path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/tftopl.web
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-% This program by D. E. Knuth is not copyrighted and can be used freely.
-% Version 0 was implemented in January 1982.
-% In February 1982 a new restriction on ligature steps was added.
-% In June 1982 the routines were divided into smaller pieces for IBM people,
-% and the result was designated "Version 1" in September 1982.
-% Slight changes were made in October, 1982, for version 0.6 of TeX.
-% Version 2 (July 1983) was released with TeX version 0.999.
-% Version 2.1 (September 1983) changed TEXINFO to FONTDIMEN.
-% Version 2.2 (February 1984) simplified decimal fraction output.
-% Version 2.3 (May 1984) fixed a bug when lh=17.
-% Version 2.4 (July 1984) fixed a bug involving unused ligature code.
-% Version 2.5 (September 1985) updated the standard codingscheme names.
-% Version 3 (October 1989) introduced new ligature capabilities.
-% Version 3.1 (November 1989) renamed z[] to lig_z[] for better portability.
-% Version 3.2 (February 2008) added a newline after a warning message.
-% Version 3.3 (January 2014) added a space to an error message (Breitenlohner),
-% and tests nl>lig_size not 4*lig_size (C. M. Connelly, Melissa O'Neill).
-% Here is TeX material that gets inserted after \input webmac
-\def\hang{\hangindent 3em\indent\ignorespaces}
-\let\mc=\ninerm % medium caps for names like SAIL
-\def\(#1){} % this is used to make section names sort themselves better
-\def\9#1{} % this is used for sort keys in the index
- \titlefalse % include headline on the contents page
- \def\rheader{\mainfont\hfil \contentspagenumber}
- \vfill
- \centerline{\titlefont The {\ttitlefont TFtoPL} processor}
- \vskip 15pt
- \centerline{(Version 3.3, January 2014)}
- \vfill}
- \centerline{\hsize 5in\baselineskip9pt
- \vbox{\ninerm\noindent
- The preparation of this report
- was supported in part by the National Science
- Foundation under grants IST-8201926 and MCS-8300984,
- and by the System Development Foundation. `\TeX' is a
- trademark of the American Mathematical Society.}}}
-\pageno=\contentspagenumber \advance\pageno by 1
-@* Introduction.
-The \.{TFtoPL} utility program converts \TeX\ font metric (``\.{TFM}'')
-files into equivalent property-list (``\.{PL}'') files. It also
-makes a thorough check of the given \.{TFM} file, using essentially the
-same algorithm as \TeX. Thus if \TeX\ complains that a \.{TFM}
-file is ``bad,'' this program will pinpoint the source or sources of
-badness. A \.{PL} file output by this program can be edited with
-a normal text editor, and the result can be converted back to \.{TFM}
-format using the companion program \.{PLtoTF}.
-The first \.{TFtoPL} program was designed by Leo Guibas in the summer of
-1978. Contributions by Frank Liang, Doug Wyatt, and Lyle Ramshaw
-also had a significant effect on the evolution of the present code.
-Extensions for an enhanced ligature mechanism were added by the author in 1989.
-The |banner| string defined here should be changed whenever \.{TFtoPL}
-gets modified.
-@d banner=='This is TFtoPL, Version 3.3' {printed when the program starts}
-@ This program is written entirely in standard \PASCAL, except that
-it occasionally has lower case letters in strings that are output.
-Such letters can be converted to upper case if necessary. The input is read
-from |tfm_file|, and the output is written on |pl_file|; error messages and
-other remarks are written on the |output| file, which the user may
-choose to assign to the terminal if the system permits it.
-@^system dependencies@>
-The term |print| is used instead of |write| when this program writes on
-the |output| file, so that all such output can be easily deflected.
-@d print(#)==write(#)
-@d print_ln(#)==write_ln(#)
-@p program TFtoPL(@!tfm_file,@!pl_file,@!output);
-label @<Labels in the outer block@>@/
-const @<Constants in the outer block@>@/
-type @<Types in the outer block@>@/
-var @<Globals in the outer block@>@/
-procedure initialize; {this procedure gets things started properly}
- begin print_ln(banner);@/
- @<Set initial values@>@/
- end;
-@ If the program has to stop prematurely, it goes to the
-@d final_end=9999 {label for the end of it all}
-@ The following parameters can be changed at compile time to extend or
-reduce \.{TFtoPL}'s capacity.
-@!tfm_size=30000; {maximum length of |tfm| data, in bytes}
-@!lig_size=5000; {maximum length of |lig_kern| program, in words}
-@!hash_size=5003; {preferably a prime number, a bit larger than the number
- of character pairs in lig/kern steps}
-@ Here are some macros for common programming idioms.
-@d incr(#) == #:=#+1 {increase a variable by unity}
-@d decr(#) == #:=#-1 {decrease a variable by unity}
-@d do_nothing == {empty statement}
-@* Font metric data.
-The idea behind \.{TFM} files is that typesetting routines like \TeX\
-need a compact way to store the relevant information about several
-dozen fonts, and computer centers need a compact way to store the
-relevant information about several hundred fonts. \.{TFM} files are
-compact, and most of the information they contain is highly relevant,
-so they provide a solution to the problem.
-The information in a \.{TFM} file appears in a sequence of 8-bit bytes.
-Since the number of bytes is always a multiple of 4, we could
-also regard the file as a sequence of 32-bit words; but \TeX\ uses the
-byte interpretation, and so does \.{TFtoPL}. Note that the bytes
-are considered to be unsigned numbers.
-@!tfm_file:packed file of 0..255;
-@ On some systems you may have to do something special to read a
-packed file of bytes. For example, the following code didn't work
-when it was first tried at Stanford, because packed files have to be
-opened with a special switch setting on the \PASCAL\ that was used.
-@^system dependencies@>
-@<Set init...@>=
-@ The first 24 bytes (6 words) of a \.{TFM} file contain twelve 16-bit
-integers that give the lengths of the various subsequent portions
-of the file. These twelve integers are, in order:
-|@!lf|&length of the entire file, in words;\cr
-|@!lh|&length of the header data, in words;\cr
-|@!bc|&smallest character code in the font;\cr
-|@!ec|&largest character code in the font;\cr
-|@!nw|&number of words in the width table;\cr
-|@!nh|&number of words in the height table;\cr
-|@!nd|&number of words in the depth table;\cr
-|@!ni|&number of words in the italic correction table;\cr
-|@!nl|&number of words in the lig/kern table;\cr
-|@!nk|&number of words in the kern table;\cr
-|@!ne|&number of words in the extensible character table;\cr
-|@!np|&number of font parameter words.\cr}}$$
-They are all nonnegative and less than $2^{15}$. We must have |bc-1<=ec<=255|,
-|ne<=256|, and
-Note that a font may contain as many as 256 characters (if |bc=0| and |ec=255|),
-and as few as 0 characters (if |bc=ec+1|).
-Incidentally, when two or more 8-bit bytes are combined to form an integer of
-16 or more bits, the most significant bytes appear first in the file.
-This is called BigEndian order.
- {subfile sizes}
-@ The rest of the \.{TFM} file may be regarded as a sequence of ten data
-arrays having the informal specification
-$$\def\arr$[#1]#2${\&{array} $[#1]$ \&{of} #2}
-The most important data type used here is a |@!fix_word|, which is
-a 32-bit representation of a binary fraction. A |fix_word| is a signed
-quantity, with the two's complement of the entire word used to represent
-negation. Of the 32 bits in a |fix_word|, exactly 12 are to the left of the
-binary point; thus, the largest |fix_word| value is $2048-2^{-20}$, and
-the smallest is $-2048$. We will see below, however, that all but one of
-the |fix_word| values will lie between $-16$ and $+16$.
-@ The first data array is a block of header information, which contains
-general facts about the font. The header must contain at least two words,
-and for \.{TFM} files to be used with Xerox printing software it must
-contain at least 18 words, allocated as described below. When different
-kinds of devices need to be interfaced, it may be necessary to add further
-words to the header block.
