path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/uptexdir/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/web2c/uptexdir/')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/uptexdir/ b/Build/source/texk/web2c/uptexdir/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8978f5de8d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/texk/web2c/uptexdir/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+@d my_name=='ppltotf'
+@d banner=='This is pPLtoTF, Version 3.6-p2.0'
+@d my_name=='uppltotf'
+@d banner=='This is upPLtoTF, Version 3.6-p2.0-u1.27'
+ usage_help (PPLTOTF_HELP, '');
+ usage_help (UPPLTOTF_HELP, '');
+max_kanji=7237; { maximum number of 2byte characters }
+max_kanji_code=@"7E7E; { maximum jis code }
+max_kanji=1114111; { maximam number of 2byte characters }
+max_kanji_code=@"10FFFF; { maximum ucs code }
+@x function get_next_raw
+if multistrlen(ustringcast(buffer),loc+2,loc)=2 then cur_char:=" "
+if multistrlen(ustringcast(buffer),loc+3,loc)>1 then cur_char:=" "
+@x procedure print_jis_hex
+var dig:array[0..3] of byte; {holds jis hex codes}
+i:byte; {index of array}
+begin dig[0]:=Hi(jis_code) div 16; dig[1]:=Hi(jis_code) mod 16;
+dig[2]:=Lo(jis_code) div 16; dig[3]:=Lo(jis_code) mod 16;
+for i:=0 to 3 do
+var dig:array[0..5] of byte; {holds jis hex codes}
+i:byte; {index of array}
+begin dig[0]:=(jis_code div 65536) div 16; dig[1]:=(jis_code div 65536) mod 16;
+dig[2]:=(jis_code div 4096) mod 16; dig[3]:=(jis_code div 256) mod 16;
+dig[4]:=(jis_code div 16) mod 16; dig[5]:=jis_code mod 16;
+for i:=0 to 1 do
+ if (dig[i]<>0)or(dig[0]<>0) then begin { if dig[0]<>0, dig[1] should be always printed }
+ if dig[i]<10 then print(dig[i]) else
+ case dig[i] of
+ 10: print('A'); 11: print('B'); 12: print('C');
+ 13: print('D'); 14: print('E'); 15: print('F');
+ end;
+ end;
+for i:=2 to 5 do
+@x function valid_jis_code
+var @!first_byte,@!second_byte:integer; { jis code bytes }
+begin valid_jis_code:=true;
+first_byte:=cx div @'400; second_byte:=cx mod @'400;
+if (first_byte<@"21)
+ or((first_byte>@"28)and(first_byte<@"30))
+ or(first_byte>@"74) then valid_jis_code:=false;
+if (second_byte<@"21)or(second_byte>@"7E) then valid_jis_code:=false;
+begin valid_jis_code:=true;
+if (cx>@"10FFFF)or(not is_char_kanji(fromDVI(cx)))
+ or(toDVI(fromDVI(cx))<>cx) then valid_jis_code:=false;
+@x function jis_to_index
+var @!first_byte,@!second_byte:integer; { jis code bytes }
+first_byte:=jis div @'400 -@"21;
+second_byte:=jis mod @'400 -@"21;
+if first_byte<8 then
+ jis_to_index:=first_byte*94+second_byte
+else { next |first_byte| start 16 }
+ jis_to_index:=(first_byte-7)*94+second_byte;
+@x function index_to_jis
+begin if ix<=8*94-1 then
+ index_to_jis:=(ix div 94 +@"21)*@'400+(ix mod 94 +@"21)
+ index_to_jis:=((ix+7*94) div 94 +@"21)*@'400+((ix+7*94) mod 94 +@"21);
+@x function get_kanji
+else if multistrlen(ustringcast(buffer), loc+2, loc)=2 then
+ begin jis_code:=toDVI(fromBUFF(ustringcast(buffer), loc+2, loc));
+ incr(loc); cur_char:=" ";
+else if (ch='U')or(ch='u') then
+ begin repeat ch:=get_next_raw;
+ until ch<>' '; {skip the blanks after the type code}
+ @<Scan a Kanji hexadecimal code@>;
+ jis_code:=toDVI(fromUCS(cx)); cur_char:=ch;
+ if not valid_jis_code(jis_code) then
+ err_print('jis code ', jis_code:1, ' is invalid');
+ end
+else if multistrlen(ustringcast(buffer), loc+4, loc)>1 then
+ begin cur_char:=" ";
+ jis_code:=toDVI(fromBUFF(ustringcast(buffer), loc+4, loc));
+ loc:=loc+multistrlen(ustringcast(buffer), loc+4, loc)-1;