path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/unilib/src/makeutype.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/unilib/src/makeutype.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1838 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/unilib/src/makeutype.c b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/unilib/src/makeutype.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ffa7a20a574..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/unilib/src/makeutype.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1838 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2000-2012 by George Williams */
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- */
- * This program generates 4 different files based on the latest UnicodeData.txt
- * obtained from which is then used to build FontForge
- *
- * To generate the latest files, you will first need to go and get these 4 files
- * and put them in the Unicode subdirectory:
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * Next, you will need to build ./makeutype before you can use it:
- * Run "make makeutype"
- * or
- * Run "gcc -s -I../inc -o makeutype makeutype.c"
- *
- * Then run the executable binary "/makeutype".
- * This will create 4 files in the same directory:
- * ArabicForms.c, unialt.c, utype.c, utype.h
- * (please move utype.h into Fontforge's "../inc" subdirectory)
- *
- * When done building the updated files, you can clean-up by removing
- * LineBreak.txt, NamesList.txt, PropList.txt,UnicodeData.txt, and the
- * binary executable file makeutype as they are no longer needed now.
- */
-/* Build a ctype array out of the UnicodeData.txt and PropList.txt files */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unibasics.h>
-#define true 1
-#define false 0
-/*#define MAXC 0x600 /* Last upper/lower case dicodomy is Armenian 0x580, er, nope. 1fff (greek and latin extended) then full-width 0xff00 */
-#define MAXC 65536
-#define MAXA 18
-/* These values get stored within flags[unicodechar={0..MAXC}] */
-#define _LOWER 1
-#define _UPPER 2
-#define _TITLE 4
-#define _DIGIT 8
-#define _SPACE 0x10
-#define _PUNCT 0x20
-#define _HEX 0x40
-#define _ZEROWIDTH 0x80
-#define _LEFT_2_RIGHT 0x100
-#define _RIGHT_2_LEFT 0x200
-#define _ENUMERIC 0x400
-#define _ANUMERIC 0x800
-#define _ENS 0x1000
-#define _CS 0x2000
-#define _ENT 0x4000
-#define _COMBINING 0x8000
-#define _BREAKBEFOREOK 0x10000
-#define _BREAKAFTEROK 0x20000
-#define _NONSTART 0x40000 /* small kana, close punct, can't start a line */
-#define _NONEND 0x80000 /* open punct, can't end a line */
-/*#define _MUSTBREAK 0x100000 /* newlines, paragraphs, etc. */
-#define _URLBREAKAFTER 0x100000 /* break after slash not followed by digits (ie. in URLs not fractions or dates) */
-#define _ALPHABETIC 0x200000
-#define _IDEOGRAPHIC 0x400000
-#define _INITIAL 0x800000
-#define _MEDIAL 0x1000000
-#define _FINAL 0x2000000
-#define _ISOLATED 0x4000000
-#define _NOBREAK 0x8000000
-#define _DecompositionNormative 0x10000000
-#define _CombiningClass 0xff
-#define _Above 0x100
-#define _Below 0x200
-#define _Overstrike 0x400
-#define _Left 0x800
-#define _Right 0x1000
-#define _Joins2 0x2000
-#define _CenterLeft 0x4000
-#define _CenterRight 0x8000
-#define _CenteredOutside 0x10000
-#define _Outside 0x20000
-#define _RightEdge 0x40000
-#define _LeftEdge 0x80000
-#define _Touching 0x100000
-#include "combiners.h"
-char *names[MAXC];
-unsigned short mytolower[MAXC];
-unsigned short mytoupper[MAXC];
-unsigned short mytotitle[MAXC];
-unsigned char mynumericvalue[MAXC];
-unsigned short mymirror[MAXC];
-unsigned long flags[MAXC]; /* 32 binary flags for each character */
-unsigned long flags2[MAXC];
-unichar_t alts[MAXC][MAXA+1];
-unsigned long assignedcodepoints[0x120000/32]; /* 32 characters represented per each long value */
-const char GeneratedFileMessage[] = "\n/* This file was generated using the program 'makeutype' */\n\n";
-const char CantReadFile[] = "Can't find or read file %s\n"; /* exit(1) */
-const char CantSaveFile[] = "Can't open or write to output file %s\n"; /* exit(2) */
-const char NoMoreMemory[] = "Can't access more memory.\n"; /* exit(3) */
-const char LineLengthBg[] = "Error with %s. Found line too long: %s\n"; /* exit(4) */
-static void FreeNamesMemorySpace() {
- long index;
- for ( index=0; index<MAXC ; ++index ) {
- if ( names[index]!=NULL ) free( names[index] );
- }
-static void FigureAlternates(long index, char *apt, int normative) {
- int alt, i;
- char *end;
- int isisolated=0, iscircled=0;
- for ( i=0; ; ++i ) {
- while ( *apt=='<' ) {
- isisolated = strncmp(apt,"<isolated>",strlen("<isolated>"))==0;
- iscircled = strncmp(apt,"<circle>",strlen("<circle>"))==0;
- while ( *apt && *apt!='>' ) ++apt;
- if ( *apt=='>' ) ++apt;
- while ( *apt==' ' ) ++apt;
- }
- alt = strtol(apt,&end,16);
- if ( end==apt )
- break;
- apt = end;
- if ( i<MAXA ) {
- alts[index][i] = alt;
- alts[index][i+1] = 0;
- }
- }
- if ( iscircled && i<MAXA ) {
- alts[index][i] = 0x20dd;
- alts[index][++i] = 0;
- }
- if ( i>MAXA )
- fprintf( stderr, "%d is too many alternates for U+%04X\n", i, index );
- if ( i>0 && normative)
- flags[index] |= _DecompositionNormative;
- /* arabic isolated forms are alternates for the standard forms */
- if ( isisolated && alts[index][0]>=0x600 && alts[index][0]<0x6ff && alts[index][1]==0 &&
- alts[alts[index][0]][0]==0 )
- alts[alts[index][0]][0] = index;
-static void processAssignment(long index,char *pt) {
- static long first=-1;
- long i;
- if ( index>0x11ffff )
- ++pt; /* move past semicolon */
- if ( *pt!='<' ) {
- assignedcodepoints[index/32] |= (1<<(index%32)); /* This Unicode char is visible */
- } else if ( strstr(pt,", First")!=NULL ) { /* start of an extended charset */
- first = index;
- } else if ( strstr(pt,", Last")!=NULL ) { /* end of an extended charset */
- if ( first==-1 || first > index )
- fprintf( stderr,"Something went wrong, first isn't defined at last. %x\n", index );
- else if ( first>=0xd800 && first<=0xdfff )
- /* surrogate pairs. Not assigned really */;
- else {
- /* mark all characters visible in the range of {First...Last} */
- for ( i=first; i<=index; ++i )
- assignedcodepoints[i/32] |= (1<<(i%32));
- }
- first = -1;
- }
-static void readin(void) {
- char buffer[512+1], buf2[300+1], oldname[301], *pt, *end, *pt1;
- long index, lc, uc, tc, flg, val, indexend, wasfirst;
- int cc;
- FILE *fp;
- int i,j;
- buffer[512]='\0'; buf2[0] = buf2[300]='\0'; oldname[0]='\0';
- if ((fp = fopen("UnicodeData.txt","r"))==NULL ) {
- fprintf( stderr, CantReadFile,"UnicodeData.txt" );
- exit(1);
- }
- while ( fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer)-1,fp)!=NULL ) {
- if (strlen(buffer)>=299) { /* previous version was linelength of 300 chars, jul2012 */
- fprintf( stderr, LineLengthBg,"UnicodeData.txt",buffer );
- fprintf( stderr, "\n%s\n",buffer );
- fclose(fp);
- FreeNamesMemorySpace();
- exit(4);
- }
- if ( *buffer=='#' )
- continue;
- flg = 0;
- /* Unicode character value */
- index = strtol(buffer,&end,16);
- processAssignment(index,end);
- if ( index>=MAXC ) /* For now can only deal with BMP !!!! */
- continue;
- pt = end;
- if ( *pt==';' ) {
- ++pt;
- /* buf2 = character name */
- for ( pt1=pt; *pt1!=';' && *pt1!='\0'; ++pt1 );
- strncpy(buf2,pt,pt1-pt); buf2[pt1-pt] = '\0'; pt = pt1;
- if ( *pt==';' ) ++pt;
- /* general category */
- for ( pt1=pt; *pt1!=';' && *pt1!='\0'; ++pt1 );
- if ( strncmp(pt,"Lu",pt1-pt)==0 )
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"Ll",pt1-pt)==0 )
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"Lt",pt1-pt)==0 )
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"Lo",pt1-pt)==0 )
- flg |= _ALPHABETIC;
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"Nd",pt1-pt)==0 )
- flg |= _DIGIT;
- pt = pt1;
- if ( *pt==';' ) ++pt;
- /* Unicode combining classes, I do my own version later */
- cc = strtol(pt,&end,16);
- pt = end;
- if ( *pt==';' ) ++pt;
- /* Bidirectional Category */
- for ( pt1=pt; *pt1!=';' && *pt1!='\0'; ++pt1 );
- if ( strncmp(pt,"L",pt1-pt)==0 || strncmp(pt,"LRE",pt1-pt)==0 || strncmp(pt,"LRO",pt1-pt)==0 )
- flg |= _LEFT_2_RIGHT;
- if ( strncmp(pt,"R",pt1-pt)==0 || strncmp(pt,"AL",pt1-pt)==0 || strncmp(pt,"RLE",pt1-pt)==0 || strncmp(pt,"RLO",pt1-pt)==0 )
- flg |= _RIGHT_2_LEFT;
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"EN",pt1-pt)==0 )
- flg |= _ENUMERIC;
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"ES",pt1-pt)==0 )
- flg |= _ENS;
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"ET",pt1-pt)==0 )
- flg |= _ENT;
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"AN",pt1-pt)==0 )
- flg |= _ANUMERIC;
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"CS",pt1-pt)==0 )
- flg |= _CS;
- pt = pt1;
- if ( *pt==';' ) ++pt;
- /* character decomposition */
- if ( strncmp(pt,"<initial>",strlen("<initial>"))==0 )
- flg |= _INITIAL;
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"<final>",strlen("<final>"))==0 )
