path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/buildpage.w
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/buildpage.w')
1 files changed, 1057 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/buildpage.w b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/buildpage.w
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..de39703c8ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/tex/buildpage.w
@@ -0,0 +1,1057 @@
+% buildpage.w
+% Copyright 2009-2010 Taco Hoekwater <>
+% This file is part of LuaTeX.
+% LuaTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+% the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+% Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+% option) any later version.
+% LuaTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+% ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+% License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+% with LuaTeX; if not, see <>.
+@ @c
+static const char _svn_version[] =
+ "$Id: buildpage.w 3587 2010-04-03 14:32:25Z taco $"
+ "$URL: $";
+#include "ptexlib.h"
+@ @c
+#define box(A) eqtb[box_base+(A)].hh.rh
+#define count(A) eqtb[count_base+(A)].hh.rh
+#undef skip
+#define skip(A) eqtb[skip_base+(A)].hh.rh
+#define dimen(A) eqtb[scaled_base+(A)].hh.rh
+#define vbadness int_par(vbadness_code)
+#define max_dead_cycles int_par(max_dead_cycles_code)
+#define output_box int_par(output_box_code)
+#define body_direction int_par(body_direction_code)
+#define holding_inserts int_par(holding_inserts_code)
+#define vsize dimen_par(vsize_code)
+#define vfuzz dimen_par(vfuzz_code)
+#define max_depth dimen_par(max_depth_code)
+#define pdf_ignored_dimen dimen_par(pdf_ignored_dimen_code)
+#define output_routine equiv(output_routine_loc)
+#define split_top_skip glue_par(split_top_skip_code)
+#define prev_depth cur_list.prev_depth_field
+#define mode_line cur_list.ml_field
+#define mode cur_list.mode_field
+#define tail cur_list.tail_field
+#define head cur_list.head_field
+@ When \TeX\ appends new material to its main vlist in vertical mode, it uses
+a method something like |vsplit| to decide where a page ends, except that
+the calculations are done ``on line'' as new items come in.
+The main complication in this process is that insertions must be put
+into their boxes and removed from the vlist, in a more-or-less optimum manner.
+We shall use the term ``current page'' for that part of the main vlist that
+is being considered as a candidate for being broken off and sent to the
+user's output routine. The current page starts at |vlink(page_head)|, and
+it ends at |page_tail|. We have |page_head=page_tail| if this list is empty.
+@^current page@>
+Utter chaos would reign if the user kept changing page specifications
+while a page is being constructed, so the page builder keeps the pertinent
+specifications frozen as soon as the page receives its first box or
+insertion. The global variable |page_contents| is |empty| when the
+current page contains only mark nodes and content-less whatsit nodes; it
+is |inserts_only| if the page contains only insertion nodes in addition to
+marks and whatsits. Glue nodes, kern nodes, and penalty nodes are
+discarded until a box or rule node appears, at which time |page_contents|
+changes to |box_there|. As soon as |page_contents| becomes non-|empty|,
+the current |vsize| and |max_depth| are squirreled away into |page_goal|
+and |page_max_depth|; the latter values will be used until the page has
+been forwarded to the user's output routine. The \.{\\topskip} adjustment
+is made when |page_contents| changes to |box_there|.
+Although |page_goal| starts out equal to |vsize|, it is decreased by the
+scaled natural height-plus-depth of the insertions considered so far, and by
+the \.{\\skip} corrections for those insertions. Therefore it represents
+the size into which the non-inserted material should fit, assuming that
+all insertions in the current page have been made.
+The global variables |best_page_break| and |least_page_cost| correspond
+respectively to the local variables |best_place| and |least_cost| in the
+|vert_break| routine that we have already studied; i.e., they record the
+location and value of the best place currently known for breaking the
+current page. The value of |page_goal| at the time of the best break is
+stored in |best_size|.
+halfword page_tail; /* the final node on the current page */
+int page_contents; /* what is on the current page so far? */
+scaled page_max_depth; /* maximum box depth on page being built */
+halfword best_page_break; /* break here to get the best page known so far */
+int least_page_cost; /* the score for this currently best page */
+scaled best_size; /* its |page_goal| */
+@ The page builder has another data structure to keep track of insertions.
+This is a list of four-word nodes, starting and ending at |page_ins_head|.
+That is, the first element of the list is node |r@t$_1$@>=vlink(page_ins_head)|;
+node $r_j$ is followed by |r@t$_{j+1}$@>=vlink(r@t$_j$@>)|; and if there are
+|n| items we have |r@t$_{n+1}$@>=page_ins_head|. The |subtype| field of
+each node in this list refers to an insertion number; for example, `\.{\\insert
+250}' would correspond to a node whose |subtype| is |qi(250)|
+(the same as the |subtype| field of the relevant |ins_node|). These |subtype|
+fields are in increasing order, and |subtype(page_ins_head)=65535|, so
+|page_ins_head| serves as a convenient sentinel
+at the end of the list. A record is present for each insertion number that
+appears in the current page.
