path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/commands.h
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+/* commands.h
+ Copyright 2008 Taco Hoekwater <>
+ This file is part of LuaTeX.
+ LuaTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+ option) any later version.
+ LuaTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with LuaTeX; if not, see <>. */
+/* $Id: commands.h 2899 2009-07-21 23:03:53Z oneiros $ */
+#ifndef COMMANDS_H
+# define COMMANDS_H
+Before we can go any further, we need to define symbolic names for the internal
+code numbers that represent the various commands obeyed by \TeX. These codes
+are somewhat arbitrary, but not completely so. For example, the command
+codes for character types are fixed by the language, since a user says,
+e.g., `\.{\\catcode \`\\\${} = 3}' to make \.{\char'44} a math delimiter,
+and the command code |math_shift| is equal to~3. Some other codes have
+been made adjacent so that |case| statements in the program need not consider
+cases that are widely spaced, or so that |case| statements can be replaced
+by |if| statements.
+At any rate, here is the list, for future reference. First come the
+``catcode'' commands, several of which share their numeric codes with
+ordinary commands when the catcode cannot emerge from \TeX's scanning routine.
+@ Next are the ordinary run-of-the-mill command codes. Codes that are
+|min_internal| or more represent internal quantities that might be
+expanded by `\.{\\the}'.
+@ The next codes are special; they all relate to mode-independent
+assignment of values to \TeX's internal registers or tables.
+Codes that are |max_internal| or less represent internal quantities
+that might be expanded by `\.{\\the}'.
+There is no matching primitive to go with |assign_attr|, but even if
+there was no \.{\\attributedef}, a reserved number would still be
+needed because there is an implied correspondence between the
+|assign_xxx| commands and |xxx_val| expression values. That would
+break down otherwise.
+@ The remaining command codes are extra special, since they cannot get through
+\TeX's scanner to the main control routine. They have been given values higher
+than |max_command| so that their special nature is easily discernible.
+The ``expandable'' commands come first.
+typedef enum {
+ relax_cmd = 0, /* do nothing ( \.{\\relax} ) */
+# define escape_cmd relax_cmd /* escape delimiter (called \.\\ in {\sl The \TeX book\/}) */
+ left_brace_cmd, /* beginning of a group ( \.\{ ) */
+ right_brace_cmd, /* ending of a group ( \.\} ) */
+ math_shift_cmd, /* mathematics shift character ( \.\$ ) */
+ tab_mark_cmd, /* alignment delimiter ( \.\&, \.{\\span} ) */
+ car_ret_cmd, /* end of line ( |carriage_return|, \.{\\cr}, \.{\\crcr} ) */
+# define out_param_cmd car_ret_cmd /* output a macro parameter */
+ mac_param_cmd, /* macro parameter symbol ( \.\# ) */
+ sup_mark_cmd, /* superscript ( \.{\char'136} ) */
+ sub_mark_cmd, /* subscript ( \.{\char'137} ) */
+ endv_cmd, /* end of \<v_j> list in alignment template */
+# define ignore_cmd endv_cmd /* characters to ignore ( \.{\^\^@@} ) */
+ spacer_cmd, /* characters equivalent to blank space ( \.{\ } ) */
+ letter_cmd, /* characters regarded as letters ( \.{A..Z}, \.{a..z} ) */