- flg |= _FINAL;
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"<medial>",strlen("<medial>"))==0 )
- flg |= _MEDIAL;
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"<isolated>",strlen("<isolated>"))==0 )
- flg |= _ISOLATED;
- FigureAlternates(index,pt, true);
- while ( *pt!=';' && *pt!='\0' ) ++pt;
- if ( *pt==';' ) ++pt;
- /* Don't care about decimal digit value */
- while ( *pt!=';' && *pt!='\0' ) ++pt;
- if ( *pt==';' ) ++pt;
- /* Don't care about digit value */
- while ( *pt!=';' && *pt!='\0' ) ++pt;
- if ( *pt==';' ) ++pt;
- /* numeric value */
- val = strtol(pt,&end,10);
- if ( pt==end ) val = -1;
- pt = end;
- if ( *pt==';' ) ++pt;
- /* Don't care about mirrored value */
- while ( *pt!=';' && *pt!='\0' ) ++pt;
- if ( *pt==';' ) ++pt;
- /* Only care about old name (unicode 1.0) for control characters */
- for ( pt1=pt; *pt1!=';' && *pt1!='\0'; ++pt1 );
- strncpy(oldname,pt,pt1-pt); oldname[pt1-pt] = '\0';
- if ( pt1-pt>100 ) oldname[100] = '\0'; pt = pt1;
- if ( *pt==';' ) ++pt;
- /* Don't care about 10646 comment field */
- while ( *pt!=';' && *pt!='\0' ) ++pt;
- if ( *pt==';' ) ++pt;
- /* upper-case value */
- uc = strtol(pt,&end,16);
- if ( end==pt )
- uc = index;
- pt = end;
- if ( *pt==';' ) ++pt;
- /* lower-case value */
- lc = strtol(pt,&end,16);
- if ( end==pt )
- lc = index;
- pt = end;
- if ( *pt==';' ) ++pt;
- /* title-case value */
- tc = strtol(pt,&end,16);
- if ( end==pt )
- tc = index;
- pt = end;
- if ( *pt==';' ) ++pt;
- if ( index>=MAXC )
- break;
- mytolower[index]= lc;
- mytoupper[index]= uc;
- mytotitle[index]= tc;
- mynumericvalue[index]= val;
- flags[index] |= flg;
- flags2[index] = cc&0xff;
- if ( strstr(buf2," First>")!=NULL )
- wasfirst = index;
- else if ( strstr(buf2," Last>")!=NULL ) {
- for ( ; wasfirst<index; ++wasfirst ) {
- mytolower[wasfirst]= wasfirst;
- mytoupper[wasfirst]= wasfirst;
- mytotitle[wasfirst]= wasfirst;
- mynumericvalue[wasfirst]= -1;
- flags[wasfirst] = flg;
- flags2[wasfirst] = cc&0xff;
- }
- } else {
- if ( strcmp(buf2,"<control>")==0 ) {
- strcat(buf2, " ");
- strcat(buf2, oldname);
- }
- names[index]= strdup(buf2);
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- if ((fp = fopen("LineBreak.txt","r"))==NULL ) {
- fprintf( stderr, CantReadFile, "LineBreak.txt" );
- FreeNamesMemorySpace();
- exit(1);
- }
- while ( fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer)-1,fp)!=NULL ) {
- if (strlen(buffer)>=299) { /* previous version was linelength of 300 chars, jul2012 */
- fprintf( stderr, LineLengthBg,"LineBreak.txt",buffer );
- fclose(fp);
- FreeNamesMemorySpace();
- exit(4);
- }
- if ( *buffer=='#' )
- continue;
- flg = 0;
- /* Unicode character value */
- indexend = index = strtol(buffer,&end,16);
- if ( index>0xffff ) /* Only BMP now !!!!!! */
- continue;
- pt = end;
- if ( *pt=='.' && pt[1]=='.' ) {
- indexend = strtol(pt+2,&end,16);
- if ( indexend>0xffff ) indexend = 0xffff; /* Only BMP now !!!!! */
- pt = end;
- }
- if ( *pt==';' ) {
- ++pt;
- for ( pt1=pt; *pt1!=';' && *pt1!=' ' && *pt1!='\0'; ++pt1 );
- if ( strncmp(pt,"BK",pt1-pt)==0 || strncmp(pt,"CR",pt1-pt)==0 || strncmp(pt,"LF",pt1-pt)==0 )
- /*flg |= _MUSTBREAK*/;
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"NS",pt1-pt)==0 || strncmp(pt,"CL",pt1-pt)==0 )
- flg |= _NONSTART;
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"OP",pt1-pt)==0 || strncmp(pt,"CM",pt1-pt)==0 )
- flg |= _NONEND;
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"GL",pt1-pt)==0 )
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"SP",pt1-pt)==0 || strncmp(pt,"HY",pt1-pt)==0 ||
- strncmp(pt,"BA",pt1-pt)==0 ||
- strncmp(pt,"ZW",pt1-pt)==0 )
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"BB",pt1-pt)==0 )
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"B2",pt1-pt)==0 )
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"ID",pt1-pt)==0 )
- else if ( strncmp(pt,"SY",pt1-pt)==0 )
- pt = pt1;
- for ( ; index<=indexend; ++index )
- flags[index] |= flg;
-#if 0
- if ( strstr(pt," First>")!=NULL )
- wasfirst = index;
- else if ( strstr(pt," Last>")!=NULL ) {
- for ( ; wasfirst<index; ++wasfirst ) {
- flags[wasfirst] = flg;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- if ((fp = fopen("PropList.txt","r"))==NULL ) {
- fprintf( stderr, CantReadFile, "PropList.txt" );
- FreeNamesMemorySpace();
- exit(1);
- }
- while ( fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer)-1,fp)!=NULL ) {
- flg = 0;
- if (strlen(buffer)>=299) { /* previous version was linelength of 300 chars, jul2012 */
- fprintf( stderr, LineLengthBg,"PropList.txt",buffer );
- fclose(fp);
- FreeNamesMemorySpace();
- exit(4);
- }
- if ( true || strncmp(buffer,"Property dump for:", strlen("Property dump for:"))==0 ) {
- if ( strstr(buffer, "(Zero-width)")!=NULL || strstr(buffer, "ZERO WIDTH")!=NULL )
- flg = _ZEROWIDTH;
- else if ( strstr(buffer, "(White space)")!=NULL || strstr(buffer, "White_Space")!=NULL )
- flg = _SPACE;
- else if ( strstr(buffer, "(Punctuation)")!=NULL || strstr(buffer, "Punctuation")!=NULL )
- flg = _PUNCT;
- else if ( strstr(buffer, "(Alphabetic)")!=NULL || strstr(buffer, "Alphabetic")!=NULL )
- flg = _ALPHABETIC;
- else if ( strstr(buffer, "(Ideographic)")!=NULL || strstr(buffer, "Ideographic")!=NULL )
- else if ( strstr(buffer, "(Hex Digit)")!=NULL || strstr(buffer, "Hex_Digit")!=NULL )
- flg = _HEX;
- else if ( strstr(buffer, "(Combining)")!=NULL || strstr(buffer, "COMBINING")!=NULL )
- flg = _COMBINING;
- else if ( strstr(buffer, "(Non-break)")!=NULL )
- flg = _NOBREAK;
- if ( flg!=0 ) {
- if (( buffer[0]>='0' && buffer[0]<='9') || (buffer[0]>='A' && buffer[0]<='F')) {
- index = wasfirst = strtol(buffer,NULL,16);
- if ( buffer[4]=='.' && buffer[5]=='.' )
- index = strtol(buffer+6,NULL,16);
- for ( ; wasfirst<=index && wasfirst<=0xffff; ++wasfirst ) /* BMP !!!!! */
- flags[wasfirst] |= flg;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- /* There used to be a zero width property, but no longer */
- flags[0x200B] |= _ZEROWIDTH;
- flags[0x200C] |= _ZEROWIDTH;
- flags[0x200D] |= _ZEROWIDTH;
- flags[0x2060] |= _ZEROWIDTH;
- flags[0xFEFF] |= _ZEROWIDTH;
- /* There used to be a No Break property, but no longer */
- flags[0x00A0] |= _NOBREAK;
- flags[0x2011] |= _NOBREAK;
- flags[0x202F] |= _NOBREAK;
- flags[0xFEFF] |= _NOBREAK;
- if ((fp = fopen("NamesList.txt","r"))==NULL ) {
- fprintf( stderr, CantReadFile, "NamesList.txt" );
- FreeNamesMemorySpace();
- exit(1);
- }
- while ( fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer)-1,fp)!=NULL ) {
- flg = 0;
- if (strlen(buffer)>=511) {
- fprintf( stderr, LineLengthBg,"NamesList.txt",buffer );
- fclose(fp);
- FreeNamesMemorySpace();
- exit(4);
- }
- if ( (index = strtol(buffer,NULL,16))!=0 ) {
- if ( strstr(buffer, "COMBINING")!=NULL )
- flg = _COMBINING;
- else if ( strstr(buffer, "N0-BREAK")!=NULL )
- flg = _NOBREAK;
- else if ( strstr(buffer, "ZERO WIDTH")!=NULL )
- flg = _ZEROWIDTH;
- if ( index<0xffff ) /* !!!!! BMP */
- flags[wasfirst] |= flg;
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- for ( i=0; combiners[i].low!=0; ++i ) {
- for ( j=combiners[i].low; j<=combiners[i].high; ++j )
- flags2[j] |= combiners[i].pos[j-combiners[i].low];
- }
-static void readcorpfile(char *prefix, char *corp) {
- char buffer[300+1], buf2[300+1], *pt, *end, *pt1;
- long index;
- FILE *fp;
- buffer[300]='\0'; buf2[0] = buf2[300]='\0';
- if ((fp = fopen(corp,"r"))==NULL ) {
- fprintf( stderr, CantReadFile, corp ); /* Not essential */
- }
- while ( fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer)-1,fp)!=NULL ) {
- if (strlen(buffer)>=299) {
- fprintf( stderr, LineLengthBg,corp,buffer );
- fclose(fp);
- FreeNamesMemorySpace();
- exit(4);
- }
- if ( *buffer=='#' )
- continue;
- /* code */
- index = strtol(buffer,&end,16);
- pt = end;
- if ( *pt==';' ) {
- ++pt;
- while ( *pt!=';' && *pt!='\0' ) ++pt;
- if ( *pt==';' ) ++pt;
- /* character name */
- for ( pt1=pt; *pt1!=';' && *pt1!='\0' && *pt1!='\n' && *pt1!='\r'; ++pt1 );
- strncpy(buf2,pt,pt1-pt); buf2[pt1-pt] = '\0'; pt = pt1;
- if ( *pt==';' ) ++pt;
- /* character decomposition */
- FigureAlternates(index,pt, false);
- if ( index>=MAXC )
- break;
- if ((names[index]= malloc(strlen(buf2)+strlen(prefix)+4)) == NULL) {
- fprintf( stderr, NoMoreMemory );
- fclose(fp);
- FreeNamesMemorySpace();
- exit(3);
- }
- strcpy(names[index],prefix); strcat(names[index],buf2);
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
-static int find(char *base, char *suffix) {
- char name[300+1];
- int i;
- name[300]='\0';
- strcpy(name,base);
- strcat(name,suffix);
- for ( i=0; i<MAXC; ++i )
- if ( names[i]!=NULL && strcmp(names[i],name)==0 )
-return( i );
-return( -1 );
-static void dumparabicdata(FILE *header) {
- FILE *data;
- struct arabicforms {
- unsigned short initial, medial, final, isolated;
- unsigned int isletter: 1;
- unsigned int joindual: 1;
- unsigned int required_lig_with_alef: 1;
