO(real)"><code></asyxml>*/
transform rotateO(real a)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Rotation around the origin of the current coordinate system.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return rotate(a, currentcoordsys.O);
+ return rotate(a, currentcoordsys.O);
/*<asyxml><function type="transform" signature="projection(point,point)"><code></asyxml>*/
transform projection(point A, point B)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the orthogonal projection on the line (AB).</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- pair dir = unit(locate(A) - locate(B));
- pair a = locate(A);
- real cof = dir.x * a.x + dir.y * a.y;
- real tx = a.x - dir.x * cof;
- real txx = dir.x^2;
- real txy = dir.x * dir.y;
- real ty = a.y - dir.y * cof;
- real tyx = txy;
- real tyy = dir.y^2;
- transform t = (tx, ty, txx, txy, tyx, tyy);
- return t;
+ pair dir = unit(locate(A) - locate(B));
+ pair a = locate(A);
+ real cof = dir.x * a.x + dir.y * a.y;
+ real tx = a.x - dir.x * cof;
+ real txx = dir.x^2;
+ real txy = dir.x * dir.y;
+ real ty = a.y - dir.y * cof;
+ real tyx = txy;
+ real tyy = dir.y^2;
+ transform t = (tx, ty, txx, txy, tyx, tyy);
+ return t;
/*<asyxml><function type="transform" signature="projection(point,point,point,point,bool)"><code></asyxml>*/
@@ -782,45 +782,45 @@ transform projection(point A, point B, point C, point D, bool safe = false)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the (CD) parallel projection on (AB).
If 'safe = true' and (AB)//(CD) return the identity.
If 'safe = false' and (AB)//(CD) return an infinity scaling.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- pair a = locate(A);
- pair u = unit(locate(B) - locate(A));
- pair v = unit(locate(D) - locate(C));
- real c = u.x * a.y - u.y * a.x;
- real d = (conj(u) * v).y;
- if (abs(d) < epsgeo) {
- return safe ? identity() : scale(infinity);
- }
- real tx = c * v.x/d;
- real ty = c * v.y/d;
- real txx = u.x * v.y/d;
- real txy = -u.x * v.x/d;
- real tyx = u.y * v.y/d;
- real tyy = -u.y * v.x/d;
- transform t = (tx, ty, txx, txy, tyx, tyy);
- return t;
+ pair a = locate(A);
+ pair u = unit(locate(B) - locate(A));
+ pair v = unit(locate(D) - locate(C));
+ real c = u.x * a.y - u.y * a.x;
+ real d = (conj(u) * v).y;
+ if (abs(d) < epsgeo) {
+ return safe ? identity() : scale(infinity);
+ }
+ real tx = c * v.x/d;
+ real ty = c * v.y/d;
+ real txx = u.x * v.y/d;
+ real txy = -u.x * v.x/d;
+ real tyx = u.y * v.y/d;
+ real tyy = -u.y * v.x/d;
+ transform t = (tx, ty, txx, txy, tyx, tyy);
+ return t;
/*<asyxml><function type="transform" signature="scale(real,point)"><code></asyxml>*/
transform scale(real k, point M)
- pair P = locate(M);
- return shift(P) * scale(k) * shift(-P);
+ pair P = locate(M);
+ return shift(P) * scale(k) * shift(-P);
/*<asyxml><function type="transform" signature="xscale(real,point)"><code></asyxml>*/
transform xscale(real k, point M)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>xscale from 'M' relatively to the x - axis of the coordinate system of 'M'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- pair P = locate(M);
- real a = degrees(M.coordsys.i);
- return (shift(P) * rotate(a)) * xscale(k) * (rotate(-a) * shift(-P));
+ pair P = locate(M);
+ real a = degrees(M.coordsys.i);
+ return (shift(P) * rotate(a)) * xscale(k) * (rotate(-a) * shift(-P));
/*<asyxml><function type="transform" signature="yscale(real,point)"><code></asyxml>*/
transform yscale(real k, point M)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>yscale from 'M' relatively to the y - axis of the coordinate system of 'M'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- pair P = locate(M);
- real a = degrees(M.coordsys.j) - 90;
- return (shift(P) * rotate(a)) * yscale(k) * (rotate(-a) * shift(-P));
+ pair P = locate(M);
+ real a = degrees(M.coordsys.j) - 90;
+ return (shift(P) * rotate(a)) * yscale(k) * (rotate(-a) * shift(-P));
/*<asyxml><function type="transform" signature="scale(real,point,point,point,point,bool)"><code></asyxml>*/
@@ -829,41 +829,41 @@ transform scale(real k, point A, point B, point C, point D, bool safe = false)
(help me for English translation...)