+The |type| field in these nodes distinguishes two possibilities that
+might occur as we look ahead before deciding on the optimum page break.
+If |type(r)=inserting_node|, then |height(r)| contains the total of the
+height-plus-depth dimensions of the box and all its inserts seen so far.
+ |type(r)=split_up_node|, then no more insertions will be made into this box,
+because at least one previous insertion was too big to fit on the current
+page; |broken_ptr(r)| points to the node where that insertion will be
+split, if \TeX\ decides to split it, |broken_ins(r)| points to the
+insertion node that was tentatively split, and |height(r)| includes also the
+natural height plus depth of the part that would be split off.
+In both cases, |last_ins_ptr(r)| points to the last |ins_node|
+encountered for box |qo(subtype(r))| that would be at least partially
+inserted on the next page; and |best_ins_ptr(r)| points to the last
+such |ins_node| that should actually be inserted, to get the page with
+minimum badness among all page breaks considered so far. We have
+|best_ins_ptr(r)=null| if and only if no insertion for this box should
+be made to produce this optimum page.
+@ Pages are built by appending nodes to the current list in \TeX's
+vertical mode, which is at the outermost level of the semantic nest. This
+vlist is split into two parts; the ``current page'' that we have been
+talking so much about already, and the ``contribution list'' that receives
+new nodes as they are created. The current page contains everything that
+the page builder has accounted for in its data structures, as described
+above, while the contribution list contains other things that have been
+generated by other parts of \TeX\ but have not yet been
+seen by the page builder.
+The contribution list starts at |vlink(contrib_head)|, and it ends at the
+current node in \TeX's vertical mode.
+When \TeX\ has appended new material in vertical mode, it calls the procedure
+|build_page|, which tries to catch up by moving nodes from the contribution
+list to the current page. This procedure will succeed in its goal of
+emptying the contribution list, unless a page break is discovered, i.e.,
+unless the current page has grown to the point where the optimum next
+page break has been determined. In the latter case, the nodes after the
+optimum break will go back onto the contribution list, and control will
+effectively pass to the user's output routine.
+We make |type(page_head)=glue_node|, so that an initial glue node on
+the current page will not be considered a valid breakpoint.
+void initialize_buildpage(void)
+ subtype(page_ins_head) = 65535;
+ type(page_ins_head) = split_up_node;
+ vlink(page_ins_head) = page_ins_head;
+ type(page_head) = glue_node;
+ subtype(page_head) = normal;
+@ An array |page_so_far| records the heights and depths of everything
+on the current page. This array contains six |scaled| numbers, like the
+similar arrays already considered in |line_break| and |vert_break|; and it
+also contains |page_goal| and |page_depth|, since these values are
+all accessible to the user via |set_page_dimen| commands. The
+value of |page_so_far[1]| is also called |page_total|. The stretch
+and shrink components of the \.{\\skip} corrections for each insertion are
+included in |page_so_far|, but the natural space components of these
+corrections are not, since they have been subtracted from |page_goal|.
+The variable |page_depth| records the depth of the current page; it has been
+adjusted so that it is at most |page_max_depth|. The variable
+|last_glue| points to the glue specification of the most recent node
+contributed from the contribution list, if this was a glue node; otherwise
+|last_glue=max_halfword|. (If the contribution list is nonempty,
+however, the value of |last_glue| is not necessarily accurate.)
+The variables |last_penalty|, |last_kern|, and |last_node_type|
+are similar. And
+finally, |insert_penalties| holds the sum of the penalties associated with
+all split and floating insertions.
+scaled page_so_far[8]; /* height and glue of the current page */
+halfword last_glue; /* used to implement \.{\\lastskip} */
+int last_penalty; /* used to implement \.{\\lastpenalty} */
+scaled last_kern; /* used to implement \.{\\lastkern} */
+int last_node_type; /* used to implement \.{\\lastnodetype} */
+int insert_penalties; /* sum of the penalties for held-over insertions */
+#define print_plus(A,B) do { \
+ if (page_so_far[(A)]!=0) { \
+ tprint(" plus "); \
+ print_scaled(page_so_far[(A)]); \
+ tprint((B)); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+void print_totals(void)
+ print_scaled(page_total);
+ print_plus(2, "");
+ print_plus(3, "fil");
+ print_plus(4, "fill");
+ print_plus(5, "filll");
+ if (page_shrink != 0) {
+ tprint(" minus ");
+ print_scaled(page_shrink);
+ }
+@ Here is a procedure that is called when the |page_contents| is changing
+from |empty| to |inserts_only| or |box_there|.
