path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/lmplib.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/lmplib.c')
1 files changed, 1251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/lmplib.c b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/lmplib.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a194f9a55d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/lmplib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1251 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#ifndef pdfTeX
+#include <lua.h>
+#include <lauxlib.h>
+#include <lualib.h>
+#include <../lua51/lua.h>
+#include <../lua51/lauxlib.h>
+#include <../lua51/lualib.h>
+#include "mplib.h"
+#include "mpmp.h"
+#include "mppsout.h" /* for mp_edge_object */
+#define MPLIB_METATABLE "MPlib"
+#define MPLIB_FIG_METATABLE "MPlib.fig"
+#define mplib_init_S(a) do { \
+ lua_pushliteral(L,#a); \
+ mplib_##a##_ptr = (char *)lua_tostring(L,-1); \
+ mplib_##a##_index = luaL_ref (L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); \
+ } while (0)
+#define mplib_push_S(a) do { \
+ lua_rawgeti(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX,mplib_##a##_index); \
+ } while (0)
+#define mplib_is_S(a,i) (mplib_##a##_ptr==(char *)lua_tostring(L,i))
+#define mplib_make_S(a) \
+ static int mplib_##a##_index = 0; \
+ static char *mplib_##a##_ptr = NULL
+static int mplib_type_Ses[mp_special_code+1] = {0}; /* [0] is not used */
+void mplib_init_Ses(lua_State *L) {
+ mplib_init_S(fill);
+ mplib_init_S(outline);
+ mplib_init_S(text);
+ mplib_init_S(start_bounds);
+ mplib_init_S(stop_bounds);
+ mplib_init_S(start_clip);
+ mplib_init_S(stop_clip);
+ mplib_init_S(special);
+ mplib_type_Ses[mp_fill_code] = mplib_fill_index;
+ mplib_type_Ses[mp_stroked_code] = mplib_outline_index;
+ mplib_type_Ses[mp_text_code] = mplib_text_index;
+ mplib_type_Ses[mp_start_bounds_code] = mplib_start_bounds_index;
+ mplib_type_Ses[mp_stop_bounds_code] = mplib_stop_bounds_index;
+ mplib_type_Ses[mp_start_clip_code] = mplib_start_clip_index;
+ mplib_type_Ses[mp_stop_clip_code] = mplib_stop_clip_index;
+ mplib_type_Ses[mp_special_code] = mplib_special_index;
+ mplib_init_S(left_type);
+ mplib_init_S(right_type);
+ mplib_init_S(x_coord);
+ mplib_init_S(y_coord);
+ mplib_init_S(left_x);
+ mplib_init_S(left_y);
+ mplib_init_S(right_x);
+ mplib_init_S(right_y);
+ mplib_init_S(color);
+ mplib_init_S(dash);
+ mplib_init_S(depth);
+ mplib_init_S(dsize);
+ mplib_init_S(font);
+ mplib_init_S(height);
+ mplib_init_S(htap);
+ mplib_init_S(linecap);
+ mplib_init_S(linejoin);
+ mplib_init_S(miterlimit);
+ mplib_init_S(path);
+ mplib_init_S(pen);
+ mplib_init_S(postscript);
+ mplib_init_S(prescript);
+ mplib_init_S(transform);
+ mplib_init_S(type);
+ mplib_init_S(width);
+#define xfree(A) if ((A)!=NULL) { free((A)); A = NULL; }
+#define is_mp(L,b) (MP *)luaL_checkudata(L,b,MPLIB_METATABLE)
+#define is_fig(L,b) (struct mp_edge_object **)luaL_checkudata(L,b,MPLIB_FIG_METATABLE)
+#define is_gr_object(L,b) (struct mp_graphic_object **)luaL_checkudata(L,b,MPLIB_GR_METATABLE)
+/* Enumeration string arrays */
+static const char *interaction_options[] =
+ { "unknown","batch","nonstop","scroll","errorstop", NULL};
+static const char *mplib_filetype_names[] =
+ {"term", "error", "mp", "log", "ps", "mem", "tfm", "map", "pfb", "enc", NULL};
+/* only "endpoint" and "explicit" actually happen in paths,
+ as well as "open" in elliptical pens */
+static const char *knot_type_enum[] =
+ { "endpoint", "explicit", "given", "curl", "open", "end_cycle" };
+/* object fields */
+static const char *fill_fields[] =
+ { "type", "path", "htap", "pen", "color", "linejoin", "miterlimit",
+ "prescript", "postscript", NULL };
+static const char *stroked_fields[] =
+ { "type", "path", "pen", "color", "linejoin", "miterlimit", "linecap", "dash",
+ "prescript", "postscript", NULL };
+static const char *text_fields[] =
+ { "type", "text", "dsize", "font", "color", "width", "height", "depth", "transform",
+ "prescript", "postscript", NULL };
+static const char *special_fields[] =
+ { "type", "prescript", NULL };
+static const char *start_bounds_fields[] =