-\yskip\hang|header[0]| is a 32-bit check sum that \TeX\ will copy into the
-\.{DVI} output file whenever it uses the font. Later on when the \.{DVI}
-file is printed, possibly on another computer, the actual font that gets
-used is supposed to have a check sum that agrees with the one in the
-\.{TFM} file used by \TeX. In this way, users will be warned about
-potential incompatibilities. (However, if the check sum is zero in either
-the font file or the \.{TFM} file, no check is made.) The actual relation
-between this check sum and the rest of the \.{TFM} file is not important;
-the check sum is simply an identification number with the property that
-incompatible fonts almost always have distinct check sums.
-@^check sum@>
-\yskip\hang|header[1]| is a |fix_word| containing the design size of the
-font, in units of \TeX\ points (7227 \TeX\ points = 254 cm). This number
-must be at least 1.0; it is fairly arbitrary, but usually the design size
-is 10.0 for a ``10 point'' font, i.e., a font that was designed to look
-best at a 10-point size, whatever that really means. When a \TeX\ user
-asks for a font `\.{at} $\delta$ \.{pt}', the effect is to override the
-design size and replace it by $\delta$, and to multiply the $x$ and~$y$
-coordinates of the points in the font image by a factor of $\delta$
-divided by the design size. {\sl All other dimensions in the\/\ \.{TFM}
-file are |fix_word|\kern-1pt\ numbers in design-size units.} Thus, for example,
-the value of |param[6]|, one \.{em} or \.{\\quad}, is often the |fix_word|
-value $2^{20}=1.0$, since many fonts have a design size equal to one em.
-The other dimensions must be less than 16 design-size units in absolute
-value; thus, |header[1]| and |param[1]| are the only |fix_word| entries in
-the whole \.{TFM} file whose first byte might be something besides 0 or
-255. @^design size@>
-\yskip\hang|header[2..11]|, if present, contains 40 bytes that identify
-the character coding scheme. The first byte, which must be between 0 and
-39, is the number of subsequent ASCII bytes actually relevant in this
-string, which is intended to specify what character-code-to-symbol
-convention is present in the font. Examples are \.{ASCII} for standard
-ASCII, \.{TeX text} for fonts like \.{cmr10} and \.{cmti9}, \.{TeX math
-extension} for \.{cmex10}, \.{XEROX text} for Xerox fonts, \.{GRAPHIC} for
-special-purpose non-alphabetic fonts, \.{UNSPECIFIED} for the default case
-when there is no information. Parentheses should not appear in this name.
-(Such a string is said to be in {\mc BCPL} format.)
-@^coding scheme@>
-\yskip\hang|header[12..16]|, if present, contains 20 bytes that name the
-font family (e.g., \.{CMR} or \.{HELVETICA}), in {\mc BCPL} format.
-This field is also known as the ``font identifier.''
-@^family name@>
-@^font identifier@>
-\yskip\hang|header[17]|, if present, contains a first byte called the
-|seven_bit_safe_flag|, then two bytes that are ignored, and a fourth byte
-called the |face|. If the value of the fourth byte is less than 18, it has
-the following interpretation as a ``weight, slope, and expansion'': Add 0
-or 2 or 4 (for medium or bold or light) to 0 or 1 (for roman or italic) to
-0 or 6 or 12 (for regular or condensed or extended). For example, 13 is
-0+1+12, so it represents medium italic extended. A three-letter code
-(e.g., \.{MIE}) can be used for such |face| data.
-\yskip\hang|header[18..@twhatever@>]| might also be present; the individual
-words are simply called |header[18]|, |header[19]|, etc., at the moment.
-@ Next comes the |char_info| array, which contains one |char_info_word|
-per character. Each |char_info_word| contains six fields packed into
-four bytes as follows.
-\yskip\hang first byte: |width_index| (8 bits)\par
-\hang second byte: |height_index| (4 bits) times 16, plus |depth_index|
- (4~bits)\par
-\hang third byte: |italic_index| (6 bits) times 4, plus |tag|
- (2~bits)\par
-\hang fourth byte: |remainder| (8 bits)\par
-The actual width of a character is |width[width_index]|, in design-size
-units; this is a device for compressing information, since many characters
-have the same width. Since it is quite common for many characters
-to have the same height, depth, or italic correction, the \.{TFM} format
-imposes a limit of 16 different heights, 16 different depths, and
-64 different italic corrections.
-Incidentally, the relation |width[0]=height[0]=depth[0]=italic[0]=0|
-should always hold, so that an index of zero implies a value of zero.
-The |width_index| should never be zero unless the character does
-not exist in the font, since a character is valid if and only if it lies
-between |bc| and |ec| and has a nonzero |width_index|.
-@ The |tag| field in a |char_info_word| has four values that explain how to
-interpret the |remainder| field.
-\yskip\hang|tag=0| (|no_tag|) means that |remainder| is unused.\par
-\hang|tag=1| (|lig_tag|) means that this character has a ligature/kerning
-program starting at |lig_kern[remainder]|.\par
-\hang|tag=2| (|list_tag|) means that this character is part of a chain of
-characters of ascending sizes, and not the largest in the chain. The
-|remainder| field gives the character code of the next larger character.\par
-\hang|tag=3| (|ext_tag|) means that this character code represents an
-extensible character, i.e., a character that is built up of smaller pieces
-so that it can be made arbitrarily large. The pieces are specified in
-@d no_tag=0 {vanilla character}
-@d lig_tag=1 {character has a ligature/kerning program}
-@d list_tag=2 {character has a successor in a charlist}
-@d ext_tag=3 {character is extensible}
-@ The |lig_kern| array contains instructions in a simple programming language
-that explains what to do for special letter pairs. Each word is a
-|lig_kern_command| of four bytes.
-\yskip\hang first byte: |skip_byte|, indicates that this is the final program
- step if the byte is 128 or more, otherwise the next step is obtained by
- skipping this number of intervening steps.\par
-\hang second byte: |next_char|, ``if |next_char| follows the current character,
- then perform the operation and stop, otherwise continue.''\par
-\hang third byte: |op_byte|, indicates a ligature step if less than~128,
- a kern step otherwise.\par
-\hang fourth byte: |remainder|.\par
-In a kern step, an
-additional space equal to |kern[256*(op_byte-128)+remainder]| is inserted
-between the current character and |next_char|. This amount is
-often negative, so that the characters are brought closer together
-by kerning; but it might be positive.
-There are eight kinds of ligature steps, having |op_byte| codes $4a+2b+c$ where
-$0\le a\le b+c$ and $0\le b,c\le1$. The character whose code is
-|remainder| is inserted between the current character and |next_char|;
-then the current character is deleted if $b=0$, and |next_char| is
-deleted if $c=0$; then we pass over $a$~characters to reach the next
-current character (which may have a ligature/kerning program of its own).
-Notice that if $a=0$ and $b=1$, the current character is unchanged; if
-$a=b$ and $c=1$, the current character is changed but the next character is
-unchanged. \.{TFtoPL} will check to see that infinite loops are avoided.
-If the very first instruction of the |lig_kern| array has |skip_byte=255|,
-the |next_char| byte is the so-called right boundary character of this font;
-the value of |next_char| need not lie between |bc| and~|ec|.
-If the very last instruction of the |lig_kern| array has |skip_byte=255|,
-there is a special ligature/kerning program for a left boundary character,
-beginning at location |256*op_byte+remainder|.
-The interpretation is that \TeX\ puts implicit boundary characters
-before and after each consecutive string of characters from the same font.
-These implicit characters do not appear in the output, but they can affect
-ligatures and kerning.
-If the very first instruction of a character's |lig_kern| program has
-|skip_byte>128|, the program actually begins in location
-|256*op_byte+remainder|. This feature allows access to large |lig_kern|
-arrays, because the first instruction must otherwise
-appear in a location |<=255|.
-Any instruction with |skip_byte>128| in the |lig_kern| array must have
-|256*op_byte+remainder<nl|. If such an instruction is encountered during
-normal program execution, it denotes an unconditional halt; no ligature
-command is performed.
-@d stop_flag=128 {value indicating `\.{STOP}' in a lig/kern program}
-@d kern_flag=128 {op code for a kern step}
-@ Extensible characters are specified by an |extensible_recipe|,
-which consists of four bytes called |top|, |mid|,
-|bot|, and |rep| (in this order). These bytes are the character codes
-of individual pieces used to build up a large symbol.
