path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/tiedir/
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-% Changes to adapt tie to web2c.
-% Created 2001 by Olaf Weber
-% Updated 2020 by Andreas Scherer
-% This file is in the Public Domain.
-@x l.42
- \centerline{(CWEB Version 2.4)}
- \centerline{(CWEB Version 2.4 [\TeX~Live])}
-@x l.44 -- reformat 'covernote' on table-of-contents page
-\item{$\copyright$}1989, 1992
- by Technische Hochschule Darmstadt,\hfill\break
-Fachbereich Informatik, Institut f\"ur Theoretische Informatik\hfill\break
-All rights reserved.\hfill\break
-This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, express or implied.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
-program provided that the copyright notice and this permission notice
-are preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-program under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
-entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
-Copyright \copyright~1989, 1992
- by Technische Hochschule Darmstadt,\hfill\break
-Fachbereich Informatik, Institut f\"ur Theoretische Informatik
-All rights reserved.
-This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, express or implied.
-Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
-program provided that the copyright notice and this permission notice
-are preserved on all copies.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-program under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
-entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
-permission notice identical to this one.
-Section 1.
-@x l.96
-E.g.\ it will not use the |enum| type declarations.
-@x l.105
-@d banner "This is TIE, CWEB Version 2.4."
-@d banner "This is TIE, CWEB Version 2.4."
- /* will be extended by the \TeX~Live |versionstring| */
-Section 2
-@x l.113 -- improve typography
-@<Global |#include|s@>@;
-@<Global \&{\#include}s@>@;
-Section 3
-@x l.123 -- Already in cpascal.h.
-@d incr(v) v+=1 /* increase a variable by unity */
-@d decr(v) v-=1 /* decrease a variable by unity */
-Section 4
-@x l.130
-@ Furthermore we include the additional types |boolean| and |string|.
-@d false 0
-@d true 1
-@<Global types@>=
-typedef int boolean;
-typedef char* string;
-@ The types |@!boolean| (with values |@!false| and |@!true|) and
-|@!string| come from \.{<kpathsea/simpletypes.h>}.
-@s boolean int
-@s string int
-Section 5
-@x l.144 -- we need more input files.
-#define max_file_index 9
-/* we don't think that anyone needs more than 9 change files,
-#define max_file_index 32
-/* we don't think that anyone needs more than 32 change files,
-Section 6
-@x -- replace preprocessor macros
-@d spotless 0
-@d troublesome 1
-@d fatal 2
-@<Global variables@>=
-static int history=spotless;
-@<Global variables@>=
-typedef enum {
- @!spotless,
- @!troublesome,
- @!fatal } return_code;
-static return_code history=spotless;
-Section 15
-@x l.461
-@d print(a) fprintf(term_out,a) /* `|print|' means write on the terminal */
-@d print(a) fprintf(term_out,"%s",a) /* `|print|' means write on the terminal */
-@x l.463 -- function used only for error messages
-@d print3(a,b,c) fprintf(term_out,a,b,c) /* same with three arguments */
-@d print3(a,b,c) fprintf(stderr,a,b,c) /* same with three arguments */
-@x l.468
-@d print_ln(v) {fprintf(term_out,v);term_new_line;}
-@d print_ln(v) {fprintf(term_out,"%s",v);term_new_line;}
-@x l.471 -- used only for error reporting
-@d print3_ln(a,b,c) {print3(a,b,c);term_new_line;}
-@d print3_ln(a,b,c) {print3(a,b,c);new_line(stderr);}
-@x l.478 -- add to global includes.
-@<Global |#include|s@>=
-#include <stdio.h>
-@<Global \&{\#include}s@>=
-#include "cpascal.h" /* |@!decr| and |@!incr| */
-#include <kpathsea/kpathsea.h>
-#define usage tieusage /* Also redefine |usage| to avoid clash with function from lib. */
-Section 16
-@x l.483 -- Remove redundant #include directives.
-This should cause no trouble in any \Cl\ program.
