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+ "">
+<meta name="description" content="LuaSocket: SMTP support">
+<meta name="keywords" content="Lua, LuaSocket, SMTP, E-Mail, MIME, Multipart,
+Library, Support">
+<title>LuaSocket: SMTP support</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="reference.css" type="text/css">
+<!-- header +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
+<div class=header>
+<table summary="LuaSocket logo">
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+<img width=128 height=128 border=0 alt="LuaSocket" src="luasocket.png">
+<tr><td align=center valign=top>Network support for the Lua language
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+<!-- smtp +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
+<h2 id=smtp>SMTP</h2>
+<p> The <tt>smtp</tt> namespace provides functionality to send e-mail
+messages. The high-level API consists of two functions: one to
+define an e-mail message, and another to actually send the message.
+Although almost all users will find that these functions provide more than
+enough functionality, the underlying implementation allows for even more
+control (if you bother to read the code).
+<p>The implementation conforms to the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,
+<a href="">RFC 2821</a>.
+Another RFC of interest is <a
+href="">RFC 2822</a>,
+which governs the Internet Message Format.
+Multipart messages (those that contain attachments) are part
+of the MIME standard, but described mainly
+in <a href="">RFC
+<p> In the description below, good understanding of <a
+href=""> LTN012, Filters
+sources and sinks</a> and the <a href=mime.html>MIME</a> module is
+assumed. In fact, the SMTP module was the main reason for their
+creation. </p>
+To obtain the <tt>smtp</tt> namespace, run:
+<pre class=example>
+-- loads the SMTP module and everything it requires
+local smtp = require("socket.smtp")
+MIME headers are represented as a Lua table in the form:
+<table summary="MIME headers in Lua table">
+headers = {<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;field-1-name = <i>field-1-value</i>,<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;field-2-name = <i>field-2-value</i>,<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;field-3-name = <i>field-3-value</i>,<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;field-n-name = <i>field-n-value</i><br>
+Field names are case insensitive (as specified by the standard) and all
+functions work with lowercase field names.
+Field values are left unmodified.
+<p class=note>
+Note: MIME headers are independent of order. Therefore, there is no problem
+in representing them in a Lua table.
+The following constants can be set to control the default behavior of
+the SMTP module:
+<li> <tt>DOMAIN</tt>: domain used to greet the server;
+<li> <tt>PORT</tt>: default port used for the connection;
+<li> <tt>SERVER</tt>: default server used for the connection;
+<li> <tt>TIMEOUT</tt>: default timeout for all I/O operations;
+<li> <tt>ZONE</tt>: default time zone.
+<!-- send +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
+<p class=name id=send>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;from = <i>string</i>,<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;rcpt = <i>string</i> or <i>string-table</i>,<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;source = <i>LTN12 source</i>,<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;[user = <i>string</i>,]<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;[password = <i>string</i>,]<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;[server = <i>string</i>,]<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;[port = <i>number</i>,]<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;[domain = <i>string</i>,]<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;[step = <i>LTN12 pump step</i>,]<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;[create = <i>function</i>]<br>
+<p class=description>
+Sends a message to a recipient list. Since sending messages is not as
+simple as downloading an URL from a FTP or HTTP server, this function
+doesn't have a simple interface. However, see the
+<a href=#message><tt>message</tt></a> source factory for
+a very powerful way to define the message contents.
+<p class=parameters>
+The sender is given by the e-mail address in the <tt>from</tt> field.
+<tt>Rcpt</tt> is a Lua table with one entry for each recipient e-mail
+address, or a string
+in case there is just one recipient.
+The contents of the message are given by a <em>simple</em>
+<a href="">LTN12</a>
+<tt>source</tt>. Several arguments are optional:
+<li> <tt>user</tt>, <tt>password</tt>: User and password for
+authentication. The function will attempt LOGIN and PLAIN authentication
+methods if supported by the server (both are unsafe);
+<li> <tt>server</tt>: Server to connect to. Defaults to "localhost";
+<li> <tt>port</tt>: Port to connect to. Defaults to 25;
+<li> <tt>domain</tt>: Domain name used to greet the server; Defaults to the
+local machine host name;
+<li> <tt>step</tt>:
+<a href="">LTN12</a>
+pump step function used to pass data from the
+source to the server. Defaults to the LTN12 <tt>pump.step</tt> function;
+<li><tt>create</tt>: An optional function to be used instead of
+<a href=tcp.html#socket.tcp><tt>socket.tcp</tt></a> when the communications socket is created.
