path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/test')
4 files changed, 777 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/test/README b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/test/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..180fa277ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/test/README
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+This provides the automated test scripts used to make sure the library
+is working properly.
+The files provided are:
+ testsrvr.lua -- test server
+ testclnt.lua -- test client
+To run these tests, just run lua on the server and then on the client.
+Good luck,
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/test/testclnt.lua b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/test/testclnt.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a7ca1ba6768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/test/testclnt.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
+local socket = require"socket"
+host = host or "localhost"
+port = port or "8383"
+function pass(...)
+ local s = string.format(unpack(arg))
+ io.stderr:write(s, "\n")
+function fail(...)
+ local s = string.format(unpack(arg))
+ io.stderr:write("ERROR: ", s, "!\n")
+ os.exit()
+function warn(...)
+ local s = string.format(unpack(arg))
+ io.stderr:write("WARNING: ", s, "\n")
+function remote(...)
+ local s = string.format(unpack(arg))
+ s = string.gsub(s, "\n", ";")
+ s = string.gsub(s, "%s+", " ")
+ s = string.gsub(s, "^%s*", "")
+ control:send(s .. "\n")
+ control:receive()
+function test(test)
+ io.stderr:write("----------------------------------------------\n",
+ "testing: ", test, "\n",
+ "----------------------------------------------\n")
+function check_timeout(tm, sl, elapsed, err, opp, mode, alldone)
+ if tm < sl then
+ if opp == "send" then
+ if not err then warn("must be buffered")
+ elseif err == "timeout" then pass("proper timeout")
+ else fail("unexpected error '%s'", err) end
+ else
+ if err ~= "timeout" then fail("should have timed out")
+ else pass("proper timeout") end
+ end
+ else
+ if mode == "total" then
+ if elapsed > tm then
+ if err ~= "timeout" then fail("should have timed out")
+ else pass("proper timeout") end
+ elseif elapsed < tm then
+ if err then fail(err)
+ else pass("ok") end
+ else
+ if alldone then
+ if err then fail("unexpected error '%s'", err)
+ else pass("ok") end
+ else
+ if err ~= "timeout" then fail(err)
+ else pass("proper timeoutk") end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if err then fail(err)
+ else pass("ok") end
+ end
+ end
+if not socket._DEBUG then
+ fail("Please define LUASOCKET_DEBUG and recompile LuaSocket")
+"LuaSocket Test Procedures\n",
+start = socket.gettime()
+function reconnect()
+ io.stderr:write("attempting data connection... ")
+ if data then data:close() end
+ remote [[
+ if data then data:close() data = nil end
+ data = server:accept()
+ data:setoption("tcp-nodelay", true)
+ ]]
+ data, err = socket.connect(host, port)
+ if not data then fail(err)
+ else pass("connected!") end
+ data:setoption("tcp-nodelay", true)
+pass("attempting control connection...")
+control, err = socket.connect(host, port)
+if err then fail(err)
+else pass("connected!") end
+control:setoption("tcp-nodelay", true)
+function test_methods(sock, methods)
+ for _, v in pairs(methods) do
+ if type(sock[v]) ~= "function" then
+ fail(sock.class .. " method '" .. v .. "' not registered")
+ end
+ end
+ pass(sock.class .. " methods are ok")
+function test_mixed(len)
+ reconnect()
+ local inter = math.ceil(len/4)
+ local p1 = "unix " .. string.rep("x", inter) .. "line\n"
+ local p2 = "dos " .. string.rep("y", inter) .. "line\r\n"
+ local p3 = "raw " .. string.rep("z", inter) .. "bytes"
+ local p4 = "end" .. string.rep("w", inter) .. "bytes"
+ local bp1, bp2, bp3, bp4
+remote (string.format("str = data:receive(%d)",
+ string.len(p1)+string.len(p2)+string.len(p3)+string.len(p4)))
+ sent, err = data:send(p1..p2..p3..p4)
+ if err then fail(err) end
+remote "data:send(str); data:close()"
+ bp1, err = data:receive()
+ if err then fail(err) end
+ bp2, err = data:receive()
+ if err then fail(err) end
+ bp3, err = data:receive(string.len(p3))
+ if err then fail(err) end
+ bp4, err = data:receive("*a")
+ if err then fail(err) end
+ if bp1.."\n" == p1 and bp2.."\r\n" == p2 and bp3 == p3 and bp4 == p4 then
+ pass("patterns match")
+ else fail("patterns don't match") end
+function test_asciiline(len)
+ reconnect()
+ local str, str10, back, err
+ str = string.rep("x", math.mod(len, 10))
+ str10 = string.rep("aZb.c#dAe?", math.floor(len/10))
+ str = str .. str10
+remote "str = data:receive()"
+ sent, err = data:send(str.."\n")
+ if err then fail(err) end
+remote "data:send(str ..'\\n')"
+ back, err = data:receive()
+ if err then fail(err) end
+ if back == str then pass("lines match")
+ else fail("lines don't match") end
+function test_rawline(len)
+ reconnect()
+ local str, str10, back, err
+ str = string.rep(string.char(47), math.mod(len, 10))
+ str10 = string.rep(string.char(120,21,77,4,5,0,7,36,44,100),
+ math.floor(len/10))
+ str = str .. str10
+remote "str = data:receive()"
+ sent, err = data:send(str.."\n")
+ if err then fail(err) end
+remote "data:send(str..'\\n')"
+ back, err = data:receive()
+ if err then fail(err) end
+ if back == str then pass("lines match")
+ else fail("lines don't match") end
+function test_raw(len)
+ reconnect()
+ local half = math.floor(len/2)
+ local s1, s2, back, err
+ s1 = string.rep("x", half)
+ s2 = string.rep("y", len-half)
+remote (string.format("str = data:receive(%d)", len))
+ sent, err = data:send(s1)
+ if err then fail(err) end
+ sent, err = data:send(s2)
+ if err then fail(err) end
+remote "data:send(str)"
+ back, err = data:receive(len)
+ if err then fail(err) end
+ if back == s1..s2 then pass("blocks match")
+ else fail("blocks don't match") end
+function test_totaltimeoutreceive(len, tm, sl)
+ reconnect()
+ local str, err, partial
+ pass("%d bytes, %ds total timeout, %ds pause", len, tm, sl)
+ remote (string.format ([[
+ data:settimeout(%d)
+ str = string.rep('a', %d)
+ data:send(str)
+ print('server: sleeping for %ds')
+ socket.sleep(%d)
+ print('server: woke up')
+ data:send(str)
+ ]], 2*tm, len, sl, sl))
+ data:settimeout(tm, "total")
+local t = socket.gettime()
+ str, err, partial, elapsed = data:receive(2*len)
+ check_timeout(tm, sl, elapsed, err, "receive", "total",
+ string.len(str or partial) == 2*len)
+function test_totaltimeoutsend(len, tm, sl)
+ reconnect()
+ local str, err, total
+ pass("%d bytes, %ds total timeout, %ds pause", len, tm, sl)
+ remote (string.format ([[
+ data:settimeout(%d)
+ str = data:receive(%d)
+ print('server: sleeping for %ds')
+ socket.sleep(%d)
+ print('server: woke up')
+ str = data:receive(%d)
+ ]], 2*tm, len, sl, sl, len))
+ data:settimeout(tm, "total")
+ str = string.rep("a", 2*len)
+ total, err, partial, elapsed = data:send(str)
+ check_timeout(tm, sl, elapsed, err, "send", "total",
+ total == 2*len)
+function test_blockingtimeoutreceive(len, tm, sl)
+ reconnect()
+ local str, err, partial
+ pass("%d bytes, %ds blocking timeout, %ds pause", len, tm, sl)
+ remote (string.format ([[
+ data:settimeout(%d)
+ str = string.rep('a', %d)
+ data:send(str)
+ print('server: sleeping for %ds')
+ socket.sleep(%d)
+ print('server: woke up')
+ data:send(str)
+ ]], 2*tm, len, sl, sl))
+ data:settimeout(tm)
+ str, err, partial, elapsed = data:receive(2*len)
+ check_timeout(tm, sl, elapsed, err, "receive", "blocking",
+ string.len(str or partial) == 2*len)
+function test_blockingtimeoutsend(len, tm, sl)
+ reconnect()
+ local str, err, total
+ pass("%d bytes, %ds blocking timeout, %ds pause", len, tm, sl)
+ remote (string.format ([[
+ data:settimeout(%d)
+ str = data:receive(%d)
+ print('server: sleeping for %ds')
+ socket.sleep(%d)
+ print('server: woke up')
+ str = data:receive(%d)
+ ]], 2*tm, len, sl, sl, len))
+ data:settimeout(tm)
+ str = string.rep("a", 2*len)
+ total, err, partial, elapsed = data:send(str)
+ check_timeout(tm, sl, elapsed, err, "send", "blocking",
+ total == 2*len)
+function empty_connect()
+ reconnect()
+ if data then data:close() data = nil end
+ remote [[
+ if data then data:close() data = nil end
+ data = server:accept()
+ ]]
+ data, err = socket.connect("", port)
+ if not data then
+ pass("ok")
+ data = socket.connect(host, port)
+ else
+ pass("gethostbyname returns localhost on empty string...")
+ end
+function isclosed(c)
+ return c:getfd() == -1 or c:getfd() == (2^32-1)
+function active_close()
+ reconnect()
+ if isclosed(data) then fail("should not be closed") end
+ data:close()
+ if not isclosed(data) then fail("should be closed") end
+ data = nil
+ local udp = socket.udp()
+ if isclosed(udp) then fail("should not be closed") end
+ udp:close()
+ if not isclosed(udp) then fail("should be closed") end
+ pass("ok")
+function test_closed()
+ local back, partial, err
+ local str = 'little string'
+ reconnect()
+ pass("trying read detection")
+ remote (string.format ([[
+ data:send('%s')
+ data:close()
+ data = nil
+ ]], str))
+ -- try to get a line
+ back, err, partial = data:receive()
+ if not err then fail("should have gotten 'closed'.")
+ elseif err ~= "closed" then fail("got '"..err.."' instead of 'closed'.")
+ elseif str ~= partial then fail("didn't receive partial result.")
+ else pass("graceful 'closed' received") end
+ reconnect()
+ pass("trying write detection")
+ remote [[
+ data:close()
+ data = nil
+ ]]
+ total, err, partial = data:send(string.rep("ugauga", 100000))
+ if not err then
+ pass("failed: output buffer is at least %d bytes long!", total)
+ elseif err ~= "closed" then
+ fail("got '"..err.."' instead of 'closed'.")
+ else
+ pass("graceful 'closed' received after %d bytes were sent", partial)
+ end
+function test_selectbugs()
+ local r, s, e =, nil, 0.1)
+ assert(type(r) == "table" and type(s) == "table" and
+ (e == "timeout" or e == "error"))
+ pass("both nil: ok")
+ local udp = socket.udp()
+ udp:close()
+ r, s, e ={ udp }, { udp }, 0.1)
+ assert(type(r) == "table" and type(s) == "table" and
+ (e == "timeout" or e == "error"))
+ pass("closed sockets: ok")
+ e = pcall(, "wrong", 1, 0.1)
+ assert(e == false)
+ e = pcall(, {}, 1, 0.1)
+ assert(e == false)
+ pass("invalid input: ok")
+function accept_timeout()
+ io.stderr:write("accept with timeout (if it hangs, it failed): ")
+ local s, e = socket.bind("*", 0, 0)
+ assert(s, e)
+ local t = socket.gettime()
+ s:settimeout(1)
+ local c, e = s:accept()
+ assert(not c, "should not accept")
+ assert(e == "timeout", string.format("wrong error message (%s)", e))
+ t = socket.gettime() - t
+ assert(t < 2, string.format("took to long to give up (%gs)", t))
+ s:close()
+ pass("good")
+function connect_timeout()
+ io.stderr:write("connect with timeout (if it hangs, it failed!): ")
+ local t = socket.gettime()
+ local c, e = socket.tcp()
+ assert(c, e)
+ c:settimeout(0.1)
+ local t = socket.gettime()
+ local r, e = c:connect("", 81)
+print(r, e)
+ assert(not r, "should not connect")
+ assert(socket.gettime() - t < 2, "took too long to give up.")
+ c:close()
+ print("ok")
+function accept_errors()
+ io.stderr:write("not listening: ")
+ local d, e = socket.bind("*", 0)
+ assert(d, e);
+ local c, e = socket.tcp();
+ assert(c, e);
+ d:setfd(c:getfd())
+ d:settimeout(2)
+ local r, e = d:accept()
+ assert(not r and e)
+ print("ok: ", e)
+ io.stderr:write("not supported: ")
+ local c, e = socket.udp()
+ assert(c, e);
+ d:setfd(c:getfd())
+ local r, e = d:accept()
+ assert(not r and e)
+ print("ok: ", e)
+function connect_errors()
+ io.stderr:write("connection refused: ")
+ local c, e = socket.connect("localhost", 1);
+ assert(not c and e)
+ print("ok: ", e)
+ io.stderr:write("host not found: ")
+ local c, e = socket.connect("", 1);
+ assert(not c and e, e)
+ print("ok: ", e)
+function rebind_test()
+ local c = socket.bind("localhost", 0)
+ local i, p = c:getsockname()
+ local s, e = socket.tcp()
+ assert(s, e)
+ s:setoption("reuseaddr", false)
+ r, e = s:bind("localhost", p)
+ assert(not r, "managed to rebind!")
+ assert(e)
+ print("ok: ", e)
+function getstats_test()
+ reconnect()
+ local t = 0
+ for i = 1, 25 do
+ local c = math.random(1, 100)
+ remote (string.format ([[
+ str = data:receive(%d)
+ data:send(str)
+ ]], c))
+ data:send(string.rep("a", c))
+ data:receive(c)
+ t = t + c
+ local r, s, a = data:getstats()
+ assert(r == t, "received count failed" .. tostring(r)
+ .. "/" .. tostring(t))
+ assert(s == t, "sent count failed" .. tostring(s)
+ .. "/" .. tostring(t))
+ end
+ print("ok")
+function test_nonblocking(size)
+ reconnect()
+print("Testing " .. 2*size .. " bytes")
+ data:send(string.rep("a", %d))
+ socket.sleep(0.5)
+ data:send(string.rep("b", %d) .. "\n")
+]], size, size))
+ local err = "timeout"
+ local part = ""
+ local str
+ data:settimeout(0)
+ while 1 do
+ str, err, part = data:receive("*l", part)
+ if err ~= "timeout" then break end
+ end
+ assert(str == (string.rep("a", size) .. string.rep("b", size)))
+ reconnect()
+ str = data:receive(%d)
+ socket.sleep(0.5)
+ str = data:receive(2*%d, str)
+ data:send(str)
+]], size, size))
+ data:settimeout(0)
+ local start = 0
+ while 1 do
+ ret, err, start = data:send(str, start+1)
+ if err ~= "timeout" then break end
+ end
+ data:send("\n")
+ data:settimeout(-1)
+ local back = data:receive(2*size)
+ assert(back == str, "'" .. back .. "' vs '" .. str .. "'")
+ print("ok")
+function test_readafterclose()
+ local back, partial, err
+ local str = 'little string'
+ reconnect()
+ pass("trying repeated '*a' pattern")
+ remote (string.format ([[
+ data:send('%s')
+ data:close()
+ data = nil
+ ]], str))
+ back, err, partial = data:receive("*a")
+ assert(back == str, "unexpected data read")
+ back, err, partial = data:receive("*a")
+ assert(back == nil and err == "closed", "should have returned 'closed'")
+ print("ok")
+ reconnect()
+ pass("trying active close before '*a'")
+ remote (string.format ([[
+ data:close()
+ data = nil
+ ]]))
+ data:close()
+ back, err, partial = data:receive("*a")
+ assert(back == nil and err == "closed", "should have returned 'closed'")
+ print("ok")
+ reconnect()
+ pass("trying active close before '*l'")
+ remote (string.format ([[
+ data:close()
+ data = nil
+ ]]))
+ data:close()
+ back, err, partial = data:receive()
+ assert(back == nil and err == "closed", "should have returned 'closed'")
+ print("ok")
+ reconnect()
+ pass("trying active close before raw 1")
+ remote (string.format ([[
+ data:close()
+ data = nil
+ ]]))
+ data:close()
+ back, err, partial = data:receive(1)
+ assert(back == nil and err == "closed", "should have returned 'closed'")
+ print("ok")
+ reconnect()
+ pass("trying active close before raw 0")
+ remote (string.format ([[
