path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/textoken.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/textoken.c')
1 files changed, 3920 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/textoken.c b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/textoken.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e28626bbd26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/textoken.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3920 @@
+Copyright 2006-2011 Taco Hoekwater <>
+This file is part of LuaTeX.
+LuaTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+LuaTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+LuaTeX; if not, see <>.
+#include "ptexlib.h"
+#define detokenized_line() (line_catcode_table==NO_CAT_TABLE)
+#define do_get_cat_code(a,b) do { \
+ if (line_catcode_table==DEFAULT_CAT_TABLE) \
+ a=get_cat_code(cat_code_table_par,b); \
+ else if (line_catcode_table>-0xFF) \
+ a=get_cat_code(line_catcode_table,b); \
+ else \
+ a= - line_catcode_table - 0xFF ; \
+ } while (0)
+ The \TeX\ system does nearly all of its own memory allocation, so that it can
+ readily be transported into environments that do not have automatic
+ facilities for strings, garbage collection, etc., and so that it can be in
+ control of what error messages the user receives. The dynamic storage
+ requirements of \TeX\ are handled by providing two large arrays called
+ |fixmem| and |varmem| in which consecutive blocks of words are used as nodes
+ by the \TeX\ routines.
+ Pointer variables are indices into this array, or into another array called
+ |eqtb| that will be explained later. A pointer variable might also be a
+ special flag that lies outside the bounds of |mem|, so we allow pointers to
+ assume any |halfword| value. The minimum halfword value represents a null
+ pointer. \TeX\ does not assume that |mem[null]| exists.
+ Locations in |fixmem| are used for storing one-word records; a conventional
+ \.{AVAIL} stack is used for allocation in this array.
+/*tex the big dynamic storage area */
+smemory_word *fixmem;
+/*tex the smallest location of one-word memory in use */
+unsigned fix_mem_min;
+/*tex the largest location of one-word memory in use */
+unsigned fix_mem_max;
+ In order to study the memory requirements of particular applications, it is
+ possible to prepare a version of \TeX\ that keeps track of current and
+ maximum memory usage. When code between the delimiters |stat| $\ldots$
+ |tats| is not commented out, \TeX\ will run a bit slower but it will report
+ these statistics when |tracing_stats| is sufficiently large.
+/*tex how much memory is in use */
+int dyn_used;
+/*tex head of the list of available one-word nodes */
+halfword avail;
+/*tex the last one-word node used in |mem| */
+unsigned fix_mem_end;
+/*tex head of a junk list, write only */
+halfword garbage;
+/*tex head of a temporary list of some kind */
+halfword temp_token_head;
+/*tex head of a temporary list of another kind */
+halfword hold_token_head;
+/*tex a constant token list */
+halfword omit_template;
+/*tex permanently empty list */
+halfword null_list;
+/*tex head of token list built by |scan_keyword| */
+halfword backup_head;
+void initialize_tokens(void)
+ halfword p;
+ avail = null;
+ fix_mem_end = 0;
+ p = get_avail();
+ temp_token_head = p;
+ set_token_info(temp_token_head, 0);
+ p = get_avail();
+ hold_token_head = p;
+ set_token_info(hold_token_head, 0);
+ p = get_avail();
+ omit_template = p;
+ set_token_info(omit_template, 0);
+ p = get_avail();
+ null_list = p;
+ set_token_info(null_list, 0);
+ p = get_avail();
+ backup_head = p;
+ set_token_info(backup_head, 0);
+ p = get_avail();
+ garbage = p;
+ set_token_info(garbage, 0);
+ dyn_used = 0;
+ The function |get_avail| returns a pointer to a new one-word node whose
+ |link| field is null. However, \TeX\ will halt if there is no more room left.
+ If the available-space list is empty, i.e., if |avail=null|, we try first to
+ increase |fix_mem_end|. If that cannot be done, i.e., if
+ |fix_mem_end=fix_mem_max|, we try to reallocate array |fixmem|. If, that
+ doesn't work, we have to quit.
+ Single-word node allocation:
+halfword get_avail(void)
+ /*tex The new node being got: */
+ unsigned p;
+ unsigned t;
+ /*tex Get top location in the |avail| stack. */
+ p = (unsigned) avail;
+ if (p != null) {
+ /*tex Pop it off. */
+ avail = token_link(avail);
+ } else if (fix_mem_end < fix_mem_max) {
+ /*tex Go into virgin territory. */
+ incr(fix_mem_end);
+ p = fix_mem_end;
+ } else {
+ /*tex The big dynamic storage area. */
+ smemory_word *new_fixmem;
+ t = (fix_mem_max / 5);
+ new_fixmem = fixmemcast(realloc(fixmem, sizeof(smemory_word) * (fix_mem_max + t + 1)));
+ if (new_fixmem == NULL) {
+ /*tex If memory is exhausted, display possible runaway text. */
+ runaway();
+ overflow("token memory size", fix_mem_max);
+ } else {
+ fixmem = new_fixmem;
+ }
+ memset(voidcast(fixmem + fix_mem_max + 1), 0, t * sizeof(smemory_word));
+ fix_mem_max += t;
+ p = ++fix_mem_end;
+ }
+ /*tex Provide an oft-desired initialization of the new node. */
+ token_link(p) = null;
+ /*tex Maintain statistics. */
+ incr(dyn_used);
+ return (halfword) p;
+ The procedure |flush_list(p)| frees an entire linked list of one-word nodes
+ that starts at position |p|.
+ This makes list of single-word nodes available:
+void flush_list(halfword p)
+ halfword q, r;
+ if (p != null) {
+ r = p;
+ do {
+ q = r;
+ r = token_link(r);
+ decr(dyn_used);
+ } while (r != null);
+ /*tex Now |q| is the last node on the list. */
+ token_link(q) = avail;
+ avail = p;
+ }
+ A \TeX\ token is either a character or a control sequence, and it is
+ represented internally in one of two ways: (1)~A character whose ASCII code
+ number is |c| and whose command code is |m| is represented as the number
+ $2^{21}m+c$; the command code is in the range |1<=m<=14|. (2)~A control
+ sequence whose |eqtb| address is |p| is represented as the number
+ |cs_token_flag+p|. Here |cs_token_flag=t=| $2^{25}-1$ is larger than
+ $2^{21}m+c$, yet it is small enough that |cs_token_flag+p< max_halfword|;
+ thus, a token fits comfortably in a halfword.
+ A token |t| represents a |left_brace| command if and only if
+ |t<left_brace_limit|; it represents a |right_brace| command if and only if we
+ have |left_brace_limit<=t<right_brace_limit|; and it represents a |match| or
+ |end_match| command if and only if |match_token<=t<=end_match_token|. The
+ following definitions take care of these token-oriented constants and a few
+ others.
+ A token list is a singly linked list of one-word nodes in |mem|, where each
+ word contains a token and a link. Macro definitions, output-routine
+ definitions, marks, \.{\\write} texts, and a few other things are remembered
+ by \TeX\ in the form of token lists, usually preceded by a node with a
+ reference count in its |token_ref_count| field. The token stored in location
+ |p| is called |info(p)|.
+ Three special commands appear in the token lists of macro definitions. When
+ |m=match|, it means that \TeX\ should scan a parameter for the current macro;
+ when |m=end_match|, it means that parameter matching should end and \TeX\
+ should start reading the macro text; and when |m=out_param|, it means that
+ \TeX\ should insert parameter number |c| into the text at this point.
+ The enclosing \.{\char'173} and \.{\char'175} characters of a macro
+ definition are omitted, but the final right brace of an output routine is
+ included at the end of its token list.
+ Here is an example macro definition that illustrates these conventions. After
+ \TeX\ processes the text
+ \starttyping
+ \def\mac a#1#2 \b {#1\-a ##1#2 \#2\}
+ \stoptyping
+ the definition of \.{\\mac} is represented as a token list containing
+ \starttyping
+ (reference count) |letter|a |match|# |match|# |spacer| \b |end_match|
+ |out_param|1 \- |letter|a |spacer|, |mac_param|# |other_char|1
+ |out_param|2 |spacer| |out_param|2
+ \stoptyping
+ The procedure |scan_toks| builds such token lists, and |macro_call| does the
+ parameter matching.
+ Examples such as \type{\def\m{\def\m{a} b}} explain why reference
+ counts would be needed even if \TeX\ had no \.{\\let} operation: When the
+ token list for \.{\\m} is being read, the redefinition of \.{\\m} changes the
+ |eqtb| entry before the token list has been fully consumed, so we dare not
+ simply destroy a token list when its control sequence is being redefined.
+ If the parameter-matching part of a definition ends with `\.{\#\{}', the
+ corresponding token list will have `\.\{' just before the `|end_match|' and
+ also at the very end. The first `\.\{' is used to delimit the parameter; the
+ second one keeps the first from disappearing.
+ The |print_meaning| subroutine displays |cur_cmd| and |cur_chr| in symbolic
+ form, including the expansion of a macro or mark.
+void print_meaning(void)
+ /*tex
+ This would make sense but some macro packages don't like it:
+ \starttyping
+ if (cur_cmd == math_given_cmd) {
+ cur_cmd = xmath_given_cmd ;
+ }
+ \stoptyping
+ */
+ print_cmd_chr((quarterword) cur_cmd, cur_chr);
+ if (cur_cmd >= call_cmd) {
+ print_char(':');
+ print_ln();
+ token_show(cur_chr);
+ } else {
+ /*tex Show the meaning of a mark node. */
+ if ((cur_cmd == top_bot_mark_cmd) && (cur_chr < marks_code)) {
+ print_char(':');
+ print_ln();
+ switch (cur_chr) {
+ case first_mark_code:
+ token_show(first_mark(0));
+ break;
+ case bot_mark_code:
+ token_show(bot_mark(0));
+ break;
+ case split_first_mark_code:
+ token_show(split_first_mark(0));
+ break;
+ case split_bot_mark_code:
+ token_show(split_bot_mark(0));
+ break;
+ default:
+ token_show(top_mark(0));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ The procedure |show_token_list|, which prints a symbolic form of the token
+ list that starts at a given node |p|, illustrates these conventions. The
+ token list being displayed should not begin with a reference count. However,
+ the procedure is intended to be robust, so that if the memory links are awry
+ or if |p| is not really a pointer to a token list, nothing catastrophic will
+ happen.
+ An additional parameter |q| is also given; this parameter is either null or
+ it points to a node in the token list where a certain magic computation takes
+ place that will be explained later. (Basically, |q| is non-null when we are
+ printing the two-line context information at the time of an error message;
+ |q| marks the place corresponding to where the second line should begin.)
+ For example, if |p| points to the node containing the first \.a in the token
+ list above, then |show_token_list| will print the string $$\hbox{`\.{a\#1\#2\
+ \\b\ ->\#1\\-a\ \#\#1\#2\ \#2}';}$$ and if |q| points to the node containing
+ the second \.a, the magic computation will be performed just before the
+ second \.a is printed.
+ The generation will stop, and `\.{\\ETC.}' will be printed, if the length of
+ printing exceeds a given limit~|l|. Anomalous entries are printed in the form
+ of control sequences that are not followed by a blank space, e.g.,
+ `\.{\\BAD.}'; this cannot be confused with actual control sequences because a
+ real control sequence named \.{BAD} would come out `\.{\\BAD\ }'.
+#define not_so_bad(p) \
+ switch (m) { \
+ case assign_int_cmd: \
+ if (c >= (backend_int_base) && c <= (backend_int_last)) \
+ p("[internal backend integer]"); \
+ break; \
+ case assign_dimen_cmd: \
+ if (c >= (backend_dimen_base) && c <= (backend_dimen_last)) \
+ p("[internal backend dimension]"); \
+ break; \
+ case assign_toks_cmd: \
+ if (c >= (backend_toks_base) && c <= (backend_toks_last)) \
+ p("[internal backend tokenlist]"); \
+ break; \
+ case node_cmd: \
+ p("[internal node pointer]"); \
+ break; \
+ case lua_call_cmd: \
+ p("[internal lua function call]"); \
+ break; \
+ case lua_expandable_call_cmd: \
+ p("[internal expandable lua function call]"); \
+ break; \
+ case lua_local_call_cmd: \
+ p("[internal local lua function call]"); \
+ break; \
+ default: \
+ p("BAD"); \
+ break; \
+ }
+void show_token_list(int p, int q, int l)
+ /*tex pieces of a token */
+ int m, c;
+ /*tex character used in a `|match|' */
+ ASCII_code match_chr = '#';
+ /*tex the highest parameter number, as an ASCII digit */
+ ASCII_code n = '0';
+ tally = 0;
+ if (l < 0)
+ l = 0x3FFFFFFF;
+ while ((p != null) && (tally < l)) {
+ if (p == q) {
+ /*tex Do magic computation. */
+ set_trick_count();
+ }
+ /*tex Display token |p|, and |return| if there are problems. */
+ if ((p < (int) fix_mem_min) || (p > (int) fix_mem_end)) {
+ tprint_esc("CLOBBERED.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (token_info(p) >= cs_token_flag) {
+ if (!((inhibit_par_tokens) && (token_info(p) == par_token)))
+ print_cs(token_info(p) - cs_token_flag);
+ } else {
+ m = token_cmd(token_info(p));
+ c = token_chr(token_info(p));
+ if (token_info(p) < 0) {
+ tprint_esc("BAD");
+ } else {
+ /*
+ Display the token \type {(|m|,|c|)}. The procedure usually
+ ``learns'' the character code used for macro parameters by
+ seeing one in a |match| command before it runs into any
+ |out_param| commands.