-If |top|, |mid|, or |bot| are zero,
-they are not present in the built-up result. For example, an extensible
-vertical line is like an extensible bracket, except that the top and
-bottom pieces are missing.
-@ The final portion of a \.{TFM} file is the |param| array, which is another
-sequence of |fix_word| values.
-\yskip\hang|param[1]=@!slant| is the amount of italic slant, which is used
-to help position accents. For example, |slant=.25| means that when you go
-up one unit, you also go .25 units to the right. The |slant| is a pure
-number; it's the only |fix_word| other than the design size itself that is
-not scaled by the design size.
-\hang|param[2]=space| is the normal spacing between words in text.
-Note that character |" "| in the font need not have anything to do with
-blank spaces.
-\hang|param[3]=space_stretch| is the amount of glue stretching between words.
-\hang|param[4]=space_shrink| is the amount of glue shrinking between words.
-\hang|param[5]=x_height| is the height of letters for which accents don't
-have to be raised or lowered.
-\hang|param[6]=quad| is the size of one em in the font.
-\hang|param[7]=extra_space| is the amount added to |param[2]| at the
-ends of sentences.
-When the character coding scheme is \.{TeX math symbols}, the font is
-supposed to have 15 additional parameters called |num1|, |num2|, |num3|,
-|denom1|, |denom2|, |sup1|, |sup2|, |sup3|, |sub1|, |sub2|, |supdrop|,
-|subdrop|, |delim1|, |delim2|, and |axis_height|, respectively. When the
-character coding scheme is \.{TeX math extension}, the font is supposed to
-have six additional parameters called |default_rule_thickness| and
-|big_op_spacing1| through |big_op_spacing5|.
-@ So that is what \.{TFM} files hold. The next question is, ``What about
-\.{PL} files?'' A complete answer to that question appears in the
-documentation of the companion program, \.{PLtoTF}, so it will not
-be repeated here. Suffice it to say that a \.{PL} file is an ordinary
-\PASCAL\ text file, and that the output of \.{TFtoPL} uses only a
-subset of the possible constructions that might appear in a \.{PL} file.
-Furthermore, hardly anybody really wants to look at the formal
-definition of \.{PL} format, because it is almost self-explanatory when
-you see an example or two.
-@ @<Set init...@>=
-@* Unpacked representation.
-The first thing \.{TFtoPL} does is read the entire |tfm_file| into an array of
-bytes, |tfm[0..(4*lf-1)]|.
-@!byte=0..255; {unsigned eight-bit quantity}
-@!index=0..tfm_size; {address of a byte in |tfm|}
-@ @<Glob...@>=
-@!tfm:array [-1000..tfm_size] of byte; {the input data all goes here}
- {the negative addresses avoid range checks for invalid characters}
-@ The input may, of course, be all screwed up and not a \.{TFM} file
-at all. So we begin cautiously.
-@d abort(#)==begin print_ln(#);
- print_ln('Sorry, but I can''t go on; are you sure this is a TFM?');
- goto final_end;
- end
-@<Read the whole input file@>=
-if tfm[0]>127 then abort('The first byte of the input file exceeds 127!');
-@.The first byte...@>
-if eof(tfm_file) then abort('The input file is only one byte long!');
-@.The byte long@>
-read(tfm_file,tfm[1]); lf:=tfm[0]*@'400+tfm[1];
-if lf=0 then
- abort('The file claims to have length zero, but that''s impossible!');
-@.The file claims...@>
-if 4*lf-1>tfm_size then abort('The file is bigger than I can handle!');
-@.The file is bigger...@>
-for tfm_ptr:=2 to 4*lf-1 do
- begin if eof(tfm_file) then
- abort('The file has fewer bytes than it claims!');
-@.The file has fewer bytes...@>
- read(tfm_file,tfm[tfm_ptr]);
- end;
-if not eof(tfm_file) then
- begin print_ln('There''s some extra junk at the end of the TFM file,');
-@.There's some extra junk...@>
- print_ln('but I''ll proceed as if it weren''t there.');
- end
-@ After the file has been read successfully, we look at the subfile sizes
-to see if they check out.
-@d eval_two_bytes(#)==begin if tfm[tfm_ptr]>127 then
- abort('One of the subfile sizes is negative!');
-@.One of the subfile sizes...@>
- #:=tfm[tfm_ptr]*@'400+tfm[tfm_ptr+1];
- tfm_ptr:=tfm_ptr+2;
- end
-@<Set subfile sizes |lh|, |bc|, \dots, |np|@>=
-begin tfm_ptr:=2;@/
-if lh<2 then abort('The header length is only ',lh:1,'!');
-@.The header length...@>
-if nl>lig_size then
- abort('The lig/kern program is longer than I can handle!');
-@.The lig/kern program...@>
-if (bc>ec+1)or(ec>255) then abort('The character code range ',
-@.The character code range...@>
- bc:1,'..',ec:1,' is illegal!');
-if (nw=0)or(nh=0)or(nd=0)or(ni=0) then
- abort('Incomplete subfiles for character dimensions!');
-@.Incomplete subfiles...@>
-if ne>256 then abort('There are ',ne:1,' extensible recipes!');
-@.There are ... recipes@>
-if lf<>6+lh+(ec-bc+1)+nw+nh+nd+ni+nl+nk+ne+np then
- abort('Subfile sizes don''t add up to the stated total!');
-@.Subfile sizes don't add up...@>
-@ Once the input data successfully passes these basic checks,
-\.{TFtoPL} believes that it is a \.{TFM} file, and the conversion
-to \.{PL} format will take place. Access to the various subfiles
-is facilitated by computing the following base addresses. For example,
-the |char_info| for character |c| will start in location
-|4*(char_base+c)| of the |tfm| array.
- {base addresses for the subfiles}
-@ @<Compute the base addresses@>=
-begin char_base:=6+lh-bc;
-@ Of course we want to define macros that suppress the detail of how the
-font information is actually encoded. Each word will be referred to by
-the |tfm| index of its first byte. For example, if |c| is a character
-code between |bc| and |ec|, then |tfm[char_info(c)]| will be the
-first byte of its |char_info|, i.e., the |width_index|; furthermore
-|width(c)| will point to the |fix_word| for |c|'s width.
-@d check_sum=24
-@d design_size=check_sum+4
-@d scheme=design_size+4
-@d family=scheme+40
-@d random_word=family+20
-@d char_info(#)==4*(char_base+#)
-@d width_index(#)==tfm[char_info(#)]
-@d nonexistent(#)==((#<bc)or(#>ec)or(width_index(#)=0))
-@d height_index(#)==(tfm[char_info(#)+1] div 16)
-@d depth_index(#)==(tfm[char_info(#)+1] mod 16)
-@d italic_index(#)==(tfm[char_info(#)+2] div 4)
-@d tag(#)==(tfm[char_info(#)+2] mod 4)
-@d reset_tag(#)==tfm[char_info(#)+2]:=4*italic_index(#)+no_tag
-@d remainder(#)==tfm[char_info(#)+3]
-@d width(#)==4*(width_base+width_index(#))
-@d height(#)==4*(height_base+height_index(#))
-@d depth(#)==4*(depth_base+depth_index(#))
-@d italic(#)==4*(italic_base+italic_index(#))
-@d exten(#)==4*(exten_base+remainder(#))
-@d lig_step(#)==4*(lig_kern_base+(#))
-@d kern(#)==4*(kern_base+#) {here \#\ is an index, not a character}
-@d param(#)==4*(param_base+#) {likewise}
-@ One of the things we would like to do is take cognizance of fonts whose
-character coding scheme is \.{TeX math symbols} or \.{TeX math extension};
-we will set the |font_type| variable to one of the three choices
-|vanilla|, |mathsy|, or |mathex|.
-@d vanilla=0 {not a special scheme}
-@d mathsy=1 {\.{TeX math symbols} scheme}
-@d mathex=2 {\.{TeX math extension} scheme}
-@!font_type:vanilla..mathex; {is this font special?}
-@* Basic output subroutines.