If 'safe = true' and (AB)//(CD) return the identity.
If 'safe = false' and (AB)//(CD) return a infinity scaling.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- pair a = locate(A);
- pair u = unit(locate(B) - locate(A));
- pair v = unit(locate(D) - locate(C));
- real c = u.x * a.y - u.y * a.x;
- real d = (conj(u) * v).y;
- real d = (conj(u) * v).y;
- if (abs(d) < epsgeo) {
- return safe ? identity() : scale(infinity);
- }
- real tx = (1 - k) * c * v.x/d;
- real ty = (1 - k) * c * v.y/d;
- real txx = (1 - k) * u.x * v.y/d + k;
- real txy = (k - 1) * u.x * v.x/d;
- real tyx = (1 - k) * u.y * v.y/d;
- real tyy = (k - 1) * u.y * v.x/d + k;
- transform t = (tx, ty, txx, txy, tyx, tyy);
- return t;
+ pair a = locate(A);
+ pair u = unit(locate(B) - locate(A));
+ pair v = unit(locate(D) - locate(C));
+ real c = u.x * a.y - u.y * a.x;
+ real d = (conj(u) * v).y;
+ real d = (conj(u) * v).y;
+ if (abs(d) < epsgeo) {
+ return safe ? identity() : scale(infinity);
+ }
+ real tx = (1 - k) * c * v.x/d;
+ real ty = (1 - k) * c * v.y/d;
+ real txx = (1 - k) * u.x * v.y/d + k;
+ real txy = (k - 1) * u.x * v.x/d;
+ real tyx = (1 - k) * u.y * v.y/d;
+ real tyy = (k - 1) * u.y * v.x/d + k;
+ transform t = (tx, ty, txx, txy, tyx, tyy);
+ return t;
/*<asyxml><function type="transform" signature="scaleO(real)"><code></asyxml>*/
transform scaleO(real x)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Homothety from the origin of the current coordinate system.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return scale(x, (0, 0));
+ return scale(x, (0, 0));
/*<asyxml><function type="transform" signature="xscaleO(real)"><code></asyxml>*/
transform xscaleO(real x)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>xscale from the origin and relatively to the current coordinate system.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return scale(x, (0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 0));
+ return scale(x, (0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 0));
/*<asyxml><function type="transform" signature="yscaleO(real)"><code></asyxml>*/
transform yscaleO(real x)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>yscale from the origin and relatively to the current coordinate system.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return scale(x, (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1));
+ return scale(x, (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1));
/*<asyxml><struct signature="vector"><code></asyxml>*/
@@ -876,121 +876,121 @@ struct vector
/*<asyxml><operator type = "point" signature="cast(vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
point operator cast(vector v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Cast vector 'v' to point 'M' so that OM = v.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return v.v;
+ return v.v;
/*<asyxml><operator type = "vector" signature="cast(pair)"><code></asyxml>*/
vector operator cast(pair v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Cast pair to vector relatively to the current coordinate
system 'currentcoordsys'.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- vector ov;
- ov.v = point(currentcoordsys, v);
- return ov;
+ vector ov;
+ ov.v = point(currentcoordsys, v);
+ return ov;
/*<asyxml><operator type = "vector" signature="cast(explicit point)"><code></asyxml>*/
vector operator cast(explicit point v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>A point can be interpreted like a vector using the code
- vector ov;
- ov.v = v;
- return ov;
+ vector ov;
+ ov.v = v;
+ return ov;
/*<asyxml><operator type = "pair" signature="cast(explicit vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
pair operator cast(explicit vector v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Cast vector to pair (the coordinates of 'v' in the default coordinate system).</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return locate(v.v) - v.v.coordsys.O;
+ return locate(v.v) - v.v.coordsys.O;
/*<asyxml><operator type = "align" signature="cast(vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
align operator cast(vector v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Cast vector to align.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return (pair)v;
+ return (pair)v;
/*<asyxml><function type="vector" signature="vector(coordsys, pair)"><code></asyxml>*/
vector vector(coordsys R = currentcoordsys, pair v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the vector of 'R' which has the coordinates 'v'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- vector ov;
- ov.v = point(R, v);
- return ov;
+ vector ov;
+ ov.v = point(R, v);
+ return ov;
/*<asyxml><function type="vector" signature="vector(point)"><code></asyxml>*/
vector vector(point M)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the vector OM, where O is the origin of the coordinate system of 'M'.