+ { "type", "path", NULL };
+static const char *start_clip_fields[] =
+ { "type", "path", NULL };
+static const char *stop_bounds_fields[] =
+ { "type", NULL };
+static const char *stop_clip_fields[] =
+ { "type", NULL };
+static const char *no_fields[] =
+ { NULL };
+typedef enum {
+} mplib_parm_idx;
+typedef struct {
+ const char *name; /* parameter name */
+ mplib_parm_idx idx; /* parameter index */
+} mplib_parm_struct;
+static mplib_parm_struct mplib_parms[] = {
+ {"error_line", P_ERROR_LINE },
+ {"half_error_line", P_HALF_LINE },
+ {"max_print_line", P_MAX_LINE },
+ {"main_memory", P_MAIN_MEMORY },
+ {"hash_size", P_HASH_SIZE },
+ {"hash_prime", P_HASH_PRIME },
+ {"param_size", P_PARAM_SIZE },
+ {"max_in_open", P_IN_OPEN },
+ {"random_seed", P_RANDOM_SEED },
+ {"interaction", P_INTERACTION },
+ {"ini_version", P_INI_VERSION },
+ {"troff_mode", P_TROFF_MODE },
+ {"print_found_names", P_PRINT_NAMES },
+ {"mem_name", P_MEM_NAME },
+ {"job_name", P_JOB_NAME },
+ {"find_file", P_FIND_FILE },
+typedef struct _FILE_ITEM {
+ FILE *f;
+typedef struct _FILE_ITEM File;
+#define make_stream_buf(A) char *A; size_t A##_size; size_t A##_used
+#define free_stream_buf(A) xfree(mplib_data->A); mplib_data->A##_size = 0; mplib_data->A##_used = 0
+typedef struct _MPLIB_INSTANCE_DATA {
+ void *term_file_ptr;
+ void *err_file_ptr;
+ void *log_file_ptr;
+ void *ps_file_ptr;
+ make_stream_buf(term_out);
+ make_stream_buf(error_out);
+ make_stream_buf(log_out);
+ make_stream_buf(ps_out);
+ char *input_data;
+ char *input_data_ptr;
+ size_t input_data_len;
+ struct mp_edge_object *edges ;
+ lua_State *LL;
+typedef struct _MPLIB_INSTANCE_DATA mplib_instance;
+static mplib_instance *mplib_get_data (MP mp) {
+ return (mplib_instance *)mp->userdata;
+static mplib_instance *mplib_make_data (void) {
+ mplib_instance *mplib_data = malloc(sizeof(mplib_instance));
+ memset(mplib_data,0,sizeof(mplib_instance));
+ return mplib_data ;
+/* Start by defining all the callback routines for the library
+ * except |run_make_mpx| and |run_editor|.
+ */
+char *mplib_find_file (MP mp, const char *fname, const char *fmode, int ftype) {
+ mplib_instance *mplib_data = mplib_get_data(mp);
+ lua_State *L = mplib_data->LL;
+ lua_checkstack(L,4);
+ lua_getfield(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX,"mplib_file_finder");
+ if (lua_isfunction(L,-1)) {
+ char *s = NULL, *x = NULL;
+ lua_pushstring(L, fname);
+ lua_pushstring(L, fmode);
+ if (ftype >= mp_filetype_text) {
+ lua_pushnumber(L, ftype-mp_filetype_text);
+ } else {
+ lua_pushstring(L, mplib_filetype_names[ftype]);
+ }
+ if(lua_pcall(L,3,1,0) != 0) {
+ fprintf(stdout,"Error in mp.find_file: %s\n", (char *)lua_tostring(L,-1));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ x = (char *)lua_tostring(L,-1);
+ if (x!=NULL)
+ s = strdup(x);
+ lua_pop(L,1); /* pop the string */
+ return s;
+ } else {
+ lua_pop(L,1);
+ }
+ if (fmode[0] != 'r' || (! access (fname,R_OK)) || ftype) {
+ return strdup(fname);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static int
+mplib_find_file_function (lua_State *L) {
+ if (! (lua_isfunction(L,-1)|| lua_isnil(L,-1) )) {
+ return 1; /* error */
+ }
+ lua_pushstring(L, "mplib_file_finder");
+ lua_pushvalue(L,-2);
+ lua_rawset(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
+ return 0;
+void *mplib_open_file(MP mp, const char *fname, const char *fmode, int ftype) {
+ File *ff = malloc(sizeof (File));
+ if (ff) {
+ mplib_instance *mplib_data = mplib_get_data(mp);
+ ff->f = NULL;
+ if (ftype==mp_filetype_terminal) {
+ if (fmode[0] == 'r') {
+ ff->f = stdin;
+ } else {
+ xfree(mplib_data->term_file_ptr);
+ ff->f = malloc(1);
+ mplib_data->term_file_ptr = ff->f;
+ }
+ } else if (ftype==mp_filetype_error) {
+ xfree(mplib_data->err_file_ptr);
+ ff->f = malloc(1);
+ mplib_data->err_file_ptr = ff->f;
+ } else if (ftype == mp_filetype_log) {
+ xfree(mplib_data->log_file_ptr);
+ ff->f = malloc(1);
+ mplib_data->log_file_ptr = ff->f;
+ } else if (ftype == mp_filetype_postscript) {
+ xfree(mplib_data->ps_file_ptr);
+ ff->f = malloc(1);
+ mplib_data->ps_file_ptr = ff->f;
+ } else {
+ char realmode[3];