+#define do_all_six(A) A(1);A(2);A(3);A(4);A(5);A(6);A(7)
+#define set_page_so_far_zero(A) page_so_far[(A)]=0
+void freeze_page_specs(int s)
+ page_contents = s;
+ page_goal = vsize;
+ page_max_depth = max_depth;
+ page_depth = 0;
+ do_all_six(set_page_so_far_zero);
+ least_page_cost = awful_bad;
+ if (int_par(tracing_pages_code) > 0) {
+ begin_diagnostic();
+ tprint_nl("%% goal height=");
+ print_scaled(page_goal);
+ tprint(", max depth=");
+ print_scaled(page_max_depth);
+ end_diagnostic(false);
+ }
+@ The global variable |output_active| is true during the time the
+user's output routine is driving \TeX.
+boolean output_active; /* are we in the midst of an output routine? */
+@ The page builder is ready to start a fresh page if we initialize
+the following state variables. (However, the page insertion list is initialized
+void start_new_page(void)
+ page_contents = empty;
+ page_tail = page_head;
+ vlink(page_head) = null;
+ last_glue = max_halfword;
+ last_penalty = 0;
+ last_kern = 0;
+ last_node_type = -1;
+ page_depth = 0;
+ page_max_depth = 0;
+@ At certain times box \.{\\outputbox} is supposed to be void (i.e., |null|),
+or an insertion box is supposed to be ready to accept a vertical list.
+If not, an error message is printed, and the following subroutine
+flushes the unwanted contents, reporting them to the user.
+static void box_error(int n)
+ error();
+ begin_diagnostic();
+ tprint_nl("The following box has been deleted:");
+ show_box(box(n));
+ end_diagnostic(true);
+ flush_node_list(box(n));
+ box(n) = null;
+@ The following procedure guarantees that a given box register
+does not contain an \.{\\hbox}.
+static void ensure_vbox(int n)
+ halfword p; /* the box register contents */
+ p = box(n);
+ if (p != null && type(p) == hlist_node) {
+ print_err("Insertions can only be added to a vbox");
+ help3("Tut tut: You're trying to \\insert into a",
+ "\\box register that now contains an \\hbox.",
+ "Proceed, and I'll discard its present contents.");
+ box_error(n);
+ }
+@ \TeX\ is not always in vertical mode at the time |build_page|
+is called; the current mode reflects what \TeX\ should return to, after
+the contribution list has been emptied. A call on |build_page| should
+be immediately followed by `|goto big_switch|', which is \TeX's central
+control point.
+void build_page(void)
+{ /* append contributions to the current page */
+ halfword p; /* the node being appended */
+ halfword q, r; /* nodes being examined */
+ int b, c; /* badness and cost of current page */
+ int pi; /* penalty to be added to the badness */
+ int n; /* insertion box number */
+ scaled delta, h, w; /* sizes used for insertion calculations */
+ pi = 0;
+ if ((vlink(contrib_head) == null) || output_active)
+ return;
+ do {
+ p = vlink(contrib_head);
+ /* Update the values of |last_glue|, |last_penalty|, and |last_kern| */
+ if (last_glue != max_halfword) {
+ delete_glue_ref(last_glue);
+ last_glue = max_halfword;
+ }
+ last_penalty = 0;
+ last_kern = 0;
+ last_node_type = type(p) + 1;
+ if (type(p) == glue_node) {
+ last_glue = glue_ptr(p);
+ add_glue_ref(last_glue);
+ } else if (type(p) == penalty_node) {
+ last_penalty = penalty(p);
+ } else if (type(p) == kern_node) {
+ last_kern = width(p);
+ }
+ /* Move node |p| to the current page; if it is time for a page break,
+ put the nodes following the break back onto the contribution list,
+ and |return| to the users output routine if there is one */
+ /* The code here is an example of a many-way switch into routines that
+ merge together in different places. Some people call this unstructured
+ programming, but the author doesn't see much wrong with it, as long as
+ the various labels have a well-understood meaning.
