path: root/Build/source/texk/web2c/cwebdir/common.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/web2c/cwebdir/common.c')
1 files changed, 1242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/web2c/cwebdir/common.c b/Build/source/texk/web2c/cwebdir/common.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8fca7c63335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/texk/web2c/cwebdir/common.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1242 @@
+#line 58 "common.w"
+#line 102 "common.w"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#line 165 "common.w"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#line 471 "common.w"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#line 59 "common.w"
+#define ctangle 0
+#define cweave 1 \
+#define and_and 04
+#define lt_lt 020
+#define gt_gt 021
+#define plus_plus 013
+#define minus_minus 01
+#define minus_gt 031
+#define not_eq 032
+#define lt_eq 034
+#define gt_eq 035
+#define eq_eq 036
+#define or_or 037
+#define dot_dot_dot 016
+#define colon_colon 06
+#define period_ast 026
+#define minus_gt_ast 027 \
+#define buf_size 100
+#define longest_name 1000
+#define long_buf_size (buf_size+longest_name)
+#define xisspace(c) (isspace(c) &&((unsigned char) c<0200) )
+#define xisupper(c) (isupper(c) &&((unsigned char) c<0200) ) \
+#define max_include_depth 10 \
+#define max_file_name_length 60
+#define cur_file file[include_depth]
+#define cur_file_name file_name[include_depth]
+#define cur_line line[include_depth]
+#define web_file file[0]
+#define web_file_name file_name[0] \
+#define lines_dont_match (change_limit-change_buffer!=limit-buffer|| \
+strncmp(buffer,change_buffer,limit-buffer) ) \
+#define if_section_start_make_pending(b) {*limit= '!'; \
+for(loc= buffer;xisspace(*loc) ;loc++) ; \
+*limit= ' '; \
+if(*loc=='@'&&(xisspace(*(loc+1) ) ||*(loc+1) =='*') ) change_pending= b; \
+} \
+#define max_sections 2000 \
+ \
+#define too_long() {include_depth--; \
+err_print("! Include file name too long") ;goto restart;} \
+#define max_bytes 90000 \
+#define max_names 4000 \
+ \
+#define length(c) (c+1) ->byte_start-(c) ->byte_start
+#define print_id(c) term_write((c) ->byte_start,length((c) ) ) \
+#define hash_size 353 \
+#define llink link
+#define rlink dummy.Rlink
+#define root name_dir->rlink \
+ \
+#define first_chunk(p) ((p) ->byte_start+2)
+#define prefix_length(p) (int) ((unsigned char) *((p) ->byte_start) *256+ \
+(unsigned char) *((p) ->byte_start+1) )
+#define set_prefix_length(p,m) (*((p) ->byte_start) = (m) /256, \
+*((p) ->byte_start+1) = (m) %256) \
+#define less 0
+#define equal 1
+#define greater 2
+#define prefix 3
+#define extension 4 \
+#define bad_extension 5 \
+#define spotless 0
+#define harmless_message 1
+#define error_message 2
+#define fatal_message 3
+#define mark_harmless {if(history==spotless) history= harmless_message;}
+#define mark_error history= error_message \
+#define confusion(s) fatal("! This can't happen: ",s) \
+ \
+#define show_banner flags['b']
+#define show_progress flags['p']
+#define show_stats flags['s']
+#define show_happiness flags['h'] \
+#define update_terminal fflush(stdout) \
+#define new_line putchar('\n')
+#define putxchar putchar
+#define term_write(a,b) fflush(stdout) ,fwrite(a,sizeof(char) ,b,stdout)
+#define C_printf(c,a) fprintf(C_file,c,a)
+#define C_putc(c) putc(c,C_file) \