+ */
+ switch (m) {
+ case left_brace_cmd:
+ case right_brace_cmd:
+ case math_shift_cmd:
+ case tab_mark_cmd:
+ case sup_mark_cmd:
+ case sub_mark_cmd:
+ case spacer_cmd:
+ case letter_cmd:
+ case other_char_cmd:
+ print(c);
+ break;
+ case mac_param_cmd:
+ if (!in_lua_escape && (is_in_csname==0))
+ print(c);
+ print(c);
+ break;
+ case out_param_cmd:
+ print(match_chr);
+ if (c <= 9) {
+ print_char(c + '0');
+ } else {
+ print_char('!');
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case match_cmd:
+ match_chr = c;
+ print(c);
+ incr(n);
+ print_char(n);
+ if (n > '9')
+ return;
+ break;
+ case end_match_cmd:
+ if (c == 0)
+ tprint("->");
+ break;
+ default:
+ not_so_bad(tprint);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p = token_link(p);
+ }
+ if (p != null)
+ tprint_esc("ETC.");
+#define do_buffer_to_unichar(a,b) do { \
+ a = (halfword)str2uni(buffer+b); \
+ b += utf8_size(a); \
+} while (0)
+ Here's the way we sometimes want to display a token list, given a pointer to
+ its reference count; the pointer may be null.
+void token_show(halfword p)
+ if (p != null)
+ show_token_list(token_link(p), null, 10000000);
+ |delete_token_ref|, is called when a pointer to a token list's reference
+ count is being removed. This means that the token list should disappear if
+ the reference count was |null|, otherwise the count should be decreased by
+ one.
+ |p| points to the reference count of a token list that is losing one
+ reference.
+void delete_token_ref(halfword p)
+ if (token_ref_count(p) == 0)
+ flush_list(p);
+ else
+ decr(token_ref_count(p));
+int get_char_cat_code(int curchr)
+ int a;
+ do_get_cat_code(a,curchr);
+ return a;
+static void invalid_character_error(void)
+ const char *hlp[] = {
+ "A funny symbol that I can't read has just been input.",
+ "Continue, and I'll forget that it ever happened.",
+ };
+ deletions_allowed = false;
+ tex_error("Text line contains an invalid character", hlp);
+ deletions_allowed = true;
+static boolean process_sup_mark(void);
+static int scan_control_sequence(void);
+typedef enum {
+ next_line_ok,
+ next_line_return,
+ next_line_restart
+} next_line_retval;
+static next_line_retval next_line(void);
+ In case you are getting bored, here is a slightly less trivial routine: Given
+ a string of lowercase letters, like `\.{pt}' or `\.{plus}' or `\.{width}',
+ the |scan_keyword| routine checks to see whether the next tokens of input
+ match this string. The match must be exact, except that uppercase letters
+ will match their lowercase counterparts; uppercase equivalents are determined
+ by subtracting |"a"-"A"|, rather than using the |uc_code| table, since \TeX\
+ uses this routine only for its own limited set of keywords.
+ If a match is found, the characters are effectively removed from the input
+ and |true| is returned. Otherwise |false| is returned, and the input is left
+ essentially unchanged (except for the fact that some macros may have been
+ expanded, etc.).
+boolean scan_keyword(const char *s)
+ /*tex tail of the backup list */
+ halfword p;
+ /*tex new node being added to the token list via |store_new_token| */
+ halfword q;
+ /*tex index into |str_pool| */
+ const char *k;
+ halfword save_cur_cs = cur_cs;
+ if (strlen(s) == 0) {
+ /*tex but not with newtokenlib zero keyword simply doesn't match */
+ return false ;
+ }
+ p = backup_head;
+ token_link(p) = null;
+ k = s;
+ while (*k) {
+ /*tex Recursion is possible here! */
+ get_x_token();
+ if ((cur_cs == 0) && ((cur_chr == *k) || (cur_chr == *k - 'a' + 'A'))) {
+ store_new_token(cur_tok);
+ k++;
+ } else if ((cur_cmd != spacer_cmd) || (p != backup_head)) {
+ back_input();
+ if (p != backup_head) {
+ begin_token_list(token_link(backup_head), backed_up);
+ }
+ cur_cs = save_cur_cs;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (token_link(backup_head) != null)
+ flush_list(token_link(backup_head));
+ cur_cs = save_cur_cs;
+ return true;
+boolean scan_keyword_case_sensitive(const char *s)
+ halfword p;
+ halfword q;
+ const char *k;
+ halfword save_cur_cs = cur_cs;
+ if (strlen(s) == 0)
+ return false ;
+ p = backup_head;
+ token_link(p) = null;
+ k = s;
+ while (*k) {
+ get_x_token();
+ if ((cur_cs == 0) && (cur_chr == *k)) {
+ store_new_token(cur_tok);
+ k++;
+ } else if ((cur_cmd != spacer_cmd) || (p != backup_head)) {
+ back_input();
+ if (p != backup_head) {
+ begin_token_list(token_link(backup_head), backed_up);
+ }
+ cur_cs = save_cur_cs;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (token_link(backup_head) != null)
+ flush_list(token_link(backup_head));
+ cur_cs = save_cur_cs;
+ return true;
+ We can not return |undefined_control_sequence| under some conditions (inside
+ |shift_case|, for example). This needs thinking.
+/*static char * FFFF = "\xEF\xBF\xBF";*/ /* 0xFFFF */
+halfword active_to_cs(int curchr, int force)
+ halfword curcs;
+ int nncs = no_new_control_sequence;
+ if (force) {
+ no_new_control_sequence = false;
+ }
+ if (curchr > 0) {
+ char *b = (char *) uni2str((unsigned) curchr);
+ char *utfbytes = xmalloc(8);
+ utfbytes = strcpy(utfbytes, "\xEF\xBF\xBF");
+ utfbytes = strcat(utfbytes, b);
+ free(b);
+ curcs = string_lookup(utfbytes, utf8_size(curchr)+3);
+ free(utfbytes);
+ } else {
+ /*tex 0xFFFF ... why not 3 ? */
+ curcs = string_lookup("\xEF\xBF\xBF", 4);
+ }
+ no_new_control_sequence = nncs;
+ return curcs;
+ static unsigned char *uni2csstr(unsigned unic)
+ {
+ unsigned char *buf = xmalloc(8);
+ unsigned char *pt = buf;
+ *pt++ = 239; *pt++ = 191; *pt++ = 191; // 0xFFFF
+ if (unic < 0x80)
+ *pt++ = (unsigned char) unic;
+ else if (unic < 0x800) {
+ *pt++ = (unsigned char) (0xc0 | (unic >> 6));
+ *pt++ = (unsigned char) (0x80 | (unic & 0x3f));
+ } else if (unic >= 0x110000) {
+ *pt++ = (unsigned char) (unic - 0x110000);
+ } else if (unic < 0x10000) {
+ *pt++ = (unsigned char) (0xe0 | (unic >> 12));
+ *pt++ = (unsigned char) (0x80 | ((unic >> 6) & 0x3f));
+ *pt++ = (unsigned char) (0x80 | (unic & 0x3f));
+ } else {
+ int u, z, y, x;
+ unsigned val = unic - 0x10000;
+ u = (int) (((val & 0xf0000) >> 16) + 1);
+ z = (int) ((val & 0x0f000) >> 12);
+ y = (int) ((val & 0x00fc0) >> 6);
+ x = (int) (val & 0x0003f);
+ *pt++ = (unsigned char) (0xf0 | (u >> 2));
+ *pt++ = (unsigned char) (0x80 | ((u & 3) << 4) | z);
+ *pt++ = (unsigned char) (0x80 | y);
+ *pt++ = (unsigned char) (0x80 | x);
+ }
+ *pt = '\0';
+ return buf;
+ }
+ halfword active_to_cs(int curchr, int force)
+ {
+ halfword curcs;
+ int nncs = no_new_control_sequence;
+ if (force) {
+ no_new_control_sequence = false;
+ }
+ if (curchr > 0) {
+ char * utfbytes = (char *) uni2csstr((unsigned) curchr);
+ curcs = string_lookup(utfbytes, utf8_size(curchr)+3);
+ free(utfbytes);
+ } else {
+ curcs = string_lookup(FFFF, 4); // 0xFFFF ... why not 3 ?
+ }
+ no_new_control_sequence = nncs;
+ return curcs;
+ }
+ Maybe this function should listen to \.{\\escapechar} but we can do without.
+static char *cs_to_string(halfword p)
+ const char *s;
+ char *sh;
+ int k = 0;
+ static char ret[256] = { 0 };
+ if (p == 0 || p == null_cs) {
+ ret[k++] = '\\';
+ s = "csname";
+ while (*s) {
+ ret[k++] = *s++;
+ }
+ ret[k++] = '\\';
+ s = "endcsname";
+ while (*s) {
+ ret[k++] = *s++;
+ }
+ ret[k] = 0;
+ } else {
+ str_number txt = cs_text(p);
+ sh = makecstring(txt);
+ s = sh;
+ if (is_active_cs(txt)) {
+ s = s + 3;
+ while (*s) {
+ ret[k++] = *s++;
+ }
+ ret[k] = 0;
+ } else {
+ ret[k++] = '\\';
+ while (*s) {
+ ret[k++] = *s++;
+ }
+ ret[k] = 0;
+ }
+ free(sh);
+ }
+ return (char *) ret;
+/*tex This is sort of a hack. */
+static char *cmd_chr_to_string(int cmd, int chr)
+ char *s;
+ str_number str;
+ int sel = selector;
+ selector = new_string;
+ print_cmd_chr((quarterword) cmd, chr);
+ str = make_string();
+ s = makecstring(str);
+ selector = sel;
+ flush_str(str);
+ return s;
+ The heart of \TeX's input mechanism is the |get_next| procedure, which we
+ shall develop in the next few sections of the program. Perhaps we shouldn't
+ actually call it the ``heart,'' however, because it really acts as \TeX's
+ eyes and mouth, reading the source files and gobbling them up. And it also
+ helps \TeX\ to regurgitate stored token lists that are to be processed again.
+ The main duty of |get_next| is to input one token and to set |cur_cmd| and
+ |cur_chr| to that token's command code and modifier. Furthermore, if the
+ input token is a control sequence, the |eqtb| location of that control
+ sequence is stored in |cur_cs|; otherwise |cur_cs| is set to zero.
+ Underlying this simple description is a certain amount of complexity because
+ of all the cases that need to be handled. However, the inner loop of
+ |get_next| is reasonably short and fast.
+ When |get_next| is asked to get the next token of a \.{\\read} line, it sets
+ |cur_cmd=cur_chr=cur_cs=0| in the case that no more tokens appear on that
+ line. (There might not be any tokens at all, if the |end_line_char| has
+ |ignore| as its catcode.)
+ The value of |par_loc| is the |eqtb| address of `\.{\\par}'. This quantity is
+ needed because a blank line of input is supposed to be exactly equivalent to
+ the appearance of \.{\\par}; we must set |cur_cs:=par_loc| when detecting a
+ blank line.
+ The location of `\.{\\par}' in |eqtb| adn the token representing `\.{\\par}.
+halfword par_loc;
+halfword par_token;
+ Parts |get_next| are executed more often than any other instructions of \TeX.
+ The global variable |force_eof| is normally |false|; it is set |true| by an
+ \.{\\endinput} command. |luacstrings| is the number of lua print statements
+ waiting to be input, it is changed by |luatokencall|.
+/*tex Should the next \.{\\input} be aborted early? */
+boolean force_eof;
+/*tex How many lua strings are waiting to be input? */
+int luacstrings;
+ If the user has set the |pausing| parameter to some positive value, and if
+ nonstop mode has not been selected, each line of input is displayed on the
+ terminal and the transcript file, followed by `\.{=>}'. \TeX\ waits for a
+ response. If the response is simply |carriage_return|, the line is accepted
+ as it stands, otherwise the line typed is used instead of the line in the
+ file.
+void firm_up_the_line(void)
+ int k;
+ ilimit = last;
+ if (pausing_par > 0) {
+ if (interaction > nonstop_mode) {
+ wake_up_terminal();
+ print_ln();
+ if (istart < ilimit) {
+ for (k = istart; k <= ilimit - 1; k++)
+ print_char(buffer[k]);
+ }
+ first = ilimit;
+ prompt_input("=>");
+ if (last > first) {
+ /*tex Move line down in buffer. */
+ for (k = first; k < +last - 1; k++)
+ buffer[k + istart - first] = buffer[k];
+ ilimit = istart + last - first;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Before getting into |get_next|, let's consider the subroutine that is called
+ when an `\.{\\outer}' control sequence has been scanned or when the end of a
+ file has been reached. These two cases are distinguished by |cur_cs|, which
+ is zero at the end of a file.
+void check_outer_validity(void)
+ /*tex points to inserted token list */
+ halfword p;
+ /*tex auxiliary pointer */
+ halfword q;
+ if (suppress_outer_error_par)
+ return;
+ if (scanner_status != normal) {
+ deletions_allowed = false;
+ /*tex
+ Back up an outer control sequence so that it can be reread. An
+ outer control sequence that occurs in a \.{\\read} will not be
+ reread, since the error recovery for \.{\\read} is not very powerful.
+ */
+ if (cur_cs != 0) {
+ if ((istate == token_list) || (iname < 1) || (iname > 17)) {
+ p = get_avail();
+ token_info(p) = cs_token_flag + cur_cs;
+ /*tex prepare to read the control sequence again */
+ begin_token_list(p, backed_up);
+ }
+ /*tex replace it by a space */
+ cur_cmd = spacer_cmd;
+ cur_chr = ' ';
+ }
+ if (scanner_status > skipping) {
+ const char *errhlp[] = {
+ "I suspect you have forgotten a `}', causing me",
+ "to read past where you wanted me to stop.",
+ "I'll try to recover; but if the error is serious,",
+ "you'd better type `E' or `X' now and fix your file.",
+ };
+ char errmsg[318];
+ const char *startmsg;
+ const char *scannermsg;
+ /*tex
+ Tell the user what has run away and try to recover Print a
+ definition, argument, or preamble.
+ */
+ runaway();
+ if (cur_cs == 0) {
+ startmsg = "File ended";
+ } else {
+ cur_cs = 0;
+ startmsg = "Forbidden control sequence found";
+ }
+ /*tex
+ Print either `\.{definition}' or `\.{use}' or `\.{preamble}' or
+ `\.{text}', and insert tokens that should lead to recovery. The
+ recovery procedure can't be fully understood without knowing more
+ about the \TeX\ routines that should be aborted, but we can
+ sketch the ideas here: For a runaway definition we will insert a
+ right brace; for a runaway preamble, we will insert a special
+ \.{\\cr} token and a right brace; and for a runaway argument, we
+ will set |long_state| to |outer_call| and insert \.{\\par}.