-Let us now define some procedures that will reduce the rest of \.{TFtoPL}'s
-work to a triviality.
-First of all, it is convenient to have an abbreviation for output to the
-\.{PL} file:
-@d out(#)==write(pl_file,#)
-@ In order to stick to standard \PASCAL, we use three strings called
-|ASCII_04|, |ASCII_10|, and |ASCII_14|, in terms of which we can do the
-appropriate conversion of ASCII codes. Three other little strings are
-used to produce |face| codes like \.{MIE}.
-@!ASCII_04,@!ASCII_10,@!ASCII_14: packed array [1..32] of char;
- {strings for output in the user's external character set}
-@!MBL_string,@!RI_string,@!RCE_string:packed array [1..3] of char;
- {handy string constants for |face| codes}
-@ @<Set init...@>=
-ASCII_04:=' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?';@/
-ASCII_14:='`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ ';@/
-MBL_string:='MBL'; RI_string:='RI '; RCE_string:='RCE';
-@ The array |dig| will hold a sequence of digits to be output.
-@!dig:array[0..11] of 0..9;
-@ Here, in fact, are two procedures that output |dig[j-1]|$\,\ldots\,$|dig[0]|,
-given $j>0$.
-@p procedure out_digs(j:integer); {outputs |j| digits}
-begin repeat decr(j); out(dig[j]:1);
-until j=0;
-procedure print_digs(j:integer); {prints |j| digits}
-begin repeat decr(j); print(dig[j]:1);
-until j=0;
-@ The |print_octal| procedure indicates how |print_digs| can be used.
-Since this procedure is used only to print character codes, it always
-produces three digits.
-@p procedure print_octal(c:byte); {prints octal value of |c|}
-var j:0..2; {index into |dig|}
-begin print(''''); {an apostrophe indicates the octal notation}
-for j:=0 to 2 do
- begin dig[j]:=c mod 8; c:=c div 8;
- end;
-@ A \.{PL} file has nested parentheses, and we want to format the output
-so that its structure is clear. The |level| variable keeps track of the
-depth of nesting.
-@ @<Set init...@>=
-@ Three simple procedures suffice to produce the desired structure in the
-@p procedure out_ln; {finishes one line, indents the next}
-var l:0..5;
-begin write_ln(pl_file);
-for l:=1 to level do out(' ');
-procedure left; {outputs a left parenthesis}
-begin incr(level); out('(');
-procedure right; {outputs a right parenthesis and finishes a line}
-begin decr(level); out(')'); out_ln;
-@ The value associated with a property can be output in a variety of
-ways. For example, we might want to output a {\mc BCPL} string that
-begins in |tfm[k]|:
-@p procedure out_BCPL(@!k:index); {outputs a string, preceded by a blank space}
-var l:0..39; {the number of bytes remaining}
-begin out(' '); l:=tfm[k];
-while l>0 do
- begin incr(k); decr(l);
- case tfm[k] div @'40 of
- 1: out(ASCII_04[1+(tfm[k] mod @'40)]);
- 2: out(ASCII_10[1+(tfm[k] mod @'40)]);
- 3: out(ASCII_14[1+(tfm[k] mod @'40)]);
- end;
- end;
-@ The property value might also be a sequence of |l| bytes, beginning
-in |tfm[k]|, that we would like to output in octal notation.
-The following procedure assumes that |l<=4|, but larger values of |l|
-could be handled easily by enlarging the |dig| array and increasing
-the upper bounds on |b| and |j|.
-@p procedure out_octal(@!k,@!l:index); {outputs |l| bytes in octal}
-var a:0..@'1777; {accumulator for bits not yet output}
-@!b:0..32; {the number of significant bits in |a|}
-@!j:0..11; {the number of digits of output}
-begin out(' O '); {specify octal format}
-a:=0; b:=0; j:=0;
-while l>0 do @<Reduce \(1)|l| by one, preserving the invariants@>;
-while (a>0)or(j=0) do
- begin dig[j]:=a mod 8; a:=a div 8; incr(j);
- end;
-@ @<Reduce \(1)|l|...@>=
-begin decr(l);
-if tfm[k+l]<>0 then
- begin while b>2 do
- begin dig[j]:=a mod 8; a:=a div 8; b:=b-3; incr(j);
- end;
- case b of
- 0: a:=tfm[k+l];
- 1:a:=a+2*tfm[k+l];
- 2:a:=a+4*tfm[k+l];
- end;
- end;
-@ The property value may be a character, which is output in octal
-unless it is a letter or a digit. This procedure is the only place
-where a lowercase letter will be output to the \.{PL} file.
-@^system dependencies@>
-@p procedure out_char(@!c:byte); {outputs a character}
-begin if font_type>vanilla then
- begin tfm[0]:=c; out_octal(0,1)
- end
-else if (c>="0")and(c<="9") then
- out(' C ',c-"0":1)
-else if (c>="A")and(c<="Z") then
- out(' C ',ASCII_10[c-"A"+2])
-else if (c>="a")and(c<="z") then
- out(' C ',ASCII_14[c-"a"+2])
-else begin tfm[0]:=c; out_octal(0,1);
- end;
-@ The property value might be a ``face'' byte, which is output in the
-curious code mentioned earlier, provided that it is less than 18.
-@p procedure out_face(@!k:index); {outputs a |face|}
-var s:0..1; {the slope}
-@!b:0..8; {the weight and expansion}
-begin if tfm[k]>=18 then out_octal(k,1)
-else begin out(' F '); {specify face-code format}
- s:=tfm[k] mod 2; b:=tfm[k] div 2;
- out(MBL_string[1+(b mod 3)]);
- out(RI_string[1+s]);
- out(RCE_string[1+(b div 3)]);
- end;
-@ And finally, the value might be a |fix_word|, which is output in
-decimal notation with just enough decimal places for \.{PLtoTF}
-to recover every bit of the given |fix_word|.
-All of the numbers involved in the intermediate calculations of
-this procedure will be nonnegative and less than $10\cdot2^{24}$.
-@p procedure out_fix(@!k:index); {outputs a |fix_word|}
-var a:0..@'7777; {accumulator for the integer part}
-@!f:integer; {accumulator for the fraction part}
-@!j:0..12; {index into |dig|}
-@!delta:integer; {amount if allowable inaccuracy}
-begin out(' R '); {specify real format}
-a:=(tfm[k]*16)+(tfm[k+1] div 16);
-f:=((tfm[k+1] mod 16)*@'400+tfm[k+2])*@'400+tfm[k+3];
-if a>@'3777 then @<Reduce \(2)negative to positive@>;
-@<Output the integer part, |a|, in decimal notation@>;
-@<Output the fraction part, $|f|/2^{20}$, in decimal notation@>;
-@ The following code outputs at least one digit even if |a=0|.
-@<Output the integer...@>=
-begin j:=0;
-repeat dig[j]:=a mod 10; a:=a div 10; incr(j);
-until a=0;
-@ And the following code outputs at least one digit to the right
-of the decimal point.
-@<Output the fraction...@>=
-begin out('.'); f:=10*f+5; delta:=10;
-repeat if delta>@'4000000 then f:=f+@'2000000-(delta div 2);
-out(f div @'4000000:1); f:=10*(f mod @'4000000); delta:=delta*10;
-until f<=delta;
-@ @<Reduce \(2)negative to positive@>=
-begin out('-'); a:=@'10000-a;
-if f>0 then
- begin f:=@'4000000-f; decr(a);
- end;
-@* Doing it.
-\TeX\ checks the information of a \.{TFM} file for validity as the
-file is being read in, so that no further checks will be needed when
-typesetting is going on. And when it finds something wrong, it just
-calls the file ``bad,'' without identifying the nature of the problem,
-since \.{TFM} files are supposed to be good almost all of the time.
-Of course, a bad file shows up every now and again, and that's where
-\.{TFtoPL} comes in. This program wants to catch at least as many errors as
-\TeX\ does, and to give informative error messages besides.
-All of the errors are corrected, so that the \.{PL} output will
-be correct (unless, of course, the \.{TFM} file was so loused up
-that no attempt is being made to fathom it).