Useful to write 'vector(P - M);' instead of '(vector)(P - M)'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return M;
+ return M;
/*<asyxml><function type="point" signature="point(explicit vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
point point(explicit vector u)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the point M so that OM = u, where O is the origin of the coordinate system of 'u'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return u.v;
+ return u.v;
/*<asyxml><function type="pair" signature="locate(explicit vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
pair locate(explicit vector v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the coordinates of 'v' in the default coordinate system (like casting vector to pair).</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return (pair)v;
+ return (pair)v;
/*<asyxml><function type="void" signature="show(Label,pen,arrowbar)"><code></asyxml>*/
void show(Label L, vector v, pen p = currentpen, arrowbar arrow = Arrow)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Draw the vector v (from the origin of its coordinate system).</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- coordsys R = v.v.coordsys;
- draw(L, R.O--v.v, p, arrow);
+ coordsys R = v.v.coordsys;
+ draw(L, R.O--v.v, p, arrow);
/*<asyxml><function type="vector" signature="changecoordsys(coordsys,vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
vector changecoordsys(coordsys R, vector v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the vector 'v' relatively to coordinate system 'R'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- vector ov;
- ov.v = point(R, (locate(v) + R.O)/R);
- return ov;
+ vector ov;
+ ov.v = point(R, (locate(v) + R.O)/R);
+ return ov;
/*<asyxml><operator type = "vector" signature="*(real,explicit vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
vector operator *(real x, explicit vector v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Provide real * vector.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return x * v.v;
+ return x * v.v;
/*<asyxml><operator type = "vector" signature="/(explicit vector,real)"><code></asyxml>*/
vector operator /(explicit vector v, real x)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Provide vector/real</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return v.v/x;
+ return v.v/x;
/*<asyxml><operator type = "vector" signature="*(transform t,explicit vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
vector operator *(transform t, explicit vector v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Provide transform * vector.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return t * v.v;
+ return t * v.v;
/*<asyxml><operator type = "vector" signature="*(explicit point,explicit vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
vector operator *(explicit point M, explicit vector v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Provide point * vector</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return M * v.v;
+ return M * v.v;
/*<asyxml><operator type = "point" signature="+(explicit point,explicit vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
point operator +(point M, explicit vector v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return 'M' shifted by 'v'.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return shift(locate(v)) * M;
+ return shift(locate(v)) * M;
/*<asyxml><operator type = "point" signature="-(explicit point,explicit vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
point operator -(point M, explicit vector v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return 'M' shifted by '-v'.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return shift(-locate(v)) * M;
+ return shift(-locate(v)) * M;
/*<asyxml><operator type = "vector" signature="-(explicit vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
vector operator -(explicit vector v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Provide -v.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return -v.v;
+ return -v.v;
/*<asyxml><operator type = "point" signature="+(explicit pair,explicit vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ point operator +(explicit pair m, explicit vector v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>The pair 'm' is supposed to be the coordinates of
a point in the current coordinates system 'currentcoordsys'.
Return this point shifted by the vector 'v'.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return locate(m) + v;
+ return locate(m) + v;
/*<asyxml><operator type = "point" signature="-(explicit pair,explicit vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ point operator -(explicit pair m, explicit vector v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>The pair 'm' is supposed to be the coordinates of
a point in the current coordinates system 'currentcoordsys'.
Return this point shifted by the vector '-v'.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return m + (-v);
+ return m + (-v);
/*<asyxml><operator type = "vector" signature="+(explicit vector,explicit vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
@@ -1014,9 +1014,9 @@ vector operator +(explicit vector v1, explicit vector v2)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Provide vector + vector.