+<p class=return>
+If successful, the function returns 1. Otherwise, the function returns
+<b><tt>nil</tt></b> followed by an error message.
+<p class=note>
+Note: SMTP servers can be very picky with the format of e-mail
+addresses. To be safe, use only addresses of the form
+"<tt>&lt;;</tt>" in the <tt>from</tt> and
+<tt>rcpt</tt> arguments to the <tt>send</tt> function. In headers, e-mail
+addresses can take whatever form you like. </p>
+<p class=note>
+Big note: There is a good deal of misconception with the use of the
+destination address field headers, i.e., the '<tt>To</tt>', '<tt>Cc</tt>',
+and, more importantly, the '<tt>Bcc</tt>' headers. Do <em>not</em> add a
+'<tt>Bcc</tt>' header to your messages because it will probably do the
+exact opposite of what you expect.
+<p class=note>
+Only recipients specified in the <tt>rcpt</tt> list will receive a copy of the
+message. Each recipient of an SMTP mail message receives a copy of the
+message body along with the headers, and nothing more. The headers
+<em>are</em> part of the message and should be produced by the
+<a href="">LTN12</a>
+<tt>source</tt> function. The <tt>rcpt</tt> list is <em>not</em>
+part of the message and will not be sent to anyone.
+<p class=note>
+<a href="">RFC 2822</a>
+has two <em>important and short</em> sections, "3.6.3. Destination address
+fields" and "5. Security considerations", explaining the proper
+use of these headers. Here is a summary of what it says:
+<li> <tt>To</tt>: contains the address(es) of the primary recipient(s)
+of the message;
+<li> <tt>Cc</tt>: (where the "Cc" means "Carbon Copy" in the sense of
+making a copy on a typewriter using carbon paper) contains the
+addresses of others who are to receive the message, though the
+content of the message may not be directed at them;
+<li> <tt>Bcc</tt>: (where the "Bcc" means "Blind Carbon
+Copy") contains addresses of recipients of the message whose addresses are not to be revealed to other recipients of the message.
+<p class=note>
+The LuaSocket <tt>send</tt> function does not care or interpret the
+headers you send, but it gives you full control over what is sent and
+to whom it is sent:
+<li> If someone is to receive the message, the e-mail address <em>has</em>
+to be in the recipient list. This is the only parameter that controls who
+gets a copy of the message;
+<li> If there are multiple recipients, none of them will automatically
+know that someone else got that message. That is, the default behavior is
+similar to the <tt>Bcc</tt> field of popular e-mail clients;
+<li> It is up to you to add the <tt>To</tt> header with the list of primary
+recipients so that other recipients can see it;
+<li> It is also up to you to add the <tt>Cc</tt> header with the
+list of additional recipients so that everyone else sees it;
+<li> Adding a header <tt>Bcc</tt> is nonsense, unless it is
+empty. Otherwise, everyone receiving the message will see it and that is
+exactly what you <em>don't</em> want to happen!
+<p class=note>
+I hope this clarifies the issue. Otherwise, please refer to
+<a href="">RFC 2821</a>
+<a href="">RFC 2822</a>.
+<pre class=example>
+-- load the smtp support
+local smtp = require("socket.smtp")
+-- Connects to server "localhost" and sends a message to users
+-- "", "",
+-- and "".
+-- Note that "fulano" is the primary recipient, "beltrano" receives a
+-- carbon copy and neither of them knows that "sicrano" received a blind
+-- carbon copy of the message.