- } forms[256];
- int i, j, index;
- memset(forms,'\0',sizeof(forms));
- for ( i=0x600; i<0x700; ++i ) {
- j = i-0x600;
- if ( names[i]==NULL )
- /* No op (not defined) */;
- else if ( strncmp(names[i],"ARABIC LETTER ",strlen("ARABIC LETTER "))!=0 )
- /* No op (not a letter, no fancy forms) */
- forms[j].initial = forms[j].medial = forms[j].final = forms[j].isolated = i;
- else {
- forms[j].isletter = 1;
- forms[j].initial = forms[j].medial = forms[j].final = forms[j].isolated = i;
- if ( (index = find(names[i]," ISOLATED FORM"))!= -1 )
- forms[j].isolated = index;
- if ( (index = find(names[i]," FINAL FORM"))!= -1 )
- forms[j].final = index;
- if ( (index = find(names[i]," INITIAL FORM"))!= -1 )
- forms[j].initial = index;
- if ( (index = find(names[i]," MEDIAL FORM"))!= -1 )
- forms[j].medial = index;
- if ( forms[j].initial!=i && forms[j].medial!=i )
- forms[j].joindual = 1;
- }
- }
- forms[0x44/* 0x644 == LAM */].required_lig_with_alef = 1;
- fprintf(header,"\nextern struct arabicforms {\n" );
- fprintf(header," unsigned short initial, medial, final, isolated;\n" );
- fprintf(header," unsigned int isletter: 1;\n" );
- fprintf(header," unsigned int joindual: 1;\n" );
- fprintf(header," unsigned int required_lig_with_alef: 1;\n" );
- fprintf(header,"} ArabicForms[256];\t/* for chars 0x600-0x6ff, subtract 0x600 to use array */\n" );
- data = fopen( "ArabicForms.c","w");
- if ( data==NULL || data==NULL ) {
- fprintf( stderr, CantSaveFile, "ArabicForms.c" );
- FreeNamesMemorySpace();
- exit(2);
- }
- fprintf( data, "#include <utype.h>\n" );
- fprintf( data, GeneratedFileMessage );
- fprintf( data, "struct arabicforms ArabicForms[] = {\n" );
- fprintf( data, "\t/* initial, medial, final, isolated, isletter, joindual, required_lig_with_alef */\n");
- for ( i=0; i<256; ++i ) {
- fprintf( data, "\t{ 0x%04x, 0x%04x, 0x%04x, 0x%04x, %d, %d, %d }",
- forms[i].initial, forms[i].medial, forms[i].final, forms[i].isolated,
- forms[i].isletter, forms[i].joindual, forms[i].required_lig_with_alef);
- if ( i==255 )
- fprintf( data, "\n");
- else
- if ( (i & 31)==0 )
- fprintf( data, ",\t/* 0x%04x */\n",0x600+i);
- else
- fprintf( data, ",\n");
- }
- fprintf( data, "};\n" );
- fclose( data );
-static void dump() {
- FILE *header, *data;
- int i,j;
- header=fopen("utype.h","w");
- data = fopen("utype.c","w");
- if ( header==NULL || data==NULL ) {
- fprintf( stderr, CantSaveFile, "(utype.[ch])" );
- if ( header ) fclose( header );
- if ( data ) fclose( data );
- FreeNamesMemorySpace();
- exit(2);
- }
- fprintf( header, "#ifndef _UTYPE_H\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define _UTYPE_H\n" );
- fprintf( header, GeneratedFileMessage );
- fprintf( header, "#include <ctype.h>\t\t/* Include here so we can control it. If a system header includes it later bad things happen */\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#include <unibasics.h>\t\t/* Include here so we can use pre-defined int types to correctly size constant data arrays. */\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#ifdef tolower\n" );
- fprintf( header, "# undef tolower\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#endif\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#ifdef toupper\n" );
- fprintf( header, "# undef toupper\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#endif\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#ifdef islower\n" );
- fprintf( header, "# undef islower\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#endif\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#ifdef isupper\n" );
- fprintf( header, "# undef isupper\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#endif\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#ifdef isalpha\n" );
- fprintf( header, "# undef isalpha\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#endif\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#ifdef isdigit\n" );
- fprintf( header, "# undef isdigit\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#endif\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#ifdef isalnum\n" );
- fprintf( header, "# undef isalnum\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#endif\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#ifdef isspace\n" );
- fprintf( header, "# undef isspace\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#endif\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#ifdef ispunct\n" );
- fprintf( header, "# undef ispunct\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#endif\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#ifdef ishexdigit\n" );
- fprintf( header, "# undef ishexdigit\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#endif\n\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____L 0x%0x\n", _LOWER );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____U 0x%0x\n", _UPPER );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____TITLE 0x%0x\n", _TITLE );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____D 0x%0x\n", _DIGIT );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____S 0x%0x\n", _SPACE );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____P 0x%0x\n", _PUNCT );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____X 0x%0x\n", _HEX );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____ZW 0x%0x\n", _ZEROWIDTH );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____L2R 0x%0x\n", _LEFT_2_RIGHT );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____R2L 0x%0x\n", _RIGHT_2_LEFT );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____ENUM 0x%0x\n", _ENUMERIC );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____ANUM 0x%0x\n", _ANUMERIC );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____ENS 0x%0x\n", _ENS );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____CS 0x%0x\n", _CS );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____ENT 0x%0x\n", _ENT );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____COMBINE 0x%0x\n", _COMBINING );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____BB 0x%0x\n", _BREAKBEFOREOK );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____BA 0x%0x\n", _BREAKAFTEROK );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____NS 0x%0x\n", _NONSTART );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____NE 0x%0x\n", _NONEND );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____UB 0x%0x\n", _URLBREAKAFTER );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____NB 0x%0x\n", _NOBREAK );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____AL 0x%0x\n", _ALPHABETIC );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____ID 0x%0x\n", _IDEOGRAPHIC );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____INITIAL 0x%0x\n", _INITIAL );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____MEDIAL 0x%0x\n", _MEDIAL );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____FINAL 0x%0x\n", _FINAL );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____ISOLATED 0x%0x\n", _ISOLATED );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____DECOMPNORM 0x%0x\n", _DecompositionNormative );
- fprintf( header, "\n" );
- fprintf( header, "extern const unsigned short ____tolower[];\n" );
- fprintf( header, "extern const unsigned short ____toupper[];\n" );
- fprintf( header, "extern const unsigned short ____totitle[];\n" );
- fprintf( header, "extern const unsigned short ____tomirror[];\n" );
- fprintf( header, "extern const unsigned char ____digitval[];\n" );
- fprintf( header, "extern const uint32 ____utype[];\n\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____COMBININGCLASS\t0x%0x\n", _CombiningClass );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____ABOVE\t\t0x%0x\n", _Above );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____BELOW\t\t0x%0x\n", _Below );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____OVERSTRIKE\t\t0x%0x\n", _Overstrike );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____LEFT\t\t0x%0x\n", _Left );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____RIGHT\t\t0x%0x\n", _Right );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____JOINS2\t\t0x%0x\n", _Joins2 );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____CENTERLEFT\t\t0x%0x\n", _CenterLeft );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____CENTERRIGHT\t\t0x%0x\n", _CenterRight );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____CENTEREDOUTSIDE\t0x%0x\n", _CenteredOutside );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____OUTSIDE\t\t0x%0x\n", _Outside );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____LEFTEDGE\t\t0x%0x\n", _LeftEdge );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____RIGHTEDGE\t\t0x%0x\n", _RightEdge );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____TOUCHING\t\t0x%0x\n", _Touching );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____COMBININGPOSMASK\t0x%0x\n",