+ char *f = mplib_find_file(mp, fname,fmode,ftype);
+ if (f==NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ realmode[0] = *fmode;
+ realmode[1] = 'b';
+ realmode[2] = 0;
+ ff->f = fopen(f, realmode);
+ if ((fmode[0] == 'r') && (ff->f == NULL)) {
+ free(ff);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return ff;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static int
+mplib_get_char (void *f, mplib_instance *mplib_data) {
+ int c;
+ if (f==stdin && mplib_data->input_data != NULL) {
+ if (mplib_data->input_data_len==0) {
+ if (mplib_data->input_data_ptr!=NULL)
+ mplib_data->input_data_ptr = NULL;
+ else
+ mplib_data->input_data = NULL;
+ c = EOF;
+ } else {
+ mplib_data->input_data_len--;
+ c = *(mplib_data->input_data_ptr)++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ c = fgetc(f);
+ }
+ return c;
+static void
+mplib_unget_char (void *f, mplib_instance *mplib_data, int c) {
+ if (f==stdin && mplib_data->input_data_ptr != NULL) {
+ mplib_data->input_data_len++;
+ mplib_data->input_data_ptr--;
+ } else {
+ ungetc(c,f);
+ }
+char *mplib_read_ascii_file (MP mp, void *ff, size_t *size) {
+ char *s = NULL;
+ if (ff!=NULL) {
+ int c;
+ size_t len = 0, lim = 128;
+ mplib_instance *mplib_data = mplib_get_data(mp);
+ FILE *f = ((File *)ff)->f;
+ if (f==NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ *size = 0;
+ c = mplib_get_char(f,mplib_data);
+ if (c==EOF)
+ return NULL;
+ s = malloc(lim);
+ if (s==NULL) return NULL;
+ while (c!=EOF && c!='\n' && c!='\r') {
+ if (len==lim) {
+ s =realloc(s, (lim+(lim>>2)));
+ if (s==NULL) return NULL;
+ lim+=(lim>>2);
+ }
+ s[len++] = c;
+ c = mplib_get_char(f,mplib_data);
+ }
+ if (c=='\r') {
+ c = mplib_get_char(f,mplib_data);
+ if (c!=EOF && c!='\n')
+ mplib_unget_char(f,mplib_data,c);
+ }
+ s[len] = 0;
+ *size = len;
+ }
+ return s;
+#define APPEND_STRING(a,b) do { \
+ if ((mplib_data->a##_used+strlen(b))>=mplib_data->a##_size) { \
+ mplib_data->a##_size += 256+(mplib_data->a##_size)/5+strlen(b); \
+ mplib_data->a = realloc(mplib_data->a,mplib_data->a##_size); \
+ } \
+ (void)strcpy(mplib_data->a+mplib_data->a##_used,b); \
+ mplib_data->a##_used += strlen(b); \
+ } while (0)
+void mplib_write_ascii_file (MP mp, void *ff, const char *s) {
+ if (ff!=NULL) {
+ void *f = ((File *)ff)->f;
+ mplib_instance *mplib_data = mplib_get_data(mp);
+ if (f!=NULL) {
+ if (f==mplib_data->term_file_ptr) {
+ APPEND_STRING(term_out,s);
+ } else if (f==mplib_data->err_file_ptr) {
+ APPEND_STRING(error_out,s);
+ } else if (f==mplib_data->log_file_ptr) {
+ APPEND_STRING(log_out,s);
+ } else if (f==mplib_data->ps_file_ptr) {
+ APPEND_STRING(ps_out,s);
+ } else {
+ fprintf((FILE *)f,s);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void mplib_read_binary_file (MP mp, void *ff, void **data, size_t *size) {
+ (void)mp;
+ if (ff!=NULL) {
+ size_t len = 0;
+ FILE *f = ((File *)ff)->f;
+ if (f!=NULL)
+ len = fread(*data,1,*size,f);
+ *size = len;
+ }
+void mplib_write_binary_file (MP mp, void *ff, void *s, size_t size) {
+ (void)mp;
+ if (ff!=NULL) {
+ FILE *f = ((File *)ff)->f;
+ if (f!=NULL)
+ fwrite(s,size,1,f);
+ }
+void mplib_close_file (MP mp, void *ff) {
+ if (ff!=NULL) {
+ mplib_instance *mplib_data = mplib_get_data(mp);
+ void *f = ((File *)ff)->f;
+ if (f != NULL && f != mplib_data->term_file_ptr && f != mplib_data->err_file_ptr
+ && f != mplib_data->log_file_ptr && f != mplib_data->ps_file_ptr) {
+ fclose(f);
+ }
+ free(ff);
+ }
+int mplib_eof_file (MP mp, void *ff) {
+ if (ff!=NULL) {
+ mplib_instance *mplib_data = mplib_get_data(mp);
+ FILE *f = ((File *)ff)->f;
+ if (f==NULL)
+ return 1;
+ if (f==stdin && mplib_data->input_data != NULL) {
+ return (mplib_data->input_data_len==0);
+ }
+ return feof(f);
+ }
+ return 1;
+void mplib_flush_file (MP mp, void *ff) {
+ (void)mp;
+ (void)ff;
+ return ;
+#define APPEND_TO_EDGES(a) do { \
+ if (mplib_data->edges==NULL) { \
+ mplib_data->edges = hh; \
+ } else { \
+ struct mp_edge_object *p = mplib_data->edges; \
+ while (p->_next!=NULL) { p = p->_next; } \
+ p->_next = hh; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+void mplib_shipout_backend (MP mp, int h) {