-@ Just before each character is processed, its code is printed in octal
-notation. Up to eight such codes appear on a line; so we have a variable
-to keep track of how many are currently there. We also keep track of
-whether or not any errors have had to be corrected.
-@!chars_on_line:0..8; {the number of characters printed on the current line}
-@!perfect:boolean; {was the file free of errors?}
-@ @<Set init...@>=
-perfect:=true; {innocent until proved guilty}
-@ Error messages are given with the help of the |bad| and |range_error|
-and |bad_char| macros:
-@d bad(#)==begin perfect:=false; if chars_on_line>0 then print_ln(' ');
- chars_on_line:=0; print_ln('Bad TFM file: ',#);
- end
-@.Bad TFM file@>
-@d range_error(#)==begin perfect:=false; print_ln(' ');
- print(#,' index for character ');
- print_octal(c); print_ln(' is too large;');
- print_ln('so I reset it to zero.');
- end
-@d bad_char_tail(#)==print_octal(#); print_ln('.');
- end
-@d bad_char(#)==begin perfect:=false; if chars_on_line>0 then print_ln(' ');
- chars_on_line:=0; print('Bad TFM file: ',#,' nonexistent character ');
- bad_char_tail
-@d correct_bad_char_tail(#)==print_octal(tfm[#]); print_ln('.'); tfm[#]:=bc;
- end
-@d correct_bad_char(#)== begin perfect:=false;
- if chars_on_line>0 then print_ln(' ');
- chars_on_line:=0; print('Bad TFM file: ',#,' nonexistent character ');
- correct_bad_char_tail
-@!i:0..@'77777; {an index to words of a subfile}
-@!c:0..256; {a random character}
-@!d:0..3; {byte number in a word}
-@!k:index; {a random index}
-@!r:0..65535; {a random two-byte value}
-@!count:0..127; {for when we need to enumerate a small set}
-@ There are a lot of simple things to do, and they have to be done one
-at a time, so we might as well get down to business. The first things
-that \.{TFtoPL} will put into the \.{PL} file appear in the header part.
-@<Do the header@>=
-begin font_type:=vanilla;
-if lh>=12 then
- begin @<Set the true |font_type|@>;
- if lh>=17 then
- begin @<Output the family name@>;
- if lh>=18 then @<Output the rest of the header@>;
- end;
- @<Output the character coding scheme@>;
- end;
-@<Output the design size@>;
-@<Output the check sum@>;
-@<Output the |seven_bit_safe_flag|@>;
-@ @<Output the check sum@>=
-left; out('CHECKSUM'); out_octal(check_sum,4);
-@ Incorrect design sizes are changed to 10 points.
-@d bad_design(#)==begin bad('Design size ',#,'!');
-@.Design size wrong@>
- print_ln('I''ve set it to 10 points.');
- out(' D 10');
- end
-@ @<Output the design size@>=
-left; out('DESIGNSIZE');
-if tfm[design_size]>127 then bad_design('negative')
-else if (tfm[design_size]=0)and(tfm[design_size+1]<16) then
- bad_design('too small')
-else out_fix(design_size);
-@ Since we have to check two different {\mc BCPL} strings for validity,
-we might as well write a subroutine to make the check.
-@p procedure check_BCPL(@!k,@!l:index); {checks a string of length |<l|}
-var j:index; {runs through the string}
-@!c:byte; {character being checked}
-begin if tfm[k]>=l then
- begin bad('String is too long; I''ve shortened it drastically.');
-@.String is too long...@>
- tfm[k]:=1;
- end;
-for j:=k+1 to k+tfm[k] do
- begin c:=tfm[j];
- if (c="(")or(c=")") then
- begin bad('Parenthesis in string has been changed to slash.');
-@.Parenthesis...changed to slash@>
- tfm[j]:="/";
- end
- else if (c<" ")or(c>"~") then
- begin bad('Nonstandard ASCII code has been blotted out.');
-@.Nonstandard ASCII code...@>
- tfm[j]:="?";
- end
- else if (c>="a")and(c<="z") then tfm[j]:=c+"A"-"a"; {upper-casify letters}
- end;
-@ The |font_type| starts out |vanilla|; possibly we need to reset it.
-@<Set the true |font_type|@>=
-begin check_BCPL(scheme,40);
-if (tfm[scheme]>=11)and@|(tfm[scheme+1]="T")and@|
- (tfm[scheme+2]="E")and@|(tfm[scheme+3]="X")and@|
- (tfm[scheme+4]=" ")and@|(tfm[scheme+5]="M")and@|
- (tfm[scheme+6]="A")and@|(tfm[scheme+7]="T")and@|
- (tfm[scheme+8]="H")and@|(tfm[scheme+9]=" ") then
- begin if (tfm[scheme+10]="S")and(tfm[scheme+11]="Y") then font_type:=mathsy
- else if (tfm[scheme+10]="E")and(tfm[scheme+11]="X") then font_type:=mathex;
- end;
-@ @<Output the character coding scheme@>=
-left; out('CODINGSCHEME');
-@ @<Output the family name@>=
-left; out('FAMILY');
-@ @<Output the rest of the header@>=
-begin left; out('FACE'); out_face(random_word+3); right;
-for i:=18 to lh-1 do
- begin left; out('HEADER D ',i:1);
- out_octal(check_sum+4*i,@,4); right;
- end;
-@ This program does not check to see if the |seven_bit_safe_flag| has the
-correct setting, i.e., if it really reflects the seven-bit-safety of
-the \.{TFM} file; the stated value is merely put into the \.{PL} file.
-The \.{PLtoTF} program will store a correct value and give a warning
-message if a file falsely claims to be safe.
-@<Output the |seven_bit_safe_flag|@>=
-if (lh>17) and (tfm[random_word]>127) then
- begin left; out('SEVENBITSAFEFLAG TRUE'); right;
- end
-@ The next thing to take care of is the list of parameters.
-@<Do the parameters@>=
-if np>0 then
- begin left; out('FONTDIMEN'); out_ln;
- for i:=1 to np do @<Check and output the $i$th parameter@>;
- right;
- end;
-@<Check to see if |np| is complete for this font type@>;
-@ @<Check to see if |np|...@>=
-if (font_type=mathsy)and(np<>22) then
- print_ln('Unusual number of fontdimen parameters for a math symbols font (',
-@.Unusual number of fontdimen...@>
- np:1,' not 22).')
-else if (font_type=mathex)and(np<>13) then
- print_ln('Unusual number of fontdimen parameters for an extension font (',
- np:1,' not 13).')
-@ All |fix_word| values except the design size and the first parameter
-will be checked to make sure that they are less than 16.0 in magnitude,
-using the |check_fix| macro:
-@d check_fix_tail(#)==bad(#,' ',i:1,' is too big;');
- print_ln('I have set it to zero.');
- end
-@d check_fix(#)==if (tfm[#]>0)and(tfm[#]<255) then
- begin tfm[#]:=0; tfm[(#)+1]:=0; tfm[(#)+2]:=0; tfm[(#)+3]:=0;
- check_fix_tail
-@<Check and output the $i$th parameter@>=
-begin left;
-if i=1 then out('SLANT') {this parameter is not checked}
-else begin check_fix(param(i))('Parameter');@/
-@.Parameter n is too big@>
- @<Output the name of parameter $i$@>;
- end;
-out_fix(param(i)); right;
-@ @<Output the name...@>=
-if i<=7 then case i of
- 2:out('SPACE');@+3:out('STRETCH');@+4:out('SHRINK');
- 5:out('XHEIGHT');@+6:out('QUAD');@+7:out('EXTRASPACE')@+end
-else if (i<=22)and(font_type=mathsy) then case i of
- 8:out('NUM1');@+9:out('NUM2');@+10:out('NUM3');
- 11:out('DENOM1');@+12:out('DENOM2');
- 13:out('SUP1');@+14:out('SUP2');@+15:out('SUP3');
- 16:out('SUB1');@+17:out('SUB2');
- 18:out('SUPDROP');@+19:out('SUBDROP');
- 20:out('DELIM1');@+21:out('DELIM2');
- 22:out('AXISHEIGHT')@+end
-else if (i<=13)and(font_type=mathex) then
- if i=8 then out('DEFAULTRULETHICKNESS')
- else out('BIGOPSPACING',i-8:1)
-else out('PARAMETER D ',i:1)
-@ We need to check the range of all the remaining |fix_word| values,
-and to make sure that |width[0]=0|, etc.
