path: root/Build/source/utils/asymptote/LspCpp/LibLsp/JsonRpc/Context.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 216 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/asymptote/LspCpp/LibLsp/JsonRpc/Context.h b/Build/source/utils/asymptote/LspCpp/LibLsp/JsonRpc/Context.h
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index 20edf71b1cb..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/utils/asymptote/LspCpp/LibLsp/JsonRpc/Context.h
+++ /dev/null
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-//===--- Context.h - Mechanism for passing implicit data --------*- C++-*-===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-// Context for storing and retrieving implicit data. Useful for passing implicit
-// parameters on a per-request basis.
-#pragma once
-#include <memory>
-#include <type_traits>
-namespace lsp {
-/// Values in a Context are indexed by typed keys.
-/// Key<T> serves two purposes:
-/// - it provides a lookup key for the context (each Key is unique),
-/// - it makes lookup type-safe: a Key<T> can only map to a T (or nothing).
-/// Example:
-/// Key<int> RequestID;
-/// Key<int> Version;
-/// Context Ctx = Context::empty().derive(RequestID, 10).derive(Version, 3);
-/// assert(*Ctx.get(RequestID) == 10);
-/// assert(*Ctx.get(Version) == 3);
-/// Keys are typically used across multiple functions, so most of the time you
-/// would want to make them static class members or global variables.
-template <class Type> class Key {
- static_assert(!std::is_reference<Type>::value,
- "Reference arguments to Key<> are not allowed");
- constexpr Key() = default;
- Key(Key const &) = delete;
- Key &operator=(Key const &) = delete;
- Key(Key &&) = delete;
- Key &operator=(Key &&) = delete;
-/// A context is an immutable container for per-request data that must be
-/// propagated through layers that don't care about it. An example is a request
-/// ID that we may want to use when logging.
-/// Conceptually, a context is a heterogeneous map<Key<T>, T>. Each key has
-/// an associated value type, which allows the map to be typesafe.
-/// There is an "ambient" context for each thread, Context::current().
-/// Most functions should read from this, and use WithContextValue or
-/// WithContext to extend or replace the context within a block scope.
-/// Only code dealing with threads and extension points should need to use
-/// other Context objects.
-/// You can't add data to an existing context, instead you create a new
-/// immutable context derived from it with extra data added. When you retrieve
-/// data, the context will walk up the parent chain until the key is found.
-class Context {
- /// Returns an empty root context that contains no data.
- static Context empty();
- /// Returns the context for the current thread, creating it if needed.
- static const Context &current();
- // Sets the current() context to Replacement, and returns the old context.
- // Prefer to use WithContext or WithContextValue to do this safely.
- static Context swapCurrent(Context Replacement);
- struct Data;
- Context(std::shared_ptr<const Data> DataPtr);
- /// Same as Context::empty(), please use Context::empty() instead.
- Context() = default;
- /// Copy operations for this class are deleted, use an explicit clone() method
- /// when you need a copy of the context instead.
- Context(Context const &) = delete;
- Context &operator=(const Context &) = delete;
- Context(Context &&) = default;
- Context &operator=(Context &&) = default;
- /// Get data stored for a typed \p Key. If values are not found
- /// \returns Pointer to the data associated with \p Key. If no data is
- /// specified for \p Key, return null.
- template <class Type> const Type *get(const Key<Type> &Key) const {
- for (const Data *DataPtr = this->dataPtr.get(); DataPtr != nullptr;
- DataPtr = DataPtr->parent.get()) {
- if (DataPtr->KeyPtr == &Key)
- return static_cast<const Type *>(DataPtr->value->getValuePtr());
- }
- return nullptr;
- }
- /// A helper to get a reference to a \p Key that must exist in the map.
- /// Must not be called for keys that are not in the map.
- template <class Type> const Type &getExisting(const Key<Type> &Key) const {
- auto Val = get(Key);
- assert(Val && "Key does not exist");
- return *Val;
- }
- /// Derives a child context
- /// It is safe to move or destroy a parent context after calling derive().
- /// The child will keep its parent alive, and its data remains accessible.
- template <class Type>
- Context derive(const Key<Type> &Key,
- typename std::decay<Type>::type Value) const & {
- return Context(std::make_shared<Data>(
- Data{/*parent=*/dataPtr, &Key,
- std::make_unique<TypedAnyStorage<typename std::decay<Type>::type>>(
- std::move(Value))}));
- }
- template <class Type>
- Context
- derive(const Key<Type> &Key,
- typename std::decay<Type>::type Value) && /* takes ownership */ {
- return Context(std::make_shared<Data>(
- Data{/*parent=*/std::move(dataPtr), &Key,
- std::make_unique<TypedAnyStorage<typename std::decay<Type>::type>>(
- std::move(Value))}));
- }
- /// Derives a child context, using an anonymous key.
- /// Intended for objects stored only for their destructor's side-effect.
- template <class Type> Context derive(Type &&Value) const & {
- static Key<typename std::decay<Type>::type> Private;
- return derive(Private, std::forward<Type>(Value));
- }
- template <class Type> Context derive(Type &&Value) && {
- static Key<typename std::decay<Type>::type> Private;
- return std::move(*this).derive(Private, std::forward<Type>(Value));
- }
- /// Clone this context object.
- Context clone() const;
- class AnyStorage {
- public:
- virtual ~AnyStorage() = default;
- virtual void *getValuePtr() = 0;
- };
- template <class T> class TypedAnyStorage : public Context::AnyStorage {
- static_assert(std::is_same<typename std::decay<T>::type, T>::value,
- "Argument to TypedAnyStorage must be decayed");
- public:
- TypedAnyStorage(T &&Value) : value(std::move(Value)) {}
- void *getValuePtr() override { return &value; }
- private:
- T value;
- };
- struct Data {
- // We need to make sure parent outlives the value, so the order of members
- // is important. We do that to allow classes stored in Context's child
- // layers to store references to the data in the parent layers.
- std::shared_ptr<const Data> parent;
- const void *KeyPtr;
- std::unique_ptr<AnyStorage> value;
- };
- std::shared_ptr<const Data> dataPtr;
-/// WithContext replaces Context::current() with a provided scope.
-/// When the WithContext is destroyed, the original scope is restored.
-/// For extending the current context with new value, prefer WithContextValue.
-class WithContext {
- WithContext(Context C) : restore(Context::swapCurrent(std::move(C))) {}
- ~WithContext() { Context::swapCurrent(std::move(restore)); }
- WithContext(const WithContext &) = delete;
- WithContext &operator=(const WithContext &) = delete;
- WithContext(WithContext &&) = delete;
- WithContext &operator=(WithContext &&) = delete;
- Context restore;
-/// WithContextValue extends Context::current() with a single value.
-/// When the WithContextValue is destroyed, the original scope is restored.
-class WithContextValue {
- template <typename T>
- WithContextValue(const Key<T> &K, typename std::decay<T>::type V)
- : restore(Context::current().derive(K, std::move(V))) {}
- // Anonymous values can be used for the destructor side-effect.
- template <typename T>
- WithContextValue(T &&V)
- : restore(Context::current().derive(std::forward<T>(V))) {}
- WithContext restore;
-} // namespace lsp