If the two vector haven't the same coordinate system, the returned
vector is relative to the default coordinate system (without warning).</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- coordsys R = v1.v.coordsys;
- if(samecoordsys(false, v1, v2)){R = defaultcoordsys;}
- return vector(R, (locate(v1) + locate(v2))/R);
+ coordsys R = v1.v.coordsys;
+ if(samecoordsys(false, v1, v2)){R = defaultcoordsys;}
+ return vector(R, (locate(v1) + locate(v2))/R);
/*<asyxml><operator type = "vector" signature="-(explicit vector, explicit vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
@@ -1024,31 +1024,31 @@ vector operator -(explicit vector v1, explicit vector v2)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Provide vector - vector.
If the two vector haven't the same coordinate system, the returned
vector is relative to the default coordinate system (without warning).</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return v1 + (-v2);
+ return v1 + (-v2);
/*<asyxml><operator type = "bool" signature="==(explicit vector,explicit vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
bool operator ==(explicit vector u, explicit vector v)
-{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return true iff |u - v|<EPS.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return abs(u - v) < EPS;
+ {/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return true iff |u - v|<EPS.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
+ return abs(u - v) < EPS;
+ }
/*<asyxml><function type="bool" signature="collinear(vector,vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
bool collinear(vector u, vector v)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return 'true' iff the vectors 'u' and 'v' are collinear.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return abs(ypart((conj((pair)u) * (pair)v))) < EPS;
+ return abs(ypart((conj((pair)u) * (pair)v))) < EPS;
/*<asyxml><function type="vector" signature="unit(point)"><code></asyxml>*/
vector unit(point M)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the unit vector according to the modulus of its coordinate system.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return M/abs(M);
+ return M/abs(M);
/*<asyxml><function type="vector" signature="unit(vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
vector unit(vector u)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the unit vector according to the modulus of its coordinate system.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return u.v/abs(u.v);
+ return u.v/abs(u.v);
/*<asyxml><function type="real" signature="degrees(vector,coordsys,bool)"><code></asyxml>*/
@@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@ real degrees(vector v,
coordsys R = v.v.coordsys,
bool warn = true)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the angle of 'v' (in degrees) relatively to 'R'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return (degrees(locate(v), warn) - degrees(R.i))%360;
+ return (degrees(locate(v), warn) - degrees(R.i))%360;
/*<asyxml><function type="real" signature="angle(vector,coordsys,bool)"><code></asyxml>*/
@@ -1064,13 +1064,13 @@ real angle(explicit vector v,
coordsys R = v.v.coordsys,
bool warn = true)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the angle of 'v' (in radians) relatively to 'R'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return radians(degrees(v, R, warn));
+ return radians(degrees(v, R, warn));
/*<asyxml><function type="vector" signature="conj(explicit vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
vector conj(explicit vector u)
- return conj(u.v);
+ return conj(u.v);
/*<asyxml><function type="transform" signature="rotate(explicit vector)"><code></asyxml>*/
@@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ transform rotate(explicit vector dir)
This is useful for rotating text along a line in the direction dir.
rotate(explicit point dir) is also defined.