+ */
+ p = get_avail();
+ switch (scanner_status) {
+ case defining:
+ scannermsg = "definition";
+ token_info(p) = right_brace_token + '}';
+ break;
+ case matching:
+ scannermsg = "use";
+ token_info(p) = par_token;
+ long_state = outer_call_cmd;
+ break;
+ case aligning:
+ scannermsg = "preamble";
+ token_info(p) = right_brace_token + '}';
+ q = p;
+ p = get_avail();
+ token_link(p) = q;
+ token_info(p) = cs_token_flag + frozen_cr;
+ align_state = -1000000;
+ break;
+ case absorbing:
+ scannermsg = "text";
+ token_info(p) = right_brace_token + '}';
+ break;
+ default:
+ scannermsg = "unknown";
+ break;
+ }
+ begin_token_list(p, inserted);
+ snprintf(errmsg, 318, "%s while scanning %s of %s", startmsg, scannermsg, cs_to_string(warning_index));
+ tex_error(errmsg, errhlp);
+ } else {
+ char errmsg[256];
+ const char *errhlp_no[] = {
+ "The file ended while I was skipping conditional text.",
+ "This kind of error happens when you say `\\if...' and forget",
+ "the matching `\\fi'. I've inserted a `\\fi'; this might work.",
+ };
+ const char *errhlp_cs[] = {
+ "A forbidden control sequence occurred in skipped text.",
+ "This kind of error happens when you say `\\if...' and forget",
+ "the matching `\\fi'. I've inserted a `\\fi'; this might work.",
+ };
+ const char **errhlp = (const char **) errhlp_no;
+ char *ss;
+ if (cur_cs != 0) {
+ errhlp = errhlp_cs;
+ cur_cs = 0;
+ }
+ ss = cmd_chr_to_string(if_test_cmd, cur_if);
+ snprintf(errmsg, 255, "Incomplete %s; all text was ignored after line %d",
+ ss, (int) skip_line);
+ free(ss);
+ /*tex Incomplete |\if...| */
+ cur_tok = cs_token_flag + frozen_fi;
+ /*tex back up one inserted token and call |error|. */
+ {
+ OK_to_interrupt = false;
+ back_input();
+ token_type = inserted;
+ OK_to_interrupt = true;
+ tex_error(errmsg, errhlp);
+ }
+ }
+ deletions_allowed = true;
+ }
+#if 0
+ The other variant gives less clutter in tracing cache usage when profiling
+ and for some files (like the manual) also a bit of a speedup.
+static boolean get_next_file(void)
+ if (iloc <= ilimit) {
+ /*tex current line not yet finished */
+ do_buffer_to_unichar(cur_chr, iloc);
+ if (detokenized_line()) {
+ cur_cmd = (cur_chr == ' ' ? 10 : 12);
+ } else {
+ do_get_cat_code(cur_cmd, cur_chr);
+ }
+ /*tex
+ Change state if necessary, and |goto switch| if the current
+ character should be ignored, or |goto reswitch| if the current
+ character changes to another;
+ The following 48-way switch accomplishes the scanning quickly,
+ assuming that a decent C compiler has translated the code. Note that
+ the numeric values for |mid_line|, |skip_blanks|, and |new_line| are
+ spaced apart from each other by |max_char_code+1|, so we can add a
+ character's command code to the state to get a single number that
+ characterizes both.
+ Remark [ls/hh]: checking performance indicated that this switch was
+ the cause of many branch prediction errors but changing it to:
+ \starttyping
+ c = istate + cur_cmd;
+ if (c == (mid_line + letter_cmd) || c == (mid_line + other_char_cmd)) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (c >= new_line) {
+ switch (c) {
+ }
+ } else if (c >= skip_blanks) {
+ switch (c) {
+ }
+ } else if (c >= mid_line) {
+ switch (c) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ }
+ \stoptyping
+ gives as many prediction errors. So, we can indeed assume that the
+ compiler does the right job, or that there is simply no other way.
+ */
+ switch (istate + cur_cmd) {
+ case mid_line + ignore_cmd:
+ case skip_blanks + ignore_cmd:
+ case new_line + ignore_cmd:
+ case skip_blanks + spacer_cmd:
+ case new_line + spacer_cmd:
+ /*tex Cases where character is ignored. */
+ goto SWITCH;
+ break;
+ case mid_line + escape_cmd:
+ case new_line + escape_cmd:
+ case skip_blanks + escape_cmd:
+ /*tex Scan a control sequence. */
+ istate = (unsigned char) scan_control_sequence();
+ if (! suppress_outer_error_par && cur_cmd >= outer_call_cmd)
+ check_outer_validity();
+ break;
+ case mid_line + active_char_cmd:
+ case new_line + active_char_cmd:
+ case skip_blanks + active_char_cmd:
+ /*tex Process an active-character. */
+ cur_cs = active_to_cs(cur_chr, false);
+ cur_cmd = eq_type(cur_cs);
+ cur_chr = equiv(cur_cs);
+ istate = mid_line;
+ if (! suppress_outer_error_par && cur_cmd >= outer_call_cmd)
+ check_outer_validity();
+ break;
+ case mid_line + sup_mark_cmd:
+ case new_line + sup_mark_cmd:
+ case skip_blanks + sup_mark_cmd:
+ /*tex If this |sup_mark| starts. */
+ if (process_sup_mark())
+ goto RESWITCH;
+ else
+ istate = mid_line;
+ break;
+ case mid_line + invalid_char_cmd:
+ case new_line + invalid_char_cmd:
+ case skip_blanks + invalid_char_cmd:
+ /*tex Decry the invalid character and |goto restart|. */
+ invalid_character_error();
+ /*tex Because state may be |token_list| now: */
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case mid_line + spacer_cmd:
+ /*tex Enter |skip_blanks| state, emit a space. */
+ istate = skip_blanks;
+ cur_chr = ' ';
+ break;
+ case mid_line + car_ret_cmd:
+ /*tex
+ Finish line, emit a space. When a character of type |spacer|
+ gets through, its character code is changed to $\.{"\
+ "}=040$. This means that the ASCII codes for tab and space,
+ and for the space inserted at the end of a line, will be
+ treated alike when macro parameters are being matched. We do
+ this since such characters are indistinguishable on most
+ computer terminal displays.
+ */
+ iloc = ilimit + 1;
+ cur_cmd = spacer_cmd;
+ cur_chr = ' ';
+ break;
+ case skip_blanks + car_ret_cmd:
+ case mid_line + comment_cmd:
+ case new_line + comment_cmd:
+ case skip_blanks + comment_cmd:
+ /*tex Finish line, |goto switch|; */
+ iloc = ilimit + 1;
+ goto SWITCH;
+ break;
+ case new_line + car_ret_cmd:
+ /*tex Finish line, emit a \.{\\par}; */
+ iloc = ilimit + 1;
+ cur_cs = par_loc;
+ cur_cmd = eq_type(cur_cs);
+ cur_chr = equiv(cur_cs);
+ if (! suppress_outer_error_par && cur_cmd >= outer_call_cmd)
+ check_outer_validity();
+ break;
+ case skip_blanks + left_brace_cmd:
+ case new_line + left_brace_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ /*tex Fall through. */
+ case mid_line + left_brace_cmd:
+ align_state++;
+ break;
+ case skip_blanks + right_brace_cmd:
+ case new_line + right_brace_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ /*tex Fall through. */
+ case mid_line + right_brace_cmd:
+ align_state--;
+ break;
+ case mid_line + math_shift_cmd:
+ case mid_line + tab_mark_cmd:
+ case mid_line + mac_param_cmd:
+ case mid_line + sub_mark_cmd:
+ case mid_line + letter_cmd:
+ case mid_line + other_char_cmd:
+ break;
+ /*
+ case skip_blanks + math_shift:
+ case skip_blanks + tab_mark:
+ case skip_blanks + mac_param:
+ case skip_blanks + sub_mark:
+ case skip_blanks + letter:
+ case skip_blanks + other_char:
+ case new_line + math_shift:
+ case new_line + tab_mark:
+ case new_line + mac_param:
+ case new_line + sub_mark:
+ case new_line + letter:
+ case new_line + other_char:
+ */
+ default:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (iname != 21)
+ istate = new_line;
+ /*tex
+ Move to next line of file, or |goto restart| if there is no next line,
+ or |return| if a \.{\\read} line has finished;
+ */
+ do {
+ next_line_retval r = next_line();
+ if (r == next_line_return) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (r == next_line_restart) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } while (0);
+ check_interrupt();
+ goto SWITCH;
+ }
+ return true;
+ This variant gives 10 times less Bim in vallgrind!
+static boolean get_next_file(void)
+ int c = 0;
+ if (iloc <= ilimit) {
+ /*tex current line not yet finished */
+ do_buffer_to_unichar(cur_chr, iloc);
+ if (detokenized_line()) {
+ cur_cmd = (cur_chr == ' ' ? 10 : 12);
+ } else {
+ do_get_cat_code(cur_cmd, cur_chr);
+ }
+ /*tex
+ Change state if necessary, and |goto switch| if the current character
+ should be ignored, or |goto reswitch| if the current character changes
+ to another.
+ */
+ c = istate + cur_cmd;
+ if (c == (mid_line + letter_cmd) || c == (mid_line + other_char_cmd)) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (c >= new_line) {
+ switch (c-new_line) {
+ case escape_cmd:
+ istate = (unsigned char) scan_control_sequence();
+ if (! suppress_outer_error_par && cur_cmd >= outer_call_cmd)
+ check_outer_validity();
+ return true;
+ case left_brace_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ align_state++;
+ return true;
+ case right_brace_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ align_state--;
+ return true;
+ case math_shift_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case tab_mark_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case car_ret_cmd:
+ /*tex Finish line, emit a \.{\\par}. */
+ iloc = ilimit + 1;
+ cur_cs = par_loc;
+ cur_cmd = eq_type(cur_cs);
+ cur_chr = equiv(cur_cs);
+ if (! suppress_outer_error_par && cur_cmd >= outer_call_cmd)
+ check_outer_validity();
+ return true;
+ case mac_param_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case sup_mark_cmd:
+ if (process_sup_mark())
+ goto RESWITCH;
+ else
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case sub_mark_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case ignore_cmd:
+ goto SWITCH;
+ return true;
+ case spacer_cmd:
+ /*tex Cases where character is ignored. */
+ goto SWITCH;
+ case letter_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case other_char_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case active_char_cmd:
+ cur_cs = active_to_cs(cur_chr, false);
+ cur_cmd = eq_type(cur_cs);
+ cur_chr = equiv(cur_cs);
+ istate = mid_line;
+ if (! suppress_outer_error_par && cur_cmd >= outer_call_cmd)
+ check_outer_validity();
+ return true;
+ case comment_cmd:
+ iloc = ilimit + 1;
+ goto SWITCH;
+ case invalid_char_cmd:
+ /*tex Because state may be |token_list| now. */
+ invalid_character_error();
+ return false;
+ default:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else if (c >= skip_blanks) {
+ switch (c-skip_blanks) {
+ case escape_cmd:
+ /*tex Scan a control sequence. */
+ istate = (unsigned char) scan_control_sequence();
+ if (! suppress_outer_error_par && cur_cmd >= outer_call_cmd)
+ check_outer_validity();
+ return true;
+ case left_brace_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ align_state++;
+ return true;
+ case right_brace_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ align_state--;
+ return true;
+ case math_shift_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case tab_mark_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case car_ret_cmd:
+ iloc = ilimit + 1;
+ goto SWITCH;
+ case mac_param_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case sup_mark_cmd:
+ if (process_sup_mark())
+ goto RESWITCH;
+ else
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case sub_mark_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case ignore_cmd:
+ goto SWITCH;
+ case spacer_cmd:
+ goto SWITCH;
+ case letter_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case other_char_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case active_char_cmd:
+ cur_cs = active_to_cs(cur_chr, false);
+ cur_cmd = eq_type(cur_cs);
+ cur_chr = equiv(cur_cs);
+ istate = mid_line;
+ if (! suppress_outer_error_par && cur_cmd >= outer_call_cmd)
+ check_outer_validity();
+ return true;
+ case comment_cmd:
+ /*tex Finish line, |goto switch|. */
+ iloc = ilimit + 1;
+ goto SWITCH;
+ case invalid_char_cmd:
+ /*tex Decry the invalid character and |goto restart|. */
+ invalid_character_error();
+ /*tex Because state may be |token_list| now. */
+ return false;
+ default:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else if (c >= mid_line) {
+ switch (c-mid_line) {
+ case escape_cmd:
+ istate = (unsigned char) scan_control_sequence();
+ if (! suppress_outer_error_par && cur_cmd >= outer_call_cmd)
+ check_outer_validity();
+ return true;
+ case left_brace_cmd:
+ align_state++;
+ return true;
+ case right_brace_cmd:
+ align_state--;
+ return true;
+ case math_shift_cmd:
+ return true;
+ case tab_mark_cmd:
+ return true;
+ case car_ret_cmd:
+ /*tex
+ Finish line, emit a space. When a character of type
+ |spacer| gets through, its character code is changed to
+ $\.{"\ "}=040$. This means that the ASCII codes for tab
+ and space, and for the space inserted at the end of a
+ line, will be treated alike when macro parameters are
+ being matched. We do this since such characters are
+ indistinguishable on most computer terminal displays.
