path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luasocket/doc/http.html
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- "">
-<meta name="description" content="LuaSocket: HTTP support">
-<meta name="keywords" content="Lua, HTTP, Library, WWW, Browser, Network, Support">
-<title>LuaSocket: HTTP support</title>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="reference.css" type="text/css">
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-<tr><td align=center valign=top>Network support for the Lua language
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-<!-- http +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
-<h2 id="http">HTTP</h2>
-HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) is the protocol used to exchange
-information between web-browsers and servers. The <tt>http</tt>
-namespace offers full support for the client side of the HTTP
-protocol (i.e.,
-the facilities that would be used by a web-browser implementation). The
-implementation conforms to the HTTP/1.1 standard,
-<a href="">RFC 2616</a>.
-The module exports functions that provide HTTP functionality in different
-levels of abstraction. From the simple
-string oriented requests, through generic
-<a href="">LTN12</a> based, down to even lower-level if you bother to look through the source code.
-To obtain the <tt>http</tt> namespace, run:
-<pre class=example>
--- loads the HTTP module and any libraries it requires
-local http = require("socket.http")
-URLs must conform to
-<a href="">RFC 1738</a>,
-that is, an URL is a string in the form:
-MIME headers are represented as a Lua table in the form:
-<table summary="MIME headers in Lua table">
-headers = {<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;field-1-name = <i>field-1-value</i>,<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;field-2-name = <i>field-2-value</i>,<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;field-3-name = <i>field-3-value</i>,<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;field-n-name = <i>field-n-value</i><br>
-Field names are case insensitive (as specified by the standard) and all
-functions work with lowercase field names (but see
-<a href=socket.html#headers.canonic><tt>socket.headers.canonic</tt></a>).
-Field values are left unmodified.
-<p class=note>
-Note: MIME headers are independent of order. Therefore, there is no problem
-in representing them in a Lua table.
-The following constants can be set to control the default behavior of
-the HTTP module:
-<li> <tt>PROXY</tt>: default proxy used for connections;
-<li> <tt>TIMEOUT</tt>: sets the timeout for all I/O operations;
-<li> <tt>USERAGENT</tt>: default user agent reported to server.
-<p class=note id="post">
-Note: These constants are global. Changing them will also
-change the behavior other code that might be using LuaSocket.
-<!-- http.request ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
-<p class=name id="request">
-http.<b>request(</b>url [, body]<b>)</b><br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;url = <i>string</i>,<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;[sink = <i>LTN12 sink</i>,]<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;[method = <i>string</i>,]<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;[headers = <i>header-table</i>,]<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;[source = <i>LTN12 source</i>],<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;[step = <i>LTN12 pump step</i>,]<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;[proxy = <i>string</i>,]<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;[redirect = <i>boolean</i>,]<br>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;[create = <i>function</i>]<br>
-<p class=description>
-The request function has two forms. The simple form downloads
-a URL using the <tt>GET</tt> or <tt>POST</tt> method and is based
-on strings. The generic form performs any HTTP method and is
-<a href=>LTN12</a> based.
-<p class=parameters>
-If the first argument of the <tt>request</tt> function is a string, it
-should be an <tt>url</tt>. In that case, if a <tt>body</tt>
-is provided as a string, the function will perform a <tt>POST</tt> method
-in the <tt>url</tt>. Otherwise, it performs a <tt>GET</tt> in the
-<p class=parameters>
-If the first argument is instead a table, the most important fields are
-the <tt>url</tt> and the <em>simple</em>
-<a href="">LTN12</a>
-<tt>sink</tt> that will receive the downloaded content.
-Any part of the <tt>url</tt> can be overridden by including
-the appropriate field in the request table.
-If authentication information is provided, the function
-uses the Basic Authentication Scheme (see <a href="#authentication">note</a>)
-to retrieve the document. If <tt>sink</tt> is <tt><b>nil</b></tt>, the
-function discards the downloaded data. The optional parameters are the
-<li><tt>method</tt>: The HTTP request method. Defaults to "GET";
-<li><tt>headers</tt>: Any additional HTTP headers to send with the request;
-<li><tt>source</tt>: <em>simple</em>
-<a href="">LTN12</a>
-source to provide the request body. If there
-is a body, you need to provide an appropriate "<tt>content-length</tt>"
-request header field, or the function will attempt to send the body as
-"<tt>chunked</tt>" (something few servers support). Defaults to the empty source;
-<a href="">LTN12</a>
-pump step function used to move data.
