path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luapplib/src/util/utilmemallc.h
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diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luapplib/src/util/utilmemallc.h b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luapplib/src/util/utilmemallc.h
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index 5471f4afb1c..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/luapplib/src/util/utilmemallc.h
+++ /dev/null
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-Using allocators defined here makes sense if there is a need to take a space for rather large amount of rather small objects.
-The basic idea is to take memory in reasonably large blocks and to distribute small chunks from those blocks. Once chunks are
-no longer needed, one can free them all at once, or free taken chunks individually.
-We define 3 types of allocators:
-1. HEAP - the simplest one, provides variable length memory chunks from larger blocks and frees them all on explicit
- request. There is no way to free individual objects, only the entire heap. The heap only grows, until freed.
-2. STOCK - provides variable length memory chunks from larger blocks, but allows to free individual objects as well as the
- entire stock. The stock grows and shrinks, by leaps and bounds, depending on parameters given during initialization.
-3. POOL - provides fixed size memory chunks from larger blocks. It allows to free individual chunks as well as the entire pool.
- In opposite to a stock, a pool also reuses a space reclaimed by freeing individual objects; before allocating a new block it
- firsts recycles freed chunks, if any.
-In general, memory chunks provided by allocators are never reallocated. Allocators do nothing with provided chunks until freed.
-Allocators are represented as small structures (several pointers and integers). We assume that such structures are either static
-variables, or members of larger structures. We don't bother to allocate a memory for them. Usage scheme is pretty similar for
- init() - just inititalize, don't allocate anything yet
- take() - take chunks
- take()
- take()
- ...
- free() - free the all at once
-For stocks and pools there is a possibility to give back individual chunks:
- init() - like above
- take() - take chunks
- take()
- take()
- back() - give chunks back when no longer needed
- take()
- back()
- ...
- free() - needed only if not all chunks have been given back
-All calls take a shell structure pointer as an argument. take() returns a void pointer, aligned according to used variant
-(8, 16, 32, 64). back() takes a void pointer as the second argument. It must be the pointer previously returned by take().
-back() can be called in any order and can obviously be plotted with take(). By default, after back()-ing all taken chunks, the
-stock returns to its initial state (zero memory used). A special KEEP flag can be used during initialization to prevent
-freeing the last (sole) allocated block. If KEEP option is used, the allocator always keeps a single segment for further
-allocations. This is necessary only when there is a risk that just several take() calls will be immediatelly followed by the
-same number of back() calls. KEEP flag prevents allocating and freeing rather large blocks just to serve several chunks. And
-this is actually important only if there are no other blocks taken, that is, if there is only one, nearly empty block in use.
-In other cases KEEP flag doesn't matter, but allocators takes care to always have a block for fast allocs.
-There is also clear() operation that frees all but the recent block. One can use it to free all chunks taken so far, but to
-make the allocator ready for further allocs. If either KEEP flag is used or clear() is called, soner or later the user have to
-call free() explicitly, to remove all the remaining memory kept by the allocator. There is no KEEP flag for heaps, as heaps
-don't allow to free individual chunks. And so, the heap never needs to make a decision if the last sole block should be removed
-or not. The user makes the decision by calling clear() vs free() respectively.
-A very last chunk taken can be quickly given back with
- pop(heap, taken, size) // for heap or stock
- pop(pool, taken) // for pool
-taken must be the chunk returned by the very last take(), size must be the size requested. If the chunk has been taken from
-the head block (more about blocks below), the block pointer returns to its previous position, as it was before the last take().
-If the chunk has been taken from the sole block beneatch the head, the entire sole block (containing just that single chunk)
-is freed. The pop() operation is different than back(); the popped chunk doesn't cause freeing the head block when its refcount
-gets zero. So pop() operation breaks the concept of stock that frees all the memory once all taken chunks are given back.
-on the other hand, if for some reason the very last taken chunk is to be ignored, pop() is better, as it doesn't cause blocks
-scattering. The popped chunk pointer will probably be returned by the very next call to take(). In case of heap, pop() is
-the only way to discard the chunk, as there is no back() operation.