+ other_char_cmd, /* none of the special character types */
+ par_end_cmd, /* end of paragraph ( \.{\\par} ) */
+# define active_char_cmd par_end_cmd /* characters that invoke macros ( \.{\char`\~} ) */
+# define match_cmd par_end_cmd /* match a macro parameter */
+ stop_cmd, /* end of job ( \.{\\end}, \.{\\dump} ) */
+# define comment_cmd stop_cmd /* characters that introduce comments ( \.\% ) */
+# define end_match_cmd stop_cmd /* end of parameters to macro */
+ delim_num_cmd, /* specify delimiter numerically ( \.{\\delimiter} ) */
+# define invalid_char_cmd delim_num_cmd /* characters that shouldn't appear ( \.{\^\^?} ) */
+# define max_char_code_cmd delim_num_cmd
+ /* largest catcode for individual characters */
+ char_num_cmd, /* character specified numerically ( \.{\\char} ) */
+ math_char_num_cmd, /* explicit math code ( \.{\\mathchar} ) */
+ mark_cmd, /* mark definition ( \.{\\mark} ) */
+ xray_cmd, /* peek inside of \TeX\ ( \.{\\show}, \.{\\showbox}, etc.~) */
+ make_box_cmd, /* make a box ( \.{\\box}, \.{\\copy}, \.{\\hbox}, etc.~) */
+ hmove_cmd, /* horizontal motion ( \.{\\moveleft}, \.{\\moveright} ) */
+ vmove_cmd, /* vertical motion ( \.{\\raise}, \.{\\lower} ) */
+ un_hbox_cmd, /* unglue a box ( \.{\\unhbox}, \.{\\unhcopy} ) */
+ un_vbox_cmd, /* unglue a box ( \.{\\unvbox}, \.{\\unvcopy} or
+ \.{\\pagediscards}, \.{\\splitdiscards} ) */
+ remove_item_cmd, /* nullify last item ( \.{\\unpenalty}, \.{\\unkern}, \.{\\unskip} ) */
+ hskip_cmd, /* horizontal glue ( \.{\\hskip}, \.{\\hfil}, etc.~) */
+ vskip_cmd, /* vertical glue ( \.{\\vskip}, \.{\\vfil}, etc.~) */
+ mskip_cmd, /* math glue ( \.{\\mskip} ) */
+ kern_cmd, /* fixed space ( \.{\\kern}) */
+ mkern_cmd, /* math kern ( \.{\\mkern} ) */
+ leader_ship_cmd, /* use a box ( \.{\\shipout}, \.{\\leaders}, etc.~) */
+ halign_cmd, /* horizontal table alignment ( \.{\\halign} ) */
+ valign_cmd, /* vertical table alignment ( \.{\\valign} ) */
+ no_align_cmd, /* temporary escape from alignment ( \.{\\noalign} ) */
+ vrule_cmd, /* vertical rule ( \.{\\vrule} ) */
+ hrule_cmd, /* horizontal rule ( \.{\\hrule} ) */
+ insert_cmd, /* vlist inserted in box ( \.{\\insert} ) */
+ vadjust_cmd, /* vlist inserted in enclosing paragraph ( \.{\\vadjust} ) */
+ ignore_spaces_cmd, /* gobble |spacer| tokens ( \.{\\ignorespaces} ) */
+ after_assignment_cmd, /* save till assignment is done ( \.{\\afterassignment} ) */
+ after_group_cmd, /* save till group is done ( \.{\\aftergroup} ) */
+ break_penalty_cmd, /* additional badness ( \.{\\penalty} ) */
+ start_par_cmd, /* begin paragraph ( \.{\\indent}, \.{\\noindent} ) */
+ ital_corr_cmd, /* italic correction ( \.{\\/} ) */
+ accent_cmd, /* attach accent in text ( \.{\\accent} ) */
+ math_accent_cmd, /* attach accent in math ( \.{\\mathaccent} ) */
+ discretionary_cmd, /* discretionary texts ( \.{\\-}, \.{\\discretionary} ) */
+ eq_no_cmd, /* equation number ( \.{\\eqno}, \.{\\leqno} ) */
+ left_right_cmd, /* variable delimiter ( \.{\\left}, \.{\\right} or \.{\\middle} ) */
+ math_comp_cmd, /* component of formula ( \.{\\mathbin}, etc.~) */
+ limit_switch_cmd, /* diddle limit conventions ( \.{\\displaylimits}, etc.~) */
+ above_cmd, /* generalized fraction ( \.{\\above}, \.{\\atop}, etc.~) */