-@d nonzero_fix(#)==(tfm[#]>0)or(tfm[#+1]>0)or(tfm[#+2]>0)or(tfm[#+3]>0)
-@<Check the |fix_word| entries@>=
-if nonzero_fix(4*width_base) then bad('width[0] should be zero.');
-@.should be zero@>
-if nonzero_fix(4*height_base) then bad('height[0] should be zero.');
-if nonzero_fix(4*depth_base) then bad('depth[0] should be zero.');
-if nonzero_fix(4*italic_base) then bad('italic[0] should be zero.');
-for i:=0 to nw-1 do check_fix(4*(width_base+i))('Width');
-@.Width n is too big@>
-for i:=0 to nh-1 do check_fix(4*(height_base+i))('Height');
-@.Height n is too big@>
-for i:=0 to nd-1 do check_fix(4*(depth_base+i))('Depth');
-@.Depth n is too big@>
-for i:=0 to ni-1 do check_fix(4*(italic_base+i))('Italic correction');
-@.Italic correction n is too big@>
-if nk>0 then for i:=0 to nk-1 do check_fix(kern(i))('Kern');
-@.Kern n is too big@>
-@ The ligature/kerning program comes next. Before we can put it out in
-\.{PL} format, we need to make a table of ``labels'' that will be inserted
-into the program. For each character |c| whose |tag| is |lig_tag| and
-whose starting address is |r|, we will store the pair |(c,r)| in the
-|label_table| array. If there's a boundary-char program starting at~|r|,
-we also store the pair |(256,r)|.
-This array is sorted by its second components, using the
-simple method of straight insertion.
-@!label_table:array[0..258] of record@t@>@/@!cc:0..256;@!rr:0..lig_size;end;
-@!label_ptr: 0..257; {the largest entry in |label_table|}
-@!sort_ptr:0..257; {index into |label_table|}
-@!boundary_char:0..256; {boundary character, or 256 if none}
-@!bchar_label:0..@'77777; {beginning of boundary character program}
-@ @<Set init...@>=
-boundary_char:=256; bchar_label:=@'77777;@/
-label_ptr:=0; label_table[0].rr:=0; {a sentinel appears at the bottom}
-@ We'll also identify and remove inaccessible program steps, using the
-|activity| array.
-@d unreachable=0 {a program step not known to be reachable}
-@d pass_through=1 {a program step passed through on initialization}
-@d accessible=2 {a program step that can be relevant}
-@!activity:array[0..lig_size] of unreachable..accessible;
-@!ai,@!acti:0..lig_size; {indices into |activity|}
-@ @<Do the ligatures and kerns@>=
-if nl>0 then
- begin for ai:=0 to nl-1 do activity[ai]:=unreachable;
- @<Check for a boundary char@>;
- end;
-@<Build the label table@>;
-if nl>0 then
- begin left; out('LIGTABLE'); out_ln;@/
- @<Compute the |activity| array@>;
- @<Output and correct the ligature/kern program@>;
- right;
- @<Check for ligature cycles@>;
- end
-@ We build the label table even when |nl=0|, because this catches errors
-that would not otherwise be detected.
-for c:=bc to ec do if tag(c)=lig_tag then
- begin r:=remainder(c);
- if r<nl then
- begin if tfm[lig_step(r)]>stop_flag then
- begin r:=256*tfm[lig_step(r)+2]+tfm[lig_step(r)+3];
- if r<nl then if activity[remainder(c)]=unreachable then
- activity[remainder(c)]:=pass_through;
- end;
- end;
- if r>=nl then
- begin perfect:=false; print_ln(' ');
- print('Ligature/kern starting index for character '); print_octal(c);
- print_ln(' is too large;'); print_ln('so I removed it.'); reset_tag(c);
-@.Ligature/kern starting index...@>
- end
- else @<Insert |(c,r)| into |label_table|@>;
- end;
-label_table[label_ptr+1].rr:=lig_size; {put ``infinite'' sentinel at the end}
-@ @<Insert |(c,r)|...@>=
-begin sort_ptr:=label_ptr; {there's a hole at position |sort_ptr+1|}
-while label_table[sort_ptr].rr>r do
- begin label_table[sort_ptr+1]:=label_table[sort_ptr];
- decr(sort_ptr); {move the hole}
- end;
-label_table[sort_ptr+1].rr:=r; {fill the hole}
-incr(label_ptr); activity[r]:=accessible;
-@ @<Check for a bound...@>=
-if tfm[lig_step(0)]=255 then
- begin left; out('BOUNDARYCHAR');
- boundary_char:=tfm[lig_step(0)+1]; out_char(boundary_char); right;
- activity[0]:=pass_through;
- end;
-if tfm[lig_step(nl-1)]=255 then
- begin r:=256*tfm[lig_step(nl-1)+2]+tfm[lig_step(nl-1)+3];
- if r>=nl then
- begin perfect:=false; print_ln(' ');
- print('Ligature/kern starting index for boundarychar is too large;');
- print_ln('so I removed it.');
-@.Ligature/kern starting index...@>
- end
- else begin label_ptr:=1; label_table[1].cc:=256; label_table[1].rr:=r;
- bchar_label:=r; activity[r]:=accessible;
- end;
- activity[nl-1]:=pass_through;
- end
-@ @<Compute the |activity| array@>=
-for ai:=0 to nl-1 do if activity[ai]=accessible then
- begin r:=tfm[lig_step(ai)];
- if r<stop_flag then
- begin r:=r+ai+1;
- if r>=nl then
- begin bad('Ligature/kern step ',ai:1,' skips too far;');
-@.Lig...skips too far@>
- print_ln('I made it stop.'); tfm[lig_step(ai)]:=stop_flag;
- end
- else activity[r]:=accessible;
- end;
- end
-@ We ignore |pass_through| items, which don't need to be mentioned in
-the \.{PL} file.
-@<Output and correct the ligature...@>=
-sort_ptr:=1; {point to the next label that will be needed}
-for acti:=0 to nl-1 do if activity[acti]<>pass_through then
- begin i:=acti; @<Take care of commenting out unreachable steps@>;
- @<Output any labels for step $i$@>;
- @<Output step $i$ of the ligature/kern program@>;
- end;
-if level=2 then right {the final step was unreachable}
-@ @<Output any labels...@>=
-while i=label_table[sort_ptr].rr do
- begin left; out('LABEL');
- if label_table[sort_ptr].cc=256 then out(' BOUNDARYCHAR')
- else out_char(label_table[sort_ptr].cc);
- right; incr(sort_ptr);
- end
-@ @<Take care of commenting out...@>=
-if activity[i]=unreachable then
- begin if level=1 then
- begin left; out('COMMENT THIS PART OF THE PROGRAM IS NEVER USED!'); out_ln;
- end
- end
-else if level=2 then right
-@ @<Output step $i$...@>=
-begin k:=lig_step(i);
-if tfm[k]>stop_flag then
- begin if 256*tfm[k+2]+tfm[k+3]>=nl then
- bad('Ligature unconditional stop command address is too big.');
-@.Ligature unconditional stop...@>
- end
-else if tfm[k+2]>=kern_flag then @<Output a kern step@>
-else @<Output a ligature step@>;
-if tfm[k]>0 then
- if level=1 then @<Output either \.{SKIP} or \.{STOP}@>;
-@ The \.{SKIP} command is a bit tricky, because we will be omitting all
-inaccessible commands.
