path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/mfluadir/otfcc/lib/table/otl/parse.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/web2c/mfluadir/otfcc/lib/table/otl/parse.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 376 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/mfluadir/otfcc/lib/table/otl/parse.c b/Build/source/texk/web2c/mfluadir/otfcc/lib/table/otl/parse.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f02b3746d21..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/texk/web2c/mfluadir/otfcc/lib/table/otl/parse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-#include "private.h"
-typedef enum { LOOKUP_ORDER_FORCE, LOOKUP_ORDER_FILE } lookup_order_type;
-typedef struct {
- char *name;
- otl_Lookup *lookup;
- UT_hash_handle hh;
- lookup_order_type orderType;
- uint16_t orderVal;
-} lookup_hash;
-typedef struct {
- char *name;
- bool alias;
- otl_Feature *feature;
- UT_hash_handle hh;
-} feature_hash;
-typedef struct {
- char *name;
- otl_LanguageSystem *language;
- UT_hash_handle hh;
-} language_hash;
-static bool _declareLookupParser(const char *lt, otl_LookupType llt,
- otl_Subtable *(*parser)(const json_value *,
- const otfcc_Options *options),
- json_value *_lookup, char *lookupName,
- const otfcc_Options *options, lookup_hash **lh);
-#define LOOKUP_PARSER(llt, parser) \
- if (!parsed) { \
- parsed = \
- _declareLookupParser(tableNames[llt], llt, parser, lookup, lookupName, options, lh); \
- }
-static bool _parse_lookup(json_value *lookup, char *lookupName, const otfcc_Options *options,
- lookup_hash **lh) {
- bool parsed = false;
- LOOKUP_PARSER(otl_type_gsub_single, otl_gsub_parse_single);
- LOOKUP_PARSER(otl_type_gsub_multiple, otl_gsub_parse_multi);
- LOOKUP_PARSER(otl_type_gsub_alternate, otl_gsub_parse_multi);
- LOOKUP_PARSER(otl_type_gsub_ligature, otl_gsub_parse_ligature);
- LOOKUP_PARSER(otl_type_gsub_chaining, otl_parse_chaining);
- LOOKUP_PARSER(otl_type_gsub_reverse, otl_gsub_parse_reverse);
- LOOKUP_PARSER(otl_type_gpos_single, otl_gpos_parse_single);
- LOOKUP_PARSER(otl_type_gpos_pair, otl_gpos_parse_pair);
- LOOKUP_PARSER(otl_type_gpos_cursive, otl_gpos_parse_cursive);
- LOOKUP_PARSER(otl_type_gpos_chaining, otl_parse_chaining);
- LOOKUP_PARSER(otl_type_gpos_markToBase, otl_gpos_parse_markToSingle);
- LOOKUP_PARSER(otl_type_gpos_markToMark, otl_gpos_parse_markToSingle);
- LOOKUP_PARSER(otl_type_gpos_markToLigature, otl_gpos_parse_markToLigature);
- return parsed;
-static bool _declareLookupParser(const char *lt, otl_LookupType llt,
- otl_Subtable *(*parser)(const json_value *,
- const otfcc_Options *options),
- json_value *_lookup, char *lookupName,
- const otfcc_Options *options, lookup_hash **lh) {
- // detect a valid type field exists
- json_value *type = json_obj_get_type(_lookup, "type", json_string);
- if (!type || strcmp(type->u.string.ptr, lt)) {
- if (!type) logWarning("Lookup %s does not have a valid 'type' field.", lookupName);
- return false;
- }
- // no duplicate lookup has been parsed
- lookup_hash *item = NULL;
- HASH_FIND_STR(*lh, lookupName, item);
- if (item) {
- logWarning("Lookup %s already exists.", lookupName);
- return false;
- }
- // detect valid subtables array
- json_value *_subtables = json_obj_get_type(_lookup, "subtables", json_array);
- if (!_subtables) {
- logWarning("Lookup %s does not have a valid subtable list.", lookupName);
- return false;
- }
- // init this lookup
- otl_Lookup *lookup;
- otl_iLookupPtr.init(&lookup);
- lookup->type = llt;
- lookup->flags = otfcc_parse_flags(json_obj_get(_lookup, "flags"), lookupFlagsLabels);
- uint16_t markAttachmentType = json_obj_getint(_lookup, "markAttachmentType");
- if (markAttachmentType) { lookup->flags |= markAttachmentType << 8; }
- // start parse subtables
- tableid_t subtableCount = _subtables->u.array.length;
- loggedStep("%s", lookupName) {
- for (tableid_t j = 0; j < subtableCount; j++) {
- json_value *_subtable = _subtables->u.array.values[j];
- if (_subtable && _subtable->type == json_object) {
- otl_Subtable *_st = parser(_subtable, options);
- otl_iSubtableList.push(&lookup->subtables, _st);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!lookup->subtables.length) {
- logWarning("Lookup %s does not have any subtables.", lookupName);
- otfcc_delete_lookup(lookup);
- return false;
- }
- // we've found a valid lookup, put it into the hash.