+ struct mp_edge_object *hh = mp_gr_export(mp, h);
+ if (hh) {
+ mplib_instance *mplib_data = mplib_get_data(mp);
+ }
+static void
+mplib_setup_file_ops(struct MP_options * options) {
+ options->find_file = mplib_find_file;
+ options->open_file = mplib_open_file;
+ options->close_file = mplib_close_file;
+ options->eof_file = mplib_eof_file;
+ options->flush_file = mplib_flush_file;
+ options->write_ascii_file = mplib_write_ascii_file;
+ options->read_ascii_file = mplib_read_ascii_file;
+ options->write_binary_file = mplib_write_binary_file;
+ options->read_binary_file = mplib_read_binary_file;
+ options->shipout_backend = mplib_shipout_backend;
+static int
+mplib_new (lua_State *L) {
+ MP *mp_ptr;
+ mp_ptr = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(MP *));
+ if (mp_ptr) {
+ int i;
+ mplib_instance *mplib_data;
+ struct MP_options * options; /* instance options */
+ options = mp_options();
+ mplib_setup_file_ops(options);
+ mplib_data = mplib_make_data();
+ mplib_data->LL = L;
+ options->userdata = (void *)mplib_data;
+ options->noninteractive = 1; /* required ! */
+ options->print_found_names = 0;
+ if (lua_type(L,1)==LUA_TTABLE) {
+ for (i=0;mplib_parms[i].name!=NULL;i++) {
+ lua_getfield(L,1,mplib_parms[i].name);
+ if (lua_isnil(L,-1)) {
+ lua_pop(L,1);
+ continue; /* skip unset */
+ }
+ switch(mplib_parms[i].idx) {
+ case P_ERROR_LINE:
+ options->error_line = lua_tointeger(L,-1);
+ break;
+ case P_HALF_LINE:
+ options->half_error_line = lua_tointeger(L,-1);
+ break;
+ case P_MAX_LINE:
+ options->max_print_line = lua_tointeger(L,-1);
+ break;
+ options->main_memory = lua_tointeger(L,-1);
+ break;
+ case P_HASH_SIZE:
+ options->hash_size = lua_tointeger(L,-1);
+ break;
+ case P_HASH_PRIME:
+ options->hash_prime = lua_tointeger(L,-1);
+ break;
+ case P_PARAM_SIZE:
+ options->param_size = lua_tointeger(L,-1);
+ break;
+ case P_IN_OPEN:
+ options->max_in_open = lua_tointeger(L,-1);
+ break;
+ options->random_seed = lua_tointeger(L,-1);
+ break;
+ options->interaction = luaL_checkoption(L,-1,"errorstopmode", interaction_options);
+ break;
+ options->ini_version = lua_toboolean(L,-1);
+ break;
+ case P_TROFF_MODE:
+ options->troff_mode = lua_toboolean(L,-1);
+ break;
+ options->print_found_names = lua_toboolean(L,-1);
+ break;
+ /*
+ options->command_line = strdup((char *)lua_tostring(L,-1));
+ break;
+ */
+ case P_MEM_NAME:
+ options->mem_name = strdup((char *)lua_tostring(L,-1));
+ break;
+ case P_JOB_NAME:
+ options->job_name = strdup((char *)lua_tostring(L,-1));
+ break;
+ case P_FIND_FILE:
+ if(mplib_find_file_function(L)) { /* error here */
+ fprintf(stdout,"Invalid arguments to{find_file=...})\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ lua_pop(L,1);
+ }
+ }
+ *mp_ptr = mp_new(options);
+ xfree(options->command_line);
+ xfree(options->mem_name);
+ xfree(options->job_name);
+ free(options);
+ if (*mp_ptr) {
+ luaL_getmetatable(L,MPLIB_METATABLE);
+ lua_setmetatable(L,-2);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ return 1;
+static int
+mplib_collect (lua_State *L) {
+ MP *mp_ptr = is_mp(L,1);
+ xfree(*mp_ptr);
+ return 0;
+static int
+mplib_tostring (lua_State *L) {
+ MP *mp_ptr = is_mp(L,1);
+ if (*mp_ptr!=NULL) {
+ lua_pushfstring(L,"<MP %p>",*mp_ptr);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+mplib_wrapresults(lua_State *L, mplib_instance *mplib_data, int h) {
+ lua_checkstack(L,5);
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ if (mplib_data->term_out != NULL) {
+ lua_pushstring(L,mplib_data->term_out);
+ lua_setfield(L,-2,"term");
+ free_stream_buf(term_out);
+ }
+ if (mplib_data->error_out != NULL) {
+ lua_pushstring(L,mplib_data->error_out);
+ lua_setfield(L,-2,"error");
+ free_stream_buf(error_out);
+ }
+ if (mplib_data->log_out != NULL ) {
+ lua_pushstring(L,mplib_data->log_out);
+ lua_setfield(L,-2,"log");
+ free_stream_buf(log_out);
+ }
+ if (mplib_data->edges != NULL ) {
+ struct mp_edge_object **v;
+ struct mp_edge_object *p = mplib_data->edges;
+ int i = 1;
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ while (p!=NULL) {
+ v = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof(struct mp_edge_object *));