-Buffer interface
-When heap or stock is used by parsers, the caller oftenly doesn't know how many space will be needed for a data (this doesn't
-apply to pools, which returns constant size memory chunks). Here is an interface for the allocator-as-bufer case (same for
-heap and stock):
- some(heap, atleast, &space);
- more(heap, taken, written, space);
- ...
- done(heap, taken, written);
-some() operation provides a data pointer to at least a given bytes. The actual space provided for writing is set to the third
-argument. The caller may write space-bytes. If more space is needed, more() operation takes care to provide a chunk for a given
-amount of bytes (space) and rewrites already written amount of bytes from a previous chunk to a new location. The function takes
-the pointer to the chunk previously taken; the one returned by some() or more(). This argument must not be NULL. If you don't want
-to copy a data, set written argument to zero. No matter if more() operation was used zero, one or multiple times, all the cycle must
-end with done(). Calls triple - some(), more() and done() - must not be interrupted by any other api calls. In particular, using take()
-or back() smells like a segfault. However, if there is a need discard the buffer being written (eg. input data error), instead of
-done() one may use
- giveup(heap, taken)
-If done() has already been called, pop() is the only option to discard the chunk
- pop(heap, taken, written)
-some() operation usually doesn't change the state of the heap, unless the heap head block is NULL, or atleast parameter is too
-large to fit the remaining block. more() usually changes the state, either by allocating a new head block, or by allocating
-a sole block just beneath the head (blocks and blocks tiling mechanism are described below). If a sole block has been taken for
-some large chunk subsequent calls to more() reallocate this sole block in place. It is assumed, that the size you request in subsequent
-calls generally grows. It is ok to request space-bytes, then call done() with written value less then requested. But the drawback
-is that if the chunk has already been allocated from a sole chunk, the space requested but not used is a waste.
-iof interface
-iof is an independent interface for buffers written/read byte-by-byte. When used together with allocators, it provides
-a convenient way to write byte data to the heap or stock, without a need for intermediate buffers. The buffer is setup with
- iof output, *O
- O = buffer_init(heap, &output); // doesn't allocate anything
- output = BUFFER_INIT(heap); // doesn't allocate anything
- O = &output;
-iof keeps pointers to the beginning of the buffer, end of buffer, and current position. Once the position reaches the end,
-the iof internal handler updates the buffer providing more space to write. When used in conjunction with heap or stock,
-the space to write is the space provided by the heap or stock. To start the buffer session:
- O = buffer_some(heap, O, atleast) // ensure iof *O to have atleast bytes to be written
-Once you are done with writing some chunk
- buffer_done(heap, O)
-instead of buffer_done(), one may also use
- iof_flush(O) // calls buffer_done() and buffer_some() again
-which updates the underlying heap or stock, and makes the iof ready for a new chunk. iof itself does not allocate a memory,
-so it doesn't need finalizer. iof_close(output) does nothing. To drop the buffer use:
- buffer_giveup(heap, O) // restore the from before buffer_some()
-More often then not, we need to specify a minimal space for buffer each time, eg. for memcpy() or so. The actual space left
-can be checked with iof_left(O). The entire space of recent chunk is O->space (eq. O->end - O->buf).
-Identical interface for heap and stock.
-Each alloctor structure keeps a pointer to a head block, initially NULL. Most of new chunks are taken from the head. Once the
-space left in the head block is to small to provide a chunk of requested size, a new head is created and the previous one is
-linked to the head (blocks form a linked list). A stock block is named a ream, a heap block is named a pyre, a pool block is
-named pile (we need to distinguish structure names in code but in the description below they are all called blocks). Every
-block knows a number of chunks taken from that block (refcont). A stock also keeps a number of freed chunks [actually only
-for statistics; in most cases it doesn't need an extra space in struct ream, as thies structure member lays in the place
-f padding bytes.]