+ math_style_cmd, /* style specification ( \.{\\displaystyle}, etc.~) */
+ math_choice_cmd, /* choice specification ( \.{\\mathchoice} ) */
+ non_script_cmd, /* conditional math glue ( \.{\\nonscript} ) */
+ vcenter_cmd, /* vertically center a vbox ( \.{\\vcenter} ) */
+ case_shift_cmd, /* force specific case ( \.{\\lowercase}, \.{\\uppercase}~) */
+ message_cmd, /* send to user ( \.{\\message}, \.{\\errmessage} ) */
+ extension_cmd, /* extensions to \TeX\ ( \.{\\write}, \.{\\special}, etc.~) */
+ in_stream_cmd, /* files for reading ( \.{\\openin}, \.{\\closein} ) */
+ begin_group_cmd, /* begin local grouping ( \.{\\begingroup} ) */
+ end_group_cmd, /* end local grouping ( \.{\\endgroup} ) */
+ omit_cmd, /* omit alignment template ( \.{\\omit} ) */
+ ex_space_cmd, /* explicit space ( \.{\\\ } ) */
+ no_boundary_cmd, /* suppress boundary ligatures ( \.{\\noboundary} ) */
+ radical_cmd, /* square root and similar signs ( \.{\\radical} ) */
+ super_sub_script_cmd, /* explicit super- or subscript */
+ math_shift_cs_cmd, /* start- and endmath */
+ end_cs_name_cmd, /* end control sequence ( \.{\\endcsname} ) */
+ char_ghost_cmd, /* \.{\\ghostleft}, \.{\\ghostright} character for kerning */
+ assign_local_box_cmd, /* box for guillemets \.{\\localleftbox} or \.{\\localrightbox} */
+ char_given_cmd, /* character code defined by \.{\\chardef} */
+# define min_internal_cmd char_given_cmd
+ /* the smallest code that can follow \.{\\the} */
+ math_given_cmd, /* math code defined by \.{\\mathchardef} */
+ omath_given_cmd, /* math code defined by \.{\\omathchardef} */
+ xmath_given_cmd, /* math code defined by \.{\\LuaTeXmathchardef} */
+ last_item_cmd, /* most recent item ( \.{\\lastpenalty}, \.{\\lastkern}, \.{\\lastskip} ) */
+# define max_non_prefixed_command_cmd last_item_cmd /* largest command code that can't be \.{\\global} */
+ toks_register_cmd, /* token list register ( \.{\\toks} ) */
+ assign_toks_cmd, /* special token list ( \.{\\output}, \.{\\everypar}, etc.~) */
+ assign_int_cmd, /* user-defined integer ( \.{\\tolerance}, \.{\\day}, etc.~) */
+ assign_attr_cmd, /* user-defined attributes */
+ assign_dimen_cmd, /* user-defined length ( \.{\\hsize}, etc.~) */
+ assign_glue_cmd, /* user-defined glue ( \.{\\baselineskip}, etc.~) */
+ assign_mu_glue_cmd, /* user-defined muglue ( \.{\\thinmuskip}, etc.~) */
+ assign_font_dimen_cmd, /* user-defined font dimension ( \.{\\fontdimen} ) */
+ assign_font_int_cmd, /* user-defined font integer ( \.{\\hyphenchar}, \.{\\skewchar} ) */
+ set_aux_cmd, /* specify state info ( \.{\\spacefactor}, \.{\\prevdepth} ) */
+ set_prev_graf_cmd, /* specify state info ( \.{\\prevgraf} ) */
+ set_page_dimen_cmd, /* specify state info ( \.{\\pagegoal}, etc.~) */
+ set_page_int_cmd, /* specify state info ( \.{\\deadcycles}, \.{\\insertpenalties} ) */
+ set_box_dimen_cmd, /* change dimension of box ( \.{\\wd}, \.{\\ht}, \.{\\dp} ) */
+ set_tex_shape_cmd, /* specify fancy paragraph shape ( \.{\\parshape} ) */
+ set_etex_shape_cmd, /* specify etex extended list ( \.{\\interlinepenalties}, etc.~) */
+ def_char_code_cmd, /* define a character code ( \.{\\catcode}, etc.~) */
+ def_del_code_cmd, /* define a delimiter code ( \.{\\delcode}) */
+ extdef_math_code_cmd, /* define an extended character code ( \.{\\omathcode}, etc.~) */