- _Outside|_CenteredOutside|_CenterRight|_CenterLeft|_Joins2|
- _Right|_Left|_Overstrike|_Below|_Above|_RightEdge|_LeftEdge|
- _Touching );
- fprintf( header, "#define ____NOPOSDATAGIVEN\t(uint32)(-1)\t/* -1 == no position data given */\n\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define combiningclass(ch)\t(____utype2[(ch)+1]&____COMBININGCLASS)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define combiningposmask(ch)\t(____utype2[(ch)+1]&____COMBININGPOSMASK)\n\n" );
- fprintf( header, "extern const uint32\t____utype2[];\t\t\t/* hold position boolean flags for each defined character */\n\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isunicodepointassigned(ch) (____codepointassigned[(ch)/32]&(1<<((ch)%%32)))\n\n" );
- fprintf( header, "extern const uint32\t____codepointassigned[];\t/* 1bit_boolean_flag x 32 = exists in character chart list. */\n\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define tolower(ch) (____tolower[(ch)+1])\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define toupper(ch) (____toupper[(ch)+1])\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define totitle(ch) (____totitle[(ch)+1])\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define tomirror(ch) (____tomirror[(ch)+1])\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define tovalue(ch) (____digitval[(ch)+1])\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define islower(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____L)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isupper(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____U)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define istitle(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____TITLE)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isalpha(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&(____L|____U|____TITLE|____AL))\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isdigit(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____D)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isalnum(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&(____L|____U|____TITLE|____AL|____D))\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isideographic(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____ID)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isideoalpha(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&(____ID|____L|____U|____TITLE|____AL))\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isspace(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____S)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define ispunct(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____P)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define ishexdigit(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____X)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define iszerowidth(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____ZW)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define islefttoright(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____L2R)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isrighttoleft(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____R2L)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define iseuronumeric(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____ENUM)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isarabnumeric(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____ANUM)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define iseuronumsep(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____ENS)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define iscommonsep(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____CS)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define iseuronumterm(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____ENT)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define iscombining(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____COMBINE)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isbreakbetweenok(ch1,ch2) (((____utype[(ch1)+1]&____BA) && !(____utype[(ch2)+1]&____NS)) || ((____utype[(ch2)+1]&____BB) && !(____utype[(ch1)+1]&____NE)) || (!(____utype[(ch2)+1]&____D) && ch1=='/'))\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isnobreak(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____NB)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isarabinitial(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____INITIAL)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isarabmedial(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____MEDIAL)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isarabfinal(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____FINAL)\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isarabisolated(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____ISOLATED)\n\n" );
- fprintf( header, "#define isdecompositionnormative(ch) (____utype[(ch)+1]&____DECOMPNORM)\n\n" );
- fprintf( header, "\n" );
- fprintf( data, "#include \"utype.h\"\n" );
- fprintf( data, GeneratedFileMessage );
- fprintf( data, "const unsigned short ____tolower[]= { 0,\n" );
- for ( i=0; i<MAXC; i+=j ) {
- fprintf( data, " " );
- for ( j=0; j<8 && i+j<MAXC-1; ++j )
- fprintf(data, " 0x%04x,", mytolower[i+j]);
- if ( i+j==MAXC-1 ) {
- fprintf(data, " 0x%04x\n};\n\n", mytolower[i+j]);
- break;
- } else
- if ( (i & 63)==0 )
- fprintf( data, "\t/* 0x%04x */\n",i);
- else
- fprintf( data, "\n");
- }
- fprintf( data, "const unsigned short ____toupper[] = { 0,\n" );
- for ( i=0; i<MAXC; i+=j ) {
- fprintf( data, " " );
- for ( j=0; j<8 && i+j<MAXC-1; ++j )
- fprintf(data, " 0x%04x,", mytoupper[i+j]);
- if ( i+j==MAXC-1 ) {
- fprintf(data, " 0x%04x\n};\n\n", mytoupper[i+j]);
- break;
- } else
- if ( (i & 63)==0 )
- fprintf( data, "\t/* 0x%04x */\n",i);
- else
- fprintf( data, "\n");
- }
- fprintf( data, "const unsigned short ____totitle[] = { 0,\n" );
- for ( i=0; i<MAXC; i+=j ) {
- fprintf( data, " " );
- for ( j=0; j<8 && i+j<MAXC-1; ++j )
- fprintf(data, " 0x%04x,", mytotitle[i+j]);
- if ( i+j==MAXC-1 ) {
- fprintf(data, " 0x%04x\n};\n\n", mytotitle[i+j]);
- break;
- } else
- if ( (i & 63)==0 )
- fprintf( data, "\t/* 0x%04x */\n",i);
- else
- fprintf( data, "\n");
- }
- fprintf( data, "const unsigned short ____tomirror[] = { 0,\n" );
- for ( i=0; i<MAXC; i+=j ) {
- fprintf( data, " " );
- for ( j=0; j<8 && i+j<MAXC-1; ++j )
- fprintf(data, " 0x%04x,", mymirror[i+j]);
- if ( i+j==MAXC-1 ) {
- fprintf(data, " 0x%04x\n};\n\n", mymirror[i+j]);
- break;
- } else
- if ( (i & 63)==0 )
- fprintf( data, "\t/* 0x%04x */\n",i);
- else
- fprintf( data, "\n");
- }
- fprintf( data, "const unsigned char ____digitval[] = { 0,\n" );
- for ( i=0; i<MAXC; i+=j ) {
- fprintf( data, " " );
- for ( j=0; j<8 && i+j<MAXC-1; ++j )
- fprintf(data, " 0x%02x,", mynumericvalue[i+j]);
- if ( i+j==MAXC-1 ) {
- fprintf(data, " 0x%02x\n};\n\n", mynumericvalue[i+j]);
- break;
- } else
- if ( (i & 63)==0 )
- fprintf( data, "\t/* 0x%04x */\n",i);
- else
- fprintf( data, "\n");
- }
- fprintf( data, "const uint32 ____utype[] = { 0,\n" );
- for ( i=0; i<MAXC; i+=j ) {
- fprintf( data, " " );
- for ( j=0; j<8 && i+j<MAXC-1; ++j )
- fprintf(data, " 0x%08x,", flags[i+j]);
- if ( i+j==MAXC-1 ) {
- fprintf(data, " 0x%08x\n};\n\n", flags[i+j]);
- break;
- } else
- if ( (i & 63)==0 )
- fprintf( data, "\t/* 0x%04x */\n",i);
- else
- fprintf( data, "\n");
- }
- fprintf( data, "const uint32 ____utype2[] = { 0,\n" );
- fprintf( data, " /* binary flags used for physical layout of each character */\n" );
- for ( i=0; i<MAXC; i+=j ) {
- fprintf( data, " " );
- for ( j=0; j<8 && i+j<MAXC-1; ++j )
- fprintf(data, " 0x%08x,", flags2[i+j]);
- if ( i+j==MAXC-1 ) {
- fprintf(data, " 0x%08x\n};\n\n", flags2[i+j]);
- break;
- } else
- if ( (i & 63)==0 )
- fprintf( data, "\t/* 0x%04x */\n",i);
- else
- fprintf( data, "\n");
- }
- fprintf( data, "const uint32 ____codepointassigned[] = {\n" );
- fprintf( data, " /* 32 characters represented for each data value in array */\n" );
- for ( i=0; i<0x120000/32; i+=j ) {
- fprintf( data, " " );
- for ( j=0; j<8 && i+j<0x120000/32-1; ++j )
- fprintf(data, " 0x%08x,", assignedcodepoints[i+j]);
- if ( i+j==0x120000/32-1 ) {
- fprintf(data, " 0x%08x\n};\n\n", assignedcodepoints[i+j]);
- break;
- } else
- if ( (i & 63)==0 )
- fprintf( data, "\t/* 0x%04x */\n",i);
- else
- fprintf( data, "\n");
- }
- fclose( data );
-#if 0
- data = fopen( "uninames.c", "w");
- if ( data==NULL ) {
- fprintf( stderr, CantSaveFile, "uninames.c" );
- FreeNamesMemorySpace();
- exit( 1 );
- }
- fprintf( data, "#include <stdio.h>\n" );
- fprintf( data, "#include <utype.h>\n" );
- fprintf( data, GeneratedFileMessage );
- for ( i=0; i<MAXC; ++i ) if ( names[i]!=NULL && *names[i]!='<' ) {
- fprintf( data, "static const unsigned short _%04x[] = { ", i );
- for ( j=0; names[i][j]!='\0'; ++j )