- NEW(item);
- item->name = sdsnew(lookupName);
- lookup->name = sdsdup(item->name);
- item->lookup = lookup;
- item->orderType = LOOKUP_ORDER_FILE;
- item->orderVal = HASH_COUNT(*lh);
- HASH_ADD_STR(*lh, name, item);
- return true;
-static lookup_hash *figureOutLookupsFromJSON(json_value *lookups, const otfcc_Options *options) {
- lookup_hash *lh = NULL;
- for (uint32_t j = 0; j < lookups->u.object.length; j++) {
- char *lookupName = lookups->u.object.values[j].name;
- if (lookups->u.object.values[j].value->type == json_object) {
- bool parsed =
- _parse_lookup(lookups->u.object.values[j].value, lookupName, options, &lh);
- if (!parsed) {
- logWarning("[OTFCC-fea] Ignoring invalid or unsupported lookup %s.\n", lookupName);
- }
- } else if (lookups->u.object.values[j].value->type == json_string) {
- char *thatname = lookups->u.object.values[j].value->u.string.ptr;
- lookup_hash *s = NULL;
- HASH_FIND_STR(lh, thatname, s);
- if (s) {
- lookup_hash *dup;
- NEW(dup);
- dup->name = sdsnew(lookupName);
- dup->lookup = s->lookup;
- dup->orderType = LOOKUP_ORDER_FILE;
- dup->orderVal = HASH_COUNT(lh);
- HASH_ADD_STR(lh, name, dup);
- }
- }
- }
- return lh;
-static void feature_merger_activate(json_value *d, const bool sametag, const char *objtype,
- const otfcc_Options *options) {
- for (uint32_t j = 0; j < d->u.object.length; j++) {
- json_value *jthis = d->u.object.values[j].value;
- char *kthis = d->u.object.values[j].name;
- uint32_t nkthis = d->u.object.values[j].name_length;
- if (jthis->type != json_array && jthis->type != json_object) continue;
- for (uint32_t k = j + 1; k < d->u.object.length; k++) {
- json_value *jthat = d->u.object.values[k].value;
- char *kthat = d->u.object.values[k].name;
- if (json_ident(jthis, jthat) && (sametag ? strncmp(kthis, kthat, 4) == 0 : true)) {
- json_value_free(jthat);
- json_value *v = json_string_new_length(nkthis, kthis);
- v->parent = d;
- d->u.object.values[k].value = v;
- logNotice("[OTFCC-fea] Merged duplicate %s '%s' into '%s'.\n", objtype, kthat,
- kthis);
- }
- }
- }
-static feature_hash *figureOutFeaturesFromJSON(json_value *features, lookup_hash *lh,
- const char *tag, const otfcc_Options *options) {
- feature_hash *fh = NULL;
- // Remove duplicates
- if (options->merge_features) { feature_merger_activate(features, true, "feature", options); }
- // Resolve features
- for (uint32_t j = 0; j < features->u.object.length; j++) {
- char *featureName = features->u.object.values[j].name;
- json_value *_feature = features->u.object.values[j].value;
- if (_feature->type == json_array) {
- otl_LookupRefList al;
- otl_iLookupRefList.init(&al);
- for (tableid_t k = 0; k < _feature->u.array.length; k++) {
- json_value *term = _feature->u.array.values[k];
- if (term->type != json_string) continue;
- lookup_hash *item = NULL;
- HASH_FIND_STR(lh, term->u.string.ptr, item);
- if (item) {
- otl_iLookupRefList.push(&al, item->lookup);