+ extdef_del_code_cmd, /* define an extended delimiter code ( \.{\\odelcode}, etc.~) */
+ def_family_cmd, /* declare math fonts ( \.{\\textfont}, etc.~) */
+ set_math_param_cmd, /* set math parameters ( \.{\\mathquad}, etc.~) */
+ set_font_cmd, /* set current font ( font identifiers ) */
+ def_font_cmd, /* define a font file ( \.{\\font} ) */
+ register_cmd, /* internal register ( \.{\\count}, \.{\\dimen}, etc.~) */
+ assign_box_dir_cmd, /* (\.{\\boxdir}) */
+ assign_dir_cmd, /* (\.{\\pagedir}, \.{\\textdir}) */
+# define max_internal_cmd assign_dir_cmd
+ /* the largest code that can follow \.{\\the} */
+ advance_cmd, /* advance a register or parameter ( \.{\\advance} ) */
+ multiply_cmd, /* multiply a register or parameter ( \.{\\multiply} ) */
+ divide_cmd, /* divide a register or parameter ( \.{\\divide} ) */
+ prefix_cmd, /* qualify a definition ( \.{\\global}, \.{\\long}, \.{\\outer} ) */
+ let_cmd, /* assign a command code ( \.{\\let}, \.{\\futurelet} ) */
+ shorthand_def_cmd, /* code definition ( \.{\\chardef}, \.{\\countdef}, etc.~) */
+ read_to_cs_cmd, /* read into a control sequence ( \.{\\read} ) */
+ def_cmd, /* macro definition ( \.{\\def}, \.{\\gdef}, \.{\\xdef}, \.{\\edef} ) */
+ set_box_cmd, /* set a box ( \.{\\setbox} ) */
+ hyph_data_cmd, /* hyphenation data ( \.{\\hyphenation}, \.{\\patterns} ) */
+ set_interaction_cmd, /* define level of interaction ( \.{\\batchmode}, etc.~) */
+ letterspace_font_cmd, /* letterspace a font ( \.{\\letterspacefont} ) */
+ pdf_copy_font_cmd, /* create a new font instance ( \.{\\pdfcopyfont} ) */
+ set_ocp_cmd, /* Place a translation process in the stream */
+ def_ocp_cmd, /* Define and load a translation process */
+ set_ocp_list_cmd, /* Place a list of OCPs in the stream */
+ def_ocp_list_cmd, /* Define a list of OCPs */
+ clear_ocp_lists_cmd, /* Remove all active OCP lists */
+ push_ocp_list_cmd, /* Add to the sequence of active OCP lists */
+ pop_ocp_list_cmd, /* Remove from the sequence of active OCP lists */
+ ocp_list_op_cmd, /* Operations for building a list of OCPs */
+ ocp_trace_level_cmd, /* Tracing of active OCPs, either 0 or 1 */
+ undefined_cs_cmd, /* initial state of most |eq_type| fields */
+ expand_after_cmd, /* special expansion ( \.{\\expandafter} ) */
+ no_expand_cmd, /* special nonexpansion ( \.{\\noexpand} ) */
+ input_cmd, /* input a source file ( \.{\\input}, \.{\\endinput} or
+ \.{\\scantokens} or \.{\\scantextokens} ) */
+ if_test_cmd, /* conditional text ( \.{\\if}, \.{\\ifcase}, etc.~) */
+ fi_or_else_cmd, /* delimiters for conditionals ( \.{\\else}, etc.~) */
+ cs_name_cmd, /* make a control sequence from tokens ( \.{\\csname} ) */
+ convert_cmd, /* convert to text ( \.{\\number}, \.{\\string}, etc.~) */
+ the_cmd, /* expand an internal quantity ( \.{\\the} or \.{\\unexpanded}, \.{\\detokenize} ) */
+ top_bot_mark_cmd, /* inserted mark ( \.{\\topmark}, etc.~) */
+ call_cmd, /* non-long, non-outer control sequence */
+ long_call_cmd, /* long, non-outer control sequence */
+ outer_call_cmd, /* non-long, outer control sequence */
+ long_outer_call_cmd, /* long, outer control sequence */
+ end_template_cmd, /* end of an alignment template */
+ dont_expand_cmd, /* the following token was marked by \.{\\noexpand} */