- fprintf( data, "'%c', ", names[i][j]);
- fprintf( data, "0 };\n" );
- }
- for ( i=0; i<MAXC; i+=256 ) { int any=0;
- for ( j=0; j<256 && !any; ++j )
- if ( names[i+j]!=NULL && *names[i+j]!='<' ) any = 1;
- if ( any ) {
- fprintf( data, "static const unsigned short * const __%04x[] = {\n", i );
- for ( j=0; j<256; ++j )
- if ( names[i+j]!=NULL && *names[i+j]!='<' )
- fprintf( data, "\t_%04x%s\n", i+j, j==255?"":"," );
- else
- fprintf( data, "\tNULL%s\n", j==255?"":"," );
- fprintf(data, "};\n" );
- }
- }
- fprintf( data, "static const unsigned short *const __NULLALL[] = {\n" );
- for ( j=0; j<255; ++j ) fprintf( data, "\tNULL,\n" );
- fprintf( data, "\tNULL\n};\n" );
- fprintf( data, "\nunsigned const short *const*const UnicodeCharacterNames[] = {\n" );
- for ( i=0; i<MAXC; i+=256 ) { int any=0;
- for ( j=0; j<256 && !any; ++j )
- if ( names[i+j]!=NULL && *names[i+j]!='<' ) any = 1;
- if ( any )
- fprintf( data, "\t__%04x%s\n", i, i==0xff00?"":"," );
- else
- fprintf( data, "\t__NULLALL%s\n", i==0xff00?"":"," );
- }
- fprintf( data, "};\n" );
- fclose( data );
- fprintf( header, "\nextern const unsigned short *const *const UnicodeCharacterNames[];\n" );
- fprintf( header, "\t/* An array of 256 arrays of 256 strings of 2byte unicode chars */\n" );
- fprintf( header, "\t/* containing the names of all non-algorithmically named unicode chars */\n" );
- dumparabicdata(header);
- fprintf( header, "\n#define _SOFT_HYPHEN\t0xad\n" );
- fprintf( header, "\n#define _DOUBLE_S\t0xdf\n" );
- fprintf( header, "\n#endif\n" );
- fclose( header );
-static int AnyAlts(int i ) {
- int j;
- for ( j=(i<<8); j< (i<<8)+0x100; ++j )
- if ( alts[j][0]!=0 )
-return( 1 );
-return( 0 );
-static void dump_alttable() {
- int i,j;
- FILE *file;
- if (( file = fopen("unialt.c","w" ))==NULL ) {
- fprintf(stderr, CantSaveFile, "unialt.c" );
- }
- fprintf(file, "#include <chardata.h>\n" );
- fprintf(file, GeneratedFileMessage );
- for ( i=32; i<MAXC; ++i ) {
- if ( alts[i][0]!=0 ) {
- fprintf( file, "static const unichar_t str_%x[] = { 0x%04x, ", i, alts[i][0] );
- for ( j=1; j<MAXA && alts[i][j]!=0; ++j )
- fprintf( file, "0x%04x, ", alts[i][j] );
- fprintf( file, "0 };\n" );
- }
- }
- fprintf( file, "\n" );
- fprintf( file, "static const unichar_t *const up_allzeros[256] = { NULL };\n\n" );
- for ( i=32; i<0xffff; ++i ) {
- if ( alts[i][0]!=0 ) {
- fprintf( file, "static const unichar_t * const tab_%x[] = {\n", i>>8 );
- for ( j=(i&0xff00); j<=(i&0xff00)+0xff; ++j ) {
- if ( alts[j][0]==0 )
- fprintf( file, "0, " );
- else
- fprintf( file, "str_%x,\n", j );
- }
- fprintf(file, "0};\n\n" );
- i = j;
- }
- }
- fprintf( file, "const unichar_t *const * const unicode_alternates[] = {\n" );
- for ( i=0; i<=0xff; ++i ) {
- if ( AnyAlts(i) )
- fprintf(file, "tab_%x,\n", i );
- else
- fprintf(file, "up_allzeros, " );
- }
- fprintf(file, "0};\n" );
- fclose(file);
-#if 0 /* moved to dump.c to make build process easier */
- /* Now only one thing touches chardata. Even though it's our entry */
- /* best if done elsewhere */
- file = fopen("chardata.h","a");
- fprintf( file, GeneratedFileMessage );
- fprintf( file,"\nextern const unichar_t *const * const unicode_alternates[];\n" );
- fclose(file);
-static void visualalts(void) {
- /* These non-normative decompositions allow display algorithems to */
- /* pick something that looks right, even if the character doesn't mean */
- /* what it should. For example Alpha LOOKS LIKE A so if we don't have */
- /* an Alpha character available we can draw it with an A. But this decomp */
- /* is not normative and should not be used for ordering purposes */
- /* ligatures */
- alts[0x152][0] = 'O'; alts[0x152][1] = 'E';
- alts[0x153][0] = 'o'; alts[0x153][1] = 'e';
- /* I don't bother with AE, ae because they are in latin1 and so common */
- /* Things which look alike to my eyes */
- alts[0x110][0] = 0xD0; alts[0x110][1] = '\0';
- alts[0x138][0] = 0x3ba;
- alts[0x182][0] = 0x402;
- alts[0x189][0] = 0xD0;
- alts[0x19e][0] = 0x3b7;
- alts[0x19f][0] = 0x398;
- alts[0x1a9][0] = 0x3a3;
- alts[0x1c0][0] = '|';
- alts[0x1c1][0] = '|'; alts[0x1c1][1] = '|';
- alts[0x269][0] = 0x3b9;
- alts[0x278][0] = 0x3a6; /* IPA */
- alts[0x299][0] = 0x432;
- alts[0x292][0] = 0x1b7;
- alts[0x29c][0] = 0x43d;
- alts[0x2b9][0] = '\'';
- alts[0x2ba][0] = '"';
- alts[0x2bc][0] = '\'';
- alts[0x2c4][0] = '^';
- alts[0x2c6][0] = '^';
- alts[0x2c8][0] = '\'';
- alts[0x2dc][0] = '~';
- alts[0x2e0][0] = 0x263;
- alts[0x2e1][0] = 'l';
- alts[0x2e2][0] = 's';
- alts[0x2e3][0] = 'x';
- alts[0x2e4][0] = 0x2e4;
- alts[0x301][0] = 0xb4;
- alts[0x302][0] = '^';
- alts[0x303][0] = '~';
- alts[0x308][0] = 0xa8;
- alts[0x30a][0] = 0xb0;
- alts[0x30b][0] = '"';
- alts[0x30e][0] = '"';
- alts[0x327][0] = 0xb8;
- alts[0x374][0] = '\''; /* Greek */
- alts[0x375][0] = 0x2cf;
- alts[0x37a][0] = 0x345;
- alts[0x37e][0] = ';';
- alts[0x391][0] = 'A';
- alts[0x392][0] = 'B';
- alts[0x393][0] = 0x413;
- alts[0x395][0] = 'E';
- alts[0x396][0] = 'Z';
- alts[0x397][0] = 'H';
- alts[0x399][0] = 'I';
- alts[0x39a][0] = 'K';
- alts[0x39c][0] = 'M';
- alts[0x39d][0] = 'N';
- alts[0x39f][0] = 'O';
- alts[0x3A1][0] = 'P';
- alts[0x3A4][0] = 'T';
- alts[0x3A5][0] = 'Y';
- alts[0x3A7][0] = 'X';
- alts[0x3ba][0] = 0x138;
- alts[0x3bf][0] = 'o';
- alts[0x3c1][0] = 'p';
- alts[0x3c7][0] = 'x';
- alts[0x405][0] = 'S'; /* Cyrillic */
- alts[0x406][0] = 'I';
- alts[0x408][0] = 'J';
- alts[0x410][0] = 'A';
- alts[0x412][0] = 'B';
- alts[0x413][0] = 0x393;
- alts[0x415][0] = 'E';
- alts[0x41a][0] = 'K';
- alts[0x41c][0] = 'M';
- alts[0x41d][0] = 'H';
- alts[0x41e][0] = 'O';
- alts[0x41f][0] = 0x3a0;
- alts[0x420][0] = 'P';
- alts[0x421][0] = 'C';
- alts[0x422][0] = 'T';
- alts[0x424][0] = 0x3a6;
- alts[0x425][0] = 'X';
- alts[0x430][0] = 'a';
- alts[0x435][0] = 'e';
- alts[0x43a][0] = 0x3ba;
- alts[0x43e][0] = 'o';
- alts[0x43f][0] = 0x3c0; /* Not quite right, but close */
- alts[0x440][0] = 'p';
- alts[0x441][0] = 'c';
- alts[0x443][0] = 'y';
- alts[0x445][0] = 'x';
- alts[0x455][0] = 's';
- alts[0x456][0] = 'i';
- alts[0x458][0] = 'j';
- alts[0x470][0] = 0x3a8; /* extended Cyrillic */
- alts[0x471][0] = 0x3c8;
- alts[0x4ae][0] = 'Y';
- alts[0x4c0][0] = 'I';
- alts[0x4d4][0] = 0xc6;
- alts[0x4d5][0] = 0xe6;
- alts[0x4e0][0] = 0x1b7;
- alts[0x4e1][0] = 0x292;
- alts[0x4e8][0] = 0x398;
- alts[0x4e9][0] = 0x3b8;
- alts[0x54f][0] = 'S'; /* Armenian */
- alts[0x555][0] = 'O';
- alts[0x570][0] = 0x26f;
- alts[0x570][0] = 'h';
- alts[0x578][0] = 'n';
- alts[0x57a][0] = 0x270;
- alts[0x57d][0] = 'u';
- alts[0x581][0] = 0x261;
- alts[0x582][0] = 0x269;
- alts[0x584][0] = 'f';
- alts[0x585][0] = 'o';
- alts[0x589][0] = ':';
- alts[0x5f0][0] = 0x5d5; alts[0x5f0][1] = 0x5d5; /* Yiddish ligs */
- alts[0x5f1][0] = 0x5d5; alts[0x5f1][1] = 0x5d9; /* 0x5d9 should be drawn first (r to l) */
- alts[0x5f2][0] = 0x5d9; alts[0x5f2][1] = 0x5d9;
- alts[0x60c][0] = 0x2018; /* Arabic */
- alts[0x66a][0] = '%';
- alts[0x66c][0] = ',';
- alts[0x66d][0] = 0x22c6;
- alts[0x6d4][0] = 0xb7;
- /* Many of the Korean Jamo are ligatures of other Jamo */
- /* 0x110b often, but not always, rides underneath (0x1135 it's left) */
- /* Chosung */
- alts[0x1101][0] = 0x1100; alts[0x1101][1] = 0x1100;
- alts[0x1104][0] = 0x1103; alts[0x1104][1] = 0x1103;
- alts[0x1108][0] = 0x1107; alts[0x1108][1] = 0x1107;
- alts[0x110a][0] = 0x1109; alts[0x110a][1] = 0x1109;
- alts[0x110d][0] = 0x110c; alts[0x110d][1] = 0x110c;
- alts[0x1113][0] = 0x1102; alts[0x1113][1] = 0x1100;
- alts[0x1114][0] = 0x1102; alts[0x1114][1] = 0x1102;
- alts[0x1115][0] = 0x1102; alts[0x1115][1] = 0x1103;
- alts[0x1116][0] = 0x1102; alts[0x1116][1] = 0x1107;
- alts[0x1117][0] = 0x1103; alts[0x1117][1] = 0x1100;
- alts[0x1118][0] = 0x1105; alts[0x1118][1] = 0x1102;
- alts[0x1119][0] = 0x1105; alts[0x1119][1] = 0x1105;
- alts[0x111a][0] = 0x1105; alts[0x111a][1] = 0x1112;
- alts[0x111b][0] = 0x1105; alts[0x111b][1] = 0x110b;
- alts[0x111c][0] = 0x1106; alts[0x111c][1] = 0x1107;
- alts[0x111d][0] = 0x1106; alts[0x111d][1] = 0x110b;
- alts[0x111e][0] = 0x1107; alts[0x111e][1] = 0x1100;
- alts[0x111f][0] = 0x1107; alts[0x111f][1] = 0x1102;
- alts[0x1120][0] = 0x1107; alts[0x1120][1] = 0x1103;
- alts[0x1121][0] = 0x1107; alts[0x1121][1] = 0x1109;
- alts[0x1122][0] = 0x1107; alts[0x1122][1] = 0x1109; alts[0x1122][2] = 0x1100;
- alts[0x1123][0] = 0x1107; alts[0x1123][1] = 0x1109; alts[0x1123][2] = 0x1103;
- alts[0x1124][0] = 0x1107; alts[0x1124][1] = 0x1109; alts[0x1124][2] = 0x1107;
- alts[0x1125][0] = 0x1107; alts[0x1125][1] = 0x1109; alts[0x1125][2] = 0x1109;
- alts[0x1126][0] = 0x1107; alts[0x1126][1] = 0x1109; alts[0x1126][2] = 0x110c;
- alts[0x1127][0] = 0x1107; alts[0x1127][1] = 0x110c;
- alts[0x1128][0] = 0x1107; alts[0x1128][1] = 0x110e;
- alts[0x1129][0] = 0x1107; alts[0x1129][1] = 0x1110;
- alts[0x112a][0] = 0x1107; alts[0x112a][1] = 0x1111;
- alts[0x112b][0] = 0x1107; alts[0x112b][1] = 0x110b;