+from = "&lt;;"
+rcpt = {
+ "&lt;;",
+ "&lt;;",
+ "&lt;;"
+mesgt = {
+ headers = {
+ to = "Fulano da Silva &lt;;",
+ cc = '"Beltrano F. Nunes" &lt;;',
+ subject = "My first message"
+ },
+ body = "I hope this works. If it does, I can send you another 1000 copies."
+r, e = smtp.send{
+ from = from,
+ rcpt = rcpt,
+ source = smtp.message(mesgt)
+<!-- message ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
+<p class=name id=message>
+<p class=description>
+Returns a <em>simple</em>
+<a href="">LTN12</a> source that sends an SMTP message body, possibly multipart (arbitrarily deep).
+<p class=parameters>
+The only parameter of the function is a table describing the message.
+<tt>Mesgt</tt> has the following form (notice the recursive structure):
+<table summary="Mesgt table structure">
+mesgt = {<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;headers = <i>header-table</i>,<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;body = <i>LTN12 source</i> or <i>string</i> or
+multipart-mesgt = {<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;[preamble = <i>string</i>,]<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;[1] = <i>mesgt</i>,<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;[2] = <i>mesgt</i>,<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;[<i>n</i>] = <i>mesgt</i>,<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;[epilogue = <i>string</i>,]<br>
+<p class=parameters>
+For a simple message, all that is needed is a set of <tt>headers</tt>
+and the <tt>body</tt>. The message <tt>body</tt> can be given as a string
+or as a <em>simple</em>
+<a href="">LTN12</a>
+source. For multipart messages, the body is a table that
+recursively defines each part as an independent message, plus an optional
+<tt>preamble</tt> and <tt>epilogue</tt>.
+<p class=return>
+The function returns a <em>simple</em>
+<a href="">LTN12</a>
+source that produces the
+message contents as defined by <tt>mesgt</tt>, chunk by chunk.
+Hopefully, the following
+example will make things clear. When in doubt, refer to the appropriate RFC
+as listed in the introduction. </p>
+<pre class=example>
+-- load the smtp support and its friends
+local smtp = require("socket.smtp")
+local mime = require("mime")
+local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
+-- creates a source to send a message with two parts. The first part is
+-- plain text, the second part is a PNG image, encoded as base64.
+source = smtp.message{
+ headers = {
+ -- Remember that headers are *ignored* by smtp.send.
+ from = "Sicrano de Oliveira &lt;;",
+ to = "Fulano da Silva &lt;;",
+ subject = "Here is a message with attachments"
+ },
+ body = {
+ preamble = "If your client doesn't understand attachments, \r\n" ..
+ "it will still display the preamble and the epilogue.\r\n" ..
+ "Preamble will probably appear even in a MIME enabled client.",
+ -- first part: no headers means plain text, us-ascii.
+ -- The mime.eol low-level filter normalizes end-of-line markers.
+ [1] = {
+ body = mime.eol(0, [[
+ Lines in a message body should always end with CRLF.
+ The smtp module will *NOT* perform translation. However, the
+ send function *DOES* perform SMTP stuffing, whereas the message
+ function does *NOT*.
+ ]])
+ },
+ -- second part: headers describe content to be a png image,
+ -- sent under the base64 transfer content encoding.
+ -- notice that nothing happens until the message is actually sent.
+ -- small chunks are loaded into memory right before transmission and
+ -- translation happens on the fly.
+ [2] = {
+ headers = {
+ ["content-type"] = 'image/png; name="image.png"',
+ ["content-disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="image.png"',
+ ["content-description"] = 'a beautiful image',
+ ["content-transfer-encoding"] = "BASE64"
+ },
+ body = ltn12.source.chain(
+ ltn12.source.file("image.png", "rb")),
+ ltn12.filter.chain(
+ mime.encode("base64"),
+ mime.wrap()
+ )
+ )
+ },
+ epilogue = "This might also show up, but after the attachments"
+ }
+-- finally send it
+r, e = smtp.send{
+ from = "&lt;;",
+ rcpt = "&lt;;",
+ source = source,
+<!-- footer +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
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+Last modified by Diego Nehab on <br>
+Thu Apr 20 00:25:51 EDT 2006