+ *v = p;
+ luaL_getmetatable(L,MPLIB_FIG_METATABLE);
+ lua_setmetatable(L,-2);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,i); i++;
+ p = p->_next;
+ }
+ lua_setfield(L,-2,"fig");
+ mplib_data->edges = NULL;
+ }
+ lua_pushnumber(L,h);
+ lua_setfield(L,-2,"status");
+ return 1;
+static int
+mplib_execute (lua_State *L) {
+ MP *mp_ptr = is_mp(L,1);
+ if (*mp_ptr!=NULL && lua_isstring(L,2)) {
+ int h;
+ mplib_instance *mplib_data = mplib_get_data(*mp_ptr);
+ mplib_data->input_data = (char *)lua_tolstring(L,2, &(mplib_data->input_data_len));
+ mplib_data->input_data_ptr = mplib_data->input_data;
+ if ((*mp_ptr)->run_state==0) {
+ h = mp_initialize(*mp_ptr);
+ }
+ h = mp_execute(*mp_ptr);
+ if (mplib_data->input_data_len!=0) {
+ mplib_data->input_data = NULL;
+ mplib_data->input_data_ptr = NULL;
+ mplib_data->input_data_len=0;
+ }
+ return mplib_wrapresults(L, mplib_data, h);
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int
+mplib_finish (lua_State *L) {
+ MP *mp_ptr = is_mp(L,1);
+ if (*mp_ptr!=NULL) {
+ mplib_instance *mplib_data = mplib_get_data(*mp_ptr);
+ int h = mp_finish(*mp_ptr);
+ return mplib_wrapresults(L, mplib_data, h);
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int
+mplib_statistics (lua_State *L) {
+ MP *mp_ptr = is_mp(L,1);
+ if (*mp_ptr!=NULL) {
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, mp_memory_usage (*mp_ptr));
+ lua_setfield(L,-2,"main_memory");
+ lua_pushnumber(L, mp_hash_usage (*mp_ptr));
+ lua_setfield(L,-2,"hash_size");
+ lua_pushnumber(L, mp_param_usage (*mp_ptr));
+ lua_setfield(L,-2,"param_size");
+ lua_pushnumber(L, mp_open_usage (*mp_ptr));
+ lua_setfield(L,-2,"max_in_open");
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* figure methods */
+static int
+mplib_fig_collect (lua_State *L) {
+ struct mp_edge_object **hh = is_fig(L,1);
+ if (*hh!=NULL) {
+ mp_gr_toss_objects (*hh);
+ *hh=NULL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+mplib_fig_body (lua_State *L) {
+ int i = 1;
+ struct mp_graphic_object **v;
+ struct mp_graphic_object *p;
+ struct mp_edge_object **hh = is_fig(L,1);
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ p = (*hh)->body;
+ while (p!=NULL) {
+ v = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof(struct mp_graphic_object *));
+ *v = p;
+ luaL_getmetatable(L,MPLIB_GR_METATABLE);
+ lua_setmetatable(L,-2);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,i); i++;
+ p = p->_link_field;
+ }
+ (*hh)->body = NULL; /* prevent double free */
+ return 1;
+static int
+mplib_fig_copy_body (lua_State *L) {
+ int i = 1;
+ struct mp_graphic_object **v;
+ struct mp_graphic_object *p;
+ struct mp_edge_object **hh = is_fig(L,1);
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ p = (*hh)->body;
+ while (p!=NULL) {
+ v = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof(struct mp_graphic_object *));
+ *v = mp_gr_copy_object((*hh)->_parent,p);
+ luaL_getmetatable(L,MPLIB_GR_METATABLE);
+ lua_setmetatable(L,-2);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,i); i++;
+ p = p->_link_field;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int
+mplib_fig_tostring (lua_State *L) {
+ struct mp_edge_object **hh = is_fig(L,1);
+ lua_pushfstring(L,"<figure %p>",*hh);
+ return 1;
+static int
+mp_wrapped_shipout (struct mp_edge_object *hh, int prologues, int procset) {
+ MP mp = hh->_parent;
+ if (setjmp(mp->jump_buf)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ mp_gr_ship_out(hh,prologues,procset);
+ return 1;
+static int
+mplib_fig_postscript (lua_State *L) {
+ struct mp_edge_object **hh = is_fig(L,1);
+ int prologues = luaL_optnumber(L,2,-1);
+ int procset = luaL_optnumber(L,3,-1);
+ mplib_instance *mplib_data = mplib_get_data((*hh)->_parent);
+ if (mplib_data->ps_out == NULL) {
+ if (mp_wrapped_shipout(*hh,prologues, procset)) {
+ if (mplib_data->ps_out!=NULL ) {
+ lua_pushstring(L, mplib_data->ps_out);
+ free_stream_buf(ps_out);
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ lua_pushstring(L,mplib_data->log_out);
+ xfree(mplib_data->ps_out);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ }
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ return 1;