- alts[0x112c][0] = 0x1107; alts[0x112c][1] = 0x1107; alts[0x112c][2] = 0x110b;
- alts[0x112d][0] = 0x1109; alts[0x112d][1] = 0x1100;
- alts[0x112e][0] = 0x1109; alts[0x112e][1] = 0x1102;
- alts[0x112f][0] = 0x1109; alts[0x112f][1] = 0x1103;
- alts[0x1130][0] = 0x1109; alts[0x1130][1] = 0x1105;
- alts[0x1131][0] = 0x1109; alts[0x1131][1] = 0x1106;
- alts[0x1132][0] = 0x1109; alts[0x1132][1] = 0x1107;
- alts[0x1133][0] = 0x1109; alts[0x1133][1] = 0x1107; alts[0x1133][2] = 0x1100;
- alts[0x1134][0] = 0x1109; alts[0x1134][1] = 0x1109; alts[0x1134][2] = 0x1109;
- alts[0x1135][0] = 0x1109; alts[0x1135][1] = 0x110b;
- alts[0x1136][0] = 0x1109; alts[0x1136][1] = 0x110c;
- alts[0x1137][0] = 0x1109; alts[0x1137][1] = 0x110e;
- alts[0x1138][0] = 0x1109; alts[0x1138][1] = 0x110f;
- alts[0x1139][0] = 0x1109; alts[0x1139][1] = 0x1110;
- alts[0x113a][0] = 0x1109; alts[0x113a][1] = 0x1111;
- alts[0x113b][0] = 0x1109; alts[0x113b][1] = 0x1112;
- alts[0x113d][0] = 0x113c; alts[0x113d][1] = 0x113c;
- alts[0x113f][0] = 0x113e; alts[0x113f][1] = 0x113e;
- alts[0x1141][0] = 0x110b; alts[0x1141][1] = 0x1100;
- alts[0x1142][0] = 0x110b; alts[0x1142][1] = 0x1103;
- alts[0x1143][0] = 0x110b; alts[0x1143][1] = 0x1106;
- alts[0x1144][0] = 0x110b; alts[0x1144][1] = 0x1107;
- alts[0x1145][0] = 0x110b; alts[0x1145][1] = 0x1109;
- alts[0x1146][0] = 0x110b; alts[0x1146][1] = 0x1140;
- alts[0x1147][0] = 0x110b; alts[0x1147][1] = 0x110b;
- alts[0x1148][0] = 0x110b; alts[0x1148][1] = 0x110c;
- alts[0x1149][0] = 0x110b; alts[0x1149][1] = 0x110e;
- alts[0x114a][0] = 0x110b; alts[0x114a][1] = 0x1110;
- alts[0x114b][0] = 0x110b; alts[0x114b][1] = 0x1111;
- alts[0x114d][0] = 0x110c; alts[0x114d][1] = 0x110b;
- alts[0x114f][0] = 0x114e; alts[0x114f][1] = 0x114e;
- alts[0x1151][0] = 0x1150; alts[0x1151][1] = 0x1150;
- alts[0x1152][0] = 0x110e; alts[0x1152][1] = 0x110f;
- alts[0x1153][0] = 0x110e; alts[0x1153][1] = 0x1112;
- alts[0x1156][0] = 0x1111; alts[0x1156][1] = 0x1107;
- alts[0x1157][0] = 0x1111; alts[0x1157][1] = 0x110b;
- alts[0x1158][0] = 0x1112; alts[0x1158][1] = 0x1112;
- /* Jungsung */
- alts[0x1162][0] = 0x1161; alts[0x1162][1] = 0x1175;
- alts[0x1164][0] = 0x1163; alts[0x1164][1] = 0x1175;
- alts[0x1166][0] = 0x1165; alts[0x1166][1] = 0x1175;
- alts[0x1168][0] = 0x1167; alts[0x1168][1] = 0x1175;
- alts[0x116a][0] = 0x1169; alts[0x116a][1] = 0x1161;
- alts[0x116b][0] = 0x1169; alts[0x116b][1] = 0x1162;
- alts[0x116c][0] = 0x1169; alts[0x116c][1] = 0x1175;
- alts[0x116f][0] = 0x116e; alts[0x116f][1] = 0x1165;
- alts[0x1170][0] = 0x116e; alts[0x1170][1] = 0x1166;
- alts[0x1171][0] = 0x116e; alts[0x1171][1] = 0x1175;
- alts[0x1174][0] = 0x1173; alts[0x1174][1] = 0x1175;
- alts[0x1176][0] = 0x1161; alts[0x1176][1] = 0x1169;
- alts[0x1177][0] = 0x1161; alts[0x1177][1] = 0x116e;
- alts[0x1178][0] = 0x1163; alts[0x1178][1] = 0x1169;
- alts[0x1179][0] = 0x1163; alts[0x1179][1] = 0x116d;
- alts[0x117a][0] = 0x1165; alts[0x117a][1] = 0x1169;
- alts[0x117b][0] = 0x1165; alts[0x117b][1] = 0x116e;
- alts[0x117c][0] = 0x1165; alts[0x117c][1] = 0x1173;
- alts[0x117d][0] = 0x1167; alts[0x117d][1] = 0x1169;
- alts[0x117e][0] = 0x1167; alts[0x117e][1] = 0x116e;
- alts[0x117f][0] = 0x1169; alts[0x117f][1] = 0x1165;
- alts[0x1180][0] = 0x1169; alts[0x1180][1] = 0x1166;
- alts[0x1181][0] = 0x1169; alts[0x1181][1] = 0x1168;
- alts[0x1182][0] = 0x1169; alts[0x1182][1] = 0x1169;
- alts[0x1183][0] = 0x1169; alts[0x1183][1] = 0x116e;
- alts[0x1184][0] = 0x116d; alts[0x1184][1] = 0x1163;
- alts[0x1185][0] = 0x116d; alts[0x1185][1] = 0x1164;
- alts[0x1186][0] = 0x116d; alts[0x1186][1] = 0x1167;
- alts[0x1187][0] = 0x116d; alts[0x1187][1] = 0x1169;
- alts[0x1188][0] = 0x116d; alts[0x1188][1] = 0x1175;
- alts[0x1189][0] = 0x116e; alts[0x1189][1] = 0x1161;
- alts[0x118a][0] = 0x116e; alts[0x118a][1] = 0x1162;
- alts[0x118b][0] = 0x116e; alts[0x118b][1] = 0x1165; alts[0x118b][2] = 0x1173;
- alts[0x118c][0] = 0x116e; alts[0x118c][1] = 0x1168;
- alts[0x118d][0] = 0x116e; alts[0x118d][1] = 0x116e;
- alts[0x118e][0] = 0x1172; alts[0x118e][1] = 0x1161;
- alts[0x118f][0] = 0x1172; alts[0x118f][1] = 0x1165;
- alts[0x1190][0] = 0x1172; alts[0x1190][1] = 0x1166;
- alts[0x1191][0] = 0x1172; alts[0x1191][1] = 0x1167;
- alts[0x1192][0] = 0x1172; alts[0x1192][1] = 0x1168;
- alts[0x1193][0] = 0x1172; alts[0x1193][1] = 0x116e;
- alts[0x1194][0] = 0x1172; alts[0x1194][1] = 0x1175;
- alts[0x1195][0] = 0x1173; alts[0x1195][1] = 0x116e;
- alts[0x1196][0] = 0x1173; alts[0x1196][1] = 0x1173;
- alts[0x1197][0] = 0x1174; alts[0x1197][1] = 0x116e;
- alts[0x1198][0] = 0x1175; alts[0x1198][1] = 0x1161;
- alts[0x1199][0] = 0x1175; alts[0x1199][1] = 0x1163;
- alts[0x119a][0] = 0x1175; alts[0x119a][1] = 0x1169;
- alts[0x119b][0] = 0x1175; alts[0x119b][1] = 0x116e;
- alts[0x119c][0] = 0x1175; alts[0x119c][1] = 0x1173;
- alts[0x119d][0] = 0x1175; alts[0x119d][1] = 0x119e;
- alts[0x119f][0] = 0x119e; alts[0x119f][1] = 0x1165;
- alts[0x11a0][0] = 0x119e; alts[0x11a0][1] = 0x116e;
- alts[0x11a1][0] = 0x119e; alts[0x11a1][1] = 0x1175;
- alts[0x11a2][0] = 0x119e; alts[0x11a2][1] = 0x119e;
- /* Jongsung */
- alts[0x11a8][0] = 0x1100;
- alts[0x11a9][0] = 0x11a8; alts[0x11a9][1] = 0x11a8;
- alts[0x11aa][0] = 0x11a8; alts[0x11aa][1] = 0x11ba;
- alts[0x11ab][0] = 0x1102;
- alts[0x11ac][0] = 0x11ab; alts[0x11ac][1] = 0x11bd;
- alts[0x11ad][0] = 0x11ab; alts[0x11ad][1] = 0x11c2;
- alts[0x11ae][0] = 0x1103;
- alts[0x11af][0] = 0x1105;
- alts[0x11b0][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11b0][1] = 0x11a8;
- alts[0x11b1][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11b1][1] = 0x11b7;
- alts[0x11b2][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11b2][1] = 0x11b8;
- alts[0x11b3][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11b3][1] = 0x11ba;
- alts[0x11b4][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11b4][1] = 0x11c0;
- alts[0x11b5][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11b5][1] = 0x11c1;
- alts[0x11b6][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11b6][1] = 0x11c2;
- alts[0x11b7][0] = 0x1106;
- alts[0x11b8][0] = 0x1107;
- alts[0x11b9][0] = 0x11b8; alts[0x11b9][1] = 0x11ba;
- alts[0x11ba][0] = 0x1109;
- alts[0x11bb][0] = 0x11ba; alts[0x11bb][1] = 0x11ba;
- alts[0x11bc][0] = 0x110b;
- alts[0x11bd][0] = 0x110c;
- alts[0x11be][0] = 0x110e;
- alts[0x11bf][0] = 0x110f;
- alts[0x11c0][0] = 0x1110;
- alts[0x11c1][0] = 0x1111;
- alts[0x11c2][0] = 0x1112;
- alts[0x11c3][0] = 0x11a8; alts[0x11c3][1] = 0x11af;
- alts[0x11c4][0] = 0x11a8; alts[0x11c4][1] = 0x11ba; alts[0x11c4][2] = 0x11a8;
- alts[0x11c5][0] = 0x11ab; alts[0x11c5][1] = 0x11a8;
- alts[0x11c6][0] = 0x11ab; alts[0x11c6][1] = 0x11ae;
- alts[0x11c7][0] = 0x11ab; alts[0x11c7][1] = 0x11ba;
- alts[0x11c8][0] = 0x11ab; alts[0x11c8][1] = 0x11eb;
- alts[0x11c9][0] = 0x11ab; alts[0x11c9][1] = 0x11c0;
- alts[0x11ca][0] = 0x11ae; alts[0x11ca][1] = 0x11a8;
- alts[0x11cb][0] = 0x11ae; alts[0x11cb][1] = 0x11af;
- alts[0x11cc][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11cc][1] = 0x11a8; alts[0x11cc][2] = 0x11ba;
- alts[0x11cd][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11cd][1] = 0x11ab;
- alts[0x11ce][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11ce][1] = 0x11ae;
- alts[0x11cf][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11cf][1] = 0x11ae; alts[0x11cf][2] = 0x11c2;
- alts[0x11d0][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11d0][1] = 0x11af;
- alts[0x11d1][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11d1][1] = 0x11b7; alts[0x11d1][2] = 0x11a8;
- alts[0x11d2][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11d2][1] = 0x11b7; alts[0x11d2][2] = 0x11ba;
- alts[0x11d3][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11d3][1] = 0x11b8; alts[0x11d3][2] = 0x11ba;
- alts[0x11d4][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11d4][1] = 0x11b8; alts[0x11d4][2] = 0x11c2;
- /*alts[0x11d5][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11d5][1] = 0x11b8; alts[0x11d5][2] = 0x11bc;*/
- alts[0x11d5][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11d5][1] = 0x11e6;
- alts[0x11d6][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11d6][1] = 0x11ba; alts[0x11d6][2] = 0x11ba;
- alts[0x11d7][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11d7][1] = 0x11eb;
- alts[0x11d8][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11d8][1] = 0x11bf;
- alts[0x11d9][0] = 0x11af; alts[0x11d9][1] = 0x11f9;
- alts[0x11da][0] = 0x11b7; alts[0x11da][1] = 0x11a8;
- alts[0x11db][0] = 0x11b7; alts[0x11db][1] = 0x11af;
- alts[0x11dc][0] = 0x11b7; alts[0x11dc][1] = 0x11b8;
- alts[0x11dd][0] = 0x11b7; alts[0x11dd][1] = 0x11ba;
- alts[0x11de][0] = 0x11b7; alts[0x11de][1] = 0x11ba; alts[0x11de][2] = 0x11ba;
- alts[0x11df][0] = 0x11b7; alts[0x11df][1] = 0x11eb;
- alts[0x11e0][0] = 0x11b7; alts[0x11e0][1] = 0x11be;
- alts[0x11e1][0] = 0x11b7; alts[0x11e1][1] = 0x11c2;
