path: root/Build/source/utils/asymptote/LspCpp/LibLsp/lsp/ClientPreferences.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/asymptote/LspCpp/LibLsp/lsp/ClientPreferences.h')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/asymptote/LspCpp/LibLsp/lsp/ClientPreferences.h b/Build/source/utils/asymptote/LspCpp/LibLsp/lsp/ClientPreferences.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7adf557f83a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/utils/asymptote/LspCpp/LibLsp/lsp/ClientPreferences.h
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <LibLsp/lsp/general/lsClientCapabilities.h>
+#include <LibLsp/lsp/utils.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+class ClientPreferences
+ std::shared_ptr<lsWorkspaceClientCapabilites> workspace;
+ lsTextDocumentClientCapabilities textDocument ;
+ ClientPreferences(const lsClientCapabilities& capabilities)
+ {
+ v3supported = capabilities.textDocument.has_value();
+ if (v3supported)
+ textDocument = capabilities.textDocument.value();
+ if(capabilities.workspace)
+ {
+ workspace = std::make_shared<lsWorkspaceClientCapabilites>(capabilities.workspace.value());
+ }
+ }
+ bool v3supported=false;
+ bool isSignatureHelpSupported() {
+ return v3supported && (textDocument.signatureHelp);
+ }
+ bool isWorkspaceDidChangeConfigurationSupported() const
+ {
+ return workspace && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(workspace->didChangeConfiguration);
+ }
+ bool isWorkspaceFoldersSupported() {
+ return workspace != nullptr && isTrue(workspace->workspaceFolders);
+ }
+ bool isCompletionDynamicRegistered() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.completion);
+ }
+ bool isCompletionSnippetsSupported() {
+ //@formatter:off
+ if(!v3supported || !textDocument.completion)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const auto& completion = textDocument.completion.value();
+ if(completion.completionItem)
+ {
+ return isTrue(completion.completionItem.value().snippetSupport);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool isV3Supported() {
+ return v3supported;
+ }
+ bool isFormattingDynamicRegistrationSupported() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.formatting);
+ }
+ bool isRangeFormattingDynamicRegistrationSupported() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.rangeFormatting);
+ }
+ bool isOnTypeFormattingDynamicRegistrationSupported() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.onTypeFormatting);
+ }
+ bool isCodeLensDynamicRegistrationSupported() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.codeLens);
+ }
+ bool isSignatureHelpDynamicRegistrationSupported() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.signatureHelp);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ static bool isDynamicRegistrationSupported(boost::optional<T>& capability)
+ {
+ if(capability)
+ return (capability.value().dynamicRegistration.value());
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool isTrue(const boost::optional<bool>& value)
+ {
+ return value.get_value_or(false);
+ }
+ bool isRenameDynamicRegistrationSupported() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.rename);
+ }
+ bool isExecuteCommandDynamicRegistrationSupported() {
+ return v3supported && workspace != nullptr && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(workspace->executeCommand);
+ }
+ bool isWorkspaceSymbolDynamicRegistered() {
+ return v3supported && workspace != nullptr && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(workspace->symbol);
+ }
+ bool isWorkspaceChangeWatchedFilesDynamicRegistered() {
+ return v3supported && workspace != nullptr && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(workspace->didChangeWatchedFiles);
+ }
+ bool isDocumentSymbolDynamicRegistered() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.documentSymbol);
+ }
+ bool isCodeActionDynamicRegistered() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.codeAction);
+ }
+ bool isDefinitionDynamicRegistered() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.definition);
+ }
+ bool isTypeDefinitionDynamicRegistered() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.typeDefinition);
+ }
+ bool isHoverDynamicRegistered() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.hover);
+ }
+ bool isReferencesDynamicRegistered() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.references);
+ }
+ bool isDocumentHighlightDynamicRegistered() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.documentHighlight);
+ }
+ bool isFoldgingRangeDynamicRegistered() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.foldingRange);