-@<Output either...@>=
-begin if tfm[k]>=stop_flag then out('(STOP)')
-else begin count:=0;
- for ai:=i+1 to i+tfm[k] do if activity[ai]=accessible then incr(count);
- out('(SKIP D ',count:1,')'); {possibly $count=0$, so who cares}
- end;
-@ @<Output a kern step@>=
-begin if nonexistent(tfm[k+1]) then if tfm[k+1]<>boundary_char then
- correct_bad_char('Kern step for')(k+1);
-@.Kern step for nonexistent...@>
-left; out('KRN'); out_char(tfm[k+1]);
-if r>=nk then
- begin bad('Kern index too large.');
-@.Kern index too large@>
- out(' R 0.0');
- end
-else out_fix(kern(r));
-@ @<Output a ligature step@>=
-begin if nonexistent(tfm[k+1]) then if tfm[k+1]<>boundary_char then
- correct_bad_char('Ligature step for')(k+1);
-@.Ligature step for nonexistent...@>
-if nonexistent(tfm[k+3]) then
- correct_bad_char('Ligature step produces the')(k+3);
-@.Ligature step produces...@>
-left; r:=tfm[k+2];
-if (r=4)or((r>7)and(r<>11)) then
- begin print_ln('Ligature step with nonstandard code changed to LIG');
- r:=0; tfm[k+2]:=0;
- end;
-if r mod 4>1 then out('/');
-if odd(r) then out('/');
-while r>3 do
- begin out('>'); r:=r-4;
- end;
-out_char(tfm[k+1]); out_char(tfm[k+3]); right;
-@ The last thing on \.{TFtoPL}'s agenda is to go through the
-list of |char_info| and spew out the information about each individual
-@<Do the characters@>=
-sort_ptr:=0; {this will suppress `\.{STOP}' lines in ligature comments}
-for c:=bc to ec do if width_index(c)>0 then
- begin if chars_on_line=8 then
- begin print_ln(' '); chars_on_line:=1;
- end
- else begin if chars_on_line>0 then print(' ');
- incr(chars_on_line);
- end;
- print_octal(c); {progress report}
- left; out('CHARACTER'); out_char(c); out_ln;
- @<Output the character's width@>;
- if height_index(c)>0 then @<Output the character's height@>;
- if depth_index(c)>0 then @<Output the character's depth@>;
- if italic_index(c)>0 then @<Output the italic correction@>;
- case tag(c) of
- no_tag: do_nothing;
- lig_tag: @<Output the applicable part of the ligature/kern
- program as a comment@>;
- list_tag: @<Output the character link unless there is a problem@>;
- ext_tag: @<Output an extensible character recipe@>;
- end; {there are no other cases}
- right;
- end
-@ @<Output the character's width@>=
-begin left; out('CHARWD');
-if width_index(c)>=nw then range_error('Width')
-else out_fix(width(c));
-@ @<Output the character's height@>=
-if height_index(c)>=nh then range_error('Height')
-@.Height index for char...@>
-else begin left; out('CHARHT'); out_fix(height(c)); right;
- end
-@ @<Output the character's depth@>=
-if depth_index(c)>=nd then range_error('Depth')
-@.Depth index for char@>
-else begin left; out('CHARDP'); out_fix(depth(c)); right;
- end
-@ @<Output the italic correction@>=
-if italic_index(c)>=ni then range_error('Italic correction')
-@.Italic correction index for char...@>
-else begin left; out('CHARIC'); out_fix(italic(c)); right;
- end
-@ @<Output the applicable part of the ligature...@>=
-begin left; out('COMMENT'); out_ln;@/
-i:=remainder(c); r:=lig_step(i);
-if tfm[r]>stop_flag then i:=256*tfm[r+2]+tfm[r+3];
-repeat @<Output step...@>;
-if tfm[k]>=stop_flag then i:=nl
-else i:=i+1+tfm[k];
-until i>=nl;
-@ We want to make sure that there is no cycle of characters linked together
-by |list_tag| entries, since \TeX\ doesn't want to risk endless loops.
-If such a cycle exists, the routine here detects it when processing
-the largest character code in the cycle.
-@<Output the character link unless there is a problem@>=
-begin r:=remainder(c);
-if nonexistent(r) then
- begin bad_char('Character list link to')(r); reset_tag(c);
-@.Character list link...@>
- end
-else begin while (r<c)and(tag(r)=list_tag) do r:=remainder(r);
- if r=c then
- begin bad('Cycle in a character list!');
-@.Cycle in a character list@>
- print('Character '); print_octal(c);
- print_ln(' now ends the list.');
- reset_tag(c);
- end
- else begin left; out('NEXTLARGER'); out_char(remainder(c));
- right;
- end;
- end;
-@ @<Output an extensible character recipe@>=
-if remainder(c)>=ne then
- begin range_error('Extensible'); reset_tag(c);
-@.Extensible index for char@>
- end
-else begin left; out('VARCHAR'); out_ln;
- @<Output the extensible pieces that exist@>;
- right;
- end
-@ @<Output the extensible pieces that...@>=
-for k:=0 to 3 do if (k=3)or(tfm[exten(c)+k]>0) then
- begin left;
- case k of
- 0:out('TOP');@+1:out('MID');@+2:out('BOT');@+3:out('REP')@+end;
- if nonexistent(tfm[exten(c)+k]) then out_char(c)
- else out_char(tfm[exten(c)+k]);
- right;
- end
-@ Some of the extensible recipes may not actually be used, but \TeX\ will
-complain about them anyway if they refer to nonexistent characters.
-Therefore \.{TFtoPL} must check them too.
-@<Check the extensible recipes@>=
-if ne>0 then for c:=0 to ne-1 do for d:=0 to 3 do
- begin k:=4*(exten_base+c)+d;
- if (tfm[k]>0)or(d=3) then
- begin if nonexistent(tfm[k]) then
- begin bad_char('Extensible recipe involves the')(tfm[k]);
-@.Extensible recipe involves...@>
- if d<3 then tfm[k]:=0;
- end;
- end;
- end
-@* Checking for ligature loops.
-We have programmed almost everything but the most interesting calculation of
-all, which has been saved for last as a special treat. \TeX's extended ligature
-mechanism allows unwary users to specify sequences of ligature replacements
-that never terminate. For example, the pair of commands
-$$\.{(/LIG $x$ $y$) (/LIG $y$ $x$)}$$
-alternately replaces character $x$ by character $y$ and vice versa. A similar
-loop occurs if \.{(LIG/ $z$ $y$)} occurs in the program for $x$ and
- \.{(LIG/ $z$ $x$)} occurs in the program for $y$.
-More complicated loops are also possible. For example, suppose the ligature
-programs for $x$ and $y$ are
-\.{(LABEL $x$)(/LIG/ $z$ $w$)(/LIG/> $w$ $y$)} \dots,\cr
-\.{(LABEL $y$)(LIG $w$ $x$)} \dots;\cr}}$$
-then the adjacent characters $xz$ change to $xwz$, $xywz$, $xxz$, $xxwz$,
-\dots, ad infinitum.
-@ To detect such loops, \.{TFtoPL} attempts to evaluate the function
-$f(x,y)$ for all character pairs $x$ and~$y$, where $f$ is defined as
-follows: If the current character is $x$ and the next character is
-$y$, we say the ``cursor'' is between $x$ and $y$; when the cursor
-first moves past $y$, the character immediately to its left is
-$f(x,y)$. This function is defined if and only if no infinite loop is
-generated when the cursor is between $x$ and~$y$.
-The function $f(x,y)$ can be defined recursively. It turns out that all pairs
-$(x,y)$ belong to one of five classes. The simplest class has $f(x,y)=y$; this
-happens if there's no ligature between $x$ and $y$, or in the cases
-\.{LIG/>} and \.{/LIG/>>}. Another simple class arises when there's a
-\.{LIG} or \.{/LIG>} between $x$ and~$y$, generating the character~$z$;
-then $f(x,y)=z$. Otherwise we always have $f(x,y)$ equal to
-either $f(x,z)$ or $f(z,y)$ or $f(f(x,z),y)$, where $z$ is the inserted
-ligature character.
-The first two of these classes can be merged; we can also consider
-$(x,y)$ to belong to the simple class when $f(x,y)$ has been evaluated.
-For technical reasons we allow $x$ to be 256 (for the boundary character
-at the left) or 257 (in cases when an error has been detected).
-For each pair $(x,y)$ having a ligature program step, we store
-$(x,y)$ in a hash table from which the values $z$ and $class$ can be read.