- alts[0x11e2][0] = 0x11b7; alts[0x11e2][1] = 0x11bc;
- alts[0x11e3][0] = 0x11b8; alts[0x11e3][1] = 0x11af;
- alts[0x11e4][0] = 0x11b8; alts[0x11e4][1] = 0x11c1;
- alts[0x11e5][0] = 0x11b8; alts[0x11e5][1] = 0x11c2;
- alts[0x11e6][0] = 0x11b8; alts[0x11e6][1] = 0x11bc;
- alts[0x11e7][0] = 0x11ba; alts[0x11e7][1] = 0x11a8;
- alts[0x11e8][0] = 0x11ba; alts[0x11e8][1] = 0x11ae;
- alts[0x11e9][0] = 0x11ba; alts[0x11e9][1] = 0x11af;
- alts[0x11ea][0] = 0x11ba; alts[0x11ea][1] = 0x11b8;
- alts[0x11eb][0] = 0x1140;
- alts[0x11ec][0] = 0x11bc; alts[0x11ec][1] = 0x11a8;
- alts[0x11ed][0] = 0x11bc; alts[0x11ed][1] = 0x11a8; alts[0x11ed][2] = 0x11a8;
- alts[0x11ee][0] = 0x11bc; alts[0x11ee][1] = 0x11bc;
- alts[0x11ef][0] = 0x11bc; alts[0x11ef][1] = 0x11bf;
- alts[0x11f0][0] = 0x114c;
- alts[0x11f1][0] = 0x11f0; alts[0x11f1][1] = 0x11ba;
- alts[0x11f2][0] = 0x11f0; alts[0x11f2][1] = 0x11eb;
- alts[0x11f3][0] = 0x11c1; alts[0x11f3][1] = 0x11b8;
- alts[0x11f4][0] = 0x11c1; alts[0x11f4][1] = 0x11bc;
- alts[0x11f5][0] = 0x11c2; alts[0x11f5][1] = 0x11ab;
- alts[0x11f6][0] = 0x11c2; alts[0x11f6][1] = 0x11af;
- alts[0x11f7][0] = 0x11c2; alts[0x11f7][1] = 0x11b7;
- alts[0x11f8][0] = 0x11c2; alts[0x11f8][1] = 0x11b8;
- alts[0x11f9][0] = 0x1159;
- alts[0x13a0][0] = 'D'; /* Cherokee */
- alts[0x13a1][0] = 'R';
- alts[0x13a2][0] = 'T';
- alts[0x13a2][0] = 'T';
- alts[0x13a9][0] = 0x423;
- alts[0x13aa][0] = 'A';
- alts[0x13ab][0] = 'J';
- alts[0x13ac][0] = 'E';
- alts[0x13b1][0] = 0x393;
- alts[0x13b3][0] = 'W';
- alts[0x13b7][0] = 'M';
- alts[0x13bb][0] = 'H';
- alts[0x13be][0] = 0x398;
- alts[0x13c0][0] = 'G';
- alts[0x13c2][0] = 'h';
- alts[0x13c3][0] = 'Z';
- alts[0x13cf][0] = 0x42c;
- alts[0x13d9][0] = 'V';
- alts[0x13da][0] = 'S';
- alts[0x13de][0] = 'L';
- alts[0x13df][0] = 'C';
- alts[0x13e2][0] = 'P';
- alts[0x13e6][0] = 'K';
- alts[0x13f4][0] = 'B';
- alts[0x2000][0] = ' '; /* punctuation */
- alts[0x2001][0] = ' ';
- alts[0x2010][0] = '-';
- alts[0x2011][0] = '-';
- alts[0x2012][0] = '-';
- alts[0x2013][0] = '-';
- alts[0x2014][0] = '-';
- alts[0x2015][0] = '-';
- alts[0x2016][0] = '|'; alts[0x2016][1] = '|';
- alts[0x2018][0] = '`';
- alts[0x2019][0] = '\'';
- alts[0x201c][0] = '"';
- alts[0x201d][0] = '"';
- alts[0x2024][0] = '.';
- alts[0x2025][0] = '.'; alts[0x2025][1] = '.';
- alts[0x2026][0] = '.'; alts[0x2026][1] = '.'; alts[0x2026][2] = '.';
- alts[0x2032][0] = '\'';
- alts[0x2033][0] = '"';
- alts[0x2035][0] = '`';
- alts[0x2036][0] = '"';
- alts[0x2039][0] = '<';
- alts[0x203a][0] = '>';
- alts[0x203c][0] = '!'; alts[0x203c][1] = '!';
- alts[0x2048][0] = '?'; alts[0x2048][1] = '!';
- alts[0x2049][0] = '!'; alts[0x2049][1] = '?';
- alts[0x2126][0] = 0x3a9;
- alts[0x2205][0] = 0xd8; /* Mathematical operators */
- alts[0x2206][0] = 0x394;
- alts[0x220f][0] = 0x3a0;
- alts[0x2211][0] = 0x3a3;
- alts[0x2212][0] = '-';
- alts[0x2215][0] = '/';
- alts[0x2216][0] = '\\';
- alts[0x2217][0] = '*';
- alts[0x2218][0] = 0xb0;
- alts[0x2219][0] = 0xb7;
- alts[0x2223][0] = '|';
- alts[0x2225][0] = '|'; alts[0x2225][1] = '|';
- alts[0x2236][0] = ':';
- alts[0x223c][0] = '~';
- alts[0x226a][0] = 0xab;
- alts[0x226b][0] = 0xbb;
- alts[0x2299][0] = 0x298;
- alts[0x22c4][0] = 0x25ca;
- alts[0x22c5][0] = 0xb7;
- alts[0x22ef][0] = 0xb7; alts[0x22ef][1] = 0xb7; alts[0x22ef][2] = 0xb7;
- alts[0x2303][0] = '^'; /* Misc Technical */
- alts[0x2373][0] = 0x3b9; /* APL greek */
- alts[0x2374][0] = 0x3c1;
- alts[0x2375][0] = 0x3c9;
- alts[0x237a][0] = 0x3b1;
- /* names of control chars */
- alts[0x2400][0] = 'N'; alts[0x2400][1] = 'U'; alts[0x2400][2] = 'L';
- alts[0x2401][0] = 'S'; alts[0x2401][1] = 'O'; alts[0x2401][2] = 'H';
- alts[0x2402][0] = 'S'; alts[0x2402][1] = 'T'; alts[0x2402][2] = 'X';
- alts[0x2403][0] = 'E'; alts[0x2403][1] = 'T'; alts[0x2403][2] = 'X';
- alts[0x2404][0] = 'E'; alts[0x2404][1] = 'O'; alts[0x2404][2] = 'T';
- alts[0x2405][0] = 'E'; alts[0x2405][1] = 'N'; alts[0x2405][2] = 'A';
- alts[0x2406][0] = 'A'; alts[0x2406][1] = 'C'; alts[0x2406][2] = 'K';
- alts[0x2407][0] = 'B'; alts[0x2407][1] = 'E'; alts[0x2407][2] = 'L';
- alts[0x2408][0] = 'B'; alts[0x2408][1] = 'S';
- alts[0x2409][0] = 'H'; alts[0x2409][1] = 'T';
- alts[0x240A][0] = 'L'; alts[0x240a][1] = 'F';
- alts[0x240b][0] = 'V'; alts[0x240b][1] = 'T';
- alts[0x240C][0] = 'F'; alts[0x240c][1] = 'F';
- alts[0x240d][0] = 'C'; alts[0x240d][1] = 'R';
- alts[0x240e][0] = 'S'; alts[0x240e][1] = 'O';
- alts[0x240f][0] = 'S'; alts[0x240f][1] = 'I';
- alts[0x2410][0] = 'D'; alts[0x2410][1] = 'L'; alts[0x2410][2] = 'E';
- alts[0x2411][0] = 'D'; alts[0x2411][1] = 'C'; alts[0x2411][2] = '1';
- alts[0x2412][0] = 'D'; alts[0x2412][1] = 'C'; alts[0x2412][2] = '2';
- alts[0x2413][0] = 'D'; alts[0x2413][1] = 'C'; alts[0x2413][2] = '3';
- alts[0x2414][0] = 'D'; alts[0x2414][1] = 'C'; alts[0x2414][2] = '4';
- alts[0x2415][0] = 'N'; alts[0x2415][1] = 'A'; alts[0x2415][2] = 'K';
- alts[0x2416][0] = 'S'; alts[0x2416][1] = 'Y'; alts[0x2416][2] = 'N';
- alts[0x2417][0] = 'E'; alts[0x2417][1] = 'T'; alts[0x2417][2] = 'B';
- alts[0x2418][0] = 'C'; alts[0x2418][1] = 'A'; alts[0x2418][2] = 'N';
- alts[0x2419][0] = 'E'; alts[0x2419][1] = 'M';
- alts[0x241a][0] = 'S'; alts[0x241a][1] = 'U'; alts[0x241a][2] = 'B';
- alts[0x241b][0] = 'E'; alts[0x241b][1] = 'S'; alts[0x241b][2] = 'C';
- alts[0x241c][0] = 'F'; alts[0x241c][1] = 'S';
- alts[0x241d][0] = 'G'; alts[0x241d][1] = 'S';
- alts[0x241e][0] = 'R'; alts[0x241e][1] = 'S';
- alts[0x241f][0] = 'U'; alts[0x241f][1] = 'S';
- alts[0x2420][0] = 'S'; alts[0x2420][1] = 'P';
- alts[0x2421][0] = 'D'; alts[0x2421][1] = 'E'; alts[0x2421][2] = 'L';
- alts[0x2422][0] = 0x180;
- alts[0x2500][0] = 0x2014;
- alts[0x2502][0] = '|';
- alts[0x25b3][0] = 0x2206;
- alts[0x25b8][0] = 0x2023;
- alts[0x25bd][0] = 0x2207;
- alts[0x25c7][0] = 0x25ca;
- alts[0x25e6][0] = 0xb0;
- alts[0x2662][0] = 0x25ca;
- alts[0x2731][0] = '*';
- alts[0x2758][0] = '|';
- alts[0x2762][0] = '!';
- alts[0x3001][0] = ','; /* Idiographic symbols */
- alts[0x3008][0] = '<';
- alts[0x3009][0] = '>';
- alts[0x300a][0] = 0xab;
- alts[0x300b][0] = 0xbb;
- /* The Hangul Compatibility Jamo are just copies of the real Jamo */
- /* (different spacing semantics though) */
- alts[0x3131][0] = 0x1100;
- alts[0x3132][0] = 0x1101;
- alts[0x3133][0] = 0x11aa;
- alts[0x3134][0] = 0x1102;
- alts[0x3135][0] = 0x11ac;
- alts[0x3136][0] = 0x11ad;
- alts[0x3137][0] = 0x1103;
- alts[0x3138][0] = 0x1104;
- alts[0x3139][0] = 0x1105;
- alts[0x313a][0] = 0x11b0;
- alts[0x313b][0] = 0x11b1;
- alts[0x313c][0] = 0x11b2;
- alts[0x313d][0] = 0x11b3;
- alts[0x313e][0] = 0x11b4;
- alts[0x313f][0] = 0x11b5;
- alts[0x3140][0] = 0x111a;
- alts[0x3141][0] = 0x1106;
- alts[0x3142][0] = 0x1107;
- alts[0x3143][0] = 0x1108;
- alts[0x3144][0] = 0x1121;
- alts[0x3145][0] = 0x1109;
- alts[0x3146][0] = 0x110a;
- alts[0x3147][0] = 0x110b;
- alts[0x3148][0] = 0x110c;
- alts[0x3149][0] = 0x110d;
- alts[0x314a][0] = 0x110e;
- alts[0x314b][0] = 0x110f;
- alts[0x314c][0] = 0x1110;
- alts[0x314d][0] = 0x1111;
- alts[0x314e][0] = 0x1112;
- alts[0x314f][0] = 0x1161;
- alts[0x3150][0] = 0x1162;
- alts[0x3151][0] = 0x1163;
- alts[0x3152][0] = 0x1164;
- alts[0x3153][0] = 0x1165;
- alts[0x3154][0] = 0x1166;
- alts[0x3155][0] = 0x1167;
- alts[0x3156][0] = 0x1168;
- alts[0x3157][0] = 0x1169;
- alts[0x3158][0] = 0x116a;
- alts[0x3159][0] = 0x116b;
- alts[0x315a][0] = 0x116c;
- alts[0x315b][0] = 0x116d;
- alts[0x315c][0] = 0x116e;
- alts[0x315d][0] = 0x116f;
- alts[0x315e][0] = 0x1170;
- alts[0x315f][0] = 0x1171;
- alts[0x3160][0] = 0x1172;
- alts[0x3161][0] = 0x1173;
- alts[0x3162][0] = 0x1174;
- alts[0x3163][0] = 0x1175;
- alts[0x3164][0] = 0x1160;
- alts[0x3165][0] = 0x1114;
- alts[0x3166][0] = 0x1115;
- alts[0x3167][0] = 0x11c7;
- alts[0x3168][0] = 0x11c8;
- alts[0x3169][0] = 0x11cc;
- alts[0x316a][0] = 0x11ce;
- alts[0x316b][0] = 0x11d3;
- alts[0x316c][0] = 0x11d7;
- alts[0x316d][0] = 0x11d9;
- alts[0x316e][0] = 0x111c;
- alts[0x316f][0] = 0x11dd;
- alts[0x3170][0] = 0x11df;
- alts[0x3171][0] = 0x111d;
- alts[0x3172][0] = 0x111e;
- alts[0x3173][0] = 0x1120;
- alts[0x3174][0] = 0x1122;
- alts[0x3175][0] = 0x1123;
- alts[0x3176][0] = 0x1127;
- alts[0x3177][0] = 0x1129;
- alts[0x3178][0] = 0x112b;
- alts[0x3179][0] = 0x112c;
- alts[0x317a][0] = 0x112d;
- alts[0x317b][0] = 0x112e;
- alts[0x317c][0] = 0x112f;
- alts[0x317d][0] = 0x1132;
- alts[0x317e][0] = 0x1136;
- alts[0x317f][0] = 0x1140;
- alts[0x3180][0] = 0x1147;
- alts[0x3181][0] = 0x114c;
- alts[0x3182][0] = 0x11f1;
- alts[0x3183][0] = 0x11f2;
- alts[0x3184][0] = 0x1157;
- alts[0x3185][0] = 0x1158;
- alts[0x3186][0] = 0x1159;
- alts[0x3187][0] = 0x1184;
- alts[0x3188][0] = 0x1185;
- alts[0x3189][0] = 0x1188;
- alts[0x318a][0] = 0x1191;
- alts[0x318b][0] = 0x1192;
- alts[0x318c][0] = 0x1194;
- alts[0x318d][0] = 0x119e;
- alts[0x318e][0] = 0x11a1;
- alts[0xff5f][0] = 0x2e28; alts[0x2e28][0] = 0xff5f; /* similar double brackets*/