-We change the head block only if the new block is allocated, but we never change the head backward. Once some block became
-->prev, it will never became a head again. This ensures that the allocator have the head block that usually has a lot of space
-for new allocs. This needs a special care when removing a block that is not a head block. We check if the next block to the one
-being removed is the head. If it is, and if its refcount is zero (and no KEEP flag is used) the head is removed as well.
-The basis of pools is similar to stocks and heaps, but there are some significant differences. A pool servers memory chunks of
-equal size, specified during initialization. This also means that the pool knows the boundaries of individual chunks (stock and
-heap doesn't). A pool provides iterators over chunks in use (taken but not given back yet). A pool shell structure keeps
-a pointer to a head block and a tail block (both may point a different block, the same block or NULL). This is necessary only
-for iterators to let the user follow the chunks from the first or from the last taken. The extra cost of maintaining both
-->head and ->tail is neglectable.
-Heap refcounting: whenever a new chunk is taken, the block refcount is incremented. It is never decremented, but plays an
-important role in block tiling algorithm (below). No KEEP flag is used here. All the blocks are removed on free(), all but
-recent are removed on clear().
-Stock refcounting: whenever a new chunk in taken from the block, the block refcount is incremented. Whenever the chunk is given
-back, the refcount is decremented. When the refcount gets zero, the block is removed and freed. To remove the block from the
-list (any block, not necessarily a head block), a stock needs 2-directional list; every block has ->next and ->prev links. The
-head block of the stock is freed only if this is the last (sole) block and no KEEP flag was used during initialization.
-Otherwise the block is just reset, becoming ready for further allocations - refcount gets zero, data space reset to an initial
-Pool refcounting: pretty much like with stocks, except that any chunk given back can be recycled on further take().
-Every allocated block starts with a private structure for next/prev links, data pointer, refcount. We call it a block ghost.
-Except from heap, individual chunks also need a ghost (chunk ghost) so that we are able to know from which block the chunk
-comes from once the chunk is given back by the user (heaps don't have back() operation so data chunks have no ghosts). We keep
-ghosts possibly small. Chunk ghosts are of size natural for alignment variant (1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes). Block ghosts are somewhat
-larger. Statistics show clearly that it is worthy to keep them as small as possible:
-- chunk ghosts keep offset to the block ghost, not a pointer to it (we use the pointer only if it makes no difference
- to the chunk size; 64-bit aligned variant on 64-bit machine, 32 and 64 variants on 32-bit machine)
-- block ghosts uses a data pointer (not an offset) so that we are able to record any requested chunk size (size_t) and to avoid
- long array indexing on every chunk request
-At some point we considered storing a sheel structure pointer in the block ghost, then back() operation wouldn't need an extra
-argument. But stats showed that the size of the block ghost is the most significant factor in memory usage efficiency, so eliminating
-this extra pointer pays off. Besides, this would make impossible to relocate the shell structure. We don't allocate a memory
-for the shell, so we shouldn't make assumptions of shell structure address.
-Tiling algorithm
-Tiling the block size refers to stocks and heaps that serves memory chunks of variable size. Both stock and heap performs best
-when the average size of requested chunks is a way smaller that the configured block size. But both also put no limitations on
-chunk sizes, so they need to cope with situation, where the requested size is quite large, eg. half of the block size or even
-more than the block size. Here is the algorithm used for blocks tiling:
-1. When the requested chunk size fills in the recent block, just serve it from that block. This is the best and hopefully the
- most common case.
-2. When the requested chunk size is larger that the space left in the recent block, the new block must be allocated. But there
-are two ways:
- a) either replace the head block with the new block so that the list of blocks is
- ... <- prev <- head so far <- new head
- b) or insert the block just "below the head", keeping the head intact,
- ... <- prev <- new single head <- head
-The first is the regular case. It is used when the space left in the head so far is small (can be neglected), and the requested
-size is relatively small (will fit the new block). If the space left in the head block is worthy to bother, or the requested
-chunk size is rather large, the new chunk is served from a single block, allocated just for that chunk. The block is of the
-size needed for that chunk. The block never becomes the head, no other chunks will be served from it (its refcount is
-permanently 1, until freed).
