path: root/Build/source/texk/tex4htk/java/xtpipes/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/tex4htk/java/xtpipes/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 323 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/tex4htk/java/xtpipes/ b/Build/source/texk/tex4htk/java/xtpipes/
deleted file mode 100644
index 43dde6d4d0e..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/texk/tex4htk/java/xtpipes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-package xtpipes;
-/* (2009-01-27-22:19)
-public class InputObject{
- InputStream inputStream = null;
-URLConnection connection = null;
-String filename = null;
-static PrintWriter log;
-String dtdRoot = null,
- publicId = null,
- systemId = null,
- xtpipes = null,
- url = null,
- metaType = null,
- contentType = null,
- root = null;
- public InputObject( String filename, PrintWriter log ){
- InputObject.log = log;
- filename = filename.trim();
- try{
- inputStream = getInputStream(filename);
- } catch (Exception exp0){
- if( !filename.startsWith( "http://" ) ){
- try{
- String name = "http://" + filename;
- inputStream = getInputStream( name );
- filename = name;
- } catch (Exception exp1){
- try{
- String name = FileInfo.cleanPath(filename);
- inputStream = getInputStream( name );
- filename = name;
- } catch (Exception exp2){ inputStream = null; }
- } } }
- this.filename = filename;
-public InputObject( byte [] bytes, PrintWriter log ){
- InputObject.log = log;
- inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream( bytes );
- private getInputStream(
- String filename )
- throws{
- if( filename == null ){ return null; }
- URL url;
- inputStream = null;
-// String loadingError = "Failed to get requested file.";
- try {
- url = new File(filename).toURI().toURL();
- inputStream = getInputStream( url );
- } catch (Exception ie) {
- try {
- url = new URL(filename);
- inputStream = getInputStream( url );
- } catch ( ife) {
- throw new
- "File not found: " + filename);
- } catch (Exception ife) {
- throw new + "\n" + ie);
- } }
- return inputStream;
- private getInputStream( URL url )
- throws,
- {
- inputStream = null;
- String errMssg = "";
- try{
- connection = null;
- connection = url.openConnection();
- connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent",
- "["
- + System.getProperty("")
- + " / "
- + System.getProperty("os.arch")
- + "]"
- + "["
- + System.getProperty("java.version")
- + " - "
- + System.getProperty("java.vendor")
- + "]"
- );
- inputStream = connection.getInputStream();
- } catch( ve){
- errMssg = "File not found: " + url;
- throw new
- "--- Ml2xml input error --- " + errMssg );
- } catch ( ve){
- errMssg = "SSL Handshake Exception: " + ve.getMessage();
- throw new
- "--- Ml2xml input error --- " + errMssg );
- } catch ( ve){
- errMssg = "Unknown Host Exception: " + ve.getMessage();
- throw new
- "--- Ml2xml input error --- " + errMssg );
- }
- return inputStream;
- public void buildProfile( boolean trace ){
- if( trace ){
- log.println(
- "xtpipes (2009-01-27-22:19)"
- + "\n java.version: " + System.getProperty("java.version")
- + "\n java.class.path: " + System.getProperty("java.class.path")
- + "\n " + System.getProperty("")
- + "\n user.home: " + System.getProperty("user.home")
- + "\n user.dir: " + System.getProperty("user.dir")
- );
- }
- if( connection != null ){
- contentType = connection . getContentType();
-url = connection . getURL() . toString();
- }
- int max = 8192;
-int buffSize = 4096;
-byte [] buff = new byte [ buffSize ];
-int m = 0;
-int length = 0;
-int ch;
-int type = 0
-String token = null;
-while( m < max ){
- try{
- int k = Math.min( max - m, buffSize );
- length = buff, 0, k );
- if( length == -1 ){ break; }
- if( length == 0 ){ continue; }
- } catch ( e){
- System.err.println( "--- xtpipes error --- : " + e );
- break;
- }
- for(int i = 0 ; i < length; i++ ){
- switch( ch = buff[i] ){
- case '<': token = "";
- type = 1
- break;
- case '>': if( token != null ){
- token = token . replaceAll( "\\s+", " ");
- if( type == 9
- ){
- if( xtpipes == null ){
- int n = token.length();
- if( (n > 1) && (token.charAt( n - 1 ) == '?')