- return rotate(locate(dir));
+ return rotate(locate(dir));
transform rotate(explicit point dir){return rotate(locate(vector(dir)));}
// *......................COORDINATES......................*
@@ -1311,7 +1311,7 @@ void perpendicularmark(picture pic = currentpicture, point z,
g = margin(g, p).g;
draw(apic, g, p);
if(filltype != NoFill) filltype.fill(apic, (relpoint(g, 0) - relpoint(g, 0.5)+
- relpoint(g, 1))--g--cycle, p + solid);
+ relpoint(g, 1))--g--cycle, p + solid);
add(pic, apic, locate(z));
@@ -1360,7 +1360,7 @@ void markrightangle(picture pic = currentpicture, point A, point O,
pair Ap = A, Bp = B, Op = O;
pair dir = Ap - Op;
real a1 = degrees(dir);
- pair align = rotate(-a1) * unit(dir(Op--Ap, Op--Bp));
+ pair align = rotate(-a1) * dir(Op--Ap, Op--Bp);
perpendicularmark(pic = pic, z = O, align = align,
dir = dir, size = size, p = p,
margin = margin, filltype = filltype);
@@ -1700,80 +1700,80 @@ void write(explicit segment s)
/*<asyxml><operator type = "bool" signature="==(line,line)"><code></asyxml>*/
bool operator ==(line l1, line l2)
-{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Provide the test 'line == line'.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return (collinear(l1.u, l2.u) &&
- abs(ypart((locate(l1.A) - locate(l1.B))/(locate(l1.A) - locate(l2.B)))) < epsgeo &&
- l1.extendA == l2.extendA && l1.extendB == l2.extendB);
+ {/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Provide the test 'line == line'.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
+ return (collinear(l1.u, l2.u) &&
+ abs(ypart((locate(l1.A) - locate(l1.B))/(locate(l1.A) - locate(l2.B)))) < epsgeo &&
+ l1.extendA == l2.extendA && l1.extendB == l2.extendB);
+ }
/*<asyxml><operator type = "bool" signature="!=(line,line)"><code></asyxml>*/
bool operator !=(line l1, line l2)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Provide the test 'line != line'.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- return !(l1 == l2);
+ return !(l1 == l2);
/*<asyxml><operator type = "bool" signature="@(point,line)"><code></asyxml>*/
bool operator @(point m, line l)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Provide the test 'point @ line'.
Return true iff 'm' is on the 'l'.</documentation></operator></asyxml>*/
- point M = changecoordsys(l.A.coordsys, m);
- if (abs(l.a * M.x + l.b * M.y + l.c) >= epsgeo) return false;
- if (l.extendA && l.extendB) return true;
- if (!l.extendA && !l.extendB) return between(l.A, M, l.B);
- if (l.extendA) return sameside(M, l.A, l.B);
- return sameside(M, l.B, l.A);
+ point M = changecoordsys(l.A.coordsys, m);
+ if (abs(l.a * M.x + l.b * M.y + l.c) >= epsgeo) return false;
+ if (l.extendA && l.extendB) return true;
+ if (!l.extendA && !l.extendB) return between(l.A, M, l.B);
+ if (l.extendA) return sameside(M, l.A, l.B);
+ return sameside(M, l.B, l.A);
/*<asyxml><function type="coordsys" signature="coordsys(line)"><code></asyxml>*/
coordsys coordsys(line l)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the coordinate system in which 'l' is defined.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return l.A.coordsys;
+ return l.A.coordsys;
/*<asyxml><function type="line" signature="reverse(line)"><code></asyxml>*/
line reverse(line l)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Permute the points 'A' and 'B' of 'l' and so its orientation.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return line(l.B, l.extendB, l.A, l.extendA);
+ return line(l.B, l.extendB, l.A, l.extendA);
/*<asyxml><function type="line" signature="extend(line)"><code></asyxml>*/
line extend(line l)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the infinite line passing through 'l.A' and 'l.B'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- line ol = l.copy();
- ol.extendA = true;
- ol.extendB = true;
- return ol;
+ line ol = l.copy();
+ ol.extendA = true;
+ ol.extendB = true;
+ return ol;
/*<asyxml><function type="line" signature="complementary(explicit line)"><code></asyxml>*/
line complementary(explicit line l)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the complementary of a half-line with respect of
the full line 'l'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- if (l.extendA && l.extendB)
- abort("complementary: the parameter is not a half-line.");
- point origin = l.extendA ? l.B : l.A;
- point ptdir = l.extendA ?
- rotate(180, l.B) * l.A : rotate(180, l.A) * l.B;
- return line(origin, false, ptdir);
+ if (l.extendA && l.extendB)
+ abort("complementary: the parameter is not a half-line.");
+ point origin = l.extendA ? l.B : l.A;
+ point ptdir = l.extendA ?