+ */
+ iloc = ilimit + 1;
+ cur_cmd = spacer_cmd;
+ cur_chr = ' ';
+ return true;
+ case mac_param_cmd:
+ return true;
+ case sup_mark_cmd:
+ if (process_sup_mark())
+ goto RESWITCH;
+ else
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case sub_mark_cmd:
+ return true;
+ case ignore_cmd:
+ goto SWITCH;
+ case spacer_cmd:
+ /*tex Enter |skip_blanks| state, emit a space. */
+ istate = skip_blanks;
+ cur_chr = ' ';
+ return true;
+ case letter_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case other_char_cmd:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ case active_char_cmd:
+ cur_cs = active_to_cs(cur_chr, false);
+ cur_cmd = eq_type(cur_cs);
+ cur_chr = equiv(cur_cs);
+ istate = mid_line;
+ if (! suppress_outer_error_par && cur_cmd >= outer_call_cmd)
+ check_outer_validity();
+ return true;
+ case comment_cmd:
+ iloc = ilimit + 1;
+ goto SWITCH;
+ case invalid_char_cmd:
+ /*tex Because state may be |token_list| now. */
+ invalid_character_error();
+ return false;
+ default:
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ istate = mid_line;
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (iname != 21) {
+ istate = new_line;
+ }
+ /*tex
+ Move to next line of file, or |goto restart| if there is no next
+ line, or |return| if a \.{\\read} line has finished;
+ */
+ do {
+ next_line_retval r = next_line();
+ if (r == next_line_return) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (r == next_line_restart) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } while (0);
+ check_interrupt();
+ goto SWITCH;
+ }
+ return true;
+ Notice that a code like \.{\^\^8} becomes \.x if not followed by a hex digit.
+ We only support a limited set:
+ \starttyping
+ ^^^^^^XXXXXX
+ ^^^^XXXXXX
+ ^^XX ^^<char>
+ \stoptyping
+#define is_hex(a) ((a>='0'&&a<='9')||(a>='a'&&a<='f'))
+#define add_nybble(c) \
+ if (c<='9') { \
+ cur_chr=(cur_chr<<4)+c-'0'; \
+ } else { \
+ cur_chr=(cur_chr<<4)+c-'a'+10; \
+ }
+#define set_nybble(c) \
+ if (c<='9') { \
+ cur_chr=c-'0'; \
+ } else { \
+ cur_chr=c-'a'+10; \
+ }
+#define one_hex_to_cur_chr(c1) \
+ set_nybble(c1);
+#define two_hex_to_cur_chr(c1,c2) \
+ set_nybble(c1); \
+ add_nybble(c2);
+#define four_hex_to_cur_chr(c1,c2,c3,c4) \
+ two_hex_to_cur_chr(c1,c2); \
+ add_nybble(c3); \
+ add_nybble(c4);
+#define six_hex_to_cur_chr(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6) \
+ four_hex_to_cur_chr(c1,c2,c3,c4); \
+ add_nybble(c5); \
+ add_nybble(c6);
+static boolean process_sup_mark(void)
+ if (cur_chr == buffer[iloc]) {
+ if (iloc < ilimit) {
+ if ((cur_chr == buffer[iloc + 1]) && (cur_chr == buffer[iloc + 2])) {
+ if ((cur_chr == buffer[iloc + 3]) && (cur_chr == buffer[iloc + 4])) {
+ /*tex |^^^^^^XXXXXX| */
+ if ((iloc + 10) <= ilimit) {
+ int c1 = buffer[iloc + 5];
+ int c2 = buffer[iloc + 6];
+ int c3 = buffer[iloc + 7];
+ int c4 = buffer[iloc + 8];
+ int c5 = buffer[iloc + 9];
+ int c6 = buffer[iloc + 10];
+ if (is_hex(c1) && is_hex(c2) && is_hex(c3) &&
+ is_hex(c4) && is_hex(c5) && is_hex(c6)) {
+ iloc = iloc + 11;
+ six_hex_to_cur_chr(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ tex_error("^^^^^^ needs six hex digits", NULL);
+ }
+ } else {
+ tex_error("^^^^^^ needs six hex digits, end of input", NULL);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*tex |^^^^XXXX| */
+ if ((iloc + 6) <= ilimit) {
+ int c1 = buffer[iloc + 3];
+ int c2 = buffer[iloc + 4];
+ int c3 = buffer[iloc + 5];
+ int c4 = buffer[iloc + 6];
+ if (is_hex(c1) && is_hex(c2) && is_hex(c3) && is_hex(c4)) {
+ iloc = iloc + 7;
+ four_hex_to_cur_chr(c1,c2,c3,c4);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ tex_error("^^^^ needs four hex digits", NULL);
+ }
+ } else {
+ tex_error("^^^^ needs four hex digits, end of input", NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*tex |^^XX| */
+ if ((iloc + 2) <= ilimit) {
+ int c1 = buffer[iloc + 1];
+ int c2 = buffer[iloc + 2];
+ if (is_hex(c1) && is_hex(c2)) {
+ iloc = iloc + 3;
+ two_hex_to_cur_chr(c1,c2);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ /*tex Go on, no error, good old \TEX . */
+ }
+ }
+ /*tex The rest. */
+ {
+ int c1 = buffer[iloc + 1];
+ if (c1 < 0200) {
+ iloc = iloc + 2;
+ if (is_hex(c1) && (iloc <= ilimit)) {
+ int c2 = buffer[iloc];
+ if (is_hex(c2)) {
+ incr(iloc);
+ two_hex_to_cur_chr(c1,c2);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ cur_chr = (c1 < 0100 ? c1 + 0100 : c1 - 0100);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ Control sequence names are scanned only when they appear in some line of a
+ file; once they have been scanned the first time, their |eqtb| location
+ serves as a unique identification, so \TeX\ doesn't need to refer to the
+ original name any more except when it prints the equivalent in symbolic form.
+ The program that scans a control sequence has been written carefully in order
+ to avoid the blowups that might otherwise occur if a malicious user tried
+ something like `\.{\\catcode\'15=0}'. The algorithm might look at
+ |buffer[ilimit+1]|, but it never looks at |buffer[ilimit+2]|.
+ If expanded characters like `\.{\^\^A}' or `\.{\^\^df}' appear in or just
+ following a control sequence name, they are converted to single characters in
+ the buffer and the process is repeated, slowly but surely.
+static boolean check_expanded_code(int *kk); /* below */
+static int scan_control_sequence(void)
+ int retval = mid_line;
+ if (iloc > ilimit) {
+ /*tex |state| is irrelevant in this case. */
+ cur_cs = null_cs;
+ } else {
+ /*tex |cat_code(cur_chr)|, usually: */
+ register int cat;
+ while (1) {
+ int k = iloc;
+ do_buffer_to_unichar(cur_chr, k);
+ do_get_cat_code(cat, cur_chr);
+ if (cat != letter_cmd || k > ilimit) {
+ retval = (cat == spacer_cmd ? skip_blanks : mid_line);
+ /*tex If an expanded \unknown */
+ if (cat == sup_mark_cmd && check_expanded_code(&k))
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ retval = skip_blanks;
+ do {
+ do_buffer_to_unichar(cur_chr, k);
+ do_get_cat_code(cat, cur_chr);
+ } while (cat == letter_cmd && k <= ilimit);
+ /*tex If an expanded \unknown */
+ if (cat == sup_mark_cmd && check_expanded_code(&k))
+ continue;
+ if (cat != letter_cmd) {
+ /*tex Backtrack one character which can be \UTF. */
+ if (cur_chr <= 0x7F) {
+ k -= 1; /* in most cases */
+ } else if (cur_chr > 0xFFFF) {
+ k -= 4;
+ } else if (cur_chr > 0x7FF) {
+ k -= 3;
+ } else /* if (cur_chr > 0x7F) */ {
+ k -= 2;
+ }
+ /*tex Now |k| points to first nonletter. */
+ }
+ }
+ cur_cs = id_lookup(iloc, k - iloc);
+ iloc = k;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ cur_cmd = eq_type(cur_cs);
+ cur_chr = equiv(cur_cs);
+ return retval;
+ Whenever we reach the following piece of code, we will have
+ |cur_chr=buffer[k-1]| and |k<=ilimit+1| and
+ |cat=get_cat_code(cat_code_table,cur_chr)|. If an expanded code like
+ \.{\^\^A} or \.{\^\^df} appears in |buffer[(k-1)..(k+1)]| or
+ |buffer[(k-1)..(k+2)]|, we will store the corresponding code in |buffer[k-1]|
+ and shift the rest of the buffer left two or three places.
+static boolean check_expanded_code(int *kk)
+ int l;
+ int k = *kk;
+ int d = 1;
+ if (buffer[k] == cur_chr && k < ilimit) {
+ if ((cur_chr == buffer[k + 1]) && (cur_chr == buffer[k + 2])) {
+ if ((cur_chr == buffer[k + 3]) && (cur_chr == buffer[k + 4])) {
+ if ((k + 10) <= ilimit) {
+ int c1 = buffer[k + 6 - 1];
+ int c2 = buffer[k + 6];
+ int c3 = buffer[k + 6 + 1];
+ int c4 = buffer[k + 6 + 2];
+ int c5 = buffer[k + 6 + 3];
+ int c6 = buffer[k + 6 + 4];
+ if (is_hex(c1) && is_hex(c2) && is_hex(c3) && is_hex(c4) && is_hex(c5) && is_hex(c6)) {
+ d = 6;
+ six_hex_to_cur_chr(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6);
+ } else {
+ tex_error("^^^^^^ needs six hex digits", NULL);
+ }
+ } else {
+ tex_error("^^^^^^ needs six hex digits, end of input", NULL);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((k + 6) <= ilimit) {
+ int c1 = buffer[k + 4 - 1];
+ int c2 = buffer[k + 4];
+ int c3 = buffer[k + 4 + 1];
+ int c4 = buffer[k + 4 + 2];
+ if (is_hex(c1) && is_hex(c2) && is_hex(c3) && is_hex(c4)) {
+ d = 4;
+ four_hex_to_cur_chr(c1,c2,c3,c4);
+ } else {
+ tex_error("^^^^ needs four hex digits", NULL);
+ }
+ } else {
+ tex_error("^^^^ needs four hex digits, end of input", NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ int c1 = buffer[k + 1];
+ if (c1 < 0200) {
+ d = 1;
+ if (is_hex(c1) && (k + 2) <= ilimit) {
+ int c2 = buffer[k + 2];
+ if (is_hex(c2)) {
+ d = 2;
+ two_hex_to_cur_chr(c1,c2);
+ } else {
+ cur_chr = (c1 < 0100 ? c1 + 0100 : c1 - 0100);
+ }
+ } else {
+ cur_chr = (c1 < 0100 ? c1 + 0100 : c1 - 0100);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (d > 2)
+ d = 2 * d - 1;
+ else
+ d++;
+ if (cur_chr <= 0x7F) {
+ buffer[k - 1] = (packed_ASCII_code) cur_chr;
+ } else if (cur_chr <= 0x7FF) {
+ buffer[k - 1] = (packed_ASCII_code) (0xC0 + cur_chr / 0x40);
+ k++;
+ d--;
+ buffer[k - 1] = (packed_ASCII_code) (0x80 + cur_chr % 0x40);
+ } else if (cur_chr <= 0xFFFF) {
+ buffer[k - 1] = (packed_ASCII_code) (0xE0 + cur_chr / 0x1000);
+ k++;
+ d--;
+ buffer[k - 1] = (packed_ASCII_code) (0x80 + (cur_chr % 0x1000) / 0x40);
+ k++;
+ d--;
+ buffer[k - 1] = (packed_ASCII_code) (0x80 + (cur_chr % 0x1000) % 0x40);
+ } else {
+ buffer[k - 1] = (packed_ASCII_code) (0xF0 + cur_chr / 0x40000);
+ k++;
+ d--;
+ buffer[k - 1] = (packed_ASCII_code) (0x80 + (cur_chr % 0x40000) / 0x1000);
+ k++;
+ d--;
+ buffer[k - 1] = (packed_ASCII_code) (0x80 + ((cur_chr % 0x40000) % 0x1000) / 0x40);
+ k++;
+ d--;
+ buffer[k - 1] = (packed_ASCII_code) (0x80 + ((cur_chr % 0x40000) % 0x1000) % 0x40);
+ }
+ l = k;
+ ilimit = ilimit - d;
+ while (l <= ilimit) {
+ buffer[l] = buffer[l + d];
+ l++;
+ }
+ *kk = k;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ All of the easy branches of |get_next| have now been taken care of. There is
+ one more branch.
+static next_line_retval next_line(void)
+ /*tex A way to end a pseudo file without trailing space: */
+ boolean inhibit_eol = false;
+ if (iname > 17) {
+ /*tex
+ Read next line of file into |buffer|, or |goto restart| if the file
+ has ended.
