path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/web2c/')
1 files changed, 974 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/ b/Build/source/texk/web2c/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..42463cc342a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/texk/web2c/
@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
+ Part of the XeTeX typesetting system
+ copyright (c) 1994-2008 by SIL International
+ copyright (c) 2009, 2011 by Jonathan Kew
+ Written by Jonathan Kew
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+Except as contained in this notice, the name of the copyright holders
+shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale,
+use or other dealings in this Software without prior written
+authorization from the copyright holders.
+% When updating code here, also increment version number/string in
+% \vadjust
+@x l.3142
+@d adjust_node=5 {|type| of an adjust node}
+@d adjust_node=5 {|type| of an adjust node}
+@d adjust_pre == subtype {<>0 => pre-adjustment}
+@#{|append_list| is used to append a list to |tail|}
+@d append_list(#) == begin link(tail) := link(#); append_list_end
+@d append_list_end(#) == tail := #; end
+% \vadjust
+@x l.3581
+@d backup_head==mem_top-13 {head of token list built by |scan_keyword|}
+@d hi_mem_stat_min==mem_top-13 {smallest statically allocated word in
+ the one-word |mem|}
+@d hi_mem_stat_usage=14 {the number of one-word nodes always present}
+@d backup_head==mem_top-13 {head of token list built by |scan_keyword|}
+@d pre_adjust_head==mem_top-14 {head of pre-adjustment list returned by |hpack|}
+@d hi_mem_stat_min==mem_top-14 {smallest statically allocated word in
+ the one-word |mem|}
+@d hi_mem_stat_usage=15 {the number of one-word nodes always present}
+% \vadjust
+@x l.4145
+begin print_esc("vadjust"); node_list_display(adjust_ptr(p)); {recursive call}
+begin print_esc("vadjust"); if adjust_pre(p) <> 0 then print(" pre ");
+node_list_display(adjust_ptr(p)); {recursive call}
+% \primitive
+@x l.4868
+@d frozen_null_font=frozen_control_sequence+11
+ {permanent `\.{\\nullfont}'}
+@d frozen_primitive=frozen_control_sequence+11
+ {permanent `\.{\\primitive}'}
+@d frozen_null_font=frozen_control_sequence+12
+ {permanent `\.{\\nullfont}'}
+% \primitive
+% \ifprimitive
+@x l.5942
+@!cs_count:integer; {total number of known identifiers}
+@ @<Set init...@>=
+no_new_control_sequence:=true; {new identifiers are usually forbidden}
+@ @<Initialize table entries...@>=
+hash_used:=frozen_control_sequence; {nothing is used}
+@!cs_count:integer; {total number of known identifiers}
+@ Primitive support needs a few extra variables and definitions
+@d prim_size=480 {maximum number of primitives }
+@d prim_prime=409 {about 85\pct! of |primitive_size|}
+@d prim_base=1
+@d prim_next(#) == prim[#].lh {link for coalesced lists}
+@d prim_text(#) == prim[#].rh {string number for control sequence name}
+@d prim_is_full == (prim_used=prim_base) {test if all positions are occupied}
+@d prim_eq_level_field(#)==#.hh.b1
+@d prim_eq_type_field(#)==#.hh.b0
+@d prim_equiv_field(#)==#.hh.rh
+@d prim_eq_level(#)==prim_eq_level_field(prim_eqtb[#]) {level of definition}
+@d prim_eq_type(#)==prim_eq_type_field(prim_eqtb[#]) {command code for equivalent}
+@d prim_equiv(#)==prim_equiv_field(prim_eqtb[#]) {equivalent value}
+@d undefined_primitive=0
+@!prim: array [0..prim_size] of two_halves; {the primitives table}
+@!prim_used:pointer; {allocation pointer for |prim|}
+@!prim_eqtb:array[0..prim_size] of memory_word;
+@ @<Set init...@>=
+no_new_control_sequence:=true; {new identifiers are usually forbidden}
+prim_next(0):=0; prim_text(0):=0;
+for k:=1 to prim_size do prim[k]:=prim[0];
+prim_eq_level(0) := level_zero;
+prim_eq_type(0) := undefined_cs;
+prim_equiv(0) := null;
+for k:=1 to prim_size do prim_eqtb[k]:=prim_eqtb[0];