- && (token.startsWith("xtpipes") ) ){
- String s = token . substring(7,n-1) . replaceAll( "\\s+", "");
- n = s.length();
- if( (n>6) && (s.startsWith("file="))
- && (s.charAt(5) == s.charAt(n-1)) ){
- xtpipes = s.substring(6,n-1);
- } } }
-} else if( type == 11
- ){
- if( metaType == null ){
- token = token . replaceAll( "\\s+", "");
- int k = token.indexOf("http-equiv");
- int n = token.indexOf("content");
- if( (k != -1) && (n != -1) ){
- if( token.length() > (Math.max(k,n)+3) ){
- if( token.substring(k+12).startsWith("Content-Type") ){
- token = token.substring(n+9);
- n = token.indexOf(";");
- if( n !=-1 ){ metaType = token.substring(0,n); }
- } } } }
-} else if( (type == 2
-) && (root == null) ){
- root = token;
- token = null;
- }
- break;
- case '\n':
- case ' ': if( token != null ){
- if( type == 2
- ){
- if( token.equals("meta") ){
- if( metaType == null ){
- type = 11
- token = " ";
- } else {
- token = null;
- }
- } else {
- if( root == null ){
- root = token;
- }
- token = null;
- }
-} else if( type == 4
- ){
- if( token.equals("DOCTYPE") ){
- type = 5
- token = " ";
- } else { token = null; }
-} else if( type == 5
- ){
- if( !token.trim().equals("") ){
- dtdRoot = token.trim();
- token = " ";
- type = 6
- } else { token = null; }
-} else if( type == 6
- ){
- if( !token.trim().equals("") ){
- token = token.trim();
- if( token.equals("PUBLIC") ){
- type = 7
- token = "";
- } else if( token.equals("SYSTEM") ){
- type = 8
- token = "";
- } else { token = null; }
- }
-} else { token += ' '; }
- }
- break;
- case '"':
- case '\'': if( token == null ){ break; }
- if( !token.trim().equals("") ){
- if( token.trim().charAt(0) == ch ){
- if( type == 7
- ){
- publicId = token.trim().substring(1);
- type = 8
- token = "";
- break;
- }
- else if( type == 8
- ){
- systemId = token.trim().substring(1);
- token = null;
- break;
- }
-} }
- default: if( token != null ){
- if( type == 3
- ){
- if( ch == 'D' ){
- type = 4
- token += (char) ch;
- } else { token = null; type = 0
-; }
- }
- else
- if( token.equals("") && (type == 1
-) ){
- switch( ch ){
- case '!': type = 3
- break;
- case '?': type = 9
- ;
- break;
- default: if( Character.isLetter(ch)
- && ((root == null) || (metaType == null)) ){
- type = 2
- token += (char) ch;
- } else { token = null; }
- } else { token += (char) ch; }
-} }
- m++;
-} }
- if( trace ){
- log.println(
- " url = " + url
- + "\n contentType = " + contentType
- + "\n publicId = " + publicId
- + "\n systemId = " + systemId
- + "\n xtpipes = " + xtpipes
- + "\n root = " + root
- + "\n dtdRoot = " + dtdRoot
- );
-} }
- public InputStream getInputStream(){ return inputStream; }
- public String getFilename(){
- return (url == null)?
- ( (connection == null)? filename
- :
- connection . getURL() . toString()
- )
- : url;
- }
- public String getContentType(){ return contentType; }
- public String getMetaType(){ return metaType; }
- public String getPublicId(){ return publicId; }
- public String getSystemId(){ return systemId; }
- public String getXtpipes(){ return xtpipes; }
- public String getRoot(){ return root; }
- public String getDtdRoot(){ return dtdRoot; }