-Much depends on what is considered 'small, neglectable block space' and 'rather large chunk size'. The later is easier to
-imagine. When the requested size is larger than the block size used for a given allocator, then the size is definitelly
-considered large. When it is smaller than the block size, but still large enough to occupy most of the block size (grabbing
-quite some space for tiny chunks), it is also considered large. As the block size, what is considered 'large' can be spcified
-during initialization. A setup that works fine for me is (large = block_size / 2).
-Making a decision what is the left block space we can neglect is quite not obvious. At first approach we used a constant value,
-requested from the user during allocator initialization. But it is hard to select a good default. Now we compute this value
-from block params, by dividing a complete space occupied so far in the block by the number of chunks served from that block
-(the average size of chunks allocated from this block). We assume that the average chunk size (or smaller) is the space we can
-neglect. The logic behind is the following: if the space left in the block is larger than the average, it makes sense not to
-waste this space and keep it for further allocs. If the space left in the block is less than the average, there is only a little
-chance we will get a request for suitable size, so we sacrifice that space and we start allocating from a new block.
-Statistics showed a caveat in average == treshold approach. Suppose we have a block that has the average chunk size 16, there
-is 18 bytes left in the block (not neglectable), and the user request is 20 bytes. Allocating a single block for 20 bytes is
-bad, because the block ghost is 24 bytes (more internal than allocated memory). Allocating many of such blocks gives bad results;
-much more allocs than necessary, large waste. To avoid that, we help to neglect the remaining block space by checking if the
-space left is smaller than the block ghost size, which is an inevitable cost anyway.
-Stats below shows clearly that we should rather focus on "how to avoid producing sole-chunk blocks" instead of "how to feel the
-remaining space".
-Recycling applies only to pools. When a chunk is given back, it is inserted into a list of items for recycling. Every pool
-block keeps a head of that list. Once a chunk is given back, it is inserted as recycling head and the previous head is attached
-to a new head. Since every chunk is associated with a ghost, we use ghosts to store a link (pointer or offset) to another item
-for recycling. Note that the ghost always keeps either a link to the block it belongs to, or a link to another recyclable ghost
-of the same block. This is used by iteratos to distinguish the chunk currently in use from the chunk that has already been
-given back; if the link points the block, the chunk is in use.
-A pool block that has at least one recyclable chunk is called a squot. A pool shell structure keeps 2-directional list of
-squots. Once a pool block becomes a squot, it is inserted to that list. Once its all recyclable items has been used, it is
-removed from the squots list. In every moment, the pool has an access to a list of all squots, and therefore, to a list of all
-recyclable items.
-Whenever there is a request for a new chunk, at first it is served from the head block, as this is the easiest and the cheapest way.
-Once the recent block has no more place for new items, recycling list is used, starting from the head recyclable chunk of the head squot.
-In practise this is always the most recently reclaimed chunk ghost. During further allocs, a pool will first utilize all recyclables
-from all squots before allocating a new block.
-Some numbers. The test made on a stock8, block size 255 bytes, 10000 allocations, random chunk sizes from 1 to 32 bytes
-(average 16). These are rather tight constraints because of 255 buffer limit. First approach:
- blocks: 903 - this is the actual number of malloc() calls
- singles: 214, 23.70% of all blocks
- waste: 20.16% - total memory that was allocated but not requested by the user
- block ghosts 10.04%, plus single block ghosts 3.12%
- chunk ghosts 4.55%
- neglected block tails 2.45%
-After adding a test for left space that helps in 'neglect remainig space or make sole chunk block' decision:
- blocks: 723 - a way better
- singles 0
- waste: 19.04% - slightly better
- block ghosts 10.67%
- chunk ghosts 4.61%
- neglected block tails 3.76%
-The actual numbers vary depending on the buffer size, the average elements size and, of course, taken alignment variant. After
-some parameters tuning, on various tests we get 5-19% total waste for stocks, 3-14% total waste for heaps. But the basic scheme
-of statistics remains similar: we take relatively lots of space for blocks ghost (5-10% of total memory taken), some inevitable
-space for chunk ghosts (varies, 4-13% on various tests), and a little waste of neglected block tails (2-4%). Quite
-surprisingly, block ghosts are, in sum, oftenly more significant than individual chunk ghosts (for the test above over half of
-all the waste!). The number of block ghosts (equals the number of blocks) mostly depends on block size vs chunk size relation.