+static int
+mplib_fig_filename (lua_State *L) {
+ struct mp_edge_object **hh = is_fig(L,1);
+ if (*hh!= NULL) {
+ char *s = (*hh)->_filename;
+ lua_pushstring(L,s);
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int
+mplib_fig_bb (lua_State *L) {
+ struct mp_edge_object **hh = is_fig(L,1);
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, (double)(*hh)->_minx/65536.0);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,1);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, (double)(*hh)->_miny/65536.0);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,2);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, (double)(*hh)->_maxx/65536.0);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,3);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, (double)(*hh)->_maxy/65536.0);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,4);
+ return 1;
+/* object methods */
+static int
+mplib_gr_collect (lua_State *L) {
+ struct mp_graphic_object **hh = is_gr_object(L,1);
+ if (*hh!=NULL) {
+ mp_gr_toss_object(*hh);
+ *hh=NULL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+mplib_gr_tostring (lua_State *L) {
+ struct mp_graphic_object **hh = is_gr_object(L,1);
+ lua_pushfstring(L,"<object %p>",*hh);
+ return 1;
+static int
+mplib_gr_fields (lua_State *L) {
+ const char **fields;
+ const char *f;
+ int i = 1;
+ struct mp_graphic_object **hh = is_gr_object(L,1);
+ if (*hh) {
+ switch ((*hh)->_type_field) {
+ case mp_fill_code: fields = fill_fields; break;
+ case mp_stroked_code: fields = stroked_fields; break;
+ case mp_text_code: fields = text_fields; break;
+ case mp_special_code: fields = special_fields; break;
+ case mp_start_clip_code: fields = start_clip_fields; break;
+ case mp_start_bounds_code: fields = start_bounds_fields; break;
+ case mp_stop_clip_code: fields = stop_clip_fields; break;
+ case mp_stop_bounds_code: fields = stop_bounds_fields; break;
+ default: fields = no_fields;
+ }
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ for (f = *fields; f != NULL; f++) {
+ lua_pushstring(L,f);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,i); i++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+ return 1;
+#define mplib_push_number(L,x) lua_pushnumber(L,(lua_Number)(x)/65536.0)
+#define MPLIB_PATH 0
+#define MPLIB_PEN 1
+static void
+mplib_push_path (lua_State *L, struct mp_knot *h, int is_pen) {
+ struct mp_knot *p; /* for scanning the path */
+ int i=1;
+ p=h;
+ if (p!=NULL) {
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ do {
+ lua_createtable(L,0,6);
+ if (!is_pen) {
+ if (p->left_type_field != mp_explicit) {
+ mplib_push_S(left_type);
+ lua_pushstring(L,knot_type_enum[p->left_type_field]);
+ lua_rawset(L,-3);
+ }
+ if (p->right_type_field != mp_explicit) {
+ mplib_push_S(right_type);
+ lua_pushstring(L,knot_type_enum[p->right_type_field]);
+ lua_rawset(L,-3);
+ }
+ }
+ mplib_push_S(x_coord);
+ mplib_push_number(L,p->x_coord_field);
+ lua_rawset(L,-3);
+ mplib_push_S(y_coord);
+ mplib_push_number(L,p->y_coord_field);
+ lua_rawset(L,-3);
+ mplib_push_S(left_x);
+ mplib_push_number(L,p->left_x_field);
+ lua_rawset(L,-3);
+ mplib_push_S(left_y);
+ mplib_push_number(L,p->left_y_field);
+ lua_rawset(L,-3);
+ mplib_push_S(right_x);
+ mplib_push_number(L,p->right_x_field);
+ lua_rawset(L,-3);
+ mplib_push_S(right_y);
+ mplib_push_number(L,p->right_y_field);
+ lua_rawset(L,-3);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,i); i++;
+ if ( p->right_type_field==mp_endpoint ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ p=p->next_field;
+ } while (p!=h) ;
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+#define set_color_objects(pq) \
+ object_color_model = pq->color_model_field; \
+ object_color_a = pq->color_field._a_val; \
+ object_color_b = pq->color_field._b_val; \
+ object_color_c = pq->color_field._c_val; \
+ object_color_d = pq->color_field._d_val;
+static void
+mplib_push_color (lua_State *L, struct mp_graphic_object *p ) {
+ int object_color_model;
+ int object_color_a, object_color_b, object_color_c, object_color_d ;
+ if (p!=NULL) {
+ if (p->_type_field == mp_fill_code) {