- alts[0xff60][0] = 0x2e29; alts[0x2e29][0] = 0xff60;
-static void cheat(void) {
-#if 0
- /* Adobe's private use symbols (some) */
- alts[0xf6de][0] = '-'; /* 3/4 em dash */
- alts[0xf66d][0] = 0xf761; alts[0xf66d][1] = 0x306; /* A breve */
- alts[0xf66e][0] = 0xf761; alts[0xf66e][1] = 0x304; /* A macron */
- alts[0xf66f][0] = 0xf761; alts[0xf66f][1] = 0x328; /* A ogonek */
- alts[0xf670][0] = 0xf7e6; alts[0xf670][1] = 0x301; /* AE acute */
- alts[0xf671][0] = 0xf763; alts[0xf671][1] = 0x301;
- alts[0xf672][0] = 0xf763; alts[0xf672][1] = 0x30c; /* C caron */
- alts[0xf673][0] = 0xf763; alts[0xf673][1] = 0x302; /* C circumflex */
- alts[0xf674][0] = 0xf763; alts[0xf674][1] = 0x307; /* C dot above */
- alts[0xf675][0] = 0xf764; alts[0xf675][1] = 0x30c; /* D caron */
- alts[0xf677][0] = 0xf765; alts[0xf677][1] = 0x306; /* E breve */
- alts[0xf678][0] = 0xf765; alts[0xf678][1] = 0x30c;
- alts[0xf679][0] = 0xf765; alts[0xf679][1] = 0x307;
- alts[0xf67a][0] = 0xf765; alts[0xf67a][1] = 0x304;
- alts[0xf67c][0] = 0xf765; alts[0xf67c][1] = 0x328;
- alts[0xf67d][0] = 0xf767; alts[0xf67d][1] = 0x306; /* G breve */
- alts[0xf67e][0] = 0xf767; alts[0xf67e][1] = 0x302;
- alts[0xf67f][0] = 0xf767; alts[0xf67f][1] = 0x326; /* G comma below */
- alts[0xf680][0] = 0xf767; alts[0xf680][1] = 0x307;
- alts[0xf682][0] = 0xf768; alts[0xf682][1] = 0x302; /* H circum */
- alts[0xf683][0] = 0xf769; alts[0xf683][1] = 0x306; /* I breve */
- alts[0xf684][0] = 0xf769; alts[0xf684][1] = 0xf76a; /* I J */
- alts[0xf685][0] = 0xf769; alts[0xf685][1] = 0x304;
- alts[0xf686][0] = 0xf769; alts[0xf686][1] = 0x328;
- alts[0xf687][0] = 0xf769; alts[0xf687][1] = 0x303; /* I tilde */
- alts[0xf688][0] = 0xf76a; alts[0xf688][1] = 0x302; /* J circum */
- alts[0xf689][0] = 0xf76b; alts[0xf689][1] = 0x326; /* K comma below */
- alts[0xf68a][0] = 0xf76c; alts[0xf68a][1] = 0x301; /* L accute */
- alts[0xf68b][0] = 0xf76c; alts[0xf68b][1] = 0x30c;
- alts[0xf68c][0] = 0xf76c; alts[0xf68c][1] = 0x326;
- alts[0xf68d][0] = 0xf76c; alts[0xf68d][1] = 0xB7; /* L middle dot */
- alts[0xf68e][0] = 0xf76e; alts[0xf68e][1] = 0x301; /* N accute */
- alts[0xf68f][0] = 0xf76e; alts[0xf68f][1] = 0x30c;
- alts[0xf690][0] = 0xf76e; alts[0xf690][1] = 0x326;
- alts[0xf691][0] = 0xf76f; alts[0xf691][1] = 0x306; /* O breve */
- alts[0xf692][0] = 0xf76f; alts[0xf692][1] = 0x30b; /* O double accute */
- alts[0xf693][0] = 0xf76f; alts[0xf693][1] = 0x304;
- alts[0xf694][0] = 0xf7f8; alts[0xf694][1] = 0x301;
- alts[0xf695][0] = 0xf772; alts[0xf695][1] = 0x301; /* R acute */
- alts[0xf696][0] = 0xf772; alts[0xf696][1] = 0x30c;
- alts[0xf697][0] = 0xf772; alts[0xf697][1] = 0x326;
- alts[0xf698][0] = 0xf773; alts[0xf698][1] = 0x301; /* S acute */
- alts[0xf699][0] = 0xf773; alts[0xf699][1] = 0x327; /* S cedilla */
- alts[0xf69a][0] = 0xf773; alts[0xf69a][1] = 0x302;
- alts[0xf69b][0] = 0xf773; alts[0xf69b][1] = 0x326;
- alts[0xf69d][0] = 0xf774; alts[0xf69d][1] = 0x30c; /* T caron */
- alts[0xf69e][0] = 0xf774; alts[0xf69e][1] = 0x326;
- alts[0xf69f][0] = 0xf775; alts[0xf69f][1] = 0x306; /* U breve */
- alts[0xf6a0][0] = 0xf775; alts[0xf6a0][1] = 0x30b;
- alts[0xf6a1][0] = 0xf775; alts[0xf6a1][1] = 0x304;
- alts[0xf6a2][0] = 0xf775; alts[0xf6a2][1] = 0x328;
- alts[0xf6a3][0] = 0xf775; alts[0xf6a3][1] = 0x30a; /* U ring */
- alts[0xf6a4][0] = 0xf775; alts[0xf6a4][1] = 0x303;
- alts[0xf6a5][0] = 0xf777; alts[0xf6a5][1] = 0x301; /* W accute */
- alts[0xf6a6][0] = 0xf777; alts[0xf6a6][1] = 0x302;
- alts[0xf6a7][0] = 0xf777; alts[0xf6a7][1] = 0x308;
- alts[0xf6a8][0] = 0xf777; alts[0xf6a8][1] = 0x300;
- alts[0xf6a9][0] = 0xf779; alts[0xf6a9][1] = 0x302;
- alts[0xf6aa][0] = 0xf779; alts[0xf6aa][1] = 0x300;
- alts[0xf6ab][0] = 0xf77a; alts[0xf6ab][1] = 0x301;
- alts[0xf6ac][0] = 0xf77a; alts[0xf6ac][1] = 0x307;
- alts[0xf6ad][0] = 0xf769; alts[0xf6ad][1] = 0x307;
- alts[0xf6be][0] = 'j';
- alts[0xf6bf][0] = 'L'; alts[0xf6bf][1] = 'L';
- alts[0xf6c0][0] = 'l'; alts[0xf6c0][1] = 'l';
- alts[0xf6c3][0] = 0x313;
- alts[0xf6c9][0] = 0x2ca;
- alts[0xf6ca][0] = 0x2c7;
- alts[0xf6cb][0] = 0xa8;
- alts[0xf6cc][0] = 0xa8; alts[0xf6cc][1] = 0x2ca;
- alts[0xf6cd][0] = 0xa8; alts[0xf6cd][1] = 0x2cb;
- alts[0xf6ce][0] = 0x2cb;
- alts[0xf6cf][0] = 0x2dd;
- alts[0xf6d0][0] = 0x2c9;
- alts[0xf6d1][0] = 0x2d8;
- alts[0xf6d3][0] = 0x30f;
- alts[0xf6d4][0] = 0x2d8;
- alts[0xf6d6][0] = 0x30f;
- alts[0xf6d7][0] = 0xa8; alts[0xf6d7][1] = 0x2ca;
- alts[0xf6d8][0] = 0xa8; alts[0xf6d8][1] = 0x2cb;
- alts[0xf6d9][0] = 0xa9;
- alts[0xf6da][0] = 0xae;
- alts[0xf6db][0] = 0x2122;
- alts[0xf6de][0] = '-';
- alts[0xf6f4][0] = 0x2d8;
- alts[0xf6f5][0] = 0x2c7;
- alts[0xf6f6][0] = 0x2c6;
- alts[0xf6f7][0] = 0x2d9;
- alts[0xf6f8][0] = 0x2dd;
- alts[0xf6fa][0] = 0xf76f; alts[0xf6fa][1] = 0xf765;
- alts[0xf6fb][0] = 0xf76f; alts[0xf6fb][1] = 0x328;
- alts[0xf6fc][0] = 0xf772; alts[0xf6fc][1] = 0x30a;
- alts[0xf6fd][0] = 0xf773; alts[0xf6fd][1] = 0x30c;
- alts[0xf6fe][0] = 0xf774; alts[0xf6fe][1] = 0x303;
- alts[0xf6ff][0] = 0xf77a; alts[0xf6ff][1] = 0x30c;
- alts[0xf760][0] = '`';
- alts[0xf7a8][0] = 0xa8;
- alts[0xf7af][0] = 0xaf;
- alts[0xf7b4][0] = 0xb4;
- alts[0xf7b8][0] = 0xb8;
- alts[0xf7e0][0] = 0xf761; alts[0xf7e0][1] = 0x300;
- alts[0xf7e1][0] = 0xf761; alts[0xf7e1][1] = 0x301;
- alts[0xf7e2][0] = 0xf761; alts[0xf7e2][1] = 0x302;
- alts[0xf7e3][0] = 0xf761; alts[0xf7e3][1] = 0x303;
- alts[0xf7e4][0] = 0xf761; alts[0xf7e4][1] = 0x308;
- alts[0xf7e5][0] = 0xf761; alts[0xf7e5][1] = 0x30a;
- alts[0xf7e6][0] = 0xf761; alts[0xf7e6][1] = 0xf765;
- alts[0xf7e7][0] = 0xf763; alts[0xf7e7][1] = 0x327;
- alts[0xf7e8][0] = 0xf765; alts[0xf7e8][1] = 0x300;
- alts[0xf7e9][0] = 0xf765; alts[0xf7e9][1] = 0x301;
- alts[0xf7ea][0] = 0xf765; alts[0xf7ea][1] = 0x302;
- alts[0xf7eb][0] = 0xf765; alts[0xf7eb][1] = 0x308;
- alts[0xf7ec][0] = 0xf769; alts[0xf7ec][1] = 0x300;
- alts[0xf7ed][0] = 0xf769; alts[0xf7ed][1] = 0x301;
- alts[0xf7ee][0] = 0xf769; alts[0xf7ee][1] = 0x302;
- alts[0xf7ef][0] = 0xf769; alts[0xf7ef][1] = 0x308;
- alts[0xf7f1][0] = 0xf76e; alts[0xf7f1][1] = 0x303;
- alts[0xf7f2][0] = 0xf76f; alts[0xf7f2][1] = 0x300;
- alts[0xf7f3][0] = 0xf76f; alts[0xf7f3][1] = 0x301;
- alts[0xf7f4][0] = 0xf76f; alts[0xf7f4][1] = 0x302;
- alts[0xf7f5][0] = 0xf76f; alts[0xf7f5][1] = 0x303;
- alts[0xf7f6][0] = 0xf76f; alts[0xf7f6][1] = 0x308;
- alts[0xf7f9][0] = 0xf775; alts[0xf7f9][1] = 0x300;
- alts[0xf7fa][0] = 0xf775; alts[0xf7fa][1] = 0x301;
- alts[0xf7fb][0] = 0xf775; alts[0xf7fb][1] = 0x302;
- alts[0xf7fc][0] = 0xf775; alts[0xf7fc][1] = 0x308;
- alts[0xf7fd][0] = 0xf779; alts[0xf7fd][1] = 0x301;
- alts[0xf7ff][0] = 0xf779; alts[0xf7ff][1] = 0x308;
- mytoupper[0xf6be] = 'J'; /* Adobe's dotlessj character */
- mytotitle[0xf6be] = 'J';
- mytolower[0xf6bf] = 0xf6c0; /* Adobe's LL character */
- mytoupper[0xf6c0] = 0xf6bf; /* Adobe's ll character */
- mytotitle[0xf6c0] = 0xf6bf;
- mymirror['('] = ')';
- mymirror[')'] = '(';
- mymirror['>'] = '<';
- mymirror['<'] = '>';
- mymirror['['] = ']';
- mymirror[']'] = '[';
- mymirror['{'] = '}';
- mymirror['}'] = '{';
- mymirror[0xab] = 0xbb; /* double Guillemet */
- mymirror[0xbb] = 0xab;
- mymirror[0x2039] = 0x203A; /* single Guillemet */
- mymirror[0x203A] = 0x2039;
- mymirror[0x2045] = 0x2046; /* square bracket with quill */
- mymirror[0x2046] = 0x2045;
- mymirror[0x207D] = 0x207E; /* superscript paren */
- mymirror[0x207E] = 0x207D;
- mymirror[0x208D] = 0x208E; /* subscript paren */
- mymirror[0x208E] = 0x208D;
- /* mathematical symbols not mirrorred!!!! some tech symbols missing too */
- /* no code points */
- mymirror[0x2308] = 0x2309; /* ceiling */
- mymirror[0x2309] = 0x2308;
- mymirror[0x230a] = 0x230b; /* floor */
- mymirror[0x230b] = 0x230a;
- mymirror[0x2329] = 0x232a; /* bra/ket */
- mymirror[0x232a] = 0x2329;
- mymirror[0x3008] = 0x3009; /* CJK symbols */
- mymirror[0x3009] = 0x3008;
- mymirror[0x300a] = 0x300b;
- mymirror[0x300b] = 0x300a;
- mymirror[0x300c] = 0x300d;
- mymirror[0x300d] = 0x300c;
- mymirror[0x300e] = 0x300f;
- mymirror[0x300f] = 0x300e;
- mymirror[0x3010] = 0x3011;
- mymirror[0x3011] = 0x3010;
- mymirror[0x3014] = 0x3015;
- mymirror[0x3015] = 0x3014;
- mymirror[0x3016] = 0x3017;
- mymirror[0x3017] = 0x3016;
- mymirror[0x3018] = 0x3019;
- mymirror[0x3019] = 0x3018;
- mymirror[0x301a] = 0x301b;
- mymirror[0x301b] = 0x301a;
-int main() {
- visualalts(); /* pre-populate matrix with visual alternative fonts */
- readin(); /* load the "official" Unicode data from */
- /* Apple's file contains no interesting information that I can see */
- /* Adobe's file is interesting, but should only be used conditionally */
- /* so apply at a different level */
- /* readcorpfile("ADOBE ", "AdobeCorporateuse.txt"); */
- cheat(); /* over-ride with these mods after reading input files */
- dump(); /* create utype.h, utype.c and ArabicForms.c */
- dump_alttable(); /* create unialt.c */
- FreeNamesMemorySpace(); /* cleanup alloc of memory */
-return( 0 );