-@^system dependencies@>
-@<Global |#include|s@>=
-#ifdef __STDC__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <malloc.h>
-This should cause no trouble in any \Cl\ program.
-The \.{kpathsea} include files handle the definition of |@!malloc|, too.
-@^system dependencies@>
-Sections 18 and 19: use enum as requested in tie.w
-@x l.522
-\leavevmode |file_types| is used to describe whether a file
-\leavevmode \&{file\_types} is used to describe whether a file
-@x l.526 Fix case glitch.
-the kind of output. (this would even be necessary if we
-the kind of output. (This would even be necessary if we
-@x l.530
-#define search 0
-#define test 1
-#define reading 2
-#define ignore 3
-typedef int in_file_modes; /* should be |enum(search,test,reading,ignore)| */
-#define unknown 0
-#define master 1
-#define chf 2
-typedef int file_types; /* should be |enum(unknown,master,chf)| */
-typedef enum {
- @!search,
- @!test,
- @!reading,
- @!ignore } in_file_modes;
-typedef enum {
- @!unknown,
- @!master,
- @!chf } file_types;
-@x l.541
-@ A variable of type |out_md_type| will tell us in what state the output
-@ A variable of type \&{out\_md\_type} will tell us in what state the output
-@x l.548
-#define normal 0
-#define pre 1
-#define post 2
-typedef int out_md_type; /* should be |enum(normal,pre,post)| */
-typedef enum {
- @!normal,
- @!pre,
- @!post } out_md_type;
-Section 24
-@x l.617
-void get_line(i)
- file_index i;
-static void
-get_line (file_index i)
-Section 27
-@x l.650 -- fix typo
-replacement part of a change file, or in an incomplerte check if the
-replacement part of a change file, or in an incomplete check if the
-@x l.667
- if (c!=@' ' && c!=tab_mark)
- if (c!=@' ' && c!=tab_mark && c!=@'\r')
-Section 31
-@x l.742 -- print errors on 'stderr'
-@d err_print(m) { @+ print_nl(m); error_loc
-@d err_print(m) { @+ new_line(stderr); fprintf(stderr,"%s",m); error_loc
-@x l.745
-void err_loc(i) /* prints location of error */
- int i;
-static void
-err_loc (int i) /* prints location of error */
-Section 32
-@x l.761 -- print errors on 'stderr'
- print(m); print_c('.'); history=fatal;
- term_new_line; jump_out();
- fprintf(stderr,"%s",m);
- fputc('.',stderr); history=fatal;
- new_line(stderr); jump_out();
-Section 33
-@x l.774
-@d jump_out() exit(1)
-@d jump_out() exit(EXIT_FAILURE)
-Section 34
-@x l.790 Use binary mode for output files
- out_file=fopen(out_name,"w");
- out_file=fopen(out_name,"wb");
-Section 36
-@x l.811
- fopen(input_organization[0]->name_of_file,"r");
- kpse_open_file(input_organization[0]->name_of_file, kpse_web_format);
-Section 37
-@x l.830
- fopen(input_organization[i]->name_of_file,"r");
- kpse_open_file(input_organization[i]->name_of_file, kpse_web_format);
-Section 38
-@x l.851
-boolean lines_dont_match(i,j)
- file_index i,j;
-static boolean
-lines_dont_match (file_index i, file_index j)
-Section 39
-@x l.872
-void init_change_file(i,b)
- file_index i; boolean b;
-static void
-init_change_file (file_index i, boolean b)
-Section 42
-@x l.919
-void put_line(j)
- file_index j;
-static void
-put_line (file_index j)
-Section 43
-@x l.935
-boolean e_of_ch_module(i)
- file_index i;
-static boolean
-e_of_ch_module (file_index i)
-Section 44
-@x l.955
-boolean e_of_ch_preamble(i)
- file_index i;
-static boolean
-e_of_ch_preamble (file_index i)
-Section 47
-@x l.1005 -- fix typo
-a line to write and |test_input| ist set to |none|.
-a line to write and |test_input| is set to |none|.
-Section 48: fix indentation of nested loop.
