path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/xetexdir/xetex.web
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/web2c/xetexdir/xetex.web')
1 files changed, 392 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/xetexdir/xetex.web b/Build/source/texk/web2c/xetexdir/xetex.web
index f83ede40cc0..24bf496e34a 100644
--- a/Build/source/texk/web2c/xetexdir/xetex.web
+++ b/Build/source/texk/web2c/xetexdir/xetex.web
@@ -12337,7 +12337,11 @@ precise details about why it rejects a particular \.{TFM} file.
@.TFtoPL@> @.PLtoTF@>
@d start_font_error_message==print_err("Font "); sprint_cs(u);
- print_char("="); print_file_name(nom,aire,"");
+ print_char("=");
+ if file_name_quote_char=")" then print_char("(")
+ else if file_name_quote_char<>0 then print_char(file_name_quote_char);
+ print_file_name(nom,aire,cur_ext);
+ if file_name_quote_char<>0 then print_char(file_name_quote_char);
if s>=0 then
begin print(" at "); print_scaled(s); print("pt");
@@ -12371,7 +12375,6 @@ error
@ @<Open |tfm_file| for input...@>=
if aire="" then pack_file_name(nom,TEX_font_area,".tfm")
else pack_file_name(nom,aire,".tfm");
@@ -12695,7 +12698,8 @@ character node is not created; thus the output routine can assume
that characters exist when it sees them. The following procedure
prints a warning message unless the user has suppressed it.
-@p procedure char_warning(@!f:internal_font_number;@!c:eight_bits);
+@<Declare subroutines for |new_character|@>=
+procedure char_warning(@!f:internal_font_number;@!c:integer);
var old_setting: integer; {saved value of |tracing_online|}
begin if tracing_lost_chars>0 then
begin old_setting:=tracing_online;
@@ -12715,6 +12719,10 @@ begin if tracing_lost_chars>0 then
+@ We need a few subroutines for |new_character|.
+@p @t\4@>@<Declare subroutines for |new_character|@>@;
@ Here is a function that returns a pointer to a character node for a
given character in a given font. If that character doesn't exist,
|null| is returned instead.
@@ -13799,8 +13807,8 @@ if total_pages=0 then
print_char(":"); print_two(time div 60);
print_two(time mod 60);
selector:=old_setting; dvi_out(cur_length);
- for s:=str_start[str_ptr] to pool_ptr-1 do dvi_out(so(str_pool[s]));
- pool_ptr:=str_start[str_ptr]; {flush the current string}
+ for s:=str_start_macro(str_ptr) to pool_ptr-1 do dvi_out(so(str_pool[s]));
+ pool_ptr:=str_start_macro(str_ptr); {flush the current string}
@ When |hlist_out| is called, its duty is to output the box represented
@@ -15715,6 +15723,381 @@ define_mathex_accessor(big_op_spacing3)(11)(big_op_spacing3);
+@ Native font support requires these additional subroutines.
+@<Declare subroutines for |new_character|@>=
+function new_native_word_node(@!f:internal_font_number;@!n:integer):pointer;
+ { note that this function creates the node, but does not actually set its metrics;
+ call |set_native_metrics(node)| if that is required! }
+ l: integer;
+ q: pointer;
+ l := native_node_size + (n * sizeof(UTF16_code) + sizeof(memory_word) - 1) div sizeof(memory_word);
+ q := get_node(l);
+ type(q) := whatsit_node;
+ subtype(q) := native_word_node;
+ native_size(q) := l;
+ native_font(q) := f;
+ native_length(q) := n;
+ native_glyph_count(q) := 0;
+ native_glyph_info_ptr(q) := null_ptr;
+ new_native_word_node := q;
+function new_native_character(@!f:internal_font_number;@!c:UnicodeScalar):pointer;
+ p: pointer;
+ i, len: integer;
+ if font_mapping[f] <> 0 then begin
+ if c > @"FFFF then begin
+ str_room(2);
+ append_char((c - @"10000) div 1024 + @"D800);
+ append_char((c - @"10000) mod 1024 + @"DC00);
+ end
+ else begin
+ str_room(1);
+ append_char(c);
+ end;
+ len := apply_mapping(font_mapping[f], addressof(str_pool[str_start_macro(str_ptr)]), cur_length);