+ */
+ incr(line);
+ first = istart;
+ if (!force_eof) {
+ if (iname <= 20) {
+ if (pseudo_input()) {
+ /*tex Not end of file; set |ilimit|. */
+ firm_up_the_line();
+ line_catcode_table = DEFAULT_CAT_TABLE;
+ if ((iname == 19) && (pseudo_lines(pseudo_files) == null))
+ inhibit_eol = true;
+ } else if ((every_eof_par != null) && !eof_seen[iindex]) {
+ ilimit = first - 1;
+ /*tex Fake one empty line. */
+ eof_seen[iindex] = true;
+ if (iname != 19)
+ begin_token_list(every_eof_par, every_eof_text);
+ return next_line_restart;
+ } else {
+ force_eof = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (iname == 21) {
+ halfword n = null;
+ int t = luacstring_input(&n);
+ switch (t) {
+ case 0:
+ force_eof = true;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ /*tex string */
+ firm_up_the_line();
+ line_catcode_table = (short) luacstring_cattable();
+ line_partial = (signed char) luacstring_partial();
+ if (luacstring_final_line() || line_partial || line_catcode_table == NO_CAT_TABLE)
+ inhibit_eol = true;
+ if (!line_partial)
+ istate = new_line;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ /*tex token */
+ cur_tok = n;
+ back_input();
+ /*tex Needs checking. */
+ return next_line_restart;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ /*tex node */
+ if (n < biggest_char) {
+ /*tex |0x10FFFF == 1114111| */
+ cur_tok = token_val(node_cmd, n);
+ back_input();
+ /*tex Needs checking. */
+ return next_line_restart;
+ } else {
+ normal_warning("nodes","unable to store reference from lua in tex");
+ force_eof = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ force_eof = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (lua_input_ln(cur_file, 0, true)) {
+ /*tex Not end of file, set |ilimit|. */
+ firm_up_the_line();
+ line_catcode_table = DEFAULT_CAT_TABLE;
+ } else if ((every_eof_par != null) && (!eof_seen[iindex])) {
+ ilimit = first - 1;
+ /* tex Fake one empty line. */
+ eof_seen[iindex] = true;
+ begin_token_list(every_eof_par, every_eof_text);
+ return next_line_restart;
+ } else {
+ force_eof = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (force_eof) {
+ if (tracing_nesting_par > 0)
+ if ((grp_stack[in_open] != cur_boundary) || (if_stack[in_open] != cond_ptr))
+ if (!((iname == 19) || (iname == 21))) {
+ /*tex Give warning for some unfinished groups and/or conditionals. */
+ file_warning();
+ }
+ if ((iname > 21) || (iname == 20)) {
+ report_stop_file(filetype_tex);
+ decr(open_parens);
+ }
+ force_eof = false;
+ /*tex \LUA\ input or \.{\\scantextokens} */
+ if (iname == 21 || iname == 19) {
+ end_file_reading();
+ } else {
+ end_file_reading();
+ if (! suppress_outer_error_par)
+ check_outer_validity();
+ }
+ return next_line_restart;
+ }
+ if (inhibit_eol || end_line_char_inactive)
+ ilimit--;
+ else
+ buffer[ilimit] = (packed_ASCII_code) end_line_char_par;
+ first = ilimit + 1;
+ iloc = istart;
+ /*tex We're ready to read. */
+ } else {
+ if (!terminal_input) {
+ /*tex \.{\\read} line has ended */
+ cur_cmd = 0;
+ cur_chr = 0;
+ return next_line_return;
+ }
+ if (input_ptr > 0) {
+ /*tex Text was inserted during error recovery. */
+ end_file_reading();
+ /*tex Resume previous level. */
+ return next_line_restart;
+ }
+ if (selector < log_only)
+ open_log_file();
+ if (interaction > nonstop_mode) {
+ if (end_line_char_inactive)
+ ilimit++;
+ if (ilimit == istart) {
+ /*tex Previous line was empty. */
+ tprint_nl("(Please type a command or say `\\end')");
+ }
+ print_ln();
+ first = istart;
+ /*tex Input on-line into |buffer| */
+ prompt_input("*");
+ ilimit = last;
+ if (end_line_char_inactive)
+ ilimit--;
+ else
+ buffer[ilimit] = (packed_ASCII_code) end_line_char_par;
+ first = ilimit + 1;
+ iloc = istart;
+ } else {
+ /*tex
+ Nonstop mode, which is intended for overnight batch processing,
+ never waits for on-line input.
+ */
+ fatal_error("*** (job aborted, no legal \\end found)");
+ }
+ }
+ return next_line_ok;
+ Let's consider now what happens when |get_next| is looking at a token list.
+static boolean get_next_tokenlist(void)
+ register halfword t = token_info(iloc);
+ /*tex Move to next. */
+ iloc = token_link(iloc);
+ if (t >= cs_token_flag) {
+ /*tex A control sequence token */
+ cur_cs = t - cs_token_flag;
+ cur_cmd = eq_type(cur_cs);
+ if (cur_cmd >= outer_call_cmd) {
+ if (cur_cmd == dont_expand_cmd) {
+ /*tex
+ Get the next token, suppressing expansion. The present point
+ in the program is reached only when the |expand| routine has
+ inserted a special marker into the input. In this special
+ case, |token_info(iloc)| is known to be a control sequence
+ token, and |token_link(iloc)=null|.
+ */
+ cur_cs = token_info(iloc) - cs_token_flag;
+ iloc = null;
+ cur_cmd = eq_type(cur_cs);
+ if (cur_cmd > max_command_cmd) {
+ cur_cmd = relax_cmd;
+ cur_chr = no_expand_flag;
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else if (! suppress_outer_error_par) {
+ check_outer_validity();
+ }
+ }
+ cur_chr = equiv(cur_cs);
+ } else {
+ cur_cmd = token_cmd(t);
+ cur_chr = token_chr(t);
+ switch (cur_cmd) {
+ case left_brace_cmd:
+ align_state++;
+ break;
+ case right_brace_cmd:
+ align_state--;
+ break;
+ case out_param_cmd:
+ /*tex Insert macro parameter and |goto restart|. */
+ begin_token_list(param_stack[param_start + cur_chr - 1], parameter);
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ Now we're ready to take the plunge into |get_next| itself. Parts of this
+ routine are executed more often than any other instructions of \TeX.
+ This sets |cur_cmd|, |cur_chr|, |cur_cs| to next token:
+void get_next(void)
+ cur_cs = 0;
+ if (istate != token_list) {
+ /*tex Input from external file, |goto restart| if no input found. */
+ if (!get_next_file())
+ goto RESTART;
+ } else {
+ if (iloc == null) {
+ end_token_list();
+ /*tex List exhausted, resume previous level. */
+ goto RESTART;
+ } else if (!get_next_tokenlist()) {
+ /*tex Parameter needs to be expanded. */
+ goto RESTART;
+ }
+ }
+ /*tex If an alignment entry has just ended, take appropriate action. */
+ if ((cur_cmd == tab_mark_cmd || cur_cmd == car_ret_cmd) && align_state == 0) {
+ insert_vj_template();
+ goto RESTART;
+ }
+ Since |get_next| is used so frequently in \TeX, it is convenient to define
+ three related procedures that do a little more:
+ \startitemize
+ \startitem
+ |get_token| not only sets |cur_cmd| and |cur_chr|, it also sets
+ |cur_tok|, a packed halfword version of the current token.
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ |get_x_token|, meaning ``get an expanded token,'' is like
+ |get_token|, but if the current token turns out to be a user-defined
+ control sequence (i.e., a macro call), or a conditional, or something
+ like \.{\\topmark} or \.{\\expandafter} or \.{\\csname}, it is
+ eliminated from the input by beginning the expansion of the macro or
+ the evaluation of the conditional.
+ \stopitem
+ \startitem
+ |x_token| is like |get_x_token| except that it assumes that
+ |get_next| has already been called.
+ \stopitem
+ \stopitemize
+ In fact, these three procedures account for almost every use of |get_next|.
+ No new control sequences will be defined except during a call of |get_token|,
+ or when \.{\\csname} compresses a token list, because
+ |no_new_control_sequence| is always |true| at other times.
+ This sets |cur_cmd|, |cur_chr|, |cur_tok|:
+void get_token(void)
+ no_new_control_sequence = false;
+ get_next();
+ no_new_control_sequence = true;
+ if (cur_cs == 0)
+ cur_tok = token_val(cur_cmd, cur_chr);
+ else
+ cur_tok = cs_token_flag + cur_cs;
+/*tex This changes the string |s| to a token list. */
+halfword string_to_toks(const char *ss)
+ /*tex tail of the token list */
+ halfword p;
+ /*tex new node being added to the token list via |store_new_token| */
+ halfword q;
+ /*tex token being appended */
+ halfword t;
+ const char *s = ss;
+ const char *se = ss + strlen(s);
+ p = temp_token_head;
+ set_token_link(p, null);
+ while (s < se) {
+ t = (halfword) str2uni((const unsigned char *) s);
+ s += utf8_size(t);
+ if (t == ' ')
+ t = space_token;
+ else
+ t = other_token + t;
+ fast_store_new_token(t);
+ }
+ return token_link(temp_token_head);
+ The token lists for macros and for other things like \.{\\mark} and
+ \.{\\output} and \.{\\write} are produced by a procedure called |scan_toks|.
+ Before we get into the details of |scan_toks|, let's consider a much simpler
+ task, that of converting the current string into a token list. The |str_toks|
+ function does this; it classifies spaces as type |spacer| and everything else
+ as type |other_char|.
+ The token list created by |str_toks| begins at |link(temp_token_head)| and
+ ends at the value |p| that is returned. (If |p=temp_token_head|, the list is
+ empty.)
+ |lua_str_toks| is almost identical, but it also escapes the three symbols
+ that |lua| considers special while scanning a literal string.
+ This changes the string |str_pool[b..pool_ptr]| to a token list:
+halfword lua_str_toks(lstring b)
+ /*tex tail of the token list */
+ halfword p;
+ /*tex new node being added to the token list via |store_new_token| */
+ halfword q;
+ /*tex token being appended */
+ halfword t;
+ /*tex index into string */
+ unsigned char *k;
+ p = temp_token_head;
+ set_token_link(p, null);
+ k = (unsigned char *) b.s;
+ while (k < (unsigned char *) b.s + b.l) {
+ t = pool_to_unichar(k);
+ k += utf8_size(t);
+ if (t == ' ') {
+ t = space_token;
+ } else {
+ if ((t == '\\') || (t == '"') || (t == '\'') || (t == 10) || (t == 13))
+ fast_store_new_token(other_token + '\\');
+ if (t == 10)
+ t = 'n';
+ if (t == 13)
+ t = 'r';
+ t = other_token + t;
+ }
+ fast_store_new_token(t);
+ }
+ return p;
+ Incidentally, the main reason for wanting |str_toks| is the function
+ |the_toks|, which has similar input/output characteristics.
+ This changes the string |str_pool[b..pool_ptr]| to a token list:
+halfword str_toks(lstring s)
+ /*tex tail of the token list */
+ halfword p;
+ /*tex new node being added to the token list via |store_new_token| */
+ halfword q;
+ /*tex token being appended */
+ halfword t;
+ /*tex index into string */
+ unsigned char *k, *l;
+ p = temp_token_head;
+ set_token_link(p, null);
+ k = s.s;
+ l = k + s.l;
+ while (k < l) {
+ t = pool_to_unichar(k);
+ k += utf8_size(t);
+ if (t == ' ')
+ t = space_token;
+ else
+ t = other_token + t;
+ fast_store_new_token(t);
+ }
+ return p;
+ Most of the converter is similar to the one i made for macro so at some point
+ I can make a helper; also todo: there is no need to go through the pool.
+/*tex Change the string |str_pool[b..pool_ptr]| to a token list. */
+halfword str_scan_toks(int ct, lstring s)
+ /*tex tail of the token list */
+ halfword p;
+ /*tex new node being added to the token list via |store_new_token| */
+ halfword q;
+ /*tex token being appended */
+ halfword t;
+ /*tex index into string */
+ unsigned char *k, *l;
+ int cc;
+ p = temp_token_head;
+ set_token_link(p, null);
+ k = s.s;
+ l = k + s.l;
+ while (k < l) {
+ t = pool_to_unichar(k);
+ k += utf8_size(t);
+ cc = get_cat_code(ct,t);
+ if (cc == 0) {
+ /*tex We have a potential control sequence so we check for it. */
+ int _lname = 0 ;
+ int _s = 0 ;
+ int _c = 0 ;
+ halfword _cs = null ;
+ unsigned char *_name = k ;
+ while (k < l) {
+ t = (halfword) str2uni((const unsigned char *) k);
+ _s = utf8_size(t);
+ _c = get_cat_code(ct,t);
+ if (_c == 11) {
+ k += _s ;
+ _lname = _lname + _s ;
+ } else if (_c == 10) {
+ /*tex We ignore a trailing space like normal scanning does. */
+ k += _s ;
+ break ;
+ } else {
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_s > 0) {
+ /*tex We have a potential |\cs|. */
+ _cs = string_lookup((const char *) _name, _lname);
+ if (_cs == undefined_control_sequence) {
+ /* let's play safe and backtrack */
+ t = cc * (1<<21) + t ;
+ k = _name ;
+ } else {
+ t = cs_token_flag + _cs;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*tex
+ Just a character with some meaning, so |\unknown| becomes
+ effectively |\unknown| assuming that |\\| has some useful
+ meaning of course.
+ */
+ t = cc * (1<<21) + t ;
+ k = _name ;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*tex
+ Whatever token, so for instance $x^2$ just works given a \TEX\
+ catcode regime.