-But seemingly it is worthy to bother about the size of the block ghost and the number of blocks taken - the less the better.
-The waste of ghosts of individual objects (stock and pool) is inevitable, and depends only on the number/size of objects taken.
-We can't use smaller ghosts, we can't do better. Anyways, the least significant is the waste of neglected block tails.
-Pools stats are pretty similar, but more predictable because of known chunks size. A pool block ghost is somewhat larger
-structure because it keeps ->nextsquot / ->prevsquot pointers among ->next / ->prev. On the other hand, it doesn't need
-->unused counter, as for fixed-length chunks it can always be computed from the refcount and used data. Also somewhat larger
-block ghost structure is compensated by the fact that the are no tail block waste and there is no 'neglect or not' problem.
-Each allocator has 4 variants for 1, 2, 4, 8 bytes alignment respectively. Eg. stock32_take() always returns a pointer aligned
-to 4 bytes, heap64_take() returns a pointer aligned to 8 bytes. You can ask for any data length, but in practise you'll always
-obtain 1N, 2N, 4N or 8N. Alignment implies data padding unless the user requests for "aligned" sizes. In statistics the padding
-is not considered a waste.
-All heap, stock and pool may return zeroed memory chunks, depending on initial flags:
-There are also take0() variants that simply return memset(take(), 0, size), regardless the flag.
-#ifndef UTIL_MEM_ALLC_C
-#define UTIL_MEM_ALLC_C
-Common internals for allocators suite. A selection or all of the following defines (from api headers) should already be there:
- UTIL_MEM_HEAP_H // utilmemheap.h
- UTIL_MEM_STOCK_H // utilmemstock.h
- UTIL_MEM_POOL_H // utilmempool.h
-#include <string.h> // memset()
-#include <stdio.h> // printf()
-#include "utilmem.h"
-//#if defined(DEBUG) && debug != 0
-#if 1
-# define ASSERT8(cond) ((void)((cond) || (printf("8bit allocator assertion, %s:%d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #cond), 0)))
-# define ASSERT16(cond) ((void)((cond) || (printf("16bit allocator assertion, %s:%d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #cond), 0)))
-# define ASSERT32(cond) ((void)((cond) || (printf("32bit allocator assertion, %s:%d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #cond), 0)))
-# define ASSERT64(cond) ((void)((cond) || (printf("64bit allocator assertion, %s:%d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #cond), 0)))
-# define ASSERT8(cond) (void)0
-# define ASSERT16(cond) (void)0
-# define ASSERT32(cond) (void)0
-# define ASSERT64(cond) (void)0
-#if defined(UTIL_MEM_STOCK_H) || defined(UTIL_MEM_POOL_H)
-struct ghost8{
- uint8_t offset;
-struct ghost16 {
- uint16_t offset;
-#ifdef BIT32
-struct ghost32 {
- union {
- ream32 *ream;
- pile32 *pile;
- ghost32 *nextfree;
- void *block;
- };
-struct ghost32 {
- uint32_t offset;
-struct ghost64 {
- union {
- ream64 *ream;
- pile64 *pile;
- ghost64 *nextfree;
- void *block;
- };
-#ifdef BIT32
- uint8_t dummy[4]; // force 8
-All offsets related macro horror is here. Block is 4/8-bytes aligned (32/64 pointer size), ream->data is adjusted to 1/2/4/8-bytes accordingly.