+@ @<Initialize table entries...@>=
+prim_used:=prim_size; {nothing is used}
+hash_used:=frozen_control_sequence; {nothing is used}
+% \primitive
+% \ifprimitive
+@x l.6029
+@ Single-character control sequences do not need to be looked up in a hash
+@ Here is the subroutine that searches the primitive table for an identifier
+@p function prim_lookup(@!s:str_number):pointer; {search the primitives table}
+label found; {go here if you found it}
+var h:integer; {hash code}
+@!p:pointer; {index in |hash| array}
+@!k:pointer; {index in string pool}
+if s<256 then begin
+ p := s;
+ if (p<0) or (prim_eq_level(p)<>level_one) then
+ p := undefined_primitive;
+else begin
+ j:=str_start_macro(s);
+ if s = str_ptr then l := cur_length else l := length(s);
+ @<Compute the primitive code |h|@>;
+ p:=h+prim_base; {we start searching here; note that |0<=h<hash_prime|}
+ loop@+begin if prim_text(p)>0 then if length(prim_text(p))=l then
+ if str_eq_str(prim_text(p),s) then goto found;
+ if prim_next(p)=0 then
+ begin if no_new_control_sequence then
+ p:=undefined_primitive
+ else @<Insert a new primitive after |p|, then make
+ |p| point to it@>;
+ goto found;
+ end;
+ p:=prim_next(p);
+ end;
+ end;
+found: prim_lookup:=p;
+@ @<Insert a new primitive...@>=
+begin if prim_text(p)>0 then
+ begin repeat if prim_is_full then overflow("primitive size",prim_size);
+@:TeX capacity exceeded primitive size}{\quad primitive size@>
+ decr(prim_used);
+ until prim_text(prim_used)=0; {search for an empty location in |prim|}
+ prim_next(p):=prim_used; p:=prim_used;
+ end;
+@ The value of |prim_prime| should be roughly 85\pct! of
+|prim_size|, and it should be a prime number.
+@<Compute the primitive code |h|@>=
+for k:=j+1 to j+l-1 do
+ begin h:=h+h+str_pool[k];
+ while h>=prim_prime do h:=h-prim_prime;
+ end
+@ Single-character control sequences do not need to be looked up in a hash
+% \primitive
+@p @!init procedure primitive(@!s:str_number;@!c:quarterword;@!o:halfword);
+var k:pool_pointer; {index into |str_pool|}
+@!j:0..buf_size; {index into |buffer|}
+@!l:small_number; {length of the string}
+begin if s<256 then cur_val:=s+single_base
+else begin k:=str_start_macro(s); l:=str_start_macro(s+1)-k;
+ {we will move |s| into the (possibly non-empty) |buffer|}
+ if first+l>buf_size+1 then
+ overflow("buffer size",buf_size);
+@:TeX capacity exceeded buffer size}{\quad buffer size@>
+ for j:=0 to l-1 do buffer[first+j]:=so(str_pool[k+j]);
+ cur_val:=id_lookup(first,l); {|no_new_control_sequence| is |false|}
+ flush_string; text(cur_val):=s; {we don't want to have the string twice}
+ end;
+eq_level(cur_val):=level_one; eq_type(cur_val):=c; equiv(cur_val):=o;
+@p @!init procedure primitive(@!s:str_number;@!c:quarterword;@!o:halfword);
+var k:pool_pointer; {index into |str_pool|}
+@!j:0..buf_size; {index into |buffer|}
+@!l:small_number; {length of the string}
+@!prim_val:integer; {needed to fill |prim_eqtb|}
+begin if s<256 then begin
+ cur_val:=s+single_base;
+ prim_val:=s;
+else begin k:=str_start_macro(s); l:=str_start_macro(s+1)-k;
+ {we will move |s| into the (possibly non-empty) |buffer|}
+ if first+l>buf_size+1 then
+ overflow("buffer size",buf_size);
+@:TeX capacity exceeded buffer size}{\quad buffer size@>
+ for j:=0 to l-1 do buffer[first+j]:=so(str_pool[k+j]);
+ cur_val:=id_lookup(first,l); {|no_new_control_sequence| is |false|}
+ flush_string; text(cur_val):=s; {we don't want to have the string twice}
+ prim_val:=prim_lookup(s);
+ end;
+eq_level(cur_val):=level_one; eq_type(cur_val):=c; equiv(cur_val):=o;
+% \primitive
+@x l.6163
+@!@:no_expand_}{\.{\\noexpand} primitive@>
+@!@:no_expand_}{\.{\\noexpand} primitive@>
+@!@:primitive_}{\.{\\primitive} primitive@>
+% \primitive
+@x l.6224
+ignore_spaces: print_esc("ignorespaces");
+ignore_spaces: if chr_code=0 then print_esc("ignorespaces") else print_esc("primitive");