+ rotate(180, l.B) * l.A : rotate(180, l.A) * l.B;
+ return line(origin, false, ptdir);
/*<asyxml><function type="line[]" signature="complementary(explicit segment)"><code></asyxml>*/
line[] complementary(explicit segment s)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the two half-lines of origin 's.A' and 's.B' respectively.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- line[] ol = new line[2];
- ol[0] = complementary(line(s.A, false, s.B));
- ol[1] = complementary(line(s.A, s.B, false));
- return ol;
+ line[] ol = new line[2];
+ ol[0] = complementary(line(s.A, false, s.B));
+ ol[1] = complementary(line(s.A, s.B, false));
+ return ol;
/*<asyxml><function type="line" signature="Ox(coordsys)"><code></asyxml>*/
line Ox(coordsys R = currentcoordsys)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the x-axis of 'R'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
- return line(point(R, (0, 0)), point(R, E));
+ return line(point(R, (0, 0)), point(R, E));
/*<asyxml><constant type = "line" signature="Ox"><code></asyxml>*/
restricted line Ox = Ox();/*<asyxml></code><documentation>the x-axis of
- the default coordinate system.</documentation></constant></asyxml>*/
+ the default coordinate system.</documentation></constant></asyxml>*/
/*<asyxml><function type="line" signature="Oy(coordsys)"><code></asyxml>*/
line Oy(coordsys R = currentcoordsys)
@@ -1782,7 +1782,7 @@ line Oy(coordsys R = currentcoordsys)
/*<asyxml><constant type = "line" signature="Oy"><code></asyxml>*/
restricted line Oy = Oy();/*<asyxml></code><documentation>the y-axis of
- the default coordinate system.</documentation></constant></asyxml>*/
+ the default coordinate system.</documentation></constant></asyxml>*/
/*<asyxml><function type="line" signature="line(real,point)"><code></asyxml>*/
line line(real a, point A = point(currentcoordsys, (0, 0)))
@@ -1826,7 +1826,7 @@ line vline(coordsys R = currentcoordsys)
/*<asyxml><constant type = "line" signature="vline"><code></asyxml>*/
restricted line vline = vline();/*<asyxml></code><documentation>The vertical line in the current coordinate system passing
- through the origin of this system.</documentation></constant></asyxml>*/
+ through the origin of this system.</documentation></constant></asyxml>*/
/*<asyxml><function type="line" signature="hline(coordsys)"><code></asyxml>*/
line hline(coordsys R = currentcoordsys)
@@ -1837,7 +1837,7 @@ line hline(coordsys R = currentcoordsys)
/*<asyxml><constant type = "line" signature="hline"><code></asyxml>*/
line hline = hline();/*<asyxml></code><documentation>The horizontal line in the current coordinate system passing
- through the origin of this system.</documentation></constant></asyxml>*/
+ through the origin of this system.</documentation></constant></asyxml>*/
/*<asyxml><function type="line" signature="changecoordsys(coordsys,line)"><code></asyxml>*/
line changecoordsys(coordsys R, line l)
@@ -2358,11 +2358,11 @@ bqe bqe(coordsys R = currentcoordsys,
bqe changecoordsys(coordsys R, bqe bqe)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Returns the bivariate quadratic equation relatively to 'R'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
pair i = coordinates(changecoordsys(R, vector(defaultcoordsys,