+#line 60 "common.w"
+#line 73 "common.w"
+typedef short boolean;
+boolean program;
+#line 159 "common.w"
+char buffer[long_buf_size];
+char*buffer_end= buffer+buf_size-2;
+char*limit= buffer;
+char*loc= buffer;
+#line 214 "common.w"
+int include_depth;
+char file_name[max_include_depth][max_file_name_length];
+char change_file_name[max_file_name_length];
+char alt_web_file_name[max_file_name_length];
+int line[max_include_depth];
+int change_line;
+int change_depth;
+boolean input_has_ended;
+boolean changing;
+boolean web_file_open= 0;
+#line 418 "common.w"
+typedef unsigned short sixteen_bits;
+sixteen_bits section_count;
+boolean changed_section[max_sections];
+boolean change_pending;
+boolean print_where= 0;
+#line 594 "common.w"
+typedef struct name_info{
+#line 631 "common.w"
+struct name_info*link;
+#line 730 "common.w"
+struct name_info*Rlink;
+char Ilk;
+#line 1062 "common.w"
+#line 597 "common.w"
+typedef name_info*name_pointer;
+char byte_mem[max_bytes];
+char*byte_mem_end= byte_mem+max_bytes-1;
+name_info name_dir[max_names];
+name_pointer name_dir_end= name_dir+max_names-1;
+#line 617 "common.w"
+name_pointer name_ptr;
+#line 644 "common.w"
+typedef name_pointer*hash_pointer;
+name_pointer hash[hash_size];
+hash_pointer hash_end= hash+hash_size-1;
+hash_pointer h;
+#line 1082 "common.w"
+int history= spotless;
+#line 1220 "common.w"
+int argc;
+char C_file_name[max_file_name_length];
+char tex_file_name[max_file_name_length];
+char idx_file_name[max_file_name_length];
+char scn_file_name[max_file_name_length];
+boolean flags[128];
+#line 1370 "common.w"
+#line 61 "common.w"
+#line 83 "common.w"
+int phase;
+#line 240 "common.w"
+char change_buffer[buf_size];
+#line 62 "common.w"
+#line 650 "common.w"
+extern int names_match();
+#line 703 "common.w"
+void init_p();
+#line 852 "common.w"
+extern void init_node();
+#line 1017 "common.w"
+int section_name_cmp();
+#line 1092 "common.w"
+void err_print();
+#line 1140 "common.w"
+int wrap_up();
+extern void print_stats();
+#line 1173 "common.w"
+void fatal(),overflow();
+#line 1251 "common.w"
+void scan_args();
+#line 1411 "common.w"
+extern int strlen();
+extern int strcmp();
+extern char*strcpy();
+extern int strncmp();
+extern char*strncpy();
+#line 63 "common.w"
+#line 89 "common.w"
+#line 621 "common.w"
+name_dir->byte_start= byte_ptr= byte_mem;
+name_ptr= name_dir+1;
+name_ptr->byte_start= byte_mem;
+#line 655 "common.w"
+for(h= hash;h<=hash_end;*h++= NULL);
+#line 737 "common.w"
+root= NULL;
+#line 93 "common.w"
+#line 1233 "common.w"
+show_banner= show_happiness= show_progress= 1;
+#line 94 "common.w"
+#line 1377 "common.w"
+if((C_file= fopen(C_file_name,"w"))==NULL)
+fatal("! Cannot open output file ",C_file_name);
+if((tex_file= fopen(tex_file_name,"w"))==NULL)
+fatal("! Cannot open output file ",tex_file_name);
+#line 95 "common.w"
+#line 172 "common.w"
+int input_ln(fp)
+register int c= EOF;
+register char*k;
+limit= k= buffer;
+while(k<=buffer_end&&(c= getc(fp))!=EOF&&c!='\n')
+if((*(k++)= c)!=' ')limit= k;
+if(k> buffer_end)
+if((c= getc(fp))!=EOF&&c!='\n'){
+ungetc(c,fp);loc= buffer;err_print("! Input line too long");
+#line 251 "common.w"
+change_limit= change_buffer;
+#line 265 "common.w"
+if(xisupper(buffer[1]))buffer[1]= tolower(buffer[1]);
+loc= buffer+2;
+err_print("! Missing @x in change file");