+% \primitive
+@x l.6239
+no_expand: print_esc("noexpand");
+no_expand: if chr_code=0 then print_esc("noexpand")
+ else print_esc("primitive");
+% \ifincsname
+var t:halfword; {token that is being ``expanded after''}
+var t:halfword; {token that is being ``expanded after''}
+@!b:boolean; {keep track of nested csnames}
+% \ifincsname
+@x l.8348
+@ @<Expand a nonmacro@>=
+@ @<Glob...@>=
+@!is_in_csname: boolean;
+@ @<Set init...@>=
+is_in_csname := false;
+@ @<Expand a nonmacro@>=
+% \primitive
+@x l.8354
+no_expand:@<Suppress expansion of the next token@>;
+no_expand: if cur_chr=0 then @<Suppress expansion of the next token@>
+ else @<Implement \.{\\primitive}@>;
+% \primitive
+@x l.8391
+@ @<Complain about an undefined macro@>=
+@ The \.{\\primitive} handling. If the primitive meaning of the next
+token is an expandable command, it suffices to replace the current
+token with the primitive one and restart |expand|/
+Otherwise, the token we just read has to be pushed back, as well
+as a token matching the internal form of \.{\\primitive}, that is
+sneaked in as an alternate form of |ignore_spaces|.
+@!@:primitive_}{\.{\\primitive} primitive (internalized)@>
+Simply pushing back a token that matches the correct internal command
+does not work, because approach would not survive roundtripping to a
+temporary file.
+@<Implement \.{\\primitive}@>=
+begin save_scanner_status := scanner_status; scanner_status:=normal;
+get_token; scanner_status:=save_scanner_status;
+if cur_cs < hash_base then
+ cur_cs := prim_lookup(cur_cs-257)
+ cur_cs := prim_lookup(text(cur_cs));
+if cur_cs<>undefined_primitive then begin
+ t := prim_eq_type(cur_cs);
+ if t>max_command then begin
+ cur_cmd := t;
+ cur_chr := prim_equiv(cur_cs);
+ cur_tok := (cur_cmd*max_char_val)+cur_chr;
+ cur_cs := 0;
+ goto reswitch;
+ end
+ else begin
+ back_input; { now |loc| and |start| point to a one-item list }
+ p:=get_avail; info(p):=cs_token_flag+frozen_primitive;
+ link(p):=loc; loc:=p; start:=p;
+ end;
+ end;
+@ @<Complain about an undefined macro@>=
+% \ifincsname
+begin r:=get_avail; p:=r; {head of the list of characters}
+begin r:=get_avail; p:=r; {head of the list of characters}
+b := is_in_csname; is_in_csname := true;
+% \ifincsname
+if cur_cmd<>end_cs_name then @<Complain about missing \.{\\endcsname}@>;
+if cur_cmd<>end_cs_name then @<Complain about missing \.{\\endcsname}@>;
+is_in_csname := b;
+% \strcmp
+% \shellescape
+@x l.29172
+@d pdf_last_x_pos_code = XeTeX_int+27
+@d pdf_last_y_pos_code = XeTeX_int+28
+@d XeTeX_pdf_page_count_code = XeTeX_int+29
+@d XeTeX_dim=XeTeX_int+30 {first of \XeTeX\ codes for dimensions}
+@d pdf_last_x_pos_code = XeTeX_int+27
+@d pdf_last_y_pos_code = XeTeX_int+28
+@d pdf_strcmp_code = XeTeX_int+29
+@d pdf_shell_escape_code = XeTeX_int+30
+@d XeTeX_pdf_page_count_code = XeTeX_int+31
+@d XeTeX_dim=XeTeX_int+32 {first of \XeTeX\ codes for dimensions}
+% \shellescape
+@x l.9244
+ input_line_no_code: print_esc("inputlineno");
+ input_line_no_code: print_esc("inputlineno");
+ pdf_shell_escape_code: print_esc("shellescape");
+@x l.9322
+ badness_code: cur_val:=last_badness;
+ badness_code: cur_val:=last_badness;
+ pdf_shell_escape_code:
+ begin
+ if shellenabledp then begin
+ if restrictedshell then cur_val := 2
+ else cur_val := 1;
+ end
+ else cur_val := 0;
+ end;
+% \strcmp
+@x l.10165
+ font_name_code: print_esc("fontname");
+ font_name_code: print_esc("fontname");
+ pdf_strcmp_code: print_esc("strcmp");
+% \strcmp
+@x l.10174
+@p procedure conv_toks;
+var old_setting:0..max_selector; {holds |selector| setting}
+The extra temp string |u| is needed because |pdf_scan_ext_toks| incorporates
+any pending string in its output. In order to save such a pending string,
+we have to create a temporary string that is destroyed immediately after.
