path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/cwebdir/examples/wordtest.w
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1 files changed, 540 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/cwebdir/examples/wordtest.w b/Build/source/texk/web2c/cwebdir/examples/wordtest.w
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..98de5aedc60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/texk/web2c/cwebdir/examples/wordtest.w
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+@* Introduction. This program is a simple filter that sorts and outputs all
+lines of input that do not appear in a given set of sorted files. It is called
+{\tt wordtest} because each line of input is considered to be a `word' and
+each of the sorted files is considered to be a 'dictionary'. Words are
+output when they don't appear in any given dictionary.
+The character set and alphabetic order are flexible. Every 8-bit
+character is mapped into an integer called its {\it ord}. A character
+is called a {\it null\/} if its ord is zero; such characters are
+discarded from the input. A character is called a {\it break\/} if
+its ord is negative; such characters break the input into so-called words.
+Otherwise a character's ord is positive, and the character is called a
+{\it letter}. One letter precedes another in alphabetic order if and only
+if it has a smaller ord. Two letters are considered identical, for
+purposes of sorting, if their ords are the same.
+The null character |'\n'| must have ord~0; thus, it must remain null.
+Otherwise the ord mapping is arbitrary. If the user doesn't specify
+any special mapping, the default ord table simply maps every 8-bit
+character code into itself, considering characters to be unsigned char
+values in the range 0--255, except that ASCII codes {\tt a-z} are
+mapped into the corresponding codes for {\tt A-Z}, and newline is a
+break character. Optional command-line arguments, described below, can
+change this default mapping to any other desired scheme.
+A word is any nonempty sequence of letters that is immediately preceded
+and followed by break characters, when nulls are ignored. Technically
+speaking, we pretend that a break character is present at the beginning of a
+file but not at the end; thus, all letters following the final break character
+of a file are ignored, if any such letters are present. Two words are
+{\it equivalent\/} to each other if their letters have the same sequence
+of ord values. If two or more words of the input are equivalent, only
+the first will be output, and it will be output only if it is not
+equivalent to any word in the given dictionary files. Words in each
+dictionary are assumed to be in lexicographic order and to contain no
+nulls. Words in the output file will satisfy these conditions; therefore
+{\tt wordtest} can be used to generate and update the dictionaries it needs.
+Notice that if no dictionaries are given, {\tt wordtest} will act as a
+sorting routine that simply discards nulls and duplicate lines.
+@ The \UNIX/ command line `{\tt wordtest} {\tt [options]} {\tt [dictionaries]}'
+is interpreted by executing option commands from left to right and then by
+regarding any remaining arguments as the names of dictionary files.
+Most of the option commands are designed to specify the |ord| table.
+Initially |ord[c]=c| for each unsigned char code~|c|. The command
+$$\line{\hskip5em\tt-b\it string\hfil}$$
+makes every character in the string a break character. If the string is
+empty, {\tt-b} makes every nonnull character a break (i.e., it sets
+|ord[c]=-1| for |1<=c<=255|). The command
+$$\line{\hskip5em\tt-n\it string\hfil}$$
+makes every character in the string a null character. If the string is
+empty, {\tt-n} makes every character null. The command
+$$\line{\hskip5em\tt-a\it string\hfil}$$
+sets the ord of the $k$th element of the string equal to $\delta+k$,
+where $\delta$ is an offset value (normally zero). The command
+$$\line{\hskip5em\tt-d\it offset\hfil}$$
+sets the value of $\delta$; the offset should be a decimal integer between
+0 and 255.
+There is also an option that has no effect on the |ord| table:
+$$\line{\hskip5em\tt-m\it length\hfil}$$
+defines the length of the longest word. If any word of a file has
+more than this many characters, a break is artificially inserted
+so that a word of this maximum length is obtained. The default value is 50.
+The maximum legal value is 1000.
+If the given options do not specify at least one break character,
+{\tt wordtest} applies the option commands
+\line{\.{" -d64 -a"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"}\hfil}}$$
+which generate the default mapping mentioned above (unless other ords were
+The program is designed to run fastest when there are at most two
+dictionary files (usually one large system dictionary and another
+personalized one), although it places no limit on the actual number of
+dictionaries that can be mentioned on the command line. Users who want
+to specify a multitude of dictionaries should ask themselves why they
+wouldn't prefer to merge their dictionaries together first (using
+{\tt wordtest}).