+ glue_ref_cmd, /* the equivalent points to a glue specification */
+ shape_ref_cmd, /* the equivalent points to a parshape specification */
+ box_ref_cmd, /* the equivalent points to a box node, or is |null| */
+ data_cmd, /* the equivalent is simply a halfword number */
+} tex_command_code;
+# define max_command_cmd ocp_trace_level_cmd /* the largest command code seen at |big_switch| */
+# define last_cmd data_cmd
+# define max_non_prefixed_command last_item_cmd
+typedef enum {
+ above_code = 0,
+ over_code = 1,
+ atop_code = 2,
+ delimited_code = 3
+} fraction_codes;
+typedef enum {
+ number_code = 0, /* command code for \.{\\number} */
+ roman_numeral_code, /* command code for \.{\\romannumeral} */
+ string_code, /* command code for \.{\\string} */
+ meaning_code, /* command code for \.{\\meaning} */
+ font_name_code, /* command code for \.{\\fontname} */
+ etex_code, /* command code for \.{\\eTeXVersion} */
+ omega_code, /* command code for \.{\\OmegaVersion} */
+ aleph_code, /* command code for \.{\\AlephVersion} */
+ format_name_code, /* command code for \.{\\AlephVersion} */
+ pdftex_revision_code, /* command code for \.{\\pdftexrevision} */
+# define pdftex_first_expand_code pdftex_revision_code /* base for \pdfTeX's command codes */
+ pdftex_banner_code, /* command code for \.{\\pdftexbanner} */
+ pdf_font_name_code, /* command code for \.{\\pdffontname} */
+ pdf_font_objnum_code, /* command code for \.{\\pdffontobjnum} */
+ pdf_font_size_code, /* command code for \.{\\pdffontsize} */
+ pdf_page_ref_code, /* command code for \.{\\pdfpageref} */
+ pdf_xform_name_code, /* command code for \.{\\pdfxformname} */
+ left_margin_kern_code, /* command code for \.{\\leftmarginkern} */
+ right_margin_kern_code, /* command code for \.{\\rightmarginkern} */
+ pdf_creation_date_code, /* command code for \.{\\pdfcreationdate} */
+ uniform_deviate_code, /* command code for \.{\\uniformdeviate} */
+ normal_deviate_code, /* command code for \.{\\normaldeviate} */
+ pdf_insert_ht_code, /* command code for \.{\\pdfinsertht} */
+ pdf_ximage_bbox_code, /* command code for \.{\\pdfximagebbox} */
+ lua_code, /* command code for \.{\\directlua} */
+ lua_escape_string_code, /* command code for \.{\\luaescapestring} */
+ pdf_colorstack_init_code, /* command code for \.{\\pdfcolorstackinit} */
+ luatex_revision_code, /* command code for \.{\\luatexrevision} */
+ luatex_date_code, /* command code for \.{\\luatexdate} */
+ math_style_code, /* command code for \.{\\mathstyle} */
+ expanded_code, /* command code for \.{\\expanded} */
+ job_name_code, /* command code for \.{\\jobname} */
+ Aleph_revision_code, /* command code for \.{\\Alephrevision} */
+ Omega_revision_code, /* command code for \.{\\Omegarevision} */
+ eTeX_revision_code, /* command code for \.{\\eTeXrevision} */
+ font_identifier_code, /* command code for \.{tex.fontidentifier} (virtual) */
+} convert_codes;
+typedef enum {
+ lastpenalty_code = 0, /* code for \.{\\lastpenalty} */
+ lastattr_code, /* not used */
+ lastkern_code, /* code for \.{\\lastkern} */
+ lastskip_code, /* code for \.{\\lastskip} */
+ last_node_type_code, /* code for \.{\\lastnodetype} */
+ input_line_no_code, /* code for \.{\\inputlineno} */
+ badness_code, /* code for \.{\\badness} */