+@d save_cur_string==if str_start_macro(str_ptr)<pool_ptr then u:=make_string else u:=0
+@d restore_cur_string==if u<>0 then decr(str_ptr)
+@p procedure conv_toks;
+var old_setting:0..max_selector; {holds |selector| setting}
+@!save_warning_index, @!save_def_ref:pointer;
+@!u: str_number;
+% \ifprimitive
+@x l.10483
+@d if_case_code=16 { `\.{\\ifcase}' }
+@d if_case_code=16 { `\.{\\ifcase}' }
+@d if_primitive_code=21 { `\.{\\ifprimitive}' }
+% \ifprimitive
+@x l.10519
+@!@:if_case_}{\.{\\ifcase} primitive@>
+@!@:if_case_}{\.{\\ifcase} primitive@>
+@!@:if_primitive_}{\.{\\ifprimitive} primitive@>
+% \ifprimitive
+@x l.10539
+ if_case_code:print_esc("ifcase");
+ if_case_code:print_esc("ifcase");
+ if_primitive_code:print_esc("ifprimitive");
+% \ifincsname
+var b:boolean; {is the condition true?}
+var b:boolean; {is the condition true?}
+@!e:boolean; {keep track of nested csnames}
+% \ifprimitive
+@x l.10723
+if_case_code: @<Select the appropriate case
+ and |return| or |goto common_ending|@>;
+if_case_code: @<Select the appropriate case
+ and |return| or |goto common_ending|@>;
+if_primitive_code: begin
+ save_scanner_status:=scanner_status;
+ scanner_status:=normal;
+ get_next;
+ scanner_status:=save_scanner_status;
+ if cur_cs < hash_base then
+ m := prim_lookup(cur_cs-257)
+ else
+ m := prim_lookup(text(cur_cs));
+ b :=((cur_cmd<>undefined_cs) and
+ (m<>undefined_primitive) and
+ (cur_cmd=prim_eq_type(m)) and
+ (cur_chr=prim_equiv(m)));
+ end;
+% \vadjust
+@x l.14527
+if adjust_tail<>null then link(adjust_tail):=null;
+if adjust_tail<>null then link(adjust_tail):=null;
+if pre_adjust_tail<>null then link(pre_adjust_tail):=null;
+% \vadjust
+ ins_node,mark_node,adjust_node: if adjust_tail<>null then
+ ins_node,mark_node,adjust_node: if (adjust_tail<>null) or (pre_adjust_tail<> null) then
+% \vadjust
+@x l.14607
+@<Transfer node |p| to the adjustment list@>=
+begin while link(q)<>p do q:=link(q);
+if type(p)=adjust_node then
+ begin link(adjust_tail):=adjust_ptr(p);
+ while link(adjust_tail)<>null do adjust_tail:=link(adjust_tail);
+ p:=link(p); free_node(link(q),small_node_size);
+ end
+else begin link(adjust_tail):=p; adjust_tail:=p; p:=link(p);
+ end;
+link(q):=p; p:=q;
+@!pre_adjust_tail: pointer;
+@ @<Set init...@>=
+pre_adjust_tail := null;
+@ Materials in \.{\\vadjust} used with \.{pre} keyword will be appended to
+|pre_adjust_tail| instead of |adjust_tail|.