+ */
+ t = cc * (1<<21) + t ;
+ }
+ fast_store_new_token(t);
+ }
+ return p;
+ Here's part of the |expand| subroutine that we are now ready to complete:
+void ins_the_toks(void)
+ (void) the_toks();
+ ins_list(token_link(temp_token_head));
+#define set_toks_register(n,t,g) do { \
+ int a = (g>0) ? 4 : 0; \
+ halfword ref = get_avail(); \
+ set_token_ref_count(ref, 0); \
+ set_token_link(ref, token_link(t)); \
+ define(n + toks_base, call_cmd, ref); \
+} while (0)
+#define append_copied_toks_list(s,t) do { \
+ halfword p; \
+ halfword q; \
+ p = temp_token_head; \
+ set_token_link(p, null); \
+ while (s != null) { \
+ fast_store_new_token(token_info(s)); \
+ s = token_link(s); \
+ } \
+ while (t != null) { \
+ fast_store_new_token(token_info(t)); \
+ t = token_link(t); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+ \starttabulate[|T||T||]
+ \NC 0 \NC \type {toksapp} \NC 1 \NC \type {etoksapp} \NC \NR
+ \NC 2 \NC \type {tokspre} \NC 3 \NC \type {etokspre} \NC \NR
+ \NC 4 \NC \type {gtoksapp} \NC 5 \NC \type {xtoksapp} \NC \NR
+ \NC 6 \NC \type {gtokspre} \NC 7 \NC \type {xtokspre} \NC \NR
+ \stoptabulate
+# define immediate_permitted(n,target) ((eq_level(toks_base + n) == cur_level) && (token_ref_count(target) == 0))
+void combine_the_toks(void)
+ halfword how = cur_chr;
+ halfword source = null;
+ halfword target = null;
+ halfword append = (how == 0) || (how == 1) || (how == 4) || (how == 5);
+ halfword expand = odd(how);
+ halfword global = how > 3;
+ halfword nt, ns, s, t, p, q, h;
+ get_x_token();
+ /*tex The target. */
+ if (cur_cmd == assign_toks_cmd) {
+ /*tex Check range. */
+ nt = equiv(cur_cs) - toks_base;
+ } else {
+ back_input();
+ scan_register_num();
+ nt = cur_val;
+ }
+ /*tex The source. */
+ do {
+ get_x_token();
+ } while (cur_cmd == spacer_cmd);
+ if (cur_cmd == left_brace_cmd) {
+ back_input();
+ scan_toks(false,expand);
+ source = def_ref;
+ /*tex The action. */
+ if (source != null) {
+ target = toks(nt);
+ if (target == null) {
+ set_toks_register(nt,source,global);
+ token_link(source) = null;
+ } else {
+ s = token_link(source);
+ if (s != null) {
+ t = token_link(target);
+ if (t == null) {
+ /*tex Can this happen? */
+ set_token_link(target, s);
+ token_link(source) = null;
+ } else if (append) {
+ /*tex Append. */
+ if (immediate_permitted(nt,target)) {
+ p = t;
+ while (token_link(p) != null) {
+ p = token_link(p);
+ }
+ while (s != null) {
+ fast_store_new_token(token_info(s));
+ s = token_link(s);
+ }
+ } else {
+ append_copied_toks_list(t,s);
+ set_toks_register(nt,temp_token_head,global);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* prepend */
+ if (immediate_permitted(nt,target)) {
+ h = null;
+ p = null ;
+ while (s != null) {
+ fast_store_new_token(token_info(s));
+ if (h == null) {
+ h = p;
+ }
+ s = token_link(s);
+ }
+ set_token_link(p,t);
+ set_token_link(target,h);
+ } else {
+ append_copied_toks_list(s,t);
+ set_toks_register(nt,temp_token_head,global);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ flush_list(source);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (cur_cmd == assign_toks_cmd) {
+ ns = equiv(cur_cs) - toks_base;
+ /*tex Check range. */
+ } else {
+ scan_register_num();
+ ns = cur_val;
+ }
+ /*tex The action. */
+ source = toks(ns);
+ if (source != null) {
+ target = toks(nt);
+ if (target == null) {
+ /*tex The assign. */
+ token_ref_count(source)++;
+ equiv(toks_base+nt) = source;
+ return;
+ }
+ s = token_link(source);
+ t = token_link(target);
+ if (append) {
+ /*tex Append. */
+ if (immediate_permitted(nt,target)) {
+ p = t;
+ while (token_link(p) != null) {
+ p = token_link(p);
+ }
+ while (s != null) {
+ fast_store_new_token(token_info(s));
+ s = token_link(s);
+ }
+ } else {
+ append_copied_toks_list(t,s);
+ set_toks_register(nt,temp_token_head,global);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*tex Prepend. */
+ if (immediate_permitted(nt,target)) {
+ h = null;
+ p = null;
+ while (s != null) {
+ fast_store_new_token(token_info(s));
+ if (h == null) {
+ h = p;
+ }
+ s = token_link(s);
+ }
+ set_token_link(p,t);
+ set_token_link(target,h);
+ } else {
+ append_copied_toks_list(s,t);
+ set_toks_register(nt,temp_token_head,global);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ This routine, used in the next one, prints the job name, possibly modified by
+ the |process_jobname| callback.
+static void print_job_name(void)
+ if (job_name) {
+ /*tex C strings for jobname before and after processing. */
+ char *s, *ss;
+ int callback_id, lua_retval;
+ s = (char*)str_string(job_name);
+ callback_id = callback_defined(process_jobname_callback);
+ if (callback_id > 0) {
+ lua_retval = run_callback(callback_id, "S->S", s, &ss);
+ if ((lua_retval == true) && (ss != NULL))
+ s = ss;
+ }
+ tprint(s);
+ } else {
+ print(job_name);
+ }
+ Here is a routine that print the result of a convert command, using the
+ argument |i|. It returns |false | if it does not know to print the code |c|.
+ The function exists because lua code and tex code can both call it to convert
+ something.
+ Parse optional \LUA\ state integer, or an instance name to be stored in |sn|
+ and get the next non-blank non-relax non-call token.
+int scan_lua_state(void)
+ int sn = 0;
+ do {
+ get_x_token();
+ } while ((cur_cmd == spacer_cmd) || (cur_cmd == relax_cmd));
+ back_input();
+ if (cur_cmd != left_brace_cmd) {
+ if (scan_keyword("name")) {
+ (void) scan_toks(false, true);
+ sn = def_ref;
+ } else {
+ scan_register_num();
+ if (get_lua_name(cur_val))
+ sn = (cur_val - 65536);
+ }
+ }
+ return sn;
+ The procedure |conv_toks| uses |str_toks| to insert the token list for
+ |convert| functions into the scanner; `\.{\\outer}' control sequences are
+ allowed to follow `\.{\\string}' and `\.{\\meaning}'.
+ The extra temp string |u| is needed because |pdf_scan_ext_toks| incorporates
+ any pending string in its output. In order to save such a pending string, we
+ have to create a temporary string that is destroyed immediately after.
+#define push_selector { \
+ old_setting = selector; \
+ selector = new_string; \
+#define pop_selector { \
+ selector = old_setting; \
+static int do_variable_dvi(halfword c)
+ return 0;
+#define do_variable_backend_int(i) \
+ cur_cmd = assign_int_cmd; \
+ cur_val = backend_int_base + i; \
+ cur_tok = token_val(cur_cmd, cur_val); \
+ back_input();
+#define do_variable_backend_dimen(i) \
+ cur_cmd = assign_dimen_cmd; \
+ cur_val = backend_dimen_base + i; \
+ cur_tok = token_val(cur_cmd, cur_val); \
+ back_input();
+#define do_variable_backend_toks(i) \
+ cur_cmd = assign_toks_cmd; \
+ cur_val = backend_toks_base + i ; \
+ cur_tok = token_val(cur_cmd, cur_val); \
+ back_input();
+static int do_variable_pdf(halfword c)
+ if (scan_keyword("compresslevel")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_compress_level); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("decimaldigits")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_decimal_digits); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("imageresolution")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_image_resolution); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("pkresolution")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_pk_resolution); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("uniqueresname")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_unique_resname); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("majorversion")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_major_version); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("minorversion")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_minor_version); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("pagebox")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_pagebox); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("inclusionerrorlevel")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_inclusion_errorlevel); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("ignoreunknownimages")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_ignore_unknown_images); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("gamma")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_gamma); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("imageapplygamma")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_image_apply_gamma); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("imagegamma")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_image_gamma); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("imagehicolor")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_image_hicolor); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("imageaddfilename")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_image_addfilename); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("objcompresslevel")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_obj_compress_level); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("inclusioncopyfonts")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_inclusion_copy_font); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("gentounicode")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_gen_tounicode); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("pkfixeddpi")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_pk_fixed_dpi); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("suppressoptionalinfo")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_suppress_optional_info); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("omitcidset")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_omit_cidset); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("omitcharset")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_omit_charset); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("recompress")) { do_variable_backend_int(c_pdf_recompress); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("horigin")) { do_variable_backend_dimen(d_pdf_h_origin); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("vorigin")) { do_variable_backend_dimen(d_pdf_v_origin); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("threadmargin")) { do_variable_backend_dimen(d_pdf_thread_margin); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("destmargin")) { do_variable_backend_dimen(d_pdf_dest_margin); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("linkmargin")) { do_variable_backend_dimen(d_pdf_link_margin); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("xformmargin")) { do_variable_backend_dimen(d_pdf_xform_margin); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("pageattr")) { do_variable_backend_toks(t_pdf_page_attr); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("pageresources")) { do_variable_backend_toks(t_pdf_page_resources); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("pagesattr")) { do_variable_backend_toks(t_pdf_pages_attr); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("xformattr")) { do_variable_backend_toks(t_pdf_xform_attr); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("xformresources")) { do_variable_backend_toks(t_pdf_xform_resources); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("pkmode")) { do_variable_backend_toks(t_pdf_pk_mode); }
+ else if (scan_keyword("trailerid")) { do_variable_backend_toks(t_pdf_trailer_id); }
+ else
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+static int do_feedback_dvi(halfword c)
+ return 0;
+/*tex Codes not really needed but cleaner when testing */
+#define pdftex_version 140 /* these values will not change any more */
+#define pdftex_revision "0" /* these values will not change any more */
+static int do_feedback_pdf(halfword c)
+ /*tex holds |selector| setting */
+ int old_setting;
+ /*tex |scanner_status| upon entry */
+ int save_scanner_status;
+ /*tex |def_ref| upon entry, important if inside `\.{\\message}' */
+ halfword save_def_ref;
+ halfword save_warning_index;
+ /*tex temp boolean */
+ boolean bool;
+ /*tex first temp string */
+ str_number s;
+ /*tex for use with |set_ff| */
+ int ff;
+ /*tex third temp string, will become non-nil if a string is already being built */
+ str_number u = 0;
+ /*tex color stack init str */
+ char *str;
+ if (scan_keyword("lastlink")) {
+ push_selector;
+ print_int(pdf_last_link);
+ pop_selector;
+ } else if (scan_keyword("retval")) {
+ push_selector;
+ print_int(pdf_retval);
+ pop_selector;
+ } else if (scan_keyword("lastobj")) {
+ push_selector;
+ print_int(pdf_last_obj);
+ pop_selector;
+ } else if (scan_keyword("lastannot")) {
+ push_selector;
+ print_int(pdf_last_annot);
+ pop_selector;
+ } else if (scan_keyword("xformname")) {
+ scan_int();
+ check_obj_type(static_pdf, obj_type_xform, cur_val);
+ push_selector;
+ print_int(obj_info(static_pdf, cur_val));
+ pop_selector;
+ } else if (scan_keyword("creationdate")) {
+ ins_list(string_to_toks(getcreationdate(static_pdf)));
+ /*tex No further action. */
+ return 2;
+ } else if (scan_keyword("fontname")) {
+ scan_font_ident();
+ if (cur_val == null_font)
+ normal_error("pdf backend", "invalid font identifier when asking 'fontname'");
+ pdf_check_vf(cur_val);
+ if (!font_used(cur_val))
+ pdf_init_font(static_pdf, cur_val);
+ push_selector;
+ set_ff(cur_val);
+ print_int(obj_info(static_pdf, pdf_font_num(ff)));
+ pop_selector;
+ } else if (scan_keyword("fontobjnum")) {
+ scan_font_ident();
+ if (cur_val == null_font)
+ normal_error("pdf backend", "invalid font identifier when asking 'objnum'");
+ pdf_check_vf(cur_val);
+ if (!font_used(cur_val))
+ pdf_init_font(static_pdf, cur_val);
+ push_selector;
+ set_ff(cur_val);
+ print_int(pdf_font_num(ff));
+ pop_selector;
+ } else if (scan_keyword("fontsize")) {
+ scan_font_ident();
+ if (cur_val == null_font)
+ normal_error("pdf backend", "invalid font identifier when asking 'fontsize'");
+ push_selector;
+ print_scaled(font_size(cur_val));
+ tprint("pt");
+ pop_selector;
+ } else if (scan_keyword("pageref")) {
+ scan_int();
+ if (cur_val <= 0)
+ normal_error("pdf backend", "invalid page number when asking 'pageref'");
+ push_selector;
+ print_int(pdf_get_obj(static_pdf, obj_type_page, cur_val, false));
+ pop_selector;
+ } else if (scan_keyword("colorstackinit")) {
+ bool = scan_keyword("page");
+ if (scan_keyword("direct"))
+ cur_val = direct_always;
+ else if (scan_keyword("page"))
+ cur_val = direct_page;
+ else if (scan_keyword("text"))
+ cur_val = direct_text;
+ else if (scan_keyword("raw"))
+ cur_val = direct_raw;
+ else if (scan_keyword("origin"))
+ cur_val = set_origin;
+ else
+ cur_val = set_origin;
+ save_scanner_status = scanner_status;
+ save_warning_index = warning_index;
+ save_def_ref = def_ref;
+ u = save_cur_string();
+ scan_toks(false, true);
+ s = tokens_to_string(def_ref);
+ delete_token_ref(def_ref);
+ def_ref = save_def_ref;
+ warning_index = save_warning_index;
+ scanner_status = save_scanner_status;
+ str = makecstring(s);
+ cur_val = newcolorstack(str, cur_val, bool);
+ free(str);
+ flush_str(s);
+ cur_val_level = int_val_level;
+ if (cur_val < 0) {
+ print_err("Too many color stacks");
+ help2("The number of color stacks is limited to 32768.",
+ "I'll use the default color stack 0 here.");
+ error();
+ cur_val = 0;
+ restore_cur_string(u);
+ }
+ push_selector;
+ print_int(cur_val);
+ pop_selector;
+ } else if (scan_keyword("version")) {
+ push_selector;
+ print_int(pdftex_version);
+ pop_selector;
+ } else if (scan_keyword("revision")) {
+ ins_list(string_to_toks(pdftex_revision));
+ return 2;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+void conv_toks(void)
+ /*tex holds |selector| setting */
+ int old_setting;
+ halfword p, q;
+ /*tex |scanner_status| upon entry */
+ int save_scanner_status;
+ /*tex |def_ref| upon entry, important if inside `\.{\\message}' */
+ halfword save_def_ref;
+ halfword save_warning_index;
+ /*tex temp boolean */
+ boolean bool;
+ /*tex first temp string */
+ str_number s;
+ /*tex lua chunk name */
+ int sn;
+ /*tex third temp string, will become non-nil if a string is already being built */
+ str_number u = 0;
+ /*tex desired type of conversion */
+ int c = cur_chr;
+ str_number str;
+ int i = 0;
+ /*tex Scan the argument for command |c|. */
+ switch (c) {
+ case number_code:
+ scan_int();
+ push_selector;
+ print_int(cur_val);
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case lua_function_code:
+ scan_int();
+ if (cur_val <= 0) {
+ normal_error("luafunction", "invalid number");
+ } else {
+ u = save_cur_string();
+ luacstrings = 0;
+ luafunctioncall(cur_val);
+ restore_cur_string(u);
+ if (luacstrings > 0)
+ lua_string_start();
+ }
+ return;
+ break;
+ case lua_bytecode_code:
+ scan_int();
+ if (cur_val < 0 || cur_val > 65535) {
+ normal_error("luabytecode", "invalid number");
+ } else {
+ u = save_cur_string();
+ luacstrings = 0;
+ luabytecodecall(cur_val);
+ restore_cur_string(u);
+ if (luacstrings > 0)
+ lua_string_start();
+ }
+ return;
+ break;
+ case lua_code:
+ u = save_cur_string();
+ save_scanner_status = scanner_status;
+ save_def_ref = def_ref;
+ save_warning_index = warning_index;
+ sn = scan_lua_state();
+ scan_toks(false, true);
+ s = def_ref;
+ warning_index = save_warning_index;
+ def_ref = save_def_ref;
+ scanner_status = save_scanner_status;
+ luacstrings = 0;
+ luatokencall(s, sn);
+ delete_token_ref(s);
+ restore_cur_string(u);
+ if (luacstrings > 0)
+ lua_string_start();
+ /*tex No further action. */
+ return;
+ break;
+ case expanded_code:
+ save_scanner_status = scanner_status;
+ save_warning_index = warning_index;
+ save_def_ref = def_ref;
+ u = save_cur_string();
+ scan_toks(false, true);
+ warning_index = save_warning_index;
+ scanner_status = save_scanner_status;
+ ins_list(token_link(def_ref));
+ token_link(def_ref) = null;
+ free_avail(def_ref);
+ def_ref = save_def_ref;
+ restore_cur_string(u);
+ /*tex No further action. */
+ return;
+ break;
+ case immediate_assignment_code:
+ case immediate_assigned_code:
+ /*tex
+ This is on-the-road-to-bachotex brain-wave but it needs a bit
+ more testing. A first variant did more in sequence till a relax
+ of spacer was seen (like do_assignments). It permits for instance
+ setting counters in full expansion.