+ */
+ /* If the current page is empty and node |p| is to be deleted, |goto done1|;
+ otherwise use node |p| to update the state of the current page;
+ if this node is an insertion, |goto contribute|; otherwise if this node
+ is not a legal breakpoint, |goto contribute| or |update_heights|;
+ otherwise set |pi| to the penalty associated with this breakpoint */
+ /* The title of this section is already so long, it seems best to avoid
+ making it more accurate but still longer, by mentioning the fact that a
+ kern node at the end of the contribution list will not be contributed until
+ we know its successor. */
+ switch (type(p)) {
+ case hlist_node:
+ case vlist_node:
+ case rule_node:
+ if (page_contents < box_there) {
+ /* Initialize the current page, insert the \.{\\topskip} glue
+ ahead of |p|, and |goto continue| */
+ if (page_contents == empty)
+ freeze_page_specs(box_there);
+ else
+ page_contents = box_there;
+ q = new_skip_param(top_skip_code); /* now |temp_ptr=glue_ptr(q)| */
+ if ((type(p) == hlist_node) && is_mirrored(body_direction)) {
+ if (width(temp_ptr) > depth(p))
+ width(temp_ptr) = width(temp_ptr) - depth(p);
+ else
+ width(temp_ptr) = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (width(temp_ptr) > height(p))
+ width(temp_ptr) = width(temp_ptr) - height(p);
+ else
+ width(temp_ptr) = 0;
+ }
+ vlink(q) = p;
+ vlink(contrib_head) = q;
+ goto CONTINUE;
+ } else {
+ /* Prepare to move a box or rule node to the current page,
+ then |goto contribute| */
+ if ((type(p) == hlist_node) && is_mirrored(body_direction)) {
+ page_total = page_total + page_depth + depth(p);
+ page_depth = height(p);
+ } else {
+ page_total = page_total + page_depth + height(p);
+ page_depth = depth(p);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case whatsit_node:
+ /* Prepare to move whatsit |p| to the current page,
+ then |goto contribute| */
+ if ((subtype(p) == pdf_refxform_node)
+ || (subtype(p) == pdf_refximage_node)) {
+ page_total = page_total + page_depth + height(p);
+ page_depth = depth(p);
+ }
+ break;
+ case glue_node:
+ if (page_contents < box_there)
+ goto DONE1;
+ else if (precedes_break(page_tail))
+ pi = 0;
+ else
+ break;
+ case kern_node:
+ if (page_contents < box_there)
+ goto DONE1;
+ else if (vlink(p) == null)
+ goto EXIT;
+ else if (type(vlink(p)) == glue_node)
+ pi = 0;
+ else
+ break;
+ case penalty_node:
+ if (page_contents < box_there)
+ goto DONE1;
+ else
+ pi = penalty(p);
+ break;
+ case mark_node:
+ break;
+ case ins_node:
+ /* Append an insertion to the current page and |goto contribute| */
+ if (page_contents == empty)
+ freeze_page_specs(inserts_only);
+ n = subtype(p);
+ r = page_ins_head;
+ while (n >= subtype(vlink(r)))
+ r = vlink(r);
+ if (subtype(r) != n) {
+ /* Create a page insertion node with |subtype(r)=qi(n)|, and
+ include the glue correction for box |n| in the
+ current page state */
+ /* We take note of the value of \.{\\skip} |n| and the height plus depth
+ of \.{\\box}~|n| only when the first \.{\\insert}~|n| node is
+ encountered for a new page. A user who changes the contents of \.{\\box}~|n|
+ after that first \.{\\insert}~|n| had better be either extremely careful
+ or extremely lucky, or both. */
+ q = new_node(inserting_node, n);
+ vlink(q) = vlink(r);
+ vlink(r) = q;
+ r = q;
+ ensure_vbox(n);
+ if (box(n) == null)
+ height(r) = 0;
+ else
+ height(r) = height(box(n)) + depth(box(n));
+ best_ins_ptr(r) = null;
+ q = skip(n);
+ if (count(n) == 1000)
+ h = height(r);
+ else
+ h = x_over_n(height(r), 1000) * count(n);
+ page_goal = page_goal - h - width(q);
+ if (stretch_order(q) > 1)
+ page_so_far[1 + stretch_order(q)] =
+ page_so_far[1 + stretch_order(q)] + stretch(q);
+ else
+ page_so_far[2 + stretch_order(q)] =
+ page_so_far[2 + stretch_order(q)] + stretch(q);
+ page_shrink = page_shrink + shrink(q);
+ if ((shrink_order(q) != normal) && (shrink(q) != 0)) {
+ print_err("Infinite glue shrinkage inserted from \\skip");
+ print_int(n);
+ help3
+ ("The correction glue for page breaking with insertions",
+ "must have finite shrinkability. But you may proceed,",
+ "since the offensive shrinkability has been made finite.");
+ error();
+ }
+ }
+ if (type(r) == split_up_node) {
+ insert_penalties = insert_penalties + float_cost(p);
+ } else {
+ last_ins_ptr(r) = p;
+ delta = page_goal - page_total - page_depth + page_shrink;
+ /* this much room is left if we shrink the maximum */
+ if (count(n) == 1000)
+ h = height(p);
+ else
+ h = x_over_n(height(p), 1000) * count(n); /* this much room is needed */
+ if (((h <= 0) || (h <= delta))
+ && (height(p) + height(r) <= dimen(n))) {
+ page_goal = page_goal - h;
+ height(r) = height(r) + height(p);
+ } else {
+ /* Find the best way to split the insertion, and change
+ |type(r)| to |split_up_node| */
+ /* Here is the code that will split a long footnote between pages, in an
+ emergency. The current situation deserves to be recapitulated: Node |p|
+ is an insertion into box |n|; the insertion will not fit, in its entirety,
+ either because it would make the total contents of box |n| greater than
+ \.{\\dimen} |n|, or because it would make the incremental amount of growth
+ |h| greater than the available space |delta|, or both. (This amount |h| has
+ been weighted by the insertion scaling factor, i.e., by \.{\\count} |n|
+ over 1000.) Now we will choose the best way to break the vlist of the
+ insertion, using the same criteria as in the \.{\\vsplit} operation.