- } else {
- logWarning("Lookup assignment %s for feature [%s/%s] is missing or invalid.",
- term->u.string.ptr, tag, featureName)
- }
- }
- if (al.length > 0) {
- feature_hash *s = NULL;
- HASH_FIND_STR(fh, featureName, s);
- if (!s) {
- NEW(s);
- s->name = sdsnew(featureName);
- s->alias = false;
- otl_iFeaturePtr.init(&s->feature);
- s->feature->name = sdsdup(s->name);
- otl_iLookupRefList.replace(&s->feature->lookups, al);
- HASH_ADD_STR(fh, name, s);
- } else {
- logWarning("[OTFCC-fea] Duplicate feature for [%s/%s]. This feature will "
- "be ignored.\n",
- tag, featureName);
- otl_iLookupRefList.dispose(&al);
- }
- } else {
- logWarning("[OTFCC-fea] There is no valid lookup "
- "assignments for [%s/%s]. This feature will be "
- "ignored.\n",
- tag, featureName);
- otl_iLookupRefList.dispose(&al);
- }
- } else if (_feature->type == json_string) {
- feature_hash *s = NULL;
- char *target = _feature->u.string.ptr;
- HASH_FIND_STR(fh, target, s);
- if (s) {
- feature_hash *dup;
- NEW(dup);
- dup->alias = true;
- dup->name = sdsnew(featureName);
- dup->feature = s->feature;
- HASH_ADD_STR(fh, name, dup);
- }
- }
- }
- return fh;
-static bool isValidLanguageName(const char *name, const size_t length) {
- return length == 9 && name[4] == SCRIPT_LANGUAGE_SEPARATOR;
-static language_hash *figureOutLanguagesFromJson(json_value *languages, feature_hash *fh,
- const char *tag, const otfcc_Options *options) {
- language_hash *sh = NULL;
- // languages
- for (uint32_t j = 0; j < languages->u.object.length; j++) {
- char *languageName = languages->u.object.values[j].name;
- size_t languageNameLen = languages->u.object.values[j].name_length;
- json_value *_language = languages->u.object.values[j].value;
- if (isValidLanguageName(languageName, languageNameLen) && _language->type == json_object) {
- otl_Feature *requiredFeature = NULL;
- json_value *_rf = json_obj_get_type(_language, "requiredFeature", json_string);
- if (_rf) {
- // required feature term
- feature_hash *rf = NULL;
- HASH_FIND_STR(fh, _rf->u.string.ptr, rf);
- if (rf) { requiredFeature = rf->feature; }
- }
- otl_FeatureRefList af;
- otl_iFeatureRefList.init(&af);
- json_value *_features = json_obj_get_type(_language, "features", json_array);
- if (_features) {
- for (tableid_t k = 0; k < _features->u.array.length; k++) {
- json_value *term = _features->u.array.values[k];
- if (term->type == json_string) {
- feature_hash *item = NULL;
- HASH_FIND_STR(fh, term->u.string.ptr, item);
- if (item) { otl_iFeatureRefList.push(&af, item->feature); }
- }
- }
- }
- if (requiredFeature || (af.length > 0)) {
- language_hash *s = NULL;
- HASH_FIND_STR(sh, languageName, s);
- if (!s) {
- NEW(s);
- s->name = sdsnew(languageName);
- otl_iLanguageSystem.init(&s->language);
- s->language->name = sdsdup(s->name);
- s->language->requiredFeature = requiredFeature;
- otl_iFeatureRefList.replace(&s->language->features, af);
- HASH_ADD_STR(sh, name, s);