+ */
+ save_scanner_status = scanner_status;
+ save_warning_index = warning_index;
+ save_def_ref = def_ref;
+ u = save_cur_string();
+ do {
+ get_x_token();
+ } while ((cur_cmd == spacer_cmd) || (cur_cmd == relax_cmd));
+ if (c == immediate_assignment_code) {
+ /*tex one-step do_assignment */
+ if (cur_cmd > max_non_prefixed_command) {
+ set_box_allowed = false;
+ prefixed_command();
+ set_box_allowed = true;
+ }
+ /*tex done */
+ } else {
+ /*tex pseudo token list do_assignment */
+ if (cur_cmd == left_brace_cmd) {
+ while (1) {
+ do {
+ get_x_token();
+ } while ((cur_cmd == spacer_cmd) || (cur_cmd == relax_cmd));
+ if (cur_cmd == right_brace_cmd) {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ set_box_allowed = false;
+ prefixed_command();
+ set_box_allowed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*tex done */
+ }
+ warning_index = save_warning_index;
+ scanner_status = save_scanner_status;
+ def_ref = save_def_ref;
+ restore_cur_string(u);
+ return;
+ break;
+ case math_style_code:
+ push_selector;
+ print_math_style();
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case string_code:
+ save_scanner_status = scanner_status;
+ scanner_status = normal;
+ get_token();
+ scanner_status = save_scanner_status;
+ push_selector;
+ if (cur_cs != 0)
+ sprint_cs(cur_cs);
+ else
+ print(cur_chr);
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case cs_string_code:
+ save_scanner_status = scanner_status;
+ scanner_status = normal;
+ get_token();
+ scanner_status = save_scanner_status;
+ push_selector;
+ if (cur_cs != 0)
+ sprint_cs_name(cur_cs);
+ else
+ print(cur_chr);
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case roman_numeral_code:
+ scan_int();
+ push_selector;
+ print_roman_int(cur_val);
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case meaning_code:
+ save_scanner_status = scanner_status;
+ scanner_status = normal;
+ get_token();
+ scanner_status = save_scanner_status;
+ push_selector;
+ print_meaning();
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case uchar_code:
+ scan_char_num();
+ push_selector;
+ print(cur_val);
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case lua_escape_string_code:
+ {
+ lstring escstr;
+ int l = 0;
+ save_scanner_status = scanner_status;
+ save_def_ref = def_ref;
+ save_warning_index = warning_index;
+ scan_toks(false, true);
+ bool = in_lua_escape;
+ in_lua_escape = true;
+ escstr.s = (unsigned char *) tokenlist_to_cstring(def_ref, false, &l);
+ escstr.l = (unsigned) l;
+ in_lua_escape = bool;
+ delete_token_ref(def_ref);
+ def_ref = save_def_ref;
+ warning_index = save_warning_index;
+ scanner_status = save_scanner_status;
+ (void) lua_str_toks(escstr);
+ ins_list(token_link(temp_token_head));
+ free(escstr.s);
+ return;
+ }
+ /*tex no further action */
+ break;
+ case font_id_code:
+ scan_font_ident();
+ push_selector;
+ print_int(cur_val);
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case font_name_code:
+ scan_font_ident();
+ push_selector;
+ append_string((unsigned char *) font_name(cur_val),(unsigned) strlen(font_name(cur_val)));
+ if (font_size(cur_val) != font_dsize(cur_val)) {
+ tprint(" at ");
+ print_scaled(font_size(cur_val));
+ tprint("pt");
+ }
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case left_margin_kern_code:
+ scan_int();
+ if ((box(cur_val) == null) || (type(box(cur_val)) != hlist_node))
+ normal_error("marginkern", "a non-empty hbox expected");
+ push_selector;
+ p = list_ptr(box(cur_val));
+ while ((p != null) && (type(p) == glue_node)) {
+ p = vlink(p);
+ }
+ if ((p != null) && (type(p) == margin_kern_node) && (subtype(p) == left_side))
+ print_scaled(width(p));
+ else
+ print_char('0');
+ tprint("pt");
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case right_margin_kern_code:
+ scan_int();
+ if ((box(cur_val) == null) || (type(box(cur_val)) != hlist_node))
+ normal_error("marginkern", "a non-empty hbox expected");
+ push_selector;
+ p = list_ptr(box(cur_val));
+ if (p != null) {
+ p = tail_of_list(p);
+ /*tex
+ There can be a leftskip, rightskip, penalty and yes, also a
+ disc node with a nesting node that points to glue spec ...
+ and we don't want to analyze that messy lot.
+ */
+ while ((p != null) && (type(p) == glue_node)) {
+ p = alink(p);
+ }
+ if ((p != null) && ! ((type(p) == margin_kern_node) && (subtype(p) == right_side))) {
+ if (type(p) == disc_node) {
+ q = alink(p);
+ if ((q != null) && ((type(q) == margin_kern_node) && (subtype(q) == right_side))) {
+ p = q;
+ } else {
+ /*tex
+ Officially we should look in the replace but
+ currently protrusion doesn't work anyway with
+ "foo\discretionary{}{}{bar-} " (no following
+ char) so we don't need it now.
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((p != null) && (type(p) == margin_kern_node) && (subtype(p) == right_side))
+ print_scaled(width(p));
+ else
+ print_char('0');
+ tprint("pt");
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case uniform_deviate_code:
+ scan_int();
+ push_selector;
+ print_int(unif_rand(cur_val));
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case normal_deviate_code:
+ push_selector;
+ print_int(norm_rand());
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case math_char_class_code:
+ {
+ mathcodeval mval;
+ scan_int();
+ mval = get_math_code(cur_val);
+ push_selector;
+ print_int(mval.class_value);
+ pop_selector;
+ }
+ break;
+ case math_char_fam_code:
+ {
+ mathcodeval mval;
+ scan_int();
+ mval = get_math_code(cur_val);
+ push_selector;
+ print_int(mval.family_value);
+ pop_selector;
+ }
+ break;
+ case math_char_slot_code:
+ {
+ mathcodeval mval;
+ scan_int();
+ mval = get_math_code(cur_val);
+ push_selector;
+ print_int(mval.character_value);
+ pop_selector;
+ }
+ break;
+ case insert_ht_code:
+ scan_register_num();
+ push_selector;
+ i = cur_val;
+ p = page_ins_head;
+ while (i >= subtype(vlink(p)))
+ p = vlink(p);
+ if (subtype(p) == i)
+ print_scaled(height(p));
+ else
+ print_char('0');
+ tprint("pt");
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case job_name_code:
+ if (job_name == 0)
+ open_log_file();
+ push_selector;
+ print_job_name();
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case format_name_code:
+ if (job_name == 0)
+ open_log_file();
+ push_selector;
+ print(format_name);
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case luatex_banner_code:
+ push_selector;
+ tprint(luatex_banner);
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case luatex_revision_code:
+ push_selector;
+ print(get_luatexrevision());
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case etex_code:
+ push_selector;
+ tprint(eTeX_version_string);
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case eTeX_revision_code:
+ push_selector;
+ tprint(eTeX_revision);
+ pop_selector;
+ break;
+ case font_identifier_code:
+ confusion("convert");
+ break;
+ default:
+ confusion("convert");
+ break;
+ }
+ str = make_string();
+ (void) str_toks(str_lstring(str));
+ flush_str(str);
+ ins_list(token_link(temp_token_head));
+void do_feedback(void)
+ int c = cur_chr;
+ str_number str;
+ int done = 1;
+ switch (c) {
+ case dvi_feedback_code:
+ if (get_o_mode() == OMODE_DVI) {
+ done = do_feedback_dvi(c);
+ } else {
+ tex_error("unexpected use of \\dvifeedback",null);
+ return ;
+ }
+ if (done==0) {
+ /* we recover */
+ normal_warning("dvi backend","unexpected use of \\dvifeedback");
+ return;
+ } else if (done==2) {
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case pdf_feedback_code:
+ if (get_o_mode() == OMODE_PDF) {
+ done = do_feedback_pdf(c);
+ } else {
+ tex_error("unexpected use of \\pdffeedback",null);
+ return ;
+ }
+ if (done==0) {
+ /*tex We recover. */
+ normal_warning("pdf backend","unexpected use of \\pdffeedback");
+ return;
+ } else if (done==2) {
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ confusion("feedback");
+ break;
+ }
+ str = make_string();
+ (void) str_toks(str_lstring(str));
+ flush_str(str);
+ ins_list(token_link(temp_token_head));
+void do_variable(void)
+ int c = cur_chr;
+ int done = 1;
+ switch (c) {
+ case dvi_variable_code:
+ done = do_variable_dvi(c);
+ if (done==0) {
+ /*tex We recover. */
+ normal_warning("dvi backend","unexpected use of \\dvivariable");
+ }
+ return;
+ break;
+ case pdf_variable_code:
+ done = do_variable_pdf(c);
+ if (done==0) {
+ /*tex We recover. */
+ normal_warning("pdf backend","unexpected use of \\pdfvariable");
+ }
+ return;
+ break;
+ default:
+ confusion("variable");
+ break;
+ }
+/*tex This boolean is keeping track of the lua string escape state */
+boolean in_lua_escape;
+static int the_convert_string_dvi(halfword c, int i)
+ return 0 ;
+static int the_convert_string_pdf(halfword c, int i)
+ int ff;
+ if (get_o_mode() != OMODE_PDF) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if (scan_keyword("lastlink")) {
+ print_int(pdf_last_link);
+ } else if (scan_keyword("retval")) {
+ print_int(pdf_retval);
+ } else if (scan_keyword("lastobj")) {
+ print_int(pdf_last_obj);
+ } else if (scan_keyword("lastannot")) {
+ print_int(pdf_last_annot);
+ } else if (scan_keyword("xformname")) {
+ print_int(obj_info(static_pdf, i));
+ } else if (scan_keyword("creationdate")) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if (scan_keyword("fontname")) {
+ set_ff(i);
+ print_int(obj_info(static_pdf, pdf_font_num(ff)));
+ } else if (scan_keyword("fontobjnum")) {
+ set_ff(i);
+ print_int(pdf_font_num(ff));
+ } else if (scan_keyword("fontsize")) {
+ print_scaled(font_size(i));
+ tprint("pt");
+ } else if (scan_keyword("pageref")) {
+ print_int(pdf_get_obj(static_pdf, obj_type_page, i, false));
+ } else if (scan_keyword("colorstackinit")) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+str_number the_convert_string(halfword c, int i)
+ int old_setting;
+ str_number ret = 0;
+ boolean done = true ;
+ old_setting = selector;
+ selector = new_string;
+ switch (c) {
+ case number_code:
+ print_int(i);
+ break;
+ /* case lua_function_code: */
+ /* case lua_code: */
+ /* case expanded_code: */
+ case math_style_code:
+ print_math_style();
+ break;
+ /* case string_code: */
+ /* case cs_string_code: */
+ case roman_numeral_code:
+ print_roman_int(i);
+ break;
+ /* case meaning_code: */
+ case uchar_code:
+ print(i);
+ break;
+ /* lua_escape_string_code: */
+ case font_id_code:
+ print_int(i);
+ break;
+ case font_name_code:
+ append_string((unsigned char *) font_name(i),(unsigned) strlen(font_name(i)));
+ if (font_size(i) != font_dsize(i)) {
+ tprint(" at ");
+ print_scaled(font_size(i));
+ tprint("pt");
+ }
+ break;
+ /* left_margin_kern_code: */
+ /* right_margin_kern_code: */
+ case uniform_deviate_code:
+ print_int(unif_rand(i));
+ break;
+ case normal_deviate_code:
+ print_int(norm_rand());
+ break;
+ /* math_char_class_code: */
+ /* math_char_fam_code: */
+ /* math_char_slot_code: */
+ /* insert_ht_code: */
+ case job_name_code:
+ print_job_name();
+ break;
+ case format_name_code:
+ print(format_name);
+ break;
+ case luatex_banner_code:
+ tprint(luatex_banner);
+ break;
+ case luatex_revision_code:
+ print(get_luatexrevision());
+ break;
+ case etex_code:
+ tprint(eTeX_version_string);
+ break;
+ case eTeX_revision_code:
+ tprint(eTeX_revision);
+ break;
+ case font_identifier_code:
+ print_font_identifier(i);
+ break;
+ /*tex Backend: this might become obsolete! */
+ case dvi_feedback_code:
+ done = the_convert_string_dvi(c,i);
+ break;
+ case pdf_feedback_code:
+ done = the_convert_string_pdf(c,i);
+ break;
+ /*tex done */
+ default:
+ done = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (done) {
+ ret = make_string();
+ }
+ selector = old_setting;
+ return ret;
+ Another way to create a token list is via the \.{\\read} command. The sixteen
+ files potentially usable for reading appear in the following global
+ variables. The value of |read_open[n]| will be |closed| if stream number |n|
+ has not been opened or if it has been fully read; |just_open| if an
+ \.{\\openin} but not a \.{\\read} has been done; and |normal| if it is open
+ and ready to read the next line.