+@d update_adjust_list(#) == begin
+ if # = null then
+ confusion("pre vadjust");
+ link(#) := adjust_ptr(p);
+ while link(#) <> null do
+ # := link(#);
+@<Transfer node |p| to the adjustment list@>=
+begin while link(q)<>p do q:=link(q);
+ if type(p) = adjust_node then begin
+ if adjust_pre(p) <> 0 then
+ update_adjust_list(pre_adjust_tail)
+ else
+ update_adjust_list(adjust_tail);
+ p := link(p); free_node(link(q), small_node_size);
+ end
+else begin link(adjust_tail):=p; adjust_tail:=p; p:=link(p);
+ end;
+link(q):=p; p:=q;
+% \vadjust
+@x l.17583
+@d align_stack_node_size=5 {number of |mem| words to save alignment states}
+@d align_stack_node_size=6 {number of |mem| words to save alignment states}
+% \vadjust
+@x l.17590
+@!cur_head,@!cur_tail:pointer; {adjustment list pointers}
+@!cur_head,@!cur_tail:pointer; {adjustment list pointers}
+@!cur_pre_head,@!cur_pre_tail:pointer; {pre-adjustment list pointers}
+% \vadjust
+@x l.17596
+cur_head:=null; cur_tail:=null;
+cur_head:=null; cur_tail:=null;
+cur_pre_head:=null; cur_pre_tail:=null;
+% \vadjust
+@x l.17607
+info(p+4):=cur_head; link(p+4):=cur_tail;
+info(p+4):=cur_head; link(p+4):=cur_tail;
+info(p+5):=cur_pre_head; link(p+5):=cur_pre_tail;
+% \vadjust
+@x l.17616
+begin free_avail(cur_head);
+cur_tail:=link(p+4); cur_head:=info(p+4);
+begin free_avail(cur_head);
+cur_tail:=link(p+4); cur_head:=info(p+4);
+cur_pre_tail:=link(p+5); cur_pre_head:=info(p+5);
+% \vadjust
+cur_align:=link(preamble); cur_tail:=cur_head; init_span(cur_align);
+cur_align:=link(preamble); cur_tail:=cur_head; cur_pre_tail:=cur_pre_head;
+% \vadjust
+@x l.17690
+ begin adjust_tail:=cur_tail; u:=hpack(link(head),natural); w:=width(u);
+ cur_tail:=adjust_tail; adjust_tail:=null;
+ end
+ begin adjust_tail:=cur_tail; pre_adjust_tail:=cur_pre_tail;
+ u:=hpack(link(head),natural); w:=width(u);
+ cur_tail:=adjust_tail; adjust_tail:=null;
+ cur_pre_tail:=pre_adjust_tail; pre_adjust_tail:=null;
+ end
+% \vadjust
+ pop_nest; append_to_vlist(p);
+ if cur_head<>cur_tail then
+ begin link(tail):=link(cur_head); tail:=cur_tail;
+ end;
+ end
+ pop_nest;
+ if cur_pre_head <> cur_pre_tail then
+ append_list(cur_pre_head)(cur_pre_tail);
+ append_to_vlist(p);
+ if cur_head <> cur_tail then
+ append_list(cur_head)(cur_tail);
+ end
+% \vadjust
+@x l.19508
+if adjust_head<>adjust_tail then
+ begin link(tail):=link(adjust_head); tail:=adjust_tail;
+ end;
+if pre_adjust_head <> pre_adjust_tail then
+ append_list(pre_adjust_head)(pre_adjust_tail);
+pre_adjust_tail := null;
+if adjust_head <> adjust_tail then
+ append_list(adjust_head)(adjust_tail);
+% \vadjust
+@x 19529
+adjust_tail:=adjust_head; just_box:=hpack(q,cur_width,exactly);
+pre_adjust_tail := pre_adjust_head;
+% \primitive
+any_mode(ignore_spaces): begin @<Get the next non-blank non-call...@>;
+ goto reswitch;
+ end;
+any_mode(ignore_spaces): begin
+ if cur_chr = 0 then begin
+ @<Get the next non-blank non-call...@>;
+ goto reswitch;
+ end
+ else begin
+ t:=scanner_status;
+ scanner_status:=normal;
+ get_next;
+ scanner_status:=t;