+ */
+ if (count(n) <= 0) {
+ w = max_dimen;
+ } else {
+ w = page_goal - page_total - page_depth;
+ if (count(n) != 1000)
+ w = x_over_n(w, count(n)) * 1000;
+ }
+ if (w > dimen(n) - height(r))
+ w = dimen(n) - height(r);
+ q = vert_break(ins_ptr(p), w, depth(p));
+ height(r) = height(r) + best_height_plus_depth;
+ if (int_par(tracing_pages_code) > 0) {
+ /* Display the insertion split cost */
+ begin_diagnostic();
+ tprint_nl("% split");
+ print_int(n);
+ tprint(" to ");
+ print_scaled(w);
+ print_char(',');
+ print_scaled(best_height_plus_depth);
+ tprint(" p=");
+ if (q == null)
+ print_int(eject_penalty);
+ else if (type(q) == penalty_node)
+ print_int(penalty(q));
+ else
+ print_char('0');
+ end_diagnostic(false);
+ }
+ if (count(n) != 1000)
+ best_height_plus_depth =
+ x_over_n(best_height_plus_depth, 1000) * count(n);
+ page_goal = page_goal - best_height_plus_depth;
+ type(r) = split_up_node;
+ broken_ptr(r) = q;
+ broken_ins(r) = p;
+ if (q == null)
+ insert_penalties = insert_penalties + eject_penalty;
+ else if (type(q) == penalty_node)
+ insert_penalties = insert_penalties + penalty(q);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ confusion("page");
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Check if node |p| is a new champion breakpoint; then if it is time for
+ a page break, prepare for output, and either fire up the users
+ output routine and |return| or ship out the page and |goto done| */
+ if (pi < inf_penalty) {
+ /* Compute the badness, |b|, of the current page,
+ using |awful_bad| if the box is too full */
+ if (page_total < page_goal) {
+ if ((page_so_far[3] != 0) || (page_so_far[4] != 0) ||
+ (page_so_far[5] != 0))
+ b = 0;
+ else
+ b = badness(page_goal - page_total, page_so_far[2]);
+ } else if (page_total - page_goal > page_shrink) {
+ b = awful_bad;
+ } else {
+ b = badness(page_total - page_goal, page_shrink);
+ }
+ if (b < awful_bad) {
+ if (pi <= eject_penalty)
+ c = pi;
+ else if (b < inf_bad)
+ c = b + pi + insert_penalties;
+ else
+ c = deplorable;
+ } else {
+ c = b;
+ }
+ if (insert_penalties >= 10000)
+ c = awful_bad;
+ if (int_par(tracing_pages_code) > 0) {
+ /* Display the page break cost */
+ begin_diagnostic();
+ tprint_nl("%");
+ tprint(" t=");
+ print_totals();
+ tprint(" g=");
+ print_scaled(page_goal);
+ tprint(" b=");
+ if (b == awful_bad)
+ print_char('*');
+ else
+ print_int(b);
+ tprint(" p=");
+ print_int(pi);
+ tprint(" c=");
+ if (c == awful_bad)
+ print_char('*');
+ else
+ print_int(c);
+ if (c <= least_page_cost)
+ print_char('#');
+ end_diagnostic(false);
+ }
+ if (c <= least_page_cost) {
+ best_page_break = p;
+ best_size = page_goal;
+ least_page_cost = c;
+ r = vlink(page_ins_head);
+ while (r != page_ins_head) {
+ best_ins_ptr(r) = last_ins_ptr(r);
+ r = vlink(r);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((c == awful_bad) || (pi <= eject_penalty)) {
+ fire_up(p); /* output the current page at the best place */
+ if (output_active)
+ goto EXIT; /* user's output routine will act */
+ goto DONE; /* the page has been shipped out by default output routine */
+ }
+ }
+ if ((type(p) < glue_node) || (type(p) > kern_node))
+ UPDATE_HEIGHTS: /* go here to record glue in the |active_height| table */
+ /* Update the current page measurements with respect to the
+ glue or kern specified by node~|p| */
+ if (type(p) == kern_node) {
+ q = p;
+ } else {
+ q = glue_ptr(p);
+ if (stretch_order(q) > 1)
+ page_so_far[1 + stretch_order(q)] =
+ page_so_far[1 + stretch_order(q)] + stretch(q);
+ else
+ page_so_far[2 + stretch_order(q)] =
+ page_so_far[2 + stretch_order(q)] + stretch(q);
+ page_shrink = page_shrink + shrink(q);
+ if ((shrink_order(q) != normal) && (shrink(q) != 0)) {
+ print_err("Infinite glue shrinkage found on current page");
+ help4("The page about to be output contains some infinitely",
+ "shrinkable glue, e.g., `\\vss' or `\\vskip 0pt minus 1fil'.",
+ "Such glue doesn't belong there; but you can safely proceed,",
+ "since the offensive shrinkability has been made finite.");
+ error();
+ r = new_spec(q);
+ shrink_order(r) = normal;
+ delete_glue_ref(q);
+ glue_ptr(p) = r;
+ q = r;
+ }
+ }
+ page_total = page_total + page_depth + width(q);
+ page_depth = 0;
+ CONTRIBUTE: /* go here to link a node into the current page */
+ /* Make sure that |page_max_depth| is not exceeded */
+ if (page_depth > page_max_depth) {
+ page_total = page_total + page_depth - page_max_depth;
+ page_depth = page_max_depth;
+ }
+ /* Link node |p| into the current page and |goto done| */
+ vlink(page_tail) = p;