-Defaults to the LTN12 <tt>pump.step</tt> function.
-<li><tt>proxy</tt>: The URL of a proxy server to use. Defaults to no proxy;
-<li><tt>redirect</tt>: Set to <tt><b>false</b></tt> to prevent the
-function from automatically following 301 or 302 server redirect messages;
-<li><tt>create</tt>: An optional function to be used instead of
-<a href=tcp.html#socket.tcp><tt>socket.tcp</tt></a> when the communications socket is created.
-<p class=return>
-In case of failure, the function returns <tt><b>nil</b></tt> followed by an
-error message. If successful, the simple form returns the response
-body as a string, followed by the response status code, the response
-headers and the response status line. The generic function returns the same
-information, except the first return value is just the number 1 (the body
-goes to the <tt>sink</tt>).
-<p class=return>
-Even when the server fails to provide the contents of the requested URL (URL not found, for example),
-it usually returns a message body (a web page informing the
-URL was not found or some other useless page). To make sure the
-operation was successful, check the returned status <tt>code</tt>. For
-a list of the possible values and their meanings, refer to <a
-href="">RFC 2616</a>.
-<p class=description>
-Here are a few examples with the simple interface:
-<pre class=example>
--- load the http module
-local io = require("io")
-local http = require("socket.http")
-local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
--- connect to server "" and retrieves this manual
--- file from "~diego/professional/luasocket/http.html" and print it to stdout
- url = "",
- sink = ltn12.sink.file(io.stdout)
--- connect to server "" and tries to retrieve
--- "/private/index.html". Fails because authentication is needed.
-b, c, h = http.request("")
--- b returns some useless page telling about the denied access,
--- h returns authentication information
--- and c returns with value 401 (Authentication Required)
--- tries to connect to server "" to retrieve "/"
--- and fails because the host does not exist.
-r, e = http.request("")
--- r is nil, and e returns with value "host not found"
-<p class=description>
-And here is an example using the generic interface:
-<pre class=example>
--- load the http module
-http = require("socket.http")
--- Requests information about a document, without downloading it.
--- Useful, for example, if you want to display a download gauge and need
--- to know the size of the document in advance
-r, c, h = http.request {
- method = "HEAD",
- url = ""
--- r is 1, c is 200, and h would return the following headers:
--- h = {
--- date = "Tue, 18 Sep 2001 20:42:21 GMT",
--- server = "Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) (Red Hat/Linux)",
--- ["last-modified"] = "Wed, 05 Sep 2001 06:11:20 GMT",
--- ["content-length"] = 15652,
--- ["connection"] = "close",
--- ["content-Type"] = "text/html"
--- }
-<p class=note id="post">
-Note: When sending a POST request, simple interface adds a
-"<tt>Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded</tt>"
-header to the request. This is the type used by
-HTML forms. If you need another type, use the generic
-<p class=note id="authentication">
-Note: Some URLs are protected by their
-servers from anonymous download. For those URLs, the server must receive
-some sort of authentication along with the request or it will deny
-download and return status "401&nbsp;Authentication Required".
-<p class=note>
-The HTTP/1.1 standard defines two authentication methods: the Basic
-Authentication Scheme and the Digest Authentication Scheme, both
-explained in detail in
-<a href="">RFC 2068</a>.
-<p class=note>The Basic Authentication Scheme sends
-<tt>&lt;user&gt;</tt> and
-<tt>&lt;password&gt;</tt> unencrypted to the server and is therefore
-considered unsafe. Unfortunately, by the time of this implementation,
-the wide majority of servers and browsers support the Basic Scheme only.
-Therefore, this is the method used by the toolkit whenever
-authentication is required.
-<pre class=example>
--- load required modules
-http = require("socket.http")
-mime = require("mime")
--- Connect to server "" and tries to retrieve
--- "/private/index.html", using the provided name and password to
--- authenticate the request
-b, c, h = http.request("")
--- Alternatively, one could fill the appropriate header and authenticate
--- the request directly.
-r, c = http.request {
- url = "",
- headers = { authorization = "Basic " .. (mime.b64("fulano:silva")) }
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-Last modified by Diego Nehab on <br>
-Thu Apr 20 00:25:26 EDT 2006