- bqe.coordsys.i)));
+ bqe.coordsys.i)));
pair j = coordinates(changecoordsys(R, vector(defaultcoordsys,
- bqe.coordsys.j)));
+ bqe.coordsys.j)));
pair O = coordinates(changecoordsys(R, point(defaultcoordsys,
- bqe.coordsys.O)));
+ bqe.coordsys.O)));
real a = bqe.a[0], b = bqe.a[1], c = bqe.a[2], d = bqe.a[3], f = bqe.a[4], g = bqe.a[5];
real ux = i.x, uy = i.y;
real vx = j.x, vy = j.y;
@@ -2372,14 +2372,14 @@ bqe changecoordsys(coordsys R, bqe bqe)
real bpp = (-2 * a * vx * vy + b * ux * vy + b * uy * vx - 2 * c * ux * uy)/D^2;
real cp = (a * vx^2 - b * ux * vx + c * ux^2)/D^2;
real dp = (-2a * ox * vy^2 + 2a * oy * vx * vy + 2b * ox * uy * vy-
- b * oy * ux * vy - b * oy * uy * vx - 2c * ox * uy^2 + 2c * oy * uy * ux)/D^2+
+ b * oy * ux * vy - b * oy * uy * vx - 2c * ox * uy^2 + 2c * oy * uy * ux)/D^2+
(d * vy - f * uy)/D;
real fp = (2a * ox * vx * vy - b * ox * ux * vy - 2a * oy * vx^2-
- b * ox * uy * vx + 2 * b * oy * ux * vx + 2c * ox * ux * uy - 2c * oy * ux^2)/D^2+
+ b * ox * uy * vx + 2 * b * oy * ux * vx + 2c * ox * ux * uy - 2c * oy * ux^2)/D^2+
(f * ux - d * vx)/D;
g = (a * ox^2 * vy^2 - 2a * ox * oy * vx * vy - b * ox^2 * uy * vy + b * ox * oy * ux * vy+
- a * oy^2 * vx^2 + b * ox * oy * uy * vx - b * oy^2 * ux * vx + c * ox^2 * uy^2-
- 2 * c * ox * oy * ux * uy + c * oy^2 * ux^2)/D^2+
+ a * oy^2 * vx^2 + b * ox * oy * uy * vx - b * oy^2 * ux * vx + c * ox^2 * uy^2-
+ 2 * c * ox * oy * ux * uy + c * oy^2 * ux^2)/D^2+
(d * oy * vx + f * ox * uy - d * ox * vy - f * oy * ux)/D + g;
bqe obqe;
obqe.a = approximate(new real[] {ap, bpp, cp, dp, fp, g});
@@ -2636,7 +2636,7 @@ struct hyperbola
this.b = a * sqrt(this.e^2 - 1);
this.p = a * (this.e^2 - 1);
point A = this.C + (a^2/this.c) * unit(P[0]-this.C);
- this.D1 = line(A, A + rotateO(90) * unit(A - this.C));
+ this.D1 = line(A, A + rotate(90,this.C.coordsys.O) * unit(A - this.C));
this.D2 = reverse(rotate(180, C) * D1);
this.V1 = C + a * unit(F1 - C);
this.V2 = C + a * unit(F2 - C);
@@ -3073,8 +3073,8 @@ parabola parabola(point M1, point M2, point M3, line l)
real gle = degrees(l);
coordsys Rp = cartesiansystem(R.O, rotate(gle) * R.i, rotate(gle) * R.j);
pts = new pair[] {coordinates(changecoordsys(Rp, M1)),
- coordinates(changecoordsys(Rp, M2)),
- coordinates(changecoordsys(Rp, M3))};
+ coordinates(changecoordsys(Rp, M2)),
+ coordinates(changecoordsys(Rp, M3))};
real[][] M;
real[] x;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
@@ -3560,10 +3560,10 @@ path arcfromcenter(explicit conic co, real angle1, real angle2,
path g;
if(co.e < 1)
g = arcfromcenter((ellipse)co, angle1,
- angle2, direction, n);
+ angle2, direction, n);
else if(co.e > 1)
g = arcfromcenter((hyperbola)co, angle1,
- angle2, n, direction);
+ angle2, n, direction);
else abort("arcfromcenter: does not exist for a parabola.");
return g;
@@ -3590,8 +3590,8 @@ bqe equation(ellipse el)
real[] coef = solve(M, x);
bqe bqe = changecoordsys(coordsys(el),
- bqe(defaultcoordsys,
- 1, coef[0], coef[1], coef[2], coef[3], coef[4]));
+ bqe(defaultcoordsys,
+ 1, coef[0], coef[1], coef[2], coef[3], coef[4]));
bqe.a = approximate(bqe.a);
return bqe;
@@ -4038,8 +4038,8 @@ real arclength(ellipse el, real angle1, real angle2,
// given form the center of the ellipse.