+ page_tail = p;
+ vlink(contrib_head) = vlink(p);
+ vlink(p) = null;
+ goto DONE;
+ DONE1:
+ /* Recycle node |p| */
+ vlink(contrib_head) = vlink(p);
+ vlink(p) = null;
+ if (int_par(saving_vdiscards_code) > 0) {
+ if (page_disc == null)
+ page_disc = p;
+ else
+ vlink(tail_page_disc) = p;
+ tail_page_disc = p;
+ } else {
+ flush_node_list(p);
+ }
+ ;
+ } while (vlink(contrib_head) != null);
+ /* Make the contribution list empty by setting its tail to |contrib_head| */
+ contrib_tail = contrib_head;
+ ;
+@ When the page builder has looked at as much material as could appear before
+the next page break, it makes its decision. The break that gave minimum
+badness will be used to put a completed ``page'' into box \.{\\outputbox}, with insertions
+appended to their other boxes.
+We also set the values of |top_mark|, |first_mark|, and |bot_mark|. The
+program uses the fact that |bot_mark(x)<>null| implies |first_mark(x)<>null|;
+it also knows that |bot_mark(x)=null| implies |top_mark(x)=first_mark(x)=null|.
+The |fire_up| subroutine prepares to output the current page at the best
+place; then it fires up the user's output routine, if there is one,
+or it simply ships out the page. There is one parameter, |c|, which represents
+the node that was being contributed to the page when the decision to
+force an output was made.
+void fire_up(halfword c)
+ halfword p, q, r, s; /* nodes being examined and/or changed */
+ halfword prev_p; /* predecessor of |p| */
+ int n; /* insertion box number */
+ boolean wait; /* should the present insertion be held over? */
+ int save_vbadness; /* saved value of |vbadness| */
+ scaled save_vfuzz; /* saved value of |vfuzz| */
+ halfword save_split_top_skip; /* saved value of |split_top_skip| */
+ halfword i; /* for looping through the marks */
+ /* Set the value of |output_penalty| */
+ if (type(best_page_break) == penalty_node) {
+ geq_word_define(int_base + output_penalty_code,
+ penalty(best_page_break));
+ penalty(best_page_break) = inf_penalty;
+ } else {
+ geq_word_define(int_base + output_penalty_code, inf_penalty);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i <= biggest_used_mark; i++) {
+ if (bot_mark(i) != null) {
+ if (top_mark(i) != null)
+ delete_token_ref(top_mark(i));
+ set_top_mark(i, bot_mark(i));
+ add_token_ref(top_mark(i));
+ delete_first_mark(i);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Put the optimal current page into box |output_box|, update |first_mark| and
+ |bot_mark|, append insertions to their boxes, and put the
+ remaining nodes back on the contribution list; */
+ /* As the page is finally being prepared for output,
+ pointer |p| runs through the vlist, with |prev_p| trailing behind;
+ pointer |q| is the tail of a list of insertions that
+ are being held over for a subsequent page. */
+ if (c == best_page_break)
+ best_page_break = null; /* |c| not yet linked in */
+ /* Ensure that box |output_box| is empty before output */
+ if (box(output_box) != null) {
+ print_err("\\box");
+ print_int(output_box);
+ tprint(" is not void");
+ help2("You shouldn't use \\box\\outputbox except in \\output routines.",
+ "Proceed, and I'll discard its present contents.");
+ box_error(output_box);
+ }
+ insert_penalties = 0; /* this will count the number of insertions held over */
+ save_split_top_skip = split_top_skip;
+ if (holding_inserts <= 0) {
+ /* Prepare all the boxes involved in insertions to act as queues */
+ /* If many insertions are supposed to go into the same box, we want to know
+ the position of the last node in that box, so that we don't need to waste time
+ when linking further information into it. The |last_ins_ptr| fields of the
+ page insertion nodes are therefore used for this purpose during the
+ packaging phase. */
+ r = vlink(page_ins_head);
+ while (r != page_ins_head) {
+ if (best_ins_ptr(r) != null) {
+ n = subtype(r);
+ ensure_vbox(n);
+ if (box(n) == null)
+ box(n) = new_null_box();
+ p = box(n) + list_offset;
+ while (vlink(p) != null)
+ p = vlink(p);
+ last_ins_ptr(r) = p;
+ }
+ r = vlink(r);
+ }
+ }
+ q = hold_head;
+ vlink(q) = null;
+ prev_p = page_head;
+ p = vlink(prev_p);
+ while (p != best_page_break) {
+ if (type(p) == ins_node) {
+ if (holding_inserts <= 0) {
+ /* Either insert the material specified by node |p| into the
+ appropriate box, or hold it for the next page;
+ also delete node |p| from the current page */
+ /* We will set |best_ins_ptr:=null| and package the box corresponding to
+ insertion node~|r|, just after making the final insertion into that box.