+ mp_fill_object *h = (mp_fill_object *)p;
+ set_color_objects(h);
+ } else if (p->_type_field == mp_stroked_code) {
+ mp_stroked_object *h = (mp_stroked_object *)p;
+ set_color_objects(h);
+ } else {
+ mp_text_object *h = (mp_text_object *)p;
+ set_color_objects(h);
+ }
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ if (object_color_model >= mp_grey_model) {
+ mplib_push_number(L,object_color_a);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,1);
+ if (object_color_model >= mp_rgb_model) {
+ mplib_push_number(L,object_color_b);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,2);
+ mplib_push_number(L,object_color_c);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,3);
+ if (object_color_model == mp_cmyk_model) {
+ mplib_push_number(L,object_color_d);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,4);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+/* the dash scale is not exported, the field has no external value */
+static void
+mplib_push_dash (lua_State *L, struct mp_stroked_object *h ) {
+ mp_dash_object *d;
+ if (h!=NULL && h->dash_p_field != NULL) {
+ d = h->dash_p_field;
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ mplib_push_number(L,d->offset_field);
+ lua_setfield(L,-2,"offset");
+ if (d->array_field!=NULL ) {
+ int i = 0;
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ while (*(d->array_field+i) != -1) {
+ mplib_push_number(L, *(d->array_field+1));
+ i++;
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,i);
+ }
+ lua_setfield(L,-2,"dashes");
+ }
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+static void
+mplib_push_transform (lua_State *L, struct mp_text_object *h ) {
+ int i = 1;
+ if (h!=NULL) {
+ lua_createtable(L,6,0);
+ mplib_push_number(L,h->tx_field);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,i); i++;
+ mplib_push_number(L,h->ty_field);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,i); i++;
+ mplib_push_number(L,h->txx_field);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,i); i++;
+ mplib_push_number(L,h->tyx_field);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,i); i++;
+ mplib_push_number(L,h->txy_field);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,i); i++;
+ mplib_push_number(L,h->tyy_field);
+ lua_rawseti(L,-2,i); i++;
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+#define FIELD(A) (mplib_is_S(A,2))
+static void
+mplib_fill_field (lua_State *L, struct mp_fill_object *h) {
+ if (FIELD(path)) {
+ mplib_push_path(L, h->path_p_field, MPLIB_PATH);
+ } else if (FIELD(htap)) {
+ mplib_push_path(L, h->htap_p_field, MPLIB_PATH);
+ } else if (FIELD(pen)) {
+ mplib_push_path(L, h->pen_p_field, MPLIB_PEN);
+ } else if (FIELD(color)) {
+ mplib_push_color(L,(mp_graphic_object *)h);
+ } else if (FIELD(linejoin)) {
+ lua_pushnumber(L,h->ljoin_field);
+ } else if (FIELD(miterlimit)) {
+ mplib_push_number(L,h->miterlim_field);
+ } else if (FIELD(prescript)) {
+ lua_pushstring(L,h->pre_script_field);
+ } else if (FIELD(postscript)) {
+ lua_pushstring(L,h->post_script_field);
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+static void
+mplib_stroked_field (lua_State *L, struct mp_stroked_object *h) {
+ if (FIELD(path)) {
+ mplib_push_path(L, h->path_p_field, MPLIB_PATH);
+ } else if (FIELD(pen)) {
+ mplib_push_path(L, h->pen_p_field, MPLIB_PEN);
+ } else if (FIELD(color)) {
+ mplib_push_color(L, (mp_graphic_object *)h);
+ } else if (FIELD(dash)) {
+ mplib_push_dash(L,h);
+ } else if (FIELD(linecap)) {
+ lua_pushnumber(L,h->lcap_field);
+ } else if (FIELD(linejoin)) {
+ lua_pushnumber(L,h->ljoin_field);
+ } else if (FIELD(miterlimit)) {
+ mplib_push_number(L,h->miterlim_field);
+ } else if (FIELD(prescript)) {
+ lua_pushstring(L,h->pre_script_field);
+ } else if (FIELD(postscript)) {
+ lua_pushstring(L,h->post_script_field);
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+static void
+mplib_text_field (lua_State *L, struct mp_text_object *h) {
+ if (FIELD(text)) {
+ lua_pushstring(L,h->text_p_field);
+ } else if (FIELD(dsize)) {
+ mplib_push_number(L,(h->font_dsize_field/16));
+ } else if (FIELD(font)) {
+ lua_pushstring(L,h->font_name_field);