-@d simple=0 {$f(x,y)=z$}
-@d left_z=1 {$f(x,y)=f(z,y)$}
-@d right_z=2 {$f(x,y)=f(x,z)$}
-@d both_z=3 {$f(x,y)=f(f(x,z),y)$}
-@d pending=4 {$f(x,y)$ is being evaluated}
-@!hash:array[0..hash_size] of 0..66048; {$256x+y+1$ for $x\le257$ and $y\le255$}
-@!class:array[0..hash_size] of simple..pending;
-@!lig_z:array[0..hash_size] of 0..257;
-@!hash_ptr:0..hash_size; {the number of nonzero entries in |hash|}
-@!hash_list:array[0..hash_size] of 0..hash_size; {list of those nonzero entries}
-@!h,@!hh:0..hash_size; {indices into the hash table}
-@!x_lig_cycle,@!y_lig_cycle:0..256; {problematic ligature pair}
-@ @<Check for ligature cycles@>=
-hash_ptr:=0; y_lig_cycle:=256;
-for hh:=0 to hash_size do hash[hh]:=0; {clear the hash table}
-for c:=bc to ec do if tag(c)=lig_tag then
- begin i:=remainder(c);
- if tfm[lig_step(i)]>stop_flag then
- i:=256*tfm[lig_step(i)+2]+tfm[lig_step(i)+3];
- @<Enter data for character $c$ starting at location |i| in the hash table@>;
- end;
-if bchar_label<nl then
- begin c:=256; i:=bchar_label;
- @<Enter data for character $c$ starting at location |i| in the hash table@>;
- end;
-if hash_ptr=hash_size then
- begin print_ln('Sorry, I haven''t room for so many ligature/kern pairs!');
-@.Sorry, I haven't room...@>
- goto final_end;
- end;
-for hh:=1 to hash_ptr do
- begin r:=hash_list[hh];
- if class[r]>simple then {make sure $f$ is defined}
- r:=f(r,(hash[r]-1)div 256,(hash[r]-1)mod 256);
- end;
-if y_lig_cycle<256 then
- begin print('Infinite ligature loop starting with ');
-@.Infinite ligature loop...@>
- if x_lig_cycle=256 then print('boundary')@+else print_octal(x_lig_cycle);
- print(' and '); print_octal(y_lig_cycle); print_ln('!');
- out('(INFINITE LIGATURE LOOP MUST BE BROKEN!)'); goto final_end;
- end
-@ @<Enter data for character $c$...@>=
-repeat hash_input; k:=tfm[lig_step(i)];
-if k>=stop_flag then i:=nl
-else i:=i+1+k;
-until i>=nl
-@ We use an ``ordered hash table'' with linear probing, because such a table
-is efficient when the lookup of a random key tends to be unsuccessful.
-@p procedure hash_input; {enter data for character |c| and command |i|}
-label 30; {go here for a quick exit}
-var @!cc:simple..both_z; {class of data being entered}
-@!zz:0..255; {function value or ligature character being entered}
-@!y:0..255; {the character after the cursor}
-@!key:integer; {value to be stored in |hash|}
-@!t:integer; {temporary register for swapping}
-begin if hash_ptr=hash_size then goto 30;
-@<Compute the command parameters |y|, |cc|, and |zz|@>;
-key:=256*c+y+1; h:=(1009*key) mod hash_size;
-while hash[h]>0 do
- begin if hash[h]<=key then
- begin if hash[h]=key then goto 30; {unused ligature command}
- t:=hash[h]; hash[h]:=key; key:=t; {do ordered-hash-table insertion}
- t:=class[h]; class[h]:=cc; cc:=t; {namely, do a swap}
- t:=lig_z[h]; lig_z[h]:=zz; zz:=t;
- end;
- if h>0 then decr(h)@+else h:=hash_size;
- end;
-hash[h]:=key; class[h]:=cc; lig_z[h]:=zz;
-incr(hash_ptr); hash_list[hash_ptr]:=h;
-@ We must store kern commands as well as ligature commands, because the former
-might make the latter inapplicable.
-@<Compute the command param...@>=
-k:=lig_step(i); y:=tfm[k+1]; t:=tfm[k+2]; cc:=simple; zz:=tfm[k+3];
-if t>=kern_flag then zz:=y
-else begin case t of
- 0,6:do_nothing; {\.{LIG},\.{/LIG>}}
- 5,11:zz:=y; {\.{LIG/>}, \.{/LIG/>>}}
- 1,7:cc:=left_z; {\.{LIG/}, \.{/LIG/>}}
- 2:cc:=right_z; {\.{/LIG}}
- 3:cc:=both_z; {\.{/LIG/}}
- end; {there are no other cases}
- end
-@ Evaluation of $f(x,y)$ is handled by two mutually recursive procedures.
-Kind of a neat algorithm, generalizing a depth-first search.
-@p function f(@!h,@!x,@!y:index):index; forward;@t\2@>
- {compute $f$ for arguments known to be in |hash[h]|}
-function eval(@!x,@!y:index):index; {compute $f(x,y)$ with hashtable lookup}
-var @!key:integer; {value sought in hash table}
-begin key:=256*x+y+1; h:=(1009*key) mod hash_size;
-while hash[h]>key do
- if h>0 then decr(h)@+else h:=hash_size;
-if hash[h]<key then eval:=y {not in ordered hash table}
-else eval:=f(h,x,y);
-@ Pascal's beastly convention for |forward| declarations prevents us from
-saying |function f(h,x,y:index):index| here.
-@p function f;
-begin case class[h] of
-simple: do_nothing;
-left_z: begin class[h]:=pending; lig_z[h]:=eval(lig_z[h],y); class[h]:=simple;
- end;
-right_z: begin class[h]:=pending; lig_z[h]:=eval(x,lig_z[h]); class[h]:=simple;
- end;
-both_z: begin class[h]:=pending; lig_z[h]:=eval(eval(x,lig_z[h]),y);
- class[h]:=simple;
- end;
-pending: begin x_lig_cycle:=x; y_lig_cycle:=y; lig_z[h]:=257; class[h]:=simple;
- end; {the value 257 will break all cycles, since it's not in |hash|}
-end; {there are no other cases}
-@* The main program.
-The routines sketched out so far need to be packaged into separate procedures,
-on some systems, since some \PASCAL\ compilers place a strict limit on the
-size of a routine. The packaging is done here in an attempt to avoid some
-system-dependent changes.
-First comes the |organize| procedure, which reads the input data and
-gets ready for subsequent events. If something goes wrong, the routine
-returns |false|.
-@p function organize:boolean;
-label final_end, 30;
-var tfm_ptr:index; {an index into |tfm|}
-begin @<Read the whole input file@>;@/
-@<Set subfile sizes |lh|, |bc|, \dots, |np|@>;@/
-@<Compute the base addresses@>;@/
-organize:=true; goto 30;
-final_end: organize:=false;
-30: end;
-@ Next we do the simple things.
-@p procedure do_simple_things;
-var i:0..@'77777; {an index to words of a subfile}
-begin @<Do the header@>;@/
-@<Do the parameters@>;@/
-@<Check the |fix_word| entries@>@/
-@ And then there's a routine for individual characters.
-@p procedure do_characters;
-var @!c:byte; {character being done}
-@!k:index; {a random index}
-@!ai:0..lig_size; {index into |activity|}
-begin @<Do the characters@>;@/
-@ Here is where \.{TFtoPL} begins and ends.
-@p begin initialize;@/
-if not organize then goto final_end;
-@<Do the ligatures and kerns@>;
-@<Check the extensible recipes@>;
-do_characters; print_ln('.');@/
-if level<>0 then print_ln('This program isn''t working!');
-@.This program isn't working@>
-if not perfect then
- write_ln(pl_file);
- end;
-@* System-dependent changes.
-This section should be replaced, if necessary, by changes to the program
-that are necessary to make \.{TFtoPL} work at a particular installation.
-It is usually best to design your change file so that all changes to
-previous sections preserve the section numbering; then everybody's version
-will be consistent with the printed program. More extensive changes,
-which introduce new sections, can be inserted here; then only the index
-itself will get a new section number.
-@^system dependencies@>
-@* Index.
-Pointers to error messages appear here together with the section numbers
-where each ident\-i\-fier is used.