+ If this final insertion is `|split_up_node|', the remainder after splitting
+ and pruning (if any) will be carried over to the next page. */
+ r = vlink(page_ins_head);
+ while (subtype(r) != subtype(p))
+ r = vlink(r);
+ if (best_ins_ptr(r) == null) {
+ wait = true;
+ } else {
+ wait = false;
+ s = last_ins_ptr(r);
+ vlink(s) = ins_ptr(p);
+ if (best_ins_ptr(r) == p) {
+ /* Wrap up the box specified by node |r|, splitting node |p| if
+ called for; set |wait:=true| if node |p| holds a remainder after
+ splitting */
+ if (type(r) == split_up_node) {
+ if ((broken_ins(r) == p) && (broken_ptr(r) != null)) {
+ while (vlink(s) != broken_ptr(r))
+ s = vlink(s);
+ vlink(s) = null;
+ split_top_skip = split_top_ptr(p);
+ ins_ptr(p) =
+ prune_page_top(broken_ptr(r), false);
+ if (ins_ptr(p) != null) {
+ temp_ptr =
+ vpack(ins_ptr(p), 0, additional, -1);
+ height(p) =
+ height(temp_ptr) + depth(temp_ptr);
+ list_ptr(temp_ptr) = null;
+ flush_node(temp_ptr);
+ wait = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ best_ins_ptr(r) = null;
+ n = subtype(r);
+ temp_ptr = list_ptr(box(n));
+ list_ptr(box(n)) = null;
+ flush_node(box(n));
+ box(n) = vpack(temp_ptr, 0, additional, body_direction);
+ } else {
+ while (vlink(s) != null)
+ s = vlink(s);
+ last_ins_ptr(r) = s;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Either append the insertion node |p| after node |q|, and remove it
+ from the current page, or delete |node(p)| */
+ vlink(prev_p) = vlink(p);
+ vlink(p) = null;
+ if (wait) {
+ vlink(q) = p;
+ q = p;
+ incr(insert_penalties);
+ } else {
+ ins_ptr(p) = null;
+ flush_node(p);
+ }
+ p = prev_p;
+ }
+ } else if (type(p) == mark_node) {
+ /* Update the values of |first_mark| and |bot_mark| */
+ if (first_mark(mark_class(p)) == null) {
+ set_first_mark(mark_class(p), mark_ptr(p));
+ add_token_ref(first_mark(mark_class(p)));
+ }
+ if (bot_mark(mark_class(p)) != null)
+ delete_token_ref(bot_mark(mark_class(p)));
+ set_bot_mark(mark_class(p), mark_ptr(p));
+ add_token_ref(bot_mark(mark_class(p)));
+ }
+ prev_p = p;
+ p = vlink(prev_p);
+ }
+ split_top_skip = save_split_top_skip;
+ /* Break the current page at node |p|, put it in box~|output_box|,
+ and put the remaining nodes on the contribution list */
+ /* When the following code is executed, the current page runs from node
+ |vlink(page_head)| to node |prev_p|, and the nodes from |p| to |page_tail|
+ are to be placed back at the front of the contribution list. Furthermore
+ the heldover insertions appear in a list from |vlink(hold_head)| to |q|; we
+ will put them into the current page list for safekeeping while the user's
+ output routine is active. We might have |q=hold_head|; and |p=null| if
+ and only if |prev_p=page_tail|. Error messages are suppressed within
+ |vpackage|, since the box might appear to be overfull or underfull simply
+ because the stretch and shrink from the \.{\\skip} registers for inserts
+ are not actually present in the box. */
+ if (p != null) {
+ if (vlink(contrib_head) == null) {
+ contrib_tail = page_tail;
+ }
+ vlink(page_tail) = vlink(contrib_head);
+ vlink(contrib_head) = p;
+ vlink(prev_p) = null;
+ }
+ save_vbadness = vbadness;
+ vbadness = inf_bad;
+ save_vfuzz = vfuzz;
+ vfuzz = max_dimen; /* inhibit error messages */
+ box(output_box) =
+ filtered_vpackage(vlink(page_head), best_size, exactly, page_max_depth,
+ output_group, body_direction);
+ vbadness = save_vbadness;
+ vfuzz = save_vfuzz;
+ if (last_glue != max_halfword)
+ delete_glue_ref(last_glue);
+ /* Start a new current page */
+ start_new_page(); /* this sets |last_glue:=max_halfword| */