+ }
+ bool isImplementationDynamicRegistered() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.implementation);
+ }
+ bool isSelectionRangeDynamicRegistered() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.selectionRange);
+ }
+ bool isWillSaveRegistered() {
+ return v3supported && isTrue(textDocument.synchronization.willSave);
+ }
+ bool isWillSaveWaitUntilRegistered() {
+ return v3supported && isTrue(textDocument.synchronization.willSaveWaitUntil);
+ }
+ bool isWorkspaceApplyEditSupported() {
+ return workspace != nullptr && isTrue(workspace->applyEdit);
+ }
+ bool isSupportsCompletionDocumentationMarkdown() {
+ if (!v3supported || !textDocument.completion)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const auto& completion = textDocument.completion.value();
+ if (completion.completionItem)
+ {
+ auto& documentationFormat = completion.completionItem.value().documentationFormat;
+ if(documentationFormat)
+ {
+ auto& data = documentationFormat.value();
+ for(auto& it : data)
+ {
+ if(it == "markdown")
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool isWorkspaceEditResourceChangesSupported() {
+ if(!workspace) return false;
+ if(workspace->workspaceEdit)
+ {
+ return isTrue(workspace->workspaceEdit.value().resourceChanges);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static bool contains(const std::vector<std::string>& v, const std::string& target)
+ {
+ for(auto& it : v)
+ {
+ if(it == target) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool isResourceOperationSupported() const
+ {
+ if (!workspace) return false;
+ if (!workspace->workspaceEdit)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ auto& it = (workspace->workspaceEdit.value());
+ if(!it.resourceOperations) return false;
+ const auto& resourceOperations = it.resourceOperations.value();
+ return contains(resourceOperations, "create") && contains(resourceOperations, "rename") && contains(resourceOperations, "delete");
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@code true} if the client has explicitly set the
+ * {@code textDocument.documentSymbol.hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport} to
+ * {@code true} when initializing the LS. Otherwise, {@code false}.
+ */
+ bool isHierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupported() {
+ if(!v3supported || !textDocument.documentSymbol) return false;
+ return isTrue(textDocument.documentSymbol.value().hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport);
+ }
+ bool isSemanticHighlightingSupported() {
+ //@formatter:off
+ if (!v3supported || !textDocument.semanticHighlightingCapabilities) return false;
+ return isTrue(textDocument.semanticHighlightingCapabilities.value().semanticHighlighting);
+ //@formatter:on
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@code true} if the client has explicitly set the
+ * {@code textDocument.codeAction.codeActionLiteralSupport.codeActionKind.valueSet}
+ * value. Otherwise, {@code false}.
+ */
+ bool isSupportedCodeActionKind(const std::string& kind) {
+ if (!v3supported || !textDocument.codeAction) return false;
+ //@formatter:off
+ const auto& codeAction = textDocument.codeAction.value();
+ if(codeAction.codeActionLiteralSupport)
+ {
+ const auto& codeActionKind = codeAction.codeActionLiteralSupport.value().codeActionKind;
+ if(codeActionKind)
+ {
+ const auto& valueSet = codeActionKind.value().valueSet;
+ if(valueSet)
+ {
+ for(auto& k : valueSet.value())
+ {
+ if(lsp::StartsWith(kind,k))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ //@formatter:on
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@code true} if the client has explicitly set the
+ * {@code textDocument.publishDiagnostics.tagSupport} to
+ * {@code true} when initializing the LS. Otherwise, {@code false}.
+ */
+ bool isDiagnosticTagSupported() {
+ if (!v3supported || !textDocument.publishDiagnostics) return false;
+ const auto& publishDiagnostics = textDocument.publishDiagnostics.value();
+ if(publishDiagnostics.tagSupport)
+ {
+ isTagSupported(publishDiagnostics.tagSupport);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool isTagSupported(const boost::optional < std::pair<boost::optional<bool>,
+ boost::optional<DiagnosticsTagSupport> > >& tagSupport) {
+ if(tagSupport)
+ {
+ auto &v = tagSupport.value();
+ if (v.first)
+ {
+ return v.first.value();
+ }
+ if (v.second) {
+ return !v.second.value().valueSet.empty();
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool isCallHierarchyDynamicRegistered() {
+ return v3supported && isDynamicRegistrationSupported(textDocument.callHierarchy);
+ }