+@ The general organization of {\tt wordtest} is typical of applications
+written in \CEE/, and its approach is quite simple. If any errors are
+detected, an indication of the error is sent to the |stderr| file and
+a nonzero value is returned.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+int main(argc,argv)
+ int argc; /* the number of command-line arguments */
+ char *argv[]; /* the arguments themselves */
+ @<Local variables@>;
+ @<Scan the command line arguments@>;
+ @<Sort the input into memory@>;
+ @<Output all input words that aren't in dictionaries@>;
+ return 0;
+@ @<Typedefs@>=
+typedef unsigned char byte; /* our bytes will range from 0 to 255 */
+@ @<Local variables@>=
+int targc; /* temporary modifications to |argc| */
+byte **targv; /* pointer to the current argument of interest */
+unsigned delta; /* the offset used in the \.{-a} and \.{-d} options */
+unsigned max_length=MAX_LENGTH_DEFAULT; /* longest allowable word */
+byte breakchar; /* break character to use in the output */
+int ord[256]; /* table of ord values */
+register int c; /* an all-purpose index */
+register byte *u,*v; /* pointer to current string characters */
+@ We try to use newline as the output break character, if possible.
+@<Scan the command line arguments@>=
+for (c=0;c<256;c++) ord[c]=c;
+while (targc && **targv=='-') {
+ @<Execute the option command |targv|@>;
+ targc--;@+targv++;
+if (ord['\n']<0) breakchar='\n';
+else {
+ breakchar='\0';
+ for (c=255;c;c--) if (ord[c]<0) breakchar=c;
+ if (!breakchar) @<Set up the default ords@>;
+@<Allocate data structures for a total of |targc| files@>;
+for (;targc;targc--,targv++) @<Open the dictionary file named |*targv|@>;
+@ @<Execute the option...@>=
+switch((*targv)[1]) {
+case 'a': for (c=delta,u=*targv+2;*u;u++) ord[*u]=++c;@+break;
+case 'b': if ((*targv)[2]) for (u=*targv+2;*u;u++) ord[*u]=-1;
+ else for (c=1;c<256;c++) ord[c]=-1;
+ break;
+case 'n': if ((*targv)[2]) for (u=*targv+2;*u;u++) ord[*u]=0;
+ else for (c=1;c<256;c++) ord[c]=0;
+ break;
+case 'd': if (sscanf((char*)*targv+2,"%u",&delta)==1 && delta<256) break;
+ goto print_usage;
+case 'm': if (sscanf((char*)*targv+2,"%u",&max_length)==1 &&
+ max_length<=MAX_LENGTH_LIMIT) break;
+ goto print_usage;
+default: print_usage: fprintf(stderr,
+ "Usage: %s {-{{a|b|n}string|{d|m}number}}* dictionaryname*\n",*argv);
+ return-1;
+@ @<Set up the default ords@>=
+ ord['\n']=-1; /* newline is break character */
+ breakchar='\n';
+ for (c=1;c<=26;c++) ord['a'-1+c]='A'-1+c;
+@*Treaps. The most interesting part of this program is its sorting algorithm,
+which is based on the ``treap'' data structure of Aragon and Seidel
+[{\sl 30th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science\/} (1989),
+@^Aragon, Cecilia Rodriguez@>@^Seidel, Raimund@>
+A treap is a binary tree whose nodes have two key fields. The primary
+key, which in our application is a word from the input, obeys
+tree-search order: All descendants of the left child of node~$p$ have
+a primary key that is less than the primary key of~$p$, and all descendants
+of its right child have a primary key that is greater. The secondary key,
+which in our application is a unique pseudorandom integer attached to
+each input word, obeys heap order: The secondary key of~$p$'s children
+is greater than $p$'s own secondary key.
+A given set of nodes with distinct primary keys and distinct secondary
+keys can be made into a treap in exactly one way. This unique treap
+can be obtained, for example, by using ordinary tree insertion with
+respect to primary keys while inserting nodes in order of their
+secondary keys. It follows that, if the secondary keys are random,
+the binary tree will almost always be quite well balanced.
+We will compute secondary keys as unsigned long integers, assigning
+the key $(cn)\bmod 2^{32}$ to the $n$th node, where $c$ is an odd
+number. This will guarantee that the secondary keys are distinct.