+ pdftex_version_code, /* code for \.{\\pdftexversion} */
+# define pdftex_first_rint_code pdftex_version_code /* base for \pdfTeX's command codes */
+ pdf_last_obj_code, /* code for \.{\\pdflastobj} */
+ pdf_last_xform_code, /* code for \.{\\pdflastxform} */
+ pdf_last_ximage_code, /* code for \.{\\pdflastximage} */
+ pdf_last_ximage_pages_code, /* code for \.{\\pdflastximagepages} */
+ pdf_last_annot_code, /* code for \.{\\pdflastannot} */
+ pdf_last_x_pos_code, /* code for \.{\\pdflastxpos} */
+ pdf_last_y_pos_code, /* code for \.{\\pdflastypos} */
+ pdf_retval_code, /* global multi-purpose return value */
+ pdf_last_ximage_colordepth_code, /* code for \.{\\pdflastximagecolordepth} */
+ random_seed_code, /* code for \.{\\pdfrandomseed} */
+ pdf_last_link_code, /* code for \.{\\pdflastlink} */
+ luatex_version_code, /* code for \.{\\luatexversion} */
+ Aleph_version_code, /* code for \.{\\Alephversion} */
+# define Aleph_int Aleph_version_code
+ Omega_version_code, /* code for \.{\\Omegaversion} */
+ Aleph_minor_version_code, /* code for \.{\\Alephminorversion} */
+ Omega_minor_version_code, /* code for \.{\\Omegaminorversion} */
+ eTeX_minor_version_code, /* code for \.{\\eTeXminorversion} */
+ eTeX_version_code, /* code for \.{\\eTeXversion} */
+# define eTeX_int eTeX_version_code /* first of \eTeX\ codes for integers */
+ current_group_level_code, /* code for \.{\\currentgrouplevel} */
+ current_group_type_code, /* code for \.{\\currentgrouptype} */
+ current_if_level_code, /* code for \.{\\currentiflevel} */
+ current_if_type_code, /* code for \.{\\currentiftype} */
+ current_if_branch_code, /* code for \.{\\currentifbranch} */
+ glue_stretch_order_code, /* code for \.{\\gluestretchorder} */
+ glue_shrink_order_code, /* code for \.{\\glueshrinkorder} */
+ font_char_wd_code, /* code for \.{\\fontcharwd} */
+# define eTeX_dim font_char_wd_code /* first of \eTeX\ codes for dimensions */
+ font_char_ht_code, /* code for \.{\\fontcharht} */
+ font_char_dp_code, /* code for \.{\\fontchardp} */
+ font_char_ic_code, /* code for \.{\\fontcharic} */
+ par_shape_length_code, /* code for \.{\\parshapelength} */
+ par_shape_indent_code, /* code for \.{\\parshapeindent} */
+ par_shape_dimen_code, /* code for \.{\\parshapedimen} */
+ glue_stretch_code, /* code for \.{\\gluestretch} */
+ glue_shrink_code, /* code for \.{\\glueshrink} */
+ mu_to_glue_code, /* code for \.{\\mutoglue} */
+# define eTeX_glue mu_to_glue_code /* first of \eTeX\ codes for glue */
+ glue_to_mu_code, /* code for \.{\\gluetomu} */
+# define eTeX_mu glue_to_mu_code
+ /* first of \eTeX\ codes for muglue */
+ numexpr_code, /* code for \.{\\numexpr} */
+# define eTeX_expr numexpr_code /* first of \eTeX\ codes for expressions */
+ attrexpr_code, /* not used */
+ dimexpr_code, /* code for \.{\\dimexpr} */
+ glueexpr_code, /* code for \.{\\glueexpr} */
+ muexpr_code, /* code for \.{\\muexpr} */
+} last_item_codes;
+# define explicit 1
+# define acc_kern 2
+# define lp_code_base 2
+# define rp_code_base 3
+# define ef_code_base 4
+# define tag_code 5
+# define auto_kern explicit
+# define no_lig_code 6
+# define immediate_code 4 /* command modifier for \.{\\immediate} */
+extern void initialize_commands(void);
+extern void initialize_etex_commands(void);