+/*tex used for \.{\\read} */
+FILE *read_file[16];
+/*tex state of |read_file[n]| */
+int read_open[17];
+void initialize_read(void)
+ int k;
+ for (k = 0; k <= 16; k++)
+ read_open[k] = closed;
+ The |read_toks| procedure constructs a token list like that for any macro
+ definition, and makes |cur_val| point to it. Parameter |r| points to the
+ control sequence that will receive this token list.
+void read_toks(int n, halfword r, halfword j)
+ /*tex tail of the token list */
+ halfword p;
+ /*tex new node being added to the token list via |store_new_token| */
+ halfword q;
+ /*tex saved value of |align_state| */
+ int s;
+ /*tex stream number */
+ int m;
+ scanner_status = defining;
+ warning_index = r;
+ p = get_avail();
+ def_ref = p;
+ set_token_ref_count(def_ref, 0);
+ /*tex the reference count */
+ p = def_ref;
+ store_new_token(end_match_token);
+ if ((n < 0) || (n > 15))
+ m = 16;
+ else
+ m = n;
+ s = align_state;
+ /*tex disable tab marks, etc. */
+ align_state = 1000000;
+ do {
+ /*tex Input and store tokens from the next line of the file. */
+ begin_file_reading();
+ iname = m + 1;
+ if (read_open[m] == closed) {
+ /*tex
+ Input for \.{\\read} from the terminal. We input on-line into the
+ |buffer| array, prompting the user explicitly if |n>=0|. The
+ value of |n| is set negative so that additional prompts will not
+ be given in the case of multi-line input.
+ */
+ if (interaction > nonstop_mode) {
+ if (n < 0) {
+ prompt_input("");
+ } else {
+ wake_up_terminal();
+ print_ln();
+ sprint_cs(r);
+ prompt_input(" =");
+ n = -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ fatal_error
+ ("*** (cannot \\read from terminal in nonstop modes)");
+ }
+ } else if (read_open[m] == just_open) {
+ /*tex
+ Input the first line of |read_file[m]|. The first line of a file
+ must be treated specially, since |lua_input_ln| must be told not
+ to start with |get|.
+ */
+ if (lua_input_ln(read_file[m], (m + 1), false)) {
+ read_open[m] = normal;
+ } else {
+ lua_a_close_in(read_file[m], (m + 1));
+ read_open[m] = closed;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*tex
+ Input the next line of |read_file[m]|. An empty line is appended
+ at the end of a |read_file|.
+ */
+ if (!lua_input_ln(read_file[m], (m + 1), true)) {
+ lua_a_close_in(read_file[m], (m + 1));
+ read_open[m] = closed;
+ if (align_state != 1000000) {
+ runaway();
+ print_err("File ended within \\read");
+ help1("This \\read has unbalanced braces.");
+ align_state = 1000000;
+ error();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ilimit = last;
+ if (end_line_char_inactive)
+ decr(ilimit);
+ else
+ buffer[ilimit] = (packed_ASCII_code) end_line_char_par;
+ first = ilimit + 1;
+ iloc = istart;
+ istate = new_line;
+ /*tex Handle \.{\\readline} and |goto done|. */
+ if (j == 1) {
+ while (iloc <= ilimit) {
+ /*tex Current line not yet finished. */
+ do_buffer_to_unichar(cur_chr, iloc);
+ if (cur_chr == ' ')
+ cur_tok = space_token;
+ else
+ cur_tok = cur_chr + other_token;
+ store_new_token(cur_tok);
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (1) {
+ get_token();
+ if (cur_tok == 0) {
+ /*tex |cur_cmd=cur_chr=0| will occur at the end of the line. */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (align_state < 1000000) {
+ /*tex Unmatched right brace aborts the line. */
+ do {
+ get_token();
+ } while (cur_tok != 0);
+ align_state = 1000000;
+ break;
+ }
+ store_new_token(cur_tok);
+ }
+ }
+ end_file_reading();
+ } while (align_state != 1000000);
+ cur_val = def_ref;
+ scanner_status = normal;
+ align_state = s;
+/*tex Return a string from tokens list: */
+str_number tokens_to_string(halfword p)
+ int old_setting;
+ if (selector == new_string)
+ normal_error("tokens","tokens_to_string() called while selector = new_string");
+ old_setting = selector;
+ selector = new_string;
+ show_token_list(token_link(p), null, -1);
+ selector = old_setting;
+ return make_string();
+ Values like 512 and 128 also work ok. There is not much to gain in
+ optimization here.
+#define alloci_default 1024
+#define alloci_step 256
+#define make_room(a) \
+ if ((unsigned)i+a+1>alloci) { \
+ ret = xrealloc(ret,(alloci+alloci_step)); \
+ alloci = alloci + alloci_step; \
+ }
+#define append_i_byte(a) ret[i++] = (char)(a)
+#define Print_char(a) make_room(1); append_i_byte(a)
+#define Print_uchar(s) { \
+ make_room(4); \
+ if (s<=0x7F) { \
+ append_i_byte(s); \
+ } else if (s<=0x7FF) { \
+ append_i_byte(0xC0 + (s / 0x40)); \
+ append_i_byte(0x80 + (s % 0x40)); \
+ } else if (s<=0xFFFF) { \
+ append_i_byte(0xE0 + (s / 0x1000)); \
+ append_i_byte(0x80 + ((s % 0x1000) / 0x40)); \
+ append_i_byte(0x80 + ((s % 0x1000) % 0x40)); \
+ } else if (s>=0x110000) { \
+ append_i_byte(s-0x11000); \
+ } else { \
+ append_i_byte(0xF0 + (s / 0x40000)); \
+ append_i_byte(0x80 + ((s % 0x40000) / 0x1000)); \
+ append_i_byte(0x80 + (((s % 0x40000) % 0x1000) / 0x40)); \
+ append_i_byte(0x80 + (((s % 0x40000) % 0x1000) % 0x40)); \
+ } }
+#define Print_esc(b) { \
+ const char *v = b; \
+ if (e>0 && e<STRING_OFFSET) { \
+ Print_uchar (e); \
+ } \
+ make_room(strlen(v)); \
+ while (*v) { append_i_byte(*v); v++; } \
+ }
+#define Print_str(b) { \
+ const char *v = b; \
+ make_room(strlen(v)); \
+ while (*v) { append_i_byte(*v); v++; } \
+ }
+#define is_cat_letter(a) \
+ (get_char_cat_code(pool_to_unichar(str_string((a)))) == 11)
+ The actual token conversion in this function is now functionally equivalent
+ to |show_token_list|, except that it always prints the whole token list.
+ TODO: check whether this causes problems in the lua library.
+char *tokenlist_to_cstring(int pp, int inhibit_par, int *siz)
+ register int p, c, m;
+ int q;
+ int infop;
+ char *s, *sh;
+ int e = 0;
+ char *ret;
+ int match_chr = '#';
+ int n = '0';
+ unsigned alloci = alloci_default;
+ int i = 0;
+ p = pp;
+ if (p == null) {
+ if (siz != NULL)
+ *siz = 0;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = xmalloc(alloci);
+ /*tex Skip refcount. */
+ p = token_link(p);
+ if (p != null) {
+ e = escape_char_par;
+ }
+ while (p != null) {
+ if (p < (int) fix_mem_min || p > (int) fix_mem_end) {
+ Print_esc("CLOBBERED.");
+ break;
+ }
+ infop = token_info(p);
+ if (infop >= cs_token_flag) {
+ if (!(inhibit_par && infop == par_token)) {
+ q = infop - cs_token_flag;
+ if (q < hash_base) {
+ if (q == null_cs) {
+ Print_esc("csname");
+ Print_esc("endcsname");
+ } else {
+ Print_esc("IMPOSSIBLE.");
+ }
+ } else if ((q >= undefined_control_sequence) && ((q <= eqtb_size) || (q > eqtb_size + hash_extra))) {
+ Print_esc("IMPOSSIBLE.");
+ } else if ((cs_text(q) < 0) || (cs_text(q) >= str_ptr)) {
+ Print_esc("NONEXISTENT.");
+ } else {
+ str_number txt = cs_text(q);
+ sh = makecstring(txt);
+ s = sh;
+ if (is_active_cs(txt)) {
+ s = s + 3;
+ while (*s) {
+ Print_char(*s);
+ s++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (e>=0 && e<0x110000) Print_uchar(e);
+ while (*s) {
+ Print_char(*s);
+ s++;
+ }
+ if ((!single_letter(txt)) || is_cat_letter(txt)) {
+ Print_char(' ');
+ }
+ }
+ free(sh);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (infop < 0) {
+ Print_esc("BAD");
+ } else {
+ m = token_cmd(infop);
+ c = token_chr(infop);
+ switch (m) {
+ case left_brace_cmd:
+ case right_brace_cmd:
+ case math_shift_cmd:
+ case tab_mark_cmd:
+ case sup_mark_cmd:
+ case sub_mark_cmd:
+ case spacer_cmd:
+ case letter_cmd:
+ case other_char_cmd:
+ Print_uchar(c);
+ break;
+ case mac_param_cmd:
+ if (!in_lua_escape && (is_in_csname==0))
+ Print_uchar(c);
+ Print_uchar(c);
+ break;
+ case out_param_cmd:
+ Print_uchar(match_chr);
+ if (c <= 9) {
+ Print_char(c + '0');
+ } else {
+ Print_char('!');
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ break;
+ case match_cmd:
+ match_chr = c;
+ Print_uchar(c);
+ n++;
+ Print_char(n);
+ if (n > '9')
+ goto EXIT;
+ break;
+ case end_match_cmd:
+ if (c == 0) {
+ Print_char('-');
+ Print_char('>');
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ not_so_bad(Print_esc);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p = token_link(p);
+ }
+ ret[i] = '\0';
+ if (siz != NULL)
+ *siz = i;
+ return ret;
+char *tokenlist_to_xstring(int pp, int inhibit_par, int *siz)
+ register int p, c, m;
+ int q;
+ int infop;
+ char *s, *sh;
+ int e = 0;
+ char *ret;
+ int match_chr = '#';
+ int n = '0';
+ unsigned alloci = alloci_default;
+ int i = 0;
+ int skipping = 1;
+ p = pp;
+ if (p == null) {
+ if (siz != NULL)
+ *siz = 0;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = xmalloc(alloci);
+ /*tex Skip refcount. */
+ p = token_link(p);
+ if (p != null) {
+ e = escape_char_par;
+ }
+ while (p != null) {
+ if (p < (int) fix_mem_min || p > (int) fix_mem_end) {
+ /*tex Nothing done. */
+ break;
+ }
+ infop = token_info(p);
+ if (infop >= cs_token_flag) {
+ if (!(inhibit_par && infop == par_token)) {
+ q = infop - cs_token_flag;
+ if (q < hash_base) {
+ /*tex Nothing done. */
+ } else if ((q >= undefined_control_sequence) && ((q <= eqtb_size) || (q > eqtb_size + hash_extra))) {
+ /*tex Nothing done. */
+ } else if ((cs_text(q) < 0) || (cs_text(q) >= str_ptr)) {
+ /*tex Nothing done. */
+ } else if (!skipping) {
+ str_number txt = cs_text(q);
+ sh = makecstring(txt);
+ s = sh;
+ if (is_active_cs(txt)) {
+ s = s + 3;
+ while (*s) {
+ Print_char(*s);
+ s++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (e>=0 && e<0x110000) Print_uchar(e);
+ while (*s) {
+ Print_char(*s);
+ s++;
+ }
+ if ((!single_letter(txt)) || is_cat_letter(txt)) {
+ Print_char(' ');
+ }
+ }
+ free(sh);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (infop < 0) {
+ /*tex Nothing done. */
+ } else {
+ m = token_cmd(infop);
+ c = token_chr(infop);
+ switch (m) {
+ case left_brace_cmd:
+ case right_brace_cmd:
+ case math_shift_cmd:
+ case tab_mark_cmd:
+ case sup_mark_cmd:
+ case sub_mark_cmd:
+ case spacer_cmd:
+ case letter_cmd:
+ case other_char_cmd:
+ if (!skipping) {
+ Print_uchar(c);
+ }
+ break;
+ case mac_param_cmd:
+ if (!skipping) {
+ if (!in_lua_escape && (is_in_csname==0))
+ Print_uchar(c);
+ Print_uchar(c);
+ }
+ break;
+ case out_param_cmd:
+ if (!skipping) {
+ Print_uchar(match_chr);
+ }
+ if (c <= 9) {
+ if (!skipping) {
+ Print_char(c + '0');
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*tex Nothing done. */
+ goto EXIT;
+ }
+ break;
+ case match_cmd:
+ match_chr = c;
+ if (!skipping) {
+ Print_uchar(c);
+ }
+ n++;
+ if (!skipping) {
+ Print_char(n);
+ }
+ if (n > '9')
+ goto EXIT;
+ break;
+ case end_match_cmd:
+ if (c == 0) {
+ if (!skipping) {
+ Print_char('-');
+ Print_char('>');
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ skipping = 0 ;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ /*tex Nothing done. */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p = token_link(p);
+ }
+ ret[i] = '\0';
+ if (siz != NULL)
+ *siz = i;
+ return ret;
+lstring *tokenlist_to_lstring(int pp, int inhibit_par)
+ int siz;
+ lstring *ret = xmalloc(sizeof(lstring));
+ ret->s = (unsigned char *) tokenlist_to_cstring(pp, inhibit_par, &siz);
+ ret->l = (size_t) siz;
+ return ret;
+void free_lstring(lstring * ls)
+ if (ls == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (ls->s != NULL)
+ free(ls->s);
+ free(ls);