-Therefore all offsets we store and pointers we cast, should be properly aligned. In all cases, sizes and offsets refers to bytes.
-We need data ghosts only to access the block. For 8 and 16 we use 8/16 bit offsets to keep the ghost smaller. For 32 and 64 we either use offset,
-or a pointer to the ream.
-malloc() is obviously expected to return a pointer properly allowed for all standard c-types. For 64-bit we can safely expect at least 8-bytes aligned.
-(at least, because long double may need 16 bytes on gcc64, or 8 bytes on msvc64, or weird on some exotics). On 32 bit machines pointers are 4 bytes
-aligned, even long long is 4-bytes aligned. But double on 32bit machine is 8-bytes aligned on windows, 4 bytes aligned in linux (compiler option
--malign-double makes it 8-bytes aligned). Anyways, we cannot expect that on 32bit machine the result of malloc is always 8-bytes aligned.
-This requires a very special treatment of 64-variant on 32bit machine: the first data ghost may need to be 4-bytes off. Should we ensure 4 bytes
-more from malloc just in case? Hmm padding will be there anyway, as we adjust ream->data size to bytes boundaries.
-In both 32/64bit environments, the ghost keeps a pointer to the block. On 32bit machine, the first chunk ghost address may need to be +4,
-as this is not ensured by malloc(). See struct ream64 {}. We have an extra test; the final ghost pointer will be properly aligned iff
- ((block & 7 == 0) && (sizeof(block64) & 7 == 0)) || ((block & 7 == 4) && (sizeof(block64) & 7 == 4)
-or in short
- ((block + 1) & 7) == 0
-otherwise it needs 4 bytes offset.
-#define pointer_tointeger(p) ((size_t)(p)) // & not allowed on pointer
-#define pointer_aligned32(p) ((pointer_tointeger(p) & 3) == 0)
-#define pointer_aligned64(p) ((pointer_tointeger(p) & 7) == 0)
-#define void_data(data) ((void *)(data))
-#define byte_data(data) ((uint8_t *)(data))
-/* top of the block ghost */
-#define block_top(block) (byte_data(block + 1))
-/* where the data begins */
-#define block_edge8(block) block_top(block)
-#define block_edge16(block) block_top(block)
-#define block_edge32(block) block_top(block)
-#ifdef BIT32
-# define ALIGN64ON32(block) (pointer_aligned64(block + 1) ? 0 : 4)
-# define block_edge64(block) (block_top(block) + ALIGN64ON32(block))
-# define block_edge64(block) block_top(block)
-#define block_left8(block, size) (size)
-#define block_left16(block, size) (size)
-#define block_left32(block, size) (size)
-#ifdef BIT32
-# define block_left64(block, size) (size - ALIGN64ON32(block))
-# define block_left64(block, size) (size)
-/* consumed block space; it is important to use edge() macros that involves ALIGN64ON32() */
-#define block_used8(block) (block->data - block_edge8(block))
-#define block_used16(block) (block->data - block_edge16(block))
-#define block_used32(block) (block->data - block_edge32(block))
-#define block_used64(block) (block->data - block_edge64(block))
-/* align requested size to keep ream->data / pyre->data always aligned. size is always size_t, no insane overflow checks */
-#define align_size8(size) ((void)size)
-#define align_size16(size) (size = aligned_size16(size))
-#define align_size32(size) (size = aligned_size32(size))
-#define align_size64(size) (size = aligned_size64(size))
-done() and pop() operations decrements block->left space by an aligned size; block->left -= alignedwritten. Lets have 8-bytes aligned
-variant block. If we tell the user there is 15 bytes left (block->left == 15) and the user taked 12. Aligned is 16, we cannot substract.
-We could eventually set block->left to 0, but then pop() operation would no be allowed. Hance, block->left must be aligned. The procedure
-is different than for size (size_t), we cannot cross 0xff/0xffff,... bondaries.