-@x l.1044
-if (prod_chf==chf) {
- loop @+ {
- @<Test for normal, |break| when done@>@;
- @<Test for pre, |break| when done@>@;
- @<Test for post, |break| when done@>@;
- }
-} else
-if (prod_chf==chf)
- loop @+ {
- @<Test for normal, |break| when done@>@;
- @<Test for pre, |break| when done@>@;
- @<Test for post, |break| when done@>@;
- }
-Section 55
-@x l.1158
-void usage()
- print("Usage: tie -[mc] outfile master changefile(s)");
-void usage (void)
- print("Usage: tie -m|-c outfile master changefile(s)");
-Section 56
-@x l.1169 -- fix typo
-change files. The names fo the file parameters will be inserted into
-change files. The names of the file parameters will be inserted into
-Section 59
-@x l.1233
-\noindent Here is where \.{TIE} starts, and where it ends.
-\noindent Here is where \.{TIE} starts, and where it ends.
-\def\Kpathsea/{{\mc KPATHSEA\spacefactor1000}}
-This version of the \.{TIE} program uses the \Kpathsea/ library for searching
-files. Firstly, we use the |kpse_web_format| when opening input files, which
-triggers the inspection of the \.{WEBINPUTS} environment variable. Secondly,
-we set |kpse_program_name| to `\.{tie}'. This means if the variable
-\.{WEBINPUTS.tie} is present in \.{texmf.cnf} (or \.{WEBINPUTS\_tie} in the
-environment) its value will be used as the search path for filenames. This
-allows different flavors of \.{TIE} (or other \.{WEB} programs) to have
-different search paths.@.WEBINPUTS@> In all, the directories to be searched for
-come from at least two sources:
-\item{(a)} a user-set environment variable \.{WEBINPUTS}
- (overridden by \.{WEBINPUTS\_tie});
-\item{(b)} a line in \Kpathsea/ configuration file \.{texmf.cnf},\hfil\break
- e.g., \.{WEBINPUTS=\$TEXMFDOTDIR:\$TEXMF/texmf/web//}\hfil\break
- or \.{WEBINPUTS.tie=\$TEXMFDOTDIR:\$TEXMF/texmf/web//}.\par}
-Note that, although \.{WEBINPUTS} might suggest otherwise, \.{TIE} is more or
-less language-agnostic and that it is perfectly capable of handling \.{CWEB}
-files as input as well, as long as the ``change files'' adhere to the general
-\.{@@x}, \.{@@y}, \.{@@z} convention.
-@x l.1236
- int argc; string *argv;
-int main (int argc, string *argv)
-@x l.1241
- print_ln(banner); /* print a ``banner line'' */
- print_ln(copyright); /* include the copyright notice */
- kpse_set_program_name(argv[0], "tie");
- print(banner); /* print a ``banner line'' */
- print_ln(versionstring); /* Web2C version */
- print_ln(copyright); /* include the copyright notice */
-Section 60
-@x l.1256 -- fix typo
-Additionaly we report the history to the user, although this may not
-Additionally we report the history to the user, although this may not
-@x l.1261 -- rewrite error reporting
-@<Print the job |history|@>=
-{string msg;
- switch (history) {
- case spotless: msg="No errors were found"; break;
- case troublesome: msg="Pardon me, but I think I spotted something wrong.";
- break;
- case fatal: msg="That was a fatal error, my friend"; break;
- } /* there are no other cases */
- print2_nl("(%s.)",msg); term_new_line;
- exit ( history == spotless ? 0 : 1 );
-@<Print the job |history|@>=
- switch (history) {
- case spotless: print2_nl("(%s.)", "No errors were found");
- term_new_line; break;
- case troublesome: new_line(stderr); fprintf(stderr,
- "(Pardon me, but I think I spotted something wrong.)");
- new_line(stderr); break;
- case fatal:
- default: /* Anything except spotless, troublesome, or fatal is a bug. */
- new_line(stderr);
- fprintf(stderr, "(That was a fatal error, my friend.)");
- new_line(stderr); break;
- }
- exit ( history == spotless ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE );