path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/etc/lp.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/etc/lp.lua')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/etc/lp.lua b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/etc/lp.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..25f0b95e15e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/etc/lp.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+-- LPD support for the Lua language
+-- LuaSocket toolkit.
+-- Author: David Burgess
+-- Modified by Diego Nehab, but David is in charge
+ if you have any questions: RFC 1179
+-- make sure LuaSocket is loaded
+local io = require("io")
+local base = _G
+local os = require("os")
+local math = require("math")
+local string = require("string")
+local socket = require("socket")
+local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
+-- default port
+PORT = 515
+SERVER = os.getenv("SERVER_NAME") or os.getenv("COMPUTERNAME") or "localhost"
+PRINTER = os.getenv("PRINTER") or "printer"
+local function connect(localhost, option)
+ local host = or SERVER
+ local port = option.port or PORT
+ local skt
+ local try = socket.newtry(function() if skt then skt:close() end end)
+ if option.localbind then
+ -- bind to a local port (if we can)
+ local localport = 721
+ local done, err
+ repeat
+ skt = socket.try(socket.tcp())
+ try(skt:settimeout(30))
+ done, err = skt:bind(localhost, localport)
+ if not done then
+ localport = localport + 1
+ skt:close()
+ skt = nil
+ else break end
+ until localport > 731
+ socket.try(skt, err)
+ else skt = socket.try(socket.tcp()) end
+ try(skt:connect(host, port))
+ return { skt = skt, try = try }
+RFC 1179
+5.3 03 - Send queue state (short)
+ +----+-------+----+------+----+
+ | 03 | Queue | SP | List | LF |
+ +----+-------+----+------+----+
+ Command code - 3
+ Operand 1 - Printer queue name
+ Other operands - User names or job numbers
+ If the user names or job numbers or both are supplied then only those
+ jobs for those users or with those numbers will be sent.
+ The response is an ASCII stream which describes the printer queue.
+ The stream continues until the connection closes. Ends of lines are
+ indicated with ASCII LF control characters. The lines may also
+ contain ASCII HT control characters.
+5.4 04 - Send queue state (long)
+ +----+-------+----+------+----+
+ | 04 | Queue | SP | List | LF |
+ +----+-------+----+------+----+
+ Command code - 4
+ Operand 1 - Printer queue name
+ Other operands - User names or job numbers
+ If the user names or job numbers or both are supplied then only those
+ jobs for those users or with those numbers will be sent.
+ The response is an ASCII stream which describes the printer queue.
+ The stream continues until the connection closes. Ends of lines are
+ indicated with ASCII LF control characters. The lines may also
+ contain ASCII HT control characters.
+-- gets server acknowledement
+local function recv_ack(con)
+ local ack = con.skt:receive(1)
+ con.try(string.char(0) == ack, "failed to receive server acknowledgement")
+-- sends client acknowledement
+local function send_ack(con)
+ local sent = con.skt:send(string.char(0))
+ con.try(sent == 1, "failed to send acknowledgement")
+-- sends queue request
+-- 5.2 02 - Receive a printer job
+-- +----+-------+----+
+-- | 02 | Queue | LF |
+-- +----+-------+----+
+-- Command code - 2
+-- Operand - Printer queue name
+-- Receiving a job is controlled by a second level of commands. The
+-- daemon is given commands by sending them over the same connection.
+-- The commands are described in the next section (6).
+-- After this command is sent, the client must read an acknowledgement
+-- octet from the daemon. A positive acknowledgement is an octet of
+-- zero bits. A negative acknowledgement is an octet of any other
+-- pattern.
+local function send_queue(con, queue)
+ queue = queue or PRINTER
+ local str = string.format("\2%s\10", queue)
+ local sent = con.skt:send(str)
+ con.try(sent == string.len(str), "failed to send print request")
+ recv_ack(con)
+-- sends control file
+-- 6.2 02 - Receive control file
+-- +----+-------+----+------+----+
+-- | 02 | Count | SP | Name | LF |
+-- +----+-------+----+------+----+
+-- Command code - 2
+-- Operand 1 - Number of bytes in control file
+-- Operand 2 - Name of control file
+-- The control file must be an ASCII stream with the ends of lines
+-- indicated by ASCII LF. The total number of bytes in the stream is
+-- sent as the first operand. The name of the control file is sent as
+-- the second. It should start with ASCII "cfA", followed by a three
+-- digit job number, followed by the host name which has constructed the
+-- control file. Acknowledgement processing must occur as usual after
+-- the command is sent.
+-- The next "Operand 1" octets over the same TCP connection are the
+-- intended contents of the control file. Once all of the contents have
+-- been delivered, an octet of zero bits is sent as an indication that
+-- the file being sent is complete. A second level of acknowledgement
+-- processing must occur at this point.
+-- sends data file
+-- 6.3 03 - Receive data file
+-- +----+-------+----+------+----+
+-- | 03 | Count | SP | Name | LF |
+-- +----+-------+----+------+----+
+-- Command code - 3
+-- Operand 1 - Number of bytes in data file
+-- Operand 2 - Name of data file
+-- The data file may contain any 8 bit values at all. The total number
+-- of bytes in the stream may be sent as the first operand, otherwise
+-- the field should be cleared to 0. The name of the data file should
+-- start with ASCII "dfA". This should be followed by a three digit job
+-- number. The job number should be followed by the host name which has
+-- constructed the data file. Interpretation of the contents of the
+-- data file is determined by the contents of the corresponding control
+-- file. If a data file length has been specified, the next "Operand 1"
+-- octets over the same TCP connection are the intended contents of the
+-- data file. In this case, once all of the contents have been
+-- delivered, an octet of zero bits is sent as an indication that the
+-- file being sent is complete. A second level of acknowledgement
+-- processing must occur at this point.