-#define align_space8(space) ((void)space)
-#define align_space16(space) (space = aligned_space16(space))
-#define align_space32(space) (space = aligned_space32(space))
-#define align_space64(space) (space = aligned_space64(space))
-/* handling ghost structure (stock and pool) */
-#if defined(UTIL_MEM_STOCK_H) || defined(UTIL_MEM_POOL_H)
-/* ghost offset from block top; not from bottom because we must not exceed offset limit */
-#define ghost_offset(block, ghost) (byte_data(ghost) - block_top(block))
-/* ghost <-> data */
-#define ghost_data(ghost) ((void *)(ghost + 1))
-/* cast from data to ghost structure goes via (void *) to shut up warnigns, alignment ok */
-#define data_ghost8(data) (((ghost8 *)void_data(data)) - 1)
-#define data_ghost16(data) (((ghost16 *)void_data(data)) - 1)
-#define data_ghost32(data) (((ghost32 *)void_data(data)) - 1)
-#define data_ghost64(data) (((ghost64 *)void_data(data)) - 1)
-/* ghost <-> block */
-#define ghost_block8(ghost, block8) ((block8 *)void_data(byte_data(ghost) - ghost->offset - sizeof(block8)))
-#define ghost_block16(ghost, block16) ((block16 *)void_data(byte_data(ghost) - ghost->offset - sizeof(block16)))
-#ifdef BIT32
-# define ghost_block32(ghost, block32) (ghost->block)
-# define ghost_block32(ghost, block32) ((block32 *)void_data(byte_data(ghost) - ghost->offset - sizeof(block32)))
-#define ghost_block64(ghost, block64) (ghost->block)
-/* ghost init */
-#define ghost_next8(block, ghost) ((ghost = block->dataghost), (ghost->offset = (uint8_t)ghost_offset(block, ghost)))
-#define ghost_next16(block, ghost) ((ghost = block->dataghost), (ghost->offset = (uint16_t)ghost_offset(block, ghost)))
-#ifdef BIT32
-# define ghost_next32(bl0ck, ghost) ((ghost = bl0ck->dataghost), (ghost->block = bl0ck))
-# define ghost_next32(block, ghost) ((ghost = block->dataghost), (ghost->offset = (uint32_t)ghost_offset(block, ghost)))
-#define ghost_next64(bl0ck, ghost) ((ghost = bl0ck->dataghost), (ghost->block = bl0ck))
-/* average block chunk size */
-#define average_block_chunk8(ream) (block_used8(ream) / ream->chunks)
-#define average_block_chunk16(ream) (block_used16(ream) / ream->chunks)
-#define average_block_chunk32(ream) (block_used32(ream) / ream->chunks)
-#define average_block_chunk64(ream) (block_used64(ream) / ream->chunks)
-neglect remaining block tail and start a new block or create a single block; a test for (block->chunks > 0) is a sanity;
-if block->chunks is zero (block has a full space left), we shouldn't get there, except when alloc->large is larger then alloc->space
-#define take_new_block8(alloc, ghoststruct, block, size) \
- ((size < alloc->large) && (block->left <= sizeof(ghoststruct) || (block->chunks > 0 && block->left <= average_block_chunk8(block))))
-#define take_new_block16(alloc, ghoststruct, block, size) \
- ((size < alloc->large) && (block->left <= sizeof(ghoststruct) || (block->chunks > 0 && block->left <= average_block_chunk16(block))))
-#define take_new_block32(alloc, ghoststruct, block, size) \
- ((size < alloc->large) && (block->left <= sizeof(ghoststruct) || (block->chunks > 0 && block->left <= average_block_chunk32(block))))
-#define take_new_block64(alloc, ghoststruct, block, size) \
- ((size < alloc->large) && (block->left <= sizeof(ghoststruct) || (block->chunks > 0 && block->left <= average_block_chunk64(block))))
-/* empty */
-#define head_block_empty(alloc, block) (((block = alloc->head) == NULL) || (block->chunks == 0 && block->prev == NULL))
-#endif \ No newline at end of file