+ pool_ptr := str_start_macro(str_ptr); { flush the string, as we'll be using the mapped text instead }
+ i := 0;
+ while i < len do begin
+ if (mapped_text[i] >= @"D800) and (mapped_text[i] < @"DC00) then begin
+ c := (mapped_text[i] - @"D800) * 1024 + mapped_text[i+1] - @"DC00 + @"10000;
+ if map_char_to_glyph(f, c) = 0 then begin
+ char_warning(f, c);
+ end;
+ i := i + 2;
+ end
+ else begin
+ if map_char_to_glyph(f, mapped_text[i]) = 0 then begin
+ char_warning(f, mapped_text[i]);
+ end;
+ i := i + 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ p := new_native_word_node(f, len);
+ for i := 0 to len-1 do begin
+ set_native_char(p, i, mapped_text[i]);
+ end
+ end
+ else begin
+ if tracing_lost_chars > 0 then
+ if map_char_to_glyph(f, c) = 0 then begin
+ char_warning(f, c);
+ end;
+ p := get_node(native_node_size + 1);
+ type(p) := whatsit_node;
+ subtype(p) := native_word_node;
+ native_size(p) := native_node_size + 1;
+ native_glyph_count(p) := 0;
+ native_glyph_info_ptr(p) := null_ptr;
+ native_font(p) := f;
+ if c > @"FFFF then begin
+ native_length(p) := 2;
+ set_native_char(p, 0, (c - @"10000) div 1024 + @"D800);
+ set_native_char(p, 1, (c - @"10000) mod 1024 + @"DC00);
+ end
+ else begin
+ native_length(p) := 1;
+ set_native_char(p, 0, c);
+ end;
+ end;
+ set_native_metrics(p, XeTeX_use_glyph_metrics);
+ new_native_character := p;
+procedure font_feature_warning(featureNameP:void_pointer; featLen:integer;
+ settingNameP:void_pointer; setLen:integer);
+ i: integer;
+ begin_diagnostic;
+ print_nl("Unknown ");
+ if setLen > 0 then begin
+ print("selector `");
+ print_utf8_str(settingNameP, setLen);
+ print("' for ");
+ end;
+ print("feature `");
+ print_utf8_str(featureNameP, featLen);
+ print("' in font `");
+ i := 1;
+ while ord(name_of_file[i]) <> 0 do begin
+ print_visible_char(name_of_file[i]); { this is already UTF-8 }
+ incr(i);
+ end;
+ print("'.");
+ end_diagnostic(false);
+procedure font_mapping_warning(mappingNameP:void_pointer;
+ mappingNameLen:integer;
+ warningType:integer); { 0: just logging; 1: file not found; 2: can't load }
+ i: integer;
+ begin_diagnostic;
+ if warningType=0 then print_nl("Loaded mapping `")
+ else print_nl("Font mapping `");
+ print_utf8_str(mappingNameP, mappingNameLen);
+ print("' for font `");
+ i := 1;
+ while ord(name_of_file[i]) <> 0 do begin
+ print_visible_char(name_of_file[i]); { this is already UTF-8 }
+ incr(i);
+ end;
+ case warningType of
+ 1: print("' not found.");
+ 2: begin print("' not usable;");
+ print_nl("bad mapping file or incorrect mapping type.");
+ end;
+ othercases print("'.")
+ endcases;
+ end_diagnostic(false);
+procedure graphite_warning;
+ i: integer;
+ begin_diagnostic;
+ print_nl("Font `");
+ i := 1;
+ while ord(name_of_file[i]) <> 0 do begin
+ print_visible_char(name_of_file[i]); { this is already UTF-8 }
+ incr(i);
+ end;
+ print("' does not support Graphite. Trying ICU layout instead.");
+ end_diagnostic(false);
+function load_native_font(u: pointer; nom, aire:str_number; s: scaled): internal_font_number;
+ done;
+ first_math_fontdimen = 10;
+ k, num_font_dimens: integer;
+ font_engine: void_pointer; {really an ATSUStyle or XeTeXLayoutEngine}
+ actual_size: scaled; {|s| converted to real size, if it was negative}
+ p: pointer; {for temporary |native_char| node we'll create}
+ ascent, descent, font_slant, x_ht, cap_ht: scaled;
+ f: internal_font_number;
+ full_name: str_number;
+ { on entry here, the full name is packed into |name_of_file| in UTF8 form }
+ load_native_font := null_font;
+ font_engine := find_native_font(name_of_file + 1, s);
+ if font_engine = 0 then goto done;
+ if s>=0 then
+ actual_size := s
+ else begin
+ if (s <> -1000) then
+ actual_size := xn_over_d(loaded_font_design_size,-s,1000)
+ else
+ actual_size := loaded_font_design_size;
+ end;