+local function send_hdr(con, control)
+ local sent = con.skt:send(control)
+ con.try(sent and sent >= 1 , "failed to send header file")
+ recv_ack(con)
+local function send_control(con, control)
+ local sent = con.skt:send(control)
+ con.try(sent and sent >= 1, "failed to send control file")
+ send_ack(con)
+local function send_data(con,fh,size)
+ local buf
+ while size > 0 do
+ buf,message = fh:read(8192)
+ if buf then
+ st = con.try(con.skt:send(buf))
+ size = size - st
+ else
+ con.try(size == 0, "file size mismatch")
+ end
+ end
+ recv_ack(con) -- note the double acknowledgement
+ send_ack(con)
+ recv_ack(con)
+ return size
+local control_dflt = {
+ "H"..string.sub(socket.hostname,1,31).."\10", -- host
+ "C"..string.sub(socket.hostname,1,31).."\10", -- class
+ "J"..string.sub(filename,1,99).."\10", -- jobname
+ "L"..string.sub(user,1,31).."\10", -- print banner page
+ "I"..tonumber(indent).."\10", -- indent column count ('f' only)
+ "M"..string.sub(mail,1,128).."\10", -- mail when printed user@host
+ "N"..string.sub(filename,1,131).."\10", -- name of source file
+ "P"..string.sub(user,1,31).."\10", -- user name
+ "T"..string.sub(title,1,79).."\10", -- title for banner ('p' only)
+ "W"..tonumber(width or 132).."\10", -- width of print f,l,p only
+ "f"..file.."\10", -- formatted print (remove control chars)
+ "l"..file.."\10", -- print
+ "o"..file.."\10", -- postscript
+ "p"..file.."\10", -- pr format - requires T, L
+ "r"..file.."\10", -- fortran format
+ "U"..file.."\10", -- Unlink (data file only)
+-- generate a varying job number
+local seq = 0
+local function newjob(connection)
+ seq = seq + 1
+ return math.floor(socket.gettime() * 1000 + seq)%1000
+local format_codes = {
+ binary = 'l',
+ text = 'f',
+ ps = 'o',
+ pr = 'p',
+ fortran = 'r',
+ l = 'l',
+ r = 'r',
+ o = 'o',
+ p = 'p',
+ f = 'f'
+-- lp.send{option}
+-- requires option.file
+send = socket.protect(function(option)
+ socket.try(option and base.type(option) == "table", "invalid options")
+ local file = option.file
+ socket.try(file, "invalid file name")
+ local fh = socket.try(,"rb"))
+ local datafile_size = fh:seek("end") -- get total size
+ fh:seek("set") -- go back to start of file
+ local localhost = socket.dns.gethostname() or os.getenv("COMPUTERNAME")
+ or "localhost"
+ local con = connect(localhost, option)
+-- format the control file
+ local jobno = newjob()
+ local localip = socket.dns.toip(localhost)
+ localhost = string.sub(localhost,1,31)
+ local user = string.sub(option.user or os.getenv("LPRUSER") or
+ os.getenv("USERNAME") or os.getenv("USER") or "anonymous", 1,31)
+ local lpfile = string.format("dfA%3.3d%-s", jobno, localhost);
+ local fmt = format_codes[option.format] or 'l'
+ local class = string.sub(option.class or localip or localhost,1,31)
+ local _,_,ctlfn = string.find(file,".*[%/%\\](.*)")
+ ctlfn = string.sub(ctlfn or file,1,131)
+ local cfile =
+ string.format("H%-s\nC%-s\nJ%-s\nP%-s\n%.1s%-s\nU%-s\nN%-s\n",
+ localhost,
+ class,
+ option.job or "LuaSocket",
+ user,
+ fmt, lpfile,
+ lpfile,
+ ctlfn); -- mandatory part of ctl file
+ if (option.banner) then cfile = cfile .. 'L'..user..'\10' end
+ if (option.indent) then cfile = cfile .. 'I'..base.tonumber(option.indent)..'\10' end
+ if (option.mail) then cfile = cfile .. 'M'..string.sub((option.mail),1,128)..'\10' end
+ if (fmt == 'p' and option.title) then cfile = cfile .. 'T'..string.sub((option.title),1,79)..'\10' end
+ if ((fmt == 'p' or fmt == 'l' or fmt == 'f') and option.width) then
+ cfile = cfile .. 'W'..base.tonumber(option,width)..'\10'
+ end
+ con.skt:settimeout(option.timeout or 65)
+-- send the queue header
+ send_queue(con, option.queue)
+-- send the control file header
+ local cfilecmd = string.format("\2%d cfA%3.3d%-s\n",string.len(cfile), jobno, localhost);
+ send_hdr(con,cfilecmd)
+-- send the control file
+ send_control(con,cfile)
+-- send the data file header
+ local dfilecmd = string.format("\3%d dfA%3.3d%-s\n",datafile_size, jobno, localhost);
+ send_hdr(con,dfilecmd)
+-- send the data file
+ send_data(con,fh,datafile_size)
+ fh:close()
+ con.skt:close();
+ return jobno, datafile_size
+-- lp.query({host=,queue=printer|'*', format='l'|'s', list=})
+query = socket.protect(function(p)
+ p = p or {}
+ local localhost = socket.dns.gethostname() or os.getenv("COMPUTERNAME")
+ or "localhost"
+ local con = connect(localhost,p)
+ local fmt
+ if string.sub(p.format or 's',1,1) == 's' then fmt = 3 else fmt = 4 end
+ con.try(con.skt:send(string.format("%c%s %s\n", fmt, p.queue or "*",
+ p.list or "")))
+ local data = con.try(con.skt:receive("*a"))
+ con.skt:close()
+ return data