+ if cur_cs < hash_base then
+ cur_cs := prim_lookup(cur_cs-257)
+ else
+ cur_cs := prim_lookup(text(cur_cs));
+ if cur_cs<>undefined_primitive then begin
+ cur_cmd := prim_eq_type(cur_cs);
+ cur_chr := prim_equiv(cur_cs);
+ goto reswitch;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+% \vadjust
+@x l.23545
+ begin append_to_vlist(cur_box);
+ if adjust_tail<>null then
+ begin if adjust_head<>adjust_tail then
+ begin link(tail):=link(adjust_head); tail:=adjust_tail;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if pre_adjust_tail <> null then begin
+ if pre_adjust_head <> pre_adjust_tail then
+ append_list(pre_adjust_head)(pre_adjust_tail);
+ pre_adjust_tail := null;
+ end;
+ append_to_vlist(cur_box);
+ if adjust_tail <> null then begin
+ if adjust_head <> adjust_tail then
+ append_list(adjust_head)(adjust_tail);
+% \vadjust
+@x l.23716
+adjusted_hbox_group: begin adjust_tail:=adjust_head; package(0);
+adjusted_hbox_group: begin adjust_tail:=adjust_head;
+ pre_adjust_tail:=pre_adjust_head; package(0);
+% \vadjust
+@x l.23870
+ help1("I'm changing to \insert0; box 255 is special.");
+ error; cur_val:=0;
+ end;
+ end;
+saved(0):=cur_val; incr(save_ptr);
+new_save_level(insert_group); scan_left_brace; normal_paragraph;
+push_nest; mode:=-vmode; prev_depth:=ignore_depth;
+ help1("I'm changing to \insert0; box 255 is special.");
+ error; cur_val:=0;
+ end;
+ end;
+saved(0) := cur_val;
+if (cur_cmd = vadjust) and scan_keyword("pre") then
+ saved(1) := 1
+ saved(1) := 0;
+save_ptr := save_ptr + 2;
+new_save_level(insert_group); scan_left_brace; normal_paragraph;
+push_nest; mode:=-vmode; prev_depth:=ignore_depth;
+% \vadjust
+ d:=split_max_depth; f:=floating_penalty; unsave; decr(save_ptr);
+ d:=split_max_depth; f:=floating_penalty; unsave; save_ptr:=save_ptr-2;
+% \vadjust
+@x l.23892
+ subtype(tail):=0; {the |subtype| is not used}
+ adjust_pre(tail) := saved(1); {the |subtype| is used for |adjust_pre|}
+% \vadjust
+@!t:pointer; {tail of adjustment list}
+@!t:pointer; {tail of adjustment list}
+@!pre_t:pointer; {tail of pre-adjustment list}
+% \vadjust
+@x l.25339
+adjust_tail:=adjust_head; b:=hpack(p,natural); p:=list_ptr(b);
+t:=adjust_tail; adjust_tail:=null;@/
+adjust_tail:=adjust_head; pre_adjust_tail:=pre_adjust_head;
+b:=hpack(p,natural); p:=list_ptr(b);
+t:=adjust_tail; adjust_tail:=null;@/
+pre_t:=pre_adjust_tail; pre_adjust_tail:=null;@/
+% \vadjust
+@x l.25448
+if pre_t<>pre_adjust_head then
+ begin link(tail):=link(pre_adjust_head); tail:=pre_t;
+ end;
+% \primitive
+@<Dump the hash table@>=
+@<Dump the hash table@>=
+for p:=0 to prim_size do dump_hh(prim[p]);
+for p:=0 to prim_size do dump_wd(prim_eqtb[p]);
+% \primitive
+@ @<Undump the hash table@>=
+@ @<Undump the hash table@>=
+for p:=0 to prim_size do undump_hh(prim[p]);
+for p:=0 to prim_size do undump_wd(prim_eqtb[p]);
+% \strcmp
+@x l.28174
+@ Each new type of node that appears in our data structure must be capable
+@ @d call_func(#) == begin if # <> 0 then do_nothing end
+@d flushable(#) == (# = str_ptr - 1)