+By choosing $c$ close to $2^{32}/\phi$, where $\phi$ is the golden
+ratio $(1+\sqrt5\,)/2$, we also spread the values out in a fashion that
+is unlikely to match any existing order in the data.
+@d PHICLONE 2654435769 /* $\approx 2^{32}/\phi$ */
+typedef struct node_struct {
+ struct node_struct *left,*right; /* children */
+ byte *keyword; /* primary key */
+ unsigned long rank; /* secondary key */
+} node; /* node of a treap */
+@ We want to be able to compare two strings rapidly with respect to
+lexicographic order, as defined by the |ord| table. This can be done
+if one string is delimited by |'\0'| as usual, while the other is
+delimited by a break character. Then we are sure to have an unequal
+comparison, and the inner loop is fast.
+Here is a routine that checks to see if a word is already present in the
+treap. The word is assumed to be in |buffer|, terminated by |breakchar|.
+The words in the treap are terminated by nulls. The
+treap is accessed by means of |root|, a pointer to its root node.
+@<Search for |buffer| in the treap; |goto found| if it's there@>=
+{@+register node *p=root;
+ while (p) {
+ for (u=buffer,v=p->keyword;ord[*u]==ord[*v];u++,v++) ;
+ if (*v=='\0' && *u==breakchar) goto found;
+ if (ord[*u]<ord[*v]) p=p->left;
+ else p=p->right;
+ }
+@ We don't need to insert nodes into the treap as often as we need to
+look words up, so we don't mind repeating the comparisons already made
+when we discover that insertion is necessary. (Actually a more comprehensive
+study of this tradeoff ought to be done. But not today; I am trying
+here to keep the program short and sweet.)
+The insertion algorithm proceeds just as the lookup algorithm until
+we come to a node whose rank is larger than the rank of the node
+to be inserted. We insert the new node in its place, then split the
+old node and its descendants into two subtrees that will become the
+left and right subtrees of the new node.
+@<Insert the |buffer| word into the treap@>=
+{@+register node *p,**q,**qq,*r;
+ current_rank += PHICLONE; /* unsigned addition mod $2^{32}$ */
+ p=root;@+q=&root;
+ while (p) {
+ if (p->rank>current_rank) break; /* end of the first phase */
+ for (u=buffer,v=p->keyword;ord[*u]==ord[*v];u++,v++) ;
+ if (ord[*u]<ord[*v]) q=&(p->left), p=*q;
+ else q=&(p->right), p=*q;
+ }
+ @<Set |r| to the address of a new node, and move |buffer| into it@>;
+ r->rank=current_rank;
+ *q=r; /* link the new node into the tree */
+ @<Split subtree |p| and attach it below node |r|@>;
+@ @<Local...@>=
+unsigned long current_rank=0; /* pseudorandom number */
+@ At this point |p| may already be empty. If not, we can hook its
+parts together easily. (A formal proof is a bit tricky, but the computer
+doesn't slow down like people do when they get to a conceptually harder
+part of an algorithm.)
+@<Split subtree |p| and attach it below node |r|@>=
+q=&(r->left);@+qq=&(r->right); /* slots to fill in as we split the subtree */
+while (p) {
+ for (u=buffer,v=p->keyword;ord[*u]==ord[*v];u++,v++) ;
+ if (ord[*u]<ord[*v]) {
+ *qq=p;
+ qq=&(p->left);
+ p=*qq;
+ } else {
+ *q=p;
+ q=&(p->right);
+ p=*q;
+ }
+@ We allocate node memory dynamically, in blocks of 100 nodes at a time.
+We also allocate string memory dynamically, 1000 characters at once
+(in addition to space for the current string).
+The variable |l| will be set to the length of the word in |buffer|.
+@d out_of_mem(x) {@+fprintf(stderr,"%s: Memory exhausted!\n",*argv);
+ return x;@+}
+@<Set |r| to the address of a new node, and move |buffer| into it@>=
+if (next_node==bad_node) {
+ next_node=(node*)calloc(NODES_PER_BLOCK,sizeof(node));
+ if (next_node==NULL) out_of_mem(-2);
+ bad_node=next_node+NODES_PER_BLOCK;
+@<Move |buffer| to a new place in the string memory, and make
+ |r->keyword| point to it@>;
+@ @<Move |buffer| to a new place...@>=
+if (next_string+l+1>=bad_string) {@+int block_size=CHARS_PER_BLOCK+l+1;
+ next_string=(byte*)malloc(block_size);
+ if (next_string==NULL) out_of_mem(-3);
+ bad_string=next_string+block_size;
+for (u=buffer,v=next_string;ord[*u]>0;u++,v++) *v=*u;
+@ We had better define the variables we've been assuming in these
+storage allocation routines.