- } else {
- logWarning("[OTFCC-fea] Duplicate language item [%s/%s]. This language "
- "term will be ignored.\n",
- tag, languageName);
- otl_iFeatureRefList.dispose(&af);
- }
- } else {
- logWarning("[OTFCC-fea] There is no valid feature "
- "assignments for [%s/%s]. This language term "
- "will be ignored.\n",
- tag, languageName);
- otl_iFeatureRefList.dispose(&af);
- }
- }
- }
- return sh;
-static int by_lookup_order(lookup_hash *a, lookup_hash *b) {
- if (a->orderType == b->orderType) {
- return a->orderVal - b->orderVal;
- } else {
- return a->orderType - b->orderType;
- }
-static int by_feature_name(feature_hash *a, feature_hash *b) {
- return strcmp(a->name, b->name);
-static int by_language_name(language_hash *a, language_hash *b) {
- return strcmp(a->name, b->name);
-table_OTL *otfcc_parseOtl(const json_value *root, const otfcc_Options *options, const char *tag) {
- table_OTL *otl = NULL;
- json_value *table = json_obj_get_type(root, tag, json_object);
- if (!table) goto FAIL;
- otl = table_iOTL.create();
- json_value *languages = json_obj_get_type(table, "languages", json_object);
- json_value *features = json_obj_get_type(table, "features", json_object);
- json_value *lookups = json_obj_get_type(table, "lookups", json_object);
- if (!languages || !features || !lookups) goto FAIL;
- loggedStep("%s", tag) {
- lookup_hash *lh = figureOutLookupsFromJSON(lookups, options);
- json_value *lookupOrder = json_obj_get_type(table, "lookupOrder", json_array);
- if (lookupOrder) {
- for (tableid_t j = 0; j < lookupOrder->u.array.length; j++) {
- json_value *_ln = lookupOrder->u.array.values[j];
- if (_ln && _ln->type == json_string) {
- lookup_hash *item = NULL;
- HASH_FIND_STR(lh, _ln->u.string.ptr, item);
- if (item) {
- item->orderType = LOOKUP_ORDER_FORCE;
- item->orderVal = j;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- HASH_SORT(lh, by_lookup_order);
- feature_hash *fh = figureOutFeaturesFromJSON(features, lh, tag, options);
- HASH_SORT(fh, by_feature_name);
- language_hash *sh = figureOutLanguagesFromJson(languages, fh, tag, options);
- HASH_SORT(sh, by_language_name);
- if (!HASH_COUNT(lh) || !HASH_COUNT(fh) || !HASH_COUNT(sh)) {
- options->logger->dedent(options->logger);
- goto FAIL;
- }
- {
- lookup_hash *s, *tmp;
- HASH_ITER(hh, lh, s, tmp) {
- otl_iLookupList.push(&otl->lookups, s->lookup);
- HASH_DEL(lh, s);
- sdsfree(s->name);
- FREE(s);
- }
- }
- {
- feature_hash *s, *tmp;
- HASH_ITER(hh, fh, s, tmp) {
- if (!s->alias) { otl_iFeatureList.push(&otl->features, s->feature); }
- HASH_DEL(fh, s);
- sdsfree(s->name);
- FREE(s);
- }
- }
- {
- language_hash *s, *tmp;
- HASH_ITER(hh, sh, s, tmp) {
- otl_iLangSystemList.push(&otl->languages, s->language);
- HASH_DEL(sh, s);
- sdsfree(s->name);
- FREE(s);
- }
- }
- }
- return otl;
- if (otl) {
- logWarning("[OTFCC-fea] Ignoring invalid or incomplete OTL table %s.\n", tag);
- }
- return NULL;