+#line 256 "common.w"
+#line 282 "common.w"
+err_print("! Change file ended after @x");
+#line 257 "common.w"
+#line 292 "common.w"
+change_limit= change_buffer+(limit-buffer);
+#line 258 "common.w"
+#line 320 "common.w"
+int n= 0;
+change_pending= 0;
+if(!change_pending)changed_section[section_count]= 1;
+changing= 1;print_where= 1;change_line++;
+err_print("! Change file ended before @y");
+change_limit= change_buffer;changing= 0;
+if(limit> buffer+1&&buffer[0]=='@'){
+char xyz_code= xisupper(buffer[1])?tolower(buffer[1]):buffer[1];
+#line 358 "common.w"
+loc= buffer+2;err_print("! Where is the matching @y?");
+else if(xyz_code=='y'){
+if(n> 0){
+loc= buffer+2;
+printf("\n! Hmm... %d ",n);
+err_print("of the preceding lines failed to match");
+change_depth= include_depth;
+#line 342 "common.w"
+#line 292 "common.w"
+change_limit= change_buffer+(limit-buffer);
+#line 344 "common.w"
+changing= 0;cur_line++;
+err_print("! CWEB file ended during a change");
+input_has_ended= 1;return;
+#line 378 "common.w"
+limit= buffer;loc= buffer+1;buffer[0]= ' ';
+#line 393 "common.w"
+if((web_file= fopen(web_file_name,"r"))==NULL){
+if((web_file= fopen(web_file_name,"r"))==NULL)
+fatal("! Cannot open input file ",web_file_name);
+web_file_open= 1;
+if((change_file= fopen(change_file_name,"r"))==NULL)
+fatal("! Cannot open change file ",change_file_name);
+#line 383 "common.w"
+include_depth= 0;cur_line= 0;change_line= 0;
+change_depth= include_depth;
+changing= 1;prime_the_change_buffer();changing= !changing;
+limit= buffer;loc= buffer+1;buffer[0]= ' ';input_has_ended= 0;
+#line 426 "common.w"
+int get_line()
+#line 537 "common.w"
+err_print("! Change file ended without @z");
+buffer[0]= '@';buffer[1]= 'z';limit= buffer+2;
+if(limit> buffer){
+changed_section[section_count]= 1;change_pending= 0;
+*limit= ' ';
+if(xisupper(buffer[1]))buffer[1]= tolower(buffer[1]);
+loc= buffer+2;
+err_print("! Where is the matching @z?");
+else if(buffer[1]=='z'){
+prime_the_change_buffer();changing= !changing;print_where= 1;
+#line 431 "common.w"
+if(!changing||include_depth> change_depth){
+#line 520 "common.w"
+print_where= 1;
+if(include_depth==0){input_has_ended= 1;break;}
+if(change_limit> change_buffer)check_change();
+#line 433 "common.w"
+if(changing&&include_depth==change_depth)goto restart;
+if(input_has_ended)return 0;
+loc= buffer;*limit= ' ';
+loc= buffer+2;*limit= '"';
+while(*loc==' '||*loc=='\t')loc++;
+err_print("! Include file name not given");
+goto restart;
+err_print("! Too many nested includes");
+goto restart;
+#line 474 "common.w"
+char temp_file_name[max_file_name_length];
+char*cur_file_name_end= cur_file_name+max_file_name_length-1;
+char*k= cur_file_name,*kk;
+int l;
+while(*loc!='"'&&k<=cur_file_name_end)*k++= *loc++;
+if(loc==limit)k= cur_file_name_end+1;
+while(*loc!=' '&&*loc!='\t'&&*loc!='"'&&k<=cur_file_name_end)*k++= *loc++;
+if(k> cur_file_name_end)too_long();
+*k= '\0';
+if((cur_file= fopen(cur_file_name,"r"))!=NULL){
+cur_line= 0;print_where= 1;
+goto restart;
+kk= getenv("CWEBINPUTS");
+if((l= strlen(kk))> max_file_name_length-2)too_long();
+if((l= strlen(CWEBINPUTS))> max_file_name_length-2)too_long();
+l= 0;
+if(l> 0){
+for(;k>=cur_file_name;k--)*(k+l+1)= *k;
+cur_file_name[l]= '/';
+if((cur_file= fopen(cur_file_name,"r"))!=NULL){
+cur_line= 0;print_where= 1;
+goto restart;