+ data:close()
+ data = nil
+ ]]))
+ data:close()
+ back, err, partial = data:receive(0)
+ assert(back == nil and err == "closed", "should have returned 'closed'")
+ print("ok")
+test("method registration")
+test_methods(socket.tcp(), {
+ "accept",
+ "bind",
+ "close",
+ "connect",
+ "dirty",
+ "getfd",
+ "getpeername",
+ "getsockname",
+ "getstats",
+ "setstats",
+ "listen",
+ "receive",
+ "send",
+ "setfd",
+ "setoption",
+ "setpeername",
+ "setsockname",
+ "settimeout",
+ "shutdown",
+test_methods(socket.udp(), {
+ "close",
+ "getpeername",
+ "dirty",
+ "getfd",
+ "getpeername",
+ "getsockname",
+ "receive",
+ "receivefrom",
+ "send",
+ "sendto",
+ "setfd",
+ "setoption",
+ "setpeername",
+ "setsockname",
+ "settimeout"
+test("testing read after close")
+test("select function")
+test("connect function")
+test("rebinding: ")
+test("active close: ")
+test("closed connection detection: ")
+test("accept function: ")
+test("getstats test")
+test("character line")
+test("mixed patterns")
+test("binary line")
+test("raw transfer")
+test("non-blocking transfer")
+test("total timeout on send")
+test_totaltimeoutsend(800091, 1, 3)
+test_totaltimeoutsend(800091, 2, 3)
+test_totaltimeoutsend(800091, 5, 2)
+test_totaltimeoutsend(800091, 3, 1)
+test("total timeout on receive")
+test_totaltimeoutreceive(800091, 1, 3)
+test_totaltimeoutreceive(800091, 2, 3)
+test_totaltimeoutreceive(800091, 3, 2)
+test_totaltimeoutreceive(800091, 3, 1)
+test("blocking timeout on send")
+test_blockingtimeoutsend(800091, 1, 3)
+test_blockingtimeoutsend(800091, 2, 3)
+test_blockingtimeoutsend(800091, 3, 2)
+test_blockingtimeoutsend(800091, 3, 1)
+test("blocking timeout on receive")
+test_blockingtimeoutreceive(800091, 1, 3)
+test_blockingtimeoutreceive(800091, 2, 3)
+test_blockingtimeoutreceive(800091, 3, 2)
+test_blockingtimeoutreceive(800091, 3, 1)
+test(string.format("done in %.2fs", socket.gettime() - start))
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/test/testsrvr.lua b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/test/testsrvr.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f1972c2273c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/test/testsrvr.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+socket = require("socket");
+host = host or "localhost";
+port = port or "8383";
+server = assert(socket.bind(host, port));
+ack = "\n";
+while 1 do
+ print("server: waiting for client connection...");
+ control = assert(server:accept());
+ while 1 do
+ command = assert(control:receive());
+ assert(control:send(ack));
+ print(command);
+ (loadstring(command))();
+ end
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/test/testsupport.lua b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/test/testsupport.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..acad8f5bce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/test/testsupport.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+function readfile(name)
+ local f =, "rb")
+ if not f then return nil end
+ local s = f:read("*a")
+ f:close()
+ return s
+function similar(s1, s2)
+ return string.lower(string.gsub(s1 or "", "%s", "")) ==
+ string.lower(string.gsub(s2 or "", "%s", ""))
+function fail(msg)
+ msg = msg or "failed"
+ error(msg, 2)
+function compare(input, output)
+ local original = readfile(input)
+ local recovered = readfile(output)
+ if original ~= recovered then fail("comparison failed")
+ else print("ok") end
+local G = _G
+local set = rawset
+local warn = print
+local setglobal = function(table, key, value)
+ warn("changed " .. key)
+ set(table, key, value)
+setmetatable(G, {
+ __newindex = setglobal