+ if (q != hold_head) {
+ vlink(page_head) = vlink(hold_head);
+ page_tail = q;
+ }
+ /* Delete the page-insertion nodes */
+ r = vlink(page_ins_head);
+ while (r != page_ins_head) {
+ q = vlink(r);
+ flush_node(r);
+ r = q;
+ }
+ vlink(page_ins_head) = page_ins_head;
+ for (i = 0; i <= biggest_used_mark; i++) {
+ if ((top_mark(i) != null) && (first_mark(i) == null)) {
+ set_first_mark(i, top_mark(i));
+ add_token_ref(top_mark(i));
+ }
+ }
+ if (output_routine != null) {
+ if (dead_cycles >= max_dead_cycles) {
+ /* Explain that too many dead cycles have occurred in a row */
+ print_err("Output loop---");
+ print_int(dead_cycles);
+ tprint(" consecutive dead cycles");
+ help3("I've concluded that your \\output is awry; it never does a",
+ "\\shipout, so I'm shipping \\box\\outputbox out myself. Next time",
+ "increase \\maxdeadcycles if you want me to be more patient!");
+ error();
+ } else {
+ /* Fire up the users output routine and |return| */
+ output_active = true;
+ incr(dead_cycles);
+ push_nest();
+ mode = -vmode;
+ prev_depth = pdf_ignored_dimen;
+ mode_line = -line;
+ begin_token_list(output_routine, output_text);
+ new_save_level(output_group);
+ normal_paragraph();
+ scan_left_brace();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Perform the default output routine */
+ /* The list of heldover insertions, running from |vlink(page_head)| to
+ |page_tail|, must be moved to the contribution list when the user has
+ specified no output routine. */
+ if (vlink(page_head) != null) {
+ if (vlink(contrib_head) == null) {
+ contrib_tail = page_tail;
+ } else {
+ vlink(page_tail) = vlink(contrib_head);
+ }
+ vlink(contrib_head) = vlink(page_head);
+ vlink(page_head) = null;
+ page_tail = page_head;
+ }
+ flush_node_list(page_disc);
+ page_disc = null;
+ ship_out(static_pdf, box(output_box), true);
+ box(output_box) = null;
+@ When the user's output routine finishes, it has constructed a vlist
+in internal vertical mode, and \TeX\ will do the following:
+void resume_after_output(void)
+ if ((iloc != null)
+ || ((token_type != output_text) && (token_type != backed_up))) {
+ /* Recover from an unbalanced output routine */
+ print_err("Unbalanced output routine");
+ help2("Your sneaky output routine has problematic {'s and/or }'s.",
+ "I can't handle that very well; good luck.");
+ error();
+ do {
+ get_token();
+ } while (iloc != null);
+ /* loops forever if reading from a file, since |null=min_halfword<=0| */
+ }
+ end_token_list(); /* conserve stack space in case more outputs are triggered */
+ end_graf(bottom_level);
+ unsave();
+ output_active = false;
+ insert_penalties = 0;
+ /* Ensure that box |output_box| is empty after output */
+ if (box(output_box) != null) {
+ print_err("Output routine didn't use all of \\box");
+ print_int(output_box);
+ help3("Your \\output commands should empty \\box\\outputbox,",
+ "e.g., by saying `\\shipout\\box\\outputbox'.",
+ "Proceed; I'll discard its present contents.");
+ box_error(output_box);
+ }
+ if (tail != head) { /* current list goes after heldover insertions */
+ vlink(page_tail) = vlink(head);
+ page_tail = tail;
+ }
+ if (vlink(page_head) != null) { /* and both go before heldover contributions */
+ if (vlink(contrib_head) == null)
+ contrib_tail = page_tail;
+ vlink(page_tail) = vlink(contrib_head);
+ vlink(contrib_head) = vlink(page_head);
+ vlink(page_head) = null;
+ page_tail = page_head;
+ }
+ flush_node_list(page_disc);
+ page_disc = null;
+ pop_nest();
+ lua_node_filter_s(buildpage_filter_callback, "after_output");
+ build_page();