+include_depth--;err_print("! Cannot open include file");goto restart;
+#line 452 "common.w"
+return 1;
+#line 569 "common.w"
+limit= buffer+(int)(change_limit-change_buffer);
+changing= 1;change_depth= include_depth;loc= buffer;
+err_print("! Change file entry did not match");
+#line 660 "common.w"
+char t;
+char*i= first;
+int h;
+int l;
+name_pointer p;
+if(last==NULL)for(last= first;*last!='\0';last++);
+l= last-first;
+#line 683 "common.w"
+h= (unsigned char)*i;
+while(++i<last)h= (h+h+(int)((unsigned char)*i))%hash_size;
+#line 673 "common.w"
+#line 691 "common.w"
+p= hash[h];
+while(p&&!names_match(p,first,l,t))p= p->link;
+p= name_ptr;
+p->link= hash[h];hash[h]= p;
+#line 674 "common.w"
+#line 706 "common.w"
+if(byte_ptr+l> byte_mem_end)overflow("byte memory");
+(++name_ptr)->byte_start= byte_ptr+= l;
+#line 675 "common.w"
+#line 764 "common.w"
+name_pointer p;
+char*ss,*s= first_chunk(p);
+name_pointer q= p+1;
+ss= (p+1)->byte_start-1;
+if(*ss==' '&&ss>=s){
+term_write(s,ss-s);p= q->link;q= p;
+term_write(s,ss+1-s);p= name_dir;q= NULL;
+s= p->byte_start;
+#line 783 "common.w"
+name_pointer p;
+char*ss,*s= first_chunk(p);
+name_pointer q= p+1;
+ss= (p+1)->byte_start-1;
+if(*ss==' '&&ss>=s){
+p= q->link;q= p;
+ss++;p= name_dir;
+strncpy(dest,s,ss-s),dest+= ss-s;
+s= p->byte_start;
+*dest= '\0';
+#line 804 "common.w"
+name_pointer p;
+char*s= first_chunk(p);
+int l= prefix_length(p);
+#line 825 "common.w"
+int web_strcmp(j,j_len,k,k_len)
+int j_len,k_len;
+char*j1= j+j_len,*k1= k+k_len;
+if(k==k1)if(j==j1)return equal;
+else return extension;
+else if(j==j1)return prefix;
+else if(*j<*k)return less;
+else return greater;
+#line 855 "common.w"
+name_pointer par;
+int c;
+int ispref;
+name_pointer p= name_ptr;
+char*s= first_chunk(p);
+int name_len= last-first+ispref;
+if(s+name_len> byte_mem_end)overflow("byte memory");
+(++name_ptr)->byte_start= byte_ptr= s+name_len;
+*(byte_ptr-1)= ' ';
+name_ptr->link= name_dir;
+(++name_ptr)->byte_start= byte_ptr;
+p->llink= NULL;
+p->rlink= NULL;
+return par==NULL?(root= p):c==less?(par->llink= p):(par->rlink= p);
+#line 884 "common.w"
+name_pointer p;
+int ispref;
+name_pointer q= p+1;
+int name_len= last-first+ispref;
+while(q->link!=name_dir)q= q->link;
+q->link= name_ptr;
+s= name_ptr->byte_start;
+name_ptr->link= name_dir;
+if(s+name_len> byte_mem_end)overflow("byte memory");
+(++name_ptr)->byte_start= byte_ptr= s+name_len;
+if(ispref)*(byte_ptr-1)= ' ';
+#line 912 "common.w"
+int ispref;
+int c= 0;
+name_pointer p= root;
+name_pointer q= NULL;
+name_pointer r= NULL;
+name_pointer par= NULL;
+int name_len= last-first+1;
+#line 936 "common.w"
+c= web_strcmp(first,name_len,first_chunk(p),prefix_length(p));
+par= p;
+p= (c==less?p->llink:p->rlink);
+printf("\n! Ambiguous prefix: matches <");
+printf(">\n and <");
+return name_dir;
+r= p;
+p= p->llink;
+q= r->rlink;
+p= q,q= NULL;
+#line 926 "common.w"
+#line 961 "common.w"
+return add_section_name(par,c,first,last+1,ispref);
+#line 927 "common.w"
+#line 969 "common.w"
+case prefix:
+printf("\n! New name is a prefix of <");
+else if(name_len<prefix_length(r))set_prefix_length(r,name_len);
+case equal:return r;
+case extension:if(!ispref||first<=last)
+return r;
+case bad_extension:
+printf("\n! New name extends <");
+return r;
+printf("\n! Section name incompatible with <");
+printf(">,\n which abbreviates <");