+@<Local variables@>=
+node *next_node=NULL, *bad_node=NULL;
+byte *next_string=NULL, *bad_string=NULL;
+node *root=NULL;
+byte *buffer;
+int l; /* length of current string in |buffer| */
+@ The mechanisms for sorting the input words are now all in place.
+We merely need to invoke them at the right times.
+@<Sort the input into memory@>=
+if (buffer==NULL) out_of_mem(-5);
+while (1) {
+ @<Set |buffer| to the next word from |stdin|; |goto done| if file ends@>;
+ if (l) {
+ @<Search for |buffer| in the treap; |goto found| if it's there@>;
+ @<Insert the |buffer| word into the treap@>;
+ found:;
+ }
+@ @<Set |buffer| to the next word from |stdin|...@>=
+while (l<max_length) {
+ c=getchar();
+ if (c==EOF) {
+ if (ferror(stdin)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: File read error on standard input!\n",*argv);
+ return -6;
+ }
+ goto done; /* end of file; the current word, if any, is discarded */
+ }
+ if (ord[c]<=0) {
+ if (ord[c]<0) break;
+ } else {
+ *u++=(byte)c;
+ l++;
+ }
+@ At the end we want to traverse the treap in symmetric order, so that
+we see its words in alphabetic order. We might as well destroy the
+treap structure as we do this. During this phase, |root| will point
+to a stack of nodes that remain to be visited (followed by traversal
+of their right subtrees).
+@<Output all input words that aren't in dictionaries@>=
+if (root!=NULL) {@+register node *p,*q;
+ p=root;
+ root=NULL;
+ while (1) {
+ while (p->left!=NULL) {
+ q=p->left;
+ p->left=root; /* |left| links are now used for the stack */
+ root=p;
+ p=q;
+ }
+visit: @<Output |p->keyword|, if it's not in the dictionaries@>;
+ if (p->right==NULL) {
+ if (root==NULL) break; /* the stack is empty, we're done */
+ p=root;
+ root=root->left; /* pop the stack */
+ goto visit;
+ } else p=p->right;
+ }
+@* The dictionaries. So now all we have to do is provide a mechanism
+for reading the words in the dictionaries. The dictionaries are sorted,
+and by now the input words have been sorted too.
+So we need only scan through the
+dictionaries once; we'll try to zoom through as quickly as possible.
+First we need data structures. There will be an array of pointers to filenodes,
+for all dictionary files currently open. Each filenode will contain
+a buffer of size |BUFSIZ+1| for raw input bytes not yet scanned,
+as well as a buffer of size |MAX_LENGTH_LIMIT+1| for the current word
+being considered.
+typedef struct filenode_struct {
+ struct filenode_struct *link; /* pointer to next open file */
+ FILE *dfile; /* dictionary file */
+ byte buf[BUFSIZ+1], curword[MAX_LENGTH_LIMIT+1];
+ byte *pos; /* current position in |buf| */
+ byte *limit; /* end of input bytes in |buf| */
+ byte *endword; /* the first break character in |curword| */
+} filenode;
+@ @<Allocate data structures...@>=
+if (targc) {
+ curfile=(filenode*)calloc(targc,sizeof(filenode));
+ if (curfile==NULL) out_of_mem(-7);
+ for (f=curfile;f<curfile+targc-1;f++) f->link=f+1;
+ f->link=curfile; /* circular linking */
+} else curfile=NULL;
+@ @<Local...@>=
+filenode *curfile; /* current filenode of interest */
+filenode *f; /* temporary register for filenode list processing */
+@ @<Open the dictionary file named |*targv|@>=
+ curfile->dfile=fopen((char*)*targv,"r");
+ if (curfile->dfile==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: Can't open dictionary file %s!\n",*argv,(char*)*targv);
+ return -8;
+ }
+ curfile->pos=curfile->limit=curfile->buf; /* |buf| is empty */
+ curfile->buf[0]='\0';
+ curfile->endword=curfile->curword; /* |curword| is empty too */
+ curfile->curword[0]=breakchar;
+ curfile=curfile->link; /* move to next filenode */
+@ We will implicitly merge the dictionaries together by using a brute force
+scheme that works fine when there are only a few of them. Namely,
+|curfile| will point to a file having the currently smallest
+current word. To get to the next word of the merge, we advance to the
+next word in that file, comparing it with the current words of the
+other files to see if |curfile| should switch to one of them.