+ } else if (FIELD(color)) {
+ mplib_push_color(L,(mp_graphic_object *)h);
+ } else if (FIELD(width)) {
+ mplib_push_number(L,h->width_field);
+ } else if (FIELD(height)) {
+ mplib_push_number(L,h->height_field);
+ } else if (FIELD(depth)) {
+ mplib_push_number(L,h->depth_field);
+ } else if (FIELD(transform)) {
+ mplib_push_transform(L,h);
+ } else if (FIELD(prescript)) {
+ lua_pushstring(L,h->pre_script_field);
+ } else if (FIELD(postscript)) {
+ lua_pushstring(L,h->post_script_field);
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+static void
+mplib_special_field (lua_State *L, struct mp_special_object *h) {
+ if (FIELD(prescript)) {
+ lua_pushstring(L,h->pre_script_field);
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+static void
+mplib_start_bounds_field (lua_State *L, struct mp_bounds_object *h) {
+ if (FIELD(path)) {
+ mplib_push_path(L,h->path_p_field, MPLIB_PATH);
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+static void
+mplib_start_clip_field (lua_State *L, struct mp_clip_object *h) {
+ if (FIELD(path)) {
+ mplib_push_path(L,h->path_p_field, MPLIB_PATH);
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+static int
+mplib_gr_index (lua_State *L) {
+ struct mp_graphic_object **hh = is_gr_object(L,1);
+ if (*hh) {
+ struct mp_graphic_object *h = *hh;
+ if (mplib_is_S(type,2)) {
+ lua_rawgeti(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX,mplib_type_Ses[h->_type_field]);
+ } else {
+ switch (h->_type_field) {
+ case mp_fill_code: mplib_fill_field(L,(mp_fill_object *)h); break;
+ case mp_stroked_code: mplib_stroked_field(L,(mp_stroked_object *)h); break;
+ case mp_text_code: mplib_text_field(L,(mp_text_object *)h); break;
+ case mp_special_code: mplib_special_field(L,(mp_special_object *)h); break;
+ case mp_start_clip_code: mplib_start_clip_field(L,(mp_clip_object *)h); break;
+ case mp_start_bounds_code: mplib_start_bounds_field(L,(mp_bounds_object *)h); break;
+ /* case mp_stop_clip_code: */
+ /* case mp_stop_bounds_code: */
+ default: lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ }
+ return 1;
+static const struct luaL_reg mplib_meta[] = {
+ {"__gc", mplib_collect},
+ {"__tostring", mplib_tostring},
+ {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
+static const struct luaL_reg mplib_fig_meta[] = {
+ {"__gc", mplib_fig_collect },
+ {"__tostring", mplib_fig_tostring },
+ {"objects", mplib_fig_body },
+ {"copy_objects", mplib_fig_copy_body },
+ {"filename", mplib_fig_filename },
+ {"postscript", mplib_fig_postscript },
+ {"boundingbox", mplib_fig_bb },
+ {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
+static const struct luaL_reg mplib_gr_meta[] = {
+ {"__gc", mplib_gr_collect },
+ {"__tostring", mplib_gr_tostring },
+ {"__index", mplib_gr_index },
+ {"fields", mplib_gr_fields },
+ {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
+static const struct luaL_reg mplib_d [] = {
+ {"execute", mplib_execute },
+ {"finish", mplib_finish },
+ {"statistics", mplib_statistics },
+ {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
+static const struct luaL_reg mplib_m[] = {
+ {"new", mplib_new},
+ {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
+luaopen_mp (lua_State *L) {
+ mplib_init_Ses(L);
+ luaL_newmetatable(L,MPLIB_GR_METATABLE);
+ lua_pushvalue(L, -1); /* push metatable */
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index"); /* metatable.__index = metatable */
+ luaL_register(L, NULL, mplib_gr_meta); /* object meta methods */
+ lua_pop(L,1);
+ luaL_newmetatable(L,MPLIB_FIG_METATABLE);
+ lua_pushvalue(L, -1); /* push metatable */
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index"); /* metatable.__index = metatable */
+ luaL_register(L, NULL, mplib_fig_meta); /* figure meta methods */
+ lua_pop(L,1);
+ luaL_newmetatable(L,MPLIB_METATABLE);
+ lua_pushvalue(L, -1); /* push metatable */
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index"); /* metatable.__index = metatable */
+ luaL_register(L, NULL, mplib_meta); /* meta methods */
+ luaL_register(L, NULL, mplib_d); /* dict methods */
+ luaL_register(L, "mplib", mplib_m); /* module functions */
+ return 1;