real gle = atan(el.a * tan(radians(a))/el.b)+
pi * (((a%90 == 0 && a != 0) ? floor(a/90) - 1 : floor(a/90)) -
- ((a%180 == 0) ? 0 : floor(a/180)) -
- (a%360 == 0 ? floor(a/(360)) : 0));
+ ((a%180 == 0) ? 0 : floor(a/180)) -
+ (a%360 == 0 ? floor(a/(360)) : 0));
/* // Uncomment to visualize the used branches
unitsize(2cm, 1cm);
import graph;
@@ -4076,7 +4076,7 @@ real arclength(parabola p, real angle)
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return the arclength from 180 to 'angle' given from focus in the
canonical coordinate system of 'p'.</documentation></function></asyxml>*/
real a = p.a; /* In canonicalcartesiansystem(p) the equation of p
- is x = y^2/(4a) */
+ is x = y^2/(4a) */
// integrate(sqrt(1 + (x/(2 * a))^2), x);
real S(real t){return 0.5 * t * sqrt(1 + t^2/(4 * a^2)) + a * asinh(t/(2 * a));}
real R(real gle){return 2 * a/(1 - Cos(gle));}
@@ -4110,7 +4110,7 @@ struct abscissa
real x;/*<asyxml></code><documentation>The abscissa value.</documentation></property><property type = "int" signature="system"><code></asyxml>*/
int system;/*<asyxml></code><documentation>0 = relativesystem; 1 = curvilinearsystem; 2 = angularsystem; 3 = nodesystem</documentation></property><property type = "polarconicroutine" signature="polarconicroutine"><code></asyxml>*/
polarconicroutine polarconicroutine = fromCenter;/*<asyxml></code><documentation>The routine used with angular system and two foci conic section.
- Possible values are 'formCenter' and 'formFocus'.</documentation></property></asyxml>*/
+ Possible values are 'formCenter' and 'formFocus'.</documentation></property></asyxml>*/
/*<asyxml><method type = "abscissa" signature="copy()"><code></asyxml>*/
abscissa copy()
{/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Return a copy of this abscissa.</documentation></method></asyxml>*/
@@ -4800,7 +4800,7 @@ struct arc {
restricted real angle1, angle2;/*<asyxml></code><documentation>Values (in degrees) in ]-360, 360[.</documentation></property><property type = "bool" signature="direction"><code></asyxml>*/
bool direction = CCW;/*<asyxml></code><documentation>The arc will be drawn from 'angle1' to 'angle2' rotating in the direction 'direction'.</documentation></property><property type = "polarconicroutine" signature="polarconicroutine"><code></asyxml>*/
polarconicroutine polarconicroutine = currentpolarconicroutine;/*<asyxml></code><documentation>The routine to which the angles refer.
- If 'el' is a circle 'fromCenter' is always used.</documentation></property></asyxml>*/
+ If 'el' is a circle 'fromCenter' is always used.</documentation></property></asyxml>*/
/*<asyxml><method type = "void" signature="setangles(real,real,real)"><code></asyxml>*/
void setangles(real a0, real a1, real a2)
@@ -6478,7 +6478,7 @@ point[] intersectionpoints(line l, circle c)
coordsys Rc = cartesiansystem(c.C, (1, 0), (0, 1));
line ll = changecoordsys(Rc, l);
pair[] P = intersectionpoints(ll.A.coordinates, ll.B.coordinates,
- 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, -c.r^2);
+ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, -c.r^2);
for (int i = 0; i < P.length; ++i) {
point inter = changecoordsys(R, point(Rc, P[i]));
if(inter @ l) op.push(inter);
@@ -6518,7 +6518,7 @@ point[] intersectionpoints(line l, ellipse el)
coordsys Rc = canonicalcartesiansystem(el);
line ll = changecoordsys(Rc, l);
pair[] P = intersectionpoints(ll.A.coordinates, ll.B.coordinates,
- 1/el.a^2, 0, 1/el.b^2, 0, 0, -1);
+ 1/el.a^2, 0, 1/el.b^2, 0, 0, -1);
for (int i = 0; i < P.length; ++i) {
point inter = changecoordsys(R, point(Rc, P[i]));
if(inter @ l) op.push(inter);
@@ -6575,7 +6575,7 @@ point[] intersectionpoints(line l, hyperbola h)
point[] op;
coordsys R = coordsys(h);
point A = intersectionpoint(l, h.A1), B = intersectionpoint(l, h.A2);
- point M = midpoint(segment(A, B));
+ point M = 0.5*(A + B);
bool tgt = Finite(M) ? M @ h : false;
if(tgt) {
if(M @ l) op.push(M);
@@ -6644,7 +6644,7 @@ point[] intersectionpoints(bqe bqe1, bqe bqe2)
if(abs(b[4]) > e) {
real D=b[4]^2;
c=new real[] {(a[0]*b[4]^2+a[2]*b[3]^2+
- (-2*a[2]*a[3])*b[3]+a[2]*a[3]^2)/D,
+ (-2*a[2]*a[3])*b[3]+a[2]*a[3]^2)/D,