+When we get to the end of a file, its filenode simply leaves the circular
+list. Eventually the list will be empty, and we will set |curfile| to
+|NULL|; we will then have seen all the dictionary words in order.
+@ @<Output |p->keyword|, if it's not in the dictionaries@>=
+while (curfile!=NULL) {
+ for (u=p->keyword,v=curfile->curword;ord[*u]==ord[*v];u++,v++) ;
+ if (*u=='\0' && *v==breakchar) goto word_done;
+ /* we found it in the dictionary */
+ if (ord[*u]<ord[*v]) break; /* we didn't find it */
+ @<Advance to the next dictionary word@>;
+@<Print |p->keyword| and |breakchar| on |stdout|@>@;
+@ @<Print |p->keyword| and |breakchar| on |stdout|@>=
+for (u=p->keyword;*u;u++) putchar(*u);
+@ @<Advance...@>=
+@<Read a new word into |curfile->curword|, as fast as you can@>;
+@<Adjust |curfile|, if necessary, to point to a file with minimal
+ |curword|@>;
+@ The dictionaries are supposed to be in order, and they shouldn't
+contain nulls. But if they fail to meet these criteria, we don't want
+{\tt wordtest} to crash; it should just run more slowly and/or more
+The logic of the code here removes null characters, at the cost of speed.
+If the dictionary contains words out of order, say $\alpha>\beta$ where
+$\alpha$ precedes $\beta$ in the file, the effect will be as if $\beta$
+were not present. (In particular, if the dictionary would happen to have a null
+word because of a break character inserted by our |max_length| logic,
+that null word would cause no harm, because a null word is always less than
+any nonnull word.)
+A null character always appears in |curfile->limit|.
+@<Read a new word into |curfile->curword|...@>=
+l=max_length; /* here |l| represents max characters to put in |curword| */
+while (1) {@+register byte *w=curfile->limit;
+ u=curfile->pos;
+ if (u+l>=w)
+ while (ord[*u]>0) *v++=*u++; /* this is the inner loop */
+ else {
+ w=u+l;
+ c=*w;
+ *w='\0'; /* temporarily store a null to avoid overlong string */
+ while (ord[*u]>0) *v++=*u++; /* this too is the inner loop */
+ *w=c; /* restore the damaged byte */
+ }
+ if (ord[*u]<0) {
+ curfile->pos=u+1; /* good, we found the next break character */
+ break;
+ }
+ l-=u-curfile->pos;
+ if (l==0) { /* |max_length| reached */
+ curfile->pos=u;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (u==w) { /* we're at |curfile->limit| */
+ @<Refill |curfile->buf|; or remove the current file from the
+ circular list and |goto update_done|, if it has ended@>;
+ } else curfile->pos=u+1; /* bypass a null character in the dictionary */
+@ @<Refill |curfile->buf|...@>=
+if (ferror(curfile->dfile)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: File read error on dictionary file!\n",*argv);
+ return -9;
+if (feof(curfile->dfile)) {
+ f=curfile->link;
+ if (f==curfile) curfile=NULL; /* the last dictionary file has ended */
+ else {
+ while (f->link!=curfile) f=f->link;
+ f->link=curfile->link; /* remove a filenode from the circular list */
+ curfile=f; /* and point to one of the remaining filenodes */
+ }
+ goto update_done;
+@ @<Adjust |curfile|, if necessary...@>=
+if (curfile!=NULL) {@+filenode *sentinel=curfile;
+ for (f=curfile->link;f!=sentinel;f=f->link)
+ @<Change |curfile| to |f| if |f->curword<curfile->curword|@>;
+@ @<Change |curfile| to |f| if |f->curword<curfile->curword|@>=
+ *f->endword='\0';
+ for (u=f->curword,v=curfile->curword;ord[*u]==ord[*v];u++,v++) ;
+ if (ord[*u]<ord[*v]) curfile=f;
+ *f->endword=breakchar;
+@* Index. Here is a list of the identifiers used by {\tt wordtest},
+showing the sections in which they appear, underlined at points
+of definition.