+@p procedure flush_str(s: str_number); {flush a string if possible}
+ if flushable(s) then
+ flush_string;
+procedure pdf_error(t, p: str_number);
+ normalize_selector;
+ print_err("Error");
+ if t <> 0 then begin
+ print(" (");
+ print(t);
+ print(")");
+ end;
+ print(": "); print(p);
+ succumb;
+function tokens_to_string(p: pointer): str_number; {return a string from tokens
+ if selector = new_string then
+ pdf_error("tokens", "tokens_to_string() called while selector = new_string");
+ old_setting:=selector; selector:=new_string;
+ show_token_list(link(p),null,pool_size-pool_ptr);
+ selector:=old_setting;
+ last_tokens_string := make_string;
+ tokens_to_string := last_tokens_string;
+ tokens_to_string := make_string;
+procedure compare_strings; {to implement \.{\\strcmp}}
+label done;
+var s1, s2: str_number;
+ i1, i2, j1, j2: pool_pointer;
+ call_func(scan_toks(false, true));
+ s1 := tokens_to_string(def_ref);
+ delete_token_ref(def_ref);
+ call_func(scan_toks(false, true));
+ s2 := tokens_to_string(def_ref);
+ delete_token_ref(def_ref);
+ i1 := str_start_macro(s1);
+ j1 := str_start_macro(s1 + 1);
+ i2 := str_start_macro(s2);
+ j2 := str_start_macro(s2 + 1);
+ while (i1 < j1) and (i2 < j2) do begin
+ if str_pool[i1] < str_pool[i2] then begin
+ cur_val := -1;
+ goto done;
+ end;
+ if str_pool[i1] > str_pool[i2] then begin
+ cur_val := 1;
+ goto done;
+ end;
+ incr(i1);
+ incr(i2);
+ end;
+ if (i1 = j1) and (i2 = j2) then
+ cur_val := 0
+ else if i1 < j1 then
+ cur_val := 1
+ else
+ cur_val := -1;
+ flush_str(s2);
+ flush_str(s1);
+ cur_val_level := int_val;
+@ Each new type of node that appears in our data structure must be capable
+% \strcmp
+% \shellescape
+@x l.29232
+% \strcmp
+eTeX_revision_code: do_nothing;
+eTeX_revision_code: do_nothing;
+ begin
+ save_scanner_status := scanner_status;
+ save_warning_index := warning_index;
+ save_def_ref := def_ref;
+ save_cur_string;
+ compare_strings;
+ def_ref := save_def_ref;
+ warning_index := save_warning_index;
+ scanner_status := save_scanner_status;
+ restore_cur_string;
+ end;
+% \strcmp
+eTeX_revision_code: print(eTeX_revision);
+eTeX_revision_code: print(eTeX_revision);
+pdf_strcmp_code: print_int(cur_val);
+% \ifincsname
+@x l.31105
+@d if_font_char_code=19 { `\.{\\iffontchar}' }
+@d if_font_char_code=19 { `\.{\\iffontchar}' }
+@d if_in_csname_code=20 { `\.{\\ifincsname}' }
+% \ifincsname
+@x l.31115
+@!@:if_font_char_}{\.{\\iffontchar} primitive@>
+@!@:if_font_char_}{\.{\\iffontchar} primitive@>
+@!@:if_in_csname_}{\.{\\ifincsname} primitive@>
+% \ifincsname
+@x l.31123
+% \ifincsname
+if_cs_code:begin n:=get_avail; p:=n; {head of the list of characters}
+if_cs_code:begin n:=get_avail; p:=n; {head of the list of characters}
+ e := is_in_csname; is_in_csname := true;
+% \ifincsname
+ b:=(eq_type(cur_cs)<>undefined_cs);
+ b:=(eq_type(cur_cs)<>undefined_cs);
+ is_in_csname := e;
+% \ifincsname
+@x l.31189
+if_font_char_code:begin scan_font_ident; n:=cur_val; scan_usv_num;
+if_in_csname_code: b := is_in_csname;
+if_font_char_code:begin scan_font_ident; n:=cur_val; scan_usv_num;