+return r;
+#line 928 "common.w"
+#line 1020 "common.w"
+int section_name_cmp(pfirst,len,r)
+int len;
+name_pointer r;
+char*first= *pfirst;
+name_pointer q= r+1;
+char*ss,*s= first_chunk(r);
+int c;
+int ispref;
+ss= (r+1)->byte_start-1;
+if(*ss==' '&&ss>=r->byte_start)ispref= 1,q= q->link;
+else ispref= 0,ss++,q= name_dir;
+switch(c= web_strcmp(first,len,s,ss-s)){
+case equal:if(q==name_dir)
+*pfirst= first+(ss-s);
+return extension;
+}else return equal;
+else return(q->byte_start==(q+1)->byte_start)?equal:prefix;
+case extension:
+if(!ispref)return bad_extension;
+first+= ss-s;
+if(q!=name_dir){len-= ss-s;s= q->byte_start;r= q;continue;}
+*pfirst= first;return extension;
+default:return c;
+#line 1095 "common.w"
+#line 1115 "common.w"
+printf(". (l. %d of change file)\n",change_line);
+else if(include_depth==0)printf(". (l. %d)\n",cur_line);
+else printf(". (l. %d of include file %s)\n",cur_line,cur_file_name);
+l= (loc>=limit?limit:loc);
+if(l> buffer){
+for(k= buffer;k<l;k++)
+if(*k=='\t')putchar(' ');
+else putchar(*k);
+for(k= buffer;k<l;k++)putchar(' ');
+for(k= l;k<limit;k++)putchar(*k);
+putchar(' ');
+#line 1102 "common.w"
+#line 1150 "common.w"
+int wrap_up(){
+#line 1160 "common.w"
+case spotless:if(show_happiness)printf("(No errors were found.)\n");break;
+case harmless_message:
+printf("(Did you see the warning message above?)\n");break;
+case error_message:
+printf("(Pardon me, but I think I spotted something wrong.)\n");break;
+case fatal_message:printf("(That was a fatal error, my friend.)\n");
+#line 1155 "common.w"
+if(history> harmless_message)return(1);
+else return(0);
+#line 1179 "common.w"
+history= fatal_message;exit(wrap_up());
+#line 1190 "common.w"
+printf("\n! Sorry, %s capacity exceeded",t);fatal("","");
+#line 1254 "common.w"
+register char*s;
+boolean found_web= 0,found_change= 0,found_out= 0;
+boolean flag_change;
+while(--argc> 0){
+#line 1344 "common.w"
+if(**argv=='-')flag_change= 0;
+else flag_change= 1;
+for(dot_pos= *argv+1;*dot_pos> '\0';dot_pos++)
+flags[*dot_pos]= flag_change;
+#line 1266 "common.w"
+s= name_pos= *argv;dot_pos= NULL;
+if(*s=='.')dot_pos= s++;
+else if(*s=='/')dot_pos= NULL,name_pos= ++s;
+else s++;
+#line 1292 "common.w"
+if(s-*argv> max_file_name_length-5)
+#line 1364 "common.w"
+fatal("! Filename too long\n",*argv);
+#line 1295 "common.w"
+*dot_pos= 0;
+found_web= 1;
+#line 1275 "common.w"
+else if(!found_change)/*72:*/
+#line 1310 "common.w"
+if(strcmp(*argv,"-")==0)found_change= -1;
+if(s-*argv> max_file_name_length-4)
+#line 1364 "common.w"
+fatal("! Filename too long\n",*argv);
+#line 1315 "common.w"
+else strcpy(change_file_name,*argv);
+found_change= 1;
+#line 1276 "common.w"
+else if(!found_out)/*73:*/
+#line 1323 "common.w"
+if(s-*argv> max_file_name_length-5)
+#line 1364 "common.w"
+fatal("! Filename too long\n",*argv);
+#line 1326 "common.w"
+*dot_pos= 0;
+found_out= 1;
+#line 1277 "common.w"
+#line 1352 "common.w"
+"! Usage: ctangle [options] webfile[.w] [{changefile[.ch]|-} [outfile[.c]]]\n"
+else fatal(
+"! Usage: cweave [options] webfile[.w] [{changefile[.ch]|-} [outfile[.tex]]]\n"
+#line 1278 "common.w"
+#line 1352 "common.w"
+"! Usage: ctangle [options] webfile[.w] [{changefile[.ch]|-} [outfile[.c]]]\n"
+else fatal(
+"! Usage: cweave [options] webfile[.w] [{changefile[.ch]|-} [outfile[.tex]]]\n"
+#line 1281 "common.w"