+ { look again to see if the font is already loaded, now that we know its canonical name }
+ str_room(name_length);
+ for k := 1 to name_length do
+ append_char(name_of_file[k]);
+ full_name := make_string; { not |slow_make_string| because we'll flush it if the font was already loaded }
+ for f:=font_base+1 to font_ptr do
+ if (font_area[f] = native_font_type_flag) and str_eq_str(font_name[f], full_name) and (font_size[f] = actual_size) then begin
+ release_font_engine(font_engine, native_font_type_flag);
+ flush_string;
+ load_native_font := f;
+ goto done;
+ end;
+ if (native_font_type_flag = otgr_font_flag) and isOpenTypeMathFont(font_engine) then
+ num_font_dimens := first_math_fontdimen + lastMathConstant
+ else
+ num_font_dimens := 8;
+ if (font_ptr = font_max) or (fmem_ptr + num_font_dimens > font_mem_size) then begin
+ @<Apologize for not loading the font, |goto done|@>;
+ end;
+ { we've found a valid installed font, and have room }
+ incr(font_ptr);
+ font_area[font_ptr] := native_font_type_flag; { set by |find_native_font| to either |aat_font_flag| or |ot_font_flag| }
+ { store the canonical name }
+ font_name[font_ptr] := full_name;
+ font_check[font_ptr].b0 := 0;
+ font_check[font_ptr].b1 := 0;
+ font_check[font_ptr].b2 := 0;
+ font_check[font_ptr].b3 := 0;
+ font_glue[font_ptr] := null;
+ font_dsize[font_ptr] := loaded_font_design_size;
+ font_size[font_ptr] := actual_size;
+ if (native_font_type_flag = aat_font_flag) then begin
+ atsu_get_font_metrics(font_engine, addressof(ascent), addressof(descent),
+ addressof(x_ht), addressof(cap_ht), addressof(font_slant))
+ end else begin
+ ot_get_font_metrics(font_engine, addressof(ascent), addressof(descent),
+ addressof(x_ht), addressof(cap_ht), addressof(font_slant));
+ end;
+ height_base[font_ptr] := ascent;
+ depth_base[font_ptr] := -descent;
+ font_params[font_ptr] := num_font_dimens; { we add an extra fontdimen: \#8 -> |cap_height|;
+ then OT math fonts have a bunch more }
+ font_bc[font_ptr] := 0;
+ font_ec[font_ptr] := 65535;
+ font_used[font_ptr] := false;
+ hyphen_char[font_ptr] := default_hyphen_char;
+ skew_char[font_ptr] := default_skew_char;
+ param_base[font_ptr] := fmem_ptr-1;
+ font_layout_engine[font_ptr] := font_engine;
+ font_mapping[font_ptr] := 0; { don't use the mapping, if any, when measuring space here }
+ font_letter_space[font_ptr] := loaded_font_letter_space;
+ {measure the width of the space character and set up font parameters}
+ p := new_native_character(font_ptr, " ");
+ s := width(p) + loaded_font_letter_space;
+ free_node(p, native_size(p));
+ font_info[fmem_ptr].sc := font_slant; {|slant|}
+ incr(fmem_ptr);
+ font_info[fmem_ptr].sc := s; {|space| = width of space character}
+ incr(fmem_ptr);
+ font_info[fmem_ptr].sc := s div 2; {|space_stretch| = 1/2 * space}
+ incr(fmem_ptr);
+ font_info[fmem_ptr].sc := s div 3; {|space_shrink| = 1/3 * space}
+ incr(fmem_ptr);
+ font_info[fmem_ptr].sc := x_ht; {|x_height|}
+ incr(fmem_ptr);
+ font_info[fmem_ptr].sc := font_size[font_ptr]; {|quad| = font size}
+ incr(fmem_ptr);
+ font_info[fmem_ptr].sc := s div 3; {|extra_space| = 1/3 * space}
+ incr(fmem_ptr);
+ font_info[fmem_ptr].sc := cap_ht; {|cap_height|}
+ incr(fmem_ptr);
+ if num_font_dimens = first_math_fontdimen + lastMathConstant then begin
+ font_info[fmem_ptr].int := num_font_dimens; { \fontdimen9 = number of assigned fontdimens }
+ incr(fmem_ptr);
+ for k := 0 to lastMathConstant do begin
+ font_info[fmem_ptr].sc := get_ot_math_constant(font_ptr, k);
+ incr(fmem_ptr);
+ end;
+ end;
+ font_mapping[font_ptr] := loaded_font_mapping;
+ font_flags[font_ptr] := loaded_font_flags;
+ load_native_font := font_ptr;
+procedure do_locale_linebreaks(s: integer; len: integer);
+ offs, prevOffs, i: integer;
+ use_penalty, use_skip: boolean;
+ if (XeTeX_linebreak_locale = 0) or (len = 1) then begin
+ link(tail) := new_native_word_node(main_f, len);
+ tail := link(tail);
+ for i := 0 to len - 1 do
+ set_native_char(tail, i, native_text[s + i]);
+ set_native_metrics(tail, XeTeX_use_glyph_metrics);
+ end else begin
+ use_skip := XeTeX_linebreak_skip <> zero_glue;
+ use_penalty := XeTeX_linebreak_penalty <> 0 or not use_skip;
+ if (is_gr_font(main_f)) and (str_eq_str(XeTeX_linebreak_locale, "G")) then begin
+ initGraphiteBreaking(font_layout_engine[main_f], native_text + s, len);
+ offs := 0;
+ repeat
+ prevOffs := offs;
+ offs := findNextGraphiteBreak(offs, 15); {klbWordBreak = 15}
+ if offs > 0 then begin
+ if prevOffs <> 0 then begin
+ if use_penalty then
+ tail_append(new_penalty(XeTeX_linebreak_penalty));
+ if use_skip then
+ tail_append(new_param_glue(XeTeX_linebreak_skip_code));
+ end;
+ link(tail) := new_native_word_node(main_f, offs - prevOffs);
+ tail := link(tail);
+ for i := prevOffs to offs - 1 do
+ set_native_char(tail, i - prevOffs, native_text[s + i]);
+ set_native_metrics(tail, XeTeX_use_glyph_metrics);
+ end;
+ until offs < 0;
+ end
+ else begin
+ linebreak_start(XeTeX_linebreak_locale, native_text + s, len);
+ offs := 0;
+ repeat
+ prevOffs := offs;
+ offs := linebreak_next;
+ if offs > 0 then begin
+ if prevOffs <> 0 then begin
+ if use_penalty then
+ tail_append(new_penalty(XeTeX_linebreak_penalty));
+ if use_skip then
+ tail_append(new_param_glue(XeTeX_linebreak_skip_code));
+ end;
+ link(tail) := new_native_word_node(main_f, offs - prevOffs);
+ tail := link(tail);
+ for i := prevOffs to offs - 1 do
+ set_native_char(tail, i - prevOffs, native_text[s + i]);
+ set_native_metrics(tail, XeTeX_use_glyph_metrics);
+ end;
+ until offs < 0;
+ end
+ end
+procedure bad_utf8_warning;
+ begin_diagnostic;
+ print_nl("Invalid UTF-8 byte or sequence");
+ if terminal_input then print(" in terminal input")
+ else begin
+ print(" at line ");
+ print_int(line);
+ end;
+ print(" replaced by U+FFFD.");
+ end_diagnostic(false);
+function get_input_normalization_state: integer;
+ if eqtb=nil then get_input_normalization_state:=0 { may be called before eqtb is initialized }
+ else get_input_normalization_state:=XeTeX_input_normalization_state;
+function get_tracing_fonts_state: integer;
+ get_tracing_fonts_state:=XeTeX_tracing_fonts_state;
@ We also need to compute the change in style between mlists and their
subsidiaries. The following macros define the subsidiary style for
an overlined nucleus (|cramped_style|), for a subscript or a superscript
@@ -20954,7 +21337,7 @@ not_found: decr(hn)
k:=hyph_word[h]; if k=0 then goto not_found;
if length(k)<hn then goto not_found;
if length(k)=hn then
- begin j:=1; u:=str_start[k];
+ begin j:=1; u:=str_start_macro(k);
repeat if so(str_pool[u])<hc[j] then goto not_found;
if so(str_pool[u])>hc[j] then goto done;
incr(j); incr(u);
@@ -21087,11 +21470,11 @@ hyph_word[h]:=s; hyph_list[h]:=p
if length(k)<length(s) then goto found;
if length(k)>length(s) then goto not_found;
-u:=str_start[k]; v:=str_start[s];
+u:=str_start_macro(k); v:=str_start_macro(s);
repeat if str_pool[u]<str_pool[v] then goto found;
if str_pool[u]>str_pool[v] then goto not_found;
incr(u); incr(v);
-until u=str_start[k+1];
+until u=str_start_macro(k+1);
found:q:=hyph_list[h]; hyph_list[h]:=p; p:=q;@/
t:=hyph_word[h]; hyph_word[h]:=s; s:=t;
@@ -21141,7 +21524,7 @@ is |trie_op_ptr|.
{trie op codes for quadruples}
@!trie_used:array[ASCII_code] of quarterword;
{largest opcode used so far for this language}
-@!trie_op_lang:array[1..trie_op_size] of ASCII_code;
+@!trie_op_lang:array[1..trie_op_size] of 0..biggest_lang;
{language part of a hashed quadruple}
@!trie_op_val:array[1..trie_op_size] of quarterword;